Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cuidado 1-27-09. Sisters make everyone crazy. What more proof do you need?

Marichuy buys ten jugs of milk and a big box of assorted cookies for the orphans. She puts the change in her wallet, but we don’t see her try to stash it in her tight skimpy clothes. As she hauls away the heavy bags, the store clerk calls to her, “Tu vas a sombrita!” Does anyone know what this means? “Sombra” can be slang for jail, so is he saying she’s headed to the clinker, like this is some joke between them? I don’t know.

Juan Miguel reminisces on the times when he was less tragic-looking and smiled more, because he and Marichuy were in lurve. Those were happier times for us all, I think. He is elated to have found out that she lied to the judge so he could keep his daughter (although, not really. She just told the judge that JM didn’t hurt her and nothing big happened, which is true even though she was scared and had nightmares) and muses that he would love to find her again, even though she said she’s over him. He tells himself out loud that he can’t help being jealous that she’s marrying someone else, because he still loves her. “I love you,” he says to his empty study, as tears and snot run down his face.

Marichuy hauls the snack into the orphanage kitchen and the noisy kids crowd around like they haven’t eaten in days. The nuns praise Mari’s generosity and say that even when she was there as a child, she would always give some of her food to someone who was hungrier. Marichuy says she’ll keep bringing them things; she would never forget about them because this was her first home. She tells the kids that life doesn’t get easier when you leave the orphanage, so they should study hard now.

In the courtroom, Onerylia is telling everyone that Blanca seemed timid and reserved, but obviously that was just a mask because really she is a murderous flirt. The defense attorney says that Ivette killed Viv, not Blanca, and Onelia snarls at him to stop trying to sell that ridiculous story. “What was Viv doing in Blanca’s room?,” asks the attorney. That slows Onelia down. Blanca looks sad.

Olga is still trying to figure out what’s going on with Purita. Purita follows the Lorena School of Communication method (as hilariously described by Ferro; see Querida Enemiga recaps) and goes on and on, thusly: “I have decided what to do. You are going to be very surprised. It is not the usual thing to do. I don’t know whether you will support me. It sort of has to do with Adrian. Do you really want to know what it is? Okay, I will tell you. If you really really insist, I will tell you what I am going to do.” Finally, the angelic music starts up, and, like the musical cues to boot Oscar winners offstage, this finally prompts Purita to wrap up and tell her mother she has decided to become a nun. Mom is muy impactada.

Over at the orphanage, the Marichuy lovefest continues. The nuns marvel that she brings them food when she can’t have very much money herself. She says she does what she can because she remembers what it’s like, always to be in need of something, and soon she’ll be able to give them lots more. She says she has to leave, and the girls beg her to stay. She gets them all to dance as she exits. They should sing “It’s a Hard Knock Life” and do flips.

Onelia tells the court that Viv was searching Blanca’s room because she thought there was something strange going on. Blanca would come and go at odd hours and hide in the dark, and other witnesses will testify that she was with Juan Miguel in a bar and in her apartment. Viv caught them together one night. Again, the defense maintains that it wasn’t Blanca, it was the other personality, and Onelia gets fed up. “There is no double personality! It’s a hoax (patraña)!” Onelia starts yelling at everyone that it’s all a lie; Juan Miguel hated his wife and got Blanca to kill her and then invented the double personality as a cover. Various lawyers and court personnel roll their eyes. Onelia tells them to find another doctor who is NOT Juan Miguel to confirm that Blanca is ill. Umm, yeah. Why have they been listening to Onelia for so long? Everyone has agreed that Blanca or at least Blanca’s body killed Viviana; the only issue at question here is whether Blanca is mentally ill. Get rid of the raving lunatic mother and get some qualified expert witnesses, by which I of course do NOT mean Juan Miguel. Onelia senses that she’s gone too far with the yelling, and begs the judge to forgive her because she is just a grieving mother who wants justice. “Do you really want justice, or just revenge?,” asks the defense attorney (is that Villar? Losada? I can’t keep them all straight.)

Juan Miguel explains the insanity defense to Rocío in kindergarten terms. Rocío looks at him like, “I know! Just because I wear childish outfits and hair accessories doesn’t mean I’m stupid!”

More of the same from Onelia. Then Mr. Defense Lawyer says he’s going to prove that Blanca is ill, not a murderer. So do it already. Mostly I spend these scenes trying to figure out where I’ve seen the actor who plays the judge before. The court takes a break and Onelia and her henchman lawyer say more of the same old same old in the hallway over coffee. The lawyer doesn’t think the insanity defense will work.

Beatriz and Elsa sit on the lawn to gossip. Elsa says the same thing happened to Rocío that happened to her; she fell in love then was disillusioned because Vicente turned out to be weak. Beatriz thinks it’s too bad, because they seemed so in love. Elsa, now the expert on relationships, says that love is strong in some things and weak in others, and if Vicente had tried to recuperate Rocío would have admired that.

Vicente, looking rosy of complexion and fluffy of hair despite it all, thinks back to happy days with Rocío. Then he remembers the fateful motorcycle ride and gets all agitated, then angry. He blames the motorcycle for everything. We get a few close-ups of his trembling feet while he clenches his teeth, so I suspect one of these days his anger will propel him to walk again.

Beatriz asks Elsa whether she still loves Nelson. Elsa does not care to examine her feelings on the matter. In another word, no. She says she will be loyal to him until the end. “Then what?,” asks Beatriz. “Do you still want Eduardo?” Elsa doesn’t grasp that Beatriz just wants to be with Ed without feeling like she’s betraying Elsa somehow. Beatriz says she just wants Elsa to be happy, with whatever man would be best for her. Perhaps it would be more tactful to wait until her current husband actually dies to say that.

Amador hands Marichuy a script and she looks it over as they walk down the street. It’s something about a delicate girl who dreams of a world of glass where she is in control and can break all the figurines in her hand or some such. Amador says it’s very romantic. He wants her to have blond hair and wear see-through clothes. She’s not too keen, but he says it will be very spiritual. Is that what the kids are calling it? Anyway, this is not for television, it’s in the theater, and will help her to improve. He is going to make her a big star. She agrees to take the part.

Juan Miguel visits Blanca and tells her that the petition to have her judged insane and moved to a psychiatric place for treatment has been rejected. Things are going to remain bad for her.

Vicente is doing his exercises with the physical therapist, and says it hurts him much less now. He asks the therapist to help him: he is going to try to stand.

Juan Miguel tells Blanca that he’s going to get one of his colleagues to examine her and find out exactly what’s wrong with her, so she should be very honest and not hide anything even if the questions are embarrassing or shameful. She agrees.

The therapist gives in and tries to help Vicente stand up, even though he thinks it’s too soon. Vicente hangs from his shoulders with his legs buckled under him. It looks ridiculous.

Blanca asks JM if he still wants to marry her. “Why do you ask that?,” he stalls as he thinks back over the possibility that Marichuy doesn’t hate him. Blanca thinks he’s given up on her being freed. He says no, things are complicated but he’s going to get her out and cure her. “And then we’ll get married?,” she asks again. “Um, yeah, for sure,” he mutters as he looks shifty-eyed and fidgety. She beams.

Rocío visits Elsa and Nelson and reminds them of when they were all laughing and joking all the time. “Well, those days are past. Now life has brought suffering and bitterness,” says killjoy Elsa. Nelson looks annoyed to be labeled that way, but he can’t exactly deny it. “Life brought it, or we brought it on ourselves?,” he asks. He says they chose their paths, and now he’s at the end of his. Rocío looks like she wishes she’d picked someone else to visit.

Vicente manages to stand briefly. Then he falls to the floor (like a sack of potatoes, says the therapist, which is exactly what my mother used to tell me I sat like when we rode horses. It was not complimentary), but he is elated because now he knows he can be cured. Now he’ll be able to walk to find Rocío!!!!!

Juan Miguel arrives home as Rocío is coming down the stairs and tells her that she has to go to the tribunal tomorrow to testify. You’d think the lawyer or someone from the court would have officially requested her presence, rather than relying on her flaky brother to remember to give her the short notice. He assures her that all she has to do is tell the truth, though as he says it he looks her up and down like she might also consider putting on some appropriate clothes for once.

Oh no! If I’m not mistaken, the psych consult guy is slimy Ickturo from QE, looking greasier than ever! This doesn’t bode well. At any rate, he’s a better shrink than JM, because he starts asking Blanca logical questions and listening to her answers and taking notes. He gets about ten questions in, regarding her sister who died, before he switches over to JM’s “tell me your secret! Tell me tell me tell me!” method of shrinking. Blanca looks stressed. He stands up and hovers over her, asking if she was jealous of her sister, if she loved the same man, if she killed her own sister. Blanca denies it, crying and screaming. Shrinkturo is yelling at her angrily now: “You killed your sister, didn’t you!” Ah, he is more clever than JM; he’s deliberately trying to stress Blanca into switching personalities.

Purita tells Adrian that she can’t be his novia any longer. He thinks she doesn’t like him, or is in love with someone else, but she gets to the point a little faster this time and tells him she’s going to be a nun. He thinks she’s joking but she assures him she’s not. Forever?!?!!, he asks, like she was just thinking of going to nun summer camp. Purita walks away while he stands there stunned.

Shrinkturo switches to good cop mode. See, he can have two personalities also. He tells Blanca he’s just trying to help her, and he’s sure the double personality has something to do with her sister, because she feels responsible for her death. Blanca shrieks and tries to get away from him. She begs the guard to take her back to her cell.

Shrinkturo, whose name here is apparently Raúl, drops by Castle San Roman to report to JM that he wasn’t able to finish the examination, so he can’t certify that Blanca has a double personality, but he will recommend that she be placed under observation. He warns JM to be careful because she could be very dangerous, which, DUH, but JM seems surprised by that. Certainly it never occurred to him when he left her under his little sister’s care with his wife’s dead body in the house. JM is looking good in his striped shirt, but the lip-rubbing gesture is getting tiresome.

Marichuy rides her bike down the fancy apartment building hallway to the elevator.

Rocío gets sworn in as a witness. She has worn Capri pants rather than a miniskirt, but otherwise her attire is as usual. Blah, blah, blah, more rehashing of the case and who she is. Rocío takes control of the discussion and the prosecutor looks annoyed.

JM sits in his car at a stoplight and wonders whether he is doing the right thing, marrying Blanca when he doesn’t love her. His reasoning is that only a shrink can help her, and Mayita needs a mother. Someone needs to go back to remedial logic class. I can’t believe he got through shrink school with these reasoning skills. Marichuy pulls up beside his car on her bike. They see each other and gape.

Rocío tells the court that Mayita needed a governess because she (R) was in the hospital, Onelia was a totally toxic presence in the household (they look like they believe that), and Viviana had faked her own death and only recently returned. The old guys are suddenly looking more alert and interested in the case.

