Tuesday, December 05, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 12/04/06

Amparo and Francisco discuss her progress with the confectioner’s classes. She says she is doing so well she wants to take a Mexican cooking class next. Francisco asks her why she has not mentioned Ramon for nearly a month now. She says she cares for him, but right now, she does not want to spend all her time doing for or being with him. She wants to continue these classes and feels that would be impossible if she marries Ramon. They agree she will need to tell him the truth and pretty soon.

Nuria sneeks into Florencia’s room that morning while she’s still asleep and picks up little Enrique. She hugs him and says she knows that Berta lied to her and that he really is Florencia’s, though she did do her part to help give him life. She puts him back down and quietly leaves the room. (Good! The girl is coming back to her senses. What a pain.)

Berta puts on one of Alfredo’s necklaces just to show off in front of Alejandro during the bail hearing. She tells Lucas that it will complicate her plans if Alfredo gets free on bail. She will then have to resort to drastic measures even though she does not want to. (Uh-huh. Sure.)

The judge interrogates Cesar and Bertha. Cesar lays it on thick about dear Charito and them racing in just at the very moment to see Alejandro stand there and mercilessly shoot his beloved godfather, Gonzalo, after hearing arguing and shouting so loud it could be heard from the garden. Bertha confirms that even her niece, Miranda, saw him pointing the gun at them when she came running into the living room. Then it is Miranda’s turn to testify. Lilana again advises her to answer exactly as they planned and if she does not understand a question, to let the judge know immediately.
Luis Alberto meets Julio for lunch. Julio mentions that he finally got the two last clients away from Luciano. Luis Alberts wonders if the SLI is finally finished. Julio says SLI is as dead as Gonzalo. Then L.A. asks Julio if he ever worries that Cesar might do the same thing to him as he did to Gonzalo. Julio refuses to believe Cesar would intentionally try anything against him, his own father. The camera pans up to the trophy head of a bull hung on the wall above their table. --Now I am not sure if they might have been implying what I was inferring from that shot of the bull right then. The “expletive” I was thinking of wasn’t “cow cud”, but more like “cow pies”, which is what cow cud eventually becomes anyway.

Cesar, El Guapo and Bertha meet elsewhere and discuss whom they want to get rid of next. Cesar mentions that Julio has become and insufferable old geezer who constantly wants to run Cesar’s business his way. He’d love to get rid of him. Maybe with his bad ticker the old fogey could be frightened to death. Bertha then has him reconsider because he’s his father, but Cesar says that was not his choice and he could care less. Bertha says then he can do whatever he wants with him. El Guapo lets Bertha know then that everything is now ready for what she was planning to do with Nuria. Cesar gets angry and reminds her he wanted a divorce and until Nuria signs the papers, Bertha was not supposed to touch her. He goes further and warns them that if anything happens to her before and the law comes after him, then he will point the finger at the two of them.

Miranda is before the judge and is asked if she knew Alejandro came to take vengeance on her father. She answers that she knew beforehand that yes he was thirsting for justice from her father, but he didn’t come to kill him. She knows her husband and he didn’t come to kill him. Vengeance and murder mean separate things. The other attorney asks her if she said that because she really knows him or because she is blinded by love. Miranda panics at that question. Then she answers angrily that she doesn’t understand the double meaning or obscene intent behind the question. Liliana’s face drops and she shakes her head in frustration. The judge tells Miranda to explain her accusatory answer or face the consequences.

They give Miranda a minute to talk to her attorney and Liliana snaps at her for the insulting statement she just made to the judge. (Brainless bigmouth!) Liliana reminds her that the idea is to get Alejandro out of jail, not to infuriate the court. Miranda snipes that she didn’t appreciate their intent to catch her with the tricky two-sided question. Liliana tells her she was just supposed to answer the questions exactly as instructed and not to say anything more. Miranda angrily replies that she is just as well educated as Liliana and she should not be scolding her like a little girl. (If the shoe fits, Miranda..... So what was Miranda thinking? She is as capable as any licensed attorney is simply because she is a San Llorente? --Miranda pay attention to the woman who IS the trained lawyer here and just shut the hell up, ‘cause there ARE people more powerful than the San Llorentes and you’re lookin’ at ‘em!) Miranda snipes back that knows exactly how to reply to the question. Liliana says she better because the way she handled it, the judge could decide to look into her being her husband’s accomplice. So she better go back, sit down and correct the stupid thing she just told the court.

Luis Alberto tells Julio that he was surprised when one day he came in and found out that Cesar had married Nuria to recognize their child. This surprises Julio because he says he always thought Cesar despised Nuria and he thinks back to when he fired Cesar for abusing her at the office. Then Julio lets it slip that Nuria lost her baby and is very sick. Luis Alberto says he didn’t know and Julio explains how it happened.

Charo accompanies Nuria to the church. Nuria stays with Santiago to discuss her anger at God for taking her baby away from her. If he wanted to punish her for all the bad things she has done to others, then he did it the wrong way. Santiago tells her God doesn’t play with people as if they were little toys.

Cesar tells Bertha that they can take Nuria far away and do whatever they like, but they cannot kill her until he gets his divorce. He stomps off and El Guapo offers to teach him better respect for Bertha. She says he absolutely will not touch Cesar with even a rose petal. El Guapo kneels down in front of Bertha and remarks about her new smell. She asks what does she smell like; he says she now has the smell of fear all over her. She is clearly agitated again and walks off. El Guapo says to himself that he’s been looking for a long while for that smell and now he’s found it.
Miranda clears up her statement by telling the judge that being blinded by love would necessarily keep her from being able to discern the difference between the two actions and that loving her husband has nothing to do with understanding the intent to murder. If she were blinded by love of her husband that would necessarily negate her testimony. The judge is happy with this mincing of what the meaning of “is” is and lets her retract her former statement. Liliana is smiling so she figures she answered it the right way this time. Liliana congratulates her on her answer and says she’ll talk to the judge to convince him to let Alejandro go free. Liliana looks up at Miranda and Alejandro kissing through the bars and it seems she wishes it were her and not his wife.

Juan and Renata get together at a restaurant to discuss their situation. Renata asks him when he’s going to give her the divorce and he says never. He says he won’t because he knows the two of them still love each other. He scolds her for throwing away what they had for a trip to New York and a few purchases. So she throws Carola in his face and he says what else could he do? She tries to lie about her and Cesar but Juan admits he saw Cesar and her kissing passionately in the waiting room. Renata says she and Juan are over and it will never work between them. She cannot adapt to his world and he refuses to live in hers. He asks if it would make a difference if he said he would. She says it would be useless because they don’t have anything in common; to live together and make it work they need to have had similar life experiences and they don’t. He wants to know how serious she is about Cesar and if she’ll marry him. She answers that she doesn’t know. Renata says Cesar always behaved well around her but she doesn’t love him. He grabs her and asks if she could ever feel with another man the way she does in his arms. She remembers the first night they ever made love and she cries. Then Juan begs her for one more chance, but Renata says it would be useless because they would only be prolonging a painful situation. Finally, she tells him through her tears she doesn’t deserve him, and if he really loves her just give her the divorce. She walks off and leaves him there stunned and in tears.

Back at Alejandro’s manse Luciano is telling Pamela and Miranda that Miranda’s attitude had put Alejandro’s case dangerously at risk. She has got to put aside whatever is bugging her about the lady attorney and let her do her job. She works hard, gives 100% effort and spends lots of time away from her little girl to do so. Miranda complains that Liliana treats her like a mental retard and that drives her crazy. Pamela chimes in that she agrees with her friend. This frustrates Luciano no end and he finally walks off in disgust. Pamela gripes that once again they are left as the villains of the story. Miranda has second thoughts and tells her friend that it could be Luciano is right about Liliana. Pamela thinks not and that the woman is arrogant, pretentious, and rotten to the core.

Miranda calls up Vicente and asks for any information about Liliana’s personal and professional life. Vicente comes back in with photos and information. He leaves and the two women are awestruck at how darned perfect Liliana appears to be. Pamela says she feels a bit inferior cause Liliana appears to be a jack of all trades, since she has so many accomplishments. Pamela adds, “At least, she’s not a home-breaker and she doesn’t seem to steal husbands.” However, they cannot find anything wrong. She in fact seems to be a wonderful mother. That word stings Miranda.

Bertha comes back to the house and asks for Nuria. Charo tells her they went to the church and she stayed to talk with Father Santiago. Nuria walks in just then and Bertha screams at her for leaving and disobeying her orders. She tells Bertha that Florencia has kicked her out and that Fernanda invited her to stay at her apartment and that she accepted. Nuria also screams back at her that Bertha lied about that being her baby Bertha slaps her silly. Nuria screams at that and asks why she hit her. Bertha yells back because she loves her and because she disobeyed her. Charo rushes in asking if something is wrong with her, but Bertha reprimands her for not knocking. Charo tells her Luis Alberto came to see her. Nuria gets up to go and greet him but Bertha forbids it and leaves her in the bedroom telling her that she will go down to Luis Alberto and to pack her things and leave right away.

Back at Alejandro’s place, Miranda concludes that Liliana is similar to her in all ways. That is why she gets so upset. They both have the same qualities that would attract Alejandro and win his love. The only difference she says, is that Liliana is a mother. Just then, Alejandro walks into the living room. They hug and he says he owes it all to his lawyer. Miranda says too bad she’s not there to celebrate with them. Alejandro says, “She is here. She brought me, but first we had to drop by to pick up her little girl.” Down the stairs walks Liliana with her sweet little girl. Alejandro picks her up in his arms and tells her that she should be proud of her terrific mother. Miranda sees Liliana standing next to Alejandro with the little girl in his arms and, the three together look like a portrait of the “perfect family”. Miranda is beside herself with jealousy.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Heridas Friday Dec 1

While Luciano is trying to convince Juan to just divorce Renata to make his life easier later on, Juan tells him that he’s going to start a relationship with Carola. She has loved him for a long time and it’s time to give it a chance. Not much of a chance though, I guess, if he won’t get divorced from the wife he already has. I think he sees Carola still as a whore, if he’ll only give that much of himself to her.

Renata, she of the great knowledge of relationships, is counseling Miranda to not worry about Babe lawyer. She tells Miranda to put her in her place. Besides, she has a kid. Is she married? I don’t know. There is something about whether or not she is married, too much is being made of this. Miranda says it’s because the lawyer is hot (yes) and is able to have kids, so she thinks Al’s eye might wander. She confesses to Renata that she has fertility problems. Renata assures Miranda that Al only has eyes for his wife.

