Thursday, April 09, 2020

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Cennet, La Doña 2, Operación Pacífico, y más: Week of April 6, 2020


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 8-9PM -     Cennet
  • 9-10PM -   La Doña 2
  • 10-11PM - Operación Pacífico
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Well, we're in últimas semanas.

I'm not quite sure what José Luis's motives are in asking Romelia to move in with him, and even bring her nieces. He really doesn't seem to care for her, and it's hard to see why he'd invite her to move in just for the sex. Is it simply because she helped Lucho when no one else would? I keep thinking there's got to be a more selfish ulterior motive, but I can't think of one.

Well, Lucho does seem to have won Diego over. Sigh.

I rather liked the part of the episode where Adolfo was lecturing about psychopaths and the novela kept moving back and forth between what Adolfo was saying and what Lucho was doing, Lucho's behavior illustrating the points Adolfo was making.

I wonder whether the woman Lucho tried to suffocate with a plastic bag will turn out to be alive. She was apparently alive when Lucho put her in the trunk of a car. Diego heard her kick the trunk to attract attention. Lucho then shot once into the trunk, but it's not clear that the bullet hit her. I guess we'll see. Or not.

It will be interesting to see whether Felina can weasel her way out of the money laundering accusations made by the tax guys.

"LA Dona 2":

1.) Safe to say the woman in the trunk is DEAD.

2.) Not shocked about Diego being influenced by Lucho.

3.) Jose Luis has ulterior motives. Romelia better watch her back!

4.) Whatever happened to Daniela & Lopez ?

5.) Is Regina still helping out Altagracia ?

6.) Braulio still wants Altagracia DEAD.


"Operación pacífico", hmm, with the corona update on Mondays replacing this show, it looks like next Friday will be the end, that would be 44 of the originally announced 60 episodes. People en Español has had no words yet from Telemundo.

in the gossip column, Cynthia Alesco (Lupe) and Mark Tacher (Pedraza) are getting a divorce, what?


La dona 2. Did Lucho kill (or try to kill) that woman in the rural area because she recognized him or because she more or less matched the physical type of his other victims, or both? How will Diego react to Lucho's shooting into the trunk where there was pretty obviously a living human? Whatever. Hope it doesn't take long to resolve.


Rats! I suppose the ratings weren't what they wanted and instead they're going to show scenes from Reina2 that weren't good enough to show the first time around, maybe bloopers.


novelera, when they made LRDS2 I think they put together a "special edition" which was a shortened version, I think this is what they will be showing.

that was quite the action show on Wed., I lost track of how many people Pedraza shot getting the AG out of that building.

I guess journalist Susana wasn't a photo journalist or she could have just taken a pic of Vargas with her phone rather than trying to get the camera, RIP.

and mild mannered american businessman Jones cracks me up, now he doesn't shoot Joaquin because he would have to kill Guapo, why do we want to save this guy again?

so the ranch is too well guarded but Lorena tells of when they come to town for supplies they stop by the bar for booze.

did Lorena say she was working in this cat house under orders of General Lopez, what is the rest of that story?



SpanProf, I think Lucho tried to kill the woman because she looked as if she recognized him. When I saw the look on her face when she saw him, I thought "uh oh."I don't think she was really the type he preferred for his victims. Also, Lucho told Diego that what he heard from the trunk was probably an animal, and he then fired once into the trunk. It's not at all clear that the shot hit or killed the woman, though it's certainly possible that it did. Lucho got Diego to come away from the scene, so Diego may not have realized what Lucho had done, especially since Diego seems to have left half his brain behind in some earlier episodes.


deb, I listened to what Kate del Castillo said on the announcement about the upcoming La Reina del Sur show. She said that it was things that had never been shown before, so that gave me the impression that it was not a shortened version of the whole story.


Random thoughts, not a true recap:

Pedraza killed about 20 guys getting the fiscal out. I laughed when the guy said with a grin that he wasn't authorized to carry a firearm because he was suspended.

