Monday, March 03, 2025

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Las Hijas de la Sra. García & Papas Por Conveniencia- Week of Mar. 3, 2025

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series.  Papas Por Convenencia and Las Hijas de la Sra. García have are both going strong! Kat and Adriana Noel are providing notes/recaps for LHDLSG; and discussion is strong on PPC with Diana and others providing invaluable notes. So let’s cheer our leaders on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Papas Por Convenencia: Ep. 29-31

9-10 PM – Las Hijas de la Sra. García:  Ep. 34-36

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Papas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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PAPAS #30 Part 1

Previously: To our utter dismay, Pipe IS with Guzmán - at the airport!!! A flustered Clara Luz finally reaches Guzmán, wanting to know where Pipe is. He brushes her off saying it’s his responsibility. Guzman cruelly tells Pipe that Clara and Rudolph don’t love him and will not be going to Switzerland as they want nothing more to do with him!! Then, Guzmán plays with Pipe’s hand puppets in a very creepy manner.

Just as Candy tells Lila she’s found something on her mother…a somber Tino sits with Aidé and reveals Paulina isn’t dead…

There is a flashback where Tino and Paulina and a young Lila are sitting in an apartment. Paulina looks positively miserable as Tino kisses her pregnant stomach. Later, the doctor tells them there are problems with their newborn, Emi. Later, Tino comes home and finds a Dear John letter. Paulina has flown the coup. In the last sentence of her letter she says goodbye, forever! In tears, Tino finishes his story…he and the children were abandoned. Aidé is clearly moved. In a subsequent scene, Tino shows his anguish particularly regarding Emiliano. How could he tell them she left? You aren’t alone she promises him as they kiss and he finally smiles a bit as she wipes his tears away. Thank you, I love you he tells her.

Lila is asking Candy for more specifics when Emi and Scarlet come in. Poor Scarlet is heartbroken about Ponce. He will return Emi tries to reassure her but Scarlet shakes her head no. She is so sad…

Rudolf and Clara Luz talk about Pipe. Rudolf reminds her (quite kindly) that Pipe isn’t her son. He tells her Guzmán
is his tio and tries to comfort her with hugs.

Lichita comes up and needs to talk with Rudolf and Clara Luz.

Guzmán and Pipe haven’t yet boarded the plane but Guzmán continues his hatred spewing as they get up and Pipe reluctantly grabs his backpack.

Lila is trying to do some research on her phone when Circe comes in. “I’m doing something important” she tells her as Circe leans forward trying to see Lila’s phone.

Tino, Lichita, Rudolf and Clara Luz discuss Maximax business. Tino brings up Guzmán and Clara Luz brings up Switzerland. Igor slithers in and then leaves, listening at the door to the other three’s conversation. Tino comes up with an idea the other two like.

Chofis and Chano are talking when adorable Chuchito comes out and brings his father his doll. Chofis is wearing cute heart shaped dangle earrings and a tye dye headband.

Bertha and Aidé talk about Paulina. I couldn’t follow it, something about an accident(?) Aidé says how noble Tino is, such a good man and father.


PAPAS #30 Part 2

Clara Luz (wearing a fun blue shirt with embroidered musical note and heart) and Rudolf enjoy take-out wrapped in blue and white checked paper with chocolate milk shakes topped with whipped cream. They indulge in kisses.

Facundo wants Scarlet to go with him, she wants to stay with her sibs. Aidé sticks up for her and mercifully he leaves.

Aidé tries to talk with Lila but she rebuffs her.

Later, Rudolf and Clara Luz decide to have a romantic interlude. They adjourn to the bedroom and sensing what is coming, Clara Luz puts the picture of Silvana face down on the dresser. Rudolf plays with her hair, kisses her hand, and as their lips meet the picture goes out of focus.

Rats, Facundo shows up getting Scarlet’s hopes again.

The next morning, Clara Luz picks up Silvana’s picture and kisses it so I gather the night went well. Rudolf brings Clara Luz room service: hot cakes, coffee and kisses. Clara Luz approves. They talk about Silvana dying and have a sad.

Facundo must be at Fed’s as Ponce was stashed there. We now see Facundo holding Ponce aloft with distaste as he walks off with him. Fed seems to be recording something.

Circe seems shocked Aidé’s in the kitchen, Aidé takes it with good humor.

“Ponce, Ponce, Ponce” we hear Scarlet cry. Everyone gathers in the living room as we see Facundo filming himself, walking down the street as a strange man seems to hand over Ponce. At the last minute, the man grabs the tiny dog and runs away as Scarlet cries out in pain and agony. Facundo is reprehensible.

Later, Aidé and Tino are with Emi and go into the living room where Facundo is trying to console Scarlet. The reprobate actually holds her as Bertha comes in and tries to lure her to the kitchen for a treat. To add insult to injury, Facundo smarmily tells her Bertha isn’t her grandmother, she is “just” Bertha. Scum. Tino asks to see him in another room.


PAPAS #30 Part 3 of 3

Lila doesn’t appear to be having any luck contacting her mother. Circe comes in and grabs her phone as Lila tries to grab it back. She starts crying and tells Circe her mother is alive and asks her to keep it secret. Circe hands the phone back.

Tino, who isn’t a fool, questions Facundo about Ponce. Facundo pretends to shiver in fright.

Another business meeting planning the Maximax gala seemed to go well as Tino, Clara Luz and Rudolf say “check, check, check” as Chano joins them. “Perfecto” Tino declares. They all get to work finalizing their plans when Lichita comes in followed by Guzmán. Tino arrives surprised a bit to see him as Clara Luz and Rudolf stare at Guzmán.

Gina and Circe have chocolate shakes when a huge white bear appears. It’s Mateo who asks her to be his novia! She hugs him and says yes! Pink balloons and ribbons abound.

To our shock and sadness, in the next scene we see Ponce is being held by El Calacas who is sitting with Chintolo. WTH???

The Maximax gathering is in full swing. Everyone is schmoozing and circulating, Tino, Aidé, Clara Luz and Rudolf. Tino’s friend, the music exec is there as well as Guzmán who glares from the sidelines.

Clara Luz is desperately trying to talk with Guzmán who pointedly ignores her.

Tino gives a welcome speech and as the presentation starts, it is interrupted; hijacked as a monstrous face appears on the screen as everyone stares in disbelief and horror…

Kindly fill in and/or correct…

I will do a recap for tomorrow. Please note the show airs ten minutes early beginning at 7:50 ET.


OT..Amor Amargo

The first episode of this show was on today at 1.00.
Many familiar faces , including Daniels Roma , Arturo Peniche, Cinthia Klitbo ,and many others .

Las hijas #34 part 1

We open with a reprise of Cami's shocking announcement that she and Juan are also married. Hot headed Arturo wants to beat him up but his brothers stop.him. poor Mar feels sick and rushes from the room. Juan starts to follow her but Cami calls him to heel. Luis is not amused to discover what his daughter has done.

Oh, joy, more Susana pushing Gloria into remembering that Ofelia pushed her down the stairs. Gloria remembers they fought at the top of the staircase but in her memory she pushed I and then fell backwards.

Luis asks Cami, what have you done? This guy came to see Mar at our house, they have a history. More discussion I didn't quite catch. Cami thinks dad is only concerned about her brothers, not her. He says of course I care about you, you're my only daughter. She storms off grabbing Juan's arm. Luis staggers a bit by a table of flowers. We see Nick in the background talking on his phone (Why?)

