Thursday, November 10, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Reina del Sur 3, El fuego del destino, y más: Week of November 7, 2022

Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

9 - 10PM - La Reina del sur 3
10 - 11PM - El fuego del destino

WE'RE STILL IN NEED OF MORE RECAPPERS for Season 3 of La Reina del Sur!! Please consider volunteering. Recaps need not be long. Let us know what day works best for you.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I will put up a recap tonight.

reina 3

#17 - Parte 1 de 2

Potosí We see the kidnapped girls in the back room at La Baronessa bar. If I ever knew Abel’s wife, or concubine’s name, I don’t remember it now. When we saw the girls arrive I thought she looked disgusted. But now she’s in the room with them saying that no one will beg them to eat. But, if they don’t, they’ll regret it later. Pablo overhears them from another area and peeks through a blind on a window.

Anton, Jonathan, and Pablo load Tejada into an SUF. While they’re driving Pablo tells Jonathan that one of the girls in the back of the bar was one of the ones Jonathan saw being kidnapped and presumably one of the ones in the Se Busca posters around town.

Faustino and the rest are by the Caribbean coast. He’s telling Sofia that he can’t trust Gonzalo and Mateo. Sofia replies that having them help is their only option. Plus, if they steal the truck and leave them there, they’ll have to pagar los platos rotos (deal with the consequences). Paloma agrees. She says that if Gonzo and Mateo hadn’t helped them, they’d be prisoners by now.

Ernie tells Charlie he’s been told the priest is away visiting family. Charlie, predictably, looks sour. When Ernie tells him that Teresa is in England, Charlie wonders why. He thought they were supposed to be on the trail of the Jinete Negro.

Somehow Oleg has a contact who knows that Sofia and the others got away. They are still on the plane. And he tells her that one of them was hurt, but he doesn’t know which one. Fedor pipes up that he’d have been safer in London. At last Teresa has had enough of Fedor. "¡Mira, pinche chamaco! I don’t know what your problem is with me, nor does it interest me. You don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about, muchacho cabrón! You ought to be grateful because your father and I just risked our necks for you.” He might look a bit chastened. Hard to say as his face is always sullen.

Seems like Pablo has rented a house on a hill with nothing around it. He jokes with Jonathan about getting a good deal because tourists would not want to be that isolated. They have brought Tejada there. Jonathan talks Pablo into letting Tejada speak with Abel. [Abel has been a nervous wreck since Tejada disappeared and isn’t picking up.] They hold a gun to Tejada’s head, telling him they’ll blow his brains out if he says anything other than an excuse. Tejada tells Abel something about a personal emergency.

Abel throws a hissy fit screaming at the long suffering woman to bring him his cane. She finds it. The top has come off. She sees and takes the small bug before giving it back to him.

Faustino and family arrive at Bolívar in Colombia. There’s a small store there. While he goes inside Sofia asks Mateo when he knew who her mother was. He tells her it was after they went to the island. She doesn’t believe him. He tells her he went along with the DEA for her sake. This does not go over well.

Faustino is inside the store and hatches a clever plan. He argues mildly about the price of the supplies he’s bought. The guy pulls out his cell, uses the calculator to show how he arrived at the cost. Faustino grins and tells him he failed the 5th grade…twice. He leaves him some extra money and walks out with his phone. He takes it out to the truck so Sofia can call her mother.

#17 – Parte 2 de 3

Before Sofia calls Teresa, she tells Mateo to leave. She doesn’t trust him. Teresa tells her that the one who answered her phone when she called was the &^%$ DEA. Sofia apologizes. And she tells her that Rocío is the one who was hurt. They say how much they love each other. At the front of the truck Gonzo tells Mateo he’ll have a friend who’s a priest come to his parish to look after the boys. Gonzo feels a lot of guilt about Rocío, and he and Mateo pray for her.

