Monday, May 24, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Suerte de Loli, Buscando a Frida, Café con Aroma de Mujer, y más: Week of May 24, 2021

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

9-10PM - La Suerte de Loli
10-11PM - Buscando a Frida (Ends Monday, May 24)**
10-11PM - Café con Aroma de Mujer (Begins Tuesday, May 25)**

**Buscando a Frida ends on Monday. A new novela, Café con Aroma de Mujer, begins on Tuesday. It stars William Levy, Laura Londoño, Carmen Villalobos, and Diego Cadavid. Here's a brief summary that appeared on CarayCaray under "Coming Soon": "The story revolves around Gaviota (Laura Lodoñes) who, along with her mother, comes to the grand Hacienda Casablanca to pick the coffee from the second harvest of the year. This time around is quite special for Gaviota since she thinks it will be her last time of picking someone else’s coffee. Octavio Vallejo, owner of the hacienda, has promised to give her a piece of land as a reward for saving him from a kidnapping. Unfortunately, Octavio dies prior to finalizing the deal; and Gaviota must now rely on the heirs to honor their father’s promise…not an easy task, but it is here where Gaviota meets Sebastián (William Levy), one of Octavio’s sons who had been living abroad. There is an immediate and strong attraction between the two, but it seems impossible for the two to be together since they come from totally different worlds and, as always, there is another woman, Lucía Sanclamente, who is an elegant woman of class. Lucía can be very sweet, patient, and sensible, but she can also be very manipulative, shrewd, and obsessive. She fights for Sebastián, the love of her life, who is the perfect man who can give her the family of her dreams."

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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As I mentioned on Page 2 of last week's Telemundo page, I will recap tomorrow's premiere of Café con Aroma de Mujer.


Adriana Noel, if you would recap Thursday, that would be fantastic. My recapping night for La Suerte de Loli is Thursday and there's several more weeks of that novela still coming.


Thursdays it is then! Looking forward to your recap, Novelera.

This comment has been removed by the author.


WELL ! WELL WELL! LoLI .. you lucked up-like- a momma- phucker!!

Flora the custody hearing judge was all -the-way-LIT!!.. SHE WAS ALL -THE- WAY -LIVE!!! DRUNK AND VERY RELAXXXXXXXXXXX!!

yes!!.I am getting my SLURP -ON!! in public..!!.but .DON'T mention this escapade to anyone in court..

...somebody -drop -that- body -on youtube!! live stream that badboy!!

Flora ,flora,Flora.. its your bridal party.. you should have went outta town to RELAXXXXXXXX! can forget abt that hot momma!!


Thanks for the start to the recap for episode #83 HALIMACANDY! You covered the first 10 minutes perfectly! The rest of the recap will be up late morning.

Loli – Episode #83: Some themes and scenes combined for brevity as I am also fatigued with some of the ridiculousness of this novela.

Part 1
Loli and the custody judge recognize each other at Hunky Bar as the judge is clearly labeled “Bride to Be” by the sash across her chest. Both are surprised but they end up drinking a few shots (that Loli tosses out back over the bar, much to Apolo’s disgust). Loli tries to suck up, the judge tries to claim ignorance about “these types of places” and Loli tells her what happens at Hunky Bar stays here. Octavio arrives and the judge flirts with him (who wouldn’t!) and when Loli and he try to get some inkling of where the judge stands with the custody thoughts. Flora, the judge, clearly states that what happens in court stays in court and she heads back to her table to party hard.

Backstabbing Bruno is in Chente’s office getting coached by him and a lawyer (I think it was Rufino) about what to say in the custody hearing. The puppet master tells Bruno not to think of the kids as his niece and nephew, but all the money “they” are worth and will receive with the inheritance.

Rafa comes in and notices the awkwardness of the meeting, excuses himself and promptly calls Loli to tell her something is definitely being connived by Chente with Bruno. Loli, stupidly, is convinced that she bonded with the judge at Hunky Bar and things will be okay.

Days later, with lots of hope and preparation (and the judge back from her honeymoon), we see Loli, Sam and Nicky all crying on a bench in the courthouse, the voice of the judge saying that Loli was not well suited for custody and full custody of the kids goes to Backstabbing Bruno and Meli.

Apparently, the kids wish to stay with Loli, Mariana’s last will and testament and two high powered lawyers were not enough to combat the evil Vicente and his plans to help Bruno get custody. Later we hear Chente gloating with Paulina that now he will be able to recoup all of the inheritance by manipulating Bruno. Much, much later, we hear Bruno thank Vicente and Paulina for all their help. Especially for Vicente expunging Bruno’s criminal history and paying for the lawyers. (Just how stupid do these writers think we are? Nora, Loli and Global Radio knew of Bruno’s checkered past!).

Loli is devastated after losing custody and gives Bruno an earful. She then asks if the kids can hang out with her for the day before they have to go to Bruno’s house. Loli gives Bruno a huge document, bound with a laminated cover that has everything he and Mel need to know about the kids. Mel calls it the sobrino manual. Loli is crying uncontrollably and Mel actually seems to feel sorry for her.

Loli tries to put a nice spin on what just occurred with the custody hearing and tells the kids they can still be together, just not in the same house. They spend the afternoon playing and having fun in a park.

Don R comes by the house to give Loli support. He tells her to return to Global Radio to protect the company shares inherited by the kids. He still has allies and support to make that happen.

Rafa, seeing Backstabbing Bruno return to the office after the hearing, gives Bruno a very direct threat that what Bruno did was shameful and completely against his sisters wishes. Rafa will find out what is going on and Bruno will lose custody.


Loli – Episode #83
Part 2

Speaking of Rafa, there was an interesting side story between all the craziness and drama. Before the custody hearing, Gonzalo stops by Rafa’s office and tells him somehow, the Governor has discovered his investigation and plans to go public on a podcast. The Gov has counter-sued Rafa. Rafa is dumbstruck because the only other person who knew anything about this was Angie. Gonzalo says she sold you out.

Rafa confronts Angie, who lies and says she told no one, but remembers the conversation she had with Leo about the investigation. To her credit, Angie confronts Leo, (who lies more convincingly than anyone else on the show) who says that he said nothing and would do nothing to hurt his brother. Leo tells Angie that her tablet must have been hacked and the information taken and given to the Gov. Leo says it is obvious that the Gov plans on investigating anyone close to Rafa and that they should all be careful.

The next side story has Rox, Mati and Art at the fertility/insemination clinic speaking to the doctor about the process. The doctor is very clear that a separate egg, not Rox’s, should be used so there aren’t any issues later with Rox being the actually bio momma and claiming custody. The doc also recommended the group sign an agreement, just to be safe. All three protest the good, sound advice (because everyone over the age of 10 on this show is crazy or stupid) from the doctor claiming that there would never be any issues!

When the doctor starts explaining that because of Rox’s age and weight this pregnancy, if it can even be achieved, would be of high risk. Rox is infuriated by the good, sound advice and ends up walking out of the consult, demanding a second opinion. Later, she is home listening to the Audible self-help book (that clearly isn’t working) when Cesar brings Tomas to visit and cheer her up. Cesar ends up bringing Rox tacos and listens to her problems. He wants to get back together but she still doesn’t trust him.

The last random story line is with Octavio telling Apolo that his visit to see him mom went well. He is feeling more comfortable with her and they are getting along. He is going to try and help her with coming to the US legally as that has always been her dream.

Other random tidbits:
When Mel tells Gema to leave the house because they need more room, Gema continues to blackmail Meli with telling Bruno about Mel’s former lover. (Who cares, do it already!)

