Thursday, February 27, 2025
PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Las Hijas de la Sra. García & Papas Por Convenencia- Week of Feb. 24, 2025
Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Papas Por Convenencia and Las Hijas de la Sra. García have are both going strong! Kat and Adriana Noel are providing notes/recaps for LHDLSG; and discussion is strong on PPC with Diana and others providing invaluable notes. So let’s cheer our leaders on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNs, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:
8-9 PM – Papas
Por Convenencia: Ep. 27-28
9-10 PM – Las Hijas de la Sra. García: Ep. 32-33
Friendly reminder: PLEASE put
the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so
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the title to one word, i.e., “Papas”.)
Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.
Labels: las-hijas, papas, primetime, Univision
Previously: Guzmán told Igor he will get Clara Luz and Rudolf out of his way. When he assumes custody of Pipe he is going to send him to boarding school.
Evil Fed sows seeds of doubt in Aidé’s mind, insinuating that Tino seeks her out so that he can be with her.
In the last scene, Rudolf is in Guzmán’s office and sees something on the computer. It appears to show a ticket/itinerary from Mexico to Zurich.
Tonight, Tino wheels Emi down the hospital corridor as Fed springs up from her chair to torment the lad as Tino walks away with the doctor. She has him take several pictures of her…
Guzmán fake cries for his tia eliciting sympathy from Lichita. She puts her head on his shoulder as Chano, carrying boxes, sees them and then walks away. He comes back, coughing to announce his presence, offering his condolences as Guzmán purposely bumps into him, dislodging some of the packages.
I’m going to try and condense all the fighting scenes (which comprise most of the episode). There is an interminable family meal during which there is constant bickering. Circe is dressing down her mother in a nasty fashion as Uli tries to stick up for Aidé. Finally, Aidé snaps at her daughter, threatening to take away her cell. When Circe goes after her mother for giving the Maxiclick shares to Facundo, Aidé has had it and threatens her with being sent to boarding school.
Igor and Guzmán come in just after Rudolf had texted Clara Luz as to what he saw on Guzmán’s computer.
Scarlet, looking adorable with her hair up, is with her father. He is pestering her as always when Ponce comes in, Scarlet scooping him up holding him lovingly. “Perro” Facundo spits out nastily.
Fed talks to Emi again about wanting to be with Tino.
Igor and Guzmán are talking when Lichita arrives, inviting Guzmán to dinner at her house.
Clara Luz and Rudolf are getting comfy and cozy on the couch. She enumerates the reasons she loves him; he is guapo, noble…They tenderly kiss but are interrupted by Pipe.
Circe complains to Aidé about Tino. Yet again.
Lichita, Guzmán and Chofis have dinner joined by sweet Chuchito in his highchair. Chofis questions him as to whether he has children, I think he answers he would like to be a father.
Emi talks with Bertha. Aidé ends up joining them saying something like she has respect for his mother. They also talk about Fed for a bit.
Facundo holds Ponce as Tino comes in. He chides Tino for romancing his “ex”. Tino tells him Scarlet is marvelous. After he leaves, Facundo holds Ponce and making a face, “barks” after Tino. I had to smile.
Tino brings up yet another family picnic. Sigh. Facundo takes Scarlet away from the table. Amidst more bickering, Bertha tells the kids to show some respect.
Fed and Aidé talk at Maxiclick, Fed teasing Aidé about Tino. Although I couldn’t understand most of it, I think she was poisoning Aidé with lies about Tino.
Abduction alert!! In a (likely futile) attempt to boost his views, Facundo picks up sweet Ponce and puts him in a lime green bag. He brings Ponce to a dog grooming salon.
Lichita comes into Guzmán’s office who sings her praises in front of Fed. He calls her his assistant and her face lights up. Thank you Guzmán she smiles.
Augusto and Bertha have coffee talk. He tells her she seems preoccupied. He talks about his wife, is it something about an accident?
Mateo gives Circe a cup that has something about friends and novios forever written on it. She leaves for class when snake Lorena slithers up.
Gina tries to apologize to Uli (for the tenth time?) he tells her OK and she hugs him.
Tino and Fed are sitting thisclose to each other on the table as Aidé sees them from the hall.
Tino and Aidé talk after which she cold shoulders him.
At Pura’s, Pipe makes no secret of the fact he wants no part of Guzmán, only Clara Luz and Rudolf.
Tino is talking about music while poor Scarlet is searching the house calling out for Ponce. Aidé gives Emi a gift, some sort of “Alexa” device. After Tino and Bertha leave, Aidé eyes Tino’s phone.
Uli, Lila and Circe start asking the device questions. Emi asks something about Uli who upon hearing the voice emanating from the machine, starts hearing voices similar to what he heard when he was being sexually abused.
Aidé picks up Tino’s phone and scrolls through his calls. Nothing odd there. She stands up then sits back down. She next looks through his pictures and finds what she most feared. There are three pictures of Fed, the last one shows her looking up and smiling at the camera with a very come-hither look.
There were seemingly dozens of scenes tonight and much talking but not much forward movement. Dialogue was elusive as always but I tried my best. Kindly fill in what I missed or got wrong.
Pipe says he's not going to Switzerland unless Clara and Rudolph go also. Guzman says ok they can go.
The conversation with Chofis when she asked if he had any children was about him losing his cousin, then his aunt, and becoming guardian to his young cousin, so in essence he is now a papa.
Facundo was quite nice to Ponzi when he was petting him. The actor must be a dog lover.
One important thing that should be mentioned, Bertha called Tino away from the meal. Earlier the maid has Bertha go with her about something important. I'm thinking Paulina will make an appearance.
