Monday, May 03, 2021

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Diseñando Tu Amor, ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi? & La Hija del Embajador - Week of May 3, 2021

ANNOUNCEMENT:  Si Nos Dejan premiers on June 1st @ 9PM(E)I


Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! Diseñando Tu Amor is in its second week and the patio is chugging along with some interesting comments. Dondi356 is still providing amazingly detailed recaps for La Hija del Embajador and we are very grateful! Minicaps are also being provided for ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi? by yours truly and Diana. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8PM: - Diseñando Tu Amor: Ep 6-8  

9PM: - ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi?: Ep 61-63 (Últimas Semanas!)

10PM – La Hija del Embajador: Ep. 45-47 (Últimas Semanas de Primera Temporada!)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “EMBAJADOR”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Embajador guys got me thinking about all the Turkish TNs I’ve seen. I think I’m missing a few but below are the ones I remember…slightly in order of what I thought was best or would recommend based the acting or the plot.

• Que Tiene Fatmagul – Was the first turk TN for me on Telemundo. This TN started the rising fame of Beren Saat and Egin Akyurek and introduced me to The Patio.
• Honor y Respecto – Canal D and is a remake of a much longer running Italian TN. Short TN…too short actually with great acting, realistic storyline with several popular turk actors
• La Sultana –Telemundo… Beren Saat as the famous Sultana in her early years
• Cuzey Guney – Ran a little long for me but wasn’t a bad show…I believe it’s airing on Kanal D or was recently.
• Amor Eterno – I can look at the character Kemel all day without getting board or blinking…..he is a gorgeous man.
• The Gift – Netflix original with Beren Saat. 2 short seasons with a supernatural theme
• Black Money Love – Egin Akyurek and Tuba Buyukustun…Univision remade it as Imperio de Mentiras. It ran a little long for me but was wildly popular in Turkey
• Amor Y Venganza - with Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ and Tuba Büyüküstün as the leads...great chemistry between these 2. The show got little too convoluted toward the end as most TNs do but this one had a good start.
• Kurt Y Seyet –one of my early turk TN…didn’t expect progression of the show….but another popular one
• Amor Y Blanco y Negro – Kanal D…I understand that William Levy is or was in the Mexican remake though I don’t know if it ever made it to development. Looking forward to it if it does.
• Immortals – Netflix original vampire flix….it didn’t do much for me but I stayed with it for the lead actors
• Hasta La Muerta – Egin Azyurek out for vengeance after being framed for murder
• Sila – another wildly popular turk TN but it didn’t move me as some of the others did.
• Identitad Obscuro - got a little long……wasn’t the best TN
• Intersecion – Originally aired on Netflix with the Spanish audio but now that option is not available. Didn’t like the ending….something must have happened with the original actors involved
• Yulia – Kanal D…started off interesting but got a little wacky along the way….and kind of long…possibly because I started losing interest with the plots
• Cenet – just didn’t think the acting was that good

By the way…I made the Menemen and it was great…but I did improvise a little and added fresh jalapenos because I like spicy foods. This will be a regular dish for me going forward.



Nina...its funny you mentioned a remake of Emor Eterno. I was tooling around on the internet reading about some of the cast a while ago. I can't remember what site I was on but I actually read an alternative endinhg. The galans didn't die but the love birds didn't stay together because they made yet another sacrifice for family. It was late at night so I don't know the site or who or how the alternative ending was created...or anything about its authenticity. Had me wondering whether or not an alternative ending was aired in the US vs Turkey. At any rate, not sure I would have liked either ending though.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 60: Botched Plans and a Bitch Slap to Boot Part 1
A relationship built on lies is a dark fragile relationship that collapses at the slightest light of truth. -Unknown

Previously: Alberto receives El Chamaco’s threat.

At Casa Casares, Vera calls Pedro. She would go to the ends of the world with him and Nico…and Pedro is looking forward to being a real family. After Vera hangs up, Olmo enters and tells Vera that they have a pending conversation.

Alberto is desperate and tells his attorney that he needs to do something! His life and that of his daughter are in jeopardy. Alberto demands to see Olmo; and when he asks if Fausto has responded to his calls, the attorney indicates “no.”

Olmo explains that Vera has him crazy with jealousy. When he asks why Pedro is so interested in her mother’s murder, Vera feigns ignorance. Olmo admits that they have both made mistakes and thinks they should give each other another chance. He suggests that they take a trip. After Olmo leaves, Vera calls Lola and tells her that she has something important to tell her..

Gaston takes Laiza to the hospital. Gabriel assures Gaston that by doing all of this, Gas is not going to come between him and Laiza.

Melida tells Olmo that Alberto will only talk to him. Olmo fears that if he goes to see Alberto, it will give some indication that he is also guilty.

Vera thanks Lola for everything she has done and apologizes for getting her involved in her problems. Alicia arrives and meets Vera. Alicia comments that hasn’t lost his sense of good taste, but thinks Vera doesn’t have such good taste; she wonders what Vera sees in someone like Olmo.

Melida tells Olmo that he can go see Alberto without formally signing in. When he asks for Gaston, Melida tells him that Gaston is accompanying Laiza at the hospital where she is getting operated. Olmo is surprised that no one told him about Laiza…not even Delia!

At the hospital, the doctor has some paperwork that Laiza needs to complete. The doctor gives it to Gaston, but Gabriel grabs it from him since he is the husband! Marina arrives.

Vera tells Nico that where they are going is a surprise. She looks for their passports and finds that they are gone. Vera tries to break into Olmo’s office but is caught by Delia. When she tells Delia that she only wants to get Nico’s markers, Delia questions why she would force the door open just for some markers and tells Vera that she will have to tell Olmo. Vera fesses up and admits that she wants to leave Olmo…Delia has seen how he treats her. After Vera explains that she wants to look for her passports, she adds that she knows Olmo is Delia’s friend and if she wants to tell Olmo. she understands. Delia remains quiet, then opens the door for Vera and tells her where she can find the passports. Delia explains that Laiza told her that Gaston got the money for the operation from Vera.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 60: Botched Plans and a Bitch Slap to Boot Part 2

Olmo reproaches Gaston for not being at the company . When Olmo asks where he got the money for the operation, Gaston is vague and tells him that he has his own resources. When Olmo retorts that he wants to know everything, Gaston tells him that he should be the one to ask questions, Gas asks how long Olmo has been into money laundering. Before leaving, Gaston adds that if they didn’t tell him about Laiza’s condition, its because neither Laiza, Delia or he wanted to tell him.

Laiza asks Marina to promise to continue with their winery project. Marina promises that she will but they will do it together.

Vera and Nico are about to leave when Ivana confronts her. Ivana notices that she is nervous and asks why,. Vera counters that Ivana should stop interrogating her…since she doesn’t question why Ivana leaves with vehicles full of money and then the money mysteriously shows up in Alberto’s hands.

Fausto calls El Chamaco and tells him that Jass recovered half of his money and wants to return it to him. Jass then enters and tells Fausto that Lazaro (the attorney) is calling on behalf of Alberto,

Touching scene where Laiza is taken into her operation and her loved ones encourage her.

The attorney tells Alberto that Fausto denied knowing him. As Alberto asks about Olmo, Olmo enters. Once alone, Alberto tells Olmo about El Chamaco’s threats…he feels that the walls are closing in. Olmo scoffs that he is too old to be crying; Alberto made a mistake and will have to pay for it.

Vera and Nico arrive at Pedro’s place. They look like the happy family (for how long??). After Nico leaves, Pedro thinks that they are finally together (dream on!).

Olmo tells Alberto that he was stupid and acted on his jealousy. When Olmo remarks that he has come to realize that Ivana is superior to Alberto who doesn’t even know his wife very well, Alberto counters that it is he who he doesn’t know who his wife really is…Vera is Fausto’s daughter…the daughter of Olmo’s worst enemy!! Vera married him only to help her father avenge him. Olmo thinks Alberto is making everything up just to spite him and smacks him. Alberto smirks as he tells Olmo that they only used him…and he let himself be led by his desires. When Alberto points out that Fausto showed up right after Olmo married Vera, Olmo strikes him smacks him once again. Olmo asks when Alberto became his enemy…he is biting the hand that fed him. Alberto argues that Olmo only used him just like he uses everyone else. When Olmo asks how long he has known about Vera, Alberto tells him not long but long enough to make a fool of Olmo just like Olmo and Ivana have made a fool of him.

The doctors operate on Laiza. The doctor calls a Code Red and Laiza flatlines! Meanwhile Gaston is pacing and senses that something is wrong. Delia and Marina try to calm him.

Alberto reiterates that Fausto managed to place his daughter in his own home…and she has been manipulating him just like Olmo manipulates everyone. The daughter of his worst enemy is going to do away with him. Olmo swears that everyone is going to pay…and Alberto better keep quiet or he will be taking everything he knows to the grave.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 60: Botched Plans and a Bitch Slap to Boot Part 3

Pedro, Vera and Nico are still being the happy family. Pedro gives Nico a pad and shows him that they can call each other.

Olmo returns home shouting for Vera. When he asks Ivana where Vera is, Ivana tells him that Vera left but wouldn’t say where she is going. Olmo then tells Ivana that Vera is Fausto’s daughter. Ivana thinks that now everything makes sense, When Olmo suggests that Alberto may have made everything up, Ivana tells him to open his eyes….everything adds up. Vera has always lied…and Fausto’s hand has always been behind Vera. Vera is as much an enemy as her father and thinks that this could help them get to Fausto. When Olmo wonders where Vera could have gone, Ivana tells him she could have only gone to one person….Pedro! Olmo calls Pedro who is taking the luggage out of the car. Vera asks that he not answer, but Pedro doesn’t listen. Olmo tells him that he knows the truth…he knows that Vera is with him….and what Pedro should know is that Vera is Fausto’s daughter….the daughter of his father’s murderer who wants to destroy them!! Pedro turns to Vera and asks her to tell him that she is not Fausto's daughter, but Vera cannot deny it. Pedro asks how she could dare keep that from him after he told her that Fausto had killed his father. Vera pleads with him and tells him that Fausto told her that Olmo was the one who killed his father, but Pedro reminds her thar his father named Fausto as the one whom he feared!

Olmo tells Silvio and his troop to do whatever they have to do to stop Pedro and Vera from leaving.

Vera pleads with Pedro...they shouldn’t let their father’s crimes keep them from being together. She asks that he forgive her, but Pedro refuses to get on the plane with her and Nico and assures her that he will defend them from Olmo..

At the prison, Alberto tells Octavio that he can’t talk because he is being threatened from all sides. Octavio reminds him that he promised to protect him and Faby…he will take them to a secure place after he makes his statement. Alberto asks to make a couple of calls.

Pedro says his goodbye to a crying Nico and Vera. After he tells them to get on the plane, V era carries him as Nico yells out to his father.

Alberto calls Ivana and tells her that the war between them was declared a long time ago but they can still protect Faby. He asks that she be a good mother for once in her life. Ivana thinks that he is going to rat them out…and warns him that Faby will go to his funeral before Faby sees her in jail.

Vera is in the restroom with Nico who asks when they will see her father. As she opens the door to leave, Silvio forces his way in and grabs her and Nico!!


ACUERDAS, Ep. 60: Botched Plans and a Bitch Slap to Boot Part 4

Alberto calls Faby and asks her not to trust Olmo . He wants her to remember that he loves her above everything else…and he wants her to remember the good things about him. Faby cries as she pleads that he continue talking to her, but Alberto hangs up and sobs.

Nico has managed to escape and runs through the garage area. He takes out the pad Pedro gave him.

Pedro tells Teo that Vera is Fausto’s daughter and thinks he needs to let Vera go since he cannot forget what Vera did for revenge. Teo argues that this was not a matter of revenge but of justice. Just then Nico calls Pedro and tells him that this mother was taken and he is in the garage. Pedro tells him not to move...he is on his way!

The driver of the prison van gets an anonymous call from someone who tells him that his family could be in danger. We then see that it is Ivana using a voice changer who tells the driver that she can probably help his family… if he pays attention.

At the hospital, Delia tells the others that the tumor was removed, but there was a complication; they won’t know if there was any damage until Laiza wakes up. Raging Gabriel locks horns with Lovelorn Gaston, so Marina tells them to stop fighting.

Pedro and Teo go for Nico. Nico tells Pedro that Silvio and another security guard took his mother. Pedro is going to look for Vera and asks Teo to take Nico to a secure place, but not to Teo’s house…and to guard him with his life.

Alberto is taken out of the prison by Octavio and some guards. After Alberto is placed in the truck, Octavio and the guards leave…and the driver is looking quite anxious..

Gonzalo calls Julio and tells him that Pedro found out about Vera. When he tells Julio that Vera was taken by Olmo’s men, Julio thinks that Olmo will kill Vera.

Silvio leads Vera into the house where Ivana is waiting. Ivana mocks Vera since her happiness only lasted a couple of hours. When Ivana asks for Nico, Silvio tells her that he escaped. After Vera scoffs that Ivana shouldn’t care about her son, Ivana hisses that traitors are killed from the back...and she gives Vera a hard SLAP!! When Ivana adds that Vera and Nico are the same, Vera warns that she’d better not mess with her son! Ivana smirks as she tells Silvio to take Vera away.



What a quote! Perfect for the situation! Thanks for another excellent recap, RgvChick.

It looks like this could be Alberto’s last ride.

At least Nico saves himself and is out of the line of fire.

This finished up yesterday in Mexico.



One of the most outstanding titles – ever.

Amazing RgvChick. “Raging Gabriel locks horns with Lovelorn Gaston” was one of my favorites.

If Laiza survives (and I hope she does), so many relationships will be in turmoil. Can she go back to life with Gabe and will Gaston continue with his sham of a relationship for his son’s sake?

(“They look like the happy family (for how long??”). Well, it seems it was only an hour or so.

I’ve been trying to defend Pedro for the story’s sake but him abandoning Vera and Nico at the airport was too much. Yes, Vera should have told him but callously leaving them put both their lives in jeopardy. He is just not a worthy galan.

At least Nico saves himself and is out of the line of fire was so true Jarifa! Eddy and Faby are not the only smart youngsters here. Speaking of, poor Faby!

I’m fairly sure (speculation not spoiler) that Alberto is a dead man. Perhaps Octavio shouldn’t have made promises he can’t keep.

Thank you so much RgvChick. An on the edge of your seat recap.



“He is just not a worthy galan” Diana, truer words never said about the Pedro character. Even if he was unbelievably upset with Vera, he is going to cut his son off? Unbelievably stupid plot.

At this point, I am just finishing this novela because I started it. The story, IMHO, leaves too much to be desired. My beanie cannot spin fast enough. It makes me tired. 🥱


There is a discussion in Ricardo's room about what to do with him. He's in too bad of shape to move. They'll try to get more information about him by checking the security cameras for the plates of the car that brought him. After they leave, his brain activity increases and he dreams about happier times with Valentina. This causes an emergency situation as his temperature spikes.

Héctor, Mina, and Consuelo have a conversation at breakfast. Héctor asks Mina what she will do if she gets teased at school. She says she'll fight. Her dad tells her to use her words and her abuela says that hitting people is only a last resort. Mina gives her a drawing to take to her Tia Camila and Consuelo tells Héctor she needs to talk to him later about some unpleasantness that happened.

