Monday, October 07, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Fugitivas, Marea de Pasiones, & Pedro el Escandaloso - Week of Oct. 7, 2024

Coming Soon to TELEMUNDO:  1) Sed de Venganza will start Oct.15th at 9PM! 2) La Familia (Turkish dizi) will start on Oct. 22nd at 10PM!

PREEMPTION ALERT: ON THURSDAY--Fugitivas will be preempted; Marea and Pedro will air 1 hour early—all due to Latino Talks with Kamala Harris,

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. Diana has taken on recaps for Fugitivas and LIZ is taking on Juana; so let’s cheer them on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Fugitivas: Ep. 12-14

9-10 PM – La Historia de Juana – Ep. 6-8

10-11PM – Pedro el Escandaloso

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Fugitivas”.)

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FUGITIVAS #12 Part 1

I tried my best but am simply unable to translate much of what transpired tonight. I have summarized what I think (and hope) are some highlights; things are not in order. Kindly add to and/or correct.

We begin with where we ended, Florencia pulling a picture of Juan Pablo and a blonde woman out of Charo’s bag (I still couldn’t see if it was Florencia). They discuss his phone and the call she received…

Matias and Martha have a heart to heart about his parents.

Lorea and Alejandro arrive back at his apartment where they continue to discuss Juan Pablo’s amante.

Arturo bemoans his relationship with Vincente. I believe he asks Florencia for Gabriela’s address. Florencia suggests that in order to get back in Vincente’s good graces, he try and win Gabriela over by making her believe they aren’t faulting or condemning her for Loena' situation.

Carmen sees a serious, distracted Dario. Looking a bit crazed, Dario saying things are difficult with Martha there. Later he confronts Martha (again) and is immune to Martha’s tears. Matias comes in to get his father to play soccer.

Lorena learns that Charo knows who Juan Pablo's mistress is and wants to get into the Marquez’ home to find the suitcase and find out exactly what Charo knows.

Carmen comes in and finds Martha crying in the kitchen. She tells her Dario wants her to leave. Carmen agrees saying it’s best Martha go, otherwise things will deteriorate even further. Without a scintilla of sympathy she stands up and walks out in Martha’s face. When a distraught Martha talks to Frida and Lorena, Lorena reminds her this is HER house. Frida is ready to confront Dario but Martha says no. Lorena sits on the bed and gives her a hug.


FUGITIVAS #12 Part 2

Gabriela is in tears when Vincente comes home but he cheers her up a bit and they hug. Later she admits she is preoccupied when the doorbell rings. It’s Arturo who roars in like a lion but later leaves like a lamb. He isn’t happy that Vincente has left home (something about Buenos Aires?) But he finally looks at Gabriela and apologizes. He invites them over for breakfast and actually kisses her on the cheek on the way out.

Charo hide the infamous bag in a storage room behind a box of Christmas ornaments.

Nicolas tries to flex his muscle and vent his frustration with Patricio and Amanda. It’s obvious Patricio doesn’t take him seriously and after Nic leaves, gives forth a melodious laugh in that marvelous baritone of his.

Frida joins Dario and Matias in their soccer game. Needless to say, she lightens the mood and all are having fun.

Nicolas goes to beyotch to Ismael…such a sourpuss.

Back at “Arizona 39” otherwise known as Alejandro’s apartment, the doorbell rings and it’s Amanda. Looks like a pelicula and sushi are on the menu.

Frida and Lorena are in their wigs when Lisset comes in. She wants to know what’s up and Frida insists there be no secrets between them. After she is filled in, it seems Lisset is going to break into the Marquez mansion!


FUGITIVAS #12 Part 3 of 3

Florencia is having a flashback of seeing “the” picture and gulps a handful of pills as Ismael comes home.

Carmen talks to Dario about Martha – was she telling him Martha shouldn’t leave??

And in the biggest surprise, Ismal tells Florencia they should grow their family and have a child! Florencia seems delighted with the news…

In the morning the girls are making up their beds. Lisset is ready to swing into action as Frida looks concerned.

At work, Nicolas sees Amanda alighting from Alejandro’s motorcycle and has something to say. Amanda says it’s none of his concern. After he throws the couple a few fit to be tied glances, he leaves as Ale calls him an idiot.

At the Marquez’ property, Lorena boosts Lisset over the wall and tells her to take care.

The schedule is now showing no show Tuesday or Thursday this week.



