Monday, February 24, 2025
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Sed de Venganza, La Jefa y más: Week of February 24, 2025
Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
10 - 11PM - La Jefa
12 - 1AM - Sed de Venganza (midnight, Tues through Fri)
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: jefa, telemundo, venganza
As I said earlier, I am prepared to recap once a week. Tuesday continues to be the best day for me. Any volunteers for Monday?
I haven’t been able to watch this one yet and not sure I can take the violence. Like, real violence. Not the off-screen violence of people we don’t care about, as in La Familia. And really, really don’t like the rape scenes, although the attempt described sounds like it’d be worth watching.
I’ll watch this week and see if it’s one I want to stick with or wait for the next.
I'm with K on this one. I've watched maybe 15 minutes of the first episode and have been reading the recaps and the violence is a big turn off for me. It's a shame because I actually liked the Gloria actress in Juana and wanted to see her as the protagonist in this one.
K, Kat in SC & Co.,: Admit it: Y'all do NOT like Fabiola Guajardo as the leading Protagonista.
Kat in SC & Halimacandy: I will post my personal thoughts on last night's episode later this afternoon.
Looking forward to seeing the recap of Monday's episode.
I have not had a spare minute to watch the show yet so my recap if I do one will be late. Tomorrow I will also be busy so not sure how that one will go either. I don't hate the actress playing Fernanda. Not a fan of that burgundy lipstick she wears. This is my first time seeing her in anything. The only ones I have seen before are the actors playing Alonso and Elisa.
Well, I didn't want do watch a show full of darkness,and violence, but I like many of these actors and find the story kind of fascinating . I record the show, so I can fast forward the nasty stuff .
When will the cops come to Gloria to have her go undercover. It seems that is where this is headed.
I like the actor playing Sebas and wonder if he and Gloria will end up together .
Uriel Crow)is doing a good job playing this rather dim, creepy, drug addicted guy obsessed with Gloria.
Gloria's mother was Valentino Lanus 's mother in a recent novela. I can't remember the title. Susan
Super short today.
*Joseph is standing with Ana. I like this pair up.
*Marcelo is supporting Brenda. She needs to see and confront Gabriel. He begs for forgiveness but she will only be happy when he is dead.
*Elisa and Francisco visit Roberto in the hospital. After learning he will need a donor kidney they both offer to be tested to see if they are a match.
*Fernanda and Moni argue with Myrna witnessing it.
*Fernanda is convinced Alfredo is also guilty of killing Brenda's family. I think she wants to take over Gabriel's VP position. Alfredo says Sebastian is taking over. Sebastian is stressed by his new job and also having to take up Roberto's workload.
*Tania agrees to marry Alonso.
* Paty offers to help stressed Alfredo, but he just wants to be alone. This after he visited Gabriel in jail. Gabriel will take dad down with him if he doesn't somehow arrange a jailbreak (during a jail transfer) and get him out of the country.
* Fermin's appearances today involved talking on the phone with Erika, and having the dubious pleasure of helping Alonso shower. Claudia was offered the job by Alonso but she vehemently declined.
* Mirna was Fernanda's shadow most of the episode dropping her advice which Fernanda' ignores.
Here are some things I remember about last night's episode (#5?).
Just about everyone in Gloria's familiy receives the same text or email message simultaneously: "No one steals from the narcos and lives to tell the tale"
Gloria feels she has to leave with her son. Her mother wants to go with them. Luisa doesn't want her mother to go with Gloria (surprise, surprise).
Gloria is reluctant to have her mother accompany her. Her mother gives Gloria whatever cash she has in her purse.
Duque tells some guy to follow Gloria on a moto rather than a car. Attack her, but make it seem like a mugging.
Someone whose name is Tamayo, I think, meets with Duque. Duque eventually seems to convince him to help. Tamayo is listed on a cast list as Commander Tamayo, which may indicate that Duque has succeeded in getting support from either a high-placed policeman or a military person.
Facundo tells his mother that he was supposed to meet Karen, but she never showed up. Karen, I think, is the female chemistry student who was kidnapped by the narcos.
