Monday, March 12, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 03/12/07 You Can Pick Your Nose...but Not Your Family

Well we begin with the knock down drag out...Joselyn killed Karen's Pa and Karen isn't taking the news well at all. Karen is all shades of upset over the truth, Joselyn says Pa was good for nuthin anyway and left Karen all those long years ago. You know Joselyn does have a point, poor Dolores was left in prison forever, Tiberio grew up without a mother and Karen was left in the clutches of the Fieras. Well, Karen doesn't see it that way. They argue more and Karen walks out after taunts of hiena...that would be hyena to us native english speakers. Hiena due to the silent "H" in spanish does sound fairly amusing. Ewwwww you just called your daughter a stinky large carnivore that eats rotten meat...Well alrighty then!

Now over to Candy's where Syl, Elsa & Candy are lamenting Leo, who has gone off to join the Peace Corp or something. Syl & Candy are saying how awful it is that Leo was rejected by those two pillars of the community Jos & Miriam...Elsa is like, give it a rest, Gawd you people create more drama than a TeleNovela. Bwwwwwahhhhhaaa wink wink. Syl chastises Elsa and says have some feeling for your mother & brother, Elsa eyeroll, she is thought bubbling "It's Miller Time", and I gotta agree with her.

Karen races over to see Dolores, she seeks refuge and protection with her Aunt. Karen is distressed but won't tell Dolores what is wrong other than her Mother basically sucks on so many levels. Karen is wearing a short sleeve white blouse under a watch plaid vest. Those clothes probably fit like three years ago, but with all the sobbing she is sadly in danger of popping a seam.

Leo is on a bus pondering the rejection of Miriam & Joselyn...poor Leo he can't get a break, maybe his luck will change, he is afterall sporting his bedazzled jacket.

Joselyn confesses to Miriam, that she told Karen she murdered Edgar, Miriam is stunned. You are BSC she tells Joselyn. Joselyn defends her actions. At this time Joselyn is having a flashback to rolling around in the bed with Edgar then blowing him away. ****I had forgotten all about that, it was the last one I saw in Dec before leaving for Mexico, when my husband saw this tonite he said, Edgar was Aldo from LFMB...No I told him, it is another white TeleNovela guy, Rene Strickler****

A tear streaked Karen is now praying in front of the Virgin Mary picture...chime in the Ava Maria music. The Padre sees her and recognizes she is Joselyn daughter. After a little strong arm tactics he forces her into a confession. She tells the Padre, Ma whacked Pa & let Fredrico take the blame. Karen doesn't really want to send her mother to prison so she & the Padre pray on it.

Gabe had dinner with JC & Paulina, he has a lot of time on his hands what with MA being kidnapped and all. Paulina explains that she has hit a dead end seaching for her birth mother.

Later Nic & Gabe have a meeting, of course there is no new info on MA...Gabe can't believe it...
Nic has hired a PI. Nic has no new news on Tiberio, but Gabe says he knows Dolores knows where Tiberio is.

Leo is now in the country somewhere in Mexico stopping the outbreak of some dreaded disease...he is vaccinating children, oooooopssss, it looks like Leo is about to lose his balance, he quickly recovers himself. Oh Leo you tireless miracle worker. I'm guessing it is the stress of his newfound relatives that is weighing heavily on him. A woman runs up with a sick boy in her arms, off they go to the infirmary. Leo will work his wily magic and save the boy.

Dolores goes to Demian to beg his help for Ti, Demian basically says drop dead, I got my own problems. He reminds Dolores of the price to be paid for killing Regina. Yeah it is rather convoluted logic...but to crazy guy it makes perfect sense. Dolores storms out. She runs into Nic in the hall, he trys to talk to her, but Dolores just takes off. Nic remembers what Gabe said about Dolores knowing the whereabouts of Ti.

Demian is now talking to his picture of Regina, she is his princess and they will spend all eternity together. Wow, according to Judo-Christian belief I think they will be in how shall I say this "different planes of existence". Well a guy can dream.

Dolores heads over to see Ti. He is holed up in a motel room. ****The artwork in his room looks like it is the same "native work" as what is hanging in his mother's apartment, not the picture of the Pope, the one next to it. Dolores tries to convince Ti to allow her to get Nic to help Ti. Ti says no and Dolores vows to always stand by Ti.

Karen and Dolores talk again...Karen is very upset, she still won't tell Dolores anything other than her mother is a terrible person. Dolores tells Karen she never believed the story of Edgar's death.

Coyote is lying on a bench outside Kidnappers R Us & he is seriously picking his nose, not just like scratching, but a part time job, Joselyn comes up and they stand outside where MA is being held, Joselyn appears to be listening for any signs of MA & Ben having a sing-along.

Karen goes back to the Manse and is dragging a small suitcase (one of those ones you used to be able to carry on), bump bump bump down the steps. I'm sure this couldn't hold all her false eyelashes, maybe she'll send for the rest later. Joselyn confronts her and asks where she is going...Karen won't tell her. "This is your home and the door is always open when you come to your senses and realize you are a Fiera and want to start ripping out juglar veins with your teeth," Joselyn tells her in a moment of misguided maternal feeling.

JC & Paulina are looking at baby clothes...oh good their theme music blares...A phone is the Home for Wayward Girls....(I just threw that in), anyhow it is the dead end people and they may have some info regarding Paulina's real Mom.

Leo has once again saved a life...the boy will be fine. The mother confesses that she is actually not the child's mother, he was abandoned, but she loves the boy so much. This in turn allows Leo to turn this into all about him. He says he was abandoned as a baby, but raised by a saint a literal saint, okay okay...he didn't say that but you get the idea. The woman has no dinero to pay Leo, but offers him a chicken. Leo turns her down, saying no payment is needed. They broke the mold when they made Leo.

Miriam is talking to Ingrid ***shout out to Ingrid, I am always pleasantly surprised to see you still alive***, she says she has no remorse about not bonding with Leo. Ingrid is like really nuthin? Nope says Miriam.

Later Miriam & Joselyn are sitting around the Manse, drinking (see bad people drink), and lamenting how quiet the house is, how they are all alone....Here's an idea...go see that kid locked up in his room upstairs.

Gabe is at the apartment with Luis David, telling him how much MA loves Luis David and it isn't her fault she isn't with them. Gabe is also stuffing a Bimbo cake down the kid so he will behave.

Karen arrives back at the apartment and asks Dolores, if it was rough in prison...Yes indeed Dolores answers. Karen finally breaks down and confesses that it was Joselyn who murdered Edgar...Dolores es muy impacted.

Mean while back at Kidnappers R Us, Coyote has taken a break from picking his nose...he realizes MA is sick with a fever, probably from showering in cold water. Coyote comes back with some medication, penicillin no doubt, they probably took one look at him and gave him super antibotics. He puts on his "stick-em-up" three hole stocking cap and frees her hands and takes off the bandana. Ben El Raton distracts Coyote and MA hits him over the head with a rock. She riffles his pockets, comes up with a knife, cuts her ankles free and attempts a git away...Coyote makes a grab for her and she hits him a couple of more time....
The episode ends with MA struggling up the steps in her stylish jeans & designer high heel boots.

It is a toss up in this episode who is the bigger hero Leo or Ben El I say Kudos to both.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 3/09/07: "The Long Good-bye and the Endless Farewell"

Leo heads over to the construction company offices looking for his new-found "kid sister." Jos admits she already knows they're half-brother and sister. All smiles, he asks her what she thinks of the situation and she rebuffs him. "What are you expecting? That I might fling myself into your arms, offer you my home, share everything I have with you? Call you brother?"

(The next sound we hear is Leo's balloon bursting.) He tells her she's known him long enough to know money doesn't interest him. Leo explains his idea was to give her a bit of what he'd been fortunate to have received from full hands during his life: love, support, and understanding. (Ok. This was a two-hanky speech here. I admit it.) With him as her big brother she would now have somebody to share her thoughts and feelings so she wouldn't feel so all alone.

Jos tells him she's not interested and she feels better than ever. Anyway, they are like water and oil, so "Bye-Bye. Ta-ta!" (and don't let the door hit your backside on the way out.....)

Leo cannot believe she's really not interested in having him close by or that she's not going to regret having rejected him. He'll be praying for her he says. He leaves (and all you see is that giant embroidered neon Virgin of Guadalupe on his back, bigger than life, flashing in the doorway as he exits). She fights back her tears (you're kiddin' me...say it ain't so) and starts back on her computer. (Shoot! Please tell me this psychotic, homicidal, "rhymes-with-witch" is not going to be one of the "redeemed ones" at the end of this melanovela.)

Gabe walks into Demian's office. He tells Demian that before Rogelio left he told him how Demian had stolen all his best clients while Gabe was in a coma. Also, he tells him that Rog confessed to helping Demian purchase second rate materials and substituting them into Gabe's construction projects. Demian smirks then shrugs and answers that if he already knew then there was no reason for him to lie about it. Demian adds that Rog got paid pretty well for his troubles, while he was at it. Gabe replies that fortunately his son has seen the error of his ways. (From your lips to God's ears, Gabe....) Demian says, "Congratulations! Now let me get back to work!"

Gabe warns Demian to be careful because he knows the authorities are investigating him. He lets him know that if they come asking him, he will make a statement against his brother so everyone knows just what kind of person Damian really is. Demian just glares at Gabe. Gabe leaves.

Leo arrives home and tells Candy that Jos treated him like garbage. Candy tells him that she hates seeing him unhappy but you couldn't expect more from those two shameless and arrogant females. Leo says it was as if neither of them had any feelings. He tells her he's upset. He says that he signed up to be a doctor and now he's off to vaccinate the needy out in the boonies. It's going to be his way of finding himself. He doesn't know who he is or where he's going in life. (Damn, he does it so well, though.) Candy tells him to go with a clear conscience as she'll be there waiting for him as ever. They laugh then about how he'll miss her crazy cooking. (Ay!)

Miriam sits in her office and remembers the unpleasant conversations she just had with Leo and Candy. Perhaps she's having second thoughts........

Juan Cristobal goes in to see his father and asks him if he set the fire that burned down Leo's doc-in-a-box. Demian yells at him for doubting his own father. J.C. says he knows from experience that nothing stops Demian when he's angry. Demian again accuses him of killing Regina. J.C. answers back that it's a shame he's so bitter at life. Demian admits to him he's never needed J.C. around. J.C. shakes his head in disgust and says he came to also tell him that Paulina was having twins and that he hopes they can avoid the same unfortunate story as the one his father initiated with his uncle.

Paulina tells Gabe she's made a decision to find her birth mother and meet her. Gabe gives his blessing although he warns her she might be difficult to find. He suggests that it is never a good idea to stir up the past.

