Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pasión 4/14/08: Pirates, Pirates Everywhere -- Ursula’s Orgy

To avoid a rehash we begin as Marcelino frantically tells Jorge that he’s worried because Sanctiago wants Ascanio to have free access to all documents and he fears that he will discover the false permits they wrote up.

Jorge pays a visit to Ascanio to supposedly see how he’s getting along in his new position. He offers him a little advice and makes him an offer he is sure Ascanio cannot refuse. “You know, these documents all probably have tons of errors and most of them are just written up as a formality because of bureaucratic regulation. Rather than learning what you need to do your job well, you could become more confused than ever.” --Ascanio wisely plays dumb and nods.-- Jorge makes him understand that he will make Al give him Manuela's hand in marriage if Ascanio would help him keep Sancti pacified regarding the examining of certain questionable city administration records. “Not a bad trade, wouldn’t you say?” says Jorge as he walks out the door. Impactado with this bribe, Ascanio just sits there with his mouth open.

Across town, after Cami has left with Sofia and Ursula for Puerto Paraiso, Jime tells Ines that God willing Ascanio might find something that Cami had asked him to look for in order to help Ricardo. Ines and she worry that he might be more loyal to Sancti. Jime says that Ric’s fate depends on Ascanio finding something and acting on it. She looks down at the ring Mario gave her and tells Ines that if Ric doesn’t come back then Mario probably won’t either. Ines teases her about having the hots for Mario and they both giggle. Then Ines tells her that Vasco and she are getting along great now and she begins to tell Jime how Vasco turned Ursula down flat at the mill the other day.

Foreman, Hernan, Antillano, Mario, and Pablo and the other captains assemble for the meeting on Foreman’s boat to plan out their attack strategy for Puerto Paraiso. They will disembark on a small bay and from there will arrive after crossing through jungle. Within a week the assault on the city will take place and all the pirates cheer as Ric frowns pensively at what this will mean: an outright massacre of innocents.

Matteo, Uriel and Alberto are discussing the delay of the next caravan shipment and how they’ll need more men to cover a double shipment. Uriel asks what Jorge’s involvement is. Al says Jorge’s turned coward because he doesn’t want his son learning about their involvement in caravan hijackings so they aren’t going to tell him about this one. Matteo says with reason and he is worried that Sancti might turn them in to the authorities. Al sneers loudly at Matteo, saying why should he do that since people generally don’t wash their dirty laundry in public, meaning that this would be too embarrassing to even consider for Jorge and his son. Neither Uriel nor Matteo seem all that convinced.

Meanwhile, Sofia, Ursula and Cami, are stuck in the middle of nowhere when their coach breaks down and one of the men must ride hours to find another wheel or coach. (Yeah, I’d say that basket of goodies Fortunata thoughtfully packed for them probably came in handy after all, since they must wait a few hours till the coachman can return with help.) Ursula, dressed in tons of petticoats under a long-sleeved black dress can’t stop complaining about the heat and the bugs. She’s been driving her mother crazy because of it. The women wait for help to arrive from the next inn, some three hours ride up the road.

Jorge goes to see Alberto about Ascanio’s looking over their false documents and not wanting to alert Sancti to all of their dirty deeds yet. He is still too naive about the ways of doin’ bidnez. Besides, if Ascanio finds anything and isn’t properly stopped with some sort of meaningful incentive, that being Manuela, Al’s neck ends up in a noose.

However, Ol’ Party Pal Al, self-consciously pulling his forelocks over in a useless attempt to hide his eye patch, disagrees and stubbornly (methinks, foolishly?) refuses to permit Ascanio to marry his daughter as Jorge suggests. Defiantly he tells Jorge he’s got to find some other way to avoid him finding proof of their dirty business dealings. Since both of them are in this up to their necks together they will either sink or swim together. Thus threatened, Jorge answers him, “Oh, then it’s war?” “—Take it however you want.” Jorge pulling out his scabbord and examining the stiletto in side it, warns LaFont, “Were I you, rather than think twice about this I’d say think 5 times before forgetting that I am still the Lord Governer of San Fernando.”

Just then Lis walks in holding “Clotilde’s niece’s” baby. Jorge notices it and asks about it. Lis tells him it’s orphaned and Al is refusing to let her be its godmother. Al gripes that he doesn’t want her baptizing the kid of some farmer, murderer or what have you. Jorge, figuratively poking a stick at Al’s one remaining eye, says that his wife is godmother to numerous orphans and unfortunates. He is certain that Sancti would charitably join Lis in being the child’s godparent.

After Jorge leaves, Al, enraged, drags Lis into his study and beats her complaining that she put on that little comedy in front of Jorge just to make sure she got her way. Lis can’t understand why he won’t allow her to baptize the child. He hisses while nearly strangling her with a chokehold, that he’s not about to baptize someone else’s child, only his own. Lis says she’s been a dutiful wife in bed and it’s not her fault that he hasn’t gotten her pregnant. Alberto malevolently elucidates for his wife that when a woman doesn’t get pregnant it’s always the woman’s fault, not the man’s then angrily strides out of the room. Lis, choking and gasping for breath tearfully swears to herself that one day she’s going to take revenge on him. “You perverted, disgusting old hog! One day, you damned, damned pig!!” (Lis, I, for one, hope that day comes a few decades or so down the road.)

Finally days later, the three women arrive in another coach at the home of Brigida de Mendoza in Puerto Paraiso. All Ursula can do is complain about the way the house smells old. Sofia tells the others that she’s not interested in the money left her, but rather in taking family mementos back with her. Herminia, the elderly companion of Sofia’s aunt, comes in and greets Sofia very lovingly. Sofia introduces Cami and Ursula to her.

That night Ursula is still complaining, now about having to share a room and the bed with her mother while Cami gets a room of her own. Sofia tells her she’s tired of hearing it and she should have just stayed home. (Many of us mothers out here in Viewerville commiserate, Sofia. Truly we do!) Ursula wants to know how long they’ll be there. Sofia figures a week should do it till they get the legalities handled.

In her bedroom Cami takes out and rereads the letter to her father from Ric. “Camila is my wife in the eyes of God and will be till the day we hand our souls over to our Creator. I know that it will mean great sorrow my taking her away like this, but it was never my intention to separate her from you. ”

Ric tells Mario that his child ought to be about 3 months old by now. He is still tormented by not having been able to go look for Cami because of this business with the plague. Mario reminds him there just wasn’t enough time, but not to worry. Just as well since Sancti saw him and would be waiting for him. Ric says, “The same way we’ll be ready for him when we return for them.” Mario continues to cheer him up saying that after the attack at Puerto Paraiso they can afford to hire all the pirates in the Caribbean they need to confront Santiago’s palace guard and no little army of his will be able to stop them. Mario then advises him to shut his heart and mind to this and concentrate his efforts on the business at hand. If Fortune smiles on them they’ll have one heck of a pile and their future depends on that. They toast to good fortune.

Ursula sneers at her mother and chooses to take a walk around town instead of accepting her mother's offer to pay respects to the dead relative at the cemetery. Later, on their way to the grave site, Sofia tells Cami that she understands what Ric means to her, but it seems a little loco to want to go off alone to look for him. If something should happen to her along the way Sofia is going to feel entirely responsible. Cami tells her that she is a grown woman now, one who has survived any number of things, that even though it may be crazy she wants to, needs to, and must go to La Iguana. Besides, Cami says she has already inquired from the shoemaker in town and San Jose is only two weeks journey and from there it’s just a turn off the main road.

With their individual gangs of pirates in league Foreman, Ric and the other brigands make their way over the next few days and nights through the jungle toward Puerto Paraiso for their final foray. (It looks more like prairie with a few trees to me, but hey, what do I know from Mexican rain forest and jungle?) The week passes quickly for the women who are planning to return the next morning to San Fernando. They only need to pack the mementos and a few family paintings.

The night before their departure Sofia comes to see if Cami has hired her coach. She has and will leave at 5 AM, but she refuses to let Romualdo accompany her as a bodyguard as Sofia suggests. (I’m all for brave, pioneering women, but venturing alone in a hired coach to the middle of nowhere in that time and place is more than a little bit harebrained.) Sofia reluctantly agrees then gives her a pouch of money for emergencies and tells her to come say good-bye before she leaves.

Outside the city, El Antillano gives his men their final instructions before initiating their attack. “Pirates fight fearlessly, but honorably; don’t kill anybody who gives up or who is unarmed. There is enough money in the city for us all to go back very wealthy. Fight bravely and may God bless us all!” Mario wishes him luck and reminds him that if he dies he gets his share of the loot. Antillano asks Mario in case he dies to share his loot with Cami and his child and to remind her not to forget the people living in La Iguana. Mario asks Pablo who his share goes to, doesn’t he have anybody to leave it with? Pablo says it should go to his mother. Mario laughs, “Of course, though in truth La Paisana knows how to take care of herself better than any of us.”

Ric, Mario, Pablo, and his men now join with Foreman and Hernan. Foreman tells his captains to make sure the men fight with precision, fight for their lives and for the riches that await them.

Within their individual bands, the pirates begin to climb rope ladders they’ve secretively strung up along the fortress walls. They jump over the tops of the fortress’s guard walk and kill the distracted soldiers who are playing cards, then enter into the city. More soldiers come to fight the hoards of pirates climbing over the walls and the bloodbath begins as Sofia and Ursula go to sleep.

At the sounding of the alarms all bedlam breaks loose in the city. Cami is getting her baggage ready to leave for La Iguana when she hears an explosion of gunfire. The shots are followed by dozens of church bells ringing the alarm throughout the city. Cami wakes up Sofia and Ursula and tells them something dangerous must be going on outside. Ursula wonders if it’s a fire or something. Herminia runs into Cami downstairs in another part of the household and tells her that it is a pirate attack and they have to flee. Pirates are evil and have no respect for anyone or anything. The three women get dressed, wrap their valuables, money and jewels in sheets. They try to get Herminia to leave with them but she refuses saying she’s too old and will be a hindrance, so Sofia and the rest are forced to flee without her.

At the fort the bloody battle continues between pirate and soldier. Romualdo carrying the little bit of possessions they are bringing and his rifle, leads the women through the streets through absolute mayhem and carnage. (Ursula, honey, is this enough excitement for you?) Cami tells them that they have to get out of the city to safety. All around them, in the streets, there are others with the same idea who are also trying to flee. Cami, Sofia, Ursula and Romualdo eventually find their way through the throng to a stable yard, barricade themselves in and manage to finally sleep a little.

There are dead bodies of men and women strewn everywhere, all around from the pirates’ handiwork. Foreman arrives accompanied by Hernan, Antillano, Mario and Pablo, together with several other pirates. He announces that the city is won and they are free to rape, pillage and plunder as they see fit. “There. It wasn’t so difficult, was it?” he asks Antillano. “Too many dead,” he answers and shakes his head in disbelief. Foreman tells him death is part of life, but now he has all the money he needs to make up for what was stolen from him. He orders Antillano to organize the patrols in the city to guard against the Spanish guard coming back to ambush them all, but advises him first to wash up since with all the blood on his face and clothes he looks like a butcher. Ric turns to Mario with an aside, looking at his bloody hands and dagger with a dazed look in his eyes, and tells him that he feels like a butcher.

