Monday, February 24, 2025
PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Las Hijas de la Sra. García & Papas Por Convienencia- Week of Feb. 24, 2025
Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. Papas Por Convienencia and Las Hijas de la Sra. García have are both going strong! Kat and Adriana Noel are providing notes/recaps for LHDLSG; and discussion is strong on PPC with Diana and others providing invaluable notes. So let’s cheer our leaders on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNs, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:
8-9 PM – Papas
Por Convenencia: Ep. 24-26
9-10 PM – Las Hijas de la Sra. García: Ep. 29-31
Friendly reminder: PLEASE put
the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so
readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten
the title to one word, i.e., “Papas”.)
Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.
Labels: las-hijas, papas, primetime, Univision
Previously: Tino gently removes the gun from Uli’s hand, saving his son from harming himself. Uli cries in agony and shares the terrible truth – he was sexually abused but does not know by whom. After Tino tells Aidé, she cries in utter torment, her heart shattered. Tino and Aidé are inconsolable as they mourn the pain and suffering of their beloved son.
Aidé, awash with grief looks at a picture of her son and cries her heart out to Tino. She blames herself; she was not there for Uli, she let him down. Tino holds her head, and staring in her eyes, calmly assures her otherwise. They will get through this and help their son. Together.
Clara Luz and Rudolf discuss Pipe…
Circe cries as she looks at a picture of her brother. Lila (rather coldly) is not invested and has not an ounce of care or compassion. Emi comes in and asks her what is wrong as Circe gently puts her hand on his reassuringly.
Why, why Aidé asks in agony, an innocent child. When the nurse comes out, he gently asks her to be calm. They meet with the doctor who dispenses some advice.
Fed, wearing a dress that looks like a black band aid meets with Facundo. He tells her she is delicious and starts fondling her as Guzmán comes up. They act out a ridiculous pretense that she has something in her eye but Guzmán isn’t fooled for a moment. He knows exactly what he saw, he isn’t stupid.
Pura sits exhaustedly at her dressing table, taking her wig off and running her hand through her hair. We next see her lying down in her bedroom, hooked up to an IV, Clara Luz at her side. They talk about Rudolf and then Guzmán (in a less flattering light).
After the session, Tino and Aidé talk. I believe he says something about putting the guilty in jail. Uli comes out and asks his mother what she is doing there. He immediately goes into her arms where she hugs him. Tino holds them both close.
Guzmán strategizes with Fed and Facundo. He wants them to create an incendiary atmosphere among the Maxiclick staff with the goal of causing grievous damage to Aidé.
Lila and Emi talk, she calls Circe a bruja but he disagrees. Circe takes him out of the room as Lila glares.
A friend of Chofis appears and she is overjoyed to see her, gushing over her mani. Before much more can be said, Lichita and Chuchito show up; Lichita wants her to go home.
At dinner, things are quiet. Circe asks Uli how he is. Clearly uncomfortable, he leaves with Tino going after him. I believe Uli says he doesn’t want to return to school. Tino encourages him and at the end, Uli shakes his head yes.
We next see Chano leaving with his duffel bags of clothes. In tears, Chofis throws her arms around her father’s neck. Still sobbing, Chofis grabs Chuchito and leaves as her parents continue to bicker.
Clara Luz tells Pipe Pura is sick. Pipe is glad Rudolf is there. They discuss Silvana and what she would have wanted. She flashes back to talking with Silvana where I believe they were discussing artificial insemination. Then, five years later (according to the graphics), they talk again, Silvana clearly upset with Clara Luz for some reason.
Back in the present, Rudolf makes a confession, I believe he said he was in love with Clara Luz when they were in school. He calls her hermosa and sits a bit closer. Leaning in they enjoy a lingering kiss. The spell is quickly broken as Pipe is there, giggling away. He puts up his puppet clad hands bringing them together mimicking the kiss. So cute.
Tino comforts Aidé. He tells her she is a strong woman and hugs her comfortingly.
Tino meets with Bertha when Augusto enters…
Gina and Circe talk and Circe asks how everything about Uli was released. Circe sees Lorena and a light goes on… She confronts her and accuses Lorena of engineering the video. She says “sorry” (but is definitely not sorry) when Circe grabs her and starts pulling her hair.
Aidé brings a plate of food and 2 forks into Uli’s room and talks about school and they end up hugging.
A full out cat fight has erupted which eventually breaks up as the students scatter.
Little worm Igor is spewing venom to a group of employees with Fed front and center. The poisoning has begun.
Guzmán seems to dangle something about a promotion to Lichita. Her face falls and she tells him she and Chano are getting a divorce. He feigns sympathy as she sobs and pulls her into a hug.
Tino seems to offer Chano some sort of assistance…
Chuchito pays Checo a visit in jail. Checo is under the mistaken impression El Calacas is still in jail.
Guzmán is conducting a meeting, a cheered up Lichita right beside him. They discuss ideas for peliculas and music. The meeting staff hug each other as other staff stare from the doorway.
A few quick shots; Clara Luz and Rudolf kissing; Checo getting (badly) beaten up; Facundo doing his little videos; Emi getting PT as Fed smirks in the background.
A week later, Uli is set to make his presentation. The audience is gathered, Tino and Aidé front and center. Tino gives thumbs up as Uli steps behind the podium.
“Guzmán” Pura says as she struggles to sit up. She has dark circles and looks like she is dying, which indeed she is. Contempt and loathing is written all over his face as they talk about Clara Luz, Rudolf, Pipe and Silvana.
The judges have decided and Uli wins! After being handed the award, Uli thanks the institute and his mother for all her support and love. Then he says he has another special person to mention. He looks out at the audience and smiling, says “gracias papa” for returning and saving his life. Tino, clearly touched, sits back and smiles as he and Aidé clap for their amazing child.
I put a few placeholders to denote dialogue I couldn’t interpret in case there was something important said. As always, your additions, corrections and explanations are very much appreciated!
Juan's dad visits him in the jail. He has good news. I'm not exactly sure of the particulars but I think the lawyer discovered that however the guy was injured in the jail fight, Juan couldn't have done it. He'll be free soon. Juan is rubbing a sore shoulder from the beating he received.
Val is looking for Mar in their servant quarters. Ofelia wonders where she is also and tells Val it is up to her to keep an eye on Mar since she was prepping breakfast and working. Val tells her she is also a working girl now. Call me when you find Mar. Arturo enters their area, but Val refuses to talk to him.
Mar did not get get the abortion as we all pretty much agreed. She is walking on the overpass again talking to baby. She has nothing to offer but she could not be separated from him. She knows how they can remain together though. She straddles the rail and prepares to jump. Superman arrives to save her in the form of Luis, as he holds her and tells her she is not alone.
Arturo tries to justify himself to Val about Priscilla. Val says you 2 have a history, but it is not your fault how she acts, she is responsible for her own actions, but you keep going back to her and enabling her. He mulls that over.
Paula is sleeping. Leo kisses her goodbye as he is off to work. She apologizes for yesterday's behavior. She drops the bombshell that yesterday she heard Graciela tell Nick that his dad is ill. Leo says I knew it, Paula agrees with him. Then she says something about him talking to the lawyer about his will, I think. ( If anyone can clarify that more it would be appreciated.)
Mar thanks Luis for saving her. She doesn't know what came over her. Luis tells her no matter what is hurting you, this is not the solution.
Arturo insists he has no interest in Priscilla. She tells him Priscilla has caused them too many problems, besides burning her house down, so Val tells him the only relationship they have is a working one.
Luis and Mar are at a restaurant of sorts. He orders two teas. Mar tells him her problems can't be solved. She caresses her belly which Luis of course realizes means a baby. She says I have no job, education, home, I depend on my mother for everything. My only aspiration was to be a model and my sister got that job. Luis asks about the father. She says he's in jail and wants nothing to do with her.
Ofelia pounces on Val for information about her relationship with Arturo as she leaves the house. Val says we are not a couple, regardless of what Arturo says. Ofelia says he is really insistent about being with her, she should leap at the opportunity. Val says no way. Ofelia turns it on herself having ungrateful daughters. I don't deserve this.
Luis is sorry to hear of Mar's troubles. She is afraid of her mother. Luis tells her that when that baby is born her mother will be so happy and her tune will change. Then Luis gets maudlin about being a bad father to his children which Mar disputes
Cami tells Juan he will soon be free. He signs the cross in relief. He swears he will pay her back every penny for the lawyer, heel drive her anywhere she needs to go, etc. Cami tells him the most important thing is for him to regain his life and forget about the ones who put him in this place, Mar and her mother.
More Luis and Mar talking. Looks like he is taking her under his wing. She tells him she told her mother she had an abortion. She just wants to go far away. He says her secret is safe with him.
So Val wore the outfit from home to the first part of the modeling session. Sportswear in high heels! She limps off the platform to get a change of clothes. The photographer tells Nick the camera loves her, she is great. Nick agrees. He talks to her and notes that she seems down in the dumps. She blames it on not knowing how to be a model, but he points out, you saw Arturo. She nods her head yes. He reaches for her shoulder to give her a comforting pat, but draws back without touching her.
