Monday, September 19, 2022

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): La Mexicana y El Guero * & Los Ricos También Lloran- Week of Sept. 19, 2022

ANNOUNCEMENT: Los Ricos Tambien Lloran will be preempted on Wednesday due to Futbol! La Herencia will be preempted on Thursday due to the special program, Univisionarios.

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! Los Ricos También Lloran  is being recapped/highlighted by Diana and I; and we would certainly welcome some help! The discussion on LMYEG is still going strong despite the time change! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

*3-4 PM  La Mexicana y el Guero:  Ep. 73-75

10-11PM – Los Ricos También Lloran: Ep. 10-11

Coming Soon: Vencer La Ausencia will start MUY PRONTO!


Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Ricos”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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RICOS #10 - Part 1

We begin with Luis entering Leon’s office as a muffled phone rings. Luis looks around and locates the secret red phone in a desk drawer. Luis answers and pauses as he hears Osvaldo’s voice saying “Leon?” As if on cue, the devil himself appears. Luis didn’t realize Leon even knew Osvaldo much less communicated with him. Leon confirms this and states he’s been talking with Osvaldo ever since Luis told him that Osvaldo was threatening and blackmailing him. Leon contacted him and spoke to him…and he was able to control him. Luis asks why he has a disposable phone. Quickly thinking and lying through his forked tongue, Leon replies that he wasn’t about to use the company phone. After this convincing lie, Luis is mollified, and he apologizes for doubting him!

Santiago (who couldn’t very well invite Emilio to his house), seeks a favor (and a pardon) from Britney. Britney tells him not to worry; she will handle it and he needs to watch and learn. He introduces her to Emilio who wonders why Santi hadn’t told him he had such a pretty sister. They talk over a few cold beers. Emilio wants details as to how he and Britney met and how long they’ve been seeing each other. Britney fabricates a good story. After Emilio leaves, Santiago thanks Britney for his help; he owes her! She laughs that she will be sure to charge him! Then, she asks him why he got so nervous when his phone rang. It was my chauffeur Santiago admits (who has been hanging around waiting for him). Britney is duly impressed.

Leon reproaches Luis for losing the money. He assures Luis that his luck will change soon. Viewerville wonders if that means the casino plans to stop cheating Luis? That might be a good place to start. Luis mentions the man who had information for him. Leon tells Luis that he should let Becerra handle the investigation. Luis wonders who could be trying to kill his father, but Leon insists that he let Becerra handle it.

And as any good gathering must come to an end, Polo arrives and rudely asks what Santiago is doing there. Britney again explains he is Mariana’s friend. Polo’s demeanor is snarling and proprietary. Santiago hurriedly takes his leave.

Leon tells the staff that they need to come in to work on Saturday- for triple time. Mariana asks if she can come but Leon tells her no, she just started with the company.

Luis tells Becerra that he is going to go look for the man with the info at the casino. Becerra wants to go but Luis tells him no. Becerra insists that he will have to tell Alberto about what is happening.


RICOS #10 - Part 2

Daniela and Alberto are kissing and snuggling on the couch. Alberto tells Daniela that he was perturbed with her jealousy but at the same time was glad to know how much she loves him. He will reward her by taking her to Rio de Bravo. Mariana smilingly observes them and unable to restrain herself, bursts into the room, thrilled to see them so happy. Daniela seems to laugh delightedly. Alberto shares they are going to their home in Rio De Bravo.

Patricia tells Felipe that she is going in to work on Saturday. Felipe prefers she not go in; she needs to take care of herself. When Felipe gets more insistent that they need to consider that she is pregnant, Patricia confesses that she hasn’t told them she is pregnant…she promised she wouldn’t say anything about her pregnancy! Felipe asks why and she will tell him everything….

Ahh, look who showed up at the club – Luis. Osvaldo is there like the smiling snake that he is. When asked if he is looking for someone, Luis denies it. He simply thought he had seen a friend. Thoughtful Osvaldo has a table waiting for him. Luis is not alone tonight – he has lady luck by his side. He throws a few bills out and is winning!!

Patricia tells Felipe the truth. The whole sordid truth. Felipe asks if she is crazy…how can she do that to the owner of the company?? Patricia tells him that she couldn’t refuse SorLoser who is vengeful and evil. Felipe insists that they will return everything!

Dinner time at Britney’s. Polo starts up again, telling the family that Santiago was at the shop. Britney reminds them that she already told them that Santiago is Mariana’s friend. And from typical dinner conversation, an angry and amped up Polo goes off the rails, spitting out that type of friend only wants one thing, After, the pregnant girl is left behind. Well, so much for small talk.

Osvaldo tells Luis that he knew he would win. Osvaldo asks if he will pay him part of what he owes him. Luis tells him no; he has a more important debt to pay. Osvaldo warns that his associates won’t take kindly to have to wait…he may have to go to the company and talk to his father to tell him about his debt.

