Thursday, June 13, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of June 10, 2024.

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

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VIVIR #74 Part 1

What a sight! Monica, lipstick smeared all over and around her clown mouth stands defiantly in front of Adolfo. “Monica, por favor “Adolfo says. smilingly thrusting out the pen. He tells Bruno his fly is open as Bruno zips up in the background (as bile rises). Monica asserts she wants to read the document but seems to look only at the first few lines and then, to my complete shock, grabs the papers and signs!!

Don Emilio and Cris continue their conversation. He explains how he reported Mau for stealing. He opted not to tell her because she was determined to forget him and raise her children on her own. Cris understands and says she didn’t want them to suffer because of their father’s abandonment. She is eternally grateful Don Emilio protected her and her children. He tells her now that her children are grown she should focus on herself and renew her life and experience love. Whatever she decides, he will support her. When he adds she and Adolfo should be together, she says “gracias” as her eyes fill with tears and she chokes up a bit.

JE rebukes Rebeca for hiring Romina; now is not the time to hire new people. Rebeca snakes up to him saying she needs an assistant unless of course JE prefers to teach her about the company himself? He is not in the mood for her games so she will keep her assistant who is a financial specialist. She leaves as he grimaces in frustration.

“Hi mother, how are you” Angel asks, inquiring how things are at the restaurant. Gi greets her warmly as Elena turns her head. Gi starts to get up and let them talk privately but Elena tells Gi not to leave. Elena, frost emanating from every orifice, tells Angel all is well at the restaurant thanks to her sister. Shock registers on Gi’s face, completely dismayed. Elena dismisses Angel saying she doesn’t want to speak to her any longer. Horrified, Gi asks why she was so rude to her daughter. Elena retorts saying Angel convinced Santiago to gamble! Gi, who knows what’s what doesn’t buy that for a second and defends Angel. Elena’s response is to tell her not to intervene. Armando comes up and spirits Gi away.

Renato tries to comfort a despondent Angel despondent. She gets a call from a private number. She quickly bids Jimena goodbye, not identifying the caller and leaves with Renato in tow. Jimena scathingly looks across the yard at Doris.

Doris is licking a lollipop as Jimena goes over and rips into her for destroying her family. I must interject here that Jimena is not wearing a dress but a onesie. I digress. Doris defends herself saying she didn’t go looking for her husband. Jimena tells Sebastain she is getting a divorce because of “this woman”. They continue arguing until Doris agrees to leave. As she stands, Doris tells those staring at the next table to mind their own bizness as she pulls Santiago away.

Fatima can’t believe Romina took the money. Luciano comments at this point that nothing Romina does surprises him. When he mentions Romina has a new job, Fatima doesn’t think it’s with Bruno. Luciano no longer cares, but he is going to have to tell the kids their mother left. He sees Javi playing a game but looks around for Mati.

Said Mati is with Lucas. He tells her if she doesn’t love Gabriel she shouldn’t stay with him. Mati justifies that Gabe has been good to her and her parents like him. They talk about Lucas being blamed for the missing money. He asserts he will never take anything not belonging to him; he wants to study and make his parents proud. Mai is sure he will succeed. Before leaving Lucas asks her to think about what he said as he doesn’t want to see her suffer. She nods as she leaves.

Luciano asks Fatima about Rebeca but Fatima would rather not discuss that. Seferino approaches and they talk about how the farmers are recovering from the fire. He urges them to enter a dance contest.


VIVIR #74 Part 2

Don Emilio, I’ve decided to divorce Monica Adolfo offers. Don Emilio surprises him by saying “it’s about time!” He doesn’t know how Adolfo put up with Monica. Had he known how he and Cris felt about each other, he would never have forced Adolfo to marry Monica, but it’s not too late to correct things. He will not object if Adolfo wants to court Cris, he just wants to see her happy.

Monica can’t believe Adolfo got what he wanted. Bruno can’t believe they are going to divorce. Monica blames Cris who convinced Adolfo to divorce her. She doesn’t doubt Adolfo and Cris want to marry. When Bruno pipes up that Cris is her sister and that doesn’t think Don Emilio will allow it, she sneers she can expect anything from her father.

Cris meets with Yadira who never expected to see her again. Cris tells her she stayed in her heart and that she will not get rid of her that easily. Cris gives her the prayer book and asks her to read it and stay close to God. She tells her Adolfo will take over her case and work on her release! Cris pleads that Yadira does not lose faith.

“Gracias Emilio” Adolfo says, adding that he left the company. Don Emilio won’t accept his resignation; he needs him there! Also, Don Emilio doesn’t want to leave JE alone. He will take care of Monica. Adolfo says he is going to a hotel but Don Emilio won’t hear of it. You are the father of mi neito and states Adolfo will stay at the garden house…with the family. Adolfo accepts, especially as he will be able to be close to JE.

Misael questions Rebeca about hiring Romina. She justifies she needs her own ally since everyone else has one; oh and she wants to take the presidency from JE. Misael tells her she needs shares to get what she wants. When he comments he will be the president, she scoffs that it is SHE who will be the president. He tells her no one will vote for her since she is not a Rivera Cuellar. She should consider if he becomes king she will be the queen (of mean). She will think about it. as she pats his face.

Yadira opens the prayer book and sees the cash. She smiles gratefully.

Music starts and Seferino begins the dance contest. Javi cheers them on as Luciano dips Fatima. Little spoiler Mati storms in and reproaches Luciano for running off her mother to be with “this one”. For good measure she turns and screams “te odio” at Fatima.

The vendor tells JE that no one from the factory has called him; he can’t continue to hold onto the product. JE convinces him to wait but the vendor needs a deposit. JE wonders if Renato has given Angel the contact info.

At that moment, Renato is toying with that very business card as we are forced to notice his medallion and chest hair. He thinks about Angel not wanting anything to do with JE especially as he is back with Rebeca.

Angel appreciates that Corral called her. Corral tells her Alma is very lucky that a family member didn’t press charges. She could have faced many years in jail. Angel then asks about the investigation regarding Alma’s poisoning and the answer is that it was accidental. After, Angel tells Renato Alma was intentionally poisoned…by Rebeca.

Romina tells Rebeca that it is not fair Rebeca has to justify her job and salary when there are many other employees who are highly paid only as they are “trusted employees”. Rebeca wants a list of those employees. She’s now promoted herself to HR director saying they need to cut some positions!

Misael tells Bruno he doesn’t want any more problems with Romina being there. Misael wants Bruno to seduce Romina.


VIVIR #74 Part 3 of 3

OK, Armando and Gi are wearing huge sunglasses, this is my kind of party! Gi kisses him saying she will never doubt him again (THE kiss of death of course). Armando reveals he has a getaway planned for them; a second honeymoon. He picks Gi up and carries her out as tubas play! So cool!

