Monday, November 18, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Y Mañana Será Otro Día, Hijas de la Luna… y Mas - Week of Nov. 18, 2019

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to pg. 1 of our afternoon delights! Join us at our patio; everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, Andycaps, or details of scenes/episodes…we enjoy discussing the different perspectives and thoughts. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

·         2 PM   - Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor:  Ep. 52-54
·         3 PM   - Hijas de la Luna…Y La Familia Cambio:  Ep. 25-27

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mañana”)

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Re-runs to air on Univision Tlnovelas:
Juro que te Amo starts December 2.
Alborada starts December 9.

HIJAS. Part 1

This will be very brief and condensed because my computer is in the shop this week and I am writing this on an iPad.

Soledad and Octavio scene where the curtains are levitating and she hears Octavio's mother giving her an assignment of some sort. ~meh~

Sebastian recalls to Vicky about Leo telling him that his security depends on marrying Stephi.

Leo calls the mystery guy in the old photograph during the middle of the night to talk to him. She says you are the only one who knows my secret and I needed to talk about it.

Salvador the movie guy keeps complaining about the heat in Mazatlan during this whole episode. Well of course he's having a heat stroke, he is wearing long pants, a sport coat and a scarf wrapped around his neck. Idiot. I don't like him anyway because he talks too fast and is always snapping his fingers while waving his hand in peoples' faces.

Dario's henchman, Ernesto Cifuentes, breaks into the Oropeza's house in the middle of the night, makes noise, and wakes them up. He blames JuanO for his bankruptcy and loss of his wife and kids.
JuanO says something about how the competition was between the two of them .... and none of the rest of that conversation made any sense to me. Cinfuentes also told him he was responsible for the fire, theft of gym equipment, the altered video. Juan was recording the whole thing on his phone. Juan gets points for doing that!

The star of Salvador's film, "El Divo" Gustavo Reina, looks like some actor I have seen before in telenovelas. El Divo is full of himself, stereo typical movie star it's all about him. He was particularly nasty to Vicky who ended up charming him. In the meantime, Sebastian tells Salvador that while the hotel will bend over backwards for them during their filming, they will not tolerate abuse toward their employees.

HIJAS. Part 2 of 2

.....some scenes are combined for brevity.

Ridiculous scene with Vicky holding an umbrella over El Divo to shield him from the sun. FFWD-->. More ridiculous scenes with Margarita all atwitter over wanting to see El Divo. Looks like she's a real fan.

The amoeba clan v2.0, consisting of Juan, Sebastian, Xavier, and las hijas are all gathered in Juan's office. He plays back the recording to them of Cinfuentes' confession of all his evil deeds against them. They decide they owe Dario an apology.

The amoeba clan v2.0 goes to Dario's office and apologizes to him. He accepts their apology especially now while he is suffering over Stefi's disappearance. after that is over, we see Dario and Sebastian talking. This recapper notes that Dario is not wearing socks.

The movie crew is taking over the hotel. They want to use the entire restaurant and have the right to, per their contract. Hotel Admin is worried about their customers' vacations being ruined by this. Maybe the hotel should have read the contract before they signed it? Naaaaah, not in Telenovelaland!

Leo is at the airport in the arrivals section. Jerome, her mystery friend and the only other person in earth who knows her secret, has just gotten off the plane. Apparently they have not seen each other for 22 years. She asked him why has he come to Mazatlan?

That's all, dear patio . And the voice dictation on this iPad worked pretty well, making the recap less painful than anticipated. Thank you Apple!
Sorry it is so brief, but I don't have a regular keyboard nor WORD to write up my draft then edit.


Seriously, I hope I did not leave out anything crucial. Gah! Just glad I could do this and help out. Hubby and I are off to a Doobie Brothers concert in a few hours. Some of you will be old enough to remember them. LOL. I hope their voices aren't shot, or it will be excruciating.


Update .... Harry Geithner is the actor playing the part of El Divo.

Hijas--I'm off to watch the back and forths. Amoeba clan v.2.0, ha! They are a bit different from the clan in Sin Tu Mirada, but just as ineffective. Great fun. I'm deep into El Hotel de los Secretos where our Prudie (STM) is all dolled up as the CanCan Madam and her two "nieces," who have invaded the "stately" hotel to shake things up. Love going back to read the recaps and comments.

OT--Alexander, thank you for the heads up on Alborada. I can't wait to tell Susanlynn it will be back on December 9. I'll have to check on time, as Alexander didn't mention it.

MAÑANA (part 1 of 2)

(some scenes combined; others chopped or diced, but no julienning today. Quite seriously, some scenes not crucial to the main story were wantonly ignored for now; if they turn out to amount to something they will be covered later.)

Love is in the air, very, very much so, except...

At the reception Laura asks Adrian why he's been so distant lately, and he mentions that he saw her and Patricio, her ex, kissing at the hospital, and he walks away. Eugenia has overheard this and confronts her about making out with her unfaithful husband. Laura responds "Mamá, don't butt in where you're not wanted." Chabela seizes on this, Laura called Eugenia "Mamá". Chabela encourages them to talk until they finally reconcile.
Camilo and Nico run out just in time to see Monica drive away. Monica arrives home to find Iñaki outside hoping to see her.

Lots of pretty dresses, lots of pretty women, at least one very pretty little girl, Elisa, who dances with Nico (no hearts, but we know).
Regina and Barbi ask for Camilo and Diana's song be played. Camilo and Diana dance together and share a long kiss, and then kiss and flirt quite a bit when they return to their table. Almudena is not pleased.

Time for Barbi to toss the bouquet, but she deliberately makes a few false starts. Lots of women crowd around and Crazy Maggie gets in front of the crowd. Nonetheless when Barbi finally, after teasing a bit more, tosses her bouquet to the waiting single women it's Almudena, in the clear and behind the crowd, who catches it.
Naturally she has to show her bizcochito that she caught it. Rafa drags her away.

I'm not sure how this happened, but Monica, too, catches a bouquet. She and Iñaki are at a nice restaurant where there appears to be another reception going on. I missed how she got the bridal bouquet, presumably from upstairs, but it was nice and Iñaki took some pictures of her holding it. Eventually a couple of bridesmaids ask for it back and Monica reluctantly gives it up.

Lots of dancing at Barbi's reception.
Monica and Iñaki are also dancing at another restaurant. Iñaki admires Monica's dancing, he says she dances so much better than he, and she replies that's no great compliment as he has two left feet. Iñaki just laughs and Monica shows him some of her dance moves. They are having a nice time, these two.

MAÑANA (part 2 of 2)

At a lovely honeymoon suite Malicio carries in the ecstatic Barbi. Barbi exlaims "Estoy lista!"
Actually, Barbi is more than ready. Very funny scene, she throws Malicio on the bed and jumps on him, she hikes her wedding dress up, wraps her legs around Malicio (and I wonder how many takes they needed to film the scene without showing too much), they roll around on the bed, etc.
But it's Barbi who is hot, hotter than a two dollar pistol; Malicio not so much, he is taken aback and he also has flashbacks to Paloma telling him he would never be happy with Barbi.
Perhaps to kill time Malicio feeds her chocolate covered strawberries, pours her champagne, etc.

