Friday, May 21, 2021
Cuidado Thursday, May 21, 2009: AJ gets even a dead person cranky
Déja vu: Padre Anselmo can’t tell JM, who thinks AJ is his only ally in matters Mari, that AJ is evil dressed up in tight jeans. Darn those secrets of the confessional, he thinks to himself. Rafael tells Mari he’s found just the physical therapy school where she can study which accepts blind people. She’s stoked. Pat and Ceci come in and hear about it. Pat's worried about how she will get there, but Rafael says they can take the guide dog – time for her to get out in the world on her own. Pat says okay.
New: And off they go down the driveway, Mari tapping with her cane, and Rafael walking with Guero the Guidedog who is pulling way too much. It’s the blind leading the blind. The gate closes behind them and there they go down a long road, walking in the middle of the lane. This seems really ill-advised.
Mari is really enjoying herself, but she says it’s weird to be out walking without holding onto Cande. (How did they know the road curved?) Rafa takes her cane and gives her Guero and she is startled and unsure. As well she should be, as the dog is pulling ahead and to the side, looking at ground squirrels or something.
They’ve made it to the suburbs, and then they’re hanging on the straps in a bus in the city. Next they’re in a park and Rafa suggests they sit down and listen to the music playing. Mari says she always loved parks when she could see and Rafa says you’ll enjoy them even more now because you can see them with your soul. He takes her by the hand.
The mystical magical Rafa makes a beeline for a bench and they sit. There is a little carnival going on. A huge bunch of flowers is growing conveniently right by the bench and he plucks one for her. He tells her to think of the wooden horses on the carrousel and to imagine the other rides.
Mari says you remember those from when you could see? Rafa says I’ve never seen them. I was born blind. The captions say musica triste.
AJ is still standing in the San Romans’ foyer with Mayita leaning against her, and Onelia explains to Mayita that AJ is a bad person who likes to hurt others, and she doesn’t want AJ to hurt her. Onelia orders Balbina to take Mayita up to her room. Mayita protests and whines and AJ calls after her “I love you!”
Onelia orders AJ to stay away from Mayita and for emphasis whomps her a few times with the big stuffed lion AJ had brought Mayita. AJ deflects the soft hits calmly, like Superman deflecting bullets.
Up in Mayita’s bedroom, she’s bawling and Balbina tries to comfort her. Mayita says why is everybody so mean to AJ, what if she never comes back?
Onelia has given AJ the stuffed lion back and is shoving her out. AJ stops to thoughtbubble for our benefit in case we were too thick to get what she’s up to. She thinks to herself that now she’s made Onelia look bad to Mayita, so her visit wasn’t wasted. She smiles to herself. While she’s thoughtbubbling, Onelia waits angrily behind her and (what timing!) exactly when AJ’s done, she gives her a final shove and tells her OUT!
Mari tells Rafa how sad – she at least can remember how things look. He says no, he has his world and everything is exactly the way he imagines it, which is great. Fantasy is always prettier than reality. Mari says how can you do that? (Maybe she’s trying to imagine a prettier JM and can’t do it. Me either.) How can you imagine the sky, the sea? Rafa says one person describes the stars as tiny points of light in the night sky, another says that they have five points, books describe them differently. So see? Everyone’s vision of them is different. (In case you hadn’t noticed, Rafa is Deep.)
He reaches for the flower, touching her hand. He tells her how he imagines the shape, the color. Mari asks how he sees the stars. He smiles and says they are like tender kisses floating everywhere. He describes the night too, and it gets dark in Mari’s imagination. When he’s done, it snaps back to being day. Mari tells him his world is much more beautiful than reality. She clasps his hand. With all this handholding and the flower, can it be that JM is about to come to the park and see?
JM is meeting AJ in a restaurant. He says I came as soon as you called. AJ tells him that she tried to talk to Mari but Mari is the same – she reacts badly when she hears his name. JM says he’s getting discouraged. AJ says she told her he’s back and that Mari said if he tries to show up, she’s the one that will leave the country this time. No puede ser! says JM. AJ says yes, and it seems that Rafael has family who know where she can go stay.
AJ says she’s sad. JM says why?
Mari asks Rafa how she looks to him in his imagination. She tells him he can feel her face. He does slowly and with wonder, and it looks like he’s tempted to lean in for a kiss. Commercial break!
He doesn’t kiss her, but he does say Ah! She says What? He says I don’t need to touch your face to know that you are beautiful – you have a beautiful soul. Maybe I see more than people who aren’t blind.
The judge tells Ceci that it’s obvious that Rafa has fallen in love with Mari. Ceci says and you’re against it, right? He says I’m not a monster - I’m not against her falling in love, I’m just against her being with San Ramon.
AJ tells JM she’s sad because of what happened with Mayita. She says she brought her a present and Onelia told her nobody gives Mayita presents except her. And that Onelia was yelling and Mayita was crying and oh, it was so terrible. JM is astonished. AJ says maybe Onelia never got over the death of her daughter and she’s losing it.
Mayita is visiting Granny, This time they are sitting in the clouds. Mayita tells about the AJ happenings and that she’s very unhappy. Granny says you should listen to Grandma Onelia. Mayita says I have fun with AJ and we don’t do anything bad. Granny says maybe so, but you still need to listen to your grandmother. Parents and grandparents look out for kids so nothing bad happens and we don’t know exactly who AJ is or what her background is. Granny says I don’t like that she’s stirring up trouble in the family. Mayita is a bit mad at her and Granny gets stern and says maybe she’s not the good person you think she is. They end up glaring in opposite directions.
Mari and Rafa are part of a long line of blind people filing into the school. Mari is very excited about this new chapter in her life.
JM and AJ show up at castle San Ramon. Onelia comes down the stairs and says to JM I have to talk to you. JM says AJ has come to visit Mayita – go on up, AJ. AJ walks by Onelia, gloating.
It’s breaktime at school and everyone is relaxing on the lawn, including Mari and Rafa. Mari says she feels so at home there. She says she has things to be grateful for. For one, getting to know him because he brought her to this school. The other is that she has come to see things with her heart so she doesn’t feel so down about being blinded, that she can have a new life, and that she’s not thinking about vengeance anymore. Rafa is happy and said he’d thought he’d never hear her talk like that.
Rafa says you have so much love in your life – Cande, your parents, your friends, and me too. Mari says it’s not the same. Rafa says I know, you miss the love of Juan Miguel San Ramon. Mari says you remember his name! Rafa says things that touch the heart are hard to forget.
AJ is up in Mayita’s room. Mayita is holding the stuffed lion and is ecstatic to see AJ. She gives AJ a big hug and AJ thoughtbubbles You’re going to strangle me, you little monster. To Mayita she says I love you. Mayita says let’s baptize the lion and then we can be not just friends, but comadres! AJ thoughtbubbles to herself that when she lands JM she’s going to send Mayita away to school.
Mayita says I’ll go get my cooking playthings and we can make dinner for the lion. She runs off and AJ drops the lion in disgust and flops in the chair and puts her feet up on it.
Outside Onelia is listening at the door and thinks to herself that AJ isn’t even good at pretending that she likes the child. Onelia knows what she’s up to, and she’s not giving up on exposing her. AJ may have won this battle, but just wait for the end of the war.
JM is in the living room thinking that he’s surprised that Onelia has unsheathed her claws again, and why against AJ, who he needs so much to keep his connection to Mari?
Mari tells Rafa that he’s a wonderful guy, but the topic of JM is forbidden. She doesn’t want anybody to talk to her about him. She says let’s change the subject – let’s go find out about one of the professors.
JM sighs about Mari and says he can’t stop thinking of her. Flashback of kissing her. How he wishes he could spend his life at her side, caressing her face and her beautiful black hair.
Back at Casa Velarde, Mari tells Daniel that he has swiped her best friend, meaning Rocio. How come she never comes around? Daniel goofs around and avoids the question. Rafa comes in and Mari says it’s her first day of classes. They leave.
JM is leaving his house too, Onelia notes that he’s all dressed up now that he’s an ophthalmologist. He is more reserved than before with her, but tells her he’s going to give his services where they’re most needed – he’s going to the National Association for the Blind.
Rafa and Mari are near their school, when Rafa stops and says they’re a bit early. He tells her how the minutes and hours fly when he’s with her and he enjoys his time with her. Mari gasps – we see JM’s car speeding up the road which maybe is the one they just came along. She says whew, my heart! It must be from going uphill. Rafa looks hopeful.
Mari gives him a peck on the cheek. What’s that for? he says. She says it for all the things you’ve taught me, for helping me find emotions that I’d buried, so I can be happy now. He said I just taught you what you need to live as a blind person. Mari says no, you’ve taught me more – how to try, to fail, to succeed, to not give up. And to know that someone was at my side, and, it was you. Rafa kisses her hand.
Rafa says thank you. Mari says the thanks go to you. You taught me how to be happy living as a blind person. They head towards the school.
JM’s car is driving right up the same entry! He thinks to himself that today is the start of a new life for him. He doesn’t see Rafa and Mari, and needless to say, they don’t see him.
Onelia is having coffee in the living room with Rocio. Onelia is telling her you should have seen AJ’s hypocritical attitude when she was here with JM, as if she didn’t even know me. I should have given her another whack with that stuffed animal. Rocio says I hope JM realizes soon.
Onelia says speaking of him, he was looking super handsome this morning. Rocio says all he does is think of Mari, but somehow he can’t reach her or talk to her. It’s as if something, or someone, is getting between them.
AJ bops into a room where Daniel is reading and having coffee. She comes over and asks why he’s all alone. He says Ceci’s outside and he has to get to the university. He picks up his cup for a sip and AJ takes it away from him and takes a swig. Now I know all your secrets, she says. He said my life is an open book anyway. I only know one page, she flirts. He’s says here’s more information: I teach at the university and I’m in a love with all my heart with Rocio.
AJ says lucky Rocio. I’m a love orphan – maybe I’ll try one of the internet dating sites and see if anyone answers back. AJ says look at me – do you think it would hard for someone to fall for me? Could you?
Gotta run! says Daniel. Con permiso.
AJ says to herself so you reject me – who cares? The one I’m really interested in is JM. Good thing Mari’s off at school – this gives me a clear field to cause trouble.
I didn’t realize that physical therapy was such an attractive field for blind people, but apparently it is, as the classroom is full. Professor Diaz, who is blind himself comes in and introduces himself and tells them what they are undertaking isn’t easy. Poor Mari drops her cane, then when she retrieves it, misses her chair when she tries to sit down again. Professor Diaz says let’s introduce ourselves and we’ll start with you.
Mari introduces herself and then says I just dropped my cane. The students laugh understandingly.
