Thursday, November 11, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?, Parientes a la Fuerza, Malverde: El Santo Patrón, y más: Week of November 8, 2021


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

9-11AM - ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül? (On UniMás)
9-10PM - Parientes a la Fuerza
10-11PM - Malverde: El Santo Patrón

As the above listing indicates, in addition to the two evening novelas on Telemundo, we are also discussing ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?, which was shown on Telemundo in 2015-16 and can now be seen on UniMás in 2-hour segments 9-11AM.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Unfortunately, I can't do a recap for today's episode, #9. I won't be able to watch this ep until tomorrow. So feel free to comment.

Also, one of my comments on the previous page disappeared.


Fatmagul #9

Another fascinating episode. I thought it was very interesting when Fatma and Kerim were fighting and Kerim was yelling at Fatma, Rhemi walked up and told him to stop and that it wasn't Fatma that he was mad at...I was surprised he had that insight. There was something else in the episode that he said (I can't remember now what) that I also thought showed a high level of emotional intelligence and insight. Makes me wonder what exactly his mental challenge is.

I don't blame Meltem (I think I have the name right) for wanting to investigate her doubts about Selim - good for her! But to show up at the home of a rape victim and demand answers is way over the line!! Way, way over the line. She's a good little detective though. And then she just takes off with Kerim in the car to go have a little chat, which I also found weird. She doesn't know that Selim was involved and has her doubts, but she does (I think) know that Kerim was involved. She's perfectly comfortable taking off alone to have a friendly little chat with a rapist? Not scared or put off at all.... which is so strange to me.

Fatma doesn't seem too scared of Kerim either. She hates him but she has no problem yelling in his face and telling him she hopes he dies. I would think she would be afraid of making him angry.

Meryem's conversation with Kerim about staying and supporting Fatma and that maybe if she forgives him he can start to forgive himself was touching and so true that Fatma would not be okay just with her 'family', she is indeed very alone in that crowd. Meryem's friendship is the best thing that she has going for you and it looks like she is ready to accept Meryem after she realizes that her life has been ruined too.

I laughed when Meryem was talking to Fatma saying it was understandable that Meltam wanted to know more and make sure she wasn't marrying a monster (I don't remember if that was the exact word she used but it was something like that) and Fatma replied that she (Fatma) had married a monster. Meryem didn't like hearing it but from Fatma's perspective, that was a fair point to make.


Darcy, I am interested in reading your thoughts about this show .I always enjoy reading your reactions to scenes and characters .

What struck me was how Meryem is slowly winning Fatmagul's confidence and trust . Meryem is a bright spot in this dark tale...kind, positive, pragmatic, strong, compassionate, intelligent . A person would be blessed to have someone like Meryem in his or her life. My husband had those qualities as does my best friend . Meryem is one of those people who can pick up the pieces of a shattered life. Fatmagula and Kerim are so lucky to have her . I wonder if she had experience with other fake victims since she was the village healer.

I was surprised that Kerim didn't tell Meltem the truth and let her know that Selim took part in the rape. I thought he would warn her .

Meryem Described Selim as " filthy scum" , so Fatmagul told her that was what she was married to .

Fatmagül #9

I’m not happy that Kerim lost his temper with Fatma, but she needs to know that Mustafa is a danger to her as well. Kerim was right, it’s all about Mustafa’s honor, not about Fatma’s.

I thought it was interesting that Rahmi used estés instead of estás when Kerim got angry at Fatma. I’m never sure about when to use which one. In the Turkish Rahmi said “don’t be angry at my sister”. I don’t know if Turkish has that same distinction. Anyway, that stopped Kerim dead in his tracks.

Yep, Susanlynn, when Meryem asked Fatma to tell the truth about Selim to Meltem, she used the word “pislik” which translates to dirty/filthy/scum. And Fatma answered I married a “pislik” and no one stopped it. Ouch.

I have no words for what Muka did to Fatma. Muka comes across as much more vicious in the Turkish. The nerve of saying “she” cleaned Fatma’s honor. In the Turkish Muka said, “you carry the sin of four men upon you.” And then she physically assaulted Fatma. After that, she threatened Rahmi she would take Murat and go. Then Rahmi asks Fatma to make nice with Muka. It’s so difficult to watch.