Misael is in Rebeca’s room and sees dresses laid out on her bed as he wonders where she is. He looks outside and sees a romantic dinner set up. He runs into JE in the hall who asks where he is coming from. Misael mutters his wife asked him to convince him to meet her in the garden. Misael again recommends he let Rebeca go…unless he is interested in her? No, no I’m not interested JE asserts. He thanks him and pats him on the shoulder saying he will see what she wants now.

JE walks outside asking Rebeca (in a black sparkly dress with mesh sleeves) what all of this is. She replies this is a celebration for their partnership. Rebeca admits she may be wrong for hiring Romina but she wants to learn and be a support for him. He is her husband and Angel will marry someone else!

Renato has dinner prepared for Angel. There is a nice table set and mercifully, he has changed into a brown fully buttoned up shirt. Gracias.

Lucas tells Sandra that Mati rejected him because her parents don’t like him. Sandra says Mati shouldn’t be swayed by her parents especially where love is concerned. Lucas is not going to give up! Sandra wishes she could do the same; she tries to forget Gabriel, but she can’t.

Sebastian and Doris stroll arm and arm down the street. He tells Doris she makes him laugh, which he loves. He likes the way she lives and is full of joy; she is fresca and spontaneous. She has taught him to see life in a different way…that the best way to live is to live it simply. “Gracias mi Sebas” Doris replies. He leans forward and gives her (quite a nice) kiss. Doris then shows him how he should have kissed her by bestowing a truly passionate one on his waiting lips.

JE tells Rebeca he will not allow her to destroy the company and warns she better not do anything against him as no one will support her. He turns and walks off as she mutters “imbecile”. Magically, Misael appears and holds out a chair for her.

Un oh, I spoke too soon. Renato has now opened up at least five buttons on his shirt. He kisses Angel’s hand as they drink from white goblets as he takes a selfie (all I can see is the hair, gross). He wants to set the date. If it were up to him they would marry tomorrow but suggests they do so in a month. Angel agrees.

JE sees the post and with great dismay, sees they will marry in one month’s time. He pulls a Sergio Sendel, throwing the phone on the bed, his face clouded with anger and disbelief.

I cannot thank my friend enough for her carefully crafted dialog translations and her supportive generosity and time. She filled in so much that eluded me and I am so very grateful.


Vivir. Thank you once again, Diana and friend for an excellent recap. I don't know how you keep doing it day after day. Yep, Adolfo definitely has the better over Monica and Bruno now. No wonder he is smiling! (The only thing that could make it better would be if he had it on film). And finally! Monica is scared enough to sign the divorce papers. It was a pleasant surprise that Cris wasn't angry about d. Emilio's turning in Mau. And d. Emilio is almost incredibly gracious and supportive of Cris and Adolfo. He is an incredibly kind man. Once again, idiot Elena is believing terrible things about Angelli and trusting Rebeca. The person she should trust is her friend Gi, who is very perceptive about what is going on. And yep, Luciano is right. He is a terrible dancer! Cris is so good to Yadira--a prayer book, cash and a lawyer. That is true gratitude! Rebeca is already starting to dismantle the company--egged on by the equally evil Romina. Btw, I wonder how Bruno's seducing Romina will work out and how Monica will react. Will both Bruno and Romina stay alive? I loved that Gi and Armando 2nd honeymoon scene too. Doris and Sebastian are becoming an adorable couple--despite their (minor) defects. I thought that Jimena was out of character nasty to Doris. We know that she knows Iker is responsible for his own infidelities. I suspect there will not be a wedding between Renato and Angelli--not in a month or ever.

Vivir. My comment seems to have been deleted. Anyway, great recap, Diana and friend!

Vivir. And my comment was way too long to retype. Oh well.

Vivir. Though I will say that I wonder how Bruno's seducing Romina will work out and how Monica will react. Will both Bruno and Romina stay alive?


SpanProf, I've asked Rgv Chick to repost your comment when she can.



SpanProf, Rgv Chick reposted your comment right away. My first part wouldn't post either and I had to ask her to retrieve it. Thank you very much Rgv Chick!

I appreciated all your wonderful observations and comments.

"d. Emilio is almost incredibly gracious and supportive of Cris and Adolfo. He is an incredibly kind man" is SO true. I think knowing how treacherous Mau really was made it much easier for Cris to accept what her father did.

It was uplifting seeing Adolfo grinning ear to ear!

Gi and Elena are such a contrast aren't they? I so wish Elena would listen to her BFF!!

"Doris and Sebastian are becoming an adorable couple--despite their (minor) defects". Yes, they certainly are!

"I thought that Jimena was out of character nasty to Doris. We know that she knows Iker is responsible for his own infidelities". I've not seen Jimena angrier! Doris isn't an innocent party but Icky is scum and the bulk of her venom should have been aimed at him.

I'm thinking there will be a wedding between Angel and Renato. A civil one. We have far too many more episodes to go and need a few fillers.



Dear Diana and friend , thank you both for providing us with every moment of the good and the bad .

I love Don Emilio in his jaunty scarf being so kind, positive, and rational with Chris , who in turn passes on the kindness and concern to brave Yadira . I knew that Chris wouldn't forget how Yadira protected her . I look forward to Adolfo helping Yadira get out of prison . I am sure Chris will help her get back on her feet.

We didn't see much of Reb today...yay...I needed a break. I do look forward to see what fashion don't she has on .

I am not a fan of Doris . She helped Reb in too many of her schemes . Sebastian is so sweet and quiet . I guess he is mesmerized by Doris's free spirit , but she is a bit too rude and crude to me. Just sayin'

Elena is unbelievable . I feel very sorry for Angel.

Renato is trying too hard and losing his previous kind charm .

I dont want either Lucas or Gabe to end up with nasty Romeana mini me . Sandra is a much better choice .



Susan, thank you.

"Jaunty scarf" :) :) :)

I also have confidence that Cris will ensure Yadira get out of jail and start a new life.

Reb had on a black sweater that was rather revealing in one or two shots. Off the shoulder. Totally work inappropriate as always!

"Renato is trying too hard and losing his previous kind charm". Sadly true...

Mati is definitely her mother's daughter. That said, her attitude reflects that of Romina who is a very bad influence. I think Romina will be completely out of the picture by the end of this and eventually Mati will accept Fatima.



Gracias, Diana and friend. I haven't seen this one yet but you painted a brilliant picture. I'm looking forward to Gi/Armando and the tubas.

Elena has gone off the deep end. Just stupid believing Angel got Santiago to gamble. I want to see Elena lose the restaurant. Not sure I'll believe a HEA for Angel with her (turncoat) mom.

Doris use to brag about going with married men for all the fun and none of the drudgery of a wife. She deserves all of Jimena's ire in my book because she never gave a thought about the hurt wife and kids. But of course Iker is the one who broke his vows, not Doris.

I'm Team Sandra all the way.

JE has stayed true to Angel when it comes to sex, so I'm guessing Angel will stay true to JE even if she marries Renato. Renato, if you want the marriage to be consummated, it's a good idea to make this clear to Angel before the "I do's." She seems up for only (tepid) kissing with you.