Mar is in the bathroom crying. Val finds her . Mar says this is the saddest day of my life, Val asks, "then why did you marry Mr Portillo?". Mar says you don't understand, and Val says then tell me why. It was your decision, right, mama didn't push you into this. Mar vehemently denies mom pushing her into the wedding. ( Val doesn't seem to have shoulder pads in her dress as one of the patio thought, she is just has very toned shoulders). Mar never explains why she married Luis but her distress is because her step daughter has married the love of her life.

Back to the reception and Cami is crowing to Juan about the look on Mars face. An enraged Arturo has escaped from his bodyguards and lights into Juan. Leo pulls him off, Cami says he's my husband and I chose to marry him. Ofelia either fans the flames or tries to quench them, I'm not sure what it was... Luis is stumbling in the hall. Nick catches him as they sit on some steps....

Mar is still distraught, Val wants to help her, Ofelia comes in the bathroom and Mar says it's all her fault. She takes her gold necklace off and tosses it on the counter and tells her mother to leave. Ofelia reaches for the necklace and leaves the bathroom. Mar collapses to the floor weeping.

Luis is surrounded by his sons, Graciela and Paulina all trying to help him. Juan points this out to Cami. She coldly says, my brothers are there. He doesn't need us. Luis is not responding to them so Paulina calls for an ambulance. Ofelia comes out of the hallway as the fastest medicos in history are already there with a gurney for Luis. The sons lift him onto the gurney as the medics hold it in place. Graciela is saying we have to cancel the reception, Paulina is off to do that. Now Cami is concerned and rushes to Papi's side crying. Leo tells her not to g with him. Juan comforts her.


Las hijas #34 part 2

Mar is still crying and Val is trying to get her to confide in her. Ofelia comes in to tell her that Luis took a bad turn and is going to the hospital. That gets Mar up as she rushes out.

Paulina, in her element, tells the guests that Luis is unwell and is going to the hospital, but he is strong and will be fine. But the festivities are over. Some get and leaves. Cami and Juan remain in their seats and Paulina introduces herself to Juan and in a speech I quite enjoyed let's Cami know that her stunt was in bad form, but she is sure she will continue to disrupt things.

As she leaves Cami tells Juan Paulina is her brother's wife. She is concerned about dad and wants to go to the hospital. Juan agrees but thinks he should make himself scarce at the hospital. She nixes that idea, they are married ( and she is the boss) and they will be together always.

Susana is crowing to Jacinto that Gloria recalled arguing with Ofelia. It's so close to her remembering it all and Ofelia getting her due. Gloria is upstairs so maybe there is a guest room.

At the hospital, Paulina arrives and says all the guests have left, now it's Leo's turn to go ballistic and blames Cami and Juan for Luis getting sick. Mar runs into the waiting area asking how is Luis. Leo tries to run her off. Ofelia to the rescue, Mar is his wife and has as much right to be here as you.

The Dr. Is checking Luis vitals. He wants him to stay for a few days for observation. Luis hates hospitals, he has a solution.

Leo is telling Mar it's best she leaves. Ofelia fights for her daughter's rights and now they all are arguing ( except Val). Cami and Juan are not here yet.The Dr arrives and they finally quit their bickering and ask how Luis is. Dr. Says he is stable but needs to remain for observation. They want to see him. Dr. Says Luis only wants to see his wife...they leave and the fighting reconvenes. Leo tells Graciela to do something. Paulina smiles smugly ( is she hoping Luis dies)?

Mar enters Luis room asking how he is. He tells her tired and upset about Camila and Juan and worried about her for the pain they are causing her. He hates hospitals, how about we go to a place I know by the sea for a few days. She agrees.

Cami and Juan arrives and Arturo finally gets to connect the punch to Juan's face he has been attempting all evening. Security is being called, the Dr yells at them your father needs to be kept calm, none of you can visit him, go home. Juan says I didn't do anything. He and Cami leave, Graciela is remaining to pay the bill, Val drags Mom off. She is sure Mar married Luis because of O. It's obvious she still loves Juan, she cried unceasingly after she found out he married Cami. O tries to hush her, don't let anyone hear you. Val once again is nasty to O, who insists that Mar made her choice, o was also against the marriage.

Arturo just can't give up his persecution of Juan, he tries to drag Cami away from him in the garage. Cami in this case quite rightly tells him he is my husband, we are now a family.

Graciela gets to see a sleeping Luis. She tells Mar she better not try to take advantage of her brother. Luis awakes and asks her to take Mar home.

Arturo is arguing with Nick outside the hospital, it's all Cami's fault dad nearly died. Ofelia and Val exit the hospital and I asks Nick if they can catch a ride back to the mansion. Val says not me, I'm walking back to my house. Nick tries to dissuade her, then Arturo offers her a ride. She snidely tells him she would never get in a car with him again. She walks off, with Arturo hot on her heels so she isn't alone at night.

Juan arrives at his house with Cami. This really made me laugh. He says I don't have anywhere else to take you. She says it's fine. Susana is peeking out the window, angry her grown don is coming home so late Jacinto stands up for him.


Las hijas #34 part 3

The 2 enter the house. Susana tries to hide behind Jacinto as she is wearing her nightclothes I think. She tells them they look nice in their finery. Juan breaks the news. We're married as he leaves his hand with his ring at them. Susana is shocked.

Well Arturo didn't walk with Val, he got his car and followed her part way. Her feet are hurting so she takes her heels off. More arguing about him taking her home. She knows the way, she is used to walking the streets alone, leave her in peace...

Jacinto and Susana are in shock. Jacinto wonders is their some reason they got married so quickly, wink wink. No no, not for that reason. Susana doesn't know where they can stay, Gloria is in Juan's room. Cami says the couch is fine. Juan is shocked Gloria is there. Jacinto welcomes her to the family.

Mar is home. She goes to the servants quarters. O asks how is Luis. Better, they gave him something to relax and sleep. Mar is tired and wants to sleep. O says, no siree, this is no longer your room, you belong in the master suite. You are the lady of the house now.

Juan has made up the couch for his bride. He apologizes for the accomodations. She says no worries. I know you only agreed to this craziness to help me, but I promise in time things will work out and then she kisses him and after a brief hesitation on his part, he reciprocates enthusiastically.

O escorts Mar to the masters chambers, tells her, remember how you used to dream of having such a glorious bed, etc, as O lies on the bed ( wishing it were hers). Mar is back to her timid self and feels uncomfortable and wants to sleep with ma in the servant quarters. Not happening. O leaves her. O thinks, this should be the happiest day of my life, but why am I crying? She will be better without me. This is way better than I dreamed for her. Why do I hurt so much? Mar climbs ito bed wearing a pretty white peignoir. She looks at the photo of Luis and Cecilia that is on the nightstand and recalls Juan's words of undying love to her. She weeps.

Val is back in her burned shell of a house. Amparo brings her something to eat, tells her she should stay with her mother. Val says never. Amparo then says her door is always open for her. And once again we are treated to Val crying about Mar. It's her fault, she didn't protect her like she promised on her Father grave...wah wah...

Mar looks at herself in the mirror and says she has to get over it and stop crying.

