Monday, October 26, 2020

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Médicos: Linea de Vida & Dulce Ambición - Week of Oct. 26, 2020

 Greetings, Caraymates!


Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. Buckle your seat belts or tighten those reins, “Médicos: Linea de Vida” is in its “última semana” and it’s gonna be a nail-bitin’ 5 days. Lila has done an unbelievably outstanding job at keeping us smiling, talking, snarking and ranting. She forges on like a true “Warhorse!”. If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNs, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8PM  - Médicos: Linea de Vida (Última Semana!!) Gran Final will be on Nov. 2nd

10PM – Dulce Ambición

Coming Nov. 9th at 8 PM -- Vencer el Desamor

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “MÉDICOS”.)


Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Hang on, Peeps! It's a-comin'!

Hi Lila.

All day meetings today and rest of week so look forward to reading this later today!


MÉDICOS #72, 10-26-2020

Buenos! Buenos, Peeps! I hope and pray that you and everyone you love and who loves you is safe and well! Thanks for rocking the Patio this weekend! My Peeps who don’t say a peep: you are always welcome as well! It makes me feel good if you got a laugh, or understood the story better, or got even a tiny little escape; that’s great and I’m happy! I’m going to try to do more of a summary without a lot of dialogue: Y’all know the drill! YOU can fill in any dialogue, action, favorite scene, fuss, cuss, rant….Vamanos!

Phew! David didn’t cave to Ana’s full frontal assault, telling her she is misinterpreting things! She wants to show him she’s the woman he needs! She knows Regina hurt him, but she’s the ONLY ONE who can make him forget her! If you recorded this, freeze the frame right after Ana said this. David’s face says it all: he’s been down that road and he’s done! At work later in the day, Ana is undeterred. She brings David a coffee and tells him she’s got some files on past purchases Rene made (under the Lara administration). David perks up…..until she says they can review them at her house, or his. After she leaves, his expression is one of dismay. He knows it will be another night of fending off Ana’s “charms.” [Peeps, please read Hellashelle’s analysis of the role of the “romantic other” vs. the “villain” in vying for the charms of the alpha couple and the gender role reversal dynamic going on with Ana and Dave. It helped calm my ranting to have the formulaic nature of the novela reinforced in such specific terms. Thanks, Hellashelle!]

Luz is soldiering on despite the devasting blow of Miguel’s announcing his filing for divorce and moving out with their Daughter to an unknown location in one fell swoop! Luz’s agony is evident and Regina and Cinthia offer her a listening ear and encouragement. They both remind her what a strong and resourceful woman she is: look how she helps so many people! In some ways this magnifies the pain that Luz couldn’t do for herself what she does for so many others. This is a theme throughout our story and key in the work-family life balance. This was Gonzalo’s lament and, painfully, that of Luis who “couldn’t save his own son.” Regina and Cinthia insist she WILL bring this strength to bear and fight for her family! Cinthia shares her perspective as someone who thought her Father was never around: children don’t often understand the sacrifices their Parents make for them. Cinthia encourages Luz to make the first step and assures her Caro will respond!

Well, here are our new besties! The Guerreros and The Castillos having breakfast together! Andres wants to know how Cinthia is doing with the new multi million peso orthopedic grab bag Big Daddy gifted her with! Oh, just marvelously! Cinthia is such a WONDERful Doctor! Andres is uncharacteristically casual this morning. Oh! He plays tennis and invites Rene to join him! Rene begs off; yes, he knows he’s the Boss but he wants a little more time under his belt as Director before he goes gallivanting to the courts! Rene and Andres agree to make it some other time and both depart. Pat and Connie continue their breakfast and we leave as Connie chortles with sparkling eyes about THE GIFT Rene gave her last night! Ooooooo!


MÉDICOS #72, 10-26-2020

Cinthia reviews a big ole shipping crate of her orthopedic goodies. Detective Dave stops by and asks her about whether she has used or sees a need for these prosthetic knee devices. Cinthia says there is a high demand for knee replacement surgery but these new prosthetics are supposed to be superior but are not that different than the ones she’s using now. Cinthia tells him her Parents probably asked Rene to buy them. What’s his concern? David tells her he’s looking into excessive spending by Rene in an effort to help Gonzalo. David shares his strong suspicion that the chemo drugs in Aurora’s room was orchestrated by Rene; if he’s done that, he’s done much more and they need as much evidence against him as they can get to secure Gonzalo’s return as Director. Cinthia is on board and pledges her support!

Cinthia gets an urgent call from Patricia! Andres has busted his knee playing tennis! Andres manages to insert contempt between painful gasps as he rejects going to that place, the Instituto, he’s got rocks and can go get to the best care from Dr. Valero in a private hospital! Andres even asks why Patricia called Cinthia! Andres is stubborn and Cinthia ends the call in frustration! Later, Rafa seeks to comfort Cinthia who is sulking in a lower bunk in the common room. Cinthia feels really badly about her Papa’s injury and is hurt he didn’t want to come to the Instituto where she practices. She thought he would change being a Patronato and would understand and respect her work more, but she was wrong! What kind of Dr. is she if her own Papa doesn’t trust her? Just the best damned Orthopedic Surgeon Rafa knows and it’s just a shame her Papa can’t see that! He tells her to never doubt herself; he’s worked with a lot of Doctors in surgery and there is NONE like her! Rafa lifts her out of her funk with tickles and Cinthia rewards him with giggles and her sweet smile! Later Pat calls Cinthia back and asks her to please come to the hospital to help her understand Andres treatment plan and all the medical stuff she’s being told! Cinthia agrees.

Rene rags Luz then Pam about “the addict’s” hospital bill. Both yell at him and insist they call her by her name, Carmen Jimenez! Rene flaps the bill in Pam’s face demanding she take responsibility. Pam snatches the bill from Rene and tells him she will but NOT because he demanded but because that’s her Mother! Pam stomps off leaving Rene adding puzzled to his goofy expression!

Marco sees a patient in the OPC who apparently has a bowel obstruction. David confirms the diagnosis and they rush into emergency surgery. Before beginning the surgery Marco is able to recite to David what he needs to do and how he plans to precede. The surgery begins; David guides Marco when needed. Marco actually says he knows what he’s doing and resists David’s instruction! David continues to instruct Marco to be calm, focused and directs him exactly what to do. Long story short, Marco freezes and fumbles and hits an artery, sending a stream of bright red blood into David’s face! David has to hold the point of arterial upture to prevent the patient from bleeding to death while Marco completes removal of the dead intestinal tissue and fixes the rupture. Once the surgery is over, Marco runs from the room and throws up in the sink! After the surgery David gives him an instructive chewing out! David tells him he has got to take care of people like they are his own family! “You think you know everything; all I see is a spoiled, arrogant child!” Add anything here you wish, Peeps. The fear and tension of the nearly disastrous surgery and the truth David speaks breaks Marco down to tears!


MÉDICOS #72, 10-26-2020

Later, Art finds a near broken Marco in the common room and plays the role of supportive counselor. Marco tells him he nearly killed a patient in surgery! When asked he says he was operating under David’s instruction. Art says David is strict but he left out an important point. Saving a live is an act of love; medicine is a vocation, not a business. He gives Marco good advice: find out what HE wants to do. Does he really want to be a plastic surgeon? No, it’s the only way he can get his Dad’s economic support because Esteban will only support him if he goes into a medical practice that brings in the BIG PESOS! Art tells him this experience will serve to strengthen his character. Marco feels better; he thought he would never be able to go into a surgical suite again without freezing or making a similar deadly mistake! I think Marco also told Art he felt David let him do the surgery so he, Marco, could demonstrate that he didn’t know what he was doing! Marco thanks Art; what Art is telling him is different than what Dr. Paredes told him. Art is not surprised. If he wants to be a surgeon, he’s got to study and put in the hours to gain the security that he can do any procedure. That’s why Doctors don’t have a life: it is time consuming but there is nothing more gratifying than saving a life but first Marco must find out what he really wants to do with his life!

Luis examines Flor; she is doing well and can soon go home. Flor and her Mom shower him with heartfelt praise! Flor thanks him for keeping his promise to find and give her a new heart. Luis declares he will continue to heal children in the name of his beloved cachorro! (his “pup”, Gabriel!) AWWWWW!

Ana stops by the ER to jerk Regina’s chain. It is a prolonged and annoying scene; amplify if you wish. Essentially Ana childishly taunts Regina offering a fake truce and thanking her for firing David: she initially was angry about that but soon realized it was the best thing ever! Ana and David were having dinner together and trying to think of ways to help Regina and came up with the idea of the ventilator! She actually follows Regina around, smiling and sniping at a tight-jawed, tense/sad Regina. Finally satisfied that she’s dragged her around enough she bids her to enjoy the ventilator and leaves with a victorious smile!


MÉDICOS #72, 10-26-2020 END

Daniel dumps Clara in the common room after she brings him a big fat piece of chocolate cake and a declaration that she’s falling in love with him! Daniel asks her to sit down on the couch and tells her it’s not her; it’s him; he doesn’t feel the same as her and can’t reciprocate. Clara is shocked and bursts into tears, fairly running from the common room! Daniel follows her. He doesn’t want her to be hurt! Clara tearfully tells him he’s just like all the other Doctors who just want to use the Nurses and play with their emotions! I don’t think he had a comeback? Did y’all hear any!

Let’s counter this disappointment with something heartwarming! Before heading to the hospital, Felipe chats with his Dad who is holding a bright red ribbon-wrapped box. Felipe beams his appreciation for the joy Gonzalo has brought his Mom; it is clear to Felipe that Gonzalo still loves her very, very much! Arriving at the hospital, Gonzalo woos and soothes his beloved Aurora, allays her fears and helps her to see the possibility of a future surrounded by his love, enjoying days just as fulfilling as the past two she has spent with him and Felipe! They repeat each other’s entreaties of forgiveness for the past and Gonzalo declares that she always has been and IS The Love of His Life! In the face of such overwhelming, unflagging and proven love and devotion, Aurora agrees to resume treatment! Aurora also urges Gonzalo to fight for his passion, his position as Director! The two report to the Instituto and give Regina the good news!

Finally, Connie stops by the Instituto after her eventful morning of breakfast with the Guerreros and supporting them through Andres’ unexpected trip to the ER. Marta tells Connie her husband is busy; he’s been in his office a long time. With whom? Nurse Navarro. Since Connie has always been so good to her, she’ll make an exception to no interruption policy and slips the key to Connie. Connie opens the door and we are all greeted with the disgusting view of Rene pawing and sucking Mireya’s face, their clothes disheveled! Connie’s jaw drops and we see diminutive Marta at the doorway taking in an eye full. “What an imbecile you are!” Connie spits at the shocked, dirty duo! BUSTED!!!



[Peeps, please read Hellashelle’s analysis of the role of the “romantic other” vs. the “villain” in vying for the charms of the alpha couple and the gender role reversal dynamic going on with Ana and Dave. It helped calm my ranting to have the formulaic nature of the novela reinforced in such specific terms. Thanks, Hellashelle!]

This in page two, week of October 19 in Sunday's comments, kinda near the end of Sunday comments.


Regina and Cinthia's support were offered in separate conversations with Luz.

Cinthia had stopped by to consult with Luz on what help could be offered to a patient of hers to pay for an operation and orthopedic prosthetics.


Thank you, Lila! You made this episode so much more satisfying. I found it to be slow-paced up until Connie walked in on the Nasty pair, but reading it through your perspective and with your sides intermingled gave it that "UMPHH" it needed.

It was nice to see Gonzalo being so loving that he convinced Aurora to go for the treatment. This is one of the couples I am rooting for.

I enjoyed David tearing into Marco, but thought that Art did a better job at talking it out with him. Yeah, I actually liked something that Art doesn't happen very often, but it happens.

Why does Regina allow Ana to talk so much. All she has to do is walk away and leave Ana talking to herself.

So much for thinking that Cinthia's dad was actually trying to be supportive. His refusal to allow her to treat him said volumes.


Oh I forgot to mention Luz. For some reason, I've never liked that storyline. I do feel sorry for her and thought Miguel's bluntness was a bit too much. Luz always seems so overwhelmed and rushed. And from what we have been shown (or not shown) Luz never has time for her family and the little time she has with them, she spends complaining and trying to "force" herself on them. If she wants to keep her family, she really needs to chill and allow herself to really show some nurturing love.

MÉDICOS #72, 10-26-2020

Gracias, Rgv Chick!!!! Yes, ITA here, grudingly:

I enjoyed David tearing into Marco, but thought that Art did a better job at talking it out with him. Yeah, I actually liked something that Art doesn't happen very often, but it happens.

I was also glad that Art didn't down David as much as he could have: it would have undercut the good advice he, Art, was offering had he done so. Art was not there and did not hear what David told him. That said, Marco needs to take David's chewing out, which was so appropriate in the heat and gravity of the situation AND Art's advice about the need for self-examination, personal and professional committment before the investment of the time and energy it takes to become an excellent Physician!

Regina not only doesn't have dating skills, and maybe because of that, she doesn't have any scrappy, cat-fighting skills either: no mean girl radar. I think that's why she was clueless about Miryea for so long. For ten years she was bathed in Sergio's love and didn't have to deal with the kinds of stuff she's facing now. JMHO.

Rgv Chick. I'm thinking Andres knee replacement is going to require transfer to the Instituto for specialized care. I don't want that to happen though because I don't want Cinthia to have to take care of him and install one of those "million peso" knee prosthetics that could end up really being one of Rene's cheap, used knock offs. That would be a disaster for Andres' knee and Cinthia's reputation.

