Monday, July 01, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of July 1, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) - Weds ONLY

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VIVIR Schedule and Recapping

Good morning all!

VIVIR is currently listed as airing every day this week. Call me cynical but I will be monitoring this closely as the week proceeds :)

I will address next weeks's schedule and recapping when Thursday's heading is posted.


VIVIR #84 Part 1

Previously: Misael went to his desk, took out a box, plucked the ring from its slot, asking Rebeca to marry him. He doesn’t care what anyone says, everyone else does whatever they want so why not him? He doesn’t want to hide anymore…” I want you to be my wife!” Rebeca stares, her face devoid of emotion.

Rebeca shuts the ring box in his face (think the “necklace” scene in Pretty Woman). She needs to think about it. This was a surprise (it shouldn’t have been) but she is worried about what everyone will say. Misael scoffs that Rebeca cares about that. He reminds her that she already lost JE, but Rebeca argues that she is the main shareholder and needs to do things the right way (since when I wonder?) Misael assures her they will respect her once she is his wife but Rebeca asks for more time…then they will accomplish everything they have dreamed of. She tucks the ring in a drawer for safekeeping. She starts kissing him and then suggests that they go celebrate her freedom…in his apartment.

JE’s eyes and joyous countenance shine as he tells Adolfo that of course he wants him in his life; he has always admired him. Adolfo is overjoyed (and relieved). Adolfo would have done anything to have remained together with JE and Cris…because true love is forever. JE comments that such is the case with Angel; he will love her for the rest of his life. Adolfo urges him not to give up; Angel isn’t married yet and he can still win her back. When Adolfo suggests that JE confess to Angel what he has done for her, JE refuses to do that or to pressure Angel by revealing something he did out of love.

Rutina tells Angel that Rebeca left orders that no one bother Elena, but Angel doesn’t hesitate, walking right up to Elena who is resting on the couch as Rutina fusses in the background, complaining Rebeca will get angry. Angel is alarmed seeing Elena asleep so early in the day and asks Rutina if her mother was feeling ill. Rutina assures her Elena was fine when she arrived with Gi; then, your hermana, Rebeca was with her (as red flags waving furiously). When Angel asks if Rutina has noticed anything different about her mother, Rutina replies that ever since Angel left, Elena has been tired and worried. After Rutina pleads that Angel return, Elena wakes up. Angel solicitously asks how she is and asks Rutina for water. Elena tells Angel that she feels exhausted having so many worries. Angel admits to having argued with Rebeca so Elena pleads that Angel try to get along with Rebeca! (Viewerville is nonplussed that after everything she now knows about Rebeca, THIS is what she asks?) Elena asks Angel to fetch her briefcase and pulls out the document that is needed for Angel to sign over her shares of the restaurant. Elena hasn’t signed it because she knows Rebeca wrongly accused Angel and she believed her. Angel wants to show Elena the video but Elena doesn’t want to see more (I’m now verklempt) and insists that she doesn’t want to see Angel and Rebeca at odds. Te amos follow as mother and daughter holding each other tightly.

Renato chops veggies as he thinks back to Angel thanking him for saving his life and Rebeca telling him that Angel will never love him. He is wide eyed trying to assimilate both a lie and a truth.

Elena knows Rebeca has made major mistakes…but Frida is her daughter and can’t (she certainly can, she just won’t I fume) leave her…as long as Rebeca needs her she will be there for her. Este bien Angel answers, she will accept that. Angel then turns to her mother and in a heartfelt admission she reminds Elena that she needs her too! Angel invites her to her wedding and Elena assures her she will be there. Elena puts her head on the pillow as Angel caresses her cheek and kisses her.

Romina waylays Rebeca and Misael. Rebeca hisses that Romina needs to get her ALL the info she asked for. When Romina refers to Rebeca as Sra. Aranda, Misael and Rebeca correct her; Rebeca is Sra. DEL OLMO.


VIVIR #84 Part 2

Mati tells Sandra she can’t wait to show her father Gabriel’s confession video. The girls sit on the bed as Sandra sadly says she never thought Gabriel would do something like that. After Mati assures that Sandra did the right thing, Sandra doesn’t know what to do since her heart still beats for Gabriel. Mati looks sympathetic and puts out her hand. Sandra thanks her but doesn’t shake it.

Luis and Lupe talk to Lucas and regretfully tell him they won’t be able to afford to send him to school. But a thrilled Lucas tells them about JE’s visit and that he will pay for his tuition; they are all very happy. Luis thinks Lucas has been doing everything well. Lupe encourages him not to go out…for his own good.

Brandishing some weights, Memo wonders if Lucas is right in saying that they are nobody without Brayan. Axel think they are but then changes his mind when Memo points out that no one runs away from them like they do when Brayan is there. When Axel ask if Brayan might get out of prison, Memo thinks it will be difficult. They then agree to use the stolen money.

Speaking of, we see Brayan strutting, savoring his freedom walk out of the “big house” as he lights a cigarette.

Gabriela catches Romina snooping and startles her. Romina gives a flimsy excuse and walks off as Grabriela looks in the office, closing the door behind her.

Luciano calls a divorce attorney but the attorney is on a trip. Fatima suggests that he talk to Adolfo who is handling JE’s divorce. Luciano thinks it a good idea and adds that his children need to accept that a reconciliation with their mother is impossible. Mati tells Javi that she has proof that Lucas is innocent. Javi goes off to look for Luciano so he can see it.

“Matilde mi amor” Romina purrs as she (finally) calls. Mati tells her how hurt she is as Romina hasn’t answered her calls. Romina cries about too much work since Luciano “ran her off”. When Mati mentions that Fatima helped her, Romina rolls her eyes and hopes Mati isn’t fooled by Fatima. Mati sees that Lucas is calling so quickly hangs up after telling Romina that all she knows is that Romina wasn’t there when she needed her. Romina is open mouthed staring at the phone.

Lucas tells Mati what JE is doing for him. When he adds that JE and Fatima are really cool, Mati shrugs, a look of doubt clouding her face.

Cris states that Rebeca is unscrupulous and won’t stop at anything to intimidate JE. JE is adamant that he won’t allow it anymore…Rebeca can’t hurt him anymore than she already has (I wouldn’t stake my life on that). Cris wants him to be happy and recover his life and his smile. JE wants to be like that again too, but his woman is about to marry someone else and when that happens he will lose all hope of being happy. Cris pleads that he not lose hope.

Angel tells Renato about her visit with Elena and that Elena didn’t want her to call a doctor. Renato thinks Elena has been under a lot of stress. Angel notes Renato’s somber mood so he tells her about the missing money at the restaurant. He has looked for the money everywhere but can’t find it. When he asks if Santiago might be gambling again, Angel doesn’t think so since he has been going to the therapist and seems set on not gambling. She is sure it wasn’t Santiago who stole the money.


VIVIR #84 Part 3

Speaking of, Santiago enters the gambling den of inequity. To his credit, he thinks of the promise he made to Angel…as he has a crisis of conscience, he vows he can’t do this to his family and walks out.

Angel tells Renato about Santi’s promise to protect them from Rebeca; she is sure her father would be as proud of Santi as she is. Renato then tries to turn the topic to something important, their wedding since it the day after tomorrow (uh oh). Angel tells him her mother assured her she will attend. Renato comments that everything is falling into place so that their wedding will be as special and unique as she is. She says how important he is to her, he calls her hermosa as they share a passionless kiss.

Alone in the dark, JE thinks back to going horse riding with Angel, getting down on one knee as he asked her to marry him; swinging her around with joy when she happily accepted. He remembers the words of the officiant as they promised to respect and be faithful to each other; to grow old together. He recalls carrying her over the threshold into their candlelit, romantic bedroom. A few tears sparkle in the night.

Adolfo and Cris watch from their window; Cris shares how it hurts her to see JE suffer; it’s not fair that he has to give up Angel. Adolfo adds that JE and Angel have been victims of an unscrupulous woman who is full of envy and hate; it’s a story they know very well. He doesn’t want his son to suffer as he did for so many years—having her near yet so far, wanting and wishing he could hold her, dreaming of her kiss. Cris understands more than he can imagine. She swears she would give her life if she could keep her son from suffering as they did for so many years!

Javi rushes Luciano: Mati has something very important to show him. Luciano concedes and tells Fatima they will see each other in the morning.

Romina gloats that she will bring Bruno down!

Bruno enters and in a flash, they start pawing at each other. Flourishing tequila and glasses, she encourages him to swill drink after drink. They toast to more passionate nights as viewerville avert our eyes in disgust. Bruno and Romina “celebrate” on the couch.

Javi yells for Mati who comes down, showing Luciano the video of Gabriel admitting his guilt. Luciano is shocked and angry.

Fatima calls Angel saying she is very worried; can they have coffee tomorrow morning? Yes of course! Fatima adds that it is very important that Angel hear her out. Angel stares, her concern evident.

JE stands outside Angel’s house as he recalls Renato asking what he is doing there at the hospital and Angel from her hospital bed asking him to leave and allow her to live her life. He hesitates, deep in thought.

It’s girl’s night at Alma’s as they prepare for the bachelor(ette) party. Doris has a hot date with Sebas and bows out. After, Wanda stays behind; she brought some goodies for Loli and Pedrito. When Pedrito (quite unkindly) refuse the treats, Wanda’s face falls. Pedrito tells Alma that he doesn’t like Wanda because she went through his things. He doesn’t even want to see her!


VIVIR #84 Part 4

Lupe arrives home and tells Luis that they are planning the party. Luis comments that he isn’t sure they should have volunteered to be padrino’s de arras (godparents of the coins). Lupe feels sorry for Angel since she seems so alone…and Lupe has much affection and gratitude to Angel who has treated all the employees so well.

Pedrito tells Wanda that he won’t be her friend; and since Pedrito won’t be her friend, neither will Loli! Alma tells them they are rude and sends them off to their bedroom. Pedrito justified himself by saying he was taught to tell the truth. Wanda understands Pedrito; she shouldn’t have gone through his things but had no ill intentions. Alma is sympathetic and the friends give each other a comforting hug.

Misael and Rebeca enter his apartment and start undressing but stop dead in their tracks at the sight of Monica! What are you doing in my apartment he asks! It appears Monica was summoned by Rebeca.

Gi recalls her vows and cries because she recalls the day they married. Armando tells her that they will be united forever just like they are. Gi only hopes that don’t keep secrets like “others” she knows.

Sebas agrees to go to Angel’s wedding with Doris. Doris hopes Sebas returns and doesn’t remain with the missionaries. Sebas tells her that he has to resolve this guilt he feels since he and Dulce vowed to be together for the rest of their lives. Doris asks if some day he will be able to love her as much as he loves Dulce (which had me wincing away).

Rebeca points out that they all need each other to remove JE from the presidency. Monica reminds her she is not of the family. Misael asks Monica to just listen to Rebeca, but Monica has heard enough and tells Misael not to trust Rebeca. Misael tries to convince Monica to stay but repeats she doesn’t trust Rebeca and advises Misael to come up with his own plan…he should not declare war against JE. She holds his hair tight in her hand as Rebeca glowers from the couch.