Cami wakes up on the couch. Juan brings her coffee. Cami has the bright idea, dad's house is mine too and there is lots of space. Let's go live at the mansion!

Susana brings a timid Gloria back to the mansion. One of the maids is happy to see Gloria is better. Susana demands to see senor Portillo. O comes down the stairs wearing a black outfit that definitely is not the Housekeeper's usual uniform. Susana again asks for senor Portillo. O says he's not here at the moment. Anything you have to. Say to him now goes through his wife. Susana asks who is that, Mar comes downstairs and O gleefully introduces the new Señora Portillo to a shocked Susana.


About the accident. Tino and Paulina dated in college. Her parents died in an accident. She then learned that left only debts ( probably pretended to be rich). He and Paulina got married. I think he put her through college and when she graduated it was supposed to be his turn to finish, but then Emi came along and she ran off.

Fede recorded Facundo hating on Ponzi and admitting he was responsible for making him disappear for a while. She now has something to blackmail him with.

Facundo hired someone to return Ponzi to him too make it look like he was a hero. I imagine the guy was Chintolo. They are probably going to demand a ransom or Tino in exchange.

Guzman left Pipe in Switzerland at a boarding school much to Clara and Rudolph's dismay.

Las Hijas

Thank you, Kat awesome recap! I haven’t watched yet, but I think this is going to become my new norm. My work schedule is changing and since I can’t watch the episode until the next day, and I’ll now be working earlier in the day it’s likely I end up watching episodes late the next day now. So maybe I’ll make it a habit to read the recap first and comment, and then watch later…

Interesting episode. Who wants to spend their wedding crying in the bathroom? Sad… And then hubby collapses and it’s off to the hospital! I’m glad Luis didn’t just die, that would have made for some quick drama!!! LOL but I don’t want the character to go. There’s an older novela ‘Pasion de Gavilanes’ that has a plotline like that – one of the main characters marries a crazy old rich lady, theoretically for money though it was really more like just because he was broken-hearted, depressed and desperate, and the lady died on their wedding day leaving him a very rich broken-hearted, depressed young man!

Art may be too much, and it may be true that Juan is Cami’s husband now and he has to respect that, but I still understand his reaction and kind of respect it. Cami is a grown woman who made her own stupid choice, but we all make stupid choices. Maybe not the violence of it, but I like the ‘how dare you run off and marry my sister without telling anyone anything’ reaction. We all know Juan wasn’t thinking about Cami at all when he made this decision.

Cami has to go live with Susana!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Sadly, those two can now plot the next damage with poor Gloria being manipulated into ‘remembering’ Ofelia’s next sin.


Las hijas.Help, Part 3 disappeared.

Las Hijas

Part 3 is recovered.


Kat, thank you for your exceptional recap.

"O escorts Mar to the masters chambers, tells her, remember how you used to dream of having such a glorious bed, etc, as O lies on the bed ( wishing it were hers)" is so true and had me smiling away. I think Maria Sorte did an excellent job seemingly torn between knowing she did the wrong thing but seemingly comforted that Mar has the life she wanted for her.

I did have a tinge of satisfaction when Mar descended the stairs toward Susana, mouth agape in shock and awe. Susana who is the epitome of evil (in my book). I wonder how quickly she is going to be able to talk Gloria into what she wants her to believe led to her accident.

I feel for Mar but was happy to see her try to stiffen her spine; she is going to need every ounce of courage, especially when Cam and Juan move in which seems imminent. Something is going to have to give.

No criticism of Arturo's reaction toward Juan, thinking he'd taken advantage of his sister...

Val is obsessed with her mold ridden casa much to my dismay. A fresh coat of paint won't begin to hide the multitude of sins of that dilapidated hovel.



Thank you for your additions Kat.

I appreciate your explanation of Paulina's background.

Ahhh, so Fed recorded Facundo's incriminating words which will hopefully come back to bite him soon.


Dear Diana, thanks for all the news . We learned quite a lot about Paulina..none of it good. And now poor Lila is in search of her runaway mom. More angst. Is Circe's heart going to soften toward Lila now?

Clown Facunda is despicable callously causing heartache to his young daughter just to get " followers." Yikes Big Bad Braids is back in the picture. The writers are really heaping on the trouble and woe .

Poor Pipe alone at that boardings chool.

Fade in her sprayed on pants.

Did Guzman mess with the technology at that presentation? Susan

Las Hijas
Kat, thank you for bringing us all the wedding reception happenings. Wow. What bliss ending with a trip to the hospital .

I've noticed that no matter where she is, Val can walk home . hmmm

And a dream noche de boda for Cami on her in laws' living room sofa! Just what she deserves .Nasty, spoiled piece of work. Juan is an idiot.

Ofelia installing Tragic newly wed Mar in the main bedroom into the big bed was...I am at a loss for an adjective....weird??? I thought Ofelia looked like she wanted to share that big comfy bed. It made me think of The Princess and the Pea.

Wasn't O in heaven greeting Susana as Mar walked down the stairs at exactly the right time.

I am ready to go to the seaside with Luis and Mar. We know that these kids are not going to leave them alone. Susan


Thanks, Kat. You got it all!

What a nasty group of people! I hope that Luis follows through and takes Mar on that trip to the ocean. They both deserve a break. It would be nice for a break for the viewer with even a few scenes away from his toxic kids and the forever wailing Valeria. Loved the last scene with Mar being introduced as the lady of the house. Susana never saw that coming. I couldn’t believe Cami on the couch. That was funny.


Thanks Diana, great recap. It seems the bad guys are getting ahead right now. Poor Pipe left in Switzerland. I can’t imagine how Clara Luz and Rudolf will ever be able to rescue him.

Facundo is just too dumb and self centered. I can’t imagine putting anyone through what he’s done to Scarlet. And he did it to get “likes” from followers, and maybe to look like a hero to his daughter. I hope Fed gets to use the video, although I don’t see her doing it so Aide and Tina will know the truth.

I hate that their presentation was ruined. I’m sure it was Guzman and his sidekick, Igor.

I hope Tino is the one to rescue Ponce, and that it happens soon.


Las Hijas

Thanks Kat, that was a great recap. I think I would hate to be an actor that had to yell and argue as much as these guys do. I’m sure they don’t get it on the first take. They must all go home with sore throats.

Well, there’s two marriages that never should have happened, but at least Mar and Luis talked about it and thought about it and know their reasons. Cami married Juan on an impulse to hurt Mar and her father. Juan will soon discover Cami is nothing like sweet Mar. Let’s
just hope Cami doesn’t get pregnant.

I was glad to read Gloria seems to remember she pushed and then fell backwards. I hope Susana doesn’t try to twist it around. Both Susana and Ofelia are bad but Susana is worse. And I don’t understand why Ofelia insisted that Mar sleep in the master bedroom. She should have let her stay in the room with her.

Kat, I’m not watching the show you mentioned last week. I pretty much stick with Univisión. So I’m watching if this and Papas. I was watching the afternoon Angel/Aurora that just ended.
But I watched All Creatures Great and Small while visiting my sister last summer. I came home and started recording them but I’m behind. He just came home after leaving the military. It’s quite different from telenovela’s! I enjoy the calm and low key of the show.



Thank you Susan....

Circe did seem to feel a bit bad for Lila, let's hope things improve between the two.