Leman gets busted by Vural. He takes off and she chases him down. She reminds him of his horrible crime. He answers “Allah beni kahretsin” and takes off.

Vural is beginning to crack, he tells Erdo he want to pay for what he has done.

How lucky is that? Munir cruises around town and finds Meltem and Kerim. He enters just as Kerim starts to explain, Fatma got dumped, she is innocent, someone had to marry her. Kerim puts a little scare into Munir, saying, I told Meltem everything. I loved the look on Kerim’s face. Meltem is satisfied with Kerim’s explanation. Too bad.

Yeah, that guy tailing Mustafa was too obvious. Now Mustafa has a gun.

Kerim finally opens his mouth with a warning to Muka. Not strong enough for my liking.

Meryem hits Kerim where it makes the most impact. She tells him, [Turkish] “how long could your mother endure? Don’t go, don’t let Fatmagul face the same fate as your mother.”

Muka snoops and finds Kerim’s family pics and shows them to Fatma. Kerim hears Fatma ask, why did his mother kill herself? He takes the pictures back. Then Muka blames it on Fatma. This woman has no shame.




Dondi, Muka is truly evil . Now we see that she is not only psychologically abusive to Fatmagul and lies and intimidates her , she is physically abusive. Talk about gas lighting people. Rami tries to defend his sister , but Muka dominates and controls him. That scene where Muka grabs Fatma looked very real to me. Yikes . Imagine living with someone like that . No wonder fatmagul ran to Mustafa every chance she got . I loved the way Meryem intervened and comforted Fatmagul after that despicable verbal and physical attack from Muka. You can tell that Meltem showing up has Muka worried that the truth about what she did after the rape will be exposed. And...
she should be worried because Meltem told Kerim about Muka showing up at the Yaserans and he himself saw her there that night.

Fascinating to watch both Muka and Munir trying to do damage control as they manipulate people .

We are actually watching the forces of good vs evil play out on our screens . This show is truly a morality play.


Muka is a master at choosing just the right words to wound someone the most...Fatmagul, Kerim, Rami, Meryem . I once read some wonderful advice : " When in doubt, do the kindest thing ." However, Muka seems to live by the opposite of this sentiment. She likes to hurt people and rain on everyone's parade at every chance she gets . The look she has on her face when she does this hurts someone reveals that she is a person who gets pleasure from someone's pain .


Dondi, your comment on the previous page was in the Spam folder; it's now back where it should be.


Meryem's Words to Kerim when he tells her he is leaving gave me Chills. " Everyone has a palace to go but fatmagul. She has noone in this life. You could be her someone . Heal her wounds with your patience.Show her who the real Kerim is. " Meryem sees exactly who Muka is and the way she treats fatmagul and that Rami can't effectively defend her because he depends on Muka to take care of things .


I don't have much to add to the great comments that have been offered. I was struck by Darcy's pointing out that neither Meltem nor Fatmagül seem to be afraid of Kerim, even though both think that he was a rapist. I think perhaps it's Kerim's saying so little most of the time that may make him seem like a wuss, and thus less threatening. Or perhaps even somewhat mentally slow.

I agree with SusanLynn that Meryem "is a bright spot in this dark tale." I hadn't thought that Meryem's being the village healer might well have given her previous experience dealing with women who have been raped or in other ways abused. Good point! And, like SusanLynn, I expected/hoped that Kerim would tell Meltem the truth about the rape, and I was disappointed when he did not. But in thinking more about it, I suspect that he may not have done so in order to protect Fatmagül. He might have feared that if he told the full truth, all four guys involved might well have been sent to prison. That would leave Fatmagül with only Rahmi to protect her from the crazed Mustafa (and from evil Mukaddes as well).

As dondi356 has pointed out, Fatmagül needed (and still needs) to hear that Mustafa didn't love her as she loved him. He turned his back on her very quickly without even giving her an opportunity to tell him what happened. As Kerim said, Mustafa was only concerned about his honor, not hers.

I'm really curious about what will happen with Vural. He was already distraught at what he and the others had done to Fatmagül (and his holding back the truth about Kerim), and now he also has to process the ugly revelation that his mother is cheating on his father. Will Vural get totally drunk and then kill himself? Or go to the police and confess? Or...what? I don't know.


