Friday, August 03, 2012
Weekend Discussion: Telenovela Villains; Peer(less) Evil
Labels: abismo, barbara, Fuego, Fuerza, Karmageddon, manana, mundo, no-podia, pecado, telenovelas, Teresa, weekend
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Revised. New bloggers - are you out there? Willing to give it a try?
Have you been reading our blog and thinking "I could do that!" ??
Our 8 pm show, Eva Luna, is ending April 11 (this coming Monday) and we don't know what's following it.. We need possibly FOUR bloggers for this show!! It's rumored to be quite good.
UPDATE: Some are of the opinion that in fact Eva Luna is NOT ending!??
Our 7 pm show, Llena de Amor, is ending April 18. and "Cuando Me Enamore" is starting on Tuesday, April 19. We need two or three bloggers for the show, which is rumored to be a comedy (I hope so!)
Our 9 pm show, Teresa, has just begun and has no regular recaps at all, because the recappers all went with "Triunfo" when it was put in the 10 pm slot.
UPDATE! Frances is going to blog Teresa tonight! Let's give her a hand!
UDPATE! Samantha is going to give it a try tomorrow night! Good luck Samantha!
We will go on with whoever we have on board, but understand: there is no "THEM" here to badger. If you are thinking, WHERE ARE MY RECAPS? consider being a recapper your very own self. Email me at if you're interested.
Respectfully submitted,
Your blog mom Melinama (Chapel Hill Fiddler)
Labels: eva, llena, mundo, recappers-needed
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Caray Caray Special Report - People en Espa~ol Mas Bello fiesta - May 20, 2010
During my recent vacation I flew to New York City for the People en espa~ol Mas Bello 2010
fiesta on May 20. As the blog's unofficial photographer, I was permitted to enter and
stand in the corner with the other photographers in the press room at the event.
Here is the link to see the photos I took both outside the venue and in the press room:
Labels: clon, Cuidado, dinero, entertainment-news, gavilanes, heridas, manana, mundo, pecado, sortilegio
Thursday, September 13, 2007
FEAS (and other Novela favorites) - Where are they now....?

Aldo is still insisting he's not a part of this life...[Alma shared this already, but it's so great, and in this instance LARGE (note the tree size in the background for perspective), I have to share it again along with my reaction during the finale...que the hell????!]
Luigi appears as his alter stripper ego Sergio Mayer in a character on Vecinos, a comedy which stars our beloved leading Juan lady Mayrin Villanueva and airs right before Juan:

Mama Julieta appears in a promo commemorating 50 years of the telenovela...:

Carloca will be shaking her stuff, er, singing at the Feria Nacional in Zacatecas

Triple whammy....La Vale is looking more stunning than ever as a trip of hers to promote McD and the Latin grammys and a "change of look" is featured on La Oreja talk show with a sudden appearance of none other than La Giraffa also may remember the male host appearing as himself giving away the non-fruitioning dinner with Fernando Colunga to the cuartel....
Sorry, this video was taking hours to download...I'll keep trying ...

And sexy Cristobal is relighting the airwaves in a replay of an oldy with Heridas star Miranda:

And finally just for fun, Destilando fans might recognize the beautiful blue agave fields of Jalisco, and the Catedral Metropolitana on a rainy Sat.night...:
Labels: Destilando, duelo, entertainment-news, fea, heridas, Juan, mundo
Monday, March 26, 2007
Anya, you there? We need a few more recappers...
With the proliferation of novelas being recapped, our resources are getting a bit thin. Specifically, we're short for Destilando, and will be missing a 7:00 person when Duelo ends. If you would like to try, write me at
Labels: acorralada, Destilando, duelo, fea, mundo, recappers-needed, Zorro
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Mundo de Fieras Grand Final 03/23/07: Remorse and Repentance A-plenty or Never Underestimate the Power of a Mother's Love
Gabe and Nic watch the video on Demian's cell phone and see Jos' confession to the many murders she's committed over the past couple of years. --Why, who'd a thunk it? --Nic says that with all the explosives Demian gave her there is no doubt she was the one responsible for murdering Demian as well. "She is a murderess!" says Gabe. Yes, they are both impactado.
Jos smiles to herself. She vows to herself to keep fighting for what is hers. "No, Mamá. Not a new Joselyn! The same Joselyn as ever. I am going to take back everything that is mine. Nobody will be able to restrain me."
Jos keeps swilling her adult beverages and popping downers till she starts seeing double in the mirror. Only, now Jos's double- actually treble-- begins talking back to her. (Remember Star Trek's Trouble with Tribbles? This is trouble with trebles.) Said reflection scoffs and sneers at her about how evil she is. Yes, she's Cruella Deville, with no way out (and certainly with no upside either, now, come to think of it. She's back to less than zero.)
This now somehow comes as a shock to Jos and Jos begins to argue with the treble in the mirror. The treble continues ridiculing her for all her past acts of wickedness, corruption, and depravity. Yep. It's the beginning of her conscience finally emerging to haunt her. Jos makes all the textbook excuses to her troubled trebled self: she was only defending herself; she became this vengeful, murderous sadistic monster because yes, her momma made her that way. Treble says Ha! no way. She comes by it naturally and enjoys the heck out of it every time. You can't lie to your treble so don't bother.
Cecilia tells Leo she admires him so much she's going to join him in Mexico City to study medicine and to be close to him. He is impactado.
Gabe runs into Mariangela's office and then takes seemingly forever to spit out what he and Nic just found out. Jos with Miriam's complicity was responsible for the deaths of both her mother, Aurora, and Clemente, her father. They also had planned Little Lui's kidnappiing. They were the cause of all their suffering. (No duh. Gabe is really slow to catch on at times.)
Ti asks to be forgiven by JC and Paulina. He acknowledges he owes a lot to the love and support of his mother throughout all of this. JC and Pau give him hugs and warm words of affection. The important thing, Pau reassures him, is that he wants to change his ways. Ti is glad to be out of stir but still feels he had to go to jail intead of Demian because his father would never have been able to handle the stress of being behind bars. Karen is there and wishes she'd had the love and support from her mother somewhere along the way also.
Miriam and Jos are discussing Jos's carelessness in killing Demian and in confessing all her murderous activities. (Hmmm. Come to think of it, it's a good thing Jos didn't tell Demian about putting the viper in Reggie's van or the novela would have ended right then and there with Demian jumping over the desk and making mincemeat of her, but I digress.) Luck is no longer on their side. Things have become very dangerous and Miriam isn't so sure it won't come back to bite them in the backside sooner or later. It turns out to be sooner as Mariangela suddenly storms into the hallway of the manse.
She confronts the two with killing her parents. "Murderers!" she screams, and then slaps both of them silly with a couple of totally unexpected but very satisfying whaps. Shocked, Miriam goes into her "Really? Prove it." act. The two fieras both claim she hasn't got any proof of anything. The police sirens wail in the background as Mariangela drops the news on them: "Ha!Ha! Too late. I can prove everything I am saying!"
Nic and Gabe arrive just then. Miriam says there's no proof of anything. Nic shows them the cell phone. "Demian recorded Jos' confession on his cell phone before he died!" The jig is up. The cops arrive behind Gabe.
Miriam knows they've been caught red-handed. She is furious and walks over to Jos and slaps her so hard it nearly knocks her over. "Idiot!" Jos gets in Miriam's face and threatens her then, " Never ever touch me again!" They handcuff the fieras and literally have to carry them off to jail. "I'm the mother of his child! Gabe!" Jos is still screaming and kicking as they take her out the door.
Back in the boonies the kids are suddenly coming in to the little clinic for their vaccinations. Surprisingly German comes to apologize to Leo for bullying him and causing so many problems in the clinic. (What? No law suit? No jail time for the mean old loony toon? I guess not. That would mean no future nookie from Ceci.) Leo's an easy sort, so once German is forgiven, he asks Leo's intentions towards Cecilia.
Leo explains very honestly how he feels and assures him that he respects her even though he doesn't love her right now. They are going to give the relationship a try, he says, and he believes it won't take long with a woman like Cecilia to forget his past personal problems and to fall in love with her.
Elsa gets a few hours out for good behavior and Sylvestre takes her back to visit Candy in the old neighborhood. She is all smiles and healthy looking again. Elsa asks her mother to forgive her for her horrible behavior and the way she treated her and Leo for so long. Candy and she share hugs and kisses while Syl watches and smiles.
There is a big sigh of relief with both fieras now caged. Gabe and Mariangela share a minute of happiness upstairs in the manse with their two children. Yes, Mariangela has both of her children back in her arms.