Oops, I just checked again and it looks like Fugitivas IS airing tomorrow but not Thursday. Sigh...

Stay tuned!


Diana, thank you for the very fine recap.

Alejandro brings up the possibility to Lorena that maybe Juan Pablo's lover was a man or maybe he was bisexual and that Verónica and Charo were covering for him. Now that would be a plot twist! He is going to get Sofía to hack Verónica’s phone and wants Lorena to do things his way. That fell on deaf ears as we saw Lisset scaling the wall at the end in broad daylight?

Dario suggests to his wifey Carmen that they leave and start somewhere else since he cannot live with his mother. She first tells him to suck it up but then suggests they get Marta a room at a boarding house.

Nicolás accuses Amanda of sleeping with the enemy. He wants to interrogate her and Alejandro. Alejandro cites the penal code reminding him he needs evidence of something illegal to do that. He threatens to fire Amanda. She tells him he can’t.

I like Marta’s grandson. Maybe he will find some way for her to stay because unfortunately she sounds like she could be agreeable to that rooming house room.



I'm enjoying this show. I have to watch on my phone so I didn't write any notes during it. Juana's friend obviously has a crush on David. It was cute how the friend's mother ( still trying to put names to characters) believing that Juana has a divine pregnancy was funny.. I have mixed feelings about Gabriel's wife. If she never wanted children and went into the marriage with him knowing that then I have a little sympathy for her. She believes they can be happy without children. I get the impression they tried to conceive with her as the biological mother but it didn't work. If anyone else got a different meaning from past episodes feel free to correct me.

I'm not sure about the Camila character at this point, is she good, evil or in between.


Sorry I haven't been able to help with recaps. I haven't watched any of the episodes I missed during the power outage. No idea when our Internet will be restored. I was supposed to have retinal eye surgery yesterday but it has been postponed 2 weeks. About the time I get caught up on this show I'll be out of commission again for a while. Maybe when Conde ends I'll feel the urge to catch up. Thanks for keeping the dialogue going.


Jarifa, thank you!

Oh my you added so much that I didn't understand. Juan Pablo certainly is a man of mystery with secrets abounding. So, Lorena is just forging ahead with her own plan! What could possibly go wrong?? :)

A room at a boarding house? No wonder Martha was so upset! Dario is a lousy son. As you noted, at least Matias is a good kid and a staunch supporter of Martha!

Nicolas is so full of himself, utterly condescending isn't he?? Ack.

Jarifa, thanks for adding all of the gems, I am so appreciative!



Kat, wishing you the best of luck in your upcoming surgery...

Happy your power is back and hope that you regain internet access sooner rather than later.



Dear Diana, thank you for bringing us every twist and turn.

Jarifa, thank you for the toppings to the tasty sundae that Diana made for us.

Well, it seemed that Ale was falling for Lorena, but I guess he is fighting the feeling with sushi, movies, and bunny hopping with Amanda .

Nicolas wants to be large and in charge , but isn't Amanda's dad the boss? Love Caesar's lovely laugh. He is a treasure , and I always love him paired with Erica.

Arturo is an imposing presence. I know the actor but still don't know from which tn.

That is a wild theory that Ale proposed about JP. I can't figure out the connection between Florencia, JP , and Charo.


Thanks so much Susan...

"Well, it seemed that Ale was falling for Lorena, but I guess he is fighting the feeling with sushi, movies, and bunny hopping with Amanda" :)

Susan, I also thought that Patricio was in charge but I'm not clear on the hierarchy so maybe Nic is in charge?? Ish seems to be working more on his own and not as part of that group.


Juana #6

Gabriel asks Juana why she needs to spend the night there. She tells him she’s pregnant and no one is the father. And she’s hiding from her family. Juana fixes dinner for Gabriel in the office building. He shares he had cancer and won’t be able to have a child. She studies in his office while he works. He’s making calls trying to find Francisco. When he realizes she’s asleep he removes his jacket and covers her. When she wakes she sees he’s asleep and covers him.
Her grandmother goes to a priest. Gabriela goes to the police to report Francisco is missing. David finds out Juana spent the night there with Gabriel. I think the whole office knows! Jenny finds her at school and asks her to come home.

The night before creepy Rogelio and wife visit Paula and Camila. When they leave the wife questions his interest in Camila. He tells her he’s only interested in Francisco’s shares. Meanwhile Camila is giving Paula horrible advice because Gabriel isn’t home. The next morning Camila asks if there could be someone at the office he’s interested in. She goes through a list and “the photographer” is mentioned. Paula looks at herself in the mirror in silky shorty pjs and seems to dismiss the thought of anyone else he could be interested in!