Leo visits Sylvestre. They talk about the difference between Candy and the two fieras. Leo is amazed at their coldness. However, he says, life goes on. Leo then tells Syl about his joining the group of docs who'll be vaccinating poor kids in the boonies. Syl tells him not to worry about things there because he'll take care of everything. (That's a relief. Syl has done such a good job so far, especially with Elsa, don't you think?) Leo warns him to watch out for Elsa 'cause he thinks she's fallen off the wagon. (Man, that Mexican mouthwash must be something else 'cause nobody even has a clue about Elsita!)

At the same time darling Elsa is paying off El Mastín and then buying more booze and cocaine from him.

El Coyote calls up Jos in order to ask if she knows yet what she's going to do with the "merchandise". Jos says soon. He says he's starting to get nervous.

Pau tells Karen that she's already made an appointment at the children's home where she was adopted. Karen agrees to go with her.

Elsa comes over to Candy's and meets up with Leo. He tells her that Miriam is his real mother. She starts giggling, high as a kite, and tells him he's got to get her to recognize him legally and so he can get a ton of cash out of her now. Finally he realizes his baby sister has to be on something. He checks out her eyes and says he's worried for her. Leo simply asks her not to anger her mother any while he's gone since Candy is already exhausted by everything that's happened around there recently. (I'm thinking enabling here. This guy is a doctor. Turn her in. "Tough love." "Do no harm.")

Dolores visits Candy and they talk about their two sons. They determine it was for the best that Leo found out just what kind of woman Miriam is and now he won't hold out false hopes. Candy then asks about Tiberio. She tells Dolores that the police will search high and low for him and will continue to follow him until they find him and grab him. "He needs to turn himself in," she says.

Ti calls his daddy for help but Demian tells him to find his own way out of this mess. (Poor Ti. At this point he doesn't seem to know how to find his way out of a soggy paper bag.)

Mariangela begs El Coyote to let her go since she hasn't done anybody any harm. He only sits there with a ski mask on and says "Shhhhhhhh!" or "Pssst!" again. In the corner next to him sits one of those grey, cute little pet rats sniffing around for more cheese-cracker treats. (Real junk yard rats would never look that clean and healthy.)

Mariangela cries out that she needs a bath. El Coyote finally gives in and allows her to take a bath. When she enters that wreck of a bathroom she finds a rock lying near the toilet and looks for a way to hide it.

The director of the children's home refuses to give any assistance to Paulina regarding her birth mother. She sends Pau and Karen away emptyhanded. In the hallway though, her assistant catches up with them and promises to help investigate her birthmother's whereabouts. The assistant says she was an orphan herself, who was never adopted, was raised there, and has wondered for years about her own parents. She explains this is her motive for helping Pau.

As Mariangela bathes in icy cold water El Coyote watches through a peep hole and begins to get all hot and bothered. Just then Jos shows up and angrily asks him what he thinks he is doing.

Leo meets Karen at a cafe and tells her that Miriam is his real mother. Karen is surprised and pleased to have him for an uncle even if her mom and grandmother are not.

Jos enjoys hearing Mariangela scream for her son and to be let out. She tells herself that Mariangela will pay in blood and tears for having robbed Gabe from her. El Coyote returns and Jos pays him half now. She says he'll get the other half later, after she has proof that Mariangela will never be able to escape from there. El Coyote assures her that Mariangela will spend the rest of her life stuck in there. Another cute pet rat, a black one, sniffs around from an old wall behind El Coyote.

Leo gives his final (I think) farewell to his friends and family. Elsa continues to look like she would rather be anywhere but there. Big Bro continues with the long good-byes till she tells him to just get over it! It's not like he is going to be all that far away. (I was thinking that myself!) One of the guys wheels out his big suitcase to the taxi.

Karen rushes into her mother's room and asks her why she behaved the rotten way she did towards her brother. Jos says she has nothing to say to Candelaria's son. Karen corrects her and says he's her grandmother's son and Jos's brother. Jos tells her to mind her own business. Karen keeps after her and tells her to think it over because she's throwing away an opportunity to have a real brother. Jos asks why should she have any feelings for him?

Karen insists Jos had feelings for Daddy Edgar once and had said she was the result. Jos agrees, but then tells her he became too much of a nuisance for her. He was just too weak. Leo is a nuisance now also. "What is done is done and it's over. Next chapter. The only thing that is important is one's self in the end." Nothing else matters to her.

Karen keeps after her mother. She tells Jos she's ashamed of her. She used to want to be just like her, but she's glad she thought it over first. There are other things in life. Maybe Jos did have something to do with her dad's death she says. So, Jos finally has had enough. She gets really angry and loses all control. She slaps Karen and practically knocks her down to the floor. She tells Karen "you need a lot more to get somebody like me to give in." She tells Karen she is tired of her foolishness. She should be thanking her for all she's done for her.

Karen yells back that there's more to life and beatings cannot change her opinion of her mother. Jos grabs her and keeps screaming that Karen is always looking for and taking the opposite side with everything she says. (Man, what parent hasn't been there before?)

Karen tells her she doesn't know her anymore and that she's frightened of her. Jos says that's good. Everybody should be frightened of her. Karen doesn't understand. "What do you mean by this?" Jos asks her, "Can't you guess? You wanted to know about our life? You're father was weak. He would rather hide in some little town than come back and to fight for you. He didn't come back for you, he came back to threaten me! I had to kill him! --Yes! Anybody who comes to touch anything of mine! I had to kill him and if I had to do it again I would! I would do it again! --Don't you see? I was defending you!

Karen clearly has a hard time understanding this and is panicked because she's just realized her mother's a homicidal maniac and is bending over her literally ready to twist her head and break her neck. "You don't defend me by killing! You're a murderer!" and she threatens to turn Jos into the police. Jos taunts her and says, "Do it then! Do it!! No, you are the same as I am. You're a hiena, a hiena. Hiena! You're capable of going against your own, turning against your own mother. Hiena! Hiena! You're just like me, a wild animal. (Growls and snarls.)


Friday, March 09, 2007

Mundo de Fieras, Thursday March 8

Cande is spilling the beans to Mayeya that Miriam is Leo’s real mom and he hears it all and starts to hyperventilate. He goes to church to have a mini-breakdown. He prays to la virgencita about having such a crappy mom, “What’s a boy to do?” He tells the priest, who already knew but whose lips were sealed vis a vis the confession defense. Leo whines that he was much happier without knowing the truth and now has tons of questions.

Dolores goes to D’s house to get some stuff for Tiberio, but D is in a grand funk. She tries to talk him out of it, to no avail.

Gabriel is missing MA and feeling sorry for himself and how lonely he is.

MA is remembering happier moments that didn’t involve bondage by duct tape and old smelly bandanas. What a great opportunity for a flashback! She starts praying, and even the kidnapper is impressed with her strength of character.

Leo goes to confront Miriam and looks none too happy about it. Miriam’s not too pleased either, but finally blurts out the truth, she’s his mom. Wondering why she never said anything or didn’t look for him, she says that when Cande started working there, she didn’t know for awhile that he was her son and she never looked for him because she wanted to leave the past in the past. She tells him that she was too poor when she had him, and that if she kept him, she never would have gotten to where she is today. He calls her on it, saying that she traded her son for money. She tells him to stuff it, hasn’t he been happy with Cande in that neighborhood. He says, yes, I have been happy, because in that neighborhood we have something better than money, something that she will never have (since you can’t buy it in a store), values, feelings and heart. Leo’s not done yet though, then he tells Miriam that Thanks be to God, that she abandoned him, so that he could find out what a real mother acts like. Then he compares himself with Joselyn and how much better his life turned out. As he leaves, he asks who his father is…but she doesn’t tell him. He leaves and she cries.

Otilia visits Cande to see how Leo is doing, and (oops!) ends up spilling the beans about Elsa not working for her anymore. Cande goes to ask Elsa about it. Elsa has a little fit that Cande prefers everyone else to her and doesn’t support her, her real daughter. Wah wah wah.

Pau tells JC that she wants to find out who her real mom is.

Gabe is flashing back again (apparently he doesn’t believe in Miriam’s philosophy of leaving the past in the past) and whining how much he loves MA, and how much he misses her.

Safari Prey Joselyn (kind of like Malibu Barbie) comes in to find out how Miriam is, but really just wants to make sure she doesn’t anything stupid…like share anything with Leo. Jossie tells her mom that she doesn’t have any feelings, so this shouldn’t be a problem.

Cande’s worried about Leo, who arrives and tells her that he knows the truth about Miriam. He tells her all about it and they cry and hold each other. He tells her that she’s his real, only mom and that Miriam is just an old selfish bitch. (well okay, he didn’t say that, but he wanted to.)

Gabe, JC & Pau are chatting about the recent arson that affected Leo. JC thinks it was probably his dad. JC visits Leo (who is now limping around like House) and Leo tells him all about his mommy and how confused he is. JC offers his help & support and they give each other a big ole hug.

Delores and Tiberio are having coffee. Tiberio forgot to take his medication that morning and is acting very paranoid. Dude, maybe coffee’s not such a good idea.

Cande goes to confront Miriam. Actually she just went to pour some salt into Miriam’s wounds, telling her that Leo loves her more. It kind of sounded like a playground fight there for awhile (nyah nyah nyah nyah nahhhhh), Miriam probably just wanted to stick her tongue out at Cande as she walked out the door.

Continuing in the family reunion theme, Leo goes to chat with sissy, who doesn’t really know what to do or say. He offers to be her big brother and she opens the door for him to get the heck out. My tivo ended there.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

MUNDO Wed 3/7/2007

** Ok, we’ve left off with Mir breaking the big news to Joz that Mir’s Leo’s mom… Joz is verdaderamente impactada.

** Candy visits Leo... She worries that Mir will tell him the truth, that Mir is his “real” mother.

** Joz can’t believe that Leo is Mir’s son. Mir tells her to forget about it. Joz can’t forget about it… Joz doesn’t want Leo to know and is afraid that he would want part of their fortune… Mir says no, that Leo is different than them. She compares his goodness with Joz’s… well, badness… Joz says Mir never gave her love… They cry they have a heart-to-heart; Joz, tearing up, says Mir let her down as a mother… never teaching her or showing her how to love … Joz leaves, Mir cries…

** The cops missed him (aw, drat) and Tib is running from the law… sirens blare in the background… he hides out.

** Nic and Dol arrive at her place when the phone rings… it’s Tib calling to tell her he’s running from the law. He tells her to tell Dam. He’s gonna be gone for a few days and not to worry about him. Nic promises he’ll investigate and runs off…

** Dam murmurs about beginning his venganza for Regina’s death. Leo is first.

** Leo wakes up to Candy in his hospital room. He remembers getting trapped in his office. Doc (I don’t’know his name) comes in to check on him… apparently Leo only has burned his leg a bit.