Through a weird editing choice, we see Marichuy pull up alongside JM again. They both look astonished again. Marichuy looks happy; JM looks like he’s going to cry. He clutches his chest.

Avances: Juan Miguel still loves Marichuy.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Jan. 26, 2009

Episode 86:
* With JM Jr in the carry seat, MC and Cande discuss being together as a family. A knock at the door - they hesitate answering it.

* Leo argues with Padre in the church office - Leo wants to see MC and find out from her directly why she left him and his house like she did, right before they were to be married. Padre finally gives in and agrees to take Leo to MC.

* MC opens the apartment door. Amador waltzes inside and makes nice pleasantries to Cande and MC, and reminds MC of all the wonderful things he will do for her and her career. Cande doesn't trust the 'wolf king' one bit.

* Video loop - Cande and MC and Amador are packing up and preparing for their move to another place.

* MC, still with JM Jr in the carry seat around her front, Cande and Amador carry out everything and leave the old apartment again.

* At the new building, MC and Cande scrunch in the elevator as Amador pushes everything including MC's bike in the elevator and then himself as the door closes. Going Up!

* JM meets with his attorney in the castle office. They discuss the defense strategy for Blanca's case. JM needs to be on the witness list, as expert to testify about Blanca's mental disorder. They argue over finding other witnesses to back up the claim.

* Finally at the apartment, Amador plays welcoming host as Cande pushes the basket into the living area. Amador brings in everything else as MC holds the sleeping JM Jr. Amador points out where Cande and MC's rooms are. Cande goes to check them out. Amador talks with MC and assures her that no one knows where she is.

* Balbina interrupts JM and his attorney to tell them Lic. Villar is there. JM gives her a message. Lic. Villar enters the office. Balbina leaves.

* In hallway, Balbina tells Nellie that JM doesn't want to be disturbed, he is in a meeting with both his attorney and Lic. Villar. Nellie is impactado.

* In the office, the lawyers are discussing the case as Nellie enters and scolds Lic. Villar for agreeing to this meeting without her knowledge. JM's lawyer explains the reason.

* Padre and Leo walk to the apartment building and up to MC and Cande's apartment door. Padre knocks. No one answers. They look at each other, intrigued.

***** UNIVISION PROMO - MANANA ES PARA SIEMPRE, MUY PRONTO ON UNIVISION -- This one was all about opposites, like good and evil, love and hate, friendship and vengeance. With video clips of Lucero, Dominika Paleta and Fernando Colunga. ******

* In the office, Nellie is still irate and adamant in prosecuting MC; Villar and JM's lawyer convince her that pursing this is a waste of time because MC hasn't been in town for months. Nellie shocks all three men with the news that MC is back in Mexico City.

* Padre continues knocking with Leo at his side. Olga comes over to the stairs. She tells them that MC and Cande left awhile ago.

* Nellie explains to JM and the lawyers that she is going to continue with her charges against MC and is convinced that she will win, despite Villar's objections.

* Cande and MC talk at the sidewalk taco stand, as MC holds JM Jr.

* Nellie and Villar grumble together in front of JM and his lawyer - they discuss MC. Nellie goes melodramatic about MC and her problems with MC over the years and blames MC for defending JM and therefore foiling her attempt at getting custody of Mayita. JM snaps back.

* At the church, Padre tries to assure Leo about the frustration of MC and Cande disappearing again. Leo will be staying in the city and continuing his search for Liria and Lala. Leo leaves.

* JM argues with Nellie. Nellie turns to grumble with Villar again, then excuses herself, her nerves are really acting up and she can't deal with the discussion anymore. Before she leaves, she tells Villar that she to never permit MC to testify in this trial. She leaves the room. Villar soon follows her out of the room. JM and his lawyer discuss JM's worries and desperation to find MC, where is she? where in the city could she be?

* Cande and MC, with JM Jr, are at the sidewalk taco stand eating and talking - MC is convinced that she can give her son whatever he needs and won't depend on anyone else to help. (little miss independent)

* Ed and JM sit at a local cafe and Ed tells JM that Viviana was never pregnant. Apparently there was a mix-up at the lab and Viv's test results were switched with another lady's. Viv was never pregnant - the other lady was. JM is very relieved, especially after what Nellie told him about MC at the custody hearing. JM then tells Ed that MC is back in the city.

* At the grand jury hearing, the judge starts the proceedings and the lawyers continue their cross-examinations of Nellie's declarations against Blanca. Villar starts first.

* JM talks with Ed about his never-ending love for MC. JM wants desperately to find her, but is also worried about the trial and the problems he has in his life right now.

* MC calls Padre to assure him that she, JM Jr. and Cande are fine - she will go to the church soon, she promises; she assures him that she is being a good mother to her son. Padre talks with her. She gives him her new address. He knows where it is and will be there ASAP, they need to talk.

* JM's lawyer starts with his counter-arguments. Nellie snaps - she stands up and yells at the judge "THAT'S A LIE!"

* Cande, MC and JM Jr. are wearing paper hats made from the newspaper. MC and Cande are redecorating Amador's apartment as they discuss the articles that MC has been reading in the paper about JM and Blanca's court trials. MC is on the side of JM and Cande is intrigued by Blanca and Ivette. Cande then mentions Leo and what he might've thought to return to the hacienda and find them gone. The doorbell rings. Cande goes to answer it. Cande startles MC with her shouts of welcome to the visitor. Padre enters with Cande and immediately scolds MC for leaving the hacienda without notice to him and then to move out of the apartment without telling him ahead of time. MC apologizes. Padre asks whose apartment is this? MC says it's Amador's. Padre isn't too happy.

* Blanca stands behind bars and listens to the proceedings. Nellie argues with JM's lawyer. Villar's associate stands and asks about new witness. Lawyer says the expert's name is Dr. Juan Miguel San Roman. Nellie can't believe it.

* Padre talks with MC, as she holds JM Jr. in his carry seat. They discuss her life and choices she's making. They discuss JM and Blanca's trial, and Padre wonders about MC's love for JM, her son and her decision to marry Leo and then abandon him to return to the city. MC explains her reasons for returning and hopes that Leo can forgive and forget her. Padre says that won't happen, Leo is in town now.

* The hearing continues - They debate JM being added as an expert witness.

* Padre continues to talk with MC.

* Judge tells the lawyers that he will allow JM to be added to the witness list then they mention MC's name on the list.

* Padre and MC finish their talk and start to play with JM Jr.

* Olga enters the apartment and talks with Purita - Adrian hasn't been by in several days, what happened, daughter? Purita explains that it was her decision to break up with Adrian.

* Steffie meets with Amador in a local sidewalk cafe. Amador smokes his pipe as they discuss MC; Steffie hopes MC would just disappear forever. Amador questions why Steffie wants MC to disappear? Steffie explains and says that Ceci is still searching for MC and may just return to the hacienda to look again. Amador assures Steffie that MC won't go back there. Steffie asks why is that? Amador then tells her that MC is staying at Amador's apartment right now.


* Villar explains to the judge his problems and objections to MC being on the list of witnesses. Nellie agrees that MC doesn't have anything to do with this case. Judge permits MC's name to being struck off the list. Villar sits down and mumbles to his associate about MC.

* MC is at the local store alone, buying groceries and milk.

* JM is sitting alone in his office at the castle - praying, crying and remembering MC. He wonders where she is. FLASHBACKS of MC wandering and riding her bike around the streets and meeting her with Padre. JM cries and mumbles that he really misses her.

ADVANCE: Padre takes Leo to an alleyway to meet MC. MC is waiting in the church rectory hall. Amador tries to keep MC with him. JM prays to be with MC again.


Cuidado: Friday 1/23/09 "Where Amador plays the part of Ol' King Cole and Leopardo practices his Jedi Mind tricks"

Marichuy has gone to the television studio and is looking for Amador. He’s a little surprised to see her there, and even more so when she asks him to take her back as an actress. She’s willing to work for him again, if he’ll accept her.

Mayita seeks comfort from her abuelita in fantasyland. She cries about her mother and how she thinks she won’t be coming back this time. She cries about how she can’t tell her father about Marichuy returning because Rocío had her promise and she’s worried that Marichuy won’t keep her promise about bringing her a little sibling (that’s a lot for a child her age to deal with, thank goodness she’s got at least one sane grandparent to talk to, even if she’s just a ghost/apparition). Abuelita tells her that Rocío has her reasons and that Mayita must keep her promise, just as she is sure that Marichuy, who is honest, will keep her word to Mayita. Mayita it very happy to hear this and gives her abuelita a hug. She promises that she’ll guard the secret that Rocío wants her to keep until Rocío says it is okay to talk.

Padre Anselmo asks Ceci how she knew where to find MC and Ceci admits that she snooped a little and saw the telegram that PA got from Marichuy. She goes on to tell PA how when she got the hacienda she found out that MC had just left. This news shocks the priest and he asks for a little clarification. Ceci tells him how Mica told her that MC had just packed up and left, and Ceci doesn’t know where she could be and it is like she’s losing her all over again. Padre Anselmo questions if MC will return to the hacienda and Ceci indicates that she thinks it isn’t likely, based upon what Mica said. Ceci thinks that MC might have taken off for the US. PA says he doesn’t believe that for a second. Ceci tells PA that she needs to find MC, to get her forgiveness. She gets the priest to promise that if he finds out anything about Marichuy he’ll tell her.

Marichuy tells Amador that she didn’t marry Leo and that she came back to D.F. to find Juan Miguel. He scoffs a little at this news and she tells him that it didn’t go as planned. He asks about the baby and she says that the baby is in town with her and that’s why she’s come to see him about a job. She wants to provide for her son, she needs to work for him, to fight for him. Amador asks who all knows that MC is back in town. MC says that Rocío knows and she assumes by now that Juanmi’s been told. Amador asks if Rocío knows about the baby and that it’s JM’s son. Marichuy tells him she’s not said a word about the baby. Amador asks about Stefi and MC says she’s told no one and Amador says he’s not said a word either. Throughout this scene Amador demands his pages to bring them coffee and chairs—perhaps he does this to remind Marichuy how verrry important he is at the studio.

In the courtroom, Onelia is giving a total tell-all on the dirty secrets of the San Roman family (or at least her version of the dirty little secrets, lets face it, she's got to put her spin on it in order to get them to lock Juanmi up and to keep Blanca behind bars). She says that JM wanted to end the marriage, and that Viviana did not want a divorce. She wanted to keep the family intact for their daughter. She says that JM was upset when Viv got preggers and that’s why he most likely killed her, because he didn’t want that baby. Blanca is shocked to hear that Viv was expecting. The prosecutor asks all about the events that occurred the night of Viv’s murder. He tries to get the time line sorted out and Onelia says that she heard shouting while she was downstairs with Balbina. The shouts were between Viv and Blanca and came from the governess’s room. When Onelia went to find out what was going on, Rocío appeared agitated and upset, but wouldn’t let Onelia into the room. She says that the three of them – Rocío, Blanca and Juanmi--were hiding Viv’s dead body from her. She didn’t find out till much later that her daughter was dead.

