Thursday, September 02, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Hercai: Amor y Venganza, Café con Aroma de Mujer, y más: Week of August 30, 2021


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—Hercai: Amor y Venganza
• 10-11PM—Café con Aroma de Mujer

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Hercai - #53 – Parte 1 de 3

After Hazar finishes telling Nasuh what he found out about HAG having been a servant, GT replies that it wouldn’t surprise him that Azize came up with a trick to marry Hamit’s son. After Hazar walks away GT tells Yusuf that they will soon know more secrets about Azize Aslanbey.

GT goes for a walk with Yusuf, not without Cihan asking where he’s going. [Someone here said something about the families constantly running into the courtyards like roaches. Yep. I’m surprised these people don’t have to explain their bathroom visits and whether it’s #1 or #2.] Yaren runs after GT and Yusuf with a tray of coffee she’s made especially. Her efforts to suck up result in an epic failure when GT snarls at her that he won’t drink anything she prepares him. “And, get out of my sight!”

Gul is sad. The encounter with her rotten cousin Yaren has caused her to be unhappy. She says that she needs to see her sister. Zehra picks up the phone.

As Hazar and Zehra are leaving the Country House with Gul, Azat drives up. He asks Gul how she is and calls her princess. He offers to take her for dessert, but she pipes up that she’s going to see Reyyan and Miran. Innocent Gul asks him to come with. A shadow crosses his face, but he tells her he has lots to do and can’t come.

Azat’s parents seem to have a GPS planted on him somewhere, and they rush out [more roaches] to talk with him. Cihan asks if he’s going to the Aslanbey konak to make trouble or to Midyat for a fight. Azat ignores him and drives off. While Cihan gripes to Handan about his children, Yaren is in the bushes eavesdropping.

Cihan says he’s found the right girl for Azat, Elif Aslanbey. He goes on to say that Azat is a ticking time bomb. If he gets these two married, they’ll have peace. “We’ll see if la vibora (viper) wants to widow her granddaughter. And, if the girl gets pregnant…la guinda de la torta (the cherry on top of the cake)!

We see Miran and Reyyan arrive at some deserted road. Gul runs into her sister’s arms, while Hazar and Zehra look on. Reyyan: “A little bird told me you were crying.” Gul then runs into Miran’s arms, while Reyyan goes to her parents. Gul asks her father if she can have a sleepover with Reyyan. Reyyan and her parents try to talk her out of it. Finally, Miran says that, if they permit this, Gul can spend time with her sister and they will return her in the morning. He gives his word, and Hazar and Zehra agree.

Yaren confronts her mother with the result of her eavesdropping. She says she’ll help Handan. Handan: “What? You send Azat after Reyyan every chance you get. What do you get out of this?" [Handan knows her scheming offspring well.] Not sure this is her real reason, but Yaren says that she was always her grandfather’s favorite and now he won’t even look at her. If she does something for the family, he’ll love her again. She goes on to tell her mother that she has spies in the house. She doesn’t say who but I suspect she’s thinking of either Firat or Gonul.


Hercai - #53 – Parte 2 de 3

Apparently Sultana is giving her daughter the cold shoulder. When Gonul tries to approach, Sultana accuses her of hiding things. She goes on to say that Azize distracts her with a bright object. She says that Gonul is hechizado (bewitched) by Azize. “You keep dancing to her tune and someday you’ll wake up without a husband!”

This has an impact because Gonul runs right into HAG’s bedroom and demands: “Where’s my brother? Tell me now!” Pretty in pink HAG (thanks to whoever came up with this first) figures out it was Sultana and tells her that her mother is “confusing” her. “You can’t speak to me this way. You won’t know until I want to tell you!”

Gul admires the courtyard of the Aslanbey konak, saying it’s like a magic castle. But then she sees Azize on that balcony and leans into Miran, saying: la bruja malvada (the wicked witch). [out of the mouths of babes]

Said bruja tells Miran that, instead of bringing the Sadoglu one by one, he should throw a party and bring them all at once. She glares at Miran, Reyyan and Gul. Miran just ignores her and calls out for Nana Esma, who then greets Gul warmly. When Esma asks, Miran tells her that they won’t eat in their bedroom; they’ll dine at the table together. The adorable child tells Esma that she knows her visit is unexpected, but she imagines there will be some food for her.

Zehra has a positive pregnancy test. Yawn.

Dinnertime at the House of Horrors. Sultana is the first one to get in a nasty comment about not being left in peace by the Sadoglu. Elif greets Gul warmly and introduces herself. Gul announces that she was named after her grandfather’s mother. Seeing the gorgon stare from the HAG, Gul shrinks toward Miran. Miran tells her that, if she eats her dinner, he has a surprise for her. Gul kind of wonders about this, saying that he promised to get her house back and hasn’t done so.

When Sultana again says that the Sadoglu women are invading, Gul thinks she means all the Sadoglu women and calmly says that her cousin Yaren couldn’t come because she’s being punished for making her (Gul) cry. Miran smothers a laugh. Gul compliments Gonul on her beautiful hair. Gonul appears to defrost 5 or 6 degrees. Gul then asks HAG if someone made her angry. It scares her when she looks that way. HAG leaves the table.

Nasuh blows his top when Gul doesn’t appear for dinner and he finds out where she is. He’s ready to go get her when Hazar tells him that that’s not happening. “Gul has a bullet in her head. She shouldn’t cry and be unhappy. She wanted to see her sister. You know she lives on the border of death. No one worries more about our daughters than us. You talk about enemies, but no one can judge us for the decisions we make about them.” GT gives up and stomps off.

Gul plays a “which hand is it in” game with Miran. Reyyan comes down wearing a gorgeous red dress.


Hercai - #53 – Parte 3 de 3

Nasuh is fuming outside the house. He has something in his hands (jewelry? prayer beads?). He looks sad. Cihan approaches. GT: “What now? I’m tired of the problems with you and your children!” He goes on a rant about Hazar sending Gul to the house of the enemy. This is obviously music to Cihan’s ears. “This is not the first time. My brother always is wrong. I need for you to stop favoring him. I told you I can fix everything, but you won’t give me the chance.”

Nasuh: “Look, Cihan. What ought I to permit you to do since you’ve never in your life wanted to do anything?” For some reason this doesn’t bring Cihan to his knees. Instead he reminds him of the plan to ruin Azize. They can use the most beloved grandchild of Azize to teach her a lesson. GT agrees. “But be careful. Once she learns of the plan, it will be too late!”
Nasuh thinks to himself: “Azize, you’ll regret everything you’ve done to me.

