Thursday, February 27, 2025
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Sed de Venganza, La Jefa y más: Week of February 24, 2025
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
10 - 11PM - La Jefa
12 - 1AM - Sed de Venganza (Tues through Fri)
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: jefa, telemundo, venganza
Kat in SC & Halimacandy: I'll be posting my personal thoughts on this evening's upcoming episode sometime tomorrow.
Gloria's Buji evil sisters are downright ugly.
Ding dong the warlocks dead, really, really dead. The first half of the episode is how everyone was shocked and grieving while Fernanda and Brenda celebrated. Then the funeral
Alonso is continuing his persecution of his wife Tania. He wants her to sell her store and devote herself to his care and comfort. And if the family company tanks, it's ok, his wife is rich and will support him.
Elisa isn't so sure now is a good time to get married. Ana makes her promise that the wedding will occur in 1 months. So the last 20 minutes was the wedding with a few shots of Mirna and Fernanda in her penthouse bemoaning the loss of Francisco but she will get him back. Marriages don't last.
Paty is ousted from the house and is back with Erika and Fermin. Hope abuela's house is done soon so Claudia and Nacho have a place to go. The house will get pretty full once the baby arrives. Paty is also out of a job and Fernanda won't hire her. Alonso wants a chance to work in the company which amused Sebastian. He says third time the charm.
Fernanda is trying to buy Alonso or Gabriel',s stocks so she is the majority stockholder. They aren't selling at this point.
A rather boring episode with not much going on after the removal of Alfredo in the ambulance.
Kat in SC: Howdy from the Alamo City. Good job on the recap of last night's episode.
Brenda got some peps to her steps now that Jackass Alfredo is dead. I'll be posting my personal thoughts on last night's episode sometime this morning.
My personal thoughts on Thursday night's episode.
143.) Just as I had suspected, Jackass Alfredo offs himself by shooting himself in the mouth inside his office at the del Pino family mansion.
144.) Everyone including the Miami PD barges inside & see the dead Jackass Alfredo.
145.) Crazy Goldie Locks is celebrating Alfredo's gruesome end while Mirna is getting more disgusted with her 24/7. Speaking of Mirna: Will she take over Tania's business?
146.) Slick Alonso playing the Gullible Idiot Tania like a violin as she stupidly continues to fall into his sinister trap.
147.) Crazy Goldie Locks plotting her next moves: buying the stocks of Gabriel & Slick Alonso in order to become majority shareholder. Good luck with that.
148.) Gabriel notified by his lawyer about Alfredo's death; We see Sebastian speaking with Gabriel.
149.) Several scenes earlier, we see Alfredo's funeral services. That looks like a big extra large cemetery: any Floridians know what name of the cemetery is?
150.) Nice job with the opening credits, which is nice.
151.) Enjoying watching Slick Alonso's vicious persecution of Dumbass Tania: I just LOVE it.
152.) Gut feeling Slick Alonso's plan is also to loot Tania's family's money as well.
153.) Nacho & Claudia attending the wedding LOL: Claudia needs some Karma considering her indirect complicity in the deaths of Brenda's parents & brothers.
154.) Wedding of Francisco & Elisa take place & everyone is in attendance. I think Paty was on the phone speaking with Crazy Goldie Locks: wondering what Paty is feeding info to Crazy Goldie Locks?
155.) Crazy Goldie Locks' scheme is escalating against the del Pino's in the closing stretch.
Since no one is apparently doing a recap of last night's episode, I'll try to list some of the things I noted. It's not a recap, but I hope it will help get a discussion started.
Duque (who I'm no longer so enthusiastic about in spite of his good looks) is visiting Sebastián in the hospital. He tells Sebastián that Cuervo is obsessed with Gloria. He (Dueque) has been ordererd to kill Cuervo, who is just getting in the way. Sebas says "Aha, so you're not the ringleader, you're just an eight-fingered pawn." (I guess since Sebas has been told he has just 2 months to live, he's not afraid of angering Duque.) Duque replies that he knows Gloria doesn't have the money, but she tells Sebas everything. Thus, Seb is more valuable to Duque alive than dead. But he should let Gloria know that no matter where she is or where she goes, he (Duque) will follow her.
