Monday, February 24, 2025
Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of February 24, 2025
Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.
8-9 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)
9-11 AM: Sin Pecado Concebido (Unimas)
11-12 PM: Amores Verdaderos (Univision)
12-2 PM: Corona de Lagrimas (Unimas)
1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)
2-4 PM: Muchacha italiana viene a casarse (Unimas)
4-5 PM: Como Tu No Hay 2 (Unimas)
6-7 PM: Sin Nos Dejan (Unimas)
Labels: daytime, unimas, Univision
Part 1 of 3 (Including deleted scenes and fragments)
[DS] Demon entered the church and walked slowly toward the altar, looking both confused and sad. [/DS]
JC asked himself how he could forget Aurora, etc. Luis talked to Mané to tell her he wanted to be with her and his friends in Mexico. JC asked himself if he was being selfish. Was this a form of self-punishment for the divorce? Luis suggested they go out to eat.
[DS] Demon sat near the altar. He heard Pintas' voice in his head about more than one death and that Jezabel will kill Aurora. He looked up at the anguished Christ figure and prayed. “No, don't let it happen. I beg you.” He cried. [/DS]
Aurora told Antonio that Julia was there. She was tired and not up to meeting him in a bar. Pepe appeared.
[DS] JC told Luis he was ready to buy the house. He had also received documents from Corporativo Campero that he could sign digitally. Luis tried to con him into returning to Mexico to sign them in person by saying it was more professional. He said most lawyers would agree. He was eager to work with his father there. JC was amused? They drank to Luis' studies.
Angel and Helena entered the church, He told her this was Vicki's favorite. Demon was still there in the front pew. He got up, wiped his eyes, and saw them. [/DS]
Jezabel visited Briana and gave her three thick wads of cash to leave Mexico ASAP. Briana thought this was a bribe for her to keep her mouth shut about the rape. She refused, throwing the money into Jezabel's lap. She said her silence was worth thirty times more. She opened the door. Jezabel laughed and told her she was crazy. “Your wedding ended in disaster and you think I will support you for life?” Briana reminded her that her deceptions caused thirty years of pain to Aurora. She demanded a million pesos per year [$49,050 USD].
[DS] Angel suggested to Demon that they come to a truce. Helena agreed that they should show mutual respect and put aside the mistaken accusations. However, Demon did not agree. He called them hypocrites and still claimed rights over Helena's baby. He walked out quietly. [/DS]
Briana suggested she would go to police and reveal all, including Jezabel's connexion to Romualdo (Juventino Macias). There was also the date when Aurora was almost raped a second time. Jezabel warned her she was playing a dangerous game because she doesn't put up with stupidity... like her and her mother. Briana told her to pay or the whole world would know what she did to Aurora.
[DS] Helena said that Demon could bribe judges to take her baby away but she could not let that happen. Angel told her she will not have to fight alone. He would be with her and they would raise the baby with love and keep Demon and Jezabel out of their lives. They prayed to be good parents. They got up to leave saying how odd it was to see Demon in there, crying. Anita came in looking for Demon. She felt bad for him because of his various issues.
Briana looked at Jezabel's hand and said it was a shame she wasn't faking. She asked if it was arthritis and Jezabel answered rudely implying it was none of her business. Briana took back the money and said she will accept it as an advance. She was sure Jezabel would not want to end up in prison where the quality of medical care would not be up to normal standards. Jezabel took her purse and said ”If I were you I'd enjoy that money as soon as possible because... you never know.” Briana warned her that if anything happened to her Edgar would reveal all to the press which would land her and Demon in prison. [/DS]
Part 2 of 3
Antonio and Pepe were at a table enjoying some wine and Patricia came in. She made a nasty comment about him slumming since their divorce the disastrous wedding of their daughter. Pepe – whose manners were better than hers that evening – said something about her being the madrina at his wedding. Antonio decided to change tables and called the waiter.
[DS] Jezabel went home and saw Aurora entertaining Julia. It was obvious that Jezabel and she had not gotten on back in the day.
Briana and Edgar talked about their current situation with the police. He was only concerned about Pascual's possible report; he was otherwise in the clear. He said he missed Linette whose threat kept Pascual quiet. He did not know that Linette was dead. He told Briana to talk to his lawyer who would tell her what to say if the police call her in. She told him Jezabel came to see her. She asked if he knew about the hired rape. He told her he did and then about the recent murders. He knew so much about her and she is in his hands now. Briana said that if Pascual reports them Jezabel will also fall.