Valentina has stayed up all night repairing clothes. She is going to try to find work because she needs the money. She doesn't want to abuse Consuelo's generosity and plans to bring food back for everyone. Nora has to stay behind and feels she's getting treated like a baby. She has noticed how Claudio looks at Val and tells her, but her sister doesn't want to talk about it and leaves. She checks in with her uncle who approves of the job she did with the clothes. They chat a bit and she kisses him goodbye.

Back in Ricardo's hospital room Dr Rosa Maríe is waiting on lab results. The social worker/nurse tells her that the car that brought Ricardo had no plates so there is no chance of finding his family. She's been told by the director Dr Santullo that they have to kick him out. When Rosa Maríe asks to where? she's told To the street. Ricardo can't be removed without her authorization and she threatens to report Dr Santullo for human rights violations. She'll even pay all expenses if required. He smirks that that is why women don't run private hospitals, too sentimental. This conversation has been recorded on the cell phone. Ricardo dreams of his father discovering the embezzlement of money from his accounts and threatening to kill the thief with his bare hands.

Majo reminds Helena not to stay too late at the hospital because she has a meeting later with Patricia about some debts that her father owes. Majo teases her about how nice she looks and wonders if it's because she might run into Héctor.

Valentina looks everywhere for work. She tries shoe stores, clothing stores, restaurants. Everything. She finally comes across a tailor shop which seems like a good prospect. She gets creeped out by the tailor when he gets in her space while giving her a sewing test. Her instincts are confirmed when he blocks her exit and makes it hard for her to leave. She has to threaten to scream to get out of there and turns down his last minute offer of a job.

Meanwhile Nora has a chat with Claudio. She says she knows he's dying for Val but she's his cousin. (this is a very good point) He hopes she hasn't mentioned this to her sister and suggests they go to breakfast. Nora tells him she doesn't think that Val was completely in love with Ricardo. She's not sure if he loved her either. Sometimes yes but it seemed odd that he wanted to keep everything secret and didn't even tell his friends.

Patricia tries to use Father Damián to locate the sisters. He says he would have told her if she had treated them better. Patricia convinces him that they were just confused and that she isn't evil. He starts to soften his stance because she was in so much pain. Patricia is grateful for that and offers to fix up his sacristy. ($) He remebers them talking about living with their uncle and that he'll look for the info. Guillermo overhears part of the call. Patricia tells him that Padre Damián had no news of their whereabouts.


Jarifa, I do think that there were some silly plot contrivances and that this could have moved along a bit quicker.

And one of the biggest elements of this, Pedro knowing Eddy was at Antonia's murder scene seems to have been dropped!! Although, he does have bigger issues such as abandoning the woman he claims to love as well as his own son. Ack.

I am hoping for happy endings for Fabi and Eddy, Teo and Gonzo and a few others.

I am also curious as to how Olmo and Fausto will be brought down.

So glad you are commenting, it always is a lot more fun to discuss with others.



Outside Camila's room Connie tells Héctor about Horacio's run in with the street kids. He doesn't like the idea of doing nothing because they were making threats. The airline lawyers show up and try to trick Connie into signing a release by telling her it's for paying out the insurance. The writing is too small to make out but she has a pen in her hand and is about to sign. WTH? She was literally sitting at the table when Valentina took a beating for signing her release without reading it first. Camila works a second miracle by waking up just in time to thwart the lawyer's scheme.

Nora is waiting when Valentina returns from her job search. Val says she looked everywhere for work but had no luck. Nora asks if anything was available for sewing. Yes but the shop was run by a pervert who tried to touch her. Gross. She isn't deterred though and will keep looking. It's only been one day. Claudio brings her some special quesadillas. She really isn't hungry but can't resist his eyes or his smile.

Camila asks the doctor how many people survived the crash. He explains that she is the only survivor. But what about the guy who saved me? That dragged me from the wreckage? Where is he? She flashes back to the wreck and sees him again in her mind. I need to know who he is and when I get better I'll find out. I'm alive because of him. Connie and Héctor leave so she can rest and have the doctor run some tests.

Leonardo is at work and won't answer his phone. Héctor texts him that Camila is out of her coma. He goes into a dialog with himself. "Why would I care about that? What I want to know is how a guy like you gets so close to Helena. You're not going to stop my plans Héctor. I'll finish with you. I don't care if you're my brother."

Nora asks Val what she thinks of Claudio. She says he treats us great. That's not what she was referring to. She asks if she likes him and doesn't she realize that he's in love with her. She says she doesn't realize that and anyway it can't happen. She's still in love with Ricardo and can't be thinking about other men right now.

Helena visits Camila at the hospital. The doctor says the patient won't be awake much longer and he'll come back tomorrow. He did the skin graft on the side of Camila's face. Camila feels that she looks horrible and wonders what she will do now. Helena says to keep things in perspective. That she has her whole life ahead of her. Everyone died except her. That's a miracle. Camila apologizes to Helena for not asking how she is doing after the death of her brother. She said the crash was horrible, like hell itself. Fire was everywhere and it was unbelieveably hot. But a guy saved ... Helena runs into Héctor on the way out. She thought he'd be with his mom. Héctor says she just left. He wanted to hear the worst from the doctor without his mother being there. Helena tells him that the doctor just left. He offers to take her home. She agrees because she has an appointment. He wonders if that's why she is dressed so pretty. She asks if he likes it. He luvs it. They kiss and everything is recorded by some nosey reporters.


Diana, I cannot expect to like all of the novelas out there but that doesn't stop me from watching and commenting.
ITA that the discussion on the patio makes it all worthwhile. Maybe Olmo and Fausto will kill each other or end up being inmates and cellmates sentenced to life. I could be happy with either anvil.



Thank you, Diana and Jarifa!

Yep. I think Alberto’s hours, maybe minutes are counted too. Poor guy, everyone turned their backs on him…he is truly a pawn that is now useless. I feel for Faby who will be left with her egg donor.

Diana, “I’ve been trying to defend Pedro for the story’s sake but him abandoning Vera and Nico at the airport was too much” ITA!! He knows exactly what kind of monster his father is and he gives up the opportunity to be the galan he should be. OTOH, had he stayed he may have been killed. I can’t see him fighting off the likes of Silvio and his goons. Still an overall wuss.

Jarifa, “At this point, I am just finishing this novela because I started it. “ I hear ya! And since I’m recapping, It’s even harder to drop it. The patio is the primary lifesaver for this show!

Diana, "If Laiza survives (and I hope she does), so many relationships will be in turmoil. Can she go back to life with Gabe and will Gaston continue with his sham of a relationship for his son’s sake?” If she goes back to life with Gabe, she will be absolutely miserable. And Gaston is starting to show more assertiveness so I think he might get to the point where he will at least try to get away from Olmo and his flunkeys.

And Diana, yes, I am hoping for a few happy endings for those whom you mentioned. Pedro and Vera….mehh!



Wow, JoelD! Impressive recap! I only catch the tail end of this show, but once "Te Acuerdas" ends, I just might watch the entire episodes. Looking forward to your take on the last few minutes :-)


Chickie , thank you for another great recap of a bubbling episode. Wow, things are happening now. I have loved the quotes at the beginning of each recap.

Ivana is so happy to finally have Oldmo in her grasp that she diesnt seem aware kf the massive anvil dangling above her.

Gas has transformed from a drunken playboy ubto a tender hearted person truky in love with Laiza. Since the writers suddenly changed sweet Gabe into surly Gabe , i think we might actually see Gas and Lsiza together at the end. I am glad the Marina seems to finally be putting her friend first . Maybe Marina will have a happy ending, too.

I think Oldmo,Ivana, Fausto,Alberto,and Jass will be in prison or dead .

I hope Faby and Eddy have a happy ending.

I suppose Pedro, Vera, abd Nico will also have a happy ending.


Recap will be late today. Don't let that stop you from discussing. I'll catch up to you.




JoelD, an excellent recap.

"Camila works a second miracle by waking up just in time to thwart the lawyer's scheme" - indeed!

Leonardo confirms what we've known all along. Evil, heartless and hopeless.

"Claudio brings her some special quesadillas. She really isn't hungry but can't resist his eyes or his smile" - one of many great observations.

I have half an eye on this but like RgvChick, hope to try to watch more once Acuerdas ends.

Thank you!


Gracias Rvg Chick for an impressive recap!
I haven’t liked Pedro as a galan or an actor from the start but abandoning Vera and Nico at the airport, on their way to Australia, was cruel! Agree Diana; “He is just not a worthy galan”

AMOR. Thank you so much for the excellent recap, JoelD! I was disgusted by the senior doctor's attitude toward Ricardo. Put a comatose patient out on the street because he might not be able to pay? I think not! I hope that video recording goes viral. Also, I wonder if Ricardo will end up with the beautiful kind female doctor at the end rather than Valentina. I thought that the whole issue of whether or not Claudio and Valentina are really cousins would have been resolved last night, but evidently the writers are going to play with us for a while. I can't believe that the airline people were trying to do Camila out of a settlement as well, and I'm glad they were thwarted by circumstances. I hope Consuelo either remembers how they tricked Valentina or consults with Claudio before she signs anything. Now Leonardo is a villain as well as Patricia.


Thank you Susanlynn and Fe!

Susanlynn, I've noticed the transformation in Gaston as well. I really would like to see him with Laiza, but what about the baby? I would hate to see the baby raised by the likes of Melida who will surely turn the poor kid against his father.

Fe, I think all of us are at the "disgusted with Pedro" table. He has a long way to go before being the galan we all hope for...he'd better do it quick because he only has this month to change our view of him.


RGV Chick: What are the odds we get a happy ending ?



Looking forward to your recap, dondi356!

Oh how I wish these characters would use their phones to record such vicuousness especially from Hellishe. Sancar will kick her out the second he finds out how she is treating and threatening Kavruk. And poor Kavruk, such a loyal friend to Sancar that he is willing to marry whoever Hellishe chooses just to fulfill his promise to Sancar.

SO glad that Kerem told Sancar what was on the video!

Highlights of the episode:

- Akin's look when he heard Sancar say that he should have killed Akin 9 years ago.
- That smirk Nare got when Sancar remembered that he had left Guven tied up in the bathroom!
- Necdet making the "horns" gesture when Sancar arrived; and then taking a picture of Sancar, Melek and Nare...and telling Meanekse that she should hang it in her bedroom! Necdet can be a riot at times, but I still can't stand him.


Guillermo asks Enrique how it went last night with Patricia. He says good. We talked about Alfonso. Guillermo surprises him by asking him if he's still in love with Patricia. Enrique says that he was many years ago but stepped side when she became his best friend's novia. Guillermo wonders if he ever betrayed Alfonos trust. No Why. He says he needs a man he can trust to protect his fortune for his daughter. It will all be hers when she appears. Seriously? Wait until he meets Nora. She'll probably roll her eyes and say "Is this all I get?"

A nurse conglatulates Dr Rosa María. Alfonso's surgery was a success! The director can't say anything because health care is a basic human right according to Dr RM. She tells an unconscious Ricardo that he'll feel better soon.

Enrique calls Patricia who is on her way to Helena's house. He needs to meet her at the usual restaurant. He has something important to tell her. She says she'll be there after seeing Helena.

Valentina needs to talk to Claudio. She needs to make it clear that she doesn't want a relationship. Instead she asks him if by chance, Camila might know her father. (She was sitting right next to him on the plane) Maybe. Val says that she'll visit Camila tomorrow. After Claudio leaves, Nora gets Val to admit that she knows that Claudio has feelings for her. Nora finds nothing wrong with that but Val becomes annoyed.

Majo shows Héctor and Helena an online video of them kissing. Helena is surprised because she didn't see anyone at the hospital. Majo tells them "You're in the eye of the hurricane now" Neither Héctor nor Helena care. Majo asks them what their status is. Novios?, friends? what? They're just going to go with the flow.

Leonardo is on the phone with a supplier trying to get a better price on fabrics. He berates Claudio for barging in without knocking. Claudio has a problem with some of the charges in an invoice he found. When he says he'll take them directly to Helena Leonardo "remembers" that the foto session was the day of the accident and he shouldn't be so insensitive. Claudio warns him that he better not be up to something crooked. Leonardo calls him an imbecile after he leaves. He comes back to ask if Leonardo heard that Camila woke up. He prentends that he's happy about that and will visit her right after work. He calls Claudio an imbecile a second time when he leaves. Claudio gives the invoices to Majo and tells her to put them in the safe. I have a feeling that she might not. Leonardo calls someone and tells them the plan is under way. The Helena Vargas brand will soon be theirs.

Patricia gets Héctor's card by pretending that she needs a cab. After greeting Helena she twists the knife about Helena not answering her brothers calls before he died. She was pretty pleased until she found out about the promisory notes Armando signed for a huge debt that he owed to Helena. She tries to get Helena's sympathy in a variety of ways but nothing works. She owes the money and Helena isn't going to budge.

Claudio declares his love for Valentina and the kiss.


Rvg Chick...and added highlight for me was seeing that Guven pissed his pants. He deserved to wallow in his on poo...which we assume is the same thing Akin is going through.

I'm glad Melek has confided in someone about how Meneske treated her. Elvan always had her back but now she can be on alert for any future webs Meneske tries to spin regarding Melek.

Poor Karuk. I wish he could have pushed back on Helise's demand that he leave the mansion and any ideas of Zehra behind. The gall of her. Her new money arrogance stinks. The worse person is a person who has no compassion for others after having been in the same shoes. Sancar has to dress her down good but he needs to know the details...and soon before Karuk ends up trapped for good.



Embajador #44 part 1

Sancar gets the 3rd degree from Menekse at the door. She tells him she will put him through everything she went through. She goes to her bedroom, he follows her, and she slams the door in his face.

Sancar knocks on Zehra’s door. She’s not there, so he calls her. No answer. He texts her: “are you okay? Where are you?” He heads downstairs.

Gulsiye comes out of the kitchen, greets Sancar and asks, are you coming from Nare? Exasperated Sancar wonders why everyone is asking the same thing. [not hard to figure out, Sancar] Gulsiye says she just wanted to know about Elvan. Oh, I understand, says Sancar, she’s fine. Sancar asks her for Kavruk. He’s outside.

Halise catches Sancar and greets him. She asks, were you at Nare’s house? Sancar loses it. Seriously? Everyone wants to drive me crazy. I can’t stand this. He hurries outside and sees Kavruk in the garden. Halise follows Sancar out.

Halise glares at Kavruk and tells Sancar she needs talk to him about something important. What happened, he asks, did something bad happen? He notices his mother looking at Kavruk. Kavruk is worried this is it for him.

You haven’t forgiven me, Halise starts, Zehra won’t look me in the eyes. No one visits me and you ask if something is wrong? I don’t know about the others, Sancar replies, but soon you will have my forgiveness. Surprised smile from Halise. [Yeah, Halise, don’t look too happy about that. It’s not what you think.] Sancar gets a text from Zehra: “I’m fine, don’t worry. He’s relieved. Sancar heads down to speak with Kavruk.