Azize thinks: “A great victory requires a great sacrifice. Never let anyone see your suffering, Azize.” She then calls someone and addresses them with the verb form. “We can’t wait any longer. It will be this very night. You have to disappear. Hide somewhere where even I can’t find you.”

Miran, Reyyan, and Gul arrive at a big party. Gul goes off with some children who are there and who’ve invited her to play. There’s a lot of people here. There’s a big circle of only men dancing. It’s a wedding party for Miran’s good friend, Zerat. Later on some couples do dance. Zerat wants Miran and his wife to dance and asks the musicians to play a special song. They dance alone in the center of a circle of onlookers. It’s a very sensual dance, and he looks at her like she’s the last cream puff in the glass case.

Zehra finally tells Hazar she’s pregnant. He’s very happy. But she worries that he won’t be able to protect this child either. He tells her he’ll fix everything and that she will have peace. Zehra worries that Handan will think she got pregnant because she was jealous. Hazar tells her not to even listen to Handan.

Handan has a belly already. That was quick! She asks Cihan how they’ll convince Azat to marry this girl. She gets the standard “don’t worry your pretty little head” speech. [Thanks, Juanita!]

Reyyan, Miran and Gul leave the wedding after wishing the couple the very best. At home Miran carries a sleeping Gul and puts her in their unused bed. Looks like Reyyan is planning to sleep again in the chair and in her red dress.

Miran gets a call and quickly goes into the corridor because of sleeping Gul. He tells someone they have to continue with the plan.


Great recap novelera! And that would be me regarding the roaches comment, lol. #1 or #2, hahaha! But honestly, these people don’t seem to have any boundaries! But I guess it’s a cultural thing 🧐. I thought Nasuh was his usual mean self to Yaren although I can’t stand her! They all have mucho problemas with the term “ FORGIVENESS.” Yes Yaren is a mini python, but she had to learn it from somewhere, and I think that watching all these years of his mistreatment to Reyyan have something to do with it.

“Dinner time at the house of horrors,” lol was actually a delight for me. Lil Gul is such a charmer, and changed the dynamics of the dinners that we are all so used to. That Aslanbey clan needs some new blood and something that brings joy instead of sucking the life out of every joyful moment. I agree, that “yawn” Zehra’s pregnant. Sadly she knows that she married a weak man albeit kind one. Hazar is just not a take charge kind of guy and Zehra and a Reyyan have suffered because of it.....

Cihan is another snake. He’s willing to sacrifice his son in order to get a pat on the back from dear old dad. Not that Elif isn’t a plus in all this revenge drama, but it’s just not right. How many years does Nasuh the bear with a bad heart have left anyway? Not wishing him dead though, lol, looking forward to whatever his connection with HAG is........

Loved, loved, loved the Reymir dance! He looked at her like he wanted to eat her alive and take no prisoners! The passion in his eyes! Swoon to the moon! I hope Reyyan is gonna be ready for all that!

Thanks again Novelera!


This was one of the best episodes in this drama imo! Lots of bonding in this one between Carmenza and Julia, Julia and Fernandito, Leonidas and Gaviota and Leonidas and Seb. I think Julia has finally opened her eyes regarding her iron fist on her children’s necks, and her snobbish ways. Carmenza gave it to her with kindness and compassion, but also with a firmness that couldn’t be denied. Carmenza is a gem, and it was soooo cute watching Julia bond with Fernandito! Singing and all, lol!

I’m glad Gaviota and Leonidas reaffirmed their bond and friendship, but I absolutely loved Leonidas’ love story to Seb regarding his feelings for Fernandito. Even Seb couldn’t hold back tears. It was a real “bromance” moment! Marcia is still alive! Yay! Just hope it stays that way and she can get some payback on Carlos Mario. Have to admire the way Carlos Mario is handling Ivan cause Ivan deserves whatever is coming his way. He’s still such an entitled snob and doesn’t have a remorseful bone in his body.



Thank you, novelera.

I like how Gul won the fight with Sultana. After Gul's reply about Yaren, Sultana must have realized that she cannot win against Gul and shut up. "Gonul appears to defrost 5 or 6 degrees" - Gonul has stayed out of trouble lately.

Cihan's plan to marry Azat and Elif doesn't make sense. It requires a lot of effort. Need to somehow convince or coerce both to marry, and then what? Yes Azize will be furious. And does he think that after that she will say "Oh, well, whatcha gonna do…" and live HEA? So far, she has targeted Hazar, Nasuh and Reyyan. After that trick, the vengeance will escalate. Azize will have a new target - Azat, Cihan and Handan.


So were Nasty Nasuh and Angry Azize an item back in the day before servant Azize snagged the rich guy ?

Gul ( Rose) is adorable . How can anyone resist that face ?


Novelera ,

I am still reading your excellent account . Thank you.I had to immediately comment about that dance Merin and The Last Cream Puff did at the wedding reception. Wowee wow wow. That is the second Turkish wedding dance I watched . I just recent!y watched the one in Farmagul , but this one was even more exotic and erotic due to Merin' s lean and hungry gaze. I was thinking Little Red Riding Hood and The Big, Bad Wolf. Around my area people do The Electric Slide and The Chicken Dance at wedding receptions. ....not the same. The turks have it going on.
Ps. I was the one who noticed Abuela looking Pretty in Pink . Does she ever smile???



Another simply wonderful novelera recap special, complete with the Spanish translations of some of those hard-to-understand sayings (dichos).

Thank you for the funnies: la bruja malvada (the wicked witch). [out of the mouths of babes] For me, the best part of the epi was anything Gul said, the red hot, form fitting dress Reyyan was wearing and that sensual dance with Miran. He sure was looking at her like she was the last cream puff in the case!

The wedding scene was another nice respite from the constant drama at the CH and Aslanbey konak. During the dance, I wonder what the significance of Miran squatting down, grabbing dirt, tossing it, blowing some to Reyyan and then pounding his heart meant? Hopefully our Turkish expert dondi356 can shed some cultural light on this beautiful dance. (I am too lazy to look it up). 😊

There has to be a serious (love?) connection with GT and HAG back in the day.

Who in the heck did HAG tell to go hide? Miran took two secret type calls as well. One at the dinner table when Reyyan left to change clothes and the one at the end of the episode. Something is afoot!

Thank you novelera!



