Monday, January 06, 2025

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Familia, Sed de Venganza y más: Week of January 6, 2025

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

  • 10-11PM - La Familia
  • 12-1AM  - Sed de Venganza

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Monday, pt. 1 of 3, Nueva Etapa
I’m a little out of sorts tonight so might miss more than usual. Probably the 28 pounds of sugar I’ve had over the last couple weeks. Also things are getting weird in the story so that doesn’t help.
Devin and Hulya are allies now somehow. When I tune in to the show, Devin is watching video of the wedding and Hulya puts her hand on Devin’s leg and frets about her not having eaten. Hulya assures her the hospital is secure. I still don’t get this change in the relationship. Hulya should be evicting Devin from the House. But as Devin watches the video, she sees someone who looks suspicious and asks Hulya about him. She decides he’s the man their looking for who shot Aslan.
The man is at a tailor getting a suit made. He thinks one leg is longer than the other and complains to the tailor about fixing this. So he has a limp or something that will out him.
Hulya is now ordering around the Lads (the good lads, the Zeus and Apollo of Lads) (Magnum PI anyone? 😊). We find out from Turgut that Cihan is marrying Serap tomorrow and Hulya says he’s a bad guy now or something. Devin says he’d never do this, she knows him.
Ilyas visits Serap and tells her they’ll have the event in his neighborhood first. As he leaves, Bedri calls him and Ilyas invites him to the wedding to talk. This seems like a bad idea as Turkish weddings are dangerous but Bedri is going.
Devin runs into Bedri. Bedri lets her know that he’s now in charge of the marina and gives his best to “el rey Aslan”. She lets him know that she will take care of finding out who killed Aslan by asking everyone “Did you kill the man I love with everything I am?” She tells him she’s a professional and can tell when someone is lying. There is some undercurrent of indirect threats from Devin to Bedri, enough to make him nervous without her actually having to threaten him. But she asks why he thinks he would be a suspect- isn’t he family? And she says this while standing uncomfortably close to his dumb face and staring at it. He should be very worried.
Leyla calls Devin to talk about how she can’t take it anymore, being stuck in jail. She blames herself for all this because Aslan risks himself to save her, even though we all know it’s Hulya’s fault. Leyla asks if she thinks it was Ibo, to get even for the whole “letting him die” thing.
Hulya gets home and Nedret greets her. Nedret says Hulya looks terrible and wants her to sit down and have some water. This niceness is suspicious. Hulya talks about the three bullets inside her, refering to Aslan’s injuries, and she’s obviously unwell because she confides to Nedret about her worries and feelings. And Nedret tries to make her feel better by telling her a story about Aslan’s birth and now we know something is wrong. Is she being nice or is the water poisoned? Nedret asks if her men are on finding out who did this? Hulya does get in a dig about how this could happen when Nedret is always aware of everything around her, but then she holds her hand. I don’t know what to think.
Hulya walks into a bedroom and sees Ibo who is there recuperating, I guess? He asks about Aslan. She shows him a note she got earlier (I can’t remember what it says but it looks like it was written by a child) and she asks if he had Aslan shot.

Monday, pt. 2 of 3
Ibo is offended that Hulya would accuse him over a note. He asks her if Aslan watched as he died. She says yep. Then asks again, in exchange for her honesty, if he killed her son. He says no. So she says that’s the end of it and they won’t talk of it again. She does let him know that one arm and leg are paralyzed due to the coma. She got the results of testing and he won’t get better. She is very matter-of-fact about this. His right arm and leg are permanently paralyzed. He demands that she leave.
Bedri meets with the new marina investor and tells him the deal is no longer a thing. Bedri tells him he has to leave the hotel and the marina and then tells him to look at his phone. He has texts the guy the notice about the death of the Russian and tells him being involved with the marina is dangerous. The threat is getting through.
Devin gets home and is greeted by Nedret. She wants to talk to Devin but Devin says she’s busy, has to change and get back to the hotel. Changing alliances?
Hulya checks in with Devin about what Iskander has found. Then the hospital calls. Hulya can’t answer so Devin handles it. They are given news about hypoxia or something but he’s stable for now. The doc wants to talk to her about him. Devin offers to take Hulya to the hospital.
Nedret meets them as they are leaving. Hulya gets in the car but Devin is stopped by Nedret who tells her that if she has something to say, she needs to yell her suspicions about her or the wolf inside will get her. Something like that. Basically Nedret is asking if Devin thinks she could have done this and telling Devin not to keep it all inside. Devin doesn’t look her in the eye and doesn’t yell like Nedret is telling her to.
After the commercial, Devin tells Nedret her suspicions are about her ambitious son. Nedret tells her to look people in the eye and tell them her suspicions. But I didn’t catch her reaction to being told it might be her son.
Then we see a scene from the wedding where Nedret tells Bedri to separate Aslan and his investor from the marina and let the investor know who’s in charge (Bedri).
Hulya and Devin talk about Bedret and Hulya is sure that she wouldn’t have done the shooting. She has dug a plot for the shooter (I think) and whoever ordered this, but it wouldn’t have been Nedret.
Elif tells Eko that this is time for him to stand up and fight. Be the hands and legs of Aslan. Is she from a mob family too? She doesn’t seem too upset about the shooting at their wedding, but maybe this is just a thing in Turkey.
Nedret gives Bedri a tongue lashing about working with Ilyas and while he defends himself, she orders him to call Ilyas. Bedri finally yells yes, he will do whatever he needs to make his money. Nedret is not happy with him and even if he looks her in the eye and says he didn’t do this, his words will mean nothing. She leaves. This is one seriously messed up family. And Ibo should be very hurt that no one got this upset when Aslan watched him die. Does it not count as an attack on the family if it isn’t gunfire? Ignoring your uncle’s health knowing he’ll die is cool with everyone?