Susana tricked her poor, downtrodden assistant into putting the video up that Ángel recorded while with Fiscal Matamoros. Vargas then called Solano, who runs out and is seen by Paula and Amalia.

I guess Enrique/Joaquin and EG thought they just had a blowout and didn't know that Jones shot out the tire. I know Jones was not happy he could not kill Enrique/Joaquin because that was his plan: avenge the "death" of Rene.

Susana took something out of the camera and put it into a car (her car, random car??) before she was killed.

Lorenzo figures out that these guys holding them aren't bodyguards because their mother would never let those guys order them pizza and sodas! The kids try to escape, but Matias was hurt jumping. Hope they make it.

Amalia rightly castigates herself for limiting the number of bodyguards. Vargas shot the real two guys.

Amalia is prepared to give herself up. She has a tracker in her shoe. Lopez tells her he won't follow her, but as soon as she leaves he breaks his word.

La dona 2. Yep, Juanita, Lucho would have to be pretty dumb to believe that there was an animal trapped in the car trunk. Btw, what happened to Lucho's very fake looking blonde hair? Don't production companies have continuity employees while they're filming? Interesting how the interspersed Adolfo's talk on psychopaths with the psychopathic things Lucho was doing simultaneously.

La dona 2. Or was a scene of Lucho's dyeing his hair back to its natural color cut?



Lorenzo and Matias (Amalia’s boys) have gotten away after jumping from a pretty good height. They yell at the window of an older woman, who lets them in. When the baddies bang on her front door, she hides them in a sideboard. She shoots one of the guys through the door but the other gets in and shoots her.

Vargas discovers that the memory card that was in the camera is missing. [I love to see Vargas go nuts with frustration.]

Rojas and Gaitán find out that Susana was killed and correctly assume it was Vargas.

Amalia goes alone (she thinks) to the place she’s to meet the ones who have the boys. We see that the boys are safe and with Jorge, being examined in the hospital. Jorge texts Amalia that he has the boys, and she begins shooting at the bad guys, along with Lopez and some of his cops.

The woman who let the boys into her house is not dead and is being treated in the same room as the boys. Mati has a slight fracture that should heal in 2 weeks.

In Mexico Fiscal Valdez (the one Pedraza saved by shooting dozens of baddies) has shown up at the Big Snake’s house (thanks for that, deb). Valdez calls him Don Ignacio. Big Snake refers to the scandal of his son-in-law, but doesn’t understand why someone as important as Valdez has come himself to search the place. Looks like Big Snake may recognize Ped from when he came pretending to be a repairman.

Lorena, the madame of this joint in Santander province, helps Jones get into the back of a truck that is bringing deliveries to Enrique’s place.

Lupe is able to get her car traced to the parking garage where Susana died. We see that the memory card is still on the passenger seat.

Amalia sends Jorge and the boys to the US.

Ped is at the airport to comfort Amalia after she sees her children off. Presumably Jones told Ped on that call Ped received at Big Snake’s house that EG is in Colombia.

EG tells Enrique that he has other plans for Mariana other than using her as bait to get Amalia to exchange herself.

Jones sees Mariana through binoculars at Enrique’s place. Some guy puts a gun to his head, but he overpowers him and, I think, snapped his neck. Jones sees a young, scared guy who runs off.

Matamoros shoots himself.

The boy Jones saw in the bushes shows up at the bar. Jones threatens him. We discover that the boy is in love with a young girl there, presumably a prostitute. He buys 5 hours of her time.

Lopez tells Amalia he will delay letting the chain of command know that EG is in Colombia so as to allow an opportunity to rescue Mariana [Hmmm. Maybe a waste of resources.]

Enrique shows up at the bar to drag that young man (Diego) out of bed with Crystal, the one he loves. There’s a standoff when Jones tries to interfere, but Enrique eventually takes the boy.

Luis Ángel is grieving Susana. Vargas told Solano to find him. [I think we can guess what he plans.] Solano injects Luis in the neck and drags him away.

