Thursday, May 20, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Suerte de Loli, Buscando a Frida y más: Week of May 17, 2021


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -   La Suerte de Loli
  • 10-11PM - Buscando a Frida

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Will we have a recap of this week's show?

Hi anonymous,

I'm not sure what you mean by "a recap of this week's show." There have been daily recaps of La Suerte de Loli. Depending on the recapper's location and circumstances, the recap generally appears either late the same night that the episode is shown or by noon the next day. Our policy is not to comment on the episode until after the recap appears.


La Suerte de Loli - #81 – Parte 1 de 3

Yesterday’s ending of Vicente walking in on Pau and Rafa talking about the kiss was a red herring. Rafa says it was work talk. V then tells Pau and Rafa he’s named Leo director of digital media and Leo will report ot Rafa.

Sigh. Way too much of the episode was about Bruno and Melissa’s weekend visit from Sam and Nicky. We see the dimwit inflating a bouncy house in their living room. After telling Melissa to buy a bunch of junk food, he tells her that the kids will end up wanting their Tío Bruno to have full custody.

Octavio brings Victoria breakfast in bed. She tells him he’s her ideal man. And… .”I love you.” Octavio looks very uncomfortable, and she tries to take it back.

Rafa asks Leo why he didn’t tell him about the new job with GR. Leo gets pretty snarky; which, to me seems that he isn’t doing any of this to help his brother. Rafa says that he thought Leo was going back to medical school.

It’s the big day of the renewal of vows. Art and Mati are talking. We find out that Mati’s parents have never accepted his way of life. Rox is going to give Mati away.

Sam and Nicki arrive at Chaos Central as Bruno sprays them with confetti in the doorway. Sam isn’t playing. She tells the two idiots that she was happy living in her own home with her own things. Nicky is miserable and wants Loli.

Loli had dropped them off at Bruno’s and has gone to Hunky Bar. She’s crying on Octavio’s shoulder. Rafa walks in when she’s sobbing and with Octavio’s arms around her. He overhears her saying something about not wanting him to know.

Sam blurts it out that she knows Bruno and Melissa want the inheritance. Melissa tries looking dumb and saying “Inheritance?” Brain Damaged Bruno comes out with: “We don’t know abut the inheritance Don Rogelio gave you.”

Rox comes to Casa Art&Mati. Mati thought she’d be meeting them there. Mati is very nicely dressed. Art comes out, also looking great. He starts to say something about wanting to discuss a delicate matter with Rox. But she says that Mati already talked with her about it. Art is furious that Mati did it behind his back.

Rafa tells Octavio he doesn’t think Hunky Bar is the right place for Loli to be working. I suspect there’s a good percentage of jealousy in his concern about Loli’s career path.


La Suerte de Loli - #81 – Parte 2 de 3

Sam blows up at Bruno and Melissa about their greed and has another episode like the one she had on the road to Mexico with Gabriel. She clutches her chest. All hell breaks loose. [I hope I never have a medical emergency in the same house with Bruno and Melissa; they’re completely useless.] Sam does recover, and Bruno credits Melissa pushing on her chest for 5 seconds.

Bruno somehow blows a circuit jumping around in the bouncy house. [Don’t these idiots know there are circuit breakers in the house?]

Rafa and Loli are ready to go to the renewal of vows when Mati shows up sobbing hysterically. He tells them that Art cancelled the ceremony and basically left him at the altar.

Nicky overhears Gema talking to her secret boyfriend about the inheritance.

Pau tells Angie over the phone that Leo is a fool. She knows that Vicente is up to something. Then she says something about kissing Rafael and Jess overhears.

While they are sitting around with candles and cell phone flashlights, Sam loses it and calls BS on this whole game. “What if she tells Don R. she doesn’t want the money?” Chagrined looks between Mel and Bruno.

Roberto comes back to Hunky Bar after the night he spent in a hotel so Octo and Vicky could have the place to themselves. He asks Octavio if he’s decided whether he’s going to get married. Victoria, of course, hears and comes up behind Octavio. “You’re going to marry? Who?”

Nicky tells Bruno, Melissa and Sam about overhearing Gema telling someone over the phone about having to put up with all this to get a piece of the inheritance.

Victoria has a major hissy fit. It appears that whether Octavio is planning to marry someone else or is planning to marry her just to better his chances at custody of Gabe and Christi, it doesn’t matter. She’s furious either way and storms out. [Viewerville wants her to stay mad!]