The next morning Cami wakes up and tells Romualdo the well is dry and they need food. He tells her it’s best to wait but foolishly Cami refuses-- making me wish somebody would “Grita-slap” her and knock some sense into her for putting everyone’s life at risk this way when she, more than anybody, knows how murderous and depraved these types are supposed to be. (Word up, Camila! They aren’t all like Antillano, remember?) She says she’ll go while he stays to guard the others. Romualdo has no choice then and says he’ll go with her. They hear shots just then. “Hear that! You cannot go.” “—and neither can you!” and since he’s da man and obviously women don’t belong out there in this he says he’ll go see what’s what.

Cami returns to their little storeroom hideaway and the women begin to pray, even Ursula, who this time (as hubby noticed) looks like she means it! Romualdo opens the gate to the street beyond and sure enough three pirates violently barge in and immediately rush around the yard chasing the women (--did we expect any less?) intending to ravage them and steal their valuables.

Outside and down the street pirates are threatening to hang people unless they tell them where their money and jewels are. (According to historical accounts they hung men by other, more sensitive parts of their anatomy than their necks and also tortured the women and children in order to get this information out of them, but I digress.) Antillano followed by Mario is not a happy camper…er…pirate as they walk through the streets trying to find some order. Mario reminds him that he fulfilled his obligation to Foreman and now is rich. Ric says he’s repulsed by the excessive abuse he sees all around him. Mario says it’s just the excitement of the victory (which was incredible considering the fortifications). Ric says they’re high on wine and blood lust and he can’t stand it anymore.

Antillano goes around chasing off various pirates from the weak and defenseless and those who obviously haven’t any valuables or money left to offer in exchange for their lives. Mario warns him his actions are dangerous since the pirates are in their right to take and demand whatever they want. Ric complains he is disgusted and sickened by so many dead men, women [and children]. He throws money at a few pirates who are harassing a couple who’ve already given them everything they have and tells them to scat. Mario tells them the couple obviously haven’t got anything else and are not rich people. The pirates complain that the Captain General gave them instructions. Antillano tells them to heck with that and scram! They do.

Mario reminds him worriedly that all the captains agreed that Foreman was the Captain in charge and the boss. Antillano yells back through the noise that this time with the excesses he has gone too far and he’s sick of hearing the screams of helpless men and women. It’s one thing to fight armed soldiers who have the same chance as they, but all this killing and harming of innocents is not right.

Just then Ric and Mario hear the screams from Ursula and Cami in the stable yard. Ric kicks open the gate and runs inside to see the two pirates on top of the two younger women fighting through scads of petticoats in hopes of (eventually) “having their way” with them. (In an A-Hah! moment for anyone in Viewerville still wondering why wealthy women wore layers of petticoats, the term makeshift chastity belt might come to mind.) Before these pillaging rapscallions can get their fly’s unbuttoned, our two pet pirates push their way in and recognize Sofia being held by one against the wall at knife-point and that it’s Cami and Ursula on the ground screaming, in the respective clutches of the other two. (At this point I have to admit I was cackling at the screen at Ursula, “Enjoying your orgy, Ursula? You’ve got one in spades now, don’t ya, hon –or rather, ‘espadas’?” More cackling, now from Hubby.) Romualdo is unconscious and wounded on the ground over in a corner of the stable yard.

Ric and Mario quickly start to rescue Cami and Ursula. “Let them loose! Let them loose!” Swords start slicing through the air. The pirates are angry (hopefully getting a good case of blue b@lls about now) and complain. “What’s the matter with you, Antillano??” the guy who was on top of Cami asks him. “‘—That is MY woman!!” “—Since when?” “Since I say so!” (Wonderful playground dialogue.) Mario tells the other pirate at sword point, after fighting and kicking them off the women, that Carmi is Antillano’s woman and the others are the wife and daughter of Foreman’s friend. The two pirates gripe that the rules are that whoever sees the woman first can have her for whatever they want. Ric says not this time and if they don’t think it’s right they can settle it right here and now. They back away and stomp off saying that they’ll confront him about it, but in front of Foreman.

Freed, Sofia runs over to help Romualdo while Cami explains to Ric that she’s in the city, accompanying Sofia to see about Sofia’s dead aunt’s inheritance. Ric asks about their child and Cami tearfully tells him the child was born premature and died at birth. They console each other then compose themselves. He tells her they’ll discuss it later because it’s too dangerous to stay there. He has the women get their things and they leave to return to the meeting hall in the central palace.

Ric, Cami, Sofia, Ursula, Mario and Romualdo arrive. Before they go inside Ric pulls Cami aside and warns her not to say a word and not to intervene. “One word, one scream of yours and I could be distracted and that could cost me my life!” “—Why?” “You’ll find out later. You must promise me that whatever happens you will put up with it. You must tolerate it.” They all enter the great hall at the central palace where Foreman is overseeing the drunken revelry as Pirate in Chief.

Foreman leads them all in a toast of the Brotherhood’s grand triumph as Antillano and Mario appear with the women in tow. Cavalierly Foreman greets the women. Both Sofia and Ursula are drop-jaw impactada to find Foreman is there. He offers his gallant apologies and says that he is captain of the ruffian horde as he introduces himself as Captain John Foreman, English corsair for the British Royal Navy (and thus a legitimate arm of the English Crown in what has been a massacre of a major Spanish holding.) Sofia reprimands him for having lied to them and demands that if he’s in charge that he tell them all to stop this horror immediately. “Have you no shame?”

Ursuala starts screaming at Foreman that if he’s the one in charge then punish the one who tried to rape her. He assures her that whoever has laid hands on her he’ll cut them off, then tries to calm her down. He then turns to Ric and says there’s been a complaint made against him. “Yeah, I imagine so.” Foreman turns to the crowd and says, “We all know that hostages belong to us all.” Antillano yells out at him, “Not when one of the women belongs to one of them already, they don't!!”

Antillano reminds Foreman that it was evident to Foreman himself, having eaten at his home with his family that Cami was his woman. Foreman nods, but the pirate who wanted Cami yells out, “Yeah, but I didn’t know that!” “—That’s your problem, not mine,” Antillano yells back. The pirate argue s with him that the rules say that a women belongs to whoever finds her first. Antillano insists not when it has to do with another pirate’s woman. “And in this case I will pay for her.” The second pirate yells out that he will pay also and he wants the blonde. Yells break out all around the room.

Foreman offers an economic arrangement. “Fight for her or buy her. Antillano?” Ric yells over at the pirate who was trying to rape Cami, “Confrontation or money? Which do you prefer?” He refuses the money and demands to fight. His buddy yells out then that fighting El Antillano is like fighting three of the rest of them so he demands to fight alongside his pirate buddy. A third pirate and then Mario complain that it is unfair to allow two against one in a fight, and the rules don’t take into the account something like this for a woman. Foreman tells the crowd, “This is an unusual situation, so majority rules.” The room votes for them to fight it out.

Antillano accepts the challenge. (Swooning here. Hubba hubba!!) Foreman warns him this must be to the death and Ric agrees, “To the death.” He turns to Cami and warns her again not to utter a sound then hands her off to Mario for safekeeping. He pulls out his swords, does some mental calculation and makes the first strike……


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pasión, 11 April Fri, Don't Ask For Whom the Pieman Cometh, He Comes For Thee, LaFont

Pasión Aficionados: The Grand Finale Has Now Been Announced as April 25, Two weeks from tonight. Sigh.

With fond regards to some of my literary heros Donne, O'Neill and Hemingway: we go slogging onward with the scenes of terror in LaFont Land. After arriving late at the TGIF-fratboys outing where they have teased him about his pirate like eyepatch. Santiago aggravates his loss of standing in the boys club by informing Bouffy the Badazz that he has his father's authorization to name his own police inspector/manager (intendente in Mex.) of San Fernando. A scowling Bouffy then hears that Ascanio has been chosen and further Ascanio and Manuela get on well together (simpatizar). Enraged by Santi's words and the razzing from the other boys, he orders his horse. Why Ascanio, he's a nobody? Why not me for her husband chimes in wavy haired fratboy (sorry, I can't remember his name). Santi defends that Ascanio is his friend and such a decent person, Bouffy, further humiliated, rides off toward home.

Battling the plague and pestilence is so much pleasanter in contrast, as Ric is greeted by La Paisana. By the look of your face I can imagine the inferno you experienced last night. How are things going? BAD. There are new infected people. Where is Pablo? Not back yet. She sets up his bath things and with such gentleness asks him if his thoughts are with his wife. She must have had the baby by now. He thinks she has. Put the clothes here, I will come for them. Everything is going to come out fine. Ricardo prays with all his heart to heaven that this wife and baby are well.

Bouffy is an explosion in the making as he blasts past the abashed servants and begins screaming questions at Manuela about when and how often she met this Ascanio, whipping her with his coach whip, while she insists she has only seen Ascanio a few times. He screams that she is a whore and loose woman, you will be locked in here until I say so. He will finish off the low born Ascanio, he demands a virginity test from a midwife even swiping the whip at Nanny. Fran ducks in her head saying you are going to kill her. He lunges toward her and Fran disappears. Manuela sobs that she doesn't want one (probably neither the locking up nor the virginity certification). He then stomps into Fran and Lisabeta's room where Lis is hearing that Manuela has just been called a whore by Daddy Dearest, Lis's crack about Mannie's servant boyfriend Ascanio is cut short as Bouffy holds the whip to her throat and demands that his shame is not to leave the house and if anyone asks, Lis and Fran are to say she is sick. As he smashes his way out Fran and Lis share a knuckle biting moment about how dangerous this man is, Lis realizes that if Bouffy finds out the baby is Ric's he might kill him with his bare hands. Even the intrepid Fran's wig trembles as she adds that he might kill both of them too.

Ascanio is crossing the plaza in his fine looking clothing when he is accosted by three strange ruffians who determine he is Ascanio. He has been involved with a little doll who he shouldn't mix with and her father wants him castrated! They pound on him while people watch until the twins see the attack and approach with long sticks which are almost a match to the swords and knives. Ofelia yells for Vasco who also comes running in, hurling a box and then showing that his fighting technique has greatly improved. He then rushes to Ascanio who has been stabbed. Vasco screams for help, the twins struggle on until Santiago comes through the crowd on his horse. He jumps down grabs a sword from one attacker and makes short work of the villain. One clean sword plunge and voilá, Santiago has made his first kill! He throws the sword back on the lifeless body and ponders his action. Mom looks on in horror. An unconscious Ascanio is lifted up. Night falls and Santiago tells Jorge that it is inconceivable, there is no pardon from God. Santi assures him it was the work of Bouffy. Jorge hesitates that they don't know this for sure. Ascanio could have just stumbled on to these villains. But if it is Bouffy's work Jorge (for real playing the devil's advocate) can understand that a father might be outraged at someone seducing his daughter. Santi says there was no seduction, Ascanio is in love with her. He tells him Bouffy was outraged at his suggestion that Ascanio marry Manuela. Am I your true son or only a commoner? Jorge still defending says he can't make all things happen, even the king of Spain doesn't have absolute power. Besides, Bouffy is his long time friend and collaborator and so he has to reconcile viewpoints. Sofia sidles up to a screen and listens intently to the interchange with a smile. Santiago asks Dad, why can't you simply say no? I did say no, he is an impulsive man. He obviously contracted these villains to kill him. It seems you can allow this type of atrocities but I am not going to agree to it. Jorge with dry irony observes that if Ascanio had demanded the assassination of Ricardo you wouldn't have moved an eyelash.