** Next day

** Leo comes home, unable to walk well and helped to the chair by his friends... Silvestre (I think it’s Silvestre) brings up that Mir had come to the hospital… Gabe comes in with little LD… he hadn’t heard about the fire… Gab offers to rebuild it. Candy asks about MA, Gab says someone came to his apartment and gave him her engagement ring… he say’s, very calmly, theirs hope she’s alive.

** Coyote muses that MA has no idea who she’s messing with, referring to Joz.

** MA is blindfolded and thinks to herself that she can’t take anymore.

** Dam comes into JC office… Dam, once again, blames him for Reg’s death. JC hopes that one day Dam will learn how to end the anger in his heart… Dam hits a chair and leaves.

** Mir and Joz are at the design shop, or whatever it’s called, and Mir says she doesn’t want to talk about Leo anymore. Joz agrees. They talk about getting Dam on their side cuz he’s powerful… Mir advices they be careful and not trust in Dam.

** Candy and Leo are chatting and Leo brings up Mir… he thinks it’s weird that she seems to care so much about him. Candy blows it off… Silvestre comes in and tells them the fire was started on purpose.

** Dol goes to see Dam in his office. She asks him to help Tib and he doesn’t want to mess with it… says Tib’s mess is her problem.

** Regina comforts JC who just told her about Dam’s tirade… she tell him to forget it cuz Dam is hurting over the loss of Regina. Dol comes in wondering if they’ve seen Tib. They say no, something happen? She says he’s a profugo (fugitive). They tell her everything will turn out ok (!!!) and break the news about their twins.

** Tib is wandering the streets when a cop cars starts following him… he runs behind a tree and they move on… he thinks to himself that he needs to leave the country.

** Rogelio and Karin are having coffee, tea or lunch, or all three. Rogelio says he wants to get to know her better… he’s only telling her so she knows he’s sincere. She says she’s not ready yet… he agrees and says he wants to get away for awhile and find himself… Karin thinks it’s a good idea but she’ll miss him. They giggle.

** Dol goes to see Candy... She’s come to check on Leo. Candy lets her know about the clinic fire being purposely set. Dol tells her Tib is running from the law. She tells her to ask the Virgin of Guadalupe to bring a miracle.

** Rogelio tells Gabe that he wants to leave for a while. He’s ok with it. They hug…

** Tib calls Dol to tell her he’ll have to leave the county. She suggests he not make it worse on himself and turn himself in to clarify the situation. He “asks” her to get his passport and money.

** Karin comes to visit Dol… Karen has just come from the cemetery visiting her father’s grave. The police barge in wanting to know where Tib is… Dol says he’s not there… The detective warns her that she’ll be an accomplice if she doesn’t cooperate… and he asks her if she’s heard from Tib… She gets a determined look on her face… Karin hides behind her.

** Mir remembers telling Joz about Leo being her son. She hopes Joz doesn’t do something stupid like confront Leo and “tell” him.

** Meanwhile, Leo is recovering at home wondering why Miriam is so interested in him.

** Dol tells the detective that she told him already; she doesn’t know where Tib is… he says to let him know if she hears from Tib… he leaves. Dol fills Karin in on the situation. Dol says she knows there is no such thing as justice.

** Coyote tells Dam that Leo escaped the fire; Dam says Leo will pay and hangs up.

** Leo and Candy eat dinner… they chat about love and the fire… Leo tells her he suspects Dam as the one who set the fire. She says he should denounce him… he says no, he has no proof…

** Gabe and Rogelio have a heart to heart. Rogelio is getting ready for his trip and admits to being Dam’s accomplice while Gabe was in a coma. Gabe forgives him and they hug. (Since the novella is ending I wonder if we’ll see anymore of Rogelio… I’m guessing no, just a guess…)

** Leo goes to see Elsa… She tells him he doesn’t work for Otilia anymore… He can’t believe it and starts to go off about it… She asks if he came to preach at her… he calms down and says no… and says she’s been acting strange. It’s her turn to over act and she goes off; he says the family is there for her. He tries to talk to her about her drinking and stealing… She calms down and, for a second, accepts a hug from him then suddenly pushes him off and threatens to leave if people don’t stop telling her what to do.

** Karin tells JC and Pau that Rogelio left for a short while… JC answers the phone, it’s a client, and goes off to talk on the phone in the other room. Pau tells Karin that she wants to find her “real” mother. Karen doesn’t think it’s a good idea. JC doesn’t know… Pau asks Karin for help… Karin looks anguished

** Candy and Mayaya are chatting and having a cup of tea in Candy’s apartment. They start talking about Mir being Leo’s mom… Leo wanders up to the door and overhears Mayaya wondering if he suspects Mir’s his real mom… Candy says that she worries cuz he seems to care more for her every time he’s around her. They talk about blood and repeat Mir being Leo’s “real” mom all the while Leo looks like he’s about to have a heart attack. He’s more than impactado… he looks like he’s going to have an anxiety attack and throw himself in front of a train or something… he swoons falling back against the door… music plays… and we’ll have to wait until tomorrow…

** Fin para hoy, ¿qué va a pasar?


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Mundo de Fieras - March 6, 2007

* Demian meets with Coyote on the street - Demian dumps an envelope out and lots of bundles of pesos fall to the ground - Coyote is eagerly picking up the windfall and readily accepts Demian's assignment: to help in the destruction of Leo and all those who Demian blames for Regina's death.

* JC and Pau at home - he apologizes to her for his depression and lousy attitude recently. Leo's advice and shouting actually worked and he promises to always be positive and there for her and their child. She happily accepts the apology. (cue music) They kiss.

* Rogelio and Karen are talking in Rogelio's office. They understand each other so well, where they came from, why they acted out like they had in the past, that they are both victims of Miriam and Jocelyn. They solidify their close friendship.

* Jossie meets with Miriam in the design studio office. They are discussing who their next target will be - the reason for Karen's change in attitude against them - DOLORES!

* Karen visits Gabriel in his office. They discuss MA's disappearance and Gabriel's worries. She supports him, and says her change in attitude is due to her Auntie Dolores' attention, love and support. Gabriel offers her his unconditional support also.

* Pau and JC are at their ultrasound appointment with Leo. Leo uses the ultrasound wand and finds the baby's heartbeat. As they are happily talking to Leo, Leo tells them several times to shut up and listen. When they finally do stop talking, they are wondering what Leo is listening for - if there is a problem - Leo finally tells them that they are hearing TWO heartbeats not one. THEY ARE HAVING TWINS! (it's a celebration in the ultrasound room! :D)

* Elsa finds Mastin on the street. She is interested in him scoring some more booze for her. He tells her that it will cost money; and if she doesn't have enough, she will have to pay off the debt in whatever other way he or Coyote can come up with.

* Gabino and Tweet visit Sylvester at his and Elsa's apartment. Sylvester reveals during the conversation his problems and fears with Elsa's relapse.

* At the palace, Jossie plays in the bedroom with LD and talks to the toddler about how he and LG had been switched and how she plans to use it against MA when the truth is revealed.

* JC and Pau tells Gabriel in his office the good news - Gabriel is excited to be the grandfather of TWINS! Pau then tells her dad not to give up hope on MA returning. Gabriel agrees with Pau.

* Elsa desperately searches the apartment looking for money to buy the booze from Mastin. Candy stops by and sees Elsa take the money from the safe box. Candy asks what the money is from and her intentions with it. Candy suspects Elsa will buy booze or drugs. Elsa says "so what. it's none of your business. leave me alone." Elsa rushes out, leaving Candy to worry all alone.

* Gabriel and Pau meet at the construction site with the development manager. The manager and Pau give Gabriel an update on the Casa Sara project's progress.

* Leo finishes with an elderly patient - he gives her the medicine and they talk. The patient compliments him on his kindness and compassion, and credits it to his mama. Leo slowly pauses as he mentions the mother that abandoned him and the blessing of having Candy as his mommy. He escorts the patient out of the clinic and then writes notes in the chart.

* Elsa returns drunk to the apartment - she collapses on the sofa as Sylvester confronts her about the missing money from the box. She doesn't care for his opinions about her or his attitude. He continues to scold her and inform her about his worries and concerns and that if she continues in this way, he will be forced to enter her into a treatment program and leaves.

* The lights are all on at the clinic. Coyote sneaks up to the front door and uses a crow bar to jam the door shut. He pours gasoline all around the building. As he backs away, he lights a match, tosses it on the ground and watches as the trail of gas and the building catch on fire.

* Tiberio, in his office, searches through is briefcase and finds a letter. He opens it and reads it - notice of his business (the strip club). Tiberio is angry and frustrated because the authorites won't permit him to reopen his business.

* Leo notices the smoke filtering into his office at the clinic. He feels for the door - more smoke and he can't open the door. He's trapped inside. He coughs and yells through the door for help and he bangs on the door.

* Miriam and Ingrid in design office. They discuss the business and their extra special deal that will trounce Otilia once and for all - or so they think. Ingrid shows Miriam the latest news about Otilia's design studio. Miriam is shocked by Otilia's new business deal. Ingrid is miffed.

* Leo is still trapped inside the burning clinic. Demian and Coyote are safely inside Demian's Hummer watching the building burn. Leo tries desperately to find a way out. Demian laughs and tells his driver to leave.

* Candy is at home praying to the virgen de guadalupe.

* Leo tries to make his way down the clinic hallway. Meanwhile, outside, Sylvester, Tweet, Gabino and the neighbors all bring buckets and try to help extinguish the fire. Gabino and Sylvester pour water on a blanket - Sylvester wraps up in it - pulls the crowbar from the door and enters the building to rescue Leo. Gabino and Tweet lead the effort of organizing the water bucket brigade. (Personal Note: you know instead of a taxi stand and neighborhood clinic, the writers would've been better served to have made it a Cuencas fire department and EMT ambulance service.)

* Tweet calls Mayeya, who is in the palace kitchen with Nina and Miriam, to tell her about the fire at the clinic and that Leo is inside the building. Mayeya gets off the phone and is in such a state of panic that she quickly tells Miriam about Leo and the fire and then leaves. Miriam is shocked and dumbfounded.

* Elsa sits and stares into space as Candy scolds and tries to advise her about her addiction to alcohol and taking the savings like she did to buy more booze. Elsa isn't interested in listening to Candy's speech. Sylvester enters and interrupts with news about the fire - Candy is worried about Leo - Elsa perks up with concern about her brother. Sylvester tries to calm Candy but Candy insists he take them to the hospital to be with Leo.