Sancar pre-emptively tells Kavruk, if you ask me if I was at Nare’s, I swear I’ll hit you. Kavruk gives a slight smile and says nothing. Sancar asks, do you know where Zehra is? Yes, she’s at work, Kavruk replies, and you didn’t come from Nare’s house—you came from the shack, right? You thought the colored bird had flown, you broke your vow because you don’t call her ambassador’s daughter.

Is there anything you don’t know, Sancar asks? Yes, there are many things I don’t know, Kavruk responds, but I know that look in your eyes. What look? The look of revenge, Kavruk says, you’re going to kill him, right? Shhh…Sancar grabs Kavruk and they head to the stable.

Kavruk tells Sancar, I’m going to do it. What will you do, Sancar asks? We will find him, and I will finish him off, Kavruk says, you have Melek; you should think about her. You’re crazy, Sancar says, I won’t allow it.

Kavruk asks, why won’t you allow it? You are Sancar Efe. Our ancestors took an oath: “by taking a life we will give life”. Don’t talk nonsense, Sancar says. Cue the Harmandali music and Kavruk continues with the words he said before they danced the Zeybek at Sancar’s wedding: Who owns these mountains? The soldiers. What about the lands? The lord. Who is the brave one? He who dies with honor fulfilling his promise. Who is the coward? The one who forgets his promise will be known as the greatest traitor. Let the holy sword pierce his body. Kavruk ends with, the test of truth is the oath we took, right?

Sancar moves in close to Kavruk and answers, that’s right. If you swore to me, you must comply. As you ask, Kavruk replies. Sancar tells Kavruk, without taking or giving lives, you will take care of my family. What? Sancar states, I entrust my family to you, Kavruk. Kavruk didn’t expect that--this is not fair, it’s a trap. Sancar slyly smiles, yes, it is a trap. Will you go against me? Will you break your promise and betray my trust? No, Kavruk replies, I never would.



Embajador #44 part 2

Sancar explains, my daughter has her mother who cared for her for eight year and will continue to do so. Gediz will have the company. But I won’t leave my family with Yahya. That’s why I want you to protect them—especially my mother and Zehra. Kavruk sheds a tear. Why me, he asks? Sancar replies, because I know that you would not betray me. I need you to take care of them so I won’t worry. Do you promise? Kavruk agrees. Promise of Kavruk, Sancar asks? Kavruk laughs. Sancar looks around and says, after me, you will be in charge of the mansion. He asks again, promise of Kavruk? Promise of Kavruk is the reply. They hug on that promise.

Gediz arrives home that evening and sees Sancar’s car. Raciye answers the door. Gediz asks for Sancar. He’s out in the garden. Gediz spots Sancar sitting with Refika and Muge. They are laughing. Refika greets her son. Gediz says, you should have more days like this. Muge says Gediz has an allergy to happiness. Gediz asks Sancar if he can speak to him for a moment—work stuff. They head down to where the guest house is. Uh, oh. Muge suggests they go in the house, it might get cold. Sancar says maybe they should talk in the guest house. Perfect, says Gediz. Not so perfect for Muge.

Gediz tells Sancar he looked for him everywhere. [I thought everyone knew where he goes when he’s upset] Sancar tells him he should have called. Sancar says, so you joined Guven’s auction to buy Akin. The money was not for him, Gediz replies, it was to save your life. How nice, says Sancar, that’s a good way to cover your lie, my friend who said he’d never lie to me. Flashback to Sancar telling Gediz he wouldn’t kill him as long as he didn’t lie to him.

Gediz cops to the lie, go ahead hit me or pierce me with the holy sword, I don’t care. Instead, Sancar pulls him into a big hug. Gediz thinks Sancar is crazy. Don’t say stupid things, Sancar tells Gediz, you were willing to spend millions to save my life. [not quite] Flashback to Gediz setting conditions on the “auction” money for Nare.

Sancar says, it won’t work. He’s going to find Akin and kill him. Gediz is not surprised. You will give him what he deserves, he says to Sancar. Sancar says, it’s clear I don’t have forgiveness. I have to make Akin pay for what he did to Nare. Gediz says, if you tell me not to get involved, you are wasting your time. I’m going to find him, beat him up and bring him to the police. I’m doing this for your own good, he tells Sancar, so you don’t become a murderer. Sancar asks Gediz if he’s planning something behind his back. No, Gediz answers, I’m telling you up front. Sancar decides to change the subject, let’s have tea. They go into the guest house.

Akin hears the voices and he quickly realizes who is there. How is Zehra, Gediz asks. Sancar says he hasn’t seen her, but she sent a message she’s okay. Gediz says Zehra is probably ashamed. Maybe, says Sancar, but it’s my fault, not hers. Why asks Gediz, the only one at fault is that bastard Akin. Thanks, says Sancar, but it’s my fault for not killing him nine years ago. Watch Akin’s eyeballs pop out of his head as he tries to hide himself in a corner.

Kavruk comes to see Halise for more torture time. Halise informs him she hasn’t said anything to Sancar. He thanks her. You know I really like you, she tells Kavruk. [really?] But I’m not like you, he replies. Halise asks, would you be an ideal partner for my daughter? Halise answers her own question, of course not. She continues, but I know you are a loyal man and I decided to give you another chance. If you don’t look at my daughter lustfully, I will not say anything to Sancar. Kavruk says he would never look at Zehra that way, he loves her.



Embajador #44 part 3

Whatever, Halise says, but you can’t live here if you are in love with her. For that reason, I’m going to find you a good woman. No, Kavruk objects, I don’t want to get married. I can’t hurt a woman that way. Halise threatens him, ok then, I’ll talk to Sancar and you will leave here. Kavruk thinks back to the promise he made to his Efe. I promised Sancar I wouldn’t leave here, he says.

Halise doesn’t care about that, either you give up the love you have for my daughter or you give up this mansion. The solution is to get married and forget Zehra, she tells him. Kavruk asks, do you think that worked with Sancar? Do you think he forgot? Halise thinks if that woman didn’t show up at the wedding, it would have. Halise wants Kavruk’s decision. He accepts. Halise thinks of Ayse for Kavruk. Anyone is fine with Kavruk. He leaves and runs into Zehra. They look at each other for a moment and she gives him back the key without a word.

Sancar’s tea is ready. Gediz asks Sancar to tell him about a job before he goes. Before I go? Yes, you will kill Akin and then if you don’t end up in prison, you will go to the mountains and even with good health, you will die. Gediz adds, don’t forget I’m going to stop you. (cut to Akin panicking in the bathroom) Sancar says let’s stay on the subject. You will earn a lot of money, my friend, Sancar says. Money? Sancar laughs, that’s the Gediz I know.

We will go see Kahraman tomorrow, Sancar tells him. That Kahraman, Gediz asks? Yep. What are we going to do with that bastard? We are going to say hello before we buy his marina, Sancar replies. Gediz puts it together—the bankrupt company that Zehra researched. Sancar thinks of this as a way to get revenge for Gediz, Muge and Zehra before he goes. Gediz likes this and says, don’t go because you are my partner in crime. They both laugh. Gediz reminds Sancar he’s going to stop him.

Muge is anxious. She tells Refika she’s going to check on the guys. Refika stops her—they are talking business, don’t bother them. Muge insists she has something important to say to her brother. But before she can go, Gediz and Sancar return. Sancar bids them a good night and smiles at Muge; it’s a strange kind of smile, like he knows something’s up.

Gediz walks Sancar out. Sancar comments that Muge is looking better. Gediz agrees. Maybe it’s because Akin escaped and they settled things, Sancar says. You wouldn’t tell me, would you? Gediz says he wouldn’t. Gediz asks Sancar if he’s going home. No, he’s going to work and then to see his daughter. Say hello for me, Gediz tells him, and maybe you will find Akin soon and leave her. You should tell her what you plan to do. Sancar drives off.

Gediz speaks to Reciye the housekeeper. He tells her he wants to give her a raise. He wants her to do some extra work for him. He wants her to watch Muge and let him know who she talks to, what she does. He will triple her salary.

Sancar arrives at the mill where they are holding Kerem. Upon entering Sancar stares at something written on the wall: $100,000,000. Kerem is tied and his mouth is taped. Ha, ha, Sancar asks him, how are you. Only muffled sounds come from Kerem. Sancar rips the tape off and Kerem immediately says, I don’t know where Akin is. Sancar asks, so who the hell did you talk to? I don’t know, Kerem answers, I swear. Are you telling me the truth, Sancar asks, how do I know this isn’t a trick? You sold Akin to Gediz. I did it because Ms. Nare insisted. So it wasn’t for money, Sancar says sarcastically, you did it for her.



Embajador #44 part 4

Sancar asks who is Akin’s connection here. Who is hiding him? Kerem immediately gives up Muge. It’s his only connection. Kerem continues, before coming here, Akin spoke to her. They argued. Akin was furious. He said, “why are you lying to me? I know Nare is there.” And then… then what, Sancar asks. He asked who else saw the video, Kerem says, if you (Sancar) had seen it. Which video? It’s the video where Akin attacks Nare and then she stabs him. Mr. Guven destroyed the evidence and the video. Sancar is gobsmacked. He tells Hasan to make sure Kerem doesn’t escape and he drives off.

Necdet is still on stakeout at Nare’s. Menekse arrives in a taxi. She brings him the 3 bracelets and he gives her the pics. Sancar arrives and they duck down. Necdet makes horns sign.

Nare and Melek are trying to put together her bedroom furniture. Elvan has finished cleaning Melek’s closet and asks her what she’s going to put in it. Melek is not going to put anything in her closet and she runs out of the room. Elvan follows her. Melek is in her mother’s closet. She tells Elvan that she wanted at least to have her dad’s clothes here if they couldn’t live together. Melek says, my dad is married, he has a wife and a house, and I can’t even have a shirt of his. She adds, he has all his clothes at home so his wife won’t cut them. Oops, Melek knows she shouldn’t have said that.

Elvan says she knew it. She knew Menekse cut her own dress and blamed it on Melek. Melek shushes Elvan. Why didn’t you tell your mom, Elvan asks? Because I don’t want her to get mad at me. Elvan calls Melek a real angel. They hug.

The doorbell rings and Melek runs to answer. It’s Sancar. Father and daughter hugs and kisses. Sancar greets Elvan. Elvan tells him she’s going to change her address to this one. Do you want to change yours, too, since you are always here? Sancar’s not in the mood for humor, he asks Elvan to make tea. Melek goes to help.

Sancar goes to sit next to the bed. Nare comes upstairs. He can hardly look at her. She sits on the bed next to him. How are you, she asks him? He doesn’t have to answer. And you, he asks Nare? It depends on you, she replies. Are you still looking for Akin? He doesn’t answer that. Instead, he asks Nare if they are taking Melek to school. Yes, she answers, but if we like the school, my father has to go too, because he has custody.

Sancar suddenly jumps up. Damn! Sancar remembers he had Guven locked up in the bathroom from yesterday and forgot about him. Melek hears this and asks why he did that. Don’t ask, Sancar says, these are adult things. Sancar makes a quick call to free Guven. Nare smiles.

Sorry, but I enjoyed this very much: We see Guven, hands and feet tied, crying in the bathroom. He’s peed his pants! He’s freed and yells at the guys to get out.

Sancar puts together Melek’s furniture. She gets sleepy and says she’s going to sleep upstairs tonight with her mother. They go upstairs and Melek gets in bed. She asks her dad to read a story. Nare says it’s okay for 10 minutes, then dad has to go. Melek tells her mother she has to stay with them and asks her father what he will read. Snarky Nare says how about the instructions to assemble the furniture. Melek and Nare laugh.

Sancar is annoyed. You’re making fun of me? Are you saying I can’t read to my daughter? He pulls out his phone. Sancar decides on a story from Dede Korkut (Dede Korkut roughly translates to scared grandpa. These are epics of the early Turks. Battles and such). No dad, Melek says, don’t you think we already scared grandpa a lot? They all laugh.

Necdet and Menekse are peering in on this happy family scene. Nedcet snaps a pic. Necdet snarks, do you want a pic of them in bed? To hang on your wall? Menekse walks away from him.

Melek has fallen asleep and Nare tells Sancar he can go now. Sancar replies, show me the video.

And we are out.




RGV This gettin spicy. Evilvana's
Bitchiness has come full throttle.
And her slutiness is running high.
She said she would do anything for old mo. Even if it's a first class ticket to prison or hell. I just don't see the attraction, me and alicia is on the same page with this right here.

When pedro calms down he will see the light, they both will. The man that fathered her and the piece of trash that raised him are firstclas
Liars. Fausto and old mo n Ho-vana
Should be Put in a sack and dropped into a volcanic acid vat. Don't ask me what that even is it just sounds
Like justice for those 3 A-wipes.

Pedro better get to moving so he can protect his lady love and his baby boy from evil auntie evilvana.
She wants to kill vera pedro and nico. She a cold bitch.

Jass just jumped in the cesspool of
His daddy's on making. If he wanted a son just like dear old dad he got
One. Emilia take eddy and run. Fast

What is old mo gonna do with vera?
Please no rape scenes of an old man
Raping a wife that can't stand the sight of him.

Thank you RgvChick.



Sorry the recap was so late.

What I liked best about the episode:

The Kavruk-Sancar scene. Kavruk is so loyal he would give up his life for his Efe. In the Turkish, Kavruk never calls Sancar by his name. He calls him Efem, “my efe”. Kavruk makes his Zeybek vow and Efe tricks him. Interesting that Sancar entrusts the mansion and his mother and sister to Kavruk, not Yahya. Wise choice Sancar.

Pee-pants Guven! Yep, Rgv Chick, Nare’s smirk was a nice touch. Yes, Nett, why don’t they show pee-pants Akin? Although, I’m enjoying Muge’s special torture for him.

I liked the bedtime story scene. We got a glimpse of a happy family. This is all little Melek wants.

Necdet was hilarious this episode.




Thanks, Dondi. Guven and Akin both tied up & terrified - great. But I'm starting to worry about Muge. What's her end game and could kidnapping and torture interfere with her career? Forget about it, I'm just gonna enjoy Akin getting what he deserves.

Halise is relishing the upper hand over poor Kavruk. I sure wish he would tell all to Sancar.

ACUERDAS Episode 61 Thrown to the Wolves

Vengeance is a monster of appetite, forever bloodthirsty and never filled — Richelle E. Goodrich

Previously: Laiza’s life hangs precariously by a thread as Alberto (likely) lives his last hours on earth. Vera and her child abandoned and vulnerable. Vera captured and returned to the house of horrors to face her murderous husband and equally as vile Ivana, the bane of her existence.

Silvio grabs Vera and throws her in front of Ivana. Insults ensue and Vera wants to know where her son is. Traitor Ivana screams. Vera fights as Silvio leads her away. He drags Vera into Olmo’s office - leave us he commands. Vera cannot match cowardly Olmo’s strength and as she tries to get away from him, he throws her, not once but twice. That is where he wants to see her ...on the floor. He can’t believe she is Fausto’s daughter and that she lied all this time. When he asks why she bought Gaston’s shares she tells him she wanted to help Laiza. Where is Fausto he screams? He verbally assaults her and manhandles her but Vera denies any knowledge of his whereabouts.

