Monday, October 07, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of October 7, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-1 PM: Corazon Indomable (Unimas)  *** Monday only

1-2 PM: Las Amazonas (Unimas)     *** Monday Only

1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)  *** Not airing Monday

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)  *** Not airing Monday

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)    ***Not airing Monday

*** I looked at two different schedules and they showed to different things for Unimas but I believe all Noveals will be pre-empted on Tuesday due to playoff baseball! Also, the schedule shows Corazon Indomable and Las Amazonas will air on Monday but be pre-empted the rest of the week while re-runs of El Chavo and El Chapulin air instead. Not sure if this is accurate or if the schedule is messed up.

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I tried finding Monday's 1-HR episode of this Telenovela on UniMas Dish Network Channel 271, but it wasn't on today for some reason. They had that annoying 'Vecinos' mess in the 11:00 AM CST timeslot UGH.


El Angel de Aurora #20
Wiki +

--- Luis and JC talked about their living situation. Luis did not like having to live a lie or having friendships that were purchased. He wants a normal life with real friends and a girlfriend. Later he used his new computer to search for an appropriate university.
--- Antonio suggested to Fab that they go out to eat and invited Briana to join them. After Briana caught Patricia eavesdropping on the men Patricia made a tasteless sarcastic comment that annoyed Antonio who excluded her from the invitation. As he was on the way out Patricia threaten him with “consequences.”
--- Angel introduced Aurora to his parents. Vicki smiled at the introduction. Pascual was certain that she was Angel's birth mother. Later as she and Helena left Pintas saw them from behind the tree across the street. Angel spotted him and got a bad vibe, Later Pintas realized he was seeing his rape victim.

--- Jezebel played the music box as she swore to her father's photo that despite Aurora being smarter than she thought she would gain her confidence.
--- Cassandra flirted with Edgar in the office and gave him a small gift. He said the usual thing about inter-office discretion [which tells us he's just not that into her].
--- Later in the restaurant Helena told Aurora she always had problems with Patricia, who never loved her. Antonio, Fabrizio, and Briana entered. Helena told Aurora that the person accompanying her father was Fabrizio Morga, Demon's father. She greeted him enthusiastically. Then JC and Luis arrived. After some minor awkwardness Antonio got the waitstaff to get them a large table.
--- Someone overheard Jezabel on the phone with Pintas, whom she was trying to avoid.

--- Anita told Angel that Rolando was getting money from Pintas.
--- Patricia created a nasty scene in the restaurant upon seeing Aurora with Antonio, accusing her of being a homewrecker and the curse of her life. Helena tried to cool this down but Patricia took this out on her. Journalist and cameraman were present for this, of course. Even Briana was embarrassed. Patricia grabbed the tablecloth and pulled it and everything on it onto the floor. This led to a catfight that Patricia started by grabbing Helena's hair. Antonio grabbed Patricia and held her back as someone demanded the police be called. Eventually the party broke up. Patricia made Briana retrieve her handbag from the mess on the floor, which included broken glass.
--- Demon followed his mother out of the house. She stopped the car by the roadside and Pintas appeared. Demon was unlikely to have heard their conversation but would have seen her drop a serious cash payment out the window at his feet. He got out of his car unseen by the two evil ones, but it could not be determined how much he heard of their conversation.

--- Helena apologized for Patricia's behaviour. Aurora said “It's not your fault” and expressed her concern over Patricia abusing her.
--- Pascual and Vicki talked about always being Angel's family.
--- Antonio was totally fed up and finally told Patricia he was going to put everything in the girls' names. She made a threat and he told her that the house has been in Helen's name since she was born.
--- Helena told Aurora she was concerned about Patricia's insistence that the rape was a lie. Aurora said she would tell her about that another time. They started talking about Angel's parents. Angel called Helena, who took the call in another room as Jezebel returned and went directly upstairs.
--- Demon came home and demanded to know about Pintas.
--- Helena mentioned Pintas and Aurora had a bad vibe.

Angel / Aurora #20

Patricia is BSC. She has just exposed herself as an abusive mother, which will hurt her career more than any accusation she made against Aurora, who handled this situation very well under the circumstances.