Juanita, yes, it was good that Kerim delivered that harsh truth to Fatmagul that Mustafa never supported her or worried about her physical or emotional damage . His fury was about his embarrassment and dishonor in the eyes of the community. The worst was seeing him rant and scream at poor broken fatmagul as she was lying so hurt and in shock in that hospital bed .Then , after Mustafa's despicable treatment , she had Muka yelling at her that she had to leave the hospital because Mustafa was going to kill which at that point , Fatmagul probably believed after Mustafa's awful reaction . Watching this episode , I realized that Mustafa was fatmagul's safe harbor from Muka and Her years of abuse at Mukas hands . She ran away to him every chance she had . Imagine how alone she feels now that her safe harbor is gone.
Kerim was raised by golden hearted Meryem , so he knows what love truly is , and it's not what Mustafa is doing . ( shout out to Foreigner " I Want to Know What Love Is .....I want you to show me. " Show her Kerim !!!)

Rvg Chick...since you solved the spam problem for Dondi...I have a question.

I have no problem posting from a laptop but none of my post from my cell phone make it. Any idea why




Great comments, all. It's hard for me to watch so much Muka. The actor is doing a terrific job portraying a really damaged human being. Unless I write things down while watching, they just disappear. But there was something that Muka said (was it to Meryem) about how hard her life had been growing up, indicating some trauma. Maybe this was in response to Fatmagul and Kerim getting sympathy for being orphans. She was also pretty happy hearing that Meryem was going to bring furniture from her house in the village, thus enabling her to hoard the hush money and not spend it on any luxuries, like a sofa.

I enjoyed the scene with Meryam pounding herbs and creating a paste to help calm the inflammation in Fatmagul's ankle. Of course, when Fatma saw Kerim enter she jerked away her bare calf and ankle as if she were afraid he'd do something.

It's too much to hope for that Vural will get to Kerim and tell him he's innocent of the rape. Although, of course, he did nothing to prevent it and helped capture Fatmagul. I believe he would have done something to stop it if he hadn't been stoned out of his mind.

I also agree that Kerim did the right thing in telling Fatmagul that Mustafa did not support her after the attack and has threatened to kill her for his freakin' "honor".


One thing seems odd to me. If I understood correctly, the man and woman who appeared and were gushingly received by Muka were the landlords of the house that Kerim located and that is a rental.

Muka keeps saying they're not going to stay there. But they did an amazing amount of work on a mere rental.


Nett, I sometimes have the same problem when posting from my phone. When that happens, I scroll down to the bottom of the main page and click on “View Web Version.” This will take you to the main page that will look exactly as it does on your laptop. You shouldn’t have problems posting using the “Web Version” of the page.


I can put a mini cap up later this morning to get things started.


Fatmagul #10 part 1 of 3

I had to take a lot of this from the Turkish ep because my recording was messed up by bad weather.

Kerim grills the fish for dinner, but Rahmi cooks the portion for Fatma. Muka gives Kerim unwanted advice on how to handle his wife.

Asu calls Mustafa because she hasn’t heard from him. He tells her it’s all good. She offers money if he needs it, then tells him he can call her whenever, it doesn't have to be just when he needs something. Asu’s pimp shows up and says her customer is waiting.

Stupid Belgin meets with Erdo and tells him she really loves Resat. She begs Erdo not to use this against him. Erdo replies no one can harm Resat, he only harms others. Erdo says he doesn’t really care about their affair but warns Belgin that she is the one who will eventually get hurt. He advises her to dump Resat. She says she will resign.

Kerim checks the messages from his old phone. There are 3: one from Mustafa and two from Vural. Vural says, that night… that night… you did nothing. Kerim immediately calls Vural. Was your message true? Vural confirms he was telling the truth. Kerim asks to hear it again. Vural tells him you did nothing that night. I saw it all. I know you have been suffering like me. I can’t get it out of my head. Kerim asks where he is, and he will come.

Meryem sees Kerim run off and shouts after him. Everyone comes running out. Meryem worries he’s going after Mustafa.