One thing that was anachronistic was when aide was trying to bond with Emi. She tells him she doesn't want to compete with his mother or his memories of Paulina. The child who lost his mother at 3 months or so will have no memory of his mother....
Thank you for all you added Kat.
So Paulina will be coming...I am very curious to see what she is like, even more so as to why Tino lied about her being dead...
Ahhh, so Clara Luz and Rudolf are going to Switzerland too...
I kind of embraced the madness with this one, because ... crazy be crazy. I hope you enjoy it, it was fun writing it.
Part 1/4
Valeria blames Ofelia for sacrificing Mar in order to obtain what she wants. Mar just stands there as Vall tells Ofelia she should have never been a mother. Ofelia slaps her, Val promises she will be sorry, she will get her own punishment sooner or later. She leaves, as Ofelia tries to apologize for the slap. Mar goes away, also.
Luis tells Nick that Mar is very different from Ofelia and nobody forced Arturo to meet girls in a hotel, that’s all on him. Nick says Ofelia manipulated her way into the house. Luis doesn’t care, Mar will be his wife! Then he points to the door and the message is clear: “Get out!”
Nick runs into Val in the hallway. She is mad with Luis, Nick asks if this was their plan all along. Val denies it, Luis is the one taking advantage, using his power and his money. Nick says his father has no excuse, but he’s not the only one to blame. Are these two going to hate kiss anytime soon? I kind of like to see it.
Ofelia tries to talk some sense into Mar, there is no need to go to these extremes. Mar thinks Ofelia is being a hypocrite and is in reality very happy with what is happening. Ofelia denies it, but Mar insists she will give her the pleasure to be with someone “good enough” for her. Ofelia is extremely upset, wonders what she has done!
Val is back at her house, sleeping on the floor and talking to her dead father. Had he been here, none of this would happening. Again, this tired refrain. She’s weeping.
Mar comes to speak to Luis (she still calls him Senor). They talk about Ofelia taking things badly, he promises he will handle her, he’s seen worse (not sure about that). His kids took it badly, also, he hopes this will make them react. Does she still want to go ahead with it? He will understand if she changes her mind. Mar says she gave her word, and she will keep it, it’s the only way to help her baby. Luis is happy, they’re in this together. But first they need to make it official. They will have a civil ceremony, something simple, here at the house. Luis gives her an engagement ring, says they need to make their plan more believable. And she needs to start calling him Luis.
Camila is screaming all over the house for her father, but she runs into Mar. She calls her a tramp, says she will do everything in her power to stop this marriage. Mar shows her the ring, says she’s a bit too late, and wishes her “good luck trying”. I’m loving this new Mar, her “poor me” persona was such a bore.
Part 2/4
Paula tries to “encourage” Leo to become even more of an asset to his father. She will keep an eye on “these women” in the meantime. Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse.
When Leo leaves, she calls Chema, her journalist friend, there is a new Portilla gossip to report.
Val has come back to grab her stuff. Ofelia thinks their house is not the place for her, but Val insists in her usual stubborn way. I’m over it!
Juan still has the sads over Mar. He is reluctant to tell his father why he’s upset, he eventually shares the news about Mar’s marriage. Jacinto says he needs to keep his calm, she was not the right woman for him, she’s caused him so much pain. It’s normal to be sad, but he can’t let this thing ruin him. He has to go back to living his life, getting his job back. He has never been one to do nothing and just let things be. Juan gets the message… or does he? He says dad is right, he can’t just let things be.
Val and Ofelia see Mar’s ring. Val asks Mar not to do this, it’s not like her, they can leave this house together and same themselves. Ofelia tells her to stop pushing her sister, Mar herself says she won’t change her mind. Val leaves as Camila listens from above. Ofelia asks Mar once again if she is sure this is what she wants. Mar tells her about the civil ceremony, the faster they do it, the better.
Nick comes to see Luis again, he’s sorry for the way he talked the other day, he was upset. He still feels bad because they never fought like this before. If his father has a problem, they can solve it together, like a family. Luis says things are very clear for him, he didn’t go crazy, and he won’t change his mind. Nick only asks him to think it over, but Luis insists it’s a done deal.
Nick says that if he’s getting married, he will leave the house. Luis says he’s within his rights. I guess the first bird is leaving the nest.
Leo comes to ask Hector a copy of the will, but Hector says Luis forbade him from showing it to him. He needs to go ask his father. Leo says dad is not OK, he only wants to protect their fortune. Hector says he really can’t help; besides his father has changed his will recently. What? Is Mar getting all those shinny watches before Camila can sell them all to buy herself shoes?
Part 3/4
Ofelia comes to see Luis in his study. She realizes she can’t change his mind about marriage, so she’s come to negotiate her daughter’s future. Haha! If he truly wants to do things right, she wants Mar to have a big wedding. She deserves it and this way people won’t gossip. She wants a religious ceremony and a luxurious party. Mar will give him her best years, he has to protect her in exchange. And she knows rich people always get it all in writing.
She wants written proof that her daughter will be protected, and he won’t push her aside when he’s done with her.
Money for every day she will be married to Luis.
To become the real lady of the house.
And to have the respect of all his children.
I can’t help but respect that. Mar might be getting brighter, but Ofelia has been around the block once or twice. And I can’t really argue with her demands. You want to play, Luis? Then go all in!
Luis says he’s no young boy, he won’t accept her blackmail. She doesn’t agree, it’s not because he’s more powerful that he can use Mar. He replies he only wants to protect her, Ofelia points out he could help her by only giving her money. If he proposed marriage it’s because he wants to have her for himself. Mar is an innocent girl, he’s never met someone like her. Luis says Mar is the only one who has the right to demand things. And she needs to trust her daughter.