Hmmmm. Thinking of that, maybe they won't let that happen!



Yah, Luz's position was exaggerated to make a point, like Ana being the only Doctor for a huge OPC. One Social Worker for the Instituto is ludicrous. Luz would be more like the Director of the Social Work department, heading up a team of professionals who covered each specialty in the hospital. Anyway, it does seem to be making the point that a woman as a dedicated professional and chief bread winner of the family is a losing proposition: you can't have it all. You've got to choose! That's what I hear "them" saying, anyway! Miguel will probably sue Luz for support so he and Caro will get the pesos without her painful presence...or absence!

Personally, although Luz is intense and hard to take sometimes, I'm done with Caro and Miguel!



Thanks, Lila. Great job. Have I mentioned lately that I look forward to your recaps everyday. This show's pretty good, but I'll miss your recaps more.

David’s face says it all: he’s been down that road and he’s done!

Lila, those were my feelings exactly. At first I thought I was being to hard on Ana, but nope.

My faves:

Andres wants to know how Cinthia is doing with the new multi million peso orthopedic grab bag Big Daddy gifted her with!

Rafa lifts her out of her funk with tickles and Cinthia rewards him with giggles and her sweet smile!

I can feel the nerf balls coming, but I sympathize with Luz's husband. As someone [sorry, forgot who said it!] mentioned earlier, he once came with Luz to the hospital in the middle of the night, when she begged him not to, when there was an emergency (this one not involving their daughter), showing his concern and commitment. When he said "no" to the daughter going to that out-of-town weekend with friends, Luz came in later and said "yes," but didn't really discuss it with him. She's been the ruler of the household, not the partner. I always got the impression he was blue collar to her white collar and she probably makes more money. Where I do fault Miguel is plotting with his daughter to leave Luz. He should've kept the daughter out of it, but he figured Luz wouldn't be sparked to change if only he left. Maybe if Luz had come home just once and asked him how his day went.

It takes a village. Both David and Art gave Marco valuable lessons. But first, instead of being humble and listening to everything David instructed before the surgery, Marco was arrogant and even tried to rush David with "I know, I know." Marco has done nothing to earn this overconfidence. Art could be calmer and more Obi-Wan Kenobi with Marco because he wasn't in the surgery himself where David had to work like the Flash to save the patient's life.

They should title the next episode "The Revenge of Marta." Ordinarily, I'd say it's heartless to give a wife the key to the office when you know her husband is in there doing the wild thang with the head nurse. But Rene must be destroyed, so You go, Marta!


Fantastic and spot on recap, Lila!

Rafa lifts her out of her funk with tickles and Cinthia rewards him with giggles and her sweet smile!
Rafa's not my aestethic, but this moment was absolutely adorable. That sweet little kiss at the end had me sighing. This couple has definitely grown on me. They've already been through a ton and they're still tickling and giggling? I LOVE IT!!!

But, Lila, it was your comment that had me laughing: Regina not only doesn't have dating skills, and maybe because of that, she doesn't have any scrappy, cat-fighting skills either: no mean girl radar. LOL!!! I think she's got the radar, but no defensive line to act when those mean girls attack. Ah Regina. If you're not going to attack back, you really have to get a better poker face, my dear.

I'm with you and RGVChick on Art and David's unintentional good cop/bad cop handling of Marco's surgery: David was harsh, though his cutting tone was justifiable. I wish he had been the one to come back later and gentle his own setdown, but in terms of Marco's development, he needed both of those talks.

I'm thinking Andres knee replacement is going to require transfer to the Instituto for specialized care. I don't want that to happen though because I don't want Cinthia to have to take care of him and install one of those "million peso" knee prosthetics that could end up really being one of Rene's cheap, used knock offs. That would be a disaster for Andres' knee and Cinthia's reputation.
Ooh! I had not thought about that at all! But I think it would be a great storyline!

Question: I thought it was some kind of diagnostic knee machine like an x-ray. So you're saying they're individual knee replacements?

Daydream of the episode: As she counsels Luz to fight for her family, Regina's wise words begin to sink in to her own mind. People should fight for their relationships! Strong, smart women like her and Luz shouldn't just give up in despair! Love is worth risk! Regina shoots up from Luz's guest chair; she has to go right now! She beelines through the hospital, pausing only briefly to check with the nurse--Does Dr. Paredes have a patient right now? No? Excellent. She bursts into David's office. He barely has a chance to register her presence before she circles his desk, takes his strong jawline into her hands and kisses him for all he's worth! No one's getting the wrong idea today--Regina wants to be where she is and David couldn't be happier to have her there. His strong arms spend a millisecond in surprise before wrapping around her and holding her in that kiss. Determined passion gives way to tenderness. The kiss ends gently. "You were right," Regina says. "we need to talk." She looks at him, a little more uncertain now. "Are you still willing?" David, still a little dazed, smiles slowly and cups her cheek. "Of course." Regina returns his smile. "Dinner tonight?" she asks. David nods "I can't wait."



Hi Niecie! No nerf balls from me; I think you're right and you're take on it is spot on! I'm still of a mind, though, that this storyline will play out like a PSA about the need for communication in relationships and hopeful that it will end happily.


Thank you, Lila. I agree with Rgv Chick that this episode seemed to drag. It was very slow.

I also agree that while the approaches were different, both David and Arturo were valid in their pep talks to Marco. Indeed Marco is very arrogant and I don’t know if it’s his relationship with his father or what but maybe it would do him so good to consider what he really wants in life.

For being part of the Patronato of the instituto I’m surprised Cinthia’s father refused to go there to be checked out. Wherever he gets treated I think Cinthia will still go see him. He’s certainly a very stubborn man but hopefully whatever happens he’ll come to appreciate his daughter’s career choice eventually or now.

Marta is a sly one haha hopefully this was the last straw for Connie. She has always been wary but has never actually made an effort to leave Rene earlier. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rene puts most or all of the blame on Mireya to try and save his behind. But even so I don’t think Connie will budge this time.

Given the back and forth that we’ve seen it wasn’t hard for me to imagine any scenario regarding Aurora. But I’m glad that this time she seems 100% committed to finishing the treatment.

Medicos. Another detailed and excellent recap, Lila! I too wonder how Andres's knee injury treated at another hospital is going to work out. Private isn't always better! OTOH, I thought David behaved a bit unprofessionally in his supervision of mmm=Marco. Unless Marco had some previous surgical experience they didn't show us, shouldn't David have started him out with just doing the opening incision, or the final sewing up, or holding the section of the intestine being removed. Though it was a valuable lesson for Marco, it did put the patient's life at risk. I am also very glad Aurora decided on more treatment! And--Marta: You are a devil! Ho ho! I agree: Way to go, girl! Rene should have been more areful about who he was nasty to!

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Hey, Niecie!!! Thank you SO MUCH! Saying you look forward to my recap is my fuel, Girl! I'm going to miss you and all "my Peeps!"

No Nerf ball from me! I appreciate this different perspective:

I always got the impression he was blue collar to her white collar and she probably makes more money. Where I do fault Miguel is plotting with his daughter to leave Luz

BINGO on this, Niecie, and it displays the gut vs. protocol conflict between David and Art from the beginning!

Marco was arrogant and even tried to rush David with "I know, I know." Marco has done nothing to earn this overconfidence. Art could be calmer and more Obi-Wan Kenobi with Marco because he wasn't in the surgery himself where David had to work like the Flash to save the patient's life.

Okay, I'm copying your whole comment but I LOVE this!:

They should title the next episode "The Revenge of Marta." Ordinarily, I'd say it's heartless to give a wife the key to the office when you know her husband is in there doing the wild thang with the head nurse. But Rene must be destroyed, so You go, Marta!

YAAAY, Niecie! We're in for a wild ride ourselves!


MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Hey, Hellashelle!!! Thanks, Girl! Rafa and Cinthia ARE cute and have saved me during the Regina/Dave freeze out!

Yah, Ana wiped the floor with Regina, I'm afraid. It was kinda embarrassing!

Hellashelle, this is an excellent point and a missed opportunity to show that David had changed!

I wish he had been the one to come back later and gentle his own setdown, but in terms of Marco's development, he needed both of those talks.

The writers really ought to listen to us!

Hella! You are probably right about this and Peeps, take heed:

Question: I thought it was some kind of diagnostic knee machine like an x-ray. So you're saying they're individual knee replacements?


--Does Dr. Paredes have a patient right now? No? Excellent. She bursts into David's office. He barely has a chance to register her presence before she circles his desk, takes his strong jawline into her hands and kisses him for all he's worth! No one's getting the wrong idea today--Regina wants to be where she is and David couldn't be happier to have her there. His strong arms spend a millisecond in surprise before wrapping around her and holding her in that kiss. Determined passion gives way to tenderness. The kiss ends gently. "You were right," Regina says. "we need to talk." She looks at him, a little more uncertain now. "Are you still willing?" David, still a little dazed, smiles slowly and cups her cheek. "Of course." Regina returns his smile. "Dinner tonight?" she asks. David nods "I can't wait."

YES, INDEED! Hella, when these writers don't give us what we want, let's write our own fanfic! I LOVE THIS!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Hey, TF, good to see ya!!!! Nope. This epy wasn't the most exciting but the Patio is rockin'!!

ITA, Marco needed to hear what David AND Art had to say! And Andres? I think it shows he has nowhere come around to respecting what Cinthia does and where she does it. Remember he was horrified after the fight. Okay, I can understand that, but he painted the whole Instituto with a brush of judgemental distaste: he did NOT see it as a dispute between individuals. I hope this comes true: He’s certainly a very stubborn man but hopefully whatever happens he’ll come to appreciate his daughter’s career choice eventually or now.

Aurora, Gonzalo and Felipe were our high point, that's why I wanted to put them at the end. I hope she responds to treatment!

YES! What is Connie going to do now that she has PROOF on him and Miryea? Will Connie demand Miryea be fired? Mireya said Connie had one more time to humiliate her and she was going to spill all the beans! We. shall. see!

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

SpanProf!!! Excellent point here: Unless Marco had some previous surgical experience they didn't show us, shouldn't David have started him out with just doing the opening incision, or the final sewing up, or holding the section of the intestine being removed.

If that's so, that is not only unprofessional, it's negligent on David's part. They have NOT shown Marco doing anything other than taking care of the surface wound on Caro's leg, I think. Yah, the writers dropped the ball when you look at the surgery from that viewpoint! OOOOPS!

Must see TV: BUSTED!!! What now? It was SO funny how Marta had a front row view of the whole sordid circus! Great scene!



Excellent as usual, Lila.

My favorite part was the ending when Constanza finally caught Rene. He was so deserving of this. Not as funny as the equivalent scene of PASL, but very satisfying.

Cinthia can't treat her father medically; that is forbidden. I'm also sure she wouldn't want to if it weren't. While I can understand Patricia wanting her to look over the treatment plan she has to learn that she can't drop everything and just run whenever Mommy or Daddy calls.

Just want to circle back to Niecie's excellent points here: She's been the ruler of the household, not the partner.

That is SUCH a great observation. If there's one thing that frustrates me in TNs, it's that they have a lot of great drama and over-the-top romantic moments (which we LOVE, obviously), but they usually suck at couple partnerships. Love that you've pointed this out because it's an important nuance. Really hope the writers can present this difference through Luz's character development.

Where I do fault Miguel is plotting with his daughter to leave Luz. He should've kept the daughter out of it, but he figured Luz wouldn't be sparked to change if only he left. Maybe if Luz had come home just once and asked him how his day went.

On this part, though, I wasn't taken aback by Miguel's actions. Miguel is the primary caregiver. And when Luz said he couldn't take their daughter anywhere because she was a minor, I was like "he's not kidnapping her; he's her dad." I'm not surprised she wanted to go with him, and I don't think it's weird how this went down: Miguel stated that he's tried to talk to Luz several times and she brushed him off. Once he decided to pursue the divorce, if Luz kept putting him off, at some point it makes sense for him to let his daughter know. Even if Luz felt sideswiped, he had to tell his daughter.

On TF's point: For being part of the Patronato of the instituto I’m surprised Cinthia’s father refused to go there to be checked out.
Did anyone else laugh at this scene? They had pretty much JUST finished talking about the fancy new equipment and how wonderful a doctor Cinthia is and her dad still refused to go there? LOL, even now I can't help but laugh at that. I am on board with Lila's storyline--that he ends up in the Institute and Rene's shoddy equipment is revealed.

On the topic of the equipment: Is it weird that when Rene made such a huge deal about getting this equipment for Cinthia, no one commented on his focus on one doctor rather than the whole institute? Even Cinthia didn't make this point to Rene, just noted that the fact that the equipment was nice, but not really necessary and asked if her parents were behind it. I mean, is this just an entrenched sense of entitlement on the part of her parents and Rene?

SpanProf!!! Excellent point here: Unless Marco had some previous surgical experience they didn't show us, shouldn't David have started him out with just doing the opening incision, or the final sewing up, or holding the section of the intestine being removed.

Ditto, ditto, ditto on this SpanProf. I'm back to having to really tighten my beanie as this is another example of the writers telling us the heroes are great, but then having them do really questionable things in their line of work.

Hi Urban! I would think you are right when you say Cinthia can't treat her father medically; that is forbidden, but in TN land, anything is possible! This does bring me back to Gonzalo's surgery on Aurora. The Patio discussed the fact that he was outside of his specialty and performing on a family member, but technically/legally, I guess she isn't family. It never seems like these types of conflict of interest have any weight in TN land.


