Thursday, May 30, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & El Gallo de Oro - Week of May 20, 2024


Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! Its Gran Estreno week for Golpe de Suerte! Jarifa is still stalwart in providing us with her notes on the couch for El Gallo de Oro which is in its últimos capítulos…GUAU! Mini-recaps/highlights are being provided. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte: Ep. 3-4

9-10 PM – El Gallo de Oro

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Oro”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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This is a comment on #14. Still playing catchup. I'm not usually such a social butterfly, but I had a class, a book group tonight and, tomorrow, some friends over for dinner.

Jarifa, your recaps are just fabulous. I agree that it would be hard to take all the looming tragedy if it were the length of a regular telenovela. But, as you've said, this is like a really good movie. Well plotted, excellent acting all around. And I love the portrayals of the hands at the hacienda. The way they speak to each other, in that curt, slang enhanced Mexican Spanish seems so natural. They work well together, respect each other, and los patrones (Dionisio and Secundino).

The acting is terrific. It's interesting seeing Eric del Castillo as a petty, power-hungry village priest, while he's a saintly paterfamilias on Receta. It's just awful that the petty, moralistic priest is saying things about Dionisio and La Caponera from the pulpit. Not to mention persecuting Justina and Carmina. He got that from one of the Arriagas, who didn't see any behavior from the two but just intuited their relationship and decided to meddle.

There was another reveal, also pretty shocking. Not only is Jesús acting as Lorenzo's puppet (temporarily, I believe), but that whole invitation to Guadalajara, television show, and fawning praise from Enrique was arranged by Lorenzo to sour Dionisio and La Caponera's marriage.

Lorenzo deserves more than an anvil. He deserves to be submerged in boiling oil!

La Caponera's narration about fear and how it warps one's life was terrific.

Dionisio is lucky to have Secundino around to run the place while he drinks too much and alienates his family. Secondino told someone, forget who, that the hands could listen to the superstitions of the priest or have a good job, their choice.

Boy that was really awful Dionisio telling La Pinzona that her mother was going to be unfaithful. And now he's going to drive her away with his controlling behavior.

EL GALLO DE ORO #15 (Uni edit) (VIX Season 2 #7-#8)

Page One

This one was even longer yet. Not much action but lots of conversation. Please excuse any typos.

1. Early the next day, Hugo tells Jesús that Remigio is missing and asks if he has seen him. Jesús says he didn't see him in town the night before. Hugo leaves. Jesús sees the bloody shirt hanging out of his bag of belongings and is quick to push it back in. Hugo quickly returns and tells him to check the stable. He isn't pleased when Jesús does not move quickly enough.

2. Secudino tries to convince Dionisio to end La Pinzona's punishment. It is easy enough. Dionsio understands all that but he sin;t going to give in. La Pinzona needs to learn a lesson. Secundino suggests that he isn't punishing her daughter but is punishing his wife. He thinks it is all about La Caponera. He has never punished his daughter like this before and she disobeys him all the time. . Dionisio thinks it was about time she was punished. Hugo stops that conversation to let them know that Remigio is missing. are gong to go to town and look for him when the van pulls up. It is La Caponera by herself. Dionisio sends Secundino to town and stays to talk to La Caponera.

3. Dionisio meets her. She exoains how Jusitina and Carmela were arrested. They dragged them out of the bar like a couple of criminals. She asks him to talk to the mayor. Dionisio says he will see what he can do. La Caponera is also there to see her daughter. He asks about what. She says he knows what. La Pinzona is old enough to decide who she wants to live with. She wants to tell her what happened and let her make a decision. Dionsio says La Pinzona already knows what happened. La Caponera says she knows HIS version. Dionisio informs her that she will not be seeing La Pinzona because she is grounded and is locked in her room. Hearing that her daughter is locked in her room, lights a fire under La Caponera. She cannot believe it. She starts to rush to the house and pushes him away. He follows her telling her that he is La Pinzona's father and will do what he wants. La Pinzona hears the ruckus in her room and her mother calling out to her. They arrive at the locked bedroom of La Pinzona. La Caponera demands that Dionisio open the f******door. He refuses. She goes looking for the key. She issists she is going to get her daughter out of there. He KNOWS how she feels about being locked up. She calls for the housekeeper ot give her the key. Dionisio tells the housekeeper not to. La Pinzona is calling for help from her room. Dioniso calls for Hugo. La Caponera cannot believe how powerless Dioniso must feel if he has to call for help. As he backs her out, he tells her to get out of HIS house. She asks HIS house??? He asks is she is deaf. She turns to leave and he grabs her and tells her to get the f*** out. She tells him not to touch her, turns and slaps him hard in the face. He grabs her against and tries to force her towards the gate as she tells him to let her the f***** go. He finally lets her go as Hugo and Jesús watch the spectacle from the gate. She asks Dionisio what in the hell is wrong with him. Dionsio says that SHE made HIM do it. She corrects him saying that HE is the cause of everything that is going on. He calls her a f***** liar and tells her to shut up. He knows that she has wanted to leave for a while now. This never was her home. She only came by whe she felt like it. He only asked that she not lie to him.