Thank you, novelera, for a great recap. Good snark and always appreciate the Spanish. “the last cream puff in the case!” - lol

Oh no, if there was ever a love connection between GT and HAG, does that mean there could be another missing child out there? How’s that for a crockpot theory!

I was hoping GT would threaten Yaren with marriage again.

Gul was great at dinner. The look on HAG’s face was priceless.

That dance is called “Reyhani” and it is the traditional dance from Mardin. I don’t know much about it. Just that its name has something to do with the basil plant, demonstrates gratitude to God, and shows loyalty to a beloved. A wonderful scene in the episode. Note that no one there made Reyyan feel ashamed. They gave her a warm welcome.



Wow..that Dance at the wedding reception that Little Red Riding Hood and The A Big Bad Wolf did. Wow. I just saw a Similar wedding dance on Fatmagul , but this one with Miran and Cream puff was so exotic and erotic . In my area , people do the Electric Slide and the Chicken Dance at wedding receptions...not the all.


Hmm ..I posted a comment 3_times, and it disappeared 3_times ????


Susanlynn, I did see a comment from you. "So were Nasty Nasuh and Angry Azize an item back in the day before servant Azize snagged the rich guy ?

Gul ( Rose) is adorable . How can anyone resist that face ?"

Was there another that somehow disappeared?

Novelera...yes, I posted another longer comment 3 times , and they all disappeared.

One more try .... That was the second Turkish wedding dance I saw. Recent!y , I watched the wedding dance on Fatmagul.However, this one was much more exotic and erotic with Miran looking at The Last Cream puff ...( or perhaps the big bad Wolf watching Little Red Riding Hood.)

In my area,people rock out to the Electric Slide or the Chicken Dance at wedding receptions..... Not the same.


Okay ...a short was exotic and erotic ...Miranda and The Last Cream puff. .....The Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood .


People in my area rock out to The Electric Slide and The Chicken Dance at wedding receptions....not the same


Thanks for your comment with the details, Carmella.

I am a bit confused about the coffee in Madrid issue. I still don't get what they mean by pasilla. My digital dictionary tells me that means a kind of chile pepper. Maybe they are referring to inferior coffee that way. But at times it almost sounds like the large bags of supposed Dos Semillas coffee contained something that was not even coffee.

I enjoyed Carmenza telling Julia her version of things and without losing her temper. I especially liked "How old is Sebastián?" Like, really lady, it's time to cut the umbilical cord. She may have even said something exactly like that, but I struggle with the accents. I have noticed that a lot of the supposedly higher-class Colombians are easier to understand. And they are having the actors use a sort of "street" way of speaking for, say, Aurelio, Maricucha, Margara, etc.

What worries me about the scene with Julia noticing Fernandito looks like Octavio and seemingly adoring this grandchild is that she may decide to take the child away from Gaviota. Not that Sebas would go for this, but she might try anyway.

I also enjoyed Leonidas' descriptions of times he spent with the baby that were so precious to him. I wish Sebastian had just left it at that, respecting the other man's feelings. But he had to get the last word in by saying that those were times he wished he would have experienced, but "you" meaning Gaviota and Leonidas denied them to him.

I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. Way back when Carlos Mario had the idea that his name would not be on any of the documents about Dos Semillas and that Sebas would sign things and be the one to take the fall, if one came.

And I can't imagine what Lucía is going to do about Julia saying she'll tell Sebas that he is not Sofía's bio dad.


Thanks very much, novelera, for this wonderful recap. I loved all your snarky asides (I hate to admit it, but I laughed out loud at your mention of #1 and #2) and your inclusion of some helpful Spanish. I especially appreciated hechizada and la guinda de la torta.

This was an interesting if somewhat mystifying episode. Both Miran and Azize have what seem to be important phone conversations whose content we don't hear. Azize's seems especially ominous. The fact that she uses the familiar tu form and says the person will then have to disappear and go someplace where even Azize can't find her/him suggests to me that she's probably talking to Hanife. She wants Hanife to do something fairly drastic and then immediately disappear so that NO ONE, even Azize, can find her. Since Hanife is inside the Sadoglu konak, she could do major damage to one or more of the inhabitants.

I was quite surprised when Reyyan came downstairs dressed in a lovely but very formal long red dress. I tried to imagine where she and Miran could go with Gul where such a dress would be appropriate, especially since I don't think Miran told Reyyan where they'd be going (though perhaps he did, in which case the dress might not be out of place).

Like other commenters, I was fascinated by the very sensual dance that Miran and Reyyan do. It's interesting that they both know this dance, and their timing is perfectly in sync. Is this a dance that all young people in Turkey learn?

I have to confess that I was nervous for much of the time that Reyyan and Miran were at his friend's wedding. As soon as they let Gul go off with other kids, I thought, "Oh no, she's going to disappear!" I felt very uncomfortable until she reappeared, and even then, I thought perhaps that appearance was false reassurance and that before long they'd discover that she was nowhere to be found. My Imagination of Disaster often needlessly works overtime, and fortunately this was one of those times. I still wonder, though, whether it was wise of Reyyan to let Gul out of her sight.

I also thought that Hazar and Zehra should have been more adamant about Gul's not going to the Aslanbey konak. They know how nasty many of the folks there can be, especially to Sadoglu members. Yes, it seems that the irrepressible Gul got the better of both Sultana and Azize and provided us with some delightful scenes, but I still think it wasn't wise to let her go. I recognize that once Miran got into the act, it would have been very difficult for them to continue to refuse. I guess I don't think he should have encouraged them to agree to Gul's request. Gul may not know how mean the Aslanbey can be, but he does. And, of course, when the episode ended, Gul still was inside the Vipers' Den. (Uh oh, there goes my Imagination of Disaster again.)


I think you are right, Novelera, but I also couldn’t understand the word they used to describe the inferior brand of coffee, and apparently the coffee is mixed with something that isn’t coffee at all. Ivan’s plan to buy up all the coffee in the supermarkets and replace them with those in the warehouse is just plain dumb! Plus he’s woefully short on funds! Carlos Mario won’t be lending him anymore money, but aren’t both him and Ivan being scammed out of money by Martin? I don’t get what Martin’s plan for a quick getaway is, but Carlos Mario will kill him. Ivan will hang himself, but the only way Carlos Mario will go to jail is if Marcia does indeed die. Then Gaviota will show the video unless an alive Marcia has really got the goods on him......

I hope you’re wrong about Julia trying to get Fernandito. Aside from Seb not allowing it, she would be in for a real tongue lashing by Carmenza and a beat down by Gaviota. Heaven forbid she screw up another child like she did her own kids!

