Monday, December 30, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Hijas de la Luna…y Mas - Week of Dec. 30, 2019 –Jan. 3, 2020

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to pg. 1 of our afternoon delights! Want a good laugh? Join us at our patio where JudyB and Doris are providing some very snarktastic recaps for “Hijas.” Everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, Andycaps, or details of scenes/episodes…we enjoy discussing the different perspectives and thoughts. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

2 PM  - La Fuerza de Cree 2 (Último Capíitulo! Will be replaced by “Como Dice el Dicho  starting Jan 2nd)
3 PM   - Hijas de la Luna…Y La Familia Cambio:  Ep. 52 (Preempted on Tuesday due to New Year’s Programming and Wednesday due to a 3-hour airing of AMOR ETERNO)

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Hijas”)

֎֎֎ HAPPY NEW YEAR!! ֎֎֎

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RGV Chick: RIP Sebastian Ferrat.


Part 1

Oh gosh Patio, I wish I could tell you there were some exciting developments today, but mostly it was just the same old, same old with our befuddled Sebastian and our annoying Juana Victoria. In between their moments of tedious sturm und drang, we did have a fun little interlude with Leonora, our favorite flawed character. She's out of her robe and into a nice happenin' little outfit of jeans, tee-shirt and hot pink oversized, draped cardigan. And our dastardly Dario is so smitten, he presents her with an expensive jeweled bracelet which she rather saucily accepts. And then she tells him she's more in love with Señor Oropeza than ever! It was worth the tedium just to see his downcast face.

Other than that, I just had to wade through the usual Hijas muck, so join me as we trudge through this deadly bore together. Nuthin' like Shared Misery over the holidays.

We start with a wah wah wah crying scene on the part of Margarita, lamenting that the pugnacious Juana Barbara's dreams of boxing fame and dinero have come to naught. Resident philosopher Xavier intones that daughter Barb must pick herself up, dust herself off, and start all over again, la, la, la. Marg is so blown away by this facile advice she almost kisses him. But gathers herself, draws back, and goes off to bed instead. Thank God. I really really didn't want to see that.

Back at the mansion, Princessa Estefania has dished up a fabulous breakfast for her daddy and is prattling on about her renewed noviazgo with Sebastian. But he needs to get his financial problems resolved before anything can go forward. Perhaps daddy dearest could arrange to help him out dinero-wise without Sebastian knowing. Dario has a very complex expression on his face. Is he excited that his daughter seems to be grasping the importance of manipulating people with money? Or is it something else? Stay tuned.

Sebastian is spoon-feeding his mom with oatmeal, but what she'd rather do is talk about her dream last night. Such a happy one! About two little ones, a boy and a girl. And they both called her Abuelita [granny]. She's so durned happy she's just got to take her medication right now. To hell with the oatmeal!

Downstairs Juan is researching governmental help for those who have suffered natural disasters like the hurricane. It's offered to small and medium sized businesses and he's hopeful that he can qualify and get enough money to start rebuilding the hotel.

In bursts Estefania to tell Juana Victoria the deliriously happy news--she and Sebastian are novios again! Tears drip down Vicky's face, which she excuses as tears of joy for Steffi's happiness. Steff burbles on to her new bestie that this time she's not going to repeat the mistakes of the past. Their love this time will be more rational, more solid, more concrete and it will last! (sounds more like a building than a romance, but whatever...)

As a matter of fact, it's already come a-cropper with Sebastian and Daddy Dario. The latter has called him into his office to belligerently ask if Seb is marrying Steffi in order to get daddy's moola. Seb is furious. "There's no talk of marriage. We're just novios again. And no, I'm not going to tell you why--that's personal. But it's not for the money. I would never accept money from you!"

"Well, are you in love with her or not?" -" That's also personal and none of your business," snaps Seb. - "Well, if you hurt her again, I'll kill you," promises Dad. After that emphatic reassurance, Dario continues to cast aspersions on Seb's current lowly job teaching tourists scuba diving at the Casa de Cristal. What a come down for a former hotel executive!



Part 2

Let's move on. Vicky is pulling another crying session with Teresa, wailing that she only told Seb to get back with Estefania because she never believed that he would ever do it.