Lila, written from your heart. Full of fire, permeating and heating all the intense emotions brought to bear here.


Watching Gonzalo, Aurora and Felipe gave such hope and promise to the power of love. "In the face of such overwhelming, unflagging and proven love and devotion, Aurora agrees to resume treatment!" I am praying it is successful. This family deserves a second chance.

Clara needs to move on. She should have no difficulty finding someone who appreciates her.

"They both remind her what a strong and resourceful woman she is: look how she helps so many people!. In some ways this magnifies the pain that Luz couldn’t do for herself what she does for so many others". Sigh. I am torn a bit about Luz but I have to shake my head in agreement with your "She's been the ruler of the household, not the partner" comment Niecie. I feel there is plenty of blame to go around. However, Miguel keeping Luz's daughter's whereabouts a secret? Unforgivable.

"I enjoyed David tearing into Marco, but thought that Art did a better job at talking it out with him. Yeah, I actually liked something that Art doesn't happen very often, but it happens". Clapping away Rgv Chick. Perfect.

"No one's getting the wrong idea today--Regina wants to be where she is and David couldn't be happier to have her there. His strong arms spend a millisecond in surprise before wrapping around her and holding her in that kiss. Determined passion gives way to tenderness. The kiss ends gently. "You were right," Regina says. "we need to talk." Hellashelle, you MUST consider recapping! Excellent...

TF, what a missed opportunity! If Cinthia's father had only swallowed his pride and gone to the Institute! He could not have helped beaming with pride!

"Unless Marco had some previous surgical experience they didn't show us, shouldn't David have started him out with just doing the opening incision, or the final sewing up, or holding the section of the intestine being removed". SpanProf, I hope I'm wrong but I don't sense Marco had any surgical practice. Maybe I'm wrong.

"Connie’s jaw drops and we see diminutive Marta at the doorway taking in an eye full. “ Oh Lila that was peffect!!

Hell hath no fury does it???

Another fabulous recap Lila - thank you, thank you!


MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

OMgosh! Urbanita, What a scene, WHAT DETAIL!!! Girl, you are the TOTAL RECAPPING A (for Anthropologist) BOMB!!! Now THAT is what you call BUSTED!!!! HIL-LARIOUS!!!!

Cinthia can't treat her father medically; that is forbidden. I'm also sure she wouldn't want to if it weren't We know that, Urban, but the writer's don't! You know we've seen it all! I hope this time, though, they do respect this and not let Cinthia operate on her Papa! And I did wonder if she'd be allowed to leave but so far Regina is her immediate boss so she probably will!

I don't know what happened in that bust out above, Urban, but I can't wait for tonight! Thanks and see ya later!


MEDICOS 72/81 Correction on episode numbers.

Marco needed both David and Arturo to show him the truth.

Marco's arrogance comes from serious insecurity. That is the usual reason for this sort of attitude. Arturo also brought home the basic truth that medicine is a vocation, like religion. You have to want to save lives. You have to care about people other than yourself. This is a lesson some people never learn because they are short on or devoid of empathy.

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Diana, Hola Amiga! Diana, for as slow as last night's episode was, we're getting some GEMS here on the Patio, aren't we? WOW! Ah, Diana, we're coming up on the final hours! It's going to get more and more exciting!

Diana, I have to thank you because I don't even know if you realize the calming and comforting effect your online voice has on yours truly. I was off the chain over the weekend and your first comment on October 25 wishing everyone a happy Sunday just chilled me right out from my David/Ana rant! Yes, it's Sunday, I thought, and this is just a story afterall and what you're ranting about is long ago filmed and a part of history. Down, gir! JAJAJAJAJAJA! I did have fun this weekend after a rough last half of the week. Gracias, Amiga!


Miguel keeping Luz's daughter's whereabouts a secret

Ah! I definitely missed this part! Thank you for clarifying Diana! I'm torn now. I don't agree with Miguel keeping their location a secret; for purposes of emergency alone, she should know where they are and he must know the panic he would be causing in Luz. I do see his point about their daughter being old enough to decide how much she wants to talk to her mom, though. However, I get that she's still a child and children often have to be told/taught to do things they don't want to do. That being said, I also know what it's like to be in that dynamic (slightly hysterical/loud parent vs. quieter parent who doesn't necessarily know how to make their points heard + financial imbalance between the two), so I can understand their daughter not wanting to pick up the phone/open the door and deal with the inevitable hysterical explosion that Luz, as much as we love her, is prone to giving whenever she talks to her family. Hopefully, they'll all be responsible and meet in neutral ground to finally talk about their issues calmly.

Hell hath no fury does it???
Diana LOL, I guess we'll see! That was quite an interesting reaction from Connie, though. I can't wait to see if all of the nagging and focused energy that she put into his behind the scenes rise to power will now immediately be turned towards constructing his downfall.

At least now, David and Regina will both be able to report back to the lawyers that they've figured out Mireya's motivations...


. . .medicine is a vocation, like religion. You have to want to save lives. You have to care about people other than yourself. This is a lesson some people never learn because they are short on or devoid of empathy.

You are so right, Urban! Will Marco get religion before this is over? Oh, wait, there's another season! Plenty of time for more screw ups before this is over!

Thanks for the episode correction! So, this is 72? Thanks!

MÉDICOS #72/81, 10-26-2020

DARNIT! I often will have the right episode number in the recap and then on my text editor where I compose comments, I'll have the wrong date!

Silly me! Sorry!

MÉDICOS #72/81, 10-26-2020

At least now, David and Regina will both be able to report back to the lawyers that they've figured out Mireya's motivations...

That's RIGHT, Hellashelle! WHOO HOOO!!!


Thanks Lila!!

And Hellashelle, I Looooved your David and Regina scene! *sigh* if only!!

I admit I don’t know how the medical profession/accreditation works (especially not in Mexico), but given what I’ve seen on other medical tv dramas, I don’t think David was negligent in letting Marco do the surgery. David was supervising and was standing right there literally within arms reach in case he needed to step in (which he did). Marco is not a medical student, he is a doctor. And even though no one wants to be the guinea pig, every surgeon needs to learn. Every surgeon will eventually move forward without someone holding their hand.

I agree with everyone else about both David and Art’s messages to Marco being necessary. And honestly, I don’t think Marco would have been open to whatever Art had to say if David had not chewed him out. He would not have accepted any advice unless he fell flat on his face, which is the case now

MÉDICOS #72/81, 10-26-2020

UnOp! Hey, how are ya?

You know what, you guys all make such good points, I must sound wishy-washy agreeing with everybody, but really, you all make REALLY valid points! I can't say anything further about the level of Marco's participation and David's supervision in the surgery but what WAS unbelievable was Marco ignoring David's directives maintaining he knew what to do! Some might say David's manner helped Marco to freeze but, yah, it was literally life and death! I know it wasn't supposed to be but that mini fountain of blood squirting even over David's goggles WAS FUNNY! OOOOOPs..."guess I fuc%@d up, huh Dr. Parades, DUH!"

Thank you, UnOp! It's gonna be good tonight!!

Lila, thank you so much for another excellent recap. I am always amazed at the way you are able to capture everything that happens and then spice things up with your insightful observations.

I also have enjoyed all the clever comments about this episode.

Hellashelle, i wish you were a writer on this show.

The Luz \Miguel storyline is exactly like one that unfolded on a British show i just watched on PBS called " Flesh and B!ood. " The wife was a busy hospital administrator , and her husband was home renovating the house and caregiver for their teenage daughter. She lost her job, and he went to live with his sister in the end. Perhaps , this theme is being played out around the world.



Hey Lila! I’m hanging in there :)

I also thought the squirt of blood was funny.. then again, I also found myself giggling at Ana harassing Regina. Oh well, leave it to me to laugh in inappropriate situations lol


oooh Susanlynn, "Flesh and Blood" was amazing!!

Sunday was the last episode, can you believe it?

So much up in the air. FABULOUS show.

And I hadn't seen Stephen Rea since the crying game.


MÉDICOS #72/81, 10-26-2020

Amigita, Susanlynn!!! Thank you, Querida! Oh, Susanlynn, I haven't had the joy of your and the Patio's company to watch a novela in so long, I'm having a great time! Really, even though I do my share of fussing!

Amen to this: Hellashelle, i wish you were a writer on this show.

Miguel should've gotten a job at the Instituto and Caro should have become a Candy Striper - y'all remember those? At least in my neck of the woods they were young volunteers working under the Women's Auxiliary, the wore red and white striped jackets: they read to children; maintained coffee and refreshment carts, and just did little acts of kindness for patients in the hospitals. Anyway, that would give both Miguel and Caro a bigger appreciation for life outside themselves. Again. Luz being the only Social Worker for that huge Instituto is just a plot device.


OT...Diana, yes , it was an interesting show. I wonder if there will be a second season . May I recommend another terrific show i found on PBS.. " Last Tango in Halifax. " There are 5 seasons , and it is on Netflix where you can also watch my all time favorite show " Outlander"
Anita was also a fan of " Outlander. " She used to email me about it.

MÉDICOS #72/81, 10-26-2020

UnOp! I'm sorry to say but it was kinda funny how Ana was harassing Regina. I hope she remembers that as she reviews her pitying dismissal of David for operating too much out of his gut and being too easily provoked! "Oh poor you, you had a difficult childhood and you couldn't grow past it!" I coulda slapped her when my David winced over that comment! So Ana's harassment is a NANA NANA BOO BOO moment for Regina!

Hope I'm not getting too cerebral for y'all!😜

Blogger JudyB said...


I love what Niecie said LILA--that the show was "okay" but what she really looked forward to was your recaps. And I want to thank all of the Patio as well because the discussions recently have been truly spectacular. LILA, you encouraged all of us to thoughtfully comment because you responded so warmly, and boy have they come through!

I've been negligent but only because I'm using up all my energy helping care for my daughter and her family at present. But I will join with all of you in praying for the best possible outcome for La Paloma's husband and for her as well. When our dear ones are ill, we are affected also. Body and soul.

Happy cold, rainy weather everyone. And hang in there, we've got to stay tough together to get through the Winter.

Just watched the end of this episode at dinner-time. LOVE Marta handing Constanza the key and joining her in ogling the horror of René and Mireya swapping spit. Looking forward to the aftermath.

besos y abrazos a todos....

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 7:19:00 PM EDT Delete

UnOp I wish you had been there to counsel David on what to say to Marco. no one wants to be the guinea pig, every surgeon needs to learn. Every surgeon will eventually move forward without someone holding their hand.

So well put and definitely would have been nice to hear as part of David's feedback (with the same level of anger, I wouldn't try to soften his initial blow that much)

that mini fountain of blood squirting even over David's goggles WAS FUNNY! OOOOOPs..."guess I fuc%@d up, huh Dr. Parades, DUH!"

LOL, no, you weren't alone Lila, I snorted a bit at that moment. Was David's nose still covered in the blood makeup when he was yelling at Marco later? There was something going on there that was distracting in that scene.

Susanlynn, that conclusion sounds so bleak!She lost her job, and he went to live with his sister in the end.
Let's hope That's not what happens to Luz!

Hellashelle, i noticed blood on David's mask while he was yelling at Marcos.

MÉDICOS #72/81, 10-26-2020

Awww, MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS, JudyB!!!! You are so kind but we ARE having a great time! I sure hope they give us something to cheer about and not just leave us hanging off a cliff at the end of this!

Thank you for remembering our friend again:

I will join with all of you in praying for the best possible outcome for La Paloma's husband and for her as well. When our dear ones are ill, we are affected also. Body and soul.

Besos y abrazos a ti, Amigita!!

Yes, Hellashelle! David wore that blood a bit too long! OMgosh! The little bits of humor are great because they're so unexpected. I thought Paco and Elena were going to be novela clowns but they provide no more comic relief than, say, me and my old man! Hee hee!


Judyb, i so agree . Lila is a treasure who returned to the patio at just the right time to gather us together . We shared our views of a novela , but really we shared our views of life.

Thank you, Lila, for the bright spots in my days tbese !ast few months. I am grateful . You were the spark we needed to come together for a brief escape from the real world.

((((La Paloma)))) sending good vibrations to you and yours ))))))

Judyb....please know that my loving thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours. You have certain!y always been a strong support for me through the years we have been at caray together. We have shared the happy moments of our lives as well as the sad .

Aww, Susanlynn! Thank you for that lovely compliment! I wish Lila was writing and I was just a member of her team! Ah, what a dream that would be!

Hey, Hellashelle, is that a grasshopper in your photo?

"But I will join with all of you in praying for the best possible outcome for La Paloma's husband and for her as well. When our dear ones are ill, we are affected also. Body and soul" - what a beautiful sentiment Judy.

I hope La Paloma posts soon and lets us know how everything is.

It is raining cats and dogs here with that dreaded four letter word (SNOW) expected Friday. A cold, unyielding fall day.

But as Susanlynn will agree, we can bask in the warmth and camraderie of the patio, where it is safe and supportive.

hellashelle, when you are ready, take that first step. You can make your recapping dreams come true. We will all be behind you.

Lila, can't wait to read your recap when I can return later today.



Susanlynn, thank you Darlin'! You are too kind! I love it though: y'all are the wind beneath this recapper's wings!

Diana and Peeps, it's a-comin! Hold on!

MÉDICOS #73, 10-27-2020

Buenos! Buenos, Peeps! Peace, Blessings and Healing to us all and all our loved ones! Oh, MÉDICOS Patio Peeps, it’s a HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN TONIGHT! Vamanos!