Herc #54 part 1

Reyyan puts Gul to bed as Miran finishes his top-secret phone call. Rey asks, who was that? Who is calling so late? He says it’s just a work issue. Miran tells Gul to go back to sleep. And what about you, the little one asks her siblings. Are you waiting for me to go to sleep so you can go to the theme park without me? Reyyan answers, we’re going to sleep now, too. Gul says she won’t sleep until they do, too. Miran’s got a slight smile and Rey looks nervous. She tries to reason with Gul, saying, you need to sleep. But Gul comes right back with, so do you, even if you are adults. [gotcha]

You’re right, Miran says, I’ll sleep on this side and Reyyan will sleep on the other. He quickly slides into bed next to Gul. Gul is satisfied with that arrangement. Reyyan’s not so anxious to get in and voices a soft…Miran…. as she stands beside the bed. Gul encourages her sister to get in, come on Reyyan. Rey complies. Gul takes Reyyan’s hand and Miran’s hand and places them together on her stomach with hers on top.

She asks Miran to tell her a story. He says he doesn’t know many, but he has one. It’s not a fairy tale, though. We know where this is going and so does Reyyan. Gul says this doesn’t matter and Reyyan can change the bad parts. As Miran’s pleasure increases, so does Reyyan’s discomfort. She asks Gul, want me to tell you a story? Gul says Rey tells the same ones— I want to hear Miran’s.

Miran starts, once upon a time, there was a poor lonely boy who lived in town. He was sad and had no reason to smile. He didn’t love anyone, and no one loved him. He spent his entire life alone. He didn’t have a friend to talk to. Gul asks, where were his parents? They were very far away, Miran answers. Gul asks, didn’t he have siblings? Anyone? Miran says no.

Miran looks at Rey and continues, the lonely boy had no one. He looks at Gul and says, but he dreamed of a beautiful girl like you, with bright eyes and long hair. He had only his grandmother. Gul interjects, I bet she loved him. No comment from Miran. The little boy grew up and he suddenly came upon a beautiful woman, the most beautiful in the world. She rode a horse through the countryside. Gul says, like my sister. Rey smiles.

Miran resumes the tale, she was so perfect, the boy fell in love at first sight. What did she do, Gul asks? She ignored him, Miran replies. Gul asks why. Was she heartbroken? No, Miran answers, her heart was pure. It was full of love, but the young man didn’t understand. He didn’t know what real love was. Did he learn, Gul asks? Miran nods, he sure did. She taught him. The young man loved that young lady very much. She was his reason to live. Did she love him too, Gul asks? Miran looks at Rey for the answer… she gives a slight nod to confirm. Miran answers Gul, with all her heart.

The young man only wanted to make her happy, Miran says, he wanted to have a family with her and live together for all eternity. Gul yawns, did they do it? Miran responds looking at Reyyan, of course but it was very hard for them to get any peace because the young man’s sad, dark past followed him. He said to the beautiful young lady, “if you give me your hand and stay with me, we can take on any challenge. I can protect us from any obstacle in our way. Take my hand and never let go.”

Gul is asleep now. Miran holds his hand out to Rey. She takes it. Rey finishes the story, “despite all the pain she felt, she held his hand because she believed in the young man. She saw herself in his eyes. She saw that the bad things were in the past [not so fast, there] and that only the good things were worth remembering. Then they made each other a promise, to put the bad memories behind them and start believing in miracles.” Rey wipes a tear from Miran’s face.



Herc #54 part 2

Ugh, the HAG was lurking outside their window. She walks away and into her room. We hear her inner voice… if you think you can rewrite the story I’ve fed Miran, you are very mistaken, Reyyan. Now out loud she says, in just a few days you’ve managed to destroy what I’ve worked so hard to build. You’ll have to take this further, Azize. So that they will be crushed under the weight of my actions. She goes to the dresser and takes out the gun that Azat left behind. We get the flashback.

Azat is out somewhere sitting on the hood of his car and thinking. Cihan calls him, where are you son? Come home. Azat replies, home? I don’t have a home. All I have is a place to eat and sleep. He hangs up on his father.

Azat launches into a soliloquy. A home is where you can sleep in peace, and you feel safe. (We see Miran, Gul and Rey sleeping soundly.) People smile when they are home and when they go to bed, they dream about nice things.

People make homes out of their houses. (We see Zehra sleeping, cuddled against the very wide awake Hazar.) They may be sad or scared, but they always try to stay together.
Some homes are destroyed by hate, (We see Yaren sitting on her bed, hugging her knees) a deep hate that ruins everything in its path. (Yaren takes out her phone and pulls up Firat’s number, thankfully, she doesn’t call.)

Other homes have lost their joy (We go to Gonul, who is also sitting on her bed, hugging her knees. She’s crying) because they haven’t found true love. (Gonul looks over at the empty side of her bed.) They do what it takes to hang on to something, but it can be very hard.

Cut to an upset Nasuh sitting outside, staring out into the yard. We hear the roar and crackle of a fire. Azat continues, some have already lost their home because they didn’t put love first and now they cry for those they lost. (Nasuh sobs: Ayse, which branch keeps your ashes? In which do you live, Ayse?)

The sounds of the fire continue as we see Azize undressing in her room. Azat restarts, some build their houses with hate, a hate so deep that it devours everything in its path. (Azize removes her undergarment to reveal a terribly scarred back. Hmmm… Ayse, is that you?) They don’t know remorse. They don’t hear the cries begging for mercy. The walls only see the pain of the present and the past.

Azat isn’t done yet. I’ve only had one home, he says. Reyyan was my home. Without her, I have nothing left. Where will I go now? I need to get out of here. I have to go someplace where my soul can rest. He sees a shooting star and closes his eyes, hmm…what did he wish for?

Now we go to Elif on the roof of her konak. And she is looking at that same shooting star and closing her eyes. [Hmm…what did she wish for?] Azat finishes, I need to go someplace where I can sleep in peace and have good dreams, even if that place is nearby.

Gul wakes up snuggled against Miran. She gives him a kiss and shouts out, despierten, dormilones! Wake up, sleepyheads! We see that Miran had his arm under Reyyan’s head, and she had her hand on his arm. Gul is all smiles and asks Miran, I fell asleep, how did the story end? He replies, we’ll see. And what does that mean? It means that we will add on to the story a little more each time. They get up to get dressed and get breakfast.