Luciano can’t believe Gabriel would do such a thing! He feels bad about being so unjust with Lucas. When Mati asks if Luciano will allow her to see Lucas, he will. Luciano then tells Javi and Mati he needs to talk to them. He tells them he is going to the city to ask their mother for a divorce…and wants their support. After he assures Javi that they will remain with him, Mati won’t support him because she doesn’t want to betray her mother!

Romina searches for the passcodes while groggy Bruno calls out for her in a drunken stupor. “Imbecile” she mutters under her breath. She searches and finds a USB and opens her computer. She calls Rebeca and says she found it! Rebeca asks her if she is sure just as Bruno comes to life! She lifts her arm inadvertently knocking him out. Rebeca tells her to transfer all the money in the Swiss accounts to her account before Bruno wakes up! All of it Romina asks? All of it Rebeca demands…

My friend’s superior and perfectly conveyed dialog translations are so appreciated! Her observant lens is always sharp and focused; there is nothing she misses. I’m so grateful!


Vivir. Another first-rate recap, Diana and friend! My tv access is now back to normal and on time. I was really surprised that no one stole Mati's video (usb?) when she left it on a table and went into the next room. Will it be whatever Fatima communicates the next day which
will make Angelli cancel her wedding to Renato? (something has to). Presumably the information is that JE stayed married to Rebeca to keep Angelli from being falsely arrested for pushing her down the stairs--also that it was JE, not Renato, who rescued Angelli from the fire. Is Rutina really the maid's name? :) Oops, Memo and Axel are about to be in big trouble for stealing Brayan's money?


Dear Diana and friend , thank you for another excellent review as we finally continue this tale.

Reb was pretty low-key today as she impatiently waited for Romina to complete her mission . She didn't say "yes" to the ring ....but we kept it. Ha.

Meanwhile, grifter Bruno has been played by Romina, who now thinks she is on the way to power and money by doing Reb's bidding. It was fun to see smarmy, conceited Bruno being played I will be happy to see the dominoes fall and Reb and Ro sharing a tiny cell together.

It was fun seeing Monica sitting there, drink in hand , as Misael and Reb twirled their way into the apartment grappling and kissing. I liked the way Reb nonchalantly removed her boots , as in " I'm not going anywhere ."

Did Angel buy a wedding dress, or is she just going to wear something
from her collection of midriff tops? However, I guess we all suspect that Angel won't go through with the wedding after she talks to Fatima.

How long ago did Dulce die? Doris is being too pushy and unfeeling . Sebas jumped into this relationship too fast . S l o w down. Susan



Thanks so much SpanProf. Happy you are once again able to watch in real time.

It seems the wedding is continually "only a day away". The not so fierce fire was certainly a good reason to postpone it but I'm not convinced the wedding won't happen. Angel seems doggedly determined NOT to reunite with JE and I'm not sure Fatima telling her JE stayed with Beca to "save" Angel will be enough to change her mind. That said, your excellent point that "it was JE, not Renato, who rescued Angelli from the fire" may be another matter. That may ideed give Angel pause...We can only hope right?

I did think Rutina is the maid's name. Did you hear something else SpanProf? Her name isn't listed in any credits that I could find.

I agree in that Memo and Axel are going to be in huge trouble for taking Brayan's money. I think Rebeca is underestimating Brayan...



Thanks so much Susan.

"I liked the way Reb nonchalantly removed her boots, as in "I'm not going anywhere" was an inspired observation. So, so true!

Angel got a reminder to look at wedding dresses, but did she? Hmmm. It's as though the wedding is consuming none of her thoughts.

I have no idea how long ago Dulce died. The concept of time in these always eludes me. :) From what we saw, Sebas seemed to be a devoted husband so it is natural that he is having misgivings about moving on. Survivor's guilt...I really liked the idea of Doris and Sebas but Sebas is still grieving and needs time. I hope Doris decides to give him that, and does so graciously.



Another top-notch recap Diana, thank you!! I hope Uni behaves for you this week and doesn't throw you any loops!

Well, if Romina is only playing Bruno and thinks he's an idiot, that answers the how could she possibly fall for him question. I'm no Romina fan but I'd be okay with her taking Bruno out first before she gets to her own demise!

Glad Mati kept the video long enough to get Luciano to see it! Now get Lucas back to the hacienda stat!!! And away from Brayan, who granted might be distracted by his other minions theft. I've been thinking all along that those two should have made themselves scarce a long time ago! I never understood their loyalty to an imprisoned Brayan.

I voted for Angel doesn't get married!!! I know we have a lot of episodes but let's fill it some other way than another bad marriage that will end in divorce, we already have three divorces - JE and Angel, Cris and Al, JE and Rebeca. We don't need another doomed union.

Pedrito needs to get over being mad at Wanda. This storyline has dragged on too far, and Pedrito is holding a grudge a lot longer than a good natured kid his age should.

Thanks 2 amigas for another great recap. I read before viewing today .... Not sure if that is the better way to tackle it but I had to watch on DVR.

Susan, since today had JE remembering his wedding to Ang, she wore a crop top 2 piece set at that one.
Definitely her preferred clothing style. .

All the going ons in the offices at the family firm with the blinds of the offices open! Someone better see something.



Thanks so much Darcy...

"I'm no Romina fan but I'd be okay with her taking Bruno out first before she gets to her own demise!" Me too!! Love it...

"Now get Lucas back to the hacienda stat!!!" is absolutely right!! Lupe telling Lucas to stay out of sight hardly seems like sage advice in view of the atrocities he's suffered, including being shanked! Now that Brayan is out, Lucas is once again in mortal danger.

I don't want Angel and Renato to marry either. As you pointed out, there have already been too many failed marriages already, let's not up the count.

Pedrito is a pretty perfect kid except of course in his treatment of Wanda."Pedrito is holding a grudge a lot longer than a good natured kid his age should" is precisely right!



Kat, thank you.

I completely forgot Angel wore a two piece dress for her wedding with JE! Thanks for the reminder...

"All the going ons in the offices at the family firm with the blinds of the offices open! Someone better see something" had me smiling away. Yes, little or no privacy. Where are the prying eyes when you need them?? :)



I noticed that when JE was daydreaming about the honeymoon , he didn't reminisce about going BSC on his blushing bride . Selective memory. My grandmother used to say, " Words once spoken can never be taken back.". Susan

Vivir de amor

Diana and friend, my thanks as always for another splendid recap.

I didn't hear her name clearly, but my CC wrote "Tina" for the maid's name.

I was a little disappointed in Pedrito again, he is carrying his grudge too far, and for too long. And passing up chocolate donuts! Granted, chocolate donuts are not my favorite form of chocolate, but close enough.
Poor Wanda looked really crestfallen. No sympathy at all from Pedrito?

Sandra, too. I'm not especially fond of Mati, but she did offer her hand and Sandra snubbed her. But perhaps Sandra is right, she is being honest, she is unhappy with the whole situation because she has a crush on Gabriel and she let Mati know it. Meh, Gabriel? Why?

For perhaps the first time I am rooting for JE. Renato should get a grip, face reality, and concede. There should be no wedding.

"Doris asks if some day he will be able to love her as much as he loves Dulce (which had me wincing away)."
Yeah, but he answered "Sí" and Doris did a happy, happy face! Me, too.

Hey, we're not real, real close to the end yet, but I like to see some happy scenes along the way, not just a mixed up bunch of HEAs all wrapped up in less than 15 minutes before the big "Fin".



Hola, Patio.

Thanks. Diana (stellar recap) & Sussudio (super dialog translation). Lots of ground to cover today. Plot lines are percolating and setting us up for high drama on all fronts. My faves: Pretty Woman, solicitously, nonplussed, and assimilate.

Not sure if this has been covered, but the song playing while Rebecca turned down Big Bang’s proposal and used her feminine charms to whisk him away is called “Gloria y Sergio.” Said song is performed by none other than Gala Montes (currently dba Refrida del Olmo) and released in January of this year. Not sure when the Steal All Yo Swiss Bank Money Remix will be available for download. All signs point to half past tomorrow’s episode. If this HAS been covered before, my sincerest apologies. Please ignore this paragraph.

Kudos to Kimberly Ramos ² & Amairani for their touching mother daughter scenes. It was refreshing to see both characters actually communicating and having a real moment. Ang finally got some support. It’s good to know Elena will be at the wedding our local oddsmakers have dubbed Snowball’s Chance in Hell. That is, of course, if Big Reb doesn’t strike again with her Earl of Ambien tea.

First Beanie Break: de repente, Memo and Axel decide to run amok with Brayan’s loot on the same day Brayan is released from the hoosegow?!! Ok. I’m just grateful none of these chumps performed any flips today. Can we keep it that way until the Gran Final? There is no information for the song that played during these scenes. Another blessing.

Just when I thought Chef Boy Nee-dee was going to man up and reveal the truth about Ang’s rescue, he instead confesses about the missing moolah. I know this was set up to segue to The Boy with the Worst Tattoo on his Neck having an epiphany at the casino, but still. I will admit the writers surprised me with that one. The therapist Ang recommended is a MIRACLE WORKER!!! It’s way too early for Santiasco’s redemption.

You’re the one for me, Fati!!! I love all the patio speculation that her upcoming summit with Ang will impede/stop the wedding. That totally never occurred to me. So far we have our body count and broken glass count. We have lots of time to add a divorce count.

Vocabulary Corner: @ Girls’ Night Wanda/Wandiux/Wandita says she’ll bring the games. Doris tells her despite it being a bachelor party, she shouldn’t sacar el cobre-figuratively show her true colors; literally get the copper.
Pedrito once again used trasculcar, a variant of esculcar - go through things. Mother Son Reunion is dragging. Wanda even admitted to esculcando. I liked seeing Alma’s maternal side, but I was yelling, “Tell them already, Wandiux!” at the screen.

In Hell Freezes Over news, Mónica didn’t chew up much scenery and was quite the voice of reason. She warned Misael not to trust Reb-reminding him with which head to think. I also applauded her not sticking around for any of this foolishness. Rebecca kicking off the Thom McAns and getting comfortable was hilarious. Mónica also quoted the Bible(!). Proverbs 14:18: The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge. Preach, Lush! Preach!

Does this Beanie make my doubt look fat? Romina finessing the passcodes after knocking Bruno out with tequila, hanky panky, and her left fore-tentacle was just too much! Nevertheless, the impending fireworks (her success sets up) should be lots of fun!!!

Missing from my broadcast:
•scene with Luciano, Fátima, and divorce attorney.
•Gi & Armando’s exchange.

Thanks again, Diana, friend, and patio. I was unceremoniously unavailable for the last few episodes, but I am back now.


O.S, ‘ Preach, Lush! Preach!’ Lol lmao too funny! Thanks for the morning laugh!



Andy, thank you as always for your kind words.

"For perhaps the first time I am rooting for JE. Renato should get a grip, face reality, and concede. There should be no wedding". You are always the unfailing voice of wisdom. Perfect Andy.