What a drip of a heroine!

But she must have some kind of charm. Fernando is now gushing with infatuation, as he paints a portrait of her from memory. Two passerbys compliment the painting and ask if the girl in the painting is his novia. -No, but I hope she will be soon!" smiles Fernando.

Be careful what you wish for Bub.

Barb and Inés have another stupid fight about Mauricio. I refuse to give you details.

Steffi and her dear daddy are together again, chuckling about that scamp Leonora and how tired she is of hanging around in robe and jammies, pretending to be moribund. Dad waxes poetic about what a vivacious, elegant charmer Leo is. But Steff has her eye on the financial ball and suggests that Dad nullify the embargo on la Dolorosa. If it's back in business, everyone can work there, and while not enough to make a wad of money, it will allow the Juana Pack Plus to get out of debt and buy some groceries to boot.

Meanwhile we've got another Woe Is Me scene. This time between Sebastian and Xavier. For the millionth time Seb is telling Tio his world is falling apart, he's drowning in sorrow etc. etc. Xavier wants him to clarify his feelings and not let negativity pull him down. His recipe for this: Journaling. That's right-- he suggest Sebastian write down all his feelings about his romantic turmoil. Just let it all out. Trust me, it helps. (this from a guy who's still mooning about a romance 25 years in the past)

And speaking of the past, Dario is now spitting bullets he's so mad. He spent a wad of money to make sure la Dolorosa got shut down. And now he's got to spend a wad more to get it reopened again. All this to please his dear little princessita, to whom he can deny nothing. Just then his cellphone rings. It's the Lovely Leonora. He must come over right now! She has something special to tell him--and he's the ONLY ONE she can tell!

Suddenly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, Dario is ready to rumble.



Part 3

Mundito, a little snitch if there ever was one, has just dropped the dime on Barb and Inés. He lets Mauricio know about the bet they made over him. Mauricio takes off, ready to rumble himself.

But let's get back to our Leo. Dario bursts in the door all a-flutter to hear her fabulous news. But first he wants to give her a present. It looks like an emerald and diamond bracelet. At least it looks darned expensive. And after a brief moment of "oh no, I shouldn't, I can't" our greedy little gal grabs it and puts it on. And now her big news. Señor Oropeza was so worried about her when she was "ill"--and being in bed all that time gave her leisure to remember all their happy moments together--that Holy Toledo--I just realized I'm more in love with him than ever!

Dario looks stunned, flummoxed, crestfallen, whipped, pole-axed, deep-sixed, destroyed....Seriously, there are no words. And like he's also contemplating ripping that bracelet right back off her wrist. Instead, ever the gentleman, he pleads a forgotten, but urgent! appointment and hightails it outta there.


But back to Sebastian. After a slow start, he suddenly catches fire and writes a whole paean to his "Bonita" about her kisses burned into his heart, his very body, his soul etc. etc. After he gushes forth this ode to love, he feels the need of a shower. Tossing aside his clothes, off he goes. We get some extended scenes of our lad in just a towel and I have to admit I could care less. Just something unseemly about ogling a fella young enough to be my grandson. And besides, Fernando Colunga he ain't. But hopefully, someone enjoyed that scene.

Soooo...back to Mauricio. Also young enough to be my grandson. He's trying to get the straight story from Inés but she's too busy crying and carrying on about how ashamed she is. And then runs off. We have a nice scene where he takes off after her and leaps over a bench. I'm impressed. Alas, Inés didn't see it. But he catches up with her and after some more copious tears, convinces her that all is forgiven, he loves her and yeah, it's all good.

But oh my, it's all bad back at the Blue House. Estefania has come over to see Seb. She couldn't call because nobody has working cellphones anymore. She tiptoes into his room, hears the shower running and OH NO!--sees all the pages of steamy love reminiscences on the desk. OH NO AGAIN! She reads them. And now knows the reason Sebastian broke up with her. He fell in love with another! WHILE THEY WERE STILL NOVIOS!!!! OH NO OH NO OH NO!. And why is she so sure? Well, for one thing because he never called her "bonita". That has to be some other gal. She immediately goes in and flings herself on Leonora's ample bosom in despair.

No worries. Leo has a Plan B. We'll find out who this witch is and break 'em up!


