Monday, October 14, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Fugitivas, Marea de Pasiones, & Pedro el Escandaloso - Week of Oct. 14, 2024

Coming Soon to TELEMUNDO:  1) Sed de Venganza will start Oct.15th at 9PM!

                                                          2) La Familia (Turkish dizi) will start on Oct. 22nd at 10PM!

PREEMPTION ALERT: ON Tuesday-- Marea and Pedro will be preempted due to FUTBOL! On WEDNESDAY, Fugitivas will be preempted and Marea and Pedro  will air 1 hour early—all due to Latino Talks with Donald Trump!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. La Historia de Juana had a great start with Liz providing some juicy recaps! Diana is stalwart with her recaps for Fugitivas. So let’s cheer them on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Fugitivas: Ep. 12-13 (Preempted on Wednesday)

9-10 PM – La Historia de Juana: Ep. 6 (Monday) & 8-9 PM -  Ep. 7 (Wednesday)

10-11PM – Pedro el Escandaloso (Monday)  & 9-10 PM (Wednesday)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Fugitivas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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FUGITIVAS #16 Part 1

Light on dialogue, kindly add or correct…

Dario angrily comes out from behind the bar after having fired Lorena for being irresponsible and missing work. Frida argues with him to no avail. He isn’t backing down. In the background, Carmen smiles in delight and later, follows him into the bedroom as he sits surly and scowling.

Lorena apologizes to her friends but it isn’t well received.

Vincente comes into Gabriela’s room with a pastry with one candle, singing happy birthday. He gives her a gift, a silver bracelet with beads. She loves it and thanks him.

Flor has coffee as Ismael enters the kitchen. (Is it winter? It sure is chilly!) He turns to leave and she stops him, asking him about him being late the previous night missing her father’s dinner. She is furious and reads him the riot act, she can’t keep pretending things are well between them. He is quiet and looks like a deer in the headlight. He leaves, kissing her on the cheek.

Gabriela reads the warm, encouraging letter from Lorena which she hides in her shirt when Vicente comes in.

Frida apologizes to Dario the next morning and somehow, manages to get him laughing. It is obvious in the way he looks at her that he is feeling something more than friendship.

Florencia and Arturo welcome Gabriela on her first day with hugs.

Dark cloud Nicolas drifts into the office, complaining and nattering on to Patricio and Amanda; they are soon joined by Ismael. Then Nicolas starts in on Marta and Marta talks back. There is a shot of all the “fugitivas” pictures on the wall and Marta says there are women in prison who are innocent. Nicolas doesn’t want to hear it.

Frida talks with Montse and Lisset. She asks where Lorena is and Montse sort of imitates Lorena, mocking her.


FUGITIVAS #16 Part 2

Marta talks with Patricio and Amanda alone, something about “Guadlupe Victoria” which Amanda looks up on the computer and smiles.

Florencia gives Gabriela several boxes and points her in the direction of Veronica’s desk. She takes her to a storeroom, which is apparently her new work digs.

Ismael looks at Lorena’s file as she calls him from a pay phone. We later see him back in his car, looking at some list.

Vincente comes in and seeing where Gabriela’s new “office” is, goes to Florencia to complain. Florencia calls Veronica in; Vincente reams her out demanding she be moved to a better spot. Then Ver goes on to Florencia (falsely) that she and Nicolas are novios. Flor tries to muster up a smile.

Lorena is in the park on a bench with a small cake and candles but of course Gabriela doesn’t come. Lorena ugly cries.

Florencia calls Ismael asking him to go out that night. It’s impossible he says and hangs up. Ver asks if there is another woman. She doesn’t know; patience quickly evaporated; she snaps at Ver to leave.

Ismael talks with a man who must be Juan Pablo’s landlord. He shows him pictures on his phone of JP which of course he recognizes. Next, it’s a picture of Lorena. Nopis. Finally, Charo. He bribes him and gets let into the apartment. He finds a pen with JP’s initials (I think) and thinks back to a conversation he had with him during which both Vero and Flor are mentioned. I didn’t understand exactly what was said but it looked like a light bulb moment.

