Thursday, February 11, 2021

DAYTIME TNs…y Mas (#2): Week of Feb. 8, 2021

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs!  This page is being provided to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 6PM.  If you would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

9 -11 AM - Contra Viento y Mares (Unimás)

12-2 PM –  Destilando Amor (Unimás)

1-2 PM -   Yo Soy Betty, La Fea (Telemundo)

2-3 PM -   Mañana Es Para Siempre (Univisión)

3-4 PM –  Quererlo Todo (Univisión) 

6-7 PM -   La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (Unimás)

7-8 PM -   Pájaro Soñador (Unimás-repeat aired at 8AM the following weekday morning.)

Click “Read more” for Galavisión Daytime TNs—

12 – 2PM    Amorcito Corazón

2 – 4PM     La Fuerza del Destino

4 – 6PM    Mar de Amor

This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio.

Please remember that ANY daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Pájaro”). If there is a TN you would like added to the listing, please e-mail me at rgvchick627@

This page will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays before 12PM. 

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Episode 73 Recap:
1.) Over at Jacinto & Mags' house: Jacinto gets into a confrontation with Jackass #2 Camilo. It seems that Jacinto is getting annoyed with being Jackass #2 Camilo's errand boy & punching bag.

2.) Jackass #2 Camilo gets uppity & launches more insults & was about to strike him when Jacinto blocked the Jackass' hand & tells him to get the Hell out of his house.

3.) Mags praying for Jacinto outside. When she comes back inside, she is worried about what Jackass #2 Camilo will do to them.

4.) Back in Purification: we see Aurora praying to the Virgin Mary: apparently about Ugly Dominga's death.

5.) In the meantime, we don't have any appearances from Liliana, whose still at the mental institution clinic.

6.) However we do see Martina talking to her father & Lovely at her father's messed up residence. She gives both Lovely & Silvestre some money.

7.) It seems that Gardenia was rescued somehow in Episode 72. Not sure if she still plans to rat out Franco as Eduardo Juarez, but the possibility of that isn't ruled out.

8.) Over at Casa Santorro: we see Franco & Fernanda talking about another business meeting negotiation shtick when her phone rings.... Franco excuses himself while Fernanda talks to no other than..... DAMIAN!

9.) Back at Vlad's crappy apartment: Damian gets annoyed with Vladimir (who is about downright pathetic) by shoving over to another room while he's talking with Fernanda on the phone.

10.) Henchman #1 & Henchman #2 (on the orders of Artemio Bravo) originally planned to kidnap & possibly kill Padre Bosco. Steve, Jr., & Gardenia just in the nick of time as Artemio's thugs came very close to pulling off another bloody hit-job on Padre Bosco, so the thugs left. Padre Bosco meets with both Steve, Jr., & Nagging Gardenia.

11.) In the meantime, Franco followed Fernanda over to the undisclosed location in the middle of the night, where he sees Fernanda talking with Damian.

12.) Franco gets unhinged at seeing Damian embracing Fernanda.


- Carlota kicks Maripaz out of the house. Maripaz claims Camilo instigated the kiss.
- Lucia is shocked but admits to Carlota that she reciprocated Ivan’s kiss when he helped her with her car.
- Maripaz attempts to lay on the pity party with Lucrecia so she can stay in the house.
- Tony doesn’t want Ivan to find out what happened.
- Lucrecia tries to convince Carlota not to kick Maripaz out. Lucrecia gives Maripaz some conditions.
- Lucia decides not to confront Camilo.
- Ivan notices that Alex is upset. At first Alex doesn’t tell him and neither does Tony but eventually Alex spills the beans about Maripaz and Camilo.
- Carlota tells Camilo he better have a good explanation for what happened. Lucia doesn’t want an explanation.
- Lucia tells Camilo she only cares for him but doesn’t love him. Camilo almost forces her to kiss him.
- Carmen tells Arcelia and Antolin about Camilo being caught kissing Maripaz.
- JJ tells Tony about a meeting at the association. At the meeting Camilo refuses the presidency.
- Ivan and Tony discuss what happened between Camilo and Maripaz.
- Antolin takes the gossip to Gerardo and Carolina.
- Maripaz buys a car and later runs into Saul and sees his injury.
- Ivan tells Alex they are staying in Alamos permanently. Ivan meets with his lawyer to seek a paternity test on Perlita.
- Ivan calls Lucia but she hangs up when Camilo comes in her room. He asks her to return to the bedroom they share but she says not until she completes her exam....maybe.
- Camilo chats with Carlota. She encourages him to accept the presidency of the association.