BUST-TED!!! WHOOMP, THERE IT IS!!!! Oh yes, Constanza opened door number one and there was repulsive Rene and Miserable Miryea all rubbery lipped and heavy-lidded deep in the throes of putrid office passion! WHAT AN IMBECILE YOU ARE! Connie hissed as she left the office nearly faint with shock and disgust! Connie runs down the hall and leans against a wall, panting with sobs. Rene takes off after Constanza, tucking in his shirt and giving Marta a quick, sharp glance. Rene catches up with Connie. She exclaims, “How disgusting! You were with that nurse! I can’t believe it after all I’ve done for you! I paved the way for you to get to where you are as the Director!” She pounds his chest with her fists! Rene blubbers and blabbers that he can explain. Connie, please, he says. “Don’t call me Connie!” she says and her exclamation point is a SLAP in the face! Connie says she’s always had doubts about that zorra; how long has this been going on! Rene doesn’t answer but rubs his face and cops an ugly about to cry mug. Yuck, he IS crying, blubbering about Connie having misinterpreted what she saw and that Miryea came to his office unbidden and provoked him! Connie recites how Miryea was always in and out of her office at will; how stupid she was! Past Rene we see disheveled Mireya in the hallway, mouth still agape and several staff people realizing this isn’t the usual Instituto excitement! Connie declares repeatedly that Rene is going to regret what he has done to her! Rene says, “Please, she doesn’t mean anything to me.” Close up on Miryea who seems to be in a daze. Connie ignores him; “I don’t ever want to see you again; I don’t want you near me; don’t come back to the house! You know what, you are so worthless, you deserve to be with that nurse, not a woman like me, that’s what happened! Connie turns on her heels leaving a begging Rene, blind to the popcorn-less audience behind him! Rene runs after Connie and Miryea turns, dejected and heads back down the hall, yelling at Marta, “What are you looking at?” [Don’t know why Marta didn’t say ‘a two-bit ho’!] Just then Ana comes down the hall and gets the 411 from Marta. Ana is not surprised. I’m sorry, I don’t want Ana with David, but she IS pretty and her face lights up with a smile upon tasting this juicy tidbit!


MÉDICOS #73, 10-27-2020

Cinthia encounters a distressed Connie when the elevator doors open. At first Connie brushes off Cinthia’s concern, saying she’s in a hurry. Connie goes back, asking Cinthia’s pardon, asking if she’s seen her Papa yet. No. “I was with him when the accident happened and he was in a bad way. You should go see him. Don’t be like the other Doctors in this hospital whose families are the least important to them!” Connie leaves a slightly puzzled Cinthia and finds a defiant Miryea at her car. Oh, Connie’s going to listen to her! Long story short, Miryea is NOT going to let Connie keep humiliating her! Connie says Miryea doesn’t need her to be humiliated; she’s doing a good job of that on her own, she’s the other woman! Miryea’s on a roll! Connie needs to realize that she, MIRYEA is the one who makes Connie’s husband feel like a MAN! “I’ve slept with your husband for six years and he prefers ME! Leave Rene in peace because he is happy with me!” Connie calls her out as “a gata” and tells her she is more stupid that Rene but apparently these are compliments because Miryea just won’t stop about her and Rene loving each other; how she gives Rene something that Connie never could. . . Connie’s expression is now more one of the realization that she’s talking to someone in a stubborn, alternate reality: Miryea doesn’t get that she’s a cheap diversion, that sleeping with Rene doesn’t mean he’ll stay with her. “Look, I don’t have time to waste with you! Rene has aspirations and those don’t include you: you’re vulgar; he’s not going to stay with you!” “Do you know what Rene says about you? That he’s only with you for your money! You don’t know how much we laugh at you!” “Are you done?” NO! “Stop!” NO! Connie looks around, plants her feet and WHALLOPS a big one upside Miryea’s head! Miryea quickly responds with a SMACK of her own and points her finger at Connie, “Don’t touch me again!” she shouts. When Connie stands, her look is more of amused realization that this b!t@h is dumber than she thought! Connie gets close to Miryea’s face and hisses brightly, “You are so going to regret all of this. Remember me!” and gets in her car. An “I have fu₵ked up” look dawns on Miryea’s face! She turns and looks at Connie and hears her repeat, “Remember me!” Miryea begins to hyperventilate and grabbing her face as if in pain. [Yes, ho’, you just shat and stepped back in it reeeeeal good!]

Rene returns to his office, still putting himself back together. Marta comes to the door and tries to explain how Connie got in. She was so insistent, Marta says. This is painful, so I’ll be brief! He fires poor Marta on the spot and is unmoved by her begging: she won’t be able to get another job at her age! He yells at her to get out now, SHE destroyed his marriage! He threatens to call security if she shows up tomorrow. Poor Marta runs from his office! Let’s finish with this dirty dog! Later in the evening, Rene goes “home” and finds his clothes strewn all over the lawn. Connie is up on the bedroom balcony; they yell at each other. He tries to enter the house but the locks are already changed! She does eventually come to the door and goes outside for a bit and we are pleased to see Rene’s large frame on his knees begging, even clinging to Connie’s leg! Oh, she’s the only one he loves; please don’t leave him, blah, blah, blippety blah! She breaks away and runs back into the house, “Let me go, stupid! Ay, you’re crazy!” We leave Rene in the dark, on his knees, defeated.


MÉDICOS #73, 10-27-2020

Dopey Daniel chows down on the chocolate cake Clara made him when Rafa enters the common room. Daniel tells his love coach, in between bites, that he felt so badly when he told Clara he didn’t feel the same that he asked her for a second chance and is going to try to make a go of it. Rafa joins him in devouring the cake and says that’s all well and good, but you can’t make the heart do what it doesn’t want to do. Daniel says he knows how it feels to be in Clara’s case, so he wants to give it a try. Tania? They’re friends, that’s all. Later at home Daniel shares his reasoning with Paco and Elena who kinda just roll their eyes and muss his hair in surrender to the dopey-ness of it all. Expand if you wish!

What's your name? Who's your Daddy? Is He RICH like Me? Marco tells Esteban about having nearly killed a patient in the operating room. Esteban congratulates him on finally having done surgery and doesn’t understand the guilt and angst Marco feels. Marco tells Esteban he does not want to be a plastic surgeon. Marco says he wants to do something that has value! Esteban has been seated, at this he stands and asks what kind of foolishness is Marco talking? Marco will go along with the plan to be a plastic surgeon because THAT is where the money is! No! Esteban tells Marco he is NOT going to take care of him all his life. Marco maintains that people are not a business and he’s going to leave the residency. Marco says it’s a shame that Esteban looks at things the way he does. Marco is standing inches from Esteban’s face and looking him squarely in the eye. “I’m not going to keep letting you dictate my life. I’m leaving the residency!” Esteban says if he does, he’ll leave HIS house as well! Is he throwing him out; yes, if he continues with this absurd idea! Marco says then he’s going. Esteban tells Marco he won’t be able to do anything without his money. That’s fine; Marco is tired of the pressure and manipulation. Esteban tells him to leave then, he’ll come crying back! That won’t happen! Esteban quietly tells Marco he’s just a spoiled child who doesn’t know how hard life is. Just as evenly Marco says he wants to live his life according to his own rules. “Now I understand why my Mama left you.” Esteban delivers a WHOPPOW upside Marco’s head, nearly knocking him off his feet! Marco turns and looks at Esteban, blood trickling out of his nose. GET OUT! Esteban shouts; he doesn’t ever want to see Marco again! “You’d rather be alone than help your own son?” “I will never help a mediocre thing like you,” Esteban spits! “Ok then I’m leaving and I’m going to show you I don’t need anything from you, Papa!” “This, I’ve got to see because I know you can’t do it because you are NOTHING without ME!” “Without your manipulation and pressures, I’m going to move forward and achieve even more than I have now!” Marco leaves!

Marco goes to the hospital with a single bag and lays on a lower bunk in the common room. He hears Esteban’s cruel words echoing in his head. The next morning Lili sees him coming out of the common room, sees he is not well and doesn’t believe his story of having attended a sudden, last minute surgery. Lili tells Marco that he knows that if something is troubling him, he can tell her. Marco says he is fine. Lili says that’s good and repeats that if he needs anything, she is there and is about to leave. “Lili,” he calls, “you have been the only person that has treated me well in this place.” “Well, you’re a little complicated and that puts people off.” Marco says he knows. Lili again offers to listen if he needs it and Marco finally tells her he had a fight with his Papa and has left home and has nowhere to go. He asks her please to not tell anyone. She agrees and the concern is evident on her face; she may also be thinking about Marco’s former rival, Diego.


MÉDICOS #73, 10-27-2020

The other Rich Daddy in the story is at his private hospital under the care of Dr. Valero. Cinthia goes to see Andres who manages to remain dismissive of her even though the pain barely lets him speak coherently. Why is Cinthia there, he gasps? He defends the care he’s getting under his Doctor but just wants it to be over. Cinthia leaves the room followed by Patricia after she scolds her brick-headed husband that he’s going to lose Cinthia and her if he doesn’t change his ways! Patricia convinces Cinthia to talk to Dr. Valero at least for her to help her understand what’s going on with Andres. Dr. Valero meets with Cinthia and Patricia in the waiting room, showing Cinthia Andres’ x-rays and discussing his case with her like the peer that she is. Dr. Valero is pleased with her input. Andres needs a total knee replacement. Cinthia explains to her Mom that it is a common procedure and Andres should do well after rest and rehabilitative therapy. Patricia wants Cinthia to be present at the surgery. Dr. Valero would be very pleased to have her and says special permission can be granted. Cinthia agrees but expresses some doubt after Dr. Valero leaves. Patricia has made sure Juanpa is apprised and he pops in to the waiting room where they are talking. Cinthia seems really grateful to see him but Patricia certainly does her share of prompting about how thoughtful it is that Juanpa is there and what a wonderful gesture it is. Rafa is also just outside the waiting room and sees Cinthia hug Juanpa. She thanks Juanpa but excuses herself to go and talk to Rafa who is not dramatic or upset at all but truly concerned about Cinthia. Cinthia updates Rafa on what is happening. Rafa offers to find out who the Anesthesiologist will be on her Papa’s case. Cinthia says that won’t be necessary. This is interspersed with Patricia a few paces away, facing Juanpa and holding his hands, telling him how much she appreciates his support of Cinthia. Patricia interrupts Rafa and Cinthia’s conversation asking isn’t it time to talk to Dr. Valero and find out when the surgery is. Rafa takes the hint and tells Cinthia he understands and knows she must be with her family but to please let him know if she needs anything. We are standing behind Rafa so can’t tell, but I think he kisses her firmly but gently on the lips and leaves. A sweet love song is playing and Cinthia looks after Rafa and sighs, and then turns back to Patricia and Juanpa with an expression of impatience!

The fight to save Aurora continues but the primary weapon is love. Luis examines her and discusses the next step of treatment. He assures her that even though life places obstacles in our path, we must move on. Aurora tells Luis that hearing this from him, knowing what he has gone through gives her the strength to continue treatment. Luis shares the value of positive thinking. Gonzalo thanks him for these words that are even more meaningful coming from him. Luis graciously waves off the thanks and asks why she decided to continue with treatment and she essentially tells him it was Gonzalo’s love. In a development we’ll find out more about later, Gonzalo is talking to David when Miryea comes to “care” for Aurora. Gonzalo tells her she will not now or ever take care of Aurora; he doesn’t want her near his family and to get another nurse. David backs him up and the heffa leaves. The next day Felipe encourages his Mom to eat and they talk about Gonzalo, how supportive he’s been. Aurora tells Felipe his Papa has always been a good man. Felipe knows that Gonzalo truly loves her and this love will help her move forward and heal. Felipe offers that if life is offering her a second chance, (with Gonzalo) she should take advantage of it.


MÉDICOS #73, 10-27-2020

The stubborn “lovers”. Early in the morning Luis sees Regina is a bit upset. He sits down and she shares she was hit a bit ago by tropical storm Ana. Uuuuf! Ana just takes every opportunity to tell her how good she and David are getting along. What do I care? Luis says ignore her! Oh, she’s tried but she can’t; she can’t stand the sight of her! She’s got to be calm and think WWGD – what would Gonzalo do! Luis suggests she leave, he can cover. No, she just saw Gonzalo and -- whoosh! --- all the stress just left her! Okay, cool, Luis says. [Hmmmm, been to Church lately, Reginita?]

Cinthia finds Regina looking at the new ventilator but Regina launches immediately into the David/Ana connection: Cinthia won’t believe that Ana went out of her way to tell her that she and David decided to give this gift to her. She kvetches how Ana is trying to make her angry and going out of her way to let Regina know she and David are getting along great and see each other outside of work in her apartment. Cinthia says “you wouldn’t be the least bit jealous, would you?” “Of course I’m jealous, Cinthia! I’m dying of jealousy!” “I know,” Cinthia says, “it’s because you still care about him!” Regina sits down on a desk and sighs, “Yes, I care about him a lot but I can’t be with him,” she says with a crank of the neck. “But I can’t stand that he went to Ana for consolation! Why Ana!?” Cinthia asks why Regina didn’t say something to Ana. Okay, me and Cinthia see that Regina is doing crazy talk. I didn’t understand Regina’s response. Please weigh in. Regina changes the subject to talk about Aurora, then her Cinthia’s Papa. Regina encourages her to go and see her Papa. That was covered above.