Padre Anselmo questions what would cause Marichuy to leave the hacienda and Leopardo, when she was planning on marrying him. He leaves the church and runs into Casilda, curlers and all. Casilda is quick to let PA know that his little “angel” is back in town. PA lets Casilda know that his not appreciating her gossiping and he ends up walking away as Casilda says that PA needs to put a stop to MC’s wanton behavior.

Marichuy says that she and Cande are back living in the barrio. Amador is upset to hear this and says that he’s moving them out of there ASAP. Marichuy agrees to leave her neighborhood and heads out to get ready for the move. Amador hollers for his pipe like Ol’ King Cole.

Back at Cande’s, Olga admires the soft skin and sweet smell of the baby. Cande warns her to keep the existence of the baby a secret. Just then PA arrives and demands to know why MC left the hacienda and Leo. Cande says he knows how MC is, once she gets a bee in her bonnet. She lets him know that there was no wedding and that MC headed back to the capital because she heard about what was happening with Juan Miguel. Then Cande fills the priest in on what MC learned when she went to the San Roman home, that JM is planning on marrying the governess. Olga is still holding the baby, taking in all of this information.

Blanca’s attorney starts to question Onelia and he wants to know what she thinks of Juanmi. He asks her if she thinks of JM as a violent man. Onelia says no not violent, rather he’s a very cold person. The lawyer asks if JM is so cold, why is it she thinks he is capable of succumbing to his passions. Onelia says she can’t answer that, but perhaps Marichuy is the person they should speak to about this matter. Who is MC, the judge asks. Onelia fills the court in on how MC is JM’s wife. The judge asks questions to clear up the matter—JM’s a bigamist?-- and Onelia gives them a brief run down on the marriage and how it was annulled when Viv came back from the dead. Why would MC be someone to whom they should speak? Onelia says because JM hurt her when she was a young woman, when he tried to seduce her. Blanca’s lawyer objects, this has nothing to do with the case. The judge differs and thinks that Marichuy should be brought forth as a witness.

Ceci prays to the Virgin Mother for help in finding Marichuy.

MC returns and finds out from Cande that PA was there for a visit. They discuss how Olga and PA know that she is back and soon others in the neighborhood will find out too. MC tells Cande that they are leaving. Cande starts to do a happy dance, she thinks they are headed back to the hacienda. MC quickly lets her know that’s not her plan, but doesn’t launch into details. Instead she says they need to get ready and that she needs to talk to Padre Anselmo. Marichuy and Cande start to pack for their move.

Blanca’s attorney tells JM that the judge wants to hear testimony from Marichuy. Juanmi is muy impactado.

Leo finds PA and asks him where is MC/Lirio?

MC leaves the baby with Cande and heads out to find PA to talk to him. She wants to bring flowers for the Virgin’s altar. She struggles with the idea of stealing them from Casilda’s garden, but she ends up resisting the temptation and goes and purchases some flowers.

Padre Anselmo tells Leo that he had just learned that Marichuy left the hacienda. Leo says that he needs an explanation and he wants to hear it from Lirio’s lips. He demands that the priest help him find where Lirio went. PA says he hasn’t seen her (which is technically true). Leo says that he doesn’t believe the priest (doubting the honesty of a priest, that’s got to be some sort of sin, I’m sure it is written in the books somewhere). Leo is insistent, he needs to see her, they were going to get married and he needs to know why she left.

Casilda checks her flowers and warns them that MC is back in town.

MC makes it to the church, but when the bells chime, she realizes the time and that she needs to get home. Amador will be there soon for the big move. She gets home and fills Cande in on Amador being the person helping them move and find a new place to live. Cande’s facial expression indicates she’s none too happy to hear this. She questions why MC is accepting help from Amador and MC tells her that she’s going back to work at the television studio.

Leo tells PA he thinks that Lirio planned on leaving all along. PA says he’s sure that’s not the case. Leo asks for details, but PA says he can’t tell him what happened. Leo asks if she returned to her husband. PA says yes (so much for not telling him what happened). Leo goes on about how he needs to see her, how he was going to marry her and become a father to her child and she just up and left him. He at least deserves some answers. PA agrees. Leo asks if PA will take him to her, because he’s not leaving D.F. until he sees her. PA says you are right, “These aren’t the droids you are looking for and I’ll take you to see Jabba now”. (Because it’s obvious that Leo is using some sort of Jedi Mind trick on Padre Anselmo, why else would he cave so easily?).

Amador shows up and helps the women remove their meager belongings. He tells Marichuy that he’s there to help change her life. END OF EPISODE


Friday, January 23, 2009

Cuidado Thursday, January 22, 2009: Mari weeps what she sows

Rehash: Back in the old apartment, Mari is weeping and tells Cande that JM doesn’t love her any more, he has somebody else. She says Stef told her and Rocio verified it. Meantime, Stef tells her tia that Mari is back. Cande tells Mari see? We should head right back to the hacienda and Leo. She wants to call a taxi, but Mari wants to think it over first. Judge Velarde is talking to JM outside the hearing or whatever it is, and almost mentions that Ceci went to look for Mari, but he stops short.

Hot off the griddle: Here come the legal types out of the other room. Blanca is led out in the background, but she’s still on the other side of some bars. JM asks her if she’s okay and she says yes. Chin up he says. Onelia and her lawyers say just look at them, not even trying to hide that there’s something between them. Onelia says the judge will nail both of them. JM sees her and she gives him the stink eye.

Cande says so what do we do now? Mari says I don’t know, I was wrong to think JM was waiting for me. But I have to take responsibility for my own mistakes and I have to give up Omar’s affection and protection because he’s too much of a man to accept being Plan B.

Cande says so we’re staying, but I don’t know why. Do you have big hopes about JM? Mari says no.

Ceci thinks maybe if she calls JM… no, if Mari doesn’t want to see him, that’ll put her off Ceci even more. Then it dawns on her – Cande’s house. Yes! Although it’s nighttime, she grabs her purse, offers up a quick prayer and heads out. (It’s interesting that Ceci seems to be the only woman in this show who carries a purse. Mari’s always heading out without one and her standard outfit is too skimpy to even accommodate a Chapstick.)

JM is sitting alone in his bedroom wondering where Mari is and missing her. He soliloquizes that yeah, he knows it’s selfish, but he doesn’t want her to marry anyone else because he feels like she belongs to him forever and ever. If only he knew where she is! If he could find her he would glue himself to her and never let go. He flashes back to them in bed on their wedding night.

Mari is sitting on her bed telling MiniJM that his daddy is a wonderful human being. She flashes back on the exact same scene.

Cande tells Mari that they can’t live secretly like criminals and besides they’ll need some money to live on. Cande says she’ll take in laundry again, but she looks sad about it. Mari says no, I’ll be the breadwinner and you look after the baby.

Cande hints maybe this is a good time to find out who your parents are. Mari scoffs and says she wouldn’t accept anything from them. The richer they are, the less she would want to anyway.

Ceci is at their door, knocking. Mari whispers don’t answer, but Cande says maybe it’s Olga and she goes to peek out the bathroom window. Ceci is wearing out her knuckles knocking over and over. Cande makes Mari guess who, then finally tells her. Mari tells her not to answer the door.

At the hacienda, Leo’s ready to head out and Mica says why at night? He can’t wait and says he’ll be heading for Mexico City and he’ll stay in a hotel. Mica implores him to call time to time and he promises and hugs her. He asks Mica what Lirio’s last name is.

A neighbor lady, who is actually kind and doesn’t tell Ceci off for knocking for like 10 minutes straight in the middle of the night, tells Ceci Cande and Mari left a long time ago and haven’t come back. Ceci does what she’s been doing since this novela started, which is to say she cries.
Comedy bit: Now there’s no knocking, Cande goes to look again, upsetting a bucket and slamming the bathroom door which sticks, so she pounds on it to get out. Anyway, Ceci apparently has taken her sobs elsewhere. Mari says she had a quick hope that it was JM because Rocio would have told him by now that she was there.

Cande is dying of curiosity about why Ceci came, but Mari says I don’t care about her.

The judge is telling Stef how worried he is about Ceci – where did she go in the middle of the night? Here she comes and tells him she was looking for their daughter. Behind them, Stef’s eyes widen. Ceci says she looked at Cande’s old place. Stef is trying not to register her surprise, but Ceci says no luck finding them. The judge reproaches her for keeping up with this, she weeps, nuestra hija, amor de una madre, etc. etc. The actress sure hasn’t had many lines to memorize for this novela.

She doesn’t want any dinner, she’ll just go take a sleeping pill.

Mica tells Leo she never knew Mari’s last name. Leo says we know so little about her. Mica mentions her brother, and Leo who yeah, is stout of heart and apparently bright enough to get through medical school, only just now thinks of Padre A as a lead. He asks her to write down his address and she hesitates, but does it. He kisses her on the forehead and leaves.

Adrian! We haven’t seen him in a while. He comes into Olga’s kitchen and asks Purita why she won’t see him anymore. If you’re mad about something, tell me. She says she can’t see him anymore, she doesn’t want anything to do with the neighborhood or the people in it. He says don’t you love me anymore, ‘cause I still love you con todo mi alma. Purita says we just can’t be together. He says but we made plans. She says my future is already mapped out and it doesn’t include love.

Adrian says but why? She weeps she doesn’t know, she just has to disappear and he’s not in her plans. We hear heavenly voices singing – is she about to enter a convent? Adrian, now tearful, says if that’s what you want, I won’t bother you any further. He leaves and she breaks down.

Cande and Mari are having breakfast and Cande remarks that the eggs aren’t as yummy as at the hacienda. She wants to know what’s wrong with taking in wash? And Mari says it’s too strenuous, that the light work Cande did at the hacienda was okay, but her laundry job would be dangerous for her heart.

Mari says she has stuff to do and hands Cande the baby. Cande wants to know where she’s going particularly since she’s taking her bike, but Mari says she’ll tell when she gets back. She bikes down the street, greets and knuck-bumps the newsstand guy, then sees the headlines about JM and Blanca.

Mayita comes down in her jammies and greets Onelia who says she’s going out but she can’t tell her where because she’s been forbidden to tell her certain things. Like about her mama for instance. Mayita says is she coming back again? Onelia tears up and says not this time. Mayita wipes Onelia’s tear away and says last time you said she’d gone to heaven and she came back and you’ll see, she will again. Mayita says people go away and then they show up again, like Marichuy just did. Onelia looks puzzled, then annoyed.

Two of the neighborhood harpies (one is the scrawny one who always has big pink rollers in her hair, Casilda) spot Mari and gnash their teeth that they have to deal with her being around again.