Ofelia says she’d respect Mar’s decision if he were a young man (yeah, sure), but he’s trapping her. Mar always wanted the white dress and the big wedding, if his intentions are correct then prove it. This is her only condition.
The patio is starting to look forward to that walk down the aisle. When the priest asks “Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace” the church walls might come down with the protest of a dozen family members whining and stomping their feet. Just saying… I can’t wait.
Arturo goes to talk to his dead mother (it’s kind of a habit with these people). He tells her everything is a mess now, he misses her so much. He kisses the tombstone.
Ofelia is very worried, she paces nervously in her room. She stops herself from crying, saying she shouldn’t be sad. Mar will lack nothing; she will never suffer the way she did. She will be the lady of the house, there is no need for her to be this sad.
Mar is outside in the garden, crying and telling herself she needs to forget Juan. She throws aways the ring he gave her.
Valeria is in Nick’s office, asking him to help her stop this madness. He still can’t believe she didn’t know anything about it. She swears she had no clue, she and Mar haven’t been OK since she became a model. Nick implies Luis is not OK, either, but that’s because of Mar. Val says he is old enough to make his own decisions. They kind of agree to disagree and Val storms out.
Luis sees that Mar has been crying, he’d like to talk to her outside the house. Arturo arrives and throws some dirt from Cecilia’s grave at Luis. Try to get rid of it like you’re doing with all of us, he yells. Auch!
Susana is spoon feeding Gloria at the hospital. Does she still not remember anything? Gloria is trying, but she can’t. Susana says she didn’t have an accident, someone hurt her. I’m almost afraid Susana pushing will put Gloria into a new coma. But no. She simply can’t remember anything.
Arturo is very mad, he tells Graciela his father will ruin the family. He’s hurting everyone with his selfishness. Graciela says he’s only trying to be happy, while they’re only thinking about themselves. Art can’t believe he’d forget his wife so quickly. Graciela says he probably only needs someone to listen to him.
Part 4/4
Luis and Mar are eating out. She’s not used to this type of places, people are watching them. Luis tells her to shake it off, asks if she truly wants the church wedding, like Ofelia told him. Mar says she only wants her baby to be born into a family with two committed parents, but he’s an important man, people will talk. He doesn’t care about that, if this will make her feel safe, then let’s do it, let’s have the big wedding. She is very thankful for what he’s doing.
Some woman arrives to say hello, gives her condolence for Cecilia and looks funny at Mar. When the woman leaves, Luis tells Mar she will have to get used to people like this.
Then they go to a fancy store, Luis would like Mar to be comfortable from now on, they will have a lot of events to go to together. Mar only needs to choose her favorite outfits. Sadly, we get no shopping montage. What a missed opportunity.
Camila is at home, looking at the big family portrait in the living room and crying to her mother about feeling so alone. That poor woman will never be able to rest in peace.
Graciela comes to comfort Camila, who says dad doesn’t care about them, he’s marrying the servant’s daughter. Graciela says their dad loves them above all else, but Camila thinks he deserves a lesson. If he thinks he can do whatever he wants, then so can she. Hahaha, I can see where this is going.
Luis and Mar arrive with a lot of shopping bags. The maids and Ofelia are waiting on the stairs to grab the things. Juan shows up and asks if it’s true that Mar is marrying this man. Luis says it’s true, so Juan congratulates Ofelia for finally getting the man she always wanted for her daughter.
I’m sorry, Juan, but you’re no prize. The only thing you have going for you is that you’re young. Between your crazy mother and your hot temper Mar is better off being married to the 60-year-old.
Adriana, yes this really was a fun episode. You reap what you sow. If Cami hadn't decided to sabotage the Juan / Mar relationship things would have gone very differently.
I think Ofelia still may be end game for Luis after the future annulment of the marriage of convenience. I think perhaps she already has some feelings for him. I also applaud her savviness in securing Mar's future.
So Nick is out of there, Leo wanted to go too but his wife isn't vacating her cushy home. Cami doesn't work and unless she has a trust fund ( which she would have used when she needed to hire the lawyer), her option will be shacking up with Juan and family. I guess she could go keep crazy Priss company. So maybe her road to salvation will be working for the company and getting her own place on her salary.
All 3 of the inside help waiting on the stairs to carry in a dozen shopping bags was funny. Meanwhile the huge garbage sack that Val brought home she managed all on her own.
Throwing the ring away was wrong. Even if she now hates Juan she should have returned it to him. He could use the money.
Thank you, Adriana for spilling all the tea in your fun, witty way! Such a judgmental group!! I'm not happy with any of them right now. Nic says he has to move out because he doesn't agree with Luis's decision. But he doesn't know what that decision is. Why is it made? Is daddy in love? How did this happen? Etc etc. These people ask no questions, draw horrible conclusions and condemn. No one agrees with a decision they don't understand..... if Nic knew daddy was just getting married for connivence to protect an unwed mother and force his children to wake the hell up, he'd probably still disapprove but at least he'd know what he was talking about.
I agree Juan is no prize. I can't get over the fact that both of his parents are so openly disrespectful of Mar right in front of his face, and he doesn't stop it. And this isn't new, it isn't only because of current circumstances, they have treated her like crap since day 1 and he's allowed it. He would have never stood up for Mar, never fought for her or protected her from his horrible mother. If they'd have stayed together Mar would have had to deal with Juan's hot temper and Susana's disrespect for the rest of her life.
I HATE Susana!!! I just hate her! Telling Gloria that someone hurt her!!! She doesn't know that. She doesn't know what happened, she has no idea if it was an accident or not!!! I just can't stand her.
I respect Ofelia standing up for Mar but at the end of the day I agree with Luis, Mar is an adult, and she can make her own decisions, and she can voice what she wants or doesn't want. The only chance this girl has is finding her own voice!!! Rich or poor, married or single, and especially with a mother like hers; she needs to take control of her own life! I like the new spark in her personality too!