Vural tells Kerim he just sat by Fatma’s side. When they came out of the water, they all left. You did nothing. Kerim still has guilt. He says, I did nothing to stop you. Erdo and Selim show up. Vural says I told Kerim the truth. Kerim feels he was tricked and gets angry. Still, he doesn’t claim innocence.

What are you going to do now, Erdo asks. He asks Vural if he feels better now. Vural jumps up, grabs car keys and leaves the boat. He’s just getting started. They chase him and he yells, we will get the punishment we deserve. Everyone piles in the car with Vural driving. They argue. Kerim says let’s talk about this calmly.

Uh oh, the cops are pulling cars over for a check. Vural is busted for DUI. The cops say everyone out. They search the guys and find drugs on Vural. All four are taken in.
They cut this: the Ketencis and Meryem are at home worrying about what Kerim is up to. Meryem says she tried calling Munir but he’s not answering. Fatma grabs the phone—she wants to call Mustafa. Before she can, Munir returns his messages. Meryem tells him that Kerim stormed off to find Mustafa. He needs to stop them. [I hate how Fatma worries for that idiot Mustafa.]

Munir calls Ismail and finds out that Mustafa is eating in the caf with the rest of the guys. Another call comes in for Munir. Selim calls from the police station. Come save us, Uncle. [I laugh at how Munir must run from place to place putting out all the little fires!]

Vural tells the cops he was wearing Erdogan’s jacket. He knows nothing about the drugs. Erdo denies it’s his jacket. Kerim says he was there just to talk to his friend because he was feeling bad. Selim says he was just visiting with Vural before he went abroad. His mother and fiancée are expecting him.

Meltem is with Perihan and Resat at a restaurant. She tries calling Selim and Erdo. No answers. Ender arrives and surprise—Turaner shows up with her. They ask for Selim. Resat says he had some business to take care of.

Muka complains about Kerim. He was supposed to take care of them. Now one will go to the cemetery and the other to prison. Fatma gets up to go out for a breath of air. Muka says what stops you from breathing in here? [you have to ask?]



Fatmagul #10 part 2 of 3

Fatma goes out to the shed where Meryem is worrying and praying. She says don’t let anyone be harmed. She realizes Fatma rightfully thinks of Mustafa and she would be pleased if something happened to Kerim. But Kerim is her child. I raised him, she says. I remember it was like yesterday, he cried desperate tears and was scared to death. Meryem cries. He couldn’t sleep without holding my hand. His little heart had to bear so much pain. Kerim isn’t only my child, we shared our loneliness with each other.

Fatma turns to go and Meryem tells her, you don’t know Kerim. He is not the person you know. Fatma says she knows Mustafa. She grew up with him. I started to live and learned about life from him. Everywhere I look, I see him. Now I am a bird that can never fly again. A desperate bird, whose wounds will never heal.

Meryem says she feels for Fatma. She found her. Fatma says she can’t know how she feels. Your son took everything from me, she says. I won’t let him take Mustafa’s future away. Fatma says she understands Meryem but Kerim is her enemy.

Mustafa is told his first assignment is in Russia. The guys start talking about the Russian women. Mustafa looks embarrassed by the convo. One asks are you married or have a girl? Then dump her until you come back. Mustafa says he doesn’t have that problem. Another guy blurts that Mustafa’s fiancée married another guy. Mustafa attacks and is restrained and then he leaves. Now everyone knows about what happened.

The rotten ricos + one get blood tests. Munir shows up. He tells them they will have to go to the prosecutor and courthouse and probably spend the night in jail.

Perihan calls Selim and the police answer. He tells her he is in custody. Perihan hangs up and calls Munir. She worries it’s about that “case’. He assures her it’s not.

Meltem walks by Perihan and sees she’s upset. Perihan breaks down—Selim is in trouble.

Muka takes a call from someone in the village. Something about the sale of the sheep. Muka tells Meryem when she goes back to the village, she will go with her to sort it out.

Meryem leaves her phone on the table and when Fatma is alone she grabs it and goes outside to call Mustafa. He answers but she doesn’t speak and hangs up. Fatma goes back inside and places the phone on the table. Mustafa calls back. Fatma says don’t answer. Meryem does and when she realizes it’s Mustafa, she says wrong number. Fatma thinks this means they are fine.

