Thursday, March 06, 2025

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Las Hijas de la Sra. García & Papas Por Convenencia- Week of Mar. 3, 2025

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series.  Papas Por Convenencia and Las Hijas de la Sra. García have are both going strong! Kat and Adriana Noel are providing notes/recaps for LHDLSG; and discussion is strong on PPC with Diana and others providing invaluable notes. So let’s cheer our leaders on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Papas Por Convenencia: Ep. 32-33

9-10 PM – Las Hijas de la Sra. García:  Ep. 37-38

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Papas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM. 

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Papas #33 part 1
Lila comes to help Circe while Checo mauls Mateo. She is totally out of it so Checo sends Lila for water and ice .

Uli is so proud of Emi. He tells him he is the strongest and bravest person he knows as he helps him back into his wheelchair. Emi beams in appreciation that his brother is proud of him. Uli tells him I never would rob our father's love from you. He has a huge heart that can love us all. The sound of glass breaking is in the distance. Uli tells Emi to go and lock himself in his room. Don't open it for anyone.

Aide can't let go of the past and she chews Luchita, Rudolph and Clara Luz out some more. Tino tries to calm her down. He says it happened long ago, they have given 100% , even 200% to our maximax campaign. Guzman can vouch that Luchita as his assistant has been superior. Igor mutters something?? Aide has decided she has had enough of this team bonding thing. Aide tells the 3, “say what you want I don't believe in your good intentions”, as she leaves.

Uli finds Checo with Circe and thinks this is all his doing. Lila arrives with the water and tells him it was all the idiot Mateo's fault as she demonstrates how Checo took care of him by punching the air.. Circe arouses and is so happy to see Checo.

Uli tries to break up the party by threatening to call his parents and the police. Circe asks Checo why are you here. He tells her I was released today and you were the first person I wanted to see. ( So I've been meaning to comment on this. Checo just turned 18. That makes him 2 years older than Circe and Uli. Was Luchita a high school mother at 16 or something? The math isn't mathing).

Chofis is upset Chano is leaving her and the toddler alone while her brother is God knows where. Chano says it's for work. He wants to move up on his job so he can better support them. (He needs to take the kids with him on this errand, imo.)

Looks like Aide is regretting her outburst. Tino tries to reassure her.

Luchita Rudolph and Clara are talking at a separate table. Luchita can't lose her job. Clara Luz thinks this is all ancient history and Aide needs to get over it. Rudolph points out to her that they were awful to her back then and their actions result in consequences.

Fede, Igor and Guzman are at a different table. Guzman is going to talk to Aide. Igor tells Fede he has all the gossip if she wants to hear it.

Back at home Circe is upset. Her 2 friends are no longer showing the effects of their drugging and apologize to her and to Emi. Linda says she felt like a zombie. The 2 have called for a taxi.

So the 4 siblings have a pact to not let the parents know what happened. Either the security cameras were turned off, or Uli is going to delete the footage. Not sure which. Checo is cleaning up in the background. He reminds them that Bertha will be back soon. Did she and the chauffeur go somewhere or does he mean back from their drugged rest? Tino calls Uli. He says everything is fine at home.


Papas #33 part 2

Yay, Chano is going to take the kiddos with him as he does his job. Cute Chbebe is ‘talking’ on the wall phone. This child is so cute and always quiet! The doorbell rings. It's Checo, the prodigal son. He asks if he is allowed to come home. Chano says of course and hugs him. Chano apologizes for turning him in. Checo realizes he did it for his own good. The redemption story continues. Chofis tells dad now big brother is back he can go do his job and they can stay with Checo. Checo wonders where is mom?

Bertha and Augusto are passed out on the floor of the kitchen. Cupcakes are on the floor next to them. The maid, Reina, comes in and tries to rouse them then gets a spray bottle and spritzes them with water (I hope) to rouse them. Both of them awaken crying oh my poor head. What am I doing on the floor?

Chano got to Fede in time. Is this at night or the next day? He's got the job as assistant. He keeps saluting her. Luchita sees him there and hits the roof as he's supposed to be minding the kids. She won't let him get a word in edgewise. Fede is confused. Luchita tells her he is her almost ex. They are separated. He's supposed to be caring for our kids.

Aide feels like a fool. She made such a scene yesterday. Tino comforts and boosts her up as is his role in life it seems.

Bertha comes to breakfast. She asks the kids what time did you all retire last night. Scarlet says they were all abed when dad brought her home last night. Where were you, you weren't in your room? The kids tease grandma. Tell us. She says she was already in her 5th dream (not sure what this means, sound asleep perhaps). Lila says you weren't in your room. Bertha says I was in Reina’s room, right Reina?

Chano managed to get his say. Luchita wonders how is Checo? She wants to go home and see him. Chano reminds her this retreat is business..Guzman hears them talking and is eavesdropping. Luchita tells Chano things are not going well with the boss, etc.

Chofis is shocked. Checo is cooking and cleaning. I guess juvi straightened out his a**. They've switched my brother, is it really you? The 2 have some good sibling talk together.

At breakfast, a huge round table, Rudolph makes a dumb joke to Clara who is not in the mood for his humor. Fede asks Chano to pass her the salt, which is 2 inches from her. She is milking having a personal assistant. Aide arrives and starts to say something but Guzman, who entered with her, takes over. Not positive what all he said, but they now have some spiritual Guru, Damaso, to help them find peace and Harmony. Namaste!

Lila and Circe are talking in their bedroom. Lila doesn't understand why Circe agreed to go steady with Mateo. Circe says it was to try and forget Checo. She wonders why Lila cares. Lila tells her all that happened with Mateo, she was going to bash him over the head with a bottle, but Checo beat her ( to the punch). Looks like the sisters like each other now.


Papas #33 part 3

Back with the Guru…he has much more effective team building skills. Guzman found this guy. Not sure what game Guzman is playing. Chano is now part of the retreat since Checo is back caring for the kids.