Page Two

She says she is not lying now and never has. He disagrees. She made him think that he won it all on is own. Isn't that a lie? She reminds him that was years ago. He thinks that "once a liar, always a liar." She reminds him it was because of the circumstances. It has nothing to do with now. She tells him he is a very sick man. She reminds him of the dead rooster that nobody else saw and the voice at the cantina that nobody else heard. She concludes that he is going crazy. He has no idea how much she regrets that she ever had a child with him. On the edge of tears, Dionisio tells her to get out again. She swears that this isn't over. He tells Hugo and Jesús to remove her. As they reach to grab her, she shakes them off and tells them not to touch her. She leaves and Dionisio tells the men that she is not allowed in the house anymore.

4. La Caponera ends up in the cantina where she sits, drinks and sobs. Dionisio drinks at home. La Caonera gets up and trashes the cantina in anger.

La Caponera narrates: Not all loneliness is the same. Some are all alone because they decide to be; because they don't like people; or because they are distrustful. For others, loneliness comes without permission without being invited. That is heh loneliness that hurts the most when life separates you from that person with whom you thought your would be with until the end of your days.

5. A worker comes to tell Dionisio that they found Remigio's body. Apparently, somebody killed him. Dionisio pours himself another shot.

La Caponera narrates: In a second without knowing how or when, you discover that nobody is at your side.

Dionisio sits and rocks and then throws his bottle of liquor at the rooster painting.

6. Secundino is with Remigio's body when Dionsio arrives with more of his men and a shovel. They see the body is just off the road near some cactus.


Page Three

La Caponera narrates: There is the loneliness that comes from those who leave us forever, who remind us that death is the only thing with which we are guaranteed. We come into this world alone and that we leave it alone.

7. Jesús takes advantage of the circumstances. He gets the key and goes to La Pinzona to break her out. She hugs him, thanks him. They kiss. She is worried about being seen escaping. Jesús says he has no idea where her father is. but something happened and he and his men had to leave. He promises that he will take her to a place where her father will not find her. They leave on horseback.

8. The police arrive at the place where Remigio's body was found. An officer asks Dionisio if he was one of his workers.

9. The members of the band come to La Caponera's aid as she sits drinking in the cantina. They have also just found out about Justina and Carmela. They look around and ask if there was some sort of violence. La Caponera says no. She explains it all looks like it does because that was the only way for her to blow of steam. They want to know what happened. She is not alone. They also consider Carmela and Justina as their family. She knows that but what happened to her is not the same that happened to them. Dionisio locked La Pinzona up and he forcefully ran her off of hacienda. They do not think he a right to do that to her. That is not how to fix things. She doesn't see her situation as being able to be fixed. She then tells them she went to see Justina and Carmela at the convent where they are being kept. She wonders what will ahppen if the priest doesn't let them go today. Her thoughts are stopped by a rock coming through a window. They lock the door. A note on the rock tells those dy*** to get out of town or they will burn them alive.

10. At the same time, the priest is visiting with Justina and Carmela. He is there to help them. Justina says they have hurt nobody. He disagrees. They have hurt themselves and are a bad example for society with their aberration. Carmela insists that they love each other. Is that a bad example? He says what they are feeling is not love. It is an . . . illness. Justina says what they have cannot be cured. He says maybe they will change their minds when they find out what is going to happen with them. They have two choices: go to jail or publicly repent for what they have done. Justina says they would be lying. He disagrees. He wants to straighten themselves out. Carmina thinks this is all illegal. They are being kidnapped. The priest shakes his head and tells them to think it over.


Page Four

11. A band member tells La Caponera that she cannot stay at the cantina. The aggression will continue as long as people see somebody inside. La Caponera says she will stay by force. She has to think of a way of getting La Pinzona out. Her wish is granted as there is a knock at the door and it is La Pinzona. She tells her mother that she had help to escape. La Caponera says they need to get Justina and Carmela so they all can get out of there at once. One of the men says they are being held at the Santa Cruz convent. The men from the band tell La Caponera to stay there with La Pinzona while they take care of getting Justina ad Carmela. La Caponera starts collecting money from the cash register.

12. Back at the house, Dionisio tells his men to contact the funeral director about Remigio who they brought back in the truck and to move him inside to the parlor. Secundino tells Dionisio that La Pinzona is going to want to be there. Dionisio tells him that he knows where the keys are. He adds that Secundino needs to be careful with her version of things.

13. Secundino knocks on La Pinzona's door saying that he has bad news. He announces that he is coming in to an empty room.

14. Jesús arrives on the scene and the men ask him to assist with Remigio's body. He looks shocked to see Remigio. He thinks back on Lorenzo killing him and covers Remigio's face. Dionsio has noticed how affected Jesús is after seeing Remigio's body. It is as if he is in a trance. Dionisio says that Remigio's death is affecting all of them but Jesús needs to help Hugo out.

15. Secundino comes outside and tells Dionisio that La Pinzona is gone.

16. Dionisio comes raging into the cantina demanding that the band members tell him where La Pinzona is not there. Dionisio searches the cantina. The band makes it clear that they are the only ones there. They are the only ones there and the place was empty when they arrived. Dionsio makes it clear that he doesn't care about La Caponera. He only wants to see his daughter. They insist that they know nothing . When they came, the van was gone. Dionisio doesn't believe them. They want to make a f***** fool out of him. He checks the cash register and there is no money left. The band says they do not have any of the money. Dionisio finds it odd that all of the money is gone and that they know nothing. He storms out overturning a table on his way.