Al is trying to convince Babe lawyer that she and Miranda could be friends, Babe lawyer says she doesn’t think so. Al says he wants to work with her when he gets out, file some lawsuits, she can work for SLI, etc. Babe lawyer asks if Miranda knows all this. Al says “uh, no. But it won’t bother her.” Yeah right Al, way to know your woman. Babe lawyer stands up to leave, I see she is wearing a very form-fitting very un-lawyery dress that looks great. She says it all depends on how Miranda reacts to his ideas.

Fern, Julio, and Santiago discuss how easily Rebeca is influenced by Bertha, Julio wants to call her right there and straighten her out, Fern says to wait. Julio gives a little speech about how much he loves Fern as a friend, that Rebeca’s jealousy is unfounded.

Flor storms in on Bertha and says that Nuria has to leave right away, and for that matter, Bertha along with her. Nuria claimed to be the mother of Flor’s baby, she’s going crazy! Bertha insists that she only said that Flor’s baby ‘was dying of hunger’, not that it was dead, stupid Nuria just didn’t understand. Flor says that Nuria keeps letting herself into the bedroom to see the baby, acting like she is the mother. Bertha says she should see Nuria as a nursemaid, someone to make being a mother easier. Flor doesn’t WANT it to be easier, she wants Nuria out. They go back and forth for a while. Also, Flor has managed to keep off the baby weight she lost 30 seconds after giving birth, she’s back in her skinny fashionable clothes already. Clothes that anyone with an infant would never wear around a baby for fear of getting puke or poop on them. Bertha manages to throw in a couple bits about not being appreciated for good measure. At the end Flor makes some faces like she’s having heart trouble.

Babe lawyer in her un-lawyerly dress get an extended shot coming into the next scene. Something for the men watching. Charo comes out and says that Miranda won’t meet her, Babe lawyer insists that she needs to see her and complains that she can’t work this way and starts to raise her voice, Miranda struts in and says “the only person who raises their voice in this house is ME.” They stare at each other. Miranda should be jealous, Babe lawyer is hotter than her. Babe lawyer apologizes for yelling. Miranda says that while Babe lawyer usually does whatever she wants, in this case Miranda is paying the bill, so she gives the orders and Babe lawyer isn’t allowed to just show up unannounced. Miranda talks to her like she’s a kid, “is that clear?” Bertha was eavesdropping and realizes right away that Miranda is jealous and thinks “the enemy of my enemy will be my friend.” She does her evil smile thing. The ladies continue to piss on each other’s shoes. Babe lawyer asks Miranda what her problem is anyway, Miranda says her attitude, she treats everyone like employees. Babe lawyer disagrees and they snap at each other a little more and Babe lawyer leaves. Babe lawyer mutters to herself outside about how Miranda pisses her off and is stopped by Bertha. She says “what can I do for you Senora de Aragon?” Bertha says “no no call me Bertha, can I call you Liliana?” Babe lawyer replies “what can I do for you Senora de Aragon?” Ha ha I love that. Bertha apologizes for Miranda and says she’s like that, she thinks anyone close to her husband is trying to steal him. Ha even me, like a mother to her, she thought I was in love with Alejandro! Ha ha they share a laugh over that. Bertha stokes the fire, says that Miranda said bad things about her mothering skills, etc etc. Babe lawyer appears irritated, Bertha’s work here is done. She invites her to meet her for coffee soon, Babe lawyer accepts. Bertha turns to go back to the house, Fern comes out from hiding and stops her. What the hell is going on outside this house, how many hiding places are there? Bertha stops the lawyer, Fern stops Bertha, next Juan will find Fern, then Santiago will be hanging around somewhere telling everyone “it will get better, just wait” and finally the ghost of Gonzalo will scare them all off. Jeez. Bertha asks what Fern is doing there, Fern reminds Bertha that it is her house and Bertha is supposed to leave. Bertha says nothing, this is where I should say she is impactada but she isn’t really, just kind of impatient.

Charo prays to her statue of the virgin. She doesn’t know what to do, Bertha could kill her, etc. She takes a bloody rag from her drawer and has a green flashback of El Guapo coming through and making her help him, creating the bloody rag. Then the part where Bertha comes in and tells her what to say. Back in the present, she puts the rag away again. She is sniffling and crying. There is a knock on the door, Nuria comes in, also sniffling and crying. She tells Charo that her baby is missing and then tells her what Bertha said about switching the babies. Do we know yet if Bertha actually did that, or just told Nuria that to make her all the way crazy, instead of just halfway like before?

Fern is confronting Bertha about what she told Rebeca. Bertha says forget it, they aren’t going to accuse her of anything. They argue a bit, then Fern says she’s coming back to her house to live, so Bertha has two days to leave. Bertha says “you’re kicking me out?” “No, I’m inviting you to leave.” Fern also says to stay away from the house and her daughters. Then she insults the dog and Bertha goes on about how great Lucas is. Man, the women in this show have pissing matches way more than the men do. The men just hit each other, the women have to go nose to nose and bitch at each other endlessly, in the end doing nothing. Bertha tells herself after Fern leaves that there is no way she’s leaving the house, she hasn’t done all this to be left with nothing.

Miranda and Pamela are raking Luciano over the coals for not telling them that Babe lawyer works for SLI and has an office there. Luciano swears that he just forgot to mention it. Miranda says “what is Vicente for then?” Luciano says for financial and fiscal issues, the other things they need Babe lawyer for. Pamela of course sides with Miranda. This is just like girls in college who suddenly have iron-clad evidence of philandering just because somebody’s lab partner is hot. The girls here are really letting their ugly sides show. Pamela gets so worked up that she leaves the room, poor Luciano covers his eyes and mumbles “por dios, por dios.” I want to make the point that with all other things being equal, but Babe lawyer not being such a babe, or being a man, zero issue would have been made of any of this. It’s all about these insecure women being jealous. But don’t tell THEM that! That would make it worse. How do you get out of this mess anyway? Let’s see what Luciano does. Miranda says, “who ordered you to not tell me about her? It wasn’t just you forgetting.” Luciano, of course, says it was Al. What else can he do? We are in for fight number 435 between Miranda and Al.

Renata is giving Flor gifts for the baby. Renata looks strange, Flor and Pamela get right to the point – did she get busy with Cesar in New York? Renata is saved by Fern coming in to see the baby. Fern asks what they were talking about and Flor tells her that they want to know if Renata was bumping uglies with Cesar in New York! Yes, let’s talk about this in front of MOM. Fern says, did you? Renata says it’s too personal. They all say she looks sad. They say Juan is broken up about the divorce, Renata says screw you guys and leaves. Fern tells them that she’s moving back and Bertha is leaving, Flor says great, let me go kick Nuria out now too, she walks out. Pamela and Fern look like, “what the hell was that?”

Miranda finally gets back to business, they discuss business stuff. They talk about the cacao harvest, Luciano says she’s going to have to choose between saving the hacienda and helping Al.

Al is playing handball in the prison yard. Sanson’s boys, that Al converted to himself, tell him that someone paid off the court or whoever to make him guilty at his hearing, that person is Cesar Beltran, of course. Al breathes heavily, which is like being impactado, but also out of breath.

Flor says she wants Nuria out, Miranda says come on, her husband abandoned her and her baby died. Give her a break. They talk about Bertha having Alfredo Luque’s papers, then about Nuria’s papers, then Flor says she’s still kicking her out. I didn’t really understand all of that. Flor says she has to ask Charo something and leaves.

Nuria is holding a pillow like a baby and crying, Charo says she should go see a doctor. Nuria says the pillow is her baby. She is completely nuts. Charo says she has to leave her room. Flor comes in and Charo tells her what’s going on. Flor tells Nuria she has to leave. She’ll give her a little money, but she has to go. Nuria doesn’t appear to hear any of it.

Flor finds Miranda and Fern. Flor says “Do you know who kidnapped Fab?” The others are impactada that she knows and hasn't said anything. She tells them it was Bertha and El Guapo. The others are even MORE impactada.

Francisco, Amparito, Carola, and Raul come back home after being gone for a month, they say. They feel bad for the people who died in the flood again. Eventually Raul mentions to Francisco that for a month, Amparito never mentioned Ramon. They agree that this is strange, maybe it isn’t really love.

Fern and Miranda want to call the cops, Flor says it’s too dangerous. They go over it all again. Miranda says Fab is the only one who can make the accusation. Flor acts as if she has heart problems again. Miranda has whatever happens to be the magic medicine right there on hand. They are all happy that Fern is moving back home, they sure forgot about Fab’s kidnapping in a hurry. Fern wants to protect Nuria, she tells the others that Bertha convinced Nuria that she (Bertha) is her (Nuria) mother.

Miranda tells Gabino what to do with all the cacao, Gabino says that it will be the best chocolate in the country. Miranda says she’ll be there in a couple days. Miranda hangs up and tells Fern and Flor that she has to rest up for Al's hearing tomorrow.

Renata and Bertha return from some fancy dinner out, Bertha raves about it. Bertha comments on Renata’s face, does she feel guilty about going away with Cesar? Bertha says it isn’t the first time she’s gone away with Cesar anyway, right? Renata says this was different, yes, they got busy this time. She feels guilty because she’s still married to Juan. Bertha says whatever, Juan has been screwing Carola anyway. Renata says no, Bertha insists that she saw evidence of that at the hacienda. Renata says she shouldn’t have done it, Bertha tells her to go screw whoever she wants and to keep doing it. She’s like a mother to her? This is how mothers talk? Bertha continues to tell her that she should just be a big slut. What a nutjob this woman is. Renata leaves, Bertha gets on the phone and calls Cesar. She tells him that she knows what happened in New York. They say they need to make more plans. See you tomorrow at the hearing.


Thursday, November 30, 2006

Heridas de Amor Thursday 11/30

Naty gives Miranda a cocolbosh potion and magically gets transferred to the cocoa fields. Naty says her children will inherit her fortune of the cocolbush . Santiago talks to Andrea while Pamela talks to Luciano. She tells him that if anything happens to Miranda they'll postpone the wedding but he tells her they're getting married as planned nothing will make him change their wedding date.

Gabino tells Fernanda when and how he found Naty when Cesar and Berta arrive and hear him talk about the gun that Naty has. Berta asks him for his parents and he tells her they're no longer in Mexico. She and Cesar are surprised to see Naty and Berta asks her why she didn't tell her who she was when she asked her and she answers that she didn't want to.