Batman and Sheila hear an alarm, which is letting them know that the fingerprint Oleg got from Pablo’s water bottle has been found in the data base. His name really is Pablo Landero. He was born in Brazil. He’s a businessman. His estado civil is that he’s married. He has three children. Batman makes me laugh when Sheila says that she thought Pablo was Mexican. Batman: “With that accent?”. [I completely agree, Batman; the accent is bad. I keep backing up the recording to listen to him twice.]

Jonathan scares Tejada, reminding him of what Tejada did to him. Tejada was the one torturing Jonathan, hitting him with a 2x4 and grinning all the while.

Abel’s wife is in the bathroom, with a towel around herself. She’s talking with someone about the bug she found in the cane. She doesn’t know what it is. She wants to know when he or she (on the phone) is coming. Abel the pig comes in, yelling at her for having locked the door. He raises up the back of her towel and asks when she’ll be “clean”. When she says two days, he says he wants her back in his bed. Then he tells her to get the girls ready. Someone called El Perro will be coming today to get them.

Rocío is exhausted, and our fugitives pull off under a tree and beside a huge crop of something. She looks delirious.

The awful Tejada thinks Jonathan and Pablo want in on the trafficking of girls. Jonathan calls him asqueroso (disgusting). Pablo more or less asks Jonathan to chill. He sits down at the table and tries to speak reasonably with Tejada. He asks what his group has to do with the DEA. Tejada is baffled. Then he asks about the Jinete Negro. He seems to not really know anything.

After they land in Bolivia, Teresa opines that, if they don’t find the Jinete Negro soon, the DEA will find them first. She turns and asks Oleg if he knows Charlie Garcia. She says that he’s the one who shot Rocío. Oleg and Fedor give each other a look. Oleg says that he was in charage of the ones pursuing them in London. Fedor says that he killed his mother.

Tejada is trying to negotiate betraying Abel for a nice sum of money. Jonathan gives Tejada a bucket to pee in. He asks Jonathan to turn his back, sees a gun on a table, and grabs it. He gets away. Jonathan and Pablo pursue him for a long time. As usual, lots of shots are fired and no one is hit.

Sofia and her sisters talk. They notice that Ray has stopped speaking. Rocío apologizes for having suggested that Paloma abort Ray. The way Rocío is talking worries me. It sounds like she’s saying goodbye to her sisters. The three of them embrace, saying how much they love each other.

reina 3

#17 – Parte 3 de 3
Faustino tells Gonzo they’re headed for Antioquia. [This is the state in Colombia where Faustino gets his paisa accent.] He says he has a cousin there. And he knows a doctor to treat Rocío. When Faustino mentions something about having “something” put aside, Gonzo kind of sneers. Faustino tells the priest that, besides messing up his life, what he doesn’t like is that the priest thinks he’s perfect. Gonzo starts to say that part of what happened is Faustino’s own fault, and Faustino pulls a gun on him. He cools off a bit; but the priest goes on to say he’s made his living poisoning boys like Mateo.

Teresa, Oleg, and Anton arrive at that deserted house Pablo rented and are surprised no one is there.

Jonathan and Pablo are still looking for Tejada. Pablo sees a piece of rope (the one that bound Tejada’s wrists) on the ground. He turns around and sees Tejada pointing a gun at him. Just then Teresa shoots Tejada in the back. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.


Thanks VERY much, novelera, for this excellent recap. You cover everything clearly, including some things I failed to notice. And, as always, I'm grateful for your inclusion of some useful Spanish.

One thing that surprised me was that the small device that Abel's wife removes seems not to function once it's off the cane. That didn't make sense to me. I thought that it would function no matter where it was. Surely there was nothing in the cane that made it work. But once removed from the cane, the device seems not to broadcast any of the conversation that is going on around it. ???

Ah, so Pablo is married with three children. I'm hoping we don't learn that the wife and kids were murdered some time ago, making him seem more sympathetic, giving him motivation to seek revenge, and also freeing him to be Teresa's latest partner. Though, obviously, marriage and children didn't stop Teo Aljarafe.....