19. La Caponera and La Pinzona are back in Guadalajara. La Pinzona asks what her mother is going to do to convince Enrique. She is going to take out all stops to convince him that she and the group are going to be a success. La Pinzona says if she is going to be a success she won't be spending much time at home and her father isn't going to like it. La Caponera shrugs. La Pinzona confirms that she and her father have broken up for good. La Caponera explains that there are two things she won't take: Being locked up or mistreated. Her father locked her up and physically threw her out of the house knowing what that meant to her. She never expected that from him of all people. La Caponera has another shot.

20.A screaming Dionisio is accusing the housekeeper and maids of unlocking La Pinzona's door. They deny having spoken to her. Dionisio wants to how in the hell did she get out then. He screams at them to give him a damn answer. Somebody unlocked her room. Somebody who had the keys and the f***** keys are the housekeeper's responsibility. She says they were He tells the housekeeper to get her things and get out. She cries and she turns to leave. He tells all of the staff to get the f*** out of there. They all turn and leave. He shouts after them how useless they all are.


Page Five

21. Dionisio pours himself a shot. Secundino drinks with him and asks what in the hell is going on with him. Dionsiio is not in the mood for one of his sermons. Secundino is not giving a sermon and he could not care less about his f****** mood. What in the hell is wrong with him? He isn't like this. Secundino says he doesn't know if the housekeeper helped his daughter or not. What he does know is that nobody deserves to be treated like that. Dionisio asks what does he want him to do. Let everyone just roll over
him? Secundino says nobody is doing that. He is the one who is confronting everyone. Dionisio insists that THEY are the ones f****** him over. Secundino can only sigh. Dionsio asks what is he going to do if La Pinzona doesn't come back. Secundnio answers that she left because of him. He started it. Dionisio disagrees saying that La Caponera is the problem. Secundino disagrees. The problem is HIM and what he is becoming. Dionisio insists that everyone is running over him. His family, Remigio, Justina and Carmela, the cantina and this hacienda, are all falling apart. It is the end of it all. Secundino acknowledges he is going through a very bad time and he needs to put up with it. Dionisio questions doing that because without La Caponera, all of what he has is going to disappear. With her, things work. Secundino. disagrees. The success of all of these years has not been the fruit of good luck. What he sees is a pair of people who have loved each other as few have done. He is a hardworking honest man. La Caponera is a great woman. He should not forget that. Dionisio thinks that he is who La Caponera made him. Without her . . . he drinks another shot and leaves.

22. Lorenzo asks Jesús if he has any idea where La Pinzona went. Is she at the cantina? Is she with her mother? All Jesús knows is that they left. Lorenzo calls him an imbecile for telling him what he knows. La Caponera leaves. That is what she does. The only reason Jesús is at the hacienda is take care of La Pinzona, watch over her and make her fall in love with him. Lorenzo wants to know how she disappeared. As he tries to control himself, Jesús says she was in the house and they had him taking care of the roosters. Lorenzo grabs his neck from behind and slams his head to the table. He reminds him the ONLY thing he was not to fail at was keepng track of the damn girl. They were close. It was all in sight. Once he killed Dionisio and La Caponera, that girl was going to give them all the luck they needed. He has been planning this for years. Jesús doesn't think they are gone for good. Lorenzo tells him to pray that they appear because if they don't, he swears . . . There is a knock at the door.

23. It is Fernando (his errand man) who has brought Lorenzo some bullets. Fernando talked to Enrique who told him that La Caponera is back in Guadalajara. He confirms that she was there with a girl. Jesús hears it all.

24. The Arriaga brothers talk about the judge who was "talked into" into being at the court for a month because of his health. Sebas didn't pay him but is not worried because by now, he knows how to get things done. Tomorrow, Juvencio will give the order to finish the work on the river. Sebas says it is urgent that water doesn't get to Dionisios's land. That along with the closure of his cantina and the fight with his wife will make Dionisio uncomfortable. Juvencio says the info about his wife is only gossip. He doesn't think it will be enough to get him off their backs. That won't be so easy. Sebas says they will have to see about that. He will find another way to stop him if he needs to.


Page Six

25. Jesús says he should be getting back to the hacienda. He is late already. Lorenzo knows that Remigio's death has affected Jesús a lot. Holding his gun in his hand, Lorenzo says he understands but he wants to make it clear that Remigio was a f****** traitor and a liar full of envy. He was looking for it. He doesn't suppose that Jesús believed anything Remigio said. Jesús assures him that he didn't at all. Lorenzo apologizes for slamming Jesús' head into the table. He sometimes loses control. He asks if he can still trust Jesús. A very sober Jesús says of course. Lorenzo looks at him closely and says he is glad. He hopes they can repair the damage in time. He pats him on the cheek and tells him to go.

26. La Caponera and her daughter go to Enrique's office. La Caponera is told that Enrique is no tin but she can leave him a message. La Caponera prefers to wait. She is warned it could take all day. La Caponera decides that they are going to wait.

