Thursday, October 10, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Fugitivas, Marea de Pasiones, & Pedro el Escandaloso - Week of Oct. 7, 2024

Coming Soon to TELEMUNDO:  1) Sed de Venganza will start Oct.15th at 9PM!

                                             2) La Familia (Turkish dizi) will start on Oct. 22nd at 10PM!

PREEMPTION ALERT: ON THURSDAY--Fugitivas will be preempted; Marea and Pedro will air 1 hour early—all due to Latino Talks with Kamala Harris,

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Diana has taken on recaps for Fugitivas and LIZ is taking in Juana ; so let’s cheer them on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Fugitivas: Ep. 15 (Friday)

8-9 PM (Thursday) 9-10 PM (Friday)– La Historia de Juana – Ep. 9-10

9-10 PM (Thursday) 10-11PM (Friday)– Pedro el Escandaloso

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Fugitivas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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I will be away for a few days...if anyone could post a few brief highlights for Friday's episode at any time over the weekend, it would be gratefully appreciated. I plan on watching and recapping Monday's episode.

Carmen's previous "life" is coming back to haunt her. I'm wondering how long ago that was? As Matias is a teenager, she and Dario have been together for years; that's a very long time for Carmen to have kept everything hidden. Hard to believe nothing's gone awry until now.



Thanks for your comments, Kat. I agree with you that Paula was planning the room for the adopted son. I just didn’t pick that up and couldn’t figure out why moving Camila into the room Gabriel was using would bring him back to the master bedroom. The other guest room would now be open.

Rogelio discussed with his son ruining the company, or maybe having people lose faith in Gabriel, by ruining sales on the new beer. I thought he was talking about the marketing and distribution, but I could be wrong. Yes, it is nice to know the product. The last few shows we never knew what it was!

I thought Rogelio was going to buy Camila’s shares, as he had men lined up to buy Francisco’s shares. But if he seduces her he could get her to vote his way.

Gabriel’s dad started the company. Rogelio’s dad was his friend or something, but something went wrong, Rogelio’s dad killed himself and I guess Gabriel’s dad felt guilty and gave him shares. Wish my Spanish was better! But Rogelio wants to take over the company.

I’m getting ready to do last night’s recap.


Juana #9

A funny scene with the detective. He goes to the house to question Juana. Josefina and Jenny are both freaking out. He seems to think Jenny is Juana, when told she is Juana’s mother he thinks Juana must be a little girl, Jenny looks so young. Then Josefina calms down, she feels the detective is interested in Jenny. Jenny thinks he’s from the clinic and mentions “that man”. So the detective finds out Juana is pregnant. When he leaves Josefina mentions he didn’t have a wedding ring on.

The doctors are looking at pictures on the computer. The younger doctor finally says he’ll go find the nurse.

Camila tells Paula Gabriel needs space. Paula doesn’t agree.

Juana and Gabriel pull into a garage. The car pulls in after them Gabriel says they guard him as someone could kidnap him. She says she could be part of a kidnapping plan. They sit at a table. He asks about the father of her baby, he thinks he should know about the baby. Juana disagrees. He didn’t mean to get her pregnant so doesn’t need to know. Later he mentions he needed fresh air, she says yes air is needed in order to live, they have a fun time with that. After a soda sprayed him she teaches him to tap it on top and then open it. Later he tries it and it works for him.

The tv girlfriend is rubbing something on the uncle’s stomach. For luck or blessings. He leaves.
Rogelio goes to a lawyer and wants false documents for Francisco’s shares.
. She refuses.

Camila goes into Gabriel’s room. A white shirt is hanging on a chair. She sniffs it, imagines them in bed, then packs it in a suitcase with other clothes.

Paula’s brother overhears office workers talking about the photographer spending the night at the office with Gabriel. Later he tells Paula.

Rogelio tells the detective that Gabriel and Francisco were having a strong argument over the shares. He says it was mostly Gabriel, and he likes to win.

More to come


Liz, yeah, my Spanish needs help too. Since I lost power for 9 days I have too many episodes to catch up on Fugitivas and since we ditched our Spectrum yesterday( they have no plans for our outage or whether people will be reimbursed for loss of cable we decided to just dump it. We don't need the home phone any more, especially if it is dependent on power and a cable line). So as a result I'm watching on my phone or at my daughter while Fiona sleeps, which gives me 2 hours at best of cable time. The phone works for the shows I've been watching for months, but not so easy when it is new ones.