I was surprised when Fedor said that Charlie killed his mother. I thought that, either because of panic and/or lack of strength, she couldn't manage to hold on to the rope as she was trying to cross over to the building where Oleg and Fedor were waiting. Surely Charlie's shooting at her would have contributed to her panic, but I didn't think he actually shot her.

Yes, I too thought that Rocio sounded as if she was saying goodbye to her sisters. Whether that's foreshadowing or deliberately misleading remains to be seen. Obviously, I'm hoping it's the latter.

If I ever manage to visit Colombia, I'll have to remember to avoid Antioquia. I have more than enough trouble understanding clear Spanish. I find Faustino's accent VERY difficult to understand.

Again, MANY THANKS for this terrific and very helpful recap!

reina 3

Thanks, Novelera. I appreciate all the details. I missed Batman's quip about Sheila thinking Pablo was Mexican. I know the cast is international, but my limited accent detection skills can pick up only that Batman, Faustino, and Sheila have different ones, but everyone else's sounds similar to me.

Ah Rocio. It seems she is drifting off. I thought Faustino's doctor contact would be there by now. It's taking too long.

Surely Abel's woman would welcome Abel getting killed. So what will she do with the bug...

Teresa's timing is impeccable. Just in time to save Pablo.


Great recap, novelera. Always enjoy the Spanish lessons you include.

I wonder how grateful Pablo will be to Teresa.

Did some more research and found out Bolivian actress Carla Ortiz plays Abel’s woman, Karen Chacón.

Juanita, I also wondered about the listening device Karen found. Did she not realize what it was? Interesting that she didn’t say anything to Abel. It fell into a sink full of water so maybe that’s why it didn’t transmit anything?

I’m also on the same wavelength regarding Pablo’s possible family status. I can’t remember if Teresa knew Teo was married before she took up with him. I don’t think she would make the same mistake with Pablo if she finds out he’s married. Resist, Teresa, resist.

I don’t think Charlie shot Yulia either, but I can see why Fedor or Oleg would blame him for her death.

Please don’t die, Rocio! But it sure looks like they are setting it up.

I love Faustino, even if I only understand half of what he says. It’s a welcome challenge.

I’ve got the Friday recap. Bad weather is blowing through my area tonight. I hope my electric and TV reception holds out. The recap could be delayed. I’ll post as soon as possible.



Juanita, I also thought maybe the device being immersed in water may have either ruined it or made it temporarily unworkable. The way the camera homed in on it when Karen (thanks, dondi!) laid it on a towel to dry made me wonder if it will work again when it dries out.

I also thought Fedor would blame Charlie because his mother was forced to try to hand over hand on a rope to escape. Women historically have less upper body strength than men. That might have been hard for most women. What does surprise me is Oleg knowing Charlie was the London raid mastermind. Everyone had those black suits, helmets, goggles, etc., when they were shown running up the stairs. I wouldn't have recognized my own brother in one of those getups.

Dondi, I suspect Pablo will be grateful to Teresa, but not very effusive in showing it. Effusive doesn't seem to be in Pablo's bag of emotions. No clue about whether he's still married to the woman the Mexican data base had on him.

Come on, Faustino, get Rocío to that Antioquian doctor, y ya!


Novelera, thanks for the great recap and all the extra info. I hope Rocío makes it but it I agree it is looking more doubtful all the time. Her death would clearly drive Faustino over the edge. As for Fedor, I am sick of the sullen teenager act. Teresa helped save him. He gets the old “basta ya” award. Fortunately, Sofía is more and more a chip off the old block. Now on to #18.

Reina3 #18 part 1

A terrible, terrible episode.

Teresa did what she had to do—killed Tejada to save Pablo but she thinks this will cause problems with Abel. Pablo says there’s a bigger problem. The cane stopped transmitting. Uh oh. Teresa asks if Abel realized it. We’ll have to find out, Pedro answers. Teresa is upset they are back to the beginning. Not really, Pablo says, didn’t Anton tell you? We found the whereabouts of one of the girls. Jon says it’s Marina, the daughter of the cholita at the market.