Long story, um, short: Soldier is at ease, not at attention, and certainly not saluting. A totally pissed off Barbi goes to take a, presumably cold, shower since there's nothing else she can do. Malicio curses Paloma.

Paloma, meanwhile, is home with Rafa and they are seriously but cautiously talking about their feelings, and after she sheds a tear or two, they start lip nibbling.
Later there is a touching scene where they are in bed, p.c., and she says to him that she has had sex with men before but this is the first time she has made love. Awww!

At the restaurant Monica toasts Iñaki "To friends who fall from the sky" (or heaven? "el cielo"); he toasts "To friends who teach me to dance."
Monica has a little daydream starring Camilo again, but Iñaki brings her back to the present.

Manuel and Crazy Maggie argue again. Manuel finally throws in the towel and says he wants a divorce; she says, nope, not gonna happen.

Cutie pie Regina is home in bed, smiling and listening to music on her headphones and thinking happy thoughts about Pablo. But she thinks it must be hormones (presumably pregnancy related hormones) and she shouldn't continue thinking about such things...
Pablo is at home looking at a selfie of himself with Reggie, and smiling.

(Then we cut away to commercials. Too bad they didn't put them in the right order. The second one started with a little girl singing "Everybody needs somebody to love...")

Back to our newlyweds... Barbi comes out of the shower wrapped in a robe and anxious to give it another try. No Malicio. He must be hiding, playing with her... but, no, no Malicio. She finds a short note, "Perdón, pero necesito despejarme." Which might mean "Sorry, I need to cheer myself up." Or maybe not, you tell me.

Malicio is in a bar, drinking and looking at pictures of women on his cell phone. Mostly Barbi, but then he comes to one of Paloma and stops.
Then who should come by but Ximena. She is muy surprised to find him there; he tells her he is just out to have a drink after leaving Barbi all spent and tired from lovemaking. He wants her to have a drink with him and he will tell her a story of a friend who also got married this very same day, but has had a terrible problem...

Will Ximena stay or flee? Run, Ximena, Run! please!

In any event Barbi the Virgin is still Barbi the Virgin.

Fun, fun episode!


Doris, thank you for your excellent recap done under difficult circumstances.

"Salvador the movie guy keeps complaining about the heat in Mazatlan during this whole episode. Well of course he's having a heat stroke, he is wearing long pants, a sport coat and a scarf wrapped around his neck."

OK, but if you think this is going to convince me Babyface's short pants are OK, nope, no way José.

I am curious about Jerome, and whether Leonora is or is not intachable.




doris, thank you for the great recap despite not having a computer. So good of you to go to all the extra trouble to do this.

"Idiot. I don't like him anyway because he talks too fast and is always snapping his fingers while waving his hand in peoples' faces". Well I wouldn't like that either so I'm with you.

I am wondering where Steffi went to. Looks like Sebastian's financial future may be in peril.

I like Harry Geithner who is a great character actor.

Anita, I am wondering if Fernando Colunga will ever do another TN?

doris, thank you so much! Hope you are having a great time with the Doobies!



"wantonly ignored" was great - my hands down favorite.

"Long story, um, short: Soldier is at ease, not at attention, and certainly not saluting. A totally pissed off Barbi goes to take a, presumably cold, shower since there's nothing else she can do. Malicio curses Paloma". Well I can certainly see why. Soldier was definitely ill at ease. Not the most auspicious way to begin, is it? Ack.

"Monica has a little daydream starring Camilo again" (oh noes I say) then "but Iñaki brings her back to the present" Inaki seems too good for Monica or am I being overly harsh??

Terrific andy. Thank you!



Wow DORIS, so impressed that you could voice activate your iPad. You are my hero, and not just for recapping tonight. Maybe it was the Prosecco, but watching this after I got home, it just seemed rather disjointed and dumb. And ohmigawd, nothing worse than Dario's pink naked ankles sticking out of his suits pants leg. Ugh. And in such heat, why wouldn't he wear some absorbent socks! Not good.

On the other hand Leonora was in fine fettle, wardrobe-wise. The ensemble she wore to the airport was stunning. Script writers zero. Wardrobe definitely a 10 Recapper..All World!!!!! Thank you so much!



My goodness ANDY, sounds like this one might be worth watching, if only to see the virginal Barbi throwing Marlicio down on the bed etc. etc. And I too, wonder how many outtakes there were before we have a scene that can pass muster for an afternoon show. Inquiring minds and all that.

Certainly the most encouraging part of your recap is that things seem to be progressing between Monica and Iñaki. We need to pry her off that stick-like-glue thing she has going with Camilo.

Rafa and Paloma in bed. Hmmm. Can't picture that at all. Not sure I want to.

Thanks ANDY. Sounds like Nico is still the best part of this story.


Love the Doobie Brothers and love that you and your husband are still going to concerts and of course those all important hockey games. You were a doll to recap for me, when you could have been dolling up for your outing instead. And if I could, I would not only send you those virtual chocolates but also several items from Leonora's fabulous wardrobe.

And while the show seemed dumb tonight, I am intrigued by Jerome. He looks like a mystery worth solving.

Thank you Doris. You inspire me to try voice dictation on my iPad. The recap was super!

Well I have caught up with the recaps but don’t feel totally up to speed. Have Sebastián’s shorts always been this tight and short? I swear they got tighter and shorter during this episode! And always with a sport coat?

Glad to see Tizox from Que Pobres playing Octavio. He was a charmer and still is only 26!

I have to read the CC’s. I still don’t have any understanding of much of the dialog. Ah well

Thank you Alex for the heads up! I may go into hibernation for the duration of Alborada. My all time favorite. Caray,Caray!!



Just got home. Doobie Brothers still have it. Great music and They still have their voices. Michael McDonald popped in for one song, Takin' It To The Streets, the crowd (nobody Was under 60;yrs old) went nuts.


Andy, thank you for your andycap! Poor Barbi, so virtuous and saved herself for the big noche de boda, and Now sooo disappointed, bless her heart. Door is still open for annulment. Crockpot Theory©️ says Malicioso will hook up with Ximena, be discovered by Barbi, who will go home to her parents all upset, then file for annulment.


Oh doris, Michael McDonald. Be still my heart...

Now I am REALLY jealous! Lucky lady.



I Keep Forgettin' is one of my all time favs.



Thank you Doris! I'm very impressed that you used the voice activation on the iPad. Great job!

JudyB, I agree that this episode just seemed dumb..and the actors seem to be trying too hard to be funny...and it's not that funny. I missed the nekked ankles but caught the beautiful outfit Leo was wearing. I'm still wondering if she has her own private fashionista.


Andy, thanks for Andycap..and for wantonly ignoring some unnecessary scenes. Oh how I wish I could have seen Barbi pounce on Malicio. Maybe she landed too hard on the little soldier LOL

I do hope Iñaki can help Monica give up on Camilo and set her eyes on him. After waiting over 20 years for a hopeless love, she deserves some happiness.