Ahhhh "Tina"! Thank you, have noted and will correct. :)

"I was a little disappointed in Pedrito again, he is carrying his grudge too far, and for too long. And passing up chocolate donuts!" Yes, not one but two acts of insanity. I readily admit, I am a sucker for chocolate donuts! Such a shame on both accounts.

To be fair, asking a widower whom you've had a few dates if he could love you as much as his wife who died while pregnant was cringeworthy. Just no. I was equally surprised at his answer. That said, if they are happy, I am too.

Pedrito is being a little brat who needs to get off his high horse. Wanda was so hurt and crestfallen, it was hard to watch.

I would also like some HEAs but the good news is that Cris and Adolfo, Luciano and Fatima, Sebas and Doris seem to be on that trek, as do Mati and Lucas (not everyone's favorites but)...



Andy, thank you as always for your kind words.

"For perhaps the first time I am rooting for JE. Renato should get a grip, face reality, and concede. There should be no wedding". You are always the unfailing voice of wisdom. Perfect Andy.

Ahhhh "Tina"! Thank you, have noted and will correct. :)

"I was a little disappointed in Pedrito again, he is carrying his grudge too far, and for too long. And passing up chocolate donuts!" Yes, not one but two acts of insanity. I readily admit, I am a sucker for chocolate donuts! Such a shame on both accounts.

To be fair, asking a widower whom you've had a few dates if he could love you as much as his wife who died while pregnant was cringeworthy. Just no. I was equally surprised at his answer. That said, if they are happy, I am too.

Pedrito is being a little brat who needs to get off his high horse. Wanda was so hurt and crestfallen, it was hard to watch.

I would also like some HEAs but the good news is that Cris and Adolfo, Luciano and Fatima, Sebas and Doris seem to be on that trek, as do Mati and Lucas (not everyone's favorites but)...



Andy, thank you as always for your kind words.

"For perhaps the first time I am rooting for JE. Renato should get a grip, face reality, and concede. There should be no wedding". You are always the unfailing voice of wisdom. Perfect Andy.

Ahhhh "Tina"! Thank you, have noted and will correct. :)

"I was a little disappointed in Pedrito again, he is carrying his grudge too far, and for too long. And passing up chocolate donuts!" Yes, not one but two acts of insanity. I readily admit, I am a sucker for chocolate donuts! Such a shame on both accounts.

To be fair, asking a widower whom you've had a few dates if he could love you as much as his wife who died while pregnant was cringeworthy. Just no. I was equally surprised at his answer. That said, if they are happy, I am too.

Pedrito is being a little brat who needs to get off his high horse. Wanda was so hurt and crestfallen, it was hard to watch.

I would also like some HEAs but the good news is that Cris and Adolfo, Luciano and Fatima, Sebas and Doris seem to be on that trek, as do Mati and Lucas (not everyone's favorites but)...



O.S., thank you so very much for your nice words.

Your smart, savvy and sensational comments have brought the snark today.

"Chef Boy Nee-dee" had me laughing out loud, a home run. "Steal All Yo Swiss Bank Money Remix", "Earl of Ambien tea" and "Thom McAns" (did that ever bring me back) were all sublime.

Elena and Angel's long overdue talk was touching but Elena is steadfastedly refusing to leave Beca's side. So frustrating.

Your vocabulary corner was superb. Your "Doris tells her despite it being a bachelor party, she shouldn’t sacar el cobre-figuratively show her true colors; literally get the copper" and "Pedrito once again used trasculcar, a variant of esculcar - go through things" translations added so much.

"Does this Beanie make my doubt look fat? Romina finessing the passcodes after knocking Bruno out with tequila, hanky panky, and her left fore-tentacle was just too much!" it was indeed but paled in comparison to your hysterical dead on summation.



O,S. I an always looking for a few giggles these days, and your snappy comments provide them . " Earl of Ambien" tea " " Does this beanie make my doubt look fat?"
Thanks . Ferro, one of the early recapoers used to say "We don't hate. We just mock." Onward... Susan

Thanks again Diana and Omni!
And O.S., your very clever commentary brings much needed laughs together with your stellar vocabulary additions.
Having been accused of being overly attached to my stuff, I understand Pedrito. The poor kid was living under that bridge or wherever he was, clinging to that wooden box. It’s everything for him, his only photo of dear departed abuela etc and Wanda had her mitts in it “esculcando” for no reason as far as he knows.
I’m sure Pedro being bratty is just to heighten the drama of the ultimate reunion, but I get how he would feel invaded.


Gracias, Diana and friend. Terrific job.

I loved Monica surprising Rebeca and Misael in his flat. Misael was the arch villain at the start of this TN, but now he's been reduced to the arch fool. Whatever additional shares Rebeca gets will be for her good, not his.

Real beanie moment when Romina smacks a groggy Bruno and he goes back to sleep. But I welcome her having the upper hand over this dummy.

Doris made me cringe too. We know she has a heart of gold, but she was shallow here, thinking about what she wants and not what he's been through.


Thanks so much, Diana and friend, another great recap under your belts! I thought you were going to get a day off this week but unless things change it looks like a full week!

When Sandra didn’t shake Mati’s hand I was thinking it was because Mati threatened with making sure she’d lose her job if she didn’t help. That would quickly have me realizing that person is not a friend.

Does Fatima know JE ran into the burning building to save Angel? I feel that if Angel realized Renato was taking credit for that, and never did it, that would end the wedding plans. I’m hoping one of the neighborhood ladies will mention it.

I feel like Elena is still putting more pressure on Angel to be nice to her sister. She still doesn’t realize how bad Rebeca is. Meanwhile Rebeca is busy stealing money from both families. And Angel didn’t realize her mother was drugged! Even knowing what Rebeca is like.

My thoughts were the same as Susan’s, JE’s honeymoon memories stopped before he threw a tantrum and lashed out at his new wife. Rebeca is still winning.

I’m more anxious to see Romina tossed in jail now. She’s really manipulating Mati with her lies.

I am 50/50 on the wedding happening. Angel knows she doesn’t love him, why does she feel the need to marry Renato so she can move on from JE. She should do what Sebastian is doing. Or just devote herself to the co op. She doesn’t seem to enjoy kissing him and he’ll expect more after the wedding. That will be as painful to watch as Bruno and Romina.


Vivir. I just though that Rutina is a hilarious name for a maid, since she mostly does routine work.


Clara thank you for your very wise perspective on Pedrito: "The poor kid was living under that bridge or wherever he was, clinging to that wooden box. It’s everything for him, his only photo of dear departed abuela etc and Wanda had her mitts in it “esculcando” for no reason as far as he knows...I’m sure Pedro being bratty is just to heighten the drama of the ultimate reunion"...Of course you are right!

He is after all just a child. Such understanding and kindness from you, Gracias.



Niecie, thank you so much.

"Misael was the arch villain at the start of this TN, but now he's been reduced to the arch fool" was just great! :)

"Doris made me cringe too. We know she has a heart of gold, but she was shallow here, thinking about what she wants and not what he's been through". Well said and it mirrored my thoughts exactly.



Thank you so much Liz.

I don't blame Sandra for not shaking Mati's hand either. As you noted, she threatened her and that surely stung.

Elena is definitely adding to Angel's pressure with her nonsensical requests to be nice to her back stabbin' beyotch of a sister! :)

"My thoughts were the same as Susan’s, JE’s honeymoon memories stopped before he threw a tantrum and lashed out at his new wife. Rebeca is still winning; you and Susan make an excellent point!

Angel cares about Renato, but she is tepid at best isn't she? Not the most promising way to start a marriage.


I'm not sure about some things. How is Rebeca the major shareholder? Yes she got all Chris's shares, but I would imagine DE as the founder would hold the majority, with Monica and Chris probably having equal shares. Then you have JE, Fatima and Misael as grandchildren owning a certain percentage each. I guess Dulce probably owned some shares which may have reverted back to Chris, but more likely Sebastian would have been the beneficiary. At any rate, I also got the impression there are other investors in the board meetings that they have held which dilutes the percentages even more. Maybe I am overthinking it too much.

O.S. I also thank you for the vocabulary lesson.


Darcy: Are we're any closer to Crazy Becca's downfall yet ?


VIVIR #85 Part 1

A startled Romina questions Rebeca; does she really want to have her transfer ALL the money to her account? Romina reminds her Misael will receive a notification as soon as the money is moved. Yes, Rebeca insists, you need to transfer the entire amount; she will make sure Misael doesn’t see the notification. Oh and Rebeca wants a meeting for tomorrow—mark it as urgent! Romina balks a bit and Rebeca, having little patience with Romina, assures her she will be well compensated. Romina looks at incoherent, bare-chested Bruno and then hits the button to transfer the funds. Rebeca quickly takes Misael’s phone out of his jacket pocket, deleting the alert.

As Rebeca returns Misael’s phone to its proper place, he arrives and they start in on playing tonsil hockey. She asks how she can repay him for all he gives her! She dangles a lure, (lying through her teeth) saying she accepts his proposal! She then affirms Angel’s wedding is (STILL) the day after tomorrow; and after, promises theirs will be next. They get horizontal as we avert our eyes.

Luciano asks Domingo to watch his kids while he is gone and not permit them to leave the hacienda. Domingo assures Luciano he will keep an eye on them. Sandra approaches to let Luciano know that Fatima will come as soon as she finishes talking to her mother.

Cris worries to Don Emilio that she will have to tell Fatima that JE is Adolfo’s son and she doesn’t know how Fatima will react. Don Emilio assures Cris that Fatima will understand. Cris kept the secret for many years although she never wanted to lie. Cris fears Fatima will feel betrayed as she has already kept other secrets from her. Don Emilio tries to soothe her, telling her to calm down; he assures her everything will turn out well.

Fatima and Luciano feel badly that they falsely accused Lucas. They then discuss Romina and everything she has been up to. Luciano then remembers that he has an app (how James Bondish) to locate the family members. He sees that she is not in her apartment…she is at Bruno’s address!

Rebeca feigns concern for Elena who tells her she is feeling better. Elena tells her Angel was there. When Rebeca gets defensive, assuming Angel talked badly about her, Elena confirms but adds that she quickly put a stop to it…and she will do the same with Rebeca. She has not lost hope of seeing them together (as the patio glares with frustration). Elena suggests that Rebeca go with her to the wedding (OMG, Elena is insane) and of course Rebeca agrees. Elena mentions the missing money and Rebeca spews one of the waiters saw Santi take the money. Elena asks which waiter, but Rebeca refuses to identify him. Rebeca wonders if Santi is gambling again. Elena seems skeptical but Beca pushes and Elena looks uncertain.

Bruno and Romina are in bed “waking up” as he comments that the tequila was very strong; he doesn’t know how they got there. Romina pretends she has a hangover as well…As they rouse, the doorbell rings!

Elena confronts Santi and asks why he took the money. He denies it and assumes (correctly) that Rebeca blames him for stealing it. He vehemently states Rebeca made it up and repeats he didn’t take it. If Elena wants to believe Rebeca, she can stay there with all the lies! He leaves as she calls out after him.

