Monday, June 10, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of June 10, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM:  Corazon Indomable (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

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VIVIR #71 Part 1

Fire red clad Rebeca stands at the head of the boardroom table, eyes blazing. JE stares as Fatima scratches her face with Monica standing in outrage. Rebeca is happy to see Cris free (in a pig’s eye we murmur). She shouldn’t be imprisoned for something she didn’t do. Don Emilio looks pained as Rebeca bestows a cheesy grin on the participants.

When Monica demands an explanation, Adolfo quietly tries to diffuse the situation by promising to explain later. She explains that she is JE’s wife and that together they will work for the company. Having no knowledge as to what was really behind the (hostile) takeover, the board members seem agreeable and on board.

Angel’s place is a beehive of activity. Lupe, Wanda, Carmelo, Pedrito, Loli and company are cleaning up as she profusely thanks them. Renato arrives and asks if she is all right; she tells Renato she was scared but it has passed.

Adolfo explains to the family that Cris gave her shares to Rebeca in exchange for the police arresting the real murderer. Fatima accuses Rebeca of having Petra arrested and all reproach her as they know she is innocent! They continue accusing Rebeca, who defends herself with a barrage of lies. Monica worries “this one” now has power over part of the company. She asks Adolfo how he could have done this without consulting them. Fatima calls Rebeca “mentirosa” and Monica insults Rebeca saying “whoa, whoa, whoa.” Don Emilio, having heard enough, stands up and berates Rebeca for taking advantage of the situation for her benefit. JE tells her to stop lying; she charged a high price for her help. Cris continues they will proceed with trying to prove Petra’s innocence and warns that if Rebeca had anything to do with Mau’s death she will pay. Don Emilio warns the truth always comes out and they won’t stop until then. Before Rebeca leaves she swears she had nothing to do with Mau’s murder. Misael also leaves (as Monica tries to call him back), telling them he will find out what Rebeca is up to because he also worries that someone like her has a voice in the company. There is stunned silence as JE shakes his head.

Luciano’s lawyer calls but he has no time to talk. He is called away and leaves the wads of cash on the table. Mere moments later, Romina comes down, immediately spies and pockets the cash.

Lucas is greeted by Domingo; he will help him get settled in. Lucas wants to be with the workers.

Rebeca relishes in the others’ reactions. Misael walks in and says she did indeed surprise everyone.

Monica pops some pills and drinks from her black flask. Bruno wearing his hideous plaid jacket and James Bond wannabe turtleneck comes in as she complains about Rebeca, telling him what she did calling her zorra. She asks Bruno to keep an eye on Rebeca but not to tell Misael, they need to be a step ahead of her. As she chugs from her flask, he brushes aside her hair and nuzzles her neck. She waves him off saying “no” (can you blame her??). He leaves, eyebrows raised.

At Angel’s, Wanda offers Pedrito a cold drink but he refuses, and actually sneers as Marisa admonishes him. Carmelo shows up with tortas. Pedrito tells Loli he will fill her in later.

Angel tells Renato that it was Brayan’s thugs that did the damage. Angel (rightly) thinks Rebeca is behind this. She won’t tell her mother as she doesn’t want any more problems. Alma stands by, quietly listening.

Misael joins Rebeca and the groping immediately commences. He praises Reb for being so adept in taking Cris’ shares. She asks if he likes they will be associates for life as my stomach roils.


VIVIR #71 Part 2

Cris apologizes for not being able to warn them about what was going to happen. Adolofo adds Cris didn’t have much of a choice. Fatima is upset that Rebeca took advantage of Cris and will destroy everything her grandfather built; just like she destroyed JE’s life. She needs to step outside because she needs air. JE isn’t happy about Rebeca being part owner but is glad Cris is there at whatever price. I love you very much he tells his mother as she smiles and lovingly holds her son’s hand. Don Emilio holds Cris’ hand and smiles. Don Emilio agrees Cris’s life is worth more than the shares.

Romina calls Bruno explaining she has the money but it’s cash. He tells her to meet with him.

Having stuffed the money in her purse, when Luciano comes home, she waylays him with questions about Fatima. Rebeca admonishes Luciano for Fatima being there with the fire as an excuse (and a damn good one I angrily add). Luciano is taken aback that she says whatever she wants because of her jealousy. He tells her Fatima is no longer there. And he knows she is working for Bruno again.

Cris and Adolfo have rejoined the meeting. Other staff including Icky, Sebastian and Gabriela are also there. Rebeca says she wants to go to her office. Gabriela stares saying the office is occupied. Rebeca then demands she take over Cris’ office as she is no longer part owner. Sebatian and (even) Icky have the grace to look down in embarrassment. Cris agrees to give her the office.

Rebeca makes a clean sweep of Cris’ desk, callously throwing her pictures and personal effects into a basket Gabriela has provided. Rebeca tells Gabriela to take everything away and show her the company’s assets. Rebeca mutters she needs to learn more and will need someone to teach her as she looks at Cris’ computer.

Another fight between Monica and Rebeca erupts; Monica hissing Rebeca thinks only of herself. Misael separates the two hellcats, assuring Monica that Rebeca is only looking after their interests. When Monica leaves, Misael tells Rebeca that she is playing with fire; everyone suspects she is behind Mau’s murder. Rebeca justifies that she just wants to destroy JE completely. Misael also wants that, but not like this. Contemptuously, Rebeca dismisses him, telling him to look for his “Mamita”.

DE understands why Fatima is angry. Fatima cries that what Cris suffered was horrible. Cris tells her she only prayed to be returned to her family. Fatima doesn’t want her to suffer for anything. Don Emilio adds that the most valuable things in life are family and freedom. Cris thanks her father for supporting her decision. Fatima didn’t mean to make Cris feel bad, she would never exchange her mother’s hugs and presence for anything. Cris puts her hands on Fatima’s tear-stained face as Don Emilio smiles and nods.

Elena tells Armando that Gi is having him followed. After Armando swears he would never cheat on GI, Elena suggests they take a second honeymoon but Armando would prefer to renew their vows. Elena offers her house so that Gi won’t suspect anything; they can have the ceremony in her garden. Armando wants the ceremony this weekend.

Armando is handing out invitations. When Armando hands one to Angel, she asks if her mother knows he is inviting her, but Armando tells her Elena told him to invite everyone who is important to them.

Elena invites Gi to a dinner at her house.


VIVIR #71 Part 3 of 3

Alma is waiting for Rebeca outside of the restaurant. Reb tries to run Alma off but Alma stands her ground, she needs to talk to her. She asks if it was she who sent the vandals to destroy Angel’s house. Rebeca upbraids her and tells her she is dead to her.

Rebeca continues that she doesn’t owe her any explanations. Alma wonders how long Reb will continue her bad deeds. Her sister is a good person. Rebeca replies that will be until she is happy. She accuses Angel of continuing to meddle in her marriage. When Alma reminds her she was unfaithful to JE, Rebeca tells her to stop meddling. They continue to argue and throw barbs for destroying each other’s lives. Alma has put up with everything but if she continues to plot against Angel, at that point Rebeca interrupts and warns her to stay out of her life or the “snotty kids” will pay for their actions.

Elena comes out and Rebeca faux cries, telling her Alma is threatening her. Elena turns and turns on Alma warning her off. Gi looks at Alma a bit sympathetically.

Inside, Rebeca tells Elena that JE has given her part of his shares. As soon as Reb starts making money, she will pay off the mortgage. Elena looks quite surprised as does Jimena who had started to enter the office but then quickly retreats.

Gi looks rather sympathetic and asks Alma why she came. Gi worries about Elena, but Alma can’t help her. Alma walks off as Gi folds her arms and looks concerned.

Domingo is showing Lucas how to brush and saddle a horse. Lucas thanks Sandra and asks if there is anything else she needs him to do. If not, he wants to freshen up so he can surprise Mati who doesn’t know he is there. Sandra does not look happy.

When Domingo asks for money to pay the workers back, Luciano realizes he doesn’t have it and thinks it is back at the house. He leaves to retrieve it.

Luciano realizes the money is missing.

A surprised Mati asks Lucas what he is doing there!