Pascual was doing exactly that along with the barrio boys. The cop gave them forms to fill out while he tended to other detainees. Pascual hesitated because of Linette's threats but the other guys convinced him to continue.
Antonio was sharing a bottle of tequila with Pepe at a new table. Pepe praised him for his courage in pursuing Aurora again after all those years. [For once he was talking like a normal person.] He implied that Antonio was hesitating to make a decision.
Aurora sat on her bed flashing back to that same conversation between herself and Julia.
Antonio told Pepe he would want Aurora to marry him if it was because of the long love, not in gratitude for finding her son. But now there was competition. Pepe still encouraged him not to give up.
Aurora seemed to be in a trance standing between JC and Antonio, all three dressed in white and both men repeating her name. She had been dreaming.
Antonio said it was harder to do something vs talking about it. Pepe said that happiness is in our hands, not those of others. Patricia then approached Antonio to tell him she was offered a new novela so she wouldn't have to wait for the crumbs of his alimony. She walked away and Antonio suggested they drink elsewhere to avoid her. Pepe said he needed his help to recover the USB that Patricia had. Antonio looked at Patricia's purse. She did not notice.
Demon went into Jezabel's room, waking her in the process. He told her not to kill Aurora. She gave him a look that caused him to tell her he wasn't drunk, his head was clear, and she was to deal with Pintas. “I won't let you hurt anyone I love.” She quietly told him to shut up. He shouted that she ws not to order him to shut up, then caught himself. She was going to pay for what she did to Fabrizio and for what she did already to Aurora. She sat upright quickly and grabbed the front of his shirt, telling him not to try that or they will end up in prison. He didn't care about that. She had no proof he tried to kill Angel and he refused to cooperate with any further scheme to do so. She demanded he shut up and used her claws to shut his mouth.
Part 3 of 3
Angel and Helena sneaked in at the crack of dawn. They were in a good mood,
Demon and Jezabel were arguing again, He started calling for Aurora but ended up bolting out the door.
Helena and Angel started up the stairs.
Demon knocked on the door to Aurora's room. She was downstairs. Demon told Jezabel she was not to kill Aurora. He said he would denounce her for the death of his father. MORE They argued and were heard on the lower floor. A few moments later he was running from Jezabel down the stairs past Angel.[/DS]
Jezabel shoved Helena down the stairs. She was in pain. Angel carried her out. Jezabel shouted at Demon “Look at what you made me do!” She threatened Demon she would kill him, Aurora, Helena, and the baby as soon as it was born if he told anyone. He was in shock, calling her a monster and saying he is going to forget she was his mother. She said she was forgetting he was her son.
Pepe persuaded Patricia to dance and moved her past several tables.
[DS] Pascual recounted the tale of his visit to Edgar's bar, the fight with Pintas, and the words he heard later. The detective showed him photos of Linette and he recognized her. The detective told him she was dead. [/DS]
Patricia and Pepe continued dancing. Antonio looked into her purse and found the USB. He replaced the remaining contents, closed the purse, and held the USB up for Pepe to see, then left. Pepe escorted Patricia back to the table, She was a little drunk, he pretended to be, then excused himself as she drank another shot.
[DS] The cop told Pascual that this was a crime passionel. One of the barrio buys asked about Briana. Pascual told the rest to the police. The cop ordered arrest warrants for Edgar, Briana, and Juventino (alias Pintas). [/DS]
Briana asked Edgar if he was going to flee. He wasn't sure. He hesitated about selling the bar because of its long-term customers. Pintas showed up and needled Briana.
Aurora called Antonio to tell him that Helena was in hospital. The USB was now in Pepe's hands.
Pintas was creeping Briana out. She threatened to call the police if he didn't leave. Pintas went on about Jezabel and her promise to arrange for him to talk to his son but betrayed him. Someone came in to warn that the cops were near. Edgar shouted for everyone to go out the other door.
Helena was being brought into the ER. The attending physician mentioned placental abruption and a high possibility of miscarriage. Demon ad Angel were both at the other end of the grney and were prevented from entering the treatment room. Aurora and Jezabel came in. Demon looked coldly at Jezabel and would not let her touch him. He watched sadly as Aurora embraced Angel.
Now up to date.
Urban, thank you for an excellent review as we tumble toward the finale.
It appears that Demon is going to be redeemed . He now sees his mother as a heartless , sometime killer . He may save someone from her...Aurora ( who was more of a mother to him than Jez ever was )...or Angel, or Helena .
