Saturday, January 28, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #21-22 Friday 1/27/12 The Ruse Continues -- P.1. Destination: Resignation and Misunderstanding Landing!! All Aboard!! & P.2. Gus Sings the She Done Me Wrong Song While Tia Rosie Cashes In

Cap. 21, P.1.  Destination: Resignation and Misunderstanding Landing!! All Aboard!! 
[Apologies for not knowing exactly where this one was supposed to start and where the last one exactly was supposed to end.  I was still busy bringing home the proverbial bacon.  The recorder started at its usual time, which was long after where Uni decidedly did.  Uni, your arbitrary editing SUCKS!!  So, I’ve begun at the beginning, where Kat’s stopped. –ed.]
Lo del pasado: Gustavo returns to Ana Paula’s empty house and finds El Maximo showing it to somebody else.  “--Where is she?”  “--She’s gone, the slut!”  Gus defends his one twu luv’s honor.  “--Don’t insult my girlfriend like that!”   Maximo says if she’s his fiancée then he must have arrived at the right price cuz Ol’ Maxi sure didn’t!  **!!??**!!## Slam! Whap! Slap! Crash! Bang!  Gus wants to know where she is.  Max answers, well, if she’s his girlfriend, shouldn’t he know?
Back at Mercedes', Rocio comes to pay her respects and ask how Little Bro is.  Hug, hug.  Kiss, kiss.  No residual damage to liver or kidneys.  (A little Rn professional talk to impress us and increase our viewing pleasure.)  Whew!  That’s a relief!  Rocio spies the letter AP slipped under the door and hands it over to Mersnottys.  Ugh!  She confesses she purposely kept AP from seeing Gus cuz she thinks he’s dead rather than Papa, and that way the whore-slut-b!tch will stop coming around.  Little Bro doesn’t believe she’s been two-timing him, unfortunately.    Rocio says she thinks it might be better if he knew this --but maybe she should at least read the letter and see if it wouldn’t clear up a few things?  (Methinks maybe Rocio should be head RN and not Mersnottys…..)  Naw, says Mersnottys, it’s got to be completely full of lies.  I’d rather just tear it up.  Gus walks in the door just then and that’s exactly what his big sis does with the letter.
Big Sis and Rocio ask whether Gus found his GF and cleared things up.  No!  She’s left and nobody can tell him where she’s gone!  At least, though, he gave her pervy old ex-landlord a good one in the choppers for badmouthing her to him! 
Back in Michael’s hospital room, Tia Rosaura guilts Pau into sticking with her deal to marry RoHell. By reminding her that Gus, poor boy, is now fertilizing daisies and feeding fly larvae; on the other hand, Sr. Montero has gotten them out of so many financial jams recently.  “--Resign yourself to marrying Rogellio Montero.  Think of your brother.  He’s our number one priority right now.   And, don’t think of this marriage as a sacrifice.  Think of it as an opportunity.  Show him gratitude.  Not all men would be as generous as he has been.”  Yes, that’s a given for Pau, she tells MentiaRosa.  She’ll be grateful to RM her entire life, but, she still has a hard time understanding why he wants to marry her.
Rocio and Sissy insist that if Paula's old landlord was trash-talking her, he probably knew what he was talking about!  Gus should have enough sense to believe them then.  No way!  Gus insists there’s been a big misunderstanding and he’s going to get to the bottom of it come hell or high water!  Mercedes insists just as strongly that she saw her in media mouth-meld with another man!  So get with the program, Fool!  “--I’m your sister and I’m only looking out for you!”  Rocio changes the subject and mentions (I think, cuz my recorder missed this part and have had to go online and stream it sans/er…sin CC) that his friend Esteban came by.  Yeah, the guy from your old work, says Big Sis. He’s been a big help to me while you were gone missing.  “OMG!” Gus remembers he was supposed to go to the interview, courtesy of Esteban, but missed out on going when he got attacked and left for dead.
Across town, in Big Dave’s office, RoHell is giving Gus’s replacement the who to and what for:  Big Dave’s hotel project goes nowhere without RoHell’s big bucks to back it, so nothing happens unless Replacement Dude tells RoHell all about it, the bad news as well as the good news, first.  Got it?  Sure do, says Replacement Dude.
Big Dave and Sin are riding together.  She loves the “bonita” palomino she’s been riding.  Dave buys “Bonita” for her right then and there to replace Paloma.  While the two are out riding, Efrain has climbed into her bedroom and moons over his ivory-skinned lover.  She’s the only woman in the world for him.  More’s the pity…..