Angel calls Santiago and pleads he keep his appointment with the psychologist. He asks her not to tell their mother who is already overburdened with worry. She agrees – as long as he keeps his appointment.

JE has a flashback of Angel and wishes he had listened to her. If only he could have her by his side. He can lose everything but not her. He tells Angel’s image he will always love her with all his heart.

The fabrica production is in full force. Angel tells Marisa she can’t find any vendors that can provide products at a reasonable price.

JE’s wheels are turning. When JE receives a call from a vendor, he tells him he knows of a factory that needs product. He asks the vendor to sell the product to them at a lower price; JE will pay the difference. Oh and the vendor should not mention JE’s name.

As you saw, the amount of dialog today was overwhelming. All thanks and appreciation to my friend who was able to process all of the dialog completely and beautifully.


Vivir. No matter the plot complexities, the amount of dialogue, and the busy complications, you and your friend always have it covered, Diana. Well-done! And I thought that an unusually large amount of stuff happened in the first part of the episode today. Some observations: Whoa! Absolutely everyone now seems to have Rebeca's number, and just about everyone berates her for being lying and self-serving. And yep, she just seems to take the criticism as a badge of honor. Even JE says that giving Rebeca Cris's shares was worth it to get her out of prison. But as Fatima et al have already observed, what about poor framed Petra? (And I think at this point more people may suspect Rebeca of being involved in Mau's death rather than Misael). Btw, when Misael suggests that he and Rebeca should be "associates for life," my thought was Well, they certainly deserve each other, anyway. Mati seems to have a definite physical type. When I first saw Lucas walking into the hacienda, I could have sworn he was Gabriel. And JE saves Angelli's Coop, but of course he won't tell her what he did. That plus keeping Rebeca from falsely accusing her of assault, etc., may convince viewerville at the end that, yes, he is worthy of her. (But the delaying telling her will help this novela to hang in there for 125 epsodes).

Vivir. Of course, the only person with a positive opinion of Rebeca continues to be Elena, who just can't seem to help being delusional.


SpanProf, how kind you are.

"Some observations: Whoa!" had me smiling away.

Thank you for encapsulating the shift to "Absolutely everyone now seems to have Rebeca's number, and just about everyone berates her for being lying and self-serving." And "she just seems to take the criticism as a badge of honor" was perfect!

What a sharp eye you have! You are absolutely right in that Gabriel and Lucas are similiar physically and both with dark hair.

I feel Santiago will eventually realize he needs help and will seek it out. Rebeca is past redemption. I wish Elena would start to rouse from her "delusional" state so that when Rebeca's "truths" are revealed, not everything will come as a horrible shock to her mother.


Personally I think Sandra is much cuter than Mati. Lucas may have to console himself with her. So if they clear Petra will the police then arrest Chris again and would she then be entitled to get her shares back since proving her innocence was a condition of the transfer of shares?
I know the red dress was mentioned last episode, but those "wings" or whatever the long flowing sleeves are called is definitely over the top for a board meeting.
I loved the slap in the face Monica dealt Rebeca, and the cold shoulder she brushed Bruno off with. Pills and the flask. She was in rare form today.


Dear Diana and friend, wow, things are happening and the recap was popping. Thank you both so much.

I read the recap before I watched . I couldn't take my eyes off Refrida's long , red sleeves flying around as she flapped her arms dramatically. one of those inflatible advertising things outside a car dealership! Please, please, please let her step on them and fall, or drag them through her soup, or get then caught in a revolving door. Please. Note to self : Sleeves should not be longer than your skirt. This girl now has her mom's credit card but absolutely no taste .

I think I might have shrieked a little when Monica stormed into the room and gave Rere that resounding snack right across her smirking , lying , scheming face . i kind of loved Monica at that moment. I would have shared a swig from her flask and toasted her. Evil against evil.

Am I right that Re looked like she had No clue when she was looking at the computer. Ha

Okay, so RoMEANa just takes that Money. Will she say the servants must have taken it? So glad Dumb has teamed up with Dumber, and they will fall together.

Spanish prof...I, too, thought that Lucas and Gabriel looked similar. They could be brothers . After seeing Lucas talking to Sandra , I am wondering if those two will end up together , and Teen Beat Gabriel will end up riding off into the sunset with Mati.#doubledate

After tHat confrontation between Rere and Alma , I am wondering if Alma will be the one to finally stop Re on her relentless path of destruction .

Does Gi work at the restaurant or just hang around there? The vow renewal will give Re a chance to torture Angel in public. Susan


"I loved the slap in the face Monica dealt Rebeca, and the cold shoulder she brushed Bruno off with". Kat, I agree. Monica is a piece of work.

I do think Mati and Lucas are end game. Sandra is a sweetheart, I think Gabriel will end up with her, and she is a gem.




Hi Susan and thank you.

OK so "I couldn't take my eyes off Refrida's long , red sleeves flying around as she flapped her arms dramatically. one of those inflatible advertising things outside a car dealership!" had me laughing out loud. Just great.

"i kind of loved Monica at that moment. I would have shared a swig from her flask and toasted her" was another fab line.

Knowing what Rebeca is capable of, I give Alma credit for standing up to her. But if she does go against her, she better ensure Pedrito and Loli are in the witness protection program. Rebeca wouldn't hesitate to hurt either one of them.

There have been several times where Gi and Renato have discussed menus etc. but I'm not sure if she actually works at the restaurant or is some type of consultant?


OT, Amor Real
I've been keeping this in my library, up to episode 5. I figured since it was an old TN that it had been recapped before. Sadly I discovered it hasn't. Guess it came out prior to Caray. All the past posters that reference it seemed to really enjoy it so I guess this will be another I slog through on my own.
Yesterday I attended (and sang in the choir of 3) the confirmation Mass of 14 Latino teenagers at our church. It was entirely in Spanish. The Bishop officiated and I actually understood a lot of the Mass. My choir mate is from Mexico and she helped me out. Now I need to convince her to watch some of these so I can get her input. She says she was never allowed to watch them growing up but her grandma did. Does this make me a bad influence if I succeed in getting her to watch them?


Thanks so much, Diana, and thank your friend! Another great recap. Rebeca is so proud of her evilness. I guess she thinks it makes her smarter to con people out of their wife or shares, or whatever. But she admitted she didn’t realize framing an innocent makes her look guilty. If I were Cris I think I’d take the information I know and go to the police. Rebeca sent a picture of the watch to Adolfo before the police found it with Petra. That should make the police think twice. Or maybe not.

I was glad to see Angel had so much support in the barrio. Alma must feel terrible seeing all the pain Rebeca is causing. I wish Gi and Elena had overheard some of Rebeca and Alma’s conversation. Alma knows what Rebeca is capable of so she’ll never tell.

Any thought of Romina becoming decent is now out the window. She’s now a real thief. I bet she blames the missing money on Lucas. That might turn Mati against her.

Poor Sandra. I like her better than Mati. Mati reminds me of her mother.



Thank you, Diana, for once again setting the tone for us with your wonderful, witty recap! I haven't watched yet, but I did finally catch up on last week's episodes. Things are humming along!

I am surprised to read that the whole board was informed that Reb got her shares as a reward for getting Cris out of jail! Wasn't that supposed to be a secret?? Wasn't that the big condition of the agreement? No one can know but us?? And Aldolfo and Cris agreed they didn't want anyone to know either... so naturally the first move they make is to tell EVERYONE!!! Not one person, but everyone!!! hehe

Rebeca's dress was dramatic and ridiculous but I kind of love it!! It matches the show and it set such a tone when she was first strolling the hall in that bright red dress.

So, Romina turns a page. Until now she's been ambitious, annoying, and guilty of child abandonment but not a criminal. Today, she steals all that money with no qualms?? She's gone from patsy to participant, but I guess the writers want to definitively cross her over to the villain camp. Which works since we all already hate her! Speaking of, she's complaining because Fatima dared to come to her own property? She knows she's living on Fatima's hacienda, right? How can she have a compliant about that?


Thank you Liz.

"Rebeca is so proud of her evilness"; yes she really is!

It is so frustrating that Rebeca always manages to hurt and/or threaten Alma when no one is around. Alma has courage but you are right; she doesn't dare expose Rebeca as the children would suffer.

