Monday, September 05, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Fuego del Destino, Infiel: Historia de un engaño, y más: Week of September 5, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -  El Fuego del Destino*
  • 10-11PM - Infiel: Historia de un engaño**

*El Fuego del Destino begins with a two hour premiere on Tuesday, September 6, at 9 PM.  On Wednesday El Fuego will be shown at its regular 9 PM hour and for one hour.

**Infiel will continue its run of 2-hour episodes on Monday, September 5. And on Tuesday, September 6, Infiel will resume its 10 PM time period.

The new Turkish dizi, El Fuego del Destino, is a story about empowerment. Three women decide to take control of their lives after being on the verge of death, leaving their pasts behind to seek justice and discover true love. After a horrific fire sets the wheels of change in motion, nothing will ever be the same again in this engaging story full of plot twists.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Very eventful episode yesterday. Derin went completely around the bend and, eventually, off a cliff.

Asya's meeting with Asya, gave her some new insights into what happened with her parents. The elder Asya was a bit like Mihriban in Amor Valiente. She was the one Asya's father loved and was supposed to marry. He had a quick affair with Asya Junior's mother, who ended up pregnant. Much of Asya's unhappy childhood was down to her mother being so bitter that her husband still loved Asya Senior.

Derin overheard the tail end of the Asya/Asya conversation and got that sneaky look on her face. She browbeat the hotel manager into letting her into Asya Senior's room. She read a love letter. Then she created a fake invitation to Ali's birthday party for Asya Senior.

When the woman showed up at the party, Derin started babbling incoherently about Asya's father's lover being at the party. Asya insisted she come...somewhere...with her. It turned out to be a cliff, I think the very one where Asya's mother drove off killing both her parents. Of course this didn't really affect Ms. Entitled of 2022. Asya's point was to compare Derin's situation with her (Asya's) mother. And that trying to keep Volkan would poison her whole life. Not that Asya wants him, she just was trying to warn Derin.

Derin insisted that Asya come with her to some town. It was the place where she met Volkan. We get a lengthy back story of how they met and became lovers. I could see the attraction. It was part of what Volkan said in that conversation he had with Asya where he always felt a distance with Asya. Derin gave herself completely, giggling and joyful.

Volkan called and got the gist that Derin was driving dangerously and called the police. Melih was at the birthday party and was aware what was happening.

I was screaming at Asya not to let Derin drive, but she didn't hear me. Derin spun out near a cliff. There was a long scene of the vehicle teetering and then the car went over into the water. I'm sure Asya will surface, but Derin...


Novelera,, thanks for the run down of what happened . There's people are crazy. think Asya will survive , but Erin wont. We shall see.


Thanks, novelera, this was great.

The episode was very exciting. They left us with a huge cliffhanger…lol. I, too, screamed at Asya not to let Derin drive. I thought going to the cliff wasn’t a great choice either. If Derin survives this, and I think she will, she needs to go straight to the manicomio. I hope her mother finally realizes this instead just scolding her.

Asya handled the situation well at Ali’s party. But why does Asya try to reason with deranged Derin?

I’m glad we got some insight from “Asya Senior” that mirrors the current situation. And I’m glad they showed the Derin/Volkan backstory. I thought Derin already showed signs of instability back then.

Yeah, I can see why Volkan went for Derin. But he got more than he bargained for and it’s caused a lot of damage. I can’t feel sorry for him, no matter how sorry he says he is. Asya is right to be concerned about how this will affect Ali.



I'll put up something about the premiere tonight. Not sure how much energy I have. We're having a ghastly heat wave and my house is NOT air conditioned. It has never seemed necessary before.


I forgot to mention in my mini-cap that Asya outed Derin at Ali's birthday party. She announced for all to hear that Derin was NOT pregnant. Derya looked worried since she was the one who confided in Asya. Gonul looked aghast at what she'd spawned.

Wonder if the Haluk actor might have gotten COVID. He's been given a heart attack which may or may not have been in the original script.


This was possibly one of the best
Birthday Parties I HAVE ever seen; please how much lead time does Derin need before she can crash a party? She may be a tad unstable..but damn the girl brings it. Loved the low cut top she wore to her 14 year old stepson's party...

What was crazier than that display was Asya taking Derin on a cross country tour of why Volkan is such an Asshat. Hey Asya let's think this over..worse decision than marrying Volkan? Oh yeah letting Miss BSC drive.

Seeing Volkan play Derin brought back memories of what a traveling douche waffle he really was.
Remember he was so far in debt.

Now then if Thelma and Louise die, Volkan will have his wonderful teen son and beautiful babe magnet lil daughter, it will be no time before there is a Mrs. Volken the third.

Also I have noticed in both dizis I have seen the actress playing Asya she has odd teeth and always holds her mouth like she has a toothache.