The bad guy on the moto rides up next to the car Gloria is driving, smashes a car window, and holds on as she speeds up. I'm not sure, but I think he finally can't hold on. And then we're told that Babas is dead. I assume the guy on the moto was Babas, but I may be mistaken.
Gloria tells a priest about her situation and asks him to let her and her son stay in the church overnight. He agrees.
Cuervo still thinks that Gloria loves him and will go off with him after he saves her.
Sebastian comes to see Gloria in the church. Suddenly, he learns that Sonia has a problem involving money, and he needs to see her first. So he tells Gloria exactly where the money is, and I think he says he'll meet her there.
Though I still have no idea who Torres is, we see that his sister is about to have plastic surgery to make her already slender body even more perfect (she thinks). The guy working with Torres lets him know that this is about to happen. Just as she's about to be anesthesized, the police raid the place and stop the operation.
I'm afraid I've run out of steam and memory.
#6 – Part 1 of 3
First an addition to Juanita’s recap. And thanks so much, Juanita. Duque showed up at a restaurant where Tamayo was having dinner with his much younger and quite beautiful wife. In his usual style of threatening people while looking calm and pleasant, he tells Tamayo he has no choice but to cooperate. During this discussion, he eats half of Tamayo’s steak and all of his glass of wine. Looks like Tamayo is in.
Tonight’s episode again shows Gloria looking out of the window of the house Sebastián was involved in remodeling and sees Duque shoot Jacinto’s driver/security guy in the head. He sees her before she ducks down.
We change scenes to the raid on the cosmetic surgery building. Eduardo Torres leads the raid and stops the procedure before the sketchy doctor can begin on his sister. The doctor and his nurse fight back, but Eduardo wins out. Tamayo, the new head of the Tijuana FGE, who’s replaced the deceased Juan José Cruz, also enters the clinic.
We see the disgusting Jacinto trying to find Gloria in that house. He’s followed her because of the camera planted in Sebas’ cell. Gloria takes out un par de ladrillos (a couple of bricks) and pulls out a black backpack full of money.
Sonia discovers Sebas passed out on the lawn, and her mother calls an ambulance.
A young woman is looking for her mother, who we discover had died from a botched surgery. After this Torres gives Tamayo a speech about protecting people who dream of improving themselves from these butchers.
Jacinto finds Gloria and brags about the camera in Sebas’ cell. He grabs the backpack and takes a look. “Where’s the rest?” The SOB says he doesn’t want the cartel to know who took that backpack, so he’ll have to kill her.
Gloria’s mother is with Daniel at the church where Gloria spent the night. The kid wants a flower and moves out to the sidewalk. Looks like Cuervo grabbed him.
Jacinto says that Gloria’s death will appear to be a balancing of accounts for what Juan José did. He pulls out a rope, presumably to strangle her. [This reminds me of the warning not to bring a knife to a gunfight.] Gloria pulls a gun. She tells Jacinto to take the money. And that Duque is outside waiting for him. Jacinto grabs the gun, leaves the backpack, and tries to make his escape.
It appears that Eduardo’s sister is going to rehab for what she says is her addiction. Guess it’s an addiction to wanting to be a perfect beauty.
Eduardo gets a round of applause from the other cops. Looking a bit miffed, Tamayo joins in.
Duque grabs up Gloria. They see the money in the backpack. Duque says this money is nothing. He mimics wiping salsa off his lips with one of the bills.
Just then Cuervo brings in Daniel. Gloria is beside herself. Jacinto avoids Ernestina’s calls but calls Sonia. He tells her he left the money with Gloria so Duque would blame her and hurt her.
Duque asks Gloria about the rest of the money. He says Cuervo will be happy to send the kid after his father if she doesn’t tell where the money is. Cuervo takes the boy outside. Gloria tells the truth, that her brother-in-law, Sebastián was going to give this money to her. But she doesn’t know where the $5 million is.
We hear a shot, and Gloria collapses. She’s sobbing on the floor when the boy comes in. She tells Duque he has to believe her. She’d never play with the life of her child.
Cuervo tells Duque he knows Gloria cannot be harmed. She must be telling the truth. He offers to echar (kill) the boy, but Gloria can’t be touched. Duque tells him that a woman would never keep quiet nor lie when the life of her child is at risk. He tells Cuervo to go look for the Governor.