I suppose the writers are trying to make us think that Aurora is still torn between Antonio and JC, but she will most probably end up with her young love and father of her child . Dream on Pintas.
Thanks Urban, you turned out another excellent recap and filled us in on all we missed. Jezabel is one sick lady. I couldn’t believe when she pushed Helena down the stairs. That was her grandchild Helena was carrying! And she’s really turned on Helena. Unless she always hated her, I really don’t remember.
So Demon is actually reforming and they decided it wasn’t that important for us to see why he changed. At least they showed him realizing his mother was a monster. I did feel sorry for him when he was watching Aurora comforting Angel. They could cut the Italy scenes and show us more of what’s happening with the main characters.
Looks like Briana might get implicated in the kidnapping. I hope so, she shouldn’t get off scot free. She was Demon’s partner in crime to break up Helena and Angel.
Someone commented on the Biblical Jezabel’s death so I had to look that up. That sounds fitting for our Jezabel!
I can't believe we are this close to the end and there was no DNA test to determine if Pintas is Angel's sperm donor. Since we have not been told that Helena was adopted we are assuming that Antonio is her father. We can't have her and Angel be half-siblings.
However, Pintas is so hot on the idea that Angel is his and will have his same criminal tendencies he deserves to be dropped on his head about this.
Amigos, this episode was posted later than usual on Vix. Look for the recap after today's broadcast. There are important details that deserve mention.
They have been showing promos for the telenovela that will follow this one ..." Juegos de Amor y poder ." I like the leads. Susan
I think that one is slated for 10PM starting on March 17. I am not fond of the true crime show that's there now; the content is not interesting as presented.
I recognized Eduardo Santamarina's voice right away, but I don't like Arap Betke. He always comes off as sleazy to me. The rest of the cast looks good.
Angel / Aurora
Yesterday's episodes have dialogue too juicy to gloss over so be patient for the recaps. I really wish they'd cut from mid-series instead if they really need to cut at all.
Spanish Prof, thank you For the information . I looked this novela up. Wow, so many familiar faces in this one. Wow, Danela Roma!! Arturo Peniche!! And so many other names I know !! Susan
Part 1 of 5 (Including deleted scenes and fragments)
Repeat of previous episode's last scene.
Aurora told Demon she had a good premonition that the baby will be alright. Jezabel tried to tell Aurora to leave Demon alone. Angel saw Jezabel shove Helena and so did Demon. He ordered Jezabel out. She threatened him with her impatience and tried to make a scene. Antonio arrived and Jezabel denied harming Helena. Antonio told her off, saying that if she did this he will see she goes to prison. A nurse came out to tell them Helena's condition was very serious and she needed A+ blood. The 3 A's all had that type and volunteered. The nurse guided them to the relevant room. Jezabel breathed a sigh of relief when Aurora was not in view.
Demon was in another room. He prayed to his father and to God to help, saying “Save my child. Don't let my mother hurt Helena, please.” Jezabel heard this and began gaslighting him starting with “Your child will die and it's your fault. You know why? Because you are as pusillanimous as your father. You don't have the strength to take Helena away from Angel. In any event if the child survives, Angel will not give it up.”
Demon told Helena he did not carry her out. Angel did and he donated the blood that might have saved her life and her pregnancy. Both men put their hands on her abdomen; their fingers touched. A few moments later Demon got up and left the room. Angel told Helena to be calm; the pregnancy was saved.
Pepe brought the USB to the office. Aquiles played the video which damned Jezabel. Aquiles cried while the others watched in shock [as we hope someone remembers to copy this and also save it on The Cloud].
[DS] Antonio and Aurora returned to the mansion. She was glad he was with her through this and ready to take action despite her sadness at her sister's capacity to cause so much pain. She was determined to make her pay. [/DS]
Angel told Helena she would need to rest. Demon thanked him. Helena told Demon that his mother had done this, taking advantage when his back was turned. Angel told him he needed to make sure his to keep his mother away from Helena. Demon agreed, sure that this could happen again. Demon told her that if she wanted to press charges she should and he would help her. Angel was understandably suspicious of his sincerity but Demon swore to his statement and said he would pay the hospital bills. He left without being told to.
Aurora and Antonio talked about the music box. The medical report was lost. Antonio said that Jezabel was not right in the head “She's a sociopath who likes things associated with her crimes. A serial killer. I don't know what causes this but they like keeping trophies of their crimes. In her mind this gives her the power over the lives of others. You were her principle victim for many years.” Aurora said “Not anymore.”