Santiago stomps out and Sofia moves in. Jorge says, I suppose you heard every word? She nods then shrugs and says you have to choose between your son and Alberto. Jorge says this will cost me work, there's business between Alberto and I. Dirty business? Well, let's say it is barely correct... Do you have to protect him (amarrar) are you afraid he will betray you? It could be, says Jorge. Sofia goes on to say, Alberto is bad and he will betray you. If for some reason or other you get him in your way, Kill him. A dead dog is finished being a rapid/furious dog.

Vasco is being cleaned and tended to by the maid with the twins close by, Santiago appears still in his fine dress asking how is Ascanio. Vasco answers that he is really bad. The police came for the dead man and the others denied what happened. They express thankfulness that Santi showed up just in time. Inside, Ofelia is sewing up a big gash on Ascanio's bare side with Jemena's aid. Ofelia tells Santi that the wound is serious but Ascanio is strong and will survive. Ascanio protests to Jemena that he doesn't want scandals or to do anything, she pushes that it was Alberto, he needs to denounce them, but he just murmurs about Manuela, Manuela.

Back at LaFont's house, Nanny is telling Bouffy that the midwife has already come and Manuela is INTACT, she is a pure virgin. Jorge is announced in. What you did was stupidity! Bouffy isn't going to tolerate..! But Jorge insists that he has to listen. You came here from no where like any poor devil. Bouffy says I'm a nobleman (hidalgo). Jorge lowers his voice and says so you have told us, but it doesn't all fit, you could have been a thief, an assassin or pirate.. I liked you. I made you my friend, my partner my, my accomplice, and a VERY rich man. Now my son detests you and my wife advises me to kill you. If you persist in this, I'm not going to be left holding the bag (no me colmes con buche de piedritos).

On La Coralina, the priest is pressing his message of perdition on the frightened looking peasants and the disgusted looking pirates. He basically says by God's mercy they have been finally freed of this pestilence but it was brought on by their sinfulness and if they persist in their sinful ways, God's wrath will return. La Coralina is an island of sin, it is a Sodom and Gomorrah. After this cheery message that doesn't even mention the filth and rats, Ric meets up with Foreman who says your priests are always alarmists. The plague has ended and the port opens back up tomorrow to navigation. I have sent a message to all my capitans that we will meet on my boat in one week to plan our strategy for the attack. I am very sorry Antillano, but you will have to wait longer to see your beloved.

Sofia and Fortunata are strolling as Sofia tells of her concern that Camila is still so depressed but working with the children helps so much. This won't be forever? No, Santiago has sent to Vera Cruz for a professor to be at the school. Ascanio could be a teacher but now he is healing from his wounds and is back at work at the administration offices. Fortunata asks if he has had more problems with Don Alberto. No says Sofia but there is a new distance between Alberto and Jorge which thrills her profoundly. When will we see Manuela? Don't know, poor thing.

Camila is in the classroom with a munchkn by the hand teaching the classroom of cherubs about washing their hands before eating, praying at bed time and getting up the next morning. Sofia and Fortunata come in with baskets of sweets and fruits. The children will all get lunch, Camila looks a bit unthrilled when she finds out it was all Santiago's idea. Never mind, Sofia wants Camila to come speak to her later when school is out. Just to talk...

Once again Santiago is pleading with Justo that he can't get his extreme rightness across to Camila because she won't really listen. It has been six months since Rita died and 4 since Camila lost her baby. He can't understand how she can continue to feel so bitter against him. Justo listens with so much patience but finally advises Santiago that perhaps he should just forget about Camila. Santi is just bewildered (aturdirse) that Camila doesn't see the justness of his point of view. Justo slips in that she rarely ever talks about him at all...Undaunted Santi adds that everything he did was for her own good... Justo now Camila's good and true advocate counters with, She doesn't think so. Justo points out that Santiago lately seems to dedicate himself to worldly pleasures. Santiago excuses this because he is doing so much good with the professor for the school and the surgeon and health clinic, he is doing so much good. He can't forget Camila, he thinks about her constantly. Moments later he shows up at his Mom's house to learn that Camila is in with Ana Maria. He asks the maid to leave and tells Camila that they had agreed some time ago that they were above all still friends. Yeah, she remembers. Then why have you changed so much? She counters with circumstances have changed so much and that has changed their lives. She blames him and her father for the death of her child which he accepts but drives on with his rightness and quest for justice. JUSTICE, she says, I don't understand! He presses on that he can't believe that such a great love they had doesn't have something left to it. In fact he is really, really desperate for her. He wonders how she could have slept with this disgrace (Ric) after two days but she has never slept with him. She looks disgusted and he grabs her face to tell her more about his hot blooded craving and his rage at her love and lust for Ric. As she breaks away she says his mother is right, every day he is more like his father. Still not getting it, he insists they will clear this up. But she just leaves the room. His parting words are you owe me Camila, you owe me... [Huh?]

Camila approaches the palace and goes in while upstairs Sofia is telling Ursula that since she is so bored and has no girl friends she should come with her on a journey. She points out to Ursula that it is a real town much larger than San Fernando. Ursula says well take Fortunada then, I don't want to go. Camila is announce in Ursula sweeps out saying she is doing very badly. Sofia suddenly thinks why shouldn't Camila come with her. Come where? Sofia has an old auntie that died and left her an inheritance and she has to go see about it.

Mario is telling Ric that they cannot get to San Fernando and back in time for the big meeting of Foreman's. Ric is anxious to see that Camila is safe and sound in the village with their child but is worried because if they made her hide her pregnancy they may be hiding his child now too. La Pai tells him not to be so negative. Inside of a month he can be heading toward San Fer with all kinds of booty. He thinks differently, they could lose their skins in Puerto Paraiso. La Pai then asks what he will do with the little boy he is caring for? If the nun's list of the dead show that his mother died, he plans to keep the toddler with him. BREAK for halftime, and the score is: oh never mind.

Camila and Sofia discussing well where is this place? A little far from here on the coast. But what if Ricardo comes for me and can't find me? Well you've already had a long time waiting for him. Camila asks, do you all think that he isn't going to come? Sofia sagely says do you want to hear the truth or a kind answer? I just thought the journey would be partly for me to have your company and also a little distraction for you but if not, forget it. Doña Sofia, you have always been very kind to me, so I am going to ask you for a very big favor. Ricardo came to look for me when they had me in Garbancillo and he told Jemena that he would return to get me but it has been so long and I am desperate here. I lost my baby and even though I have my family, I feel very lonely. I need to go look for Ricardo. Where are you going to look? I will go with you and if we don't find him I will go on looking. If I leave here with you no one will suspect a thing and, she fights for a clear plan, and cries but Sofia, says, don't worry, I am going to help you.

Ofelia arrives home, asking the maid, Ramona, how is my granddaughter? She tells her that Camila and Santiago met there and had an argument then both left.

Camila coming across the plaza runs into Candida who had heard that Camila was sick. Candida then reports that she is working for Lisabeta and Francisca at Don Alberto's house and there is a child she is caring for that they have taken in that is Clotilde's nephew, a poor orphan. Since Candida is also a niece she is a bit puzzled about who this kid is. Camila asks how many years old is he? Oh, not years he is only a few months old. Camila gets a strange feeling in her stomach and the music should warn her that something is unsettling about this news... Well Candida has to hurry back or face trouble. Later Camila is sharing the real purpose of the trip with Ascanio, Jemena, Ines and she shares that she can figure out where Mario went last time. She knows she has to find La Iguana. Ascanio thinks it is maddness for a woman to go alone on this quest. Ines remembers that when Vasco and Bernabe went to look for her, they went to this village and she can ask Vasco where they went. Camila warns that no one is to know why she wants to know, apparently not even her brother Vasco.

It's tears and beers or whines and wines for old Santiago on his luxurious bed sulking and remembering when he had to go to Ric at night, but Ric told him it wasn't an appropriate time to wake up Camila. Santiago's message was that Justo was paralyzed. He cries or drools or both wondering why for Ric, it was yes but for him no, why or why. [Why indeed my pretty blockhead.]

Camila is a regular idea machine as she enthuses that Ricardo had plans to prove that the robbery of his wagons was really conducted by Jorge and LaBouffy. If they could find the proof and condemn the robbers, Ric could get a pardon. Ascanio looks nervous and says that that would mean condemning his boss' father and his father's best friend. It certainly is not going to make him popular at the office if he helps put Papa Jorge in jail.

Ursula comes into the mill office in an outfit that took longer to put on than the time needed to walk from the palace to the mill. She tries to seduce Vasco on the spot with kisses. He who has learned a lesson or two asks what she is doing here. He is leaving right now and he will escort her back NOW. She can't believe he isn't interested but he says he doesn't want trouble and further that he loves his wife. Ursula is in disbelief but he continues, while Ines sneaks up outside the door and listens with a worried look, it's true he didn't love his wife before but little by little he loves her so much and now realizes that she is the best thing that ever happened to him in his life. Ursula looks annoyed and finally leaves, Ines grins in her hiding place and Vasco breaks into a cold sweat.

Sofia explains the journey to Jorge, she needs to attend to the will and get some of the things that were her family's. Ursula flops in and announces that she will go on the journey afterall. Sofia tells her it will be rather crowded with four. When Ursula finds out that means Camila is invited she says well, uninvite her! No! As she exits, Jorge suggest that Sofia look for another husband for her.

Vasco crosses the yard to get the sexiest greeting with squeals of delight from Ines. They laugh and disappear quickly upstairs. [smart girl, Ines] In the afterglow, Ines with her head on Vasco's shoulder makes a playful questioning about the place were he and Bernabe went that time. It turns out through the finger play that it is San Jose to La Iguana on a secondary road and about three days apart. Vasco doesn't want to talk anymore, neither does Ines.

A serving man brings a very large trunk with clothes for Camila to make the trip in style. The maid finds out it is very heavy. Camila tells Justo she is going off with Sofia to see about her inheritance. Justo thinks it is a good idea for her to go. He gently tries again to say Santiago still loves you and what if Ric never comes back? You deserve a chance to have a happy life. Camila says unequivocally that even if Ric never comes, she will still never want Santiago.

Camila next has to tell Ofelia about the journey, Ofelia gently asks her about the disagreement with Santiago, but then they do blessings about the journey and Ofelia wishes her a safe and sound journey. She is going tomorrow!

As Camila starts off toward the carriage in her lovely dress, Ines walks along reciting the directions she got out of Vasco, take the path (vereda) to the village... Paco knows more than his father and asks if Camila is going to find uncle Ric. Yes. Well tell him I want that ride on his ship!