The girls are mopping the bar floor and cleaning up when Erick comes in. When he tells them his pistol is missing, the revelation does not go over well.

Amanda and Patricio have organized a police search party. He thanks Marta on the way out.


FUGITIVAS #16 Part 3 of 3

Flor goes to “help” Gabriela and “accidentally” spills her work on the floor.

Lorena comes back to the bar but Montse tells her she isn’t interested in any explanations. Lorena and Frida leave to “talk”. Frida demands to know where she was last night and talks about the gun. Lorena tells Frida the truth, she was with Ismael. Frida is beside herself, feeling betrayed. She stalks out and goes back to the bar and announces that Lorena was with Misael. “The police?” Montse rages. Lorena swears that she didn't tell him anything about the other fugitivas.

Patricio orders Amanda stay in the car; other officers are dispatched.

Lisset and Erick come in as Lorena is packing. “My gun” he asks which Lorena sheepishly hands him, thanking him as Lisset stands with her arms folded. Thank you for everything Lorena says and turns to leave, backpack on her arm. Lisset stops her, appearing to be game to give her another chance. They go and talk to the other two who are not pleased; Frida stares and Montse scowls. Frida finally unsmilingly agrees and Montse does as well but is none too happy.

The police are putting their vests on, preparing for whatever raid they are planning ….

Lorena approaches Dario in his apartment and apologizes; he gives her another chance. Just then Carmen comes in and seeing him defend Frida and her friends, is visibly angry. She tells him it is she whom he should be taking advice from.

The police are outside preparing to execute the raid…all of a sudden, Amanda recognizes a girl walking by as one of the fugitivas (do we know who she is?) Amanda calls out to her but in a flash, the girl pulls a gun out from her coat and fires it directly into Amanda’s chest! She falls as Patricio yells out for his daughter, running to her side.


rvgchick not sure how the algorithm works for finding past shows but I want to point out that Marea is finished and has been replaced by Juana. Since I Iost power for 9 days and am looking for recent past posts it throws me off a bit.


Thank you, Diana, for keeping us up to date on the continuing adventures of the fugitivas with your very fine recap.

Lorena is acting like kind of a dunderhead. No wonder Dario wanted her gone. Sher doesn't deserve her prison knick name "Martillo" (Hammer). LOL

Marta has turned snitch AKA informant and tells Patricio and Amanda about fellow con on the loose Estefanía López who could have contacts in Guadalupe Victoria. I hope Marta doesn't end up in the big house again because she could be in trouble if somebody figures out that she talked.

Gabriela's job sorting thousands of receipts reminds me of so many boring and tedious jobs from my youth. Too bad Vicente couldn't get Gabriela a real office rather than allowing her to be stuck working alone in a store room. Sorry but a table doesn't quite do it.

I had to laugh at: kooky Verónica advising Florencia on her marital woes since she is suspecting that Ismael has the hots for another woman and
in a flashback, JP suggesting to Ismael that he have an affair, be a "bad boy", as a way to put up with Florencia.

We heard "solidarity" used twice: among the fugitivas themselves and later by the super/security guard at JP's old apartment building and Ismael. Loved it when the guy told an evidently cheap Ismael that he didn't give him enough money for him to talk and Ismael had to give him more. Then the guy offered to wash Ismael's car. Too funny.

I am hoping that Amanda was not killed but was knocked backward from the force of the shot against her bullet proof vest and maybe hit her head on the ground. Guess we will findout tonight.

Césor Evora is doing a great job as a detective. I only wish the role was bigger so we would see more of him.


Jarifa, thank you very much for your kind words.

Thank you SO much for explaining that Marta is a snitch (so much nicer than rat fink!). I'm a bit surprised and disappointed (although Estefania is a bad seed). I appreciate your tying everything together to explain what happened with the shooting.

JP had a nerve suggesting Ismael have an affair when he was sleeping with Florencia himself. He seems like such a creep. Also, I don't like anything about Vero...

Lorena really does love Ismael (why is a whole nother ball of wax). He is a spineless liar. Nevertheless, a lot is going to transpire if Lorena is eventually going to end up with Alejandro.