Almost forgot, her friend Dani’s mom overheard Jenny and questions Dani. When Dani tells her mom Juana is a virgin her mom mentions praying to the Virgin Mary and is excited about this miracle.

There were flashbacks to the nurses and the Juana and the other girl. I think Juana was remembering. So I think she’ll figure it out soon


Liz, thank you for a great recap. I am starting to like this show.

Rogelio is a creepy killer out to ceat his own SIL. His wife seemed to see that the old lech was interested in Camila.

Camila is as shallow as her friend Paula.

I am glad that Gabriel is trying to find out what happened to Francisco. Susan

Thanks for jogging my memory on all the names. In the early episodes I'm lost. I was surprised with Juana's packing job that she seemed to not pack her laptop. Wouldn't that be one of the first things to put in your bag as a college student. Wonder when the memory card she dropped will be found. I'm sure the incriminating photo of Rogelio will come to light then.

FUGITIVAS #13 Part 1

After helping hoist Lisset onto the wall of the Marquez’ home, Monica tells Lisset to be careful.

Arturo welcomes Gabriela to the family breakfast (being held outside in the garden) and hugs his son. Florencia is there as well as Ismael. We see Lisset sneaking into the kitchen.

Lisset searches Charo’s bedroom but is forced to hide under the bed when Charo comes in, phone in hand.

Charo leaves her bedroom and Lisset rolls out from under the bed. She snoops in a jewelry box and takes out a note which she pockets; she also takes a photo of the picture on the dresser, which appears to be Charo and a young man. Lisset calls Lorena telling her the entire family is in the garden.

Gabriela looks uncomfortable as she glances at Ismael. Ismael (inappropriately) announces he and Florencia are going to start a family. A bit premature isn’t it I add scathingly…

Patricio visits Martha; as Montse comes in (without him seeing), Martha talks him into going out for a cappuccino.

Lisset has moved into another bedroom. She scopes out the closet and pulls a heavy suitcase down from the upper shelf that hits her hard. She can barely walk and sits down and calls Lorena.

Arturo and Ismael go to the living room to talk bizness as Lorena listens unobserved. Arturo refers to Gabriela as the assassin’s sister!

Patricio has ordered a diabetic special, a massive, delicious looking pastry and a Coke over ice! Coffee and pastry for Martha. It’s mostly small talk after which he gives her his business card. She bids him a polite goodbye and he walks away looking rueful.


FUGITIVAS #13 Part 2

Charo (accidentally??) spills red juice all over Gabriela.

Monica finds Lisset and starts to help her out when they hear voices. They rush to the bathroom and hide in the tub, pulling the curtain. Florencia leads Gabriela into the same bathroom where she can clean up (good luck with that). Lorena reveals herself but closes the shower curtain when Florencia comes back in. Flor gives Gabriela a black and white striped dress (she looks great). She then quite nastily taunts Gabriela about her assassin sister. Gabriela of course defends her and Flor (sort of) apologizes.

As the breakfast of non-champions concludes, Gabriela texts Lorena, then goes into a long rambling speech which allows time for Lorena to get Lisset get out of the house. Two faced Arturo gives Gabriela a big hug.

Frida comes in to see Martha packing and is very upset! Martha reminds Frida she is free and encourages her. “Te quiero mucho” Martha says as they hug. Matias comes in and sees the suitcase and asks what is going on. “Lo siento mucho” she tells him; she enumerates all his good qualities and smiles sweetly. They will stay in touch. “Abuela” he says emotionally as he hugs her.

Florencia runs into the kitchen muttering something about Juan Pablo to Charo.

Gabriela confronts Ismael about Lorena. She thought he loved her sister but now he is going to have a baby with Florencia? He doesn’t want her to mention her sister’s name as he and Florencia are together and going to have a family. Rat.

We see Lorena and Lisset in a taxi, the latter screaming at the driver when he goes over a bump. She is in a great deal of pain. Lorena calls Erick and fills him in.

Martha runs into Montse who looks (understandably) concerned she is leaving especially as it’s MARTHA’s house! Martha asks her not to fuss…Montse thanks her with teary eyes and much gratitude.