In front of the carriage Camila argues with Ascanio once again, he has fears of her going off alone, perhaps he better come with her. No! She kisses him goodbye. Jorge is advising Sofia about the dangers of a big place like Puerto Paraiso, it's a, well it's a big place... Fortunata appears with an enormous basket, cheerful even though she now doesn't get to go. She has empanadas, sausage, cheese, bread, fruit, sweets. Kisses all around except Santiago must look on with his poor-me eyes and gets a curt curtsey from Camila. He hopes the journey will help her get over her anger at him. After, he asks Ascanio what she said about him. Ascanio, with butter wouldn't melt in his mouth resolve, retorts, should she have said something??

Ascanio and Santi go off to the cafe for a meal. Santi offers him the big job again. Ascanio thinks perhaps it is too big. Santi says he knows that Ascanio will find out how dishonest Bouffy, Marcellino and the others... have been when he starts to audit the paperwork. Santiago says he wants to find some honest people to surround himself with so he can trust them when he becomes the Señor. He will be lucky to have one. hmm, what's happening with Manuela??

Later at the office, Marcellino trembles on tiptoe while wheezing out to Jorge that Ascanio wants to see EVERYTHING! They agree that there is a big problem with those little falsified import papers for Uriel's store. Jorge strides into Ascanio and basically bribes him that if he puts Santiago's worries to rest, he, Jorge, will help Ascanio win Manuela's hand. Ascanio wears that knowing look.

NEXT: LaFont is throwing another humdinger of a fit over Lisabeta's time with the baby. He justifies striking her because a husband has the right to punish an insolent wife. He wants her to get busy having his baby. When a woman doesn't get pregnant it is the woman's fault not the man's. oh Bouffy, oh Bouffy...


Friday, April 11, 2008

Pasion Thursday April 10, 2008: Plague!, Babies, Brothels

We start with Vasco pleading with Camila to stay put, to not try to leave her family, as angry as she is with Justo and Santiago—there are the rest of them that love her and besides, she should stay and wait for Ric. Vasco’s certain that he will return for her. [If Cami were rational, she would probably be thinking that Vasco’s skill as a prognosticator is not all that great, re: the Letter, Bernabe, etc. Then again, she has no place to go really and she’s still weak.] She agrees to stay.

The next scene is the poignant graveyard scene. It’s clarified to her via Sofia that the reason that there was no name on the grave is because the baby couldn’t be baptized as it was stillborn. [There’s been some discussion in the comments about this and I think that was the thinking at the time, with regard to the theology, as practiced in the Catholic Church. No baptism for stillborns, (or last rights for someone dead more than an hour.) You had to have hope of the breath of life within you or no sacrament. And with no sacrament no Christian burial and no burial on holy ground. (Usually there was some place nearby reserved for infants who died this way.) It was a harsh view but as you can see by the attitude of the people toward religion in this town, it had its affect in encouraging people to live their lives within the rules, or pay a terrible price.] Everybody is in tears. Sofia starts to lead a prayer, the Anima Christi.

Sometime later, there is the dramatic meeting between Santiago and Camila, dressed in mourning. He says he’s sorry her baby died, that they were just trying to do what was right, to keep her from a life of sin with that man. Cami has none of it, she says that if they hadn’t taken her away, the baby wouldn’t have died. It is HER LIFE to decide what she wanted to do. She tries to cut him off by saying “Is that all you wanted to tell me?” Santiago says he came to ask forgiveness (even though he’s not sorry—because he continues to say he did what he thought was best—he’s just sorry it turned out causing her pain). Cami says that she wishes that he had killed her instead. Santi continues on that he has something else to tell her—Cami is like, whatever, we don’t have anything else to talk about. Santiago says that they were all waiting to tell her until she recuperated but ….Cami panics here and blurts out “DID something happen to RICARDO?” Santi says no. Rita. She died 3 months ago. After being impactada, Cami buries her hands in her face and nearly faints. Santi guides her to a chair and explains the riding accident. Cami goes into another crying and screaming frenzy and demands to know why she wasn’t told, that she had a right to know—it was her sister. Santiago can only offer excuses about her wellbeing and Cami angrily storms out of the room leaving Santiago looking deflated.
Night falls. Over in La Coralina, Ric is with Paisana, talking about his feelings. Ric says that ever since he heard that Camila was pregnant, he’s wanted even more to be at her side, helping her, watching his child grow inside her. Paisana asks when the Salamandra will be ready to go. Ric says in a few days but it’s going to seem like an eternity. He wants to be back with Camila, happy as Ricardo de Salamanca, not el Antillano the Pirate, raising their child. Paisana grasps his hands and tells him she’s sure he’ll achieve his dream, as long as he puts his head before his heart. Ric says he’ll try but it’s hard. He asks her about her and Pablo. Paisana says that little by little he’s accepting her and she thinks he will eventually. Ric says he’s happy to hear it.
Back in SF, Santiago is talking to Don Jorge in the Great room of the Mansion Mancera. [He’s learned to pour brandy from a decanter with one hand—quite the gentleman now.] He tells Jorge that Camila hates him now. Jorge says he’s sure it will pass. Santiago downs his double brandy with one glup and Jorge notes it, saying that the discussion must have been rough. Santiago says he’s tired and wants to go to bed. [He already sounds drunk—maybe he had a few before we came on the scene.] Jorge says no, he should go out—that’s the ticket when you are feeling low. Santiago protests at first but Jorge demands he go and Santiago has no resistance at this point.

And yes, Jorge’s idea of a good time for a man down in the dumps is the brothel! Next we see an even drunker Santi with a girl on his lap and Jorge on a couch with another one, with her head in his lap. Santi doesn’t seem to be having that good a time, so Jorge tells her to go with her friend and take him to a private room. The girl and her co-worker take Santi to a room and when the other girl leaves, she undresses the weakly protesting Santiago who is flopped on the bed. She gleefully insists that he has nothing to worry about (in his state) she’s capable of “raising even the dead.” She tells him to tell her what she wants.

Over in Garbancillo, the beatific Conchita is nursing baby Ric. She doesn’t know of course, that it’s not her baby—that’s she’s just a wetnurse. Dona Auxiliadora shows up with a basket of food and Conchita is all smiles about how she wants to make sure that Conchita has enough to eat while she is nursing the baby and she’ll make her some other home remedies too. Conchita calls her her guardian angel but Auxi reminds her that she’s only going to be doing this for the first two months, while she and the child recuperate from the birth. Conchita looks worried and asks what will she do when she’s still nursing in the 3rd month. Auxi says she’ll have to see what she can do for her. She leaves, with an ominous feeling in the air.
Justo and Cami are at church and he knows that she now knows about Rita’s death and is not pleased about how long in took them to tell her. “I never thought that I would never see her again,” she says. Justo says—but wait—there’s more! Before Rita died, she told us that YES the letter did arrive from Mariana island, telling us you were a captive there. (Camila is impactada). She was the one who received it, and she tore it up because she knew that if we rescued you, Santiago would never have married her. Camila nods through her tears. “You know, she must always have been in love with Santiago. She must have suffered a lot when we were together.” Justo agrees. “She was always jealous of you.” He tells her that she asked for her forgiveness and Cami replies that she had long since forgiven her…since she met Ricardo. Justo sighs at the mention of his name and tells her that she said some other things…Cami is curious. “What other things?” She asks. With tinkling baby music in the background, Justo gets down on his knees in front of her and actually gestures to her abdomen. “That you take care of Anamaria as if she were your own daughter and that you marry Santiago, who has always loved you.” Cami smiles and says she’ll be glad to take care of her niece. But marry Santiago? NEVER. She gets up and walks out of the church, past Inez who is sitting a few pews back. Inez reaches out to her and holds her back for a second. Cami turns back to her dad and asks where Anamaria is, and Justo tells her that she’s not at the Mancera Mansion, but with Ofelia at her house. She picks up her veil which has fallen and leaves.

Next we are at Ofelia’s house where Ofelia is playing with the baby. She tells her that she was just at the church praying and that she just found out that Rita had wanted her to take charge of the baby. Ofelia looks nervous. She tells her she already knows about it. Cami assures her that she isn’t going to take the baby away, she just wants to visit her from time to time. Ofelia smiles at this news and tells her she’s free to come whenever she wants for as long as she wants. Ofelia admits that she’s felt lonely, even though Ascanio and Jimena live there, they are gone most of the day. Jimena is helping out a lot. “But this little girl is my reason for living,” she says sadly. Cami smiles sadly in return.

Next we are in La Coralina where an 18th century version of a sound truck (a horse drawn wagon full of soldiers, with one guy yelling out an announcement) is blaring that in La Coralina, a quarantine is being announced against an outbreak of the plague. The crowds are not happy to hear this news and there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Meanwhile, inside the brothel where the pirates are holed up, Ric and Mario are still smiles. Mario has recovered and they are all ready to go. Pablo isn’t ready for a few weeks yet because his shoulder wound did hit a bone. Mario asks where he’s going (Ric is putting on his sword) and Ric says he’s going to check on the readiness of the Salamandra.

Back outside, we are getting the rest of the health and sanitation department bulletin. The plague outbreak in the Island of Our Lady of the Coral Reefs happened in the neighborhoods of La Tortuga (the turtle) and St. Brigida. Ric and Mario arrive just in time to hear that the port is closed to all ships indefinitely. Ric is floored. (Other quarantine procedures are announced, like rounding up of infected animals and their killing and disposal; plague victims are to be taken into specified areas to be separated from the general population.) Ric is cursing his luck that they didn’t depart yesterday. Mario suggests that they could run the quarantine but Ric takes a responsible attitude and says that he doesn’t want to risk one of his men being infected and spreading disease all over the place.

Back at the brothel, Ric’s public spiritedness continues and he announces that they are all going to chip in to help with the plague activities. Guero complains that he’s scared of catching plague and Ric says that’s an order. Magdalena, who is falling out of her dress as usual is similarly afraid of opening up the house to plague victims. Ric reminds her that the plague victims are Christians, and other pirates like themselves who live here with their families. Paisana says that she’s ready to help but she’s not sure what to do. Ric says that they are going to need lime (cal) and vinegar (disinfectants) and rags, to cover their faces to keep themselves from getting sick. Magdalena is still afraid and doesn’t want to get with the program. Ric asks her if she knows how to kill rats. She can stay in the house, if she agrees to kill rats since rats carry the plague. She doesn’t look happy with her new job. Mario asks Paisana if she knows were they can get lime and she says yes, of course. They all get up to find help and the supplies. Paisana looks over at the weepy Magdalena and tells her to start killing rats. “By myself?” she asks. Paisana says “where are the servants?” in disgust.