JM comes into the office of an administrator at the institute. He introduces himself and she says oh, we’ve heard of you! And of your surgeries that have helped in cases thought to be helpless. JM says yes, the artificial retinas are curing even people who are born blind. (Ah HA! Maybe Rafa won’t get the girl, but he’ll get his sight back. I hope he’s not too disappointed in the stars.)
JM says I’ve come to offer my services. The administrator lady says she wishes she could accept, but their budget won’t permit it – his rates must be very high. JM says no charge.
Mari and Rafa and the students seem to be leaving school. Where is Guero? Mari says she is excited and she really liked the professor. Rafa says see what you can do when you believe in yourself? Rafa says we need to go see the administrator, Senora Riquelme. Mari presses her hand to her chest and says she has a premonition. Is the administrator mad about something? Rafa says of course not! She’s very nice. Mari is still pressing her chest. She says she feels something funny in her heart – it’s a bad premonition. Rafa makes a little joke.
The administrator is overjoyed to have JM on board. JM is happy for the opportunity to help others. She’s going to go tell the board and she bets they will want to meet him a.s.a.p. JM says he’d like to look around the institute. She says of course, the students should be just leaving class about now.
Mari tells Rafa that they sure have a lot of homework. She’s going to ask Rocio to help her. Rafa says why Rocio? I can help you. Mari says it’s a pretext to get her to come visit me. They start to head off and just then, behind them JM and the administrator come out of a big entry door. JM and the administrator head one way and Mari and Rafa another, and they don’t notice each other.
Rafa and Mari are in the school cafeteria. He brings them coffees and asks if she feels any better. We hear heartbeats in the background and she says not really. Seeing with your soul can give you some surprises, apparently, she observes. I have some weird feeling like something bad is going to happen. Rafa says sometimes bad things happen to good people and if anything bad happened to you, I would die of grief.
JM is touring the school. The blind students are studying, doing crafts. JM and the administrator help the students stack the chairs in the classroom where Mari had been. JM thoughtbubbles that he wishes that one of the students were Mari – how he’d love to help her, but he knows that miracle would never happen. In the hallway behind JM we see Rafa and Mari coming.
Mari stops, looking like she has the vapors. She says she felt something like this before. Suddenly she remembers that time she was putting her hand in the holy water and some other hand helped her. She smiles. She says do you remember you told me to be alert to my four senses? It’s the same smell as that day in church.
Rafa offers to take her outside for fresh air. She says she feels like she wants to cry. He takes her out and they sit on the lawn. She feels better and says she loves the sun on her face. The dog has reappeared and lies there next to them. Somebody calls Rafa away and he tells her don’t move while I’m away.
JM and the administrator pass by and JM glimpses Mari – he turns to get a better look, then stares. She is sitting on the lawn with her face turned up to the sun.
Avances: I couldn’t understand it all, but I think the only new part is that JM tells the administrator that he wants to go talk to Mari.
Labels: Cuidado
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Caray Caray Special Report - People en Espa~ol Mas Bello fiesta - May 20, 2010
Hola a todos! Hello everyone on Caray Caray!
During my recent vacation I flew to New York City for the People en espa~ol Mas Bello 2010
fiesta on May 20. As the blog's unofficial photographer, I was permitted to enter and
stand in the corner with the other photographers in the press room at the event.
Here is the link to see the photos I took both outside the venue and in the press room:
Labels: clon, Cuidado, dinero, entertainment-news, gavilanes, heridas, manana, mundo, pecado, sortilegio
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Cuidado on Cristina 7/6/09
I'll post a spot for discussions. Did anyone watch?
The captions could not keep up with William Levy. I got as much as I could.
He talked about his early forays into nude modeling (Onelia kept needling him about that) and about how he had to overcome doubts in casting because of his Cuban accent.
Labels: Cuidado
Monday, June 22, 2009
Lineup for Amor/ 8:00 pm
This will be the lineup my emails tell me:
Maggie: Monday
Julia: Tuesday
Gloria: Wednesday
Nina: Thursday
Chris and Cathy: Friday
If this is isn't right let me know, pronto!
Thanks all,
Melinama your blog mom
Labels: amor, Cuidado, schedule
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Cuidado bloggers: I haven't heard from some of you, are you re-upping for Amor?
It may be my mail program or I may be spacing out, but I need to re-check the coverage for the upcoming 8pm show. So far I have:
Chris Ferro and Cathy: both want Friday (can either of you switch so we have more coverage?)
Maggie: would like Monday if Jody leaves or can switch days
I haven't heard from Jody, Julia, or Gloria. Please check in!
Anybody else want to throw a hat into the ring? We can always use new recappers as subs if there isn't a regular spot...
Labels: amor, Cuidado, recappers-needed
Monday, June 15, 2009
New series: En Nombre del Amor
Coming July 6 after Cuidado ends.
Leticia Calderón is a ruthless killer; Victoria Ruffo is her submissive sister. Alisson Lozz is their niece-victim, and Arturo Peniche is the priest who awakens her lust! All this in the new version of Cadenas de Amargura (Bitter Chains). Filmed in Real Del Monte, Hidalgo. Other Guapos faves appear too, such as Laura Flores and Altair Jirabo.
An automobile accident that took the life of her parents left Paloma at the mercy of her aunts, the Misses Espinoza de Los Monteros. Although one aunt, Macarena, loves Paloma, she’s too weak to fight against her evil sister Carlota, who tortures the girl emotionally to break her.
Paloma is resigned to her lot of being a half prisoner of Carlota until adulthood. She finds refuge at the convent where she studies and has a good friend in the rebellious Romina, her classmate and neighbor.
The years pass, and Paloma and Romina become pretty teenagers, united as best friends. But love enters their lives. Romina becomes the girlfriend of Emiliano Sanz, a newcomer in town, but he also has an interest in Paloma. And Paloma has begun a secret romance with Inaki, a young Spanish boy.
Aunt Macarena finally dares to go against her sister’s will and supports her niece’s romance. Paloma begins to ask questions. Why has Macarena dared to confront Carlota now when she has lived for years under her dominance? Paloma discovers that Macarena has a terrible secret. But soon, Inaki and Macarena will die under mysterious circmstances.
Paloma finds refuge in her friendship with Emiliano, but their friendship becomes love, separating her forever from her childhood friend Romina. Then Padre Cristobal enters her life. He is a tortured priest who has a strong link with all the lies and intrigues of Carlota.
Who knows what will happen in the name of love?
Labels: amor, Cuidado, synopsis-cast
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Cuidado Thursday, June 11, 2009: It’s the love lottery: one big jackpot and lots of losers
I have family in town, so this is a quick one…
Yesterday: Rocio and Daniel are talking to Israel and Becky about their upcoming marriage. Lots of cuddling and laughing on the part of both couples. Mari is nervous about Dr.C/JM coming, and Cande tells her don’t worry, she’s lovely and Dr. C. meant everything he said.
Today: Here he is!
JM offers up some compliments and his half-smile. The hearts of
Cuidado viewers flutter. Too bad Mari misses out.
Rafa is talking to Elsa at her parent’s home telling her that JM must be visiting Mari right now. Elsa observes that it pains him. They both wonder what to do about their broken hearts. Will they ever fall in love again? Elsa’s father comes in and says he has a big surprise.
Mari apologizes to Dr. C, but won’t tell him what made her act that way. He’s happy with the apology. She takes his hand and asks him to do her operation. He gives her a big hug and says of course. Ceci and smiling Pat are eavesdropping the background. Ceci is emotional and says our daughter will see again! She will leave the world of shadows and her life will be happy from now on. Pat says thanks to JM.
Elsa’s dad has brought her the first copies of the book of Nelson’s poems. Elsa is thrilled. Rafa asks if she had something to do with their being printed. We see the cover – it’s called Love Poems. Catchy title! Rafa says surely it will do well.
Mari pushes shyly away from JM’s hug and says it gives her butterflies. JM says me too. Pat and Ceci tactfully retire. Mari wants to know if the operation will be in a couple of months and JM says no, a couple of days. (Hey, she can have her old room at the hospital. Probably the sheets are still warm.)
She will need to undergo a few tests says JM. Mari says oh no, not more tests! He says they aren’t a big deal. Mari says I put myself in your hands – I trust you.
Rafa and Mari and the seeing eye dog arrive at the school for the blind. Rafa says my adored Marichuy, I wish you every happiness in your new life which is about to begin. Mari is touched. Rafa says the world of the sighted is not for me. Mari says how about we make a deal? You taught me how to get around in the world of the blind. I’ll take your hand and teach you how to live in the world of sight.
Rafa says you are so sweet and noble! What can I say but yes? Mari hugs him ecstatically and kisses him on the cheek. He says let’s see how your operation goes, and then we’ll think about one for me. Mari hugs and kisses him some more. Poor Rafa, we know that that’s as close as he’s ever going to come to heaven.
At his office at the school, JM is on the phone listening to AJ telling him off for not calling her as promised. He says he’s been busy plus he has nothing to say to her. She says she has a lot to tell him and it’s urgent. JM says I’m not interested in anything you have to tell me. Mari, with Rafa in tow, knocks at his office door. AJ yells you’re talking to that blind girl, aren’t you? JM signs off. AJ rants around her apartment.
Rafa leaves Mari with JM and their theme song starts up.
AJ is still ranting about how JM is hers, hers, hers, when Amador appears and says you woke me up with all that yelling. You were hot last night, but now what’s up with you? AJ says mind your own business. It sure seems like the bloom is off the rose of their gleeful evil palship, as AJ says why don’t you try getting up earlier and looking for a job? Amador says I’ve got something cooking that should land me on easy street. Like what? says AJ. Amador says didn’t you tell me to mind my own business?
Rocio is bummed and tells Daniel she can’t believe that the authorities have told them they have to wait a year to marry. Daniel says don’t worry, we’re together and the time will fly by. Of course, she’s just out of high school, so one year probably seems like a lot to her. Rocio says at least we took the divorce papers in to make sure they were legit. Kissy kissy.
Mari can’t hold still while JM is trying to look into her eyes with a tiny light. He tells her they’re almost done. She says it’s just that whenever he comes near, she gets that way. She asks him why he calls her Maria de Jesus instead of Marichuy and he says because you told me to. Mari says you can call me Marichuy again. Okay says JM – Marichuy, are you in love with me the way I’m in love with you?
Ed and Bea are at the orphanage with their lawyer, confronting the nun who still refuses to tell them who little Ed’s adoptive parents are. Ed says come on, what we’re doing is legal and that bum Amador abandoned the child. The nun says how do we know that’s the same child, plus if you were good parents the court wouldn’t have awarded custody to Amador. (Didn’t they do footprints and fingerprints when he was born? When he arrived at the orphanage? Does no one have a photograph? Sheesh.)
Ed says it’s not like that, it’s just that Bea has some emotional problems. Jealousy says the nun. Ed says how did you know? The nun says I’ve done my own investigating, and I don’t think it’s in the best interest of the child to be with an unstable mother.