Karen speaks with the mystery person by phone and once again, we only hear her side of the convo. No, don’t worry, Abel hasn’t realized anything. It was important that I found the device. Yes, that’s what I’ll do. What did your clients tell you? The last Friday? Of this month? I don’t think it will be a problem. I’m going to tell him anyway. Did you decide on what place? At the cemetery? Which part? Yes, where it says “asi es la vida”. I know exactly where that is. Tell your clients not to worry, the Black Horseman has all the information they asked for. Marina is nearby and listens in.

Rojas has joined Sierra on a stakeout at Don Saturnino’s place. Sierra supplies background info on Don Satur. He was widowed a couple of years ago. He rents to tourists. He has a son in the US. He always goes out at the same time…. and there he is now. Rojas and Sierra approach to question him and offer to take him where he’s going—to the cemetery.

Bebita imagines she sees Nacho has a nervous breakdown in the middle of a presser. She’s whisked away by Susana and Danilo takes over to quickly wrap things up. The press erupts with questions, but he hurries off the stage. Bebita is a total wreck. She cries for her son. I did nothing wrong, she sobs in Danilo’s arms.

Poor Fedor is stunned as he witnesses the guys dragging Tejada back to the house. Teresa says it’s time to call Batman and Sheila to join them. Oleg introduces his son to the group. Pablo introduces himself and tells Fedor that Tejada was a pimp, and it wasn’t a great loss. He also adds, your father despises me but not as much as I despise him. Jon asks, did you ever cut through flesh with a saw? I’m Jonathan Perez, welcome.

Time to dispose of Tejada so no one will find him. Oleg tells his son, he (Tejada) used to kidnap girls and prostitute them. He deserved that and more. Fedor is really affected by this. Jon notices Fedor staring and asks him if he wants to come help them bury Tejada. Fedor just walks away in shock.

Don Satur tells the cops his tenants are kind of strange, but they’re not bad people. He mentions Jon’s condition when they first showed up and that they argue a lot. Don Satur asks, why all the questions? Are they in trouble? Rojas says that’s what they are trying to find out. Don Satur says they have been traveling and only the Spanish woman and her husband called Batman have stayed. He’s sure that Batman’s wife is Spanish because lots of tourists come, and he knows the accents.

Sierra asks if the group has any friends in the area. Don Satur mentions that they know Tejada. Rojas’ ears perk up. He asks, what did they say about him? Don Satur says that Batman had been asking a lot of questions about Tejada’s business. His friends in Mexico might be interested in doing business with him. And that’s about all he knows.

Karen gives the new group of girls their marching orders. From now on, your job is to obey, to endure, and to smile. I won’t lie and tell you everything will be nice or perfect. It’s not easy work. But if you do it well, you’ll make good money. Enough to buy what you want and send money to your families and even save.


Reina3 #18 part 2

I know exactly what you are thinking, Karen tells them, I know better than anyone. I was your age. I was in a room like this one. In fact, I was younger than you. Did I like it? No. Did I get used to it? Yes. And here I am. I have a house and three meals a day. Karen approaches one of the girls and touches her face. Endure…obey…smile….and be quiet, nothing more, nothing less.

A scoundrel named Hound, comes over to the bruised Marina and grabs her cheeks. She cries. I’m sure you’ll feel better soon, and they will let me take you on the next trip. The girl leaves the room.

Karen gives Hound a packet of papers and sends him off. The girls file out. Hound asks if any of them deserves special treatment. Karen pulls out the girl she approached in the line. Hound takes her for whatever “special treatment” means. Karen looks unsettled.