Bertha tells Reina the kids are acting strange. Reina says strange when you two were found passed out on the floor! She and Augusto have no clue what happened, they don't remember anything. Uli and Emi enter the kitchen. Bertha again asks what went on last night. They say nothing, except…Uli shows her a picture of Emi standing…

Guru has them doing a confidence exercise. Aide keeps bailing afraid she will be dropped face first as Clara and Tino hold her hand as she leans forward. Tino gets subbed out by Rudolph which makes it even harder for her. This Guru is actually on to something. Aide needs to realize that the bullies have grown up and now have her back. The confidence exercise succeeds. Clara and Luchita sincerely apologize to Aide for their adolescent actions and she accepts their apology. Guzman says their leadership training was a success! Group hug.

Luchita and Checo talk. He thanks her for turning him in and changing his life. He grew up on that day. ( Lot more said but not sure all he said. I think he is going out on his own now. Any help on this interaction is welcome.)

Clara and Rudolph are back at Pipe's house ( I can't call it Guzman's). They have 1 day to find a new place. I think Rudolph says they should look for a cheap nice place together. Clara goes to her room. Rudolph gets a message alert.

Aide and Tino return home. The kids are at the pool area. They say everything went fine. Tino sees 2 red solo cups under a cabinet. He gets distracted from it by the news that Emi stood on his own, with the photos to prove it. Way to go Emi!

Dinnertime. Emi is going to see the specialist tomorrow. Aide asks to go with them and they agree. The kids tease Tino and Aide. Were you on your honeymoon, are you married? No, but we are formalizing our relationship and sharing a bedroom. All the kids are happy. Bertha isn't feeling well, she leaves to get something for her headache.

Well Tino hasn't let the cups slip his attention. He shows the 3 older kids a photo of them and asks was there a party while we were gone. They all deny it, and rush out of the car to go to school. Tino is suspicious.

Mateo accosts Circe at school. Her party is all over social media. She wants to report him. He claims to have photos of her drunk and drugged. She then says she'll accuse him of the intent to violate her. He scoffs ….


Papas #33 part 4

And once again my starting and stopping and FFing through commercials has backfired. I have the CC and a black screen.

Rudolph is talking to his publicist, I believe. He has a big gig for him. Also it's time to dust off those other songs he's written.

The gig is up. Tino, I think, has found out about the party. Someone lost their cell and I think he saw the photos. Uli tells dad it was all organized by Mateo, he drugged Circe and others. Checo saved the day. He thanks Checo.

Rudolph and Clara talk about love and living together.

Circe and Tino are talking. Tino wants more of the story. He is who what else may have happened when she was drugged. Cice doesn't want to talk about it now. She does want dad to help mom accept Checo though.

Reina has some to tell Aide. Strange doings in the house while you were away. It involved Berta and Augusto.

Aide wants Berta to explain what she and Augusto were doing passed out in the pantry.

Ok no idea what happened with whom in the end. Guzman was mentioned, and Danselo. Tino wants to cede his shares to the twins and Scarlett .

So if anyone can better clarify the last 5 or ten minutes, have at it….



Kat, this was pure platinum.

I just finished watching the late addition while simultaneously reading your recap which enabled me to actually understand everything that was being said! You did a marvelous job, far better than I ever could have.

I really enjoyed this episode! Loved “Chbebe” who is indeed a sweetheart. When Fed asked Chano to pass her the salt, his facial expression as he moved it mere millimeters had me laughing out loud. I was happy to see him join the group.

“Clara Luz thinks this is all ancient history and Aide needs to get over it. Rudolph points out to her that they were awful to her back then and their actions result in consequences” was perfect. I was a bit surprised Clara Luz still had a bit of an attitude toward Aide (including some eye rolling) while Rudolf and Lichita seem to realize how poorly they acted, expressing genuine regret.

Dámaso Rivera (Horacio Pancheri) finally reappears. Have we even seen him since the reunion at the beginning of this? He’s listed fairly high up on the credits so I was wondering when he’d show up! He’s perfect for this part. I thought he seemed a bit interested in Aide!

The only thing I can add to what you noted is that Tino handed Lili’s phone back to her so I am assuming whatever he may have seen on it confirmed his suspicions about the party were correct.

I believe you captured everything except the very last scene which was with Tino and Guzman. I could not say what they spoke about precisely but Tino mentioned something about his children and Guzman stood there, mouth agape. Hopefully, someone else will be able to explain better than I.

Thank you so much for filling in for me tonight, I really appreciate it.


Las hijas Capitulo 36
Part 1/4

Rocio promises to tell Ofelia the whole truth if Ofelia promises to help her. Senora Cecilia is no longer alive so she won’t keep quiet anymore. Ofelia says they can’t be seen together, pretends to know more than she really does. They decide to meet later and talk.

It’s lunch time at the Chavez house, but Camila doesn’t have a lot of appetite. She says she feels odd eating with them, Susana wonders if she’s feeling sick. Camila explains all her problems are affecting her. Jacinto says they made the effort to put all that food on the table, she needs to eat because in their house they do NOT waste food. The message is clear, but Camila pushes away her plate and tells him that they might as well eat her portion also.
Susana, ever the peacemaker, tries to cover for Camila’s rude behavior by saying that Gloria (who is with them) has some news. But Gloria doesn’t speak, so Susana is the one to tell Camila that she needs to go see Luis and tell him Ofelia provoked Gloria’s accident.
Camila can’t believe her father would be so blind as not to realize he has been lied to. Juan tells them to stop talking about the Garcias. Camila agrees but promises to help Gloria by speaking to her father.

Ofelia is looking at the family portrait of the Portillas. What a huge lie, she says to herself, this so-called perfect family. And someone is about to ruin all of this.
Graciela still calls her Senora, but Ofelia decided to remove the “usted”, since they are now family. Who would have thought that they’d be sharing a meal? Graciela doesn’t think she should get used to this.
Ofelia says Luis is an intelligent man, he will always protect Mar. Then she kind of alludes to secrets that he might be keeping and that could come to light. Graciela pretends not to know anything.