* In the middle of the night, Tiberio and Mastin break into the strip club.

* Miriam wanders into the palace living room, still thinking about Mayeya's news about Leo. She is concerned about Leo at the hospital.

* Sylvester, Elsa and Candy meet with the attending physician who tells them about Leo's condition. Candy is relieved and then advises Elsa to trust Sylvester because he is a kind, caring, good man.

* Nina enters the palace living room - Miriam tells her that she is leaving for the hospital.

* Dolores and Nick are having dinner together. She is happy and content with her relationship with her son and her life. He tells her that he loves her - she isn't sure how to respond - he continues to compliment her - she becomes quiet and humble.

* Jossie returns home to the palace. Nina meets her inside the door - Jossie asks where her mom is and Nina tells her at the hospital to see about Leo. Jossie is shocked and curious.

* Candy is annoyed when she sees Miriam rush into the hospital reception area. Candy wants her to leave - Miriam insists on staying for Leo. Sylvester enters and Miriam asks him politely to explain briefly what happened to Leo. He does and then returns to Elsa.

* At the apartment, Pau is thinking about their twins growing inside her belly. JC joins her in dreaming and thinking about the blessing the two little ones will be for them. They have an orange juice toast.

* In the dark at his condo, Gabriel can't help talking to himself about the good news he wishes to share with MA but is frustrated because she isn't there. Where on earth is she?

* Tiberio and Mastin party on the main dance floor and celebrate the grand reopening of the strip club and the success they will have.

* Pau thought bubbles telling her little babies about their grandma Regina.

* Miriam offers Candy money to pay for Leo's hospital expenses. Candy refuses to accept the hand-out - Miriam insists on paying the expenses - Candy is adamant about refusing the help - Miriam is adamant in her insistence. Jossie enters as the stalemate continues and insists in knowing why Miriam is there and offering money to Candy for Leo in the first place.

* Police catch Tiberio and Mastin inside the strip club, arrest them, and haul them outside to the waiting police cars. Tiberio breaks free and tries to escape. One officer shoots his gun in Tiberio's direction.

* At the palace, Jossie asks again for Miriam to explain why she was at the hospital in the first place - what is her connection with Leo? Miriam refuses to explain at first, but Jossie is adamant and insistent. Miriam finally breaks down and tells her that Leo is her son - that Leo is Jossie's brother! Jossie is shocked.


Monday, March 05, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 03/05/07 Nuclear Winter **All the FallOut**

I know why or at least I think I know why the days of repeated flashbacks....This was during Christmas Week in Mexico, cause Juan Cristobal was muy grave, when Dr. Livingston (me) entered the jungle and tonite's episode was the one I saw when Stanley found me and brought me back to civilization....I didn't really pay close attention cause actually I was way more concerned about LFMB...but anyway I have seen several TeleNovelas slow down during the holidays....Now on to the Nuclear Winter that exists due to the death of Regina and the disappearance of that lil Breck Girl MA....

Sylvester and Shorty are sitting around Sylvesters's house, Elsa is at work. Shorty invites Sylvester over for comida (they named several things), but the only one I caught was "tostada de pata", ah yes tostada of pigs feet. If you care there is a recipe over somewhere on the LFMB blog for this little delite, I did not know this existed, til I heard it on LFMB, and now everytime it is mentioned I hum "Ava Maria" in thanks that I am still a stranger to that delicacy. I had to cook Pigs Feet once, yes they were the second source of protein in some menudo, (in-laws were coming), anyway you have to cook them for hours and keep changing the water cause it gets quite gelinous...I just ate refritos...nuf said.
Looking at Sylvester it is really hard to believe he is the other half of the Elsa/Sylvester union of angst...he seems so happy...I think he is trying to attract positive energy....Aaaahhhh it is not working.

Gabe is pacing and frantic cause still no word on MA...oh he would happily give her up if only she was safe...Gabe is doing the aloud praying trying to make a deal with God. Gabe prays & does alot of promising before the picture of the Virgen Mary...Like I will quit impregnating women half my age.

Elsa is at work and Otilla is firmly chastising her. Otilla is holding some material and it appears Elsa cut it wrong. Even though Elsa is an adult and married she always gives off the aura of angsty goth teen. Otilla is questioning her and Elsa is all like, yeah I cut it, got a problem with that? "Ah hija," says Otilla and off we go into a PSA..alcohol will rob you of your family, your money...everything...Otilla has an alcoholic brother, thus she knows of what she speaks...Elsa tries to deny it, but Otilla pulls the bottle outta Elsa's purse. ***This would have been a perfect product placement...Jose Cuervo****. Alas, Elsa will take no advice and Otilla ends up canning her.

Joselyn meets with Coyote and gives him a smack for showing up at the Manse...Yeah we get the employer/employee risin above your station thing here. Coyote tells Joselyn he has MA engagement ring and medallion, Joselyn takes them. Joselyn wants Coyote to torture MA, before whacking her. She gives him a tape of Luis David sayin Mama, Mama, Mama...Oh Snap, Joselyn, you are so BSC. Let the games begin.

We see MA lying on the floor of a filty apartment, there is a rat sitting on a shelf...MA is blindfolded and hands behind her back, she is crying and begging for release. Her hair is still all nice and shiny. The camara keeps focusing on the Rat...hmmmmm I'm getting a total Willard circa 73 feeling here. Could she befriend the rat and he would gnaw thru her bonds? Just a thought.

Elsa is walking down the street when that guy (Coyote's friend & he used to be the big pimp daddy at Ti's club) steps out and grabs Elsa. He is doing the "Hi little girl want some candy" only it is Hooch, booze, or Elsa's life blood...she trys to brush him off, but to no avail, soon she is swiggin it down. This always amazes me too; Elsa is an adult and the guy always pulls it out of his pocket like it is crack cocaine...geez it a bad choice, but it isn't illegal.

There is a knock at the door of Gabrial's departmento of pain, he runs to the door, but the hallway is empty...Oh look an envelope on the floor. What could it be? Why it is the ring and medallion of MA....Egads what evil. This prompts major production cost saving measures...instead of flashbacks everyone just repeats dialogue like three time...Por Que, ditto, ditto....MA, MA, MA, No Puede Ser, ditto, ditto, ditto...Gabe is sobbing on the couch...come to think of it, that couch has seen more crying jags than a sorority house couch during the thros of an STD outbreak. Donde esta MA? Donde Donde Donde Por Dios Donde Donde Donde...also thruout this ordeal Gabe is holding and talking to a 5X7 of MA.

Elsa makes it home and drunkinly calls out to Sylvester. Sylvester of course is off enjoyed pata de porco and Elsa pulls out the bottle.

Now artistically cut to Demian..he too is holding a glass of brandy, ah okay I get it alcohol makes you an alcoholic or evil...He is vowing revenge for the death of lovely Regina, yes Juan Cristobal, Leo and Dolores must die and what the hell, Demian is gonna throw in Gabe just for good measure. I say get on with it Demian, and quit yapping about it, make a believer outta me.

Leo is at home with his mother, ah missing and Leo is all upset, where could she be? Leo too is ready for a full on crying jag..Candelabra tries to calm down Leo, but he is in the full thros of angst.

Meanwhile back at the Manse the two Elder Weird Sisters are cackling and enjoying a fine glass of spirits...Anvil falls...okay okay bad people drink alcohol. Miriam & Joselyn are delighted that MA is being tortured and Joselyn tells Miriam about the Mama, Mama, Mama recording. Parental proudness shines from Miriam's face...she is going to get a "MY Child is an Honor Student at Psycho MiddleSchool" bumpersticker.

Coyote creeps into the scumming place where MA is being held, he pulls your standard three hole, "Stick em Up & Give Me all Your Cash" stocking cap. He removes the bandana from MA's eyes and cuts the duct tape from her arms. Oh it is dinner time. MA begs her release, but Coyotes just says "shhhhhhhhhh", Ben the Rat watchs warily. Ben looks pretty wiley, I believe he could take Gabe in a round of Jeopardy.

Now JC is sitting in his Departmento de Depression, when there is a knock at the door....Papa, yes indeed Demian has come to see his son and tell him once again what a sorry loser JC is cause he is alive and Regina is dead, Pa Pa you are rubbing salt in the wounds, but Demian continues berate him. I've notice when Demian is crazed his eyebrow stands up all spiky behind the patch....well it was way spiked now. Damian leaves. JC is left to sit all guilty and dejected whispering "Papa".

Demian is at the House of Evil and confronts Ti, Ti is worried about the Nic Nye Science Guy, ratting them out to the police about shoddy work. Demian is not worried in the least cause he is just gonna blame it all on Ti. Ti betrayed him when he didn't let Demian strangle or at least severely smack Dolores, Ti says she is my Madre. Demian not to give an inch retorts, I am your Padre...ewwww Check
Anyhow he tells Ti that Coyote is outta jail and he wants to talk to him. Poor Ti, if there wasn't a 45 year old age limit, I'd call Child Protective Services.

Nic Nye Science Guy, comes to see Gabe, who is babbling and speaking magic speak of repeating everything three times. Nic is at a loss for what to tell Gabe. Apparently the investigation is going nowhere. Ya think? Missing 20 something female in Mexico City, dark hair and eyes.

Sylvester arrives home with ummmmm a covered plate, tostadas de pata, I'm willing to bet. He turns on the lite and there is Elsa lying on the floor, passed out, but with a smirk on her face. Sylvester must carry her off to bed, haaaa I bet he hasn't seen her smile in the bedroom, in like oh shall we say ever?

Next day Gabe arrives at the Manse as Joselyn is tearing up a picture of Clemente...she remarks that Gabe doesn't look like he slept well. Gabe tells her the MA tale of woe, he believes Coyote has something to do with MA missing and he did it for money. Gabe you are such a tool. Gabe has come to get Luis Gabe so the boys have go to the park. Joselyn wants to tag along.

Damian opens his brief case and has a picture of Regina and himself, I guess it is their Wedding Picture, it is at least an 8X12, see Demian's is bigger. He chats it up a bit with Regina and promises revenge and so on.

At HangOver Acres...things are not going well...Sylvester says Elsa needs help...No way No Clinic..Sylvester next suggest AA, and actually says some of the 12 step stuff...Elsa's head hurts, well so does mine from all the dropping anvils...
Elsa goes into a rage and screams she wants a divorce. Poor Sylvester reacts the only way a man can react on a TeleNovela...he bursts into tears.