Mar returns "home". Ofelia's in the kitchen. She wonders where she has been. I went for a walk to clear my head. Ofelia is concerned about her, but Mar says you told me I had destroyed both our lives so I took care of it like you wanted and storms off. Ofelia says to herself this isn't what I wanted for you dear...I swear
Arturo arrives at the shoot. He is heading for Val, who did not get a different wardrobe change, who glares at him. Nick cuts him off and tells him to let her be. She asked for space, give her it. For her and for our project.
Leo is talking to Hector. Looks like he is trying to get some information from him. He tells him his dad is really sick. Dad has been fighting with my brothers. For the good of the company, and since I'm the oldest, I want to be prepared. Hector nods his head in agreement.
Cami and Susana hug. Susana will forever be in her debt. She is so happy. Tomorrow he will be free.
Francisco helps Priscilla to her room. He has found a good clinic for her in Canada. She says I don't want to leave. I'll be fine when Arturo returns to me....he points out her obsession is part of her illness, treatment will help her. He promises if the treatment doesn't work he'll bring her home. ( I think he is going with her as he says we.). She agrees. Dad is wearing a wedding ring. Is he a widower or where is his wife?
Arturo goes to his favorite watering hole, solo. Some chick invites him to her table with friends. He doesn't go but drinks a shot from a bottle ( tequila, do they buy a whole bottle at a time).
Juan gets taunted by his cellmates and the big guy stabs him repeatedly with what looks like a dagger made from a plastic knife but it must have been something else as Juan bleeds profusely from the stomach. One of the cellmates calls for help.
Cami taunts and insults Mar at the foot of the grand staircase.
Val is at her burned out house. Well at least her dad's photo survived.
Susana and Jacinto are preparing their house for the happy homecoming. They get the call....
Arturo is drunk. Another girl wants a photo with him. He poses with her for a selfie She writes her phone number on his arm. Nicholas calls him but he ignores the call and asks for his check.
Val is leaving the burned casa when Susana and Jacinto walk by crying. Val asks what's wrong, and Susana rightly blames Ofelia and Mar for destroying their sons life then attacks Val, pulling her hair. Amparo breaks them up saying it is not Val's fault. Jacinto drags his wife away to go be with their son
Another scene between Mar and Ofelia. Quite a lot was said but the gist is, Mar is growing a spine and Ofelia is repentant.
Arturo stumbles home...Nick chews him out. Without Val nothing matters to me, he says.
Mar is lying in bed looking at her phone. She pretends to be asleep as Val enters ( still wearing the outfit she wore for the shoot) carrying a sooty cardboard box of what she salvaged of her life in the casa. She hugs her baby sister and tells her she wonders why she is so sad ( losing Juan would be a good first guess you know). Ofelia comes in Val tries to shush her as Mar is sleeping. She shows her the photo as Ofelia rolls her eyes. Val takes the box out of the room. With 2 twin beds I wonder where Val is sleeping.
Next day. Cami is rushing off Luis asks where is she going. She says I'm in a hurry I'll tell you later. Graciela enters the hall and wonders about her leaving so early also. But she figures it's nothing to be worried about. Luis thinks she is acting strange. Graciela points out, at least she isn't locked in her room all day as before.
Val talks to Mar who appears to be sewing an apron or something in the kitchen. Mar won't look Val in the eyes. Val says you know you can tell me anything. Mar blows her off. Then Val tells her she ran into Susana in the street last night and something happened to Juan at the jail, but she doesn't know what. Marvis going to the hospital to find out. She tells Val not to let Mom know where she went.
Hung over Arturo awakes. He opens his phone to his screen with Val's photo as his wallpaper.
Mar is calling Amparo. She needs to know what hospital Juan was taken to. I think Amparo is going to try and find out.
Ok, my TV is acting up so I am seeing only the CC's so I may be guessing who is saying what at this point.
Cami is at the hospital checking on Juan. Thankfully he is out of danger. The lawyer insisted he remained at the hospital which saved his life. Susana needs to go home and get Juan some clothes but she doesn't want to leave him alone. Cami will stay with him.
Nick is looking for Arturo. Tells him to get up. Arturo asks him to lower his voice. Nick says there is a lot of work to do. Get up and get get cracking, he'll wait for him
Amparo runs into Susana and finds out Juan is in clinic 18, not at the jail. Amparo calls Mar with the information.
Leo appears to be now trying to pump Luis doctor for information about him.. HIPPA laws be damned. The Dr imparts all dad's health info.
Cami talks to Juan, who may or may not be awake as all is dark on my end. She is glad he will be ok. She tells him he is so handsome and a good person and he has changed her life.
Mar is at the hospital looking for Juan. Are you family? They tell her his room number.
Hector and Leo talk. Dad is very sick. Actually maybe it is Luis talking to Hector. I won't venture to guess. I'll be able to see it tomorrow when I come back and watch the end.
Final scene I'm sure is a showdown between Cami and words were spoken at this scene.
Diana, I'm going to make comments as replies again. Emi was almost ready to tell Lila about Fedi, without naming her. Lila thought he was describing Circe which is why she lit into Circe. It is nice to see the good relationship Emi and Circe have.
There was a lot going on in this part of the episode. I think there is a chance Clara Luz is actually Pipe's mother. I think that Silvana talked her into donating eggs. Silvana may or may not have also donated eggs at the same time . I'm thinking maybe Silvana has a fertility issue and tricked Clara luz . If anyone else had a better interview of this scene please add your thoughts.
Augusto had some important information. The garage called about the car Uli had the accident in. The brake fluid was empty.
Chano asked Tino to help him get a promotion in the company to impress Luchita.
Aide told Uli she also was horribly bullied at school but she overcame it and made a success of her life. I actually thought she agreed he didn't need to return and that she was taking the week off homeschooling him as they spent a lot of together. This was a difficult episode Diana, you did a good job.
This was fabulous Kat!
"Quite a lot was said but the gist is, Mar is growing a spine and Ofelia is repentant". We can but hope!
Luis was at the right place at the right time. Mar has a powerful ally, I hope she realizes it.
I believe Hector told Luis what Leo is up to and that Luis is (rightfully) furious.
In the last scene, you are exactly right in that no words were spoken. However, there was sneakiness afoot. Cami sees Mar and deliberately leans over and is kissing an unconscious and unresponsive Juan as he lies in his bed. Mar stares disbelievingly from the doorway!
Thank you, Kat for another first-rate recap! Lots of moment in this episode and Mar has a new buddy, Luis! I think that could be an interesting team!
I just can’t agree that Juan’s circumstance is Mar’s fault. Honestly, I’m still more inclined to blame bad policing than even Ofelia because ultimately Of should have been arrested for making a false police report and Juan never should have been but it is definitely not Mar. Mar went and told the police the truth as soon as she found out she was ‘kidnapped’, and why did it take her so long to find out?? SUSANA!!! That’s right, I think mommy should look in a mirror!! We have seen since episode 1 that both of these toxic moms have been lying to and manipulating their children since way before our story began to keep them apart and now, we are supposed to blame Mar? Nope, won’t do it. This whole prison thing never should have happened. Ofelia shouldn’t have lied about Juan kidnapping Mar but even then, Juan shouldn’t have been arrested because Mar should have been right there to confirm that Juan didn’t kidnap her when the police came to arrest him at the hospital. And why wasn’t she there? Oh, that’s right, because Susana, lied to her, insulted her, yelled at her, hit her and threw her out!!! Look how Susana physically assaulted Val in the street today with no care in the world??? She thinks she’s just entitled to treat people however she wants, no wonder Mar is her bestie! Gah I hate her!!!
In the last scene, Cami heard Mar coming so she got up and starting kissing unconscious Juan to make it look like they were making out. This little girl is toxic too, so many of these people are, it’s horrid!
I just want to watch Nic and Val and Art – when he’s behaving, and maybe watch Luis and Mar form their little buddy club. I’d like to see Mar form a back bone, stand up for herself, get a job, a purpose, a personality. I don’t want to watch toxic horrible people do toxic horrible things. There used to be 1-3 bad guys in a show, remember that? Now it seems like there’s 1-3 good guys and everyone else is the most awful representation of humankind they can think of.
It used to be a custom in Mexico that men who were widowed would continue to wear their wedding rings until or unless they remarried, I don't know if that's still the norm.
* I meant no wonder Cami is Susana’s bestie. She too likes to attack unprovoked and unrepentant.
Great recap, Kat. Thanks!
So glad that Val called out Arturo (once again) on him running to support Camila whenever however. Not healthy for any other woman wanting a relationship with him if Camila comes first no matter what she does even to that romantic interest.
Guess Arturo getting drunk was going to cure his romantic problems. How immature!
I liked that we got a better picture of Luis in this episode with his saving and supporting Mar. We need more Mar time.