David stops by to see Gonzalo on the evening of the same day as above. He graciously asks about Aurora first and then reports his findings. David says he has met with Ricardo Bustamonte who is confirming acts of malfeasance by Rene not only now, but for many years. Lara authorized everything Rene passed to him. Please help here if my Spanish or understanding of dirty dealing is off. I think he said Rene was charging double for supplies and equipment. David is not sure but he thinks Rene was selling the “surplus.” David thinks this is why Rene was trying to overthrow Gonzalo, because his crooked business had been disrupted. Gonzalo asks if there is any proof. Not yet, he’s still working on it. To that end, he’s looking at this new replacement equipment and the sellers Rene is working with. Gonzalo thanks him. David, speaking in his new even, determined and focused way says he told Gonzalo he would help him and he swears, if Rene is hiding anything else, he will find it. “Son, I appreciate what you are doing but please be very careful.” Almost expressionless, David says, “I don’t have anything to lose.” Oh, don’t say that, Gonzalo says. David continues, “I was fired once and every moment I feel further from Regina.” An expression of helplessness invades his face. Gonzalo asks why he doesn’t talk to Regina. No. David looks down. “She made the decision to expel me from her life and from the Instituto.” Gonzalo says no, it was a very difficult decision for her: she was in a very complicated situation. David listens. “If you truly love her, don’t stop fighting for….” Miserable Miryea interrupts them and this is where Gonzalo tells her to keep her skank a$$ away from his family! After she leaves they both say they cannot stand her! Gonzalo says she is the only one who had access both to Aurora’s room and the medicine. David says yes, and she had to be acting in concert with Rene. Gonzalo wonders why. David says Rene must be giving her money. Gonzalo says this is going to be more difficult to prove. It’s clear that neither David nor Gonzalo smell Rene and Mireya’s excrement that hit the fan that morning. They’ll find out soon enough!


MÉDICOS #73, 10-27-2020 END

The next morning David and Regina run into each other in the lobby of the Instituto on their way to work. He asks if she got the ventilator. Yes, and she understands that he made the decision with Ana. David rolls his eyes. Regina notes with sarcastic sadness that she is glad he and Ana are getting along so well. David says he wants Regina to know, even though she won’t believe it, everything he’s doing, he’s doing to help her. Regina says if only he had helped her earlier, she wouldn’t have been put in the difficult position she was. David says Regina chose Art and he didn’t have anything to do with that. Regina says he chose Ana. “Regina, please, what I did was so that you wouldn’t be so pressured! Okay, okay, you are totally within your right to think what you want.” Regina says yes, but now she isn’t so sure. (I guess once she thought he was trying to help her but now she’s not so sure?) David asks, “Did you ever believe in me?” “Yes, I believed in you because I thought I knew you. But now, I’m realizing that I didn’t.” Regina turns and leaves. [Hostess has been sitting at David’s table and moves it over a bit in case there is a line at Regina’s table for people who want to drag her.]

Finally, on this fine morning a woman and her sons have breakfast in their humble home when a third youth tells them about a big free gasoline bonanza down the street! A gas pipeline is leaking and people are there with jugs and stuff! They’ve got to come on down! The Mom can’t stop her sons who salivate at the chance of free gas, some of which they can sell! They run out after their friend! In moments the Mom hears a BOOOOOM! runs to the window and sees a mushroom cloud rising into the sky! Back at the Instituto, Art, Daniel and Luis are watching TV when a news report comes on announcing the gas pipeline explosion! They run from the common room! Regina has already gotten the alert and announces to her staff to be at the ready: many ambulances are on their way to the ER! Patients start to stream in with all degrees of burns and other injuries, moans and groans. Regina assigns staff and patients to every cubicle! Regina shouts out that this is a mass emergency: all staff and all Doctors are needed NOW! Art announces that all the bays are full! The camera pans with Regina’s worried countenance smack dab in the middle as we see the panorama of doom around her!


Dear Lila, just started reading the recap, but I had to comment on Connie throwing Rene's clothes out onto the lawn . ...reminiscent of the scene at the beginning of this show of furious Regina tossing Sergio's stuff out . Is this a common thing in Mexico ? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned will find your stuff on the front lawn, hombre.


Hey, Susanlynn. I think scorned women all over the world throw men's clothes out the house; I've heard of it in my youth, also heard of keying cars and sugar in the gas tank! The possibilities are endless! 😉

Lila, yikes...i am still reading your deliciouly detailed recap that is tastier than my lunch, but I had to pause because ( rhyming..ha) i
Just read your rollicking description of the cat figbt. Neither of these gals is playing...and all over a pathetic piece of work like Repulsive Rene.
So....what are Connie's plans for Mir now ?


Great work, Lila.

So.... now we know something very relevant about Marco's backstory. That one line about "Now I know why mother left you" explained it all. She was probably a nice, decent woman like Pamela's mother who got fed up with a controlling husband. He probably crushed her in divorce court. All his insecurities were the result of his situation. Makes me wonder what skeletons are in Esteban's financial closet.

Maybe Lili will be Marco's salvation after all, since he seems to have sprouted a conscience. His fate now includes having to live frugally on his current income... just like Diego. Here's hoping he can come back.

Elena must be upset now. Clara was just the chick this mother hen would have picked for her baby rooster.

AnaL is continuing to show her own insecurities with her P/A Mean Girl act. Too bad David can't see that on a video.

Finally, Rene's humiliation was sweet. These writers must have seen Waiting to Exhale so I would love to see Constanza have her Bernadine moment\, like Regina did.

Medicos. Superb and incredibly thorough recap, Lila! I thought it was hilarious the way Rene seemed to be zipping up his pants as well as tucking in his shirt while trying to catch up with Constanza. I loved your description of the Mireya-Constanza confrontation. Hilarious! And like Susanlynn, I enjoyed how Constanza threw Rene's clothes (especially his tidy whities?) out on the lawn. She didn't even put them in suitcases. I hope Mirta gets her job back. And I suspect she knows enough about Rene's mis-dealings that she would be a great witness against him. Finally, and btw, a couple of years ago in Mexico there was a rash of thefts from gasoline pipelines. Our local Spanish-language (free) weekly newspaper covered them. I got copies of the paper, gave them to the students in my advanced conversation class (only about 15 people) and we used them as the basis for a very productive discussion on the Mexican petroleum industry, corruption, and the economic distress of the working class.


David told Gonzalo that he found out some of what Rene was doing during Lara's period in office and that Lara was obviously approving and signing off on it, something that Rene knows Gonzalo would never condone, thus figuring out that with Gonzalo in charge, Rene's lucrative side business would be dead in the water. Some of the things were doubling the orders of materials needed. They then deduced (correctly) that Rene was selling the excess, though David had no proof of it yet, but will keep on digging. Gonzalo told David to be careful. I hope he is careful and doesn't tip Rene off prematurely that they're on to him!

Lol ... Connie's sarcastic "Pick up your calzones!" to Rene as she strutted back into the house was too funny.

MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

Susanlynn! Thanks, Hon! Can't wait to see your final verdict on the cat fight and all the other action in this exciting episode!

Thanks, Urban! Yes, that face-off between Esteban and Marco was interesting! I can't get over how good these actors are. Marco's face when he was talking to Lili did not have one iota of the arrogance we saw when we first met him! He almost looks like a whole new person! Redemtion through escape from Esteban! YAAAY! Yes, I couldn't resist the comparison with Diego. I wonder if we'll ever see him again?

Urban, I thought Elena liked Clara, too. I get the not wanting Daniel to lead her on part, but they could have just supported the friendship and left the two kids alone for love to grow on Daniel's part. Clara wasn't pressuring him. Well, I guess she did tell him the day after the talk with his Parents that she was falling in love with him. I really didn't see where she said she'd give him a second chance, though. Oh well. Whatever!

And yes, Susanlynn, see Urban's clip. I don't know if you watched, "Waiting to Exhale," but some women go further than throwing the clothes in the yard! GRACIAS, Urban!

MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

Gracias, SpanProf!!! David and Gonzalo were so clueless! I guess Dave has been over in the OPC and Gonzalo with Aurora so they don't know about Rene and Miryea! Marta will certainly find a way to tell Gonzalo, probably today!

And I suspect she knows enough about Rene's mis-dealings that she would be a great witness against him.

Yes, Marta is an important piece of the puzzle! We know she will get her job back but when! I know Gonzalo will help her: David and all the ER-Team will as well!

Yes, SpanProf on the gasoline explosion. So, do you think people tapped the pipeline vs. a leak? Oh, gosh!

Thanks, Anon! for confirming and clarifying Rene's dirty dealing! This makes me scared for David:

Gonzalo told David to be careful. I hope he is careful and doesn't tip Rene off prematurely that they're on to him!

That, and David saying he had nothing to lose is so sad. I'm holding myself back from dragging Regina myself! This man is almost despondent over you, Regina! If not for his Detective work, I just don't want to think about it! My poor David!!!!

MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

Lol ... Connie's sarcastic "Pick up your calzones!" to Rene as she strutted back into the house was too funny.

Didn't hear that! Did she say calzones? What is that slang for? A part of the male anatomy or an item of clothing?



“[Hostess has been sitting at David’s table and moves it over a bit in case there is a line at Regina’s table for people who want to drag her.]”

Indeed!!! Hahaha

I’m trying to understand Regina, but I don’t. She’s jealous of Ana, she misses David, but refuses to do anything about it! When she’s talking to Cinthia she admits she’s jealous and says “but we can’t be together!” WHY NOT?! This isn’t the typical TN where one is poor one is rich and they can’t be together, or anything else wacky like that.. the only reason David and Regina aren’t together is because Regina doesn’t want it. David tried talking to her AGAIN and he was quite calm, but Regina ruined it AGAIN. Since Regina only listens to Gonzalo, Gonzalo should have told HER to fight for David (instead of giving David that advice)


Calzones are underwear lol

MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

Hey, UnOp! Girl, as Patio Hostess, I'm trying not to be inhospitable to our Leading Lady but Jeezopete! I keep finding every way to cut her slack. I'm going to fall back on 10 years of having your man on lock down and you don't have any how to keep your man skills! That's all I can figure! David has given her at least two chances to walk through the door of forgiveness into his strong, arms, broad shoulders and firm pecs.....uh, oh, what was I talking about..... oh yeah, he's given her two chances and she snits it away with a throw-away one liner and bolts. So, drag away! She is VERY frustrating!

Calzones, hunh? Must be something you whippersnappers say. I thought it was Italian cuisine. Uh oh, just had a dirty thought...Thanks!



Make that Regina doesn't have any "how to get your man BACK skills." She knows how to dump a man and if he fits her requirements, she can keep him but....yeah, anyway.

Oh Lila, it's really hitting home for me in this last week that I won't have your beautifully written recaps and thought-provoking comments to enliven my days! You have led this discussion group so well and so encouragingly; I'm really going to miss this!

You had me laughing from the get go with this: BUST-TED!!! WHOOMP, THERE IT IS!!!! and then when straight into this gorgeous line: repulsive Rene and Miserable Miryea all rubbery lipped and heavy-lidded deep in the throes of putrid office passion! You truly are a recapping master.

The secondary actors were AMAZING last night! I feel like it was a HUGE night of self-revelations for them!

Constanza, Mireya and Marcos gave really stellar performances! Constanza and Mireya's scenes really highlighted a well-matched duo. I really appreciated the range of Mireya hearing Rene, but digging deep for the denial that she's been using to bluff to herself for the past 6 years to confront Constanza. And then that, as Lila described it, An “I have fu₵ked up” look dawns on Miryea’s face!! The actress really let us see the revelations the character was having without having to explicitly state anything! She even gave us a great complex moment with Gonzalo. When he banned her from Aurora's care, you could see on her face the blow she felt. There was a realization on her face that she really does care about her reputation as a nurse and hadn't realized how she might be sacrificing it until this day of reckoning. I kind of think she thought the reason Gonzalo was banning her was that he had heard about her an Rene, without even realizing that he has suspicions about her role in his ousting.

Constanza also had a great night to shine. With all of the the many scenes of her as a grasping schemer who loves to put her smarky husband down, I was shocked to find that the actress still drew my sympathy in just those few moments when she rounded the corner after catching Rene and Mireya. It was literally seconds, but she showed such vulnerability in those few pants, with her face crumpling into sobs, only to pull it all back in and reconstruct her battling ram of arrogance and anger instantly when Rene caught up with her. What a master stroke! And, man, did it make me intrigued: what is this woman's history that she can pull on that armor so quickly? And after she and Mireya traded slaps, the sheer tone of menace that she put into her eyes when she took those steps and brought her face to Mireya's--::shudder:: I thought she was really going to rip her apart! What a great setup for the finale/second season! I can't wait to see what these two ladies do next!

Marco also had a stand out night. I have not paid much attention to him, but last night I felt like I was watching an origin story. The scene between him and his father played out like a trailer for an entirely new telenovela. The comments about his mom, his vow to overcome his upbringing and carve a path for himself, followed by the moment of his realizing his own solitude as his cried alone in the hospital. And then that vulnerable confession of both his circumstances and his understanding of his own nature to Lili--great, great stuff! The show definitely seems to be setting him up for huge character development in season 2.