#1 – Parte 1 de 3

That was a lot! We open with a lot of people getting ready for a big charity event and art auction. The force-of-nature woman arranging it all is Ruya. Her boyfriend also shows up. He’s called Iskender.

Cemre Is with her daughter, Gunes. They’ve rescued a couple of kittens. Cemre’s husband walks in and we can see from jump street that he’s bad news. When the child leaves, he tells his wife the cats have to go. He gives her two pills. It looks like she pretended to swallow them. He’s figured it out and beats her up. Then he comes up with the standard wife-beater line: “You made me do it!” Then he smashes a vase on his head.

Cemre’s cousin is Ruya. Celebi, Cemre’s husband, greets her and says that Cemre gave him the cut. She gets violent when she doesn’t take her medication. Later Celebi threatens Cemre with flying Gunes out of the country so she’ll never see her daughter again.

Ruya comes to show her father her law degree. She wheedles him into agreeing to buy a house for Cicek. She’s a bit like Sirin in Amor Valiente. She works at the big house, but she’s like a sister to Ruya. Cicek’s boyfriend is Ali, described as a poet. He and Cicek are soon to be married. He surprises her with a deed to a house rather far away from where they live now.

We see Cemre watching her husband on TV. The big hypocrite is talking about protecting women from domestic violence! Cemre manages to somehow get to a lawyer. But she gets nowhere with the coward she meets with. And he pretty much tells her that with her (made up) medical condition, Celebi would get custody. The rat is waiting outside and forces her into a big black car. He brandishes some pills and tells her to take them, or she’ll never see her daughter again.

We see a very handsome guy who’s winning at a card game. Looks like he’s some kind of card sharp because he comes outside, hands the winnings to another guy, and gets his cut.

Our poker player is in the street playing with some kids when one of the big cars, driven by Ali, almost hits them. Our poker player is called Omer, and he gives them a piece of his mind.

Cemre opens the safe, takes passports and a lot of money and puts it in a purse. Very soon we see some henchman of Celebi telling him that his wife took those things from the safe. Cemre is going to a party tonight, but there will be 3 guys always watching her. And, when she takes her daughter to the airport, the police will be there to grab her. Then they’ll take her to the clinic.

Omer has gotten a job waiting tables at the big party. We see a wealthy woman, Simal, arrive with her son, Atlas. Ruya and Omer, who locked eyes with each other at that confrontation about Ali driving too fast, meet again at the party.


#1 – Parte 2 de 3

Cemre puts her phone between some wine barrels and walks away.

Iskender, Ruya’s spoiled boyfriend, has a hissy fit when he sees Omer, the one who gave them crap about driving too fast through neighborhood streets.

Cemre goes to the bathroom, goes into a stall, and then climbs out of a window dropping to the ground. She twists her ankle, and a young thief runs away with her purse.

The snotty guy ordering the staff around is named Selim. He eventually locks Omer into a room for not kissing his hindquarters enough.

Ozan is a reporter who recognizes Cemre. He asks her why the wife of the famous Celebi K. is jumping out of a bathroom window. He ends up helping her find her purse. He knows the kid who stole it.

We see a fire start in the kitchen. Cicek has taken Atlas, Simal’s son, to the kitchen for some sugary treats. They see the fire start. Cicek takes the boy outside to Ali and goes back to look for her friend Ruya.

Omer is still locked up. But he finally manages to get a signal and calls the Fire Department.

Wow! Selim apparently wants to save a staircase for the well-to-do, so he locks the wait staff and clowns behind a grated iron door.

We see a couple of gas tanks blow and the fire goes wild. The place is full of smoke and there’s a lot of chaos. We see the men shove women to the floor and scramble out an exit the firemen are beckoning people to come through.

Ozan has found Cemre a taxi, but she comes back to look for her cousin, Ruya.

We meet another character, Tomris, a highly-placed doctor at the hospital where lots of the burn patients are being brought. She is the mother of Simal and the grandmother of Atlas.

Iskender, Ruya and Cicek find themselves surrounded by flames. Omer gets out because the blast blew the door off. He starts helping people right away.

Ruya faints. A falling beam separates her from Iskender and Cicek. Iskender panics. He perhaps thinks Ruya is dying. Cicek begs him to go back for Ruya, but he throws her right into the flames and runs, saving himself.

Omer finds Ruya and saves her.

Cemre was running toward the fire looking for Ruya, but she seems Celebi. She realizes he knows her plans because he told her over the phone he was on a plane to Ankara. Celebi goes nuts trying to get inside to save his wife. This is one twisted way of loving someone.


#1 – Parte 3 de 3

Ozan finds Cemre. She tells him she has to hide. He doesn’t asks more questions and just helps her.

Turns out Iskender is Celebi’s brother, a couple of real winners.