Part 4

Seb, now toweled off and cooled off, looks at the papers and tears 'em up. Too late, buddy. Your secret is already out.

Meanwhile, Juana Victoria is gaily spending the afternoon with a seriously smitten Fernando. He vaunts his pool playing skills and shows off for her. She in turn vaunts her table football skills and shows off for him. These two are almost as tedious as Juana Victoria and Seb. Almost.

Barb and Raymundo, her trainer have a stupid fight. If you must know, he's still under the impression she has a crush on him. Which she doesn't. End of story. He leaves.

Fernando is back at the Blue House, gushing about his fabulous afternoon with Juana Victoria. Seb growls something about them "going together." "Did she tell you that?" chirps Fernando. And suddenly runs off in search of his heartthrob.

Back at the mansion, Estefania and Daddy Dario are wrapping up their day. He's offering cognac. She's refusing because of her medication. (PSA?) Anyway, Dad then launches into his own lovelorn lament. He's got all the money and power in the world, yet can't have the one thing he really really wants--Leonora's love. Well, yeah, the cat's outta the bag now. He goes on to whine that he fell in love with Leo 25 years ago.

"But that's when you were married to Mom!!"

"Hey, I never cheated on your mom. But yes, I was in love with Leonora. You know how capricious Love is. It burrows into your heart, your body, your veins, without asking permission!"

Okay, seriously. It sounds more like a deadly infection than Love. But whatever. Dario's got it Bad. And that's Good.

Estefania is not pleased. "Gosh Daddy, this is complicated. Leonora is my mother-in-law."

"So what? I could make her happy. Whereas that Juan has destroyed her life with those four "ilegitimas".

Well time to give Dad the 411. Sebastian is in love with someone else. He calls her "bonita".

And once again, Dad is on the hunt. We see him on the phone later, telling a mysterious someone that "he has a job for him". We assume it's to find out who this inconvenient "bonita" is. And take care of the problem.

Oh no's! Golly gee, we'd hate to lose Juana Victoria. She's so adorable.

We wrap up this captivating episode with a family gathering in the Blue House. Fernando is announcing to one and all that he and Juana Victoria are now novios. Crazy mad cheering, jubilation and congratulations ensue. Jeez, all the Juanas are coupled up now except for the Belligerant Barbara, glowering in the corner.

Sebastian, pushes out of the room, pausing only long enough to snarl in Vicky's ear "I hope you don't do to my cousin what you did to me!"

And there we end.


Judy, You transformed dull into interesting and made boring fun. Pure magis.

My hands down favorite was "In between their moments of tedious sturm und drang, we did have a fun little interlude with Leonora, our favorite flawed character". Just great.

"Dario looks stunned, flummoxed, crestfallen, whipped, pole-axed, deep-sixed, destroyed" seems picture perfect! I think he and Leonora deserve each other.

"Crazy mad cheering, jubilation and congratulations ensue". So that's it for Sebas and Vicky. For now.

"Their love this time will be more rational, more solid, more concrete and it will last! (sounds more like a building than a romance, but whatever...)" HA! Steffi knows full well Sebas doesn't love her. What's changed?

Perhaps Petunia can dispense some badly needed advice in the next installment.

Another job well done Judy! Gracias.



Judy – thank you for the snarktastic recrap and title! :-)

And finally Seb’s “other love” thing is outed to Stefi. This is way better than a WikiLeaks event.

I just loved --- “Okay, seriously. It sounds more like a deadly infection than Love.
”Oh no's! Golly gee, we'd hate to lose Juana Victoria. She's so adorable.”

”Dario looks stunned, flummoxed, crestfallen, whipped, pole-axed, deep-sixed, destroyed....Seriously, there are no words. And like he's also contemplating ripping that bracelet right back off her wrist.”
That is a wonderful word picture you have painted.

---”Barb and Inés have another stupid fight about Mauricio. I refuse to give you details.”
Thank you, dear amiga.

--- “Journaling. That's right-- he suggest Sebastian write down all his feelings about his romantic turmoil. Just let it all out. Trust me, it helps. (this from a guy who's still mooning about a romance 25 years in the past)”
Gah, really. Do as I say, not as I do?