Monday, pt. 3 of 3
Turgut greets Hulya and Devin at the hospital. The short leg guy is Bedrin. He’s being watched or searched for. Turgut tells Devin that he doesn’t know how she’s holding up. He lists the possible suspects and asks who did it. She tells him to cross Nedret off the list, and doesn’t think Cihan would do this either.
Bedrin, short leg guy with OCD, arrives at a restaurant in his snazzy new suit and meet with WHO? It’s Cihan! Maybe the haircut turned him meaner?
Devin thinks to herself that when Turgut asked how she’s handling this, what he was asking is how is she still alive? She thinks about the happy family with the baby again and thinks if she’s crazy, it’s the happiest crazy. Then the scene cuts to Devin holding a baby and asking for Aslan. The TV says he’s being discharged from the hospital and Bozo or someone has taken responsibility for this. Then the tv shows Aslan being shot (again) by Cihan. But it was a dream because Devin wakes in the hospital and is comforted by Hulya. So maybe it’s still a nightmare?
Hulya has taken Devin to the cafeteria and Devin asks if she really thinks Cihan could have done this. Hulya points out that she has known Cihan his whole life and she’s only met with him for a few sessions. Yes, Hulya thinks she could do this. Devin points out that she has raised Cihan as her child, etc., but Hulya would be ok with killing Cihan. If he had her precious Aslan shot, he needs to die. And then someone tells them that Cihan is there to see his brother. Hulya tells Cihan to go to hell. But Cihan plays the grieved brother and Devin offers to take him to see Aslan. Cihan calms himself and watches Aslan from outside the room. Cihan tells her a story about when Aslan was a kid and would have a fever. He’d brag that he didn’t have to go to school, but then later he’d get bored. Cihan gives her a stack of books so he won’t be bored. Then he apologizes to her for things being the way they are.
Ilyas is at the neighborhood with his guys when Nedret shows up. She wants to ask him a question. Did he order the hit on Aslan?
We’re out. Does Turkey even bother hiring cops if everyone can pick out the bad guy just by asking if they did the crime?

Kat in SC: Looking forward to seeing your recap of last night's episode.

Ana is the ONLY person that I'm interested in from here on out.


Thanks VERY much, K, for this delightful recap, and special thanks for doing it even when you weren't feeling well. Apparently that didn't affect your great sense of humor.

Yes, the alliances keep changing in this episode. Devin has decided (in a previous episode) that Hulya is the only one she can trust. That seems weird, but I guess she's convinced that Hulya is the only one who definitely would NOT have had a hand in shooting Aslan. Hulya responds to Devin's trust, but Hulya is also moved by the tears she sees on Devin's face as they watch the recording from the wedding.

I'm not sure, but I think someone said in response to the previous episode that people with OCD often have a distinctive walk. I think that, rather than a shorter leg, may be the case with Behrin. Devin knows about this, and she also sees him (on the recording) arrange and rearrange the place setting. These symptoms convince her that he's the person the waiter saw and the person who shot Aslan.

I guess it's possible that one of Behrin's legs is shorter than the other, but when we see the tailer look at the two legs, the pants seem to be in an identical place. I therefore assume that (needlessly) fussing over the pants length is just another indication of Behrin's OCD.

Yes, just as Hulya suddenly seems very sympathetic, Devin becomes cold to Nedret, I'm not sure why. However, when Nedret expresses concern for Hulya and offers her some water, I loved your "Is she being nice or is the water poisoned?"

The crumpled note that Hulya shows Ibo is one Ibo apparently wrote after he was losing consciousness. In the note, he says (very briefly) that Aslan did this to him. Hulya shows him the note and asks whether he thinks Aslan arranged to have him shot. This time, Ibo says no.

