Thursday, April 18, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Tu Vida Es Mi Vida, & Mujer - Week of Apr. 15, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! Mini-recaps/highlights are being provided for Tu Vida Es Mi Vida….and there is a nice little patio to tune in to. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Tu Vida Es Mi Vida: Ep. 66-67

9-10 PM – Mujer: Season 3     

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Minas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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I am loving all the holiday cheer. Sirin is such a grinch!!! She is dangerous with that gun!

Interesting development of the Cem and Kismet story. Those thugs were awful. No wonder both Cem and Kismet are under the control of the evil Hafiz. But they probably also have deep hatred toward those creeps. I keep thinking this might trace back to Piril’s family. Have we seen Hafiz before?

Am loving Satlmis, who wisely knows money is nice, but warmth and love is best. Seyda is so loving, and Satilmis, Raif, and even his mother are basking in Seyda’s warmth!


Hi, Babachita. Yes, Ceyda loves fiercely . I never expected her to turn into everybody's snuggle bunny because she was so cold and uncaring with Bahar and her kids .

Poor Kismet lost her baby because of bad people Cem got involved with . I don't think we have seen the bald guy in the chair that Cem attacked . I didn't think it wss the same crazy bald guy that Ceyda got involved with.

Sirin is awful. It looked like she was bringing a tree home , but then had second thoughts about bringing a drop of joy to anyone and threw it into the trash. Lovely girl.

Last night, I guess she was having a hissyy fit about Enver sharing money from their mother (?) With Bahar . I yelled at Bahar " Take the money!!!"

Ceyda was jealous when Raif's friend came to visit. Ceyda chopping furiously at that cake was some needed comic relief. So sweet of Raif to buy gifts for everyone .

Saltimas has turned into a nice little guy.

Nice interaction between shy Arif and hesitant Bahar.



TU VIDA #66 Part 1/2

Here's the recap, with scenes combined, minor scenes left out, and probably many typos.

Ya basta! with the schmaltzy scenes! We open with PaulEpe having conversation #389 about how she wants him to raise her kids after she’s gone, yet they don’t discuss Rol has court ordered authority over them nor what they'll do about that. And I keep reminding myself---it’s just a story! It’s just a story! It’s all about the Spanish! (thinking of you, JudyB)

MIRROR, MIRROR, ON THE WALL …… Mal is looking at her scar, clearly not impressed with it. Teo comes home, covered in dirt and his hearing aids are broken. She starts screaming at him about that, and finally tells him to SCRAM! and she calls Pepe asking him to come home. (and the sweet boy never rats her out, later)

DIEGO is looking for Emiliano’s booze; Emi is laid out on the patio hung over, maybe even still drunk, all the while denying he’s an alcoholic (symptom #2 of alcoholism), asking Diego to NOT say a word of this to Paula. Next?

A SHOCKING DEVELOPMENT -- At the restaurant, Graci hands Alex a piece of paper, their fingers touch, and there is an static electricity shock. Could this pairing be any more obvio? Gah… The seed that Isa planted is germinating.

MALEPE – Pepe comes home to see what’s going on with Teo. Big PSA convo about how violence (fighting in the schoolyard) is not the answer. Saint Pepe later tells Mal that he needs to control everything---that Teo isn’t bullied, that Paula gets better, and that Mal is (barf!) happy.

He’s blaming himself about Teo getting bullied, conveniently forgetting that it’s skank Mal’s amante’s kid who’s beating up Teo and if she’d never shaken the sheets with Rigo, none of this would be happening. Give this guy a hair shirt and call it a day. But, this is telenovelaland, so there you have it.

YET ANOTHER SCENE with Paula & Diego. Diego tells her she can’t die! and Paula assures him she is fighting with everything she has, but she’s not well and won’t get well. Same-old, same-old, we’ve heard all this before. She wants to hug Diego and he refuses.

LATER AT THE RESTAURANT, where life is mucho more interesting, Gracia tells Marcos she doesn’t want him to leave but puh-leeze stop trying to get me to be your girlfriend. Marcos doesn’t want to be Friend-Zoned . He’s very sweet about it and keeps telling her he loves her. Gracia is saved when Alex interrupts Marco’s sales pitch.