Liz, your intuitive thought that Romina will frame Lucas for the theft sounds just like something she would pull. Lucas showing up now is such lousy timing. Kid can't catch a break.



I appreciate your supportive comment Darcy. Glad you are almost caught up.

"No one can know but us?? And Aldolfo and Cris agreed they didn't want anyone to know either... so naturally the first move they make is to tell EVERYONE!!! Not one person, but everyone!!!" I am smiling away as of course your comment nailed what occurred perfectly. So much for secrets. :)

"She's gone from patsy to participant, but I guess the writers want to definitively cross her over to the villain camp. Which works since we all already hate her!" Excellent and so true; I dare say Romina's table on the patio has been empty since day 1; not a supporter in sight.


Vivir de amor

Diana, it's always a pleasure to see another of your prime recaps here waiting to guide me through the episode. Thank you.

Monica is annoying, but she's also amusing. She was so with Rebeca, telling her not to address her using tú, as Rebeca is not of her class. Sure, right.

Luciano was just silly with that cash. Irresponsible, actually. I know he got called away suddenly, but still...

So JE is going to help out the cooperative, unbeknownst to them. Well, he has lots of money, he's the president of a bankrupt company.

Pedrito surprised me, he can keep a grudge. That's a shame.

I hope we get to see Yadira again, just as it took a while for us to find out what happened to Mauricio. Twice with Mau.
But I hope Yadira's OK. Decent people need to get a break every once in a while.

Diana, thanks again.



Thanks so much, Diana, and also to your friend. Another excellent recap.

Armando confuses me. When he was first introduced, he somehow owned the premises where the Women's Coop makes its jam. He seemed kind of villainous then, trying to ruin their plans. He also looked like he might have an eye on Doris. Now he's seemingly redeemed and planning a renewal of vows ceremony for Gi.

I am glad Lucas got away from the barrio. The hacienda looks like a good place for him to heal and escape Brayan's revenge.

Wow. I guess Romina thinks she can bamboozle Luciano when he notices the missing money. I can't wait for her comeuppance and for Mati to wake up to what a schemer her dear mami is.

Ha. Rebeca got the shares and got Gabriela to show her the books. But she clearly didn't understand a balance sheet and/or P&L.

Rebeca clearly feels she's got Alma right under her thumb. She even said that the kiddos might be poisoned, like she was. She more or less admitted that she was the one who put Alma into a coma.

What I gathered about Angelli's problems is the fruit or other ingredients that they got from the hacienda to make jam. The fire seemed to have burned up that part of the hacienda, so Angelli and the women are going to have a problem producing the products that have already been ordered. This is where JE comes to the rescue. Looks like the mystery company somehow uses the same products once in a while.


Andy, thank you...

You always add so much to the discussion.

"Pedrito surprised me, he can keep a grudge. That's a shame". That pouting little face verging on well, mean, was a shock. Et tu???

"So JE is going to help out the cooperative, unbeknownst to them. Well, he has lots of money, he's the president of a bankrupt company" is perfect.

I would also like to see what happens to Yadira. All too often, those who help save the lives of many TN characters never have their storylines revisited and we are left to wonder.



Hola, Patio.

I have very limited access to the show and patio, but I hope to catch up before Wednesday’s show. Can’t wait to read the recaps. Hope everyone is having a great week!


I appreciate your nice words Novelera.

Like you, I'm not sure what they are doing with Armando's character. Sinner now saint? Hardly but the flip flop isn't making much sense.

I so enjoyed your sharp comments on Rebeca including she " the shares and got Gabriela to show her the books. But she clearly didn't understand a balance sheet and/or P&L" and "Rebeca clearly feels she's got Alma right under her thumb..." for all the reasons you noted.

Finally, JE wants to come to the rescue but something seems off, I don't think his good intentions are going to go as planned (and hoped).



Hi O.S., we look forward to "seeing" you once you are able to catch up.

Take care.



Gracias, Diana and friend. Super job.

Finally, Rebeca gets slapped. I just wish Monica had made it a double bofetada.


I noticed that the ladies were cutting up the strawberries with a knife and getting the jam into jars with a spoon. Yikes. I wonder how much a jar of jam costs ?


Niecie, thank you.

"Finally, Rebeca gets slapped. I just wish Monica had made it a double bofetada". Love it.


Corazon Indomable (season1 Episode 2)
My observations....rants...

This was recapped in 2013, and this was episode 9 when it showed then. Maricruz has no clothes, there is no money to buy her any but the household has no fewer than 4 servants. I think the male protagonist, Octavio is rather idiotic in the beginning of this TN but he has a valid point when he wants his share of the ranch. His brother Miguel (none other than the actor playing Adolfo in Vivir) and his wife Lucia (another familiar face to me as she is in Nadie Como Tu) have money to throw parties and luncheons but nothing to give Octavio as a stipend from the estate. Lucia wears red carpet dresses every day around the ranch so obviously there is money somewhere!

Poor, mute Solita. Glad I'm not recapping her violation by Eusubio. The omnipresent whip which he always has around his wrist was actually (thankfully) not present in the rape scene.

The huge casa and only 2 bedrooms have furnishings so Lucia reclaims the mirror and dresser from Maricruz and Octavio's bedroom for her cousins visit. What about when Octavio grew up at the ranch, where is that bedroom's furniture?
Maricruz imploring her mute sister to tell her what happened, omg ...
I definitely understand why beanies are worn now.


VIVIR #72 Part 1

We open with a repeat of surprised Mati asking Lucas why he is there. As she wears an ear-to-ear smile, he explains JE gave him a job there. The words are barely out of his mouth when Gabriel walks up “buena”. Lucas stares and without missing a beat, Gabriel makes it clear right off the bat he and Mati are novios. Stunned, Lucas looks at Mati and asks her to confirm. Mati, distraught, doesn’t answer at first. Gabe urges her to tell Lucas that he was there when she needed him. When he asks again, she looks crestfallen and says I’m sorry but it’s true. Gabriel is mi novio. Upset, Lucas leaves. I couldn’t tell if Gabe’s smirk was intentional or not. Mati is very upset and walks off crying, going inside.

Romina the rat asks Mati what happened. She tells her she isn’t sure she did the right thing by being Gabe’s novia especially now that Lucas is here. She admits she is confused as Romina stares in her usual vacant way. It appears Javi is in Lucas’ corner. Romina is not a fan, warning her to stay away from him. Mati leaves to go upstairs.

Luciano comes home and walks to the table to retrieve the money and sees it is missing. He turns to Romina explaining that he left the money right there. Romina picks up the lids of several boxes trying to help him “look”. She tries to distract him by saying someone must have taken it. Then she announces Lucas is back and accuses him of taking it. Uh oh. Luciano puts his fingers on his chin and looks grave.

JE has invited Renato to discuss helping Angel to secure a vendor. Renato is immediately defensive, sitting with his arms folded, a sour expression on his face. JE explains this isn’t what he thinks; it’s business.

Alma brings Angel a nice potted plant. The women wish each other the best and Angel smiles and invites her in. How are you Angel asks? Alma replies that her illness is not physical; she is carrying a cross that won’t allow her to live. Angel encourages her not to dwell in the past. The good things Alma is doing for everyone will bring her peace and the forgiveness she needs. Alma doesn’t think she deserves it just as Angel doesn’t deserve all the things Rebeca has done. When she adds it is her fault for remaining quiet, Angle asks what she has been quiet about. Angel muses how nice Alma, Marisa and Loli are. Alma thanks her and starts muttering about Rebeca.

It isn’t my intention to interfere in your relationship with Angel JE tells Renato. Renato tells him to stay out of Angel’s life; HE will take care of Angel. JE insists he will leave the decision up to Renato; he will decide whether the factory will succeed; or fail, He hands him the information and then leaves leaving Renato scowling angrily.