Thanks Diane, I enjoyed your recap. I feel like Guzman encouraged Luchita to leave Chano. He’s obviously interested in her. I’m hoping she’ll realize what he’s up to and decide to rat him out-about ruining things for Aidé
I noticed a few episodes ago that Circe and Emi have gotten close. That surprised me as it see es to come out of nowhere. But now I’m hoping she’ll be the one to rescue him from Fed.
Thanks for the great recap Kat. Maybe Luis will help Mar and give her confidence in herself. Until the non-abortion she never stood up for herself against her mother. Except when she would declare her love for Juan. It seems like when she saw Cami kissing Juan she just walked away. If I were carrying a guys baby I feel like I would have walked in the room and said something. I’d want to know what he’s doing kissing someone else and inform him there’s a baby involved. I can see why Cami and Priscilla are such great friends, they both are sneaky mean. Mar needs to live somewhere else. Her mother is cruel to make her live there knowing how Cami treats her.
Arturo’s immaturity is getting old. Getting drunk seems to be his problem solving answer. I can see Val with Nick as she is more like him. She’s had to work for her family and be the sensible one, same as Nick.
I can’t believe Paula tells Leo his father is really ill and he should check on his will. And Leo somehow thinks that’s what you do when your parent gets sick. I’m glad Luis found out about this. I hope Leo is the son that belongs to that other woman. Between that and Saul Paula will be in for some surprises, along with Leo.
Thank you, Kat, that was a good episode, great work, as usual.
I was shocked to see Mar actually think about suicide, and even more so to see that Luis was the one to save her. What an unlikely pair. I hope he manages to protect her from Camila's hatred, Mar will definitely need it.
Liz, I also see Nick and Val as more compatible as far as what their priorities are. They are both level headed and always need to take care of their families. Which doesn't mean they'd make a good couple.
Opposites attract, so Val might prefer Arturo because he helps her relax and not be so serious all the time.
On the other hand, the fun loving guy is only fun while things are casual, Art has helped Val several times but he's always proven to be rather superficial. Nick seems loyal to a fault, Art not so much.
Dear Diana, thank you for another great review of all the drama.
Wow, poor Uli has been carrying all that trauma . I wonder how long ago this attack happened . The young actor is doing a great job portraying this suffering teen.
Circe has , so far, been acting like a,spoiled rich girl , but she and her twin Uli do have a close bond .
Circe seems to truly care about Emi . Hopefully , Circe will figure out that nasty Fede is threatening Emi.
Are those best downs that Checcos getting supposed to scare him to go straight!?
Lila appeared to be the sweet , innocent one at the beginning of this show , but now she is angry and trying to split up Tino and Aide
Tino once again is there to comfort both Uli and Aide. His constant , unwavering positivity and calm demeanor is my favorite part of this show . He may be very flawed , but he is a hero. We need heroes.
Oh boy, what an awful trio we have with unsmiling, no personality Guzman, wacky Fede, and dim Facundo. Dumb, dumber, dumbest.
Poor Pura .Come on Clara Luz and Rodolfo, see what Guzman is up to. Susan
Kat, thank you very much for taking the time to clarify confusing details; as always, very well done.
Ahh, no wonder Lila was ticked at Circe, thinking she had been bothering Emi!
"I think there is a chance Clara Luz is actually Pipe's mother. I think that Silvana talked her into donating eggs. Silvana may or may not have also donated eggs at the same time". I had no idea. At all!! Your providing these nuggets was great - thank you!
So Augusto knew the brake fluid was depleted! Good, glad that is now "out there".
I appreciate your explaining Aide and Uli's scene together which was very touching.
I'm glad you thought the epi was a hard one as well, that makes me feel a bit better. I think tonight may be similar, hope I'm wrong.
Thanks again Kat...
Thanks so much Liz!
Guzman definitely seems to want to break Lichita and Chano up. I question what his motivation truly is. Does he still care for her or is it revenge for rejecting him, or both?
Yes, Circe truly seeming to care for Emi did happen quite quickly. But he is just the sweetest soul isn't he? I can't wait for Fed to get caught; she is cruel and malicious. I'm surprised Tino hasn't see through her. Yet :)
Thank you Susan!
In the flashback with the masks, Uli appeared to look about the same as he does now but if there has been anything said about when it happened, I didn't catch/understand it.
Susan, good question about Checo's beatings. Are they on El Calacas' orders or are the other inmates initiating them on their own.
Tino's "... constant , unwavering positivity and calm demeanor is my favorite part of this show . He may be very flawed , but he is a hero" says it all. Amen!
I wonder if Andy is still watching. He usually has some good insights. I feel like we are the blind leading the blind on this one and between all of us we may figure out most of the action.
When Tino spoke with Bertha they mentioned his wife. I'm not sure if anyone else has speculated, but I think when Emi was born with whatever birth defect he has she ran off. Hopefully Tino divorced her for desertion. I'm thinking she will make an appearance about the time Tino and Aide really forge forward with perhaps marriage plans and put a spanner in the works.
Kat, thank you for a great recap of all the unfolding drama .
Well, I have had it with Art. I thought that he had turned over a new leaf and was growing up and starting the hero's journey . Nope. He is back to the bar and drinking . He is still that spoiled play boy .
Nick , on the other hand, is taking care of business and treating Val with respect and giving her some space and time to settle into her new job. It sure looks like Val and Nick will end up together , just as they did as Star crossed lovers in " Perdonnae."
Luis has always been kind to Mar . He made Cami apologize to her after Cami slapped and mistreated Mar . Luis stopping Mar from jumping and taking her to lunch was an act of kindness . I feel so sorry for Luis with his grief and health issues . I think helping Mar is just what he needs right not. It will be very interesting to see the various characters' reactions to Mar being pregnant ...Ofelia, Val, Cami, Juan, Susana . What will happen when Luis finds out that Family and Mar are in love with the same man.
Juan gets stabbed,again?!!!...really writers ??! you couldn't think up a new plotline ?!!
And Pris is back home ???? Does anyone believe that she will go to Canada??
Kat, when Paulina"s ashes were not at that church, I wondered if she was dead or actually still alive and might suddenly appear . Susan
Previously: After his presentation is declared the winner, Uli thanked the institute and then his beloved mother for her staunch support and love. But he isn’t done…there is one more special person to mention. He looks out from the stage and catching Tino’s eye says “gracias papa” for returning and saving his life. Clearly moved, Tino’s eyes mist as he smiles broadly as he and Aidé clap for their adored son.
Tonight begins with Tino trying to take a family picture. Everyone is decked out in matching blue shirts but the pictures reflect the disarray of the subjects; they seem to be having fun.
As Aidé and Tino kiss, she reveals she plans to give him Maxiclick shares; she asks him to think about it but he declines. …
Uli calls Tino his “papa” much to Circe’s chagrin. Lila comes in and Circe nastily calls her his “hermanita”, good will clearly absent.
At home, Lichita is cleaning as she stirs the dinner pot. Chofis comes in with attitude and it is clear she blames Lichita for the state of the family.
Guzmán plays with a glass object, gently tapping it against a bureau as though he would like to hit someone with it. This makes a bit of sense as the camera pans showing a direly ill Pura on the bed. He badmouths Clara Luz as Pura looks thoughtful. Guzmán meets with Clara Luz and Rudolf.
The family is seated around the dinner table as Uli comes in followed by Fed in a red dress with plunging neckline blowing kisses. She takes Circe by the arm and leads her out of the room. Circe makes it clear the “papa” talk rather repulses her. She takes her tia’s hand and sighs over Checo. She next shows Fed a picture of Mateo.
Witch beyotch Fed then starts fooling with the remote control for Emi’s wheelchair. When she threatens him again, he gives in.
Rudolf and Clara Luz have a bit of a lovefest, hugging and talking about Maxiclick music. She has him kiss her on the cheek several times when Pipe comes up sad about his tia. They comfort him and kiss his head.
The family is still at dinner but no one is eating. Tino says there is no perfect family. Tino and Aide hold hands and she announces to Uli and Circe they are taking Tino’s last name. Circe is outraged. After Fed pinches Emi’s hand he voices his objection (Lila does too).
Guzmán brings flowers to Lichita. She asks him to sit and asks him if he wants a drink. In a shocking display of affection (at least to me), Chofis comes out and hugs him!?
Things are more hectic elsewhere as at Aidé’s, a(nother) full scale argument has erupted. Lila snaps at Aidé and Bertha adds her two cents in support of her son. Emi yells getting so upset they need to fan him as he starts to lose consciousness.
Facundo is claiming to be an influencer at a gathering but he is jeered and pushed down the steps.
A cold cloth is applied to Emi’s head and neck as the fighting continues. Uli and Scarlet support Emi as Fed gives a speech as his eyes widen in fright.
A scared-looking Pura has a conversation with Clara Luz mentioning Rudolf and Silvana I couldn’t interpret.