JC is sitting in the departmento de depression remembering Paulina and his Wedding Day...cue the sappy music...Wow two of those flashback people are dead...Lui & Ma...anyhow now flashback to Demian's latest rant....Gawd it is like living in an Edgar Allen Poe Poem, just get a raven dude.

Coyote is standing outside his apartment of pain and chowing down on a corn muffin, while playing his badass gangsta 1980's boom box...Mama, Mama, Mama...I guess it would be hard for MA to hear it from an Ipod. Anyway she is blindfolded again and in hysterics at the sound of her son's voice...Ben watches from the shelf...Run Ben Run, tell them MA is in the Well....oh wait that was Lassie.

Karen and Paulina are all happy at the office, yes JC is still completely depressed, but on the up side Paulina is getting an UltraSound.

Gabe & Joselyn are in the Park having a lovely outting with the two boys....OMG how the rich do live...actually Joselyn & Gabe are yacking it up and the two servant girls in their lovely little pink servant dresses are lugging the kids around...Now that's what I'm talking time.

Paulina misses her UltraSound cause, JC is missig when she gets home. JC is at the grave of Regina, sobbing.

JC is back home and Leo comes over and berates JC to get over it, pull his head out and start showing some consideration for Paulina. Score one for Leo. Paulina comes out, hugs JC and some of the darkness lifts...I know this cause the JC/Paulina song of Amor is blaring and making dust clouds jump on my entertainment center...

Lastly Demian is talking to Coyote...he throws a big ol bag of $$ at the Coyote...he wants him to whack Leo then he has somemore whacking for him to do. See and usually it is really hard for felons to find productive work...Kudos Coyote, you have a regular business going.

The End.....Sorry if this was rambling, but Gawd this thing is awful.

Tommorrow....the UltraSound
Leo's Clinic catches on fire...Burn baby Burn..(remember it is made
outta cement blocks)

My dream....somehow MA can transplant both Ben's brain and personality into Gabe.


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Mundo de Fieras Friday, 03/02/07: "One More Stroll Down Memory Lane"

Tiberio finally talks his daddy, Don Demian Demento, into going upstairs to get himself cleaned up, shaved and put to bed. He calms him down by promising to take him back to the grave after he takes a long nap and eats something. It seems to break Tiberio's heart to see Demian literally out of his mind with grief.

El Coyote is let into the living room where Jos and Gabe are having coffee. He walks through the door and immediately shoves Cortito out of the way and looks over to find he's stepped into it big time. (Ruh-ro-o-oh......)

Gabe is impactado as hell and stands up and starts yelling at him, "What in blazes are you doing here??" Then Gabe turns around and howls at his ex, "What business do you have with this guy?" (King of the jungle growls start up in the background here so I suppose Gabe has finally grown his....... mane.) Even Jos is impactada we see, 'cause Jos actually looks petrified and she is silent for once.

Gabe keeps screaming at her, "Did you know this damned S.O.B. was the one who kidnapped Luisito?" Then he yells at El C., " What are you doing out of jail?" Jos finally shakes free of her fright and screams one of her best "How dare you!!" at El Coyote. "Get out of here or I'll call the police!!" He stumbles through till he hits on apologizing as his best excuse. "I c-came t-to t-to apologize! I have served my debt to society and I wanted to ask your pardon for all the harm I caused you. I'm full of remorse and I had to get it off my conscience."

Gabe isn't buying anything El Coyote is selling. "I don't believe a single word or tear of yours!" "I know you might not trust me and I'll understand. But I hope you'll forgive me for the suffering I've caused you." El Coyote backs out the way he came in and leaves.

When Ti leaves the bedroom Demian looks over at Regina's empty side of the bed and begins to hug her pillow and cry out her name over and over. "Your pillow still holds your scent." Then, Percy Sledge starts wailing When a Man Loves a Woman in the background. (I'm wondering just how much they paid for the right to use that song. It had to be a bundle considering how often we've had to listen to it by now. Regina's character is dead and buried but we still get it loud and long.........)

Dolores comes over to speak with Tiberio and finds out Demian is now back home. Ti tells her how he found him crying over the grave and that he'd been literally living at the gravesite ever since the funeral a month ago. She tells him she's staying in case Ti needs her help with him. Ti thanks her and leaves her on the couch a while. Before he goes he kisses her hand. So now it's Dolores time to remember.

Dolores remembers all the nasty incidents leading up to Tiberio's finally accepting her as his mother --especially the triumphant scene in the hospital when he broke down crying on her
shoulder there. Yes, we get treated once again to him crying "mama....mama....mama....mama....mama....mama" twenty times on the shoulder of a woman who practically looks like his kid sister, while lullabye music tinkles and chimes so sweetly in the background. (When we get scenes like this one I thank God for FF>> and thumbs.)

Back in the kitchen, Mayeya and Cortito discuss El Coyote's so-called apology. They think he's lying for some reason. She reminds her new hubby that El Coyote never is sorry for anything and never ever apologizes to anybody.

On the street El Coyote is kicking himself for showing up at Jos' place without calling her first to let her know. He knows she's going to be one bad a$$ b*tch when he does finally speak to her. So, he tries to figure out a way to make sure Gabe doesn't realize they are involved together at all in any way.

Back at the manse Jos asks Gabe if she believes her when she says that she has no idea why El Coyote showed up. Gabe says he doesn't know if he should trust her. (Aw, are we back to that again?) Jos whines about this and says he's always dissin' her. He stops himself from saying anything else to her --thinking why waste his breath --then just says he'd better leave. He adds though, that he's taking Luis David with him until Mariangela returns, so that he can take care of him himself. She says that's ridiculous, but Jos eventually goes upstairs to get Nina and the baby's things. First, though, she takes a detour into her bedroom and takes out a small cassette recorder from a drawer. She sends Nina out of the room to get L.D.'s things packed and then tapes Luis David saying "momma."

Demian sits in bed. He says to himself that the whole bedroom speaks to him of Regina. He then remembers Regina lying dead in her hospital room. He again blames his son for killing "his own mother", and he promises himself that Juan Cristobal will pay for causing Regina's death.

J.C. at the same time is remembering his mother's death scene and his father later rushing in to his hospital bed, roaring that he's a murderer and then slapping him. He cries from the tremendous guilt and suffering he feels about her death.

Back at Gabe's apartment we see he's upset because Nic still hasn't heard anything from his sources about Mariangela's whereabouts. He hangs up the phone and says to himself, "We were so close to being happy. This happiness cannot just go up in smoke." He starts remembering how he won over Mariangela bit by bit and their finally making love together. He sits there thinking and says, "I hope you are alright, wherever you might find yourself." Then he says to himself, "I would even give her up as long as she'd be okay."

--Roll credits!


Friday, March 02, 2007

Mundo Apologies

Got to a late start on the blogging (like almost 24 hours late...) and when I pushed play realized that the satellite signal was so scrambled I couldn't even understand what D, Jossie, Gabe, MA and Leo were whining, fighting and fussing about. Many Mundo apologies.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wednesday Feb. 28 -- MUNDO - Flashbacks R Us

We left off yesterday with Nic agreeing to investigate MA’s disappearance and Gabe remembering his last conversation with MA…

Candy and Leo return from the wedding; Candy notes MA’s absence at the wedding/reception. Leo thinks Candy worries too much. Leo dreams of when he first saw MA. (At the fire that destroyed her mother’s house -- he had saved her mother from certain death, when he announced his feelings for her and kissed her, when he saw her together with Gabe, etc…)

[Novelas seem to do these filler types of reminiscing scenes close to the end I’ve noticed… Maybe the actor’s are tired or this is a way of giving them a break so they can go audition for other novellas… or, in this case, maybe they’re trying to torture us.]

Leo wakes from his reminiscing, muttering that MA belongs to Gabe, wow, big revelation there.

Mir asks Joz if their any news, no, they’re whispering so Ingrid doesn’t hear… Ingrid asks what’s up and Mir tells her to get lost. Mir’s light bulb goes off, she tells Joz they shouldn’t talk in front of Ingrid or anyone, [Good grief, who wrote that in? another revelation, must be cuz her and Leo are blood related]…. Joz takes off for her office.

Mir reminisces about Otilia’s sharp words and win at the fashion competition. [Wow, tons of filler in this episode… could it be that this show is OVER… please say it’s so]

Mir swears Otil’s luck is over.

Otilia meets with Armando about his awesome line of clothing in the next season. [Is Otil wearing new makeup these days? I’m still deciding on if I like it better…]

Armando leaves [love that name… Arrrrrrrrmando… very manly] anyway, he’s outta there and Otil takes the moment to talk to herself, letting herself know that she’s going after Mir for the sheer pleasure of getting the better of someone who has caused so much harm to people. [I love Otilia! She’s my heroina!]

Dios mio, another flash-back… this time about Otil’s dead hubby and his traipsing around with Mir… the whole secret about Joz being his daughter…etc… various scene’s of her and him… and her club for cheated women…etc…

[For anyone who practice numbers this is the perfect episode… Otilia goes over first, second, third, etc… as she tell her cheated women’s club the “rules” for women… ]

Otilia calls Don Chava about the radio show she wants to get going…

Rog plays with Karen in her office, or is it his office… someone’s office… they chat and note that they’ve been “talking” more than when they lived in the mansion… Oh, it’s Dam’s office… Tib barges in looking for Dam, he’s dazed and confused about where Dam’s gone off to, chastises them for being in the office and heads right back out.

Rog and Karen flirt. Then Rog takes off. She talks to herself about what might happen between her and Rog and that she can’t believe how empty and frivolous she used to be… Ay! Otros flashbacks! She remembers how frivolous she used to be… various scene’s of her being vain, conniving and petty.

Tib, driving in his convertible, wonders and worries about where his papá has gone off to… he thinks of how the truth of Dam being his dad has weighed heavy on him… Qué barbaridad! More flashbacks, this time of Tib with Dam and Dolores (as a nun, at the mansion, confessing she’s his mother, etc…)

[Diosito must have taken notice of me! I’ve never had to type this little!! I might actually get to bed at a decent time tonight!!! This must be what they call mercy! ]

Tib finally seems to realize that maybe Dam is at the cemetery and goes to take a look around… ah ha! Lo encontró, por fin!

Dam looks horrible… and he’s gone out of his mind. His hair is all over the place, 6 o’clock shadow, clothes all dirty, etc. AND, he’s forgotten who Tib is, at least until Tib convinces him he’s his first born, his primogenito. That seems to bring Dam around a bit…. [good grief]

Tib tries hopelessly to get Dam to leave the cemetery… doesn’t work… Dam wants to stay there to keep Regina warm and to keep her from being afraid. Tib reminds him that Regina is dead (is that such a good idea, really?)… Dam doesn’t believe it and prefers to stay there and keep his wife company.