Val has come to work, Nick is surprised to see her, it’s impressive that she’d come despite all the problems in their families. They start talking about Mar and this is a sensitive subject for Val, because she starts to tear up. Nick can sympathize, since he doesn’t agree with his own sister’s decisions, either. Yeah, but Val says she has been taking care of her sister all her life (so her pain is more important than his? Ugh). Nick comes closer and wipes away one of Val’s tears. They both seem rather shaken.

The newlyweds have arrived at the beach. Mar loves it. Luis has arranged for them to have separate rooms. Mar is impressed, Luis says he’s a man of his word. They go towards the beach holding hands and Luis encourages her to go play in the water for a bit. Mar walks bare foot in the sand.


Las hijas Capitulo 36
Part 2/4

Val has changed into her outfit. Arturo tells her he will take her pictures today. She thinks he’s taking advantage of the contract she signed to be around her. He says she also loves to be close to him. They both feel betrayed by their relatives, they need one another. He comes closer to kiss her, she is pushing him away, but Nick sees them get closer and gets a funny face. They’re all ready to start working.

In Juan’s room Susana gives Camila some of her clothes. Camila tries to smile politely. When Susana leaves, she tells Juan that the bed is not very comfortable, and she will need more clothes. Juan says they need to be thankful for all the help his parents are giving them. They decided to do this, they have to live with it. Camila reluctantly agrees.

Mar is amazed to see how big their appartement is. Luis shows her around. There is a big terrace with a great view of the sea. Mar is overwhelmed. She thanks Luis profusely for everything that he’s doing for her.

Later they go back to the beach and Mar starts playing in the water. She is very happy. Luis asks who gave her the name she has, and Mar says it was her mom. She thanks Luis again and he smiles. Mar touches her belly and talks to her baby. If only Juan could be here with them…

Back at the mansion, Ofelia is snooping around the study. Paula sees her but so does one of the maids. Paula asks what she is doing in Luis’ chair. Ofelia says she is only checking that everything is in order around the house.

Val is very tense and Nick notices. He asks Arturo to go back to the office and allow the photographer to come back and do his job. He is making Val uncomfortable, and they need her to be relaxed.
A bit later the photographer is taking the pictures, but Val is still not doing great. Nick asks for a break to talk to her. She says she has a hard time doing the work, she needs someone to teach her. Nick promises to pay her a coach to show her how to do it. But don’t tell anyone, he’ll pay for this himself. Val feels bad, maybe he should hire someone with more experience. Nick reassures her. He will help her get better. Val smiles and they share a fist bump (that she initiates).

Leo asks his father’s secretary if there are any urgent matters to tend to. She says that Don Luis took care of everything before going away. When Leo insists on letting him know if something were to happen the secretary says that she received instructions to inform Nicolas of any possible issue that might appear in Luis’ absence. Leo is upset and has a fit in front of the secretary.


Las hijas Capitulo 36
Part 3/4

Arturo comes to visit Camila at Juan’s house. He says he’s come to take her home or somewhere else. She can’t stay in this place. She says she’ll get used to it and she admits she married for spite, but Juan has been so kind, she thinks she’s falling in love with him. Arturo can’t believe it. Camila says that Juan doesn’t feel the same for now, but she wants to give this a chance, he might change his mind. Does that make her crazy? Arturo understands where she’s coming from. He can’t believe she’s married. She can’t believe her brothers turned their back on her. Now she understands how he felt when she didn’t stand by him when he broke up with Priscila. Arturo says all is forgotten and if she ever decides to leave this place, just give him a call. He hands her some cash and tells her she can always count on him.

Luis asks Mar what happened with her baby daddy, why was he in jail. Mar tries to explain that he only went to jail because of her mother. And he’s not a violent man, the problems he had in there were a misunderstanding. But Luis is still upset, this guy married his daughter on a whim. He’s afraid that his decisions will end up hurting his kids even more.
He promises once again he will protect Mar, but she needs to keep Juan far away from them. Mar insists Juan is not bad. Luis says this man already hurt her, what if he hurts his daughter also? It’s not the first time he’s had to protect someone.

Saul comes to visit Paula at the house. She’s mad he was allowed inside, but she goes to see him. He wants to resume their relationship (I think), threatens to tell Leo everything if she says no. She tries to get rid of him, says she will go look for him another time. Saul pushes for her to come see him at his place the next day. She has to say yes but then they are interrupted by Leo. He is taken aback to find Saul at his house, Saul says he was looking for Arturo, they have business together and he wasn’t answering his phone. Leo says that he can talk to Saul, but Paula intervenes, this is Arturo’s business to handle.
When Saul leaves, Leo is upset and Paula is very relieved to realize it’s not with her that he’s mad, but with Arturo, who is bringing all his problems into their home.
They go to their room to relax and Leo whines that daddy left and put Nicolas in charge. Paula is still shaken up after Saul’s visit, so she doesn’t make her usual accusations about Luis not giving him his rightful place. Leo is surprised, she covers by saying there is no point in insisting on this and hurting him even more. She’s such a sweetheart, isn’t she?

Now both strolling bare foot on the beach, Luis and Mar reminisce about Cecilia. He still loves her so much. This makes Mar believe that true love exists. Of course it does, Luis assures her, just wait to hold your baby in your arms.
As the sun sets, they are both on the terrace of their apartment. Luis gives Mar a kiss on the forehead and wishes her good night.


Las hijas Capitulo 36
Part 4/4

Back at the mansion and still sleeping in the servants’ quarters (oh, the shame), Ofelia calls her daughter and leaves her a voice message. Then she calls Val, who is scrubbing away at her beloved house. Why doesn’t she come to the mansion, that is no place for her to live. Val realizes her mother is lonely. But she won’t budge and no, Ofelia can’t ask a driver to come fetch her. See you later, bye!