Miran checks his phone there is a message we can’t see. He takes Gul out to the yard and asks Esma to prepare breakfast. Gul goes off with her to the kitchen.



herc #54 part 3

Nigar serves tea to Nasuh, Yusuf and Cihan out in the gazebo. Nasuh asks her if they (Hazar and Zehra) are awake yet. She replies they went to the hospital but didn’t say why. Nasuh decides to head inside but their lawyer arrives. He didn’t want to talk on the phone and hands Nasuh a document. Nasuh breaks out in a hearty laugh. It is the deed to the Sadoglu konak! They got it back! [ha, here come the roaches, Carmella!] Everyone is overjoyed, except for Hanife who looks confused. Nasuh says not to tell Hazar, he wants to give him the good news in person. Note the look on Cihan’s face.

Azize comes out and asks Elif if the others are still sleeping. And here come Sultana and Gonul. Sultana starts in with HAG, all they needed was a girl and they got one. She adds, wow, I’ve never seen you this desperate. Azize shuts her down, then gets a call. It’s Nasuh. I imagine you are worried about your granddaughter, she tells him. We don’t hear, but he must have shared his good news with her. She’s stunned and looks at her phone. The others take note.

What happened? What did Nasuh say? Azize does not respond. Instead, she calls for Mahmud—get the car! HAG leaves the ladies without an explanation. Sultana says, who knows what tragedy will befall us now.

Gul has finished breakfast and she doesn’t want to go home. Rey talks her into it.

Turkish Lupe is on the phone to her boss who is outside the house. Sra. Azize said that Reyyan married him to save her cousin, she reports. Did Miran believe, Handan asks? No, he didn’t. They were like lovebirds this morning. He satisfies her every whim, Sahriyar says, she’s like the lady of the house. Sr. Miran obeys her like a fool. If she wants to go out, if she wants her sister, if she wants her maid.

Handan asks, they hired a maid for her? No, Sahriyar replies, I’m talking about that Melike. She was here and caused trouble. The Aslanbeys didn’t want to let her in, and they kicked her out immediately. Reyyan made a scene and said Melike was her best friend. Then Sr. Miran put everyone in their place. He said his wife could have any visitors she wanted. Handan is ticked and says Melike always schemes behind her back.

Sahriyar pours fuel on the fire, she’s a bad person you can see it in her eyes. She is suspicious. I think she’s a spy and that’s why she came. They faked a scandal to avoid suspicion. [Is Dizi Lupe is worse than TN Lupe?] Handan tells Sahriyar to keep her informed.

Cihan comes out and wonders why his wife looks upset even though they got the mansion back. She fills him in on what she heard about Melike. She’s ready to confront her but Cihan stops her, saying, they should set a trap instead so Nasuh can see. Handan agrees and thinks they can use this. She moves on to another subject. She asks Cihan to settle things between Azat and Elif quickly. He asks, what made you change your mind? She just thinks it’s the best option they have, and they need to hurry.

Miran and Rey are bringing Gul back. Rey calls her mom to meet them by the rose garden. Zehra says they are returning from the hospital and will be there soon. Hospital? Are you ok? Zehra says they went to meet with Gul’s doctor. Gul tries to play a tongue twister game with Miran but she loses.

Nasuh returns to his konak and is overcome with emotion. He sees Gul’s bottle where she left it and picks it up [the contents should have turned into cheese curds by now]. Nasuh heads up the stairs, looks around, then sits. His peace is shattered by the HAG’s arrival, Nasuh Sadoglu!

She demands, what are you doing in my konak?! It’s not yours, he responds, it’s my father’s house. He inherited it from his father, and it’s been in my family for ages. Did you think you’d get your way? That you could take it from me? I took it once, Azize says, you’re old, you might have dementia. She orders, get out of my house!



herc #54 part 4

Are you throwing me out, he asks? Maybe I should call the police [They have police in Midyat? Have we ever seen a policeman?] Azize is confident, you have nothing to show them. Yes I do, Nasuh tells her. He pulls a paper out of his pocket, unfolds it and holds it out to her. He says, this is proof you got the mansion by cheating. But don’t get scared, I don’t want to send you to jail. You’ll stay on the street and watch me take back what has always been mine. I’ll enjoy watching you suffer.

Nasuh tears up the paper and floats the pieces down to the HAG. Keep a copy, he tells her, read it and weep. I have more copies at home. He shouts, don’t forget it, Azize! I’m not like Hamit’s son, the man you sold yourself to. You may have ruined his lineage, but you won’t ruin mine! Having lost this round, Azize retreats.

Miran, Rey and Gul arrive at the rose garden. Gul tells Miran, if you talk to the flowers, they talk back. So he takes her into the field. While Reyyan waits for her parents, she sees Yusuf in the distance. She thinks about what her father told her, “There are no witnesses from those days.” But maybe Yusuf knows something and so she goes to him.

Reyyan asks, you’ve worked for my grandfather a long time. Yusuf confirms, over 60 years. I met your grandpa when we were kids. We ran through these hills and played and sometimes herded sheep. Rey asks, was he the way he is now? Not at all, Yusuf replies, he was very kind. Your grandpa had a very good heart [past tense]. She asks, why did he become so… Yusuf finishes… so grumpy and loudmouthed?

Yusuf continues, back then the Sadoglus would come out here for the summer. We looked forward to our vacations here. He points to Gul, like that girl over there. We played in the fields. One summer, there was a big fire here. We were teenagers. No one in the cabin survived. We lost four workers. Nasuh changed after that. He isolated himself from everyone. For a long time, he didn’t speak to anyone. Why, Reyyan asks, because of the fire? Does he blame himself for what happened? Maybe Yusuf would have explained but we don’t know because Hazar and Zehra arrive.

Gul greets her parents. Miran gets a call from Firat—come to the office now! Your grandmother just arrived. Drop everything and come now. Firat looks panicked.

Azize questions Firat, what else did we lose besides the konak? Everything we took from the Sadoglus, Firat replies. Everything? The contracts, the accounts, our deals, everything, HAG asks? Firat is silent. Azize asks, how did you not know what that man was doing? Didn’t you look into him before hiring him? [Who? The lawyer that went to Nasuh? Was he one of the people Nasuh had the strategy meeting with?] Firat remains silent. Say something, Azize demands, answer me!

Miran arrives. Azize has words for him, too. If you’re done wasting your time with those people, see what happens when you work with your enemy! Miran asks Firat what happened. [I wonder if Miran and his sneaky phone calls might have something to do with this.] Firat replies, all of the Sadoglu documents were stolen from us, except for the deed to the mansion.