LUCÍA finds the still hungover maybe drunk Emiliano. She tells him she knows what happened because she saw their selfie-video on social media. Emi is all “what video?” Yep, the guy went into a blackout he was so drunk and knows nothing about Rata posting that online. He’s appalled. Luci is also appalled that he got so drunk he doesn’t remember that??? Que? She says you and Rata looked really happy in that video. Emi responds with the typical alcoholic manipulative behavior----“If you think I’m an ancoholic *and* you don’t trust me, then we need this break!” Luci tells him that if she can’t trust him, they have nothing. Run Lucía! RUN!!!

ISA comes to see where Rafa is staying, commenting that she can’t believe he’s paying the expensive rates of a hotel like this one. They have the usual argument we’ve all heard 17+ times already. Isa leaves.

TU VIDA # 66 Part 2/2

THE INTERVIEW --- Paula is proceeding with her interview for TV. She wants to show the world that even though she has a brain tumor, she’s still Paula Lugo. She says she’s grateful for her illness because it inspired her to start a foundation for cancer patients who don’t have the money for treatment. She wants to fight this and stay positive,,, and then tumor brain kicks and and her memory blips out. Lorenzo quietly reminds her she’s in the middle of an interview (yikes). She recovers sufficiently to wrap up the interview but she’s so emotional, she can’t go on any more. She jumps up, leaves, gets into the food truck we haven’t seen in dozens of episodes, and drives away in it. This can’t end well.

BACK AT THE RESTAURANT (where life is much more interesting) a woman as come to look over the restaurant, to decide if she wants to buy it. ISA assures her it is NOT for sale. The lady is disappointed that she wasted her time and leaves. Isa tells Gracia that Nat put the restaurant up for sale and listed it online…. and … what nerve. Gracia promptly calls Rosa to tell her that Nat has put said restaurant up for sale and her mother needs to talk to Nat. Rosa says, okay, she’ll call Nat, and Gracia says, no, her bio-mom. (As if that’ll hold sway with Nat.)

Later, Isa tells Alex that Nat has put the restaurant up for sale. Rafa goes ballistic, then says he’ll save it. He’ll buy it from Nat with his newfound wealth.

BORIS & NATASHA --- Rol and Nat are seated at a patio, chatting about their evil plans. At one point, Nat takes off her neck scarf and puts it on the table. Recapper becomes alert and knows this is meaningful. Yep! While they’re talking, Rol stands up, takes the scarf, and casually wraps it around Nat’s neck. She clearly has over-valued her stock and isn’t paying attention. Then he tightens it a little and we see her knowing eyes that he’s giving a veiled threat. Too bad he didn’t finish her off, but it’s too soon in the game for him to get his hands on the money she has, so he backs off. Message subtly given. And received.

EMILIANO shows up at Mal’s to work. He appears reasonably dried out but it’s hard to tell. Mal puts a move on him, and it looks like she’s trying to seduce him, but no beso. He wants to continue working there because he needs the distraction (from his mom’s imminent death) and she’s fine with that, and, BTW, I’ve got someone to manage this place for me because I can’t be there anymore, now that I’ve decided to act like a responsible mom in my plot to get Pepe back once Paula dies. It’s his chief enabler and bestie, Renata the Rata! Well played, Mal, well played.

DIEGO AT THE TREE HOUSE … where he’s having a self-imposed time out, Arturo comes to see him. Diego is torn up over his mom dying. Arty consoles him, youré not alone, I’m here for you. And we have the classic Hallmark movie “almost kiss.”

MEANWHILE, IN THE FOOD TRUCK --- Paula is having some sort of temper tantrum or spell or Idon’tknowwhat and driving that food truck at an excessive rate of speed. She swerves to avoid an oncoming vehicle and runs off the road, crashes into a pile of bales of straw (minimal property damage to the truck, if any) where the truck stops. Pepe races to the truck and Paula is unconscious.



Thanks Doris, that was excellent and filled in all my blanks.

Why on earth does Pepe really believe MAL has changed. Pepe needs to move Teo over to Paula’s so he can watch him and stay with Paula.

MAL hiring Renata to be the manager, and Emi’s boss. I wonder if she and Renata planned this together. Emi needs to reopen the food truck if he needs a job. That should keep him busy and out of Renata’s clutches.

Is it my imagination, Rol hasn’t been looking good the last couple of nights. He doesn’t look as robust, I was wondering if there was a reason they were making him look that way.

