Tuesday, June 18, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Señor de los Cielos 9 y más: Week of June 17, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Señor de los Cielos 9

The long-awaited telenovela with Fernanco Colunga will finally be shown starting Monday, July 1 at 10 PM. Entitled El Conde: Amor y Honor, it will star Fernando Colunga and Ana Brenda Contreras and is based somewhat on The Count of Monte Cristo. More information, including a trailer, can be found on Telemundo's web site.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Dondi356: I missed last night's episode because I was watching the Boston Celtics winning their 18th NBA championship in franchise history throttling Dallas Mavericks last night 106-88 in Game 5 of the 2024 NBA Finals on ABC 12 KSAT-TV San Antonio.

Can you please post the recap of last night's episode.


Señor9 #87 paet 1

Ismael calls Laura and tries to make nice. She’s not so nice in return. He thanks her for taking care of Dalila. She tells him Dalila is doing well, he can come and visit. She quickly ends the call.

Alfaro gives Cabo the news he’s being replaced by Dalila. Cabo thanks Alfaro for helping to thwart the attack from Los Casillas and he assures him Belen will keep him as Secretary. Or if Alfaro wants, Cabo is willing to kill Dalila so he can keep the job. Alfaro flatly turns down the offer.

Pompeyo stops Jaime on his way out of the hospital and tells him Rutila wants to speak with him. He tells her he came to see Dalila and he noted the sexual tension between Nina and Dalila.

Nina and Dalila talk about their “relationship”. Dalila says not to overthink it, “we are just friends”. Nina looks disappointed.

Brief commiseration between Rafa and Dalila over impossible love.

Mecha fills Felina in on the Jesus disaster. Felina gives her some advice on not going with her heart when doing business.

Lencho flirts with Diana, she insults him, they drink tequila.

Aurelio meets with old rivals, the Figueroa brothers, Braulio and Hector. He has a proposal.

Ruti calls Jaime a loathsome, greedy, politician with lots of skeletons in his closet. He asks her to get to the point—"what do you want?” She wants to know something that will help her make Amanda a good First Lady… “Did you kill Berenice?”

Jaime doesn’t answer directly. He says he and Bere loved each other. The marriage was 100% real. Ruti doesn’t buy it. She wonders if it was as real as his pending marriage to Amanda. Jaime reminds her this fake marriage was Aurelio’s idea.

Jaime finally says he didn’t kill Bere and recounts the false story of what happened to her. Ruti replies she won’t let Jaime ruin the lives of anyone else in their family. Jaime tells her he is “family” too and will always be family because of Bere. And they better get along because Aurelio wants him to be president.

Castillo and Carla talk about Manzano and Colon. He invites her to dinner and says he misses her. She replies that she misses what they had but he’s not the same Bernardo anymore. She leaves.

Aurelio hands a folder to the Figueroas and asks if they’d be interested in agriculture and fishing. A clean, risk-free business. A money maker. Aurelio tells them that Ismael just got into that business, and he wants them to fight Ismael for it.

The brothers think this sounds good. Aurelio set the conditions: you can’t hurt Ismael or his loved ones. I’m doing this so he comes back to me, Aurelio says, so I’m staying out of it.

Belen campaigns in Tijuana. The next stop is in Nogales. She gets a call from Cabo but doesn’t answer. Cabo is pissed. He says he knows Belen and Almenar’s weak spots.

Cabo tells his guy to keep a close eye on Mirruña.

Cabo calls Almenar. He’s coming back home and bringing the new hacker, Consuelo.


Señor9 #87 part 2

Mecha and Felina continue their conversation. Mecha sees the good relationship that Felina and Aurelio have. Felina says she remains in good standing because they never took it to another level. Mecha wants to be Felina’s friend, too. She asks if Felina did anything with the gringo. Yes, Felina answers, and I had to kill him.

Aurelio’s guys are worried about the Figueroas. They want to stick around to help Ismael. Aurelio says he’s doing this to teach Ismael a lesson.

Belen and Ismael have sex. Then they talk business. Ismael wants Belen to give him Cabo. Belen replies, in good time. She asks if it’s true that Amanda is marrying Jaime. Ismael says it will happen if that’s what Aurelio wants. Belen slyly encourages Ismael to go against Aurelio.

Jaime “demotes” Santi from their threesome. At dinner, he tells Santi to pack his bags after dessert and keep to regular working hours at the office. Santi immediately gets up from the table. Amanda does not approve of how Jaime handled this. Jaime suggests they go to El Milagrito for some fun.

Rutila and Diego talk about where their relationship is heading. Diego says there could come a time when they need to go out on their own or maybe Aurelio will assign them to a territory. Ruti doesn’t want that.

Rafa is playing with Sofi when Marcela returns home. She didn’t okay the visit. She hands Rafa the divorce papers. They argue.

Diego has a positive outlook on the future. Ruti worries they will always live in fear and uncertainty. Diego says all they can do is be prepared. All she wants is peace. He says he will take care of that. They start kissing.