Back to Faustino’s group in Atlantico. He sits with Rocio. Why such a hurry, she asks. We need a doctor, he tells her. I like this place a lot, Rocio says. You’ll like the village a lot, Faustino replies. You and my cousin will get along great. She kind of a witch. And if you behave, I’ll take you to the school where I learned “ni chimba”. [Colombian slang. I had to look it up and it has various usages: cool, lousy, female parts. They blanked it out in the English caps. Maybe someone has more insight]

Rocio smiles gives a weak laugh. That’s what he likes about her, she laughs at his nonsense. She reaches out and touches his face. You’ll always make me laugh, Faustino, she tells him, promise me that you will never change. He’s alarmed—don’t say things that scare me, Vampi. Just promise me, she replies. No, no, Faustino says, we have to go. The guy is a good doctor, he has to see you.

Rocio asks again, promise me that you’ll always be the man I fell in love with. A man so joyful and fun. The one who never stopped tell me he loved me, not for a single day. Vampi, if you’re not going to be by my side, Faustino says, I can’t go on. I can’t even contemplate it. Rocio is fading fast but assures him, yes, you will be able to continue. No, no, no, Faustino begins to panic. Don’t say you won’t be with me.

Thank you for making me so happy, Rocio says. What’s this, Faustino asks. We still have a lot to look forward to Vampi. Places to go. Where do you want to go? The moon? I’ll take you. That won’t be possible, Rocio answers and asks again for his promise. I promise, Faustino says, but you’re not going to die.

I’m thirsty, Rocio says. Faustino starts to get some water but it is too late. Rocio is gone. Vampi? Vampi? My little Vampi? Talk to me! Everyone hears Faustino’s cries. Open your eyes! Don’t go! Don’t die! [So horrible. Why was this necessary?]

Sofia calls Teresa with the devastating news.

The sisters prepare Rocio for burial with a band of little red flowers in her hair. Faustino digs the grave. We see Teresa and the others grieve quietly. We see Batman and Sheila comforting each other. Hmmm… Father G has nothing to say.

Teresa tells Oleg, can you imagine how Faustino must be feeling? Maybe he does but we don’t hear an answer.

Faustino carries Rocio to the grave and lays her down with a kiss.

Teresa says, there’s been too many already, Oleg. Fatima, her son, The Galician, Patty, Willy… Oleg says to stop, it hurts you. No, Teresa replies, I’m the one that hurt them. Oleg reasons, they chose to be by your side because they loved you and you helped them. Like you helped Rocio.

Teresa fights back tears. Rocio… so young, so pretty, with so much life left to live. (We see Faustino’s group standing at Rocio’s grave. It rains. The group departs, Faustino looks back in anguish.) Teresa says she can’t take it anymore.


Reina3 #18 part 3

Next morning, Teresa wakes everyone for an early breakfast meeting. I don’t want any more deaths on our side, she declares.

Batman tells Don Satur they are leaving. Is something wrong, he asks? No, Batman answers, they have work elsewhere. Don Satur asks where they’re going. He could find them another place to stay. Batman politely declines. The old man asks about the others. He hasn’t seen them for a while. They’re working, Batman says, making documentaries is complicated. Batman is anxious to settle the bill. When he leaves, Don Satur calls Rojas. He’s got some info.

It's clear to Pablo that Tejada knew nothing about the Black Horseman or evidence against the DEA. The others agree. If Abel is the Horseman, Tejada didn’t know. Oleg worries it will be difficult to track Abel now that the transmitter is gone and if he suspects us… we have to keep our distance.

Teresa says it’s going to be hard to find out if Abel is the Horseman. She proposes to use the kidnapped girl. We must rescue the girl. She must have heard something. Oleg worries taking the girl on top of Tejada’s disappearance will alert Abel. Teresa says they need to make it seem like she escaped on her own.

Pablo fills them in on the layout of La Baronesa and sketches a pic. That wasn’t quite clear to me but he spoke about a hallway being divided, a patio and a room where he saw the girls.

Abel calls Oleg. He wants a meeting.

In DC, Kozar is listening to the recording of the convo Ernie had with Teresa. An assistant translates. Kozar has Ernie on the phone. She asks, are you sure the call came from London? He’s sure but didn’t get the exact location. Kozar says this doesn’t make sense. And now that Teresa knows they are on to her, she will be more careful.