Meanwhile, half a dozen of Olmo’s thugs are subduing a wild Pedro, keeping him out of the house. When Silvio alerts him, Olmo arrives reigning insults on Pedro’s head, calling him a bastard. He tells Pedro Vera isn’t there and he has no business being there. Pedro manages to get in a few punches before he is overpowered. Edson watches, very concerned. As Vera waits for Olmo’s return, she prays to Victoria to watch over Nico.

Teo has smuggled Nico into Alicia’s room in a food cart (clever and a nice touch). At this room service extra, Alicia looks as though she has never seen a child before. Who is he she queries Teo? It is Nico, Pedro and Vera’s son. Alicia’s eyebrows raise.

Pedro calls a wailing Faby who is sick with worry about Alberto. Her father called her but she doesn’t know if he will be all right. Pedro listens but then tells her he needs her help. Can she see if Vera is in the house - he is afraid her life might be in danger! Meanwhile, Edson goes to a wary Pedro and assures him he is there to help and guides Pedro to an emergency entrance. Fabi tells him that she thinks Vera is in Olmo’s bedroom but there are two guards there.

Delia prays by Laiza’s bedside with both Gaston and Gabe close by, joined by Lola and Marina. Laiza gently rouses and asks “Where are you?” Delia’s heart sinks as she realizes her beloved daughter cannot see. Later the Doctor tells them all they will need to wait until the inflammation goes down to see if the blindness is irreversible.


ACUERDAS Episode 61 Thrown to the Wolves Part 2

Faby Drew is at it again! As she strolls the hall, the two watchdogs are at their posts. She acknowledges them and once safely around the corner out of sight, lights a paper and starts a fire in a wastebasket. Sensing the smoke, Mélida comes out and yells fire. The goons run off and in the clear, Faby slips a note under Vera’s door. Nico is fine it says. Vera crumples it in utter relief.

Olmo returns to torment Vera further. She tries to defend herself screaming that she isn’t there to help Fausto with his revenge, she is there because he killed her mother! Olmo erroneously takes this as some sort of perverted foreplay and tells her she will now be his! He will take what he should have the first day! Vera reaches for something, anything which appears to be some sort of heavy bronze object. She hits him three times in the head, blood freely flowing.

Vera runs out and Edson offers to take her wherever she wants. She tells him that she doesn’t want him to lose his job but he tells her that his job is to protect her. Vera calls Lola and tells her Pedro found out that Fausto is her father and wants nothing to do with her. She explains Olmo tried to rape her but she hit him in the head and thinks she may have killed him (if only! Sadly this is just wishful thinking the patio murmurs shaking our collective heads). Thankfully, Nico is safe.

Arriving at its destination, the rear doors of the van carrying Alberto are opened. Octavio jumps in and sees Alberto lying on the floor. Upon closer examination, it doesn’t appear there is a pulse. This is confirmed as Alberto is zipped into a body bag. Octavio calls Julio giving him the grim news. Octavio tells Julio that this is no coincidence...Olmo has a lot of clout...they must have paid a lot of money or threatened the guards.

We watch Ivana, a solitary tear running down her cheek, drinking blood red wine. What evil is swirling in the inner recesses of her devilish little brain?

Ivana discovers Olmo and calls for help. What is it she asks as he (unfortunately) opens his eyes. Where is Vera he asks? I don’t know she retorts and Olmo vows to find her and when he does, she will wish she were not alive. Sadly, there is no evidence of any head injury or lingering aftereffects.

Fausto and El Chamaco celebrate the return of his money. Fausto boats that he took care of what the Casares could not. Later, El Chamaco tells Fausto that his men just told him that Alberto committed suicide. Fausto doesn’t think that they should waste their time praying for a dead man.

Teo and Alicia take care of Nico when Pedro arrives. Alicia always seems to find a moment to let Pedro know she considers him a fine specimen. Nico is adorable she enthuses as Pedro thanks her. Nico asks if Pedro will be taking him to his mother.

Emilia and Eddy arrive at the foreboding castle gates in support of Faby. Ivana tells the guards to throw them out as Faby screams they be let in, to which Ivana reluctantly agrees. Olmo comes out and whispers something to Ivana. Seeing their looks leveled at her, Faby asks what is wrong. I love you Ivana says holding her, telling her of Alblerto’s demise. No, it’s not true Faby screams, her heart broken. Eddy, ever the hero, comforts her.
Vera tells Julio that Olmo already knows that she lied to him and has threatened to kill both her and Nico. She tells him she hit him and relates he might be dead. Julio, ever one to stoke an already flaming fire, tells her that if he could kill Alberto he will surely kill her. Alberto supposedly committed suicide on his way to give his statement.


ACUERDAS Episode 61 Thrown to the Wolves Part 3

Octavio is also at the gate, clamoring to see Faby to ensure she is all right. Ivana blames Octavio for what befell Alberto because he made him go against his family. Octavio retorts that Alberto knew he could trust him...he doesn’t believe Alberto committed suicide. Also, if he hadn’t known Ivana for many years, he would think that she had something to do with Alberto‘s death. Ivana is aghast that he would accuse her of something like that; Alberto was the love of her life! Octvio again asks to see Faby as Silvio draws his gun and points it at him (ummmm, isn’t it illegal to threaten the police? I digress)…

Laiza is told there is no further update from the doctor. Selfless Laiza is worried that they have been there the entire time...they need to rest. Delia then mentions Alberto’s accident....he committed suicide. Laiza tells Delia that she should be with Faby.

Fortunately, Olmo can’t find Vera. Ivana worries that the press will be asking questions. Olmo insists that he needs to find Vera to make sure she doesn’t talk. He gets a call and assumes it’s Vera. He tells her that he will find her and make her pay as will her father, her lover and her son!

Octavio calls Faby and consoles her by telling her that her father loved her very much. Faby cries that it seems that nobody cares that her father died...her mother didn’t even have the grace to appear sad. Marvelous Eddy assures her that he cares. Emilia kneels next to her in support.

Pedro can’t leave Vera in that house...if something happens to her, he will never forgive himself. (Side note: Pedro himself abandoned her in a parking lot with Olmo hot on her tail, but)… Pedro receives a message from Vera that she is out of the house and will pick up Nico at Pedro’s apartment.

Alicia and Lola meet, Alicia admitting she gets depressed in hospitals. She shows Lola a picture (is it a building – I’m not sure?) Lola likes it but her mind is elsewhere, she is worrying about everyone else. Alicia thinks that Lola should think big and they should sign for the business.

Marina cries to Andres who offers her water. The phone rings and it’s Olmo, on his way up. Marina tells Andres to hide as she greets her father. Where is Pedro he screams as his henchmen search the apartment. I don’t know she answers truthfully as Andres comes out. Child he asks confused? He tells the henchmen to leave. Olmo wonders what that man is doing there - Olmo was hoping that her fling was just a whim. Marina tells him Andres is very important to her and stands by her man. Olmo tells her that he will not allow her to go back to the bastard anyway. Marina realizes that Olmo knows the truth. Olmo tells her that if she wants to stay with this guy, she can do what she wants. I don’t know if doubt is clouding her thoughts, they are definitely clouding mine.

Emilia brings Faby white flowers because they are good for the spirits. Ivana wants Emilia and Eddy to leave and Faby can’t believe she is so mean. When Faby asks if she doesn’t care that her father died, Ivana retorts that her father could not live with the shame of disgracing the family. Faby cries that it’s not true...her father warned was as though he knew he would be killed.

Teo and Pedro talk and stare at Nico. The phone rings and it’s Olmo asking where his wife is...where is he hiding her. When Pedro denies knowing, Olmo curses the day he took in Pedro...he should have let him die like a mangy dog. Pedro counters that he tried to be the best son possible...until he found out how hateful he is!


ACUERDAS Episode 61 Thrown to the Wolves Part 4

Laiza’s bandages are removed as she slumps back on the pillows. It is Gaston she focuses on and murmurs his name as she smiles. He says he had told her he would not allow the love of his life to die. Delia and Gabe come back in, Delia smiling and hugging Gaston. Gabe congratulates Laiza and tells her that they can finally move forward with their lives. I feel a bit bad for Gabe. He has no chance I speculate.

Nico stares at Pedro’s beloved picture asking if his mother painted it. Yes, years ago. Sit down, I have something important to tell you Pedro says. Nico, I am your real father. I know Nico says. Did you mother tell you? No my heart did. Pedro hugs him as our eyes mist. Pedro tells him that he will always love him no matter what happens between him and his mother.

Pouring drinks, Olmo complains about the press, Gaston who is nowhere to be seen, his wife who made a fool of him, Alberto whom he trusted, Marina who is rolling in the hay with a man he just met...even Delia has left him out of her life. Ivana assures him that she is there for him. She is sad that Alberto is dead but he was a traitor.

Vera shows up and Nico immediately tells her that Pedro said he is his father. Vera rather reluctantly agrees. Nico is overjoyed, Vera not so much. Amor she grabs his hand. He pulls Vera and Pedro together, inches apart as they stare into each others’ eyes. Vera tells Nico that they need to leave and go with Julio, Nico cries that he wants to stay so they can be a family. She looks at Pedro as we wonder if she seems to see the same loser we do. Julio is still asking for Pedro as Julio takes them away.

Olmo’s head is spinning with everything that is happening - he didn’t want Alberto to die. Ivana tells him that he shouldn’t feel was Alberto’s life or his life and Alberto chose his destiny. Olmo remarks that Alberto was her husband and a loving father to Faby. Ivana thinks that they shouldn’t get emotional because they need to keep a clear head. Olmo is hurt with Vera’s betrayal... he could never make her wife his in his bed.

Julio insists that Vera stay with him, but Vera doesn’t want to put him, Pedro or anyone else in danger.

Faby, Emilia and Eddy sit on a blanket, white roses strewn in a heart shape pattern, a beautiful picture of Faby and Alberto in the middle. You are my father and I love you Faby cries. They will see each other again...he was the best father and she loves him very much. Emilia and Eddy envelop her in a loving hug.

Olmo admits that he still feels Vera’s presence. Ivana doesn’t want to see him destroyed. In fact, she will not allow it... she will be there to support him unconditionally. Olmo agrees that she is the only one left by his side.

In the last scene of the night, Vera, Nico tucked into her side is at Fausto’s. Fausto smiles as Nico cringes. Vera introduces Nico to Fausto. Fausto states, “So you are Nico!”. It is clearly obvious both of Fausto’s grandsons fear and loathe him. Smart lads both.




Thank you to RgvChick for her always excellent dialog translations.

I had to laugh at Vera fearing she'd killed Olmo and yet he had nary a scratch!

I have the sinking feeling Faby will not be the only one to lose a parent. Jacinto's future is murky at best.

What will Laiza do??



Diana, thank you. This was excellent. The episode was good, too. The title of your recap is so appropriate because I would dare to say that Vera has been chased from one wolf’s den to another. At least, Vera hit old Olmo in the head. It took long enough though. Guess she wasn't thinking as usual. I was looking for her to kick his prosthetic leg out from under him or pull it off and beat him with it. Anyway, the story marches on and Vera is safe from old Olmo but is she safe from Fausto? He did kill her mother and I would think it is just a matter of time until she finds that out. Then, where will she go? Now, if we can keep this pace up until the end I will be pleased.


Jarifa, thank you so much.

It's a shame Vera didn't realize she had other "weapons" within reach to beat Olmo! LOL.

I completely agree Fausto should be feared by all. Cold, callous I would not be surprised if he ends up killing at least one of his offspring.

This story has few safe havens. This story is brimming with wolves' lairs - Olmo's and Fausto's in particular.

I worry most about Faby and Eddy...



Diana, tbank you for a great recap of all the doom And gloom as tbe big wheel keeps on turning .

After all his wheeling and dealing, planning and scheming, Alberto is gone. His one shining moment was his love for Faby.

I am sure that Pedro , Vera, and Nico will survive and be reunited.

However, Oldmo is !eft with only Ivana , who seems fine with losing everything , a husband, a daughter, a lover , to finally have the onject of her obsession.

Will we ever find out how Alma died....or was it by natural causes?

Vera has taken Nico into the lion's den thinking Fausto will protect tbem wrong. All Fausto cares about is revenge . I hope he and Oldmo take each other out. That would be poetic justice. I think JAss is doomed to prison or death .

How will Vera learn that creepy Fausto killed ber mother ? She would believe charming Eddie.


Thank you so much Susanlynn.

"His one shining moment was his love for Faby" was Alberto's only redeeming quality - so right!

Interesting that now, Olmo has only Ivana and Fausto only has Jacinto. However, Fausto lacks minions so Jacinto must live - for now.

I was very surprised Vera would take Nico to Fausto's. I have to speculate Eddy will unmask Fausto as he is the only one who knows the truth.

A lot yet to be revealed but I sense much more heartbreak along the way.

I think the writers will reveal how Alma died. At this point, I'm thinking Ivana did kill Vera...



I'm thinking Ivana did kill Alma.



Diana, ITA about Ivana because she is so in thrall to Olmo. It looks like Eddy will have to be the answer man.


Jarifa, if Ivana did murder Alma, I can see Olmo killing Ivana.

That would destroy a lesser person, but Faby is no mere mortal, right? She would have Eddy, Emilia and Octavio...among others.



Diana, I could see Olmo killing Ivana. Everyone is expendable to him just like to Fausto.

Diana, gracias. To me this was the best paced episode so far.
Looks like the operation was a success and Laiza will survive. Next is to see whether she ends up with Gabe or Gaston.
Vera will be safe with Fausto until she discovers the truth, probably from Eddy, that Fausto killed her mother. Olmo only has the evil Ivana. Faby has Eddy and Emilia. Marina has Andres.
Pedro needs to do something heroic to prove he is a galan! At least he fought Olmo’s men, although he is the one responsible for putting Vera in jeopardy!


Thanks Fe.

This was a fast moving episode and a lot transpired

The good characters in this all have steadfast and true friends/family. Something Fausto and Olmo do not.

I agree that the onus is on Pedro for Vera's situation. Not to mention that something terrible might have happened to Nico. I am not sure what he can do to redeem himself but he better do it quickly.


AMOR. Claudio is adopted. We all thought so. And besides, that shows that his adoptive father Horacio is a very good guy despite his grumpy nature. He was willing to adopt his dead renter's child so that he wouldn't have to go to an orphanage. Patricia gets ever more of a jerk. How fitting if she loses her rancho to Helena. And it was a relief that Consuelo consulted with Claudio about the airline insurance company.

TU AMOR ep. 7 Part 1

Thanks for all the encouragement and comments about my recap. It's the first one I ever did. I think this telenovela is going to be a good one.

Claudio tells Valentina that they aren't blood relatives. His mother was a tennant of Horacio and died giving birth. He doesn't know anything about his bio dad. Horacio adopted him and saved him from the orphanage. Unfortunately for Claudio, Val still can't forget Ricardo.

Patricia and Helena have a throw down. P: "I loved your brother with all my soul". H: "Oh please!". P: "We couldn't have children". H: "We're not talking about that. You didn't love him". P: "How dare you". H: "You married him for convenience. You love Enrique". P: "You're crazy Helena". H: "Stop pretending!" P: "You're right. I didn't love him but I cared for him. Every day I tried to make him happy. You don't understand because you never loved anyone. That's why you're ALONE" (Smirk. Drop the mic)

Nora tries to convince Valentina to get over Ricardo already. They're not cousins so why not say yes to Claudio? How long is she going to cry for Ricardo? He's dead. Later she tells Val that she never really loved him because he didn't inspire her work (like their father) and like the song says, querer and amar are not the same. Val says she can't just forget overnight and won't give Caudio false hope while she still loves Ricardo.