Fed and Tino talk; he thanks her but after he leaves, she lies on the bed next to Emi. She whispers something poisonous in the child’s ear and starts to stir, talking to himself. Lila comes in and hears part of it misinterprets his mutterings, thinking Circe is the one hurting him.
Aidé meets with one of the board members and Fed is there. There are several additional scenes after this but if anything terribly important transpired during or after the meeting, I did not follow.
Gina follows Uli telling him how sorry she is and blames Lorena; she never thought Lorena would repeat what she told her. He looks thoughtful as she turns and leaves. Circe comes up but gives him the cold shoulder due to the fact he is taking Tino’s side. Mateo comes up and she kisses him on the cheek.
Chano talks with Lichita and Igor; Igor clearly salivating over Chano’s muscles. He tells them something about Tino I didn’t get.
Rudolf and Clara Luz kiss as Guzmán listens behind a closed door. When he walks in they are both sitting and working. He makes a face and leaves as they giggle.
Chano seems to make a good suggestion that Tino likes.
Lila grabs what I gather are Circe’s clothes and has a one-woman fashion show. “Eww” Circe says as she comes in and catches her. Lila throws off her jacket and tosses it on the bed. Bertha comes in as Lila tells Circe Emi is HER hermano. Emi seems to be in a trance staring but not saying anything.
Pipe hugs his tio Guzmán who coldly puts his hand on the child’s head pushing him away. The nurse then takes Pipe out of the room. “Guzmán” Pura states, then asks where Clara Luz and Rudolf are. Then, she asks about Pipe and mentions Silvana.
Circe and Lila are fighting; she calls Circe “mentirosa” because of what she thinks Circe did to Emi.
Chano and Lichita meet with Checo at prison. Lichita tells him she and Chano are divorcing as Checo stares, greatly upset.
Aidé shows pictures to Tino of their children growing up as he laughs delightedly.
Lila and Circe’s argument escalates as Circe chirps at her. Unfortunately poor Scarlet comes up as Circe calls her mother. As the girls start to pull at the phone, Scarlet flies down the stairs. Her fall stops as she cries in pain!
Oh no… We watch in horror as Guzmán takes a hypodermic needle and injects it into Pura’s IV. He won’t allow her to ruin his plans. She tries to call for help, first invoking Clara Luz’s name, then Rudolf, then Pipe but Guzmán claws at her face to keep her quiet…
Tonight there was a lot of talking, arguing and intimidation. Things really did not erupt until the last few scenes. Kindly add if I missed anything important or got something wrong.
Is Scarlet gravely injured? Will Pura survive?? We will need to wait and see.
I am away early tomorrow for the day so will catch up tomorrow evening. Thanks to Kat who will be recapping tomorrow’s episode.
OMG! I considered the possibility of the last scene tonight but really thought there was no way in this day and age it would even be a consideration. Adriana you get to spill the beans on this one!
Chano has a suggestion of giving VIP status to members that join. Not sure exactly if they buy subscriptions or what. I buy nothing so I can't compare it to anything out there. I also think Rudolph hopes their platform will use his music and get his name out there.
I really think Pipe is Clara Luz child and possibly Rudolphs.if did give a sperm donation.
I can't stand Fede....
Bertha and the chauffeur are hunting at a possible romance it seems.
Kat, thank you for explaining Chano's suggestion.
It would be something if Clara Luz and Rudolf ended up being Pipe's parents.
Yes, Augusto and Bertha have definitely been sparking over their coffee talk.
Part 1/3
Camila is kissing an unconscious Juan (barf). Mar leaves just as he wakes up. He calls for Mar, but she’s already gone – she’s sobbing in the hallway.
He keeps calling for Mar, Camila explains that he was attacked in prison and almost died. She will take care of him, body and soul, he doesn’t deserve what happened to him. He says thank you, but he still calls for Mar. Camila promises to make him forget about her.
Luis is disappointed in his kids yet again. He asks someone on the phone to see the state of their bank accounts. He needs to teach them a lesson. How dare Leo ask about his money? He tells Hector that he will cancel all the company credit cards, his kids can very well pay their own way from now on.
Priscila has come to see Arturo. She thanks him for his help and hugs him. Ofelia is watching as Arturo tries to keep his distance. When will she understand that they will never be together again? Val doesn’t want him, but even so, he will never be back together with Pris. And no, he will NOT change his mind.
When Art leaves, Ofelia comes to warn Priscila not to mess with her daughter. She went to burn her house. Pris promises to destroy her, Ofelia wonders how, since she is only a spoiled girl. Arturo loves her daughter; she lost the game. And she doesn’t care if Pris hates her.
At the studio, Val is checking a photo of Art with some woman. Nick sees her, he’s happy she arrived early. They are both serious like that.
He suggests an image change, but she doesn’t want to cut her hair. It’s for personal reasons. Nick gently pushes, and she eventually says that she never cut her hair since her dad died, he always used to say that she had the loveliest hair. Nick agrees, the hair stays as it is. Val smiles.
He only wants her to be comfortable. Val says she never took great care of her, Mar was always the pretty one, their mother said so. Nick thinks they are both good looking and Val kind of pinches his stomach in a cute way and teases him: “Oh, you think I’m pretty!” Nick is serious, she needs to feel good about herself if she wants this to work. She smiles ear to ear as he grabs her hand in encouragement. She can do it. I can definitely see how their relationship will grow from here.
Later Nick and Arturo talk about how to better handle Val. Nick thinks they should let the photographer work with her. Art says he will take care of Val. Nick looks doubtful.
Susana and Jacinto are with Juan and Camila at the hospital. They need to say thank you to the virgen and to Camila for her help. How fortunate Juan is to have her in his life. She is a good person, not like that daughter of… Juan feels bad, Susana thinks he should think long and hard about what he wants to do next.
Mar arrives at the mansion. Ofelia thinks she was trying to punish her, but she is so worried about her. She will always be her little girl. Mar says she is no longer a child, Ofelia hugs her and says she’d give anything for her not to suffer anymore. They hug.
Art talks with Saul on the phone, he wants to see him and Nick. They’ll meet at the house.
Camila tells Luis she wants a personal driver, the ones they already have are never available for her (oh, I also hate it when that happens). Remember the friend she has that used to be in jail? He’s out now and she wants to give him a job.
Luis is upset, especially when he finds out she used one of the watches he bought for her to help the guy. This is not the way to do things, money doesn’t just fall from the sky. She storms out, he never supports her. Luis breathes heavily and loosens his tie, all this stress can’t be good for his heart.
Part 2/3
Art and Nick are waiting for Val to arrive. She is a bit late, but when she gets to the studio she is wearing makeup and a skin tight fitness outfit (leggings and a tiny crop top). Both brothers are mesmerized. Art is all smiles, but Nick looks especially troubled. Art cheers Valeria up, saying she will do a great job. He grabs her hands, she smiles but breaks free. Nick is just speechless.
They start the photo shoot, but Val is tense. Art wants to interfere; Nick is reluctant to allow it but eventually caves. Art takes the photographer’s place, tells Val he was the first to take her picture, asks her to just enjoy the moment, think about a sunset, or something else. Like the moment her mom showed up when they were alone at her house; or how many times she made him suffer. She starts smiling and posing and it’s working.
They continue for a while and Nick jokes about Val liking to see his brother suffer. Art caresses her face and says her smile is worth millions. Val is uncomfortable with the touch, she says she’s tired, can they be done for the day?
She leaves and Nick scolds Art, he needs to keep his distance. Art is happy they did get some great pictures out of her, now they can start working. They both agree she is very pretty.
Paula asks Ofelia about the new pair of shoes she’s wearing. How much did they cost? And she’s also paying for the house… Ofelia says Nick was very generous with them, he was the one to give them the shoes and the clothes.
Graciela asks Luis to come to dinner. But he’s sad. Leo is more worried about his money than him, Art has a lot of problems, Camila sold one of the watches he gave her, and Nick is distant ever since he no longer supports his project. Graciela suggests they all take a trip together, Luis doesn’t want to, he needs to fix things, but how. Where did he go so wrong?
Val gets home and Mar tells her she looks very pretty. She should feel like the happiest woman on Earth. Ofelia thinks Val looks great, too. How many times did she tell her to take better care of herself? Val doesn’t like the attention, she’s tired and would like to go to sleep now. Mar looks sad… and jealous.
Susana comes to see Juan again. He wants to get out already. She thinks he is very fortunate because he will soon be out of jail and now there is a good woman in his life, also. But Juan can’t forget Mar. Susana cries, how can she help him forget about that woman. Nobody stays with their first love, he will forget Mar and fall in love all over again.
Part 3/3
It’s dinner time at the mansion, but Luis is not there. Graciela says she won’t eat, either, they can start without them. Art arrives with a guest, Saul! Leo stands, he recognizes the guy from the other day. Paula is impactada.
Saul tells Leo he only wanted to ask Paula about Arturo, but she never gave him the chance. Nick welcomes Saul, he’s happy they will all work together for the new brand.