Adolfo explains he had to marry Monica out of obligation. When Monica brings up the night she conceived, he reminds her he had too much to drink and the next morning, didn’t even remember what happened (because nothing did I venture). Monica laughs fiendishly calling him pathetic, confessing she planned the whole thing. She knew he and Cris were seeing each other secretly while Adolfo never even looked at her. Sho she got him drunk and seduced him. She is responsible for the miserable life he has. How could you Adolfo asks; Cris and I loved each other. What the hell did we do to you? Monica mocks him for acting so brave when he was a nobody who became a lawyer thanks to her name. If he divorces her he will leave with nothing. Fully prepared, he pulls out an envelope and shows her his bank statement that is solely in his name because he never used any of her money. INFELIZ!!! As Adolfo wheels his suitcase out, Monica screams out that he will never be happy Cris!


VIVIR #72 Part 2

The huge iridescent pale moon looms in the sky.

Cris is on her balcony when she sees Adolfo. She smiles and calls out his name then shut the curtains.

Rebeca asks Gabriela where everyone is. Gabriela tells her everyone has left except Icky. He walks up and congratulates her sticking out his loathsome paw as he offers his services. She invites him into her office.

Rebeca wants a collaborator who isn’t too attached to either JE or Misael. As viewerville groans in exasperation, Icky shares he knows of someone who was fired after being accused of fraud – Romina!

Alma is crying as Angel pleads with her to calm down. Alma has a special favor to ask. Of course Angel says. She hands Angel her last will and testament that bequeaths her property to Marisa and Loli. Angel reads it and tells Alma it needs to be notarized. When Alma says she has no money, Angel offers to take it to Adolfo. Then, Alma asks that Angel takes care of Loli and Pedrito. Oh and Angel needs to be careful of what she eats. As Angel’s eyes widen in shock, Alma admits that Rebeca poisoned her.

Angel thinks that is a very serious accusation. Alma has no proof but she knows it is true. She affirms that Rebeca is such a liar, she doesn’t know what the truth or a lie is. Alma moans that this is all her fault. No, no, Angel shakes her head with great sympathy. Alma asserts she needs to pay for what she did. Angel tries to calm her down and assures her she will be there if she needs anything. Alma kisses Angel’s forehead puts her hands on her arms and takes her leave.

Luciano tells Fatima he is glad her mother was found innocent and is free. Fatima notices Luciano is upset and asks if it is about Romina. Luciano shares that Romina is back and in cahoots with Bruno. He can’t divorce her because she might take custody of the kids. He needs proof she is up to no good.

Lucas is lurking outside Luciano’s house as Luciano comes up and confronts him. He warns Lucas to stay away from the house and from Mati who is now with Gabriel. He doesn’t want Lucas to cause any problems.

We hear water running and taking full advantage, Luciano opens up Romina’s computer. Then he takes out a confidential folder (marked ‘CONFIDENTIAL” in huge red letters), snapping pictures of the contents. He replaces the folder and then sighs deeply. Finally, he pulls the stacks of bills from a paper bag Romina had stashed on the bottom. As Romina comes running out in a bathrobe, eyes wide open, he tells her he found his money. Bonnie Parker she ain’t.

JE thinks Fatima should return to the hacienda. She tells him about the missing money and that Romina is back working with Bruno.

Luciano asks Romina why she took the money. She admits taking it because she needs it for a company she is investing in. Lucian reproaches her for what she has done and tells her to leave today! She can go and do whatever she wants. Romina accuses he is just trying to get rid of her so he can be with Fatima.


VIVIR #72 Part 3 of 3

JE goes into his bedroom to find Rebeca ensconced on the bed. She says she thought he’d be happy his mother is free. JE is happy, but not about how she took advantage of the situation. He asked why she involved Petra in this. Rebeca thinks he is ungrateful but JE retorts that he continues to find out how inhuman she is. Rebeca feels sorry for him because she is the only one he will have and they will be together for better or worse. While they are together, the company will belong to the family. She snakes closer and puts her black nailed tentacle on his face. On the day JE truly loves her she will return his mother’s shares. As he rejects her and moves away, JE would rather lose everything rather than loving such a despicable woman like her.

Cris visits Petra who cries she has never taken a thing! Cris believes her and is sure whoever set her up also set up Petra. She assures her they will find the guilty person and prove her innocence.

Adolfo meets with Corral who points out that the evidence shows Petra’s fingerprints are on the watch. He insists that someone set Petra up and suggests whoever ran down Mau might have come back to kill him. Corral tells him they are looking at video recordings of the area.

Mati confronts her father asking why she can’t see Lucas. Luciano tells her people don’t change. Next, he looks at her gravely and says he told her mother to leave. Mati is incredulous.

Romina accuses Fatima of being responsible for Luciano running her off. Fatima has no idea what she is talking about. Romina then accuses that Fatima spread rumors about her and Bruno, so Fatima warns she knows she is working with Bruno and she’d better be careful. Romina will make sure Fatima will never be with her husband. And Fatima better not mess with her!

Icky tells Reb that Romina is at the hacienda and he can contact her whenever Rebeca wants.

Cris tells Adolfo they need to help Petra and find the real murderer. Adolfo admires how strong Cris is AND btw, he is getting a divorce! They can’t take back the years past but they can share their future years together. He will wait for her at the same place they met. If she shows up, he will be the happiest man but if she doesn’t, he will understand and all will be as it has been.

Icky calls Romina and says the president’s wife wants to talk to her. Rebeca offers to hire her as an assistant. Romina, now (sickeningly) haven been given another lifeline, enthusiastically agrees.

Sebastian tells an agitated JE Rebeca has no knowledge of the internal workings of the company and doubts she can do anything that will jeopardize the company. JE fervently hopes he is right!

Angel can’t believe JE gave Rebeca part of his shares. Jimena tells her it’s true and Rebeca even has an office. (Disillusioned) Angel thinks JE must really love Rebeca if he did that. Jimena then shares she kicked Icky out. She is doing much better and Jimena is so happy she didn’t quit her job.

Monica is drunk as a skunk muttering maldito Cris will not stay with her husband. Barely able to walk, she manages to take a few steps as she curses, smashing a wine bottle against the wall. She carries the broken bottle by its jagged neck and walks across the hall stumbling into Cris’ room. Why are you here Cris asks as she turns and sees her. Monica replies “I came for you” and holds the bottle next to her neck.

The outstanding dialog translations are courtesy of my friend who wove her magic with the endless quick conversations today.


Vivir. Clever, outstanding and complete recap as usual, Diana and Friend. I loved "Romina the rat," "snakes closer," "black nailed tentacles." I doubt that Monica will get to stab Cris, but sharp object held at throat does seem to be the preferred way to put her in danger. I hope nothing bad happens to Alma, but we have been warned. Foreshadowing anyone? Pretty detailed as well, including a will and heirs. Monica keeps being even more evil than we had thought. "Seducing" Adolfo while pregnant (no doubt with someone else's child), and then marrying him was just a way to punish Cris? Disgusting! Rebeca, Icky and Romina seem like a natural alliance of evildoers. I loved the way Romina was outed, both for stealing Luciano's money and for falsely blaming Lucas.

Gee, we thought that Monica tricked Adolfo into marriage, and lo and behold, she had the same play book as Rebeca in stealing her sister's novio!
Did you notice the lipstick on Monica's chin before she broke the bottle. Extra drunk....
Alma leaves her will with Angelli. At the least she needs 2 witnesses to her signature, right? Also a Notary needs to witness the signature also so Angelli giving it to Adolfo to notarize won't work.
I missed the part of the dialogue between Chris and Adolfo where he said they should meet at their spot. So when she watched him leave from the window then closed the curtain, was that a rejection?



Dear Diana and friend, thank you for an excellent account of every dramatic detail. This story is bopping right along with the villains continuing their schemes . I read the excellent recap as I was watching my recording of the show , so that was perfect.

For me, A highlight was that switcheroo when Luciano went through RoMEANa's things and found the money. Ha!!! That was a pleasant surprise .

I am glad that Alma warned Angel about Reb poisoning her and to be careful about her food. Shades of " Receta" with Gin's poison power.

I hadn't expected Reb to connect with Icky and Romeana , but that makes sense . Now she will go after Monica and Misael. Girl is ruthless .

Why does JE just stand there and let Reb put those black talons on his face ? Jump back, Jack. Gove her a shove. Just say know .

Kat...I liked " extra drunk"...ha.