Mely - ISebastian's shorts have always been tight and short. Maybe the white ones are more noticeable? We take our beefcake in whatever form they give us, like throwing crumbs to us starving peasants.

Seriously, his sport coat with shorts does not bother me. In Bermuda, staid businessmen like bankers and such dress like that but with classic Bermuda shorts (navy blue or black) and knee socks, and it is way cool to see it. And sometimes the knee socks are yellow or pink to match their dress shirts. Given this story is in Mazatlán and a resort, I really don't give a second thought to Seb's attire. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Part 1

Okay Patio, we've got part of the mystery solved. Our "intachable" Leonora has a "tach" or two and it appears to be French. I may be jumping to conclusions, but at one point Jerome exclaimed "Sacre Bleu". Plus, we know Frenchmen are irresistible, right?

Anyway, Jerome, regardless of his origins, is Sebastian's biological father, and now that he's crossed an entire ocean to be in Mazatlán, it's not just to console a worried Leonora, he wants to meet his offspring! She's terrified the news of her indiscretion will come to light and she'll lose her social standing in the community. That's why she was so hellbent on Seb marrying Steffi. Then, even if Sebastian's illegitimate origin came to light, he'd still be protected as the son-in-law of the richest, most powerful man in town.

So that's the big news. But we've got some other manufactured drama as well. 1) Inés' silly infatuation with Seb: It's leading her to commit one grave sin after another, including sneaking into his iPad to read steamy messages between him and Julieta. He tries to throw her off by claiming this is a silly Shakespeare game between him and an old classmate, but she's convinced the lad is knee-deep in a new romance minutes after breaking up with Estefania. And she's right!

2) The diva Esmeralda is emoting at high decibels about the loss of Matias, her beloved, who shared her caresses and her bed until, well, you know....This grief is so great, she is unable to film any scenes today, leading to financial losses and rising blood pressure and escalating gastritis on the part of the bossy director. Of course, you all, like me, suspected immediately that it was a pet, right? In this instance, a dog. But honestly, knowing how I grieved (although quietly) over our little cat who died, I rather sympathized with the poor lady.

And 3) The hotel is facing bankruptcy after the poisoned food (carried out by Dario's henchman) has caused the place to be closed...quarantined [clausurado] while the many sick patients are treated. Most sick of all is sister Barbara who at one point is losing blood. Sacre bleu!!!!!

And we learn that Leonora's main gripe, other than the four infidelities, are those dang girls are contaminating her baby boy with their vulgarity and stupidity. Ah well, what's a mother to do!?


Part 2

Esmeralda has taken her grief and drama from the patio to the girl's hotel room, where Juana Bárbara is contemplating stuffing socks in her mouth. But instead they decide to hold a seance to see if Sol can communicate with her dear dead departed. Alas, there were no barks from the beyond. But Esmeralda does seem calmed down by all the attention.

Meanwhile Vicky and Sebastian exchange a few steamy kisses and Fernando continues to be a pest, following Vick around like a lovesick puppy. And he's painted a picture for her which she finds quite impressive "me dejaste a seis" [ blew me away, you knocked me out]

Leonora and Jerome are at an impasse but the scene is lovely. They're by the ocean, the waves are rolling in, she's wearing a stunning white ensemble on and they're pouring out their hearts to each other. But their hearts want different things. He's dying to meet his son, hold him, hug him, know him. She's dying for him to just vamoose without betraying her secret. Sacre bleu, this is a mess!

But...she does send him a few photos of Sebastian to his cellphone. Will this be the undoing of our seemingly "intachable" Leonora? Stay tuned.


Part 3

Dario and henchman are in the office and Dario's having a little moment of self-analysis.


Well, yeah, we're with ya, Dario. But he's just suddenly realizing that his sweet princess Estefania must be in Chiapas with the little kids she's adopted (sponsored). And wants Hench Guy to fly out there in the company plane with a couple of men and bring the little princess back to his palace where she belongs.

Meanwhile, we have another beach shot (Thank you director, especially us folks in the cold part of the country thank you) Vicky and Sebastian are cavorting and kissing, while he tells her about Juana Inés' pursuit. We get a nice shot of Seb's well-muscled calves at one point. I'm hoping ANDY and MELY closed their eyes at this juncture. I know how offended they are by those shorts. Me, I rewound the tape and watched it again. (So did Rgv Chick, I betcha.)

Elsewhere, another movie star has gone off the rails. Gustavo, who earlier was rehearsing his lines with Vicky, has gotten so "into character" that he really is in fear of his life and is hiding under the bedclothes. The overheated director is seeking medicine for both Gustavo and himself, and bemoaning the fact that he didn't become an engineer like his daddy wanted. We're losing money, losing money!

And we have a series of small scenes. Seb is at the proposed tract for the spa expansion, discussing drainage plans with the building contractor. Barb is excited because she gets to be a stuntwoman in the movie being shot. Juan has been worried about Leonora's prolonged absence from the house and she blows him off saying "Where I've been is none of your business!" Evidently the Chiapas visit has been set aside for a sneaky poisoning of the morning fruit laid out for the hotel breakfasts.

Before you know it, Barb is writhing in agony (she helped herself to some fruit early) and a number of other guests are also en extremis, vomiting and losing ground in other areas. Sacre bleu it's REALLY a mess now.

But we are reminded this really is an innocent afternoon show when we learn that Dario certainly doesn't want anyone to die! No, no no! Henchman reassures him that he diluted the poison he poured over the fruit--so it would give the impression of food poisoning, that's all.

We break for ads. Can you believe there's a Mexican singer that calls himself Bad Bunny?! Wow. Not a good choice. Of course, the Doobie Brothers is an odd name too, when you think about it. What a Fool Believes is my favorite of theirs.


Part 4

Lest we think this is a comedy, director Salvador is seriously reaming out Juan, Sebastian and Javier, threatening lawsuits and demanding transportation, housing and safe food for the remaining cast. And there are also hordes of hotel guests, still healthy, but wanting to get into their rooms. Which they can't. I want to put Sacre Bleu! again but I figured you're sick of it by now. So how about Holy Guacamole! This is a mess.

And there's some self-flagellation going on. Vicky is chastising herself for being such a poor food supervisor. Movie director Salvador is blaming her also. Juan is sure he's ruined financially and every other way. Sebastian wants to use the money he's saved for expansion to bail out his dad. After all, if he doesn't, they might lose Media Luna.

And now poor Vicky is being harassed by the reporters, as in:

"How do you feel knowing your sister might die by your fault?"
And "How do you feel knowing you might face jail-time?"

Yikes (that's another way of saying Sacre Bleu 'cause you're really sick of it now, right?)

Dario has inserted himself into this concerning manly confab, offering to lend Juan and Sebastian the money necessary to bail out the hotel. Seb turns him down. "I wouldn't accept your money when I was engaged to Estefania. Even less so now. But I wish her well, wherever she is"

Dario: "Well, she's probably in Chiapas which suits you just fine. You don't have to witness her suffering!"

A hit and a score for Dario.


