Thursday, October 03, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Fugitivas, Marea de Pasiones, & Pedro el Escandaloso - Week of Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. La Historia de Juana has its gran estreno this week! Looks like Diana and Kat have taken on recaps for Fugitivas; so let’s cheer them on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Fugitivas: Ep. 10-11

9-10 PM – La Historia de Juana: GRAN ESTRENO WEEK – Ep. 4-5

10-11PM – Pedro el Escandaloso

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Fugitivas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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FUGITIVAS #10 Part 1

Due to my inability to interpret most of the dialog, I am purposefully vague in most scenes. Kindly add anything I missed or reported incorrectly.

Question: Why does Daniela Alvarez (Lorena) have 6th billing???

In tears, Martha tells Dario that his father was violent. All she did was to defend herself from his attacks, his cruelty. Dario stares as Martha cries her heart out – she ended up in jail, she is not an assassin! She stands before him distraught, calling him “hijo” begging him to believe her but he backs up away from her, coldly rebuffing her. You are my son she says but as she tries to take his face in her hands, he rejects her and she backs away, running to the solitude of her room where she sits on the bed, crying her eyes out.

Nicolas is holding a confab with his coworkers. He is agitated and Patricio and Amanda are unhappy. Later, the three of them have an argument.

Lorena tracks down Alejandro at a restaurant. Why are you here he asks, most unwelcomingly. As she starts to leave, he softens and tells her to sit down, getting her a cappuccino.

What is it love Carmen asks Dario. He tells her that the truth is his mother was in prison – for killing his father!!! (Guess Carmen isn’t the only one keeping secrets.) She ends up hugging him but the look on her face seems to reflect her fear he might learn her truth as well.

Montse barges in and Martha cries to her in frustration but Montse tells her how kind and giving she is and manages to raise her spirits a bit and gives her a hug.

Lorena explains her relationship with Ish to Alejandro; she didn’t know he was married, yada, yada. She assures him she is innocent of Juan Pablo’s murder. She asks if he pardons her; she does. Alejandro again brings up Rosario Hernandez. He then shows her a picture and she ID’s her as working for the Marquez family. He wants her to come with him as he investigates.


FUGITIVAS #10 Part 2

Vincente and Florencia argue; naturally his relationship with Gabriela is a sore point of contention. He leaves as she yells at him in frustration.

Erick is playing video games as Lisset and Frida interrupt him. I believe she accuses him of stealing the money from the bar. He protests his innocence.

Arturo asks the same question to Florencia he always does, about Vincente.

Dario and Carmen confront Erica and Montse just as the police arrive to investigate the robbery. Lisset and Frida arrive and Carmen points the finger of guilt at them; Matias is listening unobserved. Suddenly he comes out just as Erick arrives spewing some long lyin’ story saying he had the money all along! Dario counts it, and it appears it’s all there. The police want Erick to go to the court but Dario gets him out of it as Lisset smiles on the side. Carmen (who likely took the money) stares unhappily.

Veronica texts Nicolas, he looks annoyed.

Alejandro and Lorena arrive at Veronica’s and get buzzed in saying they are there to deliver a pizza.


FUGITIVAS #10 Part 3 of 3

Dario thanks Erick again and Lisset does so too, but in a different way! I’m wondering how long it will be before someone catches them, blowing their brother/sister cover to smithereens. The women later talk and are very grateful for what he did.

Alejandro easily breaks into Florencia’s apartment and he and Lorena begin their search. Rather quickly, Lorena hits pay dirt, finding Juan Pablo’s second cell phone but uh oh, without warning Veronica and Nicolas come in! Alejandro and Lorena manage to quickly hide behind the sofa which offers little to no coverage.

Amanda complains to Patricio about Nicolas and calls him. We see he and Veronica had just finished dinner. He sits on the couch with Ale and Lorena still hiding.

Frida and Dario end up taking off for a bite to eat. He confides a bit about his mother. I believe she defends Martha saying she is his mother. The chemistry between these two is off the charts.

Martha is prepping vegetables when Carmen comes in questioning her about jail. There is no trace of Carmen’s initial “nice” persona.

We don’t see how Alejandro and Lorena got out of Veronica’s apartment unseen but they do. Later, Alejandro has the phone and calls the last number registered and shocker, it’s Florencia’s!!



Yeah, I found the billing bizarre! I get if Erika Buenfil and Cesar Evora will be ahead first due to seniority but Daniela to be 6th after Ismael and Nicolas actors?! !


Diana, thank you, for keeping us up to date with this crazy group.

Juan Pablo had been sending Rosario (aka Charo an older housekeeper at Arturo’s) $15,000 pesos a month. Sofía(? Alejandro’s investigator) also told him the credit card was being used for luxury items and high end hotels as well as the pre-paid phone.