Melissa confronts Gema about what Nicky overheard, but she’s so dumb she lets Gema make up a BS story about the inheritance being the love of good parents (B&M) that the kids will get. Melissa tells her it all may be pie in the sky since Sam is thinking of refusing the money. Gema almost swallows her tongue.

While Loli is comforting Mati, he lets something slip about Loli and marriage improving her custody chances. Loli sends Mati to bed in Sam’s room and babbles for quite a while, telling Rafa it was just an idea. Rafa right away offers to marry her when his divorce is final, but Loli keeps saying no.

Rafa comes home to find Angie there. She and Leo pretend Angie is a workaholic and just came by for something work related. Rafa kind of smirks asking why she had her shoes off.


La Suerte de Loli - #81 – Parte 3 de 3

Jess confronts Pau about overhearing the phone conversation about her father and the kiss. Pau tells her that working together has caused confusion. She kissed Jess’s father. Jess: “Does he still love you?” Pau: “I don’t know. Yes, I think so.” Jess: “And Vicente?”

It’s the next day at Casa Blackout and we get a Ritz Crackers product placement because I suppose their stove is electric. Crackers on cheese are the breakfast menu. Bruno rushes in with tickets to Universal, a theme park. After more displeasure from Sam, she caves in because Nicky wants to go.

Rafael is on the phone with Gonzalo, his lawyer. He’s apparently trying to speed up the divorce. He’s told this is impossible. Gonzalo also mentions the fact that they’ll have to deal with the fact that the Governor of California has sued him for defamation of character.

Jess has come to see her father. “Are you still in love with Mamá?” Rafa: “Did your mother say so?” Jess tells him she more or less overheard about the kiss that happened. Jess: “My mother thinks you still have feelings for her.” Rafa: “The truth…I love Loli.” Jess says that she’s worried about her mother because Pau thinks she has a chance. And she wonders how she can marry Vicente having those feelings. Rafa says he’ll try to talk with her.

Roberto tells Octavio he was serious the other day when he said he’d marry Octavio to help him out with the custody. And, over his shoulder as he leaves… “Same sex marriage is permitted.” Octavio is frustrated. He’s obviously not against gay marriage. But anything he says to anyone lately isn’t working out.

Rafa comes to see Pau to tell her about his conversation with Jess. She tells him she was confused. She thought he felt something too. He tells her she knows he’s with Loli and that he loves her. He goes on to say that maybe she shouldn’t marry Vicente. And he asks her not to mix Jess up in this. “And this kiss that you gave me the other day…”

For once something I enjoy is overheard. Vicente comes in: “You kissed Rafael?”

I had a bit of a blackout myself. My snark injector went out on me. I just found myself tired of all these people.


Great recap novelera! Even though we spent way too much time and effort in Chaos Central/Casa Black out (loved that!), your snark was plenty fun to read!

I just can’t even comment about that Bruno/Mel mess. Glad Sam called them out on the inheritance issue. Very stupid people. I do like Ritz crackers and cheese though.

How can Victoria spend the night with Octavio, doesn’t she have the brat…uh Andy, to take care of? “She’s furious either way and storms out. [Viewerville wants her to stay mad!]” We totally do!

I also think that Rafa is totally jealous about Loli working with Octavio, he should be! Octavio has it going on for sure! Rafa is well, just boring.

What the heck with Art? Mati needs to leave him and his man bun/ponytail. Does the fact Art left Mati at the alter for a “vow” ceremony mean divorce?

So now Robert/Divina really does want to marry Octavio? That was very interesting. Octavio is the male version of Loli, everyone wants a piece… of that action. 😊

Doesn’t Angie have her own place? Why wouldn’t Leo just go there and not mess up the furniture or worry about being caught?

I too was happy that Chente overheard the kiss convo. Not happy poor Jess is back involved. This was great novelera! Thank you!



Many thanks, novelera, for another terrific recap. You claimed you had a bit of a blackout and your snark injector went out. That sure wasn't clear to me. Not with zingers like Chaos Central, Brain Damaged Bruno, and Casa Blackout! Not to mention asides such as "[Don’t these idiots know there are circuit breakers in the house?]" and "[Viewerville wants her to stay mad!]" If that's evidence of a blackout, please tell me how I can have one, too!