Juana #9 part 2

Paula shows up at the office but the secretary doesn’t know where Gabriel is. Paula is furious with her and goes in his office. Her brother comes in and tells her the rumor of the photographer and Gabriel. She calls his drivers/bodyguards. They see who’s calling and don’t answer. She can’t imagine anyone being chosen over her, she’s got outstanding self esteem!

Rogelio meets with Camila. She might be able to have a job in the brewery. She just needs a signed letter from Francisco saying he gave her the shares, or maybe the right to vote or whatever with them. She says that’s impossible so he gives her a sample letter to help her know what she’s looking for.

Gabriel’s uncle and secretary talk about Juana and Gabriel spending the night at the office. The uncle says Gabriel was probably helping her out. Then the secretary mentions the argument and then Francisco disappearing.

Camila is typing out something as she looks at the paper Rogelio gave her. She shuts her laptop when a furious Paula comes in complaining about the photographer and Gabriel.

Dani is upset with Juana for being with the ingenerio. Juana assures her they’re just friends. Which they had happily agreed upon earlier.

Paula yells at Gabriel about the photographer and the two spending the night together. He says they’re just friends. Meanwhile Juana learns from Dani that the wife of her new best friend learned they spent the night together. Paula wants him to return to their bed. She mentions adoption again. He still needs time. She orders him to return to their bed and he replies he doesn’t do things by being forced.

Dani, Jenny and Juana talk about the baby. They tell Juana about the bright future she has. Juana mentions Jenny had her at 16. Jenny tells her not to compare herself with her, that she loves her but she was an idiot at that point in her life.

Paula sends off an envelope with Rogelio’s driver/grave digger. I’m assuming it’s a letter signed by Francisco. She offers him something to drink and calls for the maid, who doesn’t respond, so she goes to get it. He plants what looks like a cell phone in the end of the couch cushion. I guess it’s a recorder.

The doctor tells Gabriel the good news that someone is pregnant with his baby. But they don’t know who she is. I wonder how long we have to wait for them to figure it out.



It would be tough watching it on a phone. And I’d need more than two hours! I recorded Fugitives but haven’t started it yet. I’m still watching Golpe de Suerte and the afternoon Aurora. Is Fugitives really good. I’d have a lot of catching up to do. The storm missed us but I don’t know when the mountains will recover.

Liz my favorite scene was with the detective at Juana's house. They thinking it was about her pregnancy and he just wanting to know about the photos she took at the party. Looks like he and Jenny may have a future together. The sparks were flying.


Kat, that was a fun scene. And I think you’re right about Jenny having a future with him.

Even in the lighter telenovelas there are evil people, but I wasn’t expecting a murder, especially so soon!



Liz, thank you so much for a great recap. You are doing a good job.

Got a kick out of Camila sniffing Gabe's shirt and fantasizing about him . I have only seen this actress play bad girls , but she was blonde in the other shows. Just wait until Paula finds out that her bff wants her husband and her rich lifestyle !!!

Rogelio and Cam are going to make a nasty pair .

Looks like Jenny and the cop made a connection.

P.s. Liz, I am enjoying Fugitivas.


The above was from me...Susan

Juana. #10 Part 1

The doctor explains that they can’t locate the pregnant girl and she could have an abortion. Gabriel says he has to find her or he will go public with this, even though they’ve been friends a long time.

Paula and Camila discuss Juana and Gabriel spending the night together. Paula will do botex. as all Juana has going for her is her youth. Camila tells her she’s perfect and doesn’t need it.

Juana tells her mom this is a tough decision. Then she goes to the statue of the Virgin Mary.

The detectives are talking. Rogelio has implied Gabriel is responsible for Francisco’s disappearance so they have a search warrant and go to his house. Gabriel tells them the photographer had heard something and then saw blood. He shows them the place. They have a team at the bridge looking for clues.
Camila doesn’t like Gabriel calling Juana by her name. The detective interviews Paula first, who seems to want him to investigate Juana for that night at the brewery.

The nurse and her two kids are in another town, going to her aunts.

Grandmother apologizes to Juana and hugs her. The uncle Felipe joins the hug. Juana tells them about her friendship with Gabriel.

Uncle Carlos comes to the house and Paula goes off to a photo shoot. The detective calls Camila in for her interview.

Gabriel’s uncle, Carlos, asks Gabriel about the photographer and the night at the brewery. Gabriel tells him they’re friends and also tells him about the doctor and says they have to find the girl.