Outside, the plague is creating a panic. People are falling down in the street, stricken with it and it’s terrifying the populace. The victims have huge pustules. It seems to be striking down rich and poor alike. Ric and Paisana are helping people get out of the street and others are spreading lime everywhere. A plague announcer is ringing a bell, which is a little superfluous at this point.
Meanwhile, on quiet SF, Sofia and Camila are talking over all the recent events. Sofia explains that they couldn’t tell Camila about Rita under the circumstances and it happened so fast. Camila understands now but the only thing she cares about is that Ric return soon. Sofia is concerned that she seems paralyzed, she wants to see her happy again, with a desire to get out and do things again. She suggests working with others, teaching children in an orphanage or working with underprivileged women. Camila smiles and says that she’d like to help out and her smile returns.

La Font seems to have recovered mostly and now sports a brown eyepatch. He is chatting over possibilities with Jorge, that there’s a new caravan on the way and that they could make plans to rob it. Jorge sounds skeptical. Who would they sell the silver to? LaFont says they could melt it down. He pauses and suggests that they could involve Santiago this time. “You said that your relationship with him is going well.” Jorge gets up suddenly and says no. He doesn’t want to involve him. La Font says that Uriel and Mateo are interested in doing another job. If Jorge doesn’t want to melt the silver, he could try to find another way to get rid of the contraband. Jorge says he doesn’t want to know. He’ll leave it up to them to get rid of it. LaFont asks if that means that he doesn’t want his share. Jorge says of course not. He’s owed a part as Lord. LaFont pauses and asks about Santiago and Camila. He laughs and wants to know if they are going to get back together. Jorge says non-commitally that “He always loved her.” LaFont opines that he doesn’t think that’s going anywhere and he again suggests his daughter. Jorge says that he’ll talk to Santiago, as he eats an apple. He asks after LaFont’s wife and LaFont says that Lis has been very understanding about the whole lost an eye thing. Jorge asks if she knows that it was Ric that did it. LaFont says no. He prefers that she not know that he is still alive. Jorge nods thoughtfully.

In Church, Camila arranges some gladiolas in front of a statue of the virgincita. She prays for the soul of her child and for Ric to return ASAP.

Meanwhile, in la Coralina, Ric has his hands full with the hysterical population. He helps a soldier lead a woman away from her dying husband as he’s loaded up in the plague wagon.
Camila and Ofelia visit again, with the baby and Camila remarks at how much Santiago has changed. It was Santi who saved Ric’s life on the fateful night when he was stabbed and shot but now he’s determined to kill him. Ofelia says she knew it all along. Power corrupts. She asks about Camila. She tells her about her helping in an orphanage as suggested by Dona Sofia. Ofelia thinks this is a great idea. She asks about her relationship with her father and Camila’s smile vanishes. Ofelia suggests that she try to patch things up with him. She says that when Camila was sick, he had second thoughts about whether he should have let her leave with Ricardo. Camila is impactada and smiles and returns to playing with the baby who has Ric’s watch in her hand.

Camila goes to talk to Justo. Justo is praying in front of a statue of the virgincita. She goes to him and they make small talk. Then she closes the door and says she forgives him and that she wants peace between them. He says that she should never doubt that he loves her. She tells him that she is a woman and she deserves to make her own life. And she wants him to understand that if Ric comes back, she’s going with him, wherever he goes. He cries but nods his head in understanding. She leaves and he turns back to the home altar to mutter a prayer of thanks.

In Garbancillo, Auxi is holding the baby at Conchita’s while she is drinking some soup. Just as Conchita holds the spoon to her lips, Auxi drops the anvil on her—“This baby isn’t yours.” She’s impactado and then freaks out. “How can it not be mine!” She screams, putting the spoon down and rushing her for the baby. Auxi relays the story of how the night that gave birth—there was another woman there who was dying and that Conchita’s baby died and she switched the babies. But as it happened, the other woman didn’t die and that she wants her baby. Conchita isn’t buying it. She cries and screams that she wants her baby. Auxi tries to tell her repeatedly that this isn’t her baby but she’s upset and won’t listen. The baby wails in the background.

Over at Jorges’ Santiago is eating with his Dad. Jorge points out that if this thing with Camila isn’t working out, there are other fish in the sea. Santiago says that right now they’d be living happily as man and wife if he hadn’t intervened long ago. Jorge says that they’ve already covered that ground and he agreed to let it go. Jorge shifts the topic to tell him that LaFont is offering him his daughter Manuela. Santiago says no way. Jorge says why not, Manuela’s pretty and well behaved. Santiago says no, he’s not giving up on Camila and anyway Manuela is in love with Ascanio. Jorge says that that can’t go anywhere seeing that Ascanio is a servant. Santiago points out that Ascanio isn’t a servant, he’s a bureaucrat now. Jorge is like, whatever. Santiago says he’s a blacksmith. Jorge says, yes, but you are my son. Santiago turns to talk about LaFont. Who is he, after all? All he knows is that he arrived there quite a few years ago. Jorge says he really doesn’t know that much about his past. All he knows is that he arrived with money. “And you made him into your general administrator” continues Santiago by which he made even more money. “Much more” agrees Jorge. Santiago asks “what happens if I make Santiago into the new administrator? “ Jorge says you can if you want to. “But Alberto isn’t going to like it.” Santiago asks if Jorge always does what pleases his friends. Jorge looks at him sharply and says “You are not going to have an easy enemy.” Santiago complains that he’s already got a hard enemy, Ricardo de Salamanca. Jorge is surprised that he is still thinking about going after him. Santiago says of course he is. He turns on his heel and leaves. Jorge says to no one in particular that his son has more guts than he does, but then again, he’s a lot younger. He takes another swig of wine.

At LaFonts, a well dressed little boy rings the bell and the porters come running. After clarifying that it is indeed Don Albertos, the boy asks for Clotilde. He says that he’s her nephew and he’s bringing her a message. He tries to sneak in while one of them checks but the other guy keeps him from going in. Clotilde comes out and tells him that she knows he’s not her nephew so what’s the deal? He tells her that he’s come with a message from Auxi that the baby is ready and to have her money. Clotilde says to wait right there and she’ll return.

And speaking of babies, over in plague ridden Coralina, Paisana and Ric are bathing a baby boy at the brothel and look like they are having fun. Paisana and Ric talk over the plague developments. Pablo says things are really bad over at St. Bridgida. And they took the mother of this child. When Paisana asks if he thinks she’ll make it, he shakes his head. She asks what he’ll do with the baby and Ric says he promised the mom that he’d look after him and he will. Paisana says that he can count on her. She worries that he will get sick. Ric says that’s why they all have to help. He leaves and she tells the baby that the Capitan is a good man, while she finishes bathing him.

Meanwhile, Lis is with her doll when Fran and Clotilde come in with the baby. They hand him to her and she asks how he is. Lis’ eyes fill with tears as the baby cries. She bounces him up and down. She says that he’s her little piece of heaven, that she’s going to keep him with her always. Fran wants to know how she is going to explain the baby to LaFont. Fran says that she’ll tell him that he’s a nephew of Clotilde’s who was orphaned. Fran thinks LaFont will suspect something. He’s not stupid. Lis makes plans to bathe the baby and get it new fancy clothes. Clotilde says she can do all that. Fran says, OK, she’s held the baby, now better give her back to Clotilde. Lis is reluctant to give the baby up. She asks if the baby has been baptized yet and apparently it hasn’t. Lis says this is what they will do—it will be baptized and she will be the godmother. And they will call the baby Ricardo. Fran doesn’t like the sound of that. Lis says they will name him for Ricardo’s father.

Later Fran and Clotilde are out with the baby picking out fabric for clothes when Camila happens by and Clotilde gets nervous. Fran tells her not to even look at Camila. Camila walks on to greet the twins at the forge. They exchange pleasantries but after the small talk, they admit that things are a little uncertain since Santiago never comes by the forge anymore. One of them backs up and explains that they understand that he has more important things to do now. Camila shakes her head and says that what needs to happen is that people need to see you as the heads of the shop, not Santiago. She leaves.

Back in La Coralina, Ric is directing the plague relief, with a corpse over his shoulder.
At LaFont’s, Lis is checking out the baby’s new clothes. She things they are good but could be better. Fran thinks they are sufficient, since the baby is not a little aristocrat. Clotilde suggests her niece as a nanny/wet nurse since she’s already suckling a child. Lis agrees. Manuela comes in and makes a fuss over the baby. Fran gives her the story about it being a child from Clotilde’s family that was left an orphan and that they will baptize it Pedro and she’s going to be the godmother. Just then LaFont comes in and wants to know what’s going on. He tells her that being a godmother implies responsibility and he doesn’t want her to get involved. He picks up the baby hands it to Clotilde and tells her to take it away. LaFont tells Manuela he wants to talk to her and they both leave. When they are left alone, Fran tells Lis that she told her that this wasn’t going to be easy. Lis is not happy.

La Font is tossing Manuela around in her room. Manuela pleads with him that she hardly ever sees Santiago even though she goes to visit Ursula daily. He never even looks at her when he’s around. He yells that she needs to try harder. She asks if he offered her hand to Don Jorge. He says yes but he hasn’t said anything yet. Meanwhile, she needs to try harder. He leaves. She gets up and sits at her desk and writes.

In la Coralina, The plague continues and the dead and dying are lying in the plaza. It’s horrible. Priests are giving last rights, en masse. Ric carries a wheelbarrow full of corpses.
Next we see what Manuela was writing—a letter to Ascanio which he receives. In it she tells him that her Dad offered her hand to Jorge (for Santiago). Ascanio looks stricken. He gets his coat and leaves. He tries to go see Santiago but they have both taken off. He leaves the doorman with a message to tell him that he was there.

We go to where Santiago is, under a canopy in a wooded area, partaking of food and drink with Dad and his cronies, minus LaFont. La Font rides up at that moment and they all laugh. When he asks why they are laughing, Mateo says that with the patch, he looks like the last pirate left in San Fernando. LaFont doesn’t think this is funny and goes to draw his sword. Jorge tells him to cool it, it’s just a joke. He cracks further that now he can’t cry even if he wanted to. Uriel thinks this is so funny he chokes on his wine and spits it out. LaFont is even more ticked. Mateo says he doesn’t think that he should care, since his wife can’t see him anyway. Now LaFont is really mad and draws his sword and points it at Uriel who is standing the closest to him. Jorge tells him to cool it, they are all drunk. Besides, he should talk to Santiago. He did and Santiago seems to be fixated on Camila. LaFont asks if he rejected his daughter. Jorge says, not exactly but since he’s so concerned about marrying her off, he’d like it if he married his daughter to ….Ascanio. LaFont is not happy at all at this news. “A servant?!” Santiago stands up at this point and says that he’s no longer a servant but a public functionary and that he has Dad’s authorization to make him “Intendente” of San Fernando. LaFont is furious and asks for his horse to leave. Mateo complains about Ascanio getting this plum job and wife but Santiago tells him that he’s his friend and a decent man. Jorge looks at him and says that’s the way it is.
Back in Coralina, Ric and Paisana confer about the Plague developments (Bad). Pablo’s still gone. She asks him how he is and whether he thinks the baby has been born. He thinks so. He takes off his plague infected clothing and puts it in a basket—stopping to think of Camila and the baby far away.