I think this episode should have been entitled "I've heard that..." or perhaps just "Oops!" The writers have used characters overhearing other characters in a large number of episodes, but usually only one or at most two per episode. Here, though, I think there were FIVE times involving five different overhearers: Jess, Nicky, Rafa, Victoria, and (hooray) Vicente! I'm a little uncertain whether Rafa's overhearing occured in this episode or near the end of the previous one (when he overhears Loli tell Octavio that she didn't want Rafa to know about Bertha's advice that she get married), but I'm sure about the others.

I think we're down to 19 more episodes to go. I suspect we need to find out who Gema's lover is (and perhaps what happened to Marcelino), and what Rafa can reveal about the governor's shady practices. I'm reluctantly assuming that Rafa will marry Loli, though I'd prefer Octavio. I hope Octavio does NOT marry Victoria. I'm assuming Loli will get custody of Sam and Nicky, and I'm hoping Octavio will succeed with Gabe and Cristi. I'm wondering whether the marriage of Rafa and Loli will be a double wedding, with Leo and Angie, or perhaps Nora and Don R? I hate Bruno, Melissa, and Carol so much that I fear my fingers will type some ending for them that will get me tossed off Telemundo y Más, so for now I'll say nothing. :-)

Thanks, novelera, for the Wednesday mini cap and the full Thursday recap. Sorry, there was so much Bruno and fam for you to recount.

Are we sure Bruno paid the electric bill?

So, Pau told Angie that Leo is a fool. Pau better watch out, Angie knows where the bodies are buried.

Speaking of Leo, did I hear Rafa mention something (on Wednesday) about the car accident and Leo not being sober? Let’s get this accident stuff out in the open asap.

Don’t feel too bad if Vicki dumps you, Octavio. “[Viewerville wants her to stay mad!]” This viewer certainly wants it!

Oooo, Ritz crackers and cheese? It’s sad when product placement becomes a highlight of the show.

“I had a bit of a blackout myself. My snark injector went out on me. I just found myself tired of all these people.” I don’t really believe that novelera. You delivered some fine snark. But I totally get your comment. I’m tired, too, and it’s hard to stay focused.




Thanks for the appreciation and terrific commments, all.

After I posted I remembered that I had forgotten to mention the miserable brat Carol chasing after Nicky and Sam shrieking that they must not touch anything in HER room. And the night before we were treated to her glee about the VIP tickets to the music festival. She had posted a lot of things to her social media and crowed about how her popularity was going to go through the roof.

Dondi, loved your saying Ritz Crackers were the highlight of the show.

The character I continue to love is Roberto/Divina. He was quite serious about marrying Octavio. And I'm sure he would not plan on any "biblical knowledge" of Octavio. He would just do that to help Octavio and the kiddos.

I also wondered about the electric bill having been paid. But they seemed to connect it to the bouncy house, so I just let it be that.

VVS, there was a mention when Victoria showed up that someone was keeping Andy overnight, so she didn't leave the kid to wander the streets. He's been a brat toward Octavio, but I can give him some slack. He adored his father and, kids being as instinctual as they often are, he can probably sense his mother's crush on Octavio and doesn't want his father replaced. This is a perfectly normal childhood reaction. But...had the kid warmed up to Octavio, I would have expected those three to end up together.

And, VVS, good point about Leo choosing to bring Angie to Rafa's sofa for sex instead of going to her place. Likely just so as to give Rafa a chance to smirk.

Juanita, I like your predictions! I'm pretty sure Marcelino will show up and we'll find out what went on in Mexico. I don't, however, think that Rafa and Loli will get married before the end of the show. It's just crazy to get married one day after the divorce is final. I think they'll end up together, but we won't see a wedding.

And, yes, can Mati just give up on Art. I was just about gagging when he was showing Mati the salon on his phone. Since day one he's seemed all about showing people how special he is rather than the importance of his marriage. And he would surely let Mati be the "mother" for whatever kid they managed to get. And I also think his desire to use a surrogate is another example of his self-centeredness. He thought it would be HIS sperm and then, seeing Mati's face, quickly added that it could be Mati's. Somebody else's DNA isn't good enough for Arturo. Just move out, Mati. Rox now has Tomás' room available!