Selim returns home. Munir says there was nothing he could do for Erdo and Vural. Turaner is pissed. This is strike two against Selim.

Kerim comes home. Everyone runs out of the house. [this is getting reminiscent of the roaches in Hercai.] Did you go to Mustafa, Meryem asks? No. He looks at Fatma and walks away. Meryem follows him. He tells her he went to see Vural. She demands to know why he left like that and what they spoke about. Kerim says they just talked.

Kerim sees Fatma outside and goes to speak with her. He has to tell her something. She tells him to go away. He tells her he doesn’t remember that night, but he knows he did nothing to her. She shouts to go away and starts to leave. He grabs her arm and she shouts let go and goes into the house.

Kerim sees Meryem and Muka to the bus. Ha, ha Muka kisses him goodbye.

Rahmi, Fatma and Murat go to the market. They see Emre and Ibrahim selling their fish. After they go Emre and his dad comment on how strange that family is. Emre says he hasn’t even seen Kerim yet. Ibrahim says he met him and he’s strange, too. I hope they don’t cause us any problems, he tells his son.

Ismail gives Mustafa a pep talk and tells him not to worry about the stuff that happened in the dining hall. As they walk, Mustafa sees a card for a masseuse (not Asu) on a car windshield. Ismail says if he wants he knows a good place. Mustafa isn’t interested.



Fatmagul #10 part 3 of 3

The Alagozes return to Ankara. Once again, Turaner expresses his disappointment in Selim.
Rahmi gets separated from Fatma and Murat in the crowded market.

Vural and Erdo are taken to jail. An inmate tells them to choose any bunk. He asks are you arrested or convicts. They don’t answer right away. He repeats the question. Erdo wipes a tear and Vural answers we are arrested.

Vural’s parents worry he won’t be able to go to England. Resat worries that Vural might crack.

Munir asks Ismail to find someone to serve time for a couple of months.

Fatma arrives home with a crying Murat. No Rahmi. Kerim hears and goes to see. Fatma lets Murat into the house, but Kerim stops her from entering. He repeats he did nothing that night. She fainted so she doesn’t know. She doesn’t want to hear it. Emre brings Rahmi home and interrups that convo. Emre finally meets Kerim.

Murat asks his dad why he is like this. Rahmi says he’s just confused.

Rahmi and Kerim talk outside. Rahmi says he should find work but all he knows is the dairy. He tells Kerim to open a shop and he will be his assistant. Kerim reminds Rahmi that he is leaving. Rahmi is disappointed. Murat calls Rahmi in to eat. Rahmi tells Kerim to come, too. Kerim says it’s better he doesn’t come in.

Fatma tells her brother not to get friendly with Kerim. She can’t stand having him around. Rahmi says Kerim will be leaving soon.

We see some scenes of daily life. A little fishing trip with Emre. Kerim fixing the shed. Kicking a soccer ball around. Fatma preparing food. Fatma doing needle work out on the back porch. Kerim approaches her and she gets up and leaves. She leaves behind a little flower she made. Kerim picks it up.

Meryem and Muka return with a truck full of stuff. Now the house has furnishings.

Murat falls and hurts himself and Kerim carries him back to the house. Fatma meets them at the door but gets a little to close to Kerim for her comfort. Meryem treats Murat. Kerim helps to comfort Murat. Fatma watches.

And we are out.




Thanks very much, dondi356, for yet another helpful recap. I loved your snarky side comments, such as "Muka says what stops you from breathing in here? [you have to ask?]"

I have to confess, Muka gets on my nerves a lot more than even Azize or Nasuh from Hercai. And having to endure her hatefulness for two hours at a time rather than just one makes it even worse. If she weren't so important, I'd just FF>>, esp. since I'm watching a recording rather than the airing at 9 am (i.e., 6 am Pacific time).

It looks as if Kerim may win over Fatma in part by being so good with Murat.

So the card on the windshield wasn't Asu's? I didn't look all that closely--I just assumed it was. Thanks for letting me know.

One other thing. I thought that Kerim said to Fatma that he hadn't remembered but now he has, and he didn't do anything to her. My Spanish is pretty lame, and so I may well have gotten the verb tenses wrong. But why would he even bother saying he knew he didn't do anything if he also says he doesn't remember? Why would she have any more reason to believe him if he tells her he still doesn't remember?