LaFont arrives back at home in a fury. He kicks the door open past the frightened porters and asks for his daughter. She’s with her Nanny talking about Ascanio when he blazes in and slaps her screaming “where did you meet this man?” Nanny Agata is freaked out. He slaps her and brandishes his whip. She’s already got a few marks on her face. When he goes for Agata, Manuela tries to hold him back but he whips her face and calls her a whore. Fran comes in suddenly to find out what’s going on and he runs her out of the room. LaFont announces that he’s going to kill Ascanio and when she pleads with him, he grabs her by the hair and puts the whip at her throat, screaming at her that she’s going to marry who he wants. He tosses her aside and stalks out. Manula screams that she loves him and cries to Agata.

He walks into the room with Fran and Lis and says that his “daughter has gotten involved with that lowlife Ascanio.” Lis laughs and says “the servant?” LaFont isn’t in a laughing mood and holds a whip to her throat. He tells them not to let Manuela leave the house and that if anyone asks, she’s sick. He storms out and Fran and Lis confer about Manuela. Fran thinks that he will kill her if she isn’t dead already from the beating he gave her. They agree that LaFont is very dangerous. Lis thinks aloud that if he finds out that the baby is Ric’s he’s capable of killing it with his own bare hands. “Us too! says Fran.”

Next time:
Santiago pleads his case with Camila and asks again why Camila slept with Ric but never with him. She’s again not happy with the question but he has to go there and asks if she thinks he’s less of a man than Ric. He grabs her face and acts like he could have her if he wanted. Cami spits back at him that she agrees with Ofelia—every day he seems to resemble his father more.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

4/9/08, Pasión: Birth, Burials, and Blame To Go Around

As Auxiliadora takes our sanctimonious San[c]tiago and the judgmental Justo to see Cami, she warns them that her child was stillborn and that Cami has childbed fever, something, she tells them, “that very few ever survive.” In the background Auxi alternates between grunts and whines to say that she is only a humble midwife and has done all that she could. The rest is up to God --This includes of course, helping Cami along as best she could to meet her maker, by either poisoning or purposely infecting her with filth from the dead baby’s delivery so she can complete the Devil’s deal she made with both Fran and LaFont.

Sanctiago, now sporting a giant gold cross at least 100 times the size of most which highlights his otherwise understated elegance like some flashing neon sign (underscoring for some out there in Viewerville that the bigger the cross, the greater the hypocrite), sees the empty cradle and breaks down, weeping at Cami’s bedside. “It was my fault, all my fault,” he sobs. While Cami deliriously asks for her baby, Justo, also impactado from grief and guilt, insists from the foot of her bed and on his knees that there has to be something they can do.

Back in San Fernando at LaFont’s bedside Jorge has arrived and asks him about his injuries. Al shouts angrily to Jorge, “Do you see how that damned Antillano left me? I’m one eyed now!” “—So it was he?” “Yes, and if it weren’t for your son’s over eagerness for that woman…he got out of him where they’d put her…if he would have let the damned buccaneer take her!” Jorge apologizes to his friend for the state he’s now in. Al angrily shouts back, “Is that all you have to say?” “-What else do you want to hear?” Al says something like he could be sorry he let him ever get involved in that monstrosity of a business with pirates since he ended up losing an eye.

Jorge looks as if to say perhaps, but he frankly does not seem all that upset that this power mad, one-time right-hand man of his is now absent his left eye. Al continues his story and tells him that it was El Chino who betrayed him and handed him over. “—do you realize what that means? If Ric persuaded El Chino, then he could convince Foreman that he should hand us over.” He begs Jorge then to let the pirate have the woman and be done with this damned nightmare. Jorge tells him he’s too agitated right now and to wait till he’s calmed down and feeling better in a couple of days. Then they’ll think it over.

Outside in the living room Mannie, Lis and Fran wait to hear what Jorge and Alberto have talked about. Jorge fibs and says it was robbers who attacked, beat him to a pulp and lost him his eye. “However, better an eye than losing his life,” Jorge says with a royal shrug. The three women cross themselves to ward off the evil eye.

Ascanio, Ofelia and Jime finally arrive in Garbancillo. Inside the hacienda the priest tells Sancti that a stillborn baby cannot be buried in sacred ground. Ofelia and the others find Sancti and ask about Cami. He tells them briefly what happened and that not only did the baby die stillborn, but that Cami now has
puerperal (childbed) fever. They are all three impactados since they know the odds are steep that she can ever survive it.

Auxi visits the stable where the farm girl, Conchita, is currently recuperating. Poncho who works the stables asks her to convince Conchita to marry him since he’s fine with raising the child as his own and is certain that it will square things with Conchita’s father as well. Inside she finds Conchita who is unaware she’s been wet nursing Ric and Cami’s baby or that her child was the one that really died.

Unschooled and ignorant, Conchita tells Auxiliadora that she doesn’t understand why her baby is light-skinned since she and her family are all dark. The old midwife slyly tells her that the baby is just a bit pale and sickly right now. She quickly changes the subject to say that in a couple of days she’ll come back for her because she wants to take her and her baby to her home so he’ll grow up healthy and strong. Conchita is overcome with tears of appreciation, but it’s tough luck for love-struck Poncho, though, since he apparently doesn’t fit into Auxi’s current plans.

A bit later, in an unconsecrated section of the local cemetery there, Justo, Sancti and the others bury Conchita’s baby believing it to be Cami’s. The priest gives his benediction while Ascanio and Jimena solemnly look on.

Feverish, Cami arrives back at her father’s house with the others. Ofelia gives orders to ready everything because Camila has come back home very ill. As Vasco and Sancti work to take her out of the carriage, Cami in her delirium subconsciously refuses to let Santiago help her out. With a great leap of logic he is convinced that now she hates him, but Justo insists she is unaware and simply delirious from the fever.

Sanctiago, and Justo start doing a fair bit of soul-searching afterward, feeling terribly guilty about the calamity they’ve caused. (I’d say better to be thinking about saving those hairy hides of theirs that Ric and company will soon be tanning once Antillano finds out and believes they’ve caused the death of his only child!) At the palace Jorge, wearing an even bigger cross than his son’s, asks him if he saw what Ric did to Alberto. Sancti says yes and explains to Jorge what happened to Cami and adds that he blames himself. Jorge tells him that it was simply circumstances and suggests that they talk about it later after Sancti’s had a chance to clean up from the trip.

Across town, Justo is looking forlornly off into space. Paco harasses his granddad with questions about his aunt Cami and why Justo seems so sad. When the little boy questions him about his new little cousin, Justo denies there ever was a little cousin. Paco doesn’t quite know why, but somehow realizes he better forget he ever heard anything about a baby cousin of his Aunt Camila’s.

Upstairs, meantime, Ofelia, Ines and Jime are nursing Cami’s fever. Ines wonders who Cami is mumbling about, the baby or Ric. Jime says she’s going to die when she finds out about the baby.
Over at the tavern Ascanio and Vasco discuss his sister’s predicament. Vasco accuses Sanctiago for causing this tragedy, but Ascanio says it actually was Justo’s idea, though he’s not defending him. Vasco blames his father too, but says as for Sancti, his interest in this was petty and mean and that he had no right to meddle. The only reason he did it was to keep Ric from finding Cami; and he’s certain it was because ever since Rita died Sancti has been keen on now being free to marry her. Of course, that probably will never come about because as far as he is concerned Cami knows she’d never be happy with him.

Ascanio agrees and says that Ric is not about to forget her either and from what he overheard the captain of the guard say, Ric managed to escape. Vasco wonders if Ric is still around there or left for parts unknown. Ascanio hasn’t the foggiest but says he knows the guy is not one to give up or give in. They sit down at a table and Vasco adds that he’s glad Ric took out Alberto’s eye; if it had been him he’d have killed the sorry S.O.B.

Talk turns to Ascanio and Mannie. Vasco tells him that if they love each other he should fight for her. Ascanio says it’s hopeless, and he does not want her to suffer because of him. Vasco insists that she might really suffer if he lets her daddy marry her off to somebody. The two worry then about Justo and figure that if anything happens now to Cami so soon after Rita’s death that he won’t be able to survive it.

Across the way Sofia pays a visit to Ines and asks for Cami. Ines fills her in and says the only ones culpable in this are her brother and father-in-law. Ines cries in frustration about their taking Cami away like that since the town is full of unwed mothers. What’s the big deal with having one more?

On the other side of town again, Auxi pays a little visit to one-eyed Al. Aunt Fran comes to the door and speaks with her first. The midwife gives Fran the news about Cami and the Big Lie and the baby. She informs her that in two months she’ll return to hand Fran over the baby who should be recovered from his premature birth by then.

Auxi then goes in to speak with Al and Fran goes to fill in Lis on their conversation about the baby and the Big Lie. Lis tells her the midwife probably is there about the business with the baby just like Clotilde told them. Lis wonders if she’s going to spill the beans about their own deal with her, but Fran isn’t so sure. So Lis, appropriately hobbling on her dead daddy’s claw-handled canes, says she’s going in to find out for herself.

Alberto wants to know from Auxi if Cami is certain to die or not. In the still dreaded presence of the bandaged and badly bouffanted Lafont, Auxi concedes that it will be very difficult for Cami to survive childbed fever. She explains then that she wasn’t able to stop Santi, as Jorge’s son, or his mother from bringing Cami back to San Fernando. She sticks to the story that Cami’s child died at birth. Al is glad to hear it was a baby boy and says the guy who fathered it doesn’t deserve descendants. (Yeah, it takes one to know one, and Al is a guy who definitely knows what he’s talking about here.)

Just then Lis knocks at Al’s door. He sends Auxi away and tells her his wife’s blind so she’s to leave without saying a word. Lis’s sense of smell, though, lets her know the old woman is still there. (Looking at this one-eyed, S.O.B., it is not lost on anyone that our Buddhist pirate from Japan, not to mention, Lis herself, might consider Al’s blinding as some sort of two-fold instant Karma for the brute who married and mistreated a blind woman just to lay his hands on her blindingly brilliant bling.) Al claims at first that Auxi is just some beggar woman asking for alms, but then aggravated, he admits to Lis that the old country woman was the midwife that took care of Cami. He gives Lis the well-received news that Cami is back home now and very ill. He regurgitates the Big Lie he was given, that her child was stillborn. Lis smiles to herself, well out of LaFont’s now limited view, and hypocritically laments, “Poor thing.” Al spits back a contemptible “better she is freed from having to care for some worthless kid.”

That same morning Ascanio and Mannie meet again for another walk in the park. She tells him about her father and that she’s heard about what happened to Cami. He’s a bit distant. She wonders what’s the matter with him and if he regrets their relationship. He assures her that if she were like either Ines or Rita he’d already have spoken to her father, but since she’s highborn, the class distinction is a barrier that they simply cannot overcome. She says love is the only thing that matters. He asks her then if she’s ready and willing to live in a hut and wash clothes and sweep the floor. She smiles and says sure. He thinks this is endearing and kisses her for it. A minute later she lets him know that her father wants to marry her off to Sancti. (Mannie does have a rather naive way of coming out with the gossip at the oddest times, don’t ya think?) Ascanio is confused and more than a bit upset from the jealous jolt this little tidbit of gossip gives him.