[DS] Aquiles cried, saying “I knew it. She made him commit suicide.” Cassandra said they needed to make her face justice. Pepe said they needed to tell Aurora and Antonio who would know what to do. All nodded in agreement.
Antonio told Aurora about the evening in the bar and how he and Pepe got the USB. They prepared to go to the office. He started telling her he did not agree with the theory of the murder of Elvia when he saw notification on his phone of a voicemail from Aquiles. He played it on speaker and Aquiles said they viewed the video and he had to come in. [/DS]
Part 2 of 5
Patricia went to Jezabel's office to tell her she got the lead in a new novela and couldn't work for her. As usual, Jezabel said she had to be there in the office when she needed her. Jezabel asked her if she knew she had provoked Fabrizio's suicide “...and I could do that to you if you don't do as I say.” Patricia sat down, saying “No.” “My words are very powerful, Patricia, for poisoning of anyone I want. For Fabrizio it brought out his worst demons. Do you remember the anniversary fiesta?” Flashback to the previous year's fiesta in Las Flores where Jezabel [who entered in a gorgeous flamenco outfit] put a pill near Fabrizio's water glass. He took that pill, had a psychotic break, and killed himself. Spoken as casually as ordering a drink in a bar. [A little round of applause for Patricia's ability to keep a straight face.]
[DS] Briana spoke to the plainclothes cop at the police station. She said she was near the Santos house when Pascual appeared at the corner, looking haggard. The cop asked if she was sure. Because Pascual told him that Linette told him to look for her. Briana replied that she knew nothing of her and that Pascual seemed to be in shock and lost. Edgar looked like he was suppressing a smirk. The lawyer said something about cooperating in any investigation. The cop let Briana go, saying he was now going to talk with Edgar. Briana left and the lawyer took the seat she vacated. [/DS]
[DS] The Lunch Crew talked about the video. Glorio asked Maggie to keep him in her heart if he dies at Jezabel's hand. The others laughed. Aquiles' mother called him on her cell. She told him that his backpack had papers in it. [/DS]
Patricia asked Jezabel if this was one of her “jokes.” She could believe her doing this to Pintas but Fabrizio? “For what? Does Demon know?” “Yes. And I think he is changing because he is not so loyal.” “I've never done anything against you. You're his mother.” “I'm not sure he won't want to betray me. He loves Aurora very much and at times I think he loves her more than he does me. You know. He always wished she were his mother, not I.” “Please you are exaggerating too much.” “I don't think so. Last night he was close to telling Aurora everything and I had to give Helena a little push down the stairs. But the idiot didn't die or miscarry. Demon betrayed me but before I have to do something that will hurt him more. I will take everything away. And his his beloved Aurora.”
[DS] Aurora got a text from JC saying “Aurora, I love you. You are the love of my life and I cant live without you.” Antonio figured out what the text said and told her he felt the same way. [Was Aurora or Natalia Esperón tired of this? Enquiring minds want to know!]. [/DS]
Aquiles found the missing report in the backpack that was in his locker. It must have been inside one of the books that were also inside.
Demon prayed again to Fabrizio for help to prevent Jezabel from killing Aurora.
Aquiles entered Jezabel's office. She said “I hope you won't betray me, too, because those who do pay very highly.” “I don't know what you're talking about, Señora. I only came to advise you – ” Patricia excused herself to leave. Jezabel told Patricia to wait for her outside and have Cassandra gt a drink for her in the conference room.
Part 3 of 5
[DS] As Patricia walked through reception Esperanza handed a leather folio to Aurora and said to read it. It was a handwritten note directing her to the supply room. Antonio read it over her shoulder. Both looked up. Esperanza and Maggie both nodded. Aurora and Antonio followed them.
Jezabel called for security, then accused Aquiles of betraying her with her standard insults included. He said he didn't know what she was talking about. She accused him of snooping around in her life and asked if he was looking for information about the dead friend. He asked her “If so, what of it?” She fired him, saying that of anything he imagined about her, she's worse. She sat back in her chair and smirked as he walked out. [/DS]
Aurora saw the medical report. Jezabel had told her that their father had destroyed it. She wanted to confront her with it, but Antonio stopped her. Aquiles entered. She embraced him and praised his courage. Antonio told him not to give up or he would end up dead. Aquiles said he found the report in Jezabel's desk, along with the music box. He said she fired him. Aurora said that this ends today and Jezabel will pay for what she did.