Enrique and Patricia meet at the restaurant. He thinks the loan documents look legal. He show's Pat where the amount of debt is shown. Armando used the rancho as collateral. Is he saying that the ranch is now Helena's? Yes. No puede ser! Pat can't understand how he could owe so much money because he was rich. Enrique advises her to call a meeting with the accountants. They might know what's going on.

Majo tries to calm down Helena after her spat with Pat. Helena says "She told me to my face that she never loved my brother. I wanted to slap her" Majo replies that Alfonso wasn't a boy and knew what was going on but stayed friends with Enrique. She wonders if anything else is going on because it's not logical to hate Pat so much. Helena relates that one day Alfonso heard Pat talking about her deep love for Enrique. Helena told him to leave her but he refused. He loved her too much and forgave everything. She's going to pay!

Pat tells Guillermo that she has to go to the ranch tomorrow to resolve some issues ASAP. He wants her to see if she can find out anything about Juan's daughters while she's there. Pat says she needs a reason that he's so interested in them. She can't tell them that Guillermo is a friend of their father because they have never seen him before. They're going to ask why he wants to help them. Guillermo says that he has his reasons.

TU AMOR ep. 7 Part 1

There's a great scene with Horacio and Claudio. Claudio let's his father know about his feelings for Valentina. That's why he needed to tell her that he was adopted. You could almost feel the love in the room when Horacio told him, "Son, never forget. Before man, before the law, before God himself, you are my son." Big hugs and kisses followed and viewers had to wipe away a couple of tears.

At Consuelo's house, Claudio asks Val if they can talk. Val starts to apologize for acting like a girl yesterday and not like a woman. He thinks he's the one who should be sorry. The last thing he ever wanted was to make her feel bad. She should forget what he said. Val doesn't know if she can ever love again but, if so, it would be him.

Helena couldn't sleep because of the interviews for models and seamstresses. She asks why there isn't anything appetizing for breakfast. She's sick of vegetables. Majo tells her that the doctor was clear. You can't get fat again. You almost got diabetes 2 years ago. And forget about fritters and donuts. A text comes in that Yolanda Pratas is hiring the same day as Helena.

Valentina goes to Yolanda's to apply for a position as her apprentice. Several of the aspirants are having a brag fest. One studied in Florence, Italy. One has her own line of clothing. One speaks perfect english, french, and italian. Valentina stands up to Yolanda's snotty assistant so she has to go to the end of the line.

Patricia meets with the management at the rancho. Because none of them have any information about the embezzlement she tells them that they're either accomplices or inept. One brave soul responds that only Ricardo and Pat have access to the accounts and if she can have the codes she can retrace all the transactions.

At chez Helena Majo and Leonardo are checking out the models. He says it's going to be a disaster. Not one model is worth it. They're all ugly. Helena should stop this madness. He tells them not to be so stiff. He asks Majo about Helena's relationship with his brother so she shows him the video of them kissing.

TU AMOR ep. 7 Part 3

Maybe due to lack of sleep or an unappetizing breakfast we see an unflattering side of Helena. She thinks the seamstress applicants are substandard. She needs people with experience. This isn't a course to learn how to sew. When one of the applicants says she likes this thing a lot, Helena loses it. You're referring to high fashion, not "a thing". How dare you call it that. Get out of my sight.

It doesn't take Yolanda very long to sort through her candidates. She shoos most of them away with a wave of her hand. She decides on Martin because she knows his parents. The interview should be over but Val insists that she look at her designs. Surprisingly, Yolanda gives them the once over and apparently is impressed even though her assistant calls Val a naca which means something like low rent.

Helena is furiously trying to find out how Yolanda always seems to know when she is hiring and then poaching the best prospects. Leonardo says it might be that the models tell her. The industry is full of traitors. Claudio delivers the news that the fabric supplier wants out of his contract. Yolanda has offered him a six season deal. My ears perked up at this because Leonardo said something like that earlier to someone on the phone. A message comes in that Yolanda has chosen her youngest assistant ever. Helena feels sorry for her because she just entered the portal to hell. (Was she once Yolanda's assistant?)

Yolanda welcomes Valentina with a glass of vino then looking out the window delivers a line right out of the movies: "The mortals live down there. We're the gods that dress them. Welcome to the Olympus of fashion."

Embajador #45 part 1

Show me the video, Sancar says. What video? You know, Sancar says. I’m going to put Melek to bed and you are going to show me the video, he tells Nare. Sancar carries his daughter down to her room and lovingly puts her in the bed.

Upstairs, Nare is trying to catch her breath. Sancar returns. What are you waiting for, he says. You saw the video at the marina, Nare replies. Nare, please don’t lie to me, Sancar says, because I know what happens in that video you are hiding. (did you notice how she looks when he says her name) It was when Akin attacked you in Montenegro and you stabbed him. Your father destroyed the video. Nare is all shook up, she asks him to leave.

Why are you doing this, Sancar says, do you want to forgive me? He raises his voice, I hurt you and now you hurt me. I deserve it. Enough, Nare says. You hurt me but don’t hurt my daughter’s father. Sancar says, all that we do, we see in the afterlife. Can I see one of those moments, he asks? Nare says, we don’t do that kind of justice. [this was clearer in the original. They are talking about Judgment Day. Allah gives the final judgment.] Sancar asks what is he supposed to do, wait for that bastard to die? Let him stay alive until he’s punished in hell?

Nare relents and tearfully tells him, if you insist, this is what happens when you want to punish by your own hand. Here is the video, watch it. She adds, this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t thrown me out because of your jealousy and hatred.

Sancar watches the video. He sees Akin attack Nare and she stabs him. His tears fall and he looks at Nare. Then he comes to her speech to the camera for the benefit of her father: “… I died the day you didn’t believe me, the days that you and Sancar decided not to believe me. I fell to the floor shattered. But after my baby spoke to me…I’ll give you a reason to keep going…. Look dad, you turned me into a killer! You will ruin my daughter’s childhood like you ruined mine!“ Sancar hands Nare the phone and bolts.

Sancar goes to the shack and looks at the bed. He sits on the bed, then lies down and sobs.

Halise and Menekse go to Ayse’s house. Dudu answers; she is surprised to see them. Dudu kisses Halise’s hand and invites them in. She puts out slippers but Menekse has brought slippers from their house. [how rude.] Ayse comes into the room. Halise calls Ayse out on not visiting her in the hospital. But, Halise says, I came to do something good for you. They all sit. It’s awkward. Ayse says she’ll make tea. Not necessary, Halise says, I came to talk to you about something important. I want Kavruk to ask for your hand.

After a stunned silence Ayse and Dudu laugh. Kavruk and me, Ayse says, married? Ayse thinks this is a joke; she can’t stop laughing--until she realizes it isn’t. Ayse says, who would want to marry a man who only recites poetry? Menekese snarks, what’s wrong with that? Maybe he will write love poems inspired by you. Ayse is not amused. She tells Halise Kavruk is much younger than she is, it would not work. Besides, they would take away her orphan’s pension and she will be left with a husband who writes poetry. Ayse turns Halise down—I won’t accept this offer.

Kavruk has a great salary, Halise says, how much could your pension be? That pension is mine and I don’t need a man for money at this stage, Ayse says. Halise sweetens the pot, what if I buy you a beautiful house in the center of town? I’ll even furnish it. Ayse is surprised. Dudu is impressed. In the center? In my aunt’s name? Yes, Halise says. An apartment, a house, whatever she wants. Ayse accepts. But Ayse wants to rent the house. Since Elvan is no longer in the mansion, she will move there and help Gulsiye with the chores. And she wants a better salary than Kavruk. Deal is done! Ayse kisses Halise’s hand and walks her out.



Embajador #45 part 2

Halise tells Ayse to let everyone know about the engagement and the party will be at the mansion. Ayse sees through this. Kavruk will marry and you will save your reputation, she tells Halise. Halise readily admits this. Is there a problem with that? The people will come to the mansion for me, Ayse says, but after that they will turn their backs on you again. She brings up what Halise did to Nare. Menekse pipes up, don’t worry, Sancar and everyone else are going to find out the truth about Nare.

In the car Halise asks Menekse what she meant. What is everyone going to find out about Nare? Menekse responds, didn’t you tell me to learn how to be an Efeoglu woman? She shows Halise the pic of Nare with Gediz. Halise gasps. Menekse says, Sancar must see this picture. He has the right to know what kind of woman she is. Let all the people know.

Kahraman is holding a meeting for investors and treating them to a very nice meal. He makes his pitch: This port is the best port in the region. He has someone translate to English. Kahraman admits they have a problem with credit and debts. But if you support us, he says, if you collaborate with us, we will all benefit. The meal is served.
Sancar and Gediz arrive at Kahraman’s marina. Cue the Harmandali as the partners enter the building. They ask for Kahraman. He’s on the terrace, he’s with investors. Why weren’t we invited, Sancar asks Gediz. With that the partners head up to the terrace. Uh, oh, Kahraman just lost his appetite. Why are you here, he asks Sancar?

Sancar gets snarky, are we strangers? Sit down, let’s talk. One of Kahraman’s guests asks Gediz in English, are you an investor or a partner? Gediz translates for Sancar. Sancar responds in English, we are buyers. Gediz translates the rest for the guests, we are buying all the checks from this company. We have negotiated with the banks. This means we are the new creditors.

Sancar turns to Kahraman, you will sell us the company or we will start the process. Sancar turns to the group of investors, don’t invest with this company. You will be investing your money in vain. The investors get up and leave.

Ah Kahraman, the money is going, Sancar says with a smile. Kahraman yells for everyone else to leave. He warns Sancar he will pay for this. Sancar moves in close and tells Kahraman, your money or your shares. Time is running out. Sancar waves his finger in front of Kahraman’s face tic, tok, tic, tok. The partners leave and Kahraman explodes. He flips over the table [made me think of real housewives] and throws a chair. He breaks his string of prayer beads.

Sancar and Gediz leave. Gediz is still worried about Sancar’s problem. What is that? Everyone is on alert, Gediz says, you have people at the port and probably at the airport and bus stations. Gediz continues, I have not been able to contact Kerem for days and you locked Guven up in a bathroom. And maybe you have someone watching my sister. That gets Sancar’s attention. And you’re not watching me, Sancar asks in reply?

Muge takes her tray down but her mother is there doing some gardening so she stops there. We see Raciye keeping her eye on Muge. When Refika turns away, Muge makes her move down to the guest house. Raciye does not notice this.

Akin is in very bad shape. How are you my love, Muge asks, I prepared stuffed grape leaves for you. I always thought about making this meal for our kids. Gediz loves them. She holds one out for Akin. Of course, he can’t eat. Oh, Muge says, you need water. One more day and you will die of thirst. And you can’t eat this, it has too much salt. Muge drinks some water. She tells Akin, you forgot to call me. Now that I forgot to bring you water, you know how I felt.




Diana, I just love the way you weave such an eloquent blanket of all the sordid events. Thank you!

I don't have much to add...just to reiterate that Vera is an idiot to take Nico to Fausto's place knowing that he can be a very dangerous man who uses ANYONE to his benefit. And Pedro will need to walk on water before I consider him worthy of galan status.

Highlights for me: 1) Laiza getting her sight. I'm thinking that she will choose that one who refused to allow the love of his life to die, but there are some high hurdles to jump for that to happen. 2) Though Faby's loss was so sad, Emilia and Eddy being there for her despite Evilana's objections was admirable.


AMOR. Excellent recap, JoelD! Thank you so much for doing this. I too was moved by the scene between crotchety old Horacio and Claudio. I wonder if Claudio's biological father will turn out to be someone important. Whoa! Dramatic irony in Leonardo's saying that the fashion industry is full of traitors. Look in the mirror, dude!


Thank you RgvChick!

I laughed out loud at the thought of Pedro walking on water! Yes, it would take a miracle to consider him a true galan at this point wouldn't it??

And your comment on Laiza "I'm thinking that she will choose that one who refused to allow the love of his life to die, but there are some high hurdles to jump for that to happen" crystallized that situation perfectly.

Can't wait to see what tonight brings.



JoelD, color me impressed. Your recap was fabulous.

"Patricia and Helena have a throw down". I loved your dialog translation which is so helpful to those of us with little Spanish comprehension.

"Several of the aspirants are having a brag fest" made me smile.

"Maybe due to lack of sleep or an unappetizing breakfast we see an unflattering side of Helena" This scene had my full attention - I was shocked at what I was seeing. Everyone has a bad day but this was over the top.

"You could almost feel the love in the room when Horacio told him, "Son, never forget. Before man, before the law, before God himself, you are my son." I admit, my eyes misted up a bit as well

We see right away what Yolanda is. Welcome to the viper's nest Valentina.

Your recaps are pulling me in. Thank you, thank you.



To me, Edson is a ga!an. He has been so protective of Vera and Nico even though he is putting himself in peril.

Embajador #45 part 3

Nare and Melek are already at the school (School of American Culture) when Sancar arrives. Melek runs to him. Hugs and kisses. Sancar has a flashback. Nare tells him, “I just want a life for me and my daughter. Don’t darken Melek’s life. Don’t go against me.” Sancar carries Melek but she objects. She’s too big to be carried.

Melek walks ahead and Sancar stops Nare to talk for a minute. Sancar says, when Yahya got Necdet out, you had that panic attack at Kavruk’s house. Quick flashback. Yes, that’s right, she replies. The video you showed me last night… when those men attacked you…. that’s why you had that crisis? Nare says, let’s not talk about those things. Don’t ask me that, Sancar says, you don’t want me to be Akin’s killer, but I am already your killer. Can you just be the father of my daughter please, Nare asks? Sancar nods.

Melek walks around the school yard. Nare and Sancar proudly watch her as she goes around greeting the students with a nod. The important first impression. Sancar says she is going to break a lot of hearts here. Ay, and when she goes to high school, we will want…. Nare stops him, will you still be her father then? Or will you be in jail or in the grave? Being a father is better, don’t you think? Sancar responds, a life for the two of you is better and that’s why I’ll give it to you. Who are you to give this, Nare says. Sancar says he can or rather, he can get rid of the others.

Preparations are being made for the engagement party. Zehra arrives and asks, is there is a banquet? Yes, Kavruk is marrying my Aunt Ayse. Zehra is surprised, she doesn’t understand. Neither does Gulsiye. She thinks this family is crazy.

Zehra finds Karvruk. Is it true, she asks him? Do you love Ayse? What? Why do you ask? Because you always talk about Sancar getting married without love, Zehra says, but you wouldn’t do the same. I know. Kavruk looks down and says nothing. Why didn’t you tell me, Kavruk? He tells her he has work to do and leaves her. Hmm…. she looks a bit sad. I wonder what she’s thinking?



Embajador #45 part 4

Melek loves the school. Loves, loves, loves, the school. She skips around. Nare tells Melek not to exaggerate. She already took her to some good schools. Melek says that other school was not great because her dad wasn’t able to bring her. But he will be able to come here, right dad? Right, Sancar says. Nare says, don’t play with your mother’s feelings. My girl tells me she won’t eat if her father is not there. She doesn’t want to do anything without her dad. Nare says she will give up and say goodbye. No mom, Melek says, I want you to stay.