Cesar is rude to Fernanda as she tells the pair that they ruined Miranda's life because they have falsely accussed Alejandro of killing Gonzalo. In retaliation Berta tells her in her next court appearance she'll say that she knew Alejandro was coming to town to kill Gonzalo so she will be considered his accompliceand that she has Rebeca as a witness. Fernanda talks to Miranda and tells her to fight for her life when Renata arrives. She tells Renata that her sister has hung on and asks her about the ranch as she suggests she return with Juan. Renata refuses to do so saying they're from different social clases and that their relationship will never work.

Fernanda tells her she sounds like Berta but Renata reminds her of their agreement; not to talk bad about Berta and that her toughts are very much like Bertha's because she is the only mother she knew.

El Guapo is able to communicate with Berta after months saying Alejandro almost killed him. She orders him to take care of Naty when Cesar arrives. She tells him to keep seeing Nuria so she can control her. Alejandro talks to Liliana when Renata arrives. She meets Liliana and tells Alejandro how Miranda's doing. Renata tells Liliana that Alejandro is innocent and she says she knows or she wouldn't be there. She asks her if she's married and she only tells her that she has a daughter when Berta and Cesar arrive.

Cesar asks Liliana what is Alejandro doing there when Alejandro arrives and asks him the same. Alejandro confronts Cesar for paying to have him bullied in jail. Liliana threatens Cesar saying he can be charged for what Alejandro is accusing him of and he walks away not before he hits Alejandro. Liliana gets after Alejandro for letting Cesar get to him and tells him that this could be his last visit because surely the guard will report what just happened. Miranda begs God to let her live as Charo lies to Santiago about what she saw and heard and recalls Berta's threats.

Santiago realizes she knows everything but is scared. Alejandro reads a passage of the bible to Miranda. He tells her how much he's always admired her for what she is. He tells her she could have fallen in love with any man but chose him and gave her essence and innocence to him and became a woman in his arms. She awakens and tells him because of him she can confront death and that death wanted to rob her life. He says that when someone takes something from Miranda San Llorente. 'I take it back she says. They kiss and Liliana sees them.

Cesar tells Renata he regret not accepting her offer to live with him and invites her to New York. She accepts and they kiss. Unknown to them both Juan and Carola see them.Alejandro tells Liliana that Miranda is going to be fine as she tells her that her testimony is very important. She tells Alejandro it's time to leave as Miranda tells her if they can have a few minutes alone. Berta coaches Rebeca as she says she hopes Miranda divorces Alejandro and marry Cesar. Fernanda overhears Rebeca say they have to accuse her of being an aacomplice of Alejandro, she wals up to them and tells the to go to hell. Miranda tells Alejandro he has to go now as he kisses her Liliana walks away.

Carola stops Juan from confronting Cesar and Renata as they make their plans. A month late Renata returns and is greeted by Charo and then Miranda. She's confused as she tells her Cesar took her to New York and of her attitude. Liliana tells Alejandro that his hearing is the next day and assures him he'll be set free under special terms but the next step would be the Supreme Court. He asks her if it means he'll be set free to put together his life back together. When she tells him yes he hugs her thanking her for everything. He tells her he wants to meet her daughter but she says when his trial is over they'll never see each other again. Juan tells Luciano that Renata could sleep with who she wants to but won't give her a divorce. Luciano tells him to look for her but he says no.

Florencia tells Nuria that she no longer has to nurse her baby. She leaves and says that's her baby and not Florencia's when Berta arrives and tells her that the baby is indeed hers.


Heridas de Amor - November 29

The Power of Cocolbosh
We start with a short recap of Tuesday. We see Santiago tell Al that he will go see Charo and see what she has to say about the night Gonzalo died. Fab and Flor discuss how life will be different when Fab gets the money and Cesar shows his true self to Nuria.

Al is seen folding laundry in jail. A guard walks up and piles on more towels for him to fold. Al's tormentors come into the laundry room. They are friendly despite their beating from him the other day. Al asks who ordered them to attack him. They tell him that Sanson ordered it. Al is incredulous that a thug he doesn’t know ordered his mistreatment. He asks them if Sanson is the head of all this (their group and his mistreatment). They tell Al that a Cesar Beltran or Cesar Bernal is the one who gives orders. They then show Al a shank (jail made knife) that Cesar wanted them to use on Al, but because of what Al promised to do for them when they leave jail (get them good jobs) Al saved himself from the shank. They leave Al to his thoughts and the laundry.

Nuria runs after Cesar grabbing onto his shirt tails crying Don’t leave me! Cesar tries to shake Nuria off telling her repeatedly he wants a divorce. It’s not a pretty scene. Bertha walks up and begins to plead for better treatment of Nuria. She tells Cesar that Nuria has just suffered a big loss and she is now the wet nurse for Flor. Cesar tells Bertha not to get involved. He wants his freedom. Nuria runs off leaving Bertha to stand up for her. Cesar says he is going to see Miranda. Bertha laughs at him telling him that he is a little too late. Miranda is in Mexico with pneumonia. Bertha continues saying that she needs Nuria close to her. Cesar and no one else will interrupt her plans.

Gabino tells Renata that he is sure it was the river that got Miranda sick. She doesn’t know what he is talking about so he gives her a run down on how Miranda got to the hacienda (through the rain and river), how she helped the storm refugees, and how Miranda worries about Florencia and Renata. He tells her that Miranda gave him a car to sell to get money to help everyone.

Fabricio and Flor continue their talk by one of the large willow trees (or Cypress). Flor wants to name the kid after Gonzalo. Fab has a green flashback to Gonzalo telling him that he cares not a damn for Fab. We then see another scene of Gonzalo threatening Fab telling Fab that when Flor dies he will have it in for Fab. Fab returns from his flashbacks and tells Flor that they should look for another name for the baby. Flor agrees. Fab then tells Flor that he wants to confess something important. He tells her he has been a coward, that he was afraid and how he feels terror now that the baby has been born. She looks at him quizzically. He continues saying that it was Bertha and the man who shot Gonzalo who had him hidden.

Naty gets scolded by Gabino and Arcadia for leaving the property. Arcadia then asks Naty if everything that has happened (Miranda in hospital and the storm) is what she has been talking about with death and destruction? The things that would happen with the arrival Bertha? Naty tells them that not all death is death and not all life is life. This confuses Gabino and Arcadia and they ask her what she is talking about. Naty goes on saying that she the birds have left and the current has taken all the houses and animals with it. There are two malignant people among us who want to take the happiness away from us. The two form a horrible being with a snakes tongue and eyes of a jade. Arcadia recognizes these descriptions to be Bertha and Cesar, who, she says has eyes like Naty described. Naty agrees that it is them.

After Bertha’s and Cesar’s disagreement they walk amicably together discussing how they need to go see the storm refugees. Flash to Renata giving orders to Gabino in the triage area. Gabino takes off just as Carola walks up telling Renata that it’s easy to give orders but Renata should be helping the sick. Renata spits out some venom but is interrupted by the arrival of Cesar who grabs her around her waist from behind. Renata turns to hug him and then turns back around wrapping Cesar’s arms tighter around her waist. Cesar tells Renata that she was born to give orders. Now go do what she said he says to Carola. Bertha tells Cesar to not talk to Carola like that she is a volunteer, then she tells Carola to scram. Carola does and just as she leaves Juan comes rushing up telling Cesar to let go of his wife. The men have words ending with Juan socking Cesar in the stomach. Cesar socks Juan in the face sending him into the juice stand. Raul and Francisco come from no where to pull the men apart (because Cesar was going after Juan who was face first in the juice stand). Francisco tells Cesar to not talk to his son like that. Cesar yells at Juan that he will pay for this as he slithers off with Bertha.

Luciano and Pamela wait on news of Miranda in the hospital. Pam freaks out to the doctor telling him she is Miranda’s sister and that she needs to hear Miranda's diagnosis. The doctor hesitates at first then tells Pam that Miranda is not doing well. Fern walks up and the doctor tells her that her daughter is dying.

Lilliana gets Al out of jail with special permission because his wife is dying. Needless to say Al is quite worried. They arrive at the hospital and see Pam and Luciano waiting in the hall. Luciano tells AL to be strong while Al tells him he can’t live without Miranda. Lilliana overhears this and says you can’t mean that. Pamela takes offense to Lilliana and starts to prothelize that AL has a big love for Miranda. Lillian doesn’t stand for Pam’s attitude and calls her on it telling Pam to not involve herself with things that don’t concern her.

Santiago prays or is giving last rites to Miranda who is passed out in bed. Miranda wakes to ask him if she is dying. He says yes and tells her to confess her sins.

Back in the hallway Al tells Lilliana that he loves Miranda more than his own life. Lillian starts in on how she has never heard a man talk of his feelings like this. Men, to her, have always tried to be in control of everything, blah blah blah. Al listens and tells her that he hasn’t always been like this. We get to see a flashback to Al talking to Miranda at Florencia's engagement party where they discuss how tears are the only way to cure the wounds of love. He knew so little of love then.

Fernanda walks up to AL and tells him that Miranda doesn’t have much time left to live. Pamela gives Lilly a death stare. Gabino walks up with Naty. Gabino tells Fern that Naty needs to see Miranda while Naty stares happily at Lilly.

AL kisses Miranda’s hand. He blabs on about his love and how he will never leave her. He blames himself for what has happened. He tells her their love is strong and for her not to leave him.

Naty walks around the hospital hallways with Lilliana. Lilly asks how Naty knows things about her. Naty talks gibberish saying she knows that Lilly is good, that she loves her daughter and has had to work hard. Fernanda comes up saying where have you been Naty!? Why are you here!? Naty replies she has been at the hacienda, she needs to see the patrona. Fern at first tells Naty she doesn’t think Naty can see Miranda. Fern relents after Naty threatens her with if Fern doesn’t let her see Miranda then Miranda’s death will be on Ferns head like a bad curse.

Pamela calls Renata and tells her to quickly get her bottom to the hospital; Miranda doesn’t have much time left to live. Andrea walks up to Pam and the two ladies hug with Pam reciting how strong Miranda is and how she can’t die.

Al tells Miranda to take his health and energy. He prays to God to save her. He kisses Miranda on her mouth even though she has oxygen tubes coming out of her nose. He has a green flashback to their wedding and to them taking their vows. Fern walks in with Naty.