Azize informs Miran that she was at the Sadoglu mansion. Nasuh called her to tell her he got it back. I don’t care about the contract or any of that, she says. I don’t understand how we managed to lose that mansion, she shouts.

Firat explains, one of the lawyers, Mahir, came to my office last night to talk and disappeared after that along with the original Sadoglu documents, the notarized documents and everything else. Firat gulps, it’s like…someone had taken everything except for the deed to the mansion. Somehow, the Sadoglus got it back. [I need more details. And now I’m thinking, who was that person that HAG told to disappear? And that it had to be tonight.]



herc #54 part 5

HAG says, someone is playing with us and pretending to be innocent. Miran speaks up, how could this happen? Is the lawyer the only one to blame? Azize wants to know the same thing. The Sadoglus sent a spy into our family, she says, it could be that enemy that Hazar made up. Azize warns Miran, if you decide to ignore what’s going on, we’ll lose our money and our lives.

Miran tells her that’s enough. Azize continues, I raised you and now you are working with the enemy, and you have the nerve to tell me to be quiet. I’ll shut my mouth after you fix this. She orders Firat to find that man and bring him to her alive. With that, she leaves.

Azize makes a call. I’m not calling because I need your help, she says, we need to meet. If you hang up, she warns, there will be consequences. It’s best you listen and follow my instructions step by step. Remember, I have something that could incriminate you. Something you abandoned in my yard with your own hands. [Ah, she’s speaking to Azat!] if you expect me to put it away and not use it, stop talking and do as I say. I’m on my way. She finishes with an insult, you’re spineless and you’re predictable. You’ll do what I say because it’s in your best interests right now.

Nasuh calls for Hazar and shares the good news about the konak. They joyfully embrace. Cihan looks on with envy, you didn’t hug me like that, dad, and he walks away. Hazar asks how it happened and Nasuh takes him to sit and says he will explain.

Azize and Azat meet. He asks her, what do you want? She replies, you’re the one who wants something from me… your future. You saw for yourself, breaking into the mansion with a gun was pointless. Azat wants her to cut to the chase, because he never wants to see her again.

HAG says, listen carefully, I have your gun with your prints. If I shoot your beloved Reyyan, you will fall in my trap. People will think that Azat shot his uncle’s daughter because he was heartbroken. They will send you to jail and bury Reyyan. While you rot in a cell, Reyyan will rot underground.

Azat pulls a gun on Azize and Mahmud pulls his on Azat. Azat threatens, if you hurt her, I swear I’ll kill you. Azize is calm, if you want to kill me, shoot. Getting rid of me would be the easiest thing to do but it won’t stop Reyyan from dying.

And we are out.




I also enjoyed this episode. Julia changed so much after holding Fernandito. I wish someone would discover what’s going on between Iván and Lucia. They deserve what’s coming to them. I am anxiously awaiting the wedding to see if it takes place. LindaK


I just loved that bedtime story dondi356 and reading/seeing it again through your superior writing, made it even more lovely. That Gul brings out the best and of course HAG the worst in people. She is a miserable person.

“Azat launches into a soliloquy.” How interesting was that? Now we know that HAG was definitely in that fire. “Ayse, is that you?” I am not sure dondi356, maybe Ayse is another sister? You would think Nasuh would recognize Ayse turned Azize, only her back had scars, not her face. But I am just don’t know.

Poor Azat, with that gun Azize has, who knows what drama is going to befall him other than what she threatened him at the end of the epi.

Turkish Lupe, lol. Those memories from Loli never get old! I think she is worse that Global Radio Lupe.

“One summer, there was a big fire here. We were teenagers. No one in the cabin survived. We lost four workers. Nasuh changed after that.” I think Azize survived.

“Miran asks Firat what happened. [I wonder if Miran and his sneaky phone calls might have something to do with this.] Firat replies, all of the Sadoglu documents were stolen from us, except for the deed to the mansion.” I think Miran totally has something to do with getting everything back for the Sadoglu. Gul made him feel guilty and then he thought the venganza was actually done once he crushed poor Reyyan, but HAG has other ideas.

I was tired last night and didn’t pay as much attention as I normally do and this excellent recap really helped. Thank you dondi356!



BTW dondi356, I forgot to thank you for sharing the name of the wedding dance. I was able to look it up and learn a little more about the lovely custom.


What a wonderful recap, dondi356! Thanks very much.

As always, I enjoyed your asides, and I especially liked "[Is Dizi Lupe is worse than TN Lupe?]" And I'd reply with an emphatic YES! I think Sehriyah is mean, vindictive, and a mentirosa. Lupe, too, was a mentirosa, but I don't think she was all that mean or vindictive against innocent people.

Thanks so much for pointing out the shooting star that both Azat and Elif see. I completely missed that.

You do a terrific job describing the heartening scenes involving Reyyan and Miran, esp. the extended scene with the two of them in bed with Gul. One thing I don't understand. Azize apparently overhears some of the conversation, but I don't understand how. You write that she was listening outside their window, but isn't the room one flight of stairs up from the ground? I don't recall there being a walkway outside a window in that room (though I guess I'm not sure there isn't one).

I'm also somewhat confused about the return of the deed. Clearly, the lawyer gave Nasuh the deed to the mansion. On the phone with Azize, Nasuh says "this is proof you got the mansion by cheating." How is his having the deed proof that she got it by cheating? Also, Firat claims that everything was stolen except the deed. Why does Firat say "except the deed," since the lawyer (presumably he is the Sadoglu lawyer) gave the deed to Nasuh. Then again, how did the lawyer get it? My head is beginning to spin.

I'm also confused that while discussing this, you say, "And now I’m thinking, who was that person that HAG told to disappear? And that it had to be tonight." I'm not sure what you're suggesting. Also, whoever it is is someone with whom HAG uses "tu," which excludes most of the world. (My head is spinning faster.)


Excellent recap. Complete and nuanced. Thank you, dondi356.

So many puzzles - past, present and future.
Past. (Azize removes her undergarment to reveal a terribly scarred back. Hmmm… Ayse, is that you?) This was the second time when Nasuh was remembering Ayse and the scene switched to Azize. I think the show authors are making a connection. Good point, VVS, about Nasuh recognizing Ayse, but maybe she has changed so much that he could not.
Present. The story of getting the mansion back and resolving other financial issues of the Sadoglu family is not clear. Was it enough to steal the title of the property and now you are the owner? It must be more than that in real life. TN laws. And who is behind it? Miran? Azize? (you can never count Azize out of any scheme.) All those suspicious phone calls.
Future. What does HAG have in mind for Azat?