That night, in Cami’s room Justo suffers from belated pangs of conscience. He confesses to Ofelia that if Cami dies from this he wants to die too. Ofelia suggests that praying is their only option now. Justo laments that he probably should have just let Ric take her off.

Speaking of Ric, the next morning Mario, Pablo and he finally manage to limp back to their safe-house on Coralina Island. Pablo heads off to see his mother. La Paisana greets him at the study door and asks how things went. He tells her that no one died, but they failed even to get a glimpse of Camila. Paisana reiterates what Antillano had told them a few nights back when they were wounded: the experience of age teaches one that shrewdness is better than the audacity of impetuous youth. She tells him that now they all will need to recover from their wounds and Antillano from his wounded spirit as well. Pablo smiles at his mother’s wisdom.

Back at the palace Ursula and Fortunata are entertaining themselves by scandalizing themselves with gossip about Cami. Fortunata is sure she left 4 months ago because she got pregnant. Just then Sofia returns and Ursula teases her about why they never get to visit with Camila since she’s constantly over there. What could the problem be? Sofia answers that she won’t take them visiting with her not only because they’re a couple of gossips but because she just doesn’t want to be bothered. She goes inside and the two younger women surmise that either the baby was born and died and then Cami got sick, or the baby was born and then given away. Fortunata is certain that both Sanctiago and Sofia are well aware of what happened.

Meanwhile, at the church Sancti goes to make confession and he tells the priest that he’s burdened by the guilt he feels. If he’d only let Cami go off with the pirate then the baby wouldn’t have been born prematurely or have died. Now she’s very sick and he can’t live if she dies after all of this. He screams that God cannot do this to him and the priest warns him against blaspheming. Sancti, conveniently forgetting that it takes two to tango, tells the priest that just when he and she were finally going to be able to be together after all that had happened to them, this occurs. (I guess this Divine Right business is a real head-trip for him.) He tells the priest he was even ready to accept the child and to love it as his own. (Excuse me. Earth to Sancti. The kid has a father already. You are an extraneous entity in this matter.) The priest tells him to pray for the ability to accept God’s will (Divine Rights aside, of course).

Sancti says this time he refuses to resign himself --and I gotta say the range of emotions from anger to grief to lust, jealousy, arrogance and steely resolve that he conveys to the priest here is palpable. Sancti is adamant that he simply cannot and will not do that again. His jealousy overcomes him and he blames Ric for everything then. “If that wretch hadn’t come into her life then none of this would have happened!”

The priest tells him that it isn’t right for him to harbor so much bitterness against this other man, but Sancti says he cannot help himself. “Do you really believe that I can avoid it? Do you really believe I can control this fire that burns inside of me every time I think about the man who stole Camila’s love from me?” “—He didn’t steal anything. When she came back you were already married.” “--But not anymore!!” he screams back at the priest. “Pray. Pray.” Sancti is distraught and looking more and more crazed by the minute.

A bit later Sanctiago, still very down in the mouth, goes by the city hall to check in with Ascanio. Ascanio mentions that he has found a few reports that don’t square, but Sancti looks so depressed they skip that and he asks if something has happened to Cami. He says no, but the guilt is killing him. Ascanio defers and says he was only doing what he felt he had to do at the time.

He changes the subject to Manuela. “I know that Alberto wants to marry Manuela off to you.” Sancti is taken by surprise and asks who told him, if it was Mannie. Ascanio answers only that he just knows. Sancti says he holds a great deal of affection for Manuela, but well, he knows the two of them are in love with each other, and besides, Cami is the love of his life. Ascanio wonders though if in time he might change his mind. Sancti says it’s not likely and he prays that in time Cami will come to understand that God has meant them to be destined for each other.

Back across the sea at Coralina Island, Foreman and Antillano finally parlay. Foreman asks him if he’s paid the debt for his woman even though he lost her. Antillano says, “Only temporarily.” Foreman says he’d heard he nearly died but survived by a miracle. Antillano answers him that when there’s a reason to live you fight the Devil himself and this pleases Foreman. “So you are fully recuperated?” “—Yes.” “Well, you promised and I’d like you to pay me back before you die.”

Antillano asks when they’re going and if the target is a fleet or a port city? Foreman says soon they’ll be launching one last, big operation. It will be a port city: Puerto Paraiso. Antillano is very negatively impactado with this news since that port is the most important and best fortified in all of New Spain. Foreman says that’s precisely why he’s chosen it, because troops in a fortress rely on the enemy’s fear. The guards become overconfident and thus lazy and careless. Antillano warns him it’s a serious risk for his posse and they could all die. Foreman says yes, everyone could die or everybody could come back very rich. He reminds Antillano that he gave his word. Antillano says he knows that already and he’s not going back on it. Just tell him when. Foreman smiles back in eager anticipation.

Antillano returns to the safe-house afterward and gives the inner circle the details. Paisana thinks the Englishman has gone completely crazy, but Antillano says it’s precisely because the Spanish would never suspect such audacity from them that he’s chosen Puerto Paraiso. They have three months till the attack so they have time to go back for Cami and the baby once more. He’s hoping the town will have let its guard down by now. He confides in Mario that it was shocking how much hatred the town felt for him. He truly fears for his child’s safety now. So, two weeks from now, when the Salamandra is ready, they’ll return for them both. Paisana and Pablo share surprised looks at each other.

Days later, Cami finally wakes up from her fever and asks to see her child. Ofelia praises the Lord and Jimena tells her that Ric came looking for her and what he told Jime about coming back for her, and that she should stay resolute. Eventually though she tells Cami that her child was stillborn. Cami is filled with so much grief (definitely a 3 hanky scene) that it is heartbreaking for the two women to watch.

Cami now vehemently detests her father and Santiago. Like a possessed woman, she races outside and down the stairs looking for her father raging at him, insisting that it was entirely his and Sanctiago’s fault that her baby died. “What moral right did you think you had in separating me from my child and imprisoning me in that tomb of a house? You had no pity on me, not even for my child when I begged you! All that time in there because you wanted to keep Ricardo from finding me! What kind of Christians are you? Where did you leave your compassion? What did I ever do to you to that you would have hurt me so much? I told you what was the best for me was to be with Ricardo. If you’d have let me go my child would still be alive in my belly!! ”

“—But we can’t know that!” says Justo, more than a bit bewildered by the ferocity of Cami’s anger and resentment. She screams back at him, “I-I-I know!! I-I-I know!” “--Ricardo is a far better man than you or Santiago, in every sense of the word! He might have robbed or killed, but honorably. You knifed me in the back and betrayed me in the worst way. I am sorry, but if it is a sin to love him then so be it because I do love him and I will never ever stop loving him!” Ofelia and Jime walk Cami back upstairs then. Jime gives Justo a last look of reproach. Justo stands there clinging to his grandson as tears roll down his cheek, broken, ashamed, and in pain.

Later in the day Sancti visits his mother and tells her he really needs to speak with Cami and to ask her forgiveness. Ofelia warns him against it and says she’s in too much pain right now. He asks if she knows about Rita yet. Ofelia says it hasn’t been a good time for that either, yet. She needs time to mourn first for her child. He asks her what else could he have done, just let the man carry her off? Ofelia says it’s not her place to say. His conscience must dictate that.

That night Ines and Jime go to console Cami who cannot control her tears. She says she doesn’t know how she’ll tell Ric about the baby when he comes back for her. Then it occurs to her that she doesn’t know where it was even buried. She has to go see the grave. They talk her into waiting a bit longer till she’s better. She tells them she has to move away from there and there is no way she will live with either her father or in Sanctiago’s home, even if it’s with Ofelia.

At supper downstairs, the family discusses Cami’s urge to leave. Jime says she understood Cami meant to leave town. Vasco wonders how she’s going to live and thinks it’s just foolishness. Jime says perhaps it’s to find Ric somehow. Vasco and Ascanio say he could be anywhere, in La Mariana, at sea or who knows. It would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Ascanio says one thing’s for certain, though, Ric risked his life coming back for her and he is probably planning something else that will succeed this time. Jime wonders what he’ll do when he finds out the baby died. Ines wonders if that means he might try to kill her brother. Ascanio and Vasco share a worried look.

Vasco goes up to speak with Cami then to persuade her to stay there because sooner or later Ric will come back for her. He says that if she’s not there this search business could go on forever. He tells her to understand their father: he was afraid that people would point at her and being an old man, set in his ways and thinking of things a certain way, as the head of the family he really felt it was for her own good. Cami says she understands, but it was at the cost of an innocent life. It was her son’s life and whatever he might say or think now will never fix the harm he’s caused. She cries and tells Vasco that Ric never had a family and he wanted this child so he could finally have one.

Vasco tells Cami he understands her resentment for their father and Sancti, but what about the rest of them? They’re her family too. They need and love her too. She agrees to stay and wait for Ric to return as Vasco is certain he will.

A few days later the family goes to the gravesite and they have an impromptu memorial service. A couple of days after that Sancti comes to talk to Cami at Justo’s. He says he knows how she feels and what she thinks about what her father told her. In short, he’s sorry for the death of the baby. It’s just that going off with that man wouldn’t have been the proper life for her. She stops him short, “—But that IS my life! So, is that all you have to tell me? Be brief because I really don’t think there’s much else we have to discuss.”

Sanctiago says mainly he wanted to ask for her forgiveness, but there is something else that he’d hoped to wait to tell Cami until she’d recuperated further, but….. She immediately thinks something has happened to Ric. “No. Rita,” he replies. “She died three and a half months ago.” Cami looks as if she’s ready to faint.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Pasion April 8, 2008 All heck breaks loose near Garbancillo

* Guard looks into the coach, Alberto introduces himself. Guard recognizes him; he says he is with friends. Guard accepts the story and lets the caravan move along. As the caravan moves, Alberto mentions that he has nothing against Rico or his crew, and then comments about Cami and her pregnancy. Rico tells him to "shush".

* Jimena is drinking a cup of tea in front of Ofelia's house. Ascanio walks to her and asks what she's doing there? Jimena explains about losing her job at the hotel and then tells him about her confrontation that afternoon with Justo and Santo after she left church. Ascanio is curious why the confrontation. Jimena says because Rico was in the church. Ascanio is impactado to hear Rico actually returned! Jimena explains he came back for Cami, but gosh darn it, we don't know where she is. Jimena asks Ascanio if Santo mentioned anything to him at all. Ascanio says no. Jimena wonders if he can seek help with Manuela to find out information on Cami's location. Ascanio can't do that to Manuela, her father is too dangerous and he can't put her in that position - as well, since he started working at the municipal building, he hasn't seen her at all. Jimena is desperate to help Cami and Rico. Ascanio says they need to hope that Rico can find her. Ascanio asks her about why she's not at Justo's house - Jimena mumbles her reply.

* Santo, Justo and a lady show Cami into her new bedroom of the new hacienda. Cami asks the lady about restrooms. The lady leaves to get some water and food for Cami. Cami realizes that Santo and Justo brought her there because Rico returned to San Fernando! That's it, isn't it? Cami scolds them for doing everything to keep her and Rico apart. Santo argues with her that they are doing this for her own good. Justo even stomps his fatherly foot and yells at Cami that he will never permit her to be with Rico again!