Mari says to JM are you really in love with me? He says don’t ever doubt it. Mari says I want to tell you something which was supposed to be a secret… she fiddles around nervously …AJ told me you are a womanizer who’s after all the girls. JM’s smile evaporates.
JM says you must have misunderstood. Mari says no. JM says believe me, since the moment I saw you, my heart has belonged to you alone.
Bea and Ed’s lawyer politely but firmly tells the nun that if she won’t let them see the baby, he’ll take it to the courts. The nun says I’ll do what I think is right and you do what you have to do. But do you really want to send a servant of God to jail?
Purita tells Adrian that the baby has slept the entire day. Adrian feels him and says he’s burning up. So it’s off to the hospital.
JM says let’s get back to the examination, because after that I’m taking you on an outing. Mari says is that part of the tests? JM says no, it’s part of love.
The doctor can’t figure out what little Ed has. His throat and stomach are okay, so they’ll have to wait for the tests to come back.
Rafa has been waiting on the lawn at school for Mari. JM brings her out and Rafa’s ready to escort her home, but JM says I’m going to take her out now and I’ll make sure she gets home. Rafa says okay, don’t be late. I’ll worry! JM takes Mari by the hand and poor Rafa is left alone on the lawn with only Guero, the bush-sniffing guide dog, as his consolation prize.
Bea takes the nun’s hand and appeals to her, saying that she is like a mother to all the orphans, so she knows what it means to be a mother. Little Ed has been torn from her arms and without her, he could die.
And, sure enough, we cut to the hospital where the doctor is looking at little Ed’s test and then tells Purita and Adrian that little Ed is seriously ill, in fact, he has aplastic anemia. He’s not going to die is he? begs Purita.
The nun is sympathetic to Bea but says it’s not that easy. Adoptive parents get attached to their child and if they hear there’s even a small chance they may have to give up the child, it’s very hard on them. Ed says but what about how hard it is on us? The nun says give me a few days to think it over. (let’s see: Actual birth mother who has had him all his little life vs. adoptive parents who have had him like what? Two weeks maybe?)
JM has taken Mari to a waterfall and waxes poetic about how the gushing waters are like his gushing love. Meantime, Rafa is sitting at the Velarde’s with Guero telling him not to worry, his mistress will be home at any minute.
JM and Mari cuddle on a rock by a river and he looks up at the sky and describes it to her. There are a few small clouds and she asks if he sees a heart-shaped one. More love babble. She says she feels so safe with him. Their song starts up and they kiss. He asks her to let him make her happy for the rest of her life.
Rafa is getting nervous waiting for Mari.
Calmate, Damian tells Purita. The doctor tells Purita and Damien that it’s often fatal. Save him! begs Purita tearfully. The doctor says he (little Ed, not the doctor) needs a bone marrow transplant because his white blood cells are dying. But for the transplant he needs a related donor.
Amador has shown up at his aunt’s and she demands to know where the baby is. She tells him not to mess with her as she has half a mind to go to the police. Amador tells her don’t you mess with me. You’ve seen my good side and believe me you don’t want to see my bad side. I just came to get some clothes. He leaves and his aunt struggles with her conscience – he is her nephew, but she ought to go to the police.
JM takes Mari’s hand and jumps into a deep pool of the river. They swim and rejoice and kiss. She holds to his back as he swims. They swim under the waterfall and kiss some more. It’s hard not to think that that water must be awfully cold.
At Castle San Ramon, Daniel has brought Rocio some chocolates. She loves how romantic he is. She says she’ll be back in one minute and heads off to her room. The doorbell rings but nobody seems to answer it. In comes a scruffy looking person. It’s Vicente! He greets Daniel who says may I help you? Vicente says he’s looking for Rocio – he’s her husband.
Daniel gapes. Vicente says you look like you see a ghost. Do we know each other? Just then Rocio comes down the stairs and calls to Daniel, saying mi amor! She comes in and turns and sees Vicente and it’s her turn to gape. Vicente says “mi amor?” It’s me, your true amor.
Vicente says I came for you. Rocio says are you nuts? Vicente says I realized I was nuts to let you go, that you are the love of my life. Rocio says too late, I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. It’s never too late says Vicente. There I was living in luxury, surrounded by women who only wanted me for my fame. I don’t want to hear any more says Rocio. Vicente says don’t be so hard on me, just for one infidelity. Rocio says it was more than that.
Vicente says fame comes, but it goes too, and I knew the one thing I could count on is that you would be waiting for me. We could be happy again, we were so truly in love. Rocio says I made a mistake too, I thought that was love, but now I’ve found my true love. Rocio clings to Daniel who does some manly jaw clenches, while a single tear runs down Vicente’s cheek. Vicente is looking like a sorry specimen next to preppy Daniel.
Purita and Damien tell the nun the tragic story of their baby. The nun says to have faith They say they do, but what they really need right now is to find a relative of the baby’s. Purita dissolves in tears and pretty soon she’s in full bawl mode. The nun says well, actually, I think I know who they are, and they would do the donation. But there’s one thing – if it is them, you will lose the baby.
Vicente says you can’t give your love to another man. Rocio says did you think the wounds in my heart would never heal? Well, they have. Vicente says give me another chance. Rocio says my love belongs to another man now. Vicente says I’m your husband. Aren’t! says Rocio. Am! says Vicente. Aren’t! Am! etc. until both realize they have two different ideas about whether there are divorce papers.
JM and Mari kiss some more under the waterfall, then swim out again into the pool, where they kiss some more.
Purita is anguished. Damien says we can give our marrow, but Purita says it doesn’t work that way. They’re going to take away my child and here they just threw him in the trash! Damien says we have to do what’s right, sacrifice for him. Purita says to the nun go ahead and call them. The nun says it’s like the judgment of Solomon – two women fighting over one child.
Vicente says I never signed any divorce papers! Rocio says I got them. The authorities have the originals, but I have copies. She storms off to get them. Vicente juts his jaw at Daniel and says you’re never going to marry my wife. Daniel says that’s up to her. Vicente says this is between my wife and me. Daniel says what concerns Rocio concerns me. Vicente says you’re a fifth wheel – leave us alone.
Daniel says I’m not going anywhere. Vicente says you’re a stubborn sumabitch. Daniel says that’s right and that’s how I won Rocio’s heart. Vicente says too bad, she’s my wife. Daniel says now you’re the stubborn one. Whether you’re married to her or not, I’m not going to abandon her like you did. Zing! Good one, Daniel!
Rocio comes in and shoves the papers into Vicente’s hand. He flips through them and says this isn’t my signature. Of course it is! says Rocio. These are fake, says Vicente.
Daniel says that’s the coward’s way out, denying it. Vicente says I can prove it. Daniel says who would want to fake your divorce papers? Vicente says how about maybe you? I have all rights concerning my wife.
JM has made a little fire and is poking at it with a stick. He describes the sunset to Mari. She says she feels as if she could touch the clouds with her fingertips. She hands him a heart-shaped river rock. They kiss and cuddle.
Closing titles. It’s interesting to see how JM was blonde when the show started and slowly turned brunette.
Avances: Mari’s surgery, but it looks like JM is giving the judge and Ceci some bad news afterwards.
Labels: Cuidado
Monday, May 18, 2009
Cuidado: Friday 5/15/09- "Step into my web, said the spider to the fly"
After receiving the picture (showing Marichuy with Daniel) from Ana Julia, Juan Miguel is confused, but still can only think of going home and making MC see again.
MC gets a new teacher, Rafael. He tells her that he’s going to teach her many things….she’s skeptical. He tells her that he’s blind and she seems shocked to learn this, but otherwise impressed. She ends up sharing her feelings about being in the depths of despair over her blindness. He tells her there are worse things than being blind. He reminds her that she’s got four other senses and they can provide her with much information about the world. He starts their lessons.
Daniel flirts with Rocío. He ends up kissing her and she acts aghast at his actions. She tells him that will be the last kiss he’ll ever get from her. He tells her that it was just the first of many and he hopes he won’t have to steal kisses from her in the future.
Juan Miguel graduates from his six months of ophthalmology school at Boston University. He speaks in English at his commencement…..his professor, however, gives his address in Spanish. JM tells the prof that he won’t be attending any parties, he’s heading home very early the next day.
Purita visits her M-I-L, Clemencia, and tells her that she and Adrian found out that they can’t have children. Purita is devastated. Clemi tells her that they should seek a second opinion and she hooks her up with a different doctor. Purita is hopeful that they’ll get better news.
Marichuy has a nightmare about “seeing” JM again. He’s in the arms of another woman and is almost cavalier about MC being blind. MC mutters that she hates him.
JM arrives home and the women of the castle are very happy to see him. Mayita is anxious to show him her school work. He and Onelia share a nice moment where he tells her she’s become like a mother to him and he’s very thankful for everything she’s done. Onelia is obviously touched. When Mayita heads out to get her school work, JM asks Ro and Onelia what’s going on with MC. He can tell by their facial expressions that something’s up… it that MC is in love with another. Ro tells him that she’s sure there is no new romance for MC. She does mention that there is a new teacher. Onelia says she’s also sure there is no romance, nothing other than what’s brewing between Ro and Daniel. Ro deflects the teasing. They discuss how MC doesn’t talk about JM much, she changes the subject whenever he comes up. He tells them that he doesn’t know what he’ll do regarding MC. He heads upstairs because he’s knackered and wants a shower (does this mean another shirtless scene is soon to be upon us?). Onelia says to Ro that they shouldn’t meddle in JM and MC’s affair, they should let them work it out (did I get that right?).
Ana Julia has a hissy fit because she hasn’t heard from JM in awhile. She starts to trash her place.
Rafael has a positive effect on MC. She starts to work with her cane. She begins to study Braille with his help and even ends up making dinner. Cande and Cece watch, fearful of MC with a knife, but she’s quite successful in cutting lettuce for a salad (which will just brown the lettuce, but she’s blind, so she won’t see it I suppose). MC ends up serving the dinner to Rafael. She talks a little about Juan Miguel.
Beto flirts with Cande…they are goofy together, but I think he’s even goofier than Cande. Martirio appears to be jealous.
Juanmi calls AJ (he’s wearing his cloths, so I don’t think we’re getting a shower scene…..bummer!). He wants to see her and she tells him she’s got a new apartment. He agrees to go there (this can’t bode well for our protagonist)'s like the spider waiting for the fly. She finds out he hasn’t contacted MC yet. She’s overjoyed that he’s called her first, taking it to be some sort of sign that he’s all into her (how does this man continue to attract the craziest of all women?).
Amador’s aunt brings him in a report from a private investigator. Amador opens the file…it is filled with addresses and phone numbers. He’s happy to have this information so he can now start to exact revenge. The scene ends up with him standing up from his wheelchair and his sneering face melds into that of the growling wolf.