Leon is not happy to hear about Alberto and Daniela’s trip. When Luis asks him if there is anything wrong, Leon says no.


RICOS #10 - Part 3

Alberto and Becerra have a serious discussion. Becerra tells Alberto he has many years of experience and believes Luis is innocent. He assures Alberto that it was not Luis who tried to kill him. Alberto feels terrible that he reacted so badly (as well he should!).

Matilde tells Soraya about Alberto and Daniela’s trip. She warns Soraya that Mariana and Luis may end up staying in the mansion. Alone!

Marianna and Luis are sitting on the couch when Soraya comes in, plunking herself down between them on the couch. She mi amor’s him for the thousandth time, telling him she has made plans for them for the weekend. As they leave arm in arm, she throws a triumphant look over her shoulder saying she wants to go shopping for the baby…AND she has cravings.

Daniela and Alberto are on the patio soaking up the sun in their second home…

Marianna is cracking the books as her mind is elsewhere.

Mariana calls Brit saying she is alone in the huge house. Brit is more than happy to come and keep her company. When she arrives, Matilde doesn’t even want to let her in. Mariana welcomes her warmly, but Matilda tries to pull rank, saying she won’t tolerate disrespect and will call the guard if she causes problems.

Luis and Sor have lunch where Sofia meets Uriel who is from Madrid and doesn’t have many friends in Mexico. He is here to run his father’s companies. Sofia discreetly asks about girlfriends….no Uriel doesn’t have a novia. Luis keeps flashing back to dancing with Mariana. Mi amor Sor asks? (Realizing he is not paying attention). Soraya makes a toast to the “young blood” of the company. Uriel hopes they get together again. Sofia hints that Luis and Soraya don’t necessarily have to accompany them next time.


RICOS #10 - Part 4 Last

Britney wants to see Santiago’s bedroom. Maybe she will find a picture of the girl who broke his heart. They are poking around when Matilde comes in – they hide and escape detection. Whew!
Patricia and Felipe’s kids are arguing, and he is clearly upset. He calls Patricia but she tries to tell him she is busy and can’t talk but that doesn’t seem to sink in. He can’t stop thinking about what she told him. He wants to bring her something to eat. They are good people and will not lie just to have a refrigerator or computer. Patricia is clearly flustered which some of the staff are noting, staring at her.

Luis is daydreaming of Mariana, their first meeting in the rain and reliving their strong attraction. Mariana daydreams similarly.

Luis enters work and addresses everyone with a good morning. Leon appears on the balcony and calls him up. Leon has something for him. (The shares).

Alberto and Daniela are in bed, and it seems he is having a difficult time. He takes a small blue pill and goes running for the shelter of a father’s little helper.

Leon tries to talk Luis into gambling some more so he can pay his debts.

Young boys bicycle riding find a body in the woods.

Luis is startled as Felipe introduces himself. He tells him his wife is pregnant. Congratulations Luis smiles. No Felipe assures him unsmilingly. Patricia is pregnant…and Soraya tried to take advantage…it is my wife Patricia who is pregnant, not Soraya…Soraya is lying to you!! Luis stares, impactada!




Tonight was fast and furious.

All thanks to Rgv Chick who filled in the all important need to know dialog and details that I couild not grasp. I am SO appreciative.



Thank you, Diana! Reading your recaps is such a joy! And I agree last night was fast and furious with some respite with the scenes of Mariana and Britney at the mansion...a nice break from all the schemimg and lying.

I have nothing more to add othere than WOW! GO FELIPE!!! But oh my, Sor's wrath will be unmerciful, I'm sure!


Thank you so much Rgv Chick!

Felipe is kind, sensitive, loving and supportive. I believe he has faith in Patricia but it was obvious she is way in over her head and in truth, he absolutely needed to intervene. I loved his being proactive and going straight to Luis. No beating around the bush, no games, just plain straight talk!

We are just in the beginning stages so I sadly suspect Sor won't be hanging her head and skulking into the night Yet :)


Thanks, Diane and RGVChick, for the detailed recap.

Two, “ I can’t believes”! Luis just took Leon’s explanation without any doubts! And Patri’s husband told Luis the truth but didn’t bother to tell him that his wife will be in big trouble if Sori finds out Luis knows. I really don’t want trouble for Patti but maybe Mariann can then help her. But I think Sori will somehow convince Luis she really is pregnant.

Luis needs to get his gambling under control! And is there any doubt of who’s body was found.

I can’t believe I ever liked Polo. I think he’s going to be trouble for Santiago.



Good afternoon Liz.

"Patri’s husband told Luis the truth but didn’t bother to tell him that his wife will be in big trouble if Sori finds out Luis knows". An excellent point. In thinking it over, could there be any other way to confront Sor without telling the truth? I can't think of any other plausible explanation as to how he found out. He will/should be particularly upset because of the lying doctor and fake ultrasound.