Meanwhile, Gloria and Daniel are on the bus. Gloria sees that Cuervo is following the bus on a motorcycle. She is afraid that when the bus stops to pick up one more passenger, it will be Cuervo. So she tells Dan that they have to leave at once. (How she'd get past Cuervo if he does get on the bus isn't at all clear to me.) But it turns out that the one passenger who enters the bus isn't Cuervo, who is just a few seconds too late. So Gloria and Dan stay on the bus.
Right after Duque leaves Seb, Seb overhears Duque thank the doctor for having helped him with Gloria. Once Duque is gone, Seb confronts the doctor and, after some "persuasion," gets the doctor to admit that Duque ordered him to cut Gloria's fallopian tubs. She'll never have more children. An enraged Seb asks the doctor, "Should I cut your [bleep] off right now?"
Cuervo does catch up with Gloria when the bus stops to give people time to go to the restroom, etc. We hear a gunshot. Dan (who is outside the stall) is terrified that Cuervo has just killed his mother. But no, he hasn't. Duque's guy Marlin, who has been ordered to kill Cuervo, magically appears and fulfills his mission. Cuervo is dead. (I'm surprised; I expected Uriel del Toro to have a larger role in the novela. OTOH, I'm glad we're rid of Cuervo.)
In the meantime, the bus driver has left the plastic bag containing Gloria's possessions on the ground and has driven off without Gloria and Daniel. They manage to thumb a ride.
Apparently Jacinto's telling Sonia that she will take over all sorts of responsibilities as long as she gets a divorce results in her telling Sebas she wants a divorce.
Duque wants to blame Cuervo's death on Gloria.
Alas, not long after this, I fell asleep, and when I woke up, the novela was just about over, and so I turned off the TV and went to bed.
Cuervicito catches Gloria and son in the men's room at a bus stop, I thought with the Duque after him, he and Gloria would partner up, but no, he has had enough, he wants to kill her, Bang! Marlin shoots him first.
Gloria and son miss the bus and hitch the rest of the way.
Porfino, who earlier JJ shot in the leg in front of Sebas who's leg hurts in the exact same spot, is put on the tail of Sebas, maybe if he was further back than 20 feet he wouldn't have been spotted, Sebas who isn't a muderer, err, wasn't till he killed the bad doc who confessed to sterilizing Gloria at the Duque's orders, rattles off a list of people Porfina has betrayed before plugging him.
Marlin brings Cuervicito's body, who does a good imitation of a dead fish, to the Duque who confesses he wished Cuervo had killed Gloria, but for now they will say Gloria killed Cuervo.
Ernestina walks in on Sonia/Jacinto, almost, confesses to her mom she was frightened earlier when she thought she had lost Jacinto, poor girl.
Sonia drops the bomb, wants a divorce.
Torres is back to work, spots a list of clinics that keep falling off the radar after they were discovered, hmm, what is going on here.
Gloria uses her last money to rent a place from Sebas' friend, the fridge is empty and Dan is hungry.
Juanita and Lurk, thanks for the highlights.
I too am shocked that Cuervo is gone so soon -- and there's no doubt about it since they carried his body to another place and he remained facedown. I was surprised El Duque at least drank a toast to him.
Eek, it was hard for me to watch the client getting injections(?) in her face.
Pasta Alfredo is ready...gone? done! done??..I would never believe it..!!
WTF...Is this show wrapping up..???
how many story lines are left..??..let's see..[not]
This soap was a had potential, but what happen??
------Brenda and Marcelo..are good..we don't need to see them any more...
----------Tania and Alfonso are sick, sick, sick...they will kill each other ..and I could care less..
-----Fermenta is going to most Likely have a miscarriage...she is going to try to kill Ana....when/ if she Spontaneous aborts.[the drugs].
-------Elisa/ Frankie, are the weakest story line. No sexual chemistry ..Frankie has no 'stud' energy... and another thing.. ..the lovers could really ..'dig- into'.. Fermenta's asszz and investigate her..listen to Ana.
----Claudia, needs to go to jail... Fermin and Erika should put her out ..Nacho/dude,, away from that 2/two-bit hooker[50 cents]...