When it rains, it pours. I was really hoping Calacas would wait a while before rearing his ugly head. No such luck. He better return Ponce without a hair on his little head being harmed.

If Guzman didn't ruin the presentation, Igor definitely did. Poor Lichita sitting there, clueless...



I appreciate your nice words Kat!

Ahhh, we are in sych with Guzman and Igor ruining the presentation. Ack.

Facundo is a nightmare and doesn't deserve a sweet, loving daughter like Scarlet. How could he hurt her so?

OT, I love All Creatures and have watched from the beginning. So good to have Tristan home! The acting is superior and the characters, beautifully realized. I also love all the animals, especially the dogs. I'm already looking forward to next season.


Hijas #34

Thanks, Kat. This was a helluvan episode.

Did anyone ever check to see if there is any electricity in the Garcia house? The plumbing may also be in worse shape than in the opening of this story.

Juan under the same roof as Mar will only be the recipe for the worst to happen to either of them.

Loved Camila's dress but she needs a new coiffure. The d=center part and dark roots do nothing positive for her.

Las hijas

UA, I'm thinking there isn't any electricity, I almost think I saw that the windows are boarded up in the living room. Kitchen windows seem intact. At least the living room walls are now white. The shelves are a charred blackened mess. i agree about Cami's hairdo.

Susan, I actually understand O telling Mar to use the master bedroom. Start out the way you mean to go on, assert your position in the household.I wonder if there is an adjoining bedroom for when Luis returns, or a day bed like Arturo seems to have in his suite. Mar reverted to her retiring demeanor in most of this episode. It was great when she came down the stairs and introduced herself to Susana as the new Sra. Portillo.

Yes, Ofilia wax almost having an orgasmic experience wallowing on the masters bed,lol. I definitely see her there eventually as of course Mar won't remain with him. I guess Luis could die in the end though and leave her Mar a rich widow.

OT. Another wonderful British series to watch is Call the Midwife. I like the period shows a lot. They were the few shows I watched before I discovered TNs 2 years ago.



My comment above was to Liz, not Kat.

Sorry Liz, I'm asleep at the wheel today....


Las hijas

I cannot wait to see what happens tonight. Will they start with the confrontation between the new lady of the manor in her tiny dress and her momager and Susana and Gloria? I get a kick out all the outfits O and her daughters have. That Santa's bag of clothes compliments of the company is truly bottomless !

After that magical wedding in the barrio,, I am sure that Cami will drag Juan to the mansion. She can't wait to torment her new step mom and shame her dad. Good times!

Perhaps Luis will be coming home from the hospital just in time to welcome Juan and give him his chauffeir's uniform.

Val is super annoying , and I am tired of her walking back to that little house ..last night in high heels. Arturo follows in his car ...rinse and repeat .

Arturo seems at a loss as to what to do, so he is currently focusing on clueless Juan who looks as out of it as poor Gloria. Leo and quick take turns holding Baby Bro back Paula smirks and stirs the pot .

All we need now is,Pris showing up at the mansion. Susan


Kat , I used to watch " Call the Midwife" until I couldn't take one more labor and delivery. I was always right there with this women . It was exhausting . I did like the look into England in the 60s. That part was,interesting . Susan


My daughter loves Call the Midwife. I’ll have to watch it one of these days.

Las Hijas

I'm with you Kat, Mar needed to move into the main room. She can't get married and retreat into the staff quarters. I think mom forcing her to go to 'her' room was the least unreasonable thing Ofelia has done so far.

PAPAS #31 Part 1

Guzmán has unceremoniously dumped poor Pipe in a Switzerland boarding school …

Hateful Facundo had devised a nefarious plan whereby he would be hailed as a savior when Ponce was returned to him. Fede recorded his mad musings, smiling wickedly…As the best laid plans often go awry, to our horror, we see that El Calacas has the dear pup as idiot Chintolo sits across from him.

Tino welcomes staff and guests to the Maximax presentation. Once again evil is afoot and the event has been hijacked! As the presentation begins, a monstrous face appears on the screen as everyone stares in disbelief and shock…

Tino tries to explain the mistake as reporters besiege Aidé. Clara Luz, Rudolf and Lichita try and figure out what happened. Tino comes up and gives Rudoph instructions.

Tino’s special guest (the music exec) is very upset.

Circe and Mateo (still in his silly costume) kiss as Lorena materializes and apologizes (again). When Gina arrives, Circe reluctantly asks Lorena to sit down. They start talking and when Lorena mentions Checo, Circe says “Checo who?” Speaking of, we see Checo in his cell surrounded by notebooks so I am assuming he must be studying…He high fives himself so things must be going well.

Tino ascends the stage and he and Rudolf seem to get things on track. Rudolf starts singing, Guzmán makes a face and Igor starts a chant; everyone is clapping along and taking pictures. Only Guzmán looks appalled. Tino is dancing and jumping up and running across the stage with Rudolf.

Bertha and Augusto have a chat while cooking.

Tino introduces Aidé, then Clara Luz, Rudolf, and Lichita. A series of cartoons and other images flash across the screen.

Mateo and Circe kiss. She leaves him to go to Lila. “Hola” she says asking about Lila’s mother. Lila is in a combative mood and not much up to answering Circe’s questions.


PAPAS #31 Part 2

Tino thanks the music exec for his patience and in turn receives a “congratulations” as he gives Aidé a kiss on the cheek. Aidé and Tino talk about what could have happened to disrupt everything.

Tino makes some sort of pitch to Guzmán.

Later, Rudolf and Clara Luz confront Guzmán about Pipe. I believe he tells them he is in good hands at school but Lichita arrives and the conversation is cut short.

Facundo and Fed talk when Tino enters. Fed has her slimy hands all over Tino, very touchy feely.

Back at home, Tino and Aidé talk with the children and as Berta takes over, Fed shows up to darken the day. As she talks, Emi looks extremely afraid and alarmed.

Lichita tells Guzmán about her struggles with her children. She is thrilled when he says she can bring Chofis to the office. Later, Chofis arrives, looking thrilled to be there. Lichita leaves them alone.

A livid Fed turns Emi around in his wheelchair and threatens him, getting in his face about the pictures.

Mateo shows up at Circe’s…Later, Tino tries to talk to her and she disrespectfully calls him “Tino”. He asks about Checo as she seems to indicate he is old news. Tino looks thoughtful as she leaves.

Clara Luz cries to Rudolf about Pipe; he hates to see her so sad.

Chofis answers the phone at home and says hello several times. We don’t hear her say anything else, but in the next scene, she confronts Lichita, voice raised, demanding answers. If anyone can fill in, please do…

Aidé, in a lovely green and white print dress says goodbye to the assembled family as she and Tino wheel their suitcases out of the room. Whatever their destination is, it is unknown to me.


PAPAS #31 Part 3 of 3

Lichita hugs Chofis when Chano shows up. They start arguing.

Guzmán is at the gate when Chano, Lichita and their two children are about to leave. He wants to talk to Chano is it a promotion(?) Whatever happened, Chano hugs him enthusiastically.

Aidé and Tino talk about Paulina.

Lila is still questioning Candy about her mother and Ponce but has no luck.

Clara Luz is folding Pipe’s clothes and inhaling his scent. Guzmán shows up with keys, is he kicking them out (?)