I don't see redemption in Demon's future at this time but I give him credit for seeing his egg donor for what she is.

Didn't Patricia get in big trouble once before for her online slanders against Aurora? Why is she so stupid that she'd do it again?

SpanProf: Let me guess Patricia still being Patricia with more jackassery ?

El Angel de Aurora #21


Helena mentioned Pintas and Aurora had a bad vibe. Helena explained that he was a friend of Pascual and Vicki but could not figure out why. They talked briefly about Helena's parents.

Demon interrogated Jezabel about Pintas but she denied everything. He persisted.

Luis asked JC if he decided to resign, wanting him to work from home and to marry Aurora.

Jezabel got angry and didn't back down. Demon demanded to know if Pintas was her lover [Would that not be the best scandal ever?]. She tried to turn him against Fabrizio, saying he had corrupted him but he fought back.

Edgar entertained Cassandra with some incredible dessert.

Patricia and Briana argued, which got Patricia trash-talking Antonio.

Antonio blamed himself in part for the failure of his marriage because he had always loved Aurora. Fabrizio assessed himself as unworthy of any love, saying that he only loved his son [whom we think is mostly unworthy of Fabrizio's love].

JC entered Luis' room with a pillow and blanket to bunk like buddies. They conversed about love. JC expressed that his loves for his deceased wife and for Aurora are different. Luis wants a girlfriend and JC said he will have one soon [as we hope it isn't whom we fear].

Demon was sure nobody loved him and was determined to get Helena's.

Angel began worrying about his mother's upcoming medical bills.

Helena told Antonio about Angel's “accident”. He sensed that Helena was in love with Angel rather than with Demon.

Jezabel and Aurora met in the garden. Aurora was sure that Jezabel never loved her and refused to play her game.

Next Morning

At the breakfast table Pascual declared himself the luckiest man alive because of his family.

Aurora went to see Esperanza who mentioned that Demon came to see her. Aurora asked her if she was sure about working. Someone named Pepe was mentioned [¿Quien es Pepe?.

Glorio talked to himself, then showed his new tats to Aquiles.

Esperanza told Aurora she hoped for her to find her son.

Luis wanted to go to the office with JC.

Glorio and Aquilles compared tats and ended up arguing over something silly. They found out that :uis would be coming in with his dad.

Cassandra got up and dressed before breakfast, worried about showing up in Yesterday's Clothes.

Patricia attacked Briana over the previous day's events. Briana declared her independence.

Angel was called to the desk in the hospital about a bill. Whatever it said, he obviously did not have enough cash on hand to pay it in full.

Jezabel commented on Cassandra's clothes, then asked if Aurora was in the office. Cassandra mentioned that JC And Son have arrived, then Jezabel said to get Aurora.

Antonio's maid fished a photo our of the garbage and handed it to him. It was the one of Briana as a child and her parents.

Helena told Demon that Angel had kissed her and she had kissed him back. He thanked her for her honesty with some BS about war and peace. She looked skeptical about his honesty.

Cassandra escorted Luis to Jezabel's office and left them alone [Does she not realize she just delivered a lamb to the slaughter?] Luis and Jezabel sat on the red couch and she started working on him.

Demon began talking about love being built, “like it had been with us” vs anything with Angel. He was not giving up. She looked weary.

Fabrizio got a new haircut and clothes [WHY?. Antonio showed him the photo.

Edgar tried to get Demon to calm down. Demon decided on a new tactic: to provoke Angel.

Aurora and JC talked about the company's financial future. She decided to accept Antonio's investment, saying this had nothing to do with anything personal. JC told her he wanted to marry her and he would fight for her.

A doctor explained to Angel that Vicki would need a specialist because she has bone cancer.

Angel / Aurora #20/21

Patricia did get into some hot water over this, but this little stunt -- if it airs on the news -- would have her boiling in oil. She is a certifiable narcissist and also has BPD.

Angel needs mucho dinero now. If Jezabel finds out that he is Aurora's son he should be looking over his shoulder. Big time.

