Thursday, October 10, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of October 7, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)  

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)  

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)    

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Darcy: Assuming they'll only be airing on Mondays correct ?

Corazón Indomable

Steve, the only Monday was for this week. I don’t think this is necessarily going to be a pattern going forward but I haven’t looked at next week’s schedule yet.

El Angel de Aurora #24
Part 1 of 2

Pintas shouted Aurora's name, then got into a passing black car before she and JC finished the road. At that moment Jezabel called her from Miguel's grave with a false pledge of loyalty. Aurora told her about the shouting man and Jezabel suggested hiring a bodyguard. Jezabel did not look too happy; her expression upon ending the call went from bewilderment to frustration. She talked to Pintas immediately in a way that suggested he was out of control, but he strongly implied that was the case. She knew he would eventually make good on his threat.

Aurora told JC that something in his voice froze her blood, wondering if he was the sender of the anonymous notes. JC suggested they check the security cameras.

Angel escorted Briana to her car.

Aurora and JC checked some security cameras and found a distant image of Pintas running toward the black car.

Helena was sitting with Demon, who got a text from Briana that she was with Angel. Edgar was there and talked about Jezabel's statement to the press. This sounded weird to Helena, who knew that Jezabel wanted Aurora out of the company. Demon suggested that this wasn't unusual and compared it to her and Briana but the conversation ended when Antonio and Fabrizio arrived.

Aquiles and Maggie were leaving the office. He offered to escort her to the Metro and asked about whether she had a fight with Hector. They left together. [Maybe....?]

Pascual and Palmiro (abuelo to the boy Angel rescued) spoke to their neighbors about a demonstration for safety. Palmiro also solicited money for Vicki's medical care.


Briana joined Demon and the others and told them what she knew about it. Demon got Helena to stand up and dance – despite her suggestion that he ask Briana, who loves to dance – as Edgar started trashing Angel. This followed a comment by Antonio that Helena might prefer Angel.

Aquiles took Maggie home and they started to talk about Luis. El Morro showed up and Maggie asked “What the hell do you want?”[Is he Rolando's deadbeat father?]. Aquiles stood up to protect Maggie as Rolando tried to push El Morro aside. Maggie took out her phone to call the police and the creep finally left. [This looks like she and her son live in a storage unit.]

Pascual made a comment about when thy lived in Las Flores. Angel could not remember having lived there. He tried to get his family to calm down about the cost of Vicki's care.

Aurora told JC she was accepting Antonio's help. She tried to remember which builders worked on her future house vs the ones working at her father's mansion.

Demon asked Antonio's blessing to marry Helena. Antonio looked a little surprised while Helena looked a little miffed. Briana smirked as Fabrizio looked genuinely happy.

Santos family prayer ended. Angel said he could not have been given a better family. He promised to not be violent and to become a better person.

JC and Aurora straightened out the thought about the builders. She took out her phone.

Helena told Demon that her consent was required for marriage, not her father's. Briana looked slightly off guard. Helena said to Demon that this was not the time. Antonio excused himself to answer his phone. Briana seemed to encourage Demon's move. Both of them left the table on a false pretext. Fabrizio seemed to like the idea of Demon marrying Helena who explained to him that their relationship was not in the best place for it at that time. He told her that “His mother destroyed him; you can save him.” [No woman should take on such a challenge].

Aurora told Antonio they urgently needed to talk the next day.

El Angel de Aurora #24
Part 2 of 2

Angel and Anita talked about Helena's TechnoChicks thing.

Demon and Briana met in or near the rest room. She told him to leave Angel alone because Vicki has cancer. He decided that this was just the right time to strike and told her to continue pursuing Angel and get on his mother's good side. A few moments later he told Edgar that the time to strike is upon them.

Las Flores

Jezabel spoke over the phone to Luis in a very seductive manner, obviously to lure him. She asked his age and was not shocked at his answer [¡He's only 21, 8 years younger than Demon!] She invited him to join her when she returned the next day. Glorio was with him during this call and gtting suspish about what he could hear. After the call Glorio told him to be careful; “this woman is a witch!”

As Demon left to go home he kissed Helena who turned her head to avoid him kissing her lips. As he started saying “We will get married” Edgar directed him to the door. When Helena and Antonio were alone in the living room a slip of the tongue by Helena told Antonio that it was Angel that she loved.