FUGITIVAS #13 Part 3

Martha goes into the bar where Dario and Carmen are. He gives her papers, something about the house (is he asking her to sign the house over?) He takes money out of the register; she doesn’t want it but ends up taking it. “Abuela” Matias says as he enters; she touches his cheek and hugs him. She cries and blesses him and says goodbye. She then turns to her son who is cold as ice. There is no warm goodbye, no hugs, no tears. Later, Dario goes into their bedroom and sits down putting his face in his hands but doesn’t do anything.

Carmen’s phone rings, the caller is “Sergio” and Montse overhears part of the conversation. Carmen tries to wave her off but Montse eyes her suspiciously.

Having escaped the viper’s nest, Gabriela and Vincente are back home. He assures her she isn’t alone, she has him.

Erick meets Lisset and Lorena at the hospital.

Frida and Montse brush their wigs lamenting Martha’s absence. Lisset hobbles in with her bandaged ankle.

Lorena reads the note she took but all I gleaned was that it was written by Juan Pablo saying something like you are very important to me. The women discuss Florencia and Ismael and then of course “La Superiora’s” departure.

Silly Veronica calls Arturo who seems disinterested at first but ends up smiling.


FUGITIVAS #13 Part 4 of 4

Gabriela and Lorena are on the phone talking. Gabriela stresses she knows she is innocent but is worried about her. Lorena warns her how manipulative the family is but Gabriela assures her Vincente is different. Vincente has silently entered the room (why does no one close the door??) and has heard and misinterpreted the conversation. She tells her sister she cares. Vincente walks up and demands to know who she was talking to. She won’t tell him and he angrily leaves.

Martha checks in to some type of boarding house that looks grim. The landlady tells her where the bathroom is.

Florencia removes her makeup and talks to Ismael about Lorena. He doesn’t like it and leaves.

Amanda calls Alejandro and asks if he is busy. No is the answer…No? Well good thing because I’m lurking right outside your door she says (rather creepily I might add). She brought food and drink…He leaves the room but leaves his phone on the table. The second he leaves she opens a folder, takes out her phone and starts taking pictures!


Thanks, Diana, for keeping us up to date on all the action. I missed this last night. : (


Dear Diana, thank you for that great recap and all your sassy comments. I love your style . Your recaps are a bright spot in the day. it is so nice to have a little fun escape .

We haven't seen much of Ish, and when he is onscreen he is pretty grim and quiet.
Uh oh, what did Amanda photograph. Those old spy movies have become reality with everyone carrying cellphones, which have changed real life and our novelas.

Hmmm...the photo that Lisset took ..could that be a picture of Charo and a young JP.? Is Charo his mother ? Did JP and Charo know some secret about Flor or the business? JP seemed like a player despite being engaged to annoying, giggling Veronica.

P.s. I wonder if Kirby still lives in FL? Susan


Thanks Jarifa!

Susan, thank you. Ish is "pretty grim and quiet" as you noted.

I couldn't make out what it was Amanda took pictures of.

Yes, I do think the photo was a young JP and there is a chance Charo IS his mother. His engagement to Veronica is very strange.

Yes, Kirby does live in FL and I am keeping him in my prayers as I am for all in harm's way.


Juana 7. Part two

Juana and her mom pick up the backpack. Mom is telling her about David bringing her check and flowers. Some female coworkers are telling David he’s too intense. Juana and mom go to say hi and he tells Juana she is apparently interested in Gabriel. She and mom leave and the coworkers charge over to him.

The detectives gather everyone and question the whole group. Very awkward and Gabriel eventually tells them Francisco wanted to sell his shares. They’ll question everyone individually tomorrow.

Jenny explains to her mom and brother what seems to have happened at the clinic.

Rogelio goes to see Francisco’s mom. This guy is cold. He tells her he’s sure he’ll turn up soon. She thinks Camila had something to do with it. Does anyone like her?

Paula and Camila are talking about adoption when Paula notices the missing clock, a gift from Gabriel’s mom. Paula calls the maid who will question the staff. Later she tells Paula no one has seen it. She mentions the staff have been faithful for years while Camila….She gets a dirty look from Paula.

Gabriel sees Paula’s motorcycle and asks the driver to have it fixed.

Paula questions Gabriel about where he was last night, then brings up adoption. He tells her he was working and walks off when she brings up adoption. Then Camila sits down with him at breakfast and mentions the adoption. He says he needs space and leaves.