----Micky finn and Ratfink bend over because they had ... 'product -up'.... '...their wiz..??
-----Gabe ....'dropped -a-dime' ..on his dad...!!well,well,well..vaya!!good .it ain't gonna goona need those fish eyes to watch both sides of the common area...
Thanks very much Juanita and Lurk for the short and sweet recaps. They both are good examples of putting up something short to keep the comments flowing.
I am enjoying José María Galeano's portrayal of El Duque. He's a different kind of bad. He's ruthless, but seems to really, really dislike sloppy underlings. Last night he said that he intends to always know where Gloria is for two reasons: he'd like revenge for his fingers even though his higher up has forbade him to kill her. And he thinks Gloria is smart enough to eventually figure out where Juan José stashed the $5 million. He wants to be there to snatch it from her.
I've ridden on Mexican buses that travel between cities. They're quite nice and have bathrooms like Greyhound buses have. I was on one from Zacatecas to Michoacan that stopped for a meal break, but they don't stop like this bus did to pick people up. It's over 1,400 miles from Tijuana to Mexico City.
It was kind of cute that Gloria ended up on the back of a truck that seemed to have remnants of crops in the back. And she threw her phone away. There was another example last night of someone asking to use another person's cell. Can't remember where I also saw that recently, but it surprised me a lot. I can't imagine anyone giving up their phone even for 5 minutes to a stranger.
We had our first sighting of Azela Robinson chewing the scenery once again. This time she's wearing a black wig and seems to be the owner of one of the creepy facelift/tummy tuck operations Eduardo Torres is trying to shut down. My Wiki tells me her name in this TN is Maribel Ortiz. I first saw her a long time ago in El Manantiel where she played Adela Noriega's rotten mother. Female villains are her bread and butter. I'm pretty sure I've seen her in a half dozen.
Juanita and Lurk and Novelera, thank you for the recaps.
Novelera, yes, Seems has had steady employment over the years playing villains with that low ,gravely voice.
I can't believe that they killed off the Crow so soon. He was fascinating in a relentless, BSC way.
I hope Sebas's diagnosis is wrong. He certain!y took care of that doctor. Yikes.
I cannot stand Jacinto. What an insufferable little man.
When will Torres and Gloria 's paths cross? Susan
is Cuervo dead? he doesn't look any worse than Sebas did, and maybe Marlin didn't want to kill his buddy.
Niecie, I'm not sure what Maribel was doing, sounded like putting threads in her skin to pull out the wrinkles, while blaming the patient's afterward care as to the bruising and such. "see, you look amazing, not a wrinkle in sight", "but I can't speak".
Lurk, I'm pretty sure that when a narco says one of their victims is dead, they've seen enough corpses to be certain.
Stopping by to thank Juanita and Lurk for the recaps.
I really don't have anything important to add.
I'll do the recap tonight and it will be up tomorrow. I can commit to Fridays. Maybe I can contribute here and there.
Dondi356: I will be looking forward to seeing your recap of Friday night's episode. We're going to have to get used to seeing the large group of villains keep winning 24/7 from here on out.
Bothers me that some folks on here HATE Fabiola Guajardo as the leading Protagonista.
Gloria sweeps up trash in their new apartment. Sleep is bad, the mattresses are hard. Daniel is hungry. They miss JJ. Gloria does the “who’s the love of my life” routine with her son. She goes to sit outside, bemoans her fate and cries…. Ay, JJ, look at how you left us. Yadira appears and tells Gloria, welcome to the club. If you are in trouble, that makes two of us.
Torres and co. talk about their next operation. Is it safe? No promises but we will do our best.
Yadira says she heard about her new neighbor and wanted to bring something. I think it’s a plant. Anyway, Gloria says she must get back to her son. Yadira heard Gloria mention a guy’s name. Men are such bastards, she says, if I told you what men put me through… Gloria interrupts—he was my husband. I’m a widow.
Oops! Yadira calls herself a bocota- a big mouth and tells Gloria to say something mean to her so they are even. Gloria replies that she likes Yadira said welcome to the club. Now she doesn’t feel so lonely. Yadira manages to stick her foot in her big mouth a couple more times. [We can overlook this, she seems like a good person and means well.]