O T. Darcy...thanks for letting us know that Pasion is on Unimas from 10 to 12. I record it and enjoy watching while I read the very fun recaps here at caray. The recappers gave the identical twin blacksmiths such great names ...Chip and Dale, Hans and Franz, the Double mint twins. So many telenovela hunks in one show. Susan


Gracias, Diana and friend. The good versus evil teams are lining up. I appreciate the details on today's crucial conversations. My fave snark: He walks up and congratulates her sticking out his loathsome paw as he offers his services Good ole Icky always brownosing.

Looking at Jimena I see misery loves company. I don't like her being quick to hurt Renato's and now Angel's feelings (even if she is right that Renato doesn't have Angel's heart). Jimena was consumed by her own bitterness about Icky when she told Angel that JE gifted company shares to Rebeca. Hopefully Fatima clears this up with Angel.

Cris must've felt deja vu being cornered and attacked with a sharp object again.

Alma you come this far revealing Rebeca tried to kill you. Why not tell Angel the baby was Misael's and not JE's?


SpanProf, thank you for your always sweet comments.

I enjoyed all of your wise comments and observations.

"Monica keeps being even more evil than we had thought. "Seducing" Adolfo while pregnant (no doubt with someone else's child), and then marrying him was just a way to punish Cris? Disgusting!" nailed it! Monica and Rebeca are cut from the same reprehensible mold, infused with hatred for their own sister!

"I hope nothing bad happens to Alma, but we have been warned. Foreshadowing anyone? Pretty detailed as well, including a will and heirs". It does look rather ominous, doesn't it?

With no money, Romina's "business" with Bruno will be kaput. Perhaps aligning herself with Beca will finish her off. Hope springs eternal.



Kat, "Monica tricked Adolfo into marriage, and lo and behold, she had the same play book as Rebeca in stealing her sister's novio!"

Yes, Monica and Beca are so similar it's frightening.

Cut from the same cloth.



Susan, thank you for your kind words.

"I am glad that Alma warned Angel about Reb poisoning her and to be careful about her food. Shades of " Receta" with Gin's poison power" was great! I hope Angel takes her words to heart.

"I hadn't expected Reb to connect with Icky and Romeana , but that makes sense". Like seeks like and no one deserves to be pulled into the undertow more than Icky and Romeana (love).

Luciano recovering his money was a surprise but a good one, right? :)



Thank you Niecie!

"Cris must've felt deja vu being cornered and attacked with a sharp object again". You are so right and kudos for picking up on something so obvious that hadn't occurred to me.

As good as that was "Alma you come this far revealing Rebeca tried to kill you. Why not tell Angel the baby was Misael's and not JE's?" was even better. You insight is always wonderful.



Diana, your recap is fantastic as always! Thank you for keeping up the hard work of sharing these recaps with us every day! I don't know how you do it!!

Romina actually getting caught and not getting away with blaming Lucas was a pleasant surprise indeed!! Romina has been in over her head since day 1 and she's not getting any better at anything she does!! Luciano needs to not only tell Mati he kicked Romina out but tell her exactly why!! She's old enough to know the truth and she needs to get out from under Romina's manipulations.

Having not seen the episode yet (it won't be added to Vix til tomorrow) Niecie, I can't speak to Jimena's motivations but since Beca told Elena that her new shares came from JE and Jimena works at the restaurant, she probably heard that from either Beca or Elena and is thinking it's true. I hope she's just assuming it and sharing her assumption as the truth.

I suppose Cris and Aldolfo are supposed to be end game? I personally don't find anything romantic about a 'true love' story that was interrupted by Mr. Right being married to your sister for a couple decades!!! I don't know how Cris could even consider it, even if she does love him.

Not surprised that Cris fooled Al into thinking they slept together and was pregnant with his baby, we've been saying all along that JE-Angel-Reb is the replay of Al-Cris-Mon, I do wonder though is Mau Mis's father? Did Mis kill his own daddy? Does Al know he isn't Mis's father? Did he figure it out and then have too much... class? honor? concern for Mis.... to reveal it?


Corazon Indomable

It's nice to see you post about this Kat! I saw your comment that Friday's episode was 5, that is strange but maybe I was wrong about the day it started, and I just hadn't noticed episodes 1-4. I'm interested in at least trying to watch this - I really like Daniel Arenas, but since it's an older show Vix doesn't add new epi's every day like with Vivir. Vix has the whole series on there, but I would have to somehow keep track of which episode is which, and it's doubtful with my work schedule that I will be able to keep up with 2 hours a day, but I'll give it a try. I have only watched 1 episode so far, the first. I didn't like that there were so many crass men in that first show and if Solita is soon to be raped the foreboding is with good reason... yikes!

Hopefully the good will outweigh the bad but the fact that two men weren't immediately fired after being found mistreating women in ep 1 does not bode well.

Susan, glad you are enjoying Pasion, I wanted to try that one too, but I just didn't find the time to start. The good thing about Vix is so many full shows available, so when I do find the time, I'll check that one out. I'm curious to see Fernando Colunga as a galan, I know he's quite popular here and I've never watched one of his novelas. Maybe things will slow down enough for me to attempt it over the summer (she says laughing)!! I did finally get extra help at work so I'm less all consumed and worried about that now.


Vivir #72

Great work, Diana.

Did Rebecca even go to college? Where is her MBA? I'd love to know what the investors said behind her back after she showed up in a get-up so corporately unsuitable. Between her and Romina the company will go bankrupt pretty quickly. Both of them are also wrapping their claws around men who despise them. I really pity Romina's children.

Sadly, it's too soon for Rebecca and Monica to be at each other's throats.

Fortunately Romina was forced to admit she took the money.

Vivir de amor

Diana, another great recap, thank you!

Gabe lost points with me for being so unpleasant with Lucas, letting him know that he had taken Lucas's place with Mati. Unnecessarily unkind, but nobody's perfect and they're still kids.

Nice to see Alma visiting Angel, and she gave me a little laugh as she sat there massaging Angel's hand.

Renato may not prefer it, but he needs to accept some help for Angel rather than see the cooperative fail.

Ah, novelas. Adolfo, like JE, is encouraged to drink too much one night, with maybe a little something added to the tequila or whatever, and the next morning he wakes up to find he has spent the night with Monica... and it shortly turns out that Monica is now pregnant. So he spends the next 25 years of his life with her in an awful marriage?
But never touches her money, just in case he might want to leave. Ah, novelas!

Ay, caray!

And now he and Cris are timidly exchanging glances. Again, Ay, Caray!

I have to wonder if something is going to happen to Alma now that she is spilling the beans about Rebeca.

Petra is in jail, and still wearing her maid's uniform. She must be in the Good Girls' part of the jail.

No sign yet of Yadira.

Cris was crazy to let Monica get so close with a broken bottle. Novelas!



Darcy, thank you so much...

I completely agree that "Luciano needs to not only tell Mati he kicked Romina out but tell her exactly why!! She's old enough to know the truth..." Exactly! I understand that as her father he wants to protect her but Luciano can't continue to shield Mati forever. She thinks he is being unreasonably harsh toward Romina but of course Rebeca has brought everyting on herself. Romina never learns her lesson does she?

I also think the many years Adolfo and Monica were married would normally be a big deterrent for Cris not wanting to be with Adolfo at this point. Yet I have no doubt that will happen.

"I do wonder though is Mau Mis's father? Did Mis kill his own daddy? Does Al know he isn't Mis's father?" are excellent questions. My answers, purely guesses, are yes, yes and no. I'm curious as to what the truth on all of these is!



I appreciate it Urban.

I am thinking Rebeca likely wasn't fond of school and spent more time out than in. She doesn't seem to be grasping the financial end of the business but she is resourceful and likely a fast learner. I've no doubt she will pick both Iker and Romina's brains to accomplish that.

"Both of them are also wrapping their claws around men who despise them" had me smiling away. Romina is certainly getting our ire (and deservedly so). I also "pity Romina's children". That said, she still has a way to go before stooping to Rebeca's level.



Thanks so much Andy.

I so enjoyed your "Ah novelas" theme which was funny and clever.