Niecie, thanks very much.

Today wasn't as action packed as yesterday but it definitely had its moments, good and bad.

"Not sure I'll believe a HEA for Angel with her (turncoat) mom said it all. While it is natural that she wants to trust the daughter that was stolen from her, it is not normal for her to callously reject the kindhearted words of the dutiful daughter who has stood by her side and supported unconditionally.

Sandra is great, absolutely.

You are exactly right that Angel "seems up for only (tepid) kissing with Renato. No passion there whatsoever!


Thanks so much Diane and friend. Another great recap. I loved Monica looking so trampy with her open top and lipstick smeared all over her face! And Bruno’s fly was the icing on the cake.

I think JE should have told Rebeca she would have to pay her personal assistant from her own salary. And Rebeca plans to be president of the company. She does seem to get what she wants. But JE should also tell Misael why he can’t leave Rebeca. Maybe if Misael learns he’s being blackmailed over a nonexistent baby Misael will tell him she was no longer pregnant at the time of the fall.

I like both Renato and Elena less and less with each show. Renato is pushing Angel and also doesn’t seem to care if the business fails. And Angel would never know JE was behind the business card. It would be great if trying to save the co op caused Angel to cancel the wedding. But I’m on the team that thinks there will be a wedding. Too many episodes, and Angel has to realize she can’t sleep with a man she doesn’t love. I ‘ll have no sympathy for Renato when that happens.

Mati is a brat. I don’t understand why she has two guys in love with her.



Liz, thank you so much.

I'm still surprised Monica caved so quickly and signed the divorce papers! I'm laughing away at "Bruno's fly was the icing on the cake". Who would have thought?? :)

It comes as no shock that Rebeca has the lofty ambition of becoming President. Confidence and insanity are a dangerous mix and I wouldn't bet against her!

"Maybe if Misael learns he’s being blackmailed over a nonexistent baby Misael will tell him she was no longer pregnant at the time of the fall". Great thought; if only it would happen! Communication is so fleeting and here, almost non-existent between the cousins, right?

I agree Renato and Elena are not going to win any popularity contests. Both are in for deep dissapointment...



Hola, Patio.

Thanks, Diand. Another solid recap for another busy episode. You and your silent partner always bring it. I’ve fused your names (lately) to acknowledge your combined contributions. I respect anonymity, but my imagination won’t rest. Is it Diane & Garfunkel? Diane & Oates? Diane & Robin? That’s gotta be it. Whomever it is, you truly are a dynamic duo, and I really enjoy reading your work! Thank you!

If anybody is looking for an appetite suppressant, we start the episode with Bruno’s heinous tats on display and barn door wide open. We could have gone the whole series without that visual. Thanks, Producers. Still have your appetite? Feast your eyes on Renato’s fully exposed chesticle area. Try not to be hypnotized by his magically macho medallion.

I’m astounded that Corral didn’t fast track Alma to the electric chair and flip the switch herself. This woman has done nothing but harass, arrest, and condemn innocent people with the flimsiest of circumstantial evidence. Alma got a pass, but I’m sure her patented rushes to judgment aren’t over.

Still holding on to that appetite? Well just imagine ReMina/RoBeca/R&R restructuring personnel and doling out layoffs. Gag!

Still there? Ok. You certainly have the strongest stomach at the patio. This must be the Upchuck Olympics because Zipper Skipper Bruno is now gonna seduce Romina. Blech! Can we start a GoFundMe for eye bleach?

I loved the BIG sunglasses at the vow renewal party. This scene looked really fun, and the cast and extras seemed to be enjoying themselves. I was nervous when Armando picked Gi up. No offense to Gi as the man was hoisting around 4x his weight!

Once again Doris and Sebas have sweeter, more romantic lines and realistic exchanges than our main couple!!! Actually, all the other couples are floundering. I’d like to speed up the Doris redemption so we can have more of this, please.

Note: I believe Jimena was atypically out for blood. She is still reeling from the (false) impression that Icky and Doris are currently riding the hobby horse. Remember, she saw them on what looked like a date, but it was Icky’s scheme (pretending to be Sebas). Jimena left before she could see that Doris was set up. Doris kneed him in the giblets and hollered rape. Where the heck was Corral when we needed her?


O.S., thank you so much! You are so kind.

Your comments were a wonderful way to end the day.

"If anybody is looking for an appetite suppressant, we start the episode with Bruno’s heinous tats on display and barn door wide open. We could have gone the whole series without that visual. Thanks, Producers" had me laughing away.

"Zipper Skipper Bruno," "Renato’s fully exposed chesticle area" and "magically macho medallion" were sublime.

Thank you for reminding us about the recent scene where Jimena thought Doris was hooking up with Icky. Again. That does explain her righteous anger as she didn't stick around to see Doris take a powder. But to be fair, Doris has behaved rather badly, but if she flies right, I do see redemption road in her future. Doris and Sebas do have good chemistry and their polar opposite romance is refreshing and believable.

I have absolutely no clue as to what the point is of having Bruno seduce Romina but just the mere mention of it makes my skin crawl.

I'm glad you also enjoyed the party; definitely my idea of a good time. I always enjoy when the actors are able to let their hair down and have fun. We could use a few more of these lighter moments!!



Diana, tell us your friend's name, or at least an alias, so we can thank him/her as other than "friend". Fantastic recap, as always.

I can HARDLY wait to see Elena eating crow and begging Angelli to forgive her. Hook, line, and sinker she swallowed that the loving daughter she's had by her side these many years would have inveigled her gambling addict son to gamble away the required payment on the loan! Just an idiot who doesn't deserve Angelli's eventual forgiveness that we know is coming.

I really enjoyed the scene between Don E and Adolfo. Two old pro actors doing a fine job.

Yes, that was a great scene with Cris coming back to help Yadira and offering Adolfo's legal help.

Mati. Pfft! I am over this kid. She'll probably end up with Lucas, but she doesn't deserve anyone. She's not a 10 year old. Who marches up to their father and a woman with whom he's dancing and publicly insults them?

Not happy about Renato keeping quiet about the chance to help the Coop. JE already told him that he needn't tell Angelli who set up this lifeline for the business. So...he loves her so much he's willing to watch the only professional outlet she now has go down the tubes because of jealousy?

I got a kick out of Armando tryng to gallantly carry Gi off for the honeymoon, giving up from a likely back twinge, and kind of hauling her off upright.

Sebas is kind of a dimwit. He just heard Jimena accuse Doris publicly of being a homewrecker, and he doesn't turn a hair?

Vivir de amor

Gracias, Diana! Another fine recap to help us out.

This episode was not quite as fun as yesterday's, but it was pretty good. Some things are proceeding nicely and some decent progress made.

Really wonderful that Monica didn't fight rather than sign the divorce, that was the first big win.

I never really thought that Yadira would just be forgotten, but it was nice to see Cris actually help her. A prayer book and money.

I'm a little tired of Mati and all the teen angst, but that's life at that age I suppose.