Torres will play the part of a doctor and sidekick Marco will play a worker.
Duque calls Sonia to meet him. She lies to her mother, she needs the car, she’s meeting a friend. Sebas stops her as she goes to the car. He tells her this is not about the divorce. He has accepted that. But he still loves her, and he’s worried about her. He wants her to quit working for Jacinto. Sonia says MYOB. Jacinto is involved in shady deals, Sebas replies, stay away from him or you’ll be in danger.
Gloria and Yadira chat inside. Yadira says she could help Gloria fix up her place since she has a flexible work schedule. Hmm… Gloria says she could use a job like that so she could look after her son. Daniel enters the room. He says he’s hungry. Yadira suggests they go out to eat and then stop by the salon where she works. Maybe they will hire Gloria.
Sebas tells Sonia that Jacinto sent Porfirio after him so he could find Gloria. He’s after the money JJ “allegedly” stole. But that money belongs to the narcos. Sonia asks, what’s that got to do with me? Sebas answers, you’ll get in trouble with the narcos and they’ll hurt you. Sonia gets nasty. Worry about yourself. Look at you, you don’t have a house or a car. Get a job and stay away from me. [I say let Sonia get what she deserves.] Sonia drives away and Sebas follows her in a taxi. [does he even have money for a taxi?]
The salon operation starts. Torres, the doctor, is introduced. He starts his spiel to the salon owners. Thank you for choosing our products, he says, we have the best cosmetic tech and the latest equipment. We import the best hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin. We have threads for lifting. Our crown jewel is our polylactic acid. A woman interjects—really? I didn’t know that was available in Mexico. All my patients want it. We are the only place that imports it, Torres replies, it’s the best filler.
The session is interrupted by masked men firing guns. Get down! Stay where you are, and you won’t get hurt! Torres pulls out his gun and shoots one of the robbers. Marco shoots another. A robber grabs a woman as a getaway hostage. Don’t follow us! The baddies get to their car, toss the woman and drive off. Marco follows them. Torres tends to the woman and brings her back inside. The owner helping Torres says that one of the baddies died and another was injured.
Sonia meets Duque in a dark parking garage. Sebas is lurking nearby. Sonia is visibly nervous, and Duque calls her out on it. You’ve been threatening me, she replies, and you said you don’t care about our relationship. Do you think I’m going to kill you, he asks. If I wanted to, I would have done it by now. Sebas is listening and it looks like he’s having another medical episode. We get a flashback to his doctor.
Duque says, you did your part, and you have nothing to worry about. You told me when Gloria and Sebas went to get my money. I appreciate that. Sonia asks, so I came her so you could thank me? We see Sebas isn’t doing well. He downs some medication.
Duque notes that Jacinto is still hiding at home and Sonia will oversee city hall. Sonia replies, I don’t think I should keep working with you. You don’t need me anymore. No worries, Duque says, I’ll let you do what you want at city hall, but I want something in exchange. Tell me everything that Gloria and Jacinto do. [isn’t Gloria in CDMX?]
Daniel wolfs down his tacos. Gloria notes that Daniel is always hungry. Yadira asks Gloria if she’d work in a salon. Work is work, Gloria replies. But she adds she never liked playing with dolls. She always preferred numbers.
Duque asks Sonia, what’s wrong with Sebas? What’s going on? He’s got an attitude. Maybe he knows something about Gloria that we don’t. Sonia replies, I don’t think he likes the idea of us getting divorced. Plus, you recently killed his brother. Did you expect him to welcome you with open arms? Sebas collapses. Duque and Sonia are alerted to the sound. Sebas manages to limp away. Marlin goes to investigate. He finds nothing.
Torres and Marco need to get info from the wounded robber. It won’t be easy. Marco notes that the doc won’t allow questioning for a while yet. Torres says they will continue to look at the list of salons.
And speaking of salons, Maribel is working on plumping a client’s butt. It’s very unsanitary. She’s scolding a henchie, Perron, about the botched robbery. She doesn’t care that one of the men were killed. The dead don’t talk and that’s better for us, she says. But she’s worried about Ivancito, the wounded one. If he talks, we’re screwed. Perron replies, relax, he knows he can’t talk.