Miriam and Jos share a jail cell and the two start grousing and blaming each other about Jos's carelessness. Jos kept ignoring Miriam's warnings and then, she told Demian everything they'd done! She's angry that this is why they finally got caught. "You had to open your big mouth and brag on and on!" --"Who would have thought he'd have recorded me on his cell phone?" "I disown you as my daughter!" They end up in fisty-cuffs over it so the cops finally have to come in to separate them and put them into separate jail cells.
Karen comes by to talk with her mother. Karen stands there snivelling. Jos is snide and says, "This is what you wanted right? Me in jail? Well now you have it. Don't ever come back to see me again." Karen asks her if she regrets anything she's done. Jos answers, "Not at all." Karen is crushed and leaves.
Dolores comes to harrass Miriam. Miriam says, "Satisfied?" Dolores replies, "I should say I am.....untroubled." The guards come in to transfer her to the prison and Dolores rubs it in that they're now the ones going to prison and that they'll be spending the rest of their lives rotting behind bars. As Miriam is taken away she gives Dolores the foreign equivalent of "Screw You" with hand signals. Dolores says to herself, "Brother, just as I swore to you."
Gabe must comfort Karen as prodigal son, Rogelio, returns home. Karen is all weepy eyed. He finds out that Miriam and Jos are in jail and he offers her his support and gives her a hug. Gabe looks at the two and (just like me) has a hard time figuring out if this is a big brotherly hug or something more. It's aparrent Gabe does like the change he sees in Rog.
Cecilia realizes that Leo is packing his bags to leave. She asks if he's coming back or not. He explains a couple of his family need his support right now, but he is definitely coming back to her. Cecilia plants a big fat kiss on Leo and he asks for a second one.
Gabe comes to visit Jos in prison. She says, "What were you expecting? For me to be sobbing and asking your pardon?" He complains to her about the nasty way she treated Karen. "She deserves that and more." Gabe is flabberghasted and asks her if she would want Karen feeling so horrible after telling her she'd killed her father? "Edgar was a nuissance for me. I had to get him out of the way. You know what? I don't regret it, either."
Gabe is disgusted. "You are never going to change, Joselyn. However, I do forgive you." Jos hits the roof and tells him to get lost and fast. "I don't need it. I hope you and Mariangela would rot and never be happy! Rot! Get out!"
When Leo gets home he tells Candy about the new feelings he has discovered he has now that he knows about his biological family. He also tells her about Cecilia. Elsa knocks and they make a big deal out of her calling him "brother" now. There is lots of joking and smiling all around with Sylvestre and Candy.
Leo goes to visit Jos at the prison. He offers to be there for her and to give her what support he can. "What can I do for you?" --"Get me out of here!" When he says that isn't possible she immediately rejects him; but then Jos has a supposed change of heart. She starts to cry about never having had the love necessary from her mother. She ended up the way she did and in prison because of it and now it's too late for her. (Caution, Will Robinson! Caution!!) She plays on Leo's heartstrings like a well tuned Strativarius violin.
While walking around the central business district later, Elsa and Sylvestre get a rude surprise. They are professing their feelings for each other when El Mastín, all dirty and stinking drunk (and still in the same tee-shirt and pants from when he left her on the street to die from her overdose) bumps into them with a bottle in his hand. He's high as a kite and panhandling for money.
El Mastín's mind is so burned out that he doesn't even recognize them anymore. He's too drunk or high or both. Sylvestre pushes him away. El Mastín trips and falls down against the side of a building and babbles on to himself. Sylvestre is ready to beat the tar out of him, but Elsa stops him. She is so shocked at his appearance. She realizes this could have been her fate and tells that to Sylvestre.
That night Leo is riding with Jos (now magically dressed like Catwoman in a black bodysuit) in the back of a police van. They're in route as he got her transferred to a psychiatric clinic. Suddenly Jos pretends to feel sick and has him stop the van for her. The minute the driver opens the door she double crosses them and uses a tire iron on the policeman and grabs his gun. Leo stares at her. She forces Leo to cuff himself to the policeman. She drives off in the van screaming, "I do love you, Leo! Now get out of here!" (Cute. They call handcuff's "esposas" (wives) in Mexico.)
Jos is aparently having a mental breakdown from all the guilt that has surfaced in her psyche. She's running along trying to find a way out and begins to see her reflection in windows of the buildings; it's screaming accusations at her along with Federico, Clemente and Demian. Freddy and Clemente keep whining and blaming her for their deaths. They moan and question her why since all they did was try to love her and protect her as any father/stepfather would. Demian even appears and begins bragging about pursuing her all the way from Hell to avenge his death. She breaks down into tears and tries to run away from them all.
Nic and Gabe get word Jos has escaped. Gabe takes his car and starts looking for her in the area near where she fled the van. Jos's Cruella D reflection continues to mock her until Jos tires out and ends up tripping and breaking through a glass door. She bends down and picks up a jagged piece of the glass and runs off with it.
Gabe nearly runs Jos down near the construction site of some large partially constructed building nearby. He gets out and runs after her. He follows her up to the top of the unfinished building. He tries to convince her to come down and hand herself over to the police.
She swears she will not go back to a life behind bars. --"Why did you refuse to love me? Nobody loved me!" (To the end she's the victim and blameless.) He tells her to think about her daughter and son who still love her and that she can change. He'll help her without bitterness or hate. "Really? No! It is too late to help me. I don't have the strength anymore. I just can't go on." (I am thinking about now that I can't either. Jump already, will ya? Die and put us all out of our mysery. Ay!)
Sirens start blaring again. Jos is beside herself with fear and self-loathing. "Adios, Gabriel. Forgive me. Remember I did it all for you, for your love." She cuts her wrists and lets herself fall to the bottom of the construction pit.
A couple of minutes later Leo, Gabe, Nic and Dolores and Karen are all gathered around her while she's lying there dying. Leo begs her not to give up. Jos tells him she really needed to have a brother. He says he's sorry too because he would have given anything to avoid so much of her suffering. She then tells Karen she does love her and is sorry. After that she turns to Gabe and asks his forgiveness. Of course he gives it to her with tears in his eyes.(You're a better man than I, Gunga-Gabe.) She asks him to be sure that Mariangela takes care of her children. Finally Jos tells him she was only ever able to be happy with him. Fully repentant, she dies.
Leo comes to visit Miriam in prison the next day and offers her his love and support. After all she gave him life he tells her and he respects that. He shocks her by calling her "Mamá". She sneers a bit and refuses to accept him, but as he walks off she flinches and calls him back, "Hijo!" She asks his forgiveness and they cry together.
A few months later it is just before Mariangela and Gabe's wedding ceremony. Pedro has returned for the event with a new 'do and it seems that he and Diane are going to start dating. Rogelio gives him his best wishes and then asks him in front of the family to forgive him for his horrid behavior towards his cousin all these many long years. A paunchy Pau fixes her father's tie. JC is there in the room also. Gabe grabs them all and tells them how important they all are and how thankful he is to have their love.
Leo walks Mariangela to the altar. Her gown's unbelievably long train stretches for an entire block behind her. Before the ceremony Gabe tells her now there is nobody to keep him apart from her any longer. Mariangela tells him that from that day on their happiness will be eternal.
The two say their vows on the banks of the lake beside the Cervantes Bravo mansion. Afterward they take a celebratory canoe trip around the lake and meet up in the middle of the bridge that crosses it. Everything everywhere is covered in masses of nuptial flowers. On the bridge they tell each other how much they love each other and embrace happily as they look to the lake and beyond. FIN.
Roll credits --and pop the champagne!
Labels: mundo
Friday, March 23, 2007
Mundo de Fieras, Thursday Mar 22--Are we there yet?
Labels: mundo
To "Anonymous" who beefed that the Mundo recap is not yet up. And to all others who are tempted to complain.
Rude, impatient "Anonymous 11:02" just wrote: "WHERE IS MUNDO?
We struggle through these things for months and then when it's the next to last episode, no recap."
Oh I am so steamed!
As one of my team members responded:
"My recap is going to be a little late this weekend. I am definitely going to be doing the recap this time, but I'm warning about the lateness now so that people like Anon 11:02 don't whine when it's not there at the exact moment they want it.
Like the rest of the recappers, I really appreciate the kind words. That's why I'm always shocked by the handful of people who don't realize that we're doing these recaps for free, on our own time. I can understand being disappointed, but a "hey where's my recap???" attitude is really inappropriate."
To remind you, gentle readers:
- You do not pay for these posts.
- We do not get paid to do these posts.
- We all, surprisingly, have real lives -- and our real lives take priority over satisfying ungrateful, impatient readers.