I'm also a little disappointed in Renato, but it's to be expected, I'm sure the writers don't want folks getting too fond of him as a partner for Angel. But he is not acting in Angel's best interest in anything, really.

Romina has been a disappointment since we first saw her, no change there.

Nice "Mean Girl" Doris does have a history, but those of us who want to can blame it all on Rebeca, and Doris's gullibility. And I think we will see a better side of her eventually.

novelera, "Sebas is kind of a dimwit." Yeah, and true, but also in love; give the guy a break.

Well, I hope we finish up the week on a high note.



So fun to read the new comments with the morning coffee.

"Zipper Skipper" ...ha.

Yes, the writers are scuzzing up previously kind, calm, comforting , buttoned up Renato and redeeming JE by his concern for Pedrito and efforts to help Angel's business.

This new trio of Reb, Ro, and Ick is going to be interesting to watch .

I need more Don E. And the scarves. Did he get them from Juan Soler after "tu Vida es MI vida" wrapped ? I have been watching " Pasion " on Unimasat 10 a.m. and was surprised to see Eric Castillo as a priest. Diana, I think of you everytime Alberto Estello comes on the screen as charming, disarming Mario the pirate. Susan


Good morning Novelera. Thank you for all your astute comments.

My friend is "Omnisciente".

"I can HARDLY wait to see Elena eating crow and begging Angelli to forgive her". The thing is that I don't think Elena will need to do either. Angel will automatically do so; she is kindhearted and rational, unlike Elena.

"I really enjoyed the scene between Don E and Adolfo. Two old pro actors doing a fine job" was exactly right!

"So...he loves her so much he's willing to watch the only professional outlet she now has go down the tubes because of jealousy?" So disappointed in Renato!! But I'm sure the writers felt they needed to establish he isn't perfect so that JE will look to be the better choice. Sigh.

Sebas did seem to be sleepwalking when Doris' deeds were revealed. It was rather strange.



Andy, thank you very much.

"Really wonderful that Monica didn't fight rather than sign the divorce, that was the first big win" is exactly right. I never thought she would capitulate so quickly.

I appreciate your point that Sebastian is in love. Dreamy and bright eyed, his vision may be somewhat limited as many besotted people are. But bless him. I have been saying and do believe Doris will do the right thing when called upon to do so.

No, Renato is definitely "...not acting in Angel's best interest in anything, really". He is acting so petty and selfish.

I wonder how Misael and Beca's little dinner date will go. When is he going to realize Rebeca's done nothing but use him since the onset. Thick as a brick.



Thank you Diana and Omnisciente(?) I like it though I had been assuming your friend's name started with three initials! :)

I was going to say I've been busy, but that's not really the issue. I accidentally picked up a book I couldn't put down and for the last two days, I've spent every hour that I wasn't working or sleeping reading said book! So, I haven't seen Weds or Thursday's episodes yet, but you sure do make them sound fun! I will watch today and prepare to look quickly away when Renato's hairy chest comes on screen! I can't claim to view Renato's personality as changing since I've thought he was annoying since the beginning, but it's undoubtedly true that the writers are making flaws more apparent so viewers will root for JE. Which seems like a poor consolation prize to me, but to each their own.

Didn't Angel tell her mother she was worried Santi could be gambling BEFORE it came out that he was gambling? Even if she didn't, Elena knows her daughter, knows the kind of person she is and should KNOW that it's absolutely absurd to think Angel would encourage Santi to gamble away their money! I get the whole trying to believe the newly recovered daughter in a lot of things but when the lies become completely absurd and out of character it's just plain odd that Elena would accept it without a second thought. But I guess if you're willing to deceive yourself for a penny than you're willing to deceive yourself for a pound.


Susan, "I need more Don E. And the scarves. Did he get them from Juan Soler after "tu Vida es MI vida" wrapped?" :)

I remember Eric del Castillo from Pasion well.

Ahhh, Alberto Estrella. Be still my heart. Main man Mario epitomized the swashbuckling pirate to perfection didn't he? What a man, what a man, what a mighty fine man. Colunga was no slouch but Estrella was mesmerizing. So many wonderful love stories there but best of all, when the couples got together, they vowed to stay together no matter what. And they did.

Diana is fun to revisit Pasion ...the costumes , the horses, the schemes ...and Mariana Carr is wonderful as always.

Hi to your friend from me . Susan

VIVIR - mea culpa

Diana. In my attempt at humor, I totally messed up your name. I am mortified beyond belief and offer my abject apologies. The good news: in this day and age nobody is responsible for his/her own actions. So, let me take a moment to blame my gaffe on the following:

•trauma from Bruno’s tats and unsolicited peek-a-boo action.
•osmosis hangover from Mónica’s epic chug-a-lug.
•blindness-by-proxy: Elena’s incredulous faith in her bad seeds.
•blindness from my nouveau lewk: bangs over left eye.
•Schadenfreude: too busy wishing for anvils for annoying mother and daughter who deserve to be drawn and quartered (in no particular order).
•rat poison in my coffee (this happens surprisingly more often than most imagine).
•loose brain from tight dreadlocks, constant acrobatic endeavors, and petty larceny.

Diana, I promise it won’t happen again!

Have a great Friday and weekend. I hope today’s episodes BRINGS IT!!!


O.S., ‘ The good news: in this day and age nobody is responsible for his/her own actions. So, let me take a moment to blame my gaffe on the following:…’ lol lol lololololol. Thanks I needed that!!!


O.S., thank you for even more laughter this morning.

I've been called many things during my decades on this earth, some not fit to print. :) Diane, Dianne, Dian, etc. It's all good!

Your list was marvelous; one better than the next.

I've sifted through the golden nuggets and my favs are:

"trauma from Bruno’s tats and unsolicited peek-a-boo action
osmosis hangover from Mónica’s epic chug-a-lug
blindness-by-proxy: Elena’s incredulous faith in her bad seeds and
blindness from my nouveau lewk: bangs over left eye".

So clever and just hilarious.

I also hope you and all the patio have a wonderful day and weekend.



Darcy, I'm happy you found a good book. You will catch up quickly!

"I will watch today and prepare to look quickly away when Renato's hairy chest comes on screen!" HA! Gird your loins.

"when the lies become completely absurd and out of character it's just plain odd that Elena would accept it without a second thought. I guess if you're willing to deceive yourself for a penny than you're willing to deceive yourself for a pound". Thank you for summing up Elena's stubborn and wrong attitude that needs a serious adjustment.


VIVIR #75 Part 1

A flash of night traffic as we see Misael and Rebeca have progressed from the dining table to the bedroom. The fool kisses her, telling her he loves her just the way she is he wants her to be “mio”. I scathingly add that she has never been nor will she ever be his. Rebeca murmurs to the effect they have to take “the presidency” and she will support him so he can head the company. Sloppy kissing ensues.