Graciela and Arturo are alone after dinner. He doesn’t have an appetite, to many things have happened. Nick arrives but he doesn’t plan to stay for dinner. He’s busy doing his luggage, he told his father that if he got married, he’s leaving.

Leo is asleep when Paula gets a message from Saul – his home address. She is shaken up, almost crying. I love it!

The next day Arturo tries to stop Arturo from leaving. But he says he no longer feels well in this house. Graciela is upset, also. Nick suggests to Leo that he should move out, too. As if!
Nick insists that if their father wants to live his life, they have to do the same thing.
And he actually gets to go with all his belongings, unlike his sister who didn’t even get the chance to pack a change of underwear.

Ofelia comes to visit Rocio (who still calls her Gloria). She once again pretends to know the family well and says they are disappointing her more every day. They pretend to be the perfect family, but they are a bunch of hypocrites. Feeding into Rocio’s resentment, she asks her to explain the feud with Luis. Of course that she knows about it, but what are the exact details?
Rocio is taken aback.
What is it that YOU know, she asks Ofelia? Did Luis send you here? Ofelia says she only wants to know what type of man her daughter married. Rocio says that she should already know how dangerous Luis is, he is guilty of her husband’s death.



Adriana, thank you for your fantastic recap that shone a bright light on everything that transpired.

Are Luis and Mar in paradise? It was beautiful and I could have looked at the scenery all night. It was nice seeing Mar carefree and happy for a bit.

I liked Arturo showing up and supporting Camila quite sweetly, even though she doesn't deserve it. I can't wait to see Cami in one of Susana's hand me downs! :) I was pleasantly surpised Jacinto didn't hold back for scolding Cam for wasting food. Her pampered princess days seem to be behind her.

Ofelia isn't a saint but I'm tiring of Susana's dog with a bone manipulation and lies blaming Ofelia for Gloria's fall.

"It’s not the first time he’s had to protect someone" and Rocio's assertion Luis caused her husband's death have me wondering if he is not quite the great guy we think he is.

Graciela exuded an almost imperceptible tinge of disdain during her conversation with Ofelia who seems oblivious she will never have a place in Luis' household.

Val needs to change her dour demeanor.

What is Paula going to do now? She's really in trouble.



Thanks, Adriana, for the very enjoyable read this morning.

For me, the highlight last night was Mar running around like a little kid on the beach. I glad they gave us a good dose of Luis and her on their vacation. It was a nice break from the continuing and often stupid drama back at home.

Poor Juan with Cami actually starting to fall in love with him.

Diana, thank you for reminding us that Luis had to “protect” someone in the past. It should prove interesting.


Las hijas

Adriana, great as usual. Fell asleep during the last few minutes but now I don't have to go back and watch it since you explained it so well. I wonder if Rocio's husband killed himself, possibly over the loss of raising his son, if he was the father. Or some business deal gone bad. I really can't see Luis as a murderer.

Val sure is the epitome having an of ugly cry face. Mar is pretty even when tears stream down her cheek.

Arturo won a few points with me in how he treated Cami.

Why isn't Ofelia getting DNA samples ( hair brush should provide the test subject and Arturo is still at home. Nick leaving makes getting his sample a bit more difficult).

I loved your quip, Nick gets to take his clothes while Cami doesn't even get to leave with a change of underwear!.

Las Hijas,
Cher Adriana, Merci, for that snappy recap of this story and the characters who are now here, there, and everywhere.

I liked the scenes of happiness and peace for Mar and Luis ..and us the beautiful beach and luxurious resort . I loved Mar's lovely , colorful chiffon dress as she frolicked in the waves . Her new rich look has her in short, tight formal dresses.

Wow, the look on Cami's face as she sat at that crowded table with her new fam...yikes . And I liked Jacinto informing her that they don't waste food. I grew up on a farm , and my dad grew acres of sweet corn and potatoes and we had a huge vegetable garden, but we never wasted food.

I think that Cami would wear Juan' s clothes before she wore anything Susana has . However, now that Art has given her some cash , she can buy some clothes. Poor baby .

Nick wiping away that tear from Val's cheek seems to seal the deal for those two ending up together as they did in " Perdonne."

I am sure Luis didn't kill anyone. I am intrigued to find out what really happened .
Paula is sweating about Saul , but she is also still scheming .

O has miraculously obtained a lot of elegant clothing and jewelry. Susan



Thanks, Kat, great recap. I was trying to remember what Mateo was like at the beginning of this telenovela! I think i should probably not erase them after I watch so I Can look back at things.

I was surprised also that Guzmán actually worked to help make the weekend a success. What was his motive!

Checo’s age has always been a puzzle to me. He just seems so much older than 18. In his looks anyway. I always thought he was so much older than his sister, but it’s only a four year difference.

Mateo drugged those kids and the two adults. He needs to be locked up.

I wasn’t sure what Tino said to Guzmán either. I think it was about his shares. I’m surprised he trusts Guzmán. But Guzmán was “sick” when Aide was being left out of things.


Las Hijas

Thank you, Adriana, your recap was the perfect company for my morning coffee has always! It was a fun episode.

I'm not sure we can rule Leo out as Rocio's son.... We are talking Rocio's word for it that it's Nic or Art, but how does she know it's only one of those two when she doesn't know who it is? She might be right, but she might just be assuming. I 100% thought it was Nicolas from the very beginning but now that Paula has said 3,489 times that Leo IS the oldest Portillo son, I'm not comfortable ruling out the possibility that it could still be Leo.

There was a definite spark between Nic and Val with the tear wiping away, and flicker of jealousy on Nic's part when Val and Art almost kissed.....this pot is ready to simmer!! I'm impressed that Nic is following through on his promise to move out if daddy married.

I'm with you on wondering if Luis is who we've been led to believe he is so far. I'm not quite expecting him to be a 180 of the nice guy, maybe just a little more nuanced. Hehe I'm not quite buying the whole 'strictly platonic' interest in Mar angle either. He spends a lot of time looking at her and touching her for someone who has no interest whatsoever in her physically. I'm no expert on platonic relationships but do they hold hands wherever they go? I'm thinking Ofelia may have had a point when she said there were lots of ways Luis could help Mar without marrying her and if he was marrying her, it was because he wanted he biding his time? Or is it really innocent?