[DS] Angel was in Helena's hospital room. They talked about Elvia's death. Helena said that her father believed she was murdered.
Patricia was in Cassandra's office with some documents. She looked exhausted, saying she was up until 4AM and this was not sustainable. She asked Cassandra to call a cab for her because she couldn't find her car keys. She then picked up her purse and emptied it on the desk as Cassandra took the documents with her.
Glorio and another guy put a big screen in the reception area as Patricia found her car keys and realized that the USB drive was missing [Ooops, writers: It was stolen from a completely different purse].
Some barrio residents came to Helena's hospital room with flowers, balloons, and drawings by Anita and Rolando.
Demon continued praying to Fabrizio for help. Pascual came in and handed him a bouquet for Helena. He said there comes a point in life when one must give up hatred. When Demon said that Helena would be going home with him when released Pascual pointed out that he and Anita didn't like being in a place where they were insulted all the time. That Miguel Campero threw his own grandson out. He told Demon to imagine what life would have been like if that hadn't happened, finishing that “The brother you would have had is Angel. Don't take on hatreds that aren't yours. Do you want to be like your mother?” [/DS]
Jezabel announced that her son is not present because he is visiting his wife who is in hospital. Antonio asked why she calld this meeting. Aurora took out a document of company statutes. She read out loud that it is forbidden for any employee to bear false witness, slander, or libel against the company president. Antonio then related what Demon had done with the sidewalk incident and the edited video that resulted in Angel's character being questioned. Jezabel demanded to know if he had proof because without that he was violating this bylaw. Aurora showed a forensic report on the video. Antonio said that Sr Elman will testify as to the manipulation of himself and others toward supporting the dismissal of Angel Campero. This was the malicious intent of Jezabel and Demon to defame Angel.
Part 4 of 5
Jezabel threw Demon under the bus. Elman said that she had invited him to her own home to show him the altered video. She denied this. She then implied that Aurora paid him to ruin her reputation. Demon entered and she told everyone to open their files. She then claimed to own 51% of the company shares. Demon questioned this, asking where she got more shares. Aurora said “She took yours, nephew. Because this way she could make sure that if something like this happened she wouldn't be left out of the company.” “Did you know this?” asked Demon. Antonio answered “Yes, but it wasn't done legally. And here is that proof that Jezabel bribed a notary to carry out the procedure without Señor Morga or anyone else being aware.” Demon looked at the pages. Jezabel claimed these were all lies. Aurora said that she and Antonio looked at all the company document with her name on them. Her ceding shares to Demon was invalid per the company's constitution.
The same plainclothesman who interviewed Pascual came to Helena's bedside. Helena denounced Jezabel for her assault.
[DS] Aquiles called for everyone's attention that this is the moment of justice. [/DS]
Demon said he couldn't believe Jezabel did this. Antonio said to Jezabel that “only a person as despicable as you would dare to hurt her own son.” As if she could gaslight the whole room she went to Demon saying she did this to protect him because he is the only person in the world she loved. He told her not to touch him. Aurora showed the music box, told the room how Carlos died, and Antonio mentioned the video. Jezabel said this was ridiculous, implied that Carlos lusted after her, and his suicide was not her fault. Aurora then brought up the medical report. Flashback to Jezabel stealing the envelope out of Aurora's nightstand 30 years ago as Aurora pointed out the lie that Miguel had taken and destroyed it. Jezabel tried saying she took the document because their father asked her to because he didn't want the shame of the situation. Aurora called her a liar because although their father had done bad things he was not responsible for all of Jezabel's acts of cruelty toward her. “Why?” Jezabel said “Because you deserve everything that happened to you!” Aurora told her “For this, get out of this company!” She opened the door. “And with this proof you will be sued!”
As Jezabel walked out everyone at th conference table followed. The video of Carlos was shown on the big screen. Jezabel laughed. Aquiles called her a killer. The uniformed employees began following suit [pun intended]. Jezabel laughed again and finally yelled “I cannot be held responsible for the death of a mentally weak person, of an emotionally weak person! What he needed was a mother who taught self-love.” She turned on Aquiles, telling him to “Get a life or another friend because you already died.” She told the whole crowd to go to the devil and walked out. Antonio asked Aurora if she was alright. She answered “This is only the beginning. I want her out of my life.” Aquiles took a deep breath, then was alright. Demon looked a little dazed, then left without a word.
