Wednesday, January 15, 2020

El Dragón #78, 1/14/20: The Aftermath

We begin a repeat scene of Chisca and Miguel getting shot. Chisca’s last words to Ishiro were about how many children she wants. He relives all their good moments, but Chisca dies in his arms. Ishiro is overcome with grief.

Peligros comes downstairs, sees Chisca then Miguel. He is followed by Adela who is also overcome by seeing Chisca dead. She turns around and sees Miguel lying on the floor, motionless. Jorge is on the phone getting an ambulance. He sees his dead sister and cries. Adela cradles Miguel in her arms trying to get him to wake up. Jorge starts mumbling and it comes out that he was the one who put ePig up to this horrific tragedy. Jorge says something like, “He promised he was only going to get Miguel and no one else!” Ishiro hears this and tries to harm Jorge, but Peligros makes him let go.

Miguel is wheeled into surgery and Adela right beside him before she has to let go so the doctor can take him into the operating room.

Peligros walks back through the Garza mansion with the police. He tells them to do what they need to do. As Rosario’s body is wheeled out, Peligros stops and says to him, “Rosario, you were brave.” He does the sign of the cross. Then he goes over to a crying Jorge and tells him to be quiet.

Carlos Duarte in disguise with a baseball cap and backpack calls his old friend Teofilo and wants his help getting out of the country, but Teofilo refuses. Duarte tells him, “If I fall, then you fall with me. Look I just need to disappear.” So Teofilo tells him that he will make a few calls and then call him back in ½ hour with the plan.  Then Teofilo calls Romero.

Chisca’s body is wheeled out and Ishiro bends down to kiss her. Jorge comes crying and kisses her also asking her forgiveness. He remembers some good times with his sister. Peligros tells Ishiro that if Miguel lives, ePig will soon be coming after him. He advises Ishiro to go to the clinic and take care of himself. As he leaves, he gives a hateful glance at Jorge and says he that he would preferred that he died, not Chisca.

At ePig’s place, he wants to know from Tacho if Mig is dead or alive. Tacho tells him as many bullets as he put into him, he would have to be Superman if he lived. ePig said that Mig has more lives than a cat and just wants to know if he is dead or alive. Tacho says, “I don’t know, I left after Jaramillo was killed.” ePig tells Tacho to listen to the news because if he is dead, it will come out on the news.

Ishiro comes to the hospital as he left the mansion. He’s bleeding and Adela begs him to go get treated and checked out, but he’s not listening to her. He agrees to, but then tells her that when ePig finds out that Miguel is still alive, he will be back.

Duarte is on the phone with Teofilo who is giving him instructions on where to go.

A police detective talks with Peligros and wonders how this house could have been invaded like this with so much security. They argue about what Peligros saw or didn’t see. But Peligros is not giving out any information.

The Garza mansion, now a crime scene, [I have no idea why Jorge or anyone else except police and the coroner should be there. Normally crime scenes must be evacuated because it could be tampered with.] Jorge sees a gun on the floor, picks it up and runs.

Jimena listens to the news at home and is on her way out of the country with Miguel’s money.

Jorge goes back to ePig’s place with gun in hand. He shoots the gate and looks for ePig, but he is not to be found.

The doctor comes out with news about Miguel and says he is alive, was able to remove the bullets, but will need to be in intensive care. Ishiro says that is too dangerous and they will need an entire floor to themselves because of security. They say that they can pay for it. Adela asks for the truth, “Are you going to be able to save him?” But the doctor says, “I cannot say. Right now, he’s in God’s hands.”

Carmen, Tacho, and ePig watch the news together and realize that Miguel is still alive, but in critical condition. Tacho holds up his gun and says he will take care of things.

Carlos, now with Telofilo on an apartment rooftop somewhere, wonders what they are doing there. Then Romero shows up and Carlos wants to know the plan. They proceed to tell him about his crimes and bring out the gun that Carlos used. Carlos gets very angry tells them they are going to regret what they did. Teofilo tells Carlos he is FINISHED, but Carlos grabs the gun and tries to shoot. Surprise, the gun is empty and there are no bullets. They both psych him out and tell him that the police are on their way. (Sirens are heard it the background.) Carlos is now in a full panic and jumps up on the wall while the other two are telling him that he will spend his life in prison. As he is on the wall in a panic, he falls backward to his death on the ground. Both Telofilo and Romero look down and say, “Well he sure believed the police were coming. And looks like he got his last wish, he disappeared.”