Rafa is just not too smart. He insults his mom and seems to blame her. He has decided he’s some kind of victim and then says he’ll buy the restaurant. With what! Does he really think he’s going to see that money. Does he not realize there’s a reason Nat isn’t answering his calls.

Arturo must be figuring out he’s gay. I’m glad he has Diego and I think Diego will finally be happy, or at least not scowling.



Doris, wonderful! I SO enjoyed your recap...much more than the episode. Thank you!

The repetitive discussions with the same arguments are really getting old. aren't they? I'm so glad we're in ultimas semanas because I can't take much more of this.

Catalina and her inappropriate comments about Paula looking "fatal" and how admirable it is of Lor to stay so strong while Paula is dying were just exasperating. Lor had every reason to tell her to "get out of my house!"

I was surprised Lucia went to confront Emi about the video Rata showed her. Why on earth does she still want Emi who can be abusive at times??

And you're right, life at the restaurant is much more interesting ! :-)


Vida were on fire !!! This show brings me down down down every night, but your recap just cheered me up, up, up . Thanks !

Boris and Natasha , indeed. We all knew that scarf was going to end up around that throat again. Gnat was asking for it. These two have both gone off the track . They are in a deadly dance .

MAL is back to being abusive to sweet Teo .Why can't Pepe ever catch one of these dreadful moments ???

Emi seemed oblivious as MAL inching closer and closer to his teenage self . ..saved by Rata. Ironic.

Art's teammates think that he is falling for Andrea.

So ...Rafa tells Isa that he will save the restaurant by buying it from gnat ...with the money Lor's handed over to him ...and gnat stole the restaurant from we go ring around the rosy with Lor's property and money.

I dont think I can stand to see Paula on the brink one...more...time . I need this show to end . It exhausts me . Did they ever sell any food from that food truck?



Thank you Susan, Rgv Chick, and Liz.

I had to laugh when Rafa had his Sergio Sendel moment last night, throwing his cell phone at the bed.

Catalina is really on Team Natalia, so it was satisfying to see Lor make her leave his house.

Liz - Rol has good days and bad days, good scenes and bad scenes, with his appearance. Wouldn't it be nice if he has an undiagnosed terminal disease???

I will be so glad to get these people out of my life when the "Por Fin" rolls around.


Doris, another fine, insightful recap. Thank you!

I'm done with Diego. Done, through and through. Drowing in his own juices of resentment, he refuses to hug Paula? The cruelest cut of all.

Seeing Paula's peaked visage would melt the coldest heart. Except for her son's apparently.

I was rooting for Rol to take Gnat out. Can't come soon enough for me. Then, it will be his turn. Hating both Boris and Natasha! :)

"Emi is laid out on the patio hung over, maybe even still drunk, all the while denying he’s an alcoholic (symptom #2 of alcoholism), asking Diego to NOT say a word of this to Paula. Next?" You nailed this. So sad and pathetic. I thought I did hear Lucia tell him he needed AA. If only he would listen.

I'm likely alone but I enjoyed the "electric" moment between Gracia and Alex. I've been rooting for them and it appears the spark might take.

It doesn't appear Paula is gravely injured. Thank heavens for St. Pepe! I wish he'd remove his rose colored glasses as far as Mal is concerned.



Susan, I also don’t think the baddest guy is the same as Seyda’s ex. Their names may be similar. I think this one is Hafez or something like that. Seyda’s guy’s name may also start with H. He seemed like a less “posh” mobster than the one who sent the thugs to kill Kismet’s baby.



Susan, I think Seyda’s ex was Hikmet.



Babachita, , was Hikmet the crazy bald headed guy who kept harassing Seyda and whose wife also came to confront Seyda? Her father was a very scary criminal. That was a wild storyline.


Seyda was a kept woman, supported by Hikmet. She was fooling around with Yusuf and sometimes Yusuf had to escape in order not to be caught.

I don’t know for sure, but Hikmet might have had a wife who showed up once.

After the breakup, I think Seyda sometimes got financial help from Hikmet when she was in damger/need. So maybe he had a soft spot for Seyda.



Babachita, did Seyda also have something going with Arif's dad , who seems to be a real pill?

Susan, yes. I think he is Yusuf but I could have names mixed up

TU VIDA #67 a/k/a the one where we learn why Nat hates Paula so much

Here's tonight's mini-recap. Scenes combined, typos most likely, some small scenes omitted for the sake of brevity.