Part 5 of 5
[DS] Pintas and Vampi entered a restaurant. Vampi told him it was dangerous to be out in public because someone could recognize him. [It looks like the place where Antonio and Pepe retrieved the USB from Patricia.] Pintas was not concerned, even taking off his hat and sunglasses when he called the waiter over and asked for the most expensive bottle of wine. He was sure his cash would protect him.
Patricia asked herself where that USB was. Aquiles was still a little worried. Glorio told him Jezabel will fall. Esperanza said everything was in order. Patricia came up to them saying “What a scandal, isn't it?” and tried to get them to spill something. However Maggie knew that she was the one who took the USB from Rolando. [/DS]
Aurora told Jezabel she could not be here (casa Campero). Jezabel.” laughed, saying “Everything here is mine and my son's!” Antonio said she faked her way into it, Aurora saying that everything Jezabel had was acquired through lies. Antonio said she will go to prison for what she did to Helena. Aurora said she will end up in as dark a place as the hollow she has in place of a heart. The police came to arrest her, Demon showing them in. He told her not to resist. The bearded detective read the charges: corporate espionage against Antonio's company and assault against Helena. Jezabel claimed to know nothing and demanded her lawyer. She then accused Demon of the first charge and asked him what he said about her. She denied having assaulted Helena. Demon had already given his statement and she called him a traitor. The detective said his confession directly incriminated her. Jezabel demanded the right to call her lawyer. Demon then gave his share of the house to Aurora. Her lawyer showed up, told her to cooperate. And said she was innocent of all charges. He looked at the arrest warrant. Jezabel denied all the charges and said to Aurora “I'll be back.” and walked out saying “This is my house!”
This is the longest one for this series so far. I don't think I have the energy to do 128 tonight.
What I'm wondering now is whether Demon is really trying to redeem himself or whether he is putting on an act. Neither of these options eliminates him turning on Jezabel. A significant number of his Redemption Road scenes have been cut so far and I can't believe there isn't a reason for that.
Here is also hoping that Aquiles survives as he would be Jezabel's next victim.
Once again you went above and beyond, Urban, thanks so much. I hope Demon is really reforming as I like the new Demon. Although Jezabel doesn’t so will he survive in the end!
When she bragged to Patricia about being able to make people commit suicide I wondered If Patricia was ready to give up an acting job to do Jezabel’s bidding. That was the most unlikeliest friendship in the show!
Good to see Aurora seemingly have the upper hand. I’m glad they figured out the transfer of shares was fake. And Antonio knows Jezabel has killed more than once.
They cut scenes I think are important to the show. I wonder if this was a last minute decision. Maybe the ratings weren’t good and they we’re ready for something else.
I wonder whether the Mexican audience bought Demon's current behaviour or not. It is much more believable than the writers' about-face on Eladio of Pasion y Poder.
Urban, thank you for bringing us every moment.
Both Jezabel and Pintas are spiraling down under all their evil doings.
I think that Demon has finally seen and acknowledged that his mother is an evil entity who has killed several people with absolutely no remorse . He also seems to realize that Aurora loved him and treated him like a son . He may sacrifice himself saving her. Susan
For all that Elvia hated having Aurora for a rival if I had written this I would have had her recommend to Aurora to fake her death to get her out of harm's way. I am convinced that if Aurora were to die Jezabel would have nothing to live for because her favorite victim would be gone. Jezabel would do herself in then, removing a menace to society.
Part 1 of 4 (Including deleted scenes and fragments)
[DS] Demon looked calm as Jezabel left the mansion in police custody.
The Lunch Crew was still in reception. Esperanza seems to be in charge of morale and said that nobody is to keep quiet about abuse. Cassandra backed her up.
Antonio warned Aurora that Jezabel is likely to have an army of lawyers to protect her although the attack on Helena should be more difficult than the financial crimes. He said it will not be easy to put her in prison. Aurora said she had much to answer for and she would certainly think of more ways to cause suffering.
Jezabel's lawyer told her that conditional release will be difficult over the attempted murder charge, Her usual sense of entitlement offended, she became insulting of his efforts and his firm. He also said that it is especially difficult to defend a client whose own son says she's guilty. She then clutched her left hand, which was curled up through the scene, in pain. The lawyer pointed out the other charges of causing Carlos' suicide and withholding evidence of a crime are not things judges take lightly. She said she wanted them to pay for accusing her. The lawyer told her that his firm is the only source of help so she needed to trust them.