I can't wait to see what happens!

And yes, Luis needs GA.

Polo is bad news.



Thank you,Diana ,for another excellent recap of the growing trouble and turmoil.

I love Felipe . Now there is a hero. We shall see what the fallout will be for Pat.

I also love Santi. I hate telenovelas that have no characters to like.

The actresses playing Mariana and Britney are a bit old to be playing characters who act like silly teens , but ...yeah well.


Diana: Thank you very much for the recap of last night's episode. The hypocrisy of these Buji folks are driving me nuts.

However, thank God it's only 60 episodes.

Steve Boudreaux


Rene, mad enough to eat raw meat has it put on his face instead. Andrea’s “marriage counseling” to Marcia and Gonzalo was met with some resistance.

Katya cries in her corn flakes and cries to her mother (not that I understood). Diego is crushed thinking he slept with her and now Sebastian is devastated. But attacking already misused Diego was over the top. Why couldn’t Sebastian and Diego have been honest from the start – none of this would be transpiring. What havoc Katya has caused! And Andrea aided and abetted her by not sharing what she knew. Wonder how she is feeling now that she thinks Diego slept with Katya. Not liking Andrea these days.

Dona Maty “comes into” more of Tyler’s money.

Melody is adorable – love the hat and Ignacio is so good with her. On the phone, Sofia tells Sebastian she doesn’t care about his personal lifestyle, but she hates the deception. Did I get that right?

Didn’t understand any of Tyler/Erika’s conversation about his family history. Of course, he is thinking of Andrea when they kiss.

While I’m glad future madrina Paulina was happy for her friend, I have a foreboding Mario will not share Gladys’ joy regarding the pregnancy. Hope I’m wrong.



Hi Susanlynn and thank you very much!

I agree Santiago and Felipe are very galan worthy. Let's keep our eyes on Uriel, I think he has definite potential!

Susanlynn, Rulli is very handsome but at 47, I'd rather see him paired with Claudia who is 33 than someone in their twenties. It would just be too much of an age difference otherwise. Lorena Graniewicz who plays Brittney is only 31. She is pretty but appears more mature than her actual age. You are exactly right in that the actresses are playing the parts as written and Mariana is bubbly beyond belief. But sweetly so :)



Hi Steve and thank you.

I'm really enjoying this, lots of danger and intrigue. And characters you love to love and loe to hate. A win/win.



Diana and SpanProf, my apologies but some of that dratted "Real Life" (ha!) stuff has interfered with my "Preferred Life" and I have fallen behind. Today I should have time to catch up, and fully enjoy the telenovela and your comments too!



Susanlynn, knowing you made "BYOA" really easy   :-)

Some serious goings on here at Caray, but one happy outcome is that I learned that Kirby is OK.

Last year I took a break from Caray and when I returned I noticed a few people were missing, but that happens from time to time so I was not concerned.
But at one point Rgv Chick mentioned something about the new maintainers of Caray had been planned to be Anita, Kirby, and herself.

Well, I knew what had happened to Anita (and I'm still upset) but what happened to Kirby I had no idea.

I never asked because I was a bit afraid it might be bad news, these are strange times, and I prefer to avoid bad news when I can.



OT...Andy, yes, I also strive to avoid bad news....but it's getting harder and harder to do that. That's why I focus on pleather shirts, villains I think I could reform, avocados,and apples .

Diana, let's not forget Becerra , who seems to be an honest, good guy. I am happy that there are quite a few good folks in this shoe.

Hmmm...has Dani really accepted Mariana and turned into a good soul?


Anon, yes, Becerra!!! Thank you for reminding me! Very handsome and seems honest and a very good guy.

So, regarding your question...My honest (and very surprised) reaction to what I saw last night was yes. But you are likely right at just 10 episodes in, it seems highly unlikely that she has completely transformed overnight. But she sure does look happy right now.



Diana, I am Anon above. I have been having trouble commenting under my name so , I have putting my name at the end of my comment like I used to do back in the day and like you do.

I am really enjoying this show so far. ~~~susanlynn

Mexicana. No worries, Andy. I sometimes get behind as well. Dang! Sebastian was physically abusive. Run, Diego!


Thank you Susanlynn! It did "sound" like you, but wasn't sure :)



I just started watching and trying to catch up. I haven't even seen all of Episode 1 and already I know I will like this one.

How terrible to see 2 brothers pitted against each other, especially when one is a 'pretender', climber, and arrogant asshole and the other has some defects but is pretty nice otherwise; not to mention the best looking of all.

How nice to see Guillermo García Cantú again, but unfortunately he plays a prick.

It appears that there will be a great deal of double crossing in this novela.

RICOS Ep 11 Part 1

Repeat—Luis is startled as Felipe introduces himself. He tells him his wife is pregnant. Congratulations Luis smiles. No Felipe assures him unsmilingly. Patricia is pregnant…and Soraya tried to take advantage…it is my wife Patricia who is pregnant, not Soraya…Soraya is lying to you!! Luis stares, impactada! (Thank you, Diana!)