Wow, I was surprised when Behrin walks into the restaurant to see...Cihan! Are the writers playing with us again, or did Cihan really hire Behrin to shoot Aslan? I guess we'll have to wait until tonight's episode...or perhaps find out. I hope is WASN'T Cihan.

I also loved the way you ended the recap: "Does Turkey even bother hiring cops if everyone can pick out the bad guy just by asking if they did the crime?"

Again, MANY thanks!


Gracias, K. A delightful recap. Holiday sugar definitely is no match for you. Thanks for the laughs. My fave: "...And she says this while standing uncomfortably close to his dumb face [Bedri]"

I can't stand Bedri now. He would turn the marina into a mobbed-up, cheesy, no-class, tacky boardwalk. I sure hope Yagmur steers clear of him.

Elif seems all in with her new hubby. Saying all the right things to boost him on. So far I like her.

What to make of Cihan? He's always seemed very self-aware of his issues. Why would he think killing Aslan is the answer? Why would he not have the respect to do it himself instead of hiring out?

So the hit man is super OCD about everything. That poor tailor. How in blazes is the hit man successful in his business with this stand-out trait? Can't wait to hear Cihan's convo with him.

I'm puzzled about Nedret. It seems she came to take over but is not down with murdering Aslan. Why does she want to take over and how did she make all her money in the first place?


Niecie, in response to your last question about Nedret I'm assuming she married into money. It has been questioned if she left being pregnant with Bedri, but I don't think she was. Bedri confessed to killing his father, also he seems quite a bit younger than Aslan, though looks can be deceiving. This one just keeps me guessing too.

Venganza 1/7/25

I've lost track of the numbers, Steve seems to be the only one watching this with me so I'm not stressing about how accurate I am. A lot of the conversations are beyond my Spanish comprehension so I'm relying on the storyline as it unfolds to reveal what is going on.

Fernanda and Eugenio trade barbs in the hospital room. He says lethal injection or the electric chair are in her future and she threatens him with the same. Fernanda's divorce is finalized. She gets nada, but she sends Alfredo a cryptic message via his lawyer which I didn't understand. Fernanda has a plan though. She is going to have Mirna plead her case with Emilio about how she was brainwashed by Eugenio, blah blah blah. She wants the 2 of them to get far away from Miami and start a new life together (with his lovely money). Mirna says you want me to lie, Fernanda says cross your fingers....Marcelo is at the apartment when the 2 show up for their performance and he recognizes Mirna as Tania's assistant. This raises suspicions in both the guys but the ladies feign ignorance. Fernanda later in bed tries to weedle her way with him to leave, all he wants is justice for his grandmother's death.

Joseph Price is Ana's potential love interest at the school. He is suitably impressed with her beauty. She shuts him down with the story of her life for the past ten years. There were a few more Ana scenes with Elisa ( same refrain, why did no one get a second opinion while I was drugged in the asylum). With Alfredo she still insists that Fernanda killed Maria Laura. He tells her his divorce is final. She advised him to not marry Pati. Sorry Steve, not much advancement in the Ana storyline.

Elisa is being played by Roberto. She wants him to move back to his apartment, he fakes agony as he moves to get up and she panders to him again.

Tania and Alfonso are at a nightclub, it looks a lot like the joint where Ana and Claudia were drugged but I didn't see any pole dancers so perhaps it was a different one. I'm thinking she may be setting him up for her nefarious plan.

Brenda and Gabriel are talking on the phone. Possibly via social media as she has blocked him in other formats. He promises he will agree to the divorce if they meet face to face for dinner. He pleads his case successfully and they end up in a hotel? room where his affliction is no more....

A few days later Marcelo and Francisco are in Mexico. Fernanda is in court telling her lying version of her history with Eugenio. All the families are in the courtroom along with Eugenio who is out of the hospital. Ignacio is filling Manuel and Francisco in on what is happening and they don't look pleased. Actually nobody seemed pleased so I guess it is all about saving her neck. Perhaps the next episode will clear that scene up for me.


Another witty and funny recap, K. Thanks so much for all the zingers.

I sort of get the change of Hulya and Devin toward each other. Kind of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". They both want the guy who arranged the hit to pay. However, I think Hulya just wants him dead, while Devin may still have some trust in justice in Istanbul.

I got to see another word I like in Spanish. sastre or sastrería (tailor and tailor's ship). I also kind of think there was nothing wrong with the pants; the tailor was too certain. Just another OCD thing.

I'm not surprised Hulya blamed Cihan. She's seemed to despise him since Yusuf's death, blaming him for somehow not preventing the suicide. I also hope the sit down with Cihan was a red herring. I was surprised Serap and Cihan are getting married. Maybe some more scenes explaining that were cut.

K, I loved "Turkish weddings are so dangerous". Oh, and we found out Aslan was a preemie and not even expected to live.