Stef is at Isa’s place and tells Isa that there’s no need to worry – it looks like when Mari found out that JM’s not interested, she went back to the hacienda. Like the papers today say, he’s into the nanny now. Isa is surprised to hear that Ceci went looking for her. We should pause to evaluate Stef’s hair ribbons – today they’re white and way too long.

Anyway, Isa says that Ceci should give it up and let Stef be the daughter. Stef says it’s JM I want to be accepted by, but I won’t be comfortable as long as Mari is still crazy about him.

Ceci agonizes some more while the judge comforts her. Maybe Mari crossed into the U.S? The judge has a flashback of a scene we haven’t seen – in it Stef speculates to the judge that Mari has gone back to the hacienda, but says let’s not tell Ceci because she’ll go looking for her again. The judge thoughtbubbles that maybe it would be better to tell Ceci that Mari has gone back and married the guy, that that might comfort her.

Purita goes to the church, where she caresses the altar cloth. The padre says ¿que haces aqui? She says she wants to be a nun.

Onelia yells at Rocio about letting Mari in. Rocio says don’t worry, she’s not coming back. Onelia stomps out. Rocio comforts Mayita and says let’s keep it secret from your dad that Mari was here. Maybe we should evaluate Mayita’s barrettes too: They are more understated than Stef’s ribbons.

JM comes in with Dr. Handsome and Rocio looks happy. Mayita says I have a secret! and Rocio rushes her out. JM follows and tries to get the secret out of her, but no luck. Dr. Handsome offers to take the girls for a car ride, so they’re off to the park for ice cream. JM sits down for breakfast and sees the headlines about himself in the paper.

It’s time for the hearing. In a regular room with just lunchroom-style chairs, there is the judge and a couple of lawyers. Blanca watches from behind bars. Onelia is shown in by a guy who looks like Tony Blair and she accuses Blanca of the murder and JM of planning the whole thing. One lawyer says wait – it’s just supposed to be Blanca, but Onelia’s lawyer says Onelia has formally accused both. The judge asks for some evidence to support her accusation and the lawyer says it’ll be produced later.

Out in the hallway, judge Velarde tells JM that Viv being pregnant is the sort of thing that catches the public’s imagination and that can affect the judge’s decision, no matter how much he wants to be impartial. Her case may already be lost – anything you try to do to help her may be useless, plus you may go down with her.

In Grannyland, Mayita says that Onelia says her mama isn’t coming back this time. Granny says maybe it’s best to believe that. Mayita is a little choked up, but she says she’s experienced her mama being gone before, so she’s prepared. She tells about her Mari secret and says she really wants to tell. Granny says maybe wait just a little before saying anything.

The lawyer asks if JM and Viv fought a lot and Onelia says yes. He didn’t respect her as a woman, a wife or a mother. He wouldn’t let her care for her own child! She goes on to say that JM had total power over Blanca and that Blanca was very submissive. They were lovers! Behind her bars, Blanca is shocked.

Ceci goes to see the padre and says he’s going to be mad at her – she went to La Escondida to look for la escondida.

Avances: Ogla loves up Mari’s baby and dicusses him with Cande. Omar shows up at the church and asks Padre Anselmo where Mari is.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cuidado con el Angel, January 21, 2009

We start off with Olga helping Marichuy and Cande bring there things in. Cande tells her not to tell anyone that they are back.

The housekeeper tells Patricio that Ceci and Estephania came back from there trip and that Ceci is devastated. Patricio asks Ceci how it went and she tells him that they did not find her.

Onelia says out loud that the trial for the murderer starts tomorrow. JM asks Onelia if she has talked to the authorities regarding there accusations about Viv. She does not want to talk about it. She tells JM that as of today they will be on opposite sides.

Cande is making breakfast and Marichuy tells her that she has things to do today. She will be going to see JM.

Ceci blames Estephania for missing Marichuy before she left.

Leopard goes up to Marichuy’s room sadden by her sudden departure. Oh, no she forgot her damn bird! He grabs and starts talking to the bird and says something about a bird and how they fly or something like that. He sheds a tear.

Patricio defends Estephania that she is not to blame for missing that girl. Ceci tells him it’s not that girl but our daughter. She starts recalling events of the previous day and remembers that she crossed paths with her while she was leaving and they were arriving. She gets hysterical and he tries to calm her down.

Marichuy is walking towards the house with a bounce in her step. Mayita is playing by the fountain with a baby. Marichuy calls out to her. She goes running to greet her and asks her about her brother that she promised to bring her. Marichuy tells her later and asks where JM is.

Estephania is walking down the street talking to Isa on the phone regarding what happened the day before. She tells her that they just missed Marichuy and that the whole way back she had to hear her cry. They were told that Marichuy left the hacienda forever. Isa says that Ceci will never find her again and she must be crying buckets. Isa is too happy about this. Estephania thinks that she may know where she is.

Mayita tells Marichuy that her dad left. Marichuy wants to know where, but Mayita does not know.

Leopard yells out to Micaela to get his bags ready because he is leaving to go find Marichuy (Lirio).

Marichuy and Mayita go sit in the living room. She asks Marichuy again about the baby she promised to bring her. She tells Mayita that she will complete her promise. Mayita tells Marichuy that someone in her school told her that her mother is dead. She knows it’s a lie like the other time when they told her that her mom was dead and then she came back. Also that her nanny left too. She asks Marichuy if she will return to live with her. Marichuy tells her that she does not know, but will be waiting for JM.

Cosme tells Leopard that he is wasting his time looking for Marichuy (Lirio). Leopard does not care he will not just cross his arms and do nothing. He doesn’t understand. They were going to be married. He was so happy and now in such pain worse then before. When he finds her he will demand an explanation. He will move heaven and earth to find her.

Back at JM’s house Estephania asks Balbina where Marichuy is. Balbina is confused, but hears laughter in the living room and goes in. She sees Marichuy and says “I knew it”. She was sure that Marichuy would return. Yes, I have responds Marichuy, and what’s it too you. Estephania asks her what her intentions are. Marichuy tells her that it’ none of her concern. Estephania tells her that she is the same naca as before and has not changed. Mayita sticks up for her and tells Estephania that she has changed. Marichuy tells her that she has changed inside and is now a woman. She tells Mayita to go to her room and play with the baby for awhile. Before Mayita leaves the room she gives Estephania a dirty look. Marichuy tells Estephania what do you have to say to me?

The lawyer is talking with JM about the case. Blanca sees JM thru the bars.

Estephania asks why she came. Marichuy tells her that she found out that Viv was dead. Estephania tells her you think there is room for you now? Because now there is another. Marichuy tells her that if she is trying to scare her off she is wasting her time. Estephania tells her that she thinks she knows everything but does not. Marichuy tells her that she knows JM is going thru a lot, that he is alone and that I care for him. That is why I am here. Estephania tells her that there are definitely things that she does not know. She is going to tell her everything.

JM asks the lawyer if he can get close to Blanca. The lawyer thinks that it is not a good idea. JM wants to find out immediately after what happens and will be waiting for the attorney.

Marichuy tells Estephania that she does not believe her. She is not the old Marichuy who believed all her lies. Estephania asks her why she is defending JM. Do you not remember what he did to that night? Marichuy says that is in the past and she has forgiven him. Estephania tells her that JM is waiting for Blanca to get out of jail so that they can marry.

Mayita tells Abuela that Marichuy has returned.

Marichuy tells Estephania that she is lying. She will wait until he returns. Estephania then says that JM will be kicking her out again like he did before. She then asks why she left the hacienda since the owner was crazy about her and the baby. Marichuy says how do you know that when no one else does. She then says that it must have been Amador. Estephania tells her that it does not matter. She now knows the truth.

Back at the hacienda Micaela is packing Leopard’s bag. She asks him how long he plans to be gone. He says I don’t know, but I will not be returning until I find her. (here’s a thought. why don’t you ask PA) I have no idea where to look for her, but she has to reappear. Micaela thinks to herself that he will never find out if he uses the name Lirio. But she cannot tell him anything.

Balbina tells Rocio that Estephania is in the living room talking with Marichuy. Rocio runs in the room and greets Marichuy warmly and tells her that she missed her immensely. She wants to know how she is. Marichuy tells her that she found out what has been going on and believes that JM is innocent. Rocio tells her that Blanca was the one to kill Viv and that JM said he did it to protect her.

In the courtroom the judge reads the charges while Onelia tears up. The prosecutor asks Blanca is she is pleading innocent or guilty. She pleads innocent.

JM is thinking about Marichuy and wonders who she will be marrying.

Micaela is having a full conversation in her head about the difficult dilemma in regards to staying quiet or telling Leopard that truth.

Rocio tells Marichuy the truth about Blanca and what has happened. Marichuy asks if there is something between JM and Blanca. Rocio tells her that they are engaged. Estephania is like “I told you!” Rocio tells her that Blanca is a very nice person and asks her about her upcoming marriage. If she is married yet. Marichuy tells her no.

Micaela could not tell Leopard the truth about Marichuy (Lirio).

Rocio tells Marichuy that she hopes she will be happy in her marriage and thought that she would never see her again. Rocio lets slip out that Viv was pregnant when she was killed and Marichuy says what? She was going to be a mother again. Yes, responds Rocio but Blanca is not at fault. I will tell you that part of the story another day. Blanca is sick and that is why JM is defending her. Today the trial starts and JM is there.

JM is thinking about Marichuy. He says that she is fair away and that he has lost her forever.

Rocio asks Marichuy if she is okay. Marichuy gets up quickly and says that she has to go. She runs out of the room. Estephania runs after her and asks her what she plans to do. Are you returning to the hacienda? Marichuy tells her that she does not have to explain what she is going to do. Estephania tells her that she feels sorry for her. Marichuy tells her that I do not need your pity. Estephania drives in that JM does not need or wants her and to return to the hacienda. Marichuy runs off.

Marichuy returns home and tells Cande that JM was not home when she asks if she saw him.
Marichuy starts crying and says that JM does not care for her, but another. Who, asks Cande. Marichuy informs her it’s the woman that killed Viv.

Estephania tells Isa that Marichuy is back.

Marichuy tells Cande everything that she found out. Cande scolds her and says that you should not have left the hacienda or Leopard and that we should return immediately. PA does not even know we are here. Do you want me to tell him? Marichuy does not want PA to know because she does not want to get scolded by him.

Patricio asks JM why he is sitting outside. JM tells him that Onelia is in there and he does not want to be with her. Patricio says that he would have been here sooner, but Ceci was upset. Why, asks JM. Because she went to look for…..

Cande tells Marichuy that she is going to get a taxi to return, but Marichuy stops her. She tells Cande that we cannot make rash decisions. Cande reminds her that when she read the paper she immediately decided to return. And see where that got me responds Marichuy.
Ceci is in her room wondering where Marichuy is. She thinks that maybe Marichuy went back home and decides to leave now to find her.

Tomorrow: Mayita tells Onelia that Marichuy is back.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cuidado Tues January 20. Mexico City, here they come, right back where they started from.