Meanwhile, our sacrificial Cupcake, AP, comes by to chat with RoHell.  He informs her that Bruno’s doing his best to get and to keep him out on bail, at least while the legal paperwork continues its way through the courts. (The SOB, Viewerville grumbles to itself, could have her brother out in no time by simply withdrawing the charges!)     RoHell actually looks a bit sheepishly at her when he hears this, but this goes unnoticed.
At Hell-Fuerte Margarito catches Effer climbing down the vines below Sin’s balcony and calls him on it.  Mind yer own beeswax, sonny.  What’s it to you, anyway? “—Nothin’ to me, but, it’s a little strange, doncha think?”  “-- Keep your mouth shut and get back to your chores, brat!  And remember, I’ll be watching you!”
At the hospital in Tuxtla, Bruno has a message from MerSnotty’s and he tells the nurse at the desk.  Oh, she’s not there today, says the nurse.  Her daddy died—Bruno stops her.     Her daddy died--not her brother?  Yes, continues the nurse.  They had the same name. (Gus, as we guessed, was a Jr.)  The wheels start turning in Bruno’s brain. When he sees Pau a few seconds afterwards, he tells her he’s learned poor Gus was buried in El Arel (?), thus letting her continue to believe his competition is compost.  He promises to take her there reeeeeeally soon.
Back at Gus and Mercedes’, he tells Rocio and Big Sis he’s determined to find Pau.  How will he find her, they ask him.  He’ll go back to David’s worksite where her kid brother works and ask him.
AP and Bruno are now discussing how long it will be before RoHell returns to Hell-Fuerte.  All of a sudden, who should fly in on her broomstick doing a peel-a-wheelie but ol’ Vainessa, herse’f.  “—You tell me right this minute just exactly what you’re intentions are with RoHellio!”  Paula looks up and a harsh (for Paula) snarling sneer takes the place of her darling dimples. “—What the heck are you talking about??” “—FYI, ditzy, RoHell is my property!  We’re getting married!  Got it?  We. Are. Getting. Married. To. Each. Other!!”  “—W-what??!!”  “—Just what you heard.  He’s never stopped loving me.  So I don’t know what you’re intentions are, but I’m going speak to him so he’ll stop helping you!”  Pau tells her she has no right to speak to her like that.  It’s obvious though, that the only one here who’s intending to harm Sr. Montero is Vainie, herself!  Hmmmph! 
Bruno separates the two of them.  “—Ladies, calm down.  Quiet down, remember we’re in a hospital.” Vainessa grabs the rebounder and runs with it. “—Sure, sure we are-- thanks to RoHellio’s money  I have no desire to see RoHell keep giving you support, especially for a murderer like your brother!” Pau starts pawing and clawing for Vainie.    “—My brother is NOT a MURDERER!”  Bruno manages to block her just as RoHellio comes rolling around the corner. “—What the hell is going on around here!!???” (Gawd, that SOB must be in hog heaven.  He knows damn well what’s happened--and why!!  What an ego boost for the wheelchair-bound brute! GRRRR!!)  Vainie runs over to him, dripping with “Mi Amores” to ask what he’s doing helping her after the skank of a nurse abandoned him like she did!!  RoHell chases his enfermera off to her brother’s room before she can spill the beans.  Pau storms off.  He speaks with Nessa in private. 
Ro turns to Nessa and asks why she isn’t off in Europe or somewhere buying her trousseau.  Oh, or are you jealous?  Not a chance with that drubby excuse for a ….. Nessa says it’s just that as soon as Sin told her he’d been helping this gal out she had to return and stop him from being taken advantage of.  “—Nobody is going to take advantage of me.  Nobody.”  (Word up, Nessa, honey.)  Neither, will anybody question me!  Agreed?  The veiled threat in the dude’s tone of voice is not lost on her.  (As those of us in Viewerville know, there’s generally a good reason when a guy wears a black 10 gallon sombrero.)
Mikey, meanwhile, tells Bruno thanks and that his sis tells him they’re going to get him out on bail.  Bruno looks over at Pau like the both of them know that’s not exactly the way things will go down at all.  He tells him to get better and leave the rest to him.
Back at the nurse’s station, Nessa whines in a perfect feminine CYA that she just doesn’t understand how Rog could be helping that woman out like he has after everything.  RoHell tells Nessa that like it or not, Pau’s coming back as his nurse and she’d better get used to the idea and to treating her nicely.  Anyway, everybody deserves a second chance.  Look at the two of them, right?  Nessa pulls out all the stops and smothers his hands with wheedlesome kisses. She says it’s only natural that she wouldn’t want that other woman around. (Yeah, just look at those…er… dimples, not to mention the ones you don’t see.)  He’s not changing his mind. RoHellio continues to play hardball. There’s still time to back out of the marriage if she wants, he tells her.  (What?  Give up all that wealth and power and social prestige?  Are you NUTZ?)