Luis asks Felipe how he can be so sure that Sor lied to him. Felipe explains about the pregnancy test and how Sor pressured Pati into lying. When Luis mentions that he went to the doc with Sor and saw the ultrasound , Felipe doesn’t know what to say; he just is suggesting that Luis make sure of the pregnancy.

Luis whizzes over to Sor’s house and asks if she is really pregnant. Sor assures him that she is. Luis tells her about Felipe going to talk to him. Sor tries to convince him that “those people” hate her…first they tried to get rid of his father now they want to get rid of her!

Pati worries that nothing will be okay; it’ll be Sor’s word against hers. Felipe assures her that they wouldn’t fire her because she is pregnant. Pati wonders what they will do if they run her off. Felipe replies that if they run her off then they will leave but they will leave with their heads held high.

Luis apologizes and asks that Sor try to understand his doubts; he doesn’t know what to do! Sor deflects by saying she is feeling nauseated. Once she leaves, Sor calls the bogus doc and tells her that she needs to hightail it out of town. The doc tells her it will cost her. Meanwhile, Luis calls Becerra and tells him to go look for the doc.

When Sor returns Luis offers to take her to the doc…he pleads that she take a blood test so he can feel more at ease. Sor leaves again and calls León; she tells him about Felipe talking to Luis. She will have to take the blood test to appease Luis.

Alberto has had success in bed…and is all smiles along with Dani.

The good doc is with Luis and Sor and is about to take blood samples when Becerra calls Luis and tells him that he caught the bogus doc in time…and she confessed everything! Luis turns to the doc and tells him that the blood tests won’t be needed…Sor is not pregnant!! Wooohooo!

Alberto thinks he has been very unfair with Luis…they have hurt each other for a long time. Dani suggests that they forget their problems for a while.

Sor bawls to Luis that she did it for love; she was afraid to lose him. She is doing everything to keep his eyes on her but he only has eyes for Mariana. When Luis asks what Mariana has to do with anything, Sor cries that he is falling in love with Mariana!

Sweet loving scenes between Alberto and Dani. Alberto just wants to please her… and takes more “booster” pills!

Mariana enjoys a nice swim.

After “moving the bed”. Alberto feels woozy! Uh-oh!

Mariana is still swimming when she sees Luis. He asks that she get closer because he wants to tell her something…ever since he met her, his life has turned topsy turvy. Mariana asks why he is saying that, he is having a baby with Sor. Luis explains that Sor is. Not pregnant, he confesses that Mariana is the most important and special woman he has ever known…he can’t stop thinking about her. He loves her…and they KISSS!!

Dani worries about Alberto’s health as the family helicopter arrives. In a flash, the helicopter is back at the mansion. While still kissing Luis, Mariana hears it and tells Luis that they can’t find them there.


RICOS Ep 11 Part 2

Alberto is wheeled in as Luis asks what happened. Mariana approaches and after Dani notices that both Luis and Mariana are in wet clothes,, she tells them that her husband felt sick again. She thinks the cup of wine she gave him was what caused Al to feel sick.

León is with Sor who comments that if Luis is not for her, he will be for no one!! ( Is this on a bingo card?) When León mentions Mariana, Sor threatens that he not mention that name again! Sor doesn’t like to lose! León suggests that Sor use all her hate and anger in their favor. Sor swears she will get Luis back!

The doc worries that Al still has tachycardia. When the doc asks if he exerted himself, Alberto admits that started take the blue pills again. After the doc reminds him that he shouldn’t be taking those pills, Alberto complains that he wants to enjoy his life.

The doc goes out and tells the family that he gave Al a shot and now the tachycardia is under control. He asks to talk to Dani alone.

Once alone the doc tells Dani that they need to make sure that Alberto is well taken care. He shares that Alberto is taking the blue pills and that is why he fell sick. He advises that Dani needs to try to understand that Alberto only wants to feel strong and young.

Mariana goes to see Al and tells him that Luis wants to see him, but Luis is afraid since things always go awry. Al knows that it is his fault. Mariana suggests that what makes Al most ill is his bad relationship with his son. After Al agrees to see Luis, Mariana goes to see his father . Luis suggests that Al take a week off from work to rest. Al asserts that work doesn’t tire him; it is fixing things that are badly done when he is not there that tire him. Mariana quickly intervenes and suggests that Al should stop working and enjoy life. After she leaves, Al asks Luis to sit down. Luis suggests that he take a couple of weeks off; he promises not to make any changes in his absence.

Mariana is trying to study but is distracted with thoughts of kissing Luis.

Luis comes knocking and Mariana asks how things went with his father. Luis replies that they were able to talk calmly…but he is there because he can’t stop thinking about her. Now that he knows Sor is not pregnant, he wants to talk about their feelings. Mariana suggests that they talk after her exam…she needs to study.