Alternate title: Marichuy goes ashore to find her shipwrecked prince.

In the study, Juan Miguel tells Rocío that the detectives think that Viviana shot a man she was involved with and dumped him in the sea, then fled to Madrid. Rocío is shocked and thinks that it may be divine punishment that Viv was also murdered. Juan Miguel thinks that life provides its own punishments and God doesn’t so much bother with it. No deity has any need to bother with punishing Juan Miguel, for sure…he is a master of self-punishing behavior. Anyhoo, Juan Miguel is off to the jail to see Blanca. He and Rocío are hoping to get her out of the pokey and back home with them soon, because Viv’s murder is so last month’s news and they’d like to move on to the next one already. Life’s been getting dull for them with only an attempted murder and devastating heartbreak.

Side note: we never actually see Blanca in this episode, but I hope that JM took her a change of clothes. It pains me to see her in that flimsy nurse uniform day after day. She’s got to be dying for something fresher and warmer to put on.

Marichuy and Cande discuss the newspaper story. Marichuy refuses to believe that JM conspired to kill Viv.

Stefi drives the car along a country road while Ceci navigates. I don’t think she’s very good at navigating, though, because Stef has to tell her that they’re about 40 km from San Felipe. Ceci voices her plan for what must be the umpteenth time—as soon as they get to town, they will stop at the first business and ask for directions to Hacienda Escondida. I know, I know, says Stef. They stop on a road which is NOT in town (we see a pueblo in the distance) and Ceci wants to ask some passing farmers in a wagon for directions. Stef tries to block Ceci’s progress by saying those hicks won’t know anything, but Ceci says in a small town people know everything. She asks the men. Escondida? Escondida?, they repeat, as though they’ve never heard of it.

Mari is crying and telling Cande that she must go to see Juan Miguel, and that she still loves him. Cande is all kinds of shocked and rants at Marichuy at length: Are you going to leave Omar? He trusts you and everyone is getting ready for your wedding; he has been so good to you; you are a total ingrate; how can you just stand him up? Marichuy says it’s not just a matter of her feelings, but also that Juan Miguel is Jr.’s dad.

One of the farmers gets off the wagon (but he looks sober enough) and says sure, everyone around here knows that hacienda. He then gives them complicated directions to get there, mentioning the storm damage and the livestock he lost in the floods. He says they won’t be able to miss the hacienda; there’s a big sign. Ceci thanks him and as they get back in the car, Estafa says she doesn’t want to drive her fancy car on bad roads. Ceci’s like, oh shut up, if this car gets ruined Patricio will just buy you another one, even though you are NOT OUR DAUGHTER. She didn’t say that last part out loud.

Onelia yells at Rocío and accuses her and Juan Miguel of inventing the story of the Jamaican boy-toy’s murder just to defame Viviana.

Marichuy tells Cande that she doesn’t think she has the right to deprive her son of knowing his father, and she doesn’t think it’s right to deceive JM either, besides, surely he would find out her lies eventually. So why did you agree to marry Leo?, Cande wants to know. Mari says she’s been turning it over and over in her mind, and she was never sure she was doing the right thing, but she wanted her son to have a home and family and she thought that Juan Miguel already had another one. She begs Cande to understand that, as it turns out, Miguelito can be with his real father. In spite of everything, Juan Miguel is her one twue wuv. The baby looks like he’s thinking hard about all this.

JM tells Ornerylia that the investigators will find out the truth, and soon they will know what happened.

Marichuy says that it pains her to think that she will hurt Leopardo, but when she felt like she was falling in love with him she felt like she was betraying herself at the same time; that’s why she wanted to leave once before. Besides, JM must be suffering also, and needs her now more than ever. There is much more binding Marichuy to JM than to any other man, including Leo—they were married and have a son, and now they will never be separated, ever (which of course means they will). So, let’s get out of here, says Marichuy.

Onelia marches into the study with steam pouring from her ears and flames shooting from her nostrils to tell JM that she’s thought about it and she’s sure he’s just inventing the murder story to make Viv look bad. JM is like, why would I need to invent anything? You know what your daughter was like, and you know exactly what she was capable of. Onelia insists that he is just determined to mar her memory. JM assures her that he is actually working very hard to make sure no one finds out anything about Viv’s escapades, for Mayita’s sake.

Mayita is in TwinkleLand, where Abuela Mariana is telling her and Cuate the story of the little mermaid. In this version, the mermaid saves the handsome prince when he is naufragado (shipwrecked). The mermaid gets a potion from the seawitch to get legs because they’re so in luurve, and finds her prince on shore, but granny says it’s late so we have to wait for another time to find out whether they get married and live happily ever after.

JM says eventually the truth will come out, and everyone will know Blanca=good and Viv=bad. Onelia says Viv had lots of friends who will vouch for her angelic character. JM thinks the police will disagree. He gives Onelia the detectives’ phone number.

A taxi has arrived at the hacienda. Marichuy is all packed and saying goodbye to her bird. Marichuy thanks Micaela for everything and asks her to ask Omar to forgive and forget her. It’s a tearfest all around. She begs Mica not to tell Leo who she really is, and Mica agrees. Cande says they’ll write and call, and Marichuy takes a long teary look at the hacienda before getting into the taxi. They drive away. Mica cries some more.

Stef and Ceci seem to have gotten lost. Stef of course wants to give up, but Ceci sees a field wall that the farmer mentioned, and tells Stef to go that way, where the taxi is exiting. They pass the taxi taking Marichuy away.

Leo is in another taxi, excited to be arriving home because he’s getting married and they’re going to be so happy. His taxi passes the other taxi. That is a really nice section of pavered road that they all seem to be going back and forth on which makes no sense directionwise.

Ceci and Stef arrive at the hacienda and Mica tells them that Omar Contreras is not at home. We’re not actually looking for him; we’re looking for Marichuy, says Ceci. Mica is impactada. Does she know that Lirio’s real name is Marichuy? I forget.

Onelia begins to wonder whether Viviana really did kill someone. She calls the detectives.

Ceci tells Mica that she is Marichuy’s mother. Mica is impactada again. She asks whether her brother Padre Anselmo sent them. Ceci is delighted that they’ve found the right place and says she wants to see Marichuy. Mica says you’ve missed her; they just left fifteen minutes ago. And they’re not coming back ever.

Isabela calls Martirio, who reports that Stef and Ceci should have arrived at the hacienda by now, but she doesn’t know what’s happened. Isa worries that if they bring that guacha back with them it will just cause problems for her and Stef, but have no fear, she will find a way to get between Ceci and Marichuy.

Mica doesn’t know where Marichuy has gone, so Stef and Ceci leave. Leo arrives as they are getting into the car, and he asks Mica who the ladies are. She doesn’t answer, so he asks why she’s crying. Where’s Lirio?, he yells frantically, and she tells him that she’s gone. Poor Leo is muy, pero muy impactadisimo. Then he thinks it’s a mean joke, but Mica would never joke like that. Leo runs to the bedroom and sees that they really are gone, but left the bird.

Ceci cries in the car, devastated to have missed seeing Marichuy again. Stefi is totally sympathetic, all “oh well! Maybe next time!” She says she’s sorry, not bothering to sound the least bit sorry. Ceci says she’s lost all hope.

A bus with a very wide aisle, in which a guy is standing and playing guitar, ambles down the road past the cows. Marichuy, Cande, and Miguelito sit in the back and Cande worries about what is going to happen to them. Marichuy doesn’t think she’s very helpful.

Onelia is still telling herself that Viviana may not have declined to amedrentar (frighten), but she couldn’t have killed anyone. She is saying it much more quietly and with much less conviction, though.

Mica tells Leo that she doesn’t know why Liriochuy left or where she went, so will he please stop asking? He tells her to find the taxi driver.

Marichuy and Cande are dragging their numerous belongings through the old neighborhood with a great deal of difficulty. It must be very late, because no one is out and about to help them. Finally Olga sees them and welcomes them warmly and helps with the stuff. Cande is happy to be home.

The taxi driver reports that he took the ladies to the bus station in town, but he doesn’t know what bus they took. The only things he heard them say were “thank you” and “goodbye.” Why doesn’t she want me to know where she went?, Leo laments.

Olga is doubly surprised and delighted to find that Marichuy has a baby. She invites them in for dinner. Cande says they’ve already eaten, but she could eat again. They haul all the stuff up the stairs. That baby basket stand does not look sturdy. They enter the dusty old apartment, and ask Olga not to tell anyone they’ve returned, because they’re tired and don’t want to explain to everyone at this hour. Olga says she won’t say a word. Marichuy says that, being back there, it’s like no time has passed, except she left with her heart broken and her arms empty, and now she’s happy with her baby. The rosy pink lighting tells us it’s nice for them to be back.

Avances: Leo says he’s going to find Marichuy. Marichuy goes to see Juan Miguel and Mayita.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Jan. 19 - Surprising discoveries for JM, MC and Ceci

Episode 81:
* Padre talks with Ceci - he tells her to keep the faith, he will be visiting MC and plans to convince her to meet with Ceci.

* JM visits Blanca in jail. He explains the loves of his life and that she and he will have to be content with friendship.

* MC holds JM Jr. and tells him about his dad (she has a series of flashback memories of her life with JM).

* JM returns to the castle. He finds Rocio and Dr. in the garden. He walks over and asks Rocio what's wrong. She runs off without responding. Dr. explains that Vince broke up with Rocio and that he's now interested in dating Rocio.

* Vince is grunting and screaming with pain as the therapist works with him on the floor. Vince's mom and another lady are watching near by.

* Ceci returns home to stun Amador and Steffie with the news that she knows where MC is.

* MC is reading the paper. JM Jr. cries so she puts the paper down to pick him up. Cande enters with a little bottle of milk. MC feeds Jr. the bottle. Cande leaves. The blue blanket is on top of the paper.

* Ceci is so illusioned about finding the address of where MC is. She leaves to find Pat and tell him. Steffie tells Amador she needs to leave - Amador stays there. Steffie and Martirio leave.

* MC returns to reading the paper. As she reads the front and inside pages, Micaela sits down and spots the small article and photo on the back page of JM and crosses herself. MC wonders what happened. Micaela stutters an excuse and leaves the room.

* Steffie is at the door and listens as Ceci begs Pat to help her locate the hacienda where MC is. Pat reluctantly agrees - on the condition that he won't have to lose his dignity in any way. She agrees.

* Micaela runs into the kitchen where Cande is preparing a plate of food. Micaela tells Cande about the article she saw the paper on JM - Micaela is worried. Cande doesn't really believe her; Micaela convinces Cande to get the paper and read it for herself.

* MC is still reading the paper and JM Jr. plays in his crib. Cande and Micaela enter. Micaela stands behind MC as Cande tries to read the paper.