Norita finally smiles long enough for Don Rogelio to give her a nice, romantic kiss.

Vicente is not pleased that Leo told Paulina about the documents being leaked to the Governor. But Paulina thinks that this issue could be used in Chente’s positive favor with the Global staff who love Rafa and would in turn love Chente if he helps Rafa. (I am just not getting this logic).

In the last scene, Rafa comes by the house and tells Loli that they will contest the judge’s ruling (maybe with pictures from Hunky Bar?) because he knows that things are not right and Vicente is behind everything. Loli sobs that she is getting paid back for not wanting the kids in the first place. Rafa hugs a sobbing Loli and tells her that she is a good mom and changed so much. He comforts her to somber music.



Thanks very much, VVS, for this excellent recap of an infuriating episode. At one point in your recap, you summed up what's wrong with this novela: " All three protest the good, sound advice (because everyone over the age of 10 on this show is crazy or stupid)." Yup, just about everyone!

You mentioned that when Loli turns the carefully bound Magnum Opus (i.e., all the details about Sam and Nicky) over to Mel, Mel seems to feel sorry for her. I suspect that if Mel is feeling sorry for anyone, it's for herself and Bruno, who will have to either read it (after they learn how to read) or ignore it (and perhaps suffer a bit of guilt).

Vicente and the lawyers expunging/hiding Bruno's criminal record may be one of the plot threads that may come to bite them where it hurts. And I still have hopes for what Rafa can uncover about the governor. Perhaps some inappropriate behavior with judge Flora?

One minor point: Apparently Octavio's attempt to bring his mother to the US has been blocked because she entered the country illegally at some point in the past (or something like that). Whether this will matter at all to the plot remains to be seen. I doubt it.

Hi Juanita! I did feel the episode was infuriating and glad I wasn’t alone. I just thought I was in a mood after a long Monday. Thank you for adding that detail about Octavio’s frustration bringing his Mom to the US, I missed that in all the babbling.

Magnum Opus! Darn, why didn’t I think of that? Yes, you are right again, Mel did feel sorry for herself and not Loli.

Shockingly, Rafa was the only sane person last night. I hope that the stuff with the Gov does come back with some interesting plot twists. By the way, what happened to Gabe and Christie? Did she get sent off the NY? We haven’t seen either one since the big escape.

I was glad the doctor was straight up with Rox about the potential issues she could have health wise having a baby. I get that Rox doesn’t like the fat shaming, but as Cesar pointed out, the doc was just telling her those things for a health reasons.

With 17 episodes left to go, I will have 3 more to recap. I hope they are less frustrating.



Loved your recap, VVS. You get an A+ for snark. Like Juanita, I liked "because everyone over the age of 10 is crazy". And I enjoyed your intro: "fatigued with ridiculousness".

I'm a veteran. I knew there wasn't going to be a joyous scene where Loli wins custody because she knocked back tequila shots with the bride/judge.

I still keep wondering how Bruno and Melissa would get any of Rogelio's money. I'm cannot believe that Rogelio would have declared Bruno the executor of his new will...the one in which he took Loli out and put Sam and Nicky in. They have physical custody, but would need the executor's permission to disperse any funds to Bruno. And, from what they've said, most of the inheritance comes when Rogelio dies. I think the kids would get funds from dividends on the shares, but would this money somehow end up in Bruno's greedy hands? It just drives me nuts the way these writers have hacked up this show.

I have my fingers and toes crossed that Bruno finds out he can't really touch the money, but is stuck with the kids.

The scene in the lobby at the court was very, moving and well acted by all three.

Someone remember the other time Loli did a binder like that? Was it when Octavio was going to spend more time with Nicky?

Yes, the whole Governor thing is senseless. Maybe Gavin Newsom should sue Telemundo for defamation of character. And, yes, Leo is one smooth liar.

Someone here mentioned that the car crash thing was confusing. I thought I remembered seeing that it was Rafa. Leo is younger. So why did his being drunk, as someone remembered being said in passing, affect what happened to their parents?

And, Paulina. What stupid writing. Why would she want Loli to lose custody and thus have more time to focus on her relationship with Rafa?

Some of you haven't liked the actor playing Rafa as the galán who ends up with Loli. I have felt the opposite from the beginning. What's wrong with a sensible guy who's a terrific father and is a perfect counterweight to Loli's emotional ups and downs?

Yes, Octavio does love Loli, but I just don't see that working out. I still have hope someone other than Victoria will appear in the next coupe of weeks.

Hi novelera! I have to give dondi356 credit for the “Loli fatigue” theme from her recap on Friday. She hit the way I was feeling perfectly! I appreciate your comments and long term novela watcher perspective, I think I have a tendency to get too involved with the characters, especially now that I started recapping for the first time.

I have to hand it to you novelera, you have been a fan of Rafa. I saw the tide turn in his favor last night. Octavio and Loli will be friends, but Rafa is definitely good for Loli. He is calm and focused, yes, boring, but that helps ground the flighty, itchy Loli.

I was trying to remember when we saw the bound document, aka, Magnum Opus (thanks Juanita) earlier in the series, but I just could not remember the situation. Regarding Rafa and Leo’s past, I am confused by the story telling behind all of that. We just need to hear what happened already and move on.

The whole money, inheritance thing is so confusing. Chente actually told Bruno the amount the kids are worth or inheriting. Bruno told, Melissa and she acted like it was in the bank already. I don’t even think that is possible and these two are going to be sorely disappointed.



Thanks so much, VVS. I enjoyed your recap more than I enjoyed the episode.

I’m proposing a name change: La Ridiculez de Loli

“Apparently, the kids wish to stay with Loli, Mariana’s last will and testament and two high powered lawyers were not enough to combat the evil Vicente and his plans to help Bruno get custody”

“(because everyone over the age of 10 on this show is crazy or stupid)”

An oasis of sanity: explaining the risks of surrogacy to Rox & Friends.

novelera, I want to be clear, it’s not the actor playing Rafa, he’s an attractive guy and doing the best he can with this crummy story. Rafa, the character, is too bland for my liking and really suffers in comparison to the more colorful Octavio. Just a matter of preference. I think Octavio would be capable of dealing with Loli’s ups and downs and I’ll put him up against Loli or Rafa in the parent department. He’s got more street smarts than Rafa. Although at this point, I think I want Octavio to stay away from Loli’s craziness. Maybe he should move to Mexico to be close to his mom and take Gabe and Cristi with him.




Hi dondi356! Oh yes, let us change the name to: La Ridiculez de Loli

I was hoping for a more realistic episode to recap, but as novelera said, this is typical of novela storylines so the ridiculez it is!

I like the idea that Octavio could move to Mexico with his Mom. I suppose he could slip across the board with Gabe and Christe. I just don’t think he would leave Hunky Bar, unless Apolo, Divina/Robert and Domingo/Sunday could run it for him? Where are the butterflies to guide us when we need them? 😊



I'm delighted to see that I'm not the only one confused about 1) how Bruno and Melissa could get hold of the money Don Rogelio is giving Sam and Nicky, and 2) the details of the accident that killed Rafa's and Leo's parents. I too thought Rafa was driving, and I too remember it being mentioned that Leo was drunk, so I too am puzzled about the relevance of Leo's being drunk.

VVS, I too was impressed with the way the woman at the clinic explained the situation to Rox and the guys. Rox is so used to people critizing her for her excessive weight that she can't see that that's not what's happening here. I was really glad that the woman alerted her to the risks, and did so in a way that was not fat-shaming.

dondi356, my feelings are very similar to yours about Octavio and Rafa, though I guess Rafa is growing on me a bit. However, I'm not enthusiastic about Octavio joining his mother in Mexico. He and Nicky have a wonderful relationship. It wouldn't be the same if Octavio were in Mexico.


