Thursday, June 13, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Señor de los Cielos 9 y más: Week of June 10, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 10-11PM - El Señor de los Cielos 9

I am repeating Juanita's big announcement last week that El Conde will start on Monday, July 1.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode.

*Dondi356: President Gomez Labrador shows up at the hospital & abruptly fires Alfaro on the spot in front of everyone including Castillo, whose ego is getting too big for his bridges.

*Cabo violates Goldie Locks again. At this point, I can settle for Psycho Jaime being the next President of Mexico.

*Aurelio & Co., involved in a shootout with Cabo's backup in Tijuana.

*Dalila recovering at the hospital. Annoying Laura & Rafael are present inside the hospital room.

*Felina shoved Manzano's body into the bed of the pickup truck. She calls Aurelio to let him know what went down.

*Goldie Locks scolds Ismael on the phone.



Thanks for the recap, Steve.

Cabo was disgusting last night. Maybe Belen will be the one that finally sends him to Hell.

I enjoyed Alfaro getting demoted. Lol, Dalila will be his boss, at least for now. That geezer president has the hots for Dalila. Anyway, incompetent Castillo shouldn’t be smirking.

Got a kick out of Jaime panicking because he’s behind in the polls. He took it out on Santi. Jaime better watch how he treats that guy. He might decide to out Jaime and totally derail the campaign.


Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode.
*Dondi356: Aurelio & Ismael hissy fit & temper tantrums continue LOL.

*Cabo upping the ante even further. This dude is way too slippery 24/7.

*Almenar still gonna Almenar as usual. Big question is whether or not he'll be in the upcoming Spin-off.

*Goldie Locks & Rey: Fast Forward.

*Bratty Amanda would be an intriguing First Lady of Mexico when Psycho Jaime becomes the next President of Mexico.

*Dalila & Alfaro discussed something that I couldn't comprehend. I'm assuming it's about Alfaro being demoted. If Psycho Jaime becomes President, I'm assuming Alfaro will get his job back.



Thanks for the recap, Steve. As it gets near the end, I’m trying to watch it more often.

I like Bratty Amanda. And she gets along well with Ruti and Diana.

Lol…Alfaro referred to Castillo and Carla as “Tarzan and Cheetah”.

I wonder if Belen wants to team up with Almenar to get rid of Cabo.

Some additions and clarifications:

Alfaro wants assurance he has Jaime’s support. Jaime tells him, not so fast, it’s not up to him (meaning Aurelio decides). Jaime points out that Alfaro has been on Cabo’s side. Alfaro threatens to expose Jaime’s secrets and Jaime counters with exposing Alfaro’s. Jaime tells Alfaro, “If I win, I’ll make your life impossible”.

Felina wants to sue the government. Marcela is up for it. Felina asks about Marcela’s home life and is unhappy to hear about the divorce. Felina smiles at a pic of her granddaughter, Sofia Eugenia.

Laura gently tries to warn Rafa about getting involved with Diana. He won’t be able to live a normal life.

Cabo interviews computer hackers. He extremely impressed with the skills of a particular young woman. Another plus: she has no ties to family or a boyfriend. He hands her a big wad of dollars and tells her she will live there, in her own space, “to work magic”. He asks for her opinion on “sex”. She has no interest in it. Cabo seems disappointed and he explains about the sexcapades that go on in the house, lol. He tells her what happens here, stays here. And there’s a price to pay if she wants out. She’s good with all of it.

Nina is thinking about Dalila and wants to go to the hospital. Ruti takes her there.

Tarzan and Cheetah give Dalila the good news about becoming Secretary. Dalila is not so sure about it being good.

Castillo and Aurelio talk about Manzano. Castillo has the link between Manzano and Colon and he wants Aurelio to hand over Manzano. Aurelio says Divine Justice got Manzano, he is “long gone”.

Alfaro and Dalila speak about Dalila becoming the boss. She says until the official announcement, he is still the boss. Alfaro says he felt very bad when he heard she was shot. He sincerely cares for her and wants her to be well. He tells her that Jaime is at the hospital.

While Amanda is on the phone with Jaime, she catches Santi snooping in the bedroom.

That worm Jaime tries to ingratiate himself with Dalila. Ugh, he even suggests they can go out partying when she gets well. Dalila looks disgusted and tells him her partying days are over. Nina walks into the room and Dalila’s eyes light up. Jaime’s eyes nearly fall out of his head.

We are in las últimas semanas!


Dondi356: Who do you think will be the next President of Mexico & living it up at Los Pinos (Residence of the Mexican President) for the next 6 years ?

A.) Psycho Jaime
B.) Goldie Locks


That's a good question, Steve. I can't decide. Both are awful candidates. But there is good story potential for either one in a spin off.

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