I'm kind of torn on the whole 'we don't waste food' of it all. I mostly agree with Jacinto's point but with the cavot of: did he ask Cami if she wanted whatever meal he was preparing? Because if you're just assuming that I'm going to eat breakfast/lunch/dinner because it's breakfast/lunch/dinner time and you haven't asked me if I'm going to be joining you for the meal and then you tell me "We worked hard to put this meal on the table and in this house food doesn't go to waste", then that's more of the manipulative controlling behavior that runs rampant in that household and a Jacinto problem! If however, Cami had been anticipating eating with them and then not eaten then it's back to a Cami problem and Jacinto is right to call her out. I just wonder though because of all the manipulation we've seen from that family.


Liz, Mateo was the guy who tried to get Circe to drive with him in that street drag race that she really didn't want to join. Pretty sure he encouraged her to drink them also but I can't remember if she refrained. Checo rescued her then also. He is the guy that hit Silvana and led to her death. Never been a good guy.

Hijas #36

Merci, Adriana. Great work.

I find it interesting that Mar had never been to a beach before. She was behaving like a happy child and the kiss later did look paternal and not like the kiss of a husband.

As for Nick taking his clothes vs Camila not being allowed to, I get it. Camila has no work ethic and did nothing to earn money so far. She is now getting a serious reality check. I hope Arturo didn't give Camila enough for Dior. She should be shopping the clearance rack at Target.

Kudos to Jacinto for telling her not to waste food. I grew up with that directive thanks to parents and other relatives who endured WWII shortages. I've also read stories of people in a few other countries who deliberately waste food as a boast of their wealth. Disgusting.


Thanks Kat. At first I thought it might be the guy on crutches and was wondering at the personality change! When I’m reading the closed captions and trying to translate I don’t study the faces as much!

Liz, it was the guy on crutches. He got injured in the crash. The drunks always manage to walk away from their carnage. I'm reading CC's all the time too so I get where you're coming from.


Oh my goodness! The guy on crutches seemed so nice! Now I understand why she said yes to him! Well, that and to forget Checo!


Las Hijas

Thanks Adriana, an excellent recap. The beach scenes were beautiful. But it really showed their differences, with Mar prancing around like a kid and Luis standing there watching her.

At this point I’m Still trusting Luis, even though I’ve never seen him play a Good guy before. I don’t know why they have her son but it’s Rocío I wouldn’t trust. Of course, I’ve been wrong before.

Between Susana and Ofelia, I think Susana is much worse. Although we know Ofelia is going to make trouble trying to find out which son is Rocio’s.

Susana telling Camila that Ofelia was the cause of Grace’s accident is just wrong. She’s to intent on getting Ofelia in trouble.

I guess we’re supposed to believe Susana’s clothes fit Camila! And she admits to Arturo she married Juan for spite. I wonder how she convinced Juan to marry her. I hope he soon sees the Camila we know. Why did she feel uncomfortable eating at their table. Does she think it’s like eating with the help?

I think the beach was our last bit of tranquility and we need to get ready for fireworks!


PAPAS #34 Part 1

Previously…Mateo invaded Aidé’s home with unwanted, uninvited guests while he spiked drinks with liquor and drugs. Checo arrived just in time to save Circe from Mateo’s attack but in spite of the children’s efforts to erase all traces of the party, Tino finds out what has gone on.

Emi was hijacked by an out of his gourd partygoer but after being thrown from his wheelchair, managed to stand on both of his legs to his and Uli’s delight.

Everyone, including Aidé survived the team bonding/building getaway with Cheno joining the “fun”…

The epi ended with Tino and Guzmán in a discussion where we think Tino said he wanted to give his shares to the kids…

Unfortunately, tonight opens during the same conversation. It seems Tino is asking Guzmán to accept something which he does; the two hug and Tino is grateful.

Bertha earnestly tries to explain to Aidé what happened when she (and Augusto) passed out. She mentions Mateo and then Aidé flashes back to confronting Circe about the pill she found some time ago which I believe Circe blamed on Mateo. Bertha apologizes to Aidé but Aidé is not upset with her.

There are several scenes with Clara Luz (who says she wants a public relationship) and Rudolf. They are arguing and at one point she says she loves him with all her heart. There was mention of Silvana and Pipe and something about a big opportunity. She later unloads on Lichita. Finally, Clara Luz says something about deception and kicks him out of Pura’s house. He sadly wheels out his suitcases…

Chano (in a fuchsia striped shirt) takes orders from Fed as he salutes her. Lichita appears in the doorway and he makes faces wanting her to leave but Fed has already seen her and tells her to come in; after they leave she rolls her eyes and mutters under her breath.

Aidé relays her conversation with Bertha to Tino. He talks to her about Mateo. When Aidé speaks with Fed later, she says actions have consequences, I believe referring to Circe.

Back home, Aidé confronts Circe. In tears, Circe admits Mateo was her novio. Aidé is extremely angry with Circe but all Circe can do is cry and hyperventilate a bit. Aidé is coming on very strong and Tino gently holds her arm trying to get her to pull back a bit. As Circe continues to talk about the “fiesta” and alcohol induced events, tears continue to roll down her cheeks. She admits she is responsible. Circe tries to tell her mother that if it were not for Checo, Mateo would have hurt her. Let’s just say Aidé does not want Circe to have anything to do with Mateo. Tino tries to pull her back but when Circe protests Aidé digs in further. I believe Aidé is threatening to send Circe to the U.S.; she isn’t backing down.


PAPAS #34 Part 2

I don’t know why Chano and Lichita are very upset with Chofis (something about Chuchito?) Chofis sasses them back and Lichita slaps her. Lichita insists Chofis accompany them to work.