Later Ofelia arrives to clear the table and notices that Paula is not OK, she’s drinking a bit too much. Paula excuses herself, says she’s tired and Leo follows her. Camila goes upstairs, too, she doesn’t care about business. So Art, Nick and Saul go to the study to talk
Luis is in his room, talking to Cecilia’s portrait. If only she could be there… Their kids are lost, how can he help them find their own path… he will have to take some radical measures and he’s sure she’ll support him.
Mar asks Val to tell her about the modelling job. Val doesn’t like it too much, they put makeup on her, dressed her in those clothes. And she felt uncomfortable in front of the camera, she didn’t feel like herself. Mar is sure she’ll do great, better than she ever could. Val says she never chose this, as soon as her contract is over, she will go back to giving fitness classes. Is this why Mar is so upset?
Mar says no, that’s not it. And she’s tired, she’ll go to sleep.
Leo is pacing nervously, he needs to become the new head of the family, take care of his siblings, it’s his job as the older brother. That’s why he asked Hector about the will. Paula is only half listening, but then she goes on the attack. Why didn’t his brothers offer to make him a partner? Maybe he should start thinking about himself for a change.
Early the next day Val needs to go to work. Mar doesn’t have any plans for today. Ofelia intervenes to ask Val not to make her sister feel bad for doing the job she wanted to do. Val is only trying to make things right, find a way to get back to their home. Ofelia assures her they will never go back there and asks Mar not to feel bad about what Val is saying.
At breakfast, Camila is wondering where Paula is. Then she says she wants to hire a driver, it’s to help a friend. Luis comes to tell his kids they need to talk as soon as they’re done with breakfast.
Then he runs into Ofelia and tells her he will be in the study talking to his children. And nobody can bother them.
At the hospital, Gloria opens her eyes. A nurse goes to get a doctor.
Luis and his children are reunited in the study. He tells them about his heart problems; but this is not the main reason he needs to talk to them. They all think they have an infinite amount of money that they can spend however they want. Nick on his business deals (Nick looks a bit outraged), Art on his parties (he huffs), Camila on her whims (she rolls her eyes) and Leo on his wife (he looks uncomfortable) ….
Life is not like this, he’s sick, but he can still make decisions. His will is his personal matter. They are all here because he needs to tell them he’s made the decision to do something about his life. Their selfishness has pushed him to the brink, he will no longer allow their behavior. He has decided to remarry.
Camila is the first to react, then the others, too. Who does he plan to marry?
A sweet girl (girl?!) who knows how to understand and respect him. Maybe this will help them grow up and think about their own lives. Hmmmm… I bet this will have the exact opposite effect.
Who is it? It’s Mar (knock me over with a feather, the guy has lost his mind)!
Everyone is in a state of disbelief. No kidding!
Someone call the wife-to-be and let her know also… And don’t forget to inform Ofelia, Luis Portilla’s new mother-in-law. Hahaha! Only in a telenovela.
Kat, you weren't kidding when you mentioned the ending of the episode. I honestly did not see this coming. I thought that Luis would ask his kids to leave the house or something similar, but if he wants to help Mar, this is not the way to do it. Camila's hatred will only become 10 times worse. And how will Art react, will he blame Ofelia and get into an argument with Valeria over it?
Those sports outfits sure are revealing. Good think Valeria (and the actress) is in such a great shape. Art has seen Val dressed like this at the gym before, but Nick looked absolutely in awe.
The triangle is officially ON!
Adriana that was great, especially call the bride to be. I truly thought it was possibility in the back of my mind but figured it was too far fetched. He looks old enough to be her grandfather. ( I just looked the actor up, he was born in 1960) I was glad to hear that Cami had sold one of her own watches and not her mother's, though being the only daughter I imagine if they had been Cecilia's she would have felt they were hers anyhow. Paula doesn't deserve them.
What a job. Wear one outfit a day, have a bunch of photos taken of your face and maybe a little bit of the crop top and call it a day. For a company hawking clothes they sure seem to be trying to showcase the model and not the product.
Yeah the triangle is on and I really dislike Arturo's character so I'm still team Nick.
Of all the actresses on this show I think Priscilla is the closest to having the standard model's physique. She should have worked that angle with Daddy as he is a co owner.
Thank you, Adriana! Wonderful job on a fun episode! I was wondering what discontinuing business credit cards had to do with anything and then I realized these people were financing all their whims with their BUSINESS cards! Hector said Paula even had a copy of Leo's card (like authorized user?) WOW!!! That's not good. Go Luis!
I gotta say amiga, I'm team Luis on this one! I'm with you on the 'call the bride' part but even though I agree that this won't help Mar, help her do what? I mean do we want to see her find a way to get along with Cami? Why? Cami is toxic! Do we want to see her reconcile with Juan and get back under Susan's poison? I don't... This might not be helpful, but hopefully it will be fun!!! :) I suppose an arranged marriage for the sake of the baby isn't the happily ever after dreams are made of, but it's better than the ruined life of poverty and misery Ofelia predicted last week, besides they could go in a lot of directions from here that don't necessarily end with Luis and Mar actually married.
Whatever happens, they sure shook this one up and it needed it because I was bored with the same old predictable Cami-Juan-Mar triangle with horrible mothers thrown in!
I had a hard time with the 'transformation' of Valeria! Everyone was so impacted and commenting on how beautiful she was and what a change it was - she looked exactly the same to me!!! So, you changed her outfit and brushed her hair a little differently.... okay? I mean she's a beautiful girl both ways, I'm not knocking her, I'm just saying I didn't see an eye-popping transformation from one scene to the next. Some of the photos they showed were really sweet though. I too, am team Nic.
Merci, Adriana.
I didn't see that coming, either. Luis has lost it. I can't wait to see Graciela's reaction. And Ofelia's. Valeria's, and Prissy's.
Prissy doesn't even want to know she has a mental illness and she is refusing treatment. Arturo should put himself out of reach.
I wanted to laugh when Saul showed up for dinner. Nice speaking voice but this dude is feo and the hair style does nothing for him. Paula deserves to squirm.
Glad that Luis knows his kids are leeches. He really needs to push them off the gravy train.
Darcy, I actually liked Val better with her hair in the ponytail, especially for the market, how many with long hair exercise with their hair down? My hair is and has been long most of my life and the few times I get it cut I insist it remains long enough to put it in a pony. Gardening, cooking,exercise manufacturing jobs etc, that hair needs to be tied back!
Luis solution does not get Mar out of the way of Cami, unfortunately. I'm guessing Gloria's awakening will shake things up. She will probably blame Ofelia though she really wasn't at fault. I'm really shocked there are no interior common areas security cameras in these mansions.
Thanks, Diana, I enjoyed your recap. I wasn’t sure I liked this show at first, but it’s growing on me!
Guzmán was so obvious in his dislike of Pipe. I feel like Pura is dead and I can’t imagine how Clara Luz and Rudolf will be able to get Pipe. We already know Guzmán plans to send him far away to school. Chofis hugging Guzman was a surprise. I only remember them meeting once, when she was at work with her mother. Plus she’s upset about her parents split so you’re think she’s resent another man around her mom.
What was Fed saying to Tino about the shares? I didn’t get that at all except I think she was trying to get Tino doubt Aide’s motives.
Is the boy on the crutch permanently disabled or is it a broken or injured leg? Circe is always so kind to him so it seems Tino and her mom bring out the worse in her.
I’m hoping Circe and Lila join forces to find out who’s bothering Emi.
Cher Adriana, merci , for a great review of a hopping episode. Wow...that was a jam packed episode, and the pot is bubbling
I did not see that ending coming ! However, it made me think of the old movie " Gigi." It takes place in France . Two star crossed lovers have a falling out, and the guy takes off to the sea. Meanwhile Gigi discovers she is pregnant, and an older gentleman (Maurice Chevalia)marries her . Then, the young lover comes home from the sea.These plots just seem to get recycled . What's old is new again . Man-Woman Birth-Death-Infinity.
Luis has been lost in grief for Cecelia. He has health issues , and his children are driving him crazy. He has always been kind to Mar in a fatherly way . Way back when he insisted cruel, spoiled Cami apologize to Mar when she slapped and screamed at her shout the perfume. Evidently, Luis has been brainstorming about how to help poor, depressed Mar ...and ...Presto bingo...I'll marry her. I can't wait to see the reactions . There will be a lot of " Wait?What?QTH?" "Hell no!" And , of course, Ofelia will be grinning and full of glee! I suppose that as Luis's mother in law ...ha...she and Val will be moving into the main house. That will be fun.
Hmmm Cami wants dad to hire Juan as their driver. Oh boy.
At this point , since Juan and Mar were introduced to us as true loves at the start of this show ,I think the two will end up together.
I agree that Val's appearance didn't change that much .
Looks like Val and Nick will end up together .
Uh oh, Gloria awakens . Will she blame Ofelia?
Great to see Saul show up at the dinner table , and we get to see Paula sweat.