Ernie says there was a change of plans. We see Ernie at an airport. He left Charlie in charge of Colombia [YIKES!] and Interpol and the cops are helping him. He is confident that Epifanio Vargas will lead them to what they want. Kozar is ticked. She threatens him with no promotion and perhaps loss of a job altogether. Ernie says he’s on the way to meet with someone who has access to Epi. Kozar hangs up on Ernie.

Epi is with Vanessa. She’s organized a party for his birthday. He says he’s not into parties. She does her best to talk him into it. She has his gift ready—a “threesome”. Don’t speak English, he tells her. So she translates—un trio. He teases, you’re going to sing to me? They laugh. He’s interested. Vanessa says it has to be today because other person is leaving the country tomorrow. Danilo approaches. Vanessa leaves to arrange.

Epi is angry with Danilo about the happening at the press conference. Danilo says he asked the reporters not to say anything [did he really think that would work?!] Epi’s response was translated as “they made a fool of you”. There was an idiom I didn’t get. Epi was blanked out in the Spanish. Maybe someone can help here.

Danilo says this wasn’t the time for the First Lady to be exposed to the press. She’s doing badly… Stop right there, Epi interjects, you were the one who said they need to see the First Lady. Danilo admits this but says she wasn’t well. She was pale and fainted. Epi shouts, exactly! Listen to me! I want to see the First Lady telling all of Mexico that she’s healthy. That she’s never been in better shape. Film it and upload it. He dismisses Danilo.

Teresa and co. set out. Pablo thinks it will be difficult with Abel and his bodyguards around the Baronesa. Teresa thinks they have a good plan and Oleg agrees. What if it’s a trap, Anton asks? Let’s hope not, Oleg answers. Pablo complains, next time he will be in charge of the plans.


Reina3 #18 part 4

Batman and Sheila prepare to leave. Rojas and Sierra lurk. Sierra doesn’t understand. First they attack Tejada’s men and now they are buying tin from Abel. Sierra wants to question them right away but Rojas is smarter. He doesn’t want to tip anyone off. And besides, he feel like he’s missing something. Don Satur tries one more time to find out where Batman and Sheila are going, in case they left something behind. Batman assures him it’s okay. They leave and Rojas and Sierra follow.

Ernie meets with Alcala. Looks like a museum [Does anyone know where this is?] We see Alcala reading the headline “First Lady Suffers Nervous Breakdown.” Alcala is ticked and thinks this is a waste of his time. What you’re asking now has nothing to do with the deal we made, he tells Ernie. Ernie says it does. Alcala wants to make it clear. The only reason he went to Kozar and Ernie was to take down Vargas. Since this Horseman appeared you’ve forgotten all about it, he says.

Ernie says Alcala doesn’t understand. Explain it to me, Alcala hisses. Ernie explains, if Vargas finds out through Teresa Mendoza where the Horseman is before we do, he will be indestructible. Alcala asks, who is this Black Horseman? Ernie replies, the less you know, the better. Alcala insists on knowing more. His daughter’s life is in danger. Ernie tells him to relax and trust him. Vargas will always be our priority. Vanessa shows up.

Danilo and Susana try to get Bebita to make the video. She’s too distraught. She just wants to see her son. She explodes and threatens Susana, you’re going to regret everything you’re doing to me. Then she walks out. Danilo is shocked and he asks Susana for an explanation. Susana tries to avoid but Danilo says he’s not stupid. I can tell the president is controlling the First Lady, he says, he won’t even let her make calls. Then you know everything, Susana replies. Danilo presses for more. The First Lady is a total mess. What happened?? Susana looks torn. Danilo says he can help if she tells what’s going on. Trust me. We don’t get Susana’s answer.

Ernie hands Vanessa a device. What do I do with this, she asks? Ernie tells her it’s encrypted software and when she connects it to Epi’s phone, it will show them all he does, all his movements. You want me to clone the president’s phone? You expect me to do this, she replies. Yep, Ernie is impressed she caught on so fast. She balks, it’s too serious. I was told to organize a private party, but my deal with Antonio was always to tell him what I heard, not to become a criminal.