At Flaco’s place, Peligros breaks the news to Flaco and Trejo about Miguel’s injuries and Chisca’s death. But what Peligros want to know now is where is Jimena? He needs to find her. Trejo says that will be impossible because he mobile phone seems to be out of the area. Flaco says that he believes that Jimena is a traitor. Peligros wants to know if there is any way to track her, so Flaco goes to the computer to see what he can find out. At the same time, Peligros’s phone rings and it’s Dora. He gives her the sad news that Chisca is dead and so is Rosario. Dora becomes angry and tells him that’s it’s all his fault since he was in charge of security. Finally he tells her what Jorge did, bringing down the whole security system there leaving them open to attack. “The boy is very regretful now, but it’s too late already.” She asks where Jorge is now, but Peli says he has disappeared. Dora asks Peligros to find Jorge and tells him it’s a priority.

Miguel is wheeled into a room with his oxygen and machines. He wakes up and he asks about Chisca, asking if he she is dead. He can hardly contain his own grief.

Edna gets to the place where Carlos fell and says she wished she could have taken him in. She asks about Miguel and her co-partner (don’t know his name) says that he is out of surgery at the hospital. Unfortunately, no one in the Garza household says they know anything. They believe Epigmenio Moncada is responsible and they want to catch him.

Peligros finds Jorge at Kenia’s grave. He remembers Ishiro’s words and put the gun up to his mouth, but Peligros stops him. Pelio hugs Jorge and tells him he is not alone.

Mauricio comes to Edna’s office wanting to know about Carlos. She gets serious and tells him that his name was among Carlos’s dirty business. Edna is angry and says she has the goods on him, then orders him to leave her office.

Claudia and another reporter talk to Teofilo after what happened with Duarte to ask his opinion on what happened. All Teofilo would say is that he’s sorry it happened and the corruption that Duarte was involved in seems to have led him down this desperate path.

Edna talks with Gary in her office and says she has investigated Carlos Duarte’s business dealing and they do not cross over with Miguel or the Naga company. As she talks, she’s turning pictures down of herself with Mauricio. Edna says that when Miguel recovers, she is going to question him. [Good luck with that one.]

Tacho comes to the hospital armed with his gun. [What, no armed security outside the hospital and no one on the lookout for Tacho?]

Ishiro is in Miguel’s room, but he is starting to hallucinate and thinks he is seeing Chisca. He kisses her and she says, “I’m alive, here I am.” He tells her he cannot live without her. Then his vision fades and he says an injured and bloody, dying Chisca. Adela finds him and he has blood all over his hands and collapses on the floor.

Flaco has found out that Jimena took millions of DOLLARS, not pesos from Miguel. She is on her way to the Cayman Islands. Trejo goes nutty, saying that he doesn’t blame her for doing that and if he had the opportunity, he would have done the same. He yells at Flaco, telling him they are like the last musicians on the sinking Titanic and they would both do well to jump out now instead of working in this rat’s hole. Then Flaco starts talking very sensible giving good advice about what they should do. Flaco says he trusts Miguel and that if they just hold and wait things out, they will survive and come out ahead. He asks Trejo if he wants to live the way Jimena is going to, always looking over her shoulder to see if Miguel has come after her. Trejo calms down and Flaco tells him he’s been on a bad trip. Now go have some orange juice.

The doctor has taken care of Ishiro, but Ishiro is not very cooperative and keeps wanting to get up. The doctors tells him he cannot get up because he has bad infection, but Ishiro keeps fighting to get up. Adela walks in and Ishiro begs her to call Peligros to keep watch over Miguel. She tells him there is a police officer stationed outside.

Peligros brings Jorge home and Jorge goes to his room. He puts the gun to his mouth again, but Dora finds him and stops him from pulling the trigger. She tells him that he is the son she never had and that she is going to take him to the Cuidad Jimenez ranch and there is where they will bury Chisca, next to their grandfather.

Tacho finds the police officer stationed outside Mig’s room takes him at gunpoint and offers him money. Adela comes down the hallway and notices he’s missing. She begins to try to wheel Miguel out. But here comes Tacho dressed like the police. [I have no idea how this guy does not stick out like a sore thumb.] Next we see Tacho dressed in scrubs and a white mask. Meanwhile Adela is trying to move Mig’s bed to hide him. But Tacho finds her and he pulls out his gun. Peligros is right behind starts to take care of Tacho. It appears at first that Tacho is winning the fight with Peligros, but he gets back up and starts swinging at him. Tacho pulls out the gun, they struggle with it. The gun goes off and they both fall to the floor. Which one is shot?