27. Remigio is buried at the hacienda after a religious ceremony. Jesús asks Hugo why Remigio was buried here and not with Lucas. Hugo tells him it is one thing to have the same blood and another to be family. Jesús asks if Lucas treated him that badly. Hugo says he always was treated like a slave, especially Lorenzo. He saw how he beat him so many times. Jesús asks why Remigio allowed it. It was because he respected and admired him. They all did.

28. FLASHBACK Lorenzo shows off a watch he bought for himself to the young Jesús. Jesús asks if it cost a lot. He tells him you know you are rich when you no longer ask the price of items. He gives Jesús a toy/balero. He puts it down carefully since it is the first gift he ever has received. Lorenzo says he had to get him something, too, because they are partners in everything. Jesús says one day he, too, will not be concerned about the prices of things. Lorenzo says he will make sure of that if he stays with him.

29. Dionisio is concerned that more workers didn't come to the funeral. Secundino tells him that morning half of their workers quit. They believe that the deaths of Remigio and the cows are all a part of the divine retribution that the priest is preaching about. Secundino is going to look for workers in other towns.

30. Still seated in the office, La Caponera hears that some singers are going to see Enrique in the recording studio. She and La Pinzona go to follow the singers. The secretary see that she is gone and calls somebody to alert Enrique knows that La Caponera has left his office so he can come back to his office whenever he wants.

31. Dionisio goes into the house where he finds a message that La Caponera and his daughter are in Guadalajara. We see Jesús walks by. Dionisio leaves.

32. Sebas is at home. He notices a playing card posted on an armoire with a knife. He looks at the card and remembers suffocating Lucas and leaving the card in his pocket. Suddenly he feels a gun at the back of his head. It is Lorenzo saying that he doubts that Sebas has forgetten about that card. Sebas turns shocked to see him.



novelera, thank you for your comments. You made me smile. My social life is either feast or famine. I have learned you have to enjoy what you can when you can.

"There was another reveal, also pretty shocking. Not only is Jesús acting as Lorenzo's puppet (temporarily, I believe), but that whole invitation to Guadalajara, television show, and fawning praise from Enrique was arranged by Lorenzo to sour Dionisio and La Caponera's marriage. I was shocked that he had managed to infiltrate La Caponera's life so successfully.

"Lorenzo deserves more than an anvil. He deserves to be submerged in boiling oil!" I totally agree.


Thanks Jarifa, that was interesting and informative. Dionisio just keeps getting worse. When he said La Caponera brings him luck he must have meant it. It’s like he’s giving up because she’s gone. And he gets more angry in every episode.

I liked that they didn’t bury Remigio with his uncle. Maybe Lucas is learning about true friendships. I can’t imagine him being part of the killings of Dionisio and La Caponera.

It will be interesting to see whose side the Arriaga brothers take. If Lorenzo lets them live.

If the grand finale is Monday I don’t see how they will tie up loose ends. I wish we had seen some of the 15 years of wedded bliss! I guess the writers feel there wouldn’t have been enough action!



Liz, so much happened last night I couldn’t believe it. I agree it is hard to believe that Monday is the end. I wonder, too, about the fate of the Arriagas.

I can’t wait for tonight!


Starting on Tuesday, Uni is showing double episodes of “Golpe de suerte” all next week.


Recap for Friday will be up on Sunday some time.


Thanks again for these magnificent recaps, Jarifa. They are just perfect. I'm finding myself tense with worry about what's going to happen to these people I've come to care about so much.

The long scene with Dionisio and La Caponera was gut wrenching. So, so awful to see these two who had so much love appearing to lose what they had.

La Caponera told him that being locked up was intolerable for her. We saw in a flashback how she and her mother were locked up together and then her mother pushing her out of that hut to escape the fire. Dionisio's hard on La Pinzona and on his wife because of his own sense of inferiority. If he allows them to be themselves, he'll lose them.

I felt so sad when La Caponera told him that she was sorry he was the father of her child.

Secundino is Dionisio's only hope to pull out of this tailspin. He is solidly on his side, but he tells him when he's risking everything with his behavior toward La Caponera and La Pinzona.

When the priest was giving Justina and Carmela their choices, I expected him to name one of them as becoming nuns!

At the funeral Secundino mentioned that the priest who officiated was from another town. The plan is to get some ranch hands from there as well.

I suppose it's too much to hope that Lorenzo blows Sebas' brains out, thus removing a big enemy for Dionisio.

I'll probably press on and watch tonight's episode before I turn in.


novelera, "Dionisio's hard on La Pinzona and on his wife because of his own sense of inferiority. If he allows them to be themselves, he'll lose them." Bingo! That's it. It is sad that he was never able to recover from his traumatic childhood.

"I suppose it's too much to hope that Lorenzo blows Sebas' brains out, thus removing a big enemy for Dionisio." That would be good!


