Thursday, October 24, 2019

El Dragón #18, 10/23/19: Revancha de los Pacheco Or Pacheco Payback

 In the countryside of CD Jimenez at Rancho de los Garza, while Dora and her head CEO/financial advisor are working on the monthly finances or reports for the trucking business, the Pacheco posse surround the place, cut off electricity and Internet for the ranch, and summarily murder all the guerrerros/security teams they come across.  ( Man, these people Dora's got working for her are such losers it's a wonder Damberto managed to survive at the head of the syndicate as long as he did.)

Meanwhile, in CDMX, aka la DF, poor Jorge, the poor little lamb, is lost.  He gets bullied, beaten and rolled by a gang of young thugs.  His broken processor is also stolen.  So, they get away with a phone and a hunk a junk with a few pesos thrown in.

Across town in a jewelry store Chisca gets a phone call from Jorge to come rescue him from the corner market, which she does asap.  He asks for some cash to reward the market's owner for helping him the way she did.  Chisca rewards the woman with a large number of bills and gets her brother home.  He begs his sister not to tell Miguel about how he must have taken the wrong bus at the busstop from the hospital?  (Redeeming factor numero uno.  Viewerville is now keeping score.)

Murder and mayhem overtake the hacienda and then Dora's digs.  Fat Pacheco and some of his posse hold Dora and Sr. Finanzas at gunpoint.

Jimena says she'll drive Miguel in her own car to the meeting they have with Mig's #2 in finances.  Adela is left at The Towers with nothing more to do for a bit.

At the pizzeria where it looks like they've rented out the entire restaurant for themselves, they discuss numerous businesses to use to pass their ill gotten gaines through.  Jime looks distracted and when asked, replies that she didn't sleep well.  He quotes her an old bit of Samurai wisdom about confronting her anxieties head on.

The ambush and carnage continue.  Skinny Pacheco sings his favorite shower ditties as he methodically shoots in the head anybody he comes in contact with.  Sr. Finances tries to buy him and his brother off with 10 million, American, but Skinny P snickers at the attempt to buy his life so cheaply.

In CDMX, Ade and Valentin discuss for as good a friendship he and Mig have, you'd never expect it since they are as alike as night and day.  In comes Chis and Jorge.  She snubs Ade's questions about what in the world happened to him.  "--Nothing that concerns you!"  Jorge goes to get himself cleaned up.  Mig walks in and invites everyone into the living room for a glass of wine.  Mig notes Jorge's face when he joins them all and asks what happened.  Jorge lies and says he was playing football at school and got knocked around a bit.  Chis suggests a toast from Valentin.  Mig suspects worse things than a football game may have happened to his kid brother.

F Pacheco carries out assassinations by choosing others of the guerreros to shoot each other in the head on command.

Chis tries to get Val to agree to her moving back to Spain to be with him.  He tells her he can't yet formalize anything with her till he gets his divorce.

Later in the day, Ade, Chis, and Jorge learn off the television news that Paula Sandoval committed suicide in her office, setting off a number of investigations.  Ade runs into Mig's office and informs him.  He says he's sorry about that and continues to work without even the flicker of an eyelash.  He is cool, calm, dispassionate.  She cannot believe all he has to say is that he is sorry.  "--What do you mean "I am sorry."  She died on account of us! "  "--It was business, that's all.  You don't have to feel you are to blame.  In her position she could have had any number of reasons to kill herself.  You don't know."  "--Well we do think differently!  I feel I don't know you."  "--Exactly, you don't know me!  This isn't our fault, not directly.  I am a financial investor.  Sometimes you win; sometimes you lose." 
"--But we lied!  We played dirty!"  "--Trickery is all part of high finance.  Some learn to withstand, others get upset--"  "--others kill themselves!"  "--Or they kill me!"  Ade argues she was someone's daughter, wife, sister....a human being who led a life.  He just stares her in the face, totally unmoved, a stone killer when it comes to the business of finance.  Ade is stunned at this other side of Miguel and scoffs sarcastically,  "--The dragon spits fire." She turns on her heel and leaves.

Guajalote is brought in with a couple of others of the help and security guards.  Dora is pushed down with the others.  Guajalote is told to shoot Sr. Finanza.  He is a coward and rather than take the honorable way out, he shoots the accountant in front of Dora, then is forced to watch as she is raped by Fats P.

Hector and his wife, Ana, have a discussion.  She wants him to give up this horrible obsession for vengeance.  She talks him into quitting.

That night Chisca is out with girlfriends.  Angel wants to make up now that rude dude Valentin is gone.  He tells her she's ignorant of how Val doesn't give two rats' patooties for her.  Doesn't she wonder how she ended up at the hospital, to survive that mess?  He tells her to get her head together, kisses her and leaves the bar.