- Alex is still afraid of Maripaz
- JJ agrees to support Camilo as president of the association only if he covers the wrongdoings JJ made as president.
- Ivan wants Lucia to help Alex not be afraid of being around Maripaz but also wants to be able to see her regularly.
- Gerardo talks to Lucia about Ivan and Camilo.
- Camilo and Lucia plan a day out and run into Ivan and Alex.
- Carmen, Saul and Gordo put their plan to kidnap Lucrecia in motion, using Antolin’s gun. Gerardo ends up getting shot saving Lucrecia. Antolin’s car breaks down elsewhere.
- Lucia tells Carolina, then later Ivan, the news.
- Lucrecia and Gerardo talk.
- Carolina visits Gerardo and is with him when he unfortunately dies.


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QT #27 Part 1 of 2

Val told Matt off. He didn't get this. She told him to leave her alone. Dalia came in saying Angelita was missing. Val went to look for her. Dalia told Matt off for his interest in Val when he's supposed to be marrying Sandy, then went into her worries about Angelita.

Leo brought flowers and chocolates to Remi (!) and tried to talk him into manipulating Val's memory. Remi refused and Leo threatened him with the manicomio.

Sabina found Ange's note, blaming the gossip in school and the fight over the inheritance. Sab called Sandy to tell her about Ange.

Remi told Leo off, especially because Leo controls Val's dinero and she blindly trusted Leo. Remi finally said that Leo was nothing until he discovered Val and he made them into a superstar couple. Leo tried to fire him for this.

Val was worried and Minnie came in with Aaron. She left them to talk.

Matt talked to Padre G about Ange. He thought everyone should be looking for her. Matt went off to search. Art called the padre to say the vaccines had arrived. Padre G went to the church; Berenice refused to accompany him.

Magdalena said she was trying to forget Tirso. Esme sent Camila to talk to her. Ange sneaked into the saloon.

Dalia and Basurto tried to reassure Sab about the search. Dalia made Sab some tea and gave her some good parenting advice.

Eva's lawyer came to see her about the divorce (?) Sandy asked him about the inheritance.

Leo asked Aaron about Val. He said that her memories are blocked because of trauma. She will remember eventually, but recommended rest. When she was alone Val picked up the grey teddy bear and asked “Are you mine?”

Magdalena pointed out Val's picture in a fashion magazine to Camila, telling her she had met her. She commented that she looked sad. Camila agreed.

Esme found Ange hiding in her office.

Aaron, Dalia, and Leo talked about the ransom money for Don Patricio's corpse. Leo told Dalia that Esme had given him the money and Minnie stole it out of the safe. Dalia didn't buy this.

Luisa brought food to the vaccine event, but told Padre G that Art only wanted it given to the press. She is still trying to convince the padre [and herself] that Art isn't a bad man. She then went on about Padre G and Berenice.

QT #27 Part 2 of 2

Sandy asked the lawyer about who replaces Dalia if anything happened to her. He said that the responsibility would pass to Leo.

Leo demanded that Minnie tell him what's up with her and Aaron. She said she was trying to get him on their side. He told her what just happened and she isn't taking this seriously.

Esme and Magdalena offered Ange something to eat. Esme got her to talk. She said that nobody loves her and everyone is fighting over the money. Just as Magdalena brought the plate, Sab came in. Ange did not want to leave with her and wanted Tirso to pick her up.

Luisa and Berenice started a row. Art showed up and had one with Padre G who accused him of setting up this event for his own benefit. It was all about the photo op. Lorenzo came in and took at least half a dozen sandwiches.

Matt and Sandy talked about his disapproval of her “job.” She said he didn't make enough to buy a house, etc. Stalemate.

Art and Padre G's argument continued.

Dalia arrived at the saloon with Tirso. Ange only had agreed to go home if he came for her. She left with him and her mother. Dalia stayed at the saloon to talk to Esme about why she hadn't told her about the grave robbing. She was sure Esme thought her a fool. She told her that the marked money was in Minnie's hands, so therefore it was never paid.

Episode 75 Recap will be posted sometime over the weekend.



Actually, I will have MW, and I think UA has TR. We need at least one other person to give an F.



That is correct; I should not post when too tired.

LFDD #80/81

- Gerardo dies. Everyone is devastated.
- Camilo tries calling Antolin but he doesn’t answer. Lucia calls Ivan.
- Ivan and Tony decide to tell Alex about Gerardo’s death. Alex is sad but starts understand about death.
- Carmen calls Saul and warns him that she will tell the police everything.
- The funeral has started and everyone is there.
- The police detective tells Camilo that Antolin’s fingerprints are on the gun.
- Everyone is worried about Carolina. Tony and Ivan offer her to come live with them. She decides to think about it.
- Antolin finds out what happened and is soon arrested and interrogated.
- Camilo goes to see Antolin. Antonlin suspects Saul and Gordo are behind everything as he (A) is partly responsible for Saul’s accident.
- Ivan and Camilo argue about how to help Antolin.
- Camilo accuses Lucia of thinking Ivan is better than him and almost hits her.
- Antolin doesn’t want Arcelia and Carolina to find out he’s in jail.
- Tony tells Camilo to let go of his pride.