The Chagoya family is outside the jail with a cake for Checo. They are smiling taking selfies before they head inside. They go to the desk but the guard checks the book and asks them to wait. I could not understand what he said is Checo not there? Unavailable? Transferred?

Aide and Tino are in the bedroom boasting a beautiful bouquet of roses. They lose themselves in several, deep, passionate kisses.

No Calacas tonight…

This was the most difficult episode I’ve had to date. I struggled mightily. I tried to relay what little I thought I understood. I omitted several conversations as I simply was not able to translate. As always, your comments are greatly appreciated.



Chofis. The call was from Checo. She has discovered he is in jail and is pissed. I think his birthday is soon. She asks her parents why he was arrested.

Chano did get a promotion to be Fede's assistant.

I dozed off in the last few scenes. I'll have to rewatch them.

Las hijas, Capitulo 35
Part 1/3

Mar acts like the lady of the house in front of Gloria and Susana. They both can’t believe it, and Gloria almost has another attack. What was it that they wanted, Ofelia asks? Gloria’s last paycheck? Mar will handle it.
Susana lies, saying Gloria confirmed she pushed her down the stairs. Ofelia says it’s not true but go ahead and try to prove it if you can. Long story short, Susana and Ofelia go at it again, Ofelia pulls rank (in a rather funny way) since her daughter is the lady of the house. And Mar tells them to go away, or she will ask someone to remove them.
When they are alone Mar wonders if Ofelia actually did something to Gloria. She knows she’d be capable of this and more to get what she wants. And since she finally got what she wanted, enjoy the riches of this house, but stay away from her.
Alone, Ofelia feels bad, but tells herself that she needs to calm down, nobody can see that she is hurting.

Juan doesn’t want to go to live at the mansion, especially after the way Art treated him. Cami says they have rights, but Juan insists that if she married him, she must stay with him. And for now, this is all he can offer her. Cami reluctantly agrees.

Paula is enjoying the press about the wedding, while Leo is upset, they are the main gossip around town. Once again Paula reminds Leo he is the oldest son and the rightful heir to the iron throne… no, wrong show, but seeing how Paula talks, who can blame me?
Paula continues pushing, he should get close to his brothers, because the three of them all disagree about the two new couples. Leo isn’t sure, Paula asks him to handle the guys, she’ll keep an eye on Mar.

On their way home Gloria and Susana talk about the big bad women that are now living in the mansion. Susana thinks Gloria should wait to talk to Luis, Gloria still doubts Ofelia really pushed her.
Susana is one angry lady (when has she not been one, some might ask), now Camila is her daughter-in-law, her father with know who those women truly are.

In the funniest scene on the episode, the maids comment on Ofelia’s new clothes (black two-piece suit and some pearls, very matronly and suegra del patron look). But of course, her daughter is the lady of the house now, and she’d like the girls to start tending to her, too. A light breakfast and whatnot, just like Paula always has. She has to be ready for all the interest that the press will surely show her.

Graciela comes to ask Mar if she’d like to accompany her to the hospital. Does she even care about Luis? Mar assures her that she does, but she also had a bad day. Graciela warns her not to hurt Luis, she doesn’t want her as an enemy, got it?

Val tells Amparo she’s going to see Mar, because she still must protect her from their mother. Even if she hates that house. Amparo promises to always be there for her.


Las hijas, Capitulo 35
Part 2/3

Camila comes to the house and starts a fight with Mar. You can’t stand that I married Juan? Well, I can’t stand that you married my dad either. And unlike you, we are really in love. Mar should accept Juan as her new son-in-law, she should maybe even vouch for him in front of Luis. He’s such a great guy, capable of everything for the woman he loves. Mar sheds a tear, Ofelia arrives to interrupt them.
As Camila leaves, Ofelia tells Mar that if she has to cry, do it where nobody can see her.
In her room, Ofelia tries to push Mar to stop crying. She got married, now she has to live the life she chose. There is no point in suffering, she should just enjoy her new status. Senora Portilla can’t suffer.

Art and Nick talk about Luis feeling better. Art is still upset over Camila’s wedding; Nick says the fight made their father get sick. Art says he had to act, he can’t just sit around and do nothing like Nick. His brother points out his actions weren’t better; he’s only pushing Camila into Juan’s arms.
Leo comes to talk to them, but they are interrupted by Camila, who came to take her things. Art and Leo start scolding her over what she’s done. She says it’s none of their business, she only needs their support, not their reproaches. Since Nick is quiet, she gets mad with him, too, for being the perfect son who never says a word.

Paula gets under Mar’s skin. She wasn’t well received when she first arrived at the mansion either. They started their relationship badly, but she gets what Mar is going through because she’s been living it ever since she married Leo. If Mar ever needs an advice or just someone to talk to, she’s here for her.

Nick comes to talk to Camila, who is gathering her things in her room. He tells her she won’t take anything with her, since she rejected his help and Arturo’s also. She says she only left with her husband.
But Nick has decided to show us that temper we all know hidden deep inside. Sure, Camila thinks she’s a grown woman. Then she can just leave as she came, empty handed.
Leo and Art arrive to witness the rest of the confrontation. Nick doesn’t even allow his sister to take her purse (and all the cash inside her wallet), she no longer needs dad’s money if she’s married. And no, she can’t take her clothes, either. Camila is shocked, she leaves kicking and screaming.
Leo and Art think Nick took things too far. He says this is the only way to make her react, as soon as she realizes that man won’t give her the life she’s used to, she will realize what she’s doing.

Graciela tells Camila she can stay, this is her house. She is shocked to find out she was told to leave and she wasn’t even allowed to take her clothes. How will she live? Camila says she and her husband will handle it, this is no longer her house.

Mar runs into Juan outside. He accuses her of marrying for money. She asks if he married for love. They go back and forth over who hurt who the most, Juan once again tells her she allowed Luis to buy her. Mar slaps him, but then says she doesn’t hate him. Juan says that he does hate her. Mar runs to the car who has been expecting her to hide her tears. Val has seen them fighting and goes to talk to Juan. How did they get to this point, they were so in love. Juan blames Ofelia, she interfered and ruined everything.
Val says Mar didn’t marry for the money. But his decision to marry Camila makes him a coward.
Camila arrives to drag Juan away.

Mar is back at the bridge where she almost killed herself. She screams in despair. This can’t be goo for the baby…


Las hijas, Capitulo 35
Part 3/3

Val asks Ofelia about Mar, who is at the hospital, to see Luis. She tells her both Mar and Juan are suffering, and she doesn’t understand what happened. Ofelia says Mar realized he is a loser (she actually uses this word lol), now she’s married so Val better not fill her head with ideas. She will take care of her. But Val won’t budge until she talks to her sister.

Mar is visiting with Luis. He feels better and is ready to go home. And he’s made plans to take their trip as soon as he’s out of the hospital, the next day.

Back in the vecindad, Camila is worried. She doesn’t even have clothes. Juan says his mom could get her some of hers. OMG Camila’s face!
Juan asks if she’s sure she wants to continue this. Yes, she is, she wants to be with him, he makes her feel so special. She’s starting to feel something for him. She hugs him, but he’s not comfortable, he says he needs to be honest with her, he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to forget Mar.