Pintas may have consumed more than one bottle of anything as he passed out on the table after most customers had left. He dreamed he was CEO of Corporativo Campero and entering the main office in a three-piece suit with a briefcase, followed by Angel and Aurora as his son and wife [This is almost too repulsive to imagine]. He said something about having taught Angel about life and credits himself for making Angel into “a real man.” Vampi finally succeeded in waking him up and almost carrying him out.
As the lawyer was leaving he spoke with Demon, who had arrived. He told him to convince his mother to follow his advice. They shook hands. [/DS] Demon visited Jezabel in the lockup. “You heard him. You should follow everything he told you.” He sat down. “I'm here because I want to help you.” She slapped him and told him he was garbage, a disgrace, and a traitor. He took this in stride, telling her “No, I am not a traitor.” He wasn't the one who violated the bylaws of the company. She had robbed him. Which she began denying. She asked sarcastically why he doesn't go to his mami Aurora and her bastard son. He asked why she had to make things so difficult. She started blaming his “obsession” for everything wrong in his life in a whiny voice, perhaps deliberately so. Her gloved hand was stiffly curled into a claw and her face looked at least 15 years older, perhaps from pain. He called her out on her accusation against Aurora taking everything away from her when this is what she had done to Aurora. “But whom do you love more?” she shouted back. He told her that didn't matter now. He was there to help. She accused him of hating her and having a hidden agenda. He denied hating her and tried to get her to take responsibility for her actions. This did not work. She made fun of this and said again that nobody puts her out of her house.
Part 2 of 4
Next Day
Helena went home with Antonio, Aurora and Angel. Helena was happy to have s much love in her life. Aurora talked about having to accept the truth about Jezabel and making her pay for her crimes. Antonio felt that she should never expect to get out of prison considering the number and nature of her crimes. Demon came in. He didn't want to talk about Jezabel but wanted to know about the dead man. Angel didn't buy the idea that he knew nothing and called him out over his and Jezabel's efforts to firce him out.
Patricia told Briana about what happened at the restaurant when Pepe and Antonio got the USB out of her purse. Briana told Patricia she screwed up because she was never good with business. However she was not yet charged with any crime. Patricia said she was right and asked for help. Briana said No, adding that she had told her many times she needed to get away from Jezabel. She then told her she did not care what happened to her. Now was the day of reckoning.
Angel told Demon off, calling him a coward and saying he chose to do as he did, naming some of his crimes. Jezabel came in. saying to Demon – sarcastically, of course – that Angel is a true Camperio “and not a coward like you.” Her lawyer was with her.
[DS] Pintas and Vampi were back in their medical hideout eating soup. Pintas has just told Vampi about this dream, telling him that Angel loved him. Vampi said “Yes... well dead.” “I dreamed it because it is true,” said Pintas. “My son needs his real father at his side. Until I marry Aurora.” He then went on about Angel having to make him into the man whom Aurora would marry. [Is he crazy or faking that?] “I need to talk to my son and ask his forgiveness. I have to go far, far, and start a new life. Because my son needs me.”
She handed her release papers to Antonio, saying that the judge set her free for “a good time” [WTAF? This sounds like house arrest.], She said she would not be among the rats (indicating everyone in the room) but in another location. Aurora refused to believe this. Jezabel taunted her by saying that the law is on the side of the strongest. Helena said this would only buy her some time but not keep her out of prison. She got nasty with Helena, going so far as to say it was a shame she didn't die and take her spawn with her. Antonio was fed up with this. Demon told her to shut up, Jezabel told Demon he was the same as she, arranging for the provocation that led to the video that was to get Angel kicked out of the company. Angel started to take a step toward Demon but Antonio stopped him. Demon advanced on Jezabel asking her what she was talking about. She then grinned and said this was a joke and that Demon was innocent. Jezabel told them she was going on a trip and told the maid to get her suitcase. She said she was going up to her room to get her things and would not step into the prison because she was innocent.
Part 3 of 4
[DS] Vampi told Pintas nothing he was wanting would happen and come to the reality that neither of them were wanted. Pintas didn't buy this, saying “You don't believe in (dreams).” Vampi asked him to picture himself going into Angel's office with flowers and Pintas threw his lunch at him. Pintas stood up, picked up a knife, and closed in on him while saying “Nobody makes fun of Pintas.”
Angel said to Jezabel that she can provoke them all she wants but that only showed her desperation. Justice was reaching and she will be where she deserves to be. She became insulting again with the Class Cards. Antonio would not permit this. Jezabel tried pulling rank again, saying this was her house, etc. She then tried gaslighting Antonio by saying that Aurora was only playing him because she really loved the other man, JC. Antonio told her that if that happened she would be notified.. in prison. This inspired Aurora to march her out of the room. Demon followed. Jezabel got to the stairs and started up saying that she hated all of them.