I saw Ibo kind of give up on his HEA with Hulya. Hulya's not the type of woman to coddle a disabled man. Whatever happened to that check he gave her, the double-cross check for betraying his nephew?

I also loved the idea of Cihan getting mean when his hair was cut.

Niecie, I think Nedret is so dead set on maintaining their stake in the marina because, deep inside, she knows that Bedri couldn't make it in anything but a family business.


K, thank you for another snappy recap. Hope you are feeling better . yeah...I get the sugar buzz. I am still working my way through the egg nog that my family left behind .

This whole novela has been " Who killed ' fill in the blank."

Needed is an enigma . She seemed so hippy dippy mellow with her comfy outfits and healthy meals , but maybe she is hiding a heart of darkness. .susan


Thanks, K for the recap. There are so many scenes in each episode to write about and I appreciate your diligence in capturing everything.
Bedri is dumb. Does he really think Aslan will let him keep the marina? And Bedri's henchmen just look like punk wannabes, certainly not as impressive as Turgut and company.
You're so right about Elif not seeming disturbed by the shooting at the wedding. Very odd.

Beth S.


#51 – Part 1 of 3

Nedret comes to ask Ilyas if he ordered the hit on Aslan. Ilyas comes up with some old school code crap and tells her not to ask what he cannot answer. She says that Bedri and Cihan are like brothers to Aslan. Tell me you didn’t make them face each other in a war.

The 3 amigos catch the sastre (tailor) leaving his shop and run him down. No surprise here; Eko is the one who catches him. The guy recognizes the image of Behram on Iskoc’s phone. He says he made the guy a suit for his boss’s wedding tomorrow!

Hulya’s flunky brings her a photo on his phone from a security camera. It was soooo small on my screen, but I’m pretty sure it was Cihan sitting at that table with Behram. Hulya says it will all end at the wedding. He wanted a family. Let him at least have a wedding. And he shouldn’t be separated from his wife. Let him be buried with his wife.

The guys come to tell Devin where the shooter will be…at the wedding of his boss. "Tomorrow is Cihan’s wedding, and the boss is Ilyas Koruzade." She asks them to go to the wedding and get him. Turgut gives her a searching look and tells her it will be quite a scene, there might be bajas (casualties). She just shrugs.

Nedret isn’t having much luck with Ilyas. He keeps dodging, saying tomorrow is his daughter’s wedding. She tells him that he gets weddings, while everyone else gets funerals. They circle back to the past. She accuses him of being scared and running away (40 years ago). He gets an earnest look on his face and says that, yes, he was afraid but for her. “If your parents and brothers knew about us, they’d kill you for sure.” [This seems excessive to me, but I remember reading about a big problem in Turkey concerning “honor” killings. ]

Nedret replies that he shouldn’t have worried about her death but rather how she’d live in the world without him. She says she might have killed herself, except for her son. Glaring at him she says: “I won’t let you turn him into a cruel man like you are. I’ll keep him from your clutches as I have for 30 years.” He asks why she protects Bedri from him. “Is he my son?” She gives him a scary look, saying he needs to watch out or she’ll finish what her father couldn’t!

Now we’re at Cihan’s wedding. He looks SO happy. At least until he sees Behram in the crowd. We see that Iskoc, Turgut and Eko are lurking.

Hulya talks with her marksman, asking if the couple has signed the acta. The guy takes a rifle with a scope from the trunk of his car.

Behram spills some food or drink on himself, and we see his OCD distress. He heads for the bathroom. He spies Turgut at one end of the street and Iskoc and Eko at the other. He bolts up somewhere. Turgut follows. Behram draws a bead on Turgut, but Cihan is there and bashes him over the head with a stick. Viewerville relaxes. These writers better NOT kill off Turgut.


#51 – Part 2 of 3

We get the usual dizi flashback explanation. Behram comes to see Ilyas. He says he’s come from Adana to serve him. He says he’s un temerario (fearless guy). He shot Aslan. Ilyas sarcastically thanks him but says the work isn’t “conclusive”. Behram says he can’t say who arranged the shooting. It’s the code. And how could Ilyas trust him if he betrayed the one who hired him?

Back to the present, Cihan kicks the weirdo a few times. Iskoc says they got him (to Devin).

We see Cihan and Serap say Acepto. and sign the usual book at Turkish weddings that makes it official. The assassin looks through his scope, first at Cihan and then at Serap.

Devin seeks out Hulya and tells her they captured the guy, thanks to Cihan! Hulya looks shocked. Devin says that, since Cihan presented the guy to Ilyas, it seems to her that they’re off the list of suspects. Hulya moves away and calls the assassin just in time.

Hulya has come to see Ibo again. He’s full of self-pity. He says he couldn’t marry the woman he loved nor have children. Hulya abruptly gets up and tells him they found the guy who shot Aslan, one Behram from Adana. Ibo: “Did he talk?” Hulya replies he hasn’t yet, but he will. Ibo looks scared.