Let me clarify. I never thought you Octavio fans disliked the actor playing Rafa. I understood your feelings that Octavio is "hot stuff" and a nice guy to boot. I did realize that you felt that the way Rafa was written made him dull.

I never felt that way.


Apparently Bruno's record, wife who is pregnant with triplets, existing bratty teenager, and stranger living with them didn't count against him either. And why would Bruno care one bit about a fling his wife had 20 years ago? Oh, right. He's an idiot. Someone please tell these dumdums about executor's. I too look forward to that day. How fast do you think they'll turn over custody to Loli when that happens? My money is on 2 minutes.

I thought the doctor did a good job explaining the surrogacy issue in a direct but sensitive way. And she didn't do it in a lobby fill of people, so one of the better novela doctors!

I adore Octavio and his accent. He's a nice, generous, accepting, loyal guy who loves his friends. But he owns a stripper bar full of alcohol, which isn't ideal in a partner for Loli. Team Rafa. (And then Octavio can call me).



Hi Kelly! Thank you for the great comments. I am also hoping that the second the truth really comes out about the Bruno circus, Loli gets those kids back in 2 minutes!

I didn’t even think to comment on how professional the Doctora was, calmly explaining everything to Rox and the guys. Most novelas would have been right in front of a crowded waiting room!

I am reluctant to give up on Octavio and Loli being together, but not ready to give up that Octavio somehow is Nicky or Sam’s dad! BTW Kelly, earlier in the recap, I slipped my phone number to Octavio. Juanita and novelera say that is recappers prerogative. 😊



For East Coast Carayers, be aware that I am on the West Coast, so the recap may be up when you all are sleeping. But it will be up tonight.

La Suerte de Loli - #84 - p 1 de 3

Neither Sam nor Nicky likes Gema. Both are glad that she says she'll soon be leaving.

Loli, in tears, is sitting at the table with Rox and Mati. She claims she only remembers bad things about her experience with Sam and Nicky. "I'm the worst mother in the world," she proclaims melodramatically. "I can't cook, I hate volunteering at school, I hate baking. I'm the worst. That's why they took the kids from me."

Over at Bruno's, Sam and Nicky are almost as miserable as Loli. Nicky is told he will share a room with Gema. Bruno and Melissa warn him not to touch Melissa's jewelry. Sam quickly comes to Nicky's defense. She demands to know what they're accusing her brother of. They tell her that Nicky hid Mel's jewelry in Gema's things. Nicky immediately protests that he didn't do this, and then he runs out of the room. Gema insists that he's sneaky.

Rafa and Leo are at Rafa's. Someone is at the door. Leo opens the door. It's Divina, who takes an admiring look at Leo and asks, "Have I come to the wrong place? I'm in heaven!" Apparently Rafa has asked Divina to come. Rafa needs to have someone investigated, but no one else must know. It turns out that Rafa would like Divina to find out all s/he can about Bruno. Divina agrees to do this. After s/he leaves, Leo accuses Rafa of over-reacting over Bruno. "Suppose he ran a red light or failed to pay his taxes," says Leo. "Do you think they'd take away his kids?" Rafa replies, "Bruno has a criminal record. I don't know how the judge overlooked that."

Vicente is still trying to get Paulina to move in with him. He asks Jess to help convince her. Paulina is NOT pleased. She has told Chente that she doesn't want Jess involved in all this. Chente asks what she needs to make up her mind. More time, says Pau. Chente asks, how much?

Nora is playing the piano for Rogelio. He says he loves it when she plays, it makes her so happy. She tells him that the music is happy, but she is not. She wishes she could go to Bruno's and see her grandchildren, but she's afraid Bruno may not like that. Rogelio says that the kids will adjust, and she should start focusing more on herself. Perhaps travel, or study something. "It's never too late to start over," he tells her. He continues, "Some people our age have even remarried. Have you ever considered remarrying?" Nora replies, "I'm glad you and I aren't senile enough to consider that."

Sam tells Melissa that she hates it that Nicky and Gema are sharing a room. Melissa is not pleased.

Rox's topic on Wake Up LA is surrogacy, "the only way some couples can realize their dreams." She asks her audience, "Would you carry a baby for another person?" A woman calls in and berates Rox for the topic and much else. "Oops, we lost the call,' announces Rox, "What a shame." Mati asks, "Was that Veronica?" "My worst nightmare," Rox replies. It turns out that Veronica is Rox's mother. They haven't seen each other in two years. The writers apparently found her in the same collection of annoying characters that included Bruno and Melissa. Veronica is in constant hyper mode, and she criticizes her daughter at every turn. FF>>

Leo wastes no time going to Vicente to report that Rafa is having Bruno investigated. Vicente shrugs and tells Leo, "We didn't award Bruno custody. The judge did. Rafa simply can't accept that Loli failed, first as an employee, and then as a mother." Leo says he simply wanted to give Vicente a heads-up, and he leaves.

La Suerte de Loli - #84 - p 2 de 3

Right after speaking with Leo, Vicente goes to Rafa's office. Rafa thinks Vicente is going to complain about something, but Vile Vicente tells him, "I've come to offer my help. I won't sit by idly whie the governor tears you apart."

Octavio phones a soundly sleeping Loli. She wakes up and sees Nicky and Sam in her bed. At first I thought she was hallucinating, and perhaps she did too, but no, they were there. They couldn't fall asleep at Bruno's, and so in the middle of the night they left the house and came to Loli's. As they're explaining this, they hear Bruno's yelling, "I know they're here!" Nicky tries to hide under the covers, but Loli tells him he needs to take responsibility for his actions.

The scene shifts to Global Radio. Angie is talking to Leo. She tells him she senses that he and his brother don't get along all that well. Perhaps to change the topic, Leo asks her about her tablet. She tells him she had it checked, and it's fine, no problem. However, she still doesn't know how the info on the tablet got to the governor. "No one else saw it but you and me." she tells him. "It wasn't me. That leaves you."

Back at Loli's, we see that Bruno has arrived--with Bertha! He mutters something about Loli having "kidnapped" the kids. Sam says "We weren't kidnapped, we came because we wanted to see Loli." "In the middle of the night?" asks Bruno. "Yes," replies Sam. Bruno talks about how upset he and Melissa were when they went to wake Nicky and Sam and found they were gone. Just then, Rafa appears, and he points out that Bruno wasn't doing a good job of taking care of the kids if he didn't even know they'd left. A minute or so later, Octavio comes in, having been called by Loli. Bertha yells at Loli for not taking her advice and getting married. "What?" says Loli. "Didn't I tell you, Octavio and I are getting married! We're engaged!" [It's hard to tell who is more surprised, Viewerville or Octavio.] After a momentary look of confusion, Octavio quickly learns his part. Nicky is thrilled that they'll all be together, and he gives Octavio a big Nicky hug. "You're not doing this just for custody?" asks Bertha. "Oh no!" say Loli and Octavio. "It's all very sudden," says Bertha. "What date have you set?" Loli explains that yes, it's very sudden, so sudden they haven't yet set a date. "Don't get the kids' hopes up," cautions Bertha. Bruno, Bertha, and the kids leave, followed soon after by Octavio. Not surprisingly, Rafa has said very little. In true Rafa fashion, he's trying to process all this. Now that everyone else has left, Loli says, "You know I love you. More than anything. But I have to get my kids back. Do you support me?"