RICOS Ep 11 Part 3

Dani watches Al who didn’t know she liked to see him sleep. Dani prefers to see him wake up and know he is alive. She brings up the blue pill and tells Al that she would prefer that they not make love ever again…she wants him alive.

Pati and Felipe tell the kids about having a new sibling. The daughter is not happy!

Santi arrives home and questions why he was not told about Al getting sick. Luis and he argue about Santi’s relationship with Al. When Santi mentions Luis’s brother, Luis pushes him and warns him not to mention his brother again!

Al is glad to see Mariana studying. He tells her not to go into work the next day so she can study. He wants to make a party for her once she passes her exam. Santi approaches and apologizes for not being there when Al got sick. Al assures him he is fine.

After Al and Santi leave, Luis quickly approaches and kisses Mariana. He offers to help her study and as he does, Dani watches.

León tells Victor that he is worried because things are going as he planned. He calls Osvaldo and tells him that he needs to pressure Luis for the money he owes him.

Dani tells Al that she saw Luis helping Mariana study and they looked quite content; she had never seen Luis so happy. She then mentions how Luis and Mariana were dressed when they arrived from Rio de Bravo. Al worries that Luis will hurt Mariana, but Dani points out that Luis has been different since Mariana arrived…maybe Mariana will bring out the best in Luis.

At breakfast, Luis offers to go for Mariana after she completes her exam…and they will go celebrate.

Becerra has been summoned to go see a body. The cop thought Becerra would be interested in seeing the body…of the man who seems to have committed suicide.

Luis goes to see Sor who doesn’t want to talk to anyone…and doesn’t want to go in to work because she doesn’t want to see anyone. Luis assures her that what happened will stay between them.

Mariana is asked a question by the professor and she responds correctly (with the clues that Luis gave her).

Luis calls in Pati and assures her that Felipe did the right thing…and he won’t hold anything against her. He suggests she go tell her her coworkers about her pregnancy.

Luis gives Elena the shares he got back…they will be more secure with her. He then tells her he is not going to be a father…Sor lied. Elena tries to defend Sor by saying that a woman in love will do anything to keep her man’s love. Luis wonders if Elena would do something like that.

Britney and Santi go for Mariana, but Mariana tells them Luis will be giving her a ride.

Luis is on his way to pick up Mariana…balloons and all! He is blocked by a van and several men harp that he has a pending debt. As Mariana awaits and calls Luis, Luis is being badly battered and kicked!!




RgvChick, a marvelous summary replete with wisdom and wit. Let’s start with “Leon is with Sor who comments that if Luis is not for her, he will be for no one!! (Is this on a bingo card?)”. I believe so amiga. I believe so. 😊

Favorites include “booster” pills” and “moving the bed.” Alberto had fun while it lasted which is good as Dani seems to have put on the brakes. Ouch.

Felipe is pretty perfect. Not only does he completely support Patricia, but he always has her best interests at heart, first and foremost. He is protective and proactive, but not overbearing or demanding. Patricia’s fear of losing her job and/or being intimidated are well founded. He doesn’t try to argue that won’t happen but his pragmatic response “that if they run her off then they will leave but they will leave with their heads held high” struck just the right note.

In all the years I’ve been watching TNs, I’m not sure a false pregnancy has ever been revealed so quickly. Sor was unrepentant and unapologetic.

Luis and Alberto had a few nice moments which Alberto ruined by implying he shouldn’t stay away from work too long as he ends up fixing everything that falls apart during his absence.

To her credit, Dani does seem supportive of Mariana and Luis.

It’s understandable that Luis would be hurt by Alberto’s overt preference for Santiago, but it did not excuse Luis not calling Santi. That was quite cruel. We’ve seen nothing to indicate Santiago has done anything untoward to ingratiate himself in Alberto’s good graces.

Luis has been warned. The baseball bats even looked painful. I hope the balloon survived the carnage 😊

Thank you Rgv Chick. This was the perfect before bedtime story.


Ricos #11

Gracias, RGV Chick. right on the money.

SorLoser is heading toward the deep end of the pool already. This reveal is so early because this version is much shorter than the original. Like Mujer de Nadie it will have little if any filler. This actress is enjoying the character's evil.

The whole "s/he's mine or nobody's" is common enough and can also be applied to overbearing and truly mental toxic parents. If it isn't a bingo square it should be.

Since Felipe insists on returning the fridge and the new laptop I hope Luis pays for them as a thanks for getting him out of the fry pan. Good guy with ethics. The actor is also quite attractive, so I hope we'll be seeing him again in future.

Does anyone think that Leon is about to knock up SorLoser?


I was very surprised that Sofía seemed to agree with Ignacio that there was something scandalous about Sebastián and Diego being gay. I find it just a little hard to believe that people in Mexico City, for the most part, are like that. But what do I know, it's been 40 years since I was there. But even then, gay people were not thought so bad, at least in films. Gay people today might be a little offended by the portrayal of gays in that era, they were often portrayed somewhat comically, but that was acceptance of a sort.