It's night and Mar tells Graciela Luis will be out of the hospital the next day. The doctor recommended him to take a trip. So, they’re going to the seaside.
Arturo hears this and after Graciela leaves, he mockingly tells Mar that she will get her honeymoon. Mar explains they are only doing this because the doctor suggested it. Val and Ofelia hear part of the conversation, Art says they are only chatting. Ofelia pretends this is all normal, they are all getting to know one another. When Arturo leaves, Mar tells them she and Luis are going on a trip. Ofelia is shocked Mar didn’t tell her. But Mar shuts her up: she has better things to do than just be with her all day long. Hahaha.

Val follows Mar to the room, she’d like to talk. But Mar is happy she’s going to the sea for the first time. Ofelia has followed them, she’s happy Mar gets to experience this, she always wanted this type of life for her. For both her daughters. Just don’t forget to always be pretty, no matter what.
It’s ridiculous advice, but it’s funny, especially since Valeria scoffs and leaves.

She goes downstairs and sees Arturo. She’s looking at him longingly when Nick appears and notices. He says that his brother needs her, she should go to him. Val can’t do that; she will never be able to trust him. Nick can’t be sure of anything, but he has seen Arturo do things for her that he’s never done before.
Val doesn’t trust that love exists. Nick can’t help but agree, he finds love boring. Haha, big anvil coming his way.
Alone Val wonders if what she feels for Arturo is love.

The next day Ofelia and Val tell Mar goodbye. Mar is happy she is going to the beach.
Ofelia would like to ask Val for a favor, but Val once again brushes her off.
She runs into Art inside the house. They both agree they need to be on top of things at work, Val adds that she can’t wait to be done with this contract. This way they will stop seeing one another.

Alone on the stairs outside, Ofelia is called by Rocio, who has been hiding in the bushes. She needs her help to see Luis, and she needs to keep this a secret.
Ofelia must know a lot about the Portillas since she’s so close to the family, right?
Suure, Ofelia knows all their secrets. Rocio asks to help her find out who her son is: Arturo or Nicolas.


Las hijas

Kat, thank you for Monday's recap. I only got to read it before I prepared for my episode.
The wedding shenanigans now over, I do enjoy the new dynamic in the house.
I'm sorry to say this, but Val is the least interesting character right now. Always pouting, whining and wanting to control hes sister's life just as much as their mother.
No sighting of Priscila for a while now. Where is she again?

Las Hijas

Thanks Adriana! Love the recap! Looking forward to seeing the change in Mar's attitude.

I think refusing to live in the mansion is the first thing Juan has ever done that I've respected!! I was wondering when we were guessing that they'd all end up in the mansion if he'd actually agree to live there... good for him for refusing!

While I'm 100% a fan on Nic's plan for how to deal with Cami, I'm not sure he personally had the right to do it. Ideally, it would be daddy who would dish out the tough love and practically maybe Luis can't do that currently with the health issues - but does Nic have the right to be a daddy stand-in? Would Graciela? I mean, I suppose the simple fact that Cami submitted to Nic's 'authority' means he had it, but he probably shouldn't have. Who is he to tell her whether or not she can have her own clothes or anything else? Still, as a wake up and smell the coffee plan, I would have been all for it coming from a healthy Luis!

In the beginning I really thought Rocio's son was going to be either Arturo or Nic - and I thought it was Nic; but I'm starting to think Paula has said 'you ARE the oldest Portillo son' one too many times...


Episode #35 was not shown last night. It was pre-empted by a presidential address in the USA. It will be shown tonight.


Sorry we weren't treated to the episode last night, but looking forward to seeing it tonight. I think Nick overstepped his bounds by refusing to let Cami have her clothes, etc. those are her possessions. jewelry/ watches were likely gifts which she should be allowed to sell if need be. I also agree Luis should be the one to kick her out.


Thanks Kat.

Chano working for Fed will be interesting. I thought Tino might have made Chano his assistant.

So Chofis didn't realize Checo was in jail. I wonder where she thought he'd been all this time? :)



I didn’t think about the fact that it might have been pre-empted! Good to know

Diana, they told Chofis that they sent Checo to some military school in the country.


Chofis is old enough to have been told the truth. No wonder she's upset.



Dear Diana, thanks for another terrific review . Kat, thanks for the extras.

Well, what is going to happen while Tino and Aide are on their romantic getaway?

I agree that Chofis should have been told the truth about her brother . I wonder if she and her parents and brother will be able to see him and give him the cake.

Uh oh , Chanoc is thrilled about his promotion , but we know that constantly smirking Guz is up to no good. Will Fede be all over Chano now , or is she focused on Tino? I hate the way she keeps terrorizing Emi. I hope someone hears her soon.

Facundo is a dangerous clown . I cannot believe how he is using his own young daughter to become an influencer...idiot.

Circe and Lila might be getting closer.

Poor young and off in another country all alone . Susan



I'm not sure that Aide and Tino are on a romantic getaway, though that may be a side benefit. I thought it was a business trip. Maybe they are searching for Paulina.


Susan, thank you for your (always) nice, upbeat comment.

Susan, I wasn't sure as to what the guard told Checo's family so hopefully we will find out tonight if he gets to see them. As there was nothing on Calacas and poor Ponce last night, I'm assuming we will pick up there but honestly, who knows???

I suspect Fed will keep her wandering eye on Tino but ...The actors playing Fed and Chano were romantic partners in Vencer (fairly believable despite how diffent the characters were) :)

I'm hoping it will be apparant as to whether Tino and Aide's trip is business, pleasure or both.

"Poor young and off in another country all alone" was spot on and very sad.



I will put something up tonight...


Las hijas

Cher Adriana, merci for a fantastic replay. I did not get this episode , so I will watch tonight and know exactly what people are saying !!

I am very surprised that Juan stood up to Cami and refused to live in the mansion . uh oh ..Cami thought she had this dog trained !!

Nick stepping in to deal out some tough love to spoiled , entitled
immature Cami was also a surprise . She's a brat , but she should be allowed to take her clothes and personal possessions. However, I have to admit that I really , really want to see Cami in some of Susana's clothes! Ha!

Ofelia is now dressed for success as ...what ???....mother in law to the rich guy? Momager?

Arturo seems lost in space. Maybe he is getting tired of trying to help stubborn Val I know that I am better by tired of Val . I guess she never heard got " Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and accept a little help.

Well, my favorite part was not seeing Prissy. Susan


Thanks Diana, great recap! And thanks to Kat for filling in blanks. I understood a few things, I think! There’s a business weekend for the Maxi group. They were looking for a place to hold it. I guess Tino and Aide went up a day early! Not 100% sure but pretty sure. I got distracted by the size of Aide’s suitcase!
Also, the Chagoya family has brought a cake to the jail to celebrate Checo’s birthday but he was released several hours earlier.

Guzman is a master at making faces! I can’t believe none of the good guys notice!

Facundo is one of the worse dads. Unbelievable the way he is hurting his daughter. Hope Tino rescues the dog.

Waiting for someone to notice what Fed is doing, or at least poor Emi’s face every time she’s mentioned.


Las Hijas

Moment of panic when I saw the recap. Skipped down to comments and was relieved to see I didn’t miss it. Thanks for the recap, Adriana. I’ll read it after I watch the show!



Liz, thank you for your supportive comment!

Ahh, so Checo was already released!! That was so important, I so appreciate your providing that!! Where on earth has he gone??

The Maxi group holding an offsite meeting was also extremely helpful.

Yes, I can't wait for Fed to get caught. It can't happen soon enough...