This bit of craziness is followed by even crazier crazyness in another scene with Veronica. She meets Cesar, who tries unsuccessfully to explain his relationship with Rox. After he leaves, Veronica criticizes Rox for seeing a married man. She also tells Rox that she has found the best bariatric surgeon in LA. Rox wants nothing to do with bariatric surgery. Sorry, folks, if you want to talk about Veronica, fine. FF>>

The episode returns to Loli's craziness. Loli again asks Rafa, "Do you support me?" Rafa replies, "Let's think about that. We love each other. But everyone is going to lie to the judge. Nicky, Sam, Nora, Domingo...." Loli tells him that the marriage to Octavio is just a formality (trámite). Loli seems to think that her "marriage" to Octavio will be in name only, and that, in a few months, when Rafa gets his divorce.... No, it's not at all clear.

La Suerte de Loli - #84 - p 3 de 3

Vicente comes to see Pau. He informs her that the president of the channel just called. Pau's pilot was not approved, though apparently Rox's was. Paulina says that no one named Rox is going to beat Paulina Castro.

Detective Divina reports to Rafa that yes, Bruno has served time in prison. Moreover, he consorts with other ex-convicts, for example, Altimio. Rafa is very pleased. He wants to call Loli to give her the good news.

Octavio is having second thoughts about what Loli has proposed. He hears her voice in his head, but he doesn't know what he wants. Domingo comes into the office, sees Octavio's troubled expression, and asks him what's wrong. Octavio asks him, "Have you ever wished for something very much, and then it's right in front of you and you're not so sure it's a good idea?" Domingo thinks Octavio is talking about bringing his mother to the States. "Your mother coming here is a good idea," he assures Octavio. Octavio simply thanks him.

Bruno calls Melissa to tell her about Loli's plan to marry Octavio. He's clearly worried about how that might affect the custody issue. Vicente overhears Bruno, and asks "What do you mean, Loli is getting married?"

Loli comes to Bruno's house to drop off some of the kids' things, and to make it clear that she did not kidnap them. Melissa asks her, "Why are you wasting your time with a sham marriage to Octavio?" Loli replies, "I don't owe an explanation to you...or anyone." Loli then talks about things that might be of interest to the judge. For example, Nicky having to share a room with a stranger who is after his inheritance. There's also the fact that the house is being used for other things. Melissa tries to defend the massages, but Loli begs her, "Don't expose the kids to that. Please take care of them. They need afffection." She then looks at her phone, which has messages from the mom's chat group about events involving the kids. Loli adds Melissa to the chat group. Melissa is horrified to see a barrage of messages arrive.

Paulina is talking to Angie about the fact that her pilot wasn't approved. Clearly, they couldn't be rejecting Paulina Castro, so it must have been the script that Angie wrote. Angie leaves and Bruno arrives. Pau asks him how things went the first night, and a downcast Bruno replies, "the kids don't want to be with us. And with Loli marrying..." Pau points out that Rafa's divorce isn't final yet. Bruno says she's not marrying Rafa, she's marrying Octavio. Pau's face lights up. She says ecstatically, "Ask and ye shall receive! Thanks for making my day!!"

Rafa comes by Pau's office. "I heard about the pilot. Are you OK" he asks. It's no big deal, Pau assures him. She then tells him that Bruno told her about Loli getting married. Rafa says he doesn't want to talk about that. Pau tells him, "You don't deserve this."

Loli comes to see Octavio. Both of them have been thinking. "You first," says Loli. Octavio tells her, "I've been thinking. I'm not comfortable. You love Rafa." Loli replies, "But I still want to get married." Holding up some tiny statue that I couldn't really see, she asks, "Will you marry me?" And the episode ends.


Café con Aroma de Mujer, #1, Parte 1 de 5

As the introduction some very ranchera style music plays, but we’re not in Mexico. We’re in Colombia. And the Colombian accents are noticeable, as is the use of the voseo verb form between people who are related to one another. The protagonist, Teresa Suárez, or La Gaviota (seagull) is portrayed by Laura Londoño. I haven’t seen her in any novela before, but she sings as well as acts. There’s a lot of her singing, especially at the beginning, in the theme song, that shows Gaviota picking coffee beans.

We see an older man driving on a country road. And we also see, off to the side, some people picking coffee beans. You can see the camaraderie between the workers.

Gaviota overhears some guys talk on walkie talkies. “He’s coming!” She sees that the guys have masks and rifles. Gaviota chases some cows into the road.

Octavio Vallejo stops his car to avoid the cattle. Gaviota yells at him from the bushes that he should turn back. A shot is fired at the car, but one of the masked baddies tells that guy that they need him alive. The leader of these guys tells the other that the plan failed.

The next scene is of Don Octavio signing some papers, smiling. He says that this is almost finished. He’s addressing Gaviota and her mother, Carmenza Suárez. “I only need your signature”, he says. Gaviota tells him it’s too generous a gift. Gaviota gives him an envelope full of cash and says it’s only a small part of what the land is worth. He refuses to take their money. Carmenza says they saved this for years and years and now something is possible. When he insists on giving them the land, Carmenza says that they won’t sign unless he takes the money. Both women sign after he accepts the envelope. Don Octavio: “Welcome to the world of the coffee farmers.” He tells them that in a month he’ll have the escritura (deed of transfer) for them. The land is called El Paraíso.

And…we’re off…to New York City. Sebastián Vallejo is with Lucía San Clemente in an apartment. She looks upset. He asks what’s wrong. She says she’s surprised he even noticed. They haven’t seen each other for a week. She got theater tickets and he didn’t show up. He apologizes, saying he thought it was the following week. She says that, since he doesn’t want them to live together, everything is complicated. They live on opposite sides of NYC.

Gaviota and Carmenza talk about their land. They have gotten una hectárea (approx. 2.47 acres). Gaviota reminds her mother that they are now broke and will struggle to sembrar (plant any coffee plants).

In NYC Lucía wonders if their problem is the model who lives in his building and who flirts all the time. She comments on his coolness. He says he works all the time and, when not working, is with her. He hasn’t even been to Colombia in a very long time. She disparages Colombia, but he tells her that his whole family is there. He suggests they have dinner and talk things over. She breaks off the relationship and leaves.


Café con Aroma de Mujer, #1, Parte 2 de 5

The villain is now introduced, and he’s a nasty one. He’s in the middle of having sex with a woman we later find out is not his wife. He is Iván Vallejo, and he gets a call from his father. He says to his father that he’ll be right over. When the woman wonders if he’s afraid of his father, he says that something is wrong; he’s berraco. [This is Colombian slang for angry. I’ve also seen it spelled verraco.

Some guy in a sort of rural taxi calls out names of, I think, villages nearby. There are already some people aboard, and Gaviota and her mother get in. When a guy helping her up touches her tresero, she kicks him.

Octavio calls Sebastián, but he is in a meeting and doesn’t pick up. It seems from his conversation that he’s working in importation of coffee because he talks with the guy about tons of fine coffee that will be delivered.

Don Octavio is confronting his son, Iván Vallejo. He asks about $100,000 that came into the accounts of Café Élite. Iván replies that he doesn’t know anything about it. Don Octavio says that the money doesn’t match up with any sacks they’ve exported nor their price. He asks if Iván and Pablo Emilio have lost their memories.