One more question: Why does Munir ask Ismail to find someone to serve time for a few months? Can people buy their way out of jail in Turkey by providing a substitute? Or does Munir have some other sort of plan in mind? I know that people bought substitutes to go fight in the Civil War in the US, but I didn't think the practice still existed anywhere.


Dondi thank you once again for this wonderful recap!

It was interesting in the hospital how the rotten ricos were whining about what is going to happen to them and how they have to leave while Kerim just stood there mostly quietly. And also how it looked sheepishly at the woman sitting in the waiting room. Just a few months ago he was so proud to be part of that friend group and now he's embarrassed to be seen with them.

I understand in a way why Kerim is so eager to tell Fatma the truth but as he says himself it doesn't change the fact that he was there and did nothing to stop it. He shouldn't pressure Fatma and he most definitely shouldn't have grabbed her arm! She is in no place to hear him. I thought when I watched he said at first he didn't remember but now he knows - which doesn't actually say whether he later remembered or not just that he knows now. But I might have understand wrong.

I love how Meryem is very empathetic towards Fatma and even tells her that she understands why she would be worried about Mustafa. She lets her say what she has to say about Kerim and just says she is so deeply sorry instead of trying to defend Kerim. It also says a lot about who Fatma is that she is able to feel sympathy for Meryem as a mother.

Mustafa is scary, he is not playing with a full deck. I can't imagine what Asu saw in him in the brief time that he wasn't even friendly toward her that has her so intrigued. Unless it is what she first said and he reminds her of herself years ago and she is really trying to reach out to her younger self via him. I admit I have made that mistake in the past and not seen someone clearly because I was seeing me.

Meltem is very pretty and very stupid for standing by Selim's side through all this. She KNOWS something is off, she doesn't know but she knows. Her intuition is screaming at her and she should listen.

I am sort of an awe of the actress who plays Muka and her ability to be so horrible all the time and do it with a straight face I don't think I could pull it off. How ridiculous that she kissed Kerim on both cheeks at the bus station. She is horrid, absolutely no shame.

It surprises me Rhami has warmed up to Kerim so quickly. Yes, he's childlike and innocent but he also knows what is going on. One of the men who raped his sister (as far as he knows) and he treats him like his best buddy. I suppose it could be his disability but it's strange that he is insightful at times when you wouldn't expect him to be and clueless at times when he shouldn't be.

I continue to be both fascinated and horrified by this story.


It's also really interesting to note that when the rape first happened and Meryem thought that Kerim might have been involved the very first thing she tried to do is march him to the police station and turn him in while the rotten rico parents KNOW their boys are guilty and they move heaven and earth to protect them.

This would be a much better world if more parents were like Meryem.


Dondi, thank you so much .

Kerim is doing everything he can to protect fatma and gain her confidence . Also, he is kind to both Murat and Rami , and he patiently walks away from the increasingly onnoxious, nasty Muka . However, Fatm a is holding on to her hatred of Kerim since she cannot confront the three spoiled ricos.

The four guys involved in that fateful night are reacting to the situation each in their own way.Kerim is guiltridden and ashamed . I am sure that he would have stopped the other three if he hadn't been completely Tripping on alcohol and drugs . Who knows if he ever took drugs before . Erdo wants to control the other three guys and the situation . Selim is a spoiled , rich wussy hiding behind " I have a mommy and a fiancee. " Vural seems to have a conscience and is falling deeper into depression.

When I first found this show, I jumped around episodes and missed episodes , so I am now aware of several things that I didn't know before . One is that Muka is more obnoxious and abusive than I realized. She says awful things to Fatma and treats Rami like a child\servant . No wonder Fatma is pining over Mustafa . He was the one she always ran to when Muka was nagging and verbally abusing her . Rami adores his sister , but he is too weak to protect her from Muka. Marrying Mustafa was fatma's opportunity to escape awful Muka, who knocks down the beautiful , kind young girl to lift herself up.