Adolfo imbibes too much, spends a (supposedly) wanton night with Monica, she gets pregnant and he "spends the next 25 years of his life with her in an awful marriage? But never touches her money, just in case he might want to leave" was excellent!

I was surprised and dismayed Renato acted like a petulant child, refusing to "allow" JE to help Angel. I understand the resentment (a bit) but he should have swallowed his pride. Hopefully he will do the right thing and pass the message along.

I'm not seeing longevity in Alma's future. She's poked the bear a few too many times.

"Petra is in jail, and still wearing her maid's uniform. She must be in the Good Girls' part of the jail". I didn't notice she still had her uniform on; great catch!



Hola, Patio.

Thanks, Diand. Once again ya’ll captured all the action as our show ramps up the intrigue. If this were a supermarket, I’d put these in my basket: iridescent, Bonnie Parker, drunk as a skunk muttering maldito Chris.

Ugh. Big-Eyed Idiot Romina (BEIR) is beginning to make Nasty Guard (from a few episodes ago) look like Princess Di. Why do we hate Romina? Let us count the ways:
1. Today she added clasista to the list of reasons she should be bludgeoned soon. She has a lot of nerve judging Gabe when she’s stealing for Bruno Inc./Ink.
2. That repulsive red blouse that looked like a cross between a post-party piñata and shredded red dish towels.
3. Half-ass raising an almost equally annoying & odious mini-me: Bug-Eyed Imbecile Mati (BEIM).
4. Trying to frame Gabe. This was lazy writing, and I’m glad they put the kibosh on the tired blame-the-barrio-boy cliche.
5. Carrying a folder with a stamp that could be seen from outer space.
6. Epic grand larceny FAIL. Keeping stolen loot in a paper bag.
7. She didn’t only run out in her bathrobe with “eyes wide open.” She plays EVERY SCENE with eyes wide open.
8. Talking trash to Fátima when has nothing with which to back it up. So far she’s shown she sucks at: motherhood, wearing jeans, squinting, judging character, relocating, and keeping a husband. She’s not a bad ass; she’s just bad.
9. Aligning with Big Reb (although hopefully this will expedite the previously requested bludgeoning/anvil).

Elsewhere, it was like Freaky Friday with Renato having berrinches and JE being mature, thoughtful, even prudent. Don’t fret! JE returned to his restless, whiny self before the closing credits.

I just googled “foreshadowing,” and definition c included a link to Alma’s last will and BTW Guess Who Poisoned Me scene!

Another cliche our show avoided today was JE not falling for Big Reb’s shares exchange program. I just knew the dummy was going to have another of those too-long lingering kisses we’ve seen all season. They tricked me! Brava!

So Mexican prisons have 3 distinct uniforms: those awaiting trials; those condemned, and MAIDS! LOL Go, mi Andiux (as they say in the hood).

I’m afraid there wasn’t much of the final scene left as drunk Mónica chewed it all up with aplomb. She was Joker-tastic with her unsteady gait, dual action weapon (first it’s a fine Bordeaux then BAM!): weapon of mass disfigurement.


Dondi356, Darcy, SpanProf, OS, Andy & Co.,: Only reasons why I'm watching this Telenovela: Ana Brenda Contreras & Gaby Mellado.



O.S., I appreciate your (always) kind, generous remarks.

You were fire this morning, "let me count the ways":

"Joker-tastic with her unsteady gait, dual action weapon (first it’s a fine Bordeaux then BAM!): weapon of mass disfigurement" was so vivid, I relived that scene all over again in mind and it was truly picture perfect!!

Your list of Everybody Hates Romina was epic. But I laughed out loud at "carrying a folder with a stamp that could be seen from outer space" (so, so true) and "Epic grand larceny FAIL. Keeping stolen loot in a paper bag". Exactly...No creativity just sheer stupidity.

I was glad Romina was caught red handed so Lucas wasn't able to be framed.That said, Luciano clearly has no love for Lucas.

Romina DOES "play EVERY SCENE with eyes wide open"! There are many whose looks convey a wide eyed innocence. She is NOT in that category. One of the most truly annoying characters - ever!

Finally, "Big Reb’s shares exchange program". :)



Enjoyed reading all the interesting new comments.

I am excited to see this new team in action ....Re, Ro, and ick. This is going to be such fun because all three of these underachievers think they are the smartest people in the room. Whee. It's going o be a wild ride.

If I were the actress playing Chris, I would be pretty nervous to have sharp objects placed at my actual throat, especially the newly broken wine bottle held by " extra drunk "( thanks Kat) Monica.


P.s. I always notice the adjectives that people select to describe these crazy characters because they paint a oicture . I enjoyed O.S using " restless, whiny " to define our JE. Accurate .

VIVIR #73 Part 1

Crazed Monica is threatening Cris, the broken bottle an inch from her jugular. She grunts like an animal carrying on until Cris pushes her back admonishing her to drop it as she might hurt herself. Monica tells Cris she came for her to make sure she doesn’t steal what is hers. Monica reminds her of a commandment but Cris retorts her conscience is clear. As they argue, JE rushes in and grabs Monica’s arm; he won’t allow her to hurt his mother. Your mother isn’t as innocent as you think Monica snarls, adding that he should make his mother tell him her secrets.

Sandra is showing a smiling Lucas how to gently brush a horse. Mati watches as big ole bug eyed Romina catches her, taking her away. She insists Lucas stole the money; warning Mati shouldn’t tell her father anything about the money! Romina rotely continues to blame Fatima as Mati stares.

Luciano comes upon Lucas and apologizes for thinking he took the money; they shake on it.

“Gracias Tina” Gi says arriving for her dinner date with Elena.

Meanwhile, Elena is out in the garden where a stage has been set up, tables decorated with festive adornments and balloons. Gi is in a lovely navy tea length dress with elbow length sleeves. The guests are already in place; Jimena wearing a one shouldered lavender dress with a ruffled strap. Renato, in his best Tom Jones imitation, wears a shirt unbuttoned to his naval. Angel and Wanda are decked out in pretty florals. Elena thinks she would have done the same if Ulises was alive. Renato tells Angel he will promise eternal love during their vows.

Elena takes a shocked Gi to the front where Armando jumps out of a faux cardboard cake. They sweetly kiss as she asks what all this is about. Armando tells her he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and that is why he wants them to renew their vows. As the Wedding March plays, he escorts her to the front and they renew their vows in front of the priest, the congregation and God. Angel puts her hand over her heart. Gi is highly emotional and cries. Cries of “besos” fill the air.

Romina wheels her suitcase down the hall and asks for her hijos, she wants to say goodbye but they aren’t there. She tells Luciano she has a new job and if all goes well she will have the means to take the kids from him. He recoils from her touch.

Dancing commences as trombones play. Ooh Doris is there wearing a fiery red dress with boning and spaghetti straps. She lures Sebas to the dance floor. Sebastian is getting a kick out of how impressed she is with the mansion!

Even Pedrito and Loli are getting into it. He tell her Wanda is mentirosa; she went through his things and had the picture of him and his grandmother in her hand. Loli’s heard enough and pulls him onto the dance floor.

Angel is very worried about Alma as are Wanda and Marisa. They discuss the poisoning and how Alma has been so worried and depressed (can you blame her??)


VIVIR #73 Part 2

Alma shows up at the police station and kneels before Corral who looks concerned saying it’s not necessary. Alma confesses she is guilty of kidnapping a child and should be locked up.

R&R (revolting and repulsive) meet, Rebeca cautioning Romina that if she hires her, she needs to support her unconditionally. Romina agrees.

Adolfo wants to make up for all the time he hasn’t spent with Misael but Misael thinks it’s too late. Misael says he shouldn’t worry, he is beyond old enough to get over his “loving” parents’ divorce. Misael coldly walks out leaving Adolfo with his outstretched hand untaken.

Cris sits on her bed thinking back to 30 years ago when she and Adolfo were (literally) having a roll in the hay. He wants to talk to her father about marrying her but Cris says it’s not the right time. He tells her about Monica saying Cris thinks he isn’t good enough for her. Cris closes her eyes, clearly in pain, whispering she was a coward.