BORIS & NATASHA --- Rol continues to tighten the scarf around Nat’s neck. She says she absolutely has a recording of Rol telling her he killed Germán and gives him a USB stick/flash/thumb drive as proof. She also reminds him that if anything should happen to HER, the police will have their own copy.
Later, Rol looks at the recording and it is very damning video. Rol was drinking and (blackout city!) does not remember any of that. In the video he tells Nat he strangled Germán and has no remorse. Rol realizes that Nat has him by the short hairs.

DIEGO & ART – don’t kiss. Art says he isn’t gay and anyway, Diego isn’t his type. Like that makes sense. Art invites Diego to the restaurant, to help Andi plan her romantic night for Luci & Emi, to help them reconcile. Diego says that won’t happen. His brother is a fool and is losing the best thing that ever happened to him.

MORE TEEN ANGST---Luci tells Andi about the video Rata sent her. Andi says, “you believe that's real? from Rata the biggest liar in Mexico and queen of photoshop?" Luci says she SAW the video, it’s real, and it’s better if she forgets all about Emi. Lucy doesn’t want a boyfriend with a drinking problem. Smart girl.

ISABELA says they won’t give Nat a single peso to buy their restaurant back. Alex tells Rafa to give back the 10 million pesos to Lorenzo. Alex tells Rafa that he doesn’t have money to give him but he’s always there for him. Rafa says he wants to be the one to save the family! He’s going to buy back the restaurant! Isa says NO and Alex backs her up. Isa is willing to lose the restaurant so Rafa can use the money for his dreams. Isa appreciates Rafa’s willingness but…listen to your dad (Alex.) Isa won’t have him giving that money to Natalia. Outside, Rafa realizes Nat stole his money and he’s an idiot.

RENATA can’t believe Emi isn’t happy she’s managing Mal’s business. Rata tries to justify showing that video to Luci. They argue but Rata wins this one and Emi is eating out of her hand, once again. She tells him “it’s you and me against the world, like always.” Barf.
Much later, at Rata’s house she offers Emi a drink …. jut one…we have to toast our first day working together! Emi goes for it. He also tells Rata that Luci says he needs to go to AA, which Rata thinks is ridiculous.

MAL is in town and Teresa (Rigoberto’s widow) confronts her. She tells all the onlookers that MAL is the reason her husband is dead. Teresa calls Mal a robamaridos and some other names. MAL plays victim, of course, because that’s all she knows how to do. Teresa swears she will expose Mal for the horrible person she is. Teresa is no lightweight and gives Mal a cold stare. Oh, look, Rafa walked up the sidewalk to overhear the whole thing.

TU VIDA #67 Part 2/2

Later, Rafa goes to visit Mal and asks-- is it true? Is it true you had Rigo kidnap you to escape marrying me? And of course, Mal denies it and says Teresa is loca. Then she starts hurling insults at Rafa. This woman is the queen of emasculation. And of course Rafa believes it all, is beating himself up, and tosses in that he is such a loser that he even lost the money to Nat, that Lorenzo gave him. That got Mal’s attention and she’s all “que???”

Lorenzo is talking on the phone with someone about the interdiction against Paula. He tells Pepe that Paula trusted Nat to handle it, and, well, we know where Nat’s loyalties are. Then he tells Pepe that He’s working to get Zaida free and plans to give her a job at Paula’s foundation. Pepe is aghast. Zaida is a murderer! None of us want Zaida back in our lives. Why are you doing this? Lor says Andi asked him to help find her mother. He learned that Zaida was brutally raped by the man she killed. It doesn’t justify, but try to understand her fear, horror, and desperation that led to her taking matters into her own hands. Don’t you think she has paid for her crime? He asks Pepe to think about it.

Later, Andi gives Lorenzo the indemnification money from Rata. She says she doesn’t need it and would like Lor to donate it to a worthy cause. Lor says he has just the thing… he knows a woman who lost everything and she can use it to start over. (Zaida!!!)

Okay, remember yesterday Paula took off in the food truck and crashed it? well, tonight we are teleported back to Paula’s bedroom where she is in bed. As if the food truck incident never happened. Nothing mentioned about it, nada. Okayyy… But during their convo, one of them says “Tu Vida es Mi Vida” and a telenovela bingo square gets checked off.

