Monday, October 14, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of Oct 14, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-9 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

9-10 AM: La Gata (Unimas)

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)  

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)  

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)    

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SpanProf, Darcy, UA & Co.,: Anybody watching this Telenovela on Univsion earlier in the morning ? I remembered watching this way back in 2007.

El Angel de Aurora #25
Part 1 of 2

Jezabel explained the anonymous notes to Demon and that if Gabriel is alive he will take everything away from him. She told him about the DNA test and her own declaration of love for Antonio... which was a lie. She then told Demon she ditched Fabrizio because he was a killer and that was why he had been in the manicomio.

JC and Antonio started talking about the workers of 30 years before.

Demon was not convinced, knowing how manipulative she was. She told him to ask the others, then tried to slap him with her gloved hand. He caught it. She played the Victim Card again, saying that Fabrizio was not whom she thought he was,

Helena and Angel were in Aurora's office. Demon entered without knocking and Aurora scolded him for it. Helena and Angel's presence rattled him a bit.

JC and Antonio finally came to an agreement.

Demon asked Aurora whether Fabrizio killed his father. Aurora said g=he had but that she did not know everything about it. She suggested he talk to Fabrizio.

Helena and Angel worked in her office where she told him tht she and Demon were only friends. She was sure that Angel and Briana were a thing. He was about to dispute that when Briana entered. As Angel left the office Helena asked Briana if she had sent the video to Demon.

Rocha was in Aurora's office telling her that this search would be more difficult if Gabriel was out of the country. She said there was an additional investigation. He looked a little nervous.

Helena and Briana began their next conflict over Angel. Briana fell back on the “different worlds” argument.

JC told Antonio that he would soon marry Aurora. Antonio did not freak out, saying that the priority was to help her.

Rolando handed the stolen phone to Pintas who is now expecting three of them per day. Rolando was afraid. El Morro and the others then showed up.

Angel and Helena then talked about the upcoming fashion event, then he asked her to accompany him to the St Judas procession. She declined, pleading work. After he left an assistant came in who sensed the attraction but felt that this would not work out.

Aurora agreed to go to the procession.

Briana turned Maggie down for a promotion [and looked like she enjoyed doing so].

Jezabel was trying out her charms on Luis when Cassandra entered to tell her that Patricia was there to see her.

Demon confronted Fabrizio about the murder.

Patricia confronted Jezabel about what she had said on television. Jezabel told her she had to appear to support Aurora.

El Angel de Aurora #25
Part 2 of 2

Fabrizio did not want to talk about this.

Flashback: Fabrizio's father lay in his bed, verbally abusing Fabrizio. Finally Fabrizio could take no more and smothered his father with a pillow.

Antonio, JC, Briana, and Angel went to the barrio to meet Aurora and JC. The procession began and they joined Anita. Helena arrived to see Briana holding onto Angel's arm and kissing him, making sure he did not see Helena. Aurora saw this. El Morro signaled to his accomplices.

Aurora saw Helena leave just as Angel told Briana he did not want her actions misinterpreted. Aurora was concerned about Helena's departure.

Jezabel figured out that Patricia had boinked Fabrizio. She did not care about this. She then told Patricia never to repeat to anyone what she will tell her next.

Fabrizio described his father's incredible cruelty [seen in flashback]. By then he was crouched on the floor. He did not wast to see Demon treated by Jezabel as he had been treated by his father. Demon ran toward the door, shouting that he never wanted to see him again.

Helena met with her assistant a block or two away, hugged her, and sais “Angel is not like I thought.”

On the way back Aurora told JC and Antonio what she saw. JC did not quite understand her fascination with Angel. Antonio explained that Angel is the same age as Gabriel. Both he and Aurora said that Angel is a good guy.

Patricia ate up what Jezabel told her, saying she wanted this ti become her next novela! Jezabel was not pleased at this prospect, finally adding that Antonio was still in love with Aurora.

Angel spoke with two guys about Pintas.

Jezabel told Patricia she did not care about her and Fabrizio, but needed her help.

