Thursday, October 03, 2019

El Dragón #3, 10/2/19: Hector Puts His Life in Danger as Miguel Watches

We open with Miguel sadly finding Aysa dead in the bathtub. Sometime later, he is in his condo, reminiscing about her. He remembers her as they once walked down a street together, showing him a card and she telling him he is the salt and she is the sea, neither one exists without the other.

The Garza siblings are at home bickering about Miguel. Chisca has a very bad attitude and Dora tells Chisca to at least have some compassion for her older brother Miguel.

In Japan, Miguel meets with his boss, Ishiro Tanaka, head of Tadamichi Securities. They sit down and Ishiro tells Miguel that he is like a Samurai without love.  Miguel tells him he is going back to Mexico. Ishiro asks if he knows what he is going to do with his home there. Miguel answers that he has no idea, that he just plans to leave it as though Aysa still lived there.

Back in Jimenez, Mexico, Dora greets Miguel at their home, hugs him and gives him her sympathies. Chisca walks in and she pats him on the arm to say, “I’m sorry,” then walks away. Dora tells Miguel he can always count on his family. She informs him that she has a room already prepared for him and hands him something heart shaped. Miguel gets unpacked and puts up the photos of his loved ones in a small cabinet.

Out in the middle of somewhere, members of enemy cartels face off to settle a score. Of course, this involves Pig Moncada with his gang of thugs. The rival leader, Sandro Ochoa, (chief of the Guachos) says that one of Pig’s guys killed one of his guys, but Pig says that it must have been the police. So the other rival leader goes to point his gun at one of Pig’s guys, but Pig stops him and says to relax seemingly to stop the killing. But then Pig pulls out his own gun and then turns around and kills his own guy! So pretty much Pig looks at Sandro and says, “So does this work for you?” They agree to call it even and Sandro leaves with his thugs. Pig then asks Tacho what to do with the body and they decide to just leave it there. No one cares and they all drive off.

Lamberto’s doctor explains to Miguel and Dora that Lamberto’s heart is very weak and to not give him bad news or do anything that might cause him displeasure.

Chisca and her friend are in a jewelry store. They are trying on earrings. Then Chisca asks the store salesman waiting on her to go check in the back for more earrings that are not displayed. While he is gone, she slips an expensive ring into her pocket. When he returns, she suddenly realizes how “late” she is and must leave because of an appointment she does not want to be late for. She hurriedly pays for a set of earrings, gets her receipt and begins to leave. The alarm goes off, but the salesman tells her not to worry as she has already made her purchase. She drives away and is stopped by a homeless woman. She takes off the ring and gives it to the homeless woman.

In Mexico City, Hector Bernal sits at his laptop writing about the syndicate crimes. He mentions his sister being murdered at their hands and how this had gone unpunished. His wife comes to him as she is holding their baby. She tells him she is worried about him and worried about them as a family. He explains that they want to shut him up, but they are not going to win.

Walking along a narrow road in Cuidad Jimenez, Miguel daydreams about Aysa. His memory takes him to a day when they were in bed and she asks, “Do you think love ever ends?” He says, “No it doesn’t, but it does transform and it matures. Love is a decision I have made and I have decided to love you forever.” As he is walking alone, he isn’t giving any thought to cars that might want to get by and is blocking the way of this one gal driving who might have nearly hit him. She gets out of her car, angry that he is holding progress. She tells him that she is a chauffeur. He asks if she is free and asks for a ride home. Then he gets into her car. After a bit of small talk, he asks if they can go to eat tacos. [Well I’m all for that!] She knows the perfect place and so they go there. Miguel tells her it’s been a very long time since he has eaten tacos since he’s been in Japan. Then she gives him some hot sauce in his taco and his mouth burns.

Later, Chisca is at a party trash talking her brother Miguel, criticizing his behavior since he came home acting like nothing happened since his wife died. She then says something like, “let’s go have some fun!” and produces a bag of cocaine from her bra.