In the corner of a dark restaurant, Adolfo sits alone, a bottle of bubbly chilling. Time is passing and he grows increasingly anxious. He starts to prepare to leave when Cris floats into view and says it’s not necessary. His face lights up like the proverbial Christmas tree.

Monica questions why Don Emilio has summoned her. Don Emilio tells her he asked Adolfo to move into the garden house. She stares asking if he did it for Cris…

Cris looks lovely in her raspberry blouse, black sweater with trim and gorgeous pearl drop earrings. She and Adolfo recall wonderful memories, how he worked at a restaurant and when she arrived, he would ask the other waiter if he could wait on her table. She thanks him for inviting her to dinner but stresses this is all that can be between them. Adolfo is satisfied by allowing him to be by her side. He has marvelous memories when they promised to love each other and form a family… but then he only had Misael. Cris flashes back 30 years ago, recalling getting the pregnancy results as Monica revealed she and Adolfo were going to marry! When Adolfo asks what’s wrong, Cris shares she needs to divulge a long-kept secret; he deserves to know. At his urging, she reveals that when she found out he was going to marry Monica, she found out she was pregnant with his son - JE.

Monica admonishes Don Emilio for doing this to her. Don Emilio tells her he already knows the truth, how she got between Adolfo and Cris and Cris. Monica bangs on the desk and denies it saying Cris always took everything from her. She continues what she wants doesn’t matter; it seems Cris has been his favorite forever. He tells her that she has no love, just resentment. She is the only one responsible for ending up alone. She only cares about what others say and frivolous things. He pleads that she cherish what she has and cleanse her heart from hate before it’s too late. He doesn’t want her to end up completely alone. He then adds Misal and JE don’t get along and that’s not right. He wants that to change. She blames him for having preferences spitting out that he and Cris have created a monster and he should give that advice to JE. She leaves as Don Emilio’s face crumbles.

New life and animation has been breathed into Adolfo. His smile has transformed him into a totally different person. He cries tears of joy, overcome with happiness. Adolfo asks why he never told her. She replies she was a coward and the family had so many problems. Adolfo thought she had chosen Mau because of his money. She tells him Mau and his family had lost their money. He agreed to marry her knowing JE was Adolfo’s son. Adolfo thanks her and hopes DE knows since he encouraged him to court her. He doesn’t care what comes he will never leave her side. She asks him to forgive her and giddy with happiness says of course he does.

JE gets a call from Corral who tells him they have photos from the night Mau was run over; there is a woman he needs to ID.

Afterglow (or should I say afterburn) ensues as Misael and Rebeca lounge on the couch (does no one ever use a bed anymore?) Misael says he’ll call a meeting to discuss the presidency since the shareholders are very happy with JE. She asks they make decisions together. When he tells her they should marry Rebeca wants to wait until after Angel marries. Misael has no problem waiting. In the meantime they can take the presidency from JE.


VIVIR #75 Part 2

Elena asks Renato if there is a problem in the kitchen. No, but he is worried about Angel. Renato starts telling Elena Rebeca is not a good person but she stands up and demands he stay out of it. She will not allow him to talk about Rebeca like that. She sniffs that Angel has set him against Rebeca. Renato clarifies that it is Rebeca who has poisoned Elena’s mind against Angel. She tells him to leave. He tells her they will marry in a month and hopes to see her there.

Angel is preoccupied as she walks, worrying about not having a vendor. Renato calls and she says things didn’t go well and she isn’t sure how she will tell the others. After they hang up, he pulls out the card with a guilty look.

Romina tells Rebeca that the meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. Rebeca then asks how she can take the presidency from JE. Rom explains she can get the majority vote or she can obtain more shares so she can have the majority shares. Rebeca tells her to find out how many shares JE has. Romina answers that it will be difficult since JE put up his shares as collateral. Rebeca comments that if she could take the mother out, she can take the presidency from JE.

Cris, JE and Adolfo show up at the prison to view the video. Corral and the no name officer are there. Corral explains the images aren’t clear. Cris recognizes Mau but when asked if they can id the woman, they can’t. She is wearing a wig and the images aren’t clear but JE knows that the woman had to be Rebeca.

Fatima gives Lucas a computer. He tells her she forgot something precious and gives it to her, he doesn’t want them thinking he took it. (Is it gold jewelry? I couldn’t tell). After she tells him he can count on her, he asks about Mati since he knows she was having a hard time with her parent’s problems..

Marisa and Lupe are excited about the orders. A devastated Angel has to tell them they will have to reject the orders because they don’t have product and they can’t use the new machine because they don’t have enough orders. Renato enters and sees the long faces so Angel tells him they may have to close the company. He FINALLY gives her Mr. Zuniga’s card. After some urging, Angel calls and is told they have the product. Then, all break out in cheers for Renato! There is joyous jumping up and down as well as hugs, especially for Renato, the (non) hero of the hour.

Rebeca is chastising Gabriela for not knowing where JE is when a messenger shows up. It is an invitation from Mr. Zuniga! Rebeca puts her claw out and takes it because she isn’t just JE’s wife, she is his partner!

The marmalade showcase is in full swing. We see JE with Rebeca plastered to his side, Beca is in her signature black with fabric embellishment around her neck. JE silently promises that if she murdered his father, he will find out.

Renato and Angel walk in hand in hand. Angel has on a mid-blue off the shoulder dress with a simple, elegant Y necklace.

Rebeca thought the event was only for businesspeople like them. Angel explains about the factory and is supported by Renato. Rebeca comments they make a nice couple and Renato replies they will marry in a month. Rebeca insists on a toast and in fairness, JE is quite gracious. Renato promises Angel he will make her the happiest woman in the world.

Renato asks Angel why she is upset. She thinks Rebeca was mocking them but Renato (rightly) thinks it’s because of JE. Angel looks at JE longingly and thinks he must have forgotten her already. He must be happy with Rebeca she muses and tells herself she shouldn’t cry because she needs to forget him.

JE tells Angel that he never imagined she would set a date so quickly. She tells him she loves Renato.

Luciano tells Domingo he regrets his children have to go through everything. Domingo tells him fathers want what is best for their children even if sacrifices need to be made. Fatima is around the corner listening.


VIVIR #75 Part 3 of 3

Bruno, his turtleneck, and medallion bring Romina coffee along with congratulations. From her over the top reaction, that must have been a helluva cup of coffee. She is happy now that she is in a good position to get a divorce, buy an apartment and get custody of the kids. Bruno calls her hermosa and gets up. He thinks this will be easier than he thought.

Cris and Adolfo tell Don Emilio about the video. Cris relates that JE thinks it was Rebeca. Adolfo wonders why Mau and Rebeca were arguing. Don Emilio suggests that Mau was trying to force something on Rebeca but Adolfo doesn’t think it was an amorous situation. Adolfo points out it was clear the woman wanted to run Mau down. Don Emilio suggests that if they can get the police to arrest Rebeca, she will name the murderer. Viewerville silently thanks him but is sure Rebeca will never admit to it; someone at the scene will likely need to positively ID her.