Luciano and Pam are in the hallway fighting over Lilly. Pam, the consummate guard dog, doesn’t like or trust Lilly. Luciano teases her about being jealous. Pam doesn’t want Lilly near him. Speak of the devil and Lilliana walks up to ask Luciano a question. Pam interrupts her by being rude. Lilly doesn’t skip a beat. She tells Pam did she miss something? She doesn’t understand Pam’s attitude because she can’t find a logical explication for Pam’s behavior. She then tells Pam that if she is insecure she needs to get a therapist. Pam walks off.

Luciano apologizes for Pam and Lilly tells him that she is used to this kind of behavior. She asks Luciano if he knew she had a daughter. Luc doesn’t know what she is talking about. Lilly looks like she is surprised (wondering how Naty knew) and then tells Luc to tell Al they have to go.

Al tells Fern to save Miranda! Luciano comes in and tells Al he has to go. Al resists and then relents. He leaves saying Save her!

Naty is alone in the hospital room with Miranda. She lifts a giant gourd up over Miranda and takes the gourd to Miranda’s lips. Miranda drinks from the jug and we flash to some sort of dream. Miranda is seen near a waterfall dressed in traditional peasant clothes as women walk around with cacao baskets. Miranda is then seen lying down as the women rub cacao paste on her face, body and dress. They spread cacao seeds all over her. Finally Naty speaks telling Miranda that she is the heir to the cocolbosh. She will see her kids inherit the cocolbosh.


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Heridas, November 28 - In which beautiful women glare and Cesar confirms his reservation in hell

It is the morning after the storm. Berta insults Hercules/Ulises/Sanson and pours herself a drink. She tells Cesar his son died.

It is the baby's funeral. Nuria cries and holds a tiny white casket while Miranda, Pamela and Luciano comfort her.

Later that night creepy xylophone music plays as Nuria stumbles down the corridor holding a baby and telling it how proud papa will be. We hear a cough. It is Miranda; she asks Nuria what she's doing with Florencia's baby. She folds back the blankie to reveal a pillow, not a baby.

The babe lawyer Liliana tells Alejandro that she has documents that Miranda needs to sign. They are interrupted by a telephone call, it's for Liliana and apparently it's her daughter. We find out that she is an unmarried mother. (Hey...did she and Alejandro know each other before she began representing him?) Anyway, she has to go to Tabasco to get Miranda's signature. The guys who are harassing Al, Chaquiras and Romeo, make catcalls at him after Liliana leaves.

Arcadia is feeding the damnificados (victims) when Miranda arrives. Miranda looks exactly like one of those creepy big-eyed Keane waifs from the 60's, remember those paintings? She is coughing and Arcadia scolds her for showing up so early. Miranda coughs on each child's plate as they pass by. Sure hope it's not catching.

Amparo, Francisco, Raul and Carola show up to help. Carola's hair is darker and she's trying to not look like such a whore except that her pants are spray-painted on. Carola tells Miranda she has food and milk donated from the supermarket. Juan gives her a jar full of donated money. Miranda coughs on them.

Gabino arrives and tells Miranda that the neighbors want to meet with her. Amparo asks Francisco is it her imagination or does Miranda look pale with big gigantic circles under her eyes?

Outside in the garden we hear a cough. It is Miranda and Luciano joins her. (In the garden, not with the coughing.) She tells him she's sure El Guapo was in the house and that she shot him. She knows because Arcadia and Gabino gave her a handkerchief with blood on it and she's going to have it analyzed, then she'll know the identity of El Guapo. I'm not exactly sure how that would work but OK. She tells Luciano not to tell anyone, including Alejandro. Cough, cough.

Cesar, looking very perky considering he was shot and his son just died, tells Berta he's been thinking all night. His son was born as strong as an oak (like he knows) so he must have died because he inherited some defect from Bertha or Nuria. Bertha breaks the news that hah hah Nuria is not her daughter. Cesar is impactada because he has the birth certificate. Berta says the cert means nothing because she can't have children, so there. She asks him exactly why did he marry Nuria, what did he hope to accomplish? Cesar says "No, why don't you tell me where you got Nuria? If she's not yours then you stole her, and from whom?" He gloats at this new discovery.

Naty is still creeping around Cesar's hacienda and trying to eavesdrop on Berta and Cesar. She's got the cocolbosh going strong and mutters "Eyes of Jade and Serpent's Mouth, they're going to fight. I'd better go." "No granny, you'd better stay" says Sanson, catching her spying. He escorts her into the house.

Miranda's neighbors are surprisingly young and trendy looking. Where are all the farmers? They have arrived to tell her they plan to sell their farms to some North American commercial enterprise. Miranda says the cacao is a gift from Mexico, it is their spirit. If they think she's going to join them and sell her land to be commercialized they're crazy. Liliana arrives and introduces herself. I think Miranda is peeved that Liliana interrupted her speech because they glare at each other.

Miranda tells Liliana that she'll have to wait, then she gets back on her soapbox. The land belonged to their grandparents and great-grandparents, they worked hard to turn it into a cacao zone. One of the neighbors wants to sell because she hates the mosquitoes. She's got a pretty good point if you ask me. The rest of them all want to do other things with their lives, not grow cacao.

Juan is busy in the hacienda's triage center. Of course Carola, subtle as a train wreck, is right there helping him. Gabino arrives and tells Juan he's worried about Miranda, she keeps coughing. Juan is concerned that she might be developing pneumonia from being out in the storm.

Berta and Cesar question Naty. Berta is sure she's seen Naty somewhere but she can't remember where. Naty starts her crazy routine and Cesar orders her to leave or he'll throw her in jail. Good work Naty.

Sanson arrives and says his contacts in jail report that Al's lawyer has found contradictions in Berta's, Cesar's and the Charo's testimonies. Cesar blames Charo but Berta think the contradictions are between their own testimonies and not Charo's. Cesar says they need a lawyer.

Liliana tells Miranda that she was impressed by her speech. Now she has some papers for her to sign. Miranda is grumpy. Liliana tells Miranda that she's trying to prepare for Alejandro's next hearing because it's not going to be easy. When Miranda says she knows, Liliana tells her no, she doesn't have the least idea of what she's going to have to face in this case. They glare at each other.

Miranda asks Liliana, "Excuse me, are you telling me, or telling me off?" Liliana says she is just very direct because she knows no other way. Miranda tells Liliana that next time they need to meet that Liliana must call in advance for an appointment. Lil says no problem, she'll have her secretary summon Miranda to her office. Of course it was impossible this time due to the storm. They glare. Again.

Alejandro is washing dishes when Chaquiras and Romeo arrive. They pay off the guard and swagger in to harass Al. Before they can say a word Al punches them out and tells them to leave him in peace. He wants to know who is paying them. He says he'll be a better boss and will pay them more to leave him alone and he can help get them out of jail. They don't believe him so he beats them up. His hair remains perfectly coiffed throughout. He leaves them bleeding over some trays which, since I used to work in a kitchen, completely grossed me out and made me want to call for a safety and sanitation inspection immediately.

Cesar is sure that Al's lawyer will find something to turn the case against them. Berta tells Ulises to return to Mexico city, follow her and know what she does. "Um, my name is Sanson and I only take orders from my boss," Sanson answers, tired of being called Hercules and Ulises. Cesar mocks Berta, sarcastically giving the same orders to Sanson who laughs. Berta says she is nobody's joke and that's the last time he'll play with her, imbecile.

Nuria is huddled in an alcove crying over Flor's baby. She asks how will she tell the father that she killed their son? Then she tells the baby that she's its real mother. Flor runs in, grabs the baby and orders Nuria to never remove the baby from her room ever again. Nuria said it was crying and Flor says she's lying. They glare.

Carola tells Amparo she never imagined that Renata had so much money; she should be helping her sisters instead of being withVeronica. She adds that Renata is probably in some big mall right now buying who knows what. "How wrong you are, Carola," snaps Renata, surprising them with her entrance. They glare at each other. They trade insults...Renata says she can kick Carola out, Carola says she is there because Juan invited her, Renata tells Carola not to forget that Juan is HER husband, Carola asks isn't Renata going to divorce Juan, Renata says it's none of Carola's business and stomps off.

Santiago visits Al with the good news that Miranda is fine and Flor had the baby. Santiago tells him to have faith but Al says God is punishing him and everyone that he loves. In a little more than a year his father died, Lasagna died, Daira is far away, he's in jail and every day his investments are looking worse. He believes Berta is behind all of this. Oh duh. He tells Santiago to talk with Charo who lied in her testimony. She could be Berta's accomplice.

Nuria yanks the screaming baby out of Flor's arms. Fab arrives and Flor cries that Nuria stole their child. Nuria swears it's hers. Flor tells Nuria over and over that her baby is dead, dead, dead.

Back to the alpha bitches...Miranda tells Liliana that she doesn't like the way she's handling her husband's case. Lil says take it up with him, but if Miranda doesn't say exactly what Lil instructs her to say her testimony will be useless, think on that one. They glare. I keep waiting for them to get on all fours, snarl, and sniff each other's rears.

Lil leaves, Juan arrives, and Miranda faints.

The EMTs are loading Miranda into the ambulance; Pamela and Luciano go with her. Renata blames Juan for Miranda's illness, he should have noticed she was sick. Then she cries, saying she doesn't want anything bad to happen. Juan says Miranda is young and strong. In the meantime Renata needs to continue the work Miranda started, organizing aid for the damnificados. He brings her up to speed on Flor's condition and the death of Nuria's infant. He tells Renata she is now in charge of the hacienda.

Safely away from Nuria, Flor tells Fab that Nuria took the baby thinking it was hers. She wants Fab to stay around but he has to go away for a little while to get the results of the competition (or contract?). If he wins whatever it is then they will have lots of money which will assure their great future. Berta shows up and wants to hold the baby. She tries to take it away to put it down for a nap but Flor grabs it back and tells Berta to butt out, Fabricio is only home for a day and they want to be ALONE. After she leaves, Flor tells Fab that she loathes Berta and they should try to find a way to stop her control over Renata. Fab is surprised to hear that Renata and Juan are separated.

Juan tells Amparo and Francisco that Miranda could die. Amparo says no fair, just when Flor has the baby. They talk about what a witch Berta is. Juan says even worse, she seems to have complete control over Renata. I wonder, was that not a concern to him when he told Renata she is now in charge of the hacienda?