Juana #10 part 2

When Camila is with the detective she is offended when he implies best friends fight over money and women. The hidden phone rings and Camila finds it. Rogelio is on the other end but hangs up and takes the phone apart and trashes it. This detective is on his toes. An almost fully charged phone 6 days after the disappearance. And it happens to ring while the detectives are there. So he asks Gabriel if someone could be setting him up. Not the telenovela police I’m used to.

Rogelio brings the signed(fake)papers back to the lawyer. She’ll deal with Camila, but not him. Because he’s really not a part of this, just the couple.

Jenny’s mom throws blessed water on Jenny when she mentions ending the pregnancy. Later she’s sweeping the bedroom and finds the USB. After a heartstopping moment she puts it on a shelf.

Juana calls the detective so he asks her to come to Gabriel’s house. Camila immediately calls Paula and tells her she needs to get home. The director tells her if she leaves she’ll never work with him again. But don’t worry, Camila is there to confront Juana in her friend’s place. She’s quite rude, refuses to shake her hand and tells her it’s Don Gabriel. Juana brings the detective to the bridge and tells him what happened. He asks if Gabriel was nervous or anything when she went to get him. She wonders how he can suspect such a nice man. He replies that he also has to go by the evidence. She tells him her mother was right about him. She also mentions the other USB, which she can’t find.

Camila tells Juana off and threatens her. Gabriel guesses Camila said something and tells her his marriage wasn’t good before he met her.

Jenny gets fired from a grocery store.


Juana #10

Thanks Liz. The only possible correction I have is that it wasn't Rogelio that tossed the burner phone. I think it was his driver/clean up crew. Also, did the detective mention there were no prints except Camila's on the phone? Pretty fast detective work if so, but it would add to the case for a set up against Gabriel.


Liz, thank you for a great review of this episode .

Wow, I like this cop , who is very different from most telenovela police .

The actress playing Camila really knows how to be a bitter itch. She and Alexis Alaya ( Rogelio) will be a deliciously evil pair.

The brunette actress with the long ponytail was Oswald Leon's weird wife in " Perdonna.".

Does Rogelio's son know that his father killed Francisco. I still can't believe that Diego Klein was killed off so early. Susan



Susan, I’m pretty sure Rogelio’s son doesn’t know his father killed Francisco. I feel like something was said at one point, maybe when Rogelio was leaning toward Gabriel as guilty and his son pointed out they were best friends. Rogelio said something about friends argue and Gabriel’s temper. The son is in on taking over the company.

Kat thanks for the correction on the cell phone. I watch this at night then rewatch the next day, taking notes. I may be in over my head but at least it’s only 65 episodes.



Yes, I seemed to me that Rolando was taking that cellphone out of someone else's backpack after everyone had left the room and he went back.

Liz, you are doing great. You manage to hit all the points in half the words I use in an hour segment. I'm never sure when something may be important in the future so I try to get it all ...Good to know it is only 65 episodes

Thanks, Liz.
I found the parts where they were discussing what Juana should do hard to watch because of how abortion is presented. They are more open to the idea here, but the way they soon go with Juana just absolutely loving the baby when this is quite a traumatic thing to have happened to her is crazy. This feels like a very complicated topic for a light telenovela.
Juana lacks something. I don't know what it is. But Peniche isn't especially charming either. Maybe they should give him more interesting characters to portray. His character is so obsessed with having kids that I can't help but think he should have visited a therapist's office before going to all those fertility clinics.
I do wonder how Juana would manage study and raise a kid when everyone in that house is busy. I know, I know...telenovela...

FUGITIVAS #15 Part 1

A few quick notes on Friday’s episode.

Lorena has popped up in the back of Ismael’s car holding a gun to his head.

Meanwhile the girls are hugging a brick wall trying not to let Patricio, who is with Martha, see them. Matias comes to the rescue, hugging Martha and then turning and hugging Patricio! Patricio is perplexed but smiles. The girls are able to round the corner undetected Later, Martha smiles in appreciation at her quick-thinking grandson.

Florencia rings Ismael but he doesn’t answer. Flor is clearly peeved as Vero comes in to natter about Nicolas. Flor cuts her off which Vero definitely notices.

Frida shows Martha the (fake) passport…

Ver surprises Nicolas and starts peppering him with kisses. He angrily pushes her away, people are starting!

Carmen comes in and gives Montse a lipstick; Frida calls her on it! Montse claims Carmen likes her and Frida glowers suspiciously.

I believe Ismael drives to a house owned by his parents (?) They go inside and Lorena eventually puts the gun down. She tells him she is worried about Gabriela, her sister, the only person she has. You can see Ismael weakening and starting to look at Lorena with a softening gaze. She puts her hand out as a deterrent.