Thanks Adriana, a fun episode and a fun recap to read.
After Arturo got drinking again I bécame a definite Nick fan. But I guess Val will be the one to decide!
Loved Saúl showing up at dinner. Great to see Paula so uncomfortable. Is Leo bright enough to suspect anything?
Cutting off their company credit cards is a good move. I can’t believe Paula had one too. These guys get a salary, I think. They live rent free and are fed and picked up after. They need a dose of reality. Luis marrying Mar is a bit far fetched. Will she agree? And will the baby be passed off as Luis’. Maybe they’ll call it a shotgun wedding! I wonder if Ofelia will be thrilled. I know she wants to live in the house. Earlier in the show I thought she and Luis might end up together!
Susanna seemed a little nicer when she was talking about first love and loving again to Juan. But that’s probably because she figures Mar is gone for good.
Thank you, Adriana, for a wonderful recap of a pivotal episode. "Someone call the wife-to-be and let her know also…" Exactly. I wonder what deal Luis is going to offer to pregnant Mar. If they marry, she will be the lady of the house which will significantly change the domestic pecking order. I cannot wait.
Another good point, does Mar even know? If this weren't so ridiculous I could see them passing Juan's baby off as Luis' except that someone will think of a DNA test and it would be Game Over.
There should be a law against men marrying girls younger than their youngest child. I'm sure Camila is at least two years older than Mar.
Dear Diana, thank you for another great account of all the drama .
Grim Guzman is so icky . Now he is putting the moves on Lichita . Why in the world did Chofis hug him so enthusiastically? I guess the poor girl just needs hugs with her parents separated and her brother in juvenile detention .
The best part was Facundo being rejected as " an influencer."I hate that term.
I think it is very weird the way Africa ( Fede) is playing this role. That goofy voice and those odd facial expressions .Is she supposed to be comic relief even as she is tormenting Emi. Who is going to finally notice what she is doing.?
Scarlet was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am surprised that everywhere , all the time Tino wasn't on those stairs to catch her.
It didn't take long for Circe to forget that her twin was holding a gun to his head and return to her spoiled selfish behavior and bickering with Lila.
I had to turn away at the scene of Guzman with Pura. Awful. susan
Hello! I am a lurker without much to say, usually. I love all the recaps and comments! The abuse scene has stayed in my head. I wonder if we already know who the guilty party is. My vote is Guzman. And, we have to worry if he is THAT evil about Pipe going to him.
Susan and Liz, thank you for your kind words and support.
Babachita, so good to see your comment. It never occurred to me that Guzman might have been invoved in the abuse, but he is very troubled and dangerous - you've given me much to ponder.
Guzman silences Puras cries as she slips away. He uses tissues to wipe down her face, the IV bag, the IV line etc, erasing all traces of his touch. He is glad to have the honor of ending her mortal existence for the humiliation she dealt him in the past
Aide and Tino discuss Uli and his change in demeanor when he was 14. The counselor and other parents told Aide this is a common change in adolescents of that age . Circe would love me one day and hate me the next. Uli started hiding out in his room. She feels guilty that she didn't recognize the signs. Tino tells her you nor Uli are at fault. The abuser is the guilty party.
Bertha is tending to Emi who has a drippy nose. She is questioning him about his dislike of Uli and Circe having dad's last name. The maid runs in for help about Scarlet falling down the steps.
Checo's parents tell him their separation has nothing to do with the kids. He brushes them off and leaves the visiting room. Chano tries to reach for Luchita's hand in comfort but she puts her hands in her lap.
Tino tells Aide she is his present and future and they will together get Uli through this crisis. She tells him he also is her present and future. Bertha calls Tino. Did you call an ambulance? Aide asks qué
Rudolph and Clara Luz are working on the music streaming feature of maxiclik amid a lot of flirting. Guzman calls Clara Luz. He tells them in a choked voice that Pura has gone to her eternal rest. It was so fast, he didn't have time to call a Dr. But she didn't suffer. Clara Luz asks if Pipe knows yet. No, he hasn't returned from his outing with the nurse yet. I think Clara luz asks him to wait to tell him until they get there. Guzman hangs up glaring at the phone.
Scarlet is in the house with everyone hovering trying to figure out what happened. Circe blames Lila. Scarlet cries. The paramedics arrive and put her in a stretcher. She is holding her arm in pain. Aide and the twins follow the ambulance. Tino questions Lila. She just hangs her head. Tino asks how Emi is doing. He is sad and worried about Scarlet and wants to go back to his room Lila takes him. Bertha tells Tino they have to talk.
Guzman tells Pipe Pura is dead. No crying, men don't cry. He puts him on his knees. Rudolph and Clara Luz arrive. Pipe yells Pura is dead and runs off. Guzman say " the nurse". ( Does this mean he claims the nurse told Pipe?). The 2 follow Pipe as he runs out of the room.
Chano and Luchita talk to Chofis. I think she found at the saw Checo but not sure. She wants to live with Dad, he says he is sharing a place and there's no room at the inn. She storms out.
Bertha and Tino talk. She tells him he has made all these decisions about their lives without any input from her or the children. He says but things are better now. She says the twins seem to have replaced them in his affections and they are feeling displaced.
Tino talks to Lila and Emi. He tells them they are the most important things in his life. He asks them if they are upset with his relationship with Aide? They reply with silence. Emi is tired. Tino sends Lila out of his room to continue their talk.
Pipe tells Clara Luz and Rudolph he lives Tia Pura. Guzman says something I didn't catch. He is off to make funeral arrangements. Clara luz tells Pipe that those you love are never truly gone. See this ray of sunlight, that is them looking out for you.
Lila says it's not my fault what happened to Scarlet. It was Circe. She is being mean to Emi. He tells her to not make things up without proof. Then he tells her she does invent things, like what she did with Paulina. She says you are forgetting mama. He says I see her every day in you and emi, I haven't forgotten her. She then discussed Paulina ashes not being at the tomb.
Scarlet has a broken arm or wrist. Circe apologizes. Scarlet says no problem. Facundo rushes in over the top yelling accusations at Aide for being an absent mother. He's going to tell his lawyer. Scarlet rolls her eyes.
Tino tells Lila some story about her and her mother promising if one passed they would throw their ashes in the wind or something. I didn't quite understand his story. Lila doesn't buy it. She and Emi are the original Guevera's. More Tino reassuring her that he loves her. She wants to be left alone. He wants to keep talking. She rightly accuses him of respecting Emi's wishes and not hers. He leaves as she has made a valid point.
Chaco is leaving. Luchita hollers to Chofis to tell him goodbye. Guzman calls Luchita and in a choked voice tells her his aunt, his only family, has died. Boy these funerals sure do happen fast in Mexico. She is already in the casket at a funeral home and white flowers drape it. Luchita asks for the address, she will come in his time of need ...
Tino checks on Emi who got himself into bed apparently. He asks how does he get along with Circe, is she nice to him. Emi says she's my sister and I love her, I have no problem with her. Emi calls his dad close so he can whisper that he doesn't want to use the new wheelchair. Tino asks why the secrecy. I didn't catch the rest, but it seems Tino blows off his fear of the wheelchair.
Guzman and his gay assistant whose name I've forgotten talk about his plans for Pipe. Luchita arrives. They hug and he says I feel completely alone.
Facundo is his overdramatic blaming aide for Scarlet's accident because she is too vested in her new romance.
My DVR didn't record properly so I can't finish the episode now. If it shows up after I watch las Hijas I'll finish this then.
Part 1/3
“I’m going to marry a 20-year-old so you can all think about your future.” Luis Portilla says.
Of course this doesn’t go well with the “kids”.
““Feeling lonely is one thing, but we will never allow this! What did that woman do to you to convince you to marry her?”
Luis makes it clear he will do whatever he pleases. Camila, Art and Camila offend Mar, she is only after his money.
“You are after my money also!” Luis points out. “You want me to stay out of your lives! I will ask you the same and you have to respect my decision. Also, I canceled your corporate accounts. You will have to start paying your own way.”
When Luis leaves, the kids start fighting. Leo and Camila think Art knew something because he’s going out with Val. Nick doesn’t think she knows about it, Leo offends her, Art says Val is not like that. Nick says there is nothing they can do, it’s their father’s decision. Leo thinks they should get their inheritance before the marriage, Camila agrees the money belongs to them. Nick says their father was right, they’re only thinking about the money. Leo keeps attacking both Val and Mar, but Art defends Val, she has nothing to do with this.
Leo wonders if Luis knew Mar from before. Maybe he got them inside the house. Nick calls it ridiculous, their mom was still alive back then. They need to keep this among themselves and talk to their father again.
Mar and Ofelia are chatting with the other maids in the kitchen, wondering what the talk is about. Mar doesn’t care, but Ofelia is so curious, she decides to go eavesdrop. One of the drivers comes to take Mar to see Luis.
Ofelia tries to listen to the door, but she can’t understand what they’re talking about. Graciela finds her so she has to leave before hearing anything important.