Hector tells Claudia he's given up his fight.  She says he's like all the quitters that have gone before.  Eventually she hits a soft spot and he determines he'll continue no matter the cost.  He is a journalist, afterall. 

Hector goes to interview the fall guy for Nati's murder.  The dude, Braulio, states it was a stray bullet. Hector confronts him with possibly taking money to lie about who really killed her.  Interview over.
Hector gets to the car and admits to Claudia that Braulio is hiding something.  All the more reason, she says, to double their efforts.  Hector wonder's if Ana was right after all.

Braulio, meanwhile, reports to Epigmenio that Hector was nosing around.

Later in the day, Pig meets with Carlos.  "Carlos gives the order to take care of him."

Val meets one of his buddies, debtors (Amaco?) at a bar.  He tells him how he's got Miguel Garza and the kid sister wrapped around his little finger.  Drinking buddy tells Val to be cautious.  However, he does have a capo of the Italian Mafia covering his backside.  Val says when the blow comes it will come from where he least expects it.

Back at The Tower, Mig, Jime and #2 Dude give a name to the new foundation which will be safely  laundering funds.  "--Anybody you have in mind?"  Mig looks around and suddenly sees Ade walk past the office door and smiles.

Across town, Hector arrives home.  Tacho has been laying in wait.  He waits till Hector is inside his building to place a bomb on Hector's rear wheel well.

Back at The Tower, Mig is about to have a chat with Ade when Guajo arrives with a video message for Mig from Skinny Pacheco.  "--The same way we entered your rancho, we're entering into business with you.  You decide."  There are screams and sobs overheard in the background.  "--Decide or we will kill her slowly.  --Not now, though.  We're really enjoying her.....Go for it Nando!!  That's the way!!"  Finally,  Miguel shows a bit of true shock at something.  He is totally drop-jawed impacted at this point, seeing what he is now seeing.....


Thanks, Jardinera.

This is a very dark tale. I need some light and heroes. Is this the type of story people prefer these days?

Well, chilly but clear and sunny here today.

Dark dark episode.....Miguel El Dragon really disappointed me and Adela. His cold response..I don’t think I can overlook this flaw. Migs is going to really redeem himself before I like his character......I know, I know it’s a novella....Btw, were they saying eeeny meeny mo as they selected their victims.......

Jardinera: Good Job on the recap. Your recaps are AMAZING. Looking forward to seeing more of them as this Telenovela goes along.

Anon: I wasn't surprised Miguel became a total JERK & JACKASS. Just wait until he learns the truth on how his parents got whacked.....

Susanlynn: Expect more of the darkness to continue from here on out.

Gracias, Jardinera.

I think somehow a corner has been turned almost completely in novela audiences. We now seem to have a product catering to an appetite for violence and mindless or manipulative sex over romance and the universal human issues.

Dora is likely to be mentally scarred for however long she will live after this episode. Miguel should send Jorge to the US or somewhere in Europe for his own safety. Or would there be no place to hide from the Pig?

Thank you Jardinera. You did a great job with an episode that was very difficult to watch. I even had to look away at times. These thugs are such cold blooded killers.

I agree with UA and Susanlynn that this TN is getting way too dark here and extremely violent. In this episode, the bad guys all win. I hope it comes to the a point where this was merely a "battle won" and that the good ones actually win the war.

Only one way to describe these drug cartels: Evil and demonic.

We need Miguel to use some superhero powers to get rid of these bad guys. I want the AVENGERS to come and clean house!

Another thing: I totally am not looking forward to watching tonight. I'm afraid it won't be Hector blown up, but instead his wife and baby.

Jardinera, I am in awe at how well you were able to recount last night's ghastly events. Cynthia, i not only turned away at some of the scenes, but after ther the first kneeling man was shot, I changed to another station. I don't know what these writers THINK the viewers like, but I find such ugliness repulsive and offensive. I haven't really looked, but do they at least give a warning at the beginning of the show about the violence...this is beyond R-Rated. I'm not looking forward to watching tonight either; the only reason I will watch this thing "live" is because I watch it with a friend.

And Cynthia, I had the same thought about Hector's wife...and I didn't even want to consider that the baby will be with her.

Anon 11:09, yes, what the big fat ugly slimeball was chanting was the Spanish equivalent to "Eenie Meenie Minie Mo" It goes like this--

De Tin Marin
De dos pingue
Cucara, macara, titere fue
Yo no fui, fue Tete
Pegale, pegale, a quien fue.


Cynthia: Hector's wife & baby are likely to get whacked in the bombing in all likelihood..... UNLESS somebody can save the day.

Jardinera-What you had to sacrifice in order to bring us this recap. Even though you sanitized a lot of the sensless and up-close and personal violence and shooting, reading it only made the scenes repeat in my head. It overarched everything else that went on--except for the Dragon/Adela scene vis a vis Paula's suicide. Thank you for getting us all through this.