Arturo, Florencia, Nicolas and Ver are having cocktails. Vincente and Gabriela arrive and are greeted warmly by Arturo. Vincente makes Ver apologize to Gabriela which she (sort of) does.


FUGITIVAS #15 Part 2

Back at the bar, Erick has arrived and they are playing music and getting ready for the night.

Nicolas puts the moves on Florencia when they are alone telling her how intelligent and sexy she is. Ver comes back and leads him away.

The fire roaring in the fireplace isn’t the only thing heating up between Lorena and Ismael. She accuses him of what he thinks of her (none of it good). He seems to deny it.

Ismael confesses to Lorena that he thought she was playing with both him and Juan Pablo. He proclaims that is why he didn’t support her when she went to jail. She is stricken and tearily proclaims she was never with Juan Pablo. Never!!She tells him he is the love of her life! She heartbreakingly says she is alone; he moves to come forward but she puts up her hand. She tells him he is despicable but he moves toward her as she pushes him away crying. Por favor he says tears streaming down his face…they fall into each other’s arms, kissing passionately. Uh oh…They start to undress each other.

Arturo questions Flor about Ismael who is currently experiencing afterglow in bed with Lorena…

The dinner party learns Gabriela is turning 18 and Arturo wants to throw her a party.

Lorena confesses to Ismael that Juan Pablo had a lover who she is certain was married. He asks her who but she has no answer. She again tells him she had nothing going on with Juan Pablo and he finally seems to believe her. he agrees to help her, but in return I think he wants to turn herself in. She is not willing to do so! He tries to placate her with kisses which seem to be working.

Sofia visits Alejandro. She declines refreshments as he asks if she has an info on Lorena. He says Lorena deceived him; she sees right through that!! She accuses him of caring for her; he says he is confused; there is a difference.


FUGITIVAS #15 Part 3 of 3

Arturo seems willing to pull some strings for Gabriela educationally/career wise.

Lorena and Ismael declare their love…

Carmen continues to be friendly to Montse which doesn’t escape Frida’s attention. Montse admits Carmen’s attitude changed when Montse found out she is married to someone else! Dario hustles them out of the kitchen to get back to work.

Florencia complains about Papa’s continued pampering of Gabriela.

Ismael wakes up to a fully dressed Lorena leaving, taking his car. He manages to put his pants on and rush out but she drives off in his face. He calls a taxi as Florencia keeps trying to reach him.

Nicolas declines Vero’s invitation as she pushes for them to be novios with wet kisses. He looks bothered but a bit bewitched.

Still in Ismael’s car, Lorena tearfully writes her sister a happy birthday letter. She kisses it and slides it under her door.

Ismael sheepishly returns home to Florencia, claiming to be at the office working on an important case. She knows better of course and mutters “mentirosa” once he leaves the room. He looks at himself rather wild eyed with guilt as he washes his face.

Lorena returns to the bar, Frida admonishing her. Dario comes from behind the counter, livid. She missed work and therefore, he promptly fires her!



Dear Diana, I made a comment , but I don't see it , so I will just say thank you for the excellent recap. Susan


Susan, thank you verry much!!


Thanks so much, Diana.I love how responsible everyone here is- rain or shine- you always put up a recap.
I wouldn't want to rewatch this episode because of Lorena and Ismael. I don't understand why she is so in love with him. She seemed to want to believe he could still be on her side, but it's a pity she forgave him. What does it matter why he abandoned her? He did and apparently it was because he didn't trust her. He is naive if he thinks turning herself in would mean he could save her. Didn't they say Lorena's finger prints weren't found on the gun even? Ismael maybe should switch places with the police detective from Juana. They seem to be going for the troubled soul image with Ismael or something. The man just can't make up his mind.
I wonder if Marta and Patrichio will still have a chance once he learns she is hiding fugitives. Others aren't innocent so I wonder if they will be sent back to prison.


Thank you somuch for your kind words waterlily!

I had a sinking feeling that something was going to happen between Lorena and Ismael. After all these years of watching TNs little surprises me but her telling Ismal he is the love of her life after he literally abandoned her did. Ismael clearly IS tormented but his promising to have a child with Florencia and then running back to Lorena proves "the man just can't make up his mind!!"

"What does it matter why he abandoned her? He did and apparently it was because he didn't trust her" is exactly right!

There is much dialogue I don't understand but her being convicted if her prints weren't on the gun is another head scratching moment.

Wiki lists Erika's character as "Martha" but as you and Jarifa call her "Marta", I will as well going forward.


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