Octavio says he’s going to get an auditor to figure it out. Iván: “OK, OK. I have other businesses. I’m opening an elegant coffee shop in Bogotá.” Don O: “You think I was born yesterday? Either you tell me exactly what’s going on or resign. I’m going to call Sebastián. In fact I already called him to see if he has the guts to assume responsibility of this company.” Iván: “You can’t do that, papá! Have you forgotten that I am the financial manager of this company? You don’t have any proof to use in order to kick me out. You’re just looking for an excuse to bring your consentido (spoiled child or favorite child) here. You never could stand it that your golden son, who did everything well chose to leave you here with me!” He goes on and on about Sebastián having screwed up Octavio’s and his own lives and is now living a jet set life in New York.

Octavio: “I’m giving you the chance to tell me what’s going on. I’ll hire a lawyer. I’ll get that audit done.” When Iván says to go ahead, Octavio tells him he could wind up in jail.

Gaviota hangs onto the back of the country taxi, singing at the top of her lungs.

Octavio: “I can’t believe it. You used the accounts of Café Élite to launder money.” Iván: “It wasn’t illegal.” He says he used the company’s account because his own wasn’t capable of handling such a transaction. Iván says he was doing a favor for Carlos Mario, the son of Don Pedro, from the bar. Iván says that his father knows the guy. Octavio erupts. Carlos Mario!! That guy is into some bad stuff. His own father said so. If not, how did he buy the hacienda of the Londoños.


Café con Aroma de Mujer, #1, Parte 3 de 5

There’s a typical scene in the kitchen. Doña Julia de Vallejo is talking with her daughter, Marcela, and the usual maid/cook person who’s been there forever.

Don Octavio says this: “When someone has honor, they have it. Do you remember Gaviota and Carmenza?” He shows Iván the 7 million pesos, their life savings, that they gave him to pay for what he planned to give them. When Iván wonders what he gave them, Octavio replies: “I’m going to give them a hectare of the lands I bought near Guadual.” Iván, aghast: “Why?” Octavio: “Gaviota saved his pellejo (skin) and Iván buries him alive." He tells his son that he ruined the name of Vallejo, ruined his family, ruined all of his years of work. “When did you forget who you are?” Iván tells him he must be senile giving the land to a coffee picker. Don Octavio tells him not to disrespect him. As he says this he collapses. Iván appears frozen, but he notices that the maid has seen his father fall because she saw through the window.

Gaviota and Carmenza talk with Aurelio, who I believe is the one who supervises the workers at Don Octavio’s hacienda. They look startled when they see an ambulance coming.

The younger son of the Vallejos, the one with glasses who I think Wikipedia says is Bernardo, asks Iván what happened. The EMT tells them that he’s gone. It appears to be a heart attack, but there will have to be an investigation since he didn’t die in hospital. Marcela goes outside and calls Sebastián to tell him his father died. Seb: “But, he just called me.” She tells him he’s needed there. He tells her he’s coming, hangs up, and begins to cry.

Also crying is Aurelio, as he tells Gaviota and her mother about the heart attack. The three embrace.

Iván has returned to his father’s office, sees the money Carmenza gave for the land, and takes it.

Sebastián arrives and hugs Aurelio. Gaviota and Carmenza look on from a bit of a distance. Carmen tells her daughter that he’s the son who left. When Gaviota says he’s bonito, her mother reminds her of the telenovela Amor Imposible, except that in real life things are different.

Sebastián greets his siblings fondly. Iván sits on a sofa beside his blonde wife, looking resentful. Sebas embraces him but doesn’t get much of a hug back. His mother comes in and begins to sob on his shoulder. She tells Sebas that he wasn’t sick, but he was worried and not sleeping well.

Iván gets nasty when Sebas tells his mother about the call he missed. “He must have been used to the fact that you’re not involved with this family.”

Iván and Sebastián are the front two pallbearers at the funeral. At the door of the church Gaviota greets, I think, her cousin Marcia, since Gaviota asks about her aunt. [I think this is the woman who was in bed with Iván when he got the call.]


Café con Aroma de Mujer, #1, Parte 4 de 5

Iván gives a eulogy of his father saying he was a master and committed to raising the standards of coffee and the progress of the country. [And a bolt of lightning didn’t strike him.]

Gaviota goes up to speak about what a great boss he was, generous and who treated his workers with respect. Iván’s wife (don’t know if they said her name) asks who Gaviota is. Iván replies that she picks coffee and thinks she can sing. However, Gaviota gets a round of applause for HER eulogy.

When Sebas watches her go back to her seat, Iván says: “Don’t even think about it. I got there ahead of you.”

Gaviota, her mother, and another woman come upon a woman being berated by a restaurant owner for trying to take the leftovers from an outside table. Realizing that she’s probably hungry, Gaviota tells her that they are going to a coffee farm called Casablanca. If she comes along, she’ll get a job, food, and a place to sleep.

Doña Julia asks Marcela if she could reach Paula. I think this is the youngest child. Marcela says that she’s disappeared and doesn’t answer calls. She might be in Cappadocia (in Turkey). Some of the family are sitting outside having coffee. Iván’s wife asks why he didn’t come with Lucía. He’s a bit evasive, but finally admits that they broke up.

The family overhears Gaviota singing while she works. Julia asks Marcela to ask Aurelio to quiet her, but Seb says he’ll go.

Iván is on the phone telling someone (probably the Carlos Mario mentioned earlier) that he doesn’t know who told his father, maybe Javier. But he wants it fixed already because, if this leaks out, it’s on you.

Sebastián asks Aurelio to ask Gaviota not to sing, but Aurelio tells him that his father liked Gaviota a lot, especially after what she did. Sebas: “So…that’s the girl…?” He tells Aurelio he’ll speak to her about the singing and be able to thank her for what she did for his father. When he’s approaching her, he slips and falls down. She suggests he gets some shoes de caucho (rubber soles), and he laughs. She tells him that she always sings while she works. He says this is fine except that his mother is very sensitive right now. She understands. They talk a bit about his living in New York and general chit chat.

Iván’s wife goes right inside to call Lucía and tells her that Sebas said it was definitely over for he and Lucía. The woman wants Lucía to come to Colombia.

Lucía has met her father somewhere outside in New York. She asks why not at the company. He tells her the quiebra (bankruptcy) is imminent. Lucía: “And the loan?” He replies that no bank would give him a loan. The scandal will explode at any time. Lucía can’t believe that her father didn’t pay the IRS the employees’ social security deductions. He tells her he made an investment in the growth of the business. She knows her father well and replies that the investment was a bodega, a yacht, an apartment, a fancy car. He tries to elicit sympathy by telling her he could go to prison. But he thinks there’s a way out: Sebastián. “It’s time he formally proposed marriage, don’t you think?”


Café con Aroma de Mujer, #1, Parte 5 de 5

Gaviota shows Sebastián how to pick coffee beans, quickly but doing it the right way. She says he probably never picked a grano (coffee bean) in his life. He laughs but says he came a few times when he was a child and picked…a bit. She shows him how to choose the ripe ones. And then she jokes that she’ll have to share half of what she earned today. [Sounds like they get paid by the bushel and not by the hour.] He grins and says it’s only right.

Sebastián talks with Iván about Gaviota helping their father during the attempted kidnapping. Iván says he doesn’t believe in good people; he believes in people who do things to get something out of it. Sebas says she’s a good worker, and Iván laughs at him. Sebas replies that, of course, he noticed that she’s pretty. Sebastián asks Iván if he had something going on with Gaviota and Iván smirks something unintelligible by way of saying yes.