It is bizarre for Leo to accept jewelry from Dario when she has no romantic interest in him. Ugh.


Judy, thank you once again for going where no sane person should have to go. In any event, you have served up an excellent account of your journey into the heart of silliness.
Thank you for watching and recapping this show; now I don't have to watch it.

"Just something unseemly about ogling a fella young enough to be my grandson." Judy, have you turned over a new leaf? It wasn't that long ago that you enjoyed seeing Rafa in a towel.
Whatever, it's not important. I'm just glad I don't have your scruples  :-)

You certainly gave me a laugh with "Instead, ever the gentleman, he pleads a forgotten, but urgent! appointment and hightails it outta there." I was unfortunate enough to see that scene, quite some time ago, where Dario used his henchie as a punching bag. Between that and some of the clothes he wears I have very much soured on Dario.

I'm just hanging on, hoping that fairly soon they will start up another, better, TN, maybe in the 2:00 PM slot, with perhaps a real plot, maybe some decent acting, and some real eye candy (not of the beefcake kind).



Judy, thank you for brightening my day and making me laugh; you have an amazing gift! If we were neighbors, I'd probably live at your house LOL

So many favorites, I don't even know where to start. Well, I suppose I should start with the title which is spot on. And my absolute favs--

We start with a wah wah wah crying scene on the part of Margarita, lamenting that the pugnacious Juana Barbara's dreams of boxing fame and dinero have come to naught. Resident philosopher Xavier intones that daughter Barb must pick herself up, dust herself off, and start all over again, la, la, la.


Dario looks stunned, flummoxed, crestfallen, whipped, pole-axed, deep-sixed, destroyed....Seriously, there are no words. And like he's also contemplating ripping that bracelet right back off her wrist.

Such perfect and witty descriptions!!

Thank you, Amiga! For starting my day off with a smile. Thinking of you and your family...many hugs and prayers going your way.



Good morning Doris and Andy. Thanks for all those kind comments. You keep this old recapper going. Yesterday was my birthday and I was not thrilled to be spending part of it writing about this fluff, but then again, it wasn't like I was off to Las Vegas either.

Okay, Andy, I can't fool you. The real reason I didn't feel like ogling Sebastian was....the only thing I really like about him is the way his calf muscles flex when he's holding the over-exuberant Juana Victoria. When it comes to actual hunkaliciousness, my taste runs more towards José Ron in his very muscular tour as Ringo. Definitely a little slavering going on there.

Doris...Well, we got a bit of insight into Leonora's character. When it comes to glitter and luxury, she'll scoop it up regardless. Have to admit that she's a very flawed character. But fun to watch.

Andy, I too hope for a better serving of telenovela fare in the near future. It's been slim pickings in the afternoon ever since Sin Tu Mirada ended. Should have talked to Santa about that.

Have a great day you too and stay off the streets when it's late. It gets crazy out there.


Hola Rgv Chick. You must have been posting as I was. I've been busy all morning whipping up another batch of apple sauce because my grandson was coming to visit and he's a hound for the stuff. As is his grandfather. So I have to put it in separate containers--labeled--so there's something left for the little guy when he arrives.

Now I have a chance to pop over to Ringo and find out what's happening there.

And yeah, I would love to have you hang out at my house. We would never stop laughing. And laughter is the best medicine after those all important hugs and prayers. Thanks amiga.


Yikes, totally missed your comment, DIANA. Perdoname amiga mia.

Steffi is indeed an enigma. But of course we are all crazy when we're in love--n'est-ce pas? Anyway, yes...thanks to Sebastian's effusive journaling, she now knows that Seb is in love with someone else. But Mama Leonora has promised to fix it, and our Steffi seems willing to believe in that fairy tale for now. Having conned myself into more than one illusion over the years, I can feel for the gal. This won't end well. Perhaps we need to call in Tio Xavier once again to talk sense into these crazy ladies. Stay tuned!

There was some choppy editing last night so methinks Univision's scissors are already out--and I say cut and snip away boys! Let's wrap this up and turn out the lights. Full speed ahead.