Part 5

The doctor in the emergency room is explaining the medical disaster to a worried Juana Victoria. "We think it's salmonella, but right now the lab is overwhelmed." -"But gosh, I checked the food several times to make sure it was fresh!" Doc explains that you can't see bacteria with the naked eye. And they need to find out which one caused the illness so they can administer the proper antibiotic.

However, they finally have to give Barbara a wide-spectrum antibiotic because she is losing blood, running a high temperature and clearly delirious. We have our usual clot of Juanas and their swains sticking together at the hospital, all night if necessary. Keeping vigil is what you do, right? Even though Javier offers his house for the night, they are going to stay close.

Margarita comes out, worried sick since her baby Juana Bárbara is the most affected. Juan gives her a comforting hug. And there we end.

Well, what can we learn from this? In a moment of crisis, Leonora is by the sea with Jerome. Juan is in the hospital with Margarita. Is this a clue to the final pairing? Inquiring minds want to know...or at least guess.

And our young people are ooozing along together in classic Amoeba Clan fashion. Some things don't change. "Plus ca change, plus ca reste le meme."

SACRE BLEU, JudyB!! Once more you have knocked this out of the park! Thank you! ( And no, I did not get tired of the "Sacre Bleu;" nice touch :-) Oh and yes, I did a few rewinds to catch those scrumptious calves :-)

Anyhoo, so now we know fer sure that Leo is tachable...and Jerome did the "taching" and probably enjoyed every minute of it. My! My! My! Can't wait for that cat to get out of the bag MeeOOOWWW!

Yes, yes, I guessed quite early that Esmer's grief was over a pet; and I too know exactly how she felt...though I can contain myself much better than she can.

My fav was your ending Judy And our young people are ooozing along together in classic Amoeba Clan fashion. Some things don't change. "Plus ca change, plus ca reste le meme." Parfait, mon ami :-)



JudyB- thank you for a most entertaining recap. Sacre bleu, indeed! Today has been ... one of those days ... and I will never have time to watch today's episode. I truly appreciate this!

Pobrecita de Esmeralda over losing her dog. Soul is not the one to call up that doggie spirit. This calls for the Pet Psychic from Animal Planet. Gosh, I miss that show. LOL

Ooooh la, la, JudyB--Merci Beaucoup.
Sacre Bleu, I must now run off to check on those calves (and not the kind that moo when grown up). Today was the day to bring my finances up to date while listening to a certain long drawn out Radio Programme. It IS possible to do two things at once, if not absolutely dedicated to either. Anyway, sorry I'm late to the party.

I think the writers ran out of ideas and thus introduced us to Gustavo & Company. Same with having a non-Mexican doing the taching. Anybody recognize Jerome? He was in Amores Verdaderos as Odette's gay son played by Archie Lafranco. I guess we could label him French by way of Spain.

After checking the chisme (inquiring minds want to know the truth), I've been watching Seb and JVic's "interactions" much more carefully. He's definitely exuding love at any sight.

JudyB--"Rafa and Paloma in bed. Hmmm. Can't picture that at all. Not sure I want to." Believe me, it was very tastefully done. Kissing on the way to bed, no writhing or rolling around, in great contrast to Barbi and Mau. Next scene was the sweet after-effects, cuddling and talking. OK, gotta go watch what they do with this new found love. At least Rafa's sexuality has been cleared up for all of us.


"me dejaste a seis" [ blew me away, you knocked me out] was of course my favorite Judy.

I will echo everyone's appreciative thanks for your fine recap!

Sending condolences to Esmeralda for the loss of her fur child. Many of us here have mourned such a grievous loss...

With Rgv Chick's noting Sebas' "scrumptious" calves, and Anita's hysterical observation that they are "...not the kind that moo when grown up", I greatly lament I did not get to see Sebas' calves. And as doris so perfectly put it "We take our beefcake in whatever form they give us, like throwing crumbs to us starving peasants". Yes, I sigh mightily.

"our usual clot of Juanas and their swains sticking together" made me smile. Vicky purported "poisoning" everyone did not.

"...they're pouring out their hearts to each other. But their hearts want different things" - just lovely.

Thank you amiga.


MAÑANA (part 1 of 2)

(many scenes combined)

Barbi the Virgin?

Monica and Iñaki happily arrive back at Monica's, Iñaki wearing a large sombrero. Monica teases Iñaki about his singing with the Mariachis with his Peninsular Spanish pronunciation. Iñaki's part of the conversation consists mostly of compliments to Monica and about how much he enjoyed the day with her. He wants to post the picture he took of her with the bridal bouquet on social media but she tells him not to. He tells her that the day she marries she will be the most beautiful bride in the world.

Camilo recognized her voice when she sang the "Ave Maria" and he was sorry she didn't feel comfortable attending the wedding openly. She says she hid, but she was there. She sang, she saw him dance with his Barbi, etc., but she wanted to respect the wishes of the rest of the family.

Sadly, sadly, sadly, Ximena did not flee from Malicio (why do these women never listen to me?) and is slurping down drinks with him while he tells her about "his friend's little problem with his bride". Ximena: "your friend, eh?" The truth comes out and Malicio tells her about his "monster" not working. Ximena asks, you named it "Monster"? (and I will not speculate on what she meant by this)
He thinks it's Barbi's fault, he's never had this problem with anyone else, maybe Barbi did some Voodoo; Ximena says 'typical male, put the blame on the poor woman'. Malicio says 'you can help resolve the question of whose fault it is', and Xime asks "How?"
Next scene: they wake up in bed together the next morning and rush to get dressed. But obviously it was mission accomplished because he kisses her and tells her she lifted the evil spell on the "Monster".

Malicio returns to the hotel room, with rose petals still strewn on the floor, and encounters a furious Barbi. He left for a bar and left her alone on their wedding night! She doesn't want him to touch her (OK, Barbi!) but he soon sweet talks the idiot into believing that he's sorry, he'll go book them another flight to Miami (they are still in CDMX), and later he 'will make her his'. Oy. But she warms up a bit.
Diana and Camilo believe Barbi is in Miami and Barbi pretends she is, she doesn't want to have to explain things. But there are no flights available and they are stuck in Mexico at least another day.

Rafa and Armando(?) go over the budgets and try to find a way, but everything says there's not enough money left.

Luis arrives in Tijuana and finds that Lidia's promoter did not die, but is really mad at her for taking off and not completing her scheduled matches.

Ximena at her convention finds she has Malicio's cell phone and discovers some interesting text messages.

Laura arrives at Rafa's apartment to try to reconcile with Paloma and she asks her not to go back to Brazil. Paloma replies that she is not going back, 'but not because of you, because of Rafael'. Laura is shocked; she asks 'You and Rafa?' Paloma says 'Oh, you bet! He's wonderful!'
Her father is delighted with the new Paloma who plans to stay in Mexico and support herself. And he has shown some of her jewelry to a friend who is extremely interested in doing business with her.