Camila meets with Rogelio because she wants a job in the company. And Juana and her mom literally chase down the nurse until she’s trapped and tells them it was her fault.

Kat, I think the memory card will be found in the last episodes! Maybe when Juana is very pregnant and gets that burst of energy to clean. 🤣



Ah yes, Liz. That nesting urge. Camila mentioned to Gabriel that her suegra hated her. Seems her only friend is Paula and Rogelio who just wants to bed her. I think you meant to say Juana's motorbike. I doubt Paula would be caught dead on one.

Paula wanted the oldest orphan as an adopted son so she wouldn't have to deal with all the yucky (in her mind) stages of having children. The diapers is really weird watching her and Gabriel in 2 series at the same time....she is equally repulsive in Nadie Como Tu.....


Liz, thank you for that excellent recap. This show is getting good.

Poor Gabriel has to deal with both Paula and Camila, who wants to replace her bff Paula. I think Camila was fantasizing about being the lady of the manor and how she would yell at the help. Dani , the maid , seems to have her number and so does Paula's mother (This actress often played the femme fatale villains ).

Ah yes, that burst of energy as birth gets closer and the nestng instinct kicks in !! Susan

OT...Kat...I am watching Fernando Colunga and Chantal Andere in " El Conde" and also at the same time in " Amor Real" ( which was made 18 years ago. ..Fernando was the galan and Chantal was he bad girl)_ Chantal is really scary in " conde!". Susan


Juana's neighbors are funny with all them thinking her pregnancy and such.
It really is that everyone knows she is a virgin, mind your own business people
I really like the actress playing Camila, I hope she eventually gets a lead role, she has the acting chops for it and screen presence,

That's my problem with the actress playing Juana. Her acting is good but she just lacks lead girl energy, she's more of a supporting player aura



Carmen seems nice at first but now we are seeing cracks and looks like she has a secret too. I mean it's obvious they're setting up Dario and Frida as love interests so Carmen needs to have a MAJOR flaw to justify breaking a marriage!

I hope they don't make Amanda bad, her character might be the third party for attorney and Lorena but she's just doing her job!

Who killed Juan Pablo is such an interesting case! I hope they build it up well.


FUGITIVAS #14 Part 1

We see a repeat of Amanda taking pictures of a report she opened up on Alejandro’s desk. Next she grabs his phone and looks at and opens Sofia’s contact. She races to work and looks her up on a Facebook equivalent. Then she calls her, identifying herself as Detective Amanda Rojas but the scene fades out and we don’t hear what is said.

Lots of surreptitious phone use tonight. Florencia texts Charo but I couldn’t read it. Isamel gets into bed as Flor looks a bit guilty.

Gabriela is in bed restless and calls Vincente but gets his voice mail Where are you she wonders?

Nicolas helps a drunk Veronica out of the car. She tries to wrap her octopus tentacles around him but he pushes her away. She doesn’t take no for an answer and pulls him back in for a long, lingering kiss. She manages to disentangle herself and stumble inside as Nicolas sort of smiles.

The next morning, Frida is missing Martha.

“Buenos dias” Vincente says coldly to Gabriela when he walks in. Things escalate into an argument due to what he overheard her say on the phone (or thought he heard). He seems to have backed her into a corner and she reluctantly tells him the truth, she was talking with Lorena. He is not happy but they make up and end up hugging.

Martha is checking the want ads and sees an opening for a receptionist.

Sofia meets up with Amanda. She has researched her and I believe she has some sort of record. Amanda brings up Alejandro and wants information but it doesn’t seem as though Sofia is budging. Sofia stands and leaves as Amanda looks angry.

Carmen is walking the city streets looking very suspicious; Montse hot on her tail.


FUGITIVAS #14 Part 2

Florencia and Charo are in the middle of nowhere; Flor hands her some photos and we see that she is indeed the woman in the pictures with Juan Pablo. She pulls out a few of the pictures and then takes the entire leather bag, dousing it with gasoline. Then she ignites the remaining pictures and starts a fire.

Carmen goes into a restaurant. “You’re late” a man sitting at the table says. She hands him a fistful of bills but he seems to say it isn’t enough. He gets a call and leaves. Montse walks up to Carmen and demands to know what the money is for and Carmen tells her to buzz off. Then the guy comes back and introduces himself as Sergio Carmen’s husband. Shortly thereafter, he bids them goodbye but first plants a huge kiss on Carmen! Montse calls Carmen on her treachery and when she threatens to blackmail her, Carmen caves.