El Angel de Aurora

Urban, thank you so much for the recaps. I like the show.

The young galan is doing a goid job .His smile is angelic, and his love and devotion to his family is believable as is his general goodnatured and positivity .

The scenes of meals at the wealthy homes and Angel's home are interesting. The table at Angel's is right by the front door and the space is tight, but everyone is always welcomed to share the food. Love radiates in that small home. Susan

Susan: Buji Patricia is the classic narcissist with pure bujism.

UA: Something tells me the group of Antagonists will have quite the long winning streak.


Angel / Aurora #21

I really hate the word bougie. But she is definitely nouveau riche.

What is seriously interesting in this tale is having a mother and son pair of villains who are already at each other's throats so early in the game. After three decades of watching novelas I can't recall seeing this before. Demon's recent behavior with regard to his parents suggests that the writers might be considering the possibility of redemption. However, that would be a long road for him.

UA: Let's not forget about the Body Count.

Angel / Aurora #21

I am sick of demands for high body counts.

Of the 8 villains listed only Jezabel and Pintas are guaranteed to kill. Demon and Patricia are possible murderers in future -- mostly due to their mental illnesses -- but Edgar, El Morro, Briana, and Maggie are highly unlikely to kill. Maggie has a child she loves. Briana is sick of her mother's BS, and neither of the two junior guys have the cojones, at least right now.

I probably said this before (maybe more than once) but I believe that Jezabel's accusation of Fabrizio killing his father is more of a confession. She is likely to have killed him and framed Fabrizio for it.


Thanks Urban, great recaps. When Fabrizio came out in the suit with his haircut I really wasn’t sure who it was. What an improvement. I thought Patricia was interested before but this will make her go after him more. If that’s why she’s interested. She might just want information on Antonio.

That restaurant scene was horrible. She’s definitely BSC. I felt sorry for all involved. But she’ll be the one to look bad.

I wonder if Demon saw his mom drop the money. I guess he thinks his mom has to pay her lovers!

I feel so bad for Vicky and family. They’re in for some hard times.

I was surprised about Edgar and Cassandra. The dessert did look incredible.

JC needs to keep Luis close. He must have a hint about how bad Jezabel is. And Luis already mentioned he liked her. I hate to think of her baiting Luis, or worse, seducing him.

I enjoyed the scenes of Helen and Aurora talking.


Angels \Aurora
Is Edgar just playing with Cassandra? I think she is pregnant ? Did she tell him? That was quite a piece of cake !!

Does Jez have a reason to seduce poor , naive Luis , or does she just like young dudes (Carlos, who committed suicide had a thing for her .) susan

El Angel de Aurora #22
Part 1 of 2

JC emphasized his feelings for Aurora. She seems to encourage this although she may not quite be there.

Angel told the doctor he didn't want his mother to know how serious this was.

Aurora told JC she had an upcoming meeting with a detective. JC told her he'd like to work from home. Aurora told him that Jezabel admitted to being in love with Antonio.

Jezabel began coming on to Luis, encouraging him to continue visiting her. Cassandra brought a coffee tray and Jezabel almost chased her out as soon as she placed it. Luis was nervous; he spilled some coffee almost immediately. Jezabel said Cassandra would clean it up. As she opened the door we see Cassandra walking away, indicating that she had been eavesdropping [She knows a predator when she sees one].

Angel tried calling Helena, but there was no answer.

In the conference room Demon tried to kiss up to JC. Aurora took offense at Demon's attempt to pull rank on her. Jezabel took the wind out of his sails by taking Aurora's side.

Briana talked briefly on the phone to Angel.

Demon argued with Aurora as JC took her side. Edgar got Demon out of the meeting which ended shortly thereafter.

Angel and Helena talked about Vicki's condition. She ended the call saying she would come to the hospital.

Cassandra whistled loudly to get everyone's attention as Esperanza entered.

Jezabel and Demon argued again until he ordered her out of his office, looking like he would shove her out the door.