I feel for Amanda. I imagine she has to try so much harder than a man in her position (especially with loathsome Nicolas in charge).

More Cesar all the all the time would be wonderful!

Thank you for all the oh so important information you added. I so appreciate it.



Dear Diana, thank you for another great recap as our story moves along .

Jarifa, thanks for the extras. I don't understand many words, but I realized that Vicente was scolding mean girls Flor and Ver after I heard " mesa" several times.
The intro gives us no clue as to whom Lorena will end up with. I think the actor playing Ale has played a Galan before , but I don't think that the actor playing Ish has, so I am going to guess that Ale ends up with Lorena. In the past, the leading lady never slept with anyone but the galan, but i think times have changed.

Amanda was wearing a kablar vest , so she will survive. Susan



I am confused about what is happening with Ish and that guy when Ish found his car. p.s. sunny but chilly here . Here comes fall. Susan

Juana # 11 part 1

Juana and Gabriel talk about the baby, and options. He thinks the father needs to know. She once again says the father didn’t choose her, and she didn’t choose to get pregnant. He tells her she’s already made up her mind in her heart. She says it’s not hers or the dad’s story, it’s the baby’s story. It was a touching conversation, wish I got all of it. Camila watched them talking and might have taken some pictures. She also saw them leave.

Meanwhile the director wants Paula to stay, some pictures need to be retaken. She’s not happy and her fake smiles show it. The director tells her there’s plenty of beautiful girls showing up. Ha, loved that.

Juana had to go back in to sign stuff and is reminded of the photos. She admires his house and he talks about wanting it full of kids. She jokingly says she’ll buy it. After she leaves Paula comes charging in asking Gabriel where his lover is and why she was in her house. The detective explained they called Juana in because she had heard and seen some things. Paula says she made all that up and the detective said if she did it will be revealed during the investigation. I love this detective, he stays so cool and calm! After the detective leaves Gabriel tells Paula and Camila off Juana would never act like they do, she is decent, transparent and pure. He also tells them there is nothing between them.

Rogelio and son are talking. The son starts by saying Gabriel and the photographer have something going on. They then talk about Gabriel and suspicions that he’s guilty.

Josefina and Felipe are talking. He says the law is on the side of women. She says not God’s law. Well, that’s what she said, but they were talking about the pregnancy. Jenny comes in and tells them she’s been fired. They’re not happy.

Juana talks to the priest and tells him the pregnancy is a result of artificial insemination. He tells her he can contact a family to adopt the baby. She tells him she knows a marvelous man who would like a child. Although she’s having trouble thinking of giving up the baby.

The office group is in a meeting room talking about the cell phone and how strange it showed up when it did. Rogelio comes in and wonders why he wasn’t told about the meeting. They tell him it wasn’t a meeting. He wants to speak to Gabriel. He first talks about Paula and Gabriel and the photographer. Then he tells him Camila found a paper that leaves the shares to her. Gabriel is finding that hard to believe. Then Rogelio mentions hiring Camila to keep her close. Gabriel doesn’t seem on board with this.


Juana #11 Part 2

Juani tells Dani she would give the baby to Gabriel. She admits she has feelings for him. Dani tells her it’s an impossible love, like hers for David.

Rogelio gives the papers to Camila. He talks about her getting a job there. She doesn’t know what Gabriel would think. He tells her she can manipulate him like she manipulated him(Rogelio). He is caressing her upper arm as he speaks.

Jenny talks about something the detective took for the lamp, she hopes he returns it, but thinks instead of a new lamp the money should go for food.

Juana brings Dani home for dinner. Josefina tells her to go to a restaurant. She goes on a rant because of the advice Dani gave her about the baby. Juana announces she’s keeping the baby.

Gabriel seems to invite himself out with David and his friend. Not really sure why. When the friend leaves Gabriel and David talk about Juana. He tells David she is not thinking of either one of them because she has big problems. When David wants to know more he tells him he should ask Juana. He talks about Paula not really wanting a baby and his last chance to have a baby.