El Morro and his reinforcements began bothering Angel. They attacked him. Briana took out her phone to call police but they threatened her.

Angel/Aurora. Excellent succinct summary, Urban! Demian is certainly right that Jezabel thinks only of herself. "actriz de tercera": very funny. Describes Patricia to a t. Patricia knows that Jezabel helped kidnap Aurora's child? (But probably doesn't know that she instigated the rape.) Of course Helena sees Briana kiss Angel and misinterprets! A lot of telenovela cliches in this work. I thought there were a few logistical problems with Fabrizio's killing his father. Did he kill him before marrying Jezabel? Then he must have gone undetected for a fair amount of time.

Angel / Aurora #25

It isn't clear when in the timeline that happened. Since the vast majority of children's memory banks don't function until the age of 4 it looks like this murder took place any time before Demon hit that age. Since he is fairly intelligent -- and based on the appearance of the child in the flashback -- I would reduce that to 3 years old.

It is also possible that the murder happened outside the Campero mansion, most likely in the Morga residence, and Jezabel was nowhere near the crime scene at the time.

Whether Demon was already born or not I suspect that Fabrizio told no one for some period of time and eventually couldn't take it anymore. He has a conscience.

Patricia must definitely be a third-rate actress to have had a downturn in her career that drove her to marrying Antonio for his dinero. The way she treats Briana shows that she is no more capable of love than Jezabel.


Thanks Urban that was a good recap. I didn’t really enjoy this episode. I just thought Jezabel was crazy for telling all that to Patricia. Unless she wants it out for all to know. And I was hoping she was lying to Demon about Fabrizio being a murderer. He sure didn’t give his father any support.

Angel keeps telling Helena there’s nothing between Briana and him. But he sure doesn’t do much to keep her at bay. And Helena does the same thing to him regarding Demon. Talk about star-crossed lovers!

I’m glad that Angel has some friends in the neighborhood on his side. But I hate to think of the beating he got.


El Angel de Aurora #26
Part 1 of 2

Aurora had a bad premonition as Angel was being kicked and beaten. Briana stood there, scared as others watched.

Jezabel told Patricia not to attack Aurora and to say nothing to Fabrizio whom she accused of trying to turn Demon against her.

Helena felt like a fool. Her co-worker told her to look out for herself. Angel sent her a text saying that he needed her.

Maggy spoke with Esperanza [Can someone say about what?]

Anita and Rolando ran in, concerned about Angel. They and Briana got him to his feet and brought him back home.

Helena assumed that Angel was with Briana and left.

The Lunch Crew ate together, the others sharing their food with Maggy.

Jezabel went hoe and looked for Demon. The maid said he was upstairs.

Aurora hoped that all the workers were still alive and flashed back to the encounter with the young Juventino.

Jezabel found Demon and said he had to know about the murder sooner or later. She told him that Fabrizio was loco before they were married. [While this might mean that the murder happened before the wedding, she could also be lying.]

Angel told his family he had not provoked the attack. Pintas showed up and was not welcomed.

Aurora, JC, and Antonio continued their conversation. JC recalled the shouting outside the office and the encounter with Pintas in the elevator.

Pintas was three sheets to the wind but told Angel that someone had ordered the attack. Pascual dragged him out.

JC said that the shouting man's voice was the same as the one in the elevator. Antonio checked his watch, saying he had to get back to work. Luis called JC to tell him that his home office was ready.

El Morro argued with his bros.

Rocha warned Jezabel that sooner or later someone will notice inconsistencies in his documents. He feared for his reputation. However, Jezabel managed to frighten him.

Demon looked despondent as Helena entered his room. This led to a kiss. [Bloody hell!] He did not want to tell her anything for the moment but this led to a reconciliation. She suggested that they dine with their parents later but he did not want to see his father.

Who at that moment was sitting on his bed holding large pieces of broken glass.

Helena told Demon that Angel was assigned to work with her on company finances [Isn't she head of marketing?] Demon didn't like this. He started on a rant but Jezabel came in and shanghaied him into the study. Helena left.