Sebastián tells his brother that he’s thinking of returning to the hacienda to work. Iván tells him it’s not necessary. He manages to do it all himself. Besides, people here are paid in pesos, not dollars. And that the business doesn’t have dollars to pay someone like his brother. Sebas says that the old man planted a few hectares of special coffee; that’s the business to be in. Iván says they’d need capital to plant those coffee plants. The last cosecha (crop) was a disaster.

Gaviota is walking in a deserted area of the hacienda. She thinks she hears Aurelio and calls his name. It’s Iván. He grabs hold of her and tells her he needs comforting. She says she came to this hacienda to pick coffee. He gets a better grip on her and tells her he’ll pay her triple for something else. He keeps trying to force himself on her when Sebastián shows up and yells “No!” Iván says this doesn’t concern him and to leave. Sebas says that, if she doesn’t want this, it does concern him. When Sebas walks away with Gaviota, Iván yells that now she’s just going to revolcarse (have sex) with Sebastián. Gaviota yells that she isn’t having sex with anyone. Iván swings, and misses, at his brother, who tells him gently that he’s had too much to drink and that he should go home.

We see Iván open his bedroom door, see his sleeping wife, and walk away with a disinterested look on his face.

Sebastián takes Gaviota to the place where the workers stay. She tells him she’s too upset to go inside and possibly wake her mother. So they go somewhere with outside tables and music. While they talk he discreetly mentions what Iván said about their having “something”. She’s indignant and says that she doesn’t know what he said; but, if you believe him after what he was trying to do to me… She gets up. She’s asked to sing and sings a song about bad love. He is overcome by the day’s events and the music and has tears in his eyes.

He drives her home; it has begun to rain. She tells him a bit about where she’s staying. And that his father set it up so each person has their own bed. He can’t believe they all used to have to share beds. He wraps his jacket around her, saying she can give it back tomorrow. They kiss.


Definitely some crazy, melodramatics going on last night Juanita. Your recap covered absolutely all of it to perfection!

I liked Detective Divina (or Divine as Rafa called her last night) being put into action and delivering the goods that everyone should already know.

I disliked Bruno, but now I really dislike him. These adults care more about themselves than those poor kids. The look on Octavio’s face when Loli blurts out that they are getting married was priceless. I really hope that this doesn’t happen. I agreed with Rafa that everyone would be part of a big lie. I know, I know, I am a fan of Octavio/Loli, but not like this.

Nicky is told he will share a room with Gema. What is wrong with these people? How is Nicky safe sleeping in a room with a complete stranger and a baby?

The writers apparently found her in the same collection of annoying characters that included Bruno and Melissa. Veronica is in constant hyper mode, and she criticizes her daughter at every turn. FF>> Thank you!

Rafa is sleeping with the enemy having Leo still living in his house. You would think he received a paycheck or two and could find his own place. It is only a matter of time, hopefully quickly, that Rafa figures out it is Leo filtering information everywhere.

I thought it was great that Rox had her pilot approved and Paulina did not! Thank you Juanita!



Thank you, Novelera, you caught up all the details of a rather crowded episode perfectly.
I have to say that although they've changed a few things about this remake (aside from the premise, of course), it has the same spirit as the original. The music is the same, I was actually singing with Gaviota at that tavern, as I immediately remembered the Mal Amor song. Music is a huge part of this show.
I didn't recognize any of the Colombian actors (aside from Carmen V.) and the accent takes some time to get used to, but it's nice to see some fresh faces. I will need some time to get used to this Gaviota, I still remember her 3 other reincarnations and they were all very good.
William Levy is looking as fine as ever, he's aging well.



Thanks novelera for the recap of the premiere episode.

This is off to a good start. I haven't seen the other versions so the story and characters are all new to me.

I loved the music, the scenery, and Colombian accents. The cast is all new to me except for William Levy and Carmen Villalobos.

Iván is a very nasty one and he will probably only get worse.

Don Octavio's death will probably complicate Gaviota and her mother getting the land that he promised to give to them.


Miky, if I got the scene right, Octavio was telling the ladies that the actual ownership papers will be out in about a month. And I'm guessing he was supposed to receive them?
Of course he only got to tell Ivan the truth, and the slime will never help Gaviota and her mom, considering how he pocketed their hard-earned money.

Was anyone else waiting for a wardrobe malfunction with Gaviota? That dress was short!
And how about Sebastian falling just as he was approaching. Could it have been a blooper that they left in because it made the scene different, not your usual meet-cute where the girl is the clumsy one?


Thank you novelera for getting this one rolling. Like Miky, I know nothing about the prior remakes or the original version of this novela. I really enjoyed the singing and scenery. When I was in the military, I was stationed at an embassy in South America and had the opportunity to see beautiful coffee plantations and quaint villages with very humble hard-working people. The episode brought back a lot of great memories for me.

I appreciate the very detail recap with the Spanish lessons included because it was a bit difficult to follow some of the dialogue. La Tempestad was one of the first novelas I tried to watch and William Levy was definitely the reason. I agree Adriana Noel, he has aged very handsomely. I also enjoyed the falling down scene, not the typical slick galan introduction.

I hope other are as intrigued as we are and help to recap this novela. Since I am recapping Loli, I don’t have time to devote to recapping this one just yet.



Thanks very much, VVS, for your wonderful comments! I think you and I are on the same wavelength. I'm glad you mentioned the "priceless" look on Octavio's face. I passed over it too quickly as "a momentary look of confusion," but it was so much more than that. I thought the actor playing Octavio, Joaquín Ferreira, did a superb job. And as you know, I too am a big Octavio fan, but I agree with you that Loli's spur-of-the-moment scheme isn't the way to go, for any number of reasons, as both Rafa and Octavio recognize.

I'm glad you were happy with my FF>>. I couldn't believe the writers were subjecting us to yet another unpleasant, crazy character at this late stage in the novela. And yet another problematic relationship between parent and child. Feh!

Like you, I'm hoping that Rafa catches on to Leo's treachery sooner rather than later. I wonder whether Angie might have the courage to broach the matter to him.

One thing I almost commented on in the recap but didn't: I wonder whether Norita was sincere when she put down Rogelio's gentle suggestion about remarriage. This being a telenovela, my guess is that she wasn't, or, if she was, she'll change her mind. But Telemundo seems to be trying to be more contemporary, so anything is possible.


Due to recapping Cafe I did not have time to watch Loli. But I'll try to catch up this evening. I'm sure you put up a fine recap, Janita. But I like to watch and then see the recaps.

I'll be back later with a quick recap of the episode. Stay tunned.


Here’s the Wednesday quickie:

Loli tells Octavio that Rafa will go along with the sham marriage

Yep, Veronica, Rox’s mother is awful. We can see from whence some of Rox’s problems arise. She insists on coming home with Rox after saying that, of course, she could afford a 5-star hotel. She keeps putting out her hand to each person she meets as if she expects someone to kiss it.

We get one of the better scenes in recent weeks. Melissa drugs Gema’s tea. She can’t find the post cards but she answers Gema’s phone, convinces the boyfriend she’s Gema with a sore throat. She finds out everything, including the baby not being Marcelino’s.

Pau hears about Loli marrying Octavio from Chente and can’t resist bringing it up with Rafa. To his credit, he won’t discuss it with her and gives her a hard stare.

Sam has come to see Gabriel. Like everyone else in this novela he’s changed his mind. He breaks up with Sam for her own good because she can only maneuver brief visits with him at the juvenile center.

Divina tells Loli and Octavio that they have to practice the kiss at the wedding he’s planning at Hunky Bar. I had my fingers crossed Rafa would not walk in, but I should have known better.