Maribel shouts, great! What do I do in the meantime? You failed to steal the fillers! I have a packed schedule! I’ve got pantorillas y nalgas (calves and butts) to fill! I’ll have to use biopolymers. [These are things like silicone that can cause dangerous side effects.] She tells her henchies to see Ivancito and let him know “if you talk, you die”. She leaves them with the unconscious client on the table. The guys look disgusted.
Yadira has taken Gloria and Daniel to Maribel’s salon. Yadira prepares Gloria. Maribel is a bit harsh but she’s nice deep down inside. Daniel wanders around, he’s looking for something to drink. Maribel almost bumps into Daniel. Maribel questions Yadira, what are you doing here? You don’t work today. Yadira says she’s there to introduce her friend. She’s new to the city and unemployed. I thought she could replace Cuqui who left. Maribel asks Gloria, do you know how to cut or dye hair? Do nails? Anything like that? No, Gloria answers, but I can learn. I don’t need a student, Maribel replies, what do you want from me? Should I hire a useless beauty? Leave and take that dwarf with you. Yadira tells Gloria she’ll work on Maribel. Gloria thanks her for all she’s done. I’ll find work soon, she says.
Torres is driving and on the phone. He’s been checking out the salons. Brillante’s is the last. Gloria and Daniel exit the salon, and the boy sees an aguas frescas stand across the street. He bolts without looking and Torres hits him.
Gloria is frantic. Torres says it was an accident. He wants to take them to the hospital. She screams at him—don’t touch my son! Who do you work for? Tell your boss to back off! I’ll do anything for my son! Gloria shouts for Yadira. She comes running and swats at Torres. Thank goodness the boy doesn’t look badly hurt, he’s able to walk. Yadira flags down a friend who is driving by and they head to the hospital. Torres is shook up.
Maribel is going over accounts and Perron breaks in. That girl is having a seizure! Maribel orders, call Bernardo! Tell him it’s an emergency!
Torres is still outside of Brillante’s. He’s replaying Gloria’s words—“who do you work for, who are you? Tell your boss to back off!” Marco arrives with coffee. Torres tells him he ran over a kid, but it wasn’t serious. He adds, what was strange is that when I got out to help, his mother kept me away and asked who had sent me. Marco asks, did she know you were an agent? I don’t think so, Torres replies, but I get the feeling she is running from something or someone who could be in that salon.
Maribel gives her client an injection. The seizures stop and Maribel is feeling proud. She says she has an “honoris causa” an honorary degree in medicine. Not so fast there, Maribel. The patient has no pulse! Where’s Bernardo! Perron says he called him and threatened him to come. He’s currently helping a mare give birth. Maribel panics and tries to wake the client.
Daniel seems to be doing worse. Gloria worries about having no insurance. They will have to go to a public hospital. Uh oh, she can’t wake Daniel. They make it to the hospital. Gloria carries Daniel in and shouts for help. A nurse tells them they must wait, there are many other emergencies. Gloria threatens to burn the hospital down with everyone inside if anything happens to her son. The nurse looks at Daniel’s eyes. His pupils are huge. Call Dr. Fernandez!
Meanwhile, Matilde is having a fit of anxiety. She feels something is wrong. Ernestina thinks it’s because of her father’s passing. Matilde admits that so much has happened and she hasn’t had time to mourn. But she’s also worried about Gloria and Daniel. They are so far away.
You better get used to it, Erna barks, Gloria is no longer a member of this family. Matilde replies, when did you become so cold-hearted? Your father would be very disappointed in you. Leave dad out of it, Erna answers, Jacinto and I want nothing to do with Gloria. Matilde says, Jacinto isn’t who you think he is. If you refuse to see the truth, there’s no helping you. I hope it’s not too late when you finally realize it.
Marco thinks they need to go undercover again. Torres says he will pose as a client, although they seem to only take women at this salon. They spot a man going inside. They talk about Gloria again. Torres wants to find out why she asked if he was one of “them”. He sends Marco to try questioning Ivancito.