Duque speaks to Gloria. He says he’s been at this game a long time, and he’s seen people willing to even sacrifice a child for money. “I have an instinct. You’re not like that.” He tells her she owes him two fingers, the life of one of his guys, and also the life of her son. “Don’t forget.”
Jacinto has to give up when his cell rings while Cuervo is looking for him. Cuervo shoots him in the shoulder when Jacinto tries a tricky move.
#6 – Part 3 of 3
Gloria jumps in her beater car with Daniel and runs. Cuervo is supposed to get rid of the body of Jacinto’s guard, but he follows Gloria.
Gloria calls Sebas again, but Sonia answers his phone and says they’re at the hospital.
The mother of Karen, the kidnapped chemistry major, is looking for her. Facundo, the son of Gloria’s mother’s housekeeper, speaks with this woman. He says they can report this to the campus authorities and maybe should also let the police know.
We discover what’s wrong with Sebastián. It’s multiple sclerosis, and the very worst kind. {Damn! Couldn’t they have given this disease to Jacinto!]
Gloria calls her mother to assure her that Daniel is all right and then goes inside the hospital. Cuervo lurks outside with the dead body.
Duque talks with Jacinto in some apartment. He says he’s surprised they haven’t met. Jacinto says that he’s losing blood, and it wouldn’t suit Duque for him to die in his house. Duque just laughs at him, saying he knows he was after that money that doesn’t belong to him. Jacinto tries to play the Governor card, and Duque tells him he knows why more important people. And wrenches his bloody shoulder for emphasis.
Duque asks Jacinto why he’d risk himself following Gloria to get his money. “In your position, with so many lapdogs, why’d you come alone?” He also asks if Jacinto was in on the taking of the money and Cruz betrayed him. From what Duque says next, it looks like Jacinto is on his way to the landfill. I can say for sure that I’m not in tears. But Jacinto suggests a deal, so maybe it's too soon for this rat to go.
Cuervo gets some guy to get rid of the dead guard and the vehicle. He warns the guy not to talk about the switching of vehicles. He says he has something to resolve with his woman [!]
Gloria is at the hospital. She’s just into the lobby when Sebas calls her. She tells him she’s on her way in. We see Sebas remembering the words of the doctor, that he has two months to live.
Gloria tells Sebas what happened at the building where he stashed the money and also about Jacinto. She says that to put this behind them, she’ll need to leave Tijuana and disappear.
Kat in SC: Thanks for the recap of last night's episode. My personal thoughts on last night's episode (it'll be super-short).
*Tania OMG. This dumb girl has no idea of the sinister devious plans Slick Alonso has planned for her.
*Francisco & Gullible Elisa being tested for kidney donations for Mooching Roberto. OMG why ?
*Gabriel wants to flee the country eh ? Wake me up when the federal law enforcement agencies catch this jackass.
*Paty: NOBODY wants you. Go away!
*Crazy Goldie Locks & Monica arguing wasn't surprising. I see Sebastian is struggling with the new job.
*Ana (plus the actress portraying her) is AWESOME.
* Fernanda taunts Francisco and Elisa about their nobility in sacrificing a kidney to the cause, unfortunately she can't help as she is pregnant, but Mirna can get screened, right, Mirna. She nods yes reluctantly.
*Daddy managed to get the jail to remove Gabriel from sharing a holding cell with the dastardly duo, Rafita and Miguel.
*Ana keeps pointing out to dad that Gabriel murdered 4 people. Alfredo just keeps bashing the Ferrerro family. He wonders who phoned in the anonymous tip?.
*Roberto is touched at the fact they are willing to give him a kidney. Fernanda says they are doing it to make themselves look good. Mirna disagrees with her.
*Marcelo and Brenda are in the hallway of the jail still. She can't believe Alfredo is still free, she is convinced he is the mastermind.
* Mirna can't believe Fernanda offered her up as a donor without her consent. Fernanda says you probably won't be compatible but you will look good in offering.
*Paty and Claudia discuss Gabriel, Rafita and Miguel's arrest. Claudia would like to see.him and laugh at his incarceration. Paty actually gives good advice, stay away from them, best go light candles at church for your soul.