Nuria is crying under a tree. Cesar walks up. She runs to him and they embrace. He calls her "mi amor" and tells her he just found out his son was born, "Where is he my love? I want to see him, hold him in my arms, touch his little hands, see his little face." She sobs and tells him his son is dead. Cesar tells her she is useless, good for nothing if she's not a mother. Nuria says it wasn't her fault, the baby died of SIDS. Cesar says Nuria should be dead instead of the baby. When they return to Mexico City he intends to file for divorce. "I don't want to return and see you in my life, imbecile."


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 11/27/06

It is difficult to see exactly what is happening because we see the action through gushing rainwater running over a windowpane. It looks as if Miranda is being attacked by a man in a blue suit (Cesar, presumably), but she gets off a shot and the man runs away. She yells after him, “I’ll burn the hacienda down before I sell it to you, Guapo!” Bertha comes running in and Miranda says it was El Guapo trying to attack her. Bertha swears it could not have been because the place is a safe as a fortress. Miranda sneers back, “That’s what you said the night my father was murdered.” Bertha tells her that was different because it was from the inside while people were allowed free access in and out. Bertha swears that it was not Guapo. “It was Alejandro who shot your father,” and she swears it even on the life of her newborn nephew. Miranda tells her not to strain herself because she will never convince her that it was Alejandro. She then suggests Bertha go see about Nuria’s needs with the new baby but Bertha says she’s too tired and needs to go to bed and leaves.

Miranda decides to lock herself in with Florencia and the baby during the night and goes up to the room. As Berta leaves, the camera pans to the floor and we see blood there. Miranda did hit somebody with that shot. (We are still uncertain whom.) While in the bedroom, Miranda prays for an army of angels to protect the child. (Time for “Carmina Burana” playing in the background 'cause I am thinking of old reruns of The Omen here, considering Berta seems to be the spawn of the Devil himself.)

Juan’s family discusses the flood victims who are being discussed and reported about on the television news. They determine they will collect old clothing, sheets, towels, and the like to assist the needy. They may even join a group of volunteers from the parrish who’re going on a truck to the area to help.

Florencia apparently does not have any breastmilk for the baby. Pamela (miraculously recovered from her delirium just 12 hours earlier), Luciano and Juan then arrive together. Luiciano explains how the night before Alejandro was lent a cell phone by one of the guards, and then called Luciano and Vicente with orders to spare no expense in getting a helicopter there to try to help rescue the two of them. They drove part way and one of the area officials got them one eventually. He assures her that his friend would die were anything to happen to Miranda, he loves her so much. Right then Nuria comes screaming that her baby is dead.

Juan checks the baby out and figures that it died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. He’ll sign the death certificate accordingly and they can then bury the baby.

Back on the covered patio Arcadia and Gabino are hugging each other out of relief. They look down and see blood drops so Gabino wipes it up with his handkerchief and finds a spent bullet there too. He wraps that in the bloody handkerchief and tells his wife to put it all into a clean bag. (So does Gabino get CSI on his satellite down there? Where else would he get that technique from?)

Then Gabino goes to inform Miranda that huge numbers of survivors of the storm are coming there to the hacienda looking for food and shelter. Berta of course, wants no part of it, but Miranda tells Gabino to have them wait near the storehouses. She is beginning to cough and says to herself that she thinks she has a fever.

Miranda is angry at Berta for not going to see to Nuria last night like she’d asked and going off to bed instead. Juan tells Nuria and her and the others that there is nobody to blame and that nothing could have been done to save it. He tells Nuria then to try to calm herself and realize that even though the baby is gone, life goes on and she must be strong and get over this tragedy, hard as it seems.

Pamela and Luciano take a walk together as she tells him how dangerous and crazy the storm made things. She thought the walls would come tumbling down on them from all the wind. He confesses that it took an event like last night’s to make him realize he couldn’t live without her. He loved her too much. He asks her if she ever thinks about him, and she answers she thinks of him night and day and nothing else. She loves him greatly.

Juan checks out Florencia and comes to tell Miranda her sister is fine, but simply cannot nurse. Bertha comes in and while Juan is there with Miranda suggests that Nuria be Florencia’s wetnurse. Juan agrees that this is the best thing for now since all the roads to town are blocked so there wouldn’t be a way to easily obtain baby formula. Miranda says fine, but to be careful how she approaches this subject and Berta goes up to convince her.

Fernanda visits Father Santiago to tell him she’s heard they all survived the storm, the two girls had their babies, but Nuria’s died from Crib Death. Andrea arrives and Fernanda tells her the news also, and particularly that Pamela is fine.

At first Nuria refuses to be Florencia’s wetnurse because it would be too emotionally hard for her. So, Berta makes her believe that her baby is actually still alive and tells her to trust her about that. (Nuria never trusts in her own common sense. I think those particular neurons in her brain never got connected.). This apparently gives Nuria the psychological push she needs and when Miranda comes a bit after to ask Nuria if it would be all right with her being Florencia’s wetnurse, Nuria agrees.

Miranda continues to cough and appear feverish and much less steady on her feet. (This doesn't stop her from carrying the baby around or coughing in its face, or possibly dropping it though.....) Juan asks to examine her again but she refuses. She says she has so much to do just taking care of the storm victims.

Alejandro meets with his lady lawyer, lovely Liliana López Reyna. She shows him the newspaper articles about the storms in Tobasco around the area of the plantations. Alejandro tells Liliana how Miranda had put all her eggs in this single basket and how the entire family’s future was dependent on this harvest. Now everybody’s harvest and future were ruined. Alejandro blames himself for having destroyed Miranda's life. Liliana says that life is like this and one simply starts over.

At The Manglars out on the patio, Sanson cleans up Cesar’s gunshot wounds. Nati is peeking out from the shadows somewhere near the patio, listening. Sanson assures Cesar that concerning his two jailbird buddies he has done everything Cesar has asked him to, and that Alejandro hasn’t slept a wink since arriving at the prison for fear of being attacked. She hears Cesar tell him to have his two gang-banger buddies there in the prison with Alejandro, that there will be a change of strategy towards him. Psychological tactics aren’t working so he says he now wants “action, action, action!!”

Liliana reiterates that the judge hasn’t made his decision yet and she has asked him to review her petition to reconsider all the facts because there are inconsistencies between Berta and the maid’s statements. Also, the glass shards from the window broke towards the living room area and not out towards the garden from the inside, which suggest a shot from out there and not at close range inside the house. Alejandro wonders why Charo would lie like that. They consider the possibility of her either being an accomplice or being threatened by one or the other or both of them. She explains again that if the judge allows a review then they have a chance, otherwise he will be sentenced. Alejandro asks her what kind of time he’s looking at if he’s senteced for “premeditated murder”? She just stares at him.

Florencia brings the baby to Nuria to nurse. Berta takes him, hands him over to Nuria, and calls him Fabricio. “That is what you’re calling him, right?” Florencia asks for the baby back and angrily tells Berta her baby will be called Gonzalo after her father. Bertha gets a bit upset at this. They go off to the kitchen where Florencia angrily tells her aunt to remember she only accepted her being there on the condition that she would not try to continually try manipulate her or to boss her around. Of course Berta denies she’s been acting at all like it. Miranda comes back with the baby and Berta leaves. Florencia complains afterward to her sister about Bertha. She says she simply cannot stand the woman there, especially as she’s the reason Alejandro is in jail. She keeps quiet around Renata who cannot see through her aunt, but Florencia really has the urge more often than not to take off and slap her silly till she confesses the truth. Miranda assures her that sooner or later Cesar and Berta will be caught in their lies. “A lie cannot be sustained forever.” She hopes that this is what will happen with the two of them.

No one is supposed to know that Cesar is there in Tobasco. Sanson says his mouth is like a tomb. Sanson then says to Cesar that he wants a roll in the hay with Renata and would love to see Juan’s mug when he finds out that Sanson has raped her. Cesar refuses because they have other things planned for her. “However,” Cesar adds, he is returning to New York and she should be dying to shop about now. He plans to invite her along. Cesar says smugly that he will think about Sanson’s request and well fine, but only after Cesar has had her first. Berta drops by then and gives Cesar her sympathies. He asks if his mother has died or something. She says, “No, your son has died.” He looks a bit......... bewildered.


Monday, November 27, 2006

Heridas Friday Nov 24

The truck with Miranda and Gabino slides into the river.

Pamela continues to ramble in her fever. She is telling Arcadia to help Miranda, we then see Miranda in the river swimming for shore. I see Pamela is in her official hacienda working woman outfit. Now we see Gabino swimming for shore, they both got out of the truck.

Nuria is begging Bertha to go help someone, Miranda? Bertha says she can’t do anything and yells at Nuria to leave, which she does. Bertha thinks that she’ll be blamed if Miranda dies. I hope I’m interpreting this right. She rubs her forehead a lot and stresses as the storm rages outside. I think this must be the same weather as ‘that night.’ Suddenly she has a realization – Florencia’s baby will be the first grandchild of Alfredo Luque and will inherit the fortune! She always assumed that it would be Alejandro’s child that would inherit everything. I can’t figure out if this pleases her or upsets her. She just looks bugeyed and dramatic.

Miranda reaches shore and then turns around and goes back in to help Gabino. They appear to reach shore, but I’m not sure yet. We’ll find out soon enough.

Nuria is giving Flor something to drink while they listen to the weather on the radio, which is getting great reception for how bad the weather is. Flor can’t take it any more and tells Nuria to turn it off. Flor complains of more frequent contractions. They have a regular old pregger pity party. Chat chat chat, then Flor lets out a contraction induced scream.

Miranda is running up the shore with Gabino behind her, we hear Flor’s screaming over the storm. Is she that close, or is it some mental connection?

Juan opens Fern’s door and says ‘Madrina…’ but it’s Renata sitting there instead. They stare at each other while romantic music plays. They make small talk. She tells him that she’s going to start the divorce proceedings, he cries and nods, but then pulls her aside. He asks her if she’s sure, he said that he told Gonzalo that nothing would keep them apart and he meant it, they start kissing.

Lots of dramatic shots of people running in the rain, pregnant women in agony, etc. Very dramatic. Miranda appears to be letting out jungle screams as she runs.

Juan continues his little speech. They swear their love to each other but Renata says she can’t go back to his house. He says fine, but now he can rent them their own place. In the ‘hood still but their own place. He tells her about his clinic while she remembers her Smeagol/Gollum conversation in the mirror that I wrote about last week. Juan is still talking and she tells him to stop and hugs him. Is she agreeing or saying goodbye or what?