Bruno and his tats open the door to Luciano. As he demands to see Romina, Bruno insists she isn’t there but of course she is, in the flesh (so to speak). Luciano scathingly tells Romina he now understands why she wouldn’t answer his calls. He starts taking a video and warns that he will use it if he has to if she doesn’t sign the divorce agreement. After he leaves, Bruno calls him an imbecile as Romina wonders how on earth he knew she was there. She worries she won’t be able to take Javi and Mati from Luciano; what is she to do?!


VIVIR #85 Part 2

Fatima has invited Rebeca to breakfast. After Rebeca crawls onto her chair, Fatima omits the usual pleasantries and strikes right at the heart of the matter; she thanks God that her brother is divorcing Rebeca! Rebeca thinks Fatima wants her to return her mother’s shares, but nopis, that’s not why Fatima is there. When Rebeca asks what she is waiting for, Fatima replies that she’s waiting for Angel—she will reveal to Angel how Rebeca threatened JE that she would send Angel to jail for pushing her down the stairs. Rebeca wonders why Fatima is doing this…Angel is getting married tomorrow! Rebeca flat out refuses to help her stop the wedding and stalks off. Fatima rues that her plan has backfired and pouts.

Misael approaches JE wanting to talk about “their” father. Misael fumes that they were lied to for years and thinks, now that they are brothers, they can get along better. JE thinks that after everything that has happened, things will be no different; Misael was hoping to change their relationship but JE is right; JE will not change. Misael opens the door and Luciano is there. He tells JE that he just found Romina and Bruno in bed together. QUE?!

Santi swears to Angel that he didn’t take the money. Angel knows that he is trying not to repeat his previous mistakes…and knows exactly how he feels. She doesn’t doubt that their mother won’t believe it…but Santi must try not to get upset; he needs to remain calm. Angel will go with him to talk to their mother. Just then Fatima calls and Angel apologizes for not showing up; they can meet later. An agitated Santi doesn’t want to talk to his mother right now. And if Rebeca is there, he won’t be able to control himself. Angel starts to fix him some tea as he apologizes for bothering her with his problems. Angel puts her hand gently on his face telling him “te quiero” and that he can always count on her.

Luciano apologizes to JE for barging in. He is in disbelief that Romina is trying to take the kids; he knows she doesn’t care about them. And then she accuses him of infidelity! JE assures him he will be in good hands with Adolfo. Adolfo arrives right on cue and introductions are made. JE is sure Adolfo can help Luciano. After Adolfo takes Luciano to his office, JE gets the call that his mortgage has been paid off. He says it’s impossible and asks who did it. Answer is (ding, ding, ding) Rebeca Sanchez!

Misael complains to Rebeca as to how superior JE acts toward him. She tells him to calm down. As he kisses her hand, JE storms in…and his face mirroring his shock, asks Misael what he is doing there. Misael replies that what he has seen requires no question—he and Rebeca are novios! When JE reproaches that Misael could have told him since they had just talked, Misael retorts that he tried but JE wasn’t interested that they are brothers. JE asks how he can be involved with Rebeca after all she has done to them; how can he trust a woman who has betrayed their family?? Misael argues that JE despised Rebeca…and he and Rebeca just fell in love. JE warns that Misael should take caution with Rebeca. JE then asks Rebeca why she paid off the mortgage on his shares. Rebeca tells him that if he wants a divorce, she wants half of his shares!

Cris receives flowers and a sweet note from Adolfo. Smiling broadly, Don Emilio walks in and knows immediately who they are from. Gabriela then calls to inform Don Emilio that Rebeca has called a meeting. “What is it father” Cris asks. Don Emilio’s answer is tinged with fire, who knows what that unpleasant woman is up to!


VIVIR #85 Part 3

JE notes Misael’s expression and surmises he didn’t know about her paying off the mortgage. Rebeca and JE’s argument escalates. When JE warns Misael that he is making the biggest mistake of his, life, Rebeca interjects that she has had some “marvelous moments” with Misael…and she enjoys him…even while married to JE! Unbelievably, she doesn’t stop there. Next, she tells him that the baby was not his. JE already knew that but now also understands Rebeca and Misael are together…and he will fight to keep his shares. Rebeca sneers that they will see each other at the meeting. Misael slams the door behind JE looking very upset.

Fatima is looking for Angel at the restaurant. Renato approaches and asks why she wants to talk to Angel (none of your beeswax would be my answer), so Fatima tells him she doesn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable, but Angel and JE are still very much in love. Renato argues that it’s easy to blame Rebeca, but JE could have gotten a divorce but preferred to stay with Rebeca. Fatima tells him there was good reason…Rebeca threatened JE with sending Angel to prison! After a lengthy explanation, Fatima adds that JE sacrificed himself for love…and Angel should know everything before she marries so she can decide for herself as to who she will stay with.

Corral is told that Brayan’s fine has been paid and he is free as a bird. She talks the talk (being worried about Lucas’ safety) but once again, fails to walk the walk (providing him with round the clock protection).

Brayan catches up with Memo and Axel, questioning them about his money. He thinks they stole it and physically threatens them, putting a knife to each of their throats, reminding them as to what happens to those who betray him. Axel sputters that they didn’t steal the money and gives Brayan a stack o’ ill-gotten bills. Brayan notices right away that money is missing so Axel tells him they borrowed some but will pay him back.

Lupe and Marisa enthusiastically tell Angel how well the new machine works and how production has increased. When Angel gets up to see the machine, they stop her and tell her they have set up a meeting and want her to attend. Angel agrees to go to Alma’s where it will be held. After she leaves, the ladies link their pinkies, happy they succeeded in getting Angel to go to her surprise bachelorette party.

Gabriela tells Cris and Don Emilio that JE has gone to talk to Rebeca. He wonders what “that woman” will do now.

Adolfo and Luciano talk about his divorce which he wants ASAP. Adolfo seems to have the matter in hand and the men shake hands. Gabriela tells Adolfo that there is an urgent meeting that Rebeca set up. He asks where Don Emilio and Cris are.
JE is outraged that Rebeca now wants half of his shares. Don Emilio (correctly) believes Rebeca has no shame or scruples. Cris doesn’t think Rebeca can do that but JE explains that he has already gotten the attorney’s notification. Adolfo enters and confirms that Rebeca can ask for the shares as part of the divorce. Don Emilio worries that it would give Rebeca the majority of the shares; and JE adds that Rebeca and Misael would get control of the company. When Adolfo argues that Misael wouldn’t go along with Rebeca, JE tells him that Rebeca and Misael are novios! Que?! He shares how he caught them together …and that Misael and Rebeca had a relationship even before he married Rebeca. Adolfo, Cris and Don Emilio are flabbergasted.


VIVIR #85 Part 4

A confused and upset Misael questions why Rebeca told JE about them…now they will be in the eye of the storm. Rebeca asks why it matters since people will be talking about her, not him. After Misael assures her that he won’t permit that, Rebeca tells him they need to be more united than ever AND he needs to get his mother’s support. When he asks why she didn’t tell him she paid off the mortgage, she tells him she was waiting to hear from the lawyer (liar). Further, when they get the presidency, they won’t need anyone and can do what they want with the company. Misael asks where she got the money so she tells him she got it from the restaurant (how gullible he is to not question this I huff). Rebeca then laughs as she recalls the look on JE’s face. Misael smirks as well as our retinas burn watching them kiss.

At a different far-from-joyous venue, Cris wonders how Misael could have gotten involved with Rebeca. Don Emilio reminds her that Misael has always been envious of JE and always coveted what JE has. JE reminds them that the important thing is the meeting. Monica is sure to support Misael and they will get the majority of the shares…which amounts to even more than Don Emilio’s shares! Don Emilio thinks that Misael will want the presidency as he has always wanted it. Adolfo tells them that even though his relationship with Misael is not the best (you can say that again), he will talk to him. The others warn him to be careful because he is very dangerous.

Monica is with Bruno wondering what the meeting is about. Misael barges in telling them they have to plan together for the meeting because JE already knows about him and Rebeca. Monica berates him…she had already warned him that everyone will turn their backs on him! Misael realizes that which is why they need to get JE out of the company…Monica will have to support Rebeca whether she likes it or not! Monica looks horrified and takes a stiff sip of her cocktail.

Over video games, Mati tells Lucas that her father wants to talk to him so he can apologize. Javi hovers nearby. Lucas thanks her for believing in him and hopes that JE and Fatima will regain their trust in him. Mati then tells him that Fatima is the reason his father wants a divorce…Fatima is her father’s lover. Lucas can’t believe that…he didn’t notice anything when he was at the hacienda.

Fatima continues telling Renato how JE sacrificed himself to save Angel from going to prison. That is why she is there…to tell Angel. When Renato points out that he and Angel will marry tomorrow, Fatima tells him that if Angel loves him so much, he shouldn’t worry about Angel finding out…and urges Renato to tell Angel himself. Fatima then gets Gabriela’s call about the meeting and leaves.

Angel goes to see Elena, wanting to take her to the doctor, but Elena refuses. When she worries about the missing money, Angel believes the money will show up. She tells Elena she does have some money saved and offers it to her mother. Elena refuses the offer, especially now that Angel lives on her own. Elena then asks about the wedding and comments that Renato will do everything to make her happy.


VIVIR #85 Part 5 of 5

Renato recalls being in the hospital seeing JE at Angel’s beside as he thinks about what Fatima told him. He asks Santi if he thinks Angel would go back to JE if she had the chance. Santi thinks he has the wedding jitters…but he doesn’t think Angel would want to go back to JE …and she agreed to marry him.

Renato murmurs that he doesn’t want to give up Angel…(who btw has never told him she loves him). Santi warns Renato that he is overdoing it with the spices. Santi thinks Renato is thinking about the wedding and offers to take over so Renato can go finish the prep for his wedding.

Mati asks about the neighborhood gang; so Lucas tells him they are around but they are leaving him alone. Mati is glad but I’m not. Has Corral even called Lucas or his parents to tell them Brayan is out??

Fatima speaks against Rebeca and Misael. JE points out that Rebeca and Misael have been making a fool of him; he is an imbecile; he should never have treated Angel the way he did or believed all of Rebeca’s lies. (Exactly right the patio fumes). Now that he wants to get back with Angel, the love of his life, he can’t because she is marrying someone else.

Standing outside Angel’s door, Fatima’s words reverberate in Renato’s head. Inside, Angel thinks about JE’s proposal and her utter joy in accepting. She thinks that she must say goodbye to JE since she is starting a new life. Renato comes up behind her as she puts her rings from JE down the drain murmuring “goodbye forever JE”. And as another perfectly good diamond meets an untimely and unnecessary demise, we end…

My friend’s extraordinary translations were critical to explaining all that occurred in today’s episode. I greatly appreciate all of her precious time and generous support.


So my final comment on yesterday's episode was pretty much explained today. The question of the shares and how Reb would have the majority. I didn't realize she had paid off the mortgage with the swiss bank account. I thought she was just absconding with it like Misael and Bruno did.