Loved the recap and the snark. Thank you, Adriana, for the laughs.
Ofelia never gives up. At least Mar is getting the big wedding.
Best scene: Mar’s run in with Camila.
Visually funniest scene: After shopping spree, Mar’s purple dress matched Luis’ purple tie.
I need less of the ever-complaining Val. She has turned into a real pill.
Can’t wait until the wedding!
Thanks Diana, great recap. Augusto told Bertha he lost his wife and children, I think he said two, in an automobile accident.
I was surprised Guzman invited Clara Luz and Rudolf to go with them to Switzerland. I assumed he was going to dump Pipe at boarding school, it will be harder with them along. But he wouldn’t have to deal with Pipe on the flight, which might be what he’s thinking.
I hope Aide questions Tino about the pictures. Maybe that will make him investigate what’s going on. I wonder if Fed had anything to do with the breakup of her first marriage. Although I’m sure Facundo could end a marriage on his own!
I hope the dog is found soon! Poor Scarlet, such a sweet girl. With a really bad father!
Liz, thank you for your kind words.
I appreciate all you added. First, for confirming Augusto did lose his wife and children in an accident.
Why is Guzman bringing Clara Luz and Rudolf with him if he is dumping Pipe at boarding school?? Your theory he wouldn't have to contend with Pipe during the flight is a good one!
That dear little dog will be fine (I'm repeating to myself), he has to be! Facundo is such an idiot.
Adriana Noel, simply superb, start to finish.
"I can’t help but respect that. Mar might be getting brighter, but Ofelia has been around the block once or twice. And I can’t really argue with her demands. You want to play, Luis? Then go all in!" was perfect.
Paula "...will keep an eye on “these women” in the meantime. Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse" was spot on.
I was absolutely cheering Mar on! Like you Jarifa, I felt her scene with Cami was the highlight of the night, especially when she lifted her hand, showing the massive sparkler adorning it.
I had to smile at the shopping scene. Instead of a high end store, Luis brings Mar to a shop with a rack of 8-9 (unattractive) sparkly gowns that were nothing like anything Mar would choose. Surely that impressive array of shopping bags came from another store? :)
Arturo throwing the dirt from his mother's grave at Luis was sad. I can see and understand his pain as Luis seems to be moving quickly away from her memory.
Val needs to get a grip; I'm getting a bit tired of her whining as well.
I know I'm alone at Juan's table. Yes, he has many faults but Suzana is so sickening, I don't think anyone could shut her down. Certainly not Jacinto.
I can't wait to see what happens tonight!
Thanks Adriana, a fun morning read! I think Luis hasn’t thought about how hard this will be for Mar. Most will assume she’s a gold digger. So Nick will move out but Paula convinced Leo they need to stay. I imagine she didn’t want to give up hliving in luxury. Does she know she has no credit card anymore!
I am always shocked when people throw away engagement rings. Although I don’t think she needed to give it back to Juan. He didn’t want to see her in the jail which was when she was going to tell him about the baby. Which probably started the doubts for her, ending when she saw amila kissing him.
Leo wanting to see his father’s will was ridiculous. He really is only interested in the money. At this point Luis is the only galan! I’m a bit surprised that Graciela is keeping quiet about his real reasons for the marriage. Especially with Camila.
I’m afraid Susana is going to convince Gloria that Ofelia pushed her. I don’t like Ofelia but I don’t want her accused of something she didn’t do.
Dear Diana, thank you for that bouncy recap of an episode that twisted and turned . I loved " coffee talk" ( Bertha and Augosto's coffee talks,are bright spots ) and smiled at your clever " thisclose."
Fede is goofy but relentless In her scheme to get Tino in her clutches .
What is Facundo's plan for that poor, little pup? Susan
This story keeps taking unexpected turns. I am fascinated with Luis’ plan to help Mar and fix his kids! What could go wrong?
It seems to me that, unlike most stories, this one has no clear cut heroes. No one quite fits the galán role. Val is indeed annoying right now. I felt Mar throwing the ring was tacky. (I also wonder who will find it!) Sometimes I like Arturo, but then he does something stupid. And Nico in his shiny suit was hateful. He did redeem himself a bit last night. I admire and dislike Ofelia. So, maybe the story is more like real-life with characters a mix of positive and negative.
Having said that, I truly dislike Susanna!
The big wedding, coming so soon after first wife’s death, will be full of drama!
Diana, yes, that scene with Arturo throwing the dirt from his mother’s grave on Luis was the worst. Unbelievable! I do not know which of Luis’ kids I dislike the most. As for Juan, I hate that the writers have made him such a gullible character who would believe anyone else rather than his supposed true love Mar. Not a lot of likable characters.
Susan, thank you!
Augusto and Bertha have carved out a safe little place and are growing closer. He seems like a very good guy.
I hate that Fed has manipulated things so that Tino looks like he's salivating after Fed. As if!!!
I don't think Facundo intends on hurting the sweet pup. I keep telling myself that as I think he will eventually get home and be reunited with Scarlet.
Cher Adriana, merci for another snappy recap as Luis has pulled the rug out From under...everyone ! I think he needed something to take his mind off his grief ,his health problems, and his spoiled kids. Well, I can't wait to see how things unfold.
Ofelia just had to confront Luis and get back some of her control over Mar. However , it's good that Ofelia is still trying to protect Mar. Mothers never ever stop worrying about their children and wanting to protect them .
I am most surprised by Graciela's reaction calm . She is just supporting her dear brother.
I got a Pretty Woman flash when Luis took Mar into that store...except Julia went to the fancy chance store alone and got snubbed.