Santiago gives his same “it will all be fine” advice to Fern. They discuss what everyone is up to. They also discuss how she feels about Gonz dying, she is conflicted, she has good and bad memories. Santiago tells her that Al is a mess in jail, he’s falling apart.

Pamela is still a mess, she is in a tub and getting cold water dumpedon her. If only she were just wearing a t-shirt. She is telling Arcadia that if she doesn’t go help Miranda and something happens, it’s on her head. Arcadia isn’t believing any of it. She explains to Pamela that it might take weeks to get out after the rain stops, to let the river get back to it’s normal level. Arcadia wraps her up in a towel as she gets out of the pool. Don’t you think she needs to get out of those wet clothes? Really, she does. Trust me. Anyway, she starts to worry about Luciano and that he’ll just find her remains, not her. The storm rages on.

Fern tells Julio that he’s fine after listening to his heart. Rebeca is there too, that bitch, she goes on a long rant to Fern about how she’s worried about nothing in regards to her daughters, they have been at that hacienda for years with bad weather and always been fine, jeez Fern don’t worry, gosh you worry wart, jeez. She is very dismissive of Fern’s concern. Julio and Fern both tell her to knock it off. What’s your deal anyway, Fern asks, you used to be just rude but now you’re just cruel! Julio makes a comment that her friendship with Bertha might not be working out. Fern says that explains everything, Julio insults Rebeca again for good measure, then says he’s leaving before listening to Rebeca gives him another heart attack. Good one Julio. After he leaves Rebeca says to Fern that whenever Julio sees Fern, Julio and Rebeca start having problems. Yeah I’m sure that’s it. Rebeca tells Fern that Julio is hers, and only hers. Fern looks at her like she’s crazy, which in fact she is. Fen opens the door and kicks Rebeca out.

Vicente and Luciano are eating at a nice place, Vicente tells Luciano that SLI is losing clients. Luciano gets a phone call, it’s Al hiding in a closet or something. He says that a custodian let him borrow his cell phone, he wants to know about Miranda and the hacienda. Al tells Luciano to get a helicopter, price is no object, and look for Miranda and Flor. Luciano swears to follow the order. Vicente thinks they won’t find anyone willing to go into the storm, but they head off to the airport anyway.

The storm rages on and branches fall as Miranda reaches the house. After dramatically running halfway around the house it seems, she finally ducks behind a pillar to wait for Gabino. Showing them moving in slow motion had me waiting for something to fall on them and kill them or something like that.

Bertha talks about her realization about Flor’s baby again. Really, the exact same thing as before. In case we forgot in the last 20 minutes. Nuria comes in and says Flor is about to give birth, Bertha gives her instructions on what to do. Nuria says she can’t go down the stairs in her condition, Bertha says she is less fit herself to go! Nuria says she thinks she is starting to have her own convulsions, she really shouldn’t go down the stairs, Bertha tells her to get hot water for both Flor and her too then. Go go! Nuria looks at her in shock. Bertha says “what are you waiting for?” and Nuria finally goes.

Flor screams some more, Miranda appears. Flor says the baby is coming. Miranda gets in the receiving position and tells her to breath, all that stereotypical birthing on TV stuff. Push, breath, push breath. The whole thing is over in less than a minute, I have had more trouble taking a dump than she had delivering that baby. We hear the baby crying as the show goes to commercial.

Francisco, Amparito, Raul, and Carola discuss the storm and have coffee. The topic of Renata comes up and Carola is her usual bitchy self about it while Amparito defends her. Then they discuss how they don’t have it so bad compared to people who lose everything in a storm like this. They discuss the people out at the hacienda. Discuss discuss discuss.

Fab calls Renata from New York. He makes sure to let everyone know he isn’t American by having his shirt half unbuttoned with his waxed chest showing. I haven’t really ever seen American men doing that. He’s stuck and can’t get a flight due to the weather. Renata tells him that they are trying to get a helicopter to the hacienda, as well as all the other news, Fab is freaking out about the whole thing. He is worried about Bertha being there, Renata asks him about that, why after his kidnapping he defended her so much. He says never mind that, she is horrible and could do something with Flor or his baby. She says she’ll call him with any news. She hangs up and comments on how strange he was acting on the phone.

Flor holds the baby and cries with Miranda, whose clothes have miraculously dried while leaving her hair still sensually wet. Miranda says most of the cacao went to market, Flor says good because the plantation areas were hit the hardest. They swoon over the baby.

Cesar is talking to Bertha. Where did he come from? Bertha tells him congrats, he’s a father, he says he only cares about his baby with Miranda. In his dreams. Bertha says that it looks like Miranda will die in the storm, Cesar tells her that Miranda already came back alive and delivered Flor’s baby. What the hell? How did he find this all out? Where did he come from? Is he some phantom or something to find all this out and nobody saw him? Bertha tells him that Miranda must be exhausted, so it should be easy to knock her up. He says that he doesn’t expect that Miranda will want to be with him right now. Bertha says don’t ask permission, the important thing is to get her pregnant, it doesn’t matter by who. Bertha says that he should wait in her room and knock her out with chloroform, but Cesar says he never had to resort to that sort of thing. Finally he agrees to do something. Bertha says he should see his son, see ya, bye.

Bertha barges into Flor’s room “honey I’m here everything is ok now I’m here.” Miranda of the permanently wet hair looks at her in amazement, like ‘you have got to be kidding me.’ Miranda reproaches her for not being around to help Flor like she was supposed to be, Bertha makes excuses that nobody believes but her, then tells how Nuria’s baby was born too. A big handsome boy. Whoa I just notices – Flor is sitting up, on top of the covers, WEARING TIGHT PANTS. Didn’t she just give birth like five minutes ago? Miranda’s hair is still wet! She just gave birth, she is holding her baby for the first time still, when the hell did she put on a pair of pants that wouldn’t have fit for the last six months? She lets Bertha hold the baby, who is remarkably clean for having just being born. Miranda says she’s going to see Nuria and Bertha better not leave for anything. Nuria is all alone in her room, Miranda chats with her, they share news about Flor’s birth. As Miranda is pouring a glass of water, a shadow passes outside the doorway and dramatic music plays. Miranda calls for Gabino. Nuria is sure that it wasn’t Gabino, so Miranda searches for the gun she left in the room and leaves, comes back for a candle, then leaves again. She walks around with the gun pointed out straight in front of her but someone manages to sneak up on her and grab her anyway. We are watching the whole thing through a rainsoaked window so that we can’t see who it is. Miranda breaks free and shoots the attacker, who falls, or runs away, I couldn’t tell which. She yells “you killed my father, right? Get out of here or I’ll kill you.” Etc etc. Bertha’s voice comes in telling Miranda to stop. She tells Miranda that nobody could be here, it’s the safest place in the world. Miranda says she thought her house was too, but somebody came in and shot Gonz. Bertha says it was Al, Miranda says no. Bertha claims that she saw him do it. Miranda tells her to shut up and help her look for the guy she just shot at. Bertha says it was her imagination and won’t help. Miranda tells her to stay with Nuria, Bertha starts to whine about being tired, she had to take care of everyone, it was all her responsibility, whine whine whine. After she finishes whining, she looks down and sees blood on the floor.

EDIT: I forgot to say that after the preview for Monday's show, it said "Ultimas Semanas." Do they start doing that six weeks out? Or, perhaps, they have edited some stuff down to end sooner? This episode really moved along quickly, perhaps somebody realized how much yakking about the same thing over and over occurs.


Friday, November 24, 2006

Heridas de Amor Thursday

Sorry is a short recap but I have company and was not able to spend more time writting it

Time Passes. Miranda tells her family that her father would be so happy with the baby's arrival. Renata tells them they should call Berta but Miranda tells her not to. The San Llorente women are thrilled to see the baby on the monitor. Later, they defend Berta to Miranda who blames her and Cesar for her and Alejandro's disgrace. Fernanda tells her she's changed but has her doubts she has changed completely. Fernanda tells Florencia it's too risky for her to go to the ranch but she tells her that she hasn't seen Fabricio in 5 months and he arrives the followind day. She reluctantly agrees but tells Florencia she has to return right away. Fernanda asks Miranda how she feels as she says that despite the passage of time things remain the same. A rainstorm begins in Tabasco as Cesar orders Nuria to return to Mexico City. Berta arrives and grabs the phone saying their plan is ready against Miranda. Vicente and Luciano visit Alejandro in prison who is desperate to get out and says if it wasn't for his lawyer Liliana Lopez-Reyna (Susana Gonzalez) he would have been sentenced to life when a guard tells him he has a call. He asks Miranda how she is and she cries asking him why he doesn't want her to go see him. She feels he's hiding something from her and says she wants to meet his lawyer considering he's never wanted her to attend any of his hearings.

They reiterate their love for each other as she says she'll attend his next hearing whether he wants her to go or not. Cesar tells Luis Alberto that he's going to destroy San Llorente Enterprises once and for all and will deal with the proof they have against him when the time comes. He also tells him he paid to give Alejandro special treatment in prison. Nuria tells Berta of her memories at being at the ranch but she tells her she never lived there. Berta worries that Nuria will recall she's Tomasa's granddaughter but she says she was too small to remember anything. Fernanda informs Miranda that she's going to need fertlization treatments to get pregnant when she gets a call from Liliana but she cuts her off asking her mother if she can ever have children. She tells her it's possible as she says she wants a baby even if Alejandro doesn't.Sanson tells Cesar that his plan to kill Alejandro is ready. Days later, a hurricane approaches Tabasco as Florencia learns that floods are forecast. Berta tells her she should have left earlier as Florencia worries about Miranda and Pamela. In Mexico City,

Alejandro sees the news and worries about his wife. Chaquiras and Romeo warn him not to fall asleep and to aware. Fernanda tells Juan she's worried about Florencia and becomes more worried when she learns about the floods in Tabasco. Miranda tells Gabino they're going to the main house as she tells Arcaria to take care of Pamela who is ill. They go on their way as Fernanda prays for her daughters safety. Renata talks to her mother as she becomes more worried as the weather gets worse. Gabino's truck is stuck as Fernanda is able to communicate with Florencia. She tells her how she feels as Fernanda realizes she's going into labor. Miranda and Gabino are able to move the truck as they make their way to the main house. Pamela gets worse as the storm rages. Berta learns Cesar has arrives as Miranda continues on the trail to the man house. Florencia tells Berta she's going into labor but she tells her she doesn't know what to do and leaves her alone.