Still at the taco restaurant, Miguel and the chauffeur lady are talking when some gross guy comes up to her and decides he’s going to come on to her. Miguel begins to stand up for her, but she proves that she can handle her own. She grabs the guy by his gonads and sends him away in pain.

Chisca and some guy friend of hers are both drunk/high and leave the party. She decides she is going to drive home with him. And she just swerves all over the road on the way home.

Chauffeur lady (did anyone get her name?) takes Miguel home and as they arrive, she says, “So you are one of those Garzas.” He asks if this is a problem for her and she replies no. She asks about the dragon and he explains the significance. He then asks if she can give him a ride to the airport for the next morning. He asks for her phone number, but all he needs is for her to tell him because he can remember. She gives him the number but then asks a minute later what the phone number was. He then gives her another number and she is confused. He says, “Check the serial number for your car.”

About the same time, a drunk Chisca arrives with her guy friend. He’s all over her and Miguel puts a stop to it before their security guards shoot him. He sends her guy friend away and she lends the guy her car. He starts scolding her for her behavior and she throws it in his face about his deceased wife, telling him that he acts like nothing happened. He throws her in the shower with all her clothes on and turns the water on. She sits there and cries as the water goes over her. She recalls some happier times together from the past, while Miguel was still in college. She also recalls how she and Miguel’s friend Valentín got drunk, did cocaine together and then he tried to rape her in the car.

Next morning Chauffeur lady arrives to pick up Miguel to go to the airport so he can go to Mexico City. She mentions her grandmother lives there and how much she misses her. Miguel then invites her to go with him so she can visit her grandmother. She thinks he’s crazy, but then he explains about his private jet and all, so she says, “let’s go!”

Dora tells Lamberto that Miguel left to take care of business in Mexico City. Lamberto is worried because he thinks Miguel might not be able to concentrate – after all, his wife just died. But Dora tells him that he made the decision alone.

Miguel arrives in Mexico City at the place where he is going to stay, a home owned by the Salinas family, until they can sell it. A man named Rosario is the caretaker. Miguel likes the house so much that he buys it and asks Rosario if he wants to continue working there.

Chauffeur lady spends time with her grandmother. (Even when the grandma introduces her to some friends, I still didn’t hear a name given for Chauffeur lady).

Miguel, dressed down somewhat and wearing a baseball cap, enters a bar. He first orders whiskey, but the bartender says there is none. So Miguel orders a beer and then asks to see the owner. (He uses the masculine noun dueño). But the bartender says not a dueño, but the dueña, a woman. So he is introduced to her and Miguel tells her he is interested in doing business. She first gets the impression that he is interested in prostitution there. No, he’s interested in buying her out completely. At first she says her business is not for sale. Then he writes down his offer that she cannot refuse. Then Miguel goes to another little restaurant and makes an offer that another owner cannot refuse. “Done” says Miguel and they shake hands.

Hector calls his wife and tells her he will be late for dinner. She is angry because she knows he is putting himself in danger again.

Miguel meets with Jesús Montero, a deputy official from Baja California. Miguel explains to him how his grandfather had to retire and appointed him to head up the business. Montero asks if he can expect the same from him as from Lamberto, like is he going to support his run for Governor? Miguel says he will, but then he asks a favor, he wants to be able to get know to the local politicians because it’s good for business purposes. So Jesus says “there is a party later, so why don’t you join me?”

A crowd gathers around a building where government officials are gathering for the party. The crowd is chanting, “No more deaths! No more deaths!” Carlos Duarte, Secretary to the governor and aspiring to the Presidency, enters the building and looks at the crowd suspiciously. Miguel enters the building while the crowd continues to chant. He is introduced to Carlos Duarte, who makes it clear what his position is. Miguel says he will remember it with honor and reverence. Then he asks Miguel if he plays golf and invites him to play for the following morning.