Vampi was not stabbed... at least for the moment. He started telling Pintas to stop the obsession and get back to business and what would he do if asked again to kill Angel.
Jezabel entered her room where Carmelita was packing her suitcase. She sent her out as Demon came in through a door to the outside. He was trying to find a way “to save you.” His phone made a notification sound. The message from Edgar was “Come; I want to talk to you.” Jezabel said OK because they had no other means of control or getting any money. He told her she had no other choice tan to obey the law. She refused. She had the gall to say the only thing she was guilty of was raising him and fulfilling his dreams. He told her she was guilty of causing his father's death. He still loved her in spite of her crimes.
Antonio told Aurora they had damage control to deal with at the office because of Jezabel's “departure.” Aurora was sure that between them and Angel they could find the solution. JC would also be needed. He could come in person or make a videocall.
Aquiles and Maggie need to talk about their relationship. He wasn't sure of its status.
Aurora and Antonio talked to the lawyer about house arrest. There was no ideal location for it, but it was for a maximum of 30 days.
Angel came in to tell them Helena was alright and he was going back to be with her.
Demon and Jezabel came down the stairs with a large suitcase. She suddenly flipped it to go over the railing and on the floor below. [HTAF was this possible? Is she faking this alleged illness?]. She told the others she didn't want anything from this house because she will come back and show the law was on her side and she'd be back in her house. She said they were fighting a losing battle because nobody defeats Jezabel Campero. She ordered Demon to leave the suitcase where it is. She told Aurora to get out. [/DS]
Part 4 of 4
A police car was outside. Edgar was inside. The lawyer asked if Jezabel wanted him to enter the car with her, but she declined. He said she only had a few minutes. He said he didn't want to see her in the cell with other criminals. She said he was making fun of her when he could soon be sharing a cell. He gave her a lipstick “like the one my mother gave you”. He grinned.
[DS] Maggie told Aquiles her feelings have changed and “let's be friends.”
Edgar was amused at seeing Jezabel in defeat. She said he had things that could be denounced but he reminded her that those would also implicate Demon. She said she loved Demon but pity that Teté didn't love him. He knew this to be a gaslighting manipulation. Nothing she said after that bothered him. He said he would do what it takes to see her rot in prison. He got out.
[DS] The neighbor – Maru – who babysat Rolando saw Pascual and they talked.. She asked him if he ever considered marrying again.
Aquiles told Maggie his heart was elsewhere. She asked who it was but he hesitated to tell her because there were too many gossips around. He whispered the name to her and she appeared at the opposite side of the room with Glorio who was shaking his head.
Pascual told Maru that he expected to be reunited with Vicki in the afterlife. She got that and g=felt the same way although her husband had died many years before. Pascual wanted to be around for his kids to make sure they would be alright.
Pepe and Esperanza talked about her estranged daughter and Esperanza's fear of no reconciliation. [Why?]
Jezabel was in a hotel still claiming she was innocent. Demon said this was the best option under the circumstances. She kept insisting she was innocent and demanded to be transferred to the family residence in Las Flores.
[DS] Helena started telling Aurora about times she felt alone in her youth. It was about people who made her feel that way [Must have been Patricia]. The decided to stick together.
Next Morning
Helena and Tania talked about Helena looking forward to having her baby.
Antonio and Angel lead a meeting about the future of the company. A video call from JC came in. Antonio looked uneasy.
Urban, thank you . Well, both Jezabel and Pintas are delusional and have gone around the bend . Didn't crazy Pintas kill two of his minions ? Well, Pintas does take a licking and keeps on ticking .
The writers want to keep the JC-Aurora-Antonio to the very end . susan
I agree and it's getting on my last nerve.
I started working on 129 but Vix doesn't have it yet and the subtitles on Spectrum get covered when you pause and continue. 129 can't be done tonight and I will be 4-5 eps behind until the end. My apologies.
We now know that Aurora, Antonio, Angel, and Helena have A+ blood. The police should know Pintas' type by now. That's still not DNA.
Thanks once again for doing such an outstanding job. I missed the whole Aquiles/Maggie breakup. I hope it’s not permanent as I think they make a nice couple. But this show gets crazier every day. I’m a day behind but am so glad we’re in the final few. I know you’ll be so glad to finally have some free time!
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