Zaida has been granted conditional freedom. My guess is this is like probation? Anyway, she has been sprung. And who’s outside waiting to escort her somewhere is Pepe. She does not look pleased.

NATALIA is somewhere….it just be a Mexican columbarium (but it doesn’t look like any I’ve ever seen). She’s visiting Germán’s ashes and talking to him, telling him how much she misses him, needs him, and why did you have to leave me!?! She's ranting that Paula took everything Nat ever wanted; Paula has always had everything Nat deserved…todo! And now we know why Nat hates Paula so much… Paula had German. Well then. We did not see that coming.

LUCÍA is home and tells MAL that she broke up with Emi and she’s hurting. Mal starts up with her usual spiel --- you’re young, pretty, and there are other fish in the sea. Luci says she doesn’t want Mal’s advice; she needs a hug. (and hell will freeze over before that happens) Mal is disgustingly merciless and starts in about her affairs, which she denies, and that Pepe was looking for an excuse to divorce her. Because it’s always all about Malena, the most toxic mother in all of Mexico. What an evil (ahem) witch.

Apparently Andi has a short memory and forgot that Luci is a wreck over breaking up with Emi because he’s a drunk. Andi is excited about this romantic night she’s planning for them. She tells Diego she’s also going to take advantage of this opportunity and will kiss Arturo. Diego is aghast.

Paula realizes Pepe is missing time at home with his children because he’s always taking care of her.
She’s on board with Lorenzo’s plan to help Zaida. Paula tells Lor that Pepe has been sacrificing his family time to be with her. So the Great Brain Trust that is Paula Lugo then tells Lor that it’s time for her to sacrifice, and she’s going to cut Pepe free. #breakup #end it. #callitquits



Doris, superby organized and relayed. You expertly made sense of this mad mess and did so seamlessly.

So Gnat loved German?! Very intriguing and unexpected. So we finally understand her venemous hatred of Paula. I am fervently hoping Gnat had a one sided crush on German and that he was either unaware of or rebuffed her and that her obsession was never reciprocated...Right? ☹

I am happy Gnat showed Rol the tape. Talk about impactada! Great blackmail with the guarantee he won't be able to move against her. As much as I loathe her, I hate him even more.

I am confused as to why Lor spoke to Pepe about Zaida rather than Rafa. Granted Rafa is an idiot but...I also don't understand why Pepe picked her up rather than Lor?? She looked at him with pure fury.

I think Andi understood the vibe between Diego and Arturo perfectly. I don't believe she has any intention of putting the moves on Arturo, but is plotting to get him together with Diego.

MAL has no parenting skills at all. No empathy, no kindness. It's amazing her children have turned out to be as lovely as they have.

Emi needs to break free of Rata and get into a program. Now.

"...the Great Brain Trust that is Paula Lugo then tells Lor that it’s time for her to sacrifice, and she’s going to cut Pepe free. #breakup #end it. #callitquits" was perfect and said it better than I ever could.


Thanks so much, Doris.
I didn't think Paula could piss me off even more and I learnt just how wrong I was. Didn't it occur to her before she started this whole thing that Pepe will have to spend a lot of time looking after her? Now it's too late. But this stupid plot that aaalways comes up, the one where 'I dump you for your own good' protagonist is supposedly so noble drives me up the wall. Paula did this exact same thing with her kids: just told them what they were going to do without considering their opinions. Sorry but this women is one of the worst protagonists I've seen. I do wonder, though, if they could plan their time a bit better so that Pepe's kids won't end up neglected.
When Natalia was talking, I for some reason thought there was something between her and German. I am most probably wrong, but there wa something about her 'not having enough time to show him her love' or something similar. I guess she is as delusional as Rolando. BBut that scene was odd.
Emiliano is such a fool.Does he honestly expect Lucia to stay with him when he is so unpredictable when drunk? But Lucia is awfully naive if she thought he won't drink just because he promised her. I know she is young but it's almost funny. If I were her, I'd have read up on alcoholism.


Diana and waterlily --- Paula seriously has either fluff for brains or the tumor is seriously affected her ability to think rationally. I am fed up with her. All she would have to do is tell Pepe to NOT come 'round her place so often so he can be with his kids. Limit the visits. Done.

But oh's all either black or white with her. Paula is the most idiotic protagonista in all of telenoveladom. She's almost too stupid to die. I blame monkey writers! My telenovela beanie has been tightened again, so that I can suspend disbelief with this tonteria.