Rogelio and Camila arrive at Paula’s as she is looking at her wedding photo. I can’t wait till she finds the altered photo on Camila’s phone. Rogelio assures Camila he feels Francisco is alive. He also assures Paula how beautiful she is and not to be jealous.

Gabriel comes home and Camila apologizes to him. He feels she should apologize to Juana. She blames Francisco’s disappearance and the stress of the detectives. Gabriel wants a legal person to look at the papers she has.

Paula is with the priest. She wants to bring Nicholas home to meet Gabriel. The priest tells her there’s a nice girl in the neighborhood expecting. Paula’s not interested. When Gabriel walks in the living room a remote controlled car hits his foot. Paula introduces her and the boy asks if he’ll be his new dad. The boy looks at least 12.

At some point Jenny went in her room, did something with the curtains, saw the USB and tossed it in a nightstand drawer.



Thanks Susan!

"In the past, the leading lady never slept with anyone but the galan, but i think times have changed". Yes, they certainly have! :)

I didn't catch the majority of the dialogue between the man that Ismael encountered who let him into JP's apartment so I appreciate what Jarifa added. "Cheap" Ismael finally coming up with enough cash to gain entry...


Thanks so much, Diana.
I have to admit I've forgotten how frustrating I found Lorena at the beginning. I'm not surprised, but I find it interesting that she was so focused on her own situation that it didn't occur to her others would feel betrayed. I imagine they feel she didn't take them into account at all. She was lucky Ismael didn't decide to drag her back to prison. Well, the gun pointed at his head probably helped to convince him. I've never seen atelenovela before where a woman is forced into a position that doesn't allow her to do much to save herself. And Lorena completely forgot she had a job! What was the point of that meeting with Ismael anyway? Because convincing him she is innocent didn't help much as he suggested she should turn herself in. I'd love to know what she thought would happen.
I can't see Patricio easily forgiving Marta once he learns the truth. I often wonder how people like him handlesituations like these, where you feel as if you are between a rock and a hardplace. It's interesting Amanda is so judgmental, though. It doesn't seem she gets this from her dad.

Thanks Diana. Yay, I finally caught up after losing a week of episodes. Sorry I couldn't help you out with the Friday episode. I binged a bunch yesterday and today at my daughter's. Not much to add as now I am watching my daytime TN.


Liz, you are doing a great job. Thank you .

Juana acts older than Jenny.

Poor Gabe has two bitter itches and a killer father in law in his orbit. The actresses playing Paula and Camika both know how to bring the bad. Susan


waterlily, thank you very much.

Loved your take on Lorena: "She was lucky Ismael didn't decide to drag her back to prison. Well, the gun pointed at his head probably helped to convince him". HA!! I wasn't sure of what she hoped to accomplish either; perhaps she thought she'd sway him into believing she was innocent?? No way was that happening; he left her in jail to rot...I'm not sure if he is even sorry now. Perhaps a tad bit...

Yes, Patricio will NOT take Marta's misleading him well.

Amanda isn't warm and fuzzy but I'm thinking she has to be tough to survive in her chosen profession. Also, perhaps she feels she has to prove herself and stay out of the shadow of her father.

Almost show time!!



Glad you are caught up Kat! I think this is really getting good.


FUGITIVAS #17 and #18 Part 1

I believe the slicing and dicing has already begun…

We open with Patricio leaning over Amanda’s very alive and vibrant body, pulling her up to a sitting position. She is worried about her gun which is behind her and he hands it to her. With that, she is up and running in hot pursuit of her shooter.

Lisset and Lorena are hatching a plan. Lisset is going to infiltrate the Marquez’ mansion and try and get information from Charo.

Vincente barges in on Gabriela AGAIN, barely giving her time to hide Lorena’s note. He is angry, spewing mistrust again so she pulls it out for him to read.

Patricio and Amanda are back at the station; she is fine and tells her father she loves him; hugs are exchanged. He has to call sour and dour Nicolas and tell him what happened.

Nicolas calls someone named Alonzo for personal information on Santiago(?) Please correct if this is wrong.