JE brings her tea as she says she needs to explain something to him. He says she doesn’t need to but she thinks it’s time he knew the secret that has made his aunt so bitter. Cris tells him that when she was young, she and Adolfo were novios. He was the love of my life she continues as JE stares. They were immature and didn’t know how to defend their love. Monica then got interested in Adolfo and the result was that they had a double wedding. JE assumes Cris and Adolfo still love each other and is sorry their relationship had to end…Adolfo is a grand hombre. He would have loved Adolfo to be his father!

Alma is in Corral’s office. She explains she kept Rebeca when she found her. Por favor she laments as she holds her hands up to be cuffed. Corral stares.

Bruno hustles Romina into an office asking what she is doing there. She explains she is working for Rebeca as her assistant. She won’t be his partner because she needs a secure job so her kids can live with her. Luciano will regret trading her in for Fatima! Bruno proceeds to have a hissy fit.

Speaking of… Luciano runs into Fatima at the fair. She asks about Romina and he tells her she vamoosed.


VIVIR #73 Part 3 of 3

Adolfo is packing up his office as Monica screams, demanding he leave the company, he has nothing to do there. Does she not notice he has almost finished packing everything up?? He takes off his badge as she threatens he will not keep the fortune he made while married to her. He juts out his chin retorting that he will leave as he came when he married her, dirt poor and hungry! He will NEVER go back to her. They will settle in court but they WILL divorce. Monica, even more livid, rips up the divorce papers as he stares levelly. She cries in frustration and anger. Muy bien he says. He takes his box and leaves as she calls him a perro (at which every self-respecting dog is howling in protest!).

At the fair, Gabriel is dancing with Mati as Lucas stares. Sandy and Lucas dance right next to them, Lucas giving Sandy a nice twirl. Mati then runs off and although Sandy tries to waylay Gabe, he goes after her. Mati tells Lucas she is OK but her tears don’t fool him. She tells him he was with Sandra and she should be happy. She is with Gabriel and should be happy. Lucas knows why she is crying; she doesn’t love Gabriel. His hand caresses her cheek.

Don Emilio is looking through old photographs as Cris comes in. He is trying to recall memories; he is afraid they won’t return. He comments on both JE and Misael. Cris walks up and takes the pictures out of his hand. She can’t take it any longer, she has kept a secret for many years that has tormented her. What is it? Staring into the eyes of her father, Cris admits that Mau is not the father of JE; JE is Adolfo’s son!! Don Emilio’s eyes widen.

Que?? Don Emilio wonders how Cris could have kept this secret from him all this time. Ah papa Chris starts, I was confused, with mama so sick, I didn’t want to add to all of your problems. Cris talks about how she raised the kids the best she could. She is blessed to have them since they are her strength. Don Emilio confesses he was responsible for having Mau imprisoned. Forgive me he asks as Cris strokes his cheek admitting she already knew.

Misael worries about Rebeca and is having trouble pretending to be supportive of her. He tells JE he is keeping an eye on her for the company’s sake (I was hoping the liar’s pants would erupt in flames). He then comments on how JE has put up with Rebeca and knowing he loves Angel; suggests he divorce Rebeca. JE warns him to be careful with Rebeca because she plays both sides.

Romina argues with Gabriela as Rebeca and Icky come up. Rebeca orders Gabriela to obey and follow Romina’s instructions since Romina is her assistant and Gabriela’s superior. JE tells Rebeca he wants to see her in his office (as she lays her loathsome lips on his cheek). He shuts the door as Misael glares at Romina.

“Why are you here” Monica asks, glaring at Bruno as she swigs from her flask. Monica has other things to worry about. Bruno proceeds to paw her and assault her neck with sloppy kisses. They grope each other and she takes his jacket off as they prepare for another tryst on the Barcalounger. Adolfo comes in and, being caught in the act, looking guilty as sin, Monica says his name. Bruno starts to say this isn’t what he thinks (moron) as Monica turns on him like a rabid dog telling him to shut up and calling him an idiot. Far from being upset, Adolfo grins from ear to ear and with a flourish, brings out the divorce papers and a pen! Under the circumstances, he demands Monica sign on the dotted line. Now!!

What a great episode! All thanks to my friend whose fantastic dialog translations enlightened and illuminated all of today’s exciting events.


Vivir. You are absolutely right, Diana. This was a great episode! And many thanks to you and your friend for the excellent recap. I especially liked: "R & R (revolting and repulsive)", "(at which every self-respecting dog is howling)", "as she lays her loathsome lips on his cheek." Viewerville is so surprised (not) that Adolfo is JE's father! Poor Alma! I hope she doesn't end up in jail--or worse. Rebeca and Romina actually make a very good team--if what you're after is evil. Either Lucas or Gabriel would be very lucky to end up with Sandy.

Bruno wearing his signature plaid. I noticed Adolfo must have hit his thumb with a hammer, it had a bruise in is fingernail. Been there, done that.

Corazon Indomable
Steve, I'm watching this also. The recaps from 2013 are fantastic, better than the show so far. It generated 80+comments each recap!
My observations of today's 2 hour episode (10 &11 in original recap), the thing that sticks in my mind as the most incongruous was when MC (Maricruz) wore her ubiquitous white rag dress and bare feet to ride. All the other lessons she was wearing Lucia's riding breeches, boots and shirt. And since I am a female and horse owner I really admire Jose Antonio. He can mount a horse like a trick rider!
And another observation, when will Lucia start showing her baby bump. Bet Miguel will find some money for her wardrobe while MC continues to dress in (pristine) white rags.


Thank you so very much SpanProf!

"Rebeca and Romina actually make a very good team--if what you're after is evil" is exactly right! She sidestepped a surely disasterous business entanglement with Bruno but rushes blindly into Rebeca's clutches. She will likely not be able to escape from disaster this time.

Non stop action today and even though JE being Adolfo's wasn't a surprise, I was glad the truth has come out. Well at least to Don Emilio. I suspect it will take longer for Adolfo and JE to find out.

Sandy is clearly smitten with Gabriel but he doesn't seem to "see" her, he only has eyes for Mati. Hopefully Gabe's blinders will come off and he will see how sweet Sandy is.



Kat, Adolfo did have an injured thumb, good eye.

Bruno needs a new "luke". And a change of clothes :)



Thanks so much, Diana and friend, another great recap. Actually two, as I was out all day yesterday so watched both late this afternoon. The good part of that was I didn’t have to worry too much about Alma killing herself as I soon saw her turn herself in. I wonder if they’ll arrest her as nobody had accused her. But I’m sure Elena will if they ask her.

I was so disappointed in Renato. I hope he makes the right decision but he just seemed petty by not wanting JE to help him help Angel. Pride goeth before the fall.

Jimena basically told Angel something she had overheard. She should not have even mentioned it to Angel. Is it that misery likes company so she wants Angel to hurt even more than she already is. After Renato acting the way he did with JE I decided Jimena was too good for him, but now I’d be fine with them together in the end.

If my husband had thrown a surprise wedding vow renewal I probably would have shown up in jeans! Glad Gi looked stunning. I wonder when they’ll notice Doris. I can’t forget that Doris and Rebeca are friends and she did stuff she shouldn’t have. I really don’t want her with Sebastian.

I’m glad the stolen money was solved and Lucas was cleared, while Romena was caught red-handed!

Misael still seems to love and want Rebeca. Encouraging JE to divorce her. He must have a mommy complex.

Susan, your comment, jump back Jack, reminded me of 50 Ways to Leave your Lover! Now I can’t get that song out of my head-luckily I like the song!



Vivir de amor

Diana, thanks again for another excellent recap, and I agree this was quite an episode! Lots going on!

The renewal of wedding vows for Armando and Gi was very nice, and it looked like everybody was happy. Gi should be calmed down now, but sooner or later we want to see what Armando's interest in Doris is really about. We do have suspicions, of course.

And Doris and Sebastian seem to be getting along quite nicely.

You might think with a budget for 125 episodes this novela might have enough cash to pay a second police officer who can speak. But nope, Alma has to surrender herself to Agente Corral, who oddly winds up practically speechless.

"R&R (revolting and repulsive) meet," very cute that, and accurate. Of course Romina agrees to work for Rebeca. For Romina, it's all about the money.