I think that was when my Spanish was at its best, and movies in theaters had better sound systems, and my hearing was better too. Oh, well.

Wow, did they ever give René a beating! He looked just awful with one eye completely closed, and he was barely able to walk. I really felt bad for him. He is himself always threatening violence, but so far his bark has been worse than his bite. Still, this is a little bit of "live by the sword, die by the sword." He even took a gun with him.
Nonetheless, Sabino is without any doubt a real lowlife.

But my girl Andrea! She asks René right away, "And the money?" I just had to laugh, I couldn't help myself. Andrea keeps her focus on the important things   :-)

Gladys is pregnant and thrilled. I'm sure Tyler will be as well, but as for everybody else, I dunno. Sofía's reaction should be interesting.

I was a little surprised that Sofía was so nasty with Sebastián. Wait, I can't believe I said that, because Sebastián is the biggest jerk in this show. OK, he has some competition from Gonzalo, but still. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised, Sofía really is a piece of work herself. And I have decided I don't like her new look, except maybe for Halloween.

Sebastián got very physically aggressive, abusive really, with Diego, not a good thing. I can't imagine what Diego sees in him, nor why Paulina also is interested because, again, the guy is a bigger jerk than Gonzalo. And a downer. I think he has smiled perhaps four times for a total of 10 seconds so far in this telenovela.

I'm a little annoyed with Tyler; always kissing (and whatever else) with hot and sweet Erika and thinking of Andrea. What's he doing dating Erika if he's never going to be that interested? For her, it's not just a casual, fun relationship, it's for real.

Both Sebastián and Diego are so gullible, almost as bad as Tyler. They both believe Diego had sex with Katya and now Andrea probably thinks so too. I wonder what Katya will tell her.

I'm getting a little grumpy in my old age, but I still love this show.


Thanks, RGVChick, for the excellent recap.

So glad all went well for Patricia. I’d hate to see her suffer for her husband being honest and ethical!

It looks like Luis and Mariana are now a couple. I imagine they will break up before the ending so they can get back together.

I wonder why Elena was defending Sor. Does she want them together that badly. As a mom I’d be pretty mad if someone tricked one of mine into marriage. And we did find out pretty early. I was sure we’d have a miscarriage in a couple of weeks.

I hope Alberto lives for the entire show, although I have my doubts. But he’ll hopefully realize what he’s been doing to Luis. Maybe the beating will open Alberto’s eyes.



Thank you for what is a marvelous recap Andy. I learned much and enjoyed your always excellent humor.

"...Sofía seemed to agree with Ignacio that there was something scandalous about Sebastián and Diego being gay". Thank you for clarifying. I did misunderstand. Disappointed in both.

I fear Mario's reaction to Gladys' news even more than Sofia. I believe he is trying, and he really wants to love Gladys but...kind of the same thing with Tyler and Erika...

Sebastian is perpetually glum and joyless. He was very nice with Paulina in a recent scene when he was helping her walk around. I can sort of understand her attraction. If only she could see what we do!

Katya holds the key to unlocking this mess. When will she "come clean?"

Looks like more with Helena today. I hope she morphs into SuperHelena...


Mexicana. Katya has told her mother that nothing happened between her and Diego, and Andrea passed that news on to Sebastian, but he didn't believe her. What a jerk! Even if Diego had had sex (which he didn't) Katya had plied him with alcohol so he wouldn't have been responsible.


"Does anyone think that Leon is about to knock up SorLoser?" Good question Urban. Maybe...

Liz, I'm glad you brought up Elena. After Luis told her, she was upset and seemed to utter one word. I thought it was "maldita", but perhaps it was "porbrecita." Her defense seems to indicate that perhaps she might have done something similar in the past. Still, in going along with what you said, she is a mother first and foremost so Luis should be her primary concern.



Thanks SpanProf.

So many outright lies and lies of omission.

And poor Diego has borne the brunt!



You know your wife is mad when she uses your full name! “Bonifacio Robles” Isis roars. Those monstrous sammies died look delicious and of course Isis caved. I loved Boni’s silver light up high tops. I wish we’d really had the chance to see him bust a move.

Marcia tells Helena (whose complexion is more wan every time we see her) Andrea doesn’t love Gonzalo.

Luis wants to send flowers online at the cybercafé. But to who?

Gonzo and Marcia flip a coin as to who gets the bedroom. Guess who wins? I gather he was still raving about “perfect” Andrea. Did he throw in Marcia’s face she wasn’t married and had a family? BTW, Marcia is looking prettier by the day, her complexion, perfection.

Uh oh. Sofia and Melody run into Gladys…arms full of baby clothes!! We don’t even have to guess what Sofia is thinking. And she is right. Again, Ignacio is so good with Melody. But, is she trying to talk herself into wanting to be with Ignacio.