Can't wait to see Mar in a beautiful wedding gown...and all the furious faces in the crowd.
I am so tired of Val creeping back to that increasingly!y unlivable house. I am also tired of her proud huffing and puffing at everyone!!!
I wish there was someone I liked in this show. Right now, the closest go can get to tolerating somebody is Luis. His plan is crazy, but at least he is trying to help Mar. Susan
Susan I'm with you on not liking anyone much in this show. Luis and Ofelia are my favorites at this point. Nick lost a lot of points with me in the last 2 episodes. I like honest Hector!
Fed has insidiously spilled spiked tea, making Aidé believe Tino is finding excuses to spend time with her. After he leaves the room, Aidé picks up Tino’s phone and scrolls through his calls. There is nothing incriminating so she puts the phone back and sits back down. With a determined look, she looks through his pictures and sees what makes her heart sink. There are three pictures of Fed, the last one shows her looking up and smiling at the camera with a very come-hither look.
Bertha and Tino talk about the children and she gives him some advice about Circe.
Lila, Uli and Emi are still gathered around the Alexa like device. “Uli, are you all right?” Emi inquires worriedly. Uli unconvincingly shakes his head yes and seems to emerge from his momentary stupor.
Tino walks in and asks Aidé what she is doing with his phone. She hands him the phone with Fed’s picture and walks away.
A brief scene with Facundo, Clara Luz and Rudolf…
A cute boy introduces himself to Chofis and her friend. After, Chofis and her friend linger at the gate as an aggravated Chano natters on. After a bit her friend leaves. Chofis chides him for getting rid of her one friend.
Tino and Aidé argue about the pictures. He says it is his phone, and that he’s not a bad person. She wants to know how the pictures got on his cell. What is the mystery? Aidé is like a dog with a bone, she won’t let it go. All of a sudden a light goes off and Tino takes her by the hand to Emi. Emi admits he took the pictures at Fed’s request. Are you mad? No Aidé says gently laying her hand on his wheelchair. She apologizes to Tino. All of a sudden Scarlet comes in crying as if her heart is broken. Ponce is gone!! The nasty culprit Facundo comes in all innocent and doe eyed.
Clara Luz and Rudolf say how sad Pipe is sad because of Silvana and now Puras’s death.
Aidé and Tino have a family/staff meeting to organize a search party for Ponce. Scarlet is bereft. In the midst of making the plans, Facundo breaks out with a rallying cry of “yes we can”. Everyone stops dead staring as though he has two heads; the actress playing Circe looks like she is trying to suppress a smile.
Chano and Lichita are arguing again as Chofis is trying to do her schoolwork.
Facundo is following Scarlet with his camera through the park as she hyperventilates with worry. He sits down on a rock (filming all the while) and puts his arm around Scarlet kissing her head begging for the return of Ponce, a member of the family. Talk about exploitation. Comments come streaming in. He posts a picture of Ponce. Scarlet cries and puts her arm around her father.
Aidé, Lila and Circe are searching the grounds, well it’s more like they are searching in place as Circe pushes aside a few bushes. The girls argue as Aidé tells them how noble they are for helping (that’s a stretch) and reminds them they need to help Scarlet.
Augusto and Bertha sit on a bench taking a break from the search. Uli and Tino are walking in a wooded area of the park when Uli has another flashback. He recalls walking in the park, seeing balloons floating…Suddenly, a figure in a gray track suit with a head covering resembling a red wolflike creature, overcomes him throwing him on the ground. He starts pawing him and touching his face with gloves. Uli starts shaking as Tino holds his son’s shoulders tightly in support.
The search party reconvenes with another failed “yes we can” rally from Facundo. Aidé says pictures of Ponce have been circulated. Facundo dives under Tino’s arm, pushing him away to be next to Scarlet.
Aidé confronts Fed about the pictures but Fed seems to turn things around on Emi. Sorry Fed says meaning not a word, making the zipping her mouth motion. Aidé apologizes to Tino, which he is gracious about and hugs her.
Lila asks Candy (the device) about the death of her mother but of course it can’t answer.
Oh no, Facundo has Ponce!! Fed stares at him as he asks her to hold onto Ponce. She very reluctantly agrees to take him, holding out her arms with a look of pure disgust.
At breakfast, everything is peaceful until Facundo comes in and calls for coffee which Tino notes, muttering under his breath to Aidé.
Fed and Tino chat, I’m not sure what she said about the pictures. She goes right into Guzmán’s office but leaves when Lichita comes in, Fed pursing her lips as he shuts the door.
Tino thinks music will cheer the children up. He sits at the drums, Lila and Uli have guitars, Circe on keyboard.
Clara Luz goes to pick up Pipe from school but he’s not there. Guzmán doesn’t answer so she calls Rudolf. He reassures her that Guzmán is Pipe’s tio and asks her not to worry.
Mercifully, we were not privy to the musical interlude. Lila sing songs that Emi and Scarlet are novios. Scarlet smiles as Lila shuts the door and asks Candy about her mother.
There was a Maxiclick meeting with Igor, Rudolf, Lichita and a few other people. Whatever Rudolf proposed was met by stony stares as most of the staff get up and leave…
We see Pipe IS with Guzmán - at the airport!!! Clara Luz finally gets him and worriedly asks him where he is. He brushes her off saying it’s my responsibility. I think Pipe asks if Clara Luz and Rudolf are coming. No Guzmán snaps. Then, Guzmán plays with Pipe’s hand puppets in a very creepy manner.
It seems Candy has found something on Lila’s mother.
A serious Tino sits with Aidé. Paulina isn’t dead he tells her just a Candy confirms the same to Lila!
I hope that the ending is how I interpreted it and that most of what I recorded is right. Due to my lack of language skills, I had to do some guess work. Kindly fill in what I missed and/or what I did not get right.