Pau is raking Chente over the coals for not having been able to get the TV station to accept her program. But he cheers her right up by saying that the show that was pitched with Rox will not have Rox in it. [Que the hell! I didn’t think Pau was going to do Rox’s show from what they said. But she’s so rotten that she’s that happy to see Rox lose something good?]

I think Veronica could try out for the role of Morticia in a revival of The Addams Family. Always in black and always ghastly. She keeps doing the same old, same old with Rox but gets thrown out on her ear when she is homophobic about the child Rox bears going to Matias and Arturo.

Bruno finds the post cards. He’s indignant. Novelera doesn’t care.

Rafa has decided he can’t sneak around and be with Loli after she marries Octavio. He says it’s too risky their being seen together, and he doesn’t want to lie all the time. He breaks it off, I think just until she gets custody.

Victoria shows up ONCE AGAIN at Octavio’s door. But she doesn’t stay long when she hears about Octavio marrying Loli. Novelera is happy.

Sam calls Loli sobbing and is comforted about what happened with Gabriel. She sends Sam one of her mother’s videos.

Rafa is talking with Gonzalo, his attorney, about his plans to convince the court that Bruno is unfit. Gonzalo warns him that the guys Divina found out about are gangsters and Rafa should be careful. Uh oh.

CAFE - The story of the traveling jacket (capitulo 2)
part 1

After the kiss, Gaviota goes home, her momma was getting worried, scolds her for being out so late. Then they talk about the land that Don Octavio sold to them, they are worried about the money they gave him and wonder if someone else from the family knew about the deal. Carmenza decides they need to wait a bit before asking them, they’re still mourning.

Gaviota goes to bed remembering the kiss. Sebastian is at home, doing the same, when he gets a phone call from Lucia. He rejects it, so she leaves a message, offering her support. He only listens a bit, he’s so over her.

Aurelio comes in, he and Seb chat. Things will get difficult without Don Octavio, Aurelio thinks. Seb asks if he’s aware of troubles at the ranch, Aurelio decides to speak freely: Ivan and Octavio fought a lot about the new coffee that the older man tried to grow. Ivan didn’t agree and they had a lot of conflicts because of this.
Ivan’s girlfriend, Lucrecia, found Don Octavio’s planner and saw that he had a meeting scheduled with Gaviota. Ivan leads her to believe that his father was probably involved with her. They start making out, she doesn’t seem to happy to be doing this in a dead man’s office.

It’s dawn, Carmenza is making the beds when she finds Seb’s jacket under Gaviota’s pillow. She thinks her daughter found a boy she likes, but it has to be someone fancy, going by the quality of the jacket. Gaviota tells her everything, aside from the kiss. Carmenza gets upset, tells her to return the jacket to the patron, or else she might end up as one of those telenovela girls.

Seb wakes up to the smell of coffee. He slept on the couch, while his sister, Marcela, didn’t sleep at all. Their sister, Paula, has resurfaced, they’re going to pick her up at the airport later. Seb is worried about the future of the company and the family. He thinks Ivan has been doing a good job, but they need to have a family reunion, talk about things. He tells Marcela about punching Ivan because he was trying to harass Gaviota. Marcela is appalled, but Seb wants to keep it quiet, don’t tell mom, she’s going through a lot right now.

He also says that he feels something strange for Gaviota, can’t take his eyes off her whenever she’s around. Marcela knows about Gaviota and her reputation, she is thrilled to hear that her brother fancies her.

Gaviota helped Aurelio find workers. Maria, the girl from the other day, came to work, too, she’s ready and willing. Maria finds out that Aurelio doesn’t have a wife… romance alert!

CAFE - part 2

All the Valejo siblings are waiting for Paula at the airport (Ivan and Bernardo didn’t tell Seb and Marcela that they were coming, too). They hug and Paula mentions that Marcela is kind of gordita. She gets into the car with Ivan and Bernardo.

On the way to the cemetery, Paula asks about the future, they need help handling the workload from now on. She agrees that Ivan can continue managing and Ivan wants Bernardo to help out. Marcela and Seb, in another car, talk about the lack of trust they have in Ivan. Marcela thinks their brother has changed, Seb is reluctant to think badly for now, thinks he’s in pain after dad’s death. Marcela wants Seb to come back, but Seb says Ivan made it clear that he’s not wanted, so he better go back to NY. Marcela reminds him that in NY there is only Lucia waiting, while here he has the family and … there is also Gaviota.

They all meet their mom at the cemetery. Bernardo asks Ivan why he’s fighting with Seb, Ivan prefers Seb far away from them, in NY. Mom mentions that they need to get ready for the will reading!! Bernardo wonders if they should expect any surprises.
Lucia calls Lucrecia to check in, asks her for news, she feels like this time it really is over. She probably needs to come to Colombia, after all. She calls Seb back, he says he’s been very busy, she offers to come join him. He says there is no need, he’ll be back to NY in a week. Marcela is happy he brushed her off, hopes he can find someone better than Lucia. Seb says Lucia has her charm, it’s hard to break it off with someone like her. Marcela thinks he’s just scared.

Gaviota is on the fields, singing. Carmenza asks about the jacket, is worried that Seb might come to their place to get it back. Dona Julia won’t like it. During their lunch break, Aurelio warns one of the other workers to watch his tongue. Gaviota runs home, gets the jacket, remembers about the moment Seb put it around her shoulders and THAT kiss!

The Valejos sit down for lunch, Ivan takes Octavio’s seat as the oldest child (with his mom’s approval). Lucrecia takes the place to his right, feels very good about it. Ivan gets a call from work, but it’s actually Marcia, one of his sweethearts, a married one (to Carlos Mario, his shady business partner). She called him to flirt and because her husband wants to see him.

Ivan talks with the maid about what she might have listened the day his dad died. She assumes that he had a heart attack because of their fighting. Ivan thinks it’s time she retired. She thinks his mom should know about what was said, he offers to pay her up.

Gaviota comes to give Seb his jacket, Aurelio says it’s not the right time, but she sticks around. The lawyer shows up, Aurelio sees her again, does Seb only have that one jacket? He offers to take it, Gaviota refuses.
Maria realizes the work is hard, Carmenza starts teaching her how to do the job.

Don Octavio had several properties, aside from the main ranch. There are about 2.5 acres missing from the count, which Seb notices. There are several other apartments, houses, money etc etc… All to be left to his kids.

37,5% of the shares go to the wife, Dona Julia; another 37,5% are to be divided equally among the five kids. What about the remaining 25%? The lawyer explains that Dona Julia will have control over these shares and she can, if she wants, leave them to the firstborn grandchild who will have the Valejo last name. Marcela and Paula are upset about being left out, Seb agrees with them, Bernardo doesn’t care, since he never plans to have any kids. That leaves only Ivan, but more on this later.

Seb asks about the 2,5 missing acres again, the lawyer has the property document, but their father didn’t include it in the estate (if I got what he was saying right).

CAFE - part 3

Gaviota is back with the jacket, Dona Julia sees her before Seb and Marcela can approach. Gaviota starts to tell Julia why she came, but Seb discreetly signals her to shush. Gaviota makes up an excuse and leaves, Dona Julia is bothered because her husband paid too much attention to this girl. Marcela is upset with Seb for the way he treated Gaviota.

Ivan goes to see Carlos Mario, the guy is surprised Don Octavio had a heart attack. Ivan doesn’t want to do business with the guy anymore, tries to fight it, explains to Carlos the troubles he has. He’s worried about an associate from the company, Javier, who was aware of everything, Carlos tells him to investigate, see how much the guy knows.