Sancar asks Melek if she really refused to eat. Yes. And now she wouldn’t have said she likes this school because they could have continued looking together. Nare reminds Melek that she can go stay with her dad for a few days. Sancar agrees to it. Melek goes to wait in the car. Sancar calls Nare out. I can’t plan anything when she’s with me, he says. Nare says she wants him to take care of Melek until she’s in high school. And don’t leave her alone.

Nare gets in her car. We see a phone stuck in the side of the passenger seat. Akin’s phone?

Gediz arrives home. Raciye opens the door. He asks for Muge. She is by the pool with your mother. Did you see anything strange today, he asks? Did she speak with anyone or make a call? No, Raciye says, she’s been there all day. Ok, continue to watch her and let me know, Gediz directs, an be careful not to let her notice.

Raciye notices that Muge is not with Refika anymore. She goes down to the guest house level. She spots Muge leaving the house and hides. Once Muge is gone, Raciye comes out of hiding and enters the house. She notices some food on the floor by the bathroom door. Raciye opens the bathroom door and gets a shock. It’s Akin. She makes a quick call. She’s calling Sancar!

Hello? Akin is here, she says. Where, Sancar asks? In the guest house, she replies, it seems he’s been here for a while. Uh oh, Sancar has his daughter in the car. What’s he gonna do?

And we are out.



Thank you Diana for the recap.
The subtitle of this episode might be the Tears of Faby. Of course we (& perhaps the police) do not know how Alberto died; the news was he just committed suicide. How? Did the police do an autopsy? Perhaps Ivana and Chamaco helped Alberto’s demise since they both agreed that the canary had to be silenced before it sang any more.
Pedro did get points for fighting.
Rumbling to a conclusion.

Gracias, gracias Anonymous!
I was trying to remember the Spanish expression that Ivanna used when talking to Chamaco about killing Alberto. I knew it was something like “quiet the bird”, which you perfectly translated as the “canary had to be silenced before it sang any more.”
Ivana is definitely responsible for ordering Alberto’s death. She is a cold blooded killer. Would she even order Fabi’s death if she had to choose between her daughter and Olmo?



Thank you, Dondi!!

That must be a special kind of torture, being tied up for hours/days in a luxury bathroom. I guess it's better than being in a dirty one. Still, I am kind of surprised Raciye only noticed the dolma on the floor and not the smell!

Why did Raciye call Sancar and not just run up to Gediz?

And does Halise own Kavruk? How can she marry him to someone?

So many questions, but I'm glued!



So...Zehra is intuitive enough to know that Karuk does not love Ayse...but she doesn't realize he has feelings for her. She has shown no signs of being interested in him outside of as a brother. Too bad for Karuk...the woman he loves doesn't know it and her mother is blackmailing him into a loveless marriage. Too bad he wasn't brave enough to push back to Halise or let Sancar know what's going on. Hope this marriage doesn't make it to the finish line.



Thanks, Dondi. I'm thinking the phone belongs to Gediz, left in Nare's car. Sancar is getting some lucky breaks.

I know Sancar and Gediz are our heroes, but I'm feeling bad for Kahraman. He seems like a biz man just trying to stay afloat. If he lost his wife in the accident that injured Zehrah, I don't know why Sancar is ticked with him and he towers over the short guy. Funny Kahraman keeps busting prayer beads on anger instead of praying.


I think Gediz gave Muge's car to Nare, and Akin was sitting in the passenger seat , so it could be Akin's phone .

Nare was clever sending Melek with San to keep him from going after Akin.

I couldnt understand how the maid recognized Akin .Had she ever met him ?

JoelD, I am sorry... I did not see the recap that you did already for Disenando! I am so sorry.

I have started a page for this telenovela!

I live in Turkey... it's kind-of an adventure getting the episode (I have to get it sent to me in bits and pieces, as both networks have blocked all content... I think perhaps Blood Diamonds would be easier to import, for some reason), and (as I just found out, it takes me around four hours to write a recap. I don't if that is normal :-/

But, I am pretty confident about this! I watched 'Meu Amor' (that which this telenovela was based on), RGVChick kindly gave me Blogger access to CarayCaray (which I feel very privileged about, so I would be MORE than happy to try and host a patio!

I am all alone here in Turkey, you see... so why not host some friends on a patio???

My email, I believe is listed here, but I have set up another one if anyone would like to contribute a recap (and save me, alas four hours... IS that normal, do you think? My God, I know I'm neurotic with my writing and things, but FOUR HOURS??? lol), it is ''. Either one works. And, again, I would be happy to hear from any and all of you... and hope to see you all on the patio!

Take care, all!

Best wishes, always, from here in Turkey.

Stevey :-)


Diana what a great edge of seat episode.

Old mo is stuck with evilvana and
Fausto is stuck with his determind
To please son. He wont last long.

Either evilvana or old mo murdered
Alma. I was lookin at try way Olmo
Was treating vera, I could see him
Doing the same thing to alma when she found out what he really is and she Tried to get away from him. Now
Could ivana kill her sister? Yeah.
Look how easy it was to put out a hit it on her husband and lie to her daughter about it. She & oldmo
Are two of a kind. Wouldn't be to shocked if they canceled each other out.
Olmo,I can't believe you are fausts daughter, you loed about to me all this time."Lol, like he's a paragon
Of truth.
He really seems hurt. I don'
He's a coldblooded killer and he will deserve everything he has got
Coming to him.

Julio sees to think that he has vera all to himself. Not! She may be pist at pedro now but the heart wants what the heart wants, and her
Heart wants pedro.

They keep this momentum going it'll
Get better and better with each episode..
Happy for laiza with eyesight back.
Now it would have been good to see vera take the prosthetic and beat the crap outta Oldmo with it. Now he couldn't get it up on the night of the honeymoon what makes him think its gonna happen now? I just never saw them being together like that, thank the tn gods.

This was a good episode and the recap made it better.
Thank you ladies.


Thank you so much Nina!

Loved your comment about Olmo being the paragon of truth - not!

This is heading down the track in full throttle. Tonight was another excellent installment and I can't wait to see what RgvChick has to say.



Hmmm, a comment I had made to Anonymous was posted earlier but seems to have disappeared!

Thanks anon. Excellent question about the autopsy. I am sure Octavio's suspicions were aroused but not sure what he might have done. Alberto was murdered, pure and simple.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 62: Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold Part 1
People would far rather be handed an easy lie than search for a difficult truth, especially if it suits their own purposes. - Joe Abercombie

Fausto meets Nico and tells Vera that she should have told him in advance that they would be coming so that he could prepare a banquet. The niceties end when Nico insists that he wants to be with his father. Fausto yells at him, “Enough!” then back-peddles and apologizes, telling Vera that they can stay as long as she wants.

Olmo and Ivana are getting it on but Olmo can’t continue; he still thinks of Vera and Alberto just died. Hot and frustrated Ivana retorts that Alberto betrayed them, she owes him no loyalty or mourning!

Pedro tells Teo that he can’t stop thinking about Vera and Nico; he worries about hem and wonders where they are. He doesn’t think Julio can protect him. He then assumes that Vera is with Fausto.

Ivana tries to convince Olmo that they should be together. She is sure Alma would have preferred that she be with him than any other woman. It is time that they think only of themselves. She is about to give up, but Olmo gives in ..he wants her! They fall to the bed and start their snake mating ritual.

Gonzo and Octavio confab about Alberto being cremated so quickly. Julio thinks that they wanted to hide whatever could prove that it wasn’t a suicide. When Octavio comments that it seems they are back to square one, Gonzo argues that the Casares have shown their Achilles heel, and they have shown that they have some weaknesses.

Vera makes it clear to Fausto that she is only there because she had nowhere to go and heist he only one who can protect her…but he needs to find a way to prove that he didn’t kill Tomas, Pedro’s father.

Andres tells Marina that in meeting her father, he now understands how Olmo forced her to marry Pedro. Marina argues that Olmo didn’t force her because she was truly in love with Pedro….she then thinks that maybe Olmo did manipulate her…Olmo is a complicated man, but it still pains her that Vera and Pedro lied to him.

Post coitus, Olmo head is now clear. They have to find Vera...and only one person can hide her so well…Fausto! They need to prepare a counterattack. Ivana offers to take care of things with El Chamaco, but he needs to reunite the Casares. Olmo plans to unite them even if he has to play hardball. Ivana suggests that strategy hasn’t worked for him, he needs to appear more loving and understanding. ..maybe play the victim.

Nico can’t sleep because it smells bad there and his grandfather scares him. When Nico mentions that they left Bingo and his toys at Olmo’s house. Vera promises to retrieve them (Yeah, you gonna just walk right in??) After Nico asks why she married Olmo and not his father, Vera assures him that she loves his father very much and she only hopes that they can be a family someday.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 62: Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold Part 2

Vera tells Lola that Nico had a hard time sleeping. She feels very guilty for making Nico go through so many things. Vera then tells Lola that she is staying with Fausto…it’s the only place where she can be safe. Though not thrilled, Lola thinks that the only way to be rid of a shark is to get a bigger shark. Lola then has to hang up because she is looking at a possible location for her business. She tells the owner that she really likes it; she just has to talk to her partner before they can close the deal.

Ivana goes to see Faby and acts like a real mother (Oscar performance here). She knows that Faby is going through a difficult time and assures her that she is not alone. Ivana promises that if they work as a team nothing can hold them back. Ivana even agrees to let Faby see Eddy since Faby has not gone out at all. Ivana knows that Faby wants to leave the house as soon as she is old enough, but until that happens, Ivana will take care of her because the only thing Ivana wants is for her to be happy. Faby then cries and wonders what she will do without her father.

Olmo goes to see Marina again, but this time Andres doesn’t need to hide. Olmo enters with a large bouquet a flowers and apologizes for his previous behavior. He then asks to speak to Marina alone. Olmo starts by telling Marina that Vera’s betrayal has him feeling muy bad. He already lost a son and can’t lose her either. He invites her to dinner…and Andres too if he is the man she has chosen. He wants to welcome Andres to the family.

Lola and Alicia discuss the locale for the business. Alicia is disappointed that Lola has chosen such a quaint place. Lola thinks it’s a better location because of the people that live in the area. When Alicia asks if the area is dangerous, Lola assures her that the neighbors are very handsome. Alicia finally agrees to the building she wants but only if Lola looks for a boyfriend.

Laiza tells Gabe that they need to talk. She shares that when you see death so close. you focus on the important things…and you see the things that you have not wanted to confront. The life she has is not the life she wants…getting married was a mistake. When Gabe asks if he did something wrong, Laiza replies that he is not for her and she is not for him. When Gabe insists that he is in love with her, Laiza reminds him of their wedding,…what happened there was a sign. Gabe retorts that everything was fine until Gaston showed up, but Liaza insists that she is not the love of his life…his passion is his restaurant and she doesn’t want him to give it up just to spend the rest of his life taking care of her.

Pedro goes to see Eddy to ask where Fausto lives. He explains that Vera and Nico are with him and he needs to protect them.

Fausto tells Vera that he has the proof she wants. There is a witness to Tomas’s murder, but Vera needs to talk to Delia because Ramiro was her husband and Laiza’s father.

Pedro assures Eddy that Fausto is a criminal . When Eddy adds that his father may be criminal too, Pedro is surmised that Jass is with Fausto. Emilia then enters and starts asking questions about what has happened at the Casares home, but Eddy tells her to stop being a gossip; Pedro is there to ask where Fausto lives. Pedro then explains that Fausto killed his father and now Vera and Nico are with him.

Gabe continues to argue with Laiza, but Laiza won’t play his little game after he mentions that she wants Gaston to be with her. She returns his ring. Just then Gaston comes in. Awkward moment before Gabe throws the rings at Gaston and tells him that maybe Laiza will accept them from him.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 62: Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold Part 3

Olmo tells Ivana that he saw Marina and, with a bit more coaxing, she will be on their side again. Ivana has her own good news; she texted Gaston and he is on his way over….and Fabi is more calm. They start their liplocks but are interrupted by Silvio who is trying to hold back Octavio. Ivana thinks that Octavio there to question Olmo, but Octavio came to see her…since surely the family doesn’t need any more scandals. Ivana is willing to collaborate in helping clear up Alberto’s death. Octavio knows she is lying because she was the one who kept them from having access to Alberto’s body. He is more convinced than ever that she had something to do with Alberto’s death.

Vera goes to see Delia because she needs to contact Ramiro who was involved in Tomas’s death…and she needs to know who was behind everything.

Octavio notes that Ivana is nervous and thinks that shows that she is guilty. Ivana thinks that Octavio’s actions are personal. Octavio remarks that she and Olmo will fall sooner or later…and he has the patience to get to the truth regardless of the time it will take. Octavio can’t believe that Ivana won’t do the right thing even for her daughter…he gets chills just thinking that Faby lives with her (and so does Viewerville).

Delia tells Vera that Ramiro showed up after Olmo’s kidnapping, then showed up at Laiza’s wedding. Ever since then, old wounds have been opened. Vera apologizes for upsetting Delia, but Delia has come to realize that they have been living a life of lies and secrets. She blames herself for not seeing Olmo for who he really is. And the least she can do is help Vera find Ramiro. As they hug each other, Jass reports to Fausto that Vera is with Delia.

Olmo talks to Gaston and feigns understanding why Gaston had to sell his shares. Olmo then tells him that Pedro stabbed him in the back and ran off with Vera.

Vera finds Ramiro who initially denies who he is. After Vera mentions that Laiza almost died, Ramiro softens and asks what she wants to know about Tomas. In the background, Jass watches… When Vera asks who killed Tomas, Ramiro reveals that it was Olmo who killed Tomas…and Fausto had nothing to do with it.

Olmo continues his act and apologizes for not treating Gaston like the son he is...but it will not happen again. Gas is his only son and his heir.

Fausto tries to play nice with Nico. He brings him a set of chess…and he will make a champion of Nico. Vera asks to talk to Fausto and tells him that she spoke to Ramiro who confirmed what he said. Fausto is glad that they can now continue the fight against Olmo. Meanwhile, Jass pays Ramiro for telling Vera what he was supposed to say.

After Silvio tells Olm that he still can’t find Vera, Olmo asks Ivana about EL Chamaco whom they still have to pay soon. Melida enters asking for Gaston who spends all his time with Laiza, but Ivana takes her so that they can have a woman to woman talk. Ivana asks Melida if she wants a husband or does she want the good life. When Melida asks what she has to do, Ivana tells her to stop her fits about Gaston and let him do whatever he wants…even putting up with his little escapades.

Pedro arrives at Fausto’s place and asks Vera if she will introduce him to her father.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 62: Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold Part 4

The Casares family gathers for dinner where he welcomes Andres to the family, tells Gaston that he is happy that he is together with Melida. Faby is the light of the house and Ivana is his best friend and partner. He then mentions Alberto who they will miss. When he adds that Vera turned out to be a traitor and Pedro, the bastard, stole his wife, Marina tells him that things are not as he says…what Pedro and Vera have is true love…Vera is the woman from San Gines…and Nico is Pedro’s son…son…son…son… (her words echoing in Olmo’s twisted mind). Olmo looks worn and forlorn. He needs to go to his study because he is not feeling well (and he is trying really hard not to explode). Pedro has betrayed him in the worst way possible and he needs to think about things alone.