You’re not becoming a criminal, Ernie tells her, you’re being more of a spy. I’ll pay you for it. I hope this won’t be too complicated, Vanessa replies. It’s simple, Ernie says, take the USB and connect it to Vargas’ phone. You’ll need the password. She doesn’t know Epi’s password. Ernie says, with your smarts, you should be able to do it. I’ll be with you the whole time, trust me.

Vanessa says she’s starting to like working with the DEA. Ernie tells her this is just the beginning. He asks, did you invite Epifanio to the party? Yes, he’s coming. She asks when she’s getting paid. Ernie says when the job is done. [I’m fearing for Vanessa’s future now] Alcala signals that visitors are arriving. The meeting breaks up.

Teresa and Pablo arrive at the Baronesa and walk down the divided hallway. Pablo looks through the vent. The girl isn’t in the room. Teresa takes a peek. Could they have taken her? Pablo doesn’t think so. He thinks she works here. Nothing else to do but wait for her to return.


Reina3 #18 part 5

Pablo finally thanks Teresa for saving his life. Another second and Tejada would have blown my head off, he says. [not a big loss for me] Don’t even joke, Teresa responds. It’s nice to know that someone would miss me, he tells her with a slight smile. I didn’t say that, Teresa answers. He replies, you didn’t?

Teresa starts, I usually spend my time thinking about death. Constantly. It’s something I’ve done all my life. Maybe that’s why I get in so much trouble. But now with what happened to Rocio, and what almost happened to you, I think of death more than ever. And are you scared, Pablo asks? She answers yes, because of my daughter. If something happened to me, she’d be left in the middle of this all by herself.

It would be nice not having anyone who depends on you, Pablo says. [is this a clue about his family status? Or that old man?] Who depends on you, Teresa asks? Pablo gives her a pained look and says forget it. Teresa presses, that’s why you’re here, right? Pablo says no.

The convo is interrupted by someone returning to the room. It’s Marina and she’s with two men. One of them grabs her and her mop. She pleads, I have to clean otherwise they will…. No, no, he interrupts, first I’m going to clean you. So that you leave here well trained. He paws at her. Don Abel won’t like this she says. Fortunately, Don Abel isn’t here, the creep replies. She threatens to scream. He grabs her hair and calls her a bitch. That’s why what happened to you, happened, he says. He pushes her away and orders her to clean. He’ll watch.

Teresa and Pablo are watching, too. Teresa says, call Oleg. Pablo sends a text: the girl is inside, proceed. Oleg and Anton get ready.

And we are out.



What a great recap, dondi! Terrific details. I wish I could help you with some of your questions. Unfortunately, unless I take notes while watching, my brain does a big data dump. I don't know much Colombian slang, but my guess for what Faustino say was the school where he learned ni chimba would be where I learned not an effing thing.

I'm starting to worry about Fedor betraying the whole group. He doesn't care that much about his father, less for Teresa. And now he is shocked they shot a total monster to protect one of their own. Wish someone would tell him that Pablo forked over the money to save his butt, even though it didn't work out that they used it that way.

Karen has me baffled. Maybe her whole speech to the girls is a red herring. She knows who the JN is (both the Spanish and English of this involve too many keystrokes!), and I'm leaning toward his somehow saving girls. This crockpot theory is based on the mural they saw of the JN with some girls. I couldn't see it that clearly, but murals usually portray heroic figures. Of course her speech to those girls could totally be: prepare yourself to be violated over and over again; it happened to me, and I'm standing here fine.

I also do not know why they had to include Rocio's awful death. And Faustino is devastated and that joyful, funny guy will be reduced to a shadow. And, yes, why couldn't the writers have written in some suitable remorse for the self-righteous priest.