EL GALLO DE ORO #16 (Uni Edit) (VIX Season 2 #8/#9)

Rain all day today so this will be early. : )

Page One

1. Lorenzo, hits Sebas in the head with his gun and knocks him out.

2. La Caponera has parked the van and is on the way to see Enrique at the recording studio. She tells her daughter to think about what it is you really want. She kisses her locket and adds that is what her mother always said. La Pinzona smiles and thinks that her mother will achieve what she wants. La Caponera tells her that she doesn't know how important that she is there with her. A smiling Pinzona knows that "Nothing is too big for the Cutiño's to handle." She will wait for La Caponera in the van. She wishes her mother good luck.

3. Enrique is talking to a new female performer at the recording studio when the show host comes to tell him that his secretary just called to tell him that he can go back to his office. He asks what is going on. Enrique explains it is because La Caponera is hounding him. The host says maybe Enrique should not have given her so much hope. Enrique asks him if he remembers that gambling debt the had that he was almost killed for. The host says how could he not remember. He had never seen Enrique so afraid. Enrique explains that he is paying off the landowner that got him out of that mess with this favor. The host says but La Caponera has talent.Enrique says yes but La Caponera isn't . . . and he motions to the new performer. She is a star already. On the other hand, La Caponera ??? Start with her stage name "La Caponera". "La caponera" is a chicken coop and sort of gives you that bordello feeling. Giving her a tour would be monumental failure. He is not playing that game and losing money.

4. La Caponera has overheard the end of the conversation and asks Enrique why he offered her the contract in the first place. Enrique asks what she is doing there. She is trying to talk to him and doesn't understand what she just heard. She isn't moving until she finds out what the hell is going on. He asks if she wants to know the truth. She nods and he tells her to pay attention. He tells her that at this point, she isn't the age or has the talent to start a career in that business. She asks him what the f*** is he talking about. She knows what she is capable of. He doesn't doubt that she does. She is capable of singing at fairs and in cantinas. That is not his business. She calls him a liar. He chuckles. She thinks he should have told her that from the start. She is sure she can complain to someone. He makes it clear that if he were afraid of every artist he rejects, he would be in another busiiness. He suggests that she leave with a bit of dignity. She leaves.

5. Sebas comes to seated on the couch courtesy of Lorenzo as Lorenzo observes him. Sebas asks how he found out??? Lorenzo asks why his father??? He had nothing to do with any of this. Why did he kill him?? When Sebas starts to explain, Enrique doesn't want to hear. With his gun pointed at Sebas, he tells him if he shouts it will be his last shout of his f***** life. Sebas tells him to go ahead. Lorenzo choses not to shoot him saying if he wanted him dead, he would have done so a long time ago. He needs him alive with one condition.

6. At the hotel dining room, La Caponera sits with her daughter at a table drinking tequila straight from the bottle. La Pinzona is trying to understand what happened. La Caponera doesn't understand much either or maybe she does. La Pinzona thinks Enrique could be angry because of her father. La Caponera answers no and that "the tour" was a hoax from the beginning. That SOB never planned on doing it. Having drained one bottle, La Caponera asks for another bottle of tequila.


Part Two

7. Lorenzo reminds Lucas that he saw him win. It din;t matter what cards he had. He always won thanks to La Caponera. Sebas thinks that is absurd. He is going crazy. Lorenzo denies that he is going crazy. The same thing happened to lots of men. He talked to one SOB and he was destroyed. The same thing happened to him. Sebas still doesn't believe him about La Caponera. He tells him to remember back to that day when . . . FLASHBACK : he asked Juvencio if Lorenzo was cheating and his brother said that there was no way he could be. He has had his eyes glued to him and it was luck, not cheating. Sebas hoped his winning streak would be over soon before they were left with nothing. Sebas remembers him winning but then his winning streak ended and he lost it all. Lorenzo agrees that he lost it all and tells Sebas to remember what happened before he began to lose.FLASHBACK: La Caponera was throwing a fit in the other room breaking things. Then, she wasn't there and Lorenzo lost it all. Sebas now understands why he bet his hacienda. It was because he thought he was going to win. Lorenzo agrees and now Dionisio is walking around like he is the king of the world because he has La Caponera. Does he know of anyone who has won playing with him? Sebas concludes that he wants him to go get La Caponera. Lorenzo says that won't work. She has to be in love with that person and nearby. Sebas puts it all together from Dioniso winning the hacienda to Lorenzo killing that traitor Remigio. Sebas wonders what his role is. Lorenzo tosses him some papers.

8. A drunk Caponera is arguing with a waiter about who is going to open the next bottle of tequila. She does it herself!!!! When it is opened, she takes swig after swig. La Pinzona doesn't think that the alcohol is going to help . La Caponera is upset that Enrique made a fool out of her. She was stupid and she let it happen again, one more time. She tells La Pinzona that all men are ass*****. . They are that way because they are men. She tells her daughter to be careful with that Jesús. Just because he helped her escape doesn't make him any better than those ass***** and SOB's. La Caponera hopes she hasn't told Jesús about what the Cutiño women can do. La Pinzona insists she hasn't said anything.La Caponera makes a point fo telling her NOT to tell him. She continues ranting and raving about Enrique thinking she is too old to start a career. She insists she is not defeated. She gets up and gives an impromptu performance. La Pinzona takes a swig from the tequila bottle herself as she witnesses the performance and smiles. A waiter finally tells La Caponera that she cannot sing there . She says she is done. Some diners and her daughter applaud. La Pinzona excuses herself as La Caponera grabs the tequila bottle one more time.