Cihan sees Ilyas go off to talk with Bedri. Bedri tells Ilyas he’s taken care of Cingiz. The deal is off. “Now we’re the only owners of the port.” They’re in a barber shop, and Bedri is getting a shave. The guy cuts him. [Of course that’s an “owes Ilyas a favor” barber, and Ilyas gets the drop of blood to test. Outside Ilyas asks Bedri if he set up the shooting of Aslan, but he evades the question (just like he did with his mother).

Cihan asks Bedri why he is leaving early and also asks if he arranged the shooting. Another evasion. He just says Aslan is in the past. [Part of me wonders whether, trying to get street cred, he’s mysterious on purpose.]

Turgut counts down from 5 with the gun at Behram’s temple, but Behram knows he won’t do it and be left in the dark. Devin arrives. Turgut makes me laugh again when Devin sees Behrem’s bruised and bloody face. She asks what they’re doing, and he replies that this is the usual way. Eko tells her Behram is nuts. She says that she loves that he is and says that’s her specialty!

Cihan calls Nedret to say he’s gotten married and, also, that he didn’t set up Aslan’s attack any more than Ilyas did. He says that it was either her brother Ibrahim or Bedri.

Devin treats Behram like a patient, sitting down with a notepad. He gives a dirty sneer, saying they could do other, better things. He admits shooting Aslan. And says he’s alive, for now. Devin gets an idea. She has the guys move him onto a black and white tile floor. She begins putting some tools in disarray and sees it disturbs him. Then she moves his feet, which are on one white and one black, onto both feet on one tile. Then a tool falls off the workbench. Behrem does bonkers and starts saying “Rojo” over and over again.


#51 – Part 3 of 3

Devin has Behram listen to a recording. He keeps saying “Rojo”. Hulya arrives. Devin tells her she doesn’t know if he’ll talk, but she needs some more time. Then we see it’s morning. Hulya asks Devin if she thinks that “loco” would leave the job undone.

Devin again sits in front of the guy with her notepad. He says he wanted to kill her too. She says he has a lot of fear. He replies that he’s not afraid of anything. She says she’s got him. “Who sent you to kill Aslan? Was it Bedri Shakir? He says that it wasn't him.

We see Nedret get right in Bedri’s face and tell him that, if he had Aslan shot, get out!

Yep. Bedri is Ilyas’ spawn. I'll say it once again. Ilyas should have had a vasectomy at puberty.

Devin tells Behram she got what she wanted. He’s indignant and says he didn’t tell her. She says she never thought she’d come to this. “If you were free, would you finish the crime?” He says no. Devin looks at his fingers and tells him that every time he lies, he taps his fingers 3 times. He begins yelling and protesting. Devin comes out, tells the 3 amigos that she found out what she wanted to know. They go in. Devin puts on her headphones (so as not to hear), and we hear at least 3 shots.

Aslan wakes from the coma. Devin and Hulya enter and sit on either side of the bed. He snarks that they look like a renaissance painting. If he’d known they’d make peace, he’d have had it done on purpose. Hulya actually leaves them alone. Devin says that she missed him also. He realizes that she saw the text he sent just before… She puts his wedding ring on his finger.

Turgut bursts in with Iskoc trying to hold him back. Turgut is SO happy. He says he’d rather have taken the bullets himself. Aslan jokes that he’ll let him know the next time so he can jump in front. Then he says that it hurts when he laughs. He then sees the books Cihan left for him. But he doesn’t get a fond smile on his face. Aslan: “Did you find out who wanted me dead?” Turgut nods. Aslan asks who. Devin leaves him with the guys.

Some time must have passed because we see Bedri looking at the TV announcer saying Aslan Soykan es dado de alta (released from the hospital). Nedret comes in fingering her prayer beads. We see Ibo grimacing at the same television report.

Aslan arrives home. He has a small, hinged box in his hand. Nedret smiles and seems glad he’s home, but he doesn’t smile back. He goes to Bedri, gets close. He tells him to get everyone out of the house. He should take them to the marina for dinner in Aslan’s honor. “See to it that no one is in the house.” He pats him on the shoulder.

Ok, anybody sorry to see the last of Behram? Me neither. I gotta say I spent a LOT of time re-watching those scenes with Devin and Behram. I still don’t know whodunit. She says she “had him” and told him about the finger tapping when lying. But they didn’t show his hands when she asked if Bedri was the one. Either the fingers tapped, it was Bedri, and he lied saying it was not him. Or he said it was not Bedri, no taps, leaving Ibo as the one.

Kat in SC: Anything crazy happening in last night's episode ?


I can't watch it at midnight. May get to it around 2 if my granddaughter takes a nap. She is nearly 2 and has been fighting naps lately.