Hot headed and rather controlling Vincente calls Lorena an assassin and argues with Gabriela. He starts interrogating her in a most ungalan like fashion. It is mi hermana she tries to tell him. He turns and leaves, much to her consternation. Are we sure he and Nicolas aren’t related?

Florencia comes home to Ismal working at the table. She comments on the car being back…More small talk ensues and she picks up her bag and leaves.

The bar is in full swing. Frida talks to Dario seemingly a bit upset that Lorena is back. Dario looks surprised and said it’s because of Frida that she is back. Carmen watches this interaction sourly from the background. She approaches Frida and warns her off her hubby. Carmen then marches behind the bar and gives Dario passionate kisses starting at Frida all the while.


FUGITIVAS #17 and #18 Part 2

Gabriela has a sad. Personally, I think she should dump Vincente who is too moody and too controlling. I digress…

A policeman comes in with some news that Estefanía López has been captured.

Gabriela shows up for work and greets Florencia. She texts Vincente again, he still doesn’t answer.

Lisset shows up at the Marquez mansion to talk with Charo but sees a line of women outside the gate. They tell her they are there for interviews for a domestic position. She gets at the rear of the line.

Sofia meets with Alejandro, ribbing him (again) about Lorena. He denies it as she opens her computer and they get to work.

Nicolas takes the lead in interrogating Estefania as Patricio stands and Amanda watches through glass. He starts to bully her and stands up then she jumps up and physically attacks him! The police have to rush in to save him. Patricio upbraids him.

Charo gives the candidates the rule of the house, discretion. Lisset makes a zipping her mouth shut movement which does not impress Charo. She collects the resumes but of course Lisset doesn’t have one. She asks to check their hands. I am thinking that as Lisset’s show little sign of wear and tear, Charo dismisses her.

Lisset walks out the door just in time to save Florencia from tumbling on the driveway as she trips getting out of her car. She asks who she is and on hearing “Florencia”, Lisset fawns. Florencia leads her back into the house.

Patricio visits Nicolas and yells at him for his interrogation of Estefania. Take care Nicolas fires back threateningly, standing up and pointing his finger. Patricio brings up Marta and Nicolas calls her a criminal. Patricio talks about respect and as Nicolas starts threatening, Patricio quits! He leaves, slamming the door behind him.

Ismael calls a “Mario” asking for information…


FUGITIVAS #17 and #18 Part 3

Florencia calls Nicolas and they agree to meet at his house.

Marta shows up at the house, asking Dario if he has a minute. I think initially he believes she wants to come back. Instead she shocks him by offering to give him the house. He looks upset and she tells him he is her hijo. Matias comes in asking if she is returning; she smiles and says no.

Looks like Lisset has been hired and Charo is NOT thrilled.

Frida comes in and asks Dario what’s wrong. Is something wrong Marta she asks with grave concern? No nothing is wrong, on the contrary. She is very sweet to him and a tear falls down his cheek as he pulls her in for a gentle kiss. Uh oh…He pulls back and apologizes. They smile and try to act like nothing is wrong.

We next see Florencia getting dressed as Nicolas watches from the bed. Let’s just say Florencia doesn’t look ecstatically happy. Nicolas goes over to her and starts nuzzling her with little affect. She tells him she is married; this can’t happen again! Then, Vero calls, totally dispelling any remaining “mood”.

The girls are with Marta and Lorena thanks each of them in turn, with great affection and tears. All of a sudden, Frida leans over, fainting dead away. Dario carries her into the bedroom and applies smelling salts. Matias runs to call an ambulance but as Dario picks her up she awakens. She doesn’t want to go to the doctor. Daro continues to administer to her and the girls look on concernedly

Working at the kitchen table, Ismael hears from “Mario”. He looks at several pictures; one is Florencia and JP, one of Charo and JP. Just then Florencia arrives, lying saying she was working and then stopped by her father’s. Once again, more folders are carelessly left on the table. When Ismael leaves the room to take a call, she opens one and there are pictures of Lorena. She sees he has the address of the apartment where she was seeing JP! Alarmed, she kisses him and takes off.