Thank you,
Melinama (Blog Mom)
Labels: announcements, mundo
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Mundo March 21 - in which Jos presses the button and ZAZ! "Nos vemos en el infierno, maldito!"
I put out a call last night: "Anybody who saw the show, leave details in the comments. I'll collate them as a post later."
UPDATE: I KNEW YOU'D COME THROUGH! Two brand new writers have helped me out...
- Silvestre bought house for himself & Elsa - looked like a commercial for affordable housing - laudable idea for a blatant plug.
- Mariangela finds her dad's will - he left her everything, as she's his only daughter, including the house she shares with Joselyn and Miriam. She kicks out J & M; Nic goes to tell them she has the right to do so.
MA doesn't stop to think that Jos will take baby Luis whoever with her. uh oh! - Leo goes back to the sticks, Cecilia professes her love for him - love at first sight. Yeah, he believes in amor at 1st sight (a.f.s.), but not with her. He's still hung up on his true love a.f.s. Hmm..could it be MA? Leo scurries back to town.
[IDIOT. He's as bad as Angel, see "Duelo de Pasiones." -- Ed.] - Mirian unknowingly sells her business to Otilia. Ingrid gleefully informs Miriam that she doesn't have to put up with groveling before her anymore, and that she helped facilitate the sale to Otilia -take that you witch! Mir is impactada and alone.
- Mir & Jos compare misery notes.
- Gabe goes to Jos and begs her to leave Luis whoever with him & MA. Think of the baby, if.
Jos cries, reminisces about how it used to be with Gabe. He says that's in the past. She can't give up her baby, he's all she has now, unlike Gabe who has MA. - Cecelia's dad, Sr. Loco, is drunk, talking to himself, says he has workers who will get rid of little Dr. Leo for him, why should he dirty his hands?
- Jos tells Demian she won't kill Gabe. Demian screams at her: Gabe will sooner than later have you completely out of his life, there's only room for MA & los hijos, etc. Jos takes the detonator...will she or won't she?
- Unbeknownst to Jos: As Demian plies her with drink and smoothly, genially asks: "Just who all have you killed?", he's recording her happy serial murderer confession on video. Sly boots, that Demian.
Later, Mir walks in, shit hits the you-know-what, and the truth comes out: Demian slept with Miriam & Joselyn, separately, of course, and neither one knew. He laughs at their indignation, accuses Mir of being jealous, etc. He leaves. Both women are stunned & furious that he's had his way with both. - Leo again returns to the wilderness, goes to his little clinica, is beaten up and left for dead by 3 henchmen of Sr. Loco. They're not fond of people from the capital, and btw, Leo, don't even think about calling the police.
- *** I know I've forgotten something, but here's the BEST part. Wait, maybe Beckster should do the honors. Don't see her, I'll do it.
Jos has one redeeming quality, she just cannot bring herself to kill ol' Gabe. So... she's sneaking around at night in a parking lot, looking very espionage-y, finds a black Hummer, plants a device behind rear wheelwell, while muttering, "you shouldn't have shown me how to use explosives" (or something to that effect).
Cut to Jos in her car, waiting on a roadside with the detonator remote control in her hand..the Hummer finally rolls down the road. Gasp! It's Demian, driving home to Regina's satin nightgown & Glamour Pic. Jos presses the button! WOW.... Explosivo, muy grande explosivo! Not much left of that armored Hummer or Demian. THE END!
And Anita left this:
Melinama, I can tell you what happened at the ending which was the best part and they will repeat it tomorrow. The rest was blah, blah, blah the same old crap.
Well Demian gave Joselyn the remote control he uses to explode cars so she can kill Gabriel. She finally decides that she does not want to kill Gabriel but wants to kill Demian porque la engaño a ella y a su madre Myriam por acostarse con las dos y ellas ni enteradas.
So Josy puts the explosive in Demian's car and she is waiting for him in the middle of the highway and she say 'que ya venga Diosito' [Go to your lil' God already...] and there comes the devilish Demian and Josy says 'Nos vemos en el infierno maldito' (We'll see each other in hell, wretch!] y ZAZ - she used the remote control and exploded Demian's truck.
It was truly a tremendous scene, but do not worry you can catch it tomorrow. Joselyn is the QUEEN. I hope I helped out a little the rest was nothing important before this happened some guys came in and beat up Leonardo from orders of German, Cecilia's dad, because he does not want him close to her.
Anybody have anything to add? Please thank Anita and Anya!!!!
Labels: mundo
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Mundo de Fieras - March 20, 2007 the end is near!
* Leo enters the room - Gabe and MA are curious - Leo pauses at the desk and slowly tells MA the results of the tests show that LD isn't her son - she's in shock and Gabe is confused - Leo goes on to tell them that Jossie is the mother of LD, MA is the mother of LG. Gabe is in disbelief and yells his outrage. He wants an explanation. Leo can't offer any, only that the test results don't lie. Gabe and MA are having a difficult time understanding - Leo will go to discuss this with the two attending physicians at the time of the boys' births to find out more information. Leo leaves. Gabe gives MA a hug.
* German is finishing his destruction in Leo's rural route clinic. He laughs at his success in destroying all the medicine and vaccines in the place. He leaves.
* Leo meets with Dr. F and Dr. V to discover from Dr. F that Miriam ordered that Jossie and her son be released before it was safe to do so. Leo takes charge in questioning the nurses on duty at the nursery, as well as keep MA and Gabe abreast of the developments.
* Mastin drags Elsa's lifeless body to the hospital emergency room door.
* MA and Gabe stop Jossie in the hallway - MA scolds Jossie with the accusation that Jossie switched the babies - Jossie is shocked and mortified by the accusation and denies it. Gabe jumps into the argument on MA's side - Jossie yells louder than the two of them that she is innocent and is outraged that they would accuse her of doing such a thing. Gabe tells Jossie that there will be an investigation and he will see to it that those at fault will be brought to justice.
* Nurses find the limp Elsa outside the emergency room door and bring her inside.
* Leo talks with the nurse who was working at the nursery that night. She tells Leo that she remembers finding Miriam at the nursery door, and that she says she was looking at her grandson. Leo concludes that Miriam may be the culprit who made the switch.
* Calmed down a bit, Jossie and Gabe are alone in the hallway and continue to discuss MA's accusation of Jossie. Jossie continues to deny and say she is innocent. He is still skeptical. Jossie ends by accusing Gabe of starting the battle in the first place and then walks away.
* Leo and the nurse continue their discussion when another nurse enters frantic and tells Leo about the lady they just brought in unconscious. Leo ends the discussion and leaves with the frantic nurse.
* As the nurse brings Leo into the room, he sees Elsa in the bed not moving. He gives the nurse some orders, and starts to tend to his sister. He talks with her and kisses her forehead. He says he will do whatever medically necessary to save her life.
* German and Cecilia have a fierce discussion in their living room about his obsessive compulsive need to control her life. She wants some freedom to go out and have a life. He refuses to even consider it. She wants to see Leo - he forbids it. Before leaving the room, German tells Cecilia that Leo has returned to Mexico City/Cuencas, and insinuates that Leo has either a girlfriend back there or is already married. Cecilia has tears in her eyes.
* Gabe meets with Nick in the hallway - Gabe is determined to go to the police and start an investigation against Jossie, for switching LG and LD.
* Jossie returns to the palace and in the office tells Miriam that Gabe and MA have discovered the truth about LD and LG - and there may be grave consequences because of it.
* Demian sits alone in his office, contemplating his revenge scheme and his favor that he wants Jossie to carry out (to kill Gabe).
* Jossie is sitting in MA's bedroom holding LD in her arms.
* Candy and Sylvester find Leo in the hospital waiting room - Leo tells them the upsetting news that Elsa was brought in unconscious due to alcohol poisoning.
* Candy sits and cries at Elsa's bedside.
* Leo visits Miriam at her palace office. He confronts her about the switch of LD and LG - he asks her directly if she did it - she stares at him a moment, then responds in horror how mortified she is that he would even ask her that, she is his real mom after all. Leo says he knows that, but he also remembers that she is a fiera and is capable of anything. She is still shocked at his accusations and thinks Candy put the doubts in his head. Leo apologizes but restates that he has to investigate this, it is part of his job.
* Jossie is playing with LD in MA's bedroom - MA enters with an update on LG - Jossie isn't interested, LG isn't her son, she has her son right here in her arms. MA is starting to cry and wants to hold LD - Jossie denies her request. MA continues to whine and cry and beg - Jossie continues to deny the request, MA and Gabe now know the truth and they can take care of LG - she and only she will care for LD, he is her son. Jossie carries LD out the door, and leaves MA alone crying.