As Javi and Mati finish talking to Lucas the game monitor has Game Over. Is this a foreshadowing of Lucas' fate?

Vivir. A complete and wonderful (and completely wonderful) recap, Diana and friend. "tonsil hockey"--love it! "They get horizontal as we avert our eyes"--witty and clever as usual. Whoa! Evil Rebeca thinks of everything--even deleting Misael's account alert. My goodness! Trailing Romina electronically? That's kind of a bad (and unethical) thing--spying on people even if there is a good reason. After learning that the only reason JE didn't divorce Rebeca was to protect Angelli, will Renato do the noble thing and call off the wedding? He's giving signals that that might be the case.


Dear Diana and friend, thank you for bringing us every detail as the drama rolls along. I read it , and then was going to watch the episode, but then I discovered that the episode did not record . Well, I was spared watching Reb and Mistake wrestling . I would have liked to see Romeana 's face when Luciana showed up at Bruno's bachelor pad. Que lastima.

P.s. The actor playing Bruno is a rich weasel in "El Conde" which premiered last night and was recapped superbly by Novelera. Also in the cast is Viktor Gonzales looking munch younger with dark hair than he looked in " Invencible."

Well, will Renato revert to his previous Knight in shining armor fair maiden rescuer status , or does he want to marry the fair maiden at any cost? Susan



Diana and friend, super recap, all the details, and sharp commentary. Loved it.

Yes! Luciano videoed Romina with Bruno. She doesn't even want custody of her kids, she just wants to one-up Luciano.

Angel tosses JE's ring down the sink. Elena is strapped for dinero, with Rebeca stealing and Santi gambling, but let's throw cash down the drain. This TN cliche is so over.

Rebeca is feeling omnipotent isn't she?

Vivir de amor

Gracias, Diana! You have taken this episode and turned it into a tasty literary treat!

Diana, something from yesterday. When Sebastian and Doris first met I thought it was much too soon for Sebas. But there was some "love at first sight" magic between them, it was not as if Sebas had said to himself "Oh, well, Dulce's gone; let me try Tinder."
I pretty quickly got over my original hesitation.

I had to laugh at "Luciano then remembers that he has an app (how James Bondish) to locate the family members." And apparently his wife doesn't know about the app. Definitely a model marriage.

Agente Corral has been a bit of a disappointment throughout, quite aside from not being as good-looking as was Angie Dickinson, but I'm hoping she does something to protect Lucas.

Renato realizes that Angel has never told him that she loves him? Ouch! I suppose I never really fixed on that. There are various reasons to get married, and not all marriages are great love affairs, but if that is what someone is looking for he should absolutely not be marrying someone who can't honestly say that she loves him.
I feel for poor, dumb Renato, but it's time for him to get over himself and talk it over with Angel and then they can cancel the wedding.
But this is a telenovela, so maybe something much more dramatic. But he has gone to see her. Hopefully in tomorrow's episode, as I'm tired of this.
But there should be no wedding, it would actually be much better for both of them. And maybe for Jimena, too.

"Renato comes up behind her as she puts her rings from JE down the drain murmuring “goodbye forever JE”. And as another perfectly good diamond meets an untimely and unnecessary demise, we end…"

I really have to calm myself when I see this. It's just a telenovela, hopefully nobody would really do this. There are so many good causes out there just crying for lack of money to help people that even in a telenovela it hurts.
I hope it doesn't become a "thing" in Mexico.

Ah, Niecie, I forgot about Elena being out a lot of money. Yet another reason this was so stupid!



"As Javi and Mati finish talking to Lucas the game monitor has Game Over. Is this a foreshadowing of Lucas' fate?"

Oh dear, I hope not Kat!



SpanProf, you are so kind. Thank you very much.

"After learning that the only reason JE didn't divorce Rebeca was to protect Angelli, will Renato do the noble thing and call off the wedding? He's giving signals that that might be the case". I hope so SpanProf! For the first time, it appeared he might be second guessing himself. Fingers crossed he cancels it but honestly I have no idea what he is going to do!

I just learned there are several options, Life360 among them, advertised as a "family safety and location sharing" app. I am not tech savvy at all but wondered if Luciano used something like that to track Romina? Just a thought, I have no idea. I find the idea chilling and personally would not want to use or have anyone use that on me!

You're exactly right in that Rebeca is always a step ahed. Infuriating...I can't wait until she is unmasked for who and what she is.



Susan, thank you very much.

"I was spared watching Reb and Mistake wrestling" was just great. I needed that!

"The actor playing Bruno is a rich weasel in "El Conde"; sounds like he is being typecast? Villain roles are very rewarding...

"Will Renato revert to his previous Knight in shining armor fair maiden rescuer status , or does he want to marry the fair maiden at any cost?" Good question...I am hoping for the former but we shall see.



Thank you Niecie!

"Angel tosses JE's ring down the sink. Elena is strapped for dinero, with Rebeca stealing and Santi gambling, but let's throw cash down the drain. This TN cliche is so over" is SO right. What a waste.

I completely agree that Romina doesn't want the kids; she is pathetic.

"Rebeca is feeling omnipotent isn't she?" Perfectly phrased. And sad. But true. Sigh.



Andy, I really appreciate your nice words.

"...there was some "love at first sight" magic between them, it was not as if Sebas had said to himself "Oh, well, Dulce's gone; let me try Tinder" was wry and witty, perfect!

"I feel for poor, dumb Renato, but it's time for him to get over himself and talk it over with Angel and then they can cancel the wedding...But there should be no wedding, it would actually be much better for both of them. And maybe for Jimena, too. :-)" I completely agree, well said!

The diamond flushing was absurd. As you and Niecie noted, there is absolutely no excuse for throwing money down the drain; money that would have meant so much to others. I'm hoping Angel comes to her senses and pulls out a plunger.

"Agente Corral has been a bit of a disappointment throughout, quite aside from not being as good-looking as was Angie Dickinson, but I'm hoping she does something to protect Lucas". Angie was a very good looking woman, true that. I'm afraid though that any hope I had for Corral has faded. She knows full well Lucas is in danger but inexplicably, does nothing to sound the alarm.



Once again, thanks Diana and friend, for filling in details that are over my head. Still not sure I understand the mortgage on the shares, but I do understand something being paid off!

Elena just gets dumber and dumber. I think I would have trouble forgiving a mother that turned her back on me. I can’t figure out why she always believes Rebeca.

When will Misael figure out he’s not part of Rebeca’s plan? I can’t wait for him to figure out why his Swiss bank accounts are empty.

I wish I could say I felt sorry for JE when he discovered Rebecca’s infidelity from before their marriage. But I was pleased he realized he was pretty harsh with Angel while believing Rebeca.

What will Renato do? I’m leaning towards telling Angel what she should know. Meanwhile I agree with everyone, throwing rings down drains is crazy, especially when money is short. I did have a friend who’s husband asked for a divorce. It was a real shock to all of us and he married the girl he had the affair with. But my friend threw her ring in the trash. She had two young kids and I thought it was a crazy thing to do. Her ring was probably not worth as much as a set from JE would be worth, but people do that.



Hola, Patio.

Yesterday’s Stuff
•Darcy, you’re very welcome for the morning laugh. Thanks for the comment, and hopefully there will be plenty more to come.
•Diana, you’re most welcome. It’s the least I can do since you and your buddy do all the heavy lifting. You spoil us all with your rockin’ recaps and devilish asides.
•Susan, we already established that we’re sitting together at the next party. Ferro sounds like fun. Mock, Mock, till you drop!
•Clara, thanks for the kind words. I enjoy your commentary and look forward to esculcando more laughs.
•Kat, you’re welcome. Nerd Alert: I love linguistics and dissecting the phrases and vernacular on these crazy shows.

Today’s Junk
Thanks, Electra Woman (extraordinary translations) and Diana Girl (recap). Today’s show was hopelessly stuck in 2nd gear and dragged IMHO. Ya’ll must be Prime Members as ya’ll are getting extra content. I didn’t get the Luciano/Domingo/Sandra scene described at the beginning or the Cris/d. Emilio powwow. I’m glad you captured it for us.

I don’t know much about fashion, but I liked Rebecca’s leather jacket with the gold cutout ringlets. I thought Rebecca said she would consider going to the wedding (you know? For Ang’s sake. LOL). At least she acknowledged that Ang doesn’t want her there. Of course she’ll show up. We need the drama!

Bruno says he’s never gotten “blackout” drunk before which is a real tragedy. That means he marched into a tattoo parlor and ordered those gut-wrenching tattoos completely sober. Has he ever made a wise decision? I’m glad Luciano was able to get his Cheaters™️ footage. Now to fast track the divorce!

I was excited to see Fátima and Rebeca sharing a scene, but it quickly fizzled. The writers could have had a fantastic diva throwdown, but no. I guess we’ll have to wait 4O more episodes. The show picked up some steam with Big Reb blabbing ALL about her intimate past with Big Bang to JE. I wasn’t expecting so much disclosure. Later, I wasn’t ready for JE already calling Adolfo “Papá.” That was quick (yet fitting).

I really hope they pick up the pace tomorrow. I found myself paying more attention to Renato’s fly peach Member’s Only®️ jacket than to Ang’s crimes against plumbing. Here’s hoping!!!


Thank you, Diana, once again your recap outshines the episode! :) I agree with O.S., the show meandered but you did not my friend and your wit and hard work make this journey so much more enjoyable!

About find your family apps, I've never used one, but my sister's do all the time! I tease them that they are stocking their kids, but honestly, I think it's a good idea in this day and age. Especially if you have kids who tend to wander off or there's some sort of emergency. One of my nephews disappeared for a while before. My sis told him to go to his Aunt's house after school, which he did, but he thought she meant a different aunt; so while he didn't show up at one aunt's and my sister was looking everywhere for him, he was just chilling at the other aunt's house! This was before family locator - with it, my sis would have known right away where her son was. I'm pretty sure though you have to allow the locator on your phone so in most cases all parties know they are being 'tracked', my nieces and nephews know their mom's stalk them. Romina probably knew about it too, she just wasn't thinking about it obviously. There's the possibility of abusing it of course, but as designed some random person can't just start tracking you, you have to connect intentionally on the app and give them permission.

So many secrets exposed so quickly! Romina and Bruno, Mis and Rebeca... I expected that to take several more episodes!

I wonder now, will JE stay married to avoid Rebeca getting his shares? Could he get an annulment (they never consummated and Beca defrauded him) without her getting a settlement from his property? How will JE wiggle out of this one???

I will be pleasantly surprised by Renato tells Angel the truth, I'm thinking he won't, but I hope I'm wrong!


Thanks so much Liz!

I say it's a tie between Elena and Misael for "Dumb and Dumber" what do you think??

"When will Misael figure out he’s not part of Rebeca’s plan?" Simply speculation but I don't think he is going to find out until the bitter end. He is content with her crumbs of (non-existent) affection but as to why I cannot even venture a guess.