An impromptu taste test commences with Renato feeding Angel. When Rebeca asks JE which marmalade is theirs, he admonishes her that as a partner, she should know! Renato then shares his conversation with Angel saying it didn’t go well. A huge announcement follows, there is a tie for first place – Rivera Cuellar and Sabores the Mexico. Barnacle Beca hangs on JEs arm and rather than let him speak, proceeds to give the speech herself. Angel gives her heartfelt, short speech. Rebeca silently hisses that Angel should enjoy this now while she can…her happiness won’t last and JE will regret it!

Angel returns to the restaurant to talk with Elena but is waylaid by Beca the gargoyle, right on her heels. When Beca gets grabby, Angel lashes out telling her not to touch her; warning her she can fool her mother but she can’t fool her! Soon everyone will find out who she really is. And with that, the women’s claws come out and the fight commences!

Loved Adolfo’s happiness at hearing JE is his son! Cris kept needlessly apologizing as his dazzling smile grew more illuminated every moment.

My hero of the hour is my friend whom I cannot thank enough for her (always) well-constructed, perfectly conveyed, pivotal dialog.


Vivir #75

Great work, Diana and I envy that you have a friend to watch these with.

We know that Mauricio cheated on Christina but do we have any other clue that he was Misael's sperm donor? It would be truly operatic if that were the case.

Romina disgusts me more every time I see her. She doesn't care about her children; she only uses them as weapons against their father.

Renato needs to stay away from Elena whose mind has been poisoned against Angeli. Nothing he says about this situation will land until Rebecca actually turns on Elena... and she will.

She is some floozy. No woman would ever dress as she does for the office; not even Misael takes her seriously there. He must have an Oedipus complex because she is another version of Monica but without the alcoholism. I thought she was going to fall out of that dress she wore to the party. And no woman To The Manor Born would have black claws like hers.

Jimena's one-armed outfit at the vow renewal looks like it came from Gabriela Spanic's wardrobe from Si Nos Dejan. I have to start collecting some Fashion Felony photos for a new article.

I wonder if there is a slim chance Monica isn't really DE's daughter. We don't know much about his relationship with his deceased wife, but I could see him standing by an engagement (or marriage) with her if she was perhaps raped and became pregnant. That could explain her evilness. That would make Misael a non Cueller Rivello (or whatever their last name is, don't feel like looking it up). I don't want her to be related by blood to sweet DE
No plaid for Bruno today. But yes, still wearing a turtleneck.

Rebecca was certainly letting it all hang out. How much you want to bet Elena witnesses the catfight and she spins it that Angelli attacked her unprovoked.

And while we are discussing wardrobes, Renato once again was sporting his unbuttoned shirt and hairy chest....


Dear Diana and faihful friend ,thank you for giving us every dramatic detail.

So, sex on the sectional sofa. Was that Reb's room or Misael's? No bed?

Angel's gown was lovely .What a perfect color for her. Big Reb was spilling out of that awful, illfitting thing, but she probably thought she looked like a strong business tycoon. Nopis.

Yikes fight !! I hope Reb the Rock doesn't kill teeny Angel right there and then .Reb is nuts and obsessed .

Wow, Romeana either hasnt had anyone make a pass at her in a longtime , or she really likes coffee. I will be delighted to see these two loathsome folks get freaky. I hope extra drunk Monica walks in on them. Please.

OT,..Diana,I saw Marcelo in a promo for a game show Sunday night on Univision. I think it is 8pm. He now has salt and pepper hair !!! Susan

Vivir. Many thanks to you an Omni, Diana, for another fabulous recap. I especially liked "or should I say afterburn," "Rebeca puts her claw out," "Bruno, his turtleneck and medallion," "Barnacle Beca..." Very creative as always!. Btw, about 10 minutes into the episode my tv died. Thank goodness for the internet as I was able to watch the rest online. My husband and I will be spending a fun-packed Saturday afternoon at Best Buy finding a replacement. I too loved how Adolfo was so thrilled when he learned that JE is his son. It almost brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad Renato came through with the vendor card JE gave him. Maybe he is worthy of redemption. Now how will Rebeca wiggle out of a possible arrest, as I expect she will? At the presentation, Rebeca says that Rivera Cuellar is better than the coop, while Angelli congratulates her workers. That pretty much sums up the difference in their characters.


Thanks so much Urban..

"He (Misael) must have an Oedipus complex because she is another version of Monica but without the alcoholism" was an excellent observation.

"We know that Mauricio cheated on Christina but do we have any other clue that he was Misael's sperm donor?" Urban, if there is anything concrete to add to the theory, I don't know what it is. For me, it's just a gut feeling that intensified after Misael shot him. As you noted "It would be truly operatic if that were the case".

"Jimena's one-armed outfit at the vow renewal looks like it came from Gabriela Spanic's wardrobe from Si Nos Dejan" was great! It certainly did. A "Fashion Felony" pictorial would be fabulous...



Kat, you've got me wondering if Elena will swoop in and stop Rebeca and Angel's fight and blame Angel.

Monica doesn't seem like Don Emilio's daughter but rather Satan's...



Thank you Susan!

"sex on the sectional sofa" looked so uncomfortable. I don't get it. What does everyone have against a bed?? :)

It doesn't seem quite like a fair fight between elfin Angel and "Reb the Rock" does it? Angel seems to be giving it her all though, good for her...

"Romeana either hasnt had anyone make a pass at her in a longtime , or she really likes coffee" had me laughing away.

Marcelo is so dreamy...I wonder why he isn't doing more??



Thank you for your lovely words SpanProf.

"At the presentation, Rebeca says that Rivera Cuellar is better than the coop, while Angelli congratulates her workers. That pretty much sums up the difference in their characters". I hadn't understood that and your summation was perfect. Thank you.

"I too loved how Adolfo was so thrilled when he learned that JE is his son. It almost brought tears to my eyes". I totally agree. He really came to life leaving his stiff, lifeless countenance behind. One of the best scenes to date really.

My sympathies on your TV. I hope you are "up and running" for Monday...


Vivir de amor

Many thanks, Diana and friend, and what a wonderful team you make. Diana, you have a great eye and see so much of what is happening aside from some dialog, and that gets filled in.

Great recap with great lines, like "Afterglow (or should I say afterburn) ensues as Misael and Rebeca lounge on the couch (does no one ever use a bed anymore?)"
"Afterburn" had me laughing, and your question too. But why use a bed when desktops or the floor are so much more comfortable?

I did expect Cris to show up for the date with Adolfo, but I was nonetheless very happy to see her do so. And they were having a very nice time, laughing and flirting.
Before there had always been tension between them. Nice to see something going right. And Adolfo got a pleasant surprise, he is JE's father.

Renato tried to do the right thing in talking to Elena, though he accomplished nothing. He also loses points for not connecting Angel and Zuñiga earlier. He got cheered like a hero, but he almost let the coop fail. Not a bad guy, nobody's perfect, but not a hero.