MAÑANA (part 2 of 2)

Monica wakes up tired and confused on Sunday morning. She has a text message, Iñaki has posted a picture of her, "the prettiest girl in Mexico", on social media. She calls him and tells him to stop saying things like that, she might start to believe it. They have a sweet conversation and then her Fantasy Camilo, quite jealous, appears. Iñaki closes the conversation, 'See you later, I'm sending you a kiss now.' Contentedly, she tells Fantasy Camilo that Iñaki sent her a kiss so Fantasy Camilo takes the kiss from the phone and throws it out the window. Monica laughs.

Almudena texts Camilo, 'I need to talk to you urgently. I have something to tell you.' They agree to meet in the bar in her hotel.

Back to our, um, lovebirds. Malicio assures Barbi that his little problem is now completely gone. She asks how did he cure the problem, and he replies "By thinking about you, my love." Oh, barf.
But Barbi is convinced and pushes him onto the bed and jumps on him... but to no avail, Mighty Monster again swings and misses.
Muy Mal Malicio runs to Ximena for more help, but this time she turns him down out of female solidarity, she can't (yet again) sleep with a married man still on his honeymoon. But she suggests he try a little blue or purple pill. He thinks about it.

Pablo comes to see Regina who is outside listening to music again. They talk a little bit and then he asks her to be his novia. She turns him down flat, which surprised me and Pablo too. She says she is in no position to have a novio. He tells her the pregnancy is no problem for him, but she says no, and asks him to leave. He does so, reluctantly.

A little later she receives a text message, 'I'm tired of Australia and I'm returning to Mexico. I would like to see you.' Baby Daddy?

Fantasy Camilo again visits Monica who is happy to see him. He's all compliments and sweetness, and she's all happy smiles. Cute bit: she talks to her fantasy and tells him he is just a dream, and he admits that he is; nonetheless he reminds her that real Camilo recognized her voice in the Ave Maria, and that she is a good part of his life. Monica is still happy after he fades away.

Real Camilo meets with Almudena. (I had forgotten that back when she heard Diana and Monica argue about their plan for Monica to be Camilo's next husband when Diana died from cancer.) Almudena tells Camilo all about it, but gives her own self-serving interpretation (which either doesn't make perfect sense or I misunderstood something).
But Camilo buys into it and is shocked and says, "That's why Diana pushed me away -- so Monica could get closer. And Monica never really loved me."
Almudena agrees, 'She just wanted to get the boss, the business, everything.'

end of episode -- a good one, but not nearly as good as yesterday's.



Thank you for your andycap, Andy. Thank you for watching, so I don't have to.

Why, oh WHY did Ximena have to sleep with Malicio ON HIS WEDDING NIGHT? Skank is the only word I can think of, at this point. She knew it was his noche de bodas, right? That girl has the morals of an alley cat. He does, too. Ugh....maybe they will end up together. Ew.



Thank you, Doris. Ximena gave me trouble right from the start. I very much want to like her, but she makes it so hard.

Malicio I have never liked and have never seen any reason to like him... except recently when he was with Ximena. He seemed almost human. And she responds to him.

If they do get together I hope they bring out the better sides of each other.

Busy day today, but I'm back in time for El Hotel de los Secretos.



Judy, thank you for this fun recap. I was extremely busy today and didn't have time to watch but I'm sure your recap is better than the show anyway. And I don't at all mind missing "Seb's well-muscled calves".



It looks like no "Hotel" tonight.



Thank you JudyB. You hit all the high lights and raised the low lights

I am enjoying Alexis Ayala. He is such a versatile and talented actor.

I will try to develop an appreciation for those short shorts. Must focus on the calves

Still trying to sort through the young ‘uns. There’s lots of them



Thanks for the 'caps and comments. Keeping me in touch with the action while I keep the roads hot hauling family members to work and medical appointments. Looks like Leonora is going to have her secrets uncovered sooner or later!


I just loved your andycap.

So much here to enjoy...

"He tells her that the day she marries she will be the most beautiful bride in the world". Seems like Iñaki is pretty perfect. When will Monica take her Camilo tainted rose colored glasses off?

"Muy Mal Malicio" said it all.

" time she turns him down out of female solidarity, she can't (yet again) sleep with a married man still on his honeymoon". I'm so glad to see Ximena growing a conscience and standing on her very newly acquired principals. Ack.

Starting my day off with a smile. Thanks andy!



I didn't realize Alexis Ayala was in this! He's so, so bad but so, so good!

Mely, your "Must focus on the calves" cracked me up!

LaPaloma, it seems you have a lot on your plate, including many acts of kindness. Bless you.


Good Morning Petite Patio. I have a full day today, starting with "breakfast" at my nieto's pre-school, so appreciate even more that ANITA is going to do the Hijas recap this afternoon.

RGV CHICK...So glad I have a fellow "leg man" to appreciate Sebastian's calves. His top floor is not bad either.

DORIS...Wow, Pet Psychic from Animal Planet. Never watched that show but sounds like I missed something.

ANITA..."Jerome" also played an Italian running a restaurant in Paris, during Destilando Amor. He's a pleasant actor,and good at faking accents. I loved his tutti fruiti Italian in Destilando.

DIANA...Hopefully you'll be able to join us one of these days to see the male landscape and especially the actual sea, surf and sand. The shots of Mazatlan are lovely. Even better than Sebastian's charms.

ANDY...Those shorts aren't going to go away. Better man up and make the best of it. Hoping though, if we end with a wedding, that Seb dons a pair of long pants for that one.

MELY...I agree, Alexis Ayala is equally gifted at playing wicked, virtuous (like the priest he played in a recent afternoon show) or just buffoon, as in this one. Not a fan of his bare ankles though.

LA PALOMA...Sounds like you are very busy indeed, but how fortunate for your family that you can drive them to medical appointments and work. Sounds like you are the linchpin that is holding everyone together.

Have a great day everybody! It's cold and gray here, but warm and sunny in Mazatlan and also here on the Patio.

ANDY...Those Mauricio scenes bring out the best in you:

Back to our, um, lovebirds. Malicio assures Barbi that his little problem is now completely gone. She asks how did he cure the problem, and he replies "By thinking about you, my love." Oh, barf.
But Barbi is convinced and pushes him onto the bed and jumps on him... but to no avail, Mighty Monster again swings and misses.

Especially loved that heartfelt "oh barf". Yep, that's pretty much how the whole show strikes me. But especially the odious Mauricio. I do join you in hoping Ximena and Mau eventually bring out the best in each other. They certainly can't go any lower at the moment.

And sorry...forgot to title either set of comments. I never said I was perfect!

Just a quick thank you for the recaps.

Life has not become less hectic and stressful although I wish it so. I do surf in and out of these shows to try to stay in touch with you all. The last year has brought many unwanted changes for me, but I don't want to lose my connection to my caray family.

I hope you are all well and warm. I continue to enjoy any beach scenes in spite of the wacky storylines. I like the obvious attraction between Seb and Vicky. Maybe they could get fed shirts made with "Not Related"printed in big letters.

Glad you stopped by SUSANLYNN...We get worried if we don't hear from you once in a while. It's very hard managing everything alone, and grieving the loss of someone so beloved as your Hub. We are always sending you virtual hugs, and we'll even throw in some of those virtual chocolates that I'm packing off to ANITA and DORIS.