Ah, that man entering the salon is Bernardo. Maribel is ticked that he came in through the front door. Bernardo fires back, no one knows why I’m here or that I’m a veterinarian. He asks, what did you put in her? The usual, she replies, biopolymers. Bernardo has warned her about that many times. Maribel says that’s all the client could afford. Bernardo says the woman needs to go to the hospital. We can’t go, Maribel snaps back, you’re going to fix it. She’s not leaving this place!
Gloria is going crazy waiting for word on Daniel. She says, I couldn’t protect him from those people. What people, Yadira asks, what are you talking about? She adds, I know I run my mouth, but I can keep a secret. Trust me. Gloria says she’s not just a widow. I had a miscarriage, and I also lost my father. Daniel is all I have left.
Sonia arrives at city hall. She’s giving the orders while Jacinto is away. There will be a memo and then we’ll review the agenda. Sebas barges in. Sonia threatens him with a restraining order. He hisses at her, how can you be so shameless? She thinks this is still about the divorce and tells him to stop being so dramatic. He asks, why were you meeting with Duque Medina? Sonia is shocked and tries to deflect. Sebas grabs her and shouts, I just saw you with that bastard! How long have you known each other? What were you doing with my brother’s murderer?
Sonia tells Sebas to leave or she’ll call Security. He grabs her again, how are you involved with Duque? That bastard killed my brother and almost killed Gloria and Daniel. Sonia tries another tactic to avoid answering. You’ve always been a loving man. I don’t know what happened, but this isn’t like you.
Sebas gets rough and pushes her down on the desk. I’m not that man anymore, he declares, and you don’t want to know how far I’m willing to go. A call from Jacinto comes in on her phone. He leaves a message. You’re my right hand at the office, but you can’t decide anything without my approval. Call me.
Erna walks in on Jacinto. Who were you calling? Jacinto accuses her of spying on him. She replies, don’t talk to me like that. I’m working hard to stop my mother from badmouthing you after Gloria said you choked her and after you came home shot. Does this mean nothing? Jacinto threatens her to get it together or he’ll kick her and her mom out once he recovers. Erna says, you still need a First Lady. Replacing an insignificant woman like you is easy, he tells her, maybe that will get me to the presidency. A woman who is worthy of me. He orders her to get out.
Maribel’s other henchie sneaks in to see Ivancito. Ivancito is scared. The henchie flashes his gun—I have a message from the boss.
Bernardo works on the client. Maribel snaps at him, she’s not going anywhere! I pay you to work here! Bernardo says the biopolymers must have reached an important artery. She can go into cardiac arrest! Maribel tries to come up with quick fixes. Bernardo says the woman needs a blood transfusion and drugs to increase her blood pressure. Drugs that Maribel doesn’t have.
Perron asks, if she dies, what will I tell her sister? Maribel claims this is the first time something like this has happened. Maribel tells Perron, if she dies, and depending on the sister’s reaction, you’re on. [does this mean he should kill the sister?]
Sebas continues holding Sonia down by the throat. How long have you been making deals with that bastard? She squeaks out, I had to work with them because he threatened to kill my mother, you and me. They knew JJ stole the $5 million. He shouts, what did you tell them? How did you help them?
I’m not sure if she hit him or not but Sebas backs off in pain. He thinks back to the wedding when he found Sonia away from the chaos and she put on her hysterical act. He realizes she knew what would happen at the wedding. She denies it. He knows she took shelter. She knew the murderers would kill JJ and take Gloria. No, she swears, I didn’t know!
Sebas grabs Sonia again and growls, you’re a murderer just like the narcos. Gloria lost her father and her baby because of you! He shouts, my brother was killed because of you! She whimpers, no, I didn’t say anything. He demands the truth, or he will choke her. He’s a madman. She finally shouts back—yes! It was me! I told Duque! I hated seeing how JJ dragged you into his *bleep* and how you sacrificed our marriage to bail your brother out! Sebas is disgusted—you were able to betray us like this?