Elena is wrong in most things but the undeniable truth is that (for worse) Rebeca is her daughter. I would venture her guilt propels her into trying to integrate Rebeca back into the family which as we all know is futile. I could understand it more if she didn't have Angel but she does. A good, loyal daughter whom she is treating like dirt.

I hope you are right in that Renato does come clean with Angel. But I have my doubts and am fearing the wedding is going to happen. I'm usually wrong, so there is that :)



O.S., thank you! You were sizzling as always. Loved "Today's Junk"; your witty comments add so much to our conversation.

"Electra Woman (extraordinary translations)" is SO true. And O.S., I didn't get the scenes you noted either. It often happens (perhaps due to the number and length of the commercials shown in different locations) and it was my marvelous friend that provided them to me.

"Bruno says he’s never gotten “blackout” drunk before which is a real tragedy. That means he marched into a tattoo parlor and ordered those gut-wrenching tattoos completely sober" had me smiling away. Excellent!

I was surprised Rebeca spilled all her tea on Misael to JE. And Misael just stood there and accepted it, although he wasn't happy. What a doormat.

I also rued there was no "diva showdown" between Fatima and Rebeca. A missed opportunity for sure!

I agree that surely Rebeca will show up to the (seemingly inevitable) wedding!

OMG, "Renato’s fly peach Member’s Only®️ jacket" was perfect! How could I have missed it?? Here's hoping he wears it again today. You have such a great eye.



Darcy, thank you for your always lovely and supportive comments.

Thank you for all the information you provided about "find your family apps". "I'm pretty sure though you have to allow the locator on your phone so in most cases all parties know they are being 'tracked'" makes perfect sense along with the fact that must have slipped Romina's mind. It does seem like a good idea (and a life saver) for children.

There were quite a few revelations yesterday but am glad that Romina and Bruno were exposed for the loathsome due they are.

"I wonder now, will JE stay married to avoid Rebeca getting his shares? Could he get an annulment (they never consummated and Beca defrauded him) without her getting a settlement from his property?" are excellent questions. It would seem logical that JE could procure an annulment but I am sure that will be much easier said than done. I'm thinking that even though JE now knows the baby wasn't his he likely doesn't realize he and Rebeca never did sleep together(?) What a tangled web...



My theory is that the wedding will start so that we get to see all the peoples dressed in their best ( or worst in some cases) and Angel in whatever she halfheartly picked out to wear in the BIG day since she always has beautiful , understated , elegant clothes .We also get to see Reb smirking and posing in another fashion crime .Then, something\ someone stops the ceremony. Susan

VIVIR #86 Part 1

Luciano is on the phone when (falsely) indignant, tight lipped Romina enters, spewing that if he is there to reproach her…Luciano immediately stops her; he could care less if she is involved with Bruno, he just doesn’t want it to affect the children’s lives.

Romina then rushes into Rebeca’s office, apologizing for being late. The mortgage has been paid off and everything is prepared for the meeting. She informs Rebeca that what the shareholders are most upset about is the company’s financial losses. Mati calls Romina who turns her phone off as she and Rebeca continue to strategize.

Renato walks up behind Angel, smiling that what she just did (throwing her valuable rings down the drain) means a lot to him; it confirms he was not mistaken about her feelings for him. (Fool 1). After he thanks her, she murmurs appreciatively for all the affection and sincere love he has given her; he deserves love in return. He tells her she is the only woman whom he should give his love to. Angel wants to forget the past and have the opportunity to start a new life with him. She denies having any doubts and will do all she can so they can be happy. (Fool 2). Perhaps her words should convey that to her face.

Fatima asks Luciano how things went. She (wisely) thinks Romina and Bruno have something planned since Rebeca has called a meeting. Luciano tells her that Romina wasn’t “precisely” working in Bruno’s apartment. Que?! They are lovers and now Romina will have to give him the divorce…as well as custody of the children! Fatima smiles and nods and he embraces her, holding her close to his heart.

Javi doesn’t understand why Mati keeps calling their mother who never answers. Delusional Mati thinks their mother will feel bad when their father asks for a divorce…and she might think that they don’t care about her. Javi suggests that Mati call their father, but she thinks she might interrupt a tense discussion (girl, you have no idea).

Too little too late Corral (along with 3 policemen) arrive at Lupe and Lucas’. Lupe is a bit startled as she invites them in. Corral tells Lucas et al that Brayan is out of jail! She continues they obviously can’t leave Lucas unprotected after all that he helped them with, so they will provide security for a couple of weeks. Lupe thanks her as she and Luis flank Lucas on each side.

Adolfo barges into Misael’s office, furiously asking how he could be involved with “that woman”! Misael thinks he has no right to tell him anything because he has a child with his wife’s sister. Adolfo snarls that he can’t compare their situations …and further, never compare “that woman” with Cris! Misael smirks as to what Adolfo’s plans are with Cris…maybe they can have a double wedding! Adolfo engages in an exercise in futility as he tries to convince Misael that Rebeca is an evil, conniving, manipulative, heinous beyotch but Misael won’t allow him to speak badly about the woman he loves! (Fool 3)

Over coffee, Cris is (rightfully) worried about what Misael and Rebeca are concocting. She wonders to Don Emilio as to where Rebeca got so much money to pay off the company debt.


VIVIR #86 Part 2

Monica is also worried; she doesn’t trust that “market girl”. Bruno points out that Rebeca played her cards right and hired a very intelligent assistant; they should support her. Monica warns that Rebeca is plotting something to get what she wants. Bruno frustratingly asks if she will support Rebeca or not? Monica glares, hand on hip.

Adolfo is still with Misael who doesn’t need his advice or his concern since he knows what he is doing (e.g. scaling Mt. Everest without a pickaxe). Adolfo pleads that he leave Rebeca who is not the woman for him, but Misael argues that is something he should decide himself. Adolfo, defeated, finally gives up and leaves.

Wedding preparations are in full swing as Lupe tells Pedrito and Loli not to play with the “arras” (coins) which will be used for Angel’s wedding. She explains about the “arras”, shared prosperity and a happy marriage.

Luciano confronts Gabriel about stealing and planting the bracelet in Lucas’ backpack. Gabriel tries to deny it, but Luciano has the confession and tells Gabriel to get his things and git!

Lupe goes to pick up Angel who is lip smacking Renato. Lupe pulls Renato along.

Gabriel approaches Sandra and is quite contemptuous that she betrayed him; he complains he was “run off” because of her! Sandra, upset, calls and runs after him but he doesn’t turn around.

The party is in full swing as Angel and Renato arrive, joining friends and family. Streamers fly through the air and a fun, lighthearted atmosphere prevails. Angel dons a short white veil and Renato (still in his members only jacket, thank you O.S.) is gifted with a seemingly too small hat. There is much joy and applause with Doris having the only downturned lip in the group. Mustic starts and Angel dances.

At an unhappier venue, Sandra reproaches Mati for betraying her…Gabriel was run off the hacienda and now he hates her. Mati didn’t know they would ask Gabriel to leave, but what he did wasn’t right. Sandra is not appeased; she doesn’t understand why those who have everything while poor people like herself can’t be with the guy they love. Mati, whose apology seems very contrite, is not forgiven. Sandra announces she and Mati are no longer friends!

Lucas sees Brayan but cannot escape in time. Fortunately, Lucas’ security guard stops Brayan, reminding him he is on probation. Brayan reluctantly backs off.

Everyone is gathered around the conference table as Don Emilio arrives and sits at the head. Seeing Cris, an angry Monica spouts off that Cris should not be there. Don Emilio explains that Cris is there as his counselor. Rebeca, large and yearning to be in charge, enters (followed by Romina) saying things WILL be changing! Glaring and glowering ensue.

Rebeca expresses her dissatisfaction as to how JE is running the company; the only thing he’s done is to lose capital. She then blames Cris and JE for accusing her of a made up cienoso so they could imprison her. She continues that the company is close to being bankrupt and that JE paid for the mortgage on his shares…she used the money he had saved up. Adolfo interjects that they shouldn’t believe anything Rebeca has to say. More impassioned discussion from both sides until Rebeca insists it’s time to remove JE as president.


VIVIR #86 Part 3

Overall, the partygoers are dressed casually. Armando is sporting a nice blue blazer and looks quite handsome. And very tall. Santi twirls the light fantastic with Pinky. Doris complains about Sebas leaving as Wanda is whisked away by Primitivo. Others (including Renato, Jimena and David) chat about Armando’s idea to open a pizza franchise, Alma tells Angel she will make her wedding bouquet. Lupe approaches and advises Angel that the most important thing in a marriage is the love the couple feels for each other. Pedrito teases Carmelo about marrying Marisa. Armando tries to talk to a hostile Doris; she thinks he’s hitting on her. In a fortuitous sense of timing, Gi gets the DNA results that indicate 100% compatibility and smiles, planning to correct the situation. Sebastian arrives to Doris’ delight but expresses regret that he won’t be able to attend the wedding as Doris’ face falls. Alma asks Wanda why she was going through Pedrito’s things. Wanda avoids the question until Alma gently urges her to impart the reason. Wanda sadly confides about the son who was taken away…and Pedrito reminds her of the baby.

Renato pulls Angel outside and tells her he can’t wait for the day to be over so he can make Angel his wife. Their kiss is chaste and unexciting.

Don Emilio urges the meeting participants not to commit a big mistake, but Rebeca insists they vote. After the vote, the notary informs them that there aren’t enough votes to remove JE. Rebeca presents the divorce agreement that will require JE to give her half of his shares, so the notary them informs them that with shares now held by Rebeca, Monica and Misael, JE can be removed…and he is removed!

JE and Fatima try to convince the shareholders that they are making a mistake, but Misael and Monica argue in favor of removing JE. When Rebeca proposes that she be named president, Monica and Misael are shocked and won’t give her their vote. Don Emilio interjects that they need to base their decisions on reason, intelligence and the TRUTH!! When Rebeca starts to insult Don Emilio, JE stops her and demands that she tell them where she got the money to free up his shares. She is silent as he continues to demand an answer. When she does speak, the answer it that she got it from a Swiss bank account! Misael and Monica’s facial expressions mirror their utter horror.


VIVIR #86 Part 4 of 4

Alma tells Angel she is surprised that Rebeca was freed. She hopes God makes Rebeca see what a good person Angel is. (Fat chance I scoff). Angel doubts it since Rebeca was capable of throwing herself down the stairs and blaming her for it. Alma is shocked (she shouldn’t be) and wonders what else Rebeca is capable of. Alma again blames herself.

Lucas is leaving the apartment with the security guard in close proximity. Lucas manages to evade him!

Primitivo tells Wanda she is the woman he would want for his children. Wanda smiles as the two flirt. There is more discussion (that includes Jimena) focused on opening a pizza franchise. Gi tries to chat with Doris who again goes off on her rant about Armando. The kids are running around enjoying themselves and accidentally run smack into Doris with a chocolate cream pie, now smeared all over Doris’ blouse. Angel immediately takes Doris into her bedroom and opens her wardrobe. She carefully selects a silky, soft, feminine pink blouse. She smiles and tells Doris she chose it as it is Sebastian’s favorite color. She talks briefly and lovingly about Dulce, her “sister”, and tells Doris that she must be very special if Sebastian likes her. When Doris brings up Sebastian’s missionary venture, Angel seems to reassure her. Doris, who seems to have had a change of heart, is finally smiling and thanks her.