Darcy, I think Asu puts up with Mustafa because he seems so innocent and hasn't slept with her . She is used to guys pimping her out, using her sexually, and being physically abusive , and Mustafa has done none of those things . She also didn't know how messed up he is . I don't find him attractive , it maybe Asu likes blue eyes . I prefer dark eyes and dark hair .


Muka definitely seems to think Kerim is fine . That's why she is always harassing Fatma about sleeping with him . Remember how she tried to look through the keyhole of the bathroom door when he went to take a shower . yikes ..who does that !!? This woman is flat out brazen. Meryem caught her , and Muk got into bed with Rami and tried to interest him in some bunnyhopping . However , he was too tired to comply , so she was frustrated .


Rami ,like Fatmagul , has been bullied and belittled by Muka for years . He doesn't have a father or a brother ...maybe no real friends . Now Kerim has entered their lives . Kerim can fix things . He is kind to Rami. I think Rami with his childlike nature intuitively knows that Kerim is a good person trying to do the right thing for Fatmagul. He sees how kindly Kerim treats Meryem and Murat ,and Kerim is kind and patient with Rami . Rami is starting to see him as a brother and a friend. Ironically, Meryem and Kerim are turning out to be the best thing to happen to Fatmagul, Rami, and Murat, an antidote to Muka's toxic nature in that family unit. Again we see good vs evil


Thank you, dondi356.

Fatmagul may think nobody is on her side. She can see that Rahmi and Murat like Kerim and enjoy spending time with him. Meryem loves Kerim. Fatmagul, from her watch place by the window, saw how lovingly Maryem hugged Kerim when she returned. And Mukaddes is never on her side. Must be frustrating and confusing. Why only she sees a monster and nobody else.

Turkish name Fatmagül, composed of the names Fatma/Fatima - "daughter of Prophet Muhammad" + Gul - "rose, flower." Was that a string of roses, the ornamental sting that she left behind and Kerim picked up? Probably just a flower.

[this is getting reminiscent of the roaches in Hercai.] - :) I was getting the same feeling.


Lucio, yes it looked like the actress really knows how to crochet with that very fine thread . Those roses She made were quite intricate and dainty. She was holding her fingers correctly, and it seemed she was really crocheting ,not just pretending. Turkish village girls must still do this craft which I am sure the big city girls don't do. My grandmother , mother, aunt ,and sister could all crochet and knit, so I have always appreciated handmade things . I crochet a little. My grandma used to " tat" which is like making lace. By the contents of fatmaguls hope chest , she is a talented crafter.


Thanks again, dondi, for providing such a fine recap! Hallelujah! Way less Muka last night. Couldn't the writers have sent her back to the village a couple times a week for some respite for Viewerville?

She barely got back to town and was so harsh with Murat for the bed wetting, shaking him and asking him why he can't learn. Idiot. A child that wets the bed isn't in control of what happens. From what I've seen Fatmagul has done most of the real "mothering" in this family.

I chuckled last night when Muka was ranting about something and I saw a real Meryem eyeroll.

Erdo is despicable. He kept saying to the police that the jacket was Viral's. And when he was faced with some consequences about putting them all in the soup by having the drugs in the first place, he started to whine. When they were in the odd, dormitory cell, his lips were trembling while Viral was just stoic feeling he'd gotten what he deserved.

Two things occurred to me about Munir asking the Yasaran employee. (I haven't bothered to learn any of these guys' names who work for the company.) It could be to protect Erdogan while he's locked up. Or, less likely, substitute him somehow for Erdo and having Erdo slip away.

They haven't made it real clear, or I missed it, why Vural and Erdo were sent to this jail and Selim and Kerim released. I can only assume that Selim and Kerim were completely sober and drug free and were only passengers in the car. Vural could be there for a DUI and maybe Erdo's blood test showed he'd been using.

One more thing. Dondi, do you know the instrument played so much as the score of the dizi? It sounds to me like a balalaika, which makes me think of Dr. Zhivago.


Susanlynn, my grandmother also taught me to crochet. I was not very good at it but I liked spending time with her. She also had quilting parties. She set up some sort of frame in her dining room and some neighbors would come and quilt with her. Tea and her special cookies were always served. When I stayed overnight with my grandma, I always slept beneath a beautiful quilt and...because it was in Ohio...she would put a brick from the oven, wrapped in a towel in my bed so my feet would stay warm.

