Monday, November 27, 2006

Heridas Friday Nov 24

The truck with Miranda and Gabino slides into the river.

Pamela continues to ramble in her fever. She is telling Arcadia to help Miranda, we then see Miranda in the river swimming for shore. I see Pamela is in her official hacienda working woman outfit. Now we see Gabino swimming for shore, they both got out of the truck.

Nuria is begging Bertha to go help someone, Miranda? Bertha says she can’t do anything and yells at Nuria to leave, which she does. Bertha thinks that she’ll be blamed if Miranda dies. I hope I’m interpreting this right. She rubs her forehead a lot and stresses as the storm rages outside. I think this must be the same weather as ‘that night.’ Suddenly she has a realization – Florencia’s baby will be the first grandchild of Alfredo Luque and will inherit the fortune! She always assumed that it would be Alejandro’s child that would inherit everything. I can’t figure out if this pleases her or upsets her. She just looks bugeyed and dramatic.

Miranda reaches shore and then turns around and goes back in to help Gabino. They appear to reach shore, but I’m not sure yet. We’ll find out soon enough.

Nuria is giving Flor something to drink while they listen to the weather on the radio, which is getting great reception for how bad the weather is. Flor can’t take it any more and tells Nuria to turn it off. Flor complains of more frequent contractions. They have a regular old pregger pity party. Chat chat chat, then Flor lets out a contraction induced scream.

Miranda is running up the shore with Gabino behind her, we hear Flor’s screaming over the storm. Is she that close, or is it some mental connection?

Juan opens Fern’s door and says ‘Madrina…’ but it’s Renata sitting there instead. They stare at each other while romantic music plays. They make small talk. She tells him that she’s going to start the divorce proceedings, he cries and nods, but then pulls her aside. He asks her if she’s sure, he said that he told Gonzalo that nothing would keep them apart and he meant it, they start kissing.

Lots of dramatic shots of people running in the rain, pregnant women in agony, etc. Very dramatic. Miranda appears to be letting out jungle screams as she runs.

Juan continues his little speech. They swear their love to each other but Renata says she can’t go back to his house. He says fine, but now he can rent them their own place. In the ‘hood still but their own place. He tells her about his clinic while she remembers her Smeagol/Gollum conversation in the mirror that I wrote about last week. Juan is still talking and she tells him to stop and hugs him. Is she agreeing or saying goodbye or what?

Santiago gives his same “it will all be fine” advice to Fern. They discuss what everyone is up to. They also discuss how she feels about Gonz dying, she is conflicted, she has good and bad memories. Santiago tells her that Al is a mess in jail, he’s falling apart.

Pamela is still a mess, she is in a tub and getting cold water dumpedon her. If only she were just wearing a t-shirt. She is telling Arcadia that if she doesn’t go help Miranda and something happens, it’s on her head. Arcadia isn’t believing any of it. She explains to Pamela that it might take weeks to get out after the rain stops, to let the river get back to it’s normal level. Arcadia wraps her up in a towel as she gets out of the pool. Don’t you think she needs to get out of those wet clothes? Really, she does. Trust me. Anyway, she starts to worry about Luciano and that he’ll just find her remains, not her. The storm rages on.

Fern tells Julio that he’s fine after listening to his heart. Rebeca is there too, that bitch, she goes on a long rant to Fern about how she’s worried about nothing in regards to her daughters, they have been at that hacienda for years with bad weather and always been fine, jeez Fern don’t worry, gosh you worry wart, jeez. She is very dismissive of Fern’s concern. Julio and Fern both tell her to knock it off. What’s your deal anyway, Fern asks, you used to be just rude but now you’re just cruel! Julio makes a comment that her friendship with Bertha might not be working out. Fern says that explains everything, Julio insults Rebeca again for good measure, then says he’s leaving before listening to Rebeca gives him another heart attack. Good one Julio. After he leaves Rebeca says to Fern that whenever Julio sees Fern, Julio and Rebeca start having problems. Yeah I’m sure that’s it. Rebeca tells Fern that Julio is hers, and only hers. Fern looks at her like she’s crazy, which in fact she is. Fen opens the door and kicks Rebeca out.

Vicente and Luciano are eating at a nice place, Vicente tells Luciano that SLI is losing clients. Luciano gets a phone call, it’s Al hiding in a closet or something. He says that a custodian let him borrow his cell phone, he wants to know about Miranda and the hacienda. Al tells Luciano to get a helicopter, price is no object, and look for Miranda and Flor. Luciano swears to follow the order. Vicente thinks they won’t find anyone willing to go into the storm, but they head off to the airport anyway.

The storm rages on and branches fall as Miranda reaches the house. After dramatically running halfway around the house it seems, she finally ducks behind a pillar to wait for Gabino. Showing them moving in slow motion had me waiting for something to fall on them and kill them or something like that.