I have said before that I am no fashionista, but I do have to mention one thing. The essentially shoulderless dress that Angel wore to the marmalade shindig was interesting, but distracting. Are these people really wearing appropriate dress for a business occasion?

This chapter finishes up with Rebeca and Angel at each other's throats. Rebeca has the height and reach, so it doesn't look good for Angel. And as Susan and I agree, Rebeca is intimidating... and ruthless enough to try to kill somebody by running him over. We will see.

One thing that really does scare me is an old saying that keeps popping into my head these days, "Truth is stranger than fiction."
And then I want to go back to bed and cover my head.




Andy, I so appreciate your supportive, kind comments.

I enjoyed your describing the change in the tone of Cris and Adolfo's relationship: "Before there had always been tension between them" was exactly right. Now, there is a path forward unless, or rather until Monica steps forward to thwart their happiness.

"Renato...also loses points for not connecting Angel and Zuñiga earlier. He got cheered like a hero, but he almost let the coop fail" nailed that perfectly. Credit given for credit not due. Still, as you noted "Not a bad guy, nobody's perfect, but not a hero".

Much of the office wear (women AND men) has seemed tacky and inappropriate (Rebeca, Bruno, Romina, Rebeca). As the shindig seemed more of a celebration than a work function, I thought evening wear seemed appropriate although Rebeca's choice was fugly as always. :)

And last but not least, "But why use a bed when desktops or the floor are so much more comfortable?" Function first apparently...


I keep forgetting to mention how young Chris looks nothing like current day Chris. Seems they could have found someone closer to her facial features. And then young Monica, better match, but I guess they both went prematurely gray and they decided they should be blondes rather than brunettes.

Yes, I noticed that, too.


Thanks so much, Diana and Omnisciente! Lots of good snark in the review.

Excellent acting by Rene Strickler again in the restaurant scene as he expressed his joy at finding out the "good cousin" was his kid. OTOH, I don't understand why Cris seemed to feel she had to say there couldn't be anything between the two of them. Her own father just finished blessing their getting together.

Monica's brain is pickled. She doesn't take in anything her father is trying to tell her. And she calls JE a monster? She knows her spawn (and maybe Mau's) embezzled big bucks from the family business.

Romina has taken her office wardrobe tips from Rebeca. First or second day in the office, supposedly a finance wizard, and her mammaries are on full display. Bruno is right. She'll be easy to seduce because she's not as smart as she thinks she is.

Yep, Renato kinda fell off the galan pedestal when he ALMOST let Angelli's business go down the tubes. And then he grinned like a cheshire cat when all the women in Angelli's office cheered him.

Loved Barnacle Beca! She was seething at the hearty applause given Angelli's speech thanking the workers and that JE joined right in on that applause.


Novelera, thank you so much.

OK, "First or second day in the office, supposedly a finance wizard, and her mammaries are on full display" had me laughing out loud. Too, too funny.

"I don't understand why Cris seemed to feel she had to say there couldn't be anything between the two of them. Her own father just finished blessing their getting together". Good question. My thought was that remark was preemptive as she didn't think Adolfo was going to forgive her. She seemed oblivious to the fact he was beaming ear to ear as she continued to ask him to forgive her over and over. But Rene was superb in those scenes and his happiness was contagious.

"Monica's brain is pickled" was beyond. Soused indeed! Perfect.



Thank you all for your marvelous comments and insights.

I am away all day tommorow and will look forward to checking in on Sunday.


Thanks so much, Diana and friend, I enjoyed your very detailed recap. I’m so busy trying to keep up with the Spanish captions that I don’t always notice what everyone is wearing.

Romina and Bruno somehow fit as a couple. It would be nice if Mati were to walk in on them, if the seduction works. She will defend her mother until something makes her realize what her mother is really like.

I also think Misael is Mau’s son. Apart from him being a shifty immoral kid, Monica’s pregnancy was very much like Rebeca’s. Get them drunk and “sleep” with them and then inform them you’re pregnant. It seemed like that was the only contact they had as they weren’t dating. And Monica wanted Mau dead but didn’t want Misael to kill him.

Renato didn’t bring out the card until the woman were crying and Angel said they’d have to close the co op. He did it from guilt more than anything.

As soon as the show ended in the middle of the fight I knew Elena will walk in on them and it will be Angel’s fault. I think Elena and Santiago are the only two that are clueless to the real Rebeca.



Super recap, Diana and friend. I love the way ya'll dish it.

Dang both Angel's and Rebeca's dresses! Angel and Rebeca can't have a true smackdown in them without wardrobe malfunction and that's not happening on network TV.

Actually I think the only one that can go toe to toe smackdown with Rebeca is Monica.

So Mau knew JE wasn't his son. I guess he never suspected Misael might be his or he would've shouted "Misael, I am your father" when Misael was about to kill him. Might've saved him.


Vix has developed an extremely annoying glitch. When I click on Vivir it comes up with anything but Vivir! It also doesn’t keep track of Vivir and put it on ‘continue watching’ for some strange reason. It shows shots I don’t watch, haven’t watched, accidentally clicked on for two seconds, watched two episodes of it a year ago, etc; but not the show I watch everyday! It’s ridiculous! I have to watch it on my phone or laptop because I can’t find it on the TV. Does anyone else who watches from Vix get this glitch?


I haven't had a problem with Vix yet. I just wish I had more time for it so I can watch the original El Maleficio to the end. It has a very young Eduardo Yanez and other highly recognizable actors we love.

It also has originals I want to check out including a new one with Angelique Boyer and Sebastian Rulli.

I'm not watching Vivir on ViX, but I have other shows that I can continue watching and haven't experienced the problems you mention. Have you tried deleting the app and reloading it. That is my fix when things stop working for me. I'm using an older Roku box as my server/browser or whatever it's function and name is.


I am finally caught up and while I agree that Rene was suburb in that scene - his eyes and smile lit up the screen - I find it beyond odd and unbelievable that a man would find out that his son has been kept from him for what 25-30 years? And his first and only reaction is joy? It's a novela, but he didn't even have a moment of shock or confusion... it's weird. But it was well acted. Also weird is DE having a 'you should court Cristina' conversation with Aldolfo while he's still technically married to Monica. And again, with no hesitation or even a moment of WTH... I'm sorry, I want to find this whole Cris-Al thing romantic, and I understand they were the victims of Monica but it's just weird!!! We're not talking about months or a couple of years but DECADES of marriage!!! Maybe if they had found out the truth when JE and Mis were still babies it wouldn't be as bad, but this is just odd, and no one blinks?? Reminds me of when we all found out Alma was a kidnapper, and everyone just shrugged and said nothing.