Suddenly Dam, after a minute or two of acting nuts, “realizes” Regina is missing and starts screaming for her… Tib throws his arms down, helpless and frustrated… The scene goes into slow-mo and Dam swings his head back and forth in search of Regina…

Fin for today…


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mundo de Fieras - Feb. 27, 2007 Demian and JC are depressed; Jossie slinks like a cat that ate a canary; and MA mysteriously disappears

* Dolores consoles JC in his hospital room. He's depressed and crying; she tells him he isn't to blame for Regina's death; he can't accept it and wants to be alone; before she leaves, she tells him that she will always be here for him - it is what she promised Regina.

* Tiberio is at home frantic because he can't locate Demian anywhere at the house.

* Demian places a red rose on Regina's fresh dirt grave - he kneels and cries and talks to the grave.

* MA finds Dolores at the hospital waiting room - Dolores informs her about JC's depressed mood. They sit and talk. MA offers support, friendship and her apartment to Dolores.

* Tiberio visits Coyote in jail. Tiberio wants to talk about the information Coyote has been feeding Rogelio. Coyote wants to make a deal - Tiberio says the money is his if he breaks off all ties and deals with Rogelio.

* MA takes LD to visit Candy. MA tells Candy about her invite to attend another Women's Congress out of town. Candy wonders about MA's relationship with Gabriel. As MA starts to explain, Mayeya and Tweety enter and interrupt. The subject changes to talk about the upcoming wedding.

* Gabriel visits JC in the hospital. JC is still depressed and blaming himself. Gabriel advises JC about how to remember his mother. It doesn't help - JC is still depressed. Gabriel tries to console and cheer him up. Doesn't work - JC has no energy to continue living without his mother. Gabriel promises JC to always be there for him.

* At the palace living room, Jossie informs Miriam about JC and Regina. MA arrives and interrupts to tell them about her trip. Miriam sarcastically wishes that MA never return - MA tells her sorry to burst her dream world, but that will never happen. Then on the stairs, MA informs them that she plans to marry Gabriel at the palace when she does return. Miriam and Jossie are in shock. Jossie whispers to ask her mother if she is serious about MA never returning.

* Mastin surprises Elsa as she leaves work at Otilia's fashion house. He antagonizes her - she tries to walk away but he grabs her by the arm. He gifts her a bottle of whiskey and walks away smiling.

* In the palace office, Miriam and Jossie contemplate the perfect plan to get rid of MA permanently.

* Nick and Gabriel are at the office discussing the merger of the two companies and the implications caused by Regina's death. Nick advises that JC has now become as big of a shareholder as Demian. Gabriel tells Nick about JC's depression. They realize they will need to prepare for any and all changes that may occur due to Demian and JC's state of minds. Then they discuss Dolores and Tiberio.

* Dolores visits with Tiberio at his office. They have a mother-son discussion about their relationship as well as Tiberio's worries over Demian.

* Leo visits JC in his hospital room - Leo finishes examining JC and tries to cheer him up with talk about his release and going home as well as his mom's memory.

* Elsa is bored and frustrated looking at the latest fashion designs. She tosses the papers aside and sneaks a drink from the bottle. When she hears Soraya approach, Elsa pops a breath mint (or gum) in her mouth. As Elsa starts to cut some blue fabric, Soraya stops her and scolds her for it. Elsa is upset - Soraya leaves - Elsa takes another drink from the whiskey bottle.

* At home, JC is resting in bed - still depressed - Pau is at his side as his ever-loving wife.

* At the table in the apartment, Karen and Dolores discuss Tiberio and Demian; Dolores tells Karen that MA has sublet her apartment to her for now. Then they discuss Karen's situation at the palace.

* Sylvester and Elsa meet on the street. He's happy to see her - she's not thrilled to see him. She is bored with her job at the fashion house. Sylvester comes up with the idea that they should start a family. Elsa is offended and tells Sylvester point blank that she's isn't interested in starting a family with him - she married him but she doesn't love him, and never will. She walks away.

* Miriam and Jossie continue to plot against MA.

* Dolores visits Candy at the apartment. They have coffee and discuss MA's trip, Tweety and Mayeya's upcoming wedding, Tiberio and Demian, and Pau, JC and Regina's death.

* Gabriel plays with his two sons, LD and LG, along with both nannies. He thinks to himself that when MA returns, they will be together forever.

* Padre prepares the church for the wedding service. Tweety and Mayeya's wedding ceremony starts - everyone they know attend. Sylvester and Elsa serve as Tweety's padrinos; Mayeya has her parent's stand up for her. Tweety zones out and has to have Padre repeat the vows before responding "I accept"; Mayeya hesitates with her response. They kiss to applause from the audience. Leo and Candy place the lassos around the couple. Padre blesses them - they kiss.

* Jossie is nervous waiting for word from Luciano if the plan was successful - Miriam tells her to calm down. The cell phone rings. They laugh at the plan's success.

* Gabriel enters the palace living room and is worried about MA.

* JC is still depressed as he and Pau sit at their table. Pau consoles him and gives him a loving hug.

* Tiberio is at the office, still worried and frantic about where Demian could be.

* Demian is still sitting beside Regina's grave - talking to her. (He's still wearing the same black suit and now has stubble growing on his face.)

* Dolores enters the living room to tell Gabriel about the wedding reception outside for Tweety and Mayeya. Gabriel tells Dolores that he's worried about MA - her suitcase arrived at the airport but there's no sign of her. Miriam watches from the balcony. Gabriel is worried that something bad happened to her. Dolores tries to understand - he explains and tells her not to say anything to anyone, especially to the reception guests. Dolores leaves.

* In the bedroom, Jossie tells Miriam that she has faith in Demian and Coyote.

* Mastin is happy to find his old buddy Coyote on the street again.

* Tiberio still is trying to find where Demian has disappeared to.

* Demian is laughing as he kneels and talks to Regina's grave. He starts to remember his talk with Regina about his organizing the special family dinner with JC and Pau and his twin brother Gabriel. He says he did everything because of his love for her. He remembers all the special moments between them - including the special day just for her, with the photo session, the dinner and dancing and the bathtub. Demian then becomes angry and vows vengeance on everyone responsible for taking Regina away from him.

* Jossie, the cheshire cat, savors victory in getting rid of MA permanently. As she looks at her portrait, she recalls the argument with MA where she warns MA that she will strike when least expected. Jossie whispers to herself that she completed on the warning.

* Gabriel talks with Nick on the phone - Nick agrees to start an investigation on MA's disappearance. Gabriel hangs up and starts to remember his last conversation with MA before she left on her trip.




Monday, February 26, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 02/26/06 "Vengence is mine saith the Demain"

Before getting into tonite's tale of woe I would like to make a commentary....
Having followed Rosy O'Campo's "pièce de résistance" LFMB, I sincerely believe Mundo lost a great opportunity of blatant commercialism. We are living in a material world. Now this is in no way a spoiler...I am certain that those of you who are following LFMB, have noticed the subtle infomercials with in the show...Lety's Ford Focus, the Nextel Telephones and other things that will come up.....Well what a chance was missed with Mundo...

Leo's bedazzeled jacket comes to mind, hows about a pitch for ACME dynamite, another for ACME fiberglass rowboats "They don't sink", what about plus size servent uniforms, a direct TV remote can easily be converted to an explosive remote, why didn't Demian rush out and buy a new Hummer and then he could explain to all the employees why it is the Mafioso vehicle of choice, bullet proof glass is extra, Sherman Williams is no doubt the choice of La Fieras for their make-up, I bet Elsa would enjoy Jose Cuervo, she could kinda wink at the audience while stealing a swig, and Mundo certainly could have promoted Viagra, with a disclaimer "if erection exists longer than 4 hours call Leo". Anyhow I'm just sayin.

Now on to the grief fest that was tonite's show.

At the very beginning we got a few moments of Regina's gut wretching death...
On to Demian locked in the room with Regina's body...Poor Demian he is crazed with grief. He wails at the fates, then trys to conjole Regina, claiming his Regina is only sleeping and he will take care of her and never leave her. Gabe is beating on the door, to no avail; Demian is in his own lil world and reality will be kept at bay as long as the door is locked.

Dolores enters the waiting room, where people are standing around with that uncomfortable not meeting anyone's eye stance that people always have when waiting for grave news. Tiberio, Rog, Diana, Karen & Joselyn are all present. Dolores gives them the bad news, everyone is grief stricken. Even Joselyn looks remorseful, she says that she must tell Miriam and asks Karen to accompany her. Karen opts to remain at the hospital to console JC & Paulina. Joselyn makes a quick exit, I actually do believe she felt bad and not knowing what to do with these new feeling of sympathy for someone other than herself, she had to make a hasty retreat. Gabe now enters the waiting room and says Demian has locked himself in the room and won't come out. Rog and Tiberio go with Gabe.

Demian is still talking to Regina, like she is just resting, when security opens the door, two big guys come in with Gabe & the cousins. Gabe tries to talk to Demian, then Tiberio then Rog, finally Leo gets Demian to go with him. Suddenly Demian realizes what is going on and tries to bolt back into the room; security drags him away. Gabe & Leo are in with Regina and Gabe has pink eye from the squelching of tears, now enter the priest and Candelabra for last rites. Last rites are performed, no need for detail here, you can imagine. Finally Leo covers Regina with the sheet.

Karen and Rog are having words about the meaning of life, how fleeting, how they lived such frivolous lives...Diana overhears and you can tell by her look, she ain't buyin what Rog is sellin.

On to JC, Paulina & Karen; well it is rather pointless to say JC is overwhelmed, he just had a bone marrow transplant and his mother died. JC is all worried about his father who only lived for Regina...JC like most children is unaware of the string of chicks, Demian kept on the side. JC tells Paulina to go with Karen to the Cafeteria and get something to eat.

At some point JC is wheeled in to see his mother, by Gabe who leaves him with Regina. JC is sobbing and thanking his mother for her great sacrifice and he vows to be the best person, the best husband and the best father he can be...He knows she is in heaven, but he will carry her with him always, yeah like in his blood.

Leo goes to see Demian who is with the security guys and a nurse. The nurse has a big ol hypo in her hand...Demian is manic and Leo give him an injection of what appears to be a horse tranquilizer, Demian kinda slumps down and Leo backs off....HA HA HA fooled you, Dr. Dooright...Demian makes an incredible leap across the room and wraps his hands around Leo's neck. Gotta say hey nice shot...especially considering he has just been given an enormous tranquilzer, he has a wooden leg and has no depth perception...I say nice shot man.