Briana got to the hospital first. Angel told her about Vicki's diagnosis. Briana embraced him just as Helena arrived. [Por supuesto]

Demon went to Fabrizio, saying he needed him because “My mother has to pay.”

Briana told Helena that Angel called her when she did not take his call, He looked a little suspicious of this.

Aurora and JC talked about the clause saying that the combined two shareholders with the majority interest could oust others from the board. [Please correct me if I'm wrong.] Neither seemed to notice Jezabel's motive for taking her side. They kissed and it looked like JC was gaining ground. A little later he bought her flowers and all thought of business left her [This is not good]. They sat down and he explained how he had been keeping a low profile the last few years to protect Luis. She had no issue with his concealment of his wealth.


El Angel de Aurora #22
Part 2 of 2

Demon, Fabrizio, and Antonio concluded a meeting and Antonio left. Demon told Fabrizio that Jezabel cared only for herself and she had just made a fool of him [He did not appear to think deeply enough to see that her inconsistent actions could look suspicious to others].

Vicki became concerned about the future medical bills. Helena said to call her if she needed anything. She then left but Briana hung around, not noticing Angel's disappointment at Helena's departure.

Demon told Fabrizio he wanted him in his life. He seemed sincere. He told his father how Jezabel had embarrassed him. Fabrizio warned him he needed to distance himself from Jezabel because she had no feelings.

El Morro saw the new anonymous note in progress. Pintas looked nervous.

Aurora and JC talked about going to Las Flores and inviting Luis and Angel to join them. Antonio called to about the latest note and JC got a bad vibe. Aurora said that the sender must know both herself and Antonio.

Fabrizio told Demon that this was just advice. Demon then told him he wanted to take over the company. He showed he had no respect for Aurora, even calling her a mosca muerta. He displayed his mad, ppossessive attitude toward Helena.

Pintas told Pascual that Angel had hit him. He also chided Pascual for referring to Angel as “my son.”

Demon continued to trash-talk Angel, calling him a naco. Fabrizio suggested they go out to eat. He said that Jezabel hates everyone, not just himself.

Pintas did not stop. When Pascual told him “He will never sink to your level; he works for Aurora Camperos” Pintas had a light-bulb moment. [We feel for Pascual, who has no clue that Pintas had raped Aurora.]

JC and Aurora met with Antonio. The note had referenced the cursed wedding and the baby's date of birth.

Patricia tried to gaslight Helena, who was not easily rattled by her wicked stepmother. Until she brought up Briana's pursuit of Angel.

Rocha showed up with a very faked photo. Aurora told him to inform the press. Antonio wanted to be involved but Aurora lit into him about his abandonment of her on the wedding day. He told her that he had received an anonymous call from a man claiming to be Gabriel's father.

Angel cried a prayer for Vicki.


UA: Good job on the recap of yesterday afternoon's episode. More evilness from the Who's Who including the scheming Jezebel.


Angel/Aurora #22

Thanks Urban that was great. I like Demon less and less with each episode. I wonder if his dad can see what his son is like. He bad mouthed his aunt and Angel. Also his mother but on that I can agree with him. His dad said Jezabel had no feelings and hates everyone. I think he’s pretty much describing Demon also.

Pascual needs to get Pintas out of his life. He is one creepy man.


El Angel de Aurora #23
Part 1 of 2

Aurora lit into Antonio over doubting his love and his paternity because of the anonymous caller and slapped him, calling him a coward. Back then and in the present. He took it calmly and explained himself, saying that they needed to clear this up now.

Angel cried.

Patricia emphasized Briana's continued success at getting what she wants. Helena ignored her.

Aquiles and the ladies had lunch together [Don't remember the conversation].

Pintas looked scared.

Helena heard warnings in her head about Briana.

Pintas talked about doing anonymous phone calls instead of the notes because they are more intimidating. He charged El Morro with the acquisition of the cell phones.

Helena called Angel. Both said “I have to see you.”

Antonio spoke of his shame at his cowardice of 30 years ago. Aurora had previously been assured of his love before the accursed wedding day. He spoke of his first wife, saying that the only really good thing in that marriage was Helena. He cried at his foolishness at having married Patricia instead of looking for Aurora.