Torres enters the salon and says he’s there for a haircut. Do you take male clients? He’s told it’s a unisex salon. [Looks like the ladies at the salon are eager to help the handsome customer.] He asks if there are other services besides haircuts. The receptionist asks, what kind of service do you mean? Torres smiles, well, something to make one less ugly, unless you think there’s no helping me. One of the ladies gets flirty with him. Another warns her if her bf catches her flirting… Uh oh, her boyfriend is Perron, Maribel’s main henchie.
The receptionist says they do facials. Torres catches one of the stylists, Olga, looking towards the backroom. The others make suggestions and mention stuff on social media. Torres says he doesn’t use social media. He sits in Olga’s chair.
Sonia recounts, I didn’t know they planned to shoot at the wedding. They just wanted to recover the money JJ stole. I didn’t know what they planned to do. Sebas doesn’t believe a word. He thanks Sonia for wanting a divorce. He removes his wedding ring. He can’t be with such a treacherous woman. He never really knew her. She accuses him of always putting JJ and Gloria before her. You never cared about our marriage, she says.
Torres asks Olga about the car accident that happened outside. Did you know the name of the child’s mother? I saw them leaving the salon and I’d like to know if they are okay. Does she work here? Olga says she knows nothing.
Maribel comes out of the back and asks to talk with Olga. Olga asks, is my sister alright? Olga goes in the back with Maribel. Torres sits up and sneaks over to listen.
Maribel has the gall to blame Olga for getting her in trouble! Why did you ask me to operate on your sister when you know she’s irresponsible?! Olga demands to know what’s going on. What’s wrong with my sister? There were complications, Maribel replies, it’s her fault. She didn’t follow instructions. She drank and smoked, didn’t she? Olga says, no… no, she did all that you asked. What’s wrong with my sister? She’s not well, Maribel answers, and it’s all her fault. Torres has his hand ready to open the door.
The henchie warns Ivancito that snitches get hung by the *bleeps*. If he keeps quiet Maribel will pay for a lawyer to get him out. Uh, here comes Marco to question Ivancito. A nurse stops him.
Gloria worries about Daniel. Why is he so bad? It only looked like a scratch. Yadira says she won’t leave Gloria’s side until she sees Daniel. Gloria thanks her. They just met, but Yadira has done more for her than her own sisters. Yadira asks why she thought this wasn’t an accident. Are there people who want to hurt you? Are you famous? Famous people have money.
No time to explain. The doctor comes out to speak to Gloria. Your son didn’t faint because of the accident. It’s not good news. He’s alive but he’s in a coma.
And we are out.
¡Muchísimas gracias, dondi, for this superlative recap! I greatly appreciate all the detail, and I agree with just about all your asides, starting with "[I say let Sonia get what she deserves.]" And yes, like you, I wondered where Sebas has money for the taxi he doesn't hesitate to flag.
Well, Sebas really got an earful when he overheard the conversation between Sonia and Duque. I don't think Sonia hit him when he confronts her afterward; my assumption is that his illness caused the pain, but of course it could also have been just the realization of just how deceitful Sonia has been.
I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised when Yadira takes Gloria to the salon headed by Maribel.
Alas, I have a lot of difficulty with recognizing faces. I'm having some trouble distinguishing between Duque and Torres, two good-looking dark-haired men with beards. And I'm even wondering whether Maribel is also the nasty woman at the narcos place where Karen is a captive. All I think I remember about that other (?) woman is that she has short, very straight hair.
I'm not at all happy with the doctor at the hospital suggesting that Daniel has some kind of serious health problem. Geez, isn't Sebastián's apparently fatal illness enough? I guess I'm hoping that one or more of the novela's writers are angry at doctors, and that it will turn out that both doctors are mistaken.
Dondi, I always love your detailed recaps and your insights .
I have seen the actor playing Torres , and he plays both good guys and bad guys equally well.
The actress playing Yadira was Violet in " El Conde."" She was one of my favorite characters in that show playing a sweet character married to a horrible guy. Wow, what luck that Gloria made such a good friend so quickly. Beanie moment. And then , she crosses paths with Agent Torres as he literally runs into poor Daniel.
The writers are really heaping on the angst giving not only Sebas a medical condition but also Daniel. I don't know if I can keep on watching these people and all the scary danger.