Security pulls him off Leo and for a moment it sounds like Leo has a crushed windpipe; but alas this too shall pass. Cough Cough Leo is okay and Demian is drug off somewhere.

Alone in his room JC is thinking and tears are running down his face...when who bursts in the door, but his now totally cranked up father, I think whatever Leo gave Demian is having an adverse reaction, cause he is going all AngelDust on them.

Demian starts ranting Asesino, Asesino, Asesino....yes he clearly blames JC for Regina's death. He is all like, yeah you pathetic little just couldn't cowboy up and take it like a man...Your mother sacrificed her life for you. JC whines back Papa, Papa....Demian lunges at JC and I'm thinking, Jeez he's gonna remove the new marrow & clone it, but no he slaps JC. Spouts some more venom, twirls around on his peg leg and he is out the door.

Diana follows Karen and Paulina to the cafeteria, where she says sorry about your loss and about Rog, she tells Karen she doesn't believe Rog has changed...but Karen says everyone deserves a second chance..Diana is all whatever, and she leaves.

Now we see the grill of the Hummer and a single headlight...oh I get it...artistic devise, Demian has one eye...okay, now remember he is driving the narrow streets on AngelDust.

Anyway Demian is high above MX City (we see the lights of the city below...actually this view looks like where my sister-in-law really is part of the city, but there are like twenty million lights...yeah that's it, twenty million flashlights). The camera angle here makes it look like Demian is standing next to an open grave, but that isn't right, cause he is in no shape to make funeral arrangements. Demian is wailing to the fates, Por Que, Por Que, Por Que...Regina was the only good thing in his life, why oh why....Now Vengence is mine saith the Demian, three people will pay, Leo, Dolores and JC.

Dolores is in the Evil Castle with Tiberio, a feeling of gloom is about the house. Dolores thanks Tiberio for the hug received in an earlier emotional breakdown at the hospital and for calling her Mama. Tiberio says it was a weak moment and don't count on it happening again. Well two seconds later they are in each others arms and that tinglely cradle music is playing and both are crying and Tiberio is saying Mama Mama....even I feel sorry for the guy.

Now Dolores is alone in the living room, Demian comes in distraught. Dolores tries to comfort him, I think he is gonna grab her and kiss her, yeah I know pretty perverse, but nope once again like a snake he lashes out. Demian is screaming that Dolores went behind his back and she is responsible for Regina's death.

Demian is choking Dolores, when Tiberio rushes in and commands him to unhand his mother. Still feeling the super power of AngelDust, Demian backhands Tiberio to the floor. Now Dolores is on Demian, much shouting later Demian leaves. Poor Tiberio, he loves Demain, who wants nothing to do with Tiberio and called him a traitor. Tiberio is torn between his psychotic father and his mother he didn't meet until he was 46 and she was 40...It is a lot for any youngster to process.

On to the next day...It is funeral time, Leo sporting his Lady of Guadelupe jacket, Candle, Nick Nye, Dolores, Rog, Diana, Karen & Gabe...Demian is absent...The priest does the basic Ashes to Ashes thing, when we see Demian hiding out in the evergreens, he is watching and crying.

Diana is working at Otillas, when someone comes in. It is Rog, he asks her for her forgiveness for humiliating her in the past. He realizes the error of his ways, Diana jumps up out of her chair and moves away from him. He says he is happy and hopes she is too, he finishes with forgive me please and leaves. Diana bursts into tears and whispers Rog (only his whole name, but I can't spell it).

Paulina tries to talk to JC, but he will barely acknowledge her. She is sitting in the waiting room when Dolores comes in, Paulina asks Dolores to talk to JC.
Dolores goes in and tries to make JC feel better, but it has little effect....He just keeps hearing his father's accusations over and over and over again.

Gabe & MA are in the office, things are a bit strained between them...Gabe is still acting like the girl who got stood up for prom. Nic comes in, I think this is what happened, I think Regina was supposed to go somewhere and now MA will carry on in Regina's name. She tells Gabe she will take his love with her or something like that (I was getting bored by this time)...Gabe is all prissy prom girl, whatever.

Now the Grand Finale Scenes...Tiberio is running all over screaming Papa Papa, alas no one has seen nor heard from Demian...Tiberio looked like the dog that keeps getting beat, but always slinks back to his master, cause it is beyond him to try anything else...Poor Tiberio

Finally we see Demian, he is brushing aside the white flowers that cover Regina's grave, he lays a single red rose on the grave and lies down on top of the dirt...he swears never to leave her, they will be together alway..he fears she is cold....
Cynic that I am, I still felt really pretty bad for Demian, but I know he'll be back and punishing innocent people in no time.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday 2/23/07 Mundo Pre-empted Also


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday's Mundo, Preempted!!

What a sad day for Mundo fans everywhere....preempted by an awards show. Well, fortunately I have Diego de la Vega to comfort me! Zorro, here I come!


Mundo -- Wednesday 2/21 Meet Leo, "the ever-ready bunny"

*We leave off with Reg going into cardiac arrest... *gasp & roll-eyes* Delores screams for the always available Leo. They tell her to cough... (that's a new one on me...) Leo puts something under her tongue and tells her to cough ( are you supposed to cough when you're having a heart attack? hmmm...) She wheezes saying she's going to die and calls out for JC.

*Joz goes to see Gabe in his office, he's short with her... she reminds him they have a child in common... he says "anything else?"... she says no and leaves...

*Meanwhile, MA's been chatting with Diana about the whole situation with Dam pretending to be Gabe... Diana says she totally understands. They chat about what women feel when men cheat on them. MA tells her how horrible she felt when she saw Dam pretending to be Gabe and kissin-up Joz... MA says she recognizes her mistake in not trusting Gabe and how he's now distant and cold... she doesn't blame him for it.

*Back at the hospital Leo is injecting something into Regina's IV, who is whining and whimpering... Pau and Ti come in and Leo tells them to get out... they resist but Dolores scoots them out... Pau whimpers and they both leave. Reg whimpers that she's in pain... Leo cradles her face telling her to be calm...

*Nic gives MA a magazine telling her she has great review in it and he congratulates her on her achievements and leaves. The magazine has her on the cover and it's called Éxito (success). She looks sad and pensive...

*In Dam's office he receives a phone call about Regina's condition... Ti tells him Regina has turned for the worse... he yells no, no and "runs" out of the office...

*Joz visits MA in her office and says to MA that she imagines that MA feels like she's on cloud nine. MA smiles fakely and says yes, she's quite proud of herself and what's more, she is all the more proud cuz she didn't have to connive her way to the top... Joz smiles fakely and struts out of the office...

*Ti is in the waiting room when Dam comes in and grabs him by the collar and shakes him asking what is happening!?! Ti informs him that Reg had a heart attack but the docs are stabilizing her... Dam runs down the hospital corridor yelling, "Regina, Regina!"

*Pau calls Gabe to let him know about Reg... he leaves right away, MA walks in and runs out the door with him.

*Dam, leaning over Regina's sleeping body, cries "you are the most important to me..." blah, blah... and yells "por que, por que." The nurse tries to calm him but he's having none of it. He yells at her and she walks away. He exclaims that Regina can't leave him alone...

*The nurse has returned with Leo, always a few feet away, and a couple of hospital henchmen... who attempt to cart him away... it's not an easy task for the henchmen, to say the least... Dam swings them all around the room but they are eventually successful and drag him off while he yells, "suelte me."

*Regina looks catatonic...

*At Miriams designery, or whatever its called, she's telling Joz that she told her not to do that stupid trick on MA with Dam... the phone rings... It's Karen letting Mir know she can't make it to work cuz Reg is having big troubles... Mir tells her she belongs with her family and what happens to Regina means nothing to her. Kar tells her she's sorry but she's staying at the hospital then hangs up. Joz asks what's up and Mir lets her know about Regina and Karen staying at the hospital instead of coming into work. Joz decides to go to the hospital... (big surprise). Mir says she's making a mistake and cannot count on her (Mir) for help. Joz glares at her.

*Gabe and MA reach the hospital and Karen tells them Leo is tending Reg. Also, no one is to tell JC what is happening... Gabe ruminates that Dam is capable of anything...

*Dol tries to stop Dam out in the hospital hallway... he screams about how this is all JC's fault... Dol tries to stop him from going further... Gabe comes into the scene and Dam tells him to mind his own business... Dam and Gabe and Dol go back and forth about how they aren't going to let him in to see JC...

*In JC's room Pau hears them outside as JC sleeps... JC wakes up and they both hear Dam and Gabe fighting outside the room... JC tries to go see what is happening and Pau stops him.

*In the hallway Gabe tries to talk Dam into being calm. Dam accuses Gabe of being at fault for what is happening to Regina. (Where did Dol go?) Leo comes into the scene telling them to calm down... Dam grabs Leo by the collar and blames him for Regina's condition. He tells him that if
something happens to Reg he (Leo) is going to pay... Pau runs into the scene telling Dam to calm down, Dam tells her to shut up. Dam says they are all to blame, he was against this even if it meant JC had died. Pau is flabbergasted and says, "he's you own son!" Dam reveals that it doesn't matter, the only thing that matters to him is Regina. Leo hopes God forgives him... Dam says if they are such believers to go pray for Regina but no one is going to calm his anger. My closed captioning says someone said "AH!"

*Diana gets off the phone saying she's on her way... and tells Ingrid that Regina has turned for the worse... Else is very pensive... Ingrid says since she came back from her honeymoon it seems like she doesn't care about anything and ruminates about how a woman in love is supposed to be... Else thinks getting married was a mistake.

*At the hospital Gabe tells MA that Dam is like a wounded wild animal. Joz waltzes in asking how Regina is... MA rolls her eyes... MA asks her if she hasn't already caused enough harm... Dam tries to calm everyone down...says they'll all talk about this later... Joz slinks off.

*JC asks Pau what is happening as she comes back in from Dam's tantrum... she says it's just an argument about the constructoria, as always...

*Karen laments about what is happening to Regina and how it affects JC and Pau... Rog is surprised to hear her talk that way. She says she wants to change and not live an empty life... I couldn't tell if Rog was touched or sickened by her feelings...

*Dolores attends Regina... Reg says her time is up and she asks Dol to care for JC.. She says she's not suffering because she's done this for her son. Dol begs her to fight for her life, but swears she's be there for JC all the while saying she (Reg) is going to be fine. Reg asks to see MA and Gabe...
(I think this is going to be one of those long final speeches...) Dol goes to get them... Reg sobs.

*JC knows something is up... he demands Pau to tell him what's up...