Wonderful recap, dondi, and SO well written. Your asides make me chuckle, if not laugh out loud. [not so fast there] Amen to that. Last night looking at Azize some lines from Macbeth came to mind. "Double double toil and trouble/Fire burn and cauldron bubble". The writers have created such a horrible person that at least this person in Viewerville gets a surge of joy when something goes very bad for her. Losing the Sadoglu mansion was her "Custer at the Little Bighorn" moment. Sadly, unlike Custer, she survived.

When Miran was reciting his autobiography/fairy tale, I was thinking: "What was Firat, chopped liver?".

I was hoping someone else knew who Ayse was. The name sounded familiar. Was she his wife?

If he manages to succeed, Cihan may inadvertently make his son happy by setting up the marriage with Elif. Of course, that's not what he's thinking about. He thinks only of wounding Azize and rising in his father's esteem.

So the Turks are pretty much like the Mexicans/Argentines/Colombians. Even bitter enemies have each other on speed dial on their cell phones. I find it refreshing to revisit an old rancho or pirate TN when people had to ride a horse to get to the enemy and insult them.

Yep, Dizi Lupe is waaaay worse than TN Lupe. I can't bear to see Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth (Cihan and Handan) get her thrown out or caught up in one of their plots.

I was patting myself on the back a bit for recognizing trabalengua before Gul tried to stump Miran with a tongue twister she'd heard.

Dondi, I thought the same thing. How is that milk in the bottle still liquid?

And I don't remember ever seeing a policeman. Hazar went into a police station to report Reyyan missing. but we didn't see anyone outside.

I loved Nasuh's insult about the HAG having spoiled Hamit's lineage. Since we now know that she was a servant, that one would have stung.


Dondi, thank you for every detail .

Gul is a bright spot amidst the scheming, vengeful grownups. She finally got the 2 into that bed ...well, she is in between . Gul is a doll.

It's interesting that both Handan and Zehra are pregnant after all these years. What's up with that? Where is that storyline headed ? More competition between the brothers ? Which baby is born first ? Which is bigger ? Has more hair ? Que ?

Just looking at perpetually scowling Azize harshes my mellow.


Susanlynn, "Azize harshes my mellow". Thanks for that call-back to the 60's or was it the 70's. I took my son to a free concert in the Panhandle of Golden Gate Park in the 60's. Jefferson Airplane was playing. My son kept asking me why everyone around us had "funny smelling" cigarettes.


Thanks for the excellent recap Dondi. During the show I was confused regarding the deed discussion so you helped explain it....but still confused how the Hag got it illegally in the first place. At first I thought Miran attempted to keep his promise and return the mansion to the Sodoglus....but he appears lost as to how they got it back....or is he just pretended to be clueless.

I too am mystified how that bottle of milk hasn't curdled or harden. I also think the Gul is too old to be using a bottle anyway.

Just when I thought we'd get an epi with no gun play....I was fooled till the end. These people would outdraw any one is a western.

The dance scene with ReyMir was nice. Enjoyed it...and that was a beautiful red dress. But I agree with the patio ... Gul should not have been indulged with a sleep over. But she did steal the dinner scene.

Interesting...since the start I've been trying to put my finger on who the actor, Akin/Miran reminds me of. I've decided he's a slimmer/darker haired version of Kivanc Tatitug. Kivanc is hugely popular and he stared with Tuba in a similarly named TN.. Amor y Venganza. It was not a bad show but it lost it's way a little in the end. I hope Herc doesn't go to far off the rails. Embajador kind of lost me when they rapped Sancar in that taco and he lived. Really writers??



Thanks for your lovely recap Dondi356! Such a romantic story that you made all the more beautiful! Isn’t it sad how HAG cannot see the beauty in anything at all? She is a joyless woman, and should be put out of her misery. Make no mistake about it, this revenge thing is Azize’s alone. She has no interest in avenging “dead relatives.” She is looking to remove those ugly scars on her back that , I think, is directly tied to Nasuh. She had such a sad look on her face when Nasuh pointed out that she sold herself to Hamut’s son. It was like he pierced her very soul with those words. Still, I only had a momentary dash of sadness for her. She’s just too cruel. Now she’s going to pick on Azat. I think Elif might give her some push back there?

Handan and her ridiculous spy have the nerve to point fingers at Melike and turn her into something that she’s not. Handan was still placing blame on Reyyan, even though Reyyan saved her son’s life like she begged her to. I totally get why Yaren is the way she is when Cihan and Handan start their complaining and conspiring. Cihan is not, nor ever will be the golden child in Nasuh’s eyes, and I can see him bitter about it before Azat and Yaren were even born.

Loved Azat’s soliloquy. I’m ready for him to fall in love be it Elif or Gonul. He’s well aware of his parents’ selfishness, and apparently spent his whole life trying to not let it rub off on him. I hope by marrying Elif ( since that’s the current plan) Azize will be stopped in her tracks. There’s nothing in this world, though, that will stop Azize from going after Nasuh. I have a theory, but I’ll keep it to myself, lol.

Little Gul, what a delightful child and a very good actor for her age!

Thanks again Dondi356. Really enjoyed this episode and your recap!



Seeing you here, Carmella, brings up a question in my mind. Is your name pronounced Carmeya, as would be the case in Spanish? Or ella, as in, say, Italian? great to see you here. I recent!y watched Fatmagul on YouTube and read the recaps and comments on carat. You really, really did not like Mukadees !!! Same here! What a vicious, jealous, nosy, pot stirring witch of a woman.


The Italian “Ella” Novelera. I tried to shorten it once, to Carmel, cause I wanted to be and sound different, but my mom wasn’t having it, lol....


I enjoyed Gaviota and Seb having some couple together time in last night’s episode. I also liked the fact that Gaviota ( in my own words) told Seb to get his life together and he would know where to find her once he does. I really like the fact that Gaviota isn’t looking for Seb to “ save” her. She’s got her own dreams and ideas, and her passion, besides coffee, seems to be empowering women.

Looks like everything is coming to a head, and just desserts are about to be dished. I almost felt sorry for a Lucía last night. She and her father have a strange, toxic and dysfunctional relationship to say the least, but he’s the only real family she has, liar and scammer that he is—— or was???

Bernie is embracing his true self. Hope he gets to tell Julia to kick rocks before she transforms in this understanding, caring, loving human being——- yeah right! Hope they don’t try to pull that one on us!