*Ana straight up asks dad, are you sure you knew nothing of Gabriel's plans? He says you really have that poor an opinion of me? She says she loves him no matter what.
*Brenda talks with Tania who tells her Marcelo is part of her past. She deserves him and hopes they will be happy together. They then discuss Alonso. Brenda doesn't think Tania looks happy about marrying him. Tania thinks he has changed, Brenda thinks such a turnaround is weird.
*Marcelo and Fermin think Francisco is crazy for offering a kidney. They pray he isn't a match.
*Elisa is now making Alfredo swear he knew nothing of Gabriel's plans.
*Erika can't forgive Claudia for not speaking up. Nacho understands but it is a lesson and she should learn from her mistakes.
*Alfredo doesn't think Elisa should give a kidney either.
*Ana warns Paty that Alfredo is a narcissist.
*Nacho tells Erika and Claudia he is buying Manuela's house. The area is perfect to grow a family as he looks at Claudia.
*Alonso tells Elisa he and Tania are getting married.
* Brenda offers help from her company to Marcelo, Francisco and Sebastian.
Fernanda visits Gabriel in jail.
*Elisa talks to Tania about her marriage plans.
*Alfredo rejects Brenda's offer of a loan .
*Mirna counsels Roberto. He feels he doesn't deserve healing. He hurt Elisa. He married her on Fernanda's insistence, he and Fernanda had been lovers for quite a while.
*Fernanda is working on Gabriel to give his dad up.
*Elisa will never forgive Tania.
Roberto is on his way to surgery. He tells Elisa he married her without loving her. He has signed the divorce papers.
*Brenda and Marcelo have a mutual admiration thing going on and they kiss.
*Roberto dies on the operating table....
Kat in SC: Things are heating up in the closing stretch.
130.) Paty is stilll STUPIDLY gullible. Alfredo will throw her away without a second thought.
131.) Mirna, Mirna, Mirna: You had to know that Crazy Goldie Locks was going to sacrifice you to the altar at some point.
132.) Marcelo needs to help get Brenda OUT of FL & the US altogether. Because Gabriel & Alfredo aren't going to stop until Brenda & Co., are dead.
133.) Mirna counseling Mooching Roberto LOL. Hillarious.
134.) Claudia needs to answer for her complicity in the crimes against humanity. Big Mouth Expletive needs some Karma coming her way.
135.) Ana does have a point Dumbass Alfredo: Gabriel needs to answer for his crimes & killing Daddy & Mommy Ferrero including Brenda's brothers.
136.) Kat in SC: Want to see the look on Dumbass Alfredo's face when he finds out the person who phoned anonymously LOL.
137.) Tanina: I am DONE with your incompetent behind. Slick Alonso: whatever EVIL plans you've got cooked up, I am all for it. Do us all a favor & KILL Tania because I cannot stand seeing her on the TV screen.
138.) If Tania dies, does Mirna get to control Tania's business?
139.) Crazy Goldie Locks still stirring the pot of chaos. Wake me up when Eugenio returns again.
140.) Paty: Ana is trying to save your freaking life & spare you from the inevitable discarding that will be coming your way when Alfredo gets tired of you.
141.) Divorced papers finally signed, so that Francisco & Gullible Elisa can FINALLY get their happily ever after.
142.) Mooching Roberto kicks the bucket during surgery: Too bad: Dude got off way too easy.
Many thanks, novelera, for this terrific recap! And thanks too for adding more about Tamayo to my skeletal list of events from Monday's episode. It looks as if Tamayo may be following in his predecesor JJ's footsteps, including finally giving in to corruption.
I don't have much to add to your splendid account. I do wonder about the money Gloria finds in Sebastián's hiding place. Perhaps I missed a partial scene, but when I saw Gloria and then Jacinto look at the amount of money Gloria had removed from the hiding place, it seemed as if there were just a few small stacks of bills, seemingly not enough to be the $200,000 Sebastián said was there. Am I mistaken? It's quite possible. I'm by no means at my most alert during the 10-11 PM time slot.