Bea tells Ed that she’s a little ticked because she saw him hugging and kissing Elsa the other day. Ed tells her that it was just a friendly hug and kiss (only on the cheek). He reminds her that she’s the only woman for him. Bea rembers that he and Elsa used to have a thing going on. Ed reminds her that’s in the past and she’s his wife now and again tells her that she’s the only woman for him.
Elsa confesses to her mother that she’s confused about how she felt when she was with Ed the other day. Her mother tells her that she’s no business even going there. Elsa made her choice, picking Nelson over Ed….even leaving Ed at the altar. Luisa tells her daughter to let Ed and Bea live in peace….Bea is a nice person, she’s been like a sister to Elsa. Elsa is upset that her mother is sticking up for Bea.
Juanmi arrives at Ana Julia’s apartment. She invites him in after he prompts her (she was all aflutter at seeing him, she forgot to lure him in). She tells him how handsome he looks and how she missed him. He says how much he wanted to see her. She’s happy to hear his words and fishes for a compliment from him regarding how good she looks. He misses taking the bait and tells her again how important it was for him to come and see her, she’s his only hope. AJ is just eating this all up, but then her mood takes a nose dive when JM says that the reason he’s there is that AJ is the only person who can honestly tell him what’s going on with his beloved Marichuy. AJ turns away from JM and faces the camera…..if looks could kill and MC were to be in the room, well let’s just say there would be a funeral being planned. END OF EPISODE
Labels: Cuidado
Friday, May 08, 2009
Cuidado: Friday 5/8/09- "Fill-in The Blanks"
I apologize, but with Mother's Day, I just finally got around to watching Friday's show.....which for some unknown reason did not record. Therefore, I'm translating from the and youtube websites for this capitulo. I'm sure there is a lot left out, so please feel free to fill in the blanks and correct any error. Thanks.
Marichuy falls down the stairs. Ana Julia is standing at the top, holding the baby, and cries out MC's name and "what happened!". Pat and Cece rush to find MC laying at a landing half-way down the stairs. Neither slips on the butter as they rush down the stairs to their daughter. MC is passed out, and Pat asks AJ for details on what happened. She's not sure she says, but MC was trying to go down the stairs like she's shown her.
Rocío returns home in high heels and a head band. Balbina is happy to see her. Balbina tells her that Juan Miguel is out of town. Balbina asks for Vicente, but before Ro can answer, Onelia shows up. Ro tells Onelia that she's left Vicente, that she thought she was marrying the perfect man, but she was mistaken. Onelia offers her some comfort. Onelia fills Ro in on her own transformation.
They get MC into a bed. AJ says they need to do something for her. Ana Julia recalls the spill on the steps, from before. MC awakens, to Pat, Cece, and AJ hovering around her. Cece's happy she's awaken and OK. MC says she's not OK, she's blind. Methinks MC is having a pity party for herself.
JM work on his laptop in EEUU. He has flashbacks to times with MC and AJ's confession of her feelings for him. He thinks MC's in good hands.
AJ and Cande exchange words. She tells Cande that is was her fault that Marichuy fell down the stairs. Cande, sobbing, can't believe it was her fault, she'd never hurt MC. She remembers the spill from earlier and does feel she's to blame because she dropped the baby's food. AJ lets Pat and Cece know of Cande being to "blame". Cande begs for forgiveness, she'd never hurt MC. Cece thinks it was an accident, but Pat is angry. Pat decides this will be the first and last time that Cande puts MC in danger, so they'll forgive her this time.....but this time only.
Fo has flashbacks to her wedding day. Mayita is happy that Ro is back home. She takes her upstairs and they talk to JM online. JM's surprised to see Ro back home. She tells him she needs him and misses him terribly. She tells him her marriage is over.
MC dreams of Juan Miguel.
Cande sobs to Dori. She remembers that Dori cleaned the stairs and figures that AJ must have done something. She goes to find AJ in the dinning room with Pat and Cece. She blames AJ for what happened to MC. AJ is shocked, and Ana Julia lays it on thick ---offended from Cande's accusations---and says that she'll go. Pat and Cece don't know what to do. Cece worries what would MC do without a friend like AJ. AJ tells her to chose between her or Cande. Only one of them can stay there. Cece is fit to be tied. Pat can't handle it and collapses into the chair with chest pains.
Labels: Cuidado
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Cuidado Thursday, May 07, 2009 Amador + Mari = One fully functioning person
I’m a bit distracted tonight – the dog got skunked partway through my recap efforts.
Just one brief scene from yesterday: Mari tells Cande to tell JM (or Ed?) that she doesn’t want the flowers
In Grannyland, Mayita is telling Granny that JM went to Boston and that she can talk to him over the computer. Granny exclaims over new technology. And sure enough, we see JM and Mayita seeing each other live on the computer. They chat and she wants to know when he’ll be back. He says it’ll be quite a while, as he’s studying to be able to do a very important surgery when he comes back.
Mayita mentions Granny, and JM says he can’t see her. Mayita says but she’s here (and there she is next to Mayita), and JM says I believe everything you say, so I’ll try real hard to see her. Mayita tells Granny to lean closer so the camera can see her. Granny does and exclaims, very moved, that she can see JM. JM is smiling hopefully. Mayita says can you see her? JM says I see you and you’re adorable.
Mari is still cranking about the flowers and tells Cande to get rid of them. Cande says okay, okay, and puts them in the in the bedroom trash. Mari says JM is making fun of me. Cande says no, it’s a lovely gift for your anniversary. Mari says come on, for what anniversary? I don’t want any reminders of JM.
Mayita holds up Cuate and JM says he’s the most adorable dog in the world and he’s glad Mayita loves him because Mari found him in the street and gave him to her. Mayita can’t wait until her brother and Mari come live with them and JM says ojalá. JM says he has to get back to studying, and Mayita is saying goodbye while Granny cannot tear her joyful and yearning eyes from the screen.
She reaches out to the screen and says my son! Don’t worry about Mayita, she’s fine and doing very well in school. JM smiles indulgently at the screen. Mayita scolds him for not answering and he looks drolly back. Now we see the screen from JM’s point of view and there is Mayita on a couch, indicating at empty space and saying Granny is right here! JM rubs his forehead. He says okay and he says Mama, I see you! Thank you for all you do for Mayita – she is always telling me about her times with you. Granny is thrilled and throws kisses at the screen.
JM tells Mayita not to forget to ask Onelia to take her to see Mari. Mayita says she won’t forget; she can’t wait to see Mari and her little brother. JM once again signs off saying here’s a kiss for you and another for Mami. Granny catches the kiss in her hands, thrilled.
My son! Granny is overwhelmed and makes the sign of the cross on Mayita and thanks her for letting her see her son. And how well father and daughter get along! She holds Mayita close and says thank you, my little angel, while tears stream down her cheeks.
Please, oh please, JM, don’t suddenly become competent and cure Mayita of this tender fantasy. Or is it a fantasy?
Later we see Mari out on the lawn while Ceci gives direction so she can walk alone. Both are smiling. Then we see Mari practicing carrying Juanito on the lawn all by herself.
Now it’s nighttime at Casa Verlarde and Mari is sitting alone in her bathrobe thinking of the note in the flowers. What anniversary? Then she thinks maybe the anniversary of JM’s marriage proposal. We see a flashback of that. She gets weepy and feels her way over to the trash where the flowers still are. You’d think AJ would’ve swiped them, but no, they’re still there.
JM’s hotel room floor is covered with neat stacks of books. He’s at his computer, but his thoughts are going back to his wedding day with Mari.
AJ is on the phone with Balbina. She wants to know why she can’t reach Onelia. Balbina fudges that she’s out a lot. AJ says she needs to get the number and address of the hotel where JM is staying. She says she’s called his cell a lot but he never answers. AJ asks Balbina if she knows his address or number and Balbina says no and AJ says sharply okay, good night!
Mari has gotten the orchids out the box and she’s sniffing them and crying and remembering his kisses. Do orchids have a smell? He should have sent her gardenias -that would give her nose something to do. Meantime, JM is in bed remembering the last time he saw her there on the lawn. He swears that he will return and cure her.
Mari is cuddling her orchids. She falls asleep and dreams that she and JM are riding bikes together out in the country. They ride, stop, laugh, kiss, ride some more, kiss some more, laugh some more. Ah, love and lust! Great stuff.
Un Cancho al Corazon muy pronto! Is that the next 8 o’clock show? Or something else?
After a refreshing ad break, we see Mayita sitting on Mari’s bed while Mari pets Cuate. Mari wonders why Onelia doesn’t come up to see her and Mayita says she’s downstairs talking to Cande and that they’ve brought a present from her, Grandma Onelia and JM. Mari is a little nonplussed.
Onelia and Cande discuss a present, then Onelia asks how Mari’s doing. Cande reports that she’s learning to walk around the house and bumps into things less and less, and even goes up and down the stairs. Cande says AJ is teaching her and tells Onelia she really doesn’t like her. Onelia says I happen to know that she’s not as nice as she pretends. Cande says ooooh! How do you know? Onelia says suffice it to say that she can’t be trusted with you or with Mari. Aw, c’mon, Onelia, spill!
Drat, she doesn’t and just sips her tea.
Mayita asks Mari if she knows that JM is gone – for six months! She says she misses him and won’t Mari miss him too? Mari says mmmmm. Out of the mouths of babes: Mayita says I don’t know why you and Juanito don’t come live with us. You’re the one who doesn’t want it, right? Mari says um, what happened is… um. It’s life. Things change. Mayita says if you’re mad, it’s not good for me or Juanito. Mari says don’t say that. Mayita says it’s true. My papi loves you a lot. I heard him tell Grandma Onelia, but don’t tell them I heard.
AJ is at JM’s office talking to his secretary, Esther. AJ says she knows he’s out of town and she needs a favor.
Mayita says my papi suffers because he’s apart from you and Juanito and because you are the love of his life. Even Granny Marianna says he loves you. Huh? says Mari. I thought she was in heaven. Yes, says Mayita and I talk to her all the time up in the attic. You don’t believe it? Come live with us and I’ll take you to see her.
Mayita says my papi has gone to the United States to study and then come back and..…
Onelia walks in at this critical moment, bearing Mari’s present. Smiles all around.
AJ has scored JM’s e-mail address. She tells Esther that she wanted to call him on his cell, but it’s so expensive and besides he might be in an important class or something. Looks like JM forgot to keep Esther in the loop.
Mari’s gift is either a clock that plays music or a music box – we only see the back of it. Mari says it’s lovely and Mayita says it’s from me, Grandma Onelia and my papi. Cande says I hope she doesn’t throw it in the trash like she did the orchids. Oops, she says, that just slipped out. She tells Onelia about the flowers and the note. Onelia says and you threw them away?