Loli #82 part 1

Pau admits she kissed Rafa but says it didn’t mean anything. We were shooting the pilot and it was a ploy to provoke morbid curiosity, she explains. Vic asks Rafa if he agreed to it. Was it a way of getting back at me, he asks? No, I didn’t do anything Rafa answers. Talk with Pau about this. Vic says all discussions about this end here. I’m not going to make a scene, unless you tell me you want to get back together.

Rafa says, I am with Loli and I love her. No way that would happen, he tells Vic. Pau says ok then, let’s move on. Vic isn’t quite ready to move on so Rafa leaves to let them solve their problem alone. Nothing changed between us, Pau assures Vic. He tells her I know you adore me, and you will have to see Rafa because you have a daughter. Vic is not happy.

Art asks Alexa to change the temp in the bedroom [I want Alexa to change the writing of this show]. Mati wants to talk with Art, but he wants to take a shower instead. Mati follows Art into the bathroom. Our marriage can’t be centered around arguments and anger, he tells Art. Art replies, and it can’t be centered around lies. Mati says, I didn’t cheat on you [how quickly he forgot Jack], I just jumped the gun on telling Rox. I want to share my life with you and grow old with you. Mati takes off his shirt and they close the door.

Rafa and Loli have dinner at home because Loli wasn’t in the mood to go out. Rafa has an idea to welcome the kids home with a little party—balloons and a banner. Loli tells him she can’t stop thinking how the judge assigned to her case thinks being single is an issue. Rafa tells her he didn’t want to do things this way, but after my divorce, he says… he gets down on his knee and takes her hand…would you marry me?

Post make-up sex, Mati plays with Art’s hair and gives him a very interesting style…lol… they talk about the surrogacy. Art is disappointed that Rox didn’t work out. Mati suggest to place an ad or maybe Art’s sister. Art shoots those down. Mati promises Art they will find a solution and that they will do it together.

Gema rifles through Bruno and Mel’s closet. She finds some jewels and takes them. She also finds a box with post cards. They are from the lover that Mel told her about. She reads through them: wishing you were here… picturing myself with you… our dreams will come true soon…. we can still be together… please don’t marry Bruno, it’s the worst mistake you’d ever make. Gema hears them coming home and quickly puts everything away.

Bruno, Mell and the kids arrive home from theme park outing. Nicky says It was fun except for Bruno almost getting arrested. Bruno tells Nicky not to mention that to anyone, especially Loli. Besides, he would never buy counterfeit tickets for a theme park or anywhere else. Sam thanks Bruno and Mel. Nicky had fun and he really needed it. And Sam admits she had fun, too.

Mel finds Gema in her room. Gema says she did laundry and was putting away Mel’s clothes. Gema leaves and Mel gets suspicious.

Back to the proposal. I love you, you love me, so let’s get married, Rafa says. Loli must be allergic to marriage proposals because she starts itching all over. She doesn’t want Rafa to feel obligated. He doesn’t see it that way. Sorry, this was a very annoying proposal with lots of babbling and itching and scratching. Long story short, Loli is not ready for this. So, no marriage for now. But Rafa tells her offer still stands.

Loli, Rafa and Jess are preparing for the return of Sam and Nicky. Jess senses something strange is going on between her dad and Loli. When they are alone, Jess asks Loli, did you talk about something? Did you talk about my mom? She said she still has feelings for my dad. I asked my dad if he had feelings for her and he said no, but you two are acting strange. Could he still have feelings for her? Uh, oh.



Loli #82 part 2

Sam and Nicky arrive home to a big welcome. How long were these kids gone?

Bruno and Mel review their weekend with kids. Mel realizes her jewelry is missing. Bruno immediately suspects Gema.

Angie comes to see Leo. Leo doesn’t understand why Angie is afraid of Rafa finding out about them. It’s because he’s my boss, she says. Angie looks at her tablet and mentions the research about the governor. Angie thinks that Rafa is going ahead with it on his show. When Angie gets up to use the bathroom Leo take pics of the info on her tablet.
Vic asks Pau to move in with him before the divorce is finalized. Vic gets a call about work and he has to go. Think about what I said, he tells Pau.

Sam thanks Don R for the inheritance. It’s my pleasure he says, it’s for their education and maybe they can buy grandma a bigger house. Sam says she thought about giving up the inheritance but now she doesn’t see it causing trouble [uh, oh] so she changed her mind. All she needs now is a new heart.