Bertha brings out (one of the drug filled?) cupcakes as Augusto eyes it suspiciously. He tells Bertha not to blame herself saying children are the responsibly of their mother and father.

Circe complains to Lila about what transpired.

Aidé tells Tino Circe needs parenting. Circe is my child she insists but Tino rightfully mentions she is his too. The U.S. is again threatened.

Lila spies and tells Circe that Tino is sticking up for her.

Chofis is back very unwillingly at Maxiclick when Guzmán comes up. As Lichita talks with him, Chofis glowers and Guzmán has no problem with Chofis being there apparently.

We are back to discussion between Aidé and Tino. It’s heated and both are digging their heels in. My child, my house, she says echoing how upset she is. Tino seems to say they will discuss things when she has calmed down.

Fed questions Checo about his children, it didn’t appear she knew Checo was his son.

Tino tells Circe Aidé is worried about her and tries to smooth things over. They shake hands as Aidé comes in telling Tino it is time for Emi’s doctor’s appointment.

If the doctor shared any information/progress on Emi’s health, I could not interpret it. The doctor does tell Emi not to be sad. You have a huge heart Aidé tells Emi as Tino proudly agrees.

Circe confides in Fed. She is all smiles when she talks about Checo.

As Tino and Aidé walk down the hospital corridor behind Emi, Tino turns and walks back.


PAPAS #34 Part 3 of 3

Dinner is a quiet, unhappy affair. Emi comments on Bertha’s absence. Finally, Aidé metes out punishment for both Uli and Lila. I believe she says Scarlet is immune as she did not participate. Then, the final verdict is rendered. Circe is going to school in the U.S. Everyone starts talking at once but Aidé has rendered the final decision.

Clara Luz shows up at Rudolf’s as he is singing. I think she has a plan regarding Maxiclick but makes it clear it is all about the music. Then she gets mad and leaves.

Circe stands up crying as Tino quietly tries to rationalize with Aidé. Tino, Uli, Lial, Emi and Scarlet all get up and stand with Circe. We are family Uli says, arm around his sister. Sweet Scarlet cries. Circe is my sister Lila says and Emi adds his pleas. Aidé stares from the other end of the huge family table. After Tino puts his arms around the children, Circe begs for forgiveness. Everything appeared to be too much and Aidé changed her mind. However, I believe she says Circe is not to be involved with Checo. Tino walks down to Aidé but I don’t think she is softening on this point.

As a follow-up to their conversation earlier, Fed meets Chano at the loading dock where Checo awaits. I believe Fed makes it clear she is hiring him for Tino not Chano. Father and son joyously hug.

Clara Luz goes to answer the doorbell thinking it is Rudolf but it’s not. She opens the door and there is a man who introduces himself as Felipe. He does a little dance and Clara Luz puts out her hand and smiles.

Aidé, Tino, Fed and Circe arrive at the police station. When a policeman comes out and asks to speak with Circe, she does not ask her mother to accompany her; it is Tino’s arm she grabs calling him “papa”. The last thing we see is Aidé shocked face.

I can only apologize as tonight’s episode was rather a nightmare for me. I tried but just couldn’t make sense of the majority of the dialogue especially why Clara Luz was so upset with Rudolf and Lichita and Chano with Chofis. Kindly add what I missed and what I got wrong. Thank you…


Las hijas # 37

Rocio continues to tell Ofelia the bad things Luis did to her life without mentioning particulars.

Graciela, Paulina, Leo and Arturo are in the salon. Arturo is mad Nick left the house. Leo is mad dad left Nick in charge, and now Leo thinks it's time for he and Paulina to fly the nest also, much to her (and the other's dismay). Leo doesn't want to share a roof with the new Mrs. He leaves with Paulina in hot pursuit to fix things with him. Arturo tells Graciela this family is being destroyed little by little.

Ofelia wants more facts, and Rocio wants to know what she knows about the family. She says they present the perfect family image, but it's isn't a truly perfect family.

So Rocio's husband, according to her, was an employee in the business ( factory I think). He did a lot of overtime and fell asleep at the job and the machine killed him in some way. Ofelia says what a horrible accident. Rocio says Luis Portillo made him work all this extra hours at night. He killed him. If you don't see the truth get out of my house she yells at O.

Paulina can't get Leo to change his mind. No idea where we are going but we are out of here. My father will have to respect me as much as he does Nick.

Ofelia appeases Rocio. Not sure exactly how the Portillo's adopting her son happened. Sounded like she was in a bad state and they offered to raise him as their own, but that she had to renounce any claims to him. O will help her find her son.

Arturo is in his mother's studio talking to her spirit. Telling her all that is happening in the family what should I do. Should I stay or should I go? He wishes she were there to give him advice.

Back at the beach to a bright new day. Mar slept wonderfully. Luis also. She checks he took his meds. He says he's been doing some deep thinking. Mar says in her mind the rich never have problems, but now she sees that isn't the case. He says sure, the rich have it easier because they can buy all their necessities, but...they both realize the heart is what is important. He tells her since Cecilia died he quit taking care of himself. Mar is going to make sure he does as the doctor orders from here on our she is worried for him and he is very important to her.

Moving day and Nick is in his new place. An apartment with a balcony and sort of a view, if you like looking at buildings and rooftops.

Mar and Luis talk about all his kids and how they are each so different.( I have company arriving in a bit, my brother and his wife, so I'm going to shorten this somewhat and not go into all the details.)

Leo runs into Val at Nick's office. He tells her he's not here today
He is moving. That shocks her. He says he's going next. He alludes to the fact that her sister and mother and herself are driving them all out.

O is in the salon reading a book when Paulina sees her and says why am I not surprised to see you sitting there. O throws in a dig, the difference between me and you is im not a freeloader. This is my daughter's house now. The two vet into a heated discussion about who is the señora of the casa. O says that is Mar. Paulina says no, being the señora requires class, which Mar obviously lacks. More discussion, O knows Paulina also comes from humble origins.