Onelia pets Mari and says please know that we all love you, JM included. He’s not your enemy.
JM is in a tiny classroom which is painted bright yellow. The professor finishes up and the other students take off. JM stays and looks at his laptop when suddenly an IM from pops up. She says she knows he’s online and can they talk? JM thinks about it a while and in Mexico, AJ waits.
Mari asks Cande to get something out of her dresser and tells her which drawer and to look behind the clothes. Cande finds the orchids and exclaims.
JM’s brain is stuffed so full of ophthalmology class facts and moony Mari thoughts that there isn’t one neuron left to devote to searching his mental psychiatry database for a little guidance. He says okay, so AJ starts to talk to him camera-to-camera. She tells him how sorry she was, that she had a weak moment and could not hide what her heart was feeling. Blug. JM tells her what happened means a friendship is no longer possible. AJ says I know, but please please please forgive me.
AJ should consider camera angles when going onscreen to a man she wants to seduce. With her laptop in her actual lap, we get a bit of an up-the-nose shot with a distorted chin.
JM says it’s in the past. AJ says I’m so sorry that now I’ve been sacrificing myself! I’m dedicating every waking moment to helping the woman you love learn to walk and to function independently. I’m hoping to be worthy of you and your forgiveness. JM looks like oh, brother. Me, I’m feeling a bit urpy.
Mari and Cande are alone now and Mari tells Cande she kept the flowers and wanted to let them dry so she could save them. Cande has a different idea of how to preserve them that I didn’t understand, but Mari likes it and says okay, help me out.
AJ says say something, JM! He says I forgave you a long time ago. Really? she gushes. Yes, he says, and I appreciate what you’re doing for Mari. AJ gushes some more: You don’t know how happy that makes me to hear you say that!
(Brace yourselves.) JM says I would even kiss your hands, the hands that are helping Mari in her world of darkness. AJ says I will guide and protect her until you return. JM says you’re very noble. And I’ll come back and complete your job. I live for Marichuy!
AJ doesn’t look so gushy all of a sudden. She snaps her laptop shut and gets all snotty mimicking JM “ I live only for Marichuy…”
Cande is packing the orchids into some kind of box. Cande takes this opportunity to tell Mari that Onelia said don’t trust AJ. Mari says but Onelia doesn’t really know her, does she? Cande says Onelia didn’t want to exactly say why. Mari says AJ has been good to me. But she tells Cande to hide the flowers so AJ doesn’t see she’s saved them.
Everything seems yellow tonight. Purita is in a bright yellow sundress in the light-yellow baby room where there’s a crib and toys. She hopes that all this baby stuff will bring on an actual pregnancy, like Adrian hopes. Adrian eavesdrops at the door as Purita picks up a little blanket from the crib and pretends it’s a baby, cooing to it. This is seriously weird. Adrien is starting to look freaked out. Purita dances around singing to the blanket in her arms.
AJ is soliloquizing - he loves only Mari! He’s the first man even to refuse me, and it’s all her fault! Plus she doesn’t appreciate him at all. I’m gonna get her.
We see Cande about to descend the stairs, baby bottle in one hand and cereal bowl in the other. Oops, the cereal bowl slips from her hand and there’s a mess on the stairs. She creeps downstairs past the mess and shortly afterwards, AJ shows up and sees it. She kicks at the bowl and finds the stairs are slippery. A lightbulb appears over her head and she smiles fiendishly.
For some reason, Cande is back in Mari’s room (which is upstairs, isn’t it?) and hands her the bottle, telling her she dropped the bowl and has to go clean it up. Now she is coming up the stairs and AJ is at the top, complaining that it’s dangerous. Cande says it was an accident. AJ says I’m sure not going to clean this up, and why did you call me envious (when was that?). Cande says because you are – when Mari got flowers and you didn’t, you were envious and don’t deny it. I do deny it, says AJ, smiling.
AJ says why do you treat me like an enemy? You’re always so sarcastic with me. Cande says because I know what you are. She bites her thumb (cool gesture!), flips her head and walks off. AJ looks squinty-eyed after her and thoughtbubbles that she has to get Cande tossed out of this house, a.s.a.p.
AJ comes in and Mari says where have you been? AJ says she had to pay some bills and then stopped by to ask about Amador. She says she doesn’t know which is worse, to be killed or to be dead in life, a vegetable. AJ says he’s paralyzed all over, can’t speak and is fed through a tube. Mari says oh wow.
We see Amador being wheeled into his aunt’s place in a wheelchair. He isn’t in his mummy outfit, he’s in slacks and a T-shirt and his biceps are so amazing they have resisted atrophying and are bulging defiantly. His cellos are still trailing after him, and even though they’re a bit subdued, I suspect they hint that his evil still glimmers somewhere inside him. He stares into space. The aids want to put him in bed, but his aunt says he must be tired of lying around. The nurse reminds her that he doesn’t know what’s going on. His aunt says well, they said he wouldn’t make it and look at him now – alive. Closeup of his staring eyes.
AJ asks Mari if she hates Amador more than JM. Mari says no, I don’t hate him. I hated what he did to Bea, and how he reacted to the baby, but if this is some kind of retribution, how horrible.
Holy cow! Amador is thoughtbublling! Is this some sort of punishment, that I’m still alive, but can’t move or talk? It’s a living death, with no hope. Whatever I’ve done bad in my life, I didn’t deserve this. I wish I could talk to my aunt Mimi to tell her what I’m feeling and thinking. Everyone is talking around me and I can’t communicate with them in any way. I never thought something like this would happen to me! And I haven’t gotten any better. I’ll probably stay this way… I don’t deserve this!
What crappy luck. I was about to escape, and look what happened to me. My only hope is to get better, to react somehow. If I can’t, I’ll be a person that everyone wants to be rid of, even Aunt Mimi who is so concerned now.
Hey, Amador, look at the bright side! At least you can see. Sorry, just trying to be helpful.
I don’t think we’ve ever been in the Velarde’s kitchen before. What’s up with those two big pillars? Who does the cooking? Martirio, and Dora washes up? Anyway, Dora is kind and tells Cande she’ll go clean up the mess and Cande protests a bit, then tells her she’s a good girl.
AJ asks Mari if she wouldn’t like to go for a walk outside before it gets cold. Mari says she’s waiting for Cande to bring the baby bottle. We see Cande coming down the stairs where Dora is cleaning the little mess with the most giant mop I’ve ever seen. She compliments Dora on her work and says she wouldn’t want the princess falling. Dora thinks she means Mari, but Cande says no, that AJ. But now that she thinks of it, Mari could slip on the wet step.
Cande goes in to Mari, then realizes she forgot something in her room. Meantime, we see AJ in the kitchen cutting off a nice big hunk of butter which she then takes and rubs on the steps. Cande, walking by on the landing, sees her sitting on the steps, but doesn’t see what she’s doing. Cande wonders to herself why AJ is sitting there.
A side trip to Grannyland where Mayita pretends she’s a doctor and Granny pretends she’s cut her finger in the kitchen.
For reasons that are unclear, Cande is not on the scene and AJ is standing on the landing with Juanito on one hip, telling Mari to do the stairs without holding the banister. Mari doesn’t stop to think that this would be very stupid advice even for a sighted person. Yaaaaaa cries Mari as she slips and falls.
Avances: Mari falls further down the stairs and ends up on the middle landing, apparently unconscious.
Labels: Cuidado
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Cuidavo con el Angel, Feb 19, 2009
Omar is awakened from his stupor by Blanca/Ivette and runs away scared.
JM goes to visit Onelia who Balbina says was sick earlier on in the day.
Omar runs to see Lirio/Marichuy and is saying that only she can save her. He thinks he is going crazy and that Ivette is perusing him.
Onelia tells JM that she feels dizzy and that her head hurts. She still cannot believe that Viv was capable of murdering someone. JM feels her pain, but it is what happened. He tells her to go see her doctor tomorrow. Onelia reminds him that she will leave his house on Sunday.
Omar awakens and Marichuy asks him if he feels better. He does and hopes that he caused her no problems with Amador because he stayed the night. She tells him not to worry about it; he did not see him come in. Omar asks did he not sleep here last night. Marichuy informs Omar that he never stays the night.
Eduardo and Beatrice are talking about Amador showing up at the baby’s baptism. Eduardo thinks that he wants her, but she tells him that he just wanted to cause problems. He doesn’t care for her or the baby. She wishes that he would just leave them alone. Eduardo tells her that there is only one way that he will leave her alone and that is to marry him.
Elsa is talking to Nelson who appears to be sleeping. She’s rambling on about Blanca and JM. When Nelson does not respond, she asks him if he is bored with her conversation. When he still does not reply she tries frantically to wake him up.
Beatrice tells him no that she cannot accept. She tells him that once Elsa is free… but all of a sudden Elsa runs up crying and asks Eduardo to help her because Nelson is not responding. Beatrice hugs her.
Marichuy thinks with Omar so drunk last night, he must have dreamt her up. Omar tells her that he remembers seeing Ivette in the garden earlier on that night. And he was not drinking then. Although she is far away in Europe somewhere. Maybe she died and that is why she appeared to me, but it seemed so real. I think I am going crazy and you are at fault.
Rocio goes to talk with Blanca and wants to know what is wrong. Blanca tells her that JM talked to her last night and she thinks that things are going to end with her and JM.
Marichuy says you blame me for what is going on with you? Omar says yes, for leaving me and making me live again all the pain of abandonment. Only you can save me. Only you can help me forget Ivette.
JM goes to check on Onelia again and she tells him that she still feels the same. He tells her that she must go see a doctor. Then dumbass JM tells her that if she needs a couple more days she can have it. Onelia smiles smugly.
Rocio wants to know why Blanca is saying that. Blanca tells her that JM found Marichuy again and now there is a baby. Rocio says what baby? “Did you not know that they have a baby together”, asks Blanca. Rocio is shocked and cannot believe it.
Ceci is looking for Marichuy’s apartment. She rings the doorbell and waits.
JM finally tells Rocio the complicated triangle involving himself, Marichuy and Omar. Suddenly Omar comes in and informs JM that he spent the night at Lirio’s/Marichuy’s.
Olga finally answers the door for Ceci with the baby in her arms. Ceci just stares at the baby.
Omar happily tells JM that there is nothing going on between Amador and Lirio/Marichuy. Rocio interrupts and tells JM that it is time for him to leave for Blanca’s therapy. JM tells Rocio to tell Blanca that he will be with her in a moment; he just needs to talk to Omar for a second. After Rocio leaves, JM asks Omar what he was doing at Lirio’s/Marichuy’s.
Marichuy rides her bike to Wal-Mart and starts buying toys for the orphans. She and a store clerk fill up a shopping cart full. (How is she going to get all that stuff in her little basket on her bike?)