Bruno and Mel question Gema about the jewels. She denies knowing anything. Say what you want, she tells Bruno, you don’t have proof. So you won’t mind me going through your things? Gema has a reaction and Bruno takes off for the search.

Gema comes clean with Mel. Bruno will find the jewels in her room. She plays her hand with Mel, you will tell Bruno I didn’t steal. What? So it was you, Mel says. When I found the jewels, she tells Mel, I found some very interesting post cards…my dear Melissa. I’m sure Bruno will find it interesting that you met a man while you were engaged to him. Mel is horrified.

You’re blackmailing me? I told you that in confidence, Mel says. And after all I’ve done for you! Gema says this isn’t blackmail, I’m only asking for a little white lie so I can stay. She tells Mel, deep down we are very similar. You and I want a little bit of Rogelio’s inheritance. And that is worth a lot more than some jewelry. Bruno comes back with the jewels he found in Gema’s room. Mel can explain why the jewels were there, Gema says, tell him the truth, Mel.

Rox is listening to an Eckhart Tolle book on Audible. Her doorbell rings. It’s Mati and Art. Art gets right to the reason for the visit. I was very rude and dramatic the last time we were together, he tells Rox, nothing was your fault. Rox is calm and invites them in.

She’s happy they came because she has something important to tell them. She’s willing to be their surrogate. Are you sure, Art asks? We don’t want to pressure you. She wasn’t well informed, and she looked into it. And she gets in the plug about the book on Audible. Anyway, she says the book inspired her to help the people I love the most and you are among that group. She’s willing to take this journey with them. And that calls for a group hug.

Jess apologizes to Loli for what she said earlier. Loli says don’t worry.

Rafa asks Loli what’s wrong. If it’s about the marriage proposal… No, no, no…she gets itchy…that’s fine. I told you the kiss with your ex didn’t bother me, but it did a little bit, she admits. Do you still have feelings for her? Rafa insists it’s not true. Then why does Jess think there’s something going on, Loli asks? Rafa is surprised. Rafa brings up marriage again, and Loli gets itchy. [Alexa! End scene!]

Vic meets with Leo at the station. This better be good to get him here on a Sunday. Leo assures him it’s worth it. He shows Vic Rafa’s sources for evidence against the governor. Rafa will share this evidence on his show, Leo says. Vic asks what’s the plan? Take this to the Gov and he can use it against Rafa, Leo tells him, and you get him out of your way. Everyone wins. Vic is impressed.



Loli #82 part 3

Gema is dying to hear what Mel knows about the jewelry. Mel throws the ball back to Gema, saying she’s the one who should know how the jewels turned up in her room. Bruno warns Gema that she’s going straight to jail.

Gema hates to disappoint Bruno and accuses Nicky of being the real thief. What? Gema claims she saw him with the jewels, and he got nervous. Mel follows Gema’s lead and tries to convince Bruno that Nicky tried to frame Gema for the theft. Bruno goes to speak to Nicky. Mel is furious with Gema, who says go head and tell Bruno the truth, implying what will happen if she does.

Are you sure Rox, Art asks once again? Yes, you mean a lot to me. Matias, I love you, there’s nothing better than helping others to be happy, she tells them. Plus, it will boost the ratings of her show. Ah.., she says she’s kidding. [well, maybe half kidding] Mati says they can never repay her. Rox says Art makes good money so he can. They laugh. Rox adds, they can treat her to a meal and tequila while she can still drink. Another group hug.

Back to Vic and Leo. Vic is a little wary, he didn’t set conditions on Leo’s promotion. He tells him, you’re the one who decided to do this. Leo says this is his way of thanking Vic for trusting him. He asks Vic what he’s going to do with the info. I’ll send it to the Gov and he can use it as he sees fit, Vic replies. This will cause a lot of trouble for your brother, Vic asks, are you sure you want to do this? Leo nods yes. Rafa needs to learn he can’t always get his way.

Loli shows up to Hunky Bar on a Sunday to clear her mind. So what’s wrong, Octavio asks? I feel like they don’t need me anymore, Loli answers. And Rafa, I’m not sure if there’s something going on there. He offered to marry me when he gets divorced, she itches. I need custody of the kids, but I don’t have a husband. Octavio tells her, I can’t help you with Rafa, but I am single, and if you want to get the kids back, we could get married. She scratches her neck. Rafa walks in—he heard…wha….What? [good grief, he’s following her around?]