Wow, novelera, MANY thanks for this terrific recap! I really appreciated all the useful Spanish, and I was delighted to see that you, too, went through the steps to see who ordered the attempted murder of Aslan. That question drove me nuts as I was watching the episode. In particular, I couldn't see why Ilyas wasn't a suspect for longer than he was. As you say, the tailor recognizes Behram on Isok's phone and says the guy told him he needs the suit "for his boss's wedding tomorrow." Since we see Behram meeting with Cihan, and since Cihan is getting married "tomorrow," it seems reasonable to assume that Cihan is Behram's boss. But very soon after that, the guys apparently say, "Tomorrow is Cihan’s wedding, and the boss is Ilyas Koruzade." This made less sense to me. Yes, in retrospect I guess that since Ilyas' daughter is getting married, one could say that the wedding is Ilyas's, as her father. But still, how could the guys connect Behram to Ilyas at this point? Anyway, I was confused as I watched the episode.

Hulya certainly thinks "his boss's wedding" refers to Cihan, and she hires a sharpshooter to kill Cihan and his wife, whom she plans to have buried in adjacent graves.

I found it something of a stretch for Cihan to be exactly where the guys catch up with Behram. Also, wouldn't that require Cihan to get up in the middle of the wedding ceremony to go after Behram, and then return to the ceremony for the "I do's"?

OK, enough of my confusion. I'm glad you pointed out that the "owes Ilyas a favor" barber deliberately nicks Bedri as he's shaving him in order to get some blood that Ilyas could use for a DNA match. I did figure out that the barber was complicit, but only when he provided Ilyas with some of Bedri's hairs, which also can be tested for a DNA match. And even then, I didn't connect that with the blood. Duh.

Well, it looks as if Devin has really become a full-fledged member of a mafia family when she questions Behram, decides he really deserves to die, turns him over to Turgut et al., and puts on headphones as she walks away.

Why in the world does Aslan tell Bedri to get everyone out of the house that evening? Did he so enjoy burning the other house that he's decided to repeat the event with this one? I don't think that's the case, but I can't imagine what else Aslan might have in mind. Perhaps we'll find out tonight.

Venganza #49

Well Francisco has finally wised up and wants nothing to do with Fernanda. All he wants is justice for his grandmother and Fernanda protected Eugenio. I thinkwith her mother he won the lawsuit, but maybe it is still awaiting the judges verdict. Eugenio won. ( Will the disgust last?, one can hope). Initially I thought he and Marcelo were in Mexico, but it seems they are in Miami.

Tania's plan for Alfonso is tonight ( in the episode). She gives the Dr. and call girl half their payment, the rest is for after the job is done. Mirna tells Tania she will lose Elisa as a friend, and Mirna too. ( Gee, castration is way less violent than death and Fernanda is still her friend ). Later in the show Alonso talks with Elisa who says all your relationships are superficial and it's all about sex. In foreshadowing she asks what or who will you have in life when that is finished. Tania begs off her date at the dark dance/bar because of a headache and the call girl, in a wig, catches his eye as expected.

Claudia is released and is staying with Erika. The two go to the OB together. Erika is now 26 weeks along.
Francisco invites Elisa for a dinner date. She accepts.
Gabriel and his dad are putting plans in motion to make Brenda an orphan. Brenda and Gabriel have another night together. Brenda has told her mom she is seeing someone, Ninette is happy, anything to drive Gabriel out of your head. Brenda tells Ninette she is Adelberto's love of his life. She isn't so sure and brings up Marie Laura again.

Another one that brings up Marie Laura is Alonso while talking to Ana. She is angry all they care about is the money, meanwhile their mother is dead and Fernanda killed her. He remembers Ana and his mom fighting all the time. She says yes, but she didn't want her dead! Ana has a flashback to an argument with her mother. Ana wonders why her mother prayed all the time. ( I bet her first born, Ana I would hope and not Gabriel, is actually Adelberto's child!)

Pati made an appearance in the show dressed a la Jacky O in an expensive hat and dress. I won't mention any more about her. The sister we hate doesn't deserve any extra recap time.

By the way, Eugenio played up his infirmity by being in a wheelchair during the trial but is standing and toasting with liquor later with Adelberto. They discuss power of attorney and the business but I'm not sure what was decided.

Sebastian and Monica also make an appearance, at the trial and later in their apartment. Monica wonders about their future if half the money goes to Eugenio. She may have mentioned going to work for Brenda, but I'm not positive. They discuss having a dinner party with Marcelo and Francisco. I think they worry he might bring Fernanda' with him. Monica thinks she is only good to have their if she can fall off their balcony. ( I'm not sure that is what was said, I'm putting words in her mouth).