9. NARRATION: Some say that you can only feel one pain at a time. She doesn't agree. She has had plenty of experience in the area. There is pain from being offended, from not being understood by the person you love. It is like what you feel when you find out that when the dream you wanted most in this f***** life and you always fought for will never be achieved. Then there is the pain of everyone who placed their hopes on you . She wishes it were true that you could only feel one pain at a time but unfortunately, it is not like that.


Part Three

10. Juvencio is not happy that Sebas is in an "alliance" with Lorenzo. He doesn't know why he signed he paper. Sebas said he signed it because that crazy Lorenzo was pointing a gun at him. Juvencio asks if now they are going to kneel down in front of that crazy man. Sebas says nobody is kneeling. He is just gaining a little time. Juvencio says they need to find a way to get Lorenzo off their backs. Sebas says they are going to play along at least with the first part. Juvencio cannot believe that he fell for that Caponera nonsense. Sebas says it would be to their benefit if Dioniso were to lose the hacienda.Lorenzo can help them with that. Juvencio warns him not to make him choose between Dionisio and Lorenzo. Sebas clarifies they are only choosing which one of the two they are getting off their backs first. If the story about La Caponera is not true, it will be just another card game. Juvencio asks him if he really believes that Dionsio is going to bet his hacienda. Sebas says that is where Lorenzo comes in.

11. La Caponera has passed out on the table in the dining room. La Pinzona comes back and tries to rouse her when Dioniso comes in. She explains that her mother had too much to drink and that he was right when it came to Enrique. He ended up being an SOB. The tour ended up being a f****** lie. Dionsio helps La Pinzona with her mother. They are all going back to the hacienda. La Pinzona says her mother won't want to go there. Dionsio says La Caponera has no reason to stay here. La Pinzona doesn't think her mother will ever forgive him. He thinks she will understand. He is assuming full responsibility. La Pinzona wants to wait until she wakes up so she can decide what to do. Dionsio says he has decided and goes for the van.

12. Lorenzo looks at the papers that Sebas signed. Lucas tells him that he doesn't think that Dionsio will bet the hacienda. He is not as stupid as him. Lorenzo says of course he will play. He knows what suits him. The deal he is going to propose to Seba is that who loses is obligated to sell his land to the other player for the price which will be established by an appraiser. Lucas concludes that once the Arriagas buy the land, he and Lorenzo will stay like they are now without anything. Lorenzo tells him that would have happened if Sebas had not signed the paper.

13. Juvencio tells Sebas with the document that he signed, he ceded all of their land. They will only get the land back if he wins the hacienda and returns it to Lorenzo. Juvencio tells him they are f*****. Sebas tells him it is all or nothing. That is why they are going to play and win. Juvencio ends up laughing and toasting with him.

14. Lucas asks what is going to happen with Sebas. He has to take his revenge on him. Sebas tells his father that he doesn't understands thing. Doesn't he know him? Obviously, he will not give anything back to the Arriagas. He is going to keep it all. Then , he will kill that pair of SOB's. Lucas smiles. Lucas asks what will happen to La Pinzona. Lorenzo answers if Jesús does what he asked him to do, La Pinzona should be on her way back already.

15. Dionisio is driving La Caponera and La Pinzona back to the hacienda through the countryside. La Pinzona asks her father how he knew that they were in the city. Before he can answer, La Caponera starts to wake up. She asks what is going on and where are they. La Pinzona asks her how she feels. La Caponera doesn't answer. She wants to know where she is going. La Pinzona tells her to calm down. She wasn't doing well and she didn't know what to do.


Part Four

La Caponera stares at Dioniso and asks him what he is doing there. She asks La Pinzona if she called him. Dioniso says nobody called him. He was there because he was looking for her. La Caponera tells him to stop the van. She wants to get out. (in the middle of no where) He refuses. He wants to go back home so they can talk. She is not interested. She becomes agitated and grabs for the steering wheel. Dionsio tries to maintain control. The van runs off the road and La Caponera is ejected through the windshield.

16. At the hacienda, La Caponera (with no makeup) sits in front of a mirror looking at how bruised and battered she is from the accident. Her hand goes to the bruises on her throat. He hand then reaches for the bottle of tequila on the dresser. She drinks a shot. Dionsio and La Pinzona come to see her. La Pinzona asks her how she woke up this morning. Dionisio asks how she feels. He tells her that the doctor said that she needs to rest and not be up let alone drinking tequila. . She pours herself another shot and drinks it in defiance.Dionisio leaves. La Pinzona reminds her that she needs to take her medicine and cannot be drinking alcohol. An extremely hoarse Caponera says that the medicine will not return her voice to her and let her sing again. La Pinzona tells her to not thin like that. The doctor said that they had to take things slowly. She got hit hard. First, she has to get her voice back. Singing will then come later. La Caponera goes to grab the bottle. La Pinzona tries to stop her and La Caponera snatches it away. She ours another drink. La Pinzona leaves. La Caponera sits and sobs. She drinks another shot.

17: NARRATION: She was always afraid of sadness; of that feeling of having a sunken heavy heart with no desire to beat.