Glorio had a bad vibe from the phone call. He started talking about university and pretty college girls and handed him a brochure. JC came in and looked at the brochure. Glorio wanted to say something but Luis stopped him.


Aurora had a nightmare in which she was awakened by the door responding to rattling winds. She got up and stepped out into the dark to see a man in black, and to hear a crying baby and her name called in a man's voice. Photos of baby Gabriel and the faked photo of the adult one burned. Carmelita came in to wake her up, as it was 9 AM.

In the school the teacher told the children they had to sing and dance in a competition. They were all directed out of the classroom, but Rolando hung behind to get his cell phone out.

Antonio handed a file to the detective he hired to check information from 29 years previously. They sat down to talk.

Aurora took Angel into her office and told Cassandra to get Briana, leaving Jezabel in the reception room.

Jezabel entered Demon's office. He got on her case about having made a fool of him.

Aurora told Briana that Angel will spend time in her department. She was pleased and then left them alone. Aurora sensed there was something wrong.

Helena entered Aurora's office just as he had mentioned Vicki and her condition. Aurora talked about an upcoming event. Angel saw the faked photo on her desk.

Jezabel tried to tell Demon that the current priority was to get Aurora to trust her. She told him that Antonio was starting to unearth things of the past as in “Aurora's son could be alive.”



Thanks Urban, I enjoyed your recap. So Pintas voice must still be recognizable if it affected Aurora. And pintas doesn’t seem too bright so I’m guessing he will eventually be discovered as the rapist.

Demon was a fool to ask Antonio for blessings for the marriage. I loved how Helena told him it was her consent she needed. He had to know she’s taking a break from him and is just not that into him. Not sure why Fabrizio was so excited about the idea, but it seems he must realize his son is more like Jezabel than he would like. I wouldn’t want any part of him to be like Jezabel.

Still don’t know why Briana is helping Demon, unless she also prefers Angel over Demon.

I wonder what Jezabel wants with Luis. Aside from the obvious. Does she want to hurt JC or use his son against him.

I wish Glorió would tell JC about Jezabel. He knows Luis is too innocent for that women. Also, they suspect she was the reason for their friend’s suicide.

I thought Rolando was stealing the phone. That’s why Pintas gave him all that money.

Angel working in the office seems like a disaster in the making.


Angel / Aurora #24

I didn't notice whose desk Rolando went to; good point. It could be that Pintas will pay him $XX per stolen phone.

Glorio needs to talk to Cassandra about Carlitos so she will spy on Jezabel from this point on. Her motives for seducing Luis could be to mess with JC or just another sort of power play for her ego. He looks like an easier mark but she has not seen him get violent so this could backfire on her. Cassandra already suspects that she was the cause of Carlito's suicide, so Glorio needs her help in protecting Luis.

He should also tell Aquiles and JC.

Briana probably envies Angel his loving family. Patricia certainly isn't Mother of the Year. The best thing she can do for herself would be to move out of the house. However, she and Helena also are this generation's echo of Jezabel and Aurora, as Demon pointed out.

I am waiting for the big Medical Moment when someone needs a transfusion or transplant and Angel and/or Helena discovers that the parent they love is not their parent.

Angel/Aurora. I too enjoyed your recap, Urban. So Antonio is hiring a real private detective, not a shill of Jezebel, as Aurora did. Good! Neither Patricio's seducing Fabrizio nor Jezabel's seducing Luis will end well. And do Demian's words mean he was behind the attack on Angel? Maybe he is beyond redemption.

Angel / Aurora #24

Demon may be beyond redemption, but it's much too early to tell. This is a remake of a series that ran 130 episodes, so we may not be in far enough.

I have wondered why this is on in Daytime but since its predecessor was 130...

Any lustful union between Jezabel and Luis would end in disaster. Aquiles, Glorio, and JC need to stop this. Jezabel is one sick bitch and it would not surprise me if there were other past lovers who ended up dead once she discards them. She gets off on the suffering of others.

Keep me updated on further developments.

Corazón Indomable/ OT

It's returning on Monday.

I don't know why UniMas is airing baseball games if they already got soccer. It's odd they aired the MTV Video Music Awards a few weeks ago.


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