* Elsa starts to wake and sees Leo, Candy and Sylvester standing beside her bed. They start to talk to her - she cries that she wants to live - Candy says she will. Elsa says she needs help but won't return to the center - Candy and Sylvester promise she won't ever return there. Elsa apologizes for her actions and her alcoholism - Candy accepts the apology.
* Nick and Gabe meet again in the hallway. Gabe is more determined than ever to go full force and get the police involved. He also wants to go after Miriam, as Jossie's accomplice.
* At the palace, Mayeya opens the door - the police detective is there to speak with Miriam. Miriam comes downstairs and the detective tells her she needs to go with him to make a statement about Gabe's accusation of baby switching. Miriam suspects he is doing this because of Leo.
* Sylvester and Elsa have a heart-to-heart talk in private. She talks about her alcoholism and their relationship. She says he isn't to blame for her actions, the only one responsible for what happened is her. He is crying and frustrated. He wants to help her but she keeps rejecting him - she asks for forgiveness - he just wants to see her happy.
* Miriam arrives at the police squad room - Nick and Gabe are already there - she confronts Gabe and Nick about getting the police involved in this matter. Gabe and Nick defend their actions. Jossie enters to support her mom, and then gets into a shouting match with Gabe for getting the police involved and accusing her and her mom like this.
* Leo and Candy share a hug at the apartment before he leaves for the rural clinic.
* Cecilia returns home upset and confronts her father about destroying all the medicine and vaccines in Leo's office. German gets after her for accusing him - she continues - he slaps her - she yells at him that it was his fault that her mother ran away from him. He orders her to go to her room.
* Demian calls Jossie for an update but Jossie is busy and hangs up. Demian thinks that if Jossie doesn't kill Gabe, he will have to kill her.
* Elsa stands up in front of the AA meeting and introduces herself to the group. As she starts to tell her tragic tale with alcohol, Sylvester and Candy sit in the back of the room and listen with the rest of the group members. As Elsa talks, she starts to cry (buckets of telenovela tears). At the end, everyone applauds.
* Leo stands in the hacienda living room and confronts German for destroying all the medicine and vaccines in his office. German sits on the sofa with a gun in his hand and denies the charges. Leo continues to accuse German - German gets up and orders him to leave immediately - Leo goes nose to nose with German and then leaves. German grumbles about wanting to kill Leo - Cecilia enters the room and overhears his grumbling and asks him what he means by it.
* Jossie and Miriam are talking in the bedroom when Gabe enters. Miriam leaves. Gabe politely asks Jossie to permit MA to hold LD - she did care for him as his mother since infancy. Jossie outright refuses to even consider the request. Gabe is frustrated, and calmly tells Jossie to reconsider or be forced to comply. Gabe leaves.
* Mayeya and Tweety are cleaning in the office and amusing MA with their chatter. They start to pull out the drawer of the bureau. MA sees the envelope and pulls it from the bottom of the drawer. MA opens and reads it - it is the lost letter/will of Don Clemente saying that MA is his only heir. MA, Mayeya and Tweet are shocked and surprised. (AY! CARAY! CARAY!)
Labels: mundo
Monday, March 19, 2007
Mundo de Fieras 03/19/07 "I Believe Leo has Wings, The Darn Doc has Wings"
Now on to tonites show...where the truths come out.
We open with Demain smirking and setting all paperwork that would incriminate him in the construction debacle. He sets the papers on fire in a metal trashcan. Mexico how can you shed your third world image, if you can't even get shredders, did you learn nothing from Jeff Skilling and Kenny-Boy Lay? Demian is mocking Ti's love for him as the evidence goes up.
MA & Gabe thrilled to be in the same room and standing over the crib of lil Luis David, tempting fate, could life get any better mi amor? MA touches lil Luis David, he is freezing...time to rush off to the hospital.
Miriam is having a bad day at work, Ingrid rushes in "The Yankees is comin Miss Scarlett", not really but the same panic, they are broke, the business is bust no more credit nada, "Woe is me, Woe is me", what will we do, asks Ingrid. Miriam has no answers.
Dolores is visiting Ti in jail, they are standing very close, only the bars separate them. Ti vows he will see this through to the bitter end. He apoligizes to Dolores for being such an AssHat and refusing her mother's love. Dolores says he has nothing to be sorry for and she loves him and will always be there for him.
Nic comes in with a guard and says it is time to take Ti to the Big House, Dolores falls to her knees weeping, this sets Ti off and he is weeping too. She says she will always love him and he is always in her thoughts. Ti is over the edge and sobbing MaMa MaMa and the creepy cradle tinkeling music is playing. I'm all like for Gawd's sake man I've see "OZ" pull yourself together, they are just waiting for a guy like you down at Pen State.
St. Leo, I mean Doctor Leo, comes in and tells MA & Gabe that Luis David is doing better. I suspicion, with all the excitement of Luis David's lil family unit coming together, someone forgot to give him his Bimbo Cake and his blood sugar levels dropped to a near normal rate, and his body simply did not know how to react.
Meanwhile back over at the Evil Manse, (and this really was pretty creepy), Demain is lying in bed wearing his "Hugh Hefner" silk robe, he is talking to a picture of Regina, telling her all about the Ti thing, then he pulls back the covers and Regina's Red Hot nitie is laying on top of the sheets, Demian puts his reina's picture on the pillow and expresses words of love, then as if I wasn't already laughing hard enough; Demian asked Regina if she was cold. Demian proceeded to pull the covers up ever so gently tucking them in under her chin, I mean frame. Demian is all curled up around the pillow making small talk with Regina's Glamour Shot.
Next day, Karen, JC & Paulina go to the convent to try and find Paulina's real mom. The Nun in charge says yes Paulina's mother is there and she will be so happy to see Paulina. She has lamented giving Paulina up all these long years.
Joselyn goes to see Demian, she wants his help, I guess for the dead business or maybe to just whack MA, I lost track. Anyway, Demian lays the cards on the table, for him to help, she must first whack Gabe. Ewwwwwwwww Check, alas Joselyn es muy impacted. I mean I am not seeing this as a win-win situation, if Joselyn whacks Gabe, she would have no reason to live, her sole goal in life is making his life a living hell.
Now we go to the country where our young Romeo, Leo runs into (sorry I forgot her name..Eric Castillo's kid). Anyway our two youngsters are so happy to see each other, there is some very G rated flirting going on. All the sudden Crazy Pa, shows up with another guy, I guess one of his workers and the guy has a rifle. Pa is all in Leo face, he don't want none of that crazy science stuff like vaccinations goin on in his lil kingdom.
*****Well between this and Duelo, it appears that once you leave the greater Mexico City limits all civilization vanishes, science is viewed with suspicion and father's keep their daughters imprisoned*****
Over at Naco Acres, Syl is telling Elsa to pack her bags, cause it is clinic time...well that doesn't sit well with Elsa and she runs into the bedroom.
Joselyn tells Miriam that Demian wants her to commit x-husbandcide, Miriam is all like are you crazy? Geez, wasn't that already established like 120 episodes ago? Miriam, stop beating a dead horse. Miriam say this would not be a prudent idea as the cops are already suspicious of Joselyn, what with Karen and Dolores's allegations, plus nearly everyone Joselyn has ever known has ended up dead.
Syl goes into to find Elsa, I guess to see if she is correctly folding her clothes for the suitcase. It looks like she is in bed...NO it is a ruse, a pillow, Elsa has made her git-away out the window. Cut to Elsa walking down the street in her jammies not sure what to do or where to go.
Now back to the convent. There is a Nun, with literally one of the largest Rosaries I have ever seen around her neck. She of course is praying before the Virgin Mary, Paulina sneaks up behind her, the Ava Maria music starts, "Mama Mama", the Nun turns around and they are in each other arms. Wow, it is that Animal Planet thing again, she could pick Paulina out of thousands. Lots of "My Mama", "My Hija", to make a long story short, all happiness and rainbows, the Nun got pregnant when she was young, her parents didn't like her boyfriend...yadda yadda yadda all is forgiven.
Elsa has found a place of refuge she is drinking with the guy, I never remember his name, that she had sex with for alcohol and he used to work for Ti. They are having a grand ole time laughing and drinking. Honestly drunk or not, she never look this happy with Syl, like ever. Meanwhile Syl has run to tell Candelabra that Elsa has escaped. Now Candy knows that Elsa boinked that guy for booze, but not connecting the dots, she decided prayer is their best bet.
Hey maybe the prayer worked cause Leo calls home and Candy tells him Elsa is missing, so he flys back to Mexico City, maybe literally?