* Two detectives enter the private sitting room and talk with JM - they are their investigating a murder and are looking for Viviana - they stun JM with the fact that Viviana is a suspect in the murder.

* Cande pulls the paper away from MC - MC pulls it back. Micaela stands behind MC as Cande sits on the coffee table. MC and Cande continue to argue as Micaela tries to signal Cande about the paper she's sitting on.

* Detectives explain to JM the investigation in Spain about the shooting and the death and Viviana's involvement.

* Ceci finishes her conversation with Pat. He leaves. Steffie sits and grumbles about how is she ever going to keep MC from returning.

* In the front room, Pat returns. Ceci is anxious and wants to know what happened.

* MC stands up and talks with Micaela as Cande takes the papers. Cande and Micaela makes their excuses and leave the room with the section of the paper that Cande had been sitting on.

* JM can't believe the story the detectives told him about Viviana.

* In the kitchen, Micaela and Cande share a laugh about how Cande sat on the paper they wanted to read. They start to read the article about JM.

* In the office, Pat explains to Ceci in front of Steffie that the search will be long and hard because there's a lot of "Felipes" in Mexico, but he will proceed because it's so important to Ceci.

* Police and guards go to Blanca's cell. She puts on her shoes and leaves with them.

* Outside on the garden gazebo, Ceci desperately asks Pat for news about the search. Pat tells her that they've finally found the hacienda. It's in Pueblo San Felipe and the owner is Omar Contreras.

**** UNIVISION PROMO -- Fernandita chases a bus down the dirt road; Eduardito runs to the back window and waves to her. They hold their pendants. Ed (Fernando Colunga) looks down and holds his pendant on a ranch -- he's returned to his hometown. Manana Es Para Siempre - Muy Pronto on Univision. ****

* MC rocks JM Jr. in the living room. MC talks to him about how happy and scared she is, about what tomorrow may bring in the way of love and happiness and pain, which are all a part of life.

* Still outside in the gazebo, Pat and Ceci discuss whether Padre ever mentioned Omar Contreras to Ceci. Ceci says not that she can recall. They discuss Ceci wanting to go to the hacienda - she wants Pat to go with her. Pat refuses and suggests Steffie go with her.

* MC holds JM Jr. and remembers Adrian and JM. She thinks about calling JM just to hear his voice but talks herself out of it.

* At the table, Steffie joins Pat and Ceci. Ceci asks Steffie to go with her to visit MC at the hacienda. (UY!)

* Padre visits Vincent at the loft apartment. Padre apologizes for his absence - he was out of town for awhile. Then he stuns Vince with the news that MC is going to married soon.

* Becky meets with Rocio in the castle front hallway with the news about MC's wedding plans. JM enters and interrupts. He leaves - Becky whispers to Rocio how hot her brother is.

* Ceci and Steffie continue their conversation about driving to the hacienda.

* In the private sitting area, JM talks with Rocio about how will he be able to prove Blanca's insanity defense. Rocio then stuns JM with the news about MC's impending wedding. He asks her when will it happen? Rocio says soon. He asks who is the groom? She doesn't know exactly but supposes it's someone she met after leaving town. JM asks Rocio to leave him alone and starts to cry. He hopes that the new man in MC's life will make her happy. Rocio leaves. JM sits down and cries (his heart is breaking).

* JM Jr. is in his crib as Micaela and MC work in the kitchen. They discuss all the wedding plans and festivities and all the guests coming to the wedding.

* Ceci wonders if Steffie can go with her this afternoon, despite the long distance to drive. Steffie is stunned and stutters her excuses to try to convince Ceci to wait until morning. Pat agrees with Steffie. Ceci reluctantly accepts the delay. Steffie leaves. Ceci thanks Pat for his help and support.

* MC prays to herself.

* Steffie grumbles to herself about her plans to be with JM always being foiled - first by MC then by Blanca/Ivette and now by MC again. Steffie places a well-timed phone call to the castle - Nellie answers - Steffie tells her the shocking bad news; they have located MC.

* MC holds JM Jr. and thinks about Omar/Leopardo. She wonders where he is? Pancho brings in the newspaper and leaves. MC sits down with JM Jr. and begins to read the paper.

* Ceci is in a hurry this morning and climbs in the car as Steffie pulls up the driveway.

* MC reads the front page article about Blanca and JM being accused in the murder of his wife Viviana. She is horrified by the news and shouts and runs for Cande.

* In the kitchen, MC stops Cande from her work and shows her the article about Viviana's death and JM being a suspect.

* Rocio brings a cup of coffee to JM in his sitting room. He's still stunned by the news of MC's marriage plans.

* MC talks with Cande about the article and how impactado she is over JM's involvement. Cande has to explain that she knew - that Micaela and Padre also knew. MC is furious that they didn't tell her for weeks about this. Cande explains their reasons.

* JM talks with Rocio about the detectives from Spain searching for Viv, who is a suspect in a murder in Spain. Rocio suspects that Viv's death may somehow be karma catching up to her.

* MC and Cande argue about JM being accused of murder. Cande tries to reason with her about Blanca's involvement and being a suspect. MC has decided that JM is totally innocent.

* In the car, Steffie and Ceci talk on the drive out to Pueblo San Felipe.

* JM Jr. is playing in his crib. MC sits on the bed, reading the article. Cande enters. MC wants to return to Mexico City, to be there to support JM. Cande can't believe her ears and tries to talk MC out of the idea. MC argues that she has to go to support JM. Cande uses every argument she can think of against the idea. MC wants to be there for JM - moral support. Cande argues against it. JM Jr. starts to cry. MC is determined to leave - she still loves JM. Cande finally spouts "and what about Leopardo?"

ADVANCE: Omar is returning home -- MC, Cande and JM Jr. are leaving the hacienda.

**** UNIVISION PROMO (actually this was during Fuego en la Sangre): Univision movie premiere -- Ladron que roba a ladron, starring Fernando Colunga, MIguel Varoni and Saul Lisazo - Sunday, Feb. 1, at 8 p.m./7 p.m. central time. ****


Cuidado: Friday 1/16/09 "Juan Miguel wants to cure Blanca and proves once again how incredibly stupid he really is"

Cande comments on the sadness that crosses Marichuy’s face when she looks at the baby. She questions MC’s reasons for agreeing to marry Leo. Is it because she is merely grateful to Leo? Mc assures her that isn’t the only reason, she admits that her heart is hurting. Her true love betrayed her and she’s living with the memories. She tells Cande that she needs to work on separating Juan Miguel from her feelings. She assures Cande that she will open her heart to Leo and that she’s going to be happy. Leo is the only man that will be able to help her pull Juanmi out of her heart. JM is living his life with his wife and MC will go on living hers with Leo.

Meanwhile, Juanmi is having a conversation with Rocío about his visit with Blanca. Rocío feels terrible for Blanca. Juanmi tells his sister that he intends to cure Blanca and then marry her (OMG, this man is stupid, no ifs ands or buts about it. Just when I think it isn’t possible for him to come up with another knuckle-brain idea - he proves me wrong. What purpose is there in marrying her? OK other than to put an obstacle in the way of our two star-crossed lovers). Rocío is surprised to hear this (as we all were) and she asks him if it is for love or pity. He says that his one true love was MC, but what he feels for Blanca is a sincere desire to help her and he feels he can dedicate his life to curing her and making her happy. Rocío comments on how JM will be entering into another loveless marriage (excellent point). He assures her that it is different, Blanca is a sensitive caring woman, who will make a good mother for Mayita. Rocío asks, “what about Marichuy?” JM says that all their ties are broken, it was an impossible relationship. You could start anew, his sister encourages. How he wishes that could happen, but their fate was decided long ago and now he’ll dedicate himself to helping Blanca and getting MC out of his heart. He loved one time with passion and craziness, this time it will be different, but he’ll make it work.

Cande asks MC if she believes she can be happy. MC says that her baby needs a home and a father and here at the hacienda he can have both. She’s going to let go of her impossible dreams of being with JM and throw herself into a future with Leo.

Elsa gives Nelson a new shirt. He’s delighted. He asks her for writing materials. He’s feeling inspired to write again ( I don't think it was the shirt that inspired him, perhaps it is living with her parents and not having any grown-up responsiblities).

Mercedes visits Rocío, who worries that she's come to say that something is wrong with Vicente. Mercedes assures her that isn’t the case, she’s there because she wants to know what Rocío’s future plans are with Vicente. Does Rocío want to continue seeing him? Or does she want her freedom in order to pursue a “normal” life.

Cande tells MC that no matter what she says, it is obvious she hasn’t forgotten Juanmi. MC says that she has a right to keep what is hers, but whatever happens, she intends to marry Leo.

Rocío questions why Mercedes is asking her this. She’s never thought of abandoning Vicente. She does go on to admit that it hurts her that she’s done all she can to make things better, but he’s just turned his back on life. He’s locked himself in his studio, refuses to seek any further treatment. She asks what he’s done to fight for their relationship. She’s willing to stick by him, no matter what his long term prognosis will be, but he’s just given up. Mercedes says she can see that Rocío still cares for him and they hug.

Leo walks along the river and thinks of MC and how he’s letting go of his past and embracing happiness. He’s got hope for the future.

Blanca’s lawyer visits her in the jail and tells her that they’ve got to find someone from before who can testify that she’s got this multiple personality condition. She remembers that there was a doctor in Ivette’s life, a Doctor Omar Somebody. She can’t remember his last name. The lawyer presses, does she know where Ivette knew him? Blanca says somewhere out of the country, she supposes France. We have to find him, the lawyer says.

JM visits Vicente, per Vic’s request. He tells Dr. San Roman that he intends to start treatment and hopes his paralysis will be cured. JM asks why the change and Vic says that he’s afraid of losing Rocío. JM says he’ll get him in touch with some specialists, but that it is going to take some time for Vic to get better. Vic isn’t willing to give up, and JM tells him he’s proud of him for deciding to work at getting better.

Leo flirts with MC as she gathers eggs. He tells her that he could become jealous of all the attention she gives elsewhere. He questions what it will be like when they have four or five more kids. He flirts a bit more and then tells her that everything is falling into place for their wedding. They just need to get her papers. MC appears shocked at this latest development. Leo says he can have his lawyer gather the necessary paperwork, but MC says she’ll get Padre Anselmo on it. Leo then says that he’d love to recognize the baby as his own son. This seems to shock MC even more.

Rocío is getting her final check up from the plastic surgeon. Humberto feels the mended areas of her face and then he swoops down for a kiss. She is shocked and tells him that they never should see each other again. He doesn’t understand, he loves her. She reminds him that she’s with Vicente and that she intends to marry him. Humberto tells her that Vic isn’t worthy of her and he’s just accepted his lot and is basically useless. Rocío defends Vic and tells Humberto she never wants to see him again. He says that he can provide her with a “normal” life and she doesn’t deserve to be stuck with Vicente.