Juan is dragged off the property after insulting Mar and congratulating Ofelia on a job well done getting her daughter a husband amongst the rich and famous. That must have hurt his stab wound..
Ofelia pulls Mar up.the steps and into the house where she promptly faints dead away in a graceful puddle on the marble floor. Ofelia tells for help.
Val wants to quit her job. Hector tells her she would owe more than a million pesos if she breaks the contract. He advises her to fulfill it.
Val wanders back to her neighborhood where she runs into Amparo. She is so upset about Mar who is about to ruin her life. It's all her fault for accepting the modeling job, although it was really Arturo's fault for plastering her picture all over creation. It was mars dream to be a model and she took it away from her. Amparo says no, that isn't what us troubling her. I saw her at the abortion clinic a few days ago. Val weeps in pain for her sister.
Luis is using smelling salts to awaken his princess bride to be, who is now lying on the sofa. Hopefully he didn't carry her there with his faulty ticker . Ofelia hovers over them wanting to call a doctor. Mar revives and says she is fine, she didn't eat and that is why she fainted. Ofelia rushes off to find her some food. Mar tells Luis that brutish guy is the baby's father. He wants to be sure she still wants to marry him. She says yes, it is the best thing for herself and the baby. ( These lar 2 scenes are in reverse order. I didn't start writing immediately and I forgot which scene happened when).
Ofelia is now tending to Mar who is on the bed in their shared servant quarters. O asks how she's doing. Mar is feeling the pressure of her upcoming wedding and all the decisions that will need to be made and everyone is against it. O grunts in agreement but backs off and says she won't talk about it ever again. They discuss the big wedding. O asks what do you think about having the church wedding. Mar tells her I think the same as you but turns her back on her as she tries to rest on the bed.
Oh, the guards are missing at the night scene. Guess they cut the extras budget....Val is back and she wants to talk to Mar. O heads her off at the pass, the bedroom door, telling her Mar is resting. Val really needs to talk with her. O says she knows everything about Mar, the reason she has been so sad was because she had an abortion.
Juan arrives home. His folks are laughing and happy at their table. They ask where he's been. He is looking to replace his stolen car and get back to work. His Mar dreams are over. Jacinto says, you are healthy and free, you have that to celebrate.
Angry Val surfaces again. She blames O for Mar getting the abortion. Ofelia tries to tell her she only wanted what was best for her, she never told her to abort the baby, my God, what kind of monster do you think I am! You should have told me . She has been dealing with this alone. You pushed her into this engagement. O tells Val she is just as guilty for stealing Mars modeling dreams. Val fires back, you have drilled into her all her life the value of the almighty dollar. A bit more was said but just imagine Val on her high horse as I don't feel like typing it all. And of course she storms out, probably to wallow in her burned out house, which apparently did not have the windows break from the flames and mostly just left soot and ash everywhere.
Luis is drinking some tea when Leo storms in throwing the paper at him. You are now the butt of all jokes. Luis sticks to his guns about his life, his decisions. I think he threw a jab in about Leo and his poor marriage choice. Leo storms back out. Luis needs to kick him and Paulina to the curb and out of his house. He's a definite stress Inducer. Luis looks at the headline, the famous businessman Luis Portillo is about to get married. Just him in the photo.
Say yes to the dress Ofelia style. Val is painting her walls white. Sure hope it's Kilz with stain blocking. Graciela reads a different headline, Nick is apartment hunting, Cami leaves the dinner table in disgust and runs into O, literally, Val has more photo shoots with Nick and Arturo in the background watching.
Graciela and Luis eat a solitary breakfast. She checks to make sure he really knows what he is doing. Yup, he's totally sure.
Rocio reads a headline about the wedding. She asks herself, now who will be the mother of my son? ( He is a full grown man, I would say no one, unless you make your existence known.)
And as one of us speculated, Susana is trying to shape Gloria's memories. She doesn't recognize Susana's house. Susana tells her what happened wasn't an accident, it was because of Senora Garcia. Gloria then says Ofelia? Well this is the weirdest amnesia ever. You remember a woman's name you've only met twice, but not your cousin? Jacinto listens to Susana talking to Gloria and appears to have a skeptical look about what he is hearing.
It's the big day. Ofelia brings the dress into their room ( ok Luis didn't move his brie to . I asks once again if she is sure. Yes ma'am. O replies you know I've always wanted what is best for you. Mar assures her this is the best. Mar leaves to get her hair and makeup done.
Luis is removing his wedding ring and telling Cecilia she is his only love, but he is doing this for the good of their children. He kisses the ring, puts it in a ring box and places it in a dresser drawer. Val knocks and asks to speak with him. She calls him a good and honorable man, but why this crazy idea to marry Mar. He says it's not crazy. She tells him you give Arturo a hard time about not thinking of the consequences of his actions. You are doing the same. Please don't marry Mar. He tells her this was Mar's decision.
Back to Susana pressuring Gloria to blame Ofelia for her accident. Gloria only recalls O's name. She remembers Sra Cecilia though, but not that she is dead. Her swiss cheese memories are frustrating Susana, but Jacinto is the voice of reason telling her to not pressure Gloria. The Dr told you it will likely come back in time.
Luis tries to convince Val that he has Mar's best interest at heart and he is helping her
Graciela and Cami are dressed beautifully in long dresses ( Val's was short). Cami is making her own way to the church ( with her personal chauffeur that owes her rides for life perhaps)
Arturo is boycotting the wedding apparently. Nick comes in wearing a nice black suit or tux ( Luis was in brown, I like the black better). He is t attending this farce of a marriage. Nick talks sense into him, pretty long speech. Val was mentioned but not sure if he said she may quit the campaign or what. At any rate Arturo is going.