Okay now we have to deal with also BSC Eric Castillo & his lovely daughter, it seems her mother left Don Loco2, and he can't stand the thought of his daughter leaving too. Hey take a page from Duelos, don't you people have any caves you could stuff her in with a doobie smoking medicine lady for a couple of years? If his daughter leaves, he will Me Mato or kill himself.
The daughter thinks the Doctor has a Great Heart and is helping people. After she leaves the Papa smirks to himself and picks up a knife. (I hope he doesn't try to cut off Leo's Angel Buds).
Paulina's mother comes to the hospital to meet Gabe and a possibly awkward situation is all shades of happy, everyone is happy, and I guess there will be another plate at Christmas.
Joselyn goes into see Luis Gabrial, why I really can't imagine, but she is alarmed he is hot, Gabe bolts in the room and she tells him, the baby has a fever. It is off to Dr. Leo at the hospital.
Leo and Syl are combing the streets looking for Elsa, he gets the phone call from Gabe and rushes to the hospital. Syl will continue looking and Leo will go perform yet another miracle.
Elsa and guy I don't know his name are rollin around the floor, drinking and making out, he is sucking alcohol outta her navel and she is all giggling. He pours booze on her and is licking it off and then he pours it down her throat. Elsa starts having some half hearted convulsions and he is telling her to breathe, breathe. I don't know if the booze got into her lungs or if she has alcohol poisoning or maybe she is fakin it, so when he runs for help she can drink the whole thing.
Crazy Don Loco2, shows up at Leo's clinic, he takes the vaccines and breaks them, then proceeds to talk to a statue on Leo's desk, querying if the statue would like a vaccine.
Leo tells Joselyn, Gabe and MA, that the medical tests were inconclusive and further tests will have to be run on both boys.
Leo comes back with the results, he gives MA & Gabe the news that Da-Da-Da-Da....
Luis Gabe really belongs to MA & Luis David really belongs to Joselyn...Once again Gabe has his perplexed look of No Puede Ser....Just for fun I wish Leo woulda added and both boy's match my DNA...Bwwwwwahhhhhh just kiddin. Come on it woulda been great.
Labels: mundo
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Mundo de Fieras 3/16/07: "Some Mothers' Answered Prayers and Certain Other Mothers' Worst Nightmares"
Tiberio tells his daddy he's taking the blame for all the fraudulent dealings at Demian's construction company. Dolores runs in seeing the cops are handcuffing him. She screams that it is Demian who is really to blame. Ti tries to stop her. "Let me do my duty, Mom. Calm down. Everything will be fine." Dolores is as impactada as the rest of us. We all knew Ti was a dopey fool, but this self-sacrifice thing was totally unexpected.
The detectives ask Demian if this is true. Demian tells them all that that is true. Everybody holds their breath. Huh? Demian has his chance, but true to form --and our highest hopes-- he decides to let his sap of a son take the fall. "Tiberio just finished confessing to me that he's to blame for all the business abuses that I've been accused of."
Ingrid warns Miriam that they have no more credit with their European fabric suppliers. Since she hasn't paid the bills they refuse to fill any more orders and they will not be able to handle their customer's orders now. Miriam yells that that was what she was paying her to do! Ingrid complains that she was only able to do so much and the rest was her responsability. Miriam, she argues, was aparently too busy arguing with Karen and Jos to pay attention to her warnings and to the design business. Now Miriam stands to lose everything because the creditors are about to seize it all. "Ay! Damnation!"
Otilia asks Soraya out of the blue if she still wants to see her son. "More than anything in the world!" Otilia asks her if she's had word from him recently. "Not a single call." Otilia has somebody send in a visitor and it is her long lost son and Fabio wannabe --anybody even remember Fabio?-- Jorge who, unexpectedly enters the office and immediately gets on his knees asking Soraya to be forgiven. (A mother's dream, right?)
Yes, somehow Otilia has managed to find Soraya's son, Jorge, who had rejected his momma to this point because of her former job as a lowly cabaret dancer. (Momma's come a long way, baby! From cabaret dancer to personal design assistant for the hottest design studio in Mexico City. Take that, kid!) Soraya looks sternly at him then tells him that his rejection hurt her terribly but that she will forgive him. "A mother always forgives her children," she answers. Otilia leaves them to catch up on things.
Elsa and Candy go back to Candy's place. Candy is determined to help her daughter. She tells her that everybody falls victim to evil. In a one-hanky scene, Elsa finally confesses to Candy that she cannot help herself. She's a worthless tramp. She is addicted and has done all sorts of vile, low and disgusting things to get hold of drugs and hootch, including hootchy-coo with El Mastín. They cry together and she promises her daughter that with the help of God they will fight one day at a time to keep her from falling back into her old bad habits.
Jos tells Miriam she's worried about Gabe finding out she really did "off" El Coyote. He's associating Mariangela's kidnapping with her also. Although she of course denied everything to him, the way he looked at her with mistrust really got her scared this time. She worries that the jig is finally up. She is frustrated that everything she's managed is falling through her fingers now and she's losing control.
Miriam tells her that with this circus that's been going on around them it's no doubt, but they have got to maintain a calm appearance or they will give themselves away and that will definitely be their undoing.
Nic tellsGabe that Ti has taken the fall for his daddy's dastardly deeds. It looks very grim. Gabe admires Demian for having a son who would do this for his father. He asks Nic if he can try to do something for Ti to get him out free and clear of this mess. Nic says he would love to for Dolores' sake, but Ti's case is complicated by the fact he was already a fugitive from the law.
At his jail cell, Dolores tries to talk Ti out of this. She tries to get Tiberio to tell the truth to the authorities and not to sacrifice himself for his crazy, no-good, evil and selfish, abusive father. She reminds him how rotten things were for her when she was in the joint. He admits to her that it is his last opportunity to demonstrate his deep love for his daddy and to inspire some sort of affection.
Dolores tells Ti that Demian is not the admirable man he thinks he is. He's evil. This is a lost cause. The ingrate will remain free while he spends the rest of his life behind bars for nothing. She's been there and knows what she's talking about. Ti, though, has decided to follow it through to the end.
Alone in his office Demian tells himself that he is not going to soften. He didn't ask Tiberio to do this and he won't soften for any of them. If Ti is stupid enough to take the fall then let him.
Everyone eventually follows Dolores and Tiberio to the lock-up. First Nic comes in. He tries to get Ti to tell the truth for the love of his suffering mother. He says they both know he's lying. Nic warns him he has no idea what is waiting for him behind bars if he continues this lie. Ti again refuses and just keeps screaming like stupid Federico did: "I'm guilty! I'm guilty and nobody can make me change my mind!" (Talk about your misplaced loyalties.....)
Next, Gabe is in the jail lobby trying to comfort Dolores. "It's so sad that my brother could permit his son to do this." Pau and JC then arrive to lend her their support during this time of trouble. They bemoan the fact that history is repeating itself only this time it is her son that is going to go to jail, and all because of Demian. Dolores says she doesn't know if she can handle seeing her son imprisoned wrongly like she was.
Elsa goes home and Candy is then all alone. Candy suffers heart pains while asking the Virgencita why this had to happen to Elsita. (Bad move I guess, to question the Virgencita's motives.) Candy is ready to kick the bucket when suddenly Karen appears and walks right on in, uninvited, with a bag of goodies. She asks Candy what is wrong and how can she help. Candy tells her to get her medicine bottle from the bedroom.
Elsa sees her whiskey bottle with a few good swigs still in it and fights the urge to gulp it all down. In fact she takes the bottle and throws it onto the floor. It breaks into pieces.Sylvestre hears the breaking glass and accuses her of drinking again, but she explains what really happened. She actually fought the urge and threw down the bottle, but he doesn't want to believe her.
Sylvestre threatens to send Elsa away to the sanitorium to dry out. She tells him he's right to doubt her, but that she even confessed to her momma, just a bit ago, in fact. So he gripes at her for frightening her sick mother by confessing all the godawful truth. (I thought that was what he just told Elsa a few hours ago that she had to do to get on his good side and to prove to him she was ready for help so he wouldn't commit her. Damn, man, make up your mind already!)
Sylvestre has laid such a guilt trip on Elsa that when he runs out to see about Candy's health, she tries to slit her wrists. Fortunately she doesn't commit that sin, too. (Good one, Sylvestre --not!)
Dolores sees Demian entering the jail lobby and runs over and jumps him. Demian gets to smirk at her, "Get off me you crazy woman!" She starts beating him in front of the whole family and screams at him that he's a petty coward and willing to let his son take the blame for all his misdeeds. "You're crazy! I am not taking the blame for what your son did!"