FUGITIVAS #17 and #18 Part 4 of 4

Nicolas returns to his office and Vero is there with a charcuterie plate and wine. He blows her off, a bit roughly at first. She picks up her bag and leaves, pouting. He starts attacking the food.

Florencia shows up at the apartment and pays the same man Ismael had spoken to a fistful of bills to buy his silence.

Frida is weak and lies back down.

Amanda visits Ismael telling him her father has resigned as Commander; all because Nicolas isn’t doing a good job.

Isamael arrives to talk to the apartment caretaker and starts describing a woman (I think it was Florencia) and tries to pull out money. The guy doesn’t want trouble and walks away. We see Florencia is there watching. She pulls up and asks what happened, he says he didn’t give him any information.

Lisset shows up in her uniform to begin her workday. Let’s just say Charo is not happy!

Ismael pays Nicolas a visit. He tells him he is removing him from the Fugitivas case. Nicolas asks him to reconsider and mentions their long-standing friendship. The answer is no, he’s off the case!



Thank you, Diana. What a great recap to go with my coffee this a.m.!

Fainting! Fainting! Frida couldn’t be pregnant already, could she? Or dies she have some kind of terminal disease?

Loved Lisset infiltrating Charo’s kingdom. That promises to be good for some laughs.

As for the interrogation, the reason that Patricio went apoplectic was that Nicolás told Estefanía that he got all of the info that lead to her arrest from an ex-con that knows her very well. She was the one who knew where to find her. Nicolás then offers to tell her more about the ex-con’s identity in exchange for more info. That is when Patricio distracts him and Estefanía attacks Nicolás.

Looks like Marta could be at risk even outside the big house if Estefanía figures out who the snitch / rat fink!!! ; ) / is.

Sorry, I cannot get behind long suffering Marta martyr making yet another sacrifice signing her house over to her ungrateful dolt of a son.


Thank you so much Jarifa...

"Fainting! Fainting! Frida couldn’t be pregnant already, could she? Or dies she have some kind of terminal disease?" was insightful and seems exactly right!

For the life of me I couldn't follow Nicolas' tirade while "interrogating" Estefania. Thank heavens Patricio was there to stop him from revealing "Marta (martyr) :) "s identity!! I so appreciate your explaining that. Still, as you noted, she is likely already in peril of being discovered.

I was disappointed Marta gave Dario the house. Definitely undeserved...



Dear Diana, thanks for the great recap. Have to run , but I hope tos by later. Susan

Thanks so much for the recap, Diana.
I do wish Gabriela would dump Vicente because I didn't like him from the start. Didn't he try to have sex with her when she wasn't interested? I think he even insulted her when she refused to go 'have fun' with him.I imagine his desire to party is supposed to be an indication he tries to escape his problems, but there's something about these two that makes them seem a bit too different. Poor Gabriela has no one else, though.
Why was Frida angry Lorena stayed? I thought they agreed to give her another chance? And she can't stay and not work at the bar.
Why is Florenciaunable to be faithful?Jp and Nicolas.She has terrible taste in men, though. I don't get her.


Thanks Susan!

Waterlily, thank you!

Vincente did indeed try to force himself on her early on. He did stop but it wasn't the most auspicious beginning. I don't like his proprietary questionning of Gabriela. He knows how close she is to her sister yet he makes no effort to discuss it with her calmly. You are indeed right in that "Gabriela has no one else". Exactly! Further, he flies off the handle with the slightest provocation; his anger is a warning light to me.

Frida is likely upset for several reasons, primarily for Lorena sleeping with Isamel (I think). She cares about her friend and is loyal but Lorena has gone a bit rogue and irresponsible (not showing up for work).



Reminder: No show tonight!