Val is walking to the wedding I guess. At any rate she is sobbing uncontrollably as she leans against a lamp post. Rocio is walking behind her. She asks are you ok? Val says yes. Rocio giver a a tissue to dry her tears. Rocio asks her if she came from the Portillo house and is it true he is getting married.? Yes, today. Rocio asks about the wife to be, is she nice? Val says she is the sweetest person in the world as she continues to cry.
Rocio asks some more questions about the wedding which makes Val think she is a reporter. Rocio pulls out the Nanny story to justify her interest is the Portillo sons. Val says she knows Nick and Arturo and they introduce themselves.
Oh, I get to mention all the pretty dresses. Ofelia is in stunning long black dress with lace netting. Quite eye-catching, but is the black a statement? She calls for Mar who descends the stairs in her lovely sleeveless, princess waist wedding gown with a pretty long train. So did Mar get herself ready without her mother or sister. Weird. O tells her she looks like a princess. Mar in her new snooty act taunts her, just like you wanted , right. O repeats her stock "I just wanted what was best for you". Mar says snidely, and we did it. O says we did. Your life will change for always today. They hug. Mar asks did Val com? O says no. Mar remembers Juan and his proposal and cries. They walk towards the door with O singing the wedding March off key.
Ofilia escorts Mar down the aisle to the in tune organ played wedding March. Yay, Luis is looking better in a black tux. Graciela wonders where Cami is. Arturo stands beside her also in black with sunglasses on? Looks like Val is beside O in a long lilac velvet dress and Amparo is also there. The guest list was a big one as most of the seats are full.
And Cami is bringing a date, they stopped at a tux place along the way...Juan takes her breath away. He should change the maroon tie and cummerbund to royal blue to match her like a prom date,! He is worried as it's so expensive. She says no worries you look spectacular.
We see the wedding but no words are spoken. Graciela and Ofelia drape the cross with ropes around them. Now the priest speaks and declared them man and wife. They did not show them kids to seal the deal, they walk down the aisle while rose petals are tossed over them. A family photo is taken by the paparazzi.( no Cami still). Rocio is at one of the photographers shoulder . She says Valeria and senora Gloria....
Jacinto asks Susana how long are they putting Gloria up. Susana says a few more days, until she remembers. Jacinto believes she would be better off at her daughter's.
Ofelia welcomes the gossips from her barrio to the reception. They thank her for the invitation. O says all are welcome except awful Susana. She compliments them on their lovely (long) dresses. The three pass by Graciela and Paulina and compliment Paulina. She is less than pleased that the hoi poloi have invaded the upper echelons.
Paulina is playing up the hostess bit. Graciela still wonders where Cami is. The guests are finding their seats for dinner. Arturo sees Val and tells her she looks beautiful. She turns and walks away. Amparo apologizes for her, saying this is really hard for her. He understands, it's hard for him too. He's only there for her. He stares at Val . Ofelia notices and gives a slight knowing smile.
Paulina and Saul have words at the reception. They smile at each other as they talk with gritted teeth. I think he arranges a time for them to meet next week. He tells her to come with less clothes.
The happy couple arrive at the reception to lots of clapping.
Susana wakes a sleeping Gloria. Looks like she got her memory back. The last thing she remembers is talking to Ofelia. Susana drops her teacup.
Cami and Juan arrive. OMG. They walk up to the table where the bride and groom are seated. Cami wants to give a toast to the happy bride and groom. She also has found the love of her life and they got married today also. ( Woohoo a double reception and daddy doesn't have to pay for his daughter's wedding!). Arturo wants to beat Juan up but is held back by his brothers. Not sure exactly what Cami said in the end but it was more salt in the wound for Mar.
So no dies anyone object to the wedding. I thought that was where Juan and Cami may have made an appearance. Wonder where the newly weds plan to live? With Susana and Jacinto? Or will they be in daddy's house? I got to recap a double wedding! Lucky me
You did pretty well. The meeting at the job was supposed to be headed by Tino, but he was AWOL, putting out the Uli fire. Rudolph wants to divide the world on maximax up, but the maxiclik people don't work for maximax and they don't want to take on more responsibility. Also Tino is missing so they feel no obligation to be told what to do by an underling.
Guzman cruelly tells Pipe that Clara and Rudolph don't want to go to Switzerland and they want nothing more to do with him.
Wonderful Kat!
"Val is painting her walls white. Sure hope it's Kilz with stain blocking" had me smiling away.
Many smiles were shared by the bride and groom but not one kiss.
Cami had the perfect revenge; she not only marries the love of Mar's life, she usurps her wedding with the announcement. Shoving the ring on her bony finger right in Mar's face was salt in the wound. I was disappointed Juan felt he had to mirror her cruelty by following suit.
I was also wondering where happy couple #2 will live. I vote for the mansion although the situation will be untenable and will likely come to a quick end. Does Ofelia now have a place for life in Luis' casa?
Tonight was a veritable what TO wear. Camila looked lovely in sapphire and Graciela was stunning in her gold and black. Val looked pretty in velvet but other than the bride, I think Ofelia in her gorgeous black dress was best dressed. Mar looked beautiful, I loved her dress, her hair; the flowers she carried were amazing.
Did Luis realize that Cami's and Mar's Juan was one in the same? If not, he does now...
Kat, I did think Guzman told poor Pipe Clara Luz and Rudolf abandoned him but wasn't positive. Thank you for confirming that.
Excellent recap! Loved your commentary. Thanks, Kat.
How much more can Val complain and cry? What a loser! She still was tryng to get out of her job? Her dress was a beautiful color but what was with the shoulder pads?