Syl finds Candy with Karen. She's fine so Karen leaves after telling her that she cannot take the blame for whatever bad things Elsa does. Look at her and her mother and grandma, she says. Sylvestre and Candy agree that with the Virgencita's help they will save Elsa.
Leo at his new office in the boonies lights a candle, and is praying for patients (uh-gain). Nobody is bringing their children in for their free vaccinations. Leo is griping to himself that he has got to find a way to get them to come in when that same mysterious young woman appears at his office door. She tells him she came to apologize for her earlier behavior. They discuss her father's strictness. She thanks him for listening. He gives her an old armband with a picture of the Virgencita on it that was a gift from his mother on his 14th birthday. It is to protect her. She smiles and leaves. He cannot stop making puppy-dog eyes at her.
Pau, Karen and JC all confess they feel very close to Dolores. Karen says she thinks of her more as a mother than her own.
Demian visits Ti at his jail cell. Ti tells him he is doing this as the only way to show him how much he loves Demian, despite the fact he knows he's never loved him because he wasn't Regina's. JC was always his favorite. Demian says he never expected this from Tiberio and always felt Ti did what he did was not out of love or loyalty, but for convenience sake. Demian cannot tell Ti in the end that he loves him. He fights for words to tell Tiberio that at least he will feel some ".....gratitude". The reason is that he cannot love. He has only loved once and it was Regina.
Before Demian leaves he pats Ti on the cheek. "Good boy. --Now, do not to say anything to the police." Ti smiles and tells him despite his daddy never having appreciated him, he will stay quiet and sacrifice to demontrate his love. Ti then smiles through the bars like an expectant puppy.
Dolores remembers she hadn't had a chance to check with the nun about Paulina's birthmother. She hands Pau the name and adress on a card.
Demian aparently turns his back on Ti and walks out. Gabe confronts Demian on his way back. He demands that Demian come clean and stop letting his own flesh and blood rot in jail when everyone knows he's to blame. Every bit of proof pointed to his guilt and not Tiberio's. Demian tells his twin pretty much to go fly a kite. Gabe promises to stand up for Ti with the authorities and Demian warns him not to dare try it or he'll be sorry he did.
Next one in to see Ti is JC. Ti still is taking the fall but JC says there's no reason to since he knows that Demian is lying, because nothing happened at that company that Demian didn't first know about or authorize. He tells his half-brother that although it is painful, their dad will have to pay the consequences. He should be thinking about the suffering and fear his mother is dealing with now. Ti says he appreciates everything but this is his destiny and he has to comply with it.
Miriam and Jos see the headlines about Demian's company in the newspaper. Miriam figures this would be a good time to ally themselves with Demian again since all three of them have been left on the outs with the rest of the extended clan. The three of them have allied themselves on many other occasions and he needs them now as much as they need him.
As Demian attempts to leave the jail lobby Dolores see him and yells again that he's to blame. He tells her that no, it is all her fault. She was the one who gave Nic the remote control device and had him initiate investigations. So, she has nobody but herself to blame. He smirks evilly again and triumphantly walks out the door.
Nic and Gabe come to Dolores to tell her that Ti is being transferred to prison. He sealed his fate when declaring himself guilty. Gabe promises to look for any proof of Demian's guilt. Dolores breaks down in tears and blames herself. She tells them it is all her fault. Demian was right. She had Nic start investigating. Nic tells her that it was his fault. He was the one who started the investigation, not her. Nic will try to ask for a light sentence while appealing his case.
Miriam and Jos meet with Demian to discuss their reasons for alligning themselves against Gabe and Mariangela. Those two are now much stronger with JC's backing as now he's turned his back on Demian. (JC, remember, has become a huge stockholder after inheriting from Regina.) If he doesn't want Gabe and Mariangela to tromp them he has no choice but to join forces with the two fieras. Demian begins to think things through.
Gabe and Mariangela return to the manse to check on the baby. Mariangela says she's going to be sad at leaving the mansion and little LG. She cannot explain it but she has a special tug at her heart with him just as strong as the one she has for her own little boy. Mariangela bends over and checks Luis David right then. She becomes frightened when she realizes the baby is cold as ice. They race to the hospital with him.
Demian goes back to the office and starts burning all the hard copies of files that prove he's to blame for all the dirty dealings in the construction company. "They must blame Tiberio. I have to destroy anything that shows I am to blame." He sets fire to a number of files in a trash can on top of his desk. "Poor Tiberio," he laughs. "How he loves his daddy. How he loves his daddy! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!" (He better hope the sprinkler system is busted. I wonder if he was smart enough to deqausse all the office's computer drives, too......) Burn, baby, burn!!
Labels: mundo
Friday, March 16, 2007
Mundo de Fieras, Thursday March 15. Beware the Ides of March, or...Karma's a Bitch
Leo, never one to let the word no stop him from ingratiating himself into others’ lives, offers Jossie some brotherly help with her murder problems. Leo…she needs a really good criminal lawyer, not support and understanding. Jos tries to blow him off but seems to soften for a second there.
JC offers to Delores to look for Tiberio. His stupid brother is busy packing.
Gabe goes to pick up LG since he’s decided that maybe Jossie really is too crazy to take care of a kid, Jos refuses to give him up, since she has the paper giving her custody.
Silvestre & Elsa have a little discussion about her substance abuse. He didn’t tell Leo & Cande, because he didn’t want to rain on their little MA parade. BUT, he is going to lock her in the house, so she can’t go buy hooch and more drugs.
Leo is whining to Cande about everything, including the cream of carrot soup she just made him. She tells him to shut up and eat, have you ever seen a blind rabbit, she asks. Good one Cande! Then he starts whining about his long lost sister, stupid Joselyn. With the patience of a saint, she listens and advises. I think Leo makes a good case for corporal punishment…
Jos is complaining to her mom about Gabe trying to take LG. The idea of using Leo in this whole debacle comes up…gosh, didn’t see that one coming. They think about having Leo telling Gabe (since those two are so darn close). Miriam is uneasy, but Jos says, we’re gonna do it mom!
Nico lets Gabe in on all of Demian’s little problems with the law (since Gabe had noticed the guards outside the door). Gabe is worried for his brother. Nico gets all serious-like and says, Gabriel, karma’s a bitch and justice comes before all else (well, maybe not the karma bit).
JC offers to help his dad, who makes the good point that there’s not a whole heck of a lot that he can do to help. Making sure that bridge is fully aflame, D tells JC that he was a pain in the butt since the day he was born, especially since
A much cuter Karen is chatting with Leo about the problems with Joselyn. He tells her she made the right decision listening to her conscience and tattling on her mom.
JC tells Paulina all about his awful fight with his daddy. She goes off with Gabe, he goes to find Tiberio, who has already fled the scene. Tiberio is actually reading the large-print newspaper article about D’s misdeeds.
Nico goes to visit Dolores, wondering if he’s going to be getting any any time soon, now that the whole Tiberio thing is coming to an end.
D tries to escape his office but gets nowhere…it seems the only way he’s getting out of there is through the window. Oh maybe not…turns out he’s got a gun.
Gabe reads the newspaper and notices a picture of the dead Coyote and confronts Jossie about it. Jos tries to pretend she doesn’t know who he is. Gabe is not convinced and convinces her of MA’s kidnapping. She goes off in tears, her ricitos de oro bouncing along ten feet behind her.
Elsa finally gets caught swigging the hooch by Cande, who can only ask her why…Elsa breaks down and we all finally feel sorry for her. Cande promises to help save her from the bottle. They hug.
D is looking like he’s going to try and kill himself with the gun (I thought he was going to use it to break out) but Tiberio bursts in and saves him (um, didn’t the guys outside the door notice a wanted man strolling past?). Tiberio & D have a little father/son moment, in which Tiberio offers to sacrifice himself for D, the police come in and he gives himself up. Dolores is beside herself and D is shocked.
Leo confronts the old fart in the cowboy hat and tells him off and then finds a hot babe out in the field…we can all see the little cartoon hearts in his eyes. There's hope for Leo after all.