EG explains the importance of Diego to Enrique. Diego is some kind of prodigy. He figured out a way to synthesize the drug in carbon [don’t understand this, but that’s what he said]. EG could increase his shipments from 5 tons to thousands of tons. EG explains that Diego was found as a boy in Pittsburgh. He had been with a drug addicted mother as a baby. Diego is a genius. EG sent him to MIT, Stanford, and Princeton. He got degrees in physics, chemistry and biology. EG raised him like a son.

Jones is able to see Lorena’s texts sent by Enrique. Enrique wants to buy Crystal.


SpanProf, I don't think the hair color change was cut. In Thursday's episode (I think) Diego asks Lucho about his changed hair color, and Lucho says something like "I wanted to stop pretending to be someone I'm not." So we see that Diego too is surprised. Lucho's response is clever, since it speaks directly to Diego's concerns at the same time that it again shows Lucho to be a consummate liar.

Pacifico, thurs.

wow, novelera, that was a great recap!

but we never got to see what happened to the Big Snake, they didn't even seem to find anything, but now he has eyes on Pedraza.

the headlines on Matamoros were, "se le moja la canoa".

I haven't seen the neck injections used so much since "Santa Diabla", does anyone really do that?

and how many times now has mild mannered Jones been on stakeout when someone puts a gun to his head?

Diego is an interesting twist and seems to get along with Jones, and Guapo's philosophy telling Joaquin, that they can achieve more by motivating him, rather than with threats.

yep, Lorena is fed up with Jones antics leaving him in their room, forbidding him to go out that night, but oops, she left her phone there, not sure how he unlocked it, is there a app for that?

so was he asking Joaquin for a million for Bibiana/Crystal


La dona 2. Yep, Juanita, either it was cut, or I was in the bathroom or kitchen when that brief exchange took place. And ah ha! The woman in the trunk survived! Could that finally help to capture Lucho? I think they'v only got a couple of weeks to do that now. (Let's hope) I knew as soon as Regina got faint in Altagracia's office that she was probably pregnant--didn't even need the at-home test to prove it. After all, I have been observing Novelaland for a long time! Florencia was the perfect person for her to talk to about it. Now, does this mean that Daniel is more likely or less likely to survive that confrontation in the bar?

La Dona 2

Where are they actually going with the Diego and Lucho storyline. Is it going to be more intro focus for season 3 (I think it got confirmed). Yet I struggle to see how both of them survive the season.

They're cutting scenes of them out as apparently a scene that didn't even air was shown on the previously section.

The actors who play Lucho / Diego also supporting the fans "shipping" them. Yet its been strongly hinted it will end badly. It's just so confusing where it will all lead towards.

Hoe Diego gets a good ending but it's looking like he will be thrown to the wolves by either Lucho / Braulio soon enough considering the writing.


I think Big Snake has his involvement in drugs so well hidden that we can assume that the search warrant Valdez brought turned up nothing. No charges.

Jones somehow put his phone together with Lorena's and it opened. Must be a CIA thing.

I always get confused (and frustrated) by plot elements revealed by texts on a cell phone. My TV is not huge because I insist that it fit inside my lovely pine entertainment center. So novelera gets up from the couch and approaches the TV, remote in hand, to see what in blazes is on the phone.

I gathered that Enrique asked: what do you mean by huge? And then either Jones mentioned a million dollars for Crystal or Enrique offered it voluntarily. I wasn't able to tell which of them came up with that number, especially since I do not text myself. After all, if Diego is like a son to EG and is able to chemically hide drugs, this would be like a payment from petty cash for EG.


DIEGO IS NOT IN HIS RIGHT MIND ...HE IS ANOTHER GAY BETA MALE, SO THIRSTY for companionship, that he rides with a psycho.. and being dominated!!

what next chapter of this...mess and I like AG, but the theme is crazy..



Novelera: I'm assuming this upcoming Friday will be the Gran Final of this Telenovela ?

SpanProf: I'm surprised the ratings weren't improving.

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