Lucas, out in plain sight, foolishly talks to Mati and mentions his security guard as Brayan and thugs watch and listen. Brayan has to be held back by Axel and Memo. Brayan now plans to hurt Lucas by hurting his girlfriend.

Rebeca shows JE evidence of the Swiss account which is under the company’s name. Cris interjects that to open an account, several signatures are required. Monica, now in full panic mode, tries to deflect, insisting that Misael be named president. Don Emilio does not agree! He wants Rebeca to explain how she found the account. Rebeca snidely insinuates that Don Emilio can’t handle the truth. When she starts to tell them about what Don Emilio found out, Misael is livid, screaming, momentarily stopping her. One moment Don Emilio says as he starts to stand. It’s all coming back to me. Indeed it has as he now remembers that Misael stole funds to create the ghost company!! As Misael stands yelling in denial, JE rushes him and a full-blown fistfight ensues!

My friend’s superior wordsmithing and precise dialogue translations (especially in the confusing board room scenes) were evident throughout. How fortunate we all are to be the beneficiaries of such talent and generosity.


Vivir. An excellent recap as usual, Diana and friend. "Perhaps her words should convey that to her face." Loved it! Still, with all their positive conversation, not once does Angelli tell Renato that she loves him. Thank goodness Agente Corral finally comes through. But what an idiot Lucas is to evade his police guard! Rebeca not the right woman for a double murderer? Au contraire. The shareholders' meeting descends into chaos. I wonder who will come out in control of the company. Gabriel gets what he deserves--the exact thing he was trying to do to Lucas. Oops! It looks as if Rebeca's plot is going to end with Misael in jail for embezzling. And will there be a wedding? Maybe we'll find out tomorrow and maybe not.


Diana and friend, super job. I could paste SpanProf's complete comments here. Excellent coverage of this fun epi.

Finally, Rebeca is on shaky ground and taking Misael down with her. LOVED IT.

I actually don't mind Angel and Renato getting married. I want to see howe awkward they'll be with each other when the honeymoon goes pfft.

Doris finally sees the light. She was still scornful at Angel at her own surprise party, up until the blouse loan.


Dear Diana and faithful friend, thank you . We are so lucky to have you two devoted folks who provide us with a bouncing recap for every episode . Diana, your kind heart and generous nature shines through each and every recap.

Hmmm...have we been told exactly where Reb got her MBA? She is getting increasingly arrogant which will hopefully cause her to start slipping. She is always so sure that she is the smaetrst person in thecroom.

I guess angelic Angel opening her closet will win over Doris , and eventually Doris will help hoist Reb's anvils into place .

Lucas is hopeless. He finally is given police protection , but he climbs out his bedroom window to get away from him.

Quite a pleasant shower , but where was Elena ? Who made the guestlist? Susan

Vivir de amor

Wow! What an episode and what a great recap! Thank you Diana and friend.

The fudge really hit the fan today! Things are finally beginning to look up, but why another two months to go?

Poor Sandra, but Gabriel is not that great a guy anyway. At least not now, he is still very young and hopefully will become better.
I still can't figure out how old Sandra is. She does look a very little more mature now, but I still think of her as somewhere around 12 years old.
And I still wonder why Bruno (was it Bruno?) was all over her very early in this telenovela and there were no repercussions. I always thought he should have gone to jail or taken behind the wood shed by some of the hacienda's workers.

Lucas is being silly. Brayan and associates are their usual atrocious selves.

Much more interesting was the party at Alma's and later the corporate meeting.

Diana, I loved "Lupe goes to pick up Angel who is lip smacking Renato." Ah, yes, those long, torrid kisses. Well, working towards, maybe, maybe.

I didn't realize that Armando was that tall. I'm happy that Wanda confided in Alma, something has to get the ball rolling for Wanda and Pedrito.
Sebastian made the party, but he came in sneezing. Does this mean something? And somebody please give the man some tissues.

It was nice to see Angel and Doris together. I think we can safely assume that Doris is no longer Becky's BFF and henchgirl :-)
I'm looking forward to Sebastian's reaction when he sees Doris in pink. I think I'd like to see it myself.

And now Gi has the positive DNA results. This party could be quite something if the writers work it right.
One thing I noticed is that Jimena doesn't look at all concerned that Renato and Angel are getting married.

The Rivero Cuéllar corporation board meeting was fantastic! But there was not a lot of harmony or support for the administration shown. Of course all due to Becky's tossing virtual hand grenades into the meeting.
I actually felt a little sorry for poor dumb Misael (or Mistake, as Susan rightly calls him). Even idiot JE has realized that Becky is not to be trusted.
I hope we see a little more of the fist fight tomorrow and get to see Becky knock out a couple of guys.

No doubt about it, Rebeca runs this show. I have always mostly enjoyed this show as it has ploddingly made its way to this point, but I like it even more now that things are actually happening.

Diana, thanks again.



SpanProf, thank you so very much.

"Still, with all their positive conversation, not once does Angelli tell Renato that she loves him". Exactly SpanProf! Here they are pledging their lives, their futures to each other yet Angel has failed to utter the three little words that mean everything? Renato needs to rouse himself and get a clue.

I'm beyond frustrated with Lucas. Did the shanking not leave a lasting impression???

I think there will be a wedding. Sadly...

No sympathy for Gabriel. None. Nopis. :)

What a free for all board meeting!! I hate to say it but Beca is sadly but definitively gaining control.

Such great observations and comments SpanProf! Thank you...



Niecie, thank you so much.

"Finally, Rebeca is on shaky ground and taking Misael down with her. LOVED IT". Her ambushing him was just great; the look on his face was priceless. I have to give Beca her props - she isn't scared or intimidated by anyone.

On Angel and Renato: "I want to see how awkward they'll be with each other when the honeymoon goes pfft" had me smiling away. No love, no passion, no chance.

Niecie, I always enjoy how you get to the heart of the matter: "Doris finally sees the light. She was still scornful at Angel at her own surprise party, up until the blouse loan". Exactly right!

I have to say something about Angel here. She is sugar, no spice and everything nice. Perhaps not the most exciting heroine, but I'm starting to appreciate her nurturing nature. I've not seen her ever be mean or petty to anyone. Surely she saw and felt Doris' attitude toward her yet she paid no heed. She was kind and generous, thinking of Sebas and no doubt, Dulce. Sometimes, vanilla is perfect.



Susan, thank you for your very kind words; they are so appreciated.

I savored your take on Beca who " getting increasingly arrogant which will hopefully cause her to start slipping. She is always so sure that she is the smartest person in the room". "Arrogant" is a perfect word to describe her. She DOES think she is the smartest person in any room. And frankly, except for when Don Emilio is in the room, that statement is generally true!

I am also hoping "Doris will help hoist Reb's anvils into place". :)

Elena did tell Angel she'd be attending the shower. Hmmm. Perhaps she will arrive with Beca in tow to ruin the festivities?

Now that the wedding is being referred to as happening "tomorrow" will that mean tomorrow for us too???



Andy, thanks very much.

"But there was not a lot of harmony or support for the administration shown. Of course all due to Becky's tossing virtual hand grenades into the meeting" had me laughing out loud. Perfect!

"Lucas is being silly. Brayan and associates are their usual atrocious selves" says it all.

I hadn't noticed Sebas was sneezing when he arrived; thank you for pointing that out. Perhaps he might get sick and get derailed from his missionary pursuit?? Like you, I hope we get to see Sebas' reaction when he sees Doris in that pretty pink blouse.

"One thing I noticed is that Jimena doesn't look at all concerned that Renato and Angel are getting married". You're right, great observation.

Gabriel has been a huge disappointment. Not only in what he did but in the way he reacted to being caught dead to rights. There was no remorse, no sense of shame or an ounce of guilt. If that weren't alarming enough, he turned his anger on Sandra, accusing her of betrayal when of course that label belongs solely to him. I believe in second chances but do not think Gabe is going to have an overnight epiphany. Sandra deserves so much better.

You raised an important in wondering why there were no repercussions for Bruno attacking Sandra early on. "I always thought he should have gone to jail or taken behind the wood shed by some of the hacienda's workers". I agree Andy and am hoping he lands in jail quickly before he threatens or hurts anyone else.

Last but not least "I hope we see a little more of the fist fight tomorrow and get to see Becky knock out a couple of guys". Now that I'd love to see!



Thanks so much, Diana and friend. That was outstanding. I would have been lost at the board meeting.

So Misael (loved the dumb and dumber for Elena and him) had plans for the presidency but sees Rebeca going after it. And then finds out she got the money from a Swiss bank account. Has he wised up to Rebeca yet! Monica and Bruno seem to realize where the money came from. And that jogged Don Emilio’s memory! I never realized business meetings could be so much fun.

The party the barrio threw for Angel was very nice. Too bad Renato was there, and never confessed what Fatima told him and what he knew. What a disappointment. I have to agree with Susan, I think the wedding will start but be disrupted. Maybe one of the neighbors will mention Angel not marrying the man that ran into a burning building. I didn’t realize Renato was telling Angel he was glad she tossed her rings. Same as throwing money down the drain.

I also like Niecie’s idea of the awkward wedding night. Might be fun!

So Brayan wants to go after Mati. I’m ok with that. I wonder if he knows how to find her. Or will Mati come to see her mother and visit Lucas.

Doris is won over by a pink blouse. Things are moving fast. I don’t know how it can last another 40 episodes.



Andy, yes, I was wondering what was up with sneezing, sniffling Sebas. Maybe he is coming down with a bad cold and will have to disappoint the missionaries . Doris would be Thrilled. It looks like Doris is on the road to redemption and HEA. She probably has some excellent cold remedies. Susan


...and Doris is going to put on a pale pink blouse .....with sleeves!!!


Vivir de amor

Susan, yeah. I don't know how Sebas feels about sleeves, but we know from Angel that he does like pink.

I am quite happy with this development. I have complained, probably too often, about suffering through all sorts of unhappy events and tragedies, all for a few minutes of HEAs in the last episode or two of a novela. I like to see a little more time given to upbeat moments rather than all the downbeats.

Doris and Sebas are high on my list. Wanda, too, though I'm not very impressed so far with Primitivo. Who would name a kid Primitivo? And Primitivo himself, trying to woo Wanda, "You could give me many fine children!"

OK, he didn't say exactly that, but I would rather find someone better for lovely Wanda. Maybe even Mistake. It looks like he no longer has a girlfriend  :-)
and he is Pedrito's father.
Stranger things have happened, but I won't hold my breath waiting for this to occur.



Liz, thank you.

"I never realized business meetings could be so much fun" had me nodding in agreement. A rather raucous free for all wasn't it? But as you noted, at least it jogged Don Emilio's memory.