Rafa asks Loli if she’s considering it. And so what if she is, Octavio answers. No, no, no… Loli says she’s not considering it. [stop with the itching!] I don’t want to get married! I’m going to show the judge I can be a parent without being married. I agree, Octavio interjects, but didn’t you hear what Berta said? Rafa asks Octavio for a few minutes to be alone with Loli. This is my office, he replies. Loli asks too, and he gives in and leaves.

Rafa thought no one else knew about Berta. But it’s just Octavio, Loli says, and why do you care? [he’s jealous of Octavio, Loli] Loli brings up what Jess said. Rafa says Pau is manipulating her! Forget about that. Rafa reassures her, I’m with you and I love you. I understand you’re under pressure, he tells her. Let me help you, let me call Gonzalo. I’ll take the proposal off the table. We don’t have to lie or get into a fake marriage. Loli feels much better, that’s why I adore you, she tells Rafa, I love you. She hugs him.

Vic asks if Pau if she thought about his offer. Yes, and she doesn’t want to rush into anything. She doesn’t want to set a bad example for her family or her fans by moving in while she’s still married. So Paulina Castro is a moralist, Vic asks? No, not a moralist but I’m consistent, she replies, I write about doing things right, in order, and respecting everyone’s time and space. [she writes about it, just doesn’t follow it herself] It’s not our time yet, she tells Vic. Vic tells her she has this in her favor, he’s completely in love with her and will wait for her to change her mind. [how quickly will that favor run out?]



Loli #82 part 4

Roberto approaches Octavio who is looking down in the dumps. I spoke to Loli and offered to marry her, he tells Roberto. Roberto is very excited—when is the wedding? She turned me down, he replies, I’m an idiot. That’s what I get for listening to you. Octavio is looking dejected. Okay, so it didn’t work out, Roberto says, take a deep breath. Roberto asks, are you upset that Loli turned you down because of the kids’ adoption, or because you really wanted to marry her? Both, Octavio admits, I don’t know if I will ever get over my feelings for Loli.

Loli replays Octavio’s offer in her head. She talks to Mari. Flashback to Mari saying she wants to have children and fall in love. Loli thinks that’s out of order. Mari thinks the order doesn’t matter, she just knows what she wants. And Mari wants the same for Loli. Loli tells Mari’s picture, she’ll do it. Just tell me everything will be okay. She has another itchy fit. What’s wrong with me, she says as she scratches away. [I can easily exceed the blog limit on this answer]

Rafa tells Loli he spoke to Gonzalo and he will help.

Angie and Rafa talk about Pau’s pilot. She mentions she reviewed what Rafa sent for the Gov’s investigation and she loved it. Rafa still has a bit more work to do on it before it airs. Vic walks in, did I miss anything, he asks? No, they say they were talking about the pilot. Angie leaves. Vic sits and says the incident with Pau is water under the bridge. He just asks a favor, try to improvise a little less.

Rox is happily returning to her show. Rox chastises Mati for telling Rafa that Loli needed to get married.

Mel is sneaking around but Gema is one step ahead. She’s holding the (post) cards, literally and figuratively. Gema reminds Mel of the threat and says they can work together since they both want the inheritance.

Busy night at Hunky Bar. Loli is out on the floor with Octavio sharing some ideas. They take note of a bachelorette party in full swing. Loli tells Apolo to get them a bottle on the house. Apolo laughs at the idea, should we dance for free, too? Loli says to look at it as an investment. She’s betting they will buy two bottles if they give one. Apolo bets one month’s salary.

Loli brings the bottle to the table and finds out the hard partying bride to be is the judge in her case!

Not feeling very inspired by this show, I’ve got detail fatigue.

And we are out.




Yes!Yes !yess...Excellent Recaps. Both of y’all.....’s Crackers..!

Yes....themarriage madcaps..this went on too long!

Bruno an d Mel... sorry they break me up.. However..Gemma needs her ask whip!

Roxi... will have to do the turkey baser..?.!cause real doctor gonna approve ms.preclamsya??she is high risk!

Thanks a bunch. Appreciate your efforts !mucho.mas.mucho!?