Val is ready for the shoot, but Nick and Art are not there. The photographer suggests they start without them. Val isn’t doing it well, so she asks the guy to be patient. He wonders why she took the job then. For Arturo? She must really love him then. Val denies it, but the thought does make her smile.
Luis has taken Mar to a private restaurant. He has a way to help her and her baby. He will marry her. She is shocked. She can’t accept it! Luis explains it won’t be a real marriage, there will be no intimacy, he only wants to help her. If they pretend to be a couple, his kids will be forced to think about their future. He will help her take care of her child, but he needs to teach his kids a lesson, also. They need to learn to stop taking everything for granted. She has proven to be honest, he trusts her. Mar says she’ll only accept on one condition. She only wants money for her baby, nothing for herself. Luis is impressed.
Mar is afraid of his children’s reaction, especially Camila. Luis asks her to be patient, if they are the way they are it’s his fault. They will tell everyone that her baby is his, she will have even more protection like this.
Part 2/3
Val is still working, when Nick’s assistant arrives to say that Nick and Art won’t be coming, so they need to cancel everything. She calls Art, but it goes straight to voice mail.
Paula gets another message from Saul and sends him a message, to leave her alone. They go back and forth, he knows she stands to lose a lot more. When Leo arrives, she says she feels bad because of what is going on in the house. Leo gives her the “good news”.
Camila has come to see Juan at his house; his parents need to go visit Gloria who has woken up, can she stay with Juan? Sure can!
He’s worried for Mar because her house burned down. Camila tells him that she’s going out with her father, and they are about to get married.
He wants to go see Mar, he finds out she lives in Camila’s house and doesn’t love him anymore. Juan says this is all because of Ofelia, she ruined their relationship. Camila says she is there for him, he doesn’t have to suffer this much anymore.
Nick tells Graciela he doesn’t get his father. She didn’t know about his plans, either, agrees it’s a crazy decision, but they have to accept it. Nick has a hard time accepting this marriage and so soon after his mom died.
Ofelia is searching for Mar, but she’s gone. She finds out she left with Senor Portilla. Not Art or Nick, but Luis. What could this be all about?
Luis and Mar are now talking about Ofelia’s reaction, Mar is afraid because her mom thinks she no longer has her baby. Luis tells her that to the entire world he will be the father. Ofelia calls and Mar tells her she was with Luis, he was helping her with some stuff. Luis promises to talk to Ofelia.
Susana visits Gloria again. She is awake but has crazy eyes. When Susana calls her “cousin” Gloria doesn’t recognize her. Susana gets frantic, the doctor asks her not to insist, Gloria has been in a coma for a long time, it will take a while for her to remember stuff. Susana asks if there is a chance she will never get better. There is, but the doctors are doing their best to help her.
Mar promises her baby they will be OK. Ofelia comes to scold her for not checking in. Mar says Luis asked for her help with some shopping. Ofelia says she is worried, she wants to help her. Mar wants some space and for her mom to stop mentioning what happened.
Luis is talking to Cecilia again. He hopes his plan will help his kids mature. Graciela comes to ask him what he is planning to do. Luis admits he’s doing this to wake up his children but also to help Mar, who is a good girl. But Graciela doesn’t trust Ofelia, how can he marry one of her daughters? Luis has had enough from his kids, he asks his sister to stay out of it. And now he’d like to see Senora Garcia.
Val is back at her house, cleaning up. She talks to her father about being back home soon. Arturo walks in and asks her about Mar and Luis. Why didn’t she tell him anything about their relationship and the fact that they plan to get married. Val thinks this is just gossip, some idea her mother came up with, she won’t allow it. Arturo is relieved to realize she didn’t know. Val wants to go confront her mother.
Part 3/3
In the study, Luis asks Ofelia to allow him to marry Mar. She is shocked, she will never agree to this. They might be poor, but she won’t sell her daughter. He is a mature man, a widower, Mar is only a child, she’s not for him. Luis insists he’s being sincere, he only wants to protect Mar. Ofelia says it’s her job to protect her daughter, not his. Luis reminds her of their situation, but Ofelia insists she will never allow it.
Still at Juan’s, Camila is checking out the house. She can see it doesn’t look great, but then she notices a picture of Juan as a young boy. She says she didn’t imagine he lived in a place like this. Her house is different, but at least he has two loving parents.
When Susana and Jacinto arrive, Camila leaves (they both like her a lot). Juan is sad, he found out something that changed his life. He’s done with Mar, she’s dead to him.
Nick comes to talk to Luis now that they are alone. He needs an explanation, but Luis thinks he doesn’t deserve one. Nick tells him that Ofelia had sent Mar to a hotel room to meet with Arturo (the infamous first episode). Luis gets mad with the insinuation, Mar will be his wife. Nick screams, his father needs to realize the type of women they are.
Ofelia comes to argue with Mar, she will never allow this marriage. Mar can’t stand to take orders anymore, her mother’s power is over. Val arrives to grab Mar and take her away. But Mar has finally found her voice. This will be her house now. She will no longer be a parasite; she will be the lady of the house. And she is never leaving. Misplaced courage but go Mar!
Val calls this crazy, she is not like this. Mar says she changed, nobody will ever hurt her or mock her again. Val can’t accept it, this is not her sister. And then she accuses Ofelia of orchestrating everything. She thinks her tears are fake, she is now the patron’s suegra. Well done, Ofelia!
This last half will be brief. I'm watching on my phone and also writing on my phone, so......
Fede arrives at the house. Aide is off to work. Circe grabs Fede to dump her problems on
She tells her that Lila said she was the cause of Emi's fear and sadness. Fede blames it on aide being so wrapped up in Tino. Circe says she is acting like a lovesick teen.
Back at the funeral. Guzman is wallowing in his supposed grief. Aide arrives. Rudolph is also their. He asks Guzman if he can sing a song. This actor can sing, is he a musician irl?
Another's ene of Fede tormenting Emi. She's claiming his siblings are also in danger. Scarlet's accident wasn't an accident.
Facundo is doing another influencer skit for his fans as the doting father caring for his injured daughter.
Rudolf and Clara talk about their love for Pipe as he sleeps in his bed.
Aide and Tino talk about the capriciousness of life. Poor Pipe losing his mother and aunt and he is so young. Aide worries for her children. Tino will be there for them. She says how poor a choice she made in Facundo. She talks about the shares. I think she wants them in his name to protect them from any Facundo machinations. Tino agrees on the understanding she takes them back ASAP.
Facundo demonstrates his horrible parenting to Scarlet by refusing to help her brush her hair. Tino comes in and does her hair and makes her giggle. Facundo is on the hunt for Ponzi, the dog. In the previous scene the dog peed on his shoes.
Tino signs on the dotted line. He is an official shareholder with voting rights. He's nervous. Fede offers her help teaching him the ropes.
Guzman is boxing up Puras personal effects. Clara comes in, why so fast. He says he needs to remove them because they make him sad he's lost her. They discuss Pipe.
Fede is planting seeds of discord between Aide and Tino. I really dislike this actress and her baby voice she uses.
Clara walks Pipe to school Rudolph calls her. He has some papers Tino needs Guzman to sign. He looks at his laptop and is shocked about something.
Gagy guy is gossiping to Luchita and others at her desk. Did you hear, Tino is a new shareholder and boss in the company. Circe and Uli are in the area and hear the shocking news. If course Circe is upset.
Thank you for another excellent recap, Adriana. Although it is preposterous, the “marriage” promises to be a more than interesting plot twist. All of Luis’ children deserve a reality check. It looks like Mar is starting to find her voice starting with her mother. Should be fun.
Adriana, I agree with Jarifa. This platonic marriage of convenience will be interesting. The actress playing Mar must be so happy she isn't the meek obedient mouse anymore. With Ofelia's reaction to Luis asking for Mars hand it makes you wonder if her husband was an older man her parents forced her to marry and that is the source of her disgust. It looked like Luis was intrigued by her reaction.
How convenient, amnesia ... Ofelia won't be outed as potentially causing Gloria's fall. And of course Susana right on cue with the waterworks at her cousin not recognizing her. So did Cami keep the chauffeur there for hours while she sat with Juan? No wonder she wants a private driver for herself.
I also think Luis will enjoy stirring things up with his kids and the actor, from the patio's account, will be more true to form in this role and not lost in his grief as his role has been to date. Nick is being caught in the crossfire I feel though.
Kat, thank you for your detailed, amazing recap.
Loved “Aide and Tino talk about the capriciousness of life”.
“He is glad to have the honor of ending her mortal existence for the humiliation she dealt him in the past” was perfect. Guzmán is a fiendish monster.
You gleaned so much more than I and conveyed all the action and dialogue so well.
I concur that Clara Luz did ask Guzmán for a favor - to wait to tell Pipe Pura had died but of course he forged ahead and told him… Naturally, he wants to do away with all of Pura’s things as quickly as possible.
Guzmán is really playing on Lichita’s sympathy; I hope she is bright enough to catch on.