Thanks again Liz!


PAPAS #32 Part 1

The Chagoya family ae smiling and taking selfies as they prepare to enter the jail; they have gifts and a cake for birthday boy Checo. But when they go to the desk, they are told Checo was released a few hours ago. Stunned silence accompanies startled expressions…

Aidé and Tino are combining Maximax business with pleasure. There is a gorgeous bouquet of roses on the bedroom table as they stare deeply into each other’s eyes, sharing deep, longing kisses.

Tino murmurs words of love which Aidé returns.

Clara Luz and Rudolf try to reason with Guzmán about Pipe; she is clearly upset as Guzmán smiles smarmily.

Back at home, Lichita and Chano’s bickering continues. A distraught Chofis has had enough and starts in crying and yelling about everything that transpired.

Tino and Aidé make love (as I marvel at his many tats). More pillow talk as heartfelt te amos are murmured …

Chano, Lichita and Chofis have finally settled down and are sitting on their couches. Chano is in tears as he laments what has happened looking at a framed picture of him and Checo. All of a sudden, the phone rings and we hear Checo’s voice, telling his family that he wants to be left alone. We see him wandering the streets with his backpack; Chofis dissolves in tears as her mother kisses the top of her head.

Aidé (in a pretty cobalt blue robe) and Tino are enjoying some sustenance; Tino feeds her a raspberry as he envelops her in a hug.

Guzmán arrives at Lichita’s and asks what’s wrong. It appears personal problems need to be set aside as he and Lichita need to go to the meeting. Lichita puts her hands on her eyes. Chano’s eyes are wide as saucers.

A slightly happier group (Aidé and Tino’s children) have a video call with them. Everyone tries to talk at once. Tino and Aidé blow kisses which are returned. Scarlet talks about them being together.


PAPAS #32 Part 2

Guzmán and Lichita are checking into the hotel where the receptionist thinks they are married. Guzmán acts “the gentleman” setting the record straight much to Lichita’s relief.

Clara Luz is on the computer, trying to find out where Pipe is (I believe). Rudolf reminds her that it is Guzmán who is responsible for Pipe. She agrees but is still very clearly worried. Gracias she says hugging him. He tells her not to fret.

Finally, the gang is all here, everyone arriving at the hotel. Lichita is jumping up and down with excitement. Igor the worm is also present as is Fed. Lichita pulls names from a jar as the participants are divided into two teams.

Unappealing Mateo is on the phone with Circe.

Orange and blue aprons denote team colors. Before the team building events begin, they gather for chocolate cake and hot beverages. Clara Luz talks to Lichita about Pipe.

Circe, Gina and Lorena are poolside as petulant Lila comes out. Unfortunately, barnacle Mateo shows up and Circe isn’t happy.

Emi is trying to get Candy back from Lila who is giving him a hard time as Bertha shows up to intervene. Throwing a hissy fit, Lila pushes Emi’s wheelchair like a spoiled brat.

The teams are outside doing a scavenger hunt, seeking Maxiclick flags that have been planted on the grounds. We see Aidé’s mood changing. All of a sudden, her face stern, Aidé flashes back to when she missed a volleyball shot causing her team to lose, her teammates, including Lichita and Clara Luz screaming and lambasting her.

Mateo gives Bertha the cupcakes he brought; she and Augusto tuck into them. (I later realize they must have been drugged due to their absence during everything that transpired).

Chofis and her friend are talking when the nice boy she met earlier returns. Her friend is called away and some innocent flirting occurs. Chofis gives him her number.

The meeting attendees play water volleyball….


PAPAS #32 Part 3 of 3

Circe goes outside and much to her chagrin, she sees the pool area has been invaded by several dozen kids. Mateo helps himself to the liquor behind the bar; we see him spiking the drinks with not only liquor but pills! What a creep. He then brings the drinks over to Circe and her friends, who drink the tainted concoction, Circe making a face.

At an animal shelter (I think), Facundo makes a video for his followers with a very sad Scarlet, still crying over and missing her Ponce.

Tino’s team wins the challenge and medals are awarded. Aidé is not happy. Later Tino asks her what’s wrong and when she answers, he turns things around telling her how valiant and strong she is. She thanks him for his support. Te amo he tells her and she replies in kind.

Circe is now totally bombed out of her mind, dancing wildly…Things are completely out of control…

At the hotel, dinner commences with Tino and Aidé at opposite ends of the table as Guzmán gives a speech..

Fed calls her new underling Chano with some sort of imperious request; I’m not sure what she is asking him to do but he definitely looks worried.

Lorena and a kid who is clearly out of his mind burst into Emi’s room…the kid grabs Emi’s wheelchair and starts spinning a frantic Emi around and around.

Evening entertainment begins with Aidé singing. Lichita, Clara Luz and Rudolf are singing backup and dancing in the background. Unfortunately, the image causes Aidé to harken back remembering the show she sang at, where she was pelted with things the audience (including Lichita and Clara Luz) threw at her. She berates them as they and Tino stare. We sadly see that some cuts are too deep to completely heal.

As mayhem by the pool continues, Mateo is kissing Circe’s neck; she tells him to stop. He pulls her into a chair and she cringes, crying as she tries to push him off. All of a sudden Checo miraculously appears, pulling him off her.

Meanwhile, the boy continues to push Emi down the hall as Emi cries out for Uli. The wheelchair crashes and Emi is thrown on the floor. Emi lies on the floor but then grabs ono the wall and drags himself up to a standing position. Then, miraculously, he lets go of the wall but continues to stand!! Uli comes in as shock and joy spread over their faces. They smile at each other as Uli murmurs “Emi”.

A little ray of hope at the end of some very disturbing events…

Still no Calacas!

Thank you to everyone for chipping in and adding important details! I am so appreciative and hope you will kindly contribute to what I missed tonight.



Thank you for the excellent recap, Adriana.

Interesting: I saw an interview with Oka Giner on Televisa’s Youtube channel.It seems that she had to film three endings for this novela.. She had no idea which one they had settled on. It ended March 2 in Mexico.

Camila should have called the cops on Nico and escalated the situation. Ridiculous! Her property is what her father gave her, the same as her brothers. They are all living off him so what makes Nico so high and mighty?

Juan did have a very good point about his alienation from Mar being Ofelia’s fault from the get-go.

Here is hoping we get to see some of the beach vacation.

This ended on a good mysterious note.

At this point, the only characters I can stand are Mar and Luis but that is enough to keep me watching!


Adriana Noel, your recap was incredible. So well written and very wry and witty. I enjoyed every single word.

Where to begin??

Ofelia is the epitome of living vicariously through her daughter isn’t she? “She got married, now she has to live the life she chose”. Not quite Ofelia, it is the life you chose for your daughter. “Just don’t forget to always be pretty, no matter what” is classic, cringeworthy Ofelia! I had to smile…

I’ve no sympathy for Cami whose karma has returned to badly bite her. Still, watching sanctimonious Nick wield power and authority not ceded to him to forbid Camila in taking any of her money and possessions made me shiver with revulsion. How dare he? Leo was clearly the most sympathetic of the brothers although at this point, I have little use for any of them.