Yup, dondi356, you've done it again--another great recap, in spite of your not feeling inspired by the episode. I think you're right not to feel inspired, but you're not right that you have "detail fatigue." You didn't give the episode more space than it deserved, but you came through beautifully with details when they were helpful, such as your specifying what a number of the postcards from Melissa's lover said.

And as always, I loved your asides, such as "[I want Alexa to change the writing of this show]" and, especially, "What’s wrong with me, she says as she scratches away. [I can easily exceed the blog limit on this answer]" Yes!! Her stupid, excessive scratching drove me crazy, too. I'm normally a big Silvia Navarro fan, but not last night.

What's up with Bruno's almost being arrested and his claim that "he would never buy counterfeit tickets for a theme park." Did he? If he did, how did he apparently get quickly released? If he didn't, why was he almost arrested? Shouldn't the writers have told us somewhat more, or left out the whole bit about counterfeit tickets?

I'm glad that Rox talked about having some tequila while she still could drink. However, I still have my doubts about her as a surrogate.

I'm disappointed that we didn't see Bruno go interrogate Nicky about stealing the jewelry. Nicky may be a kid, but he's already 100 times smarter than Bruno. And Bruno's questioning Nicky's honesty would almost surely undo what points Bruno may have won because of the outing.

I was delighted that the "hard partying bride to be" turns out to be the judge in the custody case. But with 18 episodes still to go, I don't think that will instantly resolve the case in Loli's favor.


Wow, dondi, your snark injector was firing the whole way! Loved the recap with all the asides about the constant idiocy.

Yes, Loli's itching is weird, but I suppose they mean this to be a form of PTSD from the experience with the Renegade (forgot his name already).

Leo is a real snake. I don't see how this thing he did can be painted as sucking up to Vicente in order to somehow help his brother. He's just plain jealous of his better looking, more talented brother. Of course, like SO many plot points here, Chente's plan doesn't make much sense to me. So he gives the Governor the evidence that Rafa has. How can the Governor then use the evidence which is against him to pursue his defamation of character suit?

Mati must have had a bit of brain fog. He suggested asking Art's sister to be the surrogate, using his sperm of course. How could he forget that Art's sister left town, leaving her mother in the beginning stages of dementia alone and with no food?

Gema and Melissa deserve each other. And, it seems to me that Melissa could easily say that she had a flirtation but married Bruno despite the other guy.

Apolo is still doing his best to get rid of Loli. Of course giving away some booze to a group of bachelorettes would buy them a lot of good will. Not only might they buy even more as the alcohol dulls their resistance, but the word might get around about what fantastic hosts Hunky Bar are. I've been over Apolo since the first time I heard him lecturing Octavio.

Not sure how the judge thing would play out. Are they hinting that drinking in a stripper bar would tarnish her reputation? Seems to me the more likely outcome would be the judge thinking Loli's line of work is inappropriate.


Super funny and detailed recap dondi356! [I want Alexa to change the writing of this show] and [Alexa! End scene!] made me laugh.

I don’t have too much to add to the great comments already provided by the faithful and fatigued patio group for this novela. I appreciated the detail because by Friday night, after an exhausting week, I am using dozing and last night itching watching Loli!

Rafa and the never-ending marriage proposal was annoying. I liked Octavio’s approach better.

I don’t think Rox can make a good surrogate unfortunately. I agree novelera, did Mati have a memory lapse about Jack?

Leo really bugged me as did Paulina. How Bruno wasn’t arrested, again, for having scalped tickets is beyond me.

I am hoping the Judge is a bit more compassionate with Loli and more of the truth about Bruno comes out!

This novela started the same night as Buscando Frida and I wish this was the novela ending on Monday. Frida, by comparison has been SO MUCH better! Terrific, suspenseful and well written. The acting has also been superb. Are any of the fatigued and faithful going to watch Café Con Aroma de Mujer?

Anywhoo, I appreciate you dondi356!



Thank you, all. You are too kind. Enjoyed reading your comments.

Besides the ridiculous storylines, I really believe this show has suffered greatly from the Covid crisis. IIRC, people on the set tested positive. So many things have happened off camera. Particularly the big events: the fundraiser, the concerts, the festival. No performances. And maybe they would have shot some scenes at Universal, too. So much got chopped or dropped or forgotten. Whatever.

Juanita, I agree that we should have seen Bruno question Nicky. Unless that’s still to happen?

novelera, the strained Leo-Rafa relationship must have its roots in the accident that killed their parents. There’s got to be more than simply being jealous. I wish they’d just hurry and disclose what really happened.