This thing with the girls is just a constant puzzle. I thought they were all on their way to...somewhere, and that very day. But one of them, Marina?, is assigned to cleaning the back room of the bar. And, if Karen really is a halfway decent human being, why is she letting those two guys bent on rape seemingly have their way with one of the girls.

Again, thanks so much for the detailed recap and ITA with your editorial comments.


wonderful recap Dondi!

I've been lurking, Friday the local station was off the air, great replay of the first segment with english captions at Telemundo English youtube site, but tough to find the other segments, always a pleasure to read your recaps.

Ernie and Alcala, where are they, I did an image search on Google (dragging the pic into their engine, a first for me) bingo, Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli, but wait, this place brings up more questions than it answered, I guess you just have to be there. Here is a site with a simple explanation.



Thanks VERY MUCH, dondi356, for yet another wonderful recap. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I was away all afternoon.

Novelera has already raised most of the points I would have raised. I too am puzzled and intrigued by Karen. She seems to be working behind Abel's back. That seems to me gutsy and very dangerous. OTOH, she somehow inspires more confidence than the hotheaded Abel. It's still hard to tell to what degree, if any, she's a good person.

As for "ni chimba," I too looked it up. Several sources claim that it means "no way," but that doesn't seem to be the case here. I think novelera's suggestion seems more likely.

I had no idea where the meeting between Antonio and Ernie took place. For a while, Ernie in an airport after learning that Teresa's phone call came from England made me wonder whether he had flown to England. But it looks as if deb has tracked down the place where the meeting took place, namely, Mexico City. That sems much more likely than England.

Speaking of Antonio, I noticed that he was coughing a lot during the meeting. I wonder whether that's significant.

Although the bucket Marina has does make it seem as if she's supposed to clean the room, I thought that she might have been about to clean herself, and I assumed that when the creep said he'd watch, he was a voyeur who would get his kicks from watching her clean herself. How's that for a crockpot theory? :-)

I too was sad but not surprised when Rocio died. The earlier seasons of LRDS also had very sympathetic people die--Teresa names some of them in this episode: Fatima, her son, Santiago, Patty, Willie. Teresa says she doesn't want any more deaths, but I suspect her wish won't come true.


Thanks everyone! Great comments!

Great to see you, deb! Thanks for doing the image search. It never crossed my mind to try that. Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli seems like a fascinating space. “Despite behind surrounded by the city, it’s located practically far from everything and getting there in itself is a bit of an odyssey.” I guess that’s why it was chosen as a meeting place.

You have some interesting crockpot theories, novelera. I hadn’t thought about Fedor being a traitor. I was thinking more like there would be a “love triangle” between him, Sofia and Mateo. Maybe he could turn out to be both. Why not?

I’m also intrigued by Karen’s storyline. I thought it was strange that she spoke within earshot of Marina and mentioned the Black Horseman.

I think Marina was left behind because she was beaten and bruised. Once she heals, she would be sent off. The writers had to do something to give Teresa time to rescue her.

Juanita, I think Antonio was coughing to signal that others were entering the area and the meeting should end. I’m thinking Big Ed will be the next president of Mexico.

I liked Rocio a lot and she was a great pareja for Faustino. It’s a shame the writers sacrificed her. For what? To mess with Faustino’s character? I hope they don’t ruin him or decide to send him to be with his beloved Vampi. I’ll be very sad.



Thanks, dondi356, for your comment about Antonio's coughing. I guess I'm still much too aware of coughing as a sign of illness. Indeed, when my husband had Covid, the first symptom was a lot of coughing. I much prefer your explanation for Antonio's cough. I'm hoping you're right about his becoming the next president of Mexico.


Deb, it's great to see you here. I loved your tracking down the location where Antonio and Ernie were meeting, and I am delighted that you let us know how you did it. Hope you'll comment more as the novela progresses.


Yes, deb, we miss you a lot. Thanks for the detective work in discovering where the museum was located. Come back soon!


Thanks, Dondi. Excellent job. This was a tough episode.

I sure hope poor Marina gets to kick some ass before this is over.

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