Duque interests me. For one thing, I think he's quite attractive. Indeed, he's perhaps the most attractive of the males still alive in the novela. He also seems quite smart (in stark contrast to Cuervo and Jacinto). And although he's clearly not one of the good guys, he does have some good qualities, such as his sensing that Gloria would never sacrifice her son. I imagine that Duque will not have a HEA ending, nor would he deserve one, but he does impress me more than most of the other characters. At least for now.
terrific recap novelera!
I think the Duque started in on Tamayo's wife dinner, poor girl, she got tossed aside like a good wife while the boys talked business, I hope Tamayo took her to a different restaurant and started over.
yes, 'bringing a knife to a gun fight", say, where did Gloria get a gun, for that matter where did Jacinto get a rope, wow, quick scene, Gloria wouldn't have shot him but I think she should have won.
Torres sister is now in rehab for plastic surgery addiction, what?, will that be in a hospital? Not only does Torres kick the bad guys but he gives everyone a speech.
Cuervo sure is frustrated, so close to closing the deal with Gloria, but always sidetracked, no wonder he needs drugs to calm down, driving around with a dead guy as if he is not there.
Fernando always seems to be a day late and a dollar short, so to speak.
so Gloria still doesn't have any money, but her car still runs. That was a cool balloon.
Juanita and Novelera, thank you both for your excellent recaps . I record the episodes and read the recaps before I watch . I can fast forward at the nasty parts .
Well, that was a surprise about Sebas's medical issue. Terrible .
So many bad people , but now we are introduced to the good guys. Maybe Torres will help Gloria. She is really all alone. Creepy Crow wants to save her for himself but was willing to kill her son. This guy is messed up and bizarre.
Is Jacinto dead ? Susan
okay i fell out laughing when Gabe sang like a bird..
and Ratfink.. your 'PUNK-ASZZ'...cracked like a coconut..Miquel, where did ..'Ratfink the coward '...come from...and when 'Gabe baby' step into cellblock 1... they..'CLOCKED -HIS ASZZ' was so so so good..loved it!!
I wonder if the actor playing Duque is wearing contact lenses . I have only known one person who had those sky blue eyes . Gloria is kind of between the devil (with the blue eyes )and the deep blue sea as the saying goes . Who can she turn to? Susan
Thanks for your Monday #5 highlights, Juanita.
Excellent Tuesday recap, novelera. Loved the asides, especially, “Damn! Couldn’t they have given this disease to Jacinto!”
Duque hinted that he had dirt on Tamayo. Torres and his crew might be the only honest cops in this TN.
Memories of Señora Acero are coming back to me. Don’t worry, I won’t spoil anything. I wish Telemundo would stay away from remakes and reality shows. Unfortunately, I think the reality shows do well for them.
Gracias, Juanita and Novelera. I enjoyed your recaps, plus got details I needed and some vocab. Super.
Sebas needs to get a second opinion. Two months doesn't ring true with the MS I've seen in friends in real life. I'm even wondering if the doc is with the narcos. Anyway, Sebas is a noble guy and he'd sacrifice himself to protect Gloria and Daniel. Now that he's got only two months, I'm guessing he'll feel he's got nothing to lose.
During Detective Torres's fight with the cosmetic surgeons, I expected his sister to leap from the operating table and give him a hand but nope. I guess she was too doped up. The doctors actually put up a pretty good fight.
Thanks all. In an early post I mentioned that some Americans headed to Mexico for one of their number to get a tummy tuck were kidnapped.
Here is an article:
What's salient about what happened is that the cartel apologized! Something in a letter was said about some "undisciplined" individuals were responsible; i.e., they're careful, businesslike criminals, like El Duque.
Niecie: Gloria cannot seem to catch any breaks SMH.
Dondi356: I knew I recognized that scumbag (AKA Braulio) from "LA DONA".
*Mirna calls Fernanda letting her know Roberto died. Fern crassly says it's a relief for you, you won't have to give up a kidney. Mirna tells her that Roberto talked to her about marrying Elisa because of her machinations. I think Mirna is finally getting disillusioned with Fern.
*Erika, Fermin and Claudia discuss Roberto. He was so young. Claudia says this makes Elisa and Emilio's life easier. Erika calls her out on her insensitivity.
*Roberto's death is also the topic du jour with Brenda Moni and Sebastian.
*Sebastian talks to Alfredo about hiring a replacement for Roberto.