I agree with everyone that this type of violence has crossed the line for us, at least the us on Caray. Can this sort of violence actually be a portrayal of how things are settled between gangs in Mexico? We do get a hint of the carnage from time to time, but it's so often impersonal--nameless bodies. It's unthinkable for the people there who just want to live safely, go to work and come home in one piece.

When they grabbed Guajo and put him next to Ricardo, Dora's home finance advisor (QEPD). I had a feeling it was going to turn out the way it did. He's fully capable of shooting someone he knew--even though he was stopped from following through eliminating Valentin. In truth, he's a coward. The self-preservation gene kicked in, and though he probably didn't consider it, that ends his association with the Garzas.

The Garzas were trusting too much in human protection. With all Miggy's skills, that hacienda should have been invasion proof--dogs and electronic sirens, back-up generators, surveillance cameras all over the place and bugs everywhere feeding directly into El Flaco's monitors. Geesh. Well, it's just a story, it's just a storn, but I didn't need to watch it happen in real time.

This will only serve to harden Miggy's heart against all human corrupt and violent beings, but how long before he takes his revenge--and revenge it will be, not just a caped avenger.

OT--I recently watched the rebroadcast of Bowling for Columbine and Michael Moore's current comments on gun violence in the U.S. One of the strongest messages I took away is that a lot of the arming of ordinary citizens is FEAR and not reality. The media has played its part in fomenting that fear.

He made a point of comparing the US to Canada, a country that also has an established reputation for hunting, target shooting and gun ownership--but they don't kill each other at the rate we do in the U.S. So far, the answer is NOT, singly, violent video games, television or movies, mental illness, "broken" homes or any of the other labels we seem to want to put on our mass shootings, even access to guns is not the factor distinguishing us from Canada. Canada has all of the above. The answer for us is yet to be found.

One last thing--Chisca has had past experience caring for and doting on a sibling who was emotionally damaged.

Did any of you watch Quiero Amarte? (The last Cristian de la Fuente novela where he had not lost all his head-thinking faculties--and NO, Stevey, he didn't redeem himself in En Tierras Salvajes and neither did Diego Olivera nor Horacio Pancheri).

Well in QA, Flavia, played by Cassandra, had a twin brother, Lulcio, who was exposed to a major trauma as a young boy. So as Chisca, she is quite qualified to show affection and care for Jorge. Her Flavia character was also a very difficult person to be around, but was redeemed in the end. Maybe this will happen here and if Chisca finds happiness with a nice guy from a lower social class, she will become Flavia 2.0.

Thanks, Jardinera. What a horrible episode you had to cover for us. On the plus side, after this, everything has to go up for the "good" guys because this sure must be the bottom.

Someone commented awhile back that this TN did not glorify drug cartels, instead showing them for the loathsome scum that they are. No truer words were ever spoken. In Mexico, the news covers senseless killings, mass graves, missing students, murdered reporters and activists, all due to the cartels. So the sick torture and rape of Dora and psycho killings of the accountant and her security team sadly are not unrealistic. But nope, I don't call this entertainment. And the writers sure better have a point to make after all this carnage.

The thugs wanted to put Dora in her place by demoralizing and humiliating her beyond belief, but I don't think they want her dead. I hope this becomes a story of Dora healing and coming back stronger. Well acted by Klitbo. Younger actresses need to study veterans like her.

Niecie: "I hope this becomes a story of Dora healing and coming back stronger. Well acted by Klitbo. Younger actresses need to study veterans like her." WELL SAID!

Hello crew. Thank you Jardinera. Man, this episode was even too much for me.

I kept thinking, when the refugees from Hell gave one of the fellas a gun and told him to shoot his friend, it is a forgone conclusion he is going to die.

What would have made that whole ghastly scene almost digestible is if his oner last act of defiance was to quickly turn and shoot the fat disgusting leader rapist scumbag. He is a dead man walking either way, why not get one last umph out of it?

I know what you mean when you state that it seems as if a corner has been turned for telenovelas catering to audiences with more violence, manipulative sex, carnage, etc.

I seem to remember feeling the same way decades ago when American TV went either the 'reality series' or 'mind-numbing guns, blood, drugs' shock-jock way. I guess I should feel grateful that it has taken this long for telenovelas to fall by the wayside.


Steve B

Are you thinking of compiling one of your 'knock-off' lists or whatever you titled it? There may be to many to list or keep track of here.

Steve, Victoria may have a point about your normal laborious trademark "Body Count" list.

Maybe for this one instead of 'Who and by whom', just a simple 3 digit number. I assume with all those kids you may have other things to do. :-)

Well, I guess I will be watching Hallmark movies and my old favorite reruns and thinking of nicer times. Hello , Dr. Quinn and Sully. I'm back.I need a hero and happy.

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