Susanlynn - keep stopping in. It's always good to "see" you. I recently saw a quote that made me think of you:
"Grief never ends...but it changes. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith . . . it is the price of love.".

I'm sending you (((hugs))).


Hugs Susanlynn. And doris, I saved your grief quote. A keeper - thank you.


OT....Hi, Diana, Doris, judyb. I appreciate the good thoughts.

Yesterday was a very stressful day , but today my best friend and I took a AAA safe driving course . It was good to be with her and spend 4hours watching videos and listening to a lecture about safe driving instead of the thoughts that usually swirl inside my head. Another class tomorrow.

Doris, I think the grief you feel is in direct relationship to the love you experienced.


Susanlynn - I think you are correct. A good friend had a terrible day, yesterday, and still slogging thru today. Her mother died a year ago, this is anniversary week. She loved her mother dearly.

How about putting our cares behind us and enjoy this litle piece of fluff that was offered to us today??? Recap is on its way up.

HIJAS #27 - The Llamada of the Sangre isn’t quite loud enough for Sebastian
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019 Part 1 of 4

1. JuanaSol gets creeped out when the lights flicker and go out in the bathroom. She knows what that means. When she turns around, The spirit of Octavio’s mother appears and asks JSol for help, She can’t find peace. JSol manages a timid little no, more in surprise than refusal. Then the spirit disappears. JSol recovers her composure.
2. It’s a dark night out. JuanO taps at his Gordita’s door. She doesn’t respond. He tells her through the door he only wanted to tell her the Media Luna has been quarantined and shut down. That brings her to the door...que?
3. The word is out in the town about the Vacation of Death. Seb is reading the article to the amoeba clan v.2.0 waiting at the hospital. Food poisoning has brought people close to death. The doc emerges to tell them that it wasn’t an accidental food poisoning but a deliberate act. They were poisoned. JVic is relieved it wasn’t her fault. They hear JBarb yelling at the staff and everyone is thankful she’s getting back to normal. Doc says she got the sickest due to eating twice as much and got a higher dose. JuanO is convinced it was Ernie, but they will all investigate because as long as the hotel remains closed, they are losing money.
4. Dario, nattily dressed has come to see Ernesto Cifuentes, drunk and dressed in dirty and mis-matched rags. Ernie is pissed at Dario because he promised to get him out of this misery and now he’s worse off than ever. Dario shows him the newspaper article. He should be happy now. Ernie wonders how he pulled this one off. Dario reminds he that he wants to get revenge on JuanO and says now he has it. He adds how much he appreciates Ernie assuming culpability for all the crimes against JuanO and the Juanas, but he needs one more favor. He would like Ernie to assume the blame for this last “prank.” Ernie says ok, but why. Dario says he can’t have any suspicion cast on him. He needs them to totally believe in him.
5. JuanO is certain that now they have proof it wasn’t the hotel’s fault, they can get the quarantine lifted.

HIJAS #27 - The Llamada of the Sangre isn’t quite loud enough for Sebastian
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019 Part 2 of 4

6. Salvador loses his voice fulminating against this travesty to his crew. The amoeba clan v.2.0 makes fun of him as soon as he’s out of hearing.
7. Jerome approaches the entrance to Media Luna, kicking trash out of the way. He looks around to see the establishment is closed.
8. Leo is checking in with her circle of gossip girls. They are all telling her it’s time to give JuanO his coupe de grace. (But first she will need to get dressed and do her hair. Has she thought that JuanO is still her bread and butter?) However, what is first and foremost on her mind is her ex-novio, Jermo. (Sorry folks, but Juan Soler in Cuando owns Jero forever.)
9. Ernie sends JuanO a video admitting to the poisoning and hopes no one died from food poisoning. He only wanted to ruin JuanO’s reputation. It’s payback time, he tells a surprised JuanO and Seb. How does it feel, he crows, when you lose everything? JuanO and Seb do the right thing in Mazatlán and take it to the honest police. The officer asks for a copy of the video and the one JuanO took when Ernie broke into their house.
10. JSol and JInez get into some hi-jinxs in the bathroom with JSol not wanting to go in the bathroom because of Octavio’s mother’s spirit and JInez gets a terrible headache (which are coming oftener now). JSol drags her to the doctor. The diagnosis is tension headaches causing her muscles to freeze. Doc will give her anti-inflammatory pills and a stronger pain reliever. Next JSol drags JInez to the padre’s office to make another confession. JInez reluctantly goes in. She tells the padre she has a lot of sins, does he want them in alphabetical order. She reverses herself and says it’s only one, but it’s a big one. He guesses it’s about her brother. She spills the beans on her suspicion that Seb has a new love and it’s shameful after the breakup and near wedding to Stefie. Her headache comes back. She tells padre his penances don’t work, so she’ll just keep sinning. She’s determined to find out who this Juliet is.
11. Seb and JVic take a little time out from all the hotel drama to go back to their favorite rocky point. With waves crashing behind them, he picks her up so she can wrap her legs around him above his manly bare calves. He puts her down and they talk. She still feels somewhat responsible for Stefie leaving and not knowing where she is. She knows what it would be like if she lost Seb. She’s also looking forward to when they can say they are not brother and sister. They end up talking about Seb having to put his dream of a boutique hotel on hold in order to save what they can of Media Luna. He thanks her for being with him.

HIJAS #27 - The Llamada of the Sangre isn’t quite loud enough for Sebastian
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019 Part 3 of 4

12. Dario is fuming because Rick still hasn’t found Stefie. Apparently she’s nowhere in Chiapas. Dario tells him to keep looking. OTHO he’s glad Seb and his pa are suffering.
13. Salvador is still complaining about the work stoppage on his film. He announces to JuanO that he’s taking the whole crew to some other hotel where there are fewer problems. JuanO tells him the quarantine is to be lifted soon, but that isn’t enough to keep Sal at Media Luna.
14. Seb watches as the quarantine signs some down. Jermo comes up behind him. He calls his name softly. Seb turns. Do we know each other? Jermo is speechless before this godlike creature who is his flesh and blood. He’s full of awe and pride.
15. JBarb is going to be discharged because the hotel has been reopened and there is somewhere decent for them to stay.
16. Back to the Llamada of the Sangre. Jermo has loaned Seb a pen to sign the papers to open up the hotel. He refuses to take it back. He says rather mysteriously that this is the beginning of a new chapter in Seb’s life. He goes on to explain he’s done a little research and that’s how he knows his name. He’s a writer and he’s starting a novel based on someone just like him. Seb says his life is very complicated. Jermo says that’s perfect. Seb does feel a little tug of the Llamada. JuanO shows up before the scene gets too maudlin.
17. JSol and Octavio are doing a little pre-snogging when the lights begin to flicker and go out and the dishes on the table begin to bounce. JSol says enough, she’ll do what the spirit wants. Octo flees in a golf cart parked outside.
18. JuanO and his core staff talk about the hotel being open for business but no business is coming in the door. JuanO still believes it’s Ernie who is responsible for the poisonings. JVic doesn’t throw in the towel and cry uncle; she cries victoria and up by the bootstraps. They vow to redouble their efforts.
19. Jermo and Seb have gotten together over desayuno. The tête a tête is going very well until Leonora shows up. Holy Blue! She wants to know what Seb is doing there. The two men stand up and Jermo turns around. Seb very innocently says he’s having breakfast with his new friend. He’s grinning from ear to ear. Jermo keeps mum and Leo is left speechless. Seb wants to know what she’s doing there, since it’s not a place she would come to ordinarily. Oh, just meeting some friends and they are late. He starts to introduce Jermo to her; she shakes hands but wheels and leaves before hardly a mucho gusto is uttered. Seb apologizes for her. Jermo hears from Seb that Leo has heart problems.