18. La Caponera goes to the closed cantina, gets on the stage and tries to sing but can't. She ends up crying.

19. NARRATION: She always fled from sorrow that feeling that she came to know when she was still only a brat in her mother's tears. She was the same woman who once and again made me swear that I would never stop fighting to be happy.

20. Secundino tells Dionisio that the Arriaga's took advantage of the rocky ground and diverted the course of the river. He must have had enough workers because it happened very quickly. As soon as Hugo told him about it, he went to see the judge but it seems that he had to get some sort of operation. He won't be back for several weeks. Hugo says that is a long time. If they do not do something now, they will lose the crops. Secundino starts to ask if they could get the same results by talking to . . . he stops when he notices that Dionsio is clearly preoccupied.

21. NARRATION: With time, she came to understand that sadness is not fooled by anyone. There always arrives a moment in life
when the condemned (sadness) traps you.

22. Dionsio ignores Secundino and walks away.

23. La Pinzona looks for her mother and finds her passed out on some lawn furniture with an empty shot glass in her hand. She manages to awaken her and guide her back to her room as Dionisio watches. La Caponera is careful to make sure her bottle of tequila goes with her and cannot be dissuaded.

24. NARRATION: And since we never prepare to live with sadness, we feel as if there is no exit; that the world is looming over us; that no matter what we do we are being devoured by the darkest of nights.


Part Five

25. Jesús tells Lorenzo that nobody knows what is going to happen with the hacienda. Dionisio isn't talking with anyone and La Caponera is always drunk. Lorenzo says that being the case, it is time to move ahead with their plan. He will talk to Sebas tomorrow. Jesús asks what will happen if Dioniso decides not to play. Lorenzo says he will accept because it has come to playing or losing all he has built. It is Jesús's job to make sure that La Pinzona is no where around, far away. Jesús is concerned about La Pinzona. She had nothing to do with any of this. Lorenzo says that is why she isn't going to suffer. She will be at Jesús's side. Jesús is worried that some day she will find out about him being involved in what happened to her parents. Lorenzo assures him that will not happen. That is why they have to play their cards very well and be prepared. Lorenzo adds that if it all turns out well, it will not only be good for him but also for Jesús. He tells his "son" that he deserves to be happy, have a decent life, and have all the comforts that life has denied him. Very soon he will be a boss, just like him. Jesús doesn't look happy but afraid.

26. Dionsio is asleep and relives the nightmare of his father beating his mother. The only difference is that, this time, his father has his face.

27. Inside the house, La Caponera is sitting and drinking. Dioniso sits silently with her.

28. La Pinzona is waiting for Jesús in the barn. She asks him to stay and talk. She says her health is fine but she is very sad. She also feels that her mother is angry with her for letting Dionisio bring them back to the hacienda. She feels everything is going to hell. Jesús thinks maybe things will get better. She is not so sure. It has been just one blow after another. She has been thinking a lot about Remigio and his death. She cannot get it in her head how we can be here one day and gone the next. Jesús tells her that's life. The only sure thing is death.She smiles and tells Jesús that she likes him because he listens to her. He says he will always listen to her. She smiles. She tells him to kiss her. He hesitates so she kisses him. She tells him he is the only worthwhile thing in the midst of everything that is happening to her. There is more romance in the barn.


Part Six

29. El Dionsio tells La Caponera that he doesn't know when this all happened. What he does know is that it has to end.The best would be for her and La Pinzona to go somewhere far away. He will make sure that they lack nothing. La Caponera asks what would happen with him. He says that doesn't matter. What is important is that both of them are well. La Caponera takes another shot. She and La Pinzona are the greatest things he has in his life. They are the only truly important things. The least thing he wants is to lose them but he is afraid and he swears that at beginning, he only wanted them to be happy. He wanted to see her happy but she is right. He starts to cry. He started to feel like being who he never was. That really scares him, scares him a lot. She asks him if he believes that he still loves her. He looks at her and tells her that has never changed nor will it. She looks at him. He continues. It has become clear to him, that is not enough. She answers saying maybe it isn't. He tells her not to think that hard about it. As she leaves the room, he tells her she can still remake her life and try to be happy the same as La Pinzona. She stares at him and drinks another shot. She keeps walking as he says she will be better off without him. Dioniso is left with his head in his hand.

30. After having a fun time in the barn, La Pinzona tells Jesús that her mother said that men only bring misfortune to the Cutiño's. She has her doubts about Jesús though. He tells her she never has to have doubts about him. As he gets dressed, she warns him not to hurt her or she will kill him. He squeaks out a smile.

31. Hugo tells Dionisio that Sebas Arriaga is outside. He wants to talk to him. It seems to be important. Dionsio tells him to let him in. He adds that Hugo is to stay outside. Sebas comes in saying the place looks lovely. He hasn't been there for so many years. Dionsio asks why he came. He is their to propose a truce, a definitive solution to all their problems. Dionisio says the only solution is for one of them to go. Sebas answers with PRECISELY! He throws the proposal on an end table.