Mar’s gown was beautiful. The priest never said that the groom could kiss the bride. Smart decision on Luis’ part.
At least there were no Amazon commercials..
Does anyone ever wonder how women’s engagement rings automatically fit in novelas and never seem to have to be resized?
Great job, Kat, with quite en eventfull episode.
Things are shifting.
Mar is becoming Mrs. Portillon
Val is going back to her beloved hole in the ground.
Nick is moving out - to some bachelor pad supposedly
Camila will be Mrs. Juan Poor Guy Las Name and possibly moving into tye vecindad (and I'm looking forward to seeing her get used tobher new accomodations)
I agree to those who can't stand Val's behaviour anymore (whic is everybody, I believe). All she does all day is:
Talk back to her mother
Try to tell her sister what to do (just like her mother)
Whine about her new job saying she's not a model
Kick and scream as a sign of so called strenght, when in fact it's the exact opposite.
Ah, well, let's see what comes next.
Thank you, Kat for that fabulous recap of all the drama! I can't wait to see all the dresses and fashion but I haven't watched yet. I have a get together this morning and was running errands so it'll be this afternoon before I can watch.
I don't know why but I am finding every new stupid twist and development nothing but amusing! Maybe it's because real life has been extra stressful lately and the whole 'it's just a story' of it all just makes me laugh and say they don't have any real problems. Was getting married a stupid decision for both couples, yep! But probably even more so for Cami and Juan. I bet she'll regret teaching daddy a lesson real fast!!! Maybe she'll actually grow up??? Either way, it'll be interesting to watch.
I have to keep reminding myself that Mar is actually heartbroken over losing Juan because I keep thinking she isn't losing much. Diana needs to send me some of that sympathy she has for Juan because all I see is an immature hot head who is creating his own problems - and he just created another GIGANTIC ONE!!! Good job, dude!
Can't wait to watch the pot bubble over!!!
Susana is just wicked!!!
Thanks Diana, great recap. I’m so glad the pictures on phone got resolved quickly. I hope Aidé starts to mistrust Fed.
So Facundo kidnapped Ponce partly as a publicity stint for his fans and partly to be the hero for his daughter. What kind of father delibertly brings pain to his daughter.
Guzmán was also another cruel one. Telling Pipe that Clara Luz and Rodolfo don’t love him and didn’t want to come.
I don’t like when adults are so cruel to kids and we’ve got 3 of them in this!
Thanks Kat, great recap. I wonder how Camila convinced Juan to get married. The fact that she did it to hurt her dad does not bode well for the marriage. I’d love for them to live with Susana, that would give Camila a dose of reality! But I bet they will be in the mansion. Which will be tense for both newlywed couples!
I hate what Susana is doing to Gloria. Jacinto knows it’s wrong and needs to take Gloria to her daughters.
At first I thought Rocio assumed Luis had married Ofelia. But the wedding dress would give away the true bride.
We better get ready for the fireworks!
Kat, I finally had a chance to read your hopping recap between chores ! What a fun read with a cup of my fav coffee!!!
Hey, awful Susana actually spilled her tea ( and broke her cup) when Gloria seemed to remember Ofelia,...but she only remembered talking with Ofelia. Susana is going to lose it when she discovers that her enemy O is now the. rich guy's mother in law.
Mar was lovely . The one thing I like about her is she's quiet, unlike her mother and Val who are always yelling at somebody, often each other .
More later. Susan
Well, one bright spot is that Pris and Dad did not show up at the wedding or reception.
Kudos to the wedding Planner who pulled together a big church wedding and a fancy reception in a few days !!!
Where will Juan and Cami live?..I am sure that the writers will put them wherever there will be the most drama ..the mansion. Besides, Gloria is on the sofa at Susan'as little house , and Juan has a single bed . So will Juan be the chauffeur even though he is married to the daughter ? Sure.,that makes sense.
Yes, lets hope Val got special paint . My college roommate's house burned down a year ago and she told me that the contractor would have to use a special paint on the walls.
I wonder if smarmy Saul was Paula's pimp? Perhaps,she came from humble beginnings the way she looked down on O's friends from the barrio .
Loved seeing the ladies all dolled up. I especially liked Gracelas and Ofelia's gowns.
Great discussions from everyone. The wardrobe descriptions could have filled an entire comment and I'm no fashionista so I couldn't do them justice. I don't know why initially Val was wearing that short red dress. She's always in exercise clothes. Where did she perform her quick change. Susan, I agree Paula most likely was a call girl, or high end professional escort given she also was a lingerie model, I think. Saul probably was her pimp, or a client.
Darcy, I'm with you on enjoying the distraction. I'm so looking forward to spring and clearing my head in my gardens. This patio is a great outlet also. I enjoy all the discussions and feel like it is a book club meeting.
OT, does anyone else watch a different series in their native tongue and recap it in their heads and make observations you wish others would give their input on. I was watching the PBS show All Creatures Great and Small and I so wanted to discuss events in it. I saw the original series years ago. This new one is good. I've read all the books also.
I tried posting this around 1:20 and it disappeared. Let's see if it works this time.
Kat, sometimes my comments evaporate ,and I have no idea why.
The only other time I have discussed a tv show is the Starz series " Outlander" which is based on a book series by Diana Gabaldon . I found a forum online where the author and her fans discussed the books and the tv show . It was interesting asking her questions which she usually answered and discussing the books,and shows with other fans .
Maybe you could Google to see if there is a forum for "All Creatures Great and Small. ". Susan
Liz, thank you very much.
I so agree Facundo and Guzmán are the worst! This certainly has its share of toxic fathers (technically, Guzmán isn't one yet and hopefully won't ever be).
I am axious to see how Clara Luz and Rufolf will work to get Pipe back...
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