*Gabe and MA walk in to visit Regina... Reg starts with the deep gasping breaths... she lets them know her life has been full and asks them not to let anything like anger or envy get in the way of their happiness. They all hold hands... she tells them to be happy and fight, fight.

*Ti walks up to Dol who is outside of Regina's door... he asks why she's crying and she tells him that Reg is leaving them. He's surprised Reg is that bad off. He's surprised she gave her life for someone else. Dol goes off on how that's what Mom's do for their kids and she'd do the same for him...
blah, blah... They look lovingly at each other, Ti grunts a few times then yells mamá, mamá, mamá, mamá, mamá, mamá as he squeezes the living heck out of her, then starts to sob uncontrollably. (Wow!) Then asks for her forgiveness and rushes off. Dol sobs.

*Somehow Pau has made it into Regina's room with Gabe and MA's gone. Reg tells her this is goodbye. All I can say is she MUST be dying for all the long winded goodbye speeches she's making to everyone. She tells Pau to take care of JC. Reg and Pau sob together. Regina goes into some sort of spasm or something and Gabe runs for the doctor.

*Dam stomps into JC's room and lets him know that his mother is dying and it's all his fault.

*Regina has kinda come around but the look on her face is like, well, she's all red and her eyes are about to pop out of her head. She looks more like she should be in a horror movie than a novela... I know that's mean but good grief she looks horrible!

*Leo, the ever-ready bunny, comes running in the room... both Regina and Pau are gasping, it's like, gasping in stereo!

*Reg tells Leo not to work too hard cuz it's over for her... he wants to take her somewhere but she refuses, convinced that her time has come. She begs him to let her say her goodbye's. He's looking convinced when several people make their way into the room, it's Candy, Dol and MA, oh, and the priest, then JC. She looks terrorized but I think she's actually trying to look immensely sad... JC stagers and coughs his way to her bed...

*JC says it's his fault she's dying... she says no... he has an obligation to God and to life... her grandchild needs him.... She tells him to raise his son to be a good man like him. They cry at each other... She asks God to help her accept that she won't be at his side anymore.... then she gasps several times with her eyes wide... the camera flashes briefly to the Priest... she tells JC she'll be waiting for him and that his happiness is all she asks. Then she passes out; the sound of the hart monitor goes flat.

*JC caresses her head and cries telling her to go in peace... The Priest prays over her while JC sobs... Dam enters pushes JC onto the floor and screams Regina, Regina Regina...

*Dam demands that everyone gets out. He accuses JC of killing her... He pushes half the people out... then Dam & Pau help JC out of the room. Dam sobs and kisses Regina's hand... he screams, "AHHHH!"

*JC is helped into bed by Leo and Gabe. He is saddened by his father and despondent over his mother...

*Meanwhile, Dam is also despondent and blaming JC for her death as he caresses her hand. He says she's not dead, just sleeping... and seems to be loosing his mind.

*Gabe knocks on the door, jiggling the handle telling him to let him in... but Dam seems not to hear anything and continues caressing Regina's dead hand... ew! and sad...


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mundo de Fieras: 2/20/07 "Chickens Coming Home To Roost"

The transplant operation turns out to be a success and everybody is relieved. Leo once again has saved the day. Regina is fine and out of harm's way as well.

Dolores runs into Gabe in the hospital lounge and mentions to him that Mariangela has returned. He lets out one gi-normous sigh.

Mariangela is visiting with Candy in the old neighborhood again. Candy asks her why she doesn't stop putting things off and just confront Gabe and discuss whatever it is that's come between them. After all, she tells her, "You love him. Don't be so bitter about things." Mariangela thinks about facing up to her fears.

Rogelio with the same kind of confused look as his daddy's (like father like son) thinks back to what El Coyote was telling him. He wonders if Coyote was hinting that Demian had killed his mistress, Raquel.

Mariangela returns to the manse and runs into Jos in the hallway. Jos suggests she go ahead and sell her part of the house and leave already, because there isn't room for the two of them either in the house or in the construction company. Mariangela tells her that just like she told Miriam, she has no intention of selling. Jos says if she insists in their confronting one another there'll only be one ending: one of them will lose and only one will win. Mariangela tells her then she, and not Jos, will win the battle .

Gabe comes over to see Mariangela to ask why she left without saying good-bye. She tells him not to touch her or to even come near her. "What's happened to you?" he asks her. She tells him she doesn't want to see him again.

In Reggie's room Damian cries at his wife's bedside while waiting for her to regain consciousness. He tells her he doesn't know what he would do if he ever lost her. (What is he talking about? This guy is still fooling around with every woman who even blinks in his direction!)

Back at the manse again, Mariangela is screaming at Gabe for cheating on her with Jos. He tells her repeatedly that he has no idea what she's talking about. She says to stop pretending because she saw him and Jos together in his office, making a fool of her and kissing each other, talking about swindling her out of her father's inheritance. Gabe is impactado once more.

JC wakes up to find Pau at his bedside. He again asks who the donor was and Pau tells him that because she is doing fine now she will tell him. She tells him it was his mother and JC is close to tears because his mother has saved his life and so has given him life again.

Gabe and Mariangela are still in the middle of their fight when it finally comes to Gabe in a flash that it might have been his hateful, jealous twin who was out to get even by mascarading as him. He asks her didn't all this seem even a bit suspicious to her, considering Jos is the woman he most despises in the world? How could she have just judged him outright like that? (In effect, she knew he had a jealous twin as well as a crazy, jealous, constantly scheming ex-wife, that would do anything to cause problems for him, but Mariangela, Mexico's most recent and most brilliant rising star of industry, didin't have the common sense to consider this as a possibility.) Mariangela realizes Gabe definitely has a point here.

Gabe tells her it is obvious she doesn't love him as much as he loves her. Her love is fragile and weak. It didn't matter to her a bit what he might have been thinking or feeling. He promises her though, in the end, that he will show her the love he has for her and how she has been totally wrong about everything. Disappointed in her, he shakes his head, and leaves, slamming the door on his way out. (All right! He does have some cajones. I thought either Jos or she had put 'em in a lock-box somewhere!)

After Gabe leaves, Mariangela realizes she owes him an apology.

Eventually the doctor gives JC permission to be wheeled in his wheelchair to his mother's room. So, the next day Pau takes him to see Regina and JC tells Reggie that he has one more reason to admire her. He tells her that he is what he is because of the kind of mother she has been with him. (Ok. A little syrupy sentimentality is nice, but this is reaching diabetes-inducing range.)

Gabe goes to Demian's place and finds Demian there talking with Tiberio. He tells him he knows about the little subterfuge with Jos and how the two of them tried to separate Mariangela and him in order to cause trouble. Demian lies and says that was impossible because he was out eating breakfast with Ti. Ti backs his daddy up and Gabe, apopleptic about now, calls them both liars. He says that Demian and he are now back to square one and the merger is off. He storms out. (Score another one for Gabe!)

Mariangela, still at the manse, goes downstairs and confronts Jos about her trying to trick her and nearly destroying her relationship with Gabe. When Jos pretends she doesn't know what Mariangela's talking about, Mariangela becomes furious and tells Jos not to think that she is going to get her own way in this. Jos tells her to give up because she'll never get the better of her. She should realize that she and Gabe will never be happy together. Mariangela warns her that she is going to fight for what is hers. Jos warns her not to let her guard down with a wild animal because when she least expects it, the animal strikes. "Then I will just end up caging you, Jos!"

Elsa is sneaking another swig of hooch out of her pint behind the coatrack when Otilia comes up and surprises her. Elsa begs her not to fire her or to tell her mother. Otilia says she has no intention of firing her, but suggests she attend Alchoholics Anonymous to get help. Elsa says she doesn't think she can force herself.

At the same time Sylvestre comes over to speak with Candy and he tells her that he found Elsa's bottle of hooch during their honeymoon. She had fallen off the wagon after all. He says he loves her though and will see that she eventually stops drinking. Candy is heartsick at the news that Elsita has fallen back into the "clutches of alchohol".

Ti has a conversation with Dolores, who apologizes for missing out on celebrating his birthday with him. He realizes now it was for a good reason. She asks if his father celebrated with him instead. He answers that Demian didn't but he never has bothered to. She says she'll discuss that with him. Ti says not to bother. Demian has always had only one interest and that has been Regina. Never once, he adds, has he shown a bit of affection towards him, nor given even a word of encouragement. He tells her then that he realizes that his father has never loved him as a son. He is just one more employee to Demian.

Mariangela finds Demian at the office and tears him a new one for trying to trick her by impersonating his brother and getting her to believe Gabe was double-timing her with Jos. Demian tries to verbally swat her away and denies everything. He even accuses her of setting him up to get him in trouble with his brother, but Mariangela tells him to stuff it. She warns him she will not be as foolish next time.

Demian threatens Mariangela, saying he is worse than her worst nightmare. She answers him back that if he tries anything again, he is the one who will find out what she is capable of doing and she will make him pay dearly. He should not doubt that she can hurt him and she will. She storms out and the first thing Demian thinks to himself is that she's sexy when she gets angry....... (What was this about Regina being his whole world and the love of his life? How quickly he forgets. I think this is called compartmentalizing......)

Gabe goes back to the manse to look for Jos since she never came in to work that morning. He finds her and complains about the trick she played on Mariangela with Demian in his office while he was gone. She of course denies this, which makes him even angrier. He tells her he's certain about it and yells at her about when will she ever come to realize that he wants her out of his life for good. "Enough already! You are going to pay dearly for this!" He turns around and leaves, slamming the door in her face. (Gabe is 3 for 3 tonight. He is so angry he is smokin'!) Jos begins to look worried that the jig is finally up.

Demian, in his office alone again, is furious with himself about joining in Joselyn's little intrigues. Now that the merger is off he knows that eventually Regina will find out the truth and he will never be able to live it down.

Once Gabe has returned to the office he fills Nicolas in about what has happened between him and Mariangela due to Jos and Demian's antics. He tells Nic that he's backing away from the merger. Nic says they'll have to call another major shareholder's meeting because that is the only way he can renig on the merger. Gabe says no they won't. He is the major stockholder and what he says goes, period.

Mariangela comes by to apologize to Gabe for her doubts and her rotten behavior towards him. He says he can forgive her, but it has been too painful an experience for him. He suggests they give each other some space for a while. She asks if he wants her to stay away. He suggests that it would be best but before she comes back she should think long and hard about whether she really loves him as much as he loves her.

Dolores goes in to visit with Reggie and they talk about how mothers will do anything to save the lives of one of their kids. Reggie tries to take a nap as Dolores says she'll stick around for a bit to watch over her for a while. Dolores is looking out the window when all of a sudden Regina begins to choke and gasp.


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