32. Romance continues in the barn as a smiling La Pinzona puts Jesús's hat back on his head. He confesses there is something he has not told her. It is about the person who took charge of him when he left San Marcos. He met a peasant who little by little became like a father to him. He is in Ocotlán and wants her to come and visit him. Will she come with him one of these days? He wants them to meet. She says she'll go. Jesús is happy.



Well, I did not have the energy to watch the Friday episode as well. Just did watch it.

Again, a million thanks for the excellent, well written recaps, Jarifa.

I'm feeling like I'm watching a Greek tragedy. That scene with Enrique on, I think, a TV set, was so sad. He told her what is likely the truth: she's no spring chicken; and she has talent but not enough to make it to the top. Later on she's smart enough to figure out that the whole "tour" thing was some kind of a trick, but it doesn't seem she gathers that it was to separate her from Dionisio. Of course, neither she nor Dionisio have any idea that their worst enemy still lives.

Did Lorenzo tell Jesús about "the gift"? I can't remember. In Friday's episode, La Caponera told her daughter to never tell Jesús about it, and I don't know if he knows. And Lorenzo's plan is not to have La Pinzona around to somehow give him luck, but to have her absent. Still don't quite see how that guarantees Lorenzo winning. Also a bit confused about the paper Sebas signed. If he wins, he agrees to give Dionisio's hacienda to Lorenzo? And, if he loses, somehow Lorenzo ends up winning?

Jesús is right. La Pinzona finding out about his helping Lorenzo would lead her to hate him. The look on his face when she mentions Remigio's death... She didn't notice it, but it was pure guilt.

La Caponera's narrations about sadness and her fear of it were SO poignant. To me it meant that a person who has had trauma in their life cannot ride out sad and melancholy times in life. They must always surround themselves with good cheer because they go too low in bad times.


novelera, you are welcome. This has been so well written that it has added to the pleasure of recapping it.

“La Caponera’s narrations about sadness and her fear were SO poignant. To me it meant that a person who has had trauma in their life cannot ride out sad and melancholy times in life. They must always surround themselves with good cheer because they go too low in bad times. “ Thanks, for your take on this. I had not thought about it quite in that way.

Yes, this does have that Greek tragedy feel. You are so right about Enrique telling La Caponera the likely truth. She is “no spring chicken.” It is sad that she and Dionisio do not know that there is someone pulling the /their strings. Lorenzo is the invisible puppeteer.

When it comes to Lorenzo’s scheme, it seemed so convoluted that I could hardly believe it or understand it. I just translated what was said. Yes, it does seem that Lorenzo wins no matter what.

I am wondering if Lorenzo is pushing/supporting Jesús to be with La Pinzona so he can turn Jesús into a gambler and make a fortune that way. Lorenzo seems to always have an angle. I cannot see any other reason.

I had to laugh at Enrique’s assessment and interpretation of the stage name “La Caponera” as “chicken coop” with a bordello connotation since I could not find a suitable translation beyond “chicken coop” no matter where I looked. I found one interpretation of “lead mare” and another relating it to the verb “capar” ( to castrate) as in a “capon” but nothing more. So, I was happy to have a character clarify the issue.

Seeing the underwear of the age, like the pointy bras makes me grateful for how far we have come!

Whether it wants to be or not, I would say this series could be considered a giant PSA for the dangers of alcoholism in fine novela tradition.


Double episodes? Wanted to watch but I am OUT. I hate double episodes.


Thanks Jarifa, your recaps are excellent. I especially like La Caponera’s narratives, which thankfully you translate.

I don’t understand the card game plan. I thought Jesus was to make La Pinzona fall in love with him so he would play cards and make money. It sounds like Lorenzo is counting on winning on his own. Or if Sebas wins he still wins.

I was sure La Caponera was dead in the wreck. Then when I saw her drinking I played it back to see who was in the red dress. I was afraid it was La Pinzona, although I don’t really like her. Not sure if I like any of the characters at this point.

I was surprised that Dionisio still loves La Caponera. They did seem happy at the birthday party, then it seemed to go downhill.

Monday should be interesting, will there be a happily ever after!




Liz, that card game plan is a head scratcher. Seems like Lorenzo is using Sebas hide his own identity and like he is going to end up with the hacienda no matter what. I think that Dionisio does really love La Caponera. It seems his behavior changed after he had the nightmare where he saw his face on his father’s body. I am not expecting any happily ever afters for this group but maybe I will be surprised and La Caponera will join AA. Seriously, whatever the ending, I cannot wait to see it.


Jarifa, your recaps are brilliant! I am so grateful for all the detail. There were so many things I didn't catch. I don't know how you whip these things out - so much is going on.

I was shocked when our heroine first spoke after the accident. Her voice!! Oh no!!

I don't know how these people consume so much tequila. Big shots, even entire bottles sometimes. It's a miracle they still have functioning livers.

I can't wait for Monday's episode. I have a big day Tuesday and I hope I have time to get in on the discussion of the finale.



Maggie, glad that you have found the recaps useful. I learn a lot from doing them, also. The loss of La Caponera’s voice was a shock to me, too. I NEVER expected that and the only person she has to blame is herself. “It’s a miracle they still have functioning livers.” You can say that again. The recap won’t be up until Tuesday some time. Feel free to comment when you have time. We will be here!

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