Bertha talks about her realization about Flor’s baby again. Really, the exact same thing as before. In case we forgot in the last 20 minutes. Nuria comes in and says Flor is about to give birth, Bertha gives her instructions on what to do. Nuria says she can’t go down the stairs in her condition, Bertha says she is less fit herself to go! Nuria says she thinks she is starting to have her own convulsions, she really shouldn’t go down the stairs, Bertha tells her to get hot water for both Flor and her too then. Go go! Nuria looks at her in shock. Bertha says “what are you waiting for?” and Nuria finally goes.

Flor screams some more, Miranda appears. Flor says the baby is coming. Miranda gets in the receiving position and tells her to breath, all that stereotypical birthing on TV stuff. Push, breath, push breath. The whole thing is over in less than a minute, I have had more trouble taking a dump than she had delivering that baby. We hear the baby crying as the show goes to commercial.

Francisco, Amparito, Raul, and Carola discuss the storm and have coffee. The topic of Renata comes up and Carola is her usual bitchy self about it while Amparito defends her. Then they discuss how they don’t have it so bad compared to people who lose everything in a storm like this. They discuss the people out at the hacienda. Discuss discuss discuss.

Fab calls Renata from New York. He makes sure to let everyone know he isn’t American by having his shirt half unbuttoned with his waxed chest showing. I haven’t really ever seen American men doing that. He’s stuck and can’t get a flight due to the weather. Renata tells him that they are trying to get a helicopter to the hacienda, as well as all the other news, Fab is freaking out about the whole thing. He is worried about Bertha being there, Renata asks him about that, why after his kidnapping he defended her so much. He says never mind that, she is horrible and could do something with Flor or his baby. She says she’ll call him with any news. She hangs up and comments on how strange he was acting on the phone.

Flor holds the baby and cries with Miranda, whose clothes have miraculously dried while leaving her hair still sensually wet. Miranda says most of the cacao went to market, Flor says good because the plantation areas were hit the hardest. They swoon over the baby.

Cesar is talking to Bertha. Where did he come from? Bertha tells him congrats, he’s a father, he says he only cares about his baby with Miranda. In his dreams. Bertha says that it looks like Miranda will die in the storm, Cesar tells her that Miranda already came back alive and delivered Flor’s baby. What the hell? How did he find this all out? Where did he come from? Is he some phantom or something to find all this out and nobody saw him? Bertha tells him that Miranda must be exhausted, so it should be easy to knock her up. He says that he doesn’t expect that Miranda will want to be with him right now. Bertha says don’t ask permission, the important thing is to get her pregnant, it doesn’t matter by who. Bertha says that he should wait in her room and knock her out with chloroform, but Cesar says he never had to resort to that sort of thing. Finally he agrees to do something. Bertha says he should see his son, see ya, bye.

Bertha barges into Flor’s room “honey I’m here everything is ok now I’m here.” Miranda of the permanently wet hair looks at her in amazement, like ‘you have got to be kidding me.’ Miranda reproaches her for not being around to help Flor like she was supposed to be, Bertha makes excuses that nobody believes but her, then tells how Nuria’s baby was born too. A big handsome boy. Whoa I just notices – Flor is sitting up, on top of the covers, WEARING TIGHT PANTS. Didn’t she just give birth like five minutes ago? Miranda’s hair is still wet! She just gave birth, she is holding her baby for the first time still, when the hell did she put on a pair of pants that wouldn’t have fit for the last six months? She lets Bertha hold the baby, who is remarkably clean for having just being born. Miranda says she’s going to see Nuria and Bertha better not leave for anything. Nuria is all alone in her room, Miranda chats with her, they share news about Flor’s birth. As Miranda is pouring a glass of water, a shadow passes outside the doorway and dramatic music plays. Miranda calls for Gabino. Nuria is sure that it wasn’t Gabino, so Miranda searches for the gun she left in the room and leaves, comes back for a candle, then leaves again. She walks around with the gun pointed out straight in front of her but someone manages to sneak up on her and grab her anyway. We are watching the whole thing through a rainsoaked window so that we can’t see who it is. Miranda breaks free and shoots the attacker, who falls, or runs away, I couldn’t tell which. She yells “you killed my father, right? Get out of here or I’ll kill you.” Etc etc. Bertha’s voice comes in telling Miranda to stop. She tells Miranda that nobody could be here, it’s the safest place in the world. Miranda says she thought her house was too, but somebody came in and shot Gonz. Bertha says it was Al, Miranda says no. Bertha claims that she saw him do it. Miranda tells her to shut up and help her look for the guy she just shot at. Bertha says it was her imagination and won’t help. Miranda tells her to stay with Nuria, Bertha starts to whine about being tired, she had to take care of everyone, it was all her responsibility, whine whine whine. After she finishes whining, she looks down and sees blood on the floor.