HIJAS #27 - The Llamada of the Sangre isn’t quite loud enough for Sebastian
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019 Part 4 of 4

20. JInez spends her time checking on Seb and being a nuisance. Meanwhile, her headaches are more pronounced.
21. Octo is hiding from JSol. She wants to explain about talking to his mother. He doesn’t want to hear it. She’s dead. JSol says if he’ll come with her she will show him something only he and his mother know about.
22. JInez is working, or rather being sumamente annoying to Seb in the office. She quizzes him about his breakfast. He needs her to get back to work. Then a call comes in. She wants to see who it was and reaches for the phone. Seb has had it. He grabs his laptop and his phone and flies out the office. JInez rushes out after him.
23. Jermo and Leo have a confrontation somewhere not long after. She reminds him angrily that he was to stay away from Sebastian. Jermo says she can’t forbid him from seeing his son. Leo barks that he’s not Jermo’s son. He reminds her how things were—back then. In anguish she wants to know if he’s going to further ruin her life and take away the most precious thing she has. This goes on a bit longer, but basically he was under the impression Seb was going to lose his social standing and only wants his son to be well. She says Seb would be distraught if he found out Jermo is his father and she’d been lying to him. Well, Jermo can protect him. He has money and can whisk him off to Paris and give him a decent life. She says she’s sorry she called him and wants him to go back to Paris and never come back (as if he would now).
24. Dario is on the phone with Rick. He found Stefie. He tells him to bring her back whether she wants to or not. Apparently she doesn’t want to. He gets a tearful video chat and restates her desire not to return, not after what happened. She can’t be near Seb. When she lost him, she didn’t know who she was. Here she’s learning little by little that life is worthwhile. Dario pleads. She’s everything to him. (Here it DOES get maudlin.) Dario is going to make Seb pay for what he did to her (and Dario). She begs him to let her stay where she is. When she’s ready, she’ll return. Thankfully, he agrees.
25. It’s dark again. Seb and JVic are having a little alone time by the yacht basin. He’s telling her how JInez is driving him crazy. JVic has a cute little red dress on. JInez is spying on Seb, but can’t quite see who he is with, but doesn’t dare get any closer. She squints (maybe she needs glasses). JuanaV sees her and the lovers flee down onto the docks and into a yacht. JInez is right behind them, but they’ve disappeared. She’s stymied. Then her headache gets worse and she faints. A couple walking along recognizes her and decide to take her to the hotel.
26. Seb and JuanaV are trapped in the yacht. They’ll have to stay there until she’s gone. Seb thinks it’s a perfect setting and begins to get romantic. JuanaV responds and they start to kiss. He’s a very ardent lover. Ok, we know where this is going because SHE takes his jacket off and starts working on his shirt buttons. Yep, nailed it. They are making love. They aren’t quite finished though. They roll over out of sight and the credits roll.


Sacre bleu! you did a fabulous job on this Anita. Thank you. I had so many commitments today, early morning, mid-morning, mid-afternoon and then rushing home to make dinner, so knowing you were doing the recap was such a blessing.

On the Dario-Estefania talk, I'm always a little uncomfortable with his obsessive devotion to his daughter. Seems a little incestuous somehow. So I was relieved that she was able to talk him out of insisting she return IMMEDIATELY to Mazatlan. She certainly made a good argument for staying there until she could picture her life as something besides attached to Sebastian. Our Saint Steffi is not only perfectly nice, she's perfectly smart.

And I enjoyed your reference to Seb's manly calves--that pair is certainly getting a workout. How many times has Juana Victoria jumped on him now? I've lost count.

And our loving couple is getting a little juicy for an afternoon show, I must say. But better than than any more scenes with the annoying Juana Inés. Still, I suppose she's next in line for hospitalization. We haven't had a coma yet have we?

Looking forward to seeing how Leonora and Jerome sort out their differences. That should be fun.

And your recap certainly was. Thanks.


Anita, just loved this, start to finish.

“With waves crashing behind them, he picks her up so she can wrap her legs around him above his manly bare calves”. Oh my. Strange – I was cold a few minutes ago and am now feeling quite warm.

“Jermo is speechless before this godlike creature who is his flesh and blood. He’s full of awe and pride”. And who wouldn’t be? The man’s a god. (Note the small “g”). 😊

"JVic doesn’t throw in the towel and cry uncle; she cries victoria and up by the bootstraps. They vow to redouble their efforts". Spitfire and spunk. Just great.

"She tells padre his penances don’t work, so she’ll just keep sinning". And there you have it...

Not sorry to be missing the annoying Ines but sad to be missing out on a real love story which seems all too rare in telenovelas these days.

Judy, hope you can relax for the rest of the evening.

Great fun Anita - such thoughtful, caring detail. Thank you!


MAÑANA (part 1 of 2)

(some scenes combined, ignored, fudged, etc.)

Strike Three

Where we left off: Almudena paints a very cynical picture of Diana and Monica's plan to have Monica marry him. Almudena tells him that neither of the women had his interests at heart, he was just an expendable pawn in their diabolical chess strategy.
Incredibly dumb Camilo (married to Diana about 26 years, worked with Monica 20 years, and he believes this) is devastated and wanders around distraught and looking for a light for his cigarettes.
Meanwhile Almudena, all smiles, asks the waiter for a double tequila and invites him to have one; she wants to celebrate as she expects to get married soon.

Regina is all upset about the text message she received (from Baby Daddy?) and deliberately breaks the screen on her phone so she can get a new one with a new number.

Monica is out walking and encounters a group of nuns selling cookies. The head nun (Mother Superior?) recognizes her as the nun who sang the Ave Maria though Monica tries to deny it. Mother Superior is upset that Monica is not wearing her habit and takes her aside to give her a good scolding, and then puts her to work cleaning up after the nuns as a penance.

Laura is muy upset with Rafa because he and Paloma are now a couple. He doesn't understand this as all he and she ever shared was a few friendly kisses.
He confesses this to Paloma, afraid that it might cause trouble between them. Nope, no problems, Paloma is happy he could welcome her to his home and fall in love with her knowing her past history with Pablo, Malicio, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, et al.

Diana and the family, minus Barbi and Camilo, are having dinner. Cristóbal is famished as he doesn't eat regularly now that he is on his own. Nico gives him one of his own tacos to take home for later.