Leo questions if MC wants him to be her baby’s father. She didn’t answer him. She says she didn’t say anything, but she didn’t say no either. Leo questions if she’ll tell the real father and MC says that Leo will be the only father her son will know, and that she knows he’ll treat the baby like he’s his own flesh and blood.

Blanca’s lawyer talks to JM and mentions Dr. Omar. JM says that they’ll have to find this guy.

Leo gets a telegram and tells MC that he’s got to go out of town for a few days for work. His being gone, however, shouldn’t hold up their plans for the wedding.

Rocío goes to visit Vicente the next day. He tells her he wants to end it and that she should leave (so what happened to him fearing that he was going to lose Rocío?).

At the Velardes, Patricio is reading the newspaper and comes across an article about Blanca and how the press speculates that JM is her accomplice, that Viv's death was an elaborate plot of theirs. Both Ceci and Stefi say no way. Stefi tells them that Blanca really suffers from multiple personalities and the JM wants to help her. Pat says the article speculates that the two of them will be getting married if she ends up cleared of the charges. Stefi says that can’t be. Ceci says that if JM ends up marrying Blanca she’s sure it will be for valid reasons, not because he’s in cahoots with her. Pat says this whole mess has made him lose confidence in JM.

Rocío goes home and cries on JM’s shoulder about Vicente breaking up with her. She feels it is all her fault, because she’s gone out with Humberto a few times and the things that she said to Becki.

Another doctor pays a house call to Vicente. He runs a series of “field” tests and tells Vicente that there is hope. It would have been better if he sought treatment right away after the accident, but they still can make some improvements. It’s not going to be easy, but Vicente is encouraged by the doctor’s words.

Stefi goes to visit Isa and tells her what’s being said in the papers about Juanmi and Blanca. Isa questions if JM and Blanca are lovers. No way, says Stefi, but she doesn’t look entirely convinced of her words. Stefi decides she needs to do whatever to make sure that Blanca remains in jail.

Mica tells Marichuy that she’s excited about the marriage and that Omar’s finally found some happiness. MC says she’s sent word to PA that she needs her papers.

Ceci visits PA and asks if there is any news on MC. None he says, but then he receives a telegram. He lets Ceci know it is from MC, but refuses to let her read it when she asks. He takes a phone call and Ceci is able to see part of the telegram, which he set down on the desk. She’s able to make out "San Felipe" and "Hacienda Escondida" from the portion of the telegram she can see. She questions PA to when MC will be coming back. He says that after reading the telegram, he thinks never. This upsets Ceci imensely.

Blanca tells JM (who’s visiting her in jail) that everyone thinks she’s guilty and they are all against her. JM tells her that it doesn’t matter what the rest of the world thinks. She says it only matters to her what he thinks. JM asks her if she’d be willing to get married. She wants to know why he asked, is it because he feels pity or some sort of obligation toward her? He holds her hand and says that it is their destiny to be together because it is as if they’ve known each other in a different time, a time when pirates ran amok in Mexico….she was the rich man’s whore-of-a-daughter and he was just the son of the lowly miller looking for a quick lay…..OK, just me thinking that, as I has a Pasión flashback. Actually he tells her that it is affection he feels. He goes on to tell her that he loved someone passionately and lost her, he thinks she’s had similar heartbreak in her life. Now he needs to feel hope for something and he believes that the two of them will be able to fill their empty lives and together find happiness. Blanca swallows up his words.

PA tells Ceci that although MC will most likely not return, he believes that very soon Ceci will be seeing her daughter. Ceci questions the good priest’s riddle, but PA just tells her to have faith, he thinks that perhaps now Marichuy will be able to understand the pain that Ceci had in having to give up her child and be willing to meet with her.

Marichuy thinks of JM and their happier times. END OF EPISODE

arrancar-to pull out
temer-to be afraid of


Friday, January 16, 2009

Cuidado Thursday January 15, 2009: Telenovelaland: Where even padres and grannies don’t tell the truth

Padre Anselmo is telling Mari to look deep down inside herself to decide about Leo, but she doesn’t want to open old wounds thinking about JM. The padre asks if JM were free, would she go back to him? Leo walks in and there’s an awkward silence. Mari says she’ll go see about the baby and off she runs.

Leo notes that Mari was crying and asks the padre if it has to do with the baby’s father. The padre says she says she doesn’t care for him anymore. Leo says I’m hoping so.

Mari wonders to herself why the padre asked if she’d go back to JM if he were available. Cande comes in and Mari says the padre is asking weird questions – what’s really up with JM? Cande dances around the subject, then asks if Mari’s decided whether they’ll stay or go back to the DF.

Elsa is at her folks’ house and she is telling her daddy that Nelson is a goner due to cirrhosis and doesn’t he think it would be very wrong for a wife to abandon a husband who is sliding into home plate? Her daddy just kisses her hand.

In the blue kitchen, the padre tells Mica about what he asked Mari, but says Mari just started crying, so probably she still loves JM. Mica tells her brother the padre how Leo has brightened up since Mari got there. Of course she’s on Team Leo so she says even if JM is free, his life is a mess, his wife, that French woman! She should marry Leo – she’ll fall in love with him over time since he’s such a great guy. Besides, everyone at the hacienda loves her. Let her stay! The padre pokes at his soup.

Later Mari asks the padre to tell her the truth, did something happen with JM? She’s had bad dreams and all, so she called JM and he said he still loves her. Mari says but he’s married…. The padre says ummm best to just be patient and don’t make any rash decisions. If you want to go back to JM maybe something can be arranged. Mari says yeah right. Anyway I don’t want to make my life so complicated. Know what? I think I’ll just stay here with Leo and my baby.

At castle San Ramon, Rocio is telling JM about how Onelia wants to dump her garbage on little Mayita, but Rocio’s standing guard. JM is worried that Onelia is going to make a lot of things public and that she’s going to smear him to Mayita. Rocio tells him the facts are on his side.

Elsa’s parents come to Nelson’s where they are talking to Elsa, but Nelson’s bed is empty. They say they want her to come home. She says I told you no. They say we mean both of you – Nelson too!

In the barn, Leo asks Mari if she’s going to leave. She says I’m here now. He says you’re like a dove that arrived in a storm. And when the dove’s nest isn’t needed anymore, she flies off, not just to the trees in the garden, but far off, so far away nobody sees her anymore. Leo says I don’t know when you’ll leave. Mari says I’m going to stay here with you. Leo is stunned. He says it’s like a dream. He takes Mari’s hand and she pats his like it’s a business shake.

Rocio hints to JM what about Mari? He says it hurts him to remember her and guess what she called yesterday. Rocio is jazzed. JM says I told her I still love her, but she said she’s moved on. Rocio says don’t believe it. JM says our home situation is rough right now, it’s not the right time.

Leo is declaring his devotion and Mari says I know. You saved me and the baby, so our lives properly belong to you. Leo turns serious and says it is just gratitude? You’re not staying because of love? If so, never mind. Mari says no it’s not gratitude and do you think I’d be the only woman on earth who wouldn’t fall for you? He gives her a happy hug and kisses the top of her head. You pick the date he says and Mari looks hesitant.

Now Nelson is back in the room and he thanks Elsa’s parents and says he’ll come. That way Elsa will feel safe and protected. Elsa’s mama takes his hand and thanks him and her daddy gives Elsa a hug. Somebody pass the insulin.

Stef tells Isa about her visit to see Blanca. They gloat a bit.

The padre is visiting castle San Ramon and Rocio tells him how Onelia thinks Blanca and JM were in cahoots to off Viv, which is making things complicated. They both say they plan to visit Blanca.

Mayita comes running out and greets them. She says she can’t wait for her mama to come home and bring her a baby brother. Mayita asks where Mari is and Rocio says remember how I told you she had to go? Mayita says everybody keeps leaving, my mama, Mari and now Blanca. Bummer.

JM’s lawyer comes to see him at work and tells him that the trial is next week. JM asks if he’s being accused. The lawyer says yes, Onelia’s bringing charges against both of them, and he wants to know if another psychiatrist could testify about the split personality thing. JM says no, he’s the only one qualified and the only one familiar with the case. Split personality is rare and he’s the only qualified person who has witnessed the Blanca/Ivette transformations. The lawyer says one big problem is that the victim was pregnant.

Blanca is mooshed into a corner in her cell. She’s anguishing as she remembers Stef saying she knows she (Blanca) is in love with JM. She falls to the ground, and grabs the bars. Is she transforming into Ivette? A guard pays no attention.

Nelson is out on a lounge on Elsa’s folks’ lawn, a blanket over him. Elsa asks if he’s comfy. He says it’s funny, he’s always scoffed about possessions and even emotions yet here he is surrounded by comfort and love.

Bea comes out with her baby and Elsa admires it and Nelson says it’s okay as babies go. Bea says that the baby was sickly at first because she didn’t take care of herself in her early pregnancy, but that wonderful Ed has everything back on track. She owes him so much! Elsa smiles bravely and looks at Nelson on his lounge.

Ivette has taken over. She frantically undoes her braid, pounds on the bars and demands to be let out. The guard runs off. She raves in French. The two detectives come and witness her raging and striking out between the bars, threatening to kill someone.

We’re in Grannyland. Granny says you just had a great time in Acapulco, so why the long face? Mayita says it looks like Mama’s gone again. Granny says you’ll have to get used to her being gone. Mayita says Blanca too. Granny says you have Rocio who takes care of you and your daddy who loves you – and Cuate too. Mayita wants to see Mari and the baby she promised. Granny says you need to have faith that things will work out for the best for you. (Yup, having your mama stabbed by your mentally ill nanny is just jim dandy.) She hugs and pets Mayita.

Becky the curly-haired art crowd lady has come to see Rocio. She said she came earlier but Rocio wasn’t there. Rocio says I must’ve gone out – things get so intense here. Becky studies her and says why are you deceiving Vicente? You don’t have time to see Vicente, but you go out with Dr. Tinoco.

Rocio says it’s depressing here and I’ll confess with Vicente too. I need to get away from all the suffering, get out, see people. Please understand – what’s wrong with that? Becky says do you have to do those things with Dr. Tinoco? Plus you don’t tell Vicente. Rocio says I don’t want to hurt him over nothing. Becky says talk to him and tell him the truth. Rocio says are you telling me to break off with him? Never. Balbina comes in and says telephone – Dr. Tinoco.

Leo is learning to hold MiniJM. Mari says he’s doing great and Cande applauds. Amazing that he knows enough to deliver a baby, but not to hold one. Leo makes the happy announcement that he and Mari are engaged and he asks for her hand. Cande is thrilled.

Rocio says to tell Dr. Tinoco that she’s sleeping. Becky says she’ll go, probably Rocio has private things to discuss with him, and she says she won’t tell Vicente. Rocio says he’s just a friend! Becky says but you have time for him and you ignore Vicente, who’s hurting because of you. Rocio says what about Vicente? He’s not even willing to get up and try. Becky says hmmm that’s what Dr. Tinoco said – you’ve learned his lesson well. Rocio says I swear there’s nothing between us. Maybe says Becky, but that could change.