Las Hijas #37 part 2

Company arrived, now they are in bed so I'm continuing late.

Val and Leo argue some more. More of her yelling and getting in his face which I'm tired of her attitude. The lawyer comes and tells her Nick asked him to bring her to the shoot so they leave.

Cami's gone shopping and spent all Arturo's money. Sue says God will provide. Cami hopes he'll provide for her soon as she can't live without her things. Susana asks her to come help her cook. Nope, Cami is too tired, she's going to lie down. Susana isn't quite as happy with her new DIL as she expected.

Paulina ignores a call. He leaves a message, it's Saul, he's waiting for her.

Nicolas has hired 2 redheads, male and female, to teach Val the modeling ropes. The lawyer brings her to them, and it appears he's sticking around for the lesson as they head to another room. Arturo sees them head down the hall

Luis and Mar are at an open air restaurant. She seems overwhelmed by the menu so he orders for them both. He asks her does she want to study for a career? It will be important for you to be a good example for your child and have a meaningful career. Poor Mar, school was not her thing. Her mother drilled it into her all her life that her job is to be pretty. Luis tells her she is intelligent, don't call yourself ignorant. She says her father was the only one who told her that. Think about what you want to study and we'll discuss it again later.

Well the redhead duo gets ushered into Val's Casita in all its dismal glory. This is where they get to work their magic on her. They are underwhelmed.

Arturo visits Nick in his apartment, admires the view. They comment things have really changed since mom passed. Nick wants to know how Arturo really feels about Val. Things are tense
when they work together. Arturo swears he's never felt this way about anyone before but she won't even talk to me.

Saul is pouring a glass of champagne and Paulina arrives. He's all over her. She doesn't want this and is crying.( Never thought I'd feel sorry for Paulina, yet here I am). She fights him off. He threatens to tell Leo and show him the security camera footage as he continues to kiss her and remove her top.

Ok Nick and Arturo talk some more about relationships. I didn't quite get what they said. I think Nick doesn't really believe Arturo is truly in love.

Leo has his assistant set up viewings of apartments, the sooner the better. It's time to move and get away from dad and his new family. He calls Paulina mi Amor. She gets Saul off her because she needs to answer. Leo wants her to keep all day free tomorrow to look at apartments. She sounds weird to him (As Saul continues to molest her). She's fine she says, I'll see you later. Saul climbs on her again as she miserably stares at the ceiling.

Ofi ( Amparo's name for her) visits Amparo
She's worried about more. Senor Portillo has a murky past. She needs to get Mar away from him. Amparo is shocked, didn't you want this marriage. Ofi says no. O wonders did this woman say things to end the marriage. She's not sure what to believe, and I'm not sure I got that conversation correct.


Las hijas #37 part 3

Back at Susana's house. Jacinto is tired and hungry. She brings him a coca cola and complains about how hard her day is taking care of the extra women without any help. Jacinto promises to help her but then Juan comes home and Jacinto complains to Juan that his wife is a (prima dona) layabout and doesn't help his poor tired mom. Juan will talk to her.

Amparo advises Ofi to forget about what this woman has said. Do you really think Mar is in trouble, what does your mother's intuition tell you? O is going to discover if there is some secret about Luis though.

Juan finds Cami unpacking her new clothes. He wonders where she got the money. Then he asks if you had money you should offer it to the parents to help pay for food, etc. poor, rich ,Cami doesn't realize this is how the real world works. He also wants her to help mom. By cooking cleaning the baths ( there's more than 1 in this house?). That grosses her out, los baños. He says yes. You need to learn how to live (in the real world).

Saul wants Paulina to stay the night. She can't this is it, a one time deal. He blackmails her if course. You will be see me at least once a week for more of this.

Graciela eats a solitary dinner, though all the places settings are put out for the kids. Not alone after all. Ofelia joins her, lol. Graciela would rather eat alone. O is trying her patience. O tells Graciela she won't let anyone speak poorly of her daughter's after Graciela put them and their low clas status down.

Leo comes in asking for Paula. No idea they say. He's off to look for her. Paula is in tears as she leaves Saul's apartment.

Luis and Mar walk at night. He's looking at his phone for work emails. Mar tells him the Dr said to relax. She wants him to get a better work/life balance. He's glad she worries about him. He asks are you ready to return to our new real life. I think he says they need to separate Juan and Cami. He also wants to find her the best Dr for her pregnancy.

Leo still can't find Paulina. Arturo thinks she's probably out with friends. Give it a few hours.

Paula pulls into a parking space outside a building I have no idea where. Is it a bar?

Ofelia is playing spying among Luis things. She's found a box with a letter from Nick to mom from Harvard. He misses home and doesn't know why he was sent so far away to study. Graciela catches her and asks what are you doing in here?

Leo keeps calling Paulina. She comes in distraught. He asks what happened. She said she went to the police. So it wasn't a bar. She has been raped. ( And she was, so I'm glad she went).

Las hijas

Wow, I did not think Paula would go to the police. Good for her! No woman deserves what happened to her, is there any chance this experience will humble her a little?

The way I see it, Luis is taking Mar in as another child. And since he couldn't just adopt her, he had to marry her.

I love the fact that Susana is starting to get fed up with Camila's behaviour. On one hand how spoiled and bad educated can one be not to realize you have to help out when you live with people you barely know? On the other, it serves Susana and Jacinto right, since they'd put Camila on a pedestal for saving Juan while throwing Mar to the wolves more than once. I bet Mar would have loved to scrub those toilets and eat their food, but she was never even allowed to cross their threshold.

A weird triangle forming between Val, Art and Nick. Art is the sexy suitor, while Nick seems to be turning more into a confidente. But Val, who always thinks she knows best and isn't afraid to protest for anything and everything under the sun, actually listens to him. And always quarels with Art. Sure, all this passion is fun and exciting, but it can get old pretty fast.

Las hijas

Kat, I forgot to say thank you! You are so amazing, writing everything on your phone!!