Why do women leave pregnancy tests in full view? I was shocked Gladys didn’t tell Mario the truth. Is he going to find the stash in her closet??

Perhaps now Andrea thinks she should have told Katya the truth about Diego??? And yet she tells her he doesn’t love her and they have no future but still doesn’t tell her truth. And Diego huffs and puffs with Tyler.


'Luis asks her if she is pregnant' part made me laugh out loud because when written, it just seems such a silly thing to do somehow. It's not like she's going to turn around and say,'well, no actually I'm not'. It's nice he had the sense to call that security guy and that for once we didn't have to wait a hundred episodes for the truth to come out.
After reading the recap, it now occurred to me that Patricia found it easy to be mean to Mariana at the beginning and yet is afraid of Soraya because Sorayahas the power here and is awful in general. I can't seem to forgive Patricia appprently because it did feel as though she picked someone she thought she could be mean to. But she's going to get a chance to see what it's like when Soraya is your enemy.
Elena really needs to use her brain a bit. What kind of mother says a woman deceived her son out of love? Someone suggested she might have done something similar, but still she sounds as if she wouldn't be against him marrying Soraya and that's a bit much. Maybe it's the whole 'you are like a daughter to me' aspect here. But Elena not doing anything about Luis's gambling problem and then not being sufficiently furious with Soraya is really making her into someone I dislike.
I loved the scene between Marian and Luis.That song made sure I'll remember it even a few months later. The show is airing now in my country and I just rewatched that episode recently.
I wasn't a fan of Mariana bringing her friend into a house that isn't hers. I know neither Alberto nor Daniela would mind, but I personally wouldn't do it.
What is the age difference between Alberto and Daniela? I do wonder if they'd ever have a man in Daniela's position in these telenovelas.They love having women who can give up quite alot. I'd be curious to see a man in this position, mostly becauseI could smell infidelity plots here but wouldn't want to actually see them.


Where is René?

Gladys is shopping for baby clothes??? She could be what, three weeks pregnant? Oh, right, she's a compulsive shopper when stressed. And of course, CDMX being such a small town, Sofía sees her.
Why did she have to lie to Mario? That will only make things worse. Mario was a bit accusatory with her, though he had understood that Gladys was taking precautions so as not to conceive; fun, yes, but neggo preggo.
But things are not looking especially good for Team Gladys, which is disappointing for me.

Brandon has thoroughly corrupted Boni and Isis, but Isis was so funny channeling the old Boni and warning about the disgrace and dangers of consumerism. Oh, how far Boni has fallen, even unto LED light up shoes. I think even four year olds are over that craze around here, but it's all new for Boni. And even Isis has fallen, which I didn't expect. I guess the Revolution is on hold for now.
Whatever. It keeps the old folks busy so Viiyéri and Brandon can go play. But lock the door, you two!

Luis wanting to send flowers to Naomi was funny. Where to send them? Rocío could have helped them out, but she didn't   :-)
Rocío has come a long way, she's now a decent young woman in her own right, not just a constantly complaining young girl.

Diana, "Gonzo and Marcia flip a coin as to who gets the bedroom." Gonzo the Muppet would be offended to be compared to the current Gonzalo, who has really become a dirt bag. He definitely and deliberately hurt Marcia about no children and such, and brought tears to her eyes. Why would anybody want to do such a thing to, really, anybody?
How did what seemed like a decent guy become such a louse, and one who thinks he can walk on water?
He has burned right through any sympathy I ever had for him. Well, perhaps this is getting us ready for a big anvil to drop on him. Somebody has to get creamed by show's end.

Tyler consoling Katya, Andrea castigating Diego, Sebastián being Sebastián... meh. Time for the truth, folks. Diego is gay; Katya has a few screws loose but if she would visit a bar or club popular with young men she would have a dozen guys hitting on her, mostly in a nice way, but an indecent proposition or two might also help her self-esteem; Andrea is in no position to throw stones; and Sebastián is in competition with Gonzalo to see who is a bigger waste of oxygen.

This show is turning into adult fare. I'm going to have to gird my loins or pour myself a bigger glass of chocolate milk, or something, if this keeps up.



Chick, thank you so much . I missed the second half .

I can't believe that Luis found out so quickly via good guy Felipe that Sor was faking a pregnancy. Then, Luis trusts Becerra to round up the corrupt doctor he took Sor to see. Yay for the good guys .

It was cute when Luis fell into the pool with Mariana. She is so good for him . Hopefully, she will help him to resist the gambling addiction.

Has Dani really turned over a new leaf with Mariana? Will she be a supporter for the Luis \Mariana match?



"He definitely and deliberately hurt Marcia about no children and such, and brought tears to her eyes. Why would anybody want to do such a thing to, really, anybody?" That is terrible Andy. To be truthful, I never saw the "decent guy" you mentioned; I saw only a selfish, self centered bore who continued to sink in the quicksand of his own making.