Ah..susanlynn…you remember my rants about mukadass. She was such a horrible hateful character…never redeemed. Nor did she receive an appropriate anvil.

Fatmagul is probably my favorite turk tn…for now anyway. I still want to read the book the story was based on but haven't found an english version. Im enjoying herc equally as well…for now.




Thanks, everyone.

What do Miran’s and Azize’s sneaky phone calls have to do with what is going on? Who were they speaking to? Yes, VVS, Miran did feel guilty about continuing the venganza. He might have outplayed HAG on this. We’ll see.

VVS, you’re right, we can’t be sure that Azize is Ayse but someone in the writer’s room keeps dropping hints. I have the same question, if Azize was/is Ayse, why wouldn’t Nasuh recognize her? Then again, I remember that Yusuf looked like he remembered something when he saw Azize at the country house. Another sister is a possibility. We saw a picture of a mother and children at HAG’s childhood home. IIRC, there were three girls and a boy.

Juanita and Lucio, I’m confused about the return of the konak, too. I think (I hope) we will get an explanation from Nasuh on Monday night when he sits with Hazar. Maybe we will get a flashback to that meeting Nasuh had with those men. We only saw the end of that. That konak seems to be of the utmost importance to both Nasuh and Azize.

novelera, I felt that “surge of joy” at Azize’s defeat. Firat might as well be “chopped liver”. Maybe he was a snitch as a kid, too. He’s a crappy friend. I like your Macbeth references. I’m not sure who went to the police station, but you are right that someone reported Reyyan as missing. I think the police are too scared to be out on the streets. The townsfolk are heavily armed.

Susanlynn, Gul is a doll. I’m not looking forward to a pregnancy competition. I haven’t heard “harshes my mellow" in decades.

I’m East coast, but we must have some similar concert memories, novelera. Sights, sounds and “funny smelling” cigarettes.

Now that you mention it, Nett, I can see the comparison of Akın Akınözü to Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ. If you are talking about Cesur ve Güzel (Brave and Beautiful), I saw that, too. I read the dizi list you posted a while back on the Uni page… I guessed you’re a Kıvanç fan. Yep, he’s very popular. I share your wish that Hercai doesn’t go off the rails. But with 69 Turkish episodes, I don’t know. Did you have to remind me of the cowhide burrito? Lol.

I like your analysis, Carmella, “Make no mistake about it, this revenge thing is Azize’s alone. She has no interest in avenging “dead relatives.” She is looking to remove those ugly scars on her back that , I think, is directly tied to Nasuh.” Why not share your theory? We can add it to the crockpot!

The votes are in, and Turkish Dizi Lupe is worse than TN Global Radio Lupe.



OT Susanlynn and Nett

ITA on Mukaddes. I must say the actress was marvelous in the role. Mukaddes was awful to the last, and I wanted massive jail time for her. In the end, two families were totally wiped out, and the Yasarans lost everything.



Yes....Dondi...Kivanc of Brave and Beautiful of Amor y Venganza...depending on where you watch he. He has another tn on youtube where he plays a grieving police officer out to avenge his family's death. I watched the first epi but got distracted with prime time tns. I will go back and finish this one soon I hope.

We have to be patient as Herc unfolds but I too wonder who Hag and Nasush could have been an item in the past and he not recognize her now. Also, if he really knows why she's after him...this makes him all the more horrible because he's letting his favorite son continued to be targeted by part of her revenge plot. I also believe he knows more about the death of Daliah than he's telling Hazar. Lots to unfold...but good show thus far.



Well , I have been at class reunions and didn't recognize friends I hung out with or dated, so Nasuh might not recognize Azize with her hood and heavy eye makeup .


I agree with you both Nett and Susalynn. I, too, believe that Azize is Nasuh’s long lost love, but he doesn’t recognize her. Could it be a physical change on Azize’s part, or does Nasuh simply remember a beautiful young girl with a pure heart? Even if Nasuh recognized her for even a second, I’m sure he couldn’t reconcile the girl he once loved with the bitter, angry and vengeful woman that is now Azize. I also think that Hazar is Azize and Nasuh’s love child which is why Nasuh loves him so much. Somewhere along the line, I think Azize believes Nasuh abandoned her and that their child must’ve died in that fire. She blames him. Nasuh, otoh, believes that his love succumbed to same fire, but he still has Hazar. So if you think about it, Miran is truly her grandson, born of their “love child.”

That’s my theory dondi356, Lol........


Thanks for sharing your theory, Carmella. It’s very interesting one for the crockpot.

Shouldn’t lovers/soulmates recognize each other even after years apart? This is a dizi after all. Is the hatred that deep between Nasuh and Azize that they simply won’t acknowledge each other? I keep thinking about Yusuf’s flash of recognition and Azize quickly looking away from him.

I think we have all been speculating about what went on between Nasuh and Azize all those years ago, and that the venganza is really about that.

I thought about a missing love child, too. What a twist if that child is Hazar and Miran is really their grandson. And that would be very sick if Azize is knowingly hurting her own son just to get back at Nasuh.

And I’d also like to know more about Dilsah. I wonder if she’s still alive.

Nett, is the Kıvanç dizi Çarpışma? It looks interesting. I just don’t have the time to start a new one right now. Let me know if you watch and if you recommend.




If Hazer is the love child of Nasuh and Azize and Miran is their grandson , that will make things interesting. Do we know who Reyyan's father is ? Lets hope it is someone from far, far away .

These people seem to think of arranging marriages as a way to have revenge . I think that the arranged marriage of Azat and Elif Will actually turn into a love match. Gonul is too grumpy for Azat .

OT..I have fallen down the Turkish telenovela rabbit hole . I am now trying to get into " Kara Para Ask" on Netflix, but Fatmagul may have spoiled me , and I miss Engin's long hair.



Yes, what about Reyyan's father? He's probably close by. More of a mess.

Arranged marriages always have a purpose, don’t they? Not sure if Azat/Elif is for revenge or to make peace. And I think when cousins marry, it’s a way to ensure that assets stay in the family.

OT Susanlynn

In a recent interview, Engin was asked about the long hair/short hair debate among fans. To paraphrase his answer: if you manage to make viewers believe you are “that man”, then they will like the character and the hair. But if you don’t get it right, then the hair doesn’t matter.

That being said, I prefer longer hair. But I think he’s right about becoming “that man”. I like Sancar and his hair, too.

I hope you stick with KPA.



Dondi, I have watched several episodes of KPA, and the storyline makes much better sense than the Mexican Imperio.

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