- Camilo tells David about Antolin’s situation. David encourages him to let Ivan help.
- Carmen confronts Saul and Gordo at a billiard hall.
- Ivan and Tony talk to their lawyer.
- Saul and Gordo take Carmen to Gordo’s apartment and make her keep quiet. Carmen tells Saul that her daughter is also his.
- Camilo arrives at Gordo’s apartment and finds Carmen there. Carmen later tells Camilo everything.
- Ivan and Lucia tell Arcelia and Carolina that Antolin is under arrest.
- Lucia tells Camilo that she and Ivan told Arcelia and Carolina about Antolin. Camilo gets jealous.
- Carlota points out that Camilo’s pride and jealousy towards Ivan seems to be more important to him than helping his brother.
- Carolina testifies and is able to see Antolin.
- Carlota feels guilty about forcing Lucia to marry Camilo. Lucia admits she’ll never stop loving Ivan.
- Camilo tells Antolin that Saul, Gordo, and Carmen were involved in framing him.
- Camilo apologizes to Ivan.
- Lucia’s receives Ivan’s petition for a paternity test on Perla.
- Judith testifies.
- Saul tells his dad everything. JJ tells Saul to marry Carmen to keep her quiet and that he will make a deal with Camilo. Saul calls Carmen.
- Gerardo’s will indicates everything goes to Carolina.
- Ivan and Alex run into Lucia and Berenice. Berenice encourages Lucia to talk to Ivan.
- JJ talks to Camilo.
- Ivan wants Lucia to divorce Camilo. Lucia accidentally leaves her papers in Ivan’s car.
- Carolina’s doctor tells her that they will be able to operate on her eye and they have to do it as soon as possible.
- Ivan and Camilo come to blows. Maripaz gets hurt in the scuffle.


Episode 75 Recap (Part I):

1.) Henchman #1 & Henchman #2 inform Artemio that the latest attempt on Padre Bosco didn't go as planned because the townspeople rampaged the Cathedral.

2.) Pissed off & furious at them, Artemio presses the red button... Reinforcements grab both Henchman #1 & Henchman #2 & take them away. It's presumed Henchman #1 & Henchman #2 got whacked.

3.) Overnight Padre Bosco got lucky once AGAIN. The townspeople & Nagging Gardenia came to the rescue.

4.) Franco & Erika eating at the Buji restaurant somewhere in the DF.

5.) Conservations take place between Franco & Erika.

6.) Close-up of Franco & Erika holding hands during dinner at the Buji restaurant.

7.) Over at Vladimir's ugly apartment, Damian slams the briefcase shut & gives Vlad last minute instructions.

8.) Artemio calling Ugly Dominga's phone, which continues non-stop.

9.) Over in Purification: Aurora starts freaking out over the phone ringing. She begins to cry.

10.) Santiago begins to leave when Aurora yells out his name. He backs up & gets out of his vehicle, they embrace & hug.

11.) Inside the house: Santiago notices the phone keeps ringing. He hangs it up. Once again, Santiago & Aurora hug & embrace.

12.) Back at the Elizalde Mansion: Priscilla & Fernanda have Girls Talk. Silvia Navarro is smoking hot & has beautiful feet.

Episode 75 Recap (Part II)
13.) Over at the Elizalde Mansion, Psycho Barbara staring at the mirror with a cold death stare on her face.

14.) Daddy Elizalde tries to talk to Psycho Barbara & wonders what's going on.

15.) In the meantime at Casa Santorro, we see some security guards on the grounds.

16.) Steve, Jr., & Eduardo/Franco get into another argument & disagreements over same ole stuff.

17.) Grupo Lactos: Franco has a meeting with the Elizalde's: Fernanda, Jackass #1 Annibal, Daddy Elizalde, Psycho Barbara & Jackass #2 Camilo.

18.) Jackass #1 Annibal sounds over excited about more $$$$$ into the company.

19.) Franco gives strong detailed information about the milk situation in Mexico & milk products from the US.

20.) During this meeting, Fernanda writes a note asking to talk to Franco. He looks at the note & tries not to get distracted.

21.) Psycho Barbara gives Franco the stare during this meeting. She wants to know more information about Franco Santorro.

22.) Once the meeting is finished, Franco tells Jackass #1 Annibal to keep the file documents.

23.) Franco gets into his vehicle & drives back to Casa Santorro.

24.) Eduardo/Franco nagging about Fernanda & Damian's embrace from the other night.

25.) Closing credits showing Artemio Bravo plotting sinister schemes.

Episode 76 Recap will be posted sometime tomorrow morning.

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