I watched this on my high def channel late last night. I am fairly certain they will show the last scene tonight which I will address in my recap tonight.
Thank you for filling in for me in very, very fine fashion.
Adriana Noel, thank you for yet another excellent, well written recap.
“I’m going to marry a 20-year-old so you can all think about your future.” Luis Portilla says. Of course this doesn’t go well with the “kids” was perfect.
I found the episode quite depressing. Luis is supplanting Ofelia in Mar’s life but looking at this dispassionately, his main motivation is for his benefit, not hers. Mar is finding her voice but in agreeing to the marriage she is giving up her wants, her needs and desires for a false sense of power that be taken away as easily as it is given.
“Juan is sad, he found out something that changed his life. He’s done with Mar, she’s dead to him” was impossible to watch.
I didn’t like Arturo even thinking for a moment that Val had anything to do with his father’s plans. Nor did I like “Nick screams, his father needs to realize the type of women they are”. Nopis, not a Nick fan.
So Ofelia is against the marriage. I was a bit surprised…perhaps she is dismayed that Luis wields more power and influence than she. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt though, at least she does have a limit. Kat, you may be onto something in that this might have mirrored Ofelia’s past.
Gracias Adriana, you brought all the drama with flair as always!
Team fake wedding!! Team Mar is Senora de esta casa!!! I just am! Sorry, it’s entertaining and a giant leap up from all the whining and crying we have so far! Plus, as others have stated the actors may be better suited for and have more fun with this new twist. IMO Mar has nothing to lose, I just don’t like Juan, I don’t know why, so I see her as alone, single, poor, unskilled, uneducated, pregnant and under manipulative mommy’s thumb! Luis is a good man with genuine though odd intentions, I say bring on the wedding!
Nic’s accusations were ugly and unfair!! Giant step back!
Cher Adriana , merci , for reporting all the news . QTH??? Did someone in the writers' room lose a bet ? Do they use a dart board to decide their next move? I am still trying to process this new direction. Is this new twist on any telenovela, bingo cards? Are we all going to successfully suspend our disbelief !?
Let's face it,, Luis's impulsive decision has shaken everyone up.....including us.
I love Cantu so much , so I am very interested to see how this all plays out . He can make the most unbelievable storyline, believable. That voice, those facial expressions and body language
I was surprised That Ofelia wasn't beaming at the thought of Mar being lady of the manor and her own move into the family quarters as a resident, not the housekeeper.Maybe her attitude will change when this all sinks into her always busy, scheming brain .
Mar looked quite elegant ( lovely earrings and LBD) at that " dinner date \ surprise proposal "for someone who lost everything to a fire a few days before .
Meanwhile , Val is ...groan...back at the burned out cottage . ....okay..two steps forward, one step back..
Gloria...Who am I? Who are you? Where am i? Amnesia....Mark your bingo cards, folks.
Watching Camila checking out Juan's modest home ( which could easily fit into her mansion's foyer )was funny.
Well, here we go... Susan
Susan I also thought that Mar was so well put together for her date, and then I remembered the Santa bag full of clothes that Val brought home from the photo shoot. I guess the fabrica makes some nice products.
Kat, thank you for providing all the details .
I hope Emi can stay out of that wheelchair. Poor guy. Tino has a lot to worry about , so I hope he doesn't forget Emi's request.
Guzman is creepy and manipulative . it seems that Lichita
is falling for his lies .
Facundo is a pain in the neck. How did Aide ever marry this dim bulb?
Petty remark but what was with Nick's shiny tan suit?? Glaringly awful; what not to wear.
As I noted earlier, I'm completely dismayed by his off putting remarks to his father last night about Ofelia, Val and Mar. Insulting, untrue and unwarranted.
Diana, you can say all of that about Nico again. No galanes in this novela no matter how the young men might be transformed in the end.
I went back and checked what Nick and Art actually said. When Luis first told them about his future plans, Nick said he doesn't think Val knew about it. Art said the same several time, taking her defence. Then Art went to confront Val about knowing, implying that she did know. When she denied it, he immediately believed her and offered to drive her home to confront her mother (whi she blames for the whole thing).
Nick talked badly about Ofelia and Mar, but at no point did he mention Val. He still believes th
.... I pressed "publish" before finishing my comment.
Nick still believes Mar went to see Art that night at the hotel to sleep with him because why else would she agree to an audition at night. We know Mar had no clue that was the plan (and Ofelia couldn't have known either, since she planned to escort her daughter and she only asked Val to go when she got teh job interview with Cecilia).
I think Nick is still on the fence about Val, but he will actually get to interact with her without Ofelia around.
I'm still team Nick, but he better sart singing Val's praises soon!!
Diana, thank you for all your excellent recaps, they are a huge help as I try to keep up while dealing with "issues" here.
Kat, I am still recording the episodes and watch when I can. I think I have a modern-day poltergeist in the house. I suspect that for today's poltergeists levitating pots and pans is not enough, they have to really mess up computers, printers, wifi, and the like. And they seem to enjoy wiping backup hard drives, just for the fun of it.
I very do much appreciate your comments and additions. Myself, I am a bit too far behind and confused right now to comment much.
Since I was short on time this morning and I really dislike Fede I didn't elaborate on all she did to sow discord. She is going to Emi's appointment with Tino because she just loves that sweet boy. She tells Aide that Tino asked her to go with him to the appointment and cut her, Aide, out of the equation which hurts Aide.
glad you are back Andy. If you have a smartphone you could watch on it and abandon your poltergeist computer. A tablet would be better. Lol. I actually prefer using the tablet so I don't have to take my glasses on and off to see TV, then to write a section. If both are at a close distance I am good.
Thanks so much Kat, I enjoyed your recap. I feel like I finally really know what’s going on. I guess It’s better to start watching with the patio and keep up with the recaps. Playing catch-up is hard!
I feel like Guzmán and Fede continué to get worse. Guzmán is now a murderer and Fed terrorizes a little boy. Facundo is just a joke but he may actually try to get custody of Scarlett.
Fed is definetly trying to break up Tino and Aidé. I think she told Aidé Tino wants her to go to Emi’s doctor’s appointments. But she’s tell him no if this was going to upset Aidé.
Thanks, Adriana, great recap of a crazy episode. But Leo and Camila are definitly more interested in Luis’ money. I wasn’t surprised at Mar’s reaction, only interested in money for the baby. But Ofelia surprised me, I thought money was her main objetive.
I felt sorry for Juan. Camila and his mom feeding him líes. And I hated Susana’s smile when he said Mar was dead to him. I wonder if they’ll ever see the mean girl Camila.
Maybe Ofelia is jealous of Mar since she didn’t end up with Luis herself or because she didn’t broker Mar’s engagement getting some $ for herself. Ofelia doesn’t do well not being the center of attention or controlling it.
Liz if I get crummy weather on a weekend I binge watch shows. I agree it is easier to stay abreast watching with everyone else. At least there are recaps to help. Are you watching Jefa? If I start it will be a weekend marathon to catch up, and it has a lot of violence that I'm not a fan of. But if Venganza ends soon I'll have a free spot on my dance card to fill. Of course as the days get longer the 8 p.m. show will be of less appeal so Papas will suffer neglect and be watched on tape delay or the next day perhaps. I need a good 2 or 3 p.m. daytime show. That is Naptime for granddaughter.
Kat , I didn't plan to watch this show because I do not like narco dramas with all the violence and darkness, but I like several of the actors and actresses . I record the show , so I can fast forward through the extra nasty parts . At this point, I am fascinated to see how this story unfolds. Susan
Jarifa, I think that you made a wise observation about Ofelia's negative reaction to the news. Ofelia likes to be in charge ...the puppet master telling her daughters what to do and when to do it . Susan
Oh Andy, I'm so happy you are back! Thank you for your kind, suportive words.
I'm so sorry you are trying to fend off irate computer spirits! You have my deepest sympathy and I hope everything is resolved soon.
Please comment when you are able, even stopping by to say hello is a boost! Every night the dialogue is getting more challenging for me so appreciate your and the patio's support.
Yes, we don't have a galan yet. It's not like the good old telenovela days when true love hit like a thunderbolt and the galan was ride or die for the leading lady and a rescuer and protector of any innocent . Those hero days are gone forever , I think . I don't like it because I have known real life good guys who defend the weak and are faithful to their loves,.
Anyhoo, nowadays , I guess I will have to settle for the least toxic male in this fractured fairy tale,and hope he starts his hero's journey so that I can like and respect him . At this point, that guy seems to be Nico. Susan
Hi, Andy. Hope,your issues are,being solved. I do not understand technology . I always hope things will heal themselves .
Just leap back in. I have been watching every episode, and I still am confused.
Just remember the main bad guys are : Guzman who just killed his,Aunt Pura ( and his minime Igor who is enamored of Chano), Fede ( who is terrorizing Emi and lusting after Tino) , and Facundo ( who is an idiot who thinks he isnt)
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