Omar instead of answering JM’s question starts talking about Blanca. JM says that is not what I asked you. What I’m telling you has to do with your question responds Omar. I am suffering from hallucinations. I keep remembering a woman who I thought I had forgotten. I think I have told you about all this. Because of her I was late in helping a woman deliver her baby and they died. That’s why I moved to the hacienda. And it was Lirio who saved me. Did I tell you that I helped bring her baby into this world? (I wonder what in the world was in that coffee that he drank at Marichuy’s because he is bouncing from one thing to another)
Ceci asks Olga who the baby belongs to. Olga tells her that it’s Marichuy’s. Ceci becomes breathless and asks her to let her hold the baby since she knows that she is the grandmother.
Marichuy rides her bike down the sidewalk with a trailer thing at the end hauling all the toys she brought for the orphans behind her. She also brings fruit. The orphans are so happy along with the nuns.
Omar recounts the story of how he helped save Lirio/Marichuy and the baby’s life when she went into labor. He says God gave him another chance to save a life. Do you understand how she came to save my life? That is why I cannot lose her. That is why I keep seeking her out and why I want to be with her for the rest of my life. You don’t know her, but to know her is to love her.
Ceci is so happy to be holding Marichuy’s and JM’s baby. She asks Cande why she was not informed of the baby’s birth. Cande tells her that Marichuy did not want anyone to know about the baby. Olga is nervous and asks Ceci for the baby back, but Ceci begs her to let her hold him a bit longer. Cande tells Ceci that she needs to leave before Marichuy comes home.
Onelia tells Isa that she left the house so that JM thinks she went to the doctor. He’s falling into my trap so that I can stay at the house. Onelia wants to slowly destroy Blanca for murdering her daughter.
JM starts questioning Blanca about her childhood. Was it a happy one? Blanca tells him that her parents were good to her and they died when she was 16. JM asks her how her attitude was after they died. Did she ignore her studies, your interests or activities? No, she had to take care of her little sister who was 13. She was very innocent and very dependent on my mother. So I dedicated my life to her. JM asks her how her sister died. Blanca opens her eyes and does not want to answer the question. JM insists that she tell him so that he can help her. He again asks her how she died. Was she sick or did she die because of something you did? He keeps pressing and finally she yells out that her sister committed suicide and says no more. JM finally says the session is over and he wants her to rest, he will stay with her. He says to himself that she wants to be with Marichuy and their son.
Onelia pretends to be ill coming into the house and Mayita asks her what is wrong. Onelia tells her that the doctor she went to says that her blood pressure is high and gave her some pills to take. She tells Mayita that the reason she’s sick is because she does not want to leave the house and her. Mayita promises to visit her all the time wherever she’s at. Onelia reminds her that she sees her everyday at the castle.
Ceci comes in the living room excited and wanting to tell Patricio where she was just at. He rudely tells her that he knows where she was. He hopes that she was treated better then he was. Ceci tells him that they have a grandbaby. Patricio actually smiles while Estephania is pissed.
JM goes to visit Mayita in her room to say goodnight. She tells him that she cannot sleep without a kiss from him. He gives her one and she asks him why Onelia has to leave. She wants her to stay.
Marichuy and another guy are practicing another play. She misspeaks a word and Amador gets onto her. They continue, but Amador again stops them. He gives them pointers and tells them to start again. Marichuy asks him if they can stop because she wants to go home quickly. She has a funny feeling, but Amador tells her no. They have to finish practicing.
Cande begs the baby to go to sleep. She touches his cheeks and notices that he is burning up.
Eduardo tells Elsa’s parents that Nelson is not doing to good. Elsa’s parents worry about her.
Cande is crying and praying. She decides that Eduardo is the one to call and remembers that he usually hangs out with Elsa so she looks for the number in Marichuy’s address book. She calls and finds out Eduardo has just left. She then decides to call Omar. Balbina takes the message and goes to find Omar but comes across JM and tells him about the phone call regarding a very sick baby.
Marichuy is in the theater and gets a standing ovation. She walks into her dressing room with Olga talking about how Amador refused to let her go see her son before the performance.
JM storms into the apartment looking for his son.
Ceci talks to Patricio all about the baby and how wonderful she feels. Patricio brings her down with his dumb comments.
JM tells Cande that they have to give the baby a bath to bring down the tempeture.
JM has the baby on the bed and tells Cande that the bath seems to have helped bring down the tempeture.
Tomorrow: Olga tells Marichuy that the baby is sick and Omar finally finds out the truth.
Labels: Cuidado
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Cuidado Tues 2-17-09. Juan Miguel wants it all, but he can’t have it.
Oy. Not only do I have no captions tonight, I’m also getting a weird echo effect such that every scene sounds like it’s taking place in a crowded party. I guess this is my chance to find out how I do without training wheels. Even more than usual, everyone please offer any corrections or clarifications.
Again: Juan Miguel is at the apartment and wants to see Marichuy. Cande tells him she isn’t at home and she was very clear that there is nothing between her and JM anymore. JM says there most certainly is; there is a child. Cande is impactada.
Onelia returns to the castle and pretends to be civil to Balbina. I think she asks her to take her suitcase to her room because she isn’t going to go stay with her sister. Balbina says she’ll get to it, and goes back to her dusting. You can tell Onelia is just dying to scream at her for not hopping to do her bidding immediately, but for some reason her current evil plot requires that she act nice so she bites her tongue. Then she fakes some medical emergency so that Balbina will rush to her aid.
Juan Miguel waits in Marichuy’s dressing room to surprise her. He asks why she lied to him and said the baby was Amador’s, and why she ran away and hid from him. She says she did it because of love.
New: Marichuy says some stuff to Juan Miguel about why she left. This is hopeless; I can barely understand Marichuy when there isn’t an echo. Based on the words I picked out of that garble, I’m going to guess that she tells him what we already know about why she left, which is that with Viv back they couldn’t be together so she wanted to forget about him. At any rate, she doesn’t look like she’s lying or angry; maybe a bit melancholy and like she still loves him. Glycerine tears of pure dolor run down Juan Miguel’s cheeks.
Balbina and the manservant, whoever he is, help Onelia onto the sofa, where she stages a woe-is-me display and whines breathlessly about all the stress she’s had lately. They help her stagger to her room.
Rocío visits Ceci and tells her she’s managed to find Marichuy’s address. Ceci is delighted.
Finally, Marichuy has slowed down a bit so I can understand her. She tells JM that she wanted to reconcile with him, and that she went to his house to do that and to tell him about the baby, but before she could say anything he just announced that they didn’t need a divorce and told her to leave, because Viv was alive. JM looks sad at the memory, and bats his pretty eyelashes.
Elsa plays with Beatriz’s baby while Nelson looks on and once again laments that they didn’t have a child together. He’s sad that he’s dying and leaving her with nothing except memories. Elsa is comforting and tells him not to keep thinking like that; they had some beautiful times together. He asks her forgiveness for having been so egotistical. The bee alarm alerts them to Amador’s presence. He’s lurking behind the window waving and grinning obnoxiously. The baby immediately commences crying.
Blanca is sitting on the front steps at the castle, waiting for Rocío to come and take her shopping. Balbina brings her a refreshing beverage, which she accepts very graciously, with an excess of thanks and compliments on its deliciousness, so we can’t miss how sweet and kind Blanca is. A car drives up, but it is Omar, not Rocío, so Blanca freaks out and decides to wait elsewhere. Omar brilliantly deduces that he makes Blanca nervous, but Balbina says no, she’s always timid around strangers.
In her room, Blanca thinks about why she’s so stricken by him, and realizes why the fact that his name is Omar is significant.
Marichuy says that JM just wanted to be rid of her, etc. He says she should have been honest with him and told him everything. Oh, that’s rich. “Why?,” she asks. “You had your family all back together; what would you have done about me?” I think she mentions that Viv was pregnant, so they must have been back together for real.
Amador torments poor sick Nelson and bugs Elsa and tries to stop her from taking the baby for his nap. He wants to look at his son. The baby giggles, and Amador probably thinks the kid likes him, but I’m pretty sure BabyEd is just laughing at Amador’s stupid hairdo. Amador asks what the baby’s name is, and Elsa says Eduardo. Amador is impactado, as though he didn’t really believe that Beatriz would do that.
Juan Miguel tries to tell Marichuy how things really were with Viv, but she doesn’t want to hear it. He says he kept trying to find her, but she points out that when she called, he didn’t tell her that Viv was dead (and for real this time); she read it in the newspaper. Even so she wanted to return to him and introduce him to his son and fight for them to be together again, but when she saw him he was already engaged again. Juan Miguel looks bewitchingly sad. And also like he’d be up for a passionate makeout session. However, Marichuy leaves.
Back at the castle, Blanca is pulling new purchases out of shopping bags. Things with colors and shininess. From the balcony, she sees Juan Miguel drive up. Wait, Blanca’s room has a balcony? I always thought it was a terrace where Ivett was sneaking in and out.
Mayita is in the living room doing homework when JM enters. He admires his beloved daughter and gets all emotional about how much he loves her and now he has a son to love, too. He kisses her and hugs her as she laughs and squeaks. Blanca comes in and Mayita leaves. Blanca tells JM he seems worried, but he says it’s nothing. She asks how his arm is (you know, where SHE SHOT HIM) and he says it’s fine. Then timid Blanca tries to get a little affectionate with her husband-to-be…in the form of gingerly brushing his cheek with her fingers, reaching over from where she’s sitting WAY on the other side of the couch. Onelia walks into the foyer behind them and is shocked by this outrageous display of passion. She thought bubbles that they MUST have plotted to kill Viv and once again vows revenge. Even her hair doesn’t want her here, though; it’s trying to form wings and fly her away. The hair stylist on this show is perhaps a little too enamored of the sticking-up styling gel. Maybe Televisa bought a truckload of it after they ran out of the “Televisa Red” hair dye that everyone used to use. Blanca asks Juan Miguel if he’ll be home for dinner. She hopes he’ll like the new clothes Rocío picked out for her. He says he’s sure he will and smiles sadly. He leaves. Isn’t he supposed to be giving her therapy?
Marichuy sits at home thinking about her chat with JM. Padre Anselmo drops by for a visit. She asks him why he didn’t tell her the gossip about Juan Miguel (I think).
Our brilliant shrink has blown off therapy with the part-time homicidal maniac living in his home in favor of going out for coffee with Dr. Ed. I love Eduardo as much as the next person (or much more, probably), but come on, JM, priorities. JM blathers about how he doesn’t know what to do; he wants to be with Marichuy and their baby but it would be mean to throw out Blanca, who is so nice and good with Mayita. Ed reminds him that he promised to cure Blanca, but neglects to point out that JM doesn’t have to marry her in order to be her shrink. Heh, maybe JM really believes that being married to him is the cure for all that ails a woman. Not that it worked for Viv.