It was so annoying when La Superiora explained to her obnoxious son Dario that her husband was about to kill her and she protected herself. Would he have been happier if his father had killed her? How dare she protect herself! Sounds like the courts shared his view. Since she WAS protecting herself, she shouldn’t have been in jail at all.

La Superiora should sell her property and leave town and nasty Dario high and dry.

I got a kick out of Frida getting all excited when she spotted her favorite sandwich stand from the past BEFORE . . . she was in jail but having to lie about that to Dario. Yes, her chemistry with Dario is “off the charts.” Will she be La Superiora’s daughter in law by the end of this?

Juana 3&4

I actually took notes for Wednesday’s show and never had time to post them! So here they are. Juana goes to show Gabriel the blood stain and it’s gone. The overturned pot is sitting as it should be. Juana finds a broken piece and shows it to Gabriel but he thinks she made up the whole story to not get blamed for the pot. He tells her there are enough photos and she can go. He blames David for hiring her just because he likes her. David brings her home.

Jenny’s boyfriend, Berto, walks her out and she kisses him. His older daughter sees them.

Rogelio sends a message to Camila, via the front desk, saying he’s Francisco and he’s left for Europe.

Rosa lost the baby, but I doubt she got a full dose of the sperm.

Juana is bringing the pictures to David but stops to take a pregnancy test in their office building. She goes up on the roof.

4 Gabriel is told the surrogate list the baby. He’s devestated. His wife, at home, is overjoyed and drinking champagne with her friend. Gabriel goes up on the roof and thinks Juana is going to jump and grabs her. She says things are not going well and she was getting air. They embrace as he shares his life is pretty much that way too.

David and his coworkers love the photos. Juana is not interested in sticking around for Gabriel’s praise and takes the bus home. She talks to her uncle about maybe the women in the family having a curse on them.

Rogelio’s driver has buried the body and Rogelio has taken Camila to Paula’s house as she was asked to leave the hotel. He is very interested in her. I have only seen this guy once before, in a Vencer telenovela, he played the same type.

The doctor feels sad that the pregnancy didn’t work out The nurse has several flashbacks and tells him miracles do happen.

Berto’s daughters follow him when he meets Jenny. They wait until he brings her home and confront Jenny after he leaves about her dating a happily married man. Her mom and neighbors hear everything. Jenny later calls Berto. His wife wants to talk to her and tells her to leave her husband alone. Jenny retreats to her bedroom, very upset.

Juana tells her best friend she’s pregnant. Meanwhile Gabriel is realizing that his wife never wanted children and wonders, to her, if they should stay married.



forg/jecoup, you make an excellent point in that Cesar and Erika getting top billing would make sense. But the others coming first doesn't.

Daniela has had lead roles before which makes this more puzzling.

Good to see your post, I hope you will comment again.



"It was so annoying when La Superiora explained to her obnoxious son Dario that her husband was about to kill her and she protected herself. Would he have been happier if his father had killed her? How dare she protect herself!" is exactly right Jarifa!! He can barely tolerate his mother which is pitiful and despicable.

Jarifa, thank you for explaining Juan Pablo paying Charo the money and everything being billed to the credit card, neither of which I understood and which are very important to the plot line.

I think Frida is going to change ole sourpuss Dario and there is more than a slight possibility they will be together at the end. Carmen is already showing her true colors!!



The actress playing Carmen looked so familiar to me. She is Gema Garoa and was in “Eternamente amándonos ” and in “Cómo tú no hay 2.” I loved both of those novelas.

Dear Diana, thank you for the recap which brought us all the news .

I was wondering if Ale and Loren were going to escape when thirsty Veronica pulled Nic into her bedroom , but we just saw Ale and Lor outside , so we don't know how they got out.

Thanks , Jarifa, for explaining about what Sofia told Ale. Hmmmm....looks like we are getting some info about Juan Pablo . Now there seems to be a connection between him and Flor . She looked shaken when JPs name popped up on her phone.

Have to dash. I like thks show. Susan


Jarifa, I also remember Gema from Eternamente (a baddie there as well). She was also in Pasion y Poder but I don't recall her from that.



Thank you Susan!

"I was wondering if Ale and Loren were going to escape when thirsty Veronica pulled Nic into her bedroom..." Ahh, thank you, I must have been typing as I missed that! That must have been their chance to leave!

Like you, I was very surprised at the Florencia/Juan Pablo connection. Hmmm.



Diana. No no there wasn't a scene of Ver pulling Nick into her boudoir!! I just THOUGHT that might happen . it played put only in my mind. Susan


Susan, thanks for clarifying.

It sounds plausible to me unless Nic just left and Veronica went to bed alone. Guess we won't know. :)


FUGITIVAS #11 Part 1

Much of the dialogue was elusive; kindly fill in what I missed or got wrong.