Boni and his family are a bright light here. Speaking of, I would like to see something wonderful happen for and to Rocio.

Sofia was rather frenetic in her conversation with Erika. I'm still thinking of the piercing look she gave Gladys and think the two couple drama will continue for a while.

"I'm going to have to gird my loins or pour myself a bigger glass of chocolate milk, or something, if this keeps up". OMG, too, too funny!



I meant to say Speaking of bright lights, I would like to see something wonderful happen for and to Rocio. The fact she is Gonzalo's daughter means she deserves it eaven more.


OT....Andy and Diana, chocolate milk , ice cream, apples ...whatever helps get us through the angst and drama of these crazy shows !


Susanlynn, I nominate you for official Caray Nutritionist/Dietician!

You have suggested the perfect meal: chocolate milk and ice cream, with an apple for fiber and such, and to keep the doctor away, which the first two items might not do.




Thank you so much, everyone! I've been busy "hiding" stuff from the plagiarists and haven't had much time to react to your comments...but I am reading and enjoying your wonderful and insightful thoughts.

Muchisimas gracias


(((Chickie))) ....oh my...Hide and seek ..Hopeo That you and your animalitos are well. Onward we all go.

Mexicana. Love seeing how Brandon keeps "corrupting" Boni and Isis, i.e. bringing them into the 21st century. And good one, Andy, about CDMX being a "small town." That kind of coincidence of the Gladys and Sofia encounter is so typical of novelas. :)


Rene, the laughing hyena finally reappears. Is someone, anyone, even Diego himself ever going to tell Katya he’s gay? Any tiny bit

Marcia and Vilyeri exchange critical info. Marcia tells Diego the truth.

Walking, talking, hormone raging Brandon slobbers over Rosendo then goes to Vilyeri. Was he trying to get Rosendo’s information from Helena in the last scene? This rotten apple doesn’t fall from the tree.

Sofia is entitled to have a life and Ignacio is wonderful with Melody. After all, Mario has started over. Hasn’t he?

Gladys cries as Paulina and Erika pamper her. Unsurprisingly, Mario finds her stash of baby clothes. Sometimes children come when one is not prepared emotionally or financially or simply don’t fit into their “plans”. Mario should have been kinder. I don’t know what he said for her to slap him. Perhaps she should have saved her tears for after he found out.

Katya takes a powder and doesn’t even stop when she mows Gladys down?

So Rene didn’t take the news about Diego well, using his fists as he always does.



To finish my second sentence:

Any tiny bit of sympathy I had for Katya evaporated when she tipped the tray contents all over Chabela.



Brandon continues to disappoint. He seems to do quite alright with women, there was absolutely no reason to get so grabby with the busty blonde person who was so understanding, much much more so than he deserved. Then he insults his mother, yet again.
What or who is going to pull him out of this downward spiral? Can we believe that he wants to now do right? I think Helena was right to be suspicious.

Diana, yes, Brandon wants Rosenda's address. Supposedly to apologize. Helena is very suspicious, but Brandon insists he is maturing and wants to do the right thing.
Helena wants very much to believe him and weakens and says she will give him her address, but he better not do anything bad. (Or else what???)

Poor Chabela! Both Andrea and Katya depend on her totally, and yet she often gets treated like dirt.

Never a dull moment at Campo amor! Mario and Gladys fight, crazed Katya is on a mission to claim Diego whether he wants to be claimed or not, and naturally these two things interact and poor Gladys is now on the ground and unresponsive. Did Mario pull her out of the way in time? Will this change things for them? Stay tuned   :-)
I predict that she will be OK, but will go on a yuuge shopping spree that Mario won't dare to criticize.

Poor Diego seems to be a punching bag for bullies. Is Katya now going to show up at Sebastián's? Will Andrea? Will they have enough room?

Dratted Univision keeps cutting out all those utterances that could help us grow our Spanish vocabulary!
Not even Srta Closed Captioning could help me out.



"Is Katya now going to show up at Sebastián's? Will Andrea? Will they have enough room?" Thanks Andy, we needed that!

Of course Brandon is up to no good. I don't trust him for a second.

I think Gladys will be fine. "I predict that she will be OK, but will go on a yuuge shopping spree that Mario won't dare to criticize". Yes :)

How much more can Diego take?

It seems everytime dialog is cut, Rene or Gonzalo is speaking. Why is that??? Never mind, just rhetorical.



Diana, "It seems everytime dialog is cut, Rene or Gonzalo is speaking. Why is that???"

Because they are a couple of naughty, naughty boys.
(Best read aloud, with an English accent :)


Mexicana. Yep, Katya endangers Gladys's life and only quick action by Mario saves her. Will that bring them closer together? And of course the question viewerville is asking itself before today's episode is Will Gladys miscarry or not?

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