Fausto is cleaning his gun when Vera and Nico enter with Pedro. Fausto tells Pedro to leave his house! But Pedro wonders if he is going to kill him too. When Pedro insists on talking to Fausto, his father’s murderer, Fausto questions if Pedro truly thinks he killed his father or is it what Olmo wants him to believe. Fausto tells Pedro that Tomas was his friend...his brother (now don’t choke :)..and a good man just like Pedro, but Olmo betrayed them.

Olmo whispers something to Melida before he leaves. Ivana follows like the faithful dog (bitch) she is. As Olmo enters his study, he curses and swears that Vera is going to pay; he is going to plan on how to destroy Vera and Pedro who have made a fool of him. And he will make them pay for what they did to the Family. Ivana tries to cam him down since “revenge is a dish best served cold.” She reminds him that today he reunited his family and he will recover his empire. As they kiss, Melida enters and tells Olmo that she can’t find any dirt on Pedro, so Ivana thinks that they need to create some dirt.

Marina worries about her father, but Gaston thinks that what happened with Vera didn’t really affect their father so drastically…their father is used to turbulent waters. Marina thinks Gaston is still angry with Olmo …or that he has been affected by Laiza’s situation. Gaston admits that he is starting to see things differently especially since he is going to be a father.

Pedro doesn’t believe anything Fausto has to say, but Vera tells him that she can take him to someone who witnessed his father’s murder. Pedro once again gives us his dazed and confused look.

As Melida, Ivana and Olmo plot against Pedro, Delia interrupts and asks to talk to Olmo. When Olmo speaks against Pedro, Delia stoutly remarks that Pedro was the most faithful of all his children…or at least that is what Olmo used to say before he lost his head. When Olmo tries to forbid her from speaking, Delia shouts that he will not forbid her anything! Delia reproaches that Laiza almost died and he turned his back on them. Olmo tries to explain that he tried to help and when he adds that they are friend, Delia retorts that they are not friends, he is her boss…or rather WAS her Boss! She hands him her letter of resignation and starts to leave, but Olmo needs her now that everything is tumbling down around him. When he asks her not to abandon him, Delia responds that before she leaves, he will hear what she has to say!

And we will have to wait until tomorrow for the rest of Delia’s rant…!! Go Delia!!



Dondi thanks for this fun recap.

Now I know this is probly the culture in turkey but it damn, why does these women get to tell these
Men and ladies it seems who they can marry? Kavruk is not even that
Hell-lise son, why does she get to
Make him marry somebody he don't even love? And why wont he stand up
For himself. I just wanted to smack the smug off of hell-lise's face. She is a hateful old bitch. And has the nerve to get mad cuz nobody came to visit her at the hospital.
She is so important to herself that
No body else matters. Is this how it really is in Turkey or this just an exaggeration for tv? Cuz OMG I
Feel like reaching through the tv and grabbing the mother from hell and locking her up in a bath room. But that's to good for her, She is just evil. This marriage is a fraud asye dont love kavruk she just wants money. Well at least there is one woamn...maybe two that Wont let hell-lise boss them around and that is nare and elvan, love elvan. She is one crazy lady.
Ues Dondi I did notice the nen look on mare's face when san says her name. I must say Iam very glad to hear him say her name and then he looks at her. Wow this man has a set of eyes that brings the fire.
Him and burak(kemal)I dont remember his last name he was inAmor Eterno,
They have gorgeous eyes. Turkey got the pretty men, WoW!.

Muge get your act together girl. U
Dont want to ruin your life because
Of that a-wipe. He ain't worth bbn it.

K think maybe kahrahman is angry because zehra was driving, no muge
Was driving wasnt she? And zehra just got a hurt foot and hos wife was killed. He must have a large collection of prayer beads cuz he keeps breaking them when sancar get
Him upset.

Ok, wait, menekse must drink a cup of stupid every morning. Necdet is just brain dead. Their thinking is just stupid. That was hell-lise's choice for her son? She dont think much of her son.

Thank you Dondi♡


RgvChick, thanks for this gem of a recap. You sure caught the still in “La La Land Vera” with “Yeah, you gonna walk right in?” In reference to retrieving Nico’s toys, dog, etc.

I had to laugh at the sax music for the Olmo/Ivana sexy (yuk!) scenes as well as Nico hearing the echoing “Nico es el hijo de Pedro”

It’s pretty bad when Marina has to tell Olmo what the real story is.

Looks like Olmo is going to get an earful before Delia leaves.


TU AMOR ep. 8 (partial)

I have to get to work today so I was only able to recap scenes with Helena or Yolanda. They provide some of the backstory.

Valentina is curious about why Yolanda changed her mind about her apprentice. Well, although Val's designs are very deficient and basic, they have potential. Val confesses that she hasn't studied in Europe, has never been on a plane, doesn't speak other languages, and only learned from her mother and fashion magazines. Yolanda explains that talent is something you're born with and it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor. Some of the greatest designers have worked their way up through blood, sweat, and tears. Now it's your turn Valentina. I'll guide you. In a few days we'll plan the concept for the new show and you'll learn to design there. Here's an advance on the large amount of money you'll earn here. I'm not interested in your thanks. I'm interested in your designs. You may go. (She seems nice)

Héctor shows up at Helena's. Her headache has finally gone away. She needs to talk to him. The day was horrible. The morning was fine and then the seamstresses arrived. Then the inexperienced models. And it was all the fault of... Who?, asks Héctor. Of someone who has made my life miserable for years. I'm tired. My whole life I've fought against something or someone to get ahead. When I think I'll reach my goal something happens that gets in my way. Many years ago, a friend of my father gave me the opportunity to be their apprentice but what happened to me was horrible. They became my worst enemy. And what happened today was their fault. I never told anyone but that woman stole all of my designs. I signed a contract where I almost sold my soul. That's why I say she's like the devil. I was 18 and faced with things I couldn't deal with. I've had to defend myself alone since I left home at 16. My father kicked me out. Don't ask why. I never want to talk about it again.

Valentina meets Claudio at a nice outside restaurant. She shows him her advance. He asks why she never told him that she wanted to be a designer. That his boss is Helena Vargas. Val says she was going to try there tomorrow. She never thought they'd take her at Olympus. Claudio says that they're our competition, and worse, Helena and Yolanda hate each other to death.


TU AMOR ep. 8 (partial) cont.

Valentina, please tell me that you didn't sign anything.

As they leave the restaurant, Claudio tells her that she gave him a good scare. She says, sorry, but I already learned my lesson. Never sign anything without reading it. Claudio says Sooner or later they're going to have you sign a contract. Please don't sign until you read it. Val says, I'll give it to you so you can read it.

Majo and Helena are at the office. Majo tells Helena that Yolanda Platas doesn't want to meet with her. She said, "Majito dear, I know that Helena wants to meet with me, but tell her my calendar is completely full until the end of 2021. And for 2022 I'll already be dead because I'm old and sick" This gives Helena a good laugh and she decides to go straight to Yolanda's. There, she literally bumps into Valentina causing some designs to drop on the floor. She compliments Val on her beautiful designs as she helps her pick them up. Yolanda shows up at this point and asks, "What are you doing with my designs Helena?"


Another amazing title RgvChick!

What can you say to “Ivana follows like the faithful dog (bitch) she is”? Perfect.

The recap was excellent - “Olmo looks worn and forlorn” – as well he should.

“She is sure Alma would have preferred that she be with him than any other woman”. Oh, yes, I am sure of it!!. “Ivana goes to see Faby and acts like a real mother (Oscar performance here)” was another excellent quote.

Now that Octavio is discussing police business with Gonzo rather than Julio, perhaps there is hope for progress.

“It’s pretty bad when Marina has to tell Olmo what the real story is” had me smiling away Jarifa. Excellent point!

So, why did Fausto have to pay Ramiro for telling the truth regarding Olmo murdering Tomas? I am really surprised Ramiro is still walking upright.

Do you think Andres is rethinking his relationship with Marina?? Welcome to the family son.

At least Pedro is being proactive but he still seems hesitant to believe the truth about Olmo which is right before his eyes.

I hope Laiza spoke her heart when she broke up with Gabe. She did want to love Gabe, but didn’t. Whether she wishes to admit it or not, there is another reason…Although Gaston truly loves her, it is unclear if he has the courage and the desire to leave his place in the family as he awaits his child’s birth.

Fabulous - Thank you so much RgvChick.



Thank you, Jarifa!!

Vera is definitely in La La Land LOL. And she has been there since the inception of this story. First she takes Nico with her to live with the man whom she believes murdered her mother and now she takes him to the man whom Pedro believes murdered his father. With parents like these, who knows what destiny has in store for this kid. Pobrecito!

Can't wait for the second part of Delia's tirade!


JoelD, okay now I am truly impressed! This is your first stap at recapping??? You sure had me fooled! Your recaps are so well-written and the sides are noteworthy. Like Diana, I especially liked. "Several of the aspirants are having a brag fest."

Thank you so much for posting last night's highlights which provide some of the backstory. I'm looking forward to watching this in its entirety.

Since you posted your most recent "minicap" on Stevey's page, I'll go ahead and repost this there too.


dondi356, I am anxiously waiting for your recap. I really want to read your interpretation on Sanar kicking out Meanekse...and the cat fight!! Elvan stole the show! LOL



JoelD, another stellar recap, replete with so much important background information.

You have contributed so much - we are so fortunate you have joined us!

Now we understand some of Helena's brittleness. And yet, she needs softening, in her actions, her words and in her heart. Will Héctor be the one to provide it?

I like the competing fashion houses and the fact Valentina will have Claudio read the contract. Did she cash the check? Not sure legally what that might mean, if anything.

Yolanda is formidable but I wouldn't count Helena up.

Fantastic recap JoelD. Thank you so much!!



"Vera is definitely in La La Land LOL. And she has been there since the inception of this story" was great. I will add this to my earlier comment of your sensational recap.

Vera loves her son but makes very questionable choices regarding her son's well being.



Diana, I totally missed your comment at 9:30! Thank you for your kind words :-)

I was so used to seeing Octavio and Julio being in cahoots that I had to take a second look when it was Gonzo who was discussing the case with Octavio!

As to your question, "So, why did Fausto have to pay Ramiro for telling the truth regarding Olmo murdering Tomas?" I think it has to do with Ramiro assuring Vera that Fausto had NOTHING to do with Tomas's murder. Fausto was present at the time and I did not see him trying to dissuade Olmo from killing Tomas; so Fausto must have played some part in the murder.

I really do think tha Laiza spoke from her heart when she broke up with Gabe. And I think that she didn't admit to Gaston being the reason because she knows that a future with Gaston is (almost) impossible since he did marry Melida and is expecting a son. So maybe her break up is truly because she "saw the light" and didn't want to give Gabe any false hopes. She lied to herself when she married Gabe and now she wants to stop that lie...good for her!

I don't think Andres is having second thoughts about Marina, but his eyes sure are opening in regards to her family! Maybe he'll convince her to remove herself from all the toxicity.


RgvChick, were Fausto and Tomas shot at the same time? I thought so but realize I'm likely wrong. I remember Fausto crying like a baby when he was about to be shot (not that I blame him) but he emerged as the vengeful person we see today.

Perhaps Laiza's destiny will lie elsewhere. She is an accomplished chef and has the possibility of a wonderful career ahead.

The one mystery that is driving me crazy is what Fausto and Tadeo's relationship was. I hope that is revealed before the end.

Since (hopefully) Olmo and Ivana will be out of the picture soon (incarcerated or dead), perhaps Marina will have a chance to regain her life. Andres seems like a good partner for her.



Chickie, , thank you for anotber rocking recap .

Ivana has soldiered on tbrough Alberto, Octavio, a nd Chamaco and has finally reached her goal....Oldmo . Congratulations . He is starting to look pretty rough, but are we to believe that hot to trot Iwanna has managed to get Oldmo jumpstarted despite tbe messy mess they are now in ?
Vera has been p laying a dangerous game with two evil men . Her mother would never have wanted her to put herself and Nico in danger. Stupid.

Embajador #46 part 1

Nare arrives home to find Elvan cleaning out front. You don’t have to clean, she tells Elvan, she has hired someone. No, Elvan wants to do something other than sit around depressed all day and hating Yahya. Elvan asks Nare how it went at the school. She loved it, Nare says. Elvan starts to ask about Guven going to the school, when Kavruk pulls up to the house.

Nare welcomes Kavruk. Poor Kavruk, who looks like the messenger of death, blurts out, I'm getting married. The ladies are taken by surprise. What? With whom? With Ayse, he replies, I will marry her. How did this happen? It was Mrs. Halise, Kavruk answers, the engagement will be tonight. So soon, Nare asks, what’s going on? Kavruk hesitates to answer.

Elvan understands and says, so my mother-in-law knows you're in love with Zehra. Nare is surprised and so is Kavruk. He asks Elvan, how do you know? Please, Elvan replies, anyone would notice. You always sigh and melt every time you look at her. Nare didn’t know and she gives Kavruk a comforting hug.

Elvan wants an explanation. How did Halise convince you to marry Ayse? Kavruk says Halise threatened to tell Sancar about it and kick me out of the mansion if I didn't marry Ayse. Nare tells Kavruk to leave the mansion and live here. This is your home, and I am your family. Kavruk can’t do this. He tells Nare, buried this love in my heart. I'm ashamed, but I'm not leaving the mansion, I promised Sancar.

Elvan asks, what did you promise him, Kavruk? Nare knows. Sancar entrusted his family to you, didn't he? Kavruk looks down and doesn’t answer. But Nare knows he did and she’s not happy. He entrusted his family to you, and you accepted, right? Kavruk stays silent.

Nare is ticked. Elvan doesn't understand, why did he entrust you? Kavruk tells Nare, I don't know what to do anymore. I can't even breathe. That's why I wanted to come here. Doing things on your own is how you keep a secret. I'm going, alaca kuş. I was never here, understand? Kavruk has given Nare the news and he leaves.

Nare asks the absent Sancar, why? Why? Look how your need to punish affects the rest of us. Elvan still doesn’t understand what is happening. Nare tells her she will understand, but this is an emergency. Didn’t Kavruk look like he was asking for help? Yes, Elvan says, he looked desperate. Nare speaks to the absent Sancar again, I'm going to kill you. She calls him.

Sancar meets a few of his men at what looks like a back entrance to Gediz’ house. His phone rings, it’s Nare. He doesn’t take the call. Is Gediz here, he asks Hasan. Yes, and Muge is by the pool. Sancar asks that two men stay with Melek while she sleeps and keep her calm if she wakes. He takes Hasan and another with him.

Nare is worried she can’t reach Sancar. She tells Elvan she’s going to the mansion to talk to him so they can help Kavruk. Elvan tells Nare she can't go there alone. She will go with her and they will make a big fuss. Nare asks, are you sure? Elvan says she will see Yahya and pull his ugly moustache.