Labels: mundo
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Mundo 3/14 -- A death, a Lead and a Warning
Meanwhile, Damian has discovered Tib in the mansion. He’s come back to grab his passport but Dam is having none of it. He demands that Tib obey him and return to the office. Tib refuses and they wrestle for the passport. Dam exclaims that he’s not going anywhere and rips the passport to shreds. Tib freaks out, the passport is his only way to get away! Dam says, “Was.” He again says Tib is going to obey him and return to the office and slaps him. Tib asks why he treats him this say, why he never loved him like he did JC. Dam replies it’s because he’s not a child from Regina, the woman he loves. Tib tries reason, Tib replies, “I’m not at fault, I didn’t choose to be born, I didn’t choose my mother. The saddest is that, besides everything, I didn’t stop trying to force you to care for me.” Dam answers that it’s too late and he’ll never get his affection, to him Tib means nothing. Tib replies with the most repeated line in novelas (besides “te odio,” of course): “te vas a repentir…” you are going to be sorry for your words. Tib goes on to foretell that one day he (Dam) “will discover with great gravity that he (Tib) was his only salvation.” Tib looks him up and down several times in disgust and leaves. Half heartedly, Dam yells for him.
At Gabe’s apartment the doorbell is going off. Gabe half asleep answers it… it’s Joz, freaking out. She’s come to beg him not to take away the baby and, she half asks/half accuses him of wanting MA, when she returns, to bring the baby up as hers. He kicks her out but not before she lets him know she’s taking the matter to the judge.
At Candy’s Leo cookin’ up a midnight snack when there’s a knock at the door… he opens it and it’s Miriam. She’s come back to fix her mistake of how she spoke to him the last time they met. Leo is shocked and offers her a seat at the table. She wants things to be the same as they were before he found out the truth. She says also that she doesn’t want some ill feeling between them and brings up how MA didn’t love him back, the way he wanted, but they have a friendship now, nonetheless. Maybe it could be the same between them. He asks to be closer with Joz. Mir says she’ll talk to her and she’s sure she won’t refuse him… then thanks him for listening and leaves. He’s a little impactado.
Everyone’s up tonight… even Silvestre wakes up… of course to find that Elsa is no where to be found. She’s just getting out of bed at Mastin’s bachelor pad. It looks just like Coyote’s old place.
Joz and Mir return to the mansion. Mir reports that she and Leo spoke for a good minute and he didn’t mention anything about MA coming back. They agree that they have to be on the lookout. Joz asks about her conversation with Leo… she says they will be cordial toward each other and that Joz has to fake being interested in getting to know him a little. She says it benefits them at this point in time to have Leo on their side.
Leo is deep in thought when Candy wakes and makes her way into the kitchen. He tells her Mir came for a visit. He wants to help Joz who has never had love and all that.
Mir thinks to herself she shouldn’t have gone to see Leo but she had to do it to find out about MA. She admits to herself she feels something for Leo but grumbles about her maternal instincts saying she has to control herself.
Meanwhile Elsa is sneaking back into her apartment and finds Silvestre MIA. She climbs into bed with her jacket and shoes on. He comes into the room and grabs her accusing her of using drugs. He goes ballistic and starts screaming that he’s had it and she should leave him. Elsa does the complete opposite of what I would have thought, I mean, she hates him, I figured she’d say ok and get up and leave but no, she grabs for him and says “no, no you’re my only hope…” (!!!)
Candy tells Doll that MA’s come back. They chat about Leo and then Doll tells her that Joz admitted to being the murderer of her brother, Edgar. Candy is shocked!
Joz tells Mir that she is meeting with Coyote to end “this” whole thing for once and for all… Mir advices that they need to get rid of any evidence that would lead back to them… they eye each other as only evil fieras can…
MA and Leo are at the police station to report her kidnapping, finally. She says she never saw her kidnappers face and can’t really tell them anything… then leaves. So much for that.
JC and Pau have reached what must be the address of her birth mother… JC says soon she will be face to face with her birth mother, “is she ready?” he asks. She smiles.
Meanwhile, Joz has driven Coyote to a remote park like setting. He hops out of her red convertible, walks a little ways from it and asks what they’re doing there. She says they have one last detail to finish, his life… and point a gun at him.
In Gabes apartment he’s noticed that Candy had tried to call him on his cell the night before… he calls her back. She tells him she has great news… MA’s back!
Coyote backs up and falls onto a pile of leaves crying “don’t kill me.” She looks sad and says fine, she’ll give him another opportunity. She hops in her convertible… he starts to run away over the pile of leaves and she points her gun evilly (and in slow motion) shoots him first in the butt(???), then, as he falls and turns around crying, she shoots him in the heart. She smiles evilly as he falls back into the pile and dies.
JC and Paul approach a woman who is coming out of the building her birth mom supposedly lives in. They ask for Teresa Bermudez (apparently the name of her birth mom)… she asks who they are and Pau says she’s her daughter. (To me that just seems too indiscreet… I mean, what if her birth mom didn’t want anyone to know, geesh.) The woman says that’s not possible, TB never had children… they tell her Pau was given up for adoption when she was newborn… the lady sighs and lets them in saying she has a lot to tell them about TB.
Candy and Doll take little LD to the park so MA and Gabe can be alone.
Meanwhile, Joz pushes Coyotes body over a small embankment.
Back at Candy’s, MA and Gabe are reunited… They gaze at each other lovingly as Gabe repeats “My MA, My MA!” They hug, reaffirm their love for each other and Gabe says they’re gonna forget all the horrible things that have happened. – You know, something just occurred to me… you know how the media loves to combine names of celebs, ie. Benifer, and TomKat… well I have the perfect name for this pair… Gama… OK, so Gama starts lip locking…. (yuk)
Pau and JC come out of the gate they just went in… apparently Pau’s birth grandparents were very strict with her birth mom and when they died her birth mom was left alone… Pau deduces that must be the reason she was given up for adoption… Then JC wonders why she (the birth mom) became a nun, hmmm now we know she’s a nun… Pau says maybe Doll knows someone who can help them… JC nods.
Gama has separated momentarily and Gabe is with Leo at the police station thanking him for accompanying MA to report her kidnapping. They chat for a minute and Gabe lets on that he’s having trouble with Joz… Wide eyed Leo informs him that Joz is his sister… Gabe is sorprendido… Gabe tells Leo that Joz confessed to Karen that she killed her first husband, Edgar. Leo looks sick.
At the mansion, Joz informs Mir that Coyote no longer exists. Mir asks is she sure she didn’t leave any fingerprints to give her away? Joz says of course not and holds up a gloved hand (Ay-yayay, LOL!) Mir is anxious to find out where MA has gone off to.
MA is praying… Thanking the Virgin for illuminating her heart regarding Gabe. She thanks her for her misericordia (compassion, mercy, pity) and is all smiles.
Leo is freaking out and can’t believe Joz is a murderer. Gabe says the authorities are on to her, and that he (Leo) doesn’t know her, she’s “capaz de cualquer cosa” capable of anything (another one of the top 10 most frequently used novela phrases). Leo says she needs him more now than ever and he won’t give up on her (oy vey).
JC, Pau and Doll are at the constructoria and she (Doll) lets them know MA has reappeared. JC says something about Gabe being really happy… Doll brings up the birth mother search and Pau says they’ve been able to find out that she became a nun. Doll happily offers to contact the mother superior. They ask about Tib but Doll won’t tell them anything and leaves to find out about Pau’s birth mother. (I want to call the birth mother BM but saying “Doll left to find out about Pau’s BM” just sounds really bad) JC leaves to see if he can help Doll.
Joz rushes in to see Mir and breathlessly tells her that MA has shown up in the “vecindad,” ie. Candy’s place. Mir is sure, now that MA is back, Gabe will be more secure in taking the baby… Joz says no way; she’s not going to stand for that. Mir is surprised that Leo didn’t mention anything about MA. Joz looks jealous and asks why every time Mir is around Leo she becomes “blandas,” which I think means soft. Mir says it’s not true. Mir says the only thing that’s important is that no one find out they had anything to do with MA’s kidnapping. Joz says the only one who can say anything is dead. (and what about Karen?) Mir stresses that one small detail, anything, and “nos puede huir para siempre,” “they” can make them flee for forever(?) Something like that…
Elsa is back to begging Silvestre for forgiveness… he’s finally giving up on her. He says every time he gives her another opportunity she does something worse, he’s had enough… she begs him, she doesn’t want Leo and Candy to send her away to treatment again… but he says she should have thought of them and leaves.
Doll visits Tib in his hideout apartment… she brought him pills for “the pain.” Someone bangs at the door. JC has followed her… he says he’s there to help…
Nic and Gabe discuss how brave MA was with the kidnapping. Nic says the authorities will soon find the place the kidnappers were keeping her. Nic says he’s happy to see Gama together… Gabe says it’s forever.
MA confronts Joz and says she’s sure she had something to do with her kidnapping and soon she will get her punishment… Joz lays into her: “You want to know the truth, I hate you,” Joz says, “I hate you with all of my being…” She goes on to say that she’ll torment her without ceasing and never leave her in peace for her entire stupid dog life… whoa!