Outside, Hector is with the chanting crowd thinking about his sister’s murder. He tells his work partner Claudia to stay outside. She protests and says this is too dangerous. Then Hector and the crowd storm the building, breaking down the barriers. They force themselves inside, while security tries to stop them. Duarte is the target and Hector is telling Duarte that reporters are being targeted and killed by his administration. As Miguel is watching from the upper level, Hector is slugged and kicked down by someone and a gunshot is heard. Hector falls to the floor. Is Hector dead?


Cynthia, it is great reading one of your excellent recaps again! So glad you are recapping this one.

They are doing a good job developing the Miguel character. At first he seemed so one dimensional but now through his new responsibility and grief he is revealing himself. Wow! He is leaving his home as if Asya still lives there and then setting up the shrine to her in his room. Bad news for Moncada now that Miguel will have nothing else on his mind but him . . . and maybe the chauffeur.

The chauffeur is played by Renata Notni and the character is Adela Cruz.

Not happy seeing another family elder with Alzheimer’s. Just saw it on “Mi marido tiene más familia” and another Spanish series on Netflix. It is getting old.

Apart from that, I am liking this one so far.


Gracias, Cynthia!

As a point of interest Renata Notni is 19 years younger than Sebastian Rulli.

Politics seems to be growing like a weed as a novela story trope and we're already seeing typecasting within this subgenre. Cassandra Sanchez Navarro is the niece of Rafael Sanchez Navarro of La Candidata. Federico Ayos was also in La Cadidata as Emiliano where we also saw Juan Carlos Barreto who is now in La Usurpadora.

I love how Adela handled that creep in the bar.

Chisca deserves a bloody good hiding. Somehow she got the idea that she is above the rules of society. I wonder how many times she has done this.

Pig and Ochoa are complete sociopaths.

I'm seeing Miguel as another version of Michael Corleone but with much bigger problems. I think Chisca will betray him somewhere down the road, like Fredo in The Godfather.

More later after caffeine.

Interesting reveal regarding chista. It appears that the attempted rape was an actual rape and obviously has long lasting impact on her. I can only imagine what mike wld have done had he known at the time


Cynthia, excellent recap, thank you! I was getting turned off with all the "bizness" stuff but once I saw Renata Notni's character, I think I might stick with this just to see the Manu and Adela relationship evolve--I'll just FFW though the "bizness" stuff. She's a strong, independent woman who knows how to take care of herself and in addition to that she is carefree and humorous. I just loved the way she took care of that drunk and it was obvious that Manuel was impressed. And her grandma was just as delightful..a good break from all the "bizness."

I was not expecting that revelation about Chisquiada; it explains alot, especially her anger toward Manuel...for leaving her behind. It wasn't his fault she got raped; it was her own stupidity, but in her mind, she thinks he is to blame. BTW, Chisquiada(o) is a Spanish term used to mean that a person has some screws loose/not all there/crazy dumb.

Why didn't she just tell Miguel? This makes no sense. Was he supposed to read her mind?

I agree with you YA...mike didnt know that his friend took adavantage of her after she got high with said friend. Her anger toward mike is misguided. She needs 2 recognize that and work on healing. Surly she doesnt think he'd introduce her 2 someone knowing they wld do that 2 her. But she is in a family of who knows what shes seen and thinks.


Cynthia: Buenos Dias. Loved your recap on last night's episode.

UA: I agree with you that Bratty Chisca needs a good anvil, which will be coming down the road.

I also 100% agree with you that she will betray Miguel soon. We all know what happened to Fredo, who betrayed Michael in "The Godfather Part 2".....

RGV Chick: I knew I recognized Renata Notni from somewhere.

Welcome back to recapping, Cynthia! So much of last night I didn't understand, but you made it so clear. Muchas gracias.