Our front runners on the other hand, disappointingly, gave us more of the same: Cinthia and her father remain stubbornly dedicated to reacting to every decision the other one makes as a personal attack and nothing else. UnOp, I literally said exactly that to my screen last night: WHY NOT?!. You gave voice to my thoughts with your last comment. I can only surmise that David and Regina's story would have given us far more crumbs of hope if the IRL circumstances were different with Livia Brito. I mean, it's a TN, so maybe it would be playing out exactly the same, but it's such a frustrating lack of movement on the part of Regina as a character that it feel like deliberate oppression from the writers.


P.S. When I saw Connie and Mireya in front of the car, I thought "Ooh! Wouldn't it be hilarious if they teamed up together to ruin Rene!"

P.P.S. As much as stoic David is...weird, I got this soldier vibe off of him when he was talking to Gonzalo last night and, I must admit, it was kind of hot. I dig a man on a mission! ;)

P.P.P.S. Poor Marta! The satisfaction of Rene getting caught with his pants down was definitely tainted by her firing! But I can only hope that this makes it all that much easier for Gonzalo and Co. to find out about the affair and misdeeds.


Thank you, Lila. I just barely watched the episode so I’m a little late lol

I hope Connie files for divorce and takes everything from Rene. That would be satisfying to see. Mireya thinks she won but I won’t be surprised if Rene pulls the rug out from under her. How did she get to the parking lot before Constanza? Those slaps though.....

Hopefully the instituto can handle everything and take care of the victims of the explosion.

It’ll be interesting to see Andres’ reaction when he learns that Cinthia will be helping with his surgery. And I hope there’s a positive outcome for Marco but we’ll see...


Sorry--forgot to label my previous comments for MEDICOS! My bad, guys.

Lastly, I thought Marco's dad actually made a very good point, which UnOp noted yesterday as well: Doctors have to learn and there will be mistakes. And there will be deaths. Marco's going to have to get used to those things--more so now that he's abandoning plastic surgery for more life-saving medicine.

Susanlynn--so sorry, dear, I never answered your question from yesterday--yes, it is a grasshopper! And I thank you heartily for reminding me of the name because I kept thinking of it as "a minty margarita" lol! I've only ever had it once in my life and I used the pic as my profile because at the time on the Patio we were joking about melons for some reason and it looked kind of like a melon drink.

Also, some of you mentioned me recapping--I did, many years ago. But I am long winded. I could never capture the style that I admire so much in our beloved Lila. I cannot wrap my mind around how she melds luscious descriptions with focused, concise summaries. LILA, YOU ROCK SO HARD!!!!


First of all, ditto to what Helleshelle said:

Oh Lila, it's really hitting home for me in this last week that I won't have your beautifully written recaps and thought-provoking comments to enliven my days! You have led this discussion group so well and so encouragingly; I'm really going to miss this!

LILA, just know that we are all sending you oodles of virtual bouquets for the exquisite job you've done on this each and every day. Just wow....

And thanks for reminding me of that hilarious song WHOMP! there it is! Takes me back to my old aerobics days and the crazy stuff we danced to.

Other treasures:

René on his knees, defeated
Rafa as "love coach" to Daniel

and this:

"the fight to save Aurora continues, but the primary weapon is love." What a beautiful way to express it, my friend.

Tropical storm Ana......yes! perfect "apodo".

WWGD What would Gonzalo do? I like it. I'll have to ask myself that question any time I'm falling apart.

But you know...I might go for WWLD. What would LILA do? Because you have risen to the occasion and then some, giving us a banquet of warmth, humor, fun and hope during dark times. That's pretty darned heroic in my books. Thank you LILA, from the bottom of my heart.



Oh Lila, your recaps paint a perfect picture that comes alive with your stirring renditions of love, of loss, of hope, of despair.

I smiled deeply as I drank in every word.

"rubbery lipped and heavy-lidded deep in the throes of putrid office passion" had me laughing away. Just perfect!

As cold and insufferable as Connie is, I wish she had not debased herself by attempting to stoop to Mireya's level. She should have kept that imperious air and walked away with her head held high and dignity intact. Because of course, she is right in that Rene would never leave her for the "common" Mireya. And she was not alone. Joining her was Mireya whose last shred of self respect was left outside of Rene's office when he screamed that she meant nothing. Still nothing dawning darling? Hint. That's why they call women like you "other" women. The terrible triangle is competed by Rene who mewled, crawled and begged forgiveness.

So now, both Marco and Rene are out in the cold...

Susanlynn and SpanProf, I also loved Rene's clothes strewn on the lawn. But Angela Bassett did it best in "How Stella Got Her Groove Back". She put hub's clothes on the lawn and then set them on fire.

"Ana is not surprised. I’m sorry, I don’t want Ana with David, but she IS pretty and her face lights up with a smile upon tasting this juicy tidbit!" Lila, I totally enjoyed that scene too. And to be fair, Regina left the door to David wide open and she is only making haste to get inside before it closes. and Unsolicited, Regina isn't doing anything to help the situation, is she? She doesn't have to admit she is wrong for firing David (I don't think she was), but she could give their personal relationship another try.

"David has given her at least two chances to walk through the door of forgiveness into his strong, arms, broad shoulders and firm pecs.....uh, oh, what was I talking about..... oh yeah, he's given her two chances and she snits it away with a throw-away one liner and bolts. So, drag away! She is VERY frustrating!" Well said Lila!

Lili. "She agrees and the concern is evident on her face; she may also be thinking about Marco’s former rival, Diego". What a wonderful parallel. I hope Marco rues how he treated Diego. How the mighty have fallen.

"Daniel tells his love coach, in between bites, that he felt so badly when he told Clara he didn’t feel the same that he asked her for a second chance and is going to try to make a go of it". I didn't realize that was what happened so thank you. I enjoyed he and Rafa enjoying that cake together. And I think Elena wants Daniel happy but realizes full well who it is that he wants. Hey, just because I'm not happy about it...:)

Gonzalo is so tender with Aurora. I hope she survives.

The burn victims were tragic.

Lila, thank you, thank you!



JudyB Can I just say this--You are so well spoken. I admire your calm, loving tone. Reading some of your comments is like reading a hug :) Thank you for sharing that with us!

TF I hope Connie files for divorce and takes everything from Rene.
Oh yeah! It seems like the bulk of their money was Connie's to begin with, right? And the basis for a lot of her "you're pathetic" comments to Rene were/are based on the fact that she thinks he hasn't been able to capitalize on the wealth or power she brought into the marriage? (Can anyone confirm? This is where my missing the first several weeks of this TN gets in the way of my understanding.)

Lila, " whippersnappers" thank you for always "saying " something that gives me a giggle. They would never let us sit next to each other in study hall, girl .

Well, calzones is underwear. Learned something new.

I guess Regina is too young to really understand that life goes by very quickly, so you can't waste time fussing around over small stuff when you can be happy .


Gosh, Helleshelle--thanks. That is a compliment I will treasure. And hope I can live up to.

MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

Hellashelle!!! Awww, Girl! Don't make me get all mushy up in here! I'm going to miss all of Y'ALL! Oh, yes, you all are helping me through a really trying time. I love you and I thank you!

Hellashelle, you are so right about last night's performances! Totally riveting and toally believeable! That's why I get so drawn into this thing! They. are. bringing it!!

Miryea There was a realization on her face that she really does care about her reputation as a nurse and hadn't realized how she might be sacrificing it until this day of reckoning..

Constanza...I was shocked to find that the actress still drew my sympathy in just those few moments when she rounded the corner after catching Rene and Mireya. It was literally seconds, but she showed such vulnerability in those few pants, with her face crumpling into sobs, only to pull it all back in and reconstruct her battling ram of arrogance and anger instantly when Rene caught up with her.

Girl, you have to join me as a Hostess for the Patio in Season 2! You are nailing these scenes. I think one reason Miryea realized she messed up is that in these situations she was expecting a continuation of the knock-down drag out after she smacked Connie. But when Connie recovered almost smiling and said "I will make you so regret all of this..." Miryea was like what the fudge have I done!

ITA on's such a frustrating lack of movement on the part of Regina as a character that it feel like deliberate oppression from the writers.

P.P.S. As much as stoic David is...weird, I got this soldier vibe off of him when he was talking to Gonzalo last night and, I must admit, it was kind of hot. I dig a man on a mission! ;)

I must restock the tables with fans. I thought I didn't need them with the Fall coming! JAJAJAJAJA!

Hellashelle, this is true: I can only hope that this makes it all that much easier for Gonzalo and Co. to find out about the affair and misdeeds.



MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

TF, Bienvenido, Amigo!!!! Never too late!

Miryea is about to find out who was being played! What will Rene's first day back at the Instituto be like? Will he have to go sleep at Miryea's thus raising her hopes that she won? WHO CARES, just bring his arse down!!!

Ah, the two "children" of the Rich Daddies!

Didn't anybody click on that link and hear that great old cut from the Zombies? Am I the only oldy moldie here! Sheesh!

Thanks, TF!!


MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

Jeezopete, Hellashelle, you, long-winded! I thought you were talking about ME! Now THIS is delectable, not because it's referring to me but for the sheer joyous use of words and images!

I cannot wrap my mind around how she melds luscious descriptions with focused, concise summaries.

Oh yeah, if there's a Season two I hope you and some other of my Amigos will volunteer to recap it with me!!

Thank you Sweetheart, you're quite a ROCKER yourself!


MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

Judy! Judy! Judy! Hola y gracias, querida Amiga! Thank you! Seriously, your love and blessings are indeed felt! I feel them now and I felt them during last week which was rough and I love how you and others send similar love and blessings to La Paloma's family and even to those whose names we don't know who need it! It DOES make a difference! You are Judy, all of you are why I do this, you all are welcome and MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS, DE VERDAD for what you are giving me in return!


I spent an hour here writing and expanding on my comment so by the time I posted, some wonderful comments were added.

helleshelle, I could not agree more with your words to Judy: "You are so well spoken. I admire your calm, loving tone. Reading some of your comments is like reading a hug :)". Judy's loving words are antidotes to the world's harshness and ills. She uplifts our hearts and spirits daily. We are all so fortunate to have her here!

Also your insight on Marco was fantastic: "The comments about his mom, his vow to overcome his upbringing and carve a path for himself, followed by the moment of his realizing his own solitude as his cried alone in the hospital. And then that vulnerable confession of both his circumstances and his understanding of his own nature to Lili".

And Judy: "WWGD What would Gonzalo do? I like it. I'll have to ask myself that question any time I'm falling apart". Loved it.

And TF, I am also wondering how Andres will handle Cin's participation in his surgery. The earth will need to move for him to accept her vocation. Perhaps this will be it???

Susanlynn, "I guess Regina is too young to really understand that life goes by very quickly, so you can't waste time fussing around over small stuff when you can be happy". Amen.

Lila, I am casting a write in vote for you and helleshelle to lead the Season 2 team. Now that would be an election outcome that everyone would cheer! :)




“As cold and insufferable as Connie is, I wish she had not debased herself by attempting to stoop to Mireya's level. She should have kept that imperious air and walked away with her head held high and dignity intact”

That was honestly the response I would have expected. But they showed a more “human” side of her we’ve never seen.. like wow, she DOES have feelings!

Rene is with Connie for money? What? But they never have any money!! That’s been Connie and Rene’s issue since day 1- Connie spending money they don’t have. So I’m guessing maybe Connie comes from a wealthy family (so she has those high-society connections), but she doesn’t actually have any money herself?

I agree with everyone’s comments about Mireya. The actress has a great range of emotions. I had never seen her in a TN before but she’s great!

Unfortunate about Marta, but I’m sure Gonzalo will bring her back whenever he gets his job back! She was always super sweet with him

"David has given her at least two chances to walk through the door of forgiveness into his strong, arms, broad shoulders and firm pecs.....uh, oh, what was I talking about”

No idea, but I’m right there with you in La-La land haha

MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

Diana! thank you soooo much, Amiga!

I can't wait for David and Gonzalo to complete the circle of revelations when they find out about miserable Mireya whose last shred of self respect was left outside of Rene's office when he screamed that she meant nothing. Still nothing dawning darling? Hint. That's why they call women like you "other" women.

Yep, trash the threads! Beats direct violence to another human beings person any day: But Angela Bassett did it best in "How Stella Got Her Groove Back". She put hub's clothes on the lawn and then set them on fire.

And Diana, unlike me you are too kind to drag, but this is on target: And to be fair, Regina left the door to David wide open and she (Ana) is only making haste to get inside before it closes. YES! We're trying to help you, Regina!!!

Re Daniel, I didn't realize it either until last night. In a way I'm glad he's going to give it another go since he sat there eating that cake like a pig AND I think Tania would cheat on him at the first opportunity. Daniel is slow, he DOES need time to warm up to Clara!

Oh, Diana, this thing is going to explode every night until the end! Two and half hours to show time!!


MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

Yah, Susanlynn, we would TOTALLY get in trouble for giggling in study hall!!!

Awwwww, this is SO SWEET: JudyB Can I just say this--You are so well spoken. I admire your calm, loving tone. Reading some of your comments is like reading a hug :) Thank you for sharing that with us!

Hella Someone further down may have answered this but YES!

And the basis for a lot of her "you're pathetic" comments to Rene were/are based on the fact that she thinks he hasn't been able to capitalize on the wealth or power she brought into the marriage?

We don't know where she found him, but we discovered after some time that Constanza was the brains behind many of his political moves. I don't think she knows about or encouraged his stealing, selling medical supplies, kickbacks and certainly not planting the chemo medicine in Aurora's room but more "highbrow" political intrigue type stuff. It seems she kept him on a short leash sexually so (not to excuse him) there must have been a lot of times over the past six years when he wasn't a good student, was cut off and so found a supply somewhere else.