EDIT: I forgot to say that after the preview for Monday's show, it said "Ultimas Semanas." Do they start doing that six weeks out? Or, perhaps, they have edited some stuff down to end sooner? This episode really moved along quickly, perhaps somebody realized how much yakking about the same thing over and over occurs.


Thank you for the fun recap. Im glad that you caught onto the nuances of pregnant women and the lack of instant recovery in real life. Please! Couldnt they have made this part a little more believable?

Maybe Miranda shot Cesar!? That would be great! Serve him right if he was planning on raping her to knock her up.

I also liked your observations about Fab and his waxed chest. You are right that American men dont dress like that. Maybe they do when going to a club, but for work?! Come on!

The whole thing sounds like a dream to me. Somebody fell asleep during one of the "discuss, discuss, discuss" segments and had this dream to liven things up.

Good morning!!!!!
I'm so glad that Alborada won so many of the awards last night.
However, I have a question for one of you brilliant women :
During the show last night, they kept showing a sign in the background that said 2006 (of course)but behind that they had Roman numerals that said XXIV which if I can remember means 2004.
Can anyone explain?
Thanks in advance.

Flor in her tight pants...I laughed out loud when I saw her in those pants on her perfectly made bed holding her baby.

During the delivery there was a shot of Cesar standing in the dark watching. Guess he decided to stroll over from El Manglar in the middle of the storm.

Very funny recap. I loved your observations; you were absolutely spot-on! Yes, I hope Miranda shot Cesar, yippeee!

Gee..Wouldn't you know it. Nothing happens on this show for months. Then, I go away for a few days and miss births, storms, shootings, and Fab's bare , hairfree chest. Rats!!By the way, did Nuria and Flor ever look pregnant? Those tight pants of Flor's were, indeed, improbable. Most women wear their maternity pants home from the hospital ...and beyond! ~~~~Susanlynn, celebrating last night's awards show...I kept a score card---winners : Fernado mariana carr [Isabel], Ernesto [Cristobal], Lucero [Hippolita], Daniela [Dona Juana], Manuel [Francisco] , and best telenovela ''Alborada''----Losers : the actors who played Diego, Marina, and director Monica Miguel.

I guess Berta is tracking Miranda's ovulation cycle is well. She is just positive that she will get pregnant if Cesar rapes her this particular tonight. Great recap!

I am confused. Is Miranda pregnant, or not? If she is, who else knows about it? She was huge by the end of Wednesday night - so how can Bertha and Cesar be entertaining thoughts of knocking her up?

...And Cesar is Flo jr.'s father?? I am so confused. My fault for not reading these recaps more carefully... :-(

(Man, these families are so twisted!)

No Miranda is not pregnant, Bertha wants Cesar to take her by force to knock her up. She doesn't look pregnant at all, also it would have really slowed down her screaming run through the rain. I believe the Wednesday night thing was a dream. Cesar is not Flo Jr's father either, but is his uncle. The father is Fab, Cesar's brother. I will now go bash my head against the wall for being a man and being to explain that.

Anonymous - I don't remember that sign at all, but XXIV actually means 24. So that may have been completely unrelated to whatever said 2006. X=10, M=1000. So 2004 would be MMIV, 2006 is MMVI. I feel better now for explaining something that could be considered manly and intellectual.

Ferro...You are a riot. ~~~Susanlynn

Thank you... I will pay more attention now that we are in ultimas semanas!

Ferro, Caray Cary is so very lucky to have you in our midst. Thank you for being you.

Susanlynn, we should know that when a storm's a-brewin' the babies start popping out. We should start posting the Tabasco weather predictions. And hoorah for all the awards that Alborada won last night! Thanks for keeping score.

I believe that when they talking to Cesar's kid, they were refering to Nuria's baby, not Flo's.

Gloria! Don't get too crazy with the spoilers! We love your insights but don't get carried away please!

And what about the whole subplot about Miranda having fertility problems? I don't think Cesar and Bertha have factored that in unless they cut that out too.

I know that they usually edit stuff from the Mexican version to shorten it for Univision but this is the worst hacking job I have ever seen. Almost nothing happened for months and then in three days the entire story speeds up 7 months then by a few weeks at a time. It's hell on character development. We don't know what is going on with any of the characters. Is Renata still in love with Juan or has she made up her mind to ditch him? Is Carola still on the prowl for Juan or has she given up?

Ooooohhh those numbers were from the awards show. Jeez. For some reason I thought that sign was on Friday's Heridas. Duh. Now I know why I didn't see it.

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