OT..novelera, my husband's maternal grandmother made quilt tops for our two daughters when they were born . Then, she helped the quilting ladies in our church attach them to quilt backings. I also have handmade quilts from hub's paternal great grandmother .The Amish in neighboring areas around here still make beautiful quilts .

I love the music in this show along with the writing and acting . I think the casting is spot on . Each actor and actress seems the perfect pick for his\her part.

Fatmagul #10

Thanks everyone.

Juanita, Kerim still can’t recall what happened that night. I wasn’t able to hear it in the Spanish, but in the Turkish Kerim said, “I don’t remember anything about that night, but I know that I didn’t do anything to you.” He is referring to what Vural told him without mentioning Vural. Kerim didn’t tell Meryem what Vural told him either. So he’s still keeping up with the big lie, holding up his end of the bargain and protecting his “friends”.

Kerim is anxious for Fatma to know he didn’t rape her. Maybe he feels it’s a path to forgiveness. Meryem put the idea of forgiveness into his head. If Fatma forgives him, then he could forgive himself.

We will find out soon why Munir wanted Ismail to find someone to serve time.

I agree with those who say Meltem should follow her instincts and head for the hills.

Great comments, Susanlynn. I agree with your explanations. And I also like dark hair and dark eyes!

It’s nice to see you on the patio, Lucio! Thanks for the info on the name Fatmagül. This dizi explores some of the same themes as Hercai.

novelera, you’re right, Fatma is more of a mother to Murat. They even shared a bed. The boy is very attached to her. It wasn’t entirely clear why Selim and Kerim were released. But your explanation is plausible. Vural was drunk and he kept claiming it was Erdo’s jacket. So they were kept in custody.

I can’t be 100% sure what instrument we hear. I am that person who watches the credits at the end of a movie or TV show. I see that the mandolin is mentioned in the music credits. I think a balalaika and a mandolin have a similar sound.

And after all these years, my view of Mukaddes has not changed. She’s as vile as ever and I can hardly stand to watch her. I feel like I’m being tortured right along with Fatmagül.




I always wondered wby Kerim never played the vm from vural to prove his innocence. Not that she would believe him but got to believe it couldnt hurt.




Rvg chick

Thx 4 the tip regarding commenting from my phone.


Fatmagu l

I ,too, don't understand why Kerim isn't telling Meryem the true story . I guess he is on a slow hero's journey as this story unfolds bit by bit.

Meryem is a remarkable person. I've had three people in my life with the love and wisdom of Meryrm. Two are now gone ,and one is very ill. I can relate to the strength and love that Meryem provides for the people around her . She is the bright hope amidst the palpable pain of both Fatmagul and Kerim. As we watch, perhaps there are lessons for dealing with the different challenges of life that everyone must face.


Thanks very much, dondi, for telling me what Kerim said to Fatmagül in the Turkish version. I listened again to what he said in Spanish, and you're right that he doesn't say that he now remembers. What he says is "Antes, no recordaba nada de esa noche. Pero ahora ya lo sé. Yo no te hice nada." When he said BEFORE I didn't remember anything about that night, but NOW I know," I assumed that he was implying that now he remembered (thanks to his conversation with Vural). It's clearer from your translation from the Turkish that he's not implying that he remembers. Thanks for clearing this up.


the second season of "Pasión de gavilanes",
the third season of "La reina del sur"
and the melodrama "La mujer de mi vida", which marks Catherine Siachoque's return to villainy,

and a provocative 10-episode drama under the title "Diario de un Gigoló".


Telemundo 2022

I can not wait for the second season of Passion de Gavilanes. PDG was the first novela I ever watched and I loved it!! It's exciting that they are able to do it and bring back so many from the original cast 20 years later.

Makes me want to rewatch the original PDG again but I am already watching too many shows!

Telemundo 2022

Thanks, deb. I hope they don't keep us waiting too long for LRDS 3. It will be interesting to see PDG + 20. I only saw the remake. And like Catherine Siachoque.

I read that they are relegating Parientes to 12am. I think Malverde didn't do as well as expected either. Telemundo is desperate.



I can't watch until later tonight. So feel free to start commenting.



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