I believe the guy that raped Chisca was a friend of Miguel's that she just met. Like other rape victims, the humiliation, shame, and even guilt kept her silent. She shouldn't have tooted the guy's coke but then she was young and naive, but I can see her be more trusting than she should've been since the guy was her brother's friend. I hope they don't drag out this storyline for too long.

I'm liking the chauffeur. I've seen the actress before in a role that was annoying, but here she's very likable.

I have no idea what Miguel's master plan is in buying out all these businesses.

Thank you everyone for your comments. And THANK YOU Jarifa for filling me in on who Chauffeur lady’s name is. I listened and was reading the Spanish closed captions and NOT ONCE did I catch her name. I thought it was pretty strange when her grandmother introduced her, all she said was, “This is my granddaughter” and did not say her name. I have no idea if Univision cut out pieces of conversations where someone might have mentioned her name. Now I know her name is Adela. At least I don’t have to call her “Chauffeur Lady” anymore. It bugs me when there is a new character and we don’t get the name from the conversation.

UA, I always enjoy how you fill us in on the various actors, who they are related to and what other TN they have been on. But I didn’t notice Federico Ayos from La Candidata on this one. Is he here on Dragón, or were you just referencing the other TN?

And sociopath is right for Pig and Ochoa. Even for a thug, what kind of thug leader kills his own guy and just walks away. Only a sociopath/psychopath with absolutely no conscience and no feelings does that. No discernment of right or wrong. Even the mafia didn’t kill their own guys unless there was a betrayal.

Thank you Niecie in MD on your welcome back. It feels good to be back in the saddle. I am glad that I found a new TN that I can feel interested in watching again. And of course, I just adore Sebastian Rulli.


Cynthia, I don't know if you were watching PASL2 but El Ciego was a textbook case of sociopathy. I wonder whether these guys will be as unpredictable as he was.

Cynthia, they mentioned Adela’s name only once and it was as Miguel was introducing her to somebody. I went and checked out a list of the cast to verify what I THOUGHT I heard. I wasn’t sure. I do not know why her name was not showcased on the screen as they did with some of the other characters. You never know about subtitles. Anyway, “Chauffeur Lady” was A-okay, too. Names are not my strong suit.

Cynthia, thank you so much. I always love to read your detailed recaps. I did not see this show yet, but the recap let me "see" it in my imagination.

I will try to stay up to watch it tonight.

Thanks for the excellent recap, Cynthia! :) We really appreciate it.

Up to now, I was under the impression that Miguel was separated from Jorge and Chisca when they were all still children, thus her long-simmering abandonment issue with him. Imagine my surprise to now see that no, they were still in each other's lives and she absolutely adored her big brother as very young adult, and that it was a rape by their acquaintance that caused her issue. How awful. I hate that she's in so much pain. But girl, those dangerous decisions you're making that could kill yourself or someone else at any moment need to stop. Drugs, driving drunk, geez. what's next?

And you, Hector... I would be hella-mad and bent on revenge for my sister too. BUT. Stop being so crazy and cavalier with your revenge when the syndicate can turn right around and kill you with a snap of their fingers and get away with it. They could take your wife and baby's lives without a thought because of you. You need to go about this a different, smarter way.

Miguel and chauffeur Adela had me salivating for tacos, y'all! LOL I loved their scenes and the way she unintentionally worked her way under his skin and got him to show that brilliant smile he's got and set him on fire with that sauce. Someone pass the ice water, haha! :)

Sorry to be so late to the party CYNTHIA. Like Rgv Chick, I am put off by the gangster/business part of this story, but will stick with it for a little while as the Adele character is interesting and Sebastian's character is un-thawing a little. He was just so contained the first few episodes, he seemed catatonic.

Nice to see you back on CarayCaray. Appreciate your taking the time to recap a challenging telenovela after being a work all day. That takes dedication. And a lot of focused energy.

Bratty sister, Chisca(spelling.?) was a tough, braided hair avenger in Las Bella’s y los . She kick boxed and lurved Mike her partner with Esmeralda Pimental...

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