You did such great justice to an action packed episode!

Well in this episode, I was able to mark off just a couple of my "Wish List" items:

* Edna socked it to her sleazy, lying, corrupt, traitor husband; and we saw her put the weasel down. Score #1 for the girls!

* Carlos Duarte's demise was such a surprise! The mere thought of going to jail, sent him flying off the roof (I bet he peed in his pants first); and his political enemies were there to make it happen and enjoy his flight!

Adela shows her smarts and women's intuition by wheeling Miguel out of his room as quickly as her puny body would allow — unfortunately, it wasn't fast enough to prevent Tacho from intercepting her. Score #2 for the girls! OMG, I just hope my hero Peligros is the one who survives. Please, oh please.

So did Kenia wipe the USB clean of all Naga Company's dealings with Carlos Duarte and any other illicit business dealings? Man, where did she find the time? Well I guess I'd have to give her credit here so, Score #3 for the girls!

So clue me in, as always, does this leave Edna (and Howard) with anything for which she might be able to prosecute Miguel???? It's hard to keep track of all Miguel's illegal activities for which he might be prosecuted.

Will the writers leave us with the stupid assumption that Miguel finds the solution to the Efilina formula, keeps producing and selling it, and the world is a happier place?

I do wish the writers had shown Hector reporting live — over Duarte's smashed body.

Amazing work by the wardrobe department where the blood from Ishiro's shoulder wound didn't dilute his painted-on tattoos.

Jorge's wimpiness just made me sick, sick, sick. No balls whatsoever!!!! And Dora is going to take Chisca back to Cuidad Juárez to be buried next to Don Lamberto, the guy that paid to have his son, their father, murdered????

Score #4 for the girls would be Chisca's sharpshooter skills in putting a bullet right into the heart of Jaramillo with one shot!

It's hard to guess how this might end so that a 3rd season might be possible.


Cynthia: Good Job on the recap. Damn shame about Chisca dying RIP.

Victoria: I had a feeling Duarte wasn't going to be among the living. I did laugh as he got cornered & fell to his death.

Jorge is still an IDIOT. He's picking up where Kenia left off: being a snitch.

Cynthia, great work thank you.

Victoria, um..can I just copy and paste your entire comment and post it as mine? Would anybody notice? I agree a hundred percent on everything you wrote. There are two databases Edna got hold of, one from Aw Heck! and the one from Kenia. We saw Hector removing all the Garza stuff, but I can not recall any thing having to do with Kenia cleaning the stuff she stole from Flaco's virgin. Another mystery, or maybe Mr. Flaco was ahead of everyone.

And Dora the Hora comes flittering back in to console her Jorgito. If the blubbering idiot had not already confessed, she would hide this secret for the REST of her miserable bleached blonde stripper life.

These jerk writers seem to believe their show is so unappealing, that without a life or death cliffhanger at the end of every night we might not even watch the next yuckisode?
Why else have our hero Peli slump onto the floor accompanying a discarded taco go stale? Is he like that unopened pack of taco sauce you throw away by mistake?

As much as I love our little Adela, she just got on my last nerve. Scampering along with the crash cart yapping, "Is he going to be fine?" ETC. ETC. I wanted them to taser her just to get her out of the friggin way. Get BACK, we have work to do here chick. It's Not Shake'en Bake and you are NOT going to help.

I wonder, did Ishiro have an Epiphany about assassinating people? If he didn't, all that ink has affected his brain.

RIP Chisca, you really did not deserve to live, but the last one percent of your life, you had improved a tad thanks to Ishiro. Say Hi to Adrianna.

So did Jimenema get clean away with it? She looks to be Zoom...gone. But when will she ditch this latest BF/ Victim? Will she keep him around for sacrificial bait for when Mig and company come looking for her?

Did anyone else notice the first time we saw Edna last night, her uncustomary bright red lipstick and more (Ringo) Gloria-ish makeup? Looked like she ran onto Dragon from Ringo and changed into Edna hair but had her Glori face still painted on.


Great work, Cynthia. I suspect that the remaining episodes are going to be like this one and.... the finale is on my watch. Oy.

I still want to know how long it took the makeup department to paint those tattoos on this actor. And I hate Edna's hair.