MÉDICOS #73/82, 10-27-2020

Diaaaaaanaaaaa . . .
Lila, I am casting a write in vote for you and helleshelle to lead the Season 2 team. Now that would be an election outcome that everyone would cheer! :)

who else am I look at????

UnOp Looks like I'm going to have to do some rewinding! Regina's hurting my David every day! WAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!



Lila, thanks for a rollicking good time. From the start you were off to the races and never let up: “Don’t call me Connie!” she says and her exclamation point is a SLAP in the face!

I so enjoyed Miryea's fall. When Gonzalo told her he wanted another nurse for Aurora, I could see the sting in her face.

Rene's got some nerve firing Marta. I hope she doesn't take this lying down. Would love to see the Vega firm sue on her behalf for wrongful firing.

Folks,judyb has been at caray since the beginning, and her kind, empathetic,loving, wise words are one of the reasons caray is such a lovely place to spend time . I have been the recipient of her good advice and loving thoughts throughout the years. She has helped me through some sad, bad days. There is only one judyb.


Gracias, Niecie!!! Here is something I hadn't thought of! THANK YOU:

Rene's got some nerve firing Marta. I hope she doesn't take this lying down. Would love to see the Vega firm sue on her behalf for wrongful firing.

This is great, Niecie! We know she's going to tell Gonzalo or he'll find out and Gonzalo will go straight to Vega.

With the explosion and mass casualties at the Instituto, some of this unmasking might be put on hold! OR, it could lay bare some life-threatening inadequacies caused by Rene's corruption!!!


JudyB I just learned about the new grandbaby, congrats grandma. Some
Happiness is just whats needed in these dark days of 2020.

JudyB; I didn't know you just had a grandbaby! Congratulations!

Diana, lol in the words of so many before me: It's an honor just to be nominated! Seriously, in a perfect world, my job would be watching and discussing TNs. In an even more outrageous, ideal world, I would be part of a writing team much like The Patio, working to craft smart, sweet TNs that didn't make people tighten their beanies every few minutes. Sigh. Ah, what a beautiful dream life...

Sadly, by the time Season 2 rolls around, I will probably be back in the office and the commute will nix my ability to get home in time to watch :(

hellashelle, I know! Work is overwhelming isn't it? I'm sorry to hear that but I totally understand. The hours are endless and one day melds into the next. Groundhog day over and over.

Off to day 3 of an all day meeting. Can't wait to read your recap later Lila!


MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

Buenos! Buenos, Peeps! As always, prayers and peace to you, especially if you are dealing with this latest hurricane! Unbelievable! Love and Healing to us all! Well, more math and aftermath of the gas pipeline and infidelity explosions as we calculate how today’s actions will figure into the beginning of the hoped for Season 2! As always, this is YOUR Patio and I know you will help where it’s needed and add your take! Vamanos!

The Guerreros Cinthia reports to the hospital where Andres is a patient. Of course, Juanpa is there. Cinthia is nervous and still uncertain about attending the surgery. Juanpa shores Cinthia up with the story of how, when they were kids, he broke his arm when they were skiing. The incident marked the time Cinthia decided to become a Doctor. Juanpa said she stayed with him the whole time and he felt so much better. Although Cinthia thinks Andres does not trust her, Juanpa thinks he will feel better knowing she is there. He tells her she doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone. “All you have to do is convince yourself that you are ready to care for the most difficult patient you’ll ever care for in your whole life…” “My Papa?” He nods, “Once you do that, there will be nothing to stop you.” She thanks him. He asks what is she going to do then. “I’m going to prepare for surgery!” “Eso! (That’s it!)” Juanpa exclaims and sweeps her into a big hug. Cinthia does look much brighter than when she entered the hospital. “I’ve known you all your life unlike, for example, Rafa.” Juanpa spoils the moment for Cinthia, wiping off her brilliant smile. Cinthia tells him to stay out of that subject. He presses on. Juanpa knows her so well, it’s just so hard to surrender; besides, you never forget your first love! We were kids, Cinthia finally smiles again. Juanpa speaks through a permanently affixed smile when he’s talking to Cinthia, barely opening his teeth. He says she’s even more beautiful now and this attitude – he makes an impassioned intake of breath for emphasis -- “this attitude that you’ve forged all on your own makes you the perfect woman for me!” “Juanpa you’re un tipazo but I’ve told you, our relationship is not going any further!” Patricia arrives and Cinthia tells her she is going to do the surgery. “Ma, it’s not because I’m trying to prove anything to anybody; it’s because it’s my vocation and if I can use it to help my family; that’s what I’m going to do.” After she leaves Patricia gives Juanpa a big hug and thanks him for convincing Cinthia to attend the surgery. Patricia says soon Cinthia will realize there are very few good men like him left anymore. Juanpa sighs, says he hopes so. Patricia says Juanpa will see she is right; just leave it in her hands!

The surgery goes perfectly and Cinthia does hands on assistance under Dr. Valero’s pleased encouragement. In fact, Dr. Valero is so pleased with Cinthia’s demonstrated competence; he offers her a position as a member of his team once she completes her residency! After surgery Andres is surprised to know Cinthia assisted and refuses to thank her, preferring to acknowledge Dr. Valero for allowing her to attend. Frankly, I am so tired and angry at this little man! Patricia is outdone that he won’t even thank Cinthia and warns Andres that if he doesn’t change his attitude she is going to leave him and go to Cinthia because she’s just about had it!


MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

I want to move on to what I think is the big take away in the Guerrero storyline. Cinthia discovers that the multi-million peso device the Instituto bought is an older, previous generation device! The device is used to guide the surgeon in the placement of the prosthetic knee, giving an onscreen display of an x-ray image of the knee, the prosthesis and the important angles which guide the placement. Through conversation with Dr. Valero, using and examining the device, it is absolutely clear to Cinthia that Valero’s hospital has the latest generation of the device and the Instituto does not! Remember, this was one of Rene’s explicitly expressed strategies, to buy older generation equipment but charge the Instituto the price for the newest device!

Repulsive Rene Rene reports to work after a stop by his house for a morning begging session. Rene wants to talk! Connie throws down the business card to her lawyer if he wants someone to talk to. Once at work, Marta appears with a big steaming cuppa joe for Rene. She used to tell him to get it for himself. Anyway, she humbly asks for a second chance. Rene growls at her to get out before he calls security! Marta leaves, crying. More on that later! Rene calls a jewelry store and orders some expensive baubles and rushes to go pick them up. He meets Miryea at the door who wants to know where he’s going. None of her beeswax! Well, it’s not a good time to be leaving the hospital; there’s been a terrible accident, all staff are needed. “Well, that’s what Doctors are for Nurse he says, leaving Miryea staring at her future circling the bowl. Rene presents the baubles to Connie who seems to be impressed. She allows Rene to return home, but only to the living room and then states her other terms which Rene accepts, even though reluctantly. Drama to watch for! Connie says Rene must fire Miryea AND she, Connie, must be present to see that zorra’s face when he does so!

Gonzalo intercepts a sobbing Marta as she leaves the hospital. She cries that she’s been fired when she was just within reach of her retirement because she gave Connie the key to Rene’s office and Connie discovered “her husband having relations with the head nurse!” Gonzalo alerts to this information! Gonzalo assures her she can count on him for whatever she needs and that what she has told him is very important! Why? To establish the link between Miryea and Rene! Marta is like, “does that help me get my job back because I don’t know what to do!” Gonzalo hugs her!


MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

After Marta leaves, Gonzalo immediately calls Alonso Vega who is with Ricardo on speaker. [Need help here with the Spanish and legalese, please!] Gonzalo tells them the link between Miryea and Rene is that they are lovers! Alonso and Ricardo make a gesture which says this confirms their theory. Ricardo says they have discovered the motive, now they need proof that it was Miryea who put the meds in Aurora’s room. Ricardo says he has spoken with Dr. Paredes who is gathering information for him. Gonzalo says yes, David has found a way to get more information on Rene’s past dealings in the Instituto. Alonso says they already have a breakdown of the requisitions and decisions Rene has made regarding the Instituto’s resources. Ricardo says yes, what they have to demonstrate is that as Director of the Instituto, Gonzalo was not responsible for following the chain of custody for the chemo drug and, Alonso adds, there were others who had access to this medicine, like Miryea. But, Ricardo says, they have to find a way to directly implicate Dr. Castillo who was the principal beneficiary of the decision to discharge Gonzalo (for the theft of the medicine; misuse of Instituto resources). I think Gonzalo then said something about him and Rene always looking at the management differently with Rene never being concerned about the well-being of patients. Ricardo then says he has gotten information from Andrea, one if the patients who was waiting to get chemo and who made a complaint to CONAMED, the healthcare consumer advocacy organization. Ricardo wants to talk to her to see if she will testify that she did actually receive chemotherapy. Gonzalo offers to put Ricardo In touch with Art, Andrea’s Doctor. Alonso says the more information they have; the easier it will be to defend him. Alonso says other stuff about the trial that I didn’t understand. lo mas seguro es que ya nos citen al juicio… Please chime in! Bottom line, Gonzalo and David are providing important information; Alonso feels that it won’t be easy but if the truth is on their side, the rest will fall into place!

Will our lovers be blasted back into each other’s arms? Moaning, groaning and crying as burned and otherwise injured patients are now even in the staff area of the ER! Regina takes command of the controlled chaos, standing on one of the desks and announcing that they are full, some patients are in ICU, some have gone to the floors and some sent to other hospitals. To care for the patients and clear the staff area, they will have to take two patients per ER bay!

MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

In the meantime, David and Marco are on the floor, examining the patient that Marco nearly killed. His wounds look good but the patient feels a dizziness and pain. David explains that is due to an error during the surgery. A new, humble Marco describes what happened, says it was his fault and credits Dr. Paredes with the life-saving correction and apologizes to the patient. David says the truth is Dr. Zavala corrected his own error and the patient has no complications now, and should have none going forward. Marco tells the patient he may file a complaint or even seek legal relief; the patient declines but says he prefers Dr. Paredes do his follow up care. Marco subtly registers this rebuff on his face. There isn’t a lot of time to react as the two are paged urgently to the ER!

More patients are coming in! Daniel is with one who needs immediate surgery; Pam and Lili attend another! David, Rafa and Marco arrive; David sends Marco to the OPC to cancel all appointments! Regina comes in and is using her tense, loud, emergency command voice as she shouts directions to David. “Regina, Regina,” he says, lightly grasping her shoulders and attempting to get her to focus on and link into his more centered demeanor, “calm down; let’s do what we always do, you command; tell me what to do; come on, where do we start.” Regina exhales, her gaze captured by David’s. “Okay,” she sighs and visibly dials down. David’s eyes have never left hers and he seems to be speaking to her wordlessly from a place they’ve both been before. Regina seems to understand. [I’m sorry, but that’s DAMNED SEXY!!!!]

One of the young men whose Mother tried to stop him from going to the gas pipeline, Ariel Gutierrez, is disoriented, gets off the gurney and is calling for his brother, Simon. David and Regina convince him they are working to identify all the victims and that he should please, go back and lie down to be cared for. In another part of the Instituto, Ana finds the OPC empty and the Nurse tells her it’s code blue in the ER! Ana goes over to the ER where Regina and David update her; David tells her they need her help. Ana asks Regina what she needs and directs Ana to patients who need care but are not yet assigned beds. Ana heads off! Regina and Luz meets a throng of families outside the Instituto, all anxious for information about the victims. Ms. Gutierrez is there looking for her sons, Simon and Ariel. Regina calls for a calm and order but clamor understandably ensues as family members call out the names of their loved ones! Back in the ER Ana attends a patient. Regina approaches and asks if she needs help; she’s busy but fine. Regina calls Ana’s name to get her attention. Ana looks up; Regina thanks her and goes to the bay where David is attending a patient. Regina asks if he needs anything. Yes. David reports his patient is very grave with second degree burns over fifty percent of his body and his lungs are severely inflamed from smoke inhalation; he needs to go to the ICU! “We’ll do everything we can to save him,” Regina says. “As always,” David answers. David does not waste his miradas when he is with Regina, and this one is no exception. Regina leaves to initiate the admission!


MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020 END

Pam and Tania take a brief break in the common room. They are beat! This is so terrible Tania says and it didn’t have to happen! Pam says that nothing prepares you for this! Tania says it must be a nightmare for the patients and families! Art comes in and gives them a gentle but spirited pep talk: He congratulates them for the great work they’ve done today! He lets that sink in for a moment but then reminds them there are patients on the floors that need their attention. Let’s go, he says, and the three leave together.

Regina is at a desk in the ER attending to something when David approaches and tells her all the patients are stable and have either gone to the ICU, or to other floors. Regina thanks David for coming to lend his support; he responds that she doesn’t have to thank him and heads off to talk to families. A terribly burned person is in the foreground and we see Ana in the distance, she walks towards Regina. “Regina, I’ve finished with the patients in the ER and am going up to the floors to see the others.” “Ana, thank you very, very much for your support. Your help was very important.” Ana silently acknowledges the thanks. My take? Regina and Ana may have interacted as mutually respected professional peers for the first time in their lives! This will hopefully have a positive impact on their work relationship and ease some, if not all, of the pressure Regina has felt for Ana has been given a perspective into the work of the ER that she didn’t seem to have before. David and Regina have been able to draw from strengths they shared in their not so distant work relationship. These strengths are deeply rooted in a long standing professional relationship but fortified by the very personal and intimate connection they have made as lovers. Although unaware, they are still bound by the red thread, though it is tangled and stretched!