Ruya is in the hospital looking for Cicek. Iskender has heard she’s alive and runs to her. She tells him to get away from her. And then she turns to Omer and thanks him for saving her life.

Outside the hospital Iskender asks Omer if he was the one who saved Ruya. When he says that he did, Mr. Big Shot puts a business card in his hand and says Omer should call the company controller and ask for whatever he wants. Omer asks him where he was when she looked like she would die from the fire. He puts the card back in Iskender’s pocket.

Ozan takes Cemre to his house. His mother welcomes her. She tells him she wants everyone to think she died. She tells Ozan that her husband forced her to take drugs for years and told everyone she was crazy. Ozan asks for her jewelry.

The doctor is looking for her daughter, Simal. We hear that 21 persons have died.

Outside the hospital Ozan calls in a report to his newspaper. He tells someone over the phone that most of the dead were women. And that most of the survivors were men.

Ozan goes into the room with the body bags and the plastic bags of personal effects. He puts Cemre’s jewelry in one of those bags whose number matches that of a burned body in the room.

Omer comforts Ruya, and some person takes a photo of them.

Celebi sees his wife’s jewelry and almost cries. Then he sees the burned body matching the number on the plastic bag. But he snarls at Tomris, the doctor, that he wants a DNA test.

The doctor is given some files of unidentified bodies and sees the arm where Simal had her son’s name tattooed. She screams, then stifles it. She goes to the body and sobs.

This is the weird part. Tomris finds out that the badly burned person who is still alive is Cicek and changes the plastic bags. She refuses a call from one Bulent. [Another rotten Bulent…too soon?] She's planning to substitute Cicek for Simal? What?

Ali thinks that Cicek is dead. He falls apart. Ruya falls to her knees. Iskender tries again to win Ruya back. She slaps him and takes off his ring to throw on the ground.

Cemre sneaks up to her old house and sees Gunes yelling at her father that he’s a liar. Her mother is dead.

Later Gunes finds the drawing that was incomplete earlier in the program. The mother is drawn into the picture and Gunes gets the message. Also Cemre has left a note. However Evil Dad sees a smile on his daughter’s face and smells a rat. He approaches her and tells her to open her hand. She had the pieces of the note from her mother (torn up as her mother requested) at one time. But I hope this will be a red herring and that the pieces won’t be in Gunes’ hand.

I put the names of those Mr. Google tells me are the four women whose lives are changed by the fire in bold.


Novelera, wow, you did a great job of sorting out this pretty scary, confusing first episode and all these characters . I surfed in and out a bit.

I only saw one familiar face ...the actor who played a bad guy in " Madre."


Wow! Thanks VERY much, novelera, for this amazing recap! It has enabled me to make sense of what last night seemed a confusing jumble of people I had a hard time keeping straight.

One thing was clear from the start: this is going to be a rather heavy-handed dizi. The women are mostly good people, the men are mostly turds, and the action is telegraphed ahead of time. Right at the start, someone asks whether the safety protocols have been checked. Twice, you say? Well, check them a third time. Duh. And, of course, after the fire, we're told that most of the people who died were women, and most of the men escaped.

The most striking exception to men = bad is Omer, who, alas, seemed to me ludicrously virtuous. I half expected to see a halo over his head.

Thanks for explaining why the guy who brought Cemre to his house asked for her jewelry. I foolishly thought that he was simply out for money, rather than wanting to provide some evidence that Cemre had died in the fire.

I was totally mystified by Tomris's behavior. I'm glad to see that you too were puzzled.

I'm expecting family from the East Coast arriving tomorrow, so I'm not sure whether I'll be able to watch and comment on this week's remaining episodes. We'll see. But thanks to my DVR, I should be able to catch up on any episodes I miss, and thanks to your wonderful recap, I'll be much better able to follow what's happening.


Thanks so much, novelera, for the fabulous recap. It was very helpful since my TV reception was unreliable last night. I can’t add much to what you wrote.

That fire scene was brutal. I can’t believe how the men behaved. Did coward Iskender have something to do with organizing the charity event? He was shouting at despicable Selim about hiring terrible workers (Omer). Selim basically condemned the people in the kitchen to death. They should be held accountable for it.

I guess Celebi likes to keep Cemre around for the image of a happy family and as a punching bag.



Thanks for the great comments, Juanita and Dondi. And, susanlynn, we are always happy to see you whether you are carefully watching or "surfing in and out".

Dondi, I think Celebi loves Cemre. It's an awful, but all too common, form of love. I noticed that there appeared to be several dwellings on one piece of land last night. One of them, where Ruya lives, looked like a typical dizi mansion. They showed Celebi seeing Ruya come home by looking out the window. Cemre seems to live in that odd wooden house on stilts. There are two levels, because Celebi sends Gunes to her bedroom, down below, when he wants to torment Cemre. However, they showed the child being aware of what's going on. She threw herself on the bed and was sobbing.