Helena left the house without telling Patricia where she was going.

Briana was sitting at the Santos' table preparing to eat. Angel made an excuse to go outside, as he was on his way to meet Helena.

Antonio made a call to his office, asking his secretary to find the best detective agency in town. [Let's all hope it isn't Rocha's].

Briana ate with Angel's family. Anita turned on the TV and there was the nasty restaurant scene. Briana was embarrassed.

JC and Aurora talked about Antonio's apology. Aurora thought he was sincere. JC's jealousy showed when Aurora said Antonio wanted to get involved in the search for Gabriel.

Lunch at the Santos' house was awkward at first with the kids' questions but Briana survived it.

Angel and Helena met at the playground and kissed before saying a word. Obviously they are in love. The talked about his parents. Otro beso, (por supuesto).

Jezabel talked to the same police clerk as Aurora had. She demanded full punishment for the rapist.

Briana prepared to leave but Angel returned.

El Angel de Aurora #23
Part 2 of 2

As Jezabel and Cassandra left the police station they talked to an eager press group. This went live over the local news; both Patricia and Pintas saw it. Jezabel called Patricia a liar and a ratings whore. When asked about their friendship, Jezabel said she wasn't that close, just a family acquaintance. Jezabel demanded that the rapist pay to the max for what he did to Aurora and encouraged all victims to report the crimes. [Is there a catfight in their future?]

Patricia tried intimidating Helena again.

Briana tried to convince Angel that Helena was out of his league and that she was more superficial than she actually was. He told her about Vicki's cancer.

Helena and Demon were with Fabrizio. Fabrizio liked her but Patricia entered the room and tried throwing some cold H2O on this.

Jezabel put some flowers on Miguel's grave, telling him that she was working on getting Aurora's trust. Pintas called her from in front of her office building.

Demon and Helena say down in a restaurant but she seemed ill at ease. He looked and sounded cagey as he talked about them “being friends.”

Briana said she'd be there for Angel. She offered to lend him money but he declined it.

Antonio confirmed with the maid that Patricia was home. He went upstairs, knocked on her door. She was in bed with Fabrizio.

Someone took photos of Demon and Helena at their table, Demon acting like her novio. [Obviously these photos will be weaponized.]

Patricia hid while Fabrizio spoke with Antonio. She eavesdropped as the men talked about Helena, Demon, and Jezabel. Antonio told Fabrizio about the anonymous call on the wedding day and that Jezabel had claimed to be in love with him. [Patricia will certainly use this against both sisters].

Helena wanted to go home but Demon manipulated her into going dancing. She saw Angel and Briana in an embrace [in her mind?] and left the restaurant with Demon, who paid the waiter on the way out for taking the photos.

In the barrio there was a meeting about Angel being hit to talk about how to avoid this happening again. During this discussion Angel saw the photos on Briana's phone.

Patricia questioned Fabrizio about what she heard and he avoided telling her anything. [He should be suspicious of this.] She also seemed to think that one roll in the hay constitutes an affair. He did not.

As Aurora and JC left the office a masked Pintas shouted her name.

El Angel de Aurora

Urban, thank you for another great account .

Fabrizio looks so different without his fluffy hair. I wasn't surprised that Pat got him into bed. She just won't go away. She wants to be the center of attention.

Brianna surprisingly seems to really like being with Angel's loving family. It must be nice and calm compared to living with her nasty BSC mother.

Rene Casdos (Pintas) is enjoying this annoying role and playing it way over the top. Susan


Angel/Aurora 23

Thanks Urban, just saw this and realized it was yesterday’s. I usually end up watching it at night.

I figured Fabrizio and Patricia would end up in bed together. She seemed to be coming on to him before he got cleaned up.

It seems Briana and Demon must have planned the photo for Angel to see. But I’m surprised Briana would be helping him, I thought she’d be more interested in having Demon for her boyfriend. Or does she just want what Helena wants. Since Helena has lost interest in Demon she has too v

I wish I could look at Pintad and think what a great job he’s doing. I look at him and get creeped out.


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