So we all have doubts about Rox’ qualifications for a successful surrogacy. If any of them really looked into it, they would know it’s a dangerous proposition for her. Halimacandy put it bluntly: “Roxi... will have to do the turkey baser..?.! cause real doctor gonna approve ms.preclamsya?? she is high risk!” Halimacandy, always love when you weigh in!

Agree, VVS: “Rafa and the never-ending marriage proposal was annoying. I liked Octavio’s approach better.” My heart continues to break for Octavio. One of the few characters I have any sympathy for.

“I am hoping the Judge is a bit more compassionate with Loli” I guess she will be now that she’s been caught partying.

I want to watch Café, but I am committed to recapping Embajador at 10p on Uni. So, I will watch but I will always be a bit behind. I can’t commit to recapping it. I’m interested in Hercai, too.



loli and OT

I will start Café. This is a case of "be careful what you wish for". I have been griping about Telemundo starting their whole evening lineup on the same night. Now they are not, but I will still be recapping one night and a mini-cap if I'm in the mood when the new novela starts.

So...I'm reluctant to do full recaps of two novelas per week. I know you do much more, dondi, and we truly appreciate you. But I don't really want to do that. Perhaps Café will bring more volunteers.


Hi novelera, did you see the comment from Adriana Noel on Wednesday, May 19th? She offered to do a recap night for Café. I am excited that you are willing to "get us stared" as I have enjoyed being part of the Telemundo patio. IF there are no others willing to recap Café, I would be willing to cover with you, as long as people aren't annoyed that my recaps aren't posted until later the next day.

Could you explain why Buscando a Frida isn't recapped at all here? I've noticed that La suerte de Loli is covered but not Buscando a Frida. Pretty weird, in my opinion! I don't understand this at all.


Anonymous at 4:33 PM, at this time we have only 4 regular recappers. The 10PM hour is problematic for some of us. Watching, writing, and then posting is time consuming. Since we haven't had sufficient recappers on the Telemundo pages, we have been only recapping one.

Because of the late hour and the fact that Frida was a remake, there was less interest among the few of us who regularly put up recaps.

We are hoping that Café con Aroma de Mujer will generate enough interest to have a full complement of recappers.


I just noticed that Juanita created a heading for the new novela starting next week, so I'll use it. And, just to reiterate, we really want recappers and/or commenters to use those one word headings for any comments. I don't fully understand the process, but my surface understanding is that future followers of Caray, Caray would be able to access our recaps should they be watching a novela years after it's been broadcast. Sometimes people in other countries are able to watch much later than the shows aired in the U.S. or Mexico.

The above, of course applies to novelas where there are two pages per week and several novelas could be discussed on the same page. If we reached enough recappers to have a page for every day, the page headings would not be necessary.

I hereby commit myself to recapping the first episode of Café con Aroma de Mujer that will air Tuesday, May 25th. I kind of like the challenge of introducing characters (with some help from Wikipedia) and themes that will be seen as the plot unfolds.

It would be fantastic if we could get some commitments for the other days of the week.

Other than the first one, I don't expect to do long recaps for Café until Loli is over. I could do a mini once in a while, but I'm hoping we'll have a recapper for each night.

I'm still interested in doing a recap, but I don't know if I'm needed. I can commit to Thursdays for a more developed recap and filling in here and there with mini recaps until more people is interested.


I'll probably start watching Cafe and see how it goes. I started watching Frida but most of the characters were just so very unpleasant that I had to give up. Even the missing Frida seemed like a brat before, you know, bad stuff started happening to justify anything. The whole family should have gone missing. I just couldn't keep hanging around those people. The children in Frida that we rarely saw were ok. And maybe a couple of the teenagers, but the other teen needs to get banished with the rest of his family. If Cafe has some people I don't want disappeared, then I could chip in (but it'd be a late next-day recap since I'm on the west coast).


Looking at the responses to my q, I agree. I've been watching buscando a frida and I too wish, that at least most of the cast was banished to the ocean. Some of the characters, hoof(looking at you, Diego!) I had found out earlier thanks to wikipedia that it's a remake of Donde esta Elisa?. So, nothing new under the sun. I wonder what Cafe con aroma de mujer will be like. Looking forward to William Levy!

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