JudyB, this was truely a fun read on
This last day if 2019. IT REMINDS me
Of those skits on the Carol brunette show, with Carol & Tim and the others
Whose names I can't remember(by the way I did not know Tim passed away this past summer. He was a funny guy
And quit elderly his time had come.
Which reminds me back to leo, the most
Funniest lady I know Of in tn history.
"No worries. Leo has a plan B, we'll find out who this witch is, and break em up". Ok aren't they already broken up? Silly leo.

I hope you're doin better JudyB. You r
Recappin like you are. I Hope your family too.

Ok now back to these end of the year
Train wrecks. I also was thinking that
Babs could have the hots for her hot trainer. What, is she blind? Do not answer that.

Dario is crazy in love with funny girl Leo. He's spending thousands of his or oropeza's dollars on emeralds n czs or diamonds to rest on ber pretty little
Manipulative wrist.I think he's a nut.

I wonder if stefy's good girl covering is about to slip off? She looked kinda
Sinister after she read that lovelorn
Declaration of love seb wrote about his lover jaunaV Alias ("Bonita"). Now
What could silly Leo have up their be-
Jeweled sleave?

Xavi has been morning for 25 years.
So why don't he go and find his lady love? Or give marg a chance. Now quick
Before 2020 comes in.

Thanks JudyB. This was a fun read.

Happy New Year Patio!!


HIJAS: Must leave a comment before reading--

I thought I was back, rarin' to go, but Hijas hasn't moved forward at all. It's the endless Moebius band. You think you're getting somewhere but all you're doing is a loop de loop back to the beginning. (If you want something DIFFERENT, watch on YouTube, The Happy Pear. They are a couple of Irish twin brothers who prepare vegan dishes anyone can whip up. As a matter of fact, my son and I made their Vegan Nut Wellington for Christmas dinner--and we're not a vegan family. It was not only delicious, but quite a presentation piece.)

Ok, back to HIJAS. JuanaVic is the least watchable character and we're forced to as she is the lead. Her scene with Fer made me roll my eyes back so far I was afraid they wouldn't come back. Thank goodness for Dario and Leo for respite.

Kinda tired of JuanaInez's crying, too. What was the Caray Cryin' scale? High numbers good crying or bad crying? Anyway, the needle should also have unbelievable crying.

Now on to the real treat, JudyB's always entertaining recap. What a wonderful New Year's Eve gift. Thanking you in advance.


Hola NINA and ANITA.

NINA, interesting that you should mention Carol Burnett. I do think the actress playing Leonora has taken some of her comedy style from that great artist. I often see Mexican telenovelas using themes and scenes from well-known American movies and TV work. At any rate, Cynthia Klitbo is the bright spot in this one, hands down. Hope she gets a nomination for best supporting actress when the time comes.

ANITA...Thank you for saying that "JuanaVic is the least watchable character and we're forced to as she is the lead." I loathed her overblown antics during the football table game with Fernando. And then felt like an absolute churl for feeling that way. But if my friend Anita is in the same ballpark, all good.

NINA...the situation in my family is unfortunately the same. And will take a long time to resolve. But focusing on writing a recap is a way to exit one's dark and dreary thoughts for a while. I love thinking of ways to amuse my Patio Pals as I write up the resumés of the action. Of course some days work better than others. But when I'm thinking about you, I'm not thinking about me--and those dark thoughts and worries. So it's a breather. And a deeply appreciated one.

Love you all. There are many types of family. My CarayCaray gang is one of the best.

HIJAS - These made my day:

"CRY ME A RIVER...ON SECOND THOUGHT, JUST BUZZ OFF." You take a perfectly heartfelt song title and turn it into fingernails on a blackboard. Kudos for the imagery.

"Steff burbles on to her new bestie that this time she's not going to repeat the mistakes of the past. Their love this time will be more rational, more solid, more concrete and it will last! (sounds more like a building than a romance, but whatever...)" Oh, you hit my nail on the wall, JudyB. For someone who is an aficionada of all things architectural, this one made me stop, look and laugh.

"We get some extended scenes of our lad in just a towel and I have to admit I could care less. Just something unseemly about ogling a fella young enough to be my grandson. And besides, Fernando Colunga he ain't. But hopefully, someone enjoyed that scene." The minute you said Fernando Colunga, it took me right back to MEPS and his tighty-whitey towel scene where his private family jewels showed through. Yowzee. I feel a need coming on to slip that DVD disc in for some REAL ogling.