Misael showed his true colors once again when he left Adolfo with his hand out, unshaken. No class at all.
Kat, yeah, I noticed that bruise under Adolfo's thumbnail too. And been there, done that.

OK, we already were pretty sure we knew who the baby daddies were for both Monica and Cris. No great shock.

Nice to see Adolfo catch Monica and Bruno almost in the act. I hope Monica does sign the divorce papers, but we will have to wait to see.

Diana, great episode, great recap. Thank you!



Thanks so much, Diana and dialog assistant! You two are troupers hanging in through all the crazy plot turns.

I could not believe Rebeca didn't show up at the vow renewal. It's gotta be the first gathering she's failed to crash. I saw Angelli looking sadly at her mother, but she didn't even approach her.

Ye Gods! I could not believe that tacky, shoulderless, black denim "dress" Rebeca wore to the office. It was worse than the SOOO inappropriate red thing she wore to the board meeting. We already know that Romina has zero scruples, so whatever Rebeca puts her up to she'll surely do.

I was pleased to see Luciano apologize to Lucas. But the bug eyed beyotch told Mati Lucas stole the money and, by the way, don't mention this to her father.

No big surprise about JE's father. Pretty sure most of Viewerville has suspected all along that Misael may have shot his own daddy and that JE is Adolfo's.


Thanks so much Liz.

So enjoyed "Pride goeth before the fall" perfectly described Renato's refusal to let JE help. While I don't think Jimena intentionally tried to hurt Angel, she should not have said anything. Renato and Jimena appear to be well suited the more time passes.

"I wonder when they’ll notice Doris" was such a great point! Gi can't abide Doris so of course she will be shocked and displeased she is there.

"Misael still seems to love and want Rebeca. Encouraging JE to divorce her. He must have a mommy complex" is exactly right I say sighing.



Andy, I appreciate your kind words.

As always, your wry comments have cheered me immensely.

"You might think with a budget for 125 episodes this novela might have enough cash to pay a second police officer who can speak. But nope, Alma has to surrender herself to Agente Corral, who oddly winds up practically speechless" had me smiling and nodding in vigorous agreement. A one woman wonder to be sure!! You would think with all her experience, Agent Corral would have heard it all but apparently not :) Her reaction was surprising indeed.

I have a sneaking suspicion Armando might have arranged the vow renewal to somewhat soften the blow when Gi finds out what his relationship (I vote paternal) with Doris is. Call me cynical.

Andy, I am also hoping Adolfo gets Monica's John Hancock on the divorce papers with no hesitation. I'm a bit concerned that while Adolfo does have Monica dead to rights (so to speak), it is "only" his word and there is nothing to keep her and Bruno from denying everything. Fingers crossed!



Thank you Novelera.

"I could not believe Rebeca didn't show up at the vow renewal. It's gotta be the first gathering she's failed to crash".That hadn't occurred to me but that is a great point! Seeing Beca there would surely have sent Gi through the roof :)

Romina will surely be Rebeca's lapdog in record time. Blech...

Thank you for noting "I saw Angelli looking sadly at her mother, but she didn't even approach her". That was another sad instance of the widening chasm between mother and daughter.



Hola, Patio.

Thanks, Diand. The crown jewel in You +1’s recap = Renato’s Tom Jones’ tribute. I have been rallying against this look since I joined the patio. ¡Basta! Maybe we can start a petition and/or get a law passed. Who the heck thinks this is a good look?

I couldn’t wait to see how you’d describe Jimena’s dress. I don’t know much about fancy color names. I was thinking mauve, but I like your choice of lavender. Your fashion breakdowns are always a treat. I think Wanda stole the show with her bright colors and platinum locks. The producers also went out of their way to have ceremony guests a little on the hood side. Not subtle. ¡Ahí nos vidrios!

I know it was supposed to be cute, cheeky, and somewhat sentimental, but Armando’s cake pop-out is the stuff of nightmares. I won’t be surprised if soon Mr. Sandman takes me to place where a tacky dressed used car salesmen pops up out of nowhere and asks me to sign a lease. #nightterrors

Unintentional Comedy Break: I couldn’t stop laughing at Luciano bobbing and weaving to avoid BEIR’s little air/finger kiss. He may be more graceful than Brayan’s flying monkeys. Beanie chart: BEIR is married to JE’s BFF and accepts a job with JE’s WIFE yet nobody connects the dots of these binding ties at the empresa?!?

Once again Dorotea & Sebas are cute to watch. Sebas pointed out that Doris was very familiar with the family despite supposedly being at their mansion on a whim. Whoopsie! She could be inadvertently revealing her ties to Big Reb.

Diana, it was mad generous of you to label what was going on at the party as dancing. I’m pretty sure the cast and extras were told to mime boogaloo, and the music was dubbed in later. I haven’t seen a Rhythmless Nation like this in a while! This show will not be winning any choreography awards. LOL

If former dynamo Corral throws Alma in the clink, we may get to see Petra and Yadira again!

I’m so happy Mónica and Bruno got caught attempting some horizontal filing in the office. Now Adolfo can concentrate on healing that thumbnail!!!


O.S., thank you so much.

I savored every word of your marvelous and inspired ascerbic wit.

"Rhythmless Nation", "Mr. Sandman" and "#nightterrors" were fabulous.

"I couldn’t stop laughing at Luciano bobbing and weaving to avoid BEIR’s little air/finger kiss. He may be more graceful than Brayan’s flying monkeys" was perfect.

Thank you very much for "Sebas pointed out that Doris was very familiar with the family despite supposedly being at their mansion on a whim. Whoopsie! She could be inadvertently revealing her ties to Big Reb" which was so important. Doris' hands are not pristine as she does bear some responsibility for what happened to Ramiro. Further, she still displays blind allegiance to Rebeca which is troubling. I do believe at some point she is going to have to make a choice and am hopeful she will make the right one.



Dear Diana and friend , thank you for an amazing account of all the partying and scheming.

Fashion report: That wedding had some interesting apparel choices . I would wear Angel's lovely muted floral number or Gi's understated but lovely navy frock. I couldn't help but notice the difference between the low cleavages of sturdy Wanda and petite Angel . Diana, do you remember the fashion conversations that you and I used to have with Kirby?

Will Agent Coral put Alma in prison ? If so. Will she be safer there?

O.S ..yes, that was some impressive weaving tat Luciana did to avoid the stone and kooties. I give him a 9.5.

It's going to be interesting to see how dim, groveling Icky fits into this brand new team with Reb and Romeana as Reb uses the fiscal, technical , and bizness skills of these two minions to become the largest and most in charge of the family Biz. You can tell that Reb is a master of using people to carry out her schemes and dreams. Now, Misael and Monica have to beware the wrath of Reb. I find her physically intimidating. That was quite an aggressive lip smack she gave JE after he told her to go to his office. I'd be worried about her pining him on his desk .Girl looks strong .



Super job, Diana and friend. My fave: Renato, in his best Tom Jones imitation, wears a shirt unbuttoned to his naval. You go, Renato! That was a chesty party, what with Angel and Wanda also bringing on their top assets.

Armando coming out the cake was cute. Never seen this before.

Too bad Adolfo didn't think to video Monica and Bruno.

Doris sure gets around. She can't stand Gi but there she is at her party.


Thank you Susan..

"I couldn't help but notice the difference between the low cleavages of sturdy Wanda and petite Angel" was a great observation and one I hadn't noticed.

"Diana, do you remember the fashion conversations that you and I used to have with Kirby?" I certainly do Susan and happy we are continuing the tradition here! :)

"Will Agent Coral put Alma in prison ? If so. Will she be safer there?" Hopefully and absolutely.

"That was quite an aggressive lip smack she gave JE after he told her to go to his office. I'd be worried about her pining him on his desk .Girl looks strong" hit the nail on the head! I'm a bit intimidated myself.



Niecie, thank you.

"That was a chesty party, what with Angel and Wanda also bringing on their top assets". Niecie, nothing short of perfect. Loved it.

"Too bad Adolfo didn't think to video Monica and Bruno" is exactly right. It's his word against theirs (worthless of course).

Armando is a tall drink of water which made him popping out of the cake even funnier.


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