I was all set to watch it around 9 last night and for some reason it didn't record, so today I watched on the Univision app. As a result I got to see both full episodes.
I'm probably the only one that thinks Dario deserves the house. In the US upkeep and taxes need to be paid. She was in prison 18 years! Marta does not seem to have a source of income so I imagine the despised in laws paid the taxes initially then Dario took over and made a successful business out of it. If they hadn't kept it going I imagine the government would have appropriated it.
I agree Gabriela should dump Vic. In one scene he questions why it is any concern of hers where he goes as they are just roomies. Unfortunately he acts like anything she does is his concern. He did defend her to the snooty female friend at least when he was at the bar.


Hi Kat.

Dario did indeed keept the busines going, no doubt about it. I think Marta knew that and it was likely one of the reasons she did give him the house. Also, as she said, she loves him. But he has been abysmal in his treatment of his mother. Outwardly hostile and even cruel.

Vincente certainly has some of his sister and father's more loathsome qualities; anger and a condescending attitude. Gabriela deserves so much better.



Is Nick the boss ?

Was this a first time bunny hop for Nick and Flor , or have they been bunny hopping behind Ish's back for awhile?

It was funny when Nick brushed off always over eager Ver, but he kept her tray of snacks and tucked right in after he got rid of her. He must have worked up quite an appetite bunny hopping with Flor. Susan


Susan, I think Nicolas is Patricio and Amanda's boss and Ismael is Nicolas' boss.

I think this was the first time for Nic and Flor...I think she was previously occupied with JP!

"Always over eager Ver" made me smile. Yup, he must have needed sustanance after his extracurricular activities with Flor :)


Liz I lost track of the Juana thread and never replied on your recap. Thanks for continuing with it. I just did my last Conde recap last night and hope to help out and or participate more in the discussions.

Juana #12 part 1

Gabriel is not happy about Nicholas being there, although he’s kind to Nickolas and they sit at their pool and watch him. When he gets a call he says he has to go, but Nicholas will get some ice cream. Nicholas requests chocolate. He smiles at the boy and glares at Paula He tells her it’s not fair to the boy to use him to try and create a happy family.

Jenny answers the door to the detective. He is definitely interested in her. She leaves and the rest of the family are happy to see him He has the missing screw and ends up helping fix the light. Josephine really likes him. Jenny isn’t that sure. Juana sends the family out to talk to the detective. She gives him the uSB and tells him there’s another one that she will find.

An investigator talks with the doctor.

A lawyer tells Carlos the papers(Camila’s) are good.

Rogelio and Camila meet. He seems to be touching her under the table. She looks very uncomfortable

Josefina is singing the praises of Detective Salvador to Juana and Felipe. She will try to convince Jenny. David shows up. Josefina is very welcoming. He tells Juana she had been rude the other day. She tells him that Josephina thought he was the cause of a problem she has. He came to apologize.

Gabriel and Carlos talk. Carlos thinks it’s strange that Francisco would give Camila rights to the shares. Gabriel agrees and tells Carlos that Rogelio wants Camila to have a job there. Carlos states again he doesn’t trust Rogelio.

Paula is chasing a running Nicholas when Camila gets there. She calls for the maid to get him. Definitely not motherhood material.

The detectives look at a picture. It looks like the one I thought was on the list USB. Of Rogelio leading Francisco away. I wonder what’s on the missing USB.

Two people are arguing in a restaurant. Jenny goes in about getting a job. She’s told to come back to speak to the owner.

The doctor points out on a video a picture of Juana. But it’s not clear.

David wants Juana to forgive him. She does and he tells her he will be a friend she can count on.

Camila shows Paula a picture she took of Gabriela and Juana. Paula then agrees that Camila should work at the brewery to keep an eye on Gabriel.

The doctor is working with an artist to create a picture of Juana. The investigator informs Gabriel.

Juana is talking with the priest. He tells her Nicholas is visiting a family that may adopt him. He mentions Paula’s name. He tells her he mentioned her pregnancy to Paula. She tells him not to mention her name.



Juana #12 part 2

Rogelio and his son are meeting with Gabriel. Gabriel tells them Camila’s papers are legitimate. Rogelio then talks about hiring Camila. His son Manuel thinks she be a good worker. Gabriel looks doubtful.