Alejandro begs the guard if he can watch the news but he tells him he's not in a hotel and leaves. He returns wuth a small television and he becomes more worried. Arcaria tells Pamela she needs to reduce her fever but she denies to saying she wants to know what their situation is from the radio. Alejandro dreams that Miranda blames him for the death of their son. He awakens and says he would rather lose his fortune that lose Miranda or their child. Unknown to Gabino and Miranda the roads are flooded and they go into the river as Alejandro says that without Miranda he would be nothing and would rather die.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Wed. November 22

Happy Turkey Day!

We start off Wednesday’s episode with a replay of Miranda and Alejandro talking in his jail cell. Miranda has big raccoon eyes, smudged with eye makeup. Al tells her that he thinks its better that she not have any kids of his. (Major foreshadowing here folks.) Miranda’s eyes widen as she hears Al say this to her. Al goes on to explain that he doesn’t want to pass on to a child the same illness that killed his father and two sisters. Two large prison officials walk in and tell Al that he has been charged with the murder of Gonzalo.

Juan talks on the phone with Fernanda telling her he hasn’t seen Renata. He will let Fern know when he does. He hangs up the phone to join in the conversation with Amparo and Francisco. They believe that if Renata comes back to Juan and or how she handles herself will be the test of their love for each other.

Fern hangs up the phone to look over the sleeping Flor who is also attended by Fabricio. Fern states that she believes Al is innocent. She asks Fab who he believes is the culprit for G’s death. Fern believes it is Bertha. Fab, in his first attempt at supporting Bertha, and with wide eyes, shakes his head and says he doesn’t believe that Bertha would do something like this.

Louis Alberto and Nuria talk over G’s death. Nuria is all sympathy for Alejandro who has just lost his sister and now Gonzalo. LA tells her that he is sure that it was Cesar who killed Don Gonzalo. Nuria is shocked to hear this. She asks LA to explain. LA tells her he has to go back to work and leaves her open mouthed.

Bertha is standing by a window having orgasms or at the least making all the noises as if she is having them. There is a blood spot over her left breast on her shirt. Charo comes to tell her that Juan is in the house, he is there to see Renata. Bertha is surprised to hear this and to find out that Renata was home. She slaps Charo for not telling her sooner that Renata was home and orders Charo to tell Juan to come see her immediately. She has to change first though so she orders Charo to tell no one what she might have seen Bertha doing.

Miranda is in her fathers’ office sitting in his chair and talking on the phone to Pamela. She tells Pamela everything that has happened. (Where has Pamela been? Why wasn’t she at the funeral the cremation?) She talks eloquently of the details of what has happened and of not being able to take anymore pain. We don’t hear Pamela’s voice but from Mirandas’ responses it sounds like Pamela tells Miranda she will see her soon. The women hang up. Miranda has a flash back to G telling her she will be his successor. She curls herself up in his large green desk leather chair and talks to herself about her fears. She states how weak she is and what a coward she is etc.

Bertha and Juan are in the white office of the Mexico City house. Bertha tells Juan that since Gonzalo died she is now the maximum authority of the house. She tells him that this is the last time he will put his feet in this house. She wants him out now and for him to never return. She tries to do a good job of feigning strength and malice but fails. Juan laughs in her face and asks her if she is finished. Bertha states she never wants to see him again to which Juan states that she will see him again because he will not do as requested. He will only respect the orders of the REAL owner of the house. Does she know who the real owner is? Fernanda de Aragon is the real owner and he doubts it will be long before the real senora returns to the house. Bertha is impactada. He laughs again to see she is so ill informed and leaves. We see her face and composure breaking down as she is left alone with the news that Fern owns the house.

Juan finds Renata draped over a chaise chair that is in an upstairs room. Renata stands up to hug Juan. The scene is sweet as they seem to hug each other indefinitely. This is the best part of this scene. After the couple hugs Renata quickly flops herself back on the chair to repeat over and over that she wants to die. The rest of this scene is an endless repeat of Renata being despondent saying she wants to die and Juan showing her that he loves her and won’t leave her. Towards the end of this boring part Charo enters the room saying Erica is on the phone. Juan encourages her to talk with her friends.

Miranda, Vicente and Luciano talk in Gonzalo’s office about what they will do. Miranda wants to hire the best attorney there is. Luciano knows of some criminal attorney to hire and they decide to follow his suggestion. Miranda wants to sell all of her jewels to fund the attorney. Luciano tries to talk her out of it saying she has some precious jewelry. Miranda goes into a lecture of how nice things in life are there to help you through the bad times. The three try to talk some more business but it is obvious Miranda’s head is not there. They give her a break to pull herself together. Pamela enters the office and we hear Miranda tell her she is more alone now than ever. They hug crying.

Juan tells Amparo, Francisco and Carola that Renata doesn’t want to return to their home. Juan goes on for some length about how he doesn’t have the luxuries or money that Renata’s life has but she would be a millionaire in love with him. Carola is supportive of Renata believing that Renata will return. Juan goes on to talk of what his hopes and aspirations for life are. He tells a boring story of a taco vender who sold tacos in front of the hospital. She had a heart attack and couldn’t afford medical care. This was a life changing event for him and he wants to open a medical center to help all of the poor people who have nothing like themselves. Carola says she will help and he can count on her to be by his side. Amparo and Francisco give each other the eye when they hear her say this.

Louis Alberto walks into the office and sees Luciano behind the desk. I think they are in Cesars old office. LA is surprised to see Luciano and tells him so. Luciano quickly tells LA that he needs to turn in his resignation.

Alejandro is shown in jail being escorted to a cell with two guards and more behind him. He is ordered to get naked for his first bath. No sooner has he taken off his shirt than some men start to spray him with a fire hose. The water hits him hard and he is slammed into the back wall of the cell. The men laugh and laugh while Al struggles not to fall down. Obviously the water is being shot at him at too close of a range.

We break for an ad and open to the same scene of Al struggling to stand while being shot with the water. Voices are heard over the laughing and water. It is Miranda and Pamela talking about Al, his suffering in jail and Miranda’s need to get him out of there. Pamela tells her not to underestimate Al. Finally we see the women talking in a restaurant sharing advice over coffee. Pamela advises Miranda to have positive energy. When did Pamela become Daira? Pamela ends the coffee break reminding Miranda that she has money now and will help her when she needs it.

Louis Alberto argues with Luciano that he doesn’t believe his resignation is a corporate decision. Vicente adds his two cents telling LA to sign his resignation. LA rejects the advice and says he won’t. He wants to see what the Senora Miranda has to say. Miranda enters at just that time to say she can’t help him. LA starts in on threatening them with how much he knows about them and the company. Vicente steps up again to say you know something about Cesar? LA gives a scornful laugh turning his head on his way out saying that now Vicente will never know.

Renata, Erica and Veronica chat it up downstairs in the white office. The girls support Renata on staying with Juan. They tell Renata to call Juan and have him come get her. Bertha enters acting all nice, but immediately starts in on Veronica. She says she wasn’t sure that Veronica was still with us (meaning alive). Veronica is pissed to hear this and says unfortunately she is still here. So how is Bertha? Is she ok in the head or does she still want to take over the world like her it is her small brain? (Veronica said pinque celebro which I understood to mean small brain but if anyone understands this saying better please let me know.) Bertha ignores Veronica and tells Renata that she would like to offer her humble opinion. Veronica jumps in telling Bertha that there is nothing humble about her opinions. Bertha ignores Veronica again, continuing with what she was saying to Renata. She tells Renata that first she married because of a bet, second she married to go against Gonzalo. The girls interrupt Bertha here and tell her that Renata married in love. Strangely Renata says nothing and lets Erica and Veronica talk for her. Bertha insists that Renata couldn’t have married in love. She married mistakenly not aware of the consequences of her actions. There is a remedy for everything, least there’s death right Verito? Veronica gnarls her teeth, looks straight at Bertha and says least there’s old age, right Bertha?! When old age is on top of you there is nothing else to do. You above all should know right? Bertha leaves looking weak and frustrated.

Fernanda, Julio and Rebecca chat in Rebecca’s living room. Rebecca whines Pobre Gonzalo. Julio is a gentleman to Fern asking her how she is doing since it was her that was punished for so many years by Gonzalo and Bertha. Fern is touched that Julio is asking. Julio goes on saying how Fern has had to withstand their anger and evilness for so many years. Fernanda just wishes Gonzalo knew that she never cheated on him. Rebecca interjects that Fern was found with another man in the hacienda. Fern says yes she was with the father of Florencia but she hadn’t talked with him in 6 years. Rebecca continues saying how am I to believe that Fernanda! Julio snaps at Rebecca asking what are you saying Rebecca! Rebecca answers that Bertha told her that Bertha saw Fern with the other man. Spooky music starts to play as Julio give mophead a death glare and Fern looks at her with confusion.

Veronica tells Erica how mad Bertha made her. She knows many things about Bertha. Erica warns her to be careful. Renata rejoins them, from comforting Bertha about Veronica calling her old, and they hold hands thanking each other for being there to support each other. They go to get some food.

Julio says he wishes he had cleared things up with Gonzalo. (Somehow the confrontation of mophead has been dropped.) He doesn’t understand how Gonzalo allowed Bertha to fill him with hate. Rebecca pipes up that she doesn’t believe that Bertha is as bad as they (Julio and Fern) say. Julio insists that Bertha is bad and he has told mophead this for years. He goes back to inquiring about Fern. Fernanda tells him that they can’t let Bertha separate them again, he is a real friend. Rebecca sits in her chair making faces that tell the viewers that she is not happy to see Fern making nice with Julio. Rebecca models the behavior of a spoiled 5 year old. You can almost see and the evil jealous wheels turning in her childish head. Fern tells Julio, including Rebecca, that she would like to renew their friendship and familial relationship. Fern is excited to be with family again like in the old days. Julio touches Ferns hands as they share heartfelt comments about being reunited. As soon as Fern and Julio have left (not together) we hear Rebecca talk to herself that she is not happy not happy at all. Julio IS her man. She doesn’t want them to renew their friendship. She picks up the phone and calls Bertha telling her that they can’t have Julio and Fern renewing their friendship. They cant have that, it doesn’t agree with them!