Pascual dragged Pintas to his hovel and virtually threw him onto the bed. He got on El Morro's case about Angel. Something was said about Victor before he left. He threatened El Morro if he ever again got violent with Angel.

El Angel de Aurora #26
Part 2 of 2

JC told Aurora she was too fixated on Angel; she said she wanted to help him because he was Gabriel's age. They mentioned Aquiles and Glorio , then talked about the possibility of a trip.

Jezabel was pleased at Demon's and Helena's reconciliation. She told him that Rocha was getting nervous but that she would take care of the situation.

JC suggested to Aurora that she get a restraining order over Patricia.

Demon warned Jezabel over what he thought she was considering because he didn't want to have to visit her in prison. Jezabel repeated that she would take care of Rocha. Oddly he became insulting, saying she was getting lazy and... old. Very old. [If he weren't such a narcissist himself he'd know how dangerous this was].

Briana escorted Angel to the office where Patricia began insulting him with her class prejudice from naco to muerte de hambre. His naîvete showed when he said there was always enough food in his family's home. She then faked pain in her right arm, claiming he had grabbed her. [Can we count on Briana to refute that? I doubt it.]

Antonio went home to find Fabrizio on his bed with his palms uncut. He told Antonio he was not going to allow his father's words to hurt him anymore.

Aquiles told Glorio about himself and Maggy.

Jezabel and Luis talked on the phone about a movie date when Patricia barged into her office to tell her that Angel had hit her.

Aquiles and Glorio fought in the reception area.

Fabrizio and Antonio continued talking about the murder and Demon's reaction. Antonio told him that Jezabel wanted him sent to prison.

JC asked Luis if he was hanging with Aquiles and Glorio. Luis said he was getting a part-time job at his company and going back to school. He said he was in favor of him and Aurora getting married but not in favor of her potential interference in their relationship [This is a major red flag for many reasons].

Briana told Demon and Helena about the attack on Angel and how “awful” the neighborhood and his parents were. Demon then said he would talk to Aurora about getting Angel terminated from the company.



Urban, thank you for another great recap as we tumble along .

Pintas and Jez are keeping the crazy evil percolating.

I get a big kick out of el Morro's bad boys wear cross body bags . ha Susan

Angel / Aurora #26

Crossbody bags are harder to steal.

I worry for Aurora also because of Luis. He's not playing with a full deck and he's about to get involved with Jezabel who may use him against Aurora. I hope Glorio talks to JC about this because although he's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier he's smart enough to have Jezabel's number.

Angel/Aurora. Another great recap, Urban! Poor Maggie! At least her friends and co-workers are going to try to finance Rolando's (?) diagnosis and treatment. Man, there needs to be some kind of world-wide medical care for everyone. I wish Pintas would say who is paying for the attacks on Angel. I believe it is Damien, as has already been hinted. It almost sounded as if Jezabel was asking the detective to commit suicide. Patricia becomes ever more disgusting and Damien is happy to use her to frame Angel.


How many times has someone put up a hand to stop Pat from slapping someone , and then Pat plays the injured victim??? Basta.

El Angel de Aurora #27
Part 1 of 2

Demon accused Angel of always causing chaos. Briana backed him up. When Helena tried to defend Pascual and Vicki Demon continued gaslighting her, finally also telling Briana to watch out.

Security broke up the fight after Angel got involved. Aquiles and Glorio started arguing again. Esperanza broke this up.

Fabrizio explained to Antonio that when his father's body was found the military medics determined that he had died of a heart attack. Fabrizio's mother had feared his father for a long time. This happened before Demon was born and Jezabel found out when he had a crisis that he had killed his father. Jezabel had wanted him in prison for first-degree murder. She had never wanted him to be close to Demon.

Demon and Edgar congratulated Briana for the fight in the reception area. Demon then said he would marry her “in another life,” conveying that he did not see her as an equal. She said OK and she was not interested in him. After she left his office Demon gave Edgar some cash.