Juana overhears mom and grandma talking about her. She says she will get a job. Jenny and Juana talk about Juana going to school on line. They talk about the baby. Juana seems to be thinking of giving it up. Jenny talks about holding the baby in her arms and the love she’ll feel.

Paula comes to the office as the investigator is there. She really attacks Gabriel about him leaving when Nicholas was there. He wanted a son and she brought him one. He tells her things are bad between them. Somehow she gets the idea that he hired the investigator to find out more about his friend the photographer. He tells her there’s a girl somewhere that is carrying his baby. She wants to stay and here what the investigator says.

Jenny tells Juana she’s in love, after Juana raves about Gabriel. Jenny mentions he’s married.

The investigator comes in the office and tells them the video wasn’t good but that can find others, maybe from the street not sure. Just as he’s about to show the picture the detective comes in and needs to speak with him. He leaves the office and meets with them. They have a lot of phone numbers that were on Francisco’s phone. Gabriel doesn’t recognize any of them. There’s also encripted hidden stuff. He suggests they ask Camila. He also mentions that Camila now has Francisco’s shares. The detectives look pensive.

Paula questions if the investigator will be able to find the girl. He assures her he will. She has to leave. Then the investigator gets a. call that they have more videos. He leaves the picture of the girl in a folder on the desk and leaves. This seems like a bad idea!

Felipe is returning Dani’s car, which she had brought in to him earlier. He drops the keys and a young women picks them up and calls to him. He thanks her and they both enter the brewery. They’re on the elevator talking when the electricity stops. She freaks out. Felipe is calm and tried to comfort her it ends with a kiss.

The detective looks at the document. He asks if Francisco ever mentioned it. He seems to be aware that he and Camila didn’t have a good relationship.

Paula talks with her mother about the girl carrying Gabriel’s baby. She tells her mom she doesn’t want the child.

Juana is in David’s office. She wants to know if they really liked the photos. She asks about working there and he thinks it’s an excellent idea and sends her to apply for the job.


Thanks Liz. If I don't take notes I lose track of what happened. You hit the high spots.
A couple of other scenes that may be worth mentioning, the Pi left a folder for Gabriel on his desk when Gabriel was called away by the police detectives with the photos from Juana. The pi had received a call about other security footage around the clinic. Gabriel showed him the legal paper about Camila having control of her missing husband's shares. The detective took note that Francisco never mentioned making Camila a beneficiary?.
Tio Felipe is returning the car keys to Dani at the brewery after fixing her car? He enters an elevator with the ponytailed secretary, , possibly named Susanna. The elevator malfunctions and her claustrophobia kicks into overdrive. He kisses her to distract her.
I forget the scene, but I also think they set up another possible love interest for Jenny, maybe at the restaurant where she wanted to apply for work but the owner/manager was in a bad mood because a waitress quit, I think.


Thanks Kat. I knew I left some out just because it was late and didn’t know if anyone would read it as we’re on a new page tonight! And in the middle of rewatching the high school called and I had to run get my grandson!

I did put the phone call to PI and leaving the folder with picture. PI is much better than investigator. I first called him detective but then we have the police detectives coming in at the same time. I also had Dani’s car and elevator. I wonder if my part 2 and your comment crossed?

Yes, Fabio at the restaurant looked interested in Jenny. I’m guessing the owner had the fight with the girl as Fabio said she should talk to the owner but now wasn’t a good time. So it could be Fabio or the owner for a love interest!


yeah, Liz, our comments crossed paths. I started writing mine and the dogs woke my granddaughter up because of a UPS delivery so I had to settle her, also I was scrolling back through the show while writing to see if I could find that potential love interest. You did get it all. I may give up watching Angel de Aurora. I have a lot to catch up on and the actors and story aren't doing much for me. I think you are watching that one too.


Liz, thank you for an excellent report as we roll along.

Paula doesn?t realize that her bff Camila has set her sights on her hubby. It would have been funny if Camila accidently showed her the photo on her phone of "the wedding " photo of Gabe and Cami!!!!

I agree with Josephina. I like the police guy .

Funny that we a mother Josephina with a son Felipe in both this show and " ask Conde." Susan

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