Full house at El Milagrito. Tata is thrilled—until Alfaro arrives. She makes it clear she doesn’t like him. He informs her he’s not the Secretary anymore. He will have more time for personal business of a romantic nature. Tata asks, are you coming on to me? Alfaro responds, would you frown on it if I were? Tata downs a drink.

A worker whispers in Tata’s ear. Aurelio has arrived and wants to see her. She tells Alfaro that Aurelio wants to see him next.

Tata asks Aurelio if something happened to Ismael. She starts to panic. Aurelio says nothing happened, but it will. I only came to warn you because he is our son.

And we are out.



Not watching but working on next year's Caray Caray Awards. Since this is a continuation that won at least 1 award last year I'll include this season in this year's awards. I would like to know if anything important changed (like the male/female villains, lead couple ect). Thank you all in advance for helping me out,both this and last year, you're the best :)

Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode.

*Dondi356 & Weirdo: At this point, I strongly prefer seeing Psycho Jaime & Bratty Amanda as President & First Lady of Mexico. Gut feeling both will be in the spin-off.

*Santiago got kicked out. Wondering what he's going to do by throwing a monkey-wrench at the campaign in the closing stretch 🤔 ?

*Rafael & Marcela's divorce gets uglier. How long before it ends in murder ?

*Diana & Rafael having steamy make out session. But my question is whether or not Diana will figure out Psycho Jaime killed Berenice & will Diana become unhinged ?

*Nina needs to be worried about Mecha having her whacked.

*Alfaro & Tata as a potential couple ? LOL. Doubtful.

*Aurelio plotting to undermine Ismael's business ventures. I doubt Ismael will take this well.

*Castillo visiting Dalila inside her hospital room at the hospital.

*No appearance from Carla: Awww.

*Diego & Ritula: We'll see how long this will last.

*Cabo upping the ante even further against Goldie Locks. Let's see if Goldie Locks has the guts to have Cabo whacked.

*Assuming Bratty Amanda becomes First Lady of Mexico, will she make it the full 6 years considering Bizarro Gaviota got whacked by BPN in Season 5.


Juanita, thanks for the information about " La Conde." I hope I don't forget to watch. I am a Fernando fan...TBLMOE. Susan

Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode.

*Ismael & Co., run into an ambush courtesy of the Figueroa's. Things get intense during the shootout including Ismael getting into the SUV & running into one of the shooters.

*Isturiz, Chaterrero & Co., arrive in the nick of time after the fact.

*Aurelio & Mecha getting their freak on.

*Dead girlfriend's sister determined to retaliate on Aurelio & Mecha including the Casillas Family.

*Rafael & Diana enjoying steamy sex escapade. Memo to Rafael: Diana is quite a bigly handful buddy.

*Rafael hands Marcela the divorce papers. Once again, they get into an ugly argument over custody over their daughter.

*President Gomez Labrador meets with Dalila, Annoying Laura, etc., at the hospital.

*Flash Forward scenes showing both Psycho Jaime & Goldie Locks ramping up the campaign trail for the Presidency in the closing stretch.

*Dalila temporarily running the office. I don't see her in the top job long anyway. Alfaro needs something to do.

*Cabo & Consuelo discussing plans on tracking Ismael, Skinny & Co., we also see Cabo talking on the phone with Almemar, who's in the middle of meeting with Chinese investors.

*Marcela meets with Castillo inside his office at the DEA Mexico HQ. Castillo also speaks with Felina via Marcela's cell phone & the discussion turns to Crazy Manzano.

*Earlier in the episode, Tata brings her suitcase to surprise Ismael LOL.



Thanks for the recap, Steve!

LOL, welcome to the big leagues, Ismael! Good thing that Skinny kept the lines open with Aurelio. He’s way smarter than Ismael, who is stuck on daddy issues.

Yep, we had a 2-month time jump. Dalila looked weird in that suit and tie.

Belen tells Almenar, “whether I win or lose, you have to kill Cabo.” He agrees. So maybe Cabo won’t be in the spin-off.


señor9/Caray Awards

¡Hola Weirdo! Thanks for working on the Caray Awards again. It was fun.

I don't remember all the nominees for ESDLC and I can’t view them since voting closed. I assume we can repeat. Sometimes characters don’t make it to a next season 😊

Possible for this year could be Itatí Cantoral (as Belén San Roman) for female antagonist/villain.

There are two alternating theme songs: "El Hombre Bestia" - Los Cardenales de Nuevo León and "La Bestia” - Tito Double P, Código FN, Rafael Amaya

Not many viewers and commenters for this TN. Steve has done a great job with the recaps. Maybe he has something to add.


El Conde/OT

Hi Susan! I'm looking forward to "El Conde", too. I’ve never watched Colunga in action before. I hope we have a nice size patio for this. It’s getting very lonely here.

FYI: The second season of the Netflix series, “Another Self”, with the lovely Tuba Büyüküstün, will be released on July 11.


Thanks so much, dondi! I have written down all your suggestions, I'll definitely use them. Thanks again! :)

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