Cassandra outed Patricia to Jezabel as lying about the “attack.”

Luis tried telling Aurora that he and JC were a package deal, implying that he would be prioritized over her. He was very possessive of his father because they had not been close before.

Helena thought about the violent scenes she had witnessed involving Angel. When he entered her office she asked him to leave.

Fabrizio and Antonio continued to talk about Jezabel and Demon. Fabrizio did not want Jezabel influencing him [Amigo, you are years too late]. Antonio thought Demon too intelligent [Since you don't live with them you can't know this].

Angel came back into Helena's office and she tried to brush him off. She would request his termination if h continued to be violent. She had not so far because Aurora was in charge of the project.

Fabrizio lost it again and Antonio had to bring him back to earth.

Aurora talked with JC about Luis. She asked whether he had ever had a girlfriend. JC said he hadn't [Based on Luis' manner I suspect he is a virgin].

Helena had trouble concentrating on her work.

Briana found Angel in the corridor. He asked if Aurora was in and she implied she was.

Edgar and Jezabel were at his place and she told him he had to tell her everything. However he seemed to know all about Carlitos.

El Angel de Aurora #27
Part 2 of 2

Glorio eavesdropped on Angel and Aquiles.

Demon entered Edgar's place and found him and Jezabel en desabille. He did not seem surprised.

Aurora went to Helena's office. Helena needed a hug.

Angel wanted to go home and forget the day. Aquiles left the room and Antonio arrived. Hugs. Th two looked like father and son.

Demon was appropriately sardonic about what he saw, even insinuating that she was cheating on Pintas with Edgar. Edgar was getting increasingly uncomfortable.

Aurora and Antonio talked respectively with Angel and Helena, concerned about the situation.

Luis and JC talked about Aurora.

The exchanges between Demon, Edgar, and Jezabel was amusing. Edgat tried to deny that anything was going on but Jezabel corrected this. Demon left and Jezabel slapped Edgar for the disclosure. [Edgar, be afraid. Be VERY afraid.].

Jezabel threatened Edgar that she would tell his mother. She then ordered him to investigate Det. Rocha. She wanted all the personal stuff he could find, He got suspish about why she wanted this.

Anita got peeved about being second place to Angel.

Luis told JC he was in love with an older woman. JC was okay with this but only for a minute.

Fabrizio tried reading then flashed back to his father holding him at gunpoint, laughing at the idea of any woman ever loving him. This was in responseto his father finding out that he had written a love letter to Jezabel. He pushed this out of his mind then called Demon. Who started to reject him again.

Antonio and Aurora – separately – told Angel and Helena to free their fears and move forward. Each confessed that the other was the love of their lives.

Darcy, UA, SpanProf, Susan: Looks like this Telenovela might be ending this week.

"LAS AMAZONAS" is supposed to be 2 HRS beginning next week 11:00 AM CST on UniMas Dish Network Channel 271.


Angel/Aurora. Another excellent recap, Urban! Everyone seems to be turning on Angel, because he was framed as being violent, etc., I presume. I don't understand why Briana is, though. Because she realizes he's not interested in her? Some of Helena's intuitions seem to be pretty much on point. But some of her misunderstanding are just ho hum. Why not just ask Angel for an explanation? Oh yes, because then it wouldn't be a telenovela. I liked it that Briana rejected Demian. He certainly had it coming!


Thanks Urban, great recaps.

I was sure Briana would defend Angel against Patricia. But she’s throwing him under the bus. I think she really likes Angel and is trying to get Helena out of the competition. I can’t understand why Helena would go back to Demon, he makes my skin crawl, I put him on the same level as Pintas.

I was hoping Aurora would tell Helena about that kiss Briana gave Angel.

What a strange family. Demon walks in on his mother with his best friend and doesn’t seem to care. Jezabel must like the young boys/men. I thought Carlos, the boy that killed himself, had a crush on Jezabel, I guess he did have an affair with her.

This is something I noticed one day this week, Angel went to Antonio and gave him a hug, then turned and shook JC’s hand.


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