Of course we now need to figure out whether Jorge will eventually off himself or whether Dora will do it. I'm not buying what she's trying to sell him.

Ohhhh Urban, great idea about Dora. She could redeem herself by offing Jorgito, if she tortures him some in the process. Or maybe the old standby favored by Catalina Creel, just take out his tongue, as he has spells of not using it anyway.

Cynthia, thank you for a recap of all the falling anvils. Yikes.

So....Mig is still holding on as everyone in his orbit is dropping like like flies. Are he and Adela going to ride off into the sunset at the finale ? Uff

I am hoping that the next show has less violence and bloodshed. I can hold can't I ?

Urban, I am wondering if those tattoos are on some kind of plastic wrap or something that they put on and take off the actors body.

That sounds like a good solution to this. Still must be uncomfortable as hell.

Hero?..Flaco...brains...drink your orange juice, Shelby.

Please DONT let Peligros die...

Edna’s husband needs a real marital disloyal type of anvil......

Thnk for great recapping, Cynthia.

Thank you, Cynthia. I know you were dreading recapping all the aftermath, but you did an excellent job.

I want to copy Victoria's comment too..along with Kirby's. Just want to add one more thing. Was it just me or were those hospital scenes with Taco Boy confusing...sometimes much activity; other times totally empty. The "oficial" was supposed to be on Mig's private floor, yet when Taco approached him, there was a lot of activity going on. BTW, is it that easy to clear an entire hospital floor in Mexico? It would have been interesting to see all the other patients being wheeled out caravan style.

Thank you everyone. Yes, I was dreading doing this recap but it ended up not being that bad.

This of course is my last recap for this TN and I’ve enjoyed the patio more than I have the TN series. I love Sebastian Rulli and that is probably the only reason I stayed with the show, besides my commitment to recap. It’s been quite an interesting show, with too many characters going a million different directions. It was a little difficult to keep up with all the different characters coming in and out.

Chickie, yes those hospital scenes were confusing. I agree, it was hard to sort out. One scene had a lot of activity and another, the floor was empty.

Susanlynn, I am hoping for less violence in the upcoming shows, except for when it comes to ePig, Mrs. Pig, and Taco. I hope they have horrible deaths as they deserve it. Carmen is not much better than her husband. They are all just plain evil. Can’t wait for February 15th with you. And you know what that means! 

Kirby, I agree. Why does each episode have to be a cliffhanger? And agree on Dora with Jorge. She’s only been enabling him all this time to keep her secret. Is a stripper the same as an exotic dancer? Didn’t you say that her next job should be in a retirement home? LOL! Also, I think that Jimena will get her just due running off with Mig’s money. Maybe Howard or Edna will send an arrest warrant to the Cayman Islands.

Victoria, I was so glad that Edna read her lying, cheating husband the riot act and called him out for all his dirty business. Yay!

Urban, I guess you will be honored with the finale. I saw that next Monday is the last episode. I think that Jorge should be committed to a mental hospital. He is so totally bonkers.


I hopeo there is more to Edna discovering what a rotten weasel she is married to than just "I'm mad at you and you are cut off for a week."

Not only did Mauricio betray her trust, and called her a miserable hag (what he thought was) behind her back, additionally he interfered with law enforcement and judicial process and undermined her ability to do her job.

And ya know, before tonight's yuckisode, I am still curious why Ishiro needed to verify Chisca's not to be fulfilled family plans as she lie dying in his arms.

While I don't think he needed to go: "Look, I've killed a shitload of people and watched them die, and I can tell by looking, you're a goner Chis."

That would have been maybe painfully truthful, but how many kids, and what gender? I was thinking something like I love you, Shhhh...don't talk, and here, let me try to cover some of these holes.

Thank you, Cynthia, for this and all the other recaps. The carnage is as expected from this show, but disappointing nevertheless.

Duarte threw his new cell phone packaging on the ground. We can add littering to his list of crimes.

Kirby: Big question is whether Edna & Gary will end up together in the end ?

Nope. Mauricio has burned Edna on men in general.

Kirby: Let me get this straight:

1.) Miguel, Chisca & Jorge's Daddy was the original Fredo who tried to launch a coup against Don Lamberto.

2.) The coup attempt backfired which resulted in his Mommy getting whacked.

3.) Don Lamberto finds out about his son's plot against him: retaliates by having him whacked along with his wife.

Jorge has the Fredo genes & probably sucking his thumb over Kenia the Snitch, who had it coming.

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