Onelia is pacing furiously in her bedroom, but remembers to act sick when sweet Mayita comes in to ask how she is. Onelia says she’s really sad that she’s going to have to leave (at first I mistyped that as “she’s really sad that she’s going to LIVE”…Freudian-slip projecting on my part, maybe), and she’s going to miss Mayita so, so much. She’s all she has left of Viv, and of course she really loves her granddaughter. Just because she’s been an abusive witch to her for the poor child’s entire life doesn’t mean she doesn’t love her. Onelia didn’t phrase it quite like that.
Omar and Blanca cross paths in the foyer and Omar asks Blanca why she’s so scared of him. She squeaks like a mouse and runs away. Omar looks at her like, “what a weirdo.”
Padre Anselmo tells Marichuy that JM wants to marry her and be a good father to the baby. She argues that he said he’s going to marry another woman. PA is all, “saying and doing are not the same.” They argue about the seriousness of her lies, and PA isn’t going to put up with them anymore. Go, Padre! He tells her she needs to adjust her attitudes about a lot of things, not just JM and the baby, but also her parents, because other people have feelings, too. She doesn’t look like she believes it. Marichuy tells him that she knows Ceci is her mother. PA is impactado.
Ceci clutches the paper with Marichuy’s address and is blissful that she’s going to go see her daughter tomorrow.
Mayita visits Granny Mariana in Twinkleland and tells her that she’s sad that her grandmother is leaving, because she loves Onelia in spite of everything. GM says she’s proud of her for being so generous, and surely she’ll get to see Onelia again.
JM is still carrying on to Ed about how he doesn’t know what to do about Blanca. Ed’s like, well, you have to treat her. I think he also tells his dim buddy that he can’t stay engaged to her and he has to tell her about Marichuy and the baby. I think he also asks something about how Marichuy feels about Blanca but I couldn’t make out exactly what he said over the background noise. JM cannot process this much thought, so he just looks handsomely tormented. His hair looks scared.
Marichuy tells PA that she saw Juez Velarde and he confirmed that she is their daughter. PA asks how that chat went and she says he’s the same as always, hard on her and proud and stubborn. Sound like anyone else you know, Marichuy? She insists that she doesn’t need them, and she wants JM to leave them alone, too. PA sighs like he’s going to have to ask for another priest to cover the rest of his duties because straightening out Marichuy is going to be a full-time gig.
Blanca is wearing a new purple dress and admiring herself in the mirror. Oh, goodness, Rocío has worked her hem curse on it. The thing is way too short. She debates wearing the glasses, and ends up taking them off. She revels in her freedom and tries to reassure herself that she’s safe there and nothing will happen to her.
Omar loiters looking out the window and dreaming of Lirio. He sees Blanca on her balcony and, without the magic Clark Kent glasses, immediately recognizes her as Ivett. Impossible!, he says, and looks alarmed. JM sees him and asks what’s wrong, and he says he’s seen a ghost. JM looks at Blanca preening. He walks around to her room and tells her they need to talk…about the two of them. His hair is freshly shocked for the occasion.
Stefi and Isa sit in a bar with fruity drinks and whine about the misfortunes that have befallen their wicked plans. Their one bright hope is that Onelia is plotting to get rid of the institutriz (but also JM, so I don’t know how that helps them.) They’re boring, but the bartender is kind of cute.
JM tells Blanca that he has found his Marichuy and they have a son. Blanca asks whether he still loves her. He twitches.
Omar goes to the apartment and tells Cande he wants to see Lirio. He wants to know why she’s always out with Amador when he comes by in the evening, and why she leaves her baby alone. Cande objects to the “alone.” He gives Cande the phone number for the castle, where he may be reached. I think he says he’s going to go find Amador and do something to him. Or maybe he’s going to get drunk. Maybe both. He storms out, and Cande is all aflutter that it’s like a Mexican film.
Blanca is very understanding about the whole situation, and says that of course JM wants to be with Marichuy, because he loves her more than he loves Blanca and they have a son. JM goes to great lengths to reassure her that it’s not a matter of loving her more; they’re very different kinds of love, etc., etc. Blanca is like, I get it.
Omar sits in a bar getting drunk and worked up. He flashes back to past arguments with Amador to fuel his anger. He drinks more.
JM tells Blanca that it’s not as easy as she thinks, because Marichuy tried to hide the baby from him and wants to keep him to herself. He says that he is going to be a good father to the baby…I think he implies or says something about not necessarily getting back together with Marichuy and that he and Blanca can stay together. Did I get that right? Blasted slurry echoing sound problems and no captions are making this very difficult. Get it together, Univision! After JM leaves, Blanca says to herself that he’s going to leave her.
Omar staggers drunk into the castle. I hope he took a taxi. He falls asleep in a chair. Ivett’s bejeweled-sandaled feet slither in, accompanied by the rest of her tarty self. She caresses his face and kisses him and speaks French, and when he awakens with a start he has flashbacks and freaks out and runs away. Ivett looks smug.
Onelia once again has to jump into bed and act faint when she hears a knock at her door. It is JM. He says something but I can’t tell you what it is.
Marichuy is awakened by incessant doorbell ringing. When she opens the door, Omar flings himself at her and says she’s the only one who can save him. He thinks he’s going crazy, because Ivett is after him.
Avances: Omar returns to the castle and tells JM he slept over at Lirio’s place. JM is absolutely delighted to hear that. Well, maybe the opposite.
Sorry, no vocabulary tonight; it was all I could do to decipher the words I know.
Labels: Cuidado
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Feb. 16, 2009 - Secrets Revealed
Episode 100:
* MC and Pat confront each other in Pat's office. She tells him off about his lousy attitude and insults towards her; how well she's doing with her career and finances; that she doesn't need anything from him or his family. He's frustrated and wants her to leave. She won't leave until he answers her question - is he her real father? He finally blurts out, "Yes, I am your father!"
* JM brings Blanca home to his castle.
* MC continues to tell Pat off about his insults and indignation towards her; how he and Ceci abandoned her to an orphanage and then to a miserable life on the streets. Pat defends his wife. MC is still hurt and bitter towards both of them.
* JM talks with Nellie about Viv and her secret trip abroad (I think) and he suggests that maybe Nellie should do the same and leave the castle - it is his home and he wants to start his life free and new, with Mayita and Blanca. Nellie reluctantly agrees.
* MC continues her tirade against Pat and Ceci in Pat's office. Pat wants her to stop and leave. She continues to badger him - He tries to interject comments but she shuts him up before he can speak. She blasts him about his treatment towards her while she lived in his house; how he gave preferential treatment towards Steffie over her. He can only listen to her arguments.
* Nellie cries to Balbina about having to leave the castle.
* MC tells Pat that she doesn't want his last name or money or anything from him or Ceci; only to be left in peace and never to see them ever again. MC stomps out.
* MC rides her bike along the street.
* Cande sits and plays with JM Jr. in the living room. MC rolls into the room, crying, and tells Cande that it's true, the Velardes are her real parents. Cande leaves MC with JM Jr. MC cries to her son about her broken heart and her regrets over arguing with Pat, her real dad.
* At the castle, Balbina talks with Mayita about Nellie leaving on a trip. Mayita and Cuate leave the play room.
* In Nellie's room, Mayita asks Nellie about her trip. Nellie explains why she's taking it as well as promises to return with gifts for Mayita. Mayita is excited about the gifts.
* Back in her bedroom, Blanca cries to Rocio about her worries and fears over returning to the castle. Rocio has to work hard to calm Blanca down. Mayita enters and hugs Blanca and welcomes her back to the castle. Mayita then informs her and Rocio that Nellie is leaving on a trip. Mayita leaves. Rocio assures Blanca that there is definitely nothing to worry about. Blanca is content.
* MC, in her costume backstage, is off in her own little thought bubble. Amador comes up behind her and tries to get her to focus on the performance tonight. MC is thinking about her argument with Pat but covers with a story about her nerves. Amador introduces her to the new leading man for the play (Ramon?). Ramon(?) leaves for his dressing room. Amador asks MC what's really the matter?
* Omar and JM are talking in the living room about Blanca's court trial - the shooting - the verdict. JM informs Omar that Blanca is back living at the castle with him. Omar is stunned.
* MC tells Amador that she now knows the truth - that Pat and Ceci are her real parents. Amador says he knows - everyone does. MC is upset and crying about learning the truth; all the questions she needs answered. Amador works to calm her down and focus on her performance tonight. He pushes her onstage - she takes her place but her mind is still thinking about Pat and Ceci.
* Omar finds Blanca sitting in the kitchen. She's startled by his voice.
* Mayita talks with Granny in fantasyland about Nellie's sudden vacation trip. Granny doesn't think Nellie will be leaving.
* Omar enters the kitchen and Blanca is impactado as they stare at each other.
* Granny and Mayita finish their talk. Granny blesses her and they kiss and hug good night.
* JM presents Omar to Blanca. Omar tells him that Blanca is impactado by him. Blanca shakes it off as Balbina enters to tells JM that Mayita is waiting for him to kiss her good night. He leaves with Balbina. Omar asks Blanca if she remembers him.
* Back in her dressing room, MC is still visibly upset. Amador is so excited over her success in the stage play and tells her to continue to focus on her career and forget all about Pat and Ceci - she doesn't need them; in fact he tries to convince her to hate them for abandoning her.
* Omar talks with Blanca about a woman he once knew that looks surprisingly like her. She stares at him in silence.
* Olga helps MC get ready for the next act in the play.
* Omar gives Blanca a compliment. He then explains his friendship - brotherhood with JM. Blanca is nervous and leaves. Omar thought bubbles about Blanca and Ivette. JM enters and talks with Omar about Blanca and her mental disorder.
* At the cafe restaurant, Nellie and Isa have lunch and discuss Viv's past crimes, that she wasn't really pregnant and that JM brought her killer back to the castle. Isa is intrigued.
* Cande sorts out sweet rolls into a basket at the table - she talks to herself about Olga and MC.
* MC is in the living room, playing with JM Jr. Amador watches and comments. MC assures him of her goal to work and raise her son. Amador reads the paper and then shows her the article about JM and Blanca (Blanca's release).
* Nellie and Isa continue their discussion about Blanca. Nellie is paranoid that Blanca could snap and kill again. Nellie grumbles about Blanca and JM's marriage plan.
* Amador is critical about JM and Blanca getting married - MC gets really annoyed and irritated and tells Amador to stop.
* Nellie thought bubbles in her room about her plan for revenge in her daughter's memory.
* MC continues to scold Amador - Amador leaves for work. MC holds JM Jr. and tells him that the two of them are family and will always be together.
* Rocio and Blanca talk in the bedroom - Rocio wants to give Blanca a make-over. Blanca is nervous and refuses (because of her other personality).