Elvan gets in the car and notices the phone stuck in the seat. Nare opens the phone; there is a picture of her on the screen. She looks through it and reads the text she sent to Akin: "I'm at the airport. I'm leaving this place… if you want me so much, look for me….let's see if you can find me. I finally won.”

Nare pieces it together—it's Muge's car….this can’t be possible….this is not happening. Nare calls Gediz. Remember you gave me your sister's car? I found Akin's cell phone in it and it still has a charged battery. Maybe he left it two days ago. Akin was in my sister's car, Gediz asks? Muge! He tells Nare he’s going to hang up, they'll talk later.



Embajador #46 part 2

Meanwhile, Sancar meets Raciye who tells him where Akin is.

Gediz goes to Muge. Where is he? Muge plays dumb, where is who? Akin, where is he? We found his phone in your car, so don't lie. Muge is caught. I'm not going to tell you where he is, she says, you're going to save him. What? Muge tells Gediz, he is my prisoner. I have not given him water or food. I’m punishing him. Gediz is stunned. How long ago, he asks? About three days.

Gediz is aghast, people can die in three days without water. Muge knows. She tells her brother, maybe that way you won't hate me anymore. Maybe you'll forgive me, and we can be happy. Gediz tells Muge, my beautiful sister, forgive me. I was very angry, but I never hated you. I could only hate you if you killed someone and became a murderer. Muge thinks about it.

Sancar enters the guest house. There in the bathroom, Raciye points. It’s Akin. Sancar has a look of murderous hatred and asks for a knife. Akin looks terrified.
Gediz and Muge make their way down to the guest house. Gediz can’t believe what Muge did. They open the bathroom door and Akin is not there! Muge is shocked. She doesn’t understand. I swear he was here, she says, he was very weak, he couldn't have gone alone. Gediz notices blood on the floor. Muge says she didn't hurt him. Gediz realizes it was Sancar. Sancar found him! He runs out.

Sancar arrives home with Melek. Zehra comes out of the gate and goes to her brother. Sancar tells her, we couldn’t talk. Zehra admits she was the one who didn't want to talk. Sancar pulls her in for a hug. It's over, he tells her, don’t be afraid. He will never hurt you again. Zehra asks, how do you know? Sancar’s not telling. Instead, he changes the subject—Melek is in the car. He takes his sleepy daughter out of the car and gives her over to Zehra.

The three enter the yard. Melek says, look at the garden. (Ha ha, Melek hides by Zehra when she sees Halise.) Sancar asks, what is this? What is my mother planning? Zehra is surprised that Sancar doesn’t know. She informs him that Kavruk and Ayse are getting engaged tonight. Sancar is astonished. What? He immediately takes off to find Kavruk. We see Menekse ready to push send on her phone.

Sancar finds Kavruk. You’re wearing a suit. What are you doing? Kavruk replies, I will get married. You will marry, Sancar asks, because? Do you love her and we didn't know? Kavruk answers, does there have to be love to marry? Sancar is ticked, you are not fooling me, I’m Sancar, I am your Efe. Kavruk admits he doesn’t love Ayse. So what the hell are you doing, Sancar demands to know. Why are you doing this to yourself, Kavruk?

Kavruk repeats Sancar’s question, what am I doing to myself? Sancar can answer it—you do the same to yourself that I did to myself. You burn with love for one person, but you’re getting married another. Kavruk feebly denies this. Sancar moves in close and quietly tells Kavruk, don't do it. A man who loves, understands another man who also loves. Sancar continues, you thought I wouldn't find out, right? You love Zehra, I know that.

Kavruk is astonished. You knew I loved her? It doesn’t upset you? Why would it, Sancar says, it’s love. He reminds Kavruk, what did you say to me at my wedding? Flashback: Kavruk says, “if your heart belongs to someone else, do not marry.” Now I’ll ask you the same, Sancar says, if you love another person, I ask you not to marry Ayse.



Embajador #46 part 3

Kavruk says he told that to someone who loves a legend. Zehra is not in love with me, Kavruk sadly states. Sancar sadly knows. Zehra fell in love with someone else, he tells Kavruk, but that's not a reason to lose hope. Kavruk says through tears, I never had hope, but that you know this, it comforts me and I feel better. Teary Sancar replies, I'm happy hear it. He lets Kavruk know that if Zehra reciprocated, he would have given his blessing. Kavruk says, even if you gave me your blessing, Sancar, I must follow my path, because I have to get married to Ayse. Sancar grabs Kavruk and hugs him. They both cry.

Meanwhile Yahya falls deeper into trouble by flirting with Dudu. He has shaved his moustache. Dudu laughs. Yahya asks, am I funny or what? No, Dudu says she is not used to seeing him like this. It’s different. Different good or different not good, Yahya asks. Dudu says it’s fine and Yahya is happy. He tells her he said goodbye to his eight year old moustache.

Sancar and Kavruk return to the party. Of course, Kavruk’s eyes meet Zehra’s. She smiles at him. Kavruk looks at Ayse, who smiles back. [What a mess.] Ha, ha, Sancar notices moustachless Yayha over by Dudu and signals his displeasure. Sancar welcomes everyone to the party and someone offers him a seat.

Halise tells Sancar to wait, don’t sit. She announces that Sancar will give the couple their engagement rings. Gulsiye brings the rings. Sancar places the rings on Ayse’s finger she’s delighted [of course, she’s not getting a husband, she’s getting a furnished house in the center of town.] Sancar looks at Kavruk who looks like he’s about to be executed. Sancar looks at his sister. Zehra has a slight smile. [Wonder what she’s thinking?] Sancar places the ring on Kavruk’s finger.

Gediz and Nare driving, each in their own cars. I assume they are going to the mansion to talk to Sancar.

Sancar cuts the red ribbon joining the rings and everyone applauds for the newly engaged couple. Menekse just stares, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Gediz and Nare are still on the way.

Sancar congratulates Ayse. Ayse kisses Halise’s hand. Halise motions to Menekse to send the message. Sancar hugs Kavruk and says as if he desperately wants it to be so—you will be happy. Kavruk replies, I will try not to be unhappy. Kavruk awkwardly acknowledges his bride to be.

Everyone’s phones go off and they read. The guests murmur, it can't be. Did you see this? I think she is the Melek’s mother.

Zehra shows her brother. There it is—the picture of Gediz and Nare and the picture of the happy family in the bed. Sancar calmly tells Zehra to take Melek inside. Menekse’s looking nervous.

Sancar looks around. He holds the phone up and yells, who the hell sent this? Who sent these photos? Whose number is this? At this point, Nare and Elvan enter. Sancar continues to yell for answers. He sees Nare and stops. Menekse is waiting for what she thinks is Nare’s comeuppance.

Gediz walks in. Gulsiye goes over to the newly arrived and shows them the pictures on her phone. Uh, oh, they know this means big trouble. Sancar looks like he’s about to strike. Nare’s eyes plead with Sancar. Gediz looks worried and Menekse’s waiting for Sancar’s fury to be unleashed against Nare.

Sancar takes a few steps towards Nare and stops. He turns and quickly grabs the phone out of Menekse’s hand. Sancar, what are you doing, she anxiously asks? Sancar replies, this is what you meant the other day, right? Flashback: Menekse tells Sancar “…I’m going to put you through everything that I went through.” Sancar reads the texts between Necdet and Menekse.



Embajador #46 part 4

Sancar asks Menekse, did your brother take the pictures? Menekse tries to lie her way out. Sancar shuts her down, don't lie! Sancar is furious, that idiot already hurt Nare and you knew it. You sent him to watch her? Menekse cries. Sancar orders Menekse to pack her things and go to her mother's house. Get out! No, Menekse pleads. Get out! Sancar repeats. [God, I wish he threw her out just like he did to Nare years ago, Menekse would deserve that kind of treatment. But I’ll take what I can get]

Halise gasps. Nare has a relieved smile. Gediz nods and smiles. Elvan applauds her BIL. Well done, Sancar. That's how a man behaves. Nare stares at Sancar, she can’t believe what he just did.

Menekse walks away but detours over to Nare and attacks her. She grabs handfuls of Nare’s hair. Nare makes a move that knocks Menekse to the ground. Elvan sees her chance and immediately pounces on Menkese! She rips at Menekse’s hair. I’m fed up with you, she screams over and over. Sancar asks for someone to separate them. Elvan continues to scream, let me go, I’m going to kill this wretch. It takes three men to pull Elvan off Menekse!

Sancar grabs Nare and they head outside the gate. Sancar asks her if she’s okay. Nare launches into an explanation, I was crying, Gediz was comforting me, that's what’s in the pic. Sancar responds, calm down, I believe you. Nare is shocked. I’m sorry, Nare, Sancar says. Do you believe me, she asks? He repeats, I’m sorry. I'm sorry for everything that happened. If you don't want, don't forgive me but I'm very sorry, a sincerly contrite Sancar says. Nare stares at him with a mix of relief, happiness, disbelief and maybe love?

Gediz interrupts this moment [damn you, Gediz]. He asks Sancar did you catch Akin? Sancar cops to it. Nare is worried. Gediz mentions there was blood. He asks, did you kill Akin? Nare is terrified at the thought. Sancar looks at her. He doesn’t answer. She asks, he’s still alive, right? Sancar doesn’t answer. Gediz says, Muge didn't give him water for several days. He must have on the brink of death. Gediz asks again, what did you do? Where is he?

They are interrupted by Yahya throwing Elvan out of the mansion gate. Elvan is still steamed over Menekse and threatens to do her more harm. Elvan tells Yahya, I came to rip your moustache, but I’m going to take my anger out on Menekse instead.
Sancar goes over to Elvan, tell me what happened. Elvan says, I offered to reveal everything I know about Menekse but they don't want to listen to me. Sancar asks Yahya what’s happening. Mother let Menekse in the house. Everyone is talking about those photos.

Sancar sighs. He tells Nare to go home with Elvan. Don’t worry about Melek. She is with Zehra. Sancar goes inside the gate. And he leaves without saying anything, Nare notes. Gediz says Sancar is a real mystery. Nare declares she will do things her way and heads back through the gate.

Nare walks right past Sancar and congratulates Kavruk. She whispers in his ear, we'll talk soon. We have a lot to say to each other. She congratulates Ayse. Sancar smiles at Nare, he asks her to sit. Gediz and Elvan return and congratulate the couple as well, then sit.

Sancar calls for everyone’s attention. Ms. Nare is my daughter’s mother. No one should doubt the respect that Gediz and I have for her. Everyone will delete those photos. Agreed? If anyone spreads rumors, they will deal with me. Understand? Ok, everyone delete the images. The guests comply.

Sancar apologizes to Kavruk and Ayse for the interruptions. You know it wasn’t my intention. He offers them congratulations again. Sancar announces the start of the meal. Buen provecho [afiyet olsun, in Turkish]. Everyone applauds.



Embajador #46 part 5

Dudu calls this great crisis management. The three of you decided to give an explanation in front of everyone. The photos don't mean anything. So Nare one, Menekse zero. Elvan calls it divine justice. We see Sancar giving instructions to Nedim. Sancar takes a chair away from Yahya’s table (ha, Yahya is by himself). He places the chair next to Gediz and sits. He grabs Gediz’ thigh and squeezes it hard.

Gediz asks Sancar to calm down. Will you bury me, too? Sancar whispers back don't worry, I still haven’t buried anyone. Nare asks where is he? Why, Sancar asks, are you going to save him? Nare replies, no. I am going to save you. How? You'll see, she responds. Sancar smiles, will you be watching me all day? Nare smiles back and says, it’s an option.

Halise rips into a crying Menekse, why didn't you delete the damn pictures from your phone? And why would you try pull out her hair? What was that? Nare stared at you like a sultana while Elvan attacked you like a criminal!

Menekse tries to defend herself saying, the photographs were real. Do you think she is incapable to flirt with two men? I decided to show the photographs because you gave me permission. You encouraged me! That’s why I showed them. Halise denies this and plays her hand. I didn't know what you were planning to do. I didn't know anything. You created this problem, understand?

What? I’ll get kicked out and you will stay quiet, Menekse asks in disbelief? Are you trying to save yourself, suegra? Halise tells the pea brain, if Sancar kicks me out of the house, how can I help you, Menekse? Have you thought about that or do you just want to complain? So whose fault is it? Yours, Menekse.

Halise continues, you should have thought of that before losing control and attacking her. Menekse cries, I don’t know what to do. I am very confused. I feel lost. I must get Sancar back. Menekse begs, let’s reveal that woman’s true face. Halise asks Menekse to stay in her room and behave. Don't lose control again.

Halise prepares herself and heads back outside. Gediz jokes, another missile just appeared, so get ready for another explosion. Halise approaches their table. Sancar quietly says to his mother, don’t do anything. Halise faces Nare and Nare rises from her chair.

And we are out.



So why is Sancar accepting this ridiculous arranged marriage between Kavruk and Ayse when he knows that there is no love involved? Here you have a bitter old hag arranging a marriage based on nothing other than money, and the her son who is supposedly in charge of the household does nothing about it and puts a ring on both fingers. Or maybe Sancar has a plan to undo this. I understand in some cultures there are arranged marriages, but is this anything close to reality?


Dondi, thanks so much for another spectacular recap. This was a jumping episode. I fell asleep for a few minutes and missed that whole part about San finding Akin . So we didnt get to see what he did to Akin .

San Went ballistic on Meanie. Her plan did not work because it seems San has finally learned to trust Nare. Submissive and obedient wifey was not working for Meanie , so she decided to go all BSC on Nare ...not realizing Nare's mad skilz and her tag team partner Elvan. Yikes .

Why didnt San stop the engagement ?


My take: Kavruk is another one like Nare who puts others before himself. And there are a couple of things that Sancar doesn’t know. He doesn’t know Halise blackmailed Kavruk into this marriage and he doesn’t know Kavruk accepted because of his promise to Sancar.

Kavruk also has no hope that Zehra would ever want him. And even now, knowing that Sancar would accept him marrying Zehra, Kavruk does not want to cause more trouble for Sancar by revealing this. Sancar did what he could to dissuade Kavruk but Kavruk is ready to meet his fate. Just like Sancar did with Menekse.

It’s hard to break with such strong cultural or religious traditions. One stands to lose everything—family, friends, community. Arranged marriages still happen throughout the world and even here in the US.




Diana, yes, Tomas was killed first and then Fausto was shot--on the same night, minutes apart...something Fausto was definitely not expecting.


Thanks RgvChick!

I thought so but there is so much going on wasn't sure if I had this right. A bad night all the way around with lasting terrible implications.



I cannot wait to see what San did witb Akin. Also, what is Nare's plan to save San?

Did Halise tell Meanie to stay in her room at tbe mansion even though San told Meanie to get out and go to ber mother's house ? These two are stubborn witches.

I dont like Melek being in tbe same house as Meanie. San, get her out. Have Kavruk or Gediz drive her hone.


WOW what a cliffhanger of an episode.
The dogs are biting at each nk other. So Olmo has a black heart. Means nothing. Hes a cold blooded murderer and deserving of all the rocking balls hes about to get. So does his ho.


Cont.....from above. Thanks for the recap. This isnt a very long recap, I've had a busy day. Went to my aunt's wake saw a lot of family I haven't seen in years alot of standing and talking.
Iam beat. A longer recap tomorrow.
Thank you Diana & RgvChick.

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