Ximena arrives home from her convention and Monica is delighted to see her, she won't even let her unpack, she has to sit and help Monica do her nails and talk to her.
Monica tells her about her night out with Iñaki and how much fun they had.

A sadder scene: Laura calls her dating service and leaves a message that she has not lately received any decent matches and she's simply tired of being alone, please find her someone worthwhile, soonest.

Monica shows Ximena some video scenes from the wedding and reception that were posted on social media. When they get to Malicio's toasting his bride and telling her she has made him the happiest man in the world, Ximena can't help but mutter that he's a cynic for saying such beautiful things but then spending his wedding night with someone else.
A shocked Monica asks her, "Ximena, what are you saying?"
Monica is even more shocked at Ximena's response, "Mauricio spent his wedding night with me."

MAÑANA (part 2 of 2)

Barbi gives Malicio a harsh tongue lashing, not the sort usually associated with honeymoons, and tells him he doesn't need these blue pills she found, he needs to see a doctor. She throws him onto a loveseat, but this time she just walks away. Malicio consults the internet, but finds only bad news. He considers suicide, which might be preferable to living with a woman so disappointed and upset. And, yes, Barbi is still a virgin. Oy, caray.

So an annulment is still possible. But perhaps his anvil is to stay married to Barbi and face her wrath every day. But no, it wouldn't be fair to Barbi.

Poor hot pants Ximena gets her harsh tongue lashing from a seriously upset Monica who can't believe she slept with Malicio on his wedding night.

Poor disillusioned (deceived really) Camilo wanders in the desert, or at least around town, trying to light a cigarette and holding back his anger, and not answering his phone.

Monica's hot water heater is not working and Ximena wants to get it fixed in order to placate Monica. She arranges for someone to come in the morning.
The next morning Adrian, Marido a Domicilio, arrives to fix things. Ximena is taken with him and he seems to enjoy what he sees as well.
Run, Adrian, run!
But no, he fixes things quickly and Monica walks in in the middle of Ximena's flirtation with him. Ximena is surprised that they know each other.

Camilo arrives home but is distant and cold toward Diana. He talks about honesty and wants to know if she has ever hidden something important from him, something that really mattered in his life. She says no, well she hid from him that she had cancer at first. Camilo is not satisfied. And he's gruff with Regina the next day. Camilo is in a bad mood.

He arrives at work before Monica for the first time ever. He's in a strange mood and keeps asking Monica questions about honesty, betraying trust, and hiding things from him. Monica is unsure what he's talking about, but she thinks he might have found out about Rafa's project's troubles. Rafa decides he has to go to Camilo with the bad news about his project, news which he and Monica have been hiding from Camilo.



Gotta run, but I'll be back later. Probably when all you larks are sleeping.




Holy blue! Thank you for your recap, Anita!

That call of the blood had a bad connection today. Call back, Jerome, and maybe better luck next time.

"Jermo is speechless before this godlike creature who is his flesh and blood. He’s full of awe . . . "
So are we the females on the Patio. LOL

I loved the "gossip girls."

How have Sebastián and Vic not been seen down in the beach by now?

What on earth can really be causing Sor Pesado's headaches? Does anybody really care?

Seems like seeing Jermo in the flesh - in Mazatlan - should have thrown Leo into a cardiac episode. She must be wearing her telenovela beanie hat today.

Aaand so our protags have finally knocked boots. It was only a matter of time. Yawn.



Andy - thank you for another great andycap!

"Incredibly dumb Camilo (married to Diana about 26 years, worked with Monica 20 years, and he believes this) is devastated and wanders around distraught and looking for a light for his cigarettes."
Just the type scene this actor does so all the telenovelas in which I have seen him. Gah. I guess it pays the mortgage.

I actually watched some of this during lunch --- the Barbi/Mal scene, Ximena's noche de bodas confession to Moni, and some of that family dinner. The look on Diana's face was priceless when Nico told them all he had seen Laura and Rafa kissing. That was all I could take, turned it off, and got back to work.

Thank you for watching, Andy, so that we don't have to. 💗💗💗

Thank you Anita. I knew I could count on you to fill in when I FF JuanaI. Don’t see that storyline getting better
I liked your numbered paragraphs. All became clear!

Well, today I figured out that those weren’t red bathrobes the ladies were wearing all the time

Darío sported orange. Didn’t that have a special meaning?

I like the Jerome, Leo, Seb tale. I noticed Seb used the English pronunciation of his name

Hopefully the director is gone for good



Anita, thank you for a fun recap. I very much enjoy your numbered points scheme.

"JuanaSol gets creeped out when the lights flicker and go out in the bathroom. She knows what that means. When she turns around, The spirit of Octavio’s mother appears and asks JSol for help, She can’t find peace. JSol manages a timid little no, more in surprise than refusal. Then the spirit disappears. JSol recovers her composure."

Well, I'm glad Soledad can regain her composure, but I'm not sure how to take this myself. It doesn't seem to fit in with the fun in the sun stuff.




Doris, thank you. You are a tough lady to watch this stuff during lunch.


Actually, I'm kidding because I don't feel it's bad at all. The first third or more of the episodes were terrible, but now it's just silly. I watch because I know the characters and like some of them. And there's always Malicio to hiss at.

And I write up the episodes for fun and practice. Please don't bother reading if you're not interested. No reason to read about a show you wouldn't want to watch.



(some scenes combined, ignored, fudged, etc.)

Nope, no problems, Paloma is happy he could welcome her to his home and fall in love with her knowing her past history with Pablo, Malicio, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, et al.

Loved those lines especially ANDY. And always look forward to your Andycaps.

Furthermore, you've made an important point--that you "write up the episodes for fun and practice". I'm convinced it's good for our little brain cells. Now that I've retired, I need a creative outlet, and for me, housework, cooking and even babysitting don't fulfill that purpose. Trying to craft a reasonably coherent recap of what is often a very jumbled, strangely edited episode at least gives my cerebral synapses some kind of a workout. All good. Don't want to flunk my next "remember these three words" test during my annual physical!


Andy, your andycap are always a fun read; never a chore. I watched enough of this telenovela in the beginning that I just barely care enough to follow the progress.

Judy - creative writing is not my forte, much to my chagrin. And ... I love to read, so thank heavens for others' creative writing skills!!!


DORIS, I beg to differ. You come up with some incredible zingers. I still love your quip about what "casual Friday" dress might look like for telenovela characters. It ran for years on the sidebar, and along with Carlos' "handcuffed to the urinal" observation, (another delight) was my absolute favorite. For me, that's "creative writing" to the max.

I was about to thank the recapper for yesterday's reportage and realized, scrolling back it was Anita's soup & nuts mix--phooey. It's already gone sour.

Andy, oh Andy, if you only knew what a boost I get when reading your Andycaps. You exemplify the best in dedication with no hope for financial reward.

JudyB--All those sidebar quips are not lost. They are forever filed away for our future enjoyment. Take a trip through the quips (updated somewhat irregularly) clicking on the link Ay Caray, Did I say That (under General Interest). Andy has been featured as well as yourself and Doris.

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