“At this point, the only characters I can stand are Mar and Luis but that is enough to keep me watching!” Amen Jarifa…

I hope Val and Arturo talk and either get on with their relationship or end it. We need Val to get her personality back! 😊


Las hijas

Cami chose the least flattering dress she owned to be exiled in! O in the final scene was now in a ruby red dress with what looked like a ruby necklace and dangling gold earrings. Did their wardrobe also come with matching costume jewelry? Darn, Leo isn't the Cuckoo in the nest. I'm still saying it's Nick as in an early episode Luis and Cecilia, or Graciela, commented about what a good son he turned out to be. Arturo has yet to earn that praise.

Las hijas

Sorry for posting my recap a day early and maybe spoiling things for all of you. I usually check on the Univision site to see if an episode has aired or not, but I've been so busy lately, I completely forgot.

Jarifa, don't get me started on the "several endings" fashion that many novelas have been doing lately. The producers who do this have no guts. It's your story, you created it, just pick and ending and stand by it. Give your characters the ending they deserve, the one that comes naturally and morally.
I've been following Oka on Instagram lately and she does post a lot about the show. So I'm spoiled on some stuff, but not everything. And there is always the chance that the ending they showed in Mexico won't be the same they show in the US.

I was shocked to see the way Nick treated his sister. She couldn't even take her own clothes? Seriously? I could understand Luis canceling her credit cards and asking her to get a job, but Nick really has no right to do it. Lucky for him I dislike Camila so much , I don't care what he does to her, it will be a good life lesson.



Adriana, once this ends, I will be curious to find out if the ending in Mexico was the same as here. Sometimes I have enjoyed the alternate online ending choices as in “El Príncipe” where the original ending was very depressing but online, there was a happy ending making the novela well worth the watch.

Kat, maybe all three bros are cuckoos in the nest. None seems redeemable. What a crew!

Diana, great comment about Ofelia living vicariously through her daughter(s). I still want to know more of her backstory. I get the feeling that Val’s idealization of her father could be destroyed by what kind of husband he was to Ofelia. Ofelia hated that house and what it represented to burn it all down.


Diana, great coverage of the episode. I did not enjoy this one at all. So the team building exercise just happened to put the mean kids against the nerds from high school. Did Guzman engineer that somehow or was it just dumb luck. Chano was tasked with doing something that Tino needed Fede to do, but I'm not sure exactly what. If it is business related she is setting him up for failure. She wants him fired so this will be a good excuse.

I saw those drugged cupcakes a mile away. Circe should never have drunk the alcohol that Mateo spiked. She initially tried to stop the party so I had some respect for her and hoped she had changed. How ironic the other 2 maids go on vacation just when Bertha could really use other sets of eyes minding the home front.

What the guy did to Emi was inexcusable, although he probably used the drugs also.

I'm not loving this TN, lol. The Telemundo show I've been recapping ends tonight. I've shifted to short and sweet on venganza as only 2 others are following it, one several days behind. Just posting things I remember from an episode is so much easier. I've got my eyes on something starting in mid March that looks interesting. But let me know if you need a day off here and there and I'll help with this one. Preferably not Mon or Friday as those are my Las Hijas nights.


Dear Diana, wow, you did a great job of reporting on a busy episode with a lot happening .

Yes, some cuts run deep which is evident if you have ever gone to a class reunion and noticed love \hate relationships living on years after they began. Those mean teens were so awful to young Aide on so many occasions.

I nave wondered about Mateo ever since he was brought into this story . I thought he was supposed to be the good guy friend who turns into the other guy for Circe's affections .However, when he was Eddie Haskelling Bertha and Augosto , I was worried about that cake he gave them . I ...he wouldnt drugthese nice folks...Gee, the little weasel drugged Abuela and the kind chauffeur !! Then, he passes out drugged beverages to the girls.

Well, Checco comes to save the day on the very day he is released.



Whoops...that's me above . Susan, rushing

Las Hijas

Thanks, Adriana, I enjoyed your recap. Poor Mar is not going to have an easy time in that house. I’m glad she’s going away for a bit. I did like the way she stood up to Susana. Ofelia should have been a little less combative. It made her look guilty.

It should be fun to see Camila adjusting to life with her in-laws. I wonder if she and Susana will form a union or if Mar will start looking really sweet to Susana. I think Camila and Susana will decide to try and ruin the García family. I hated that Juan was so mean to Mar. I hope he sees the nasty side of his wife sooner rather than later.

I was hoping Leo would be the son of that woman. That would shut Paula up about him being the oldest and deserving to be in charge.

I’m hoping Mar will remember how Paula treated her and not turn to her for help.

Is Ofelia done being the head housekeeper?



Thank you for your kind words Kat, I really appreciate them.

"So the team building exercise just happened to put the mean kids against the nerds from high school. Did Guzman engineer that somehow or was it just dumb luck" is a great question! That hadn't occurred to me but it seemed too coincidental now that you brought it up...

Looks like Checo returned just in time!

I had hoped this would be much more upbeat than it's been and with Calacas still "out there" it doesn't look exactly hopeful things will change.

I really appreciate your offer of help. This storyline is more than challenging for me and I would love a night off in the near future! I will take you up on your gracious assistance of taking a night soon. In the meantime, if you feel you have the time to take on any night, please just let me know and it's all yours!!


Diana, going forward I think I'd like Tuesday's, although next Tues I'm having cataract surgery on my bad eye. The hole is repaired but the vision in it is worse. So I'll be drugged up a bit and not sure how with it I will be. If you would like tonight off I can do it for you.


I appreciate your kind words Susan.

"Yes, some cuts run deep which is evident if you have ever gone to a class reunion and noticed love \hate relationships living on years after they began" is very insightful.

Yes, Checo arrived to save the day! I thought Mateo was a little weasel (just like you :)) but didn't think he was capable of causing so much carnage. Thank heavens for Checo!



Oh Kat, yes, your doing tonight is wonderful! Thank you so much.

I wish you the best of luck on your surgery next week. I will plan on doing next Tuesday. After next week if you can do Tuesdays when and if you are able, that would be fantastic.

Thanks again!!



Thanks Diana, great recap. Fed was supposed to bring the prizes for the winning team. She called Chano and wants it done quickly. She threatens with him being fired if he doesn’t get them there. She’ll be fun to work with-not!

I was thinking the cupcakes might be drugged. Susan, I loved the “Eddie Haskelling” term. First him to a te.

I was so mad when that boy was pushing poor Emi around. But at least it ended on a good note, with Emi standing! I hope they can get rid of that chair, although I’m sure Fede will find a different way to torture Emi.



Liz, thank you for letting us know what Fede wanted Chano to do. I didn't know what they were saying , but he kept looking at his kids. Will he take them along , or leave them at home ?

I taught in a senior high school , so I have run into quite a few Eddie Haskells.

Mateo turned out to be a bad guy giving Checco a chance to redeem himsellf and become a good guy. Wake up , Bertha!!! Susan

OT Kat

I will be sending you a lot of good vibrations )))))))). Susan


Thanks for your nice words Liz.

Ahhh, pizza! Thanks for that important nugget. I honestly could not figure out what Fed was asking a panicked Chano for! Can you imagine having her as a boss?? Poor guy, as if things aren't bad enough for him.

Susan always comes up with the best sayings doesn't she? "Eddie Haskelling” was terrific, completely agree.

Such an unexpected ending for poor Emi's terrible torture from that zonked out boy. I can't wait for Fed to get her karma...




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