Ana and Alonso Aldo discuss R. Alonso actually feels bad. He was the closest thing to a friend he had. Ana liked him until he lied. Bad deeds deserve bad out ones.
* Days later Roberto is being buried. Ana, Elisa and Francisco talk about him and also Gabriel's court appointment.
Fern and Mirna are walking in the cemetery also talking about Gabriel who Fern says is dead meat And he deserves it for what he did. Mirna looks at Fern in disgust, probably thinking of the 2 lives she took. If only he sings about Alfredo all her troubles will be over.
Tania and Alonso discuss Gabriel. Alonso says at the end of the day he is my brother. Tania says life is full of surprises, he laughs thinking of the surprise in store for her.
*Ana says it's so unfair some pay for their crimes ( Gabriel) while others get away with murder, as she glares at Fernanda in the background.
Most of the family is at the court. Brenda wears Alfredo was behind it all and she will make him pay.
*Alfredo is plotting with the lawyer? how to help Gabriel escape. The lawyer refuses to help even with lots of money being offered.
Sebastian and Moni talk. He's going back to work. He needs to find a replacement for Roberto and Gabriel. Moni is concerned, he is working too hard.
*Alonso is pushing for a quick marriage. Tania thinks it's not the best time with everything going on. He asks about her parents who are on an African safari or something. We discover they have pretty much neglected her all her life
*Rafita and Miguel, I adjoining cells now, discuss there fate as they wonder who turned them in.
Elisa and Francisco talk about the baby. Are you sure you can live not raising your child.
*Alonso and Ana bicker about who can help in the business more. Alfredo says quit., no more arguments.
*Francisco tells Elisa don't let Fern destroy our plans. If the baby is mine I'll fight for visitation, but you and I are together forever.
* Fernanda tells Mirna she is an idiot ( she has been giving Fern good advice again). She insists Eugenio left her his money not because he is this babies father, but so I destroy Alfredo.
*Brenda is ready to move back home. Marcelo gives her, Sebastian and Moni a pep talk. What's done is done, always look on the bright side of life ( I'm singing the song from Monty Python in my head now).
* Well the 3 prison rats are given a hosing down and looks like they are now going to have a cavity search. Eewh.
*Alonso and Tania get married, I think. Elisa,Fermin, Claudia and Francisco seem to be the witnesses. Next scene Erika and Ana talk about siblings. They aren't at the wedding.
* Ok not sure exactly what transpired with Gabriel and Alfredo but I think papa advised him to lower his pants and be the girl in jail, to put it politely.
*Marcelo and Brenda are getting it on with heavy kissing.
*Fernanda tells Sebastian he has too much to learn about the business, make her the VP. Dad would never allow that he says.
*Erika and Ana again. Tania has no self esteem, no idea why she is marrying my brother. When she gets no action at home she'll be looking for someone just like Brenda did, and she better not go after Joseph, he's all mine.
*Gabriel talks to the detective...
* Police arrive at the big house. Paty runs to tell Alfredo. He tells her they've come for me, go let them in. He locks the study door and gets his pistol from a locked case, sits at his desk drinking.
* All the family and staff are outside asking what the police are doing there.The police say they are their to arrest Alfredo, Gabriel implicated him in planning everything. Alfredo puts the gun in his mouth. The family hears the gunshot and run for the house.
Well my library only has 1 more episode scheduled and it is titled Para Siempre. There is a lot of things to resolve so I doubt it is the final episode, but it won't hurt my feelings if they cram it all into one episode. Fernanda still needs to be punished and Ana proven innocent still....Paty is the proud owner of a new car and wardrobe but that's it....
Kat in SC: Great recap of last night's episode. My personal thoughts (it'll be super-short).
*Slick Alonso: Whatever EVIL plans you've got in store for Tania: I am personally all FOR it. Go get' her Slick Alonso & make Tania SUFFER.
*Francisco fighting for visitation of the baby LOL. Good luck with that buddy because I think Crazy Goldie Locks will kill it because she's NOT mother material.
*Claudia needs some Karma anvils ASAP. I cannot stand that BIG MOUTH.
*Marcelo & Brenda getting their freak on eh: Let's hope Gabriel & Alfredo don't hire hitmen to kill Marcelo & Brenda.