Kat, your well crafted recap conveyed the mostly dark and disturbing events perfectly.

"Moving day and Nick is in his new place. An apartment with a balcony and sort of a view, if you like looking at buildings and rooftops" mirrored my feelings exactly.

Saul is a monster. Watching Paulina's face as she was raped was excruciating. Utterly degraded by a fiend without conscience. I am fervently hoping she is ready to name Saul and that he is locked away quickly and hopefully for the rest of his miserable life.

I don't understand why the "redhead" team is going to work with Val at her house rather than a studio. Val is being so cold to Arturo, I can't see his ardor continuing. I am not feeling Nick and Val at all and feel this plot line is just stumbling along.

Rocio's narrative is likely part of the story. I just can't see Luis standing over anyone demand they work themselves to death.

"Ofi's worried about more. Senor Portillo has a murky past. She needs to get Mar away from him. Amparo is shocked, didn't you want this marriage. Ofi says no." Really Ofi?? Flip/flop.

Poor little rich girl Cami isn't about to lift a finger. Poor, put upon Suz will need to do it all. Too bad.


Las Hijas

Thank you, Kat! Another stellar recap! Written on your phone and navigated around company! Your hard work and dedication are much appreciated!!

In the who’s Rocio’s baby convo it might be interesting what Luis said about his sons to Mar – or it could be a misdirect. He said that Art is exactly like him and that’s why they have a hard time getting along. Art being exactly like him could imply a biological link, but it could be nurture rather than nature too though. Luis said he and Leo never got along and never found common ground and he indicated that he’d always favored Nicolas due to some unspecified difficulties in the past – he didn’t actually say Nic was the favorite just that it had bonded them…. interesting. Still think it’s Nic, still hope it’s Leo.

I think Diana pointed out the key element in her comment: ‘I just can't see Luis standing over anyone demand they work themselves to death.’ Overtime likely wasn’t a demand, and even if the employee HAD to work overtime or lose their job it can’t have been the only job in town. There’s an element of personal choice/responsibility involved in working yourself to death though there could have also been an element of company responsibility for unsafe working conditions if they truly were having employees working too many hours on heavy machinery. Still, that’s a tragic accident and neglect not malice and murder.

I can’t believe I’m going to defend Cami!!! I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it! I don’t want to!!!! But I’m going to! It’s just plain unreasonable for Juan to have told her that she should have given that money to his mother to help with household expenses. Cami left her house with nothing but the clothes on her back, she actually NEEDS to go buy herself some clothes. And no, Susana’s hand me downs aren’t sufficient. Did she need designer whatever and perfume, no, but baby steps. Cami should have gone to Target and gotten the stuff she actually NEEDED with that money, not handed it to Susy. Or possibly there could have been a combination of the two. Next, this whole ‘she doesn’t help around the house’ complaint should have happened in a week or two! I’m sorry, maybe it’s just because I hate Susana, but I can’t find any concern for the complaint of ‘Your wife has lived here for a whole day and a half, and she hasn’t cleaned the bathroom yet!’. I mean we all know that it will be an issue, but really, if your new daughter-in-law moved in with you on Thursday because her family threw her out of the house with nothing but the clothes on her back, would you be lecturing her about cleaning her plate on Friday and complaining about how she doesn’t help around the house by Saturday??? I know I know, I’m not suspending my disbelief very well this week, but I actually laughed when Susana said she was tired because she had extra work with extra people in the house and no one to help her – how much extra work can a tiny blonde woman who refuses to eat actually be? And the other extra person is only there because Susy wants to use and manipulate her, clean your own bathroom woman!

Adriana, I hope Luis sees Mar as a child. I just get a weird vibe. I’d like to be wrong though. There’s plenty of repulsiveness in this already, Saul!! We don’t need more.


Las Hijas

I forgot to mention about the little coke commercial - it was coke zero and Susana actually said coke zero too! Made me laugh, we've been enjoying our coke commercials in novelas for years but now they are specifically marketing coke zero - less sugar people!

Las Hijas

Kat, thank you for a great report on all the comings and goings .

Well, did everyone get up an grab a Coke after Susana and Jacinto did that little commercial ?

Ha...Susana is starting to realize that Cami is not what she appeared to be . Cami is starting to realize that being Impulsive isn't such a good idea and might lead to cleaning toilets and washing dishes .

Meanwhile , Cami's new stepmother is getting a taste of the good life at a beach resort where Cami has probably been to many times. Cheer up , Cami ! You may have to learn to do household chores but ...look at the positive.. There's Coke .

Well, it's nice and Luis and Mar had some R&R in the sun and sea because when they return , there are a lot of things happening . ..none of them good.

That pair of model molders looked appalled when they went to Val's renovation project. Hey, do your best work because this girl needs this job.

I was surprised that Paula went to the police. .Isn't she worried about Saul revealing her mysterious past? Was he her pimp? And how does O know that Paula has a humble past ?

O is really nosing all around the mansion.

Was Nick sent to college far away to keep him away from Rocia, or was this a red herring ? Susan



“…how much extra work can a tiny blonde woman who refuses to eat actually be? And the other extra person is only there because Susy wants to use and manipulate her, clean your own bathroom woman! 😊 Oh Darcy, this had me laughing away…I couldn't agree more...


Las hijas

I don't think that Luis had a bad motive in marrying Mar. She is childlike, and he treats her like a child. As someone mentioned , he married her ,but it was actually more like an adoption. I think he was shocked when he saw her preparing to jump from that bridge . He has been grieving and angry with his kids , so he wanted to help Mar somehow. Not the wisest decision , but I think he thought it was a good decision at the time. It wasn't ,and it pushed impulsive, spoiled Cami to make another bad decision to push Juan into marriage and his sons to react with anger.Maybe everyone needs to take a break and gave a Coke. Susan

Thanks, Kat, for your very fine recap. I agree that Luis is taking Mar under his wing like a a daughter. Kind of refreshing in this day and age.

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