Cande says she’ll give Leo not only Mari’s hand, but the whole girl. Leo is beaming and Mari is smiling big too, but there’s doubt behind her eyes.

At JM’s office, his secretary tells him Ed was called away to an out-of-town conference and won’t be back for 10 days. JM says Ed wanted to tell me something urgently, I guess that’s what it was. JM says to himself I have to get her out and then cure her. And then…

Mari tells Leo she doesn’t want to marry in a church. Leo says was your marriage in a church? and we get a long flashback to the JM/Mari wedding. Leo says we’ll be happy. She pats his hand. It’s a charming tableau: Leo holding the baby, Mari looking on and smiling, set in the lovely living room of the expansive hacienda she about to be the lady of, but we all know Something is Missing.

Now it’s just Mari and the baby in the living room and Mica rushes in all thrilled with the news. She tells Mari it’s the best decision that she’s made in her life. Mica raves about Leo’s big heart and how he’ll love and care for Mari the rest of his life. She gives Mari a big hug.

Mica says and your ex – will that be a shadow over your marriage? Mari says no, I need to forget him. Mica says I hope you can, for everyone’s good. Mica leaves and Mari wonders to Diosito if she’ll be able to forget.

JM is alone in his house and says to himself that he has to forget Mari.

Mari remembers JM rejecting her and telling her that Viv is alive and that their marriage apparently never really existed. Then she remembers his telling her a few days ago that he still loved her. She reaches for the phone.

JM answers but she doesn’t speak. Even without checking his caller ID, he knows it’s her. He says why don’t you talk? Even if you hate me… Mari hangs up on him.

Mari tells herself she has to forget him, he’ll never leave his wife and doesn’t know his son exists. She’s got to play fair with Leo who’s been so good to her and the baby. She asks God to help her not call just to hear JM’s voice. He has to be dead to her.

JM has gone to visit Blanca in her green cell. She is sleeping on the cement shelf – why doesn’t she have a bed or at least a blanket? She wakes and sees him.

Vicente’s mama is visiting him and tries to get him interested in painting again. He says he can’t go back to his old life, he has no interest. The door bell rings and she says maybe it’s Rocio. But it’s Becky, who sure seems like a way better deal lately the way she’s so attentive. Vicente says he’s sure Rocio will come. Becky says it’s probably best you learn to live without her. (Nice, Becky. When you get done here, you can go stomp on some baby chicks.)

Blanca is Blanca again and she says the police told her how she raged and threatened them, but she doesn’t remember any of it. JM asks how she feels and she says she hurts all over. He says mentally? She says she’s okay. He offers to take her to a hospital but she says no, Ivette would take advantage.

Becky tells Vicente that Rocio can’t stay cooped up all the time, so she’s going out. Vicente’s ma gestures for her to stop. Becky says Rocio loves you but she doesn’t want to spend her life with an invalid. Vicente’s ma says for heaven’s sake, Becky! Becky says the truth often hurts, but it’s better than lies. Sorry to tell you this she says and leaves. Vicente dissolves and his mother hugs him.

Blanca says Ivette could escape and wreak more havoc. Promise me you won’t let them move me from here. JM promises. He holds her.

Cande asks why Mari looks at her baby so sadly sometimes. Mari says JM doesn’t know about him. Cande says let’s have a heart-to heart: All these ideas swimming around in your head when you’re about to marry another man? Mari says last night I decided not to think about those things any more. Cande says you’re transparent. If you still love JM, why are you marrying El Leopardo?

Avances: the lawyer asks Blanca if there was anyone in her past who knew about her split personality and she says yes, a doctor. Omar.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cuidado con el Angel, January 14, 2009

We start off with a repeat of last night’s episode. Leopard is playing his amazing harmonica while Marichuy is in the bedroom asking herself if she can love him.

A series of shots showing Marichuy at the hacienda with the baby in various places. She wonders if she can love Leopard. Micaela comes running to Cande that they caught the lady (Blanca) who killed Viv. She tells her the whole story is in the paper.

Blanca is shown into a jail cell.

Cande does not want Marichuy to see the paper. Micaela says that Marichuy must find out the truth soon. Cande tells her to give her time.

The lawyer tells JM that the case is very complicated. JM says that he will present papers to the judge explaining that Blanca is a sick woman. Suddenly, Onelia bursts in the room. She tells the lawyer not to defend Blanca for the murder of her daughter. If any lawyer defends her they will lose there prestige and honor.

Elsa and Nelson are in their apartment. Nelson thanks Elsa for taking care of him even though she does not love him.

JM tells Onelia that the lawyer is not intimidated by her. She tells JM that the lawyer needs to be aware of what the repercussions are if he defends Blanca. Did you tell him that you are happy that my daughter is dead? That you hated her and the night that she was murdered was the night you felt liberated. JM tells her that she is getting out of hand. She continues on that all this happened because Viv left him instead of loving him passionately. But he never loved her and she faked her death. JM tries again to tell her that what she is saying has no relevance to the case, but again she ignores him. She tells the lawyer that Viv faked amnesia because she was desperate to return to the house so that she could be with her husband and daughter. JM again pleads for her to stop talking. Onelia then says that JM and Blanca planned her daughter’s murder along with the double personality. She then storms out of the room.

Elsa asks Nelson why he thinks that she does not love him. Because it’s the truth. You were going to leave me again, but stayed with me for pity. You know that I’m going to die. I want to tell you to leave and that I don’t care to stay by myself. But I can’t tell you to, because I am scared. Please don’t leave me. Elsa tells him that she loves him and will stay with him till the end.
The lawyer tells JM that he will represent both him and Blanca. JM asks him why after hearing what Onelia just said. The lawyer says because of Onelia’s hatred for JM and Blanca. She wants vengeance. He also wants to find out about all the stuff she said regarding Viv faking her death and amnesia. JM tells him that the information is irrelevant to the case and does not want the jury to hear about her conduct. He continues on that he does not want her reputation to be tainted because she was his wife and the mother of his daughter and her memory should be respected. The lawyer tells him that as his attorney he should be told all of the truth even family secrets. Fine says JM. I will tell you, but you are not to make public anything I am about to tell you. The lawyer responds back “Even if it can prove your innocence or Blanca’s?” JM hopes that it will not be necessary.

Leopard is in his chair and has just finished reading about Blanca being arrested.

JM and the lawyer are meeting with Blanca. He informs her that he will be defending her in the trial.

Marichuy starts reading the paper, but Leopard tells her to forget it. He wants to take her somewhere.

Estephania and Isa are visiting and talking about the case. Estephania tells her that she will be at JM’s side the whole time consoling him and holding his hand.

Marichuy and Leopard are outside talking. They talk about the change in him and his feelings for her. He tells her that if she leaves to take him with her. She gets embarassed.

Onelia asks Rocio where Mayita is. She thinks its time for Mayita to know the truth about JM.

Leopard is taking a nap and Marichuy is messing with him by using some type of plant to tickle his face. Marichuy says it's time to go back. He says that the time he has spent was like being close to heaven, but it's time now to go back to reality. Life can be so cruel. Marichuy says that he must still be thinking about the article in the paper.

Rocio tells Onelia that JM told them not to tell Mayita yet of what is going on. Onelia says you always do what is ordered from JM. Rocio tells Onelia not to forget that she was mistaken about Viv's fake death while accusing JM. And that she is mistaken about him now.

Marichuy and Leopard are walking back to the hacienda and he asks her how he knows the newspaper bothered him. She tells him it' in his voice. He confesses that the woman killed was going to be a mother and ...... but gets interrupted by a guy telling Marichuy that Padre Anselmo is at the hacienda. Marichuy goes running to see him.

Rocio tells JM that he needs to talk to Onelia. She has kept Mayita in her room because Onelia wants to tell her lies to put her against you. She wants to tell her tat Blanca killed her mother and you were her accompliance. He leaves to go see her.

Marichuy asks PA if he has seen the baby. She scolds Cande and leaves to get him.

JM finds Onelia in the living room and tells her that he wants to talk to her about his daughter. He tells her that she once had to leave the house because she was trying to get Mayita against him and he will throw her out in the street again if she persists. She says let's see who has to leave once the trial is over. Hopefully, JM says, it will be you. I have respected you as the mother, but you have always acted as an enemy towards me. And on top of that you have always wanted to inflict the most pain to me. She tells him not to raise his voice to her and that no one will ever convince her that Blanca is innocent. JM reminds her about her little conversation that she had with his lawyer and that the information she told him could be used in our favor.

PA thanks Leopard for all that he has done for Marichuy. Marichuy resents mini Juan to PA. A sad look comes across his face. When she asks him what's wrong he tells her that he remembers a little girl that was promised a little baby brother. Marichuy recalls her conversation with Mayita.

Onelia wants to know what he is talking about. He tells her that Viv's character and morals could be brought up in the court as a defense. She tells him that he should not speak ill of her. He does not want to tarnish her image because of Mayita. It is her fault if it comes out.

Marichuy tells PA that she owes so much to Leopard. She tells him that Leopard confessed that he is in love with her.

Amador goes to visit with Estephania and Isa.

Marichuy tells PA that she wants to go back to Mexico and become an actress making lots of money. She asks PA for his guidance.

Amador tells Estephania and Isa that Marichuy wants to think a little before deciding if she wants to go back to Mexico. He blames Leopard and thinks that he is in love with her.

PA tells Marichuy that it is her decision and has she forgotten about JM.

The doctor has come to visit with Rocio and JM thanks him for his work in fixing up Rocio.

Marichuy tells PA that she has two choices. She can either go back to Mexico and work as an actress making lots of money or she can stay at the hacienda where she has peace. I can never find that in Mexico.

Estephania goes to visit Blanca. She tells her to get use to living in a jail cell because she will be in one for many years. Blanca asks her what she is doing here. Estephania tells her to thank her for getting rid of Viv.

Marichuy tells PA how she feels about Leopard. How he saved both her and her son. He tells her that is not enough. She feels that she will eventually love him. He is more of a father to my son then his real father. (i think that is what she said)

Rocio's doctor asks her how Vicente is doing. He thinks that Rocio is sacrificing herself for someone who does not try to get better. He blames him for the accident. She tells him that she knows Vicente still loves her. The good doctor tells her that she needs to forget about him.

Estephania tells Blanca that she killed Viv for her hatred and jealously but she is the one to benefit from it. She knows that Blanca is in love with JM and that he never looked at her as a woman, but like a piece of furniture. She keeps telling Blanca ugly things. Blance begs her to leave.

PA tells Marichuy to stop crying because nothing can be solved with tears. She is confused. PA asks her if she can be with JM will she go back with him?

Since I did the second half on youtube I cannot see what is going on tomorrow night.


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