Elisa and Emilio have their dinner date, in his condo I think. She tells him her marriage is over. She only stayed with Roberto while he was dealing with his kidney cancer diagnosis. Emilio has something to tell her but doesn't know where to start. He then shows her the necklace she gave him 10 years earlier ( flashback. Young Elisa looks nothing like 26 year old Elisa, they could have found a better match imo). And we are out .


Typo in 3rd line. It should read, "I think Eugenio won the lawsuit". Also further down, Erika is 16 weeks along, not 26.

Help, my recap of Venganza disappeared!!!!!

Kat, I found your recap and it's now posted. To my surprise, so too was your comment about an error. I tried to find a way to restore it too, but I couldn't. I didn't realize that it was already automatically included with the restored recap.
I wish I could figure out why these problems are happening. There seems to be no good reason. Sigh.

Juanita, the reply to my recap never disappeared which I thought was strange. I posted the reply and noticed my recap was missing. If I could easily write a recap in notes or something on my phone it would cut down on my mistakes. Typing all my comments and recaps on the phone means I only see the first 5 lines of what I have written unless I scroll down, correct mistakes and then it goes back to the top again! Thanks for rescuing it.


Gracias, Novelera. Terrific job. Yep, the writers better not mess with Turgut. That was scary.

I got a kick out of Devin driving Behran berserk by tossing tools in front of him, but I was afraid he'd break the ziptags that bound him. He would never stop trying to kill Aslan, prison or not. Good riddance.

Cihan was away so long -- saving Turgut from getting whacked by Behram -- with Serap thinking he went to the bathroom. When he finally returned, she joked that he must have old man plumbing issues.


Thanks, K and novelera, for the very helpful recaps.

“Does Turkey even bother hiring cops if everyone can pick out the bad guy just by asking if they did the crime?” LOL. In a standard dizi, the cops are mostly there to come and take someone in (questioning or arrest) at a most embarrassing moment. In a crime drama such as Secretos de Familia, the cops are doing their jobs well.

“If your parents and brothers knew about us, they’d kill you for sure.” Yes, honor killings. Remember Hercai and Grandpa Tyrant? I wondered why Nedret was kicked out instead of killed. There are still a lot of holes in her story with Ilyas.

We don’t see if Behran tapped his fingers when Devin asked about Bedri. I think he didn’t because Aslan asked Bedri to take everyone to the marina for dinner. Ibo remains on the suspect list. And that box Aslan had looked familiar. If it’s what I think it is…

Bedri is such an arrogant a-hole. I can’t wait for him to find out Ilyas is his bio dad.

I like Cihan and Serap together. He calls her avukat and she calls him kebapci. I doubt they will have a happy ending. Too tragic.

I’m starting to think that Aslan will make it to the end. He’s already been shot twice and survived. Would they kill Devin? That would be awful.


Novelera, thank you for bringing us every confusing moment .

Wow,, I am confused , but dizis often bewilder me. Who did shoot Asian ? Devin seems to know, but I dont.

I had a student not from Turkey but another mideastern country who told me that if his sister got pregnant out of wedlock either he or his father would have to kill her . He said it so matter of factly that it made my blood run cold..

I guess we all cheered when Cihan bashed creepy on the head and saved Turgut. Why was Creepy at the wedding ? To me , " his boss's wedding means Cihan was " his boss." Susan

Venganza #50

Super short recap hitting the main points of today's episode.

Elisa learns all about Francisco's past 10 years. She doesn't forgive him( he doesn't deserve it). He does not tell her about Fernanda but does confess there was another woman after she married Roberto.

Ana comforts Roberto. I think he is claiming his cancer has returned and he doesn't want to live without Elisa so he isn't going to undergo any more treatment.

The plan is on for Alonso. In a not so seedy hotel he falls for drinking up the drugged coffee or hate er is offered him in a paper cup. He passed out, the Dr and Tania arrive to perform the castration. Tania does the honors.

Fernanda talks with Mirna. Francisco keeps avoiding her calls. Mirna worries about how she can pay the hotel bill. Francisco gave her his credit card. Problem solved.

Monica tells Sebastian about Alonso drugging and the rape. He rushed to the family home to confront him, but he isn't there.

Claudia gets called by Miguel. Stupid Claudia sneaks out of Erika and Fermin's house to meet him.

Elisa returns home where Sebastian is yelling at his father about what Alonso did to his wife. Gabriel is also there. Elisa walks in and tells them the truth about Emilio being Francisco.

Kat in SC: Awesome job with the recap of last night's episode. Keep stirring the pot! My personal thoughts:
*Alfredo & Gabriel hell-bent on killing Brenda & her parents. At this point, I've all but conceded Brenda will NOT be among the living when all is said & done.

*Ana comforting Mooching Roberto ? What could possibly go wrong ?

*Monica FINALLY told Sebastian about Slick Alonso raping her. Right on cue: Sebastian wants to kick Alonso's ass.