Finally, Felipe is attentive to Aurora as she suffers nausea and vomiting. After she has calmed down some, he asks how it came to be that she accepted to return to treatment. It was Gonzalo’s love. Aurora doesn’t think she deserves it; Felipe says she does and encourages her to fight for her happiness with Gonzalo. Felipe ignores a call from Javier but doesn’t tell Aurora. Later, Felipe and Gonzalo have a moving interaction outside the Instituto. We see Felipe as he angrily ends another call from Javier. Felipe tells Gonzalo Javier had the nerve to call and ask about Aurora but he told him to go to hell! Gonzalo tells Felipe to calm down; don’t get angry: it’s not worth it. Felipe begins to cry; he so regrets ever having believed in Javier. Gonzalo tells him not to cry, he was just a child! “But I had a Papa, and it’s you; it has always been you! Forgive me, Papa!” Gonzalo embraces his son and they cry, finally truly reunited!


Medicos. Another excellent recap, Lila! I really liked the red thread reference. And you are right, Lila. An unexpected benefit of Cinthia's dad's surgery is that she realizes that Rene hadn't bought the most up-to-date orthopedic surgery equipment. Dr. Valero demonstrates exactly how a more experienced surgeon should coach a younger, less-experienced one. What a nice man! Btw. Juanpa may not be a romantic interest, but he is a very good friend--the closest Cinthia has to abrother.


Alonzo Vega said the more information we can gather, the better as "lo mas seguro es que ya nos citen al juicio" loosely translated means "most likely, they will soon summon us for the trial/hearing." The attorneys added that they would like to talk to Andrea and see if she will testify that she did indeed receive her medication. They had been looking for the connection between Rene and Mireya and with Gonzalo's info, they have that, but now they have to prove that Rene had something to do with Mireya's actions regarding the meds. She was doing it to help him dethrone Gonzalo, but the weasel can always say she did it on her own, that he didn't know.


Thank you so much, Lila! Great recap!

All it took was some nice, expensive jewelry for Rene to get slightly back on Connie’s good graces again. Despite telling him to sleep on the couch, she started wearing the jewelry quickly. It wouldn’t have surprised me if Rene had thought of getting rid of Mireya anyway before Connie demanded it. Alonso and Ricardo are very close to making their case so I’m actually excited to see the conclusion.

Kudos to Marco for being honest with his patient. Despite the risk to the patient Marco needed to make that mistake to be knocked down a few pegs. And ultimately the patient made the right choice for his own care. Hopefully this was a lesson learned and Marco will be a better doctor because of it.

I totally agree with your analysis of Regina and Ana. They don’t have to like each other and be best friends but they are both good at what they do and can at least respect one another for that. Despite her new position Ana is still a useful asset when it comes to patient care.

The scene with Gonzalo and Felipe was sweet. Nice to see Gonzalo get his family back.


MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

Gracias, SpanProf, I could just copy your whole comment! Yes, that was a wonderful outcome of the surgery on Andres! Cinthia pledged to help David investigate and she did so just by being the wonderful Daughter and Doctor she is! I can't wait for her to fill him in! And Juanpa IS a good friend! I know he wants to be more for Cinthia and I'm not mad at him for that: she is everything and more that makes him love her, but Cinthia wants Rafa! And Patricia; scolding Andres for not recognizing that Cinthia is an adult woman able to make her own choices and there she is openly plotting with Juanpa to try to MAKE Cinthia choose him! Look in the mirror at your two faces, Patricia!


MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

Ah, muchisimas gracias, Anon! for understanding what Alonso said! Ok. Cool! Gotcha! I wasn't far off!

Oh, TF, that Connie is shrewd. Miryea's complaint was that she was tired of Connie humiliating her. Well, she ain't seen nothin' yet! Rene is going to fire Miryea not only in front of Connie's eyes, but probably a whole audience of Instituto staff who have suffered at her hands. Remember when she accused the nursing staff of stealing the medicine; ordered them to look for it and then, when it magically appeared she gave everybody double shifts with payment for only one? Oh yeah, get your popcorn; this is going to be good!

TF, Marco is a changed man. As I noted yesterday, he even looks differently! I wonder what specialty he'll go into: maybe trauma surgery like David!

And yes, Regina and Ana are two very skilled Physicians and need to leave that grade school taunting BS behind forever!

I try to end with something positive everyday. Hearing Felipe call Gonzalo "Papa" was heartwarming! Now, let them please let Aurora survive!

Muchisimas gracias, TF!!!!



I realize I forgot to mention stubborn Andres. Despite proving herself to be more than capable at doing her job, it was frustrating to see Andres not acknowledge what Cinthia did for him. I was hoping this would be an epiphany for Andres and now I can’t predict what could be that realization for him in these last episodes.

Given what’s likely to come in tonight’s episode, I can’t say I’ll feel sorry for Mireya. I still think Connie should kick Rene to the curb but she will also get to say “I told you so” to Mireya.


Lila, I keep searching for new superlatives.

"Juanpa speaks through a permanently affixed smile when he’s talking to Cinthia, barely opening his teeth. He says she’s even more beautiful now and this attitude – he makes an impassioned intake of breath for emphasis -- “this attitude that you’ve forged all on your own makes you the perfect woman for me!”. I'm sure Juanpa is a good guy but he is trying too hard. He is firmly in the friend zone and it's time he took his dashed hopes and looks elsewhere.

"David’s eyes have never left he"rs and he seems to be speaking to her wordlessly from a place they’ve both been before. Oh my.

Lila, I have long stopped being surprised by your ability to take a perfect snapshot in time, but I continue to be impressed. I am in awe.

“But I had a Papa, and it’s you; it has always been you! Forgive me, Papa!” Gonzalo embraces his son and they cry, finally truly reunited! The most touching scene of the night.

Your keen awareness and understanding of Ana and Regina’s interactions in ER were perfect.

“Well, that’s what Doctors are for Nurse he says, leaving Miryea staring at her future circling the bowl" had me smiling away.

SpanProf, I liked Dr. Valero immediately! So kind. I don’t know the actor’s name but I’ve seen him before. At least he was enthusiastically supportive of Cin as her own father laid there like a petulant, grimacing, ungrateful patient.

"Despite telling him to sleep on the couch, she started wearing the jewelry quickly. It wouldn’t have surprised me if Rene had thought of getting rid of Mireya anyway before Connie demanded it". Excellent TF, I totally agree! And btw, I would not have capitulated for anything under the sun. Rene is such a spineless toad, I find it hard to believe he will publicly fire Mireya. After all, she has all the "goods" on him and can send him up the river pronto! 😊

My heart goes out to all the patients suffering in the aftermath of the explosion.

I have to (somewhat begrudgingly) give credit to Art who does try and keep spirits up. He is such a contradiction.

A cold, grey, rainy day here devoid of sunshine or light. The sky has opened Lila, thanks to you amiga. Thank you!



Ah LILA, I knew you'd find the faint traces of hope...

"Will our lovers be blasted back into each other's arms?"'s looking that way. Especially when you write it up this way--

Regina comes in and is using her tense, loud, emergency command voice as she shouts directions to David. “Regina, Regina,” he says, lightly grasping her shoulders and attempting to get her to focus on and link into his more centered demeanor, “calm down; let’s do what we always do, you command; tell me what to do; come on, where do we start.” Regina exhales, her gaze captured by David’s. “Okay,” she sighs and visibly dials down. David’s eyes have never left hers and he seems to be speaking to her wordlessly from a place they’ve both been before. Regina seems to understand. [I’m sorry, but that’s DAMNED SEXY!!!!]

Too right, LILA. Damned sexy and then some. And while the "red thread is tangled and stretched" it's still connecting our two lovers. So there is HOPE!

Also hoping getting fired is what it takes for Mireya to rat out René. And of course for Marta to get her job back. I don't care a piffle about Cinthia's dad, but I do like Cinthia so hopefully he'll stop being such an asshat soon. JuanPa has the most dreadful teeth--ready to see him disappear and wish there were going to be a different ending for Daniel and the sweet nurse, but sure looks like Tania is his future. Well, small beans, as long as Regina and David end up back together. And agree with all that Regina and Ana have now interacted at a higher, healthier level as respected colleagues rather than squabbling middle schoolers.

Thanks for another memorable, juicy recap. How you do it day after day, week after week amazes me. Doc, get me some Vitamin Lila please! And Happy Halloween, our little city is celebrating it tonight. Miserable, cold and rainy. And we're supposed to lay out the candy on tables rather than set out a bowl. Not sure how that will work. Hang tight everybody and stay healthy please...cases are spiking here in Ohio.


Haven’t had time to watch the episode, but thanks so much for your recap Lila!! Very thorough and always appreciated! Looking forward to those sexy David scenes haha

MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

Hi, TF! Gracias!

Phew! Had to take a nap! Anyway, Andres makes me so mad, I didn't even want to describe the scene! What an idiot!

I hope Connie has more up her sleeve for Rene. Humiliating Miryea can't be the end of it!


Lila, you are the Energizer bunny, my dear.I need new batteries because it rained all day here and my energy is ebbing.

And so , we are now galloping toward the finishline . If i can have only two wishes, they would be David and Regina wrapped together with that magical, mystical red thread and Rene and Mir getting the anvils that they deserve.

Whew! It's like my bosses heard me--swamped all day!

Just stopped by to thank Lila for a fantastic recap. I loved the image of Miryea staring at her future circling the bowl. and "David’s eyes have never left hers and he seems to be speaking to her wordlessly from a place they’ve both been before." Ooh! Tingles on that one! You were really drawing water from the stone, though. While I was happy to see David and Regina working together, I thought their scenes could have used some editing, but I digress...

Also loved Repulsive Rene reports to work after a stop by his house for a morning begging session. LOL!!!

TF:All it took was some nice, expensive jewelry for Rene to get slightly back on Connie’s good graces again
TF, I was SOOOO disappointed in Constanza! Really? She let him in for a gaudy bauble?! Blech! She's cheapening herself.

Diana:Juanpa is a good guy but he is trying too hard. He is firmly in the friend zone and it's time he took his dashed hopes and looks elsewhere.
Well said, Diana! Maybe he'll end up with one of our nice nurses in season 2.

I find it hard to believe he will publicly fire Mireya. After all, she has all the "goods" on him and can send him up the river pronto!
A huge YEP on that one. Oh Mireya. Rene is just going to reject and humiliate you and hope that you won't retaliate because you were right there with him in this whole big mess! You'll have to take yourself down to take him down.

Don't have time to dive deep but:
-I was not expecting Cinthia's storyline to veer into the equipment, but I love it.
-Totally agree with your analysis of Ana and Regina, Lila, 100%.


MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

Diana! Sorry for the late response! Had a sudden wave of yuckiness overtake me!!! GRACIAS, AMIGA!!!!

Oh, how delicious to return and find your comment, Diana! Last night might not have been as explosive as the one before, but it WAS good and I think tonight will be as well!

Thank goodness for Dr. Valero: I liked Dr. Valero immediately! So kind. I don’t know the actor’s name but I’ve seen him before. At least he was enthusiastically supportive of Cin as her own father laid there like a petulant, grimacing, ungrateful patient.

Andres is opposite Gonzalo as a Father, what a jerk he is!

Yeah, hadn't thought of this....

Rene is such a spineless toad, I find it hard to believe he will publicly fire Mireya. After all, she has all the "goods" on him and can send him up the river pronto.

...., but if he doesn't, beware the wrath of Constanza!

MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

Juuuuuudyyyyy! Hey, Girl! I'm grasping for the passion, I really am! They can't leave us hanging until this unknown future Season 2!

Sorry for the short response! I see more Peeps in comments! Be right back!

Medicos. I hope both Marta and Mireya end up testifying against Rene! They certainly have the goods on him.

MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

Thanks, UnOp! I hope you're not disappointed in the "sexy scenes," I'm afraid David could read stock market ticker tape that runs at the bottom of the TV screen and I'd think it was sexy! Can't wait to see what you think when you've actually seen it!


This comment has been removed by the author.

MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

Hellashelle, welcome, Girl!!! Darn those bosses!

On David and Regina, Hellashelle, you and the whole Patio know that I'm desperately holding on to that red thread. If the season doesn't go out like we like it Hellashelle, please write just a paragraph describing a yummier, more soulful version. I loved that "dream scene" of Regina running to the OPC after talking to Luz about fighting for your loved ones. That was one fine piece of prose, Missy!

SO GLAD Cinthia got some goods on Rene, just by righteously following her vocation and her heart! YAAAY!


MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

Gracias, Dear Susanlynn!!! This bunny had energy ebbing too! So weird! At about 4:00 p.m. I checked out! Oh well, more energy for tonight's episode!

If i can have only two wishes, they would be David and Regina wrapped together with that magical, mystical red thread and Rene and Mir getting the anvils that they deserve.

SpanProf: Medicos. I hope both Marta and Mireya end up testifying against Rene! They certainly have the goods on him.

From your keyboards to the writers brick heads!



Great work, Lila.

Marco is waking up to reality. I hope it isn't too late for him.

Rene is losing it. Mireya knows too much. Firing her will lead to major disclosure. Would she be able to use that as a bargaining chip? We will know soon.

I can't believe there are only four episodes left.

MÉDICOS #74, 10-28-2020

Thanks so much, Urbanita!!! Ditto on everything you said, Urban! With only four episodes (*sniff sniff*) we are sure to get more revelations and I hope some anvils!


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