We see a draw being opened. Florencia has heard the ring and picks up Juan Pablo’s phone. She answers but says nothing, looking gob smacked. Veronica come in nattering away and Florencia blows her off quite sternly. Veronica leaves with a sad rejected expression. Florencia looks very afraid.

Frida and Dario are still at lunch (?) when she takes his hand and quickly lets it go. Her playful bantering seems to delight him and she is smiling…

Lorena reads out phone numbers from Juan Pablo’s phone as he looks them up online. The first number seems to be for a restaurant.

Dario gets home and Carmen starts beyotching and he tries to kiss and placate her. Frida talks to Montse and Lisset who are combing their wigs of many colors. Frida reaches under her bed and pulls out a cloth bag. She sticks in her hand and lo and behold finds a stack of bills. She goes right to Carmen and confronts her. Lisset demands she not play with her, otherwise she will tell Dario everything. Further she will find El Turco and tell him where Carmen is!! When she comes back in the communal bedroom, the girls are counting the cash. Lisset starts to fly out to confront Carmen but the girls hold her back. There was more discussion I couldn’t follow.

Ale and Lorena are going to quit for the day; she kisses him on the cheek on her way out. He looks like he won’t wash it for a week 😊.

Vernoica is looking Nicolas up on his Facebook page, mooning over his visage.

Arturo asks the housekeeper, Charo Hernandez (we finally see her!) where everyone is. He calls Florencia looking for Vincente.

Martha tries to talk with Dario; he is his usual surly self. He brings up she killed his father AGAIN. She tries to interject but he won’t let her get a word in. He stares off into the distance as she sadly looks at him.


FUGITIVAS #11 Part 2

Vincente opens door to Florencia; Gabriela is by his side. What are you doing her he asks but Gabriela invites her in. Gabriela wants to leave them alone but he wants her to stay and makes the formal introductions. Flor actually tries to make nice…Flor tells says their father is obsessed, errr worried about him. She kisses him on the cheek as she leaves but he doesn’t look like he believes her. He geta a phone call from a friend as Gabriela’s phone pings. Lorena texts her telling her to be careful; she has a possible clue that could lead to solve Juan Pablo’s murder. She puts her phone in a drawer as Vincente enters. I gather Vincente has been invited to a party and he wants Gabriela to go; she looks far from thrilled,

Erick enters the bar and Dario is glad to see him, Carmen? Not so much.

Florencia goes home; Ismael is there (wearing a beautiful baby blue shirt). She declines wine and leaves the room.

Camen is talking with Erick offering a drink which he declines at first (as Lisset watches like a hawk from the back). Finally he takes it and then Carmen gives him a second drink…When Carmen walks away, Lisset approaches and warns him to be careful.

Vincente and Gabriela are at the bar, he introduces her, she looks extremely uncomfortable…the women stare at her without warmth or welcome. The women are condescending about her lack of wealth; not liking the way the women treat her; she leaves and goes home. Later, Vincente comes home and apologizes.

Ismael comes into the bedroom; Flor seems to pretend to be asleep but we see her wide awake. She takes her phone and sneaks out of bed. She calls someone…

Martha cries on Lisset’s shoulder about Dario. Later, she lights into him and defends herself! To his credit, Dario does look upset. Did she finally get through to him??

Dario gives Erick some money as Carmen lays on the charm as Lisset watches. When she walks over, Carmen seems quite suspicious. Later, Lisset tells Erick to be very careful; she fully believes it was Carmen who planted the money that was “stolen” from the bar. They carelessly kiss but he breaks away before anyone sees them. This time!


FUGITIVAS #11 Part 3 of 3

Vincente makes Gabriela breakfast. He tries to quell her doubts…

Breakfast is being served up as Carmen tastes it and visibly gags. Martha (who is the chef) is noticeably absent…

Lorena and Alejandro arrive at their destination. They scale an iron fence and drop to the ground. They break into (another) apartment and someone comes in almost on their heels. They hide behind the couch as we see Charo enter. She is on the phone saying something about Juan Pablo!

Carmen holds a picture of Dario as a child as she cries.

Charo is carrying a large bag and tells whomever she is talking to on the phone not to worry. She leaves almost immediately.

Charo has gotten into a cab and when Lorena tries to scale the iron fence again Alejandro stops her.

Lorena is all set to take off after her but Alejandro thinks that they need to back off for a while as they need to be very careful; otherwise things could get even more difficult.

Florencia gets a call but ignores it as Charo comes in with the bag. They discuss the call from Juan Pablo’s phone call and it is obvious Florencia is spooked. She pulls out a picture of Juan Pablo thisclose with a blonde woman…Is it her??


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