I am not a fashionista either but all the talk about the dresses and cleavage at the wedding between Angel and Wanda reminds of a pet peeve I've always had as a bigger chested woman and that's the fact that a perfectly normal shirt or dress that looks perfectly chaste on one woman can look cheap on another. I can't tell you how many perfectly decent pretty things I've been unable to wear. When I was younger, I had the humiliating experience of being told to cover up when I was wearing a standard tank top. It was a very hot day, and it was the typical old navy tank top - nothing intentionally low cut or risky, but I was treated as if I was indecent. 14 other women could have been wearing the exact same shirt and no one would have so much as blinked. I see both sides of it really, but it's frustrating to be made to feel like you can't wear a tank top on a hot day like everyone else in the world simply because your well-endowed. Forget shopping for bathing suits, I usually just swim in a t-shirt.

Kat, thanks for the idea of uninstalling/reinstalling. I try to avoid that because then I have to remember my password, lol; but it might work!


Liz, thanks so much. I appreciate your sage comments.

"...Mati... will defend her mother until something makes her realize what her mother is really like" is exactly right. I fear she is only going to find out by some traumatic experience and seeing Romina with Bruno would certainly quality.

"Renato didn’t bring out the card until the woman were crying and Angel said they’d have to close the co op. He did it from guilt more than anything" said it perfectly. And then he was treated like a conquering hero which he isn't.



I appreciate your kind words Niecie.

"Actually I think the only one that can go toe to toe smackdown with Rebeca is Monica" :) Yup, completely agree!

"So Mau knew JE wasn't his son. I guess he never suspected Misael might be his or he would've shouted "Misael, I am your father" when Misael was about to kill him. Might've saved him." Absolutely no doubt Niecie! A large, looming, likely traumatic revelation for Misael.



Darcy, I don't have VIX so can't add anything there.

I've always felt truth is stranger than fiction. I realize Monica and Adolfo have been married many years but to be honest, to me, that fades in view of the fact Adolfo and Cris were unjustly separated and miraculously have been given another chance. I like the fact joy replaced the shock that most would have experienced learning JE is his son as hard to believe as it might be. I'm a bit biased I admit. I've shared a few stories here over the years about my own family that might seem unbelievable but were absolutely true. This pales in comparison. :)



I can definetely suspend my disbelief about Adolfo's pleased reaction to Chris telling him after all these years that JE is his son. Perhaps Adopting felt the all of the blood after being in such close contact with JE throughout the years . I appreciate any positivity and happiness real or telenovela generated .

As for truth being stranger than fiction .....absolutely . Everyone is living in his\ her own telenovela ..the good , the bad .



Susan, I completely agree. Adolfo has always clearly cared about JE. Sort of like he was almost his son :)

"I appreciae any positivity and happiness real or telenovela generated". Well said and me too!!



Looks like we will have a pre-emption on Thurs this coming week.


Yes! Hooray!!!



Hola, Patio.

We were having so much fun going into Friday’s show that I just realized I never commented on the action. First of all, thanks Diana & Shy-Ana (because Name Games and rhyming are fun!). Diana, I hope you enjoyed your Saturday away. To quote the fine folks at McDonald's in the 7Os & 8Os: you deserve a break today! Thanks again for all you do.

The show is moving along quite nicely; everything has been dissected nicely. There seems to be some debate about Adolfo’s reaction to Cris’ Maury-esque revelation. This with the new living arrangements and nudge from DE is certainly beanie-tastic. I opine that Adolfo is so blitzed with happiness at being free from Joker’s clutches that he’s taking everything in stride. This should light a fire under his happy arse and make him question Big Bang’s paternity. There’s an old saying in genetic theory: If it steals like a duck and schemes like a duck, it’s probably Mauricio’s duck!!! I paraphrase.

Flashback notes: as Kat pointed out: young Cris looked nothing like present day Cris. The casting department did so well with Romina & Mati and just hired anyone for the young Rivera Cuéllares?!! It was nice to see young Mônica sober (perhaps) and with normal makeup.

I don’t know much about makeup; however, when BEIR was briefing Rebeca on majority votes and shares, her big-eyed idiot look was gone. She looked almost reptilian and sleek. Could it be that her eyes constrict when she imparts actual business knowledge? Meh. The eyes were back to their unfortunate saucer status one scene later.

JE made an astute observation while watching the video of his “dad’s” attacker. He said they have to ID the redhead. I don’t see a ginger in the video Corral is showing. I wish I had time to go back and watch that full episode. I don’t remember what kind of crazy wig Rebeca wore for this encounter. I don’t remember us commenting on her wig much. Then again with this show, nothing would surprise us anymore.

I thought Lucas returned Fátima’s gold bracelet. It wasn’t clear if she was testing him, but it was badly written and established that he’s on his way to redemption and trusted by the good siblings.

Despite all the awkwardness, schmoozing, spillage, & passive aggressive sneakiness, an evening of wine and blind-marmalade -taste-testing sounds like fun to me. OT Rebecca’s look will have to be immortalized on RuPaul’s Drag Race Snatch Game. I don’t know much about drag, but that whole get-up screamed breast plate. When did Hugo Boss release a Tig Ol Bitties line?!!

Great cliffhanger: the catfight! Actually, more like a Puma vs. Singapura. Nevertheless my money is on Ang (always vote brain over bronze). The oddsmakers have already agreed that Elena will come in and white cane herself to the wrong conclusion. Ugh.

Everybody, have a great week!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Kat in SC

Kat, re your posting about 'Amor Real' not being on 'Caray, Caray'. BlogMom did devote hours to recapping 'Alborada', 'Pasión', and 'Amor Real'— the three telenovelas de época by Carla Estrada.

Unfortunately, 'Amor Real' and others were not merged into her new blog, 'Caray, Caray'.

'Amor Real' is my 2nd favorite novela of all time, just slightly behind 'Corazon Salvaje 1993' with Edith Gonzalez and Eduardo Paloma! Such a fantastic novela that hasn't been beaten in my 20+ years of telenovela watching.

These links might help you out, but you may need to search within each site for 'Amor Real' specifically.

The first link is a synopsis by Blog Mom which can be found on her original site:

For ‘Amor Real’ specifically:

This link is good also:

Email me if you have any questions.

I read a lot about the Mexican post-independence period of the mid-19th century while watching, so I could understand the undercurrents of the storyline.

I went to college in Puebla, Mexico but didn't study Mexican History. What a shame.

From Vikki in Charlotte NC


O.S. such nice words (as always).

Love "Shy-Ana" and "(always vote brain over bronze)!

"There’s an old saying in genetic theory: If it steals like a duck and schemes like a duck, it’s probably Mauricio’s duck!!! I paraphrase" was fabulous.

I had to laugh out loud at "...BEIR was briefing Rebeca on majority votes and shares, her big-eyed idiot look was gone. She looked almost reptilian and sleek. Could it be that her eyes constrict when she imparts actual business knowledge?". So clever.

My short term memory is bad as I will freely admit. However, I don't believe Beca had a wig on when she mowed Mau down so I'm confused by them having to ID the "redhead". I think the patio would have had a field day with that and I don't remember chatter on that (?)

O.S., I never heard of a singapura and had to look it up! In addition to enjoyed your witty and wry comment, I'm a bit wiser too. Thank you so much.


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