Gaviota is back at work, upset because Seb was ashamed of her in front of Dona Julia. She realizes they are part of different worlds, but she starts singing when she sees him come. Aurelio tells Seb that she makes the coffee more special with her singing, he asks about the jacket, than plays the fool about not knowing about it.
Lucrecia asks Ivan where he has been, he evades the questions, she thinks he’s acting strange, hasn’t even answered her calls. She says she doesn’t have time for this, she came for him and she’s alone all day long. He asks her to marry him, she guesses it’s about the will, he tries to deny it. She wants babies, too, but not right now. He plays along, but he must already be planning something.

Gaviota manages to gather more coffee than the rest of the workers, which gives her the right to watch the telenovela tonight. One of the other workers wants to watch the game, so he starts arguing with Gaviota. Aurelio and Seb show up to stop the fight. Later Seb comes to Gaviota’s place with a small TV – inappropriate! Carmenza allows him inside, she’s very grateful, he just pushes a button and the tv is set (do they have cable, HBO? Amazon prime). Carmenza knows he’s a good guy, but he needs to stay away from Gaviota. She’s a strong girl, but she’s still very innocent and he can get her confused. He gets the message. And he also gets his jacket back.

As Seb goes out, he meets with Gaviota. She calls him out about the way he behaved in front of his mother. But no worries, she got it, and the kiss didn’t matter, either. He disagrees, he thinks it was important, but maybe it shouldn’t have happened. He has a lot of things on his mind, the kiss was real, but he’s leaving soon, so maybe it was a mistake. She lashes out, SHE was the mistaken one. Goes inside, sees the TV, drags it outside and almost throws it back to Seb saying that the kiss didn’t cost him that much! And he better stay away from now on. She leaves and he’s smiling from ear to ear, he’s hooked.


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Thank you novelera! Your snark-o-meter was at 100% for this recap! You covered everything of importance because it was way to Vernonia/Bruno heavy for me!

Ha! Finally, Mel does something sort of smart by drugging Gema and getting to the bottom of everything. VVS and novelera do NOT care about the aftermath with Bruno.

Que the Hell is right with Paulina! She is more of an egomaniac than I first imagined. It sounded like not only did she want Chente to do the Rox pilot show without Rox, but to get rid of Rox completely from Global Radio.

Poor Sam was heartbroken and where were Bruno and Mel to console her? Being stupid of course. Glad Sam has finally come to see Loli as a mother figure.

Go away for good Victoria! Poor Octavio just looks distraught over the last few episodes. He really needs a happy ending.

Rafa is going to fix all of this wedding mess by finding those “friends” of Bruno and linking everything to Chente. Rafa just needs to realize that Leo is a loser.

I really appreciate the minicap novelera!



Thank you Adriana Noel for wonderful recap of the traveling jacket! I love the title! If this is a quick recap, I can’t wait to read your longer ones! 😊

I am still learning all the character’s names and trying to get used to the accents as Telemundo’s CC has been off base for weeks and doesn’t catch everything said.

You helped me better understand what was being said between the siblings. Clearly the rivalry lines are being established, even between the male/female children with that old fashion 25% to the first male heir grandkid business.

I did hear Paula call Marcela gordita and immediately disliked her more than slimy Ivan.

Sebastián was definitely out of line in not acknowledging Gaviota in from of his mother and yes, the TV was a bit much. Good for Gaviota tossing it back at him and flouncing off in a well-deserved huff! But ooohhhh, that KISS.

This novela was much needed in this time slot after several darker ones that I had to record and watch the next day because they were upsetting my sleep!

Appreciate you doing this recap Adriana Noel!


VVS, thank you. It was supposed to be a quick recap, but once I got started...
As you said, the siblings are taking sides. Seb wants to give Ivan the benefit of the doubt but Marcela knows better.
Seb seems to like Gaviota's spunk... after 5 years with perfectly acceptable Lucia, the guy needs a change.

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Thanks so much for the fine recap, and on a day other than the one you'd decided. Excellent details!

Iván really is a master manipulator. He came to the airport to meet Paula without letting Sebastián and Marcela know he was doing so. And he got Paula and Bernardo to ride with him so that he could start to get them on his side and against Sebas.

The maid only overheard the part about Don Octavio telling Iván not to disrespect him. But, probably because he does feel a bit guilty about having given his father that heart attack, he wants to get rid of the long term maid. She's the one who may have changed his diapers when he was a baby! I don't think she'll take a bribe to leave, but she wasn't going to let him just give her the liquidación and send her down the road. I have heard this liquidación term a few times in novelas. I think in Latin American countries it's obligatory to give some sort of severance pay to a long-term employee when they leave.I

I actually thought that was sweet of Sebas to bring that television after the bully guy insisted on the soccer game, even though he'd agreed to let the best picker win. It wasn't a 4K 90-inch monster, just a very small old fashioned TV. Of course, like quite a few TN women, Gaviota has to be feisty with him a lot at the beginning of the novela.

I thought Lucrecia was his wife already. I predict some theft of birth control pills in Lu's future.


I have fallen woefully behind once again. Thank you, Juanita and novelera, for your recaps. Really nothing else to add but my thanks.

Re Veronca: “The writers apparently found her in the same collection of annoying characters that included Bruno and Melissa.” --simply brilliant, Juanita. And thanks for letting me know when to FF>>

Agree with you VVS on an Octavio/Loli marriage, “I really hope that this doesn’t happen…. I am a fan of Octavio/Loli, but not like this.”

Does it seem like Rafa is suddenly popping up everywhere…at Loli’s…at Hunky Bar? And always at the worst moments?

LOL, novelera, “I think Veronica could try out for the role of Morticia in a revival of The Addams Family.”

Bruno finding postcards, dondi doesn’t care either.

Victoria leaving, dondi is happy, too.




Wow, novelera, I can't believe you did a "Wednesday quickie" of Loli right after your huge recap of the first episode of Café! What's more, you did a great job! I loved your suggestion that "Veronica could try out for the role of Morticia in a revival of The Addams Family." I also enjoyed "Bruno finds the post cards. He’s indignant. Novelera doesn’t care." Bruno was absolutely insufferable in this episode. Yes, he's always insufferable, but IMHO this time he was even worse than usual. Or not.

I can't decide whether the writers think repetition = humor, or whether they just have no imagination to think of new kinds of humor. Was there anyone in Viewerville who didn't expect Rafa to walk in just as Octavio and Loli were rehearsing the kiss? (Yawn) I confess I did find one thing about the scene amusing--Divina's observation that the wedding can be fake, but not the kiss.

Actually, I'm really enjoying Divina as a character. In most ways, s/he's almost offensively stereotypical, but I don't find the characterization offensive because s/he's shown to be a lot more than that, someone who cares about others, someone with compassion, brains, and a great sense of humor.

Again, MANY THANKS, novelera!


Me too, on Divina. I enjoy every scene with Roberto/Divina. I think I've mentioned that I loved what I thought was a one-off when he shared a jail cell with Loli a while back. And really wished we'd see her/him again.

Pretty funny about Divina thinking that Loli and Octavio needed to rehearse a kiss. As I recall, they wouldn't need to practice that, having had the whole enchilada a couple of months ago.

One thing about Bruno's indignation. Although I couldn't bring myself to write more in the "quickie", he scored a really big point in his rant at Melissa. He basically told her she had a lot of nerve in all these years coming down on him for every mistake. How many times did we have to sit through a "Judas" and cold shoulder from her. He mentioned something about being terror stricken about making a mistake that would bring on her scorn.

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