Azela Robinson (Maribel) is a very evil villain in this one, and it looks like she will be wearing a variety of wigs.
The girl flirting with Torres was a crazy motorcycle chick in " Amarte es MI camino."
How soon before Torres gets Gloria to work with him ? Susan
thanks so much Dondi, you write such amazing recaps!
looks like the divorce, Sebas/Sonia, is moving along.
will we ever see Torres smile, err or anyone?
eight fingered Duque seems to have everything under control, except for maybe Gloria.
I guess their mom was living with JJ and Gloria till they lost the home, now with Ernestina, till maybe Jacinto gives them the boot, not sure about Luisa and Fernando. Sonia lives with her mother after losing their house, and homeless Sebas only has jails, hospitals, and dark corners.
hmm, "a thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses absorbable sutures to lift and tighten sagging skin. It is often referred to as a "lunchtime lift" due to its short procedure time".
Thanks so much, dondi. I always love your spectacular recaps. I really needed a thorough recap this time. There are too many bad guys to keep track of. I completely missed the part about Torres pretending to be a doctor on his mission to get rid of illegal cosmetic surgery spots.
Regarding Maribel's place, it seems odd to me that it would be both a normal looking salon in the front and sketchy cosmetic procedures in the back. The other one Torres just raided in Tijuana seemed to be only a "surgery".
Is this narconovela making me callous? I had a moment of wishing Sebas would finish Sonia off. I can't stand the way she treated him, not to mention helping Duque's attack at the wedding.
Reading what Yardira said in your recap about Maribel being "nice deep down inside" made me laugh. Yadira hasn't seen enough TN's with Azela Robinson in action.
Gloria and Eduardo didn't get much of a "meet cute", did they? He couldn't help but hit her son, who ran right in front of his car.
They keep on writing it into the plot, and I keep on disliking that clutching the chest and having a sense something happened to a loved one. This time it was Matilde.
Wow. Ernestina's stupidity and tolerance for Jacinto's treatment seem to be unlimited. I suspect she'll learn the truth and apologize to Gloria, but that's waaaay in the future.
I am very grateful Sebas has learned the truth about his awful wife. But, why oh why did these writers decide to give one of my faves a death sentence?
As if Gloria didn't have enough problems, her landlady seems heartless. Apparently a deposit had already been paid, but she insisted on the first month right up front and in cash.
Dondi356: Thanks for the recap of Friday night's episode. More twists & turns including more scheming & conniving.
I knew that I recognized Yany Prado from "CONDE" in this Telenovela. Her character Yadira Castro will be an intriguing part of this Telenovela from here on out.
Lurk: Sonia including the Ugly Sisters along with the large group of villains will eventually get their Karma in the end. Things are going to get WORSE before it gets better IF we get a happily ever after.
Novelera: Gloria's Dreadful, Terrible, Pathetic, Chaotic, Horrible Bad Day continues.
Susan: Maribel is NUTS.
Thanks, everyone. Great comments. I can’t comment or speculate much because I saw the original.
Standard formula, bury the protagonista in a mountain of trouble that’s extremely difficult to watch. Then seemingly random storylines and people magically come together in a country of 130 million. And we fall for it every time!
Lots of familiar faces in this one. I’ve only seen Iván Arana as Aurelio Casillas’ son in ESLDC. It will be nice to see him as a good guy in this. And it looks like Yany Prado’s Yadira will be similar to Violeta from “Conde”. The part of “Maribel” was played by the late, great, Rebecca Jones in the original. I’m sure Azela Robinson will also do justice to the character.
“Is this narconovela making me callous?” I often wonder about the same thing, novelera. And I’ve watched quite a few narconovelas.
“Regarding Maribel's place, it seems odd to me that it would be both a normal looking salon in the front and sketchy cosmetic procedures in the back.” I guess the salon serves as a “front” for all the sketchy business in the back. Maribel is smart, but nothing gets past Agent Torres!
Gracias, Dondi. Riveting recap and vocab too. Love it.
Daniel is too old and too well trained to run into the street like that for aguas frescas. But, oh well, the writers needed him to be in a hospital.
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