*Kat in SC: I agree with you on the graphic cavity search. Gross!
*Law enforcement showing up to the del Pino family mansion to arrest Jackass Alfredo, when everyone hears the gunshot. But did he really shoot himself? We'll find out later this evening.
Can we assume that Tania's parents are wealthy themselves?
yes, Cuervocito can't get Gloria out of his head, and now the Duque pulled the plug on him sending Marlin to kill him, I think someone said all of the Duque's cars have tracking devices in them.
Jesus, who did the tracking for the Duque, is the guy who told Cuervocito to forget Gloria, is the guy who gave him drugs, is, I think, the drug dealed JJ shook down at the beginning, interesting guy.
coincidence ?? Torres stopped at a light on the way to the airport and Mexico city, is next to Gloria, also on her way there.
Jacinto, who is worried about bleeding out, goes home to his wife, err, Sonia, who will be in charge for the Governor till he mends (doc must have spent a whole 5 minutes patching him up) and maybe on to be a mayor, she's ecstatic, but only if she divorces Sebas, hmm, how much does she love him?
love how broke people in novelas seem to have a bottomless wallet, bus tickets were no problem for Gloria. Looks like Cuervocito slashed the tires on her car.
Steve, yes Tania's parents are wealthy. I was actually surprised to learn they were still alive. I thought she was an orphan. At an early point in the series it was pointed out to Alonso that he should marry Tania for her money. Most likely Alfredo or Gabriel made the suggestion.
Uriel ( Cuervo) is doing an amazing job of portraying a drug addicted, BSC guy obsessed with Gloria. This guy can take a beating and just keep going. Yikes. If only he were a good guy . I guess the guy who will help and protect Gloria will be Torres.
Oddly enough , Sonia seems to care about her husband even though she has two bad guy lovers.
I don't want to watch , but I can't stop watching . Susan
Thanks for commenting, Lurk and Susan. Yes, things are humming right along. I guess Cuervo is like the old Timex commercial: He takes a licking and keeps on ticking. I could not believe how he got away from Marlin. I think that's the name of the guy Duque sent to finish him off. It amused me that the low-level thug Cuervo ordered to get rid of Jacinto's bodyguard's body and, I think, the car, then ratted him out to El Duque.
That was an insane cliffhanger last night. Marlin was right on his tail but Cuervo somehow got away and acquired a motorcycle. They showed him with a key in his hand but gave no explanation. Did the real owner leave the key somewhere on the machine, or was that Cuervo's own motorcycle?
The cliffhanger was the driver stopping for "one more passenger" a mile or so from Tijuana. How in the world could Cuervo talk himself onto that bus? Probably a red herring.
Yes, Sonia seems to have feelings for Sebas. It seems likely she'll do Jacinto's bidding and get a divorce for that really good job.
Niecie, I agree with your comment. I haven't seen such short life spans for afflicted persons. My consuegra (mother of my daughter in law) had it and spent many years in a wheelchair. One of the things I'm proudest of about my son was how caring he was to a rather difficult woman.
Excuse me..........???But what was that with the suicide has to be a dream...Gabe's dope dream...he must be ..'hitting da pipe ' lockup...I was surprised to see him still lucid...I think they must have knocked one of his eyes straight.... Micky finn and Ratfink....'BEAT -THE-BRAKES '..Outta of him...
Patty cake still nothing to show for poppi chulo..... 's-a -dum -Ho....but ..'you -rang -up -coins'... with Fermenta. Alfredo.. is too egotistic to kill himself.
.............Excuse me..but is this series wrapping up..!!!??.. NOT BEFORE EUGENIO RISES FROM THE DEAD!!!!
.......Fermenta ...aint you ever heard of ..Pro-Choice...what is the problem.??..Ana 'effed ' that embryo -up!!
HC, so since Moni is such a disappointment in the daughter race, Fern wants a fresh start and someone to shower with gifts. I'm waiting for that super addictive drug to kick back in and her to lose the baby. Or discover it is actually Roberto's spawn.
I really think Alfredo blew his brains out. I guess if I wake up in the middle of the night I'll watch the beginning of the next episode. It's must see TV at this point.
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