"The party the barrio threw for Angel was very nice. Too bad Renato was there..." had me smiling; I couldn't agree more. Also, as Renato still hasn't fessed up he wasn't the one who saved Angel's life, I don't think he plans on revealing this important piece of information at all. That will slip out either innocently by JE or a bystander (as you alluded to).

Has Misael finally learned his lesson? I don't think he has. I just think there are too many episodes for he and Beca to turn on each other now.



Susan, it does appear Doris has turned a corner tonight. I'm hoping she stays on that path.

Andy, "I'm not very impressed so far with Primitivo. Who would name a kid Primitivo? And Primitivo himself, trying to woo Wanda, "You could give me many fine children!" "OK, he didn't say exactly that, but I would rather find someone better for lovely Wanda" was hysterical and oh so true!

I have also rued the fact that the long awaited HEA's have been increasingly limited to a few minutes before FIN flashes.

I think Doris and Sebas are an increasingly "sure thing". I'm really looking foward to Wanda and Pedrito reuniting. I wonder what Misael's reaction will be when he finds out who Pedrito is (I still have flashbacks of how nasty he was to Pedrito when he visited JE in the office).I don't see a happy father and son reunion in the cards.



Thanks again Diana and Co.

Susan, a pink shirt with sleeves, but it doesn't appear to be a crop top.

Lucas leaves his room by the window just so he can call Mati! So stupid. But his escape seemed to be right back to the courtyard balcony he had just left. The cop was patrolling on the ground level.

Is Jimena hoping to open a pizza franchise with the help of Armando as the franchise owner perhaps? I noticed Seba at the party but not Elena (yet?).
Andy, Wanda can't end up with Missal, he killed Dulce and robbed the family company so he deserves an anvil. And the murder of Chris'ex...

For all the bad things Reb has done, getting the money back from the swiss bank account was a good thing right. (And she hasn't actually killed anyone though she tried twice, unlike Misael)She can take credit for it but now that DE remembers that Misael stole the money it should be all part of the business, not her money, right?

I still can't believe an unconsummated 3 or 4 month marriage means Reb is entitled to 1/2 JE's shares. Although he did offer them up so he could rid himself of her. I would be changing the terms of the decree after discovering the Misael affair.

Can someone refresh my memory. Is the maid still in jail for the murder of Chris'ex, (his name is escaping me.) How quickly we forget once they are gone....

Vivir de amor

Kat, you are right. Misael did all you mentioned and more, so it will be anvil time for him at some point.

Cristina's ex was Mauricio. I forget the maid's name, and I don't remember if she ever got out of jail or not.

"How quickly we forget once they are gone...." So true!



Hola, Patio.

Thanks Diana (recap) and Wonder Wordsmith (translations). Today’s episode gets 9 arras (more on that later). Faves include, but not limited to: twirls the light fantastic, glaring & glowering, fortuitous sense of timing, chaste and unexciting. Your recaps always take no prisoners, but to have a great show AND a great recap is the perfect way to set off the 4th.

I thought the patio would collectively breathe a sigh of relief when Corral showed up with the Kevin Costner for Lucas’ Whitney Houston! Another short-lived triumph as brainiac Lucas evaded him only to put himself and Mati in harm’s way. I found myself yelling at the screen, “No! Please! No! No flips!” Whew. This is why I can’t get invested in the teen arcs.

Some comic relief: Bruno shilling for Rebeca & Romina before the big junta. Oh, please. The former is a graceless cow with the maternal instincts of a toaster. She never realized she was busted by a tracking app whose terms and conditions she clearly agreed to. Her paranoia got the best of her barely 2 minutes into the episode. Ugh. 10 arras for Bruno for delivering his lines with a straight face.

I was getting so annoyed with the two relics that kept voting with Big Reb at the meeting. I found myself yelling at the screen, “Shouldn’t you geezers be on the balcony watching a Muppet Show?!!” Ugh. And then the telenovela gods answered: the tables finally turned on our villains. This was more delicious than the Wednesday special at del Olmo Restaurant!

Oh, Primitivo! Calladito te ves más bonito. I know he was trying to flirt, but his game went out in the 192Os. Pretty children with BIG muscles in Wandiux’s future? Not if she prefers intelligent conversation and spirited exchange. Fortunately, he still has time to change his ways…and his lines…and his name.

Speaking of Wanda, I’m glad she finally let the brat out of the bag with Alma. We heart Pedrito, so chop chop with the reunion and making up for lost time. The writers all but abandoned the JE-as-mentor and Pedro Learns to Read storylines. For this they get 1 arra.

Back to BIG business meeting: I was cheering when JE put Big Reb’s financing under the microscope. Watching Misael, Mónica, and even Big Reb unravel, panic, and cower was the most fun we’ve seen all week.

I was dismayed by Doris’ frown at the beginning of the surprise party. Redemption came by having Doris meet the REAL Ang and even question why Big Reb would paint such a false picture. The light bulb is coming on. Now, she needs to rescue Sneezy from the off-screen missionaries and secure their rank in the Top Three Couples of our show. Right now my reigning favorite couple is Mónica and her old fashioned glass.

I’m glad d. Emilio regained his faculties at this crucial point. Even though I abhor violence, I hope we resume with JE & Big Bang’s fisticuffs. My arras are on JE. With his temper and physique, he should make mincemeat out of petulant Mauricio Jr. The latter can only bring a smirk to a fist fight.

Random notes:
•When they show the corporate building (before any business wheeling and dealing scenes), it always to me like “nH.” Does anybody know what this funny shaped building really is?
•I always like party scenes. It seems as if the director tells the actors to just have a good time while the cameras roll. I liked seeing Ang dance and La Pinky and Santiago boogie.
•Doris thinks Sebas may have a cold as he lent her his jacket the night before.
•Vocabulary quick shot: d. Emilio calls the meeting a rebatinga (also known as rebatiña): a scramble.
Culinary quick shot: the catalyst for Ang & Doris wardrobe bonding was actually mole sauce.
•Signs at the party:
“Vine solo por los DRINKS.”
“SOY LA Novia.”
•Kat, Petra remains in jail for the attempted murder of Mauricio - framed by Rebeca.


Excellent, excellent recap, Diana and Omni. I have been MIA all week, recapping on Telemundo. I have watched Vivir but haven't had much time to comment.

What a gangbusters episode! Never would I have dreamed that Don Emilio would finally remember, and at the prefect time, what happened months ago when he discovered Misael's fraud.

How I enjoyed Misael's face as Reb threw him under the bus!

Yep, that was mole tipped onto Doris's ample chest. Yes, she wondered to herself why Reb had told her how hateful Angelli was. And we can be pretty sure Doris is off the Rebeca bandwagon.

And, yes, someone said this big reveal should be happening in the last week. What are they going to do for the rest of it?

O S. Thanks for the reminder about Petra. So maybe Seb has Covid and all the partygoers will be under quarantine and the wedding has to be cancelled. Oh wait, quarantines are no longer needed per the CDC. What plague can he have that will mean the wedding must not go on.

Now DE is back on his game, he should become president again. I had to laugh about the 2 geezers (Muppets)belonging in the opera box.


Kat, thank you.

Lucas can't seem to get out of his own way...I blame the writers, I mean the kid was almost killed and now he's evading his protector to call a girl???

I agree in that Misael is doomed, there will be no happy ending for him. And I think not for Rebeca either.

I like the new and independent Jimena. I'm not at all clear on the pizza franchise...



Kat, thank you. My comment to you keeps disappearing.

I agree that there will not be (nor should there be) a happy ending for Misael. Or for Rebeca.

Lucas is his own worst enemy; he almost dies and yet evades his protector to call a girl??

I'm not sure on the deets of the pizza franchise but I like the fact Jimena is getting independent and spreading her wings.





Kat, I've lost four comments to you thus far. (That was me "Test" above).

Thank you very much.

I agree there will be no happy ending for Misael (nor should there be). Or Beca either!

Lucas cannot get out of his own way. Evading the man who almost killed him to call a girl??



Good morning all.

Kat, I now have a basketful of comments to you residing in the spam folder.

I'm just going to say thank you and see if this publishes.



O.S., thank you. Your comments were beyond. What a boost your clever comments are this morning.

"Right now my reigning favorite couple is Mónica and her old fashioned glass". HA! Works for me.

"Oh, Primitivo! Calladito te ves más bonito. I know he was trying to flirt, but his game went out in the 192Os. Pretty children with BIG muscles in Wandiux’s future? Not if she prefers intelligent conversation and spirited exchange. Fortunately, he still has time to change his ways…and his lines…and his name" was pure perfection.

"The writers all but abandoned the JE-as-mentor and Pedro Learns to Read storylines. For this they get 1 arra". Yes, thank you for reminding us, that was a very short lived storyline wasn't it? LOL.

The mole accident was fortuitous wasn't it? Finally some forward movement in Doris seeing Beca is a lyin' connivin' beyotch.



Thank you Novelera. Glad you are back!

"Gangbusters" was a perfect descriptive of this episode.

I agree Don Emilio could not have picked a better time to regain his memory! The perfect storm.

Thank you for noting Doris"...wondered to herself why Reb had told her how hateful Angelli was". Her rose colored Rebeca glasses are now off, thank heavens.



"What plague can he have that will mean the wedding must not go on" had me laughing away Kat.

"Now DE is back on his game, he should become president again". Yes, great point!



Happy to read the new comments with my coffee.

O.S. , you always give me some giggles. I noticed the " Hot Future" sign. I don't think so.

That building is interesting , but I never noticed its letter shapes. I love the different architecture that we are shown in novelas.

I forgot all about poor Petra.

You brought memories for me of seeing those grumpy old men puppets in the balcony at a Disney World theater show. Those two guys seemed to believe every lie out of Reb's mouth !!!

Kat, I guess Angel is kind and generous but couldn't part with one of her signature crop tops.

Well, I have to get going on preparing the 4th of July food. Happy 4th !!!!

OT I finally caught an episode of Amor Real, one of my first and favorite novels . It was a Very good episode . I wish I had realized that TelemundO was showing these reruns . I missed a lot.



Vix is glitching again and I can't find the episode, but I find it on my phone later. I also haven't read the recap yet, but I am sure it's phenomenal as always! I'll have to check back in later since I have to get to an appointment this morning.


Susan, if you have the Peacock app, you might check there. I didn't get an opportunity to check but Peacock usually uploads the novelas that are playing on Telemundo - that's how I watched Vuelve a Mi when we were watching that. They may have Amor Real there.


Diana, I posted your comments that Spam stole! Thank you for your wonderfully witty recap! You outdid yourself, you don't have to look too hard to count the fools in this show! LOL It was a fun episode though!!!

I'm very late to the party and actually page 2 is already posted so I'll keep comments short today, but I did want to defend Lucas a little. Yes, it was incredibly stupid to evade his protection to go see Mati, but it was also incredibly age appropriate. Teenage boys thinking they need to sneak away to see their gfs are on every corner! He's been through a lot, and he thinks he's finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. His name is cleared, he got his girl back, JE is paying for his schooling, the police already scared Brayan off once - he's built up a false sense of security, it's stupid, but it's understandable for someone his age.

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