Miranda and Luciano talk about being strong for Alejandro. Blah Blah Blah. Luciano tells her that the firing of LA was Al’s decision.

Nuria and Louis Alberto talk about his forced resignation. Nuria says well at least we weren’t arrested like we thought we’d be. LA goes into how Cesar is to blame for everything. Cesar is the one who killed Gonzalo. Nuria becomes enraged to hear LA say this again. She tells LA to not say that. Cesar is incapable to do that! Incapable!

Alejandro talks to Luciano in the meeting area of the jail. He tells him that the guys who stole his car are in jail with him, they have to be mad at him for reporting them. Luciano has to get him OUT! The men then discuss Miranda and Al tells Luciano to tell Miranda to be strong. Al then tells Luciano to tell Bertha that he wants to talk with her. He wants to talk with her immediately.

Back at the hacienda we hear Naty mumbling to Arcadia that the house used to smell like flowers until that night. She has some green flashback to “That Night” and of taking the gun from Tomasa. Tomasa told her to hide the gun very well and that Tomasa would look for her. She never saw Tomasa again. She tells Arcadia that she still knows where the gun is. She wants them to go to the harvest house. Arcadia tells her it’s too far to go to now, plus it is about to get dark. They will get Gabino to take them tomorrow. Naty tells Arcadia that is where the treasure of the cocolbosh is.

Cut to a scene where Arcadia is talking to Gabino telling him to tell the patrona what Naty has said. Gabino argues that these are invented things of Naty. They decide to go to the harvest house and see for themselves and if what Naty says is true, then they will call Miranda. Arcadia then tells Gabino they should eat some of the chocolates that makes them feel good, they walk off being giggly and flirty.

We see a woman’s shadow walking back and forth behind curtains. We see the moon rise in a night sky, indicating that time has passed. As the woman walks by the curtains her body changes … soon she has a pregnant belly. We see the pregnant belly pointed upward as it is being rubbed with lubricant for a sonogram. We hear the voices of Fern and Miranda talking about the baby. Miranda doesn’t want Fern to tell her if it is a boy or girl. We see the baby visibly moving in the pregnant belly. Miranda says something like the child will be a soccer star by the way it moves! Then we hear Miranda tell Renata No! Bertha will know nothing about her baby!


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Heridas Tuesday 11/21 - In which a little birdie talks to a nut and an eye taco sings a song

We begin with a complete repeat of Gonzolo's shooting, Miranda and Renata's tears, Alejandro waving the gun around and threatening people, and Cesar and Bertha smirking at a job well done.

The Mariachis are serenading Amparito and the family sings around a table loaded with gifts and sweets. Meanwhile Fernanda, Miranda and Renata are weeping at the mortuary. Vicente arrives and tells them that Alejandro has been jailed. The women all cry that he's innocent, but Vicente says he will stay locked up during the investigation based on Cesar and Bertha's testimonies and the fact that the ballistics test proved the gun he held is the same one that killed Gonzalo.

Gonzalo's casket is carried in and they fling themselves upon it and weep some more. Miranda has a green flashback to her last conversation with papa. He tells her she has always been the closest one to him. He would give his life for her happiness. She says she would do the same for him. Back in the present, she tells Renata "Last night he told me he loves us with all his heart." At this news Renata sobs with renewed vigor and screams "Papa don't go, I want to die!" Miranda and Fernanda join the hysterics. Cesar and Bertha arrive and gaze with satisfaction at the sorrow they have wrought.

At Amparito's urging Juan sings a song and dedicates it to his father. It's a hauntingly beautiful tune about a child's love for his beloved old father. As Juan sings, the scenes cut between the celebration at the apartment, the San Llorente daughters crying over their father's casket and Alejandro in jail. Juan concludes the song with "I am your blood, my beloved old one." This eye taco can really belt one out. The party-goers embrace one another; at the same time Miranda and Renata hug their father's ashes. Wait a minute, did he get cremated within the length of one song? Gimme a break.

Miranda visits Alejandro in jail. She runs into his arms and swears she believes in him. He says he didn't shoot Gonzo but neither did Cesar or Bertha, it was that Guapo guy. He kicked the gun away from him then shot him, there should be blood on the floor and other places in the house. Miranda says the authorities reviewed the scene and didn't find any signs of it, that's why Cesar and Bertha's testimonies have condemned him. Al says that Cesar and Bertha are trying to separate them. (We all know the rule, there is "a rat" in separate. In this case two rats.) Miranda agrees and says she won't allow it. Al asks "Did Charo give a statement? What did she say?"

Charo is lighting candles and praying to the virgin to forgive her for being a lying coward when Cesar and Bertha interrupt. Bertha asks if Charo told them (the police) everything as she instructed. Charo says yes, she told them that Mr. G. was alone then Mr. Al arrived, she heard them talking, a little later heard shots, when she went to look she met Cesar and Bertha just arriving at the house, she said exactly what Bertha told her. Cesar, subtle charmer, grabs her braid and threatens "You'd better, you stupid flunkey, because as soon as you open your mouth you'll spend the rest of your days next to El Guapo!"

Charo cries and Bertha tells Sleezar to leave "Chanis" alone, "she knows her hands without fingers and her mouth without a tongue would look horrible." Yikes, again with the fingers. As the two demons leave, Sleezar lifts Charo's dress and checks out her legs. Creep. Alone, Charo begs "diosito" for forgiveness and says she has to find some way to get Mr. Al out of jail.

Miranda must have told Al what Charo said because Al is all "Que???, that's not the truth. I wasn't talking to Gonzo when the shots were fired. I ran into the house and ran into that Guapo guy...hey, What if Cesar and Bertha are his accomplices?"

Vicente arrives with the news that Al is to be taken to prison as there is sufficient proof to charge him with homicide. There are Cesar and Bertha's declarations, and still more because the ballistics tests on them was negative, residue was found on neither of them, nor any other signs of that guy's blood that Alejandro mentioned. Al is starting to get testy, "But he was there, I shot him!"

Cesar breaks the news about Gonzo to Rebeca and Julio. He tells them the story of Gonzalo, Fernanda and Alfredo Luque, and about Al's plans of vengeance. He says that Alejandro used all of them boo hoo to carry out his revenge against Gonzalo and he is in jail for the murder, so there. Julio says, "Well excuse me, but frankly I don't believe it. There's more to this story and I'm going to find out what it is." Uh oh, sounds like dyin' words to me.

Fernanda tells Florencia of Gonzo's death and Flor weeps that she doesn't want to live. Fern says, you guessed it, "Be strong for your child." Flor wails, "But why, if papa is dead and brother Al is in jail?" Faby (remember him Flor?) says "Al will be out soon when they find out the truth; it's only a matter of time." About seven weeks to be specific.

Hey, Amparito is cleaning up after her own party? What's up with that? She and Francisco wonder why Renata didn't show up for the party, and then Juan got a ride on the angry train and left without telling them. Francisco doesn't blame Juan but Amparito says something must have happened. They hope nothing happened to Florencia which would explain the absence of both Renata and Fernanda. Nah...must've been something else.

Luciano tells Al that he is the only suspect but that everybody except Cesar and Bertha believe he is innocent. Al starts to lose it and Luciano tells him to stay calm, especially in front of the judge, keep a cool head and stop acting like a killer. Al tells Luciano to protect Miranda who is in grave danger because Guapo could return. He tells him to look in the cellar, the attic, anywhere where Guapo could have escaped and left signs of his wound. Luciano is to take complete control of SLI, trust Vicente and fire Luis Alberto immediately.

After Luciano leaves Al recalls the events of the murder and realizes that if Bertha and Cesar arrived at the scene so quickly they must have been there when Guapo shot Gonzalo.

We are in lovely Tabasco. Gabino is talking on the phone. It is Miranda with the sad news of el patron's death. He cries and says he'll tell the others. Arcaria and Nutty Naty enter. Arcaria is telling Naty, "Enough already about the birds crying for el patron." "It's the truth, and worse things are yet to come," portends Nutty. Gabino says Naty is right, he just spoke to Miranda and Don Gonzalo died. Nutty babbles, "Don Gonzalo didn't die, they killed him, the wind told the birds."

Cut to a trapped and panting Lucas and Bertha crying over Gonzalo's office supplies. "I never imagined I'd enjoy these moments with such intensity," she moans, caressing the letter opener. "I separated Miranda and Alejandro forever and I ended Gonzalo and his scorn. Miranda robbed me of Alejandro's love, Fernanda that of Gonzalo and Alfredo. And what of me?" Hey sicko, why give up now, if you stick around long enough you can wait for Alejandro's son, get another face lift and go after a third generation.

But no. In a green flashback Bertha remembers Al rejecting her. He says he loves Miranda and the wounds of love that go with it...wounds she will never experience. Back to reality she vows "Oh yes, I will know." Then proceeds to give herself a superficial chest wound and get positively orgasmic over her "herida de amor."

Juan visits Padre Santiago for marital advice, padre tells him that happiness, tranquility and prosperity are the responsibility of "dos" (Juan and Renata), not "dios" ha ha and if it's true love then fight for it. Enough said.

Carola rushes into the apartment holding a newspaper, she has terrible news. "Chivas lost!" gasps Francisco. OK, I'll admit I laughed. Carola reads the article about Gonzo's murder and that Al is detained as the suspect. Just then Juan arrives, Amparito tells him to go to Renata and Carola tells him that Alejandro killed Gonzo.

Arcario is arranging the floral bouquets that the neighbors are sending in memory of Gonzo and Nutty is still babbling about the birds. The eerie prophecy music starts and Nutty tells Gabino they have to make a path of white flowers and lit candles so when the patron returns he can find his steps. And I think she needs a marimba too.

Although Nutty can see into the future she doesn't do so well with the present because she trips over something, but not losing steam she continues, "He will come, he's going to come. He must be gathering his steps to give an account of all the good and the bad that he did. He's going to come. He will come."

Al tells Miranda and Vicente that Gonzo told him he had proof against Cesar and that he planned to unmask him in front of all. Miranda's lip trembles as the proof against Cesar mounts. Vicente says that Gonzo told him the same thing but not the details. The only thing he knows is that there were parallel accounts. Miranda confirms it. Alejandro tells Vicente to investigate and get Luciano to help him.

Miranda tells Alejandro that they are going to need a lot of money to get him out of jail. She hopes she's pregnant because... "No, no, Miranda" he objects, "I was thinking and I feel it's best that you don't have my child." Miranda is impactada.


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