* Lis admires one of the toy soldier chess pieces in the candlelight. Manuela enters the salon and talks with Lis. Lis mentions Alberto having an idea of an ideal mate for Manuela to marry - Manuela is surprised - Lis asks if she has some idea who it is. Manuela covers and says she doesn't. Lis tells Manuela she would like it if they were friends. Manuela says her dad wouldn't like it. Manuela leaves. Lis sits down and knocks all the chess pieces off the board.

* Santo and Justo leave the room and lock the door. Cami cries and pounds on the door, "let me out! let me be with Rico! I want to live with Rico!"

* Cleo and Fran return to the house. Luis greets them. Fran asks him to have cook prepare a light meal for her in her room. As Fran and Cleo enter the salon, Fran asks Luis if Lis and Alberto are there. Luis says Lis is in her room; Alberto hasn't returned tonight.

* Mario returns driving a cart filled with lots of clothes to the group at the side of the road near the cornfields. Rico and crew, along with Alberto, change into the clothes. They climb aboard the cart and horses and proceed down the road.

* At Garbancillo hacienda, Rico and crew look around and wonder about a back entrance. Alberto says there is one. Rico, Pablo and Mario take Alberto to the back. Pablo and Mario split off on one path while Alberto and Rico take the other.

* The foursome meet up inside the salon. Rico and Alberto search the rooms in one direction, Mario and Pablo go in another.

* In the bedroom, Rico grumbles about not finding any signs that Cami was even there. Rico starts to search the drawers as Alberto just stares at him. Rico turns his back to look in the closet and Alberto breaks a wooden chair over Rico's head. Alberto lunges at him; Rico punches him with his elbow, throwing Alberto towards the bed. Alberto takes out his knife and lunges at Rico. Rico fights back. As Alberto lunges again with his knife and strikes the bed. Rico grabs the candlestick from the nightstand and with a quick flick of his wrist, he stabs Alberto in his left eye. Alberto falls back into the closet and screams in pain and horror over his bloody eye. Later, Rico and Mario have Alberto in a chair. Alberto is hunched over and in pain holding his hands over his eye. Rico scolds Alberto for lying and deceiving him about Cami being there! Mario suggests that maybe they should make Alberto totally blind now. Rico takes out his knife; just the mention of the threat, Alberto cowers and tells them about Auxiliadora the midwife.

* Rico and crew, with Alberto, arrive outside Auxiliadora's cottage.

* Auxiliadora is helping Conchita give birth to her baby when a knock is heard on the door. Auxiliadora stops with what she's doing and answers it. Rico enters with knife in hand, Mario is behind him. Rico asks her where Cami is? Auxiliadora tells him in the main house. Rico says she's not there. Auxiliadora replies. Auxiliadora tells them she is helping Conchita give birth now and they need to leave. Mario asks about other doors. Auxiliadora tells them. Mario and Rico leave through the back door.

* Outside the cottage, the crew are taking a break and watching Alberto, in a red cape and is sitting the cart with dried blood over his eye. Alberto with his one good eye sees the guards approaching. He yells and screams about pirates! pirates are here! Guards start shooting - mass chaos erupts - Alberto is hit and falls to the ground. The crew, along with Rico and Mario, start to gallop away with guards in pursuit. Alberto scoots himself near a wall for safety. One of the guards spots him and approaches. As the crew gallop through the community, people scream and run away; guards continue their shooting - it looks like Pablo is wounded in the back; Mario gets shot in the leg as he tries to talk with Rico. Rico orders crew to retreat.

* In the salon of the main house, Santo grumbles to Justo over the bad timing of the chaos and Rico's arrival just as Cami is about to give birth. Guards pull Alberto inside the doors - Lady screams at the sight. Alberto tells Santo that Antillano is there. Santo and Justo are impactado.

* At the creek, Rico talks with Mario as he and Jesus fix the bandage to Mario's wounded leg. Rico wonders why the guards attacked like that - he wonders about how to get Cami and his son back - he's disgruntled that his plan backfired. Mario gives his suggestion to lay low, take a break and plan again. Rico grumbles. Crewmember calls out about more guards approaching. Rico and crew help the injured to move again.

* Guard reports to Santo about losing Rico and his crew. Santo is fumigating mad. Justo talks to him about Rico. Santo wants him DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! They have to get him now! Justo asks about Cami, she can't move now. Santo realizes this and she will stay there until she gives birth. Justo reminds Santo that Ofelia made a promise to Cami to be there for the delivery. Santo is more focused on getting Rico right now. Justo is more worried about Cami and her baby.

* Crew restrains Mario on the ground, and provide him with swigs of alcohol from a full bottle as Guero works to remove the bullet from Mario's leg wound. Mario screams and struggles with the pain. Rico and Jesus are spying on the road from below an embankment. Rico isn't happy to see all the soldiers riding around. They leave.

* At the campfire, Rico reminds the crew why they are there - to get Cami and his son. Rico says despite all appearance, Justo is an honorable man whom he respects. He has no ulterior motive against the blacksmith (Santo) either. Mario brandishes his sword and gives his commentary. Rico moves over to Mario and talks with him about feeling like a coward today. Mario says he isn't, he is very brave and Cami is strong also. He has to have faith that they will be together again. Rico does have faith.

* Justo visits Cami in her room. Cami asks if Rico has come to visit her. Justo says no. Cami begs Justo for piety. Justo refuses the request. Cami informs Justo about Rico's letter that he never received - she says in the letter, Rico explains his whole life and his profound love for Cami. Justo says none of that will change his opinion of Rico now. Justo tells Cami that Santo has sent for Ofelia to come. Cami is content; she's scared and doesn't want to lose her baby. Just then Cami screams out really loud due to the pain of contractions. Justo, nervous, runs to the door and yells for Santo to come. Santo and the lady (Tomasa) enter. Santo will go get the local midwife. Tomasa stays with Cami.

* Auxiliadora is busy in her cottage - she is helping Conchita give birth in the main room. There's a knock on the door. Auxiliadora is too busy to open it. Santo enters and his eyeballs look like they are about to pop out of his head to see Conchita in labor. Santo explains to Auxiliadora that she is needed immediately. Auxiliadora can't, she's busy right now. Santo leaves to get Cami. Auxiliadora has Conchita push - baby is born (dead) and Conchita rests.

* Santo returns to the hacienda main house. He rushes passed Tomasa at the door - he's in a hurry. In the room, he explains to Justo that the midwife is busy and can't come. They will have to take Cami to her cottage instead. Justo and Santo struggle to help Cami, still in pain from the contractions, out of bed and walk her out of the room. Tomasa carries a napsack for Cami.

* Auxiliadora is reviewing her money bags and mumbling about the dead baby. A knock at the door. Auxiliadora works quickly to hide the bags and cover up the dead baby before opening the door. Santo and Justo enter with a very weak Cami. Auxiliadora has them put her on the bed in her room. Cami lays on the bed. Auxiliadora tells Santo and Justo they need to leave now, and let her do her work. Santo only stands and stares at Cami. Justo kneels by the bed and doesn't want to leave. Cami insists they go. Justo and Santo stare at each other.

* Outside the cottage, Justo tells Auxiliadora if there is anything they can do for Cami, tell them. Santo says they will wait there all night if they have to. Auxiliadora thinks they are nuts and returns inside.

* In the bedroom, Cami tells Auxiliadora that she prays her baby boy is born alive and healthy. In the other room, Conchita wakes up and notes that her baby girl isn't moving - Auxiliadora lies and explains something to her and gives her some tea to let her sleep.

* Santo and Justo are mumbling together outside. Justo complains to Santo about not letting Ofelia come and take care of Cami, like she promised.

* Auxiliadora returns to bedroom; she kneels and starts to coach Cami through childbirth. Cami screams really loud as she pushes.

* As the crew sleeps around the campfire, Rico is on night watch. He thought bubbles about how it might be to hold his son in his arms and be with Cami again. He sits down and rests and continues to thought-bubble.

* Guards stop in front of the house in San Fernando. Alberto crawls out of the coach and falls to the ground. He yells at the guards not to help him. Guards help him stand up. As Alberto and the guards enter, Alberto starts screaming at Luis and the other servant to CALL THE DOCTOR! Luis scurries away. Manuela and Fran enter as Alberto reaches his room. They are mortified by Alberto's bloody appearance. Alberto screams about Antillano and vows definite revenge against him. Alberto orders Manuela to get him his robe and bedclothes. Manuela scurries.

* Auxiliadora continues to coach Cami through childbirth. Cami finally gives birth. The baby boy screams. Cami faints.

* Fran wakes Lis and tells her about Alberto being blind in his left eye now. Lis is curious to go see him - Fran tells her that he's like a wild monster right now, best to wait for the doctor to examine him first. Lis wants to know all the details. Fran only relays what little she heard Alberto grunt.

* Auxiliadora gives Conchita a little tea and places a baby in her arms.

* Guards arrive at Ofelia's house, inform Ofelia that Santo has sent for her, it's an emergency and she needs to leave right now. Ofelia runs to the room for her things.

* In the sewing room, Jimena helps Ofelia with her basket of herbs and convinces Ofelia to let her come along.

* Auxiliadora pushes Conchita and the baby out of the cottage quickly. Conchita asks about Cami - Auxiliadora only says that she's really bad and her baby died. Auxiliadora escorts Conchita and the baby outside.

* Outside, as Conchita leaves with the baby, Auxiliadora talks with the guard as she escorts him inside.

* In the bedroom, Auxiliadora checks on the still unconscious and feverish Cami, restless and calling out for Rico and her baby son. Auxiliadora picks up the baby from the cradle.

* Ines skips over to the shop and talks with the twins, Pancho and Crispin. She is visiting her mom. Pancho and Crispin inform her that Ofelia, Ascanio and Jimena left rather early this morning with some guards and in a coach. Ines is curious.

* Rico and crew stop on the trail. Rico and Mario argue over Rico's using his heart instead of his head, in regards to Cami and his son. Some guards appear nearby and start to shoot. Rico and crew leave quickly.

* In his bed, Doctor cares for Alberto's wounds. Alberto grunts, grimaces and yells about Antillano. Lis, Fran and Manuela are in the room listening.

* Ines talks with Vasco at the mill office about Ofelia, Jimena and Ascanio leaving town early this morning. Vasco is worried about his dad and sister. Ines consoles and advises him to think positive.

* Santo and Justo arrive at the cottage. Auxiliadora meets them outside and takes them in. Santo and Justo are muy impactado at the sight of Cami laying in bed. Auxiliadora explains she's had a high-grade fever (puerpal fever) since giving birth and could very well die; and the baby died. Santo and Justo kneel beside the bed. Justo begs Cami for forgiveness. Santo cries as he holds Cami in his arms. Cami cries and asks for her baby. Auxiliadora observes with interest.

ADVANCE: Auxiliadora reports to Fran about Cami's poor health and about the baby boy - Cami has been told he died, but he is alive and healthy and will be given to Fran in a few days.


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