Martha is dressed in a simple but respectable navy-blue dress and heels. She is at the front desk applying for the receptionist job when a man appears. He scathingly looks her up and down, imperious and condescending, immediately rejecting her! In spite of his cruel humiliation, she is gracious nevertheless and takes her leave.

Sofia tells Alejandro about her visit with Amanda. “Claro” he says immediately realized she got the information at his place!

Gabriela and Lorena meet up on a park bench and Gabriela is cold. It goes downhill from there. Lorena tells her to open her eyes but it seems the damage is done. Gabriela is genuinely upset and leaves as Lorena evaporates in tears.

Martha is beating the employment path to no avail, applying at a restaurant, a small shop, a coffee shop and finally, some sort of packing and shipping company. She seems to be rejected out of hand almost immediately at each.

Martha calls Frida who is delighted to hear from her; she then asks how Matias is…She then calls Patricio who is happy to hear from her. He is going to help her get a job. There was an update on Milton so I didn’t see whatever happened next. The next scene we see is Martha arriving at Patricio’s.

Veronica rushes into Florencia’s office glowing and nattering on about Nicolas. Florencia stares without a smile. Veronica calls her on it and she feigns happiness that Veronica is contented.


FUGITIVAS #14 Part 3 of 3

“Abogado Castillo” Amanda says smiling as Alejandro opens his apartment door. He does not return the smile; he is clearly furious at her for spying on him and inserting herself in his business as she screams about Lorena Martinez. I believe he breaks up with her, closing the door in her face.

We next see Martha in a maid’s uniform, she is cleaning the precinct office. Nicolas comes in and seeing her, seems shocked and dismayed, questioning Patricio. Ismael comes in and Nicolas starts in again, pointing Martha out as a convict. I don’t believe Ismael had a problem. The entire scene was crushing for Martha who handled it with grace as she always does. Patricio apologizes.

Time is passing…It doesn’t seem Gabriela is answering her sister’s calls. A group is together watching a soccer game; Nicolas has his grubby paw on Florencia’s leg as she pushes it away…

Patricio is bringing Martha goodies.

Erick comes in and has finally come through with the fake IDs much to the girls’ delight.

Frida purchases a magazine with Arturo Marquez prominently featured on the cover. Lisset and Lorena talk about Juan Pablo. Frida gives Lorena the article and insists she read it.

Veronica gives Arturo a copy of the magazine. They talk about Gabriela being Lorena’s sister but I didn’t understand in what context. He does seem to loathe Veronica though. :)

Patricio and Martha are taking a walk when the girls almost run smack into them, stopping just in time and hiding around the corner.

And in a shocking ending to the evening, Ismael gets in his car and Lorena pops up from the back seat putting a gun to his head!



Dear Diana, thank you for another wonderful day instant replay.

Love Cesar and Erica together .

Well, it looks like the writers were giving us a PSA on ageism when job seeking .

Also, I don't think there will be anymore beer and bunny hopping for Amamda with Ale.

I can't believe that Flor had a fling with JP. How did Charo get involved?

Hmmm...Carmen is married to Sergio !! So now Frida will End up with Dario and reunite him with his mother .

Where did Lorena get the gun? Susan


Patricio really beamed with joy when Martha called him up, Cesar Evora is really good playing someone in love! He and Erica Buenfil always look so cute together!

Lorena is so reckless for a fugitive, going in and out everywhere and now confronting her prosecutor-ex! Now will sparks fly? They obviously still have feelings for each other!

Thanks so much, Diana.
I'm ahead with this show, but I still read your recaps.
I forgotthat Alejandro was using Amanda to cope with his feelings for Lorena. Oh least it didn't last till episode 40.
Ismael is really disappointing me. I suppose he doesn't know Loerena well, but he just abandoned her in prison.
Poor Martha...She got 15 years or so even though it was self-defence and an accident? Telenovela laws...
Lorena as a character is in an interesting position. She can't go around searching for info. Now she did a stupid thing, but I really like it that her friends try to help too.
Does Cezar Ivora ever play good guys? Has he ever played a galan? I seem to remember he was often the bad one?


Thanks so much for your nice words Susan!

Yes ageism really reared its ugly head last night, didn't it? It IS real although it was shocking to see it so overtly displayed in the first scene. Just heartbreaking.