* Rocio walks into the hallway and takes the phone from Balbina. Ceci is on the phone, asking for MC's address. Rocio doesn't have it yet, but when she does, she will call. Ceci will be patient and wait.
* Omar and JM meet with Padre in the family room. Omar tells Padre about talking with Liria and his plans to return to the hacienda soon. Omar leaves. JM and Padre talk about JM's continual, undying love for MC and that he knows about her son.
* Cande and MC feed JM Jr. and talk about the baptism.
* JM tells Padre that Amador will be her husband, since he is her baby's father. Padre is impactado and tells JM, 'that's a lie!" JM is stunned and asks, 'then who's the father?" Padre comes right out and says, 'You are!'
* Steffie keeps Isa company at the restaurant. Isa relays the information from Nellie about JM and Blanca at the castle. Steffie doesn't see any point or motive to interfere. Isa thinks there must be a way to do something.
* JM is confused by Padre telling him one thing and MC telling him something else - he doesn't know what to believe. Padre assures him that he is the father of MC's son; that MC told him so herself at the church right before he helped her leave town many months ago and hide out at Omar's hacienda with fake names. Padre tells JM the entire story, the cover-up, everything. JM wonders about all the secrets? Why did they need to do that? Padre says MC is the only one who can answer that.
* In the audience at the theater, MC talks with another actor as they finish for the night.
* JM confronts Cande at the apartment door about where MC is. Cande won't tell him and wonders why he wants to see her; what ties he has with her? JM says it's because of their son. Cande is impactado.
* Nellie returns to the castle and asks Balbina about her room; in an instant, Nellie fakes a back injury and Balbina comes to her aid.
* In the room, JM asks MC point-blank why all the lies and secrets about their son? MC says that her baby is hers alone. JM doesn't believe it and demands an answer. She finally says, "for love. I did it for love."
ADVANCE: Blanca wants JM; Nellie is suspicious and paranoid about her; JM confronts MC about her secrets and their son.
Labels: Cuidado
Monday, February 16, 2009
Cuidado: Friday 2/13/09- "Marichuy learns the truth of her parentage and Ivett gets in a parting shot"
Marichuy rides around the D.F. with Juan Miguelito in the baby-bike carrier.
At la casa de San Roman, Rocío has to endure a visit from Stefi, who is there to gather information for her nefarious plans. Sweet Rocío spills the beans unknowingly. She tells Stefi that Ceci’s asked her to help find where Mari is living. Stefi, pretending to be all wise rather than all evil, says that’s not such a good idea. Patricio opposes the idea of finding Marichuy because Ceci’s accident was all MC’s fault. Rocío starts to defend MC when Leo/Omar walks in on the conversation and is a little startled to see Stefi there. He comments that
el mundo es un pañuelo (lit. the world is a handkerchief, fig. it’s a small world). Rocío is surprised that Stefi and Omar know each other. He says that Stefi was at his hacienda and then he saw her with Amador, Lirio’s baby’s daddy. Rocío is shocked to hear this, but doesn’t have time to ask questions because Omar is there to tell her he’s heading out and won’t be home for dinner, could she pass the info onto Juan Miguel.
In court we are forced to witness Blanca being grilled about how she came to find out she suffers from multiple personalities. The lawyer is trying to blow holes in the defense, but all he appears to be doing is bullying Blanca. He wants to know how she could go for years not knowing that she had another personality. Blanca explains that there were strange things. Like what he asks. Well, periods of time where she didn’t know what she had done or what happened and there were things that she’d find that she had no idea where they came from, she didn’t buy them. The lawyer pushes her for more about Ivett’s accessories---her make-up, wig, clothing. Surely these things must have captured her attention, where were they being kept. Blanca says that there was a suitcase (
maleta) filled with strange things but she was afraid to find out the answers. The lawyer starts to ask her questions about why she didn’t seek help. Blanca says that she had no one to turn to and she was filled with fear. However, that changed when she became Mayita’s governess. Juanmi was willing to help her. The lawyer starts to ask her about JM and if she’s in love with him. After the commercial break, the lawyer doesn’t wait for an answer he starts to talk of JM trying to influence her into getting rid of Viviana. He wants to know why she did it and under duress Blanca says she doesn’t know, but that she did it for JM. Then Blanca screams and the screen goes all weird with low budget sci-fi special effects. So the audience is supposed to know something is happening. The lawyer tries to talk to her some more, but she’s all trance-like and the she starts to laugh. You’re not going to send me away to prison, Ivett informs the lawyer. She laughs some more and everyone in the room is confused by this behavior. The lawyer tries to question her some more and then she grabs for him.
Rocío is upset to learn that Amador has fathered another child out of wedlock. What will that mean for poor Beatriz and her baby with him.
Omar goes to visit Lirio/MC. He’s happy to see the baby and tells Mari that for some reason JM thought her baby was dead, but that he knew otherwise. He tells MC that he’d like to take her out to dinner, so they can talk. MC declines his invitation. Omar laments that he and JM have a similar struggle trying to protect their loved ones. Only he’s got another man to fight and JM’s got the law to fight. This reminder of JM’s involvement with Blanca obviously upsets MC. Omar starts to talk about Amador and how it appears he’s hanging out with other women. Omar mentions that Stefi was at JM’s house and he speculates there is some relationship between Amador and Stefi. MC tells him she’s not worried, that there is nothing between them. Omar questions how she would know that information and she says that she knows that Stefi is Judge Velarde’s daughter. Omar recognizes that name, oh that’s the father of Marichuy he says. MC is shocked to hear this, but Omar doesn’t notice her reaction. She asks him where he heard this and he goes on to tell her that he learned it at JM’s house when the judge came to visit. The judge was upset because his wife had gotten into an accident after having words with their daughter, Marichuy.
Ivett chokes the lawyer as the other people in the courtroom scramble to do something. In the confusion, she is able to grab a gun. She points it at them and warns everyone to stand back.
Mayita heads up to the attic with Cuate. She gets stopped by Onelia on the way. Onelia wants to know where she’s going. When Mayita tells her granny that she’s going up there to have a nice conversation with her Abuelita Mariana, Onelia tells the girl she’s spending too much time in the attic. Mayita tells Onelia that if she were to spend some time up there, she might have a good time too.
Ivett says that she’s not going to be taken that easy. Juan Miguel enters the courtroom and tries to talk her into dropping the gun. She tells him to not come closer or she’ll kill him, she’ll kill all of them (I don’t think there are enough bullets in the gun to accomplish this, but that doesn’t seem to affect the dramatic tension this situation has created). JM, known for his looks, not his brains, is as dumb as ever and makes a move toward her. She shoots. The momentum of the bullet throws him backward and he collapses onto the floor. Ivett/Blanca is shocked. The audience is supposed to believe the protagonist is seriously wounded, because he's laying there motionless. We go to commercial.
Marichuy says that can’t be. Omar, not realizing how devastating this is to her, proceeds to tell her all he learned when Judge Velarde visited Juan Miguel’s house. MC says again that she can’t believe it.
Ceci tells Patricio that she intends to start looking for Marichuy again, with the help of Rocío. He expresses some shock at this, he thought this was a dead subject. She reminds him that she never said she’d stop looking for their daughter.
Omar appears to have left MC’s place and she continues to freak out. Wondering, how can this be possible---she can't be Patricio and Ceci's daughter. She has some flashbacks to some of the harsher encounters with Patricio.
Pat says that he won’t allow MC to demean Ceci again. Ceci says she’ll find her and Pat says that they need to forget her, forget she ever existed. Ceci says there is no way. Then Pat tells her that a choice must be made, Ceci needs to decide because it is either MC or him. Ceci tells her husband that she can’t believe he’s capable of asking her this. She’ll never forget their daughter and he needs to remember that MC is his child too. The judge gets a phone call, he learns of the events that have taken place in Blanca’s trial.
In the courtroom, they are able to wrestle the gun from Ivett and try to subdue her as others attend to JM. After another commercial break, JM has been removed from the room (no traces of blood on the floor) and suddenly Blanca is back. She wants to know what happened. She demands they tell her. Her lawyer gently tells her that JM was shot (
recibió un balazo) in the arm. She freaks and says that it would be best if they were to lock her up. Her lawyer tells her to calm down.
Outside the courtroom, JM is getting medical treatment and tells the doctor that it was just a scratch (
rozadura). The presiding judge comes out and says that it appears they need to stop becauseJM is in no condition to continue. JM insists it was just a scratch (
rasguño) and he asks that the judge reconsider, they need to continue. The judge agrees and they go back into the courtroom. Blanca is now in her cage and she’s visibly upset. She mutters it would be better if she were to die.
Marichuy asks Cande if she knew that Patricio and Ceci are her parents. Cande laughs at the idea. MC fills her in on the info that Omar gave her. Cande is shocked and says that there is nothing she can say, but there is someone MC can talk to, to find out answers. Padre Anselmo. MC thinks that’s a great idea and she takes off right away. When she gets to the church she learns that PA is out. She decides she needs answers right away. She calls the Velarde home and learns that the judge is in his office.
Back in the courtroom, two cops come in and tell the court that Viviana has been implicated in the murder and attempted murder of two people (they don’t appear to make any attempt at showing any relevance this information has upon the case, but it appears that now everyone knows that Viv was an evil person, therefore it is okay that she’s dead). The judge hands out a verdict. He says that obviously Blanca is ill and she will be found not responsible for the death of Viv as a result of her sickness. She will be given an conditional release--she has to undergo treatment under Juan Miguel (now there’s no conflict of interest there, at all). JM smiles at Blanca and she returns with a smile. He walks over and takes her hand.
Marichuy finds Pat in his office and he demands to know why she’s dared to come there.
Onelia learns of the verdict from her lawyer; she thought for sure there would be a conviction. She is upset. Her lawyer then tells her that Viv wasn’t pregnant and also killed a man and attempted to kill her friend in Spain. Onelia is quite upset to hear this from her lawyer, she didn't pay him to tell her terrible things about her child.
Pat tells MC that she’s to blame for Ceci’s accident. He adds how he wishes she never crossed their path.
Blanca (the crazy person) suggests that she be put into a sanitarium. Juan Miguel (the sane person) says no way, even though you just shot me and obviously do not have you multiple personality under control, I’d rather you stay in my home, where my young daughter and sister live. I’m sure that you’ll bring no harm to them and I can show the world what a terrific psychologist (or is he a psychiatrist? Didn’t he go to medical school with Omar?) I am by curing you. Blanca agrees, but is still blaming herself. JM asks her to let go of the blame and promise he’ll give her a normal life (at the expense of the safety of his own family). Blanca worries about how Onelia will react when she returns back to the San Roman home. JM says that he’s got to decide what he’s going to do with Onelia (like send her on a long walk off a short pier).
The next scene switches to Marichuy in Patricio’s office, she’s asking why he hates her so much AND MY TAPE ENDS.
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