""But yes, I was in love with Leonora. You know how capricious Love is. It burrows into your heart, your body, your veins, without asking permission!" Okay, seriously. It sounds more like a deadly infection than Love. But whatever. Dario's got it Bad. And that's Good." How do you come up with these comparisons anyway? They just keep getting better and better. Oh, I remember now. One of our more sage recappers (or commenters) posited that the worse the telenovela the better the recaps. You are now up there in the stratosphere with FELS and El Talisman for brilliance.

And to end this fate-ful year, I will echo JudyB--Laughter is the best medicine and hers tastes so good!

OT ?

A belated Happy Birthday to our JudyB!



Nicandro Díaz González Is the producer of this silly show, and he has produced some fairly decent stuff in the past that I have enjoyed. What the heck happened?!?! Massive brain fart? Anything he produces in the future will get the side eye from moi.


Judy, happy birthday! 🎈🎈🎂🎈🎈 <-- birthday cake and balloon emojis in case they don't show up on your screen.


((((Judy))) - Happy belated birthday, dear one.

Happy New Year, all.


Oh no's, ANITA....the dreaded memories of FELS and el Talisman. Making me think of avocados now. Well, can't dispute your conclusions though, we're knee-deep in a real stinker and we're just going to have to hope that the scissors keep on snipping away. As I recall, FELS lasted an eternity...but then again, we had Eduardo Yañez.

ANDY and DORIS...Thanks for the birthday wishes and yes, those emojis came through just fine. Sixty was a great birthday, seventy was meh, eighty is the Apocalypse! Not only am I on the down slope, I'm racing towards the finish line. Still, it's always a good time to remember that wise advice "Every day above ground is a good day."

Happy New Year everybody. And thanks again for checking in.


Hey SUSANLYNN...Thanks for those good vibes. Sending some back to you as well..(((((())))))

Thanks, judy. I need good vibes. I know that I don't comment as much as I used to, but I read the recaps and lurk everyday. Dropping into the patio is always a part of my day. Just Keeping going seems to be a full time job for me. Xoxoxo

First Comment of this decade. Woo Hoo.

JudyB--Happy Belated Birthday Wishes and Happy New Year. Spending 2020 at 80 sounds magical. I'm racing as fast as I can to catch up with you. That big one hits me next Spring.

Doris--Brain fart, indeed. He's just plain farted all over this one. It smells rank.

Susanlynn--You are always in my thoughts and am happy to see a comment from you, even when it's your weather.

Kirby--Woo Hoo to you, too. Are you actually watching this for the story or for the beauties? I can't believe I'm finding poor Estefania the most attractive of all the females. Of course, Leo is in a class by herself.

Hola ANITA. Well, so far 80 feels pretty good. But we'll take it one day at a time! And honestly, not surprised that you are finding "poor Estefania" the most attractive of all the females. She really is quite lovely--a pocket Venus as the Brits say.

Watched Eugenio Derbez' movie No Se Acceptan Devoluciones today and recognized Margarita as his friend in Mexico who had a beachside restaurant. I'd seen the movie before watching Hijas, so it was quite fun to recognize one of the bit players.

Wishing everyone a blessed, bounteous Happy New Year with growing wisdom and kindness as we negotiate another year of stark divisions, both within our country and world wide.


Happy birthday dear Judy. A joyous day then and now.

May all the good you do and the happiness you bestow on others come back a hundred fold.


Diana, may I just say " ditto" to everything that you just wrote about our dear Judy.

Happy belated birthday lovely lady Ms JudyB. May 2020 be a joyous and much happier year For you and your family.

Happy blessed New Year to all of the citizens in caray carayville and this
Amazin patio of foxy ladys & handsome

Hola, I guess everyone's now trying to get back to normal after a month of holiday activities. Frost last night here..30 this morning. Brrrr..harsh winter.

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. And yes, we're knee-deep in Winter, with cold gray days and only the faintest hope of Spring. And yet it does come every year. So hang in there everybody.

Judy, this is quite late but I hope you had a wonderful birthday; and I hope that this new year brings much peace, hope and success to you and your family.

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