Those photos of Juan Pablo and Florencia seemed rather intimate. If Charo IS his mother, it seems a bit unsettling that she is aligning with Florencia to hide their affair. That said, I don't think Florencia murdered him.

Since Carmen is a bigamist (and a nasty person) it seems that she and Dario will break up and he and Frida will end up together. He has a LOT to atone for with Martha though.

I don't know where Lorena got the gun!!



Susan and Anon, I love Erika and Cesar together!

Yes, Cesar was delighted Martha called him. Nicolas' treatment of and disdain for her was disgusting.



Waterlily, I am so happy to see you are watching this; great comment as always!

Ismael did indeed abandon Lorena! He is a strange character, rather joyless and obviously, no loyalty.

You are exactly right in that Cesar usually does play a villain, at which he excels! But he shines equally as a galan; he is so talented. In the last few TNs I've seen he has been a good guy.

Martha was unjustly imprisoned; I hate how Dario is treating her. I think Cesar is going to ensure her life changes from here on in.

I was shocked at Lorena pulling a gun on Ismael. Whatever is she thinking??



Diana, " joyless" is the perfect adjective for Ish. He doesn't seem happy about having a baby with Flor.

We never saw much of JP. I remember him putting the moves on Lorena at the office , and Veronica was getting jealous. He seemed like a smarmy player to me.

Hi, Waterlily. Susan



Thanks, Diana, for filling us in on all the shenanigans. So, Carmen has a husband proving even more that she is just another grifter.I can’t wait until Marta’s son finds out and ends up with egg all over his face.

Juana- # 8

The doctor realizes Juana is there but can’t find the nurse. The nurse tells them a very powerful man is the father of the baby.

All of the employees talk to the detectives individually. They all mention the argument between Gabriel and Francisco. Rogelio’s son goes one step further and says Francisco’s wife is living with Gabriel because he wanted to take care of her. David is a real butt when Gabriel comes to him with the detectives to get Juana’s phone number. He acts surprised that Gabriel doesn’t have it. His attitude is bad and Gabriel later confronts him about it.

The doctor that did the artificial insemination was filling in that day. He goes to Gabriel’s doctor and tells him what happened. The doctor is pleased that Gabriel has a chance to become a dad. But then is told the nurse is gone and she had erased the files.

Rogelio and Camila talk about her shares but I didn’t really pick up that conversation.

The neighborhood gossips tell Felipe’s broken TV girl friend about Juana’s immaculate conception. She tells Felipe and also tells him he is all tense, he needs to come to her apartment at 6:30 to relax. He ends up working on the TV again.

Juana has to decide what to do. She visited the hospital nursery and sees the cute babies. But her family is picturing a powerful, bad man as the father of her baby.

Paula gives the priest a big cash donation as she wants to adopt Nicholas. He tells her that they have to go through steps. I felt that she thought she’d walk out with the kid then and there. When she gets home she talks with Camila about converting the bedroom Gabriel is in into her room. With her video games in one spot and computer on another wall. That way Gabriel will have to go back to their bedroom. Although Camila mentions that Gabriel might want to play video games with her.

There was a meeting at the beer office with two men I didn’t know. It was about the beer that isn’t doing well. Afterward Carlos?, Gabriel’s uncle, and a woman both say they don’t trust Rogelio. He was given his part of the business after his dad committed suicide. The dads were friends. It sounded like a guilt thing by Gabriel’s dad but I could have that wrong.

Lighter moments:
Jenny is on a ladder trying to take down a fan. As her mom yells to be careful she falls and is hanging on. The vegetable salesman comes in and grabs her.

Gabriel surprises Juana with her fixed motorcycle and they ride off into the sunset together-or down the street!



Jarifa, thank you!

Yes, I can't wait for Dario to get his comeuppance!

There is bound to be and should be a hell of a lot of groveling ere this ends! ;)


Juana #8
Liz, thanks. I think this show I will stick with. It is on early enough and so far lighthearted enough.

The take I had on Camila and Rogelio, I think he is grooming her to vote her missing husband's shares in his favor in the company. I noticed the meeting did not include Gabriel. Is it a vote if no confidence meeting to oust him. I get the impression he is the president.

Do you think the new IPA was tainted in some way so it tastes awful and that is why it failed. It's nice to actually know what the product of the business is for a change.
I think Paula was envisioning a bedroom for Nicholas, not Camila.
Was this the episode that Camila hit Rogelio up for a job in the brewery?

I do enjoy the lighthearted moments in this show.

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