The columbarium was ... interesting. Natalia could have grabbed those ashes and run off. The ones I've seen have the ashes behind a locked door/closure. I wonder if that's how it's done in Mexico.


"When Natalia was talking, I for some reason thought there was something between her and German. I am most probably wrong, but there wa something about her 'not having enough time to show him her love' or something similar. I guess she is as delusional as Rolando. BBut that scene was odd". LOL Waterlily! The scene WAS odd and I suspect we'll have a flashback clearing this up one way or the other??

"Paula seriously has either fluff for brains or the tumor is seriously affected her ability to think rationally. I am fed up with her. All she would have to do is tell Pepe to NOT come 'round her place so often so he can be with his kids. Limit the visits. Done".is so sage and OBVIOUS Doris! Well said.



Doris, thank you for your fortitude in reporting this story of almost nonstop suffering and struggles and a bunch of dimwitted folks.

Here is my 2cents. I think the problems started with having a leading lady with cancer and then adding in lots of other troubles . We are used to the formula for telenovelas...starcrossed lovers who have to fight villains to be together . However, starting with a leading lady who is sick and in pain is too much . I have friends who were or are fighting cancer. None of them were interested in finding romance. They were focused on surviving and spending as much time as they could with family and friends in between chemo treatments . This storyline of Paula obsessed with married Pepe and relentlessly pursuing him instead of spending every minute she could with her kids is not something a beanie or suspending my disbelief will ever let me accept. I want to see how this hit mess ends , but I so want it to end . Sorry .



Thanks so much Doris, that was great. The scene with Nat and German’s ashes was way over my head. I thought they were having an affair and he died before he could leave Paula. I’m so glad I was wrong. German always looks so loving when he appears to Paula.

Does Emi not realize that the way Renata helps him is by encouraging him to drink. Is he related to Rafa? Another fool.
And why would Rafa go crying to MAL. Did he expect compassion or comfort. I’m glad he overheard Teresa but I bet he believes MAL. Although these days even Pepe believes MAL.

I hope Paula thinks this through and does not break up with him. That will open the door for Rol to move back in. And a long time ago he was pretty disgusted by sick people and said he would kill Paula when she got really sick.

I hope the romantic dinner is not for Emi and Lucia!

I wonder who’s idea it was to have Pepe pick up Zaida. It will be a long ride home.



Thank you, Doris! Great recap and loved the zingers. especially the Great Brain Trust that is Paula Lugo LOL

Diego says that won’t happen. His brother is a fool and is losing the best thing that ever happened to him. Yep, he did say that, but ended it with "he (Emi) doesn't know what he wants". I took that as a little jab at Art who Diego (and we) knows doesn't know (or accept) what he wants.

Rafa goes to visit Mal and asks-- is it true? I hate it when a character goes and asks a known liar and schemer "Is it true?" Like the liar is going to tell the truth! Seriously???

Diana, I am fervently hoping Gnat had a one sided crush on German and that he was either unaware of or rebuffed her and that her obsession was never reciprocated...Right? We can hope, but the writers sure made it seem like German was a cheater. There was a specific statement Gnat made, "WE didn't get to fulfill OUR plans...", that leads me to believe that German reciprocated Gnat's feelings...or maybe he was just using her, but still... Maybe that's the ace Gnat has up her sleeve--to tell Paula that German was cheating on her. Of course, we know that if Gnat does do that, she'll add much more to it.

Doris, Paula is the most idiotic protagonista in all of telenoveladom. She's almost too stupid to die. I blame monkey writers! ITA!! these writers are at fault for all the stupidity...not just Paula's! At least Paula might have an excuse, the tumor, but the others...NOPIS!

Liz, the romantic dinner IS for Emi and Lucia, to try to get them back together again. But Andi also hopes to use that opportunity to get closer to Arturo.


Rgv Chick - thank you (!!!) for clarifying that Nat & German were having an affair. That totally went around me. She said so much and so quickly, and the subtitles were not help, so I missed that part. It just makes the plot even thicker.

Vida #67

I'm later than usual; sorry, amigos.

Gnat and German... Yes, that would be a devastating revelation for Paula and that would also shock Rolando. Could that kill both of them?

OR... is Gnat as delusional as Renata and Malena? This came out of nowhere. She is more intelligent and cold-blooded than they are, but that's about it.

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