After the commercial, Joz goes on to tell her she has many ways to attack her. MA says she’s not afraid… Joz says she would be if she were her… she’s not done with her yet… MA says she’ll respond “golpe con golpe”… punch with punch… (didn’t she say that same thing to Joz before?) Mir says she won (I believe she’s referring to Gabe, not sure) and to accept her (Joz’s) defeat… Joz just laughs and drinks her beverage… they move from the mansion office to the front area (great room maybe it’s called)… MA goes on and says not only did her mother love her unlike Joz’s mom but Gabe loves her more too. This seems to make Joz’s smug look diminish. Joz heads up the stairs as MA lets her know that she’s won and justice will get her… Joz just says “we’ll see” as she heads up the stairs.
JC tells Tib they have the same blood and he’s there to help. He says Tib should get a lawyer to advise him. Tib gets upset and tells them all to leave him in peace and attempts to kick them both out…
This is where my recording ends… I may have lost the last few minutes of the episode… bummer.
Labels: mundo
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Mundo de Fieras - March 13, 2007 Jossie's night goes from bad to worse
* Coyote enters the rat hotel room with the medicine. He unties MA's hands and sits her up. He puts on his snow mask and then undoes her blindfold. While he turns away, MA knocks him out with her pet rock and struggles with his knife to break free of the duct tape. He starts to get up - she hits him again with her pet rock and escapes.
* Jossie is admiring her fiera family portrait. Dolly enters and interrupts her thoughts. Dolly is angry and strangles Jossie's neck as they fall on the sofa. Miriam enters and pulls out a gun to get Dolly to back off. Dolly is more ferocious and determined to make Jossie pay - Jossie denies everything that Dolly says Karen told her - Dolly believes her niece is telling the truth and is more determined than ever for justice to be served. Miriam continues to point her gun at Dolly and orders Dolly to leave. Dolly calls Jossie an evil "fiera" before leaving. Alone in the living room, Miriam lands into Jossie about the confrontation and what may happen next.
* Assistant from the adoption center meets Pau and JC at the apartment - she hands them the information she was able to find about Pau's real mom.
* Dolly is back at the apartment - she tells with Nick what Jossie confessed to Karen - Dolly is scared and begs Nick not to get Karen involved - Nick tells Dolly too late, Karen already is involved and has to make a statement to police.
* JC and Pau thank the assistant for the information - the assistant leaves - Pau is excited and they hug.
* Candy plays with LD on the sofa of her apartment - a desperate MA bursts through the door and is relieved to see her son and Candy there - MA runs over and gives her son a big hug. Candy, dazed to see MA, asks her what happened. MA, still hugging LD, tells Candy that she was kidnapped at the airport, and thanks Candy for taking care of her son. MA prays and thanks the angel Mary.
* Leo is caring for a young patient in his field office as the father watches. As Leo sits at the desk and talks with the boy and his father, German bursts into the office and interrupts. Leo is offended and orders German to leave. German refuses and shuts the door. The man is very nervous at the sight of his boss. German tells the man to leave or risk losing his job. The man scurries out with his son. Leo gets after German for his rudeness and disrespect. German says he has no respect for doctors at all, especially Leo. German laughs and then leaves.
* At the police station, Nick advises Dolly to be very careful about her statement and the confrontation with Jossie and Miriam. The police officer enters and Dolly declares that Jossie has confessed to killing Edgar.
* Karen, nervous and scared, goes to the condo and tells Gabe that she's worried about the confrontation between her aunt and mom. Gabe leaves quickly with Karen for the palace.
* The officer doesn't think anything of the accusation - too much time has passed - closed case. Nick and Dolly are adamant - Dolly pressures the officer - the officer agrees to investigate.
* Candy and Leo talk on the phone - Candy tells Leo the good news, MA has returned. Leo hangs up and is excited as he turns to his colleagues at the tent clinic.
* At the rat hotel, Coyote starts to come to, and is dazed and confused trying to remember what happened.
* Gabe and Karen arrive at the palace and confront Jossie and Miriam in the living room about what Jossie confessed to her earlier. Jossie denies everything. Karen is frustrated and confused why Jossie is now denying their argument and the confession. Gabe is silent and listening. The officer arrives and enters - he has a subpeona to take Jossie to station for questioning.
* Candy tries calling Gabe on his cell phone - no answer - Candy wonders where he is and how to tell him about MA.
* At the police station, Gabe stands and watches as Dolly and Jossie go after each other some more. Nick stands beside Dolly; Karen hides behind the two of them. Jossie, with Miriam standing beside her, yells and scolds Karen for being influenced to turn against her by Dolly and Nick. The barbs back and forth continue until the police officers enter and silence them. The officer asks Karen for her statement - Karen says that Jossie did confess to killing her father. The officer asks her for more details to be sure. Karen tells him when Jossie confessed it. Dolly cries for immediate justice - Officer tells her that the process isn't that quick - Nick agrees. Jossie gives Nick, Dolly and Karen an evil glare.
* MA cries, finally being reunited with LD. Leo bursts into the apartment, with Candy following. He is overjoyed to see MA again.
* In the hallway outside the interrogation room, Jossie has a moment alone with her daughter. Jossie is bitter and disappointed that Karen turned her own mother in to the authorities. Karen is just as hurt and disappointed in her mom. Karen said she had no other choice, she had to. Jossie has no remorse for what she has done in the past and isn't afraid of the consequences. Karen is hurt and repentant and leaves with tears in her eyes.
* With MA in the bedroom sleeping, Leo and Candy sit down at the table to discuss how and when to tell Gabe and the police about MA's return.
* At the palace, Gabe informs Jossie that he wants full custody of LG and will take the lad to his condo in the morning. Jossie is shocked and tries to talk Gabe out of it but Gabe has made his mind up. Gabe leaves. (can the night get any worse for Jossie?)
* Nick talks with Dolly at the apartment. They need more proof that Jossie did kill Edgar because right now all they have is Karen's word against Jossie's and it isn't enough. Dolly wants justice - Nick tells her not to hold false hopes, they need to be realistic. Then Nick asks about Tiberio. Dolly goes into her "protective mother" mode. Nick tells her about the search for Tiberio and they suspect she may know where he is - she denies it - he tries to get her to tell him something but she refuses.
* Tiberio is walking down the street with his take-out dinner. He passes by a police car - the officers recognize him - he throws his dinner on the driver and runs away - the officer runs after him as the other follows in the car. Tiberio ducks behind a parked car - the officer looks around and doesn't see him - he climbs into the squad car and the car drives away down the street. Tiberio runs the other way down the street. He drops down the embankment and hides behind the stone wall as the officers search on the street.
* Miriam scolds Jossie for being stupid and crazy in confessing Edgar's murder to Karen. Jossie goes ballistic with the mention of the word "crazy".
* Leo and Candy sit at the table. Leo explains his work in rural Mexico is very rewarding, as well as giving him the opportunity to put some distance between himself and Miriam and Jossie - he actually feels sorry for Jossie and thinks of her being so alone and unloved. Candy advises him to be careful, especially with what just happened to MA. Leo assures her he will.
* Coyote calls Jossie with some really bad news -- MA has escaped. (Jossie's night just got worse.)
* Jossie is nervous and paronoid as she tells Miriam about Coyote's phone call. They leave.
* Tiberio is worried and shouts to Dolly over the phone that he needs her help right now. Dolly is worried and scared as she searches for her purse.
* Elsa wakes up with a start. She gets up and feels around the bedroom for her coat. She feels her way around and out the door. Sylvester continues to sleep.
* Miriam and Jossie meet Coyote at the rat hotel room. Coyote tells them what happened (how MA escaped). They discuss how to proceed and cover their involvement in the scheme. Coyote says he won't say anything.
* Dolly finds Tiberio. He's desperate and needs help to get out of town now.
* Leo and Candy continue to talk at the table. This time the discussion topic is Elsa.
* A knock at the door - Mastin wakes up. Elsa enters and is desperate for more booze and drugs. Mastin refuses to give her any. She begs and pleads. He tells her "no money, no stuff." He tries to get her to leave. She won't go. Instead she offers to have sex with him and he eagerly accepts.
* Tiberio sneaks into Demian's mansion. With his trusty flashlight, he makes his way up to Demian's bedroom. He opens the desk drawer and finds a passport. The lights come on. Demian comes in and finds Tiberio standing there.
* Miriam and Jossie are back at the palace. They wonder where MA is and if Gabe knows.
CAST ADDITIONS: Eric del Castillo - German (the rural mob boss); Iran Castillo - Cecilia, his daughter.
Labels: mundo
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