*Elisa figures out Emilio is Francisco & is rightfully pissed off.

*Paty going all Jacky-O ? Fast Forward.

*Claudia sneaking out to meet with Miguel ? OMG! Why Claudia Why ?

*Congratulations to Erika being preggers. I sincerely hope Crazy Goldie Locks & Eugenio don't kill Erika & Fermin.

*Tania double-down & goes full-steam ahead with her sinister plot against Slick Alonso. Drugging Alonso & castrating his ass LOL. Tania better hope nobody finds out & flee to Brazil or Great Britain.

*Marcelo & Francisco still in FL ? I thought they went back to Mexico ? Sure pulled a fast one. I still need to know who were Francisco's parents.

*Mirna is the Dr. Phil when talking with Crazy Goldie Locks & Tania LOL.

*45 more episodes to go before the Karma Anvils come.

*Elisa tells everyone about Emilio being Francisco. Something tells me Francisco might get arrested or disgraced 🤔

Steve, Elisa didn't figure it out, Francisco told her. Francisco flew back to Mexico to come back to Miami with his correct passport I think. It was a day trip I believe.

I think Gabriel truly loves Brenda, and hEr money of course. They need to kill the parents to get her lovely money so I do worry about them. A scene I didn't mention, Alfredo calls Adelberto. He says you loved Marie Laura, aren't you upset to have her killer ( Eugenio in this conversation) get off scot free.

I also wonder who Francisco parents are.

We have known about Erika's pregnancy for a while. It was a monthly check up they went to.


If one uses "Godfather II" as a guide, Aslan graciously gave Ibo a chance at an honorable death. Ibo is in bed, and Aslan places in Ibo's good hand the fancy gun that Ibo gifted to him at his wedding. Of course, Ibo's suicide makes the news. (Ibo betrayed Aslan at every turn from the start of this dizi. Still, sad.)

Bedri is so shook up about his mom thinking he might be behind Aslan's attack that he hasn't been able to eat for three days. He whines to Ilyas and they bond some more at Ilyas's country house that we've never seen before. Serap doesn't seem impressed with her (unknown to her) half-brother. Maybe even jealous when she sees Ilyas cover a sleeping Bedri (on the couch) with his coat.

Furious, Cihan kills the hitman hired by Hulya to off him and Serap. He's particularly irked that Hulya included Serap in the called-off hit. After the killing, Serap notes dryly to her dad that normally her husband is so calm. Ilyas complains about Cihan killing the guy in his country shed. Cihan says he'll clean it up.

Devin gets the good news that she can have kids. She tells Aslan -- much joy. But Devin has to tell Aslan that Ergun and his mom engineered the fake diagnosis of "infertility" so she'd leave for London.

Aslan has a chilling family dinner (without the kids) to let Hulya have it right between the eyes. "I don't hate you. Hate is the opposite of love. I am indifferent to you." He and Devin will move out. [Hulya, maybe if you'd owned up to the truth and asked for forgiveness rather than your usual deny deny deny, things would've worked out better with Aslan.]

I didn't realize until last night that one of Bedri's crew is the guy that Hulya burned.

SED VENG 1/7/25

KAT S.C...
I AM with you all the way!!!!!!!!!Appreciate you too!
I have some thoughts[LOTS OF RANTS].. but will hold until 2nd posting
THIS 12AM bullcrap is crazy!!


Just making it under the wire until the page changes. Thanks so much, Niecie, for the short and sweet recap. It can be brief and well done, as I've said here more than once.

Yep, I have a feeling Serap will not take kindly to her father's warming to Bedri. In the first place, anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see what a loser he is. Also regarding Serap, she's still not a model of mental health in spite of having a husband who adores her. She took a lot of satisfaction in her new husband shooting Hulya's sharpshooter. She's still kind of a twisted sister.

I don't remember Hulya burning that guy, but her crimes are mounted so high that I'm not surprised it slipped out of my memory bank.

Yes, the way the scene was presented, Aslan gave Hulya a chance to fess up and get maybe a partial forgiveness. But she still thought she could tough it out. After all, Aslan (to the fury of many of us here) has forgiven, moved back in, overlooked, etc. etc. SO many times. I'd like to see Aslan make a visit to his disgusting father-in-law.

I was disappointed they didn't show what was mentioned, Serap moving Melek's mother and child...somewhere. Did they say Bulgaria? And Aslan planned to intercept Serap's plans. FREE LEYLA!!!


Niecie, thank you. Susan

Halimacandy looking forward to your input. I don't have to babysit tomorrow (snowmageddan expected in SC. I can drive in snow having lived in snow country 50+years of my life, but the rest of the south has no clue) so I will get a recap up fairly early again. The other downside to the midnight showing is they only run it 4 nights a week and not 5 so it will take that much longer to finish.

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