So IMHO the way Celebi loves his wife is to isolate her and keep her only for himself. This is classic abuser behavior. He doesn't want anyone else near her. And he makes sure of that by housing her in that odd house. she won't leave him or squeal about the abuse, he has made up this mental illness reason to keep her isolated. If he only wanted her for his image, which he clearly showed he does want by sending her to the big charity party, he would not have been so grief stricken by her apparent death.

And I got the impression that his plans to punish her for wanting to leave him involved a stay in a mental institution. I got the impression that was not the first time he'd done it.


We begin with them trying to scare us that Asya will die on the beach. Of course not. We don't see Derin. But, dondi, you had it right. She did not die.

6 months pass. Asya is living in Istanbul. She, Derya and Bahar are having a sort of Girls Night Out in Istanbul and get up to dance. We discover that Bahar and Mehli are getting married.

On the way to Tekirdag, there's a rather dramatic car accident and Asya saves the driver.

At the wedding Gonul sidles up to Asya and starts to spit venom. Why does Asya put up with this crap? Walk away! But eventually she turns to tell Gonul, apparently not for the first time what happened. And we see it. Asya got free but she went back and saved Derin. Derin is in a wheelchair. Gonul refuses to believe what Asya did. Someone at the wedding says that Volkan and Derin are back in love again.

At the wedding Demir finds something awful on his phone about Ali. We don't find out what it is.

We find out Ali is estranged from his father.

We also find out that Volkan hasn't given up on Asya. He tells Selcuk that he plans to sell the house he and Derin were living in. He says he designed it and it's his only capital. When he sells, he plans to move to Istanbul and get Asya back. He has already had a job interview in Istanbul.

Any idea when “La Reina del Sur” is going to be starting. I keep reading it is supposed to be in October some time. I cannot wait!!!!

telemundo, reina3

Hi Jarifa,
The date they've now provided for the start of LRDS3 is October 18. There's some indication that it may run in the 9pm time slot, though I find that hard to believe. We'll see.


Well, I did manage to watch last night's episode. It seemed to me somewhat more interesting than the opening one. It doesn't waste any time in setting up traps for two of the most sympathetic characters. Ozan's mother sees Celebri on TV and thinks he's a very admirable person, and therefore Cemre should return to him, for his sake and for the sake of their child. Cemre tries to set her straight, but to no avail. Ozan's mother says she will honor her promise to her son and not report Cemre for two more days, but after that.... Also, Celebri turns out to be as smart as he is nasty. He learns that there was a secret exit from the place where the fire was, and he immediately starts trying to find whether Cemre escaped that way, and that someone planted her jewelry in the morgue. And he uses an artist's rendition of the "waiter" (Omer) to try to track him down. The drawing doesn't look to me sufficently like anyone to make that possible, but....

Speaking of smart characters, somehow Cemre is able to send messages to Gunes through an online story. They may have figured out how to do that, but it's a mystery to me.

Another thing that puzzles me is how the doctor's dead daughter's corpse could have a terribly burned arm but a face without any sign of burns or dirt or anything. When we see a shot of her face, even her hair is neatly arranged. I realize that she was trampled in the chaos of people trying to escape, but since her arm was eventually totally blackened, how could her face remain unscathed?


Juanita, I think that Tomris somehow imagined her daughter looking like a perfect corpse. At least that's the way the scene struck me. The first time she saw the arm with the vestiges of the tattoo I had the impression that she was burned all over, but they showed the arm so the doctor and Viewerville would know that Tomris had lost her daughter. Even if the rest of her body had not been completely burned, it seemed to me it would have been impossible to appear so perfect without even a bruise.

Iskender turns out to be almost as nasty as his brother. When he saw the news about the men deserting all the women and saving themselves, he felt that personally and got Ozan fired.

It appeared to me that Ozan managed to post something online further amplifying how cowardly the men were. And the evil Selim gave up Omer's full name. The laptop was Cemre's. How did she come by that? They showed her leaving with the purse only.

I thought that so far this plot has some similarities to other telenovela and/or dizi themes. The rich are selfish and exploit the lower classes whenever they can. And the middle and/or lower classes are the ones exhibiting kindness and humanity.

The people who attended that charity ball were supposedly upper class and wealthy. They were to bid on some, I suppose, donated works of art to benefit IIRC some group that would help women in need. When their lives were at risk, the upper class men saved themselves first. Of course this was exaggerated. Weren't those married couples attending together? Would so many men leave their wives to burn?

And there were several references to Selim and Omer knowing each other from "the streets". So one of these "lower class" men is a rat and the other is a hero, saving many people.

Thanks, Juanita!

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