At the same time, Gus is ready to look for Mikey and to look for work.  Esteban’s at the door as he starts out.  Gus brings him inside and all thank him for helping Big Sis out while he was missing.  Shucks, it was only what anybody would do, right?  Rocio forces an introduction.  (Sorry, but Rocio is one awkward looking female, IMNSHO.)  It’s obvious that she’s interested.  Mercedes talks Gus into staying a while since his buddy just got there, right?
RoHell rubs a bit more salt into Nessa’s wounded pride.  “—It wouldn’t be the first time you backed out on marrying me, now would it?”  “—You wound me to the core, Rogelio.”  (Cue the violins.)  Just how long are you going to continue punishing me for what I did?”  He suddenly shows remorse and pulls her towards him.  Now he starts to cajole and caress her.  Paula takes such good care of him and he’s sure Nessa doesn’t want to be bothered with these sorts of “uncomfortably awkward” sorts of things, now does she?  Kissy, kissy.  “--Okayyyy.  As long as she remembers her place.”  Rog looks up and away for just a telling moment before kissing Nessa’s forehead.  “—and that’s what she’s going to do.” 
Lo del nuevo:
Esteban and Gus discuss the fallout from Esteban’s divorce.  He feels like such a dumbsh!t after all these years thinking he rocked the center of Nessa’s universe.  Next topic.  Where was Gus headed when he arrived?  Out to look for work?  He didn’t exactly make it to the interview.  Esteban offers to explain cuz they’re still needing [engineers] at that place.  Wow!  Really?  Gus says thanks, but he’d rather explain in person. 
At the hospital, Cupcake's frosting is a bit lopsided over the verbal smack-down with Vainessa.  How could he continue to have anything to do with her?  Bruno explains that despite her spoiled brat behavior and her selfish, wheedling ways, RoHell’s got it bad for her.  He’s in wuv.  May be, but no way I’m going to let my brother get stuck in that jail all because of her!  Fine, says Bruno.  The paperwork’s making its way, assures Bruno, but the cash has got to come from RoHell.  RoHell rolls up and tells Bruno to vamoose.  He wants a private word with AP now.  Bruno turns around and gives him the evil eye before leaving. Lot’s of roiling and boiling in that scowl of Bruno’s.  Yep, Mister Mouthpiece looks damned pissed at being ordered around like a trained monkey, but he says nothing and just walks away down the hall. 
Pau wants to know why that woman said she was going to marry him.
In another part of the hospital, Nessa spies Bruno and is just as pissed.  Want to know what he’s doing, aside from taking that gal’s side?  He’s taking her back to the hacienda to work for him!  “—Really?  I wasn’t aware.  But it doesn’t surprise me.”  “—Yeah, but that broad’s going to pay for it.   I’m going to be the lady of the house, the owner’s wife, and I’ll see to it that Rogellio stops helping her brother and that he runs her off the place!  Just fires her ass!”  Bruno stares back and looks as if he definitely wants a ringside seat for that mud wrestling spectacular.   
RoHellio swears it didn’t mean a thing.  Oh no?  Cupcake’s frosting is even more lopsided than before.  “—You said you were marrying me and she up and starts in about how you’ve never stopped loving her and the two of you are getting married!”  “--Oh?  Vainessa really said she’d marry me? Really?  Are you really jealous?”  (Nay, not jealous, per say, but we females aren’t exactly eager to share a claim to staked-out territory once it’s been marked, Roggie, any more than some hairy-legged, brow-beating brute—er, sound like anybody here we might know?)  . Not at all, says Cupcake, smoothing out her frosting, but she did hurt you once, and we had a deal.  You were supposed to help me.”  “--Yes, yes, but I don’t want you speaking to Vainessa. She’s one of those women-- (couldn’t catch the rest…something about thinking all the competition’s nothing more than would-be hookers?)  Cupcake wrinkles up her nose and frowns.  “—What are you worried I’d changed my plans?”  “—Of course!  Not just because of my brother, but…that woman is not nice.  And… I don’t want her hurting you.  IN fact, I was so angry at her that I was about to tell her she wasn’t going to marry you because you were marrying ME!” 
RoHellio nearly has heart failure at that!  “--NOOOOOOO!!! You can’t!  It’s part of the agreement and it’s forbidden.  You do that and I’ll renege on my part!.  But, as you’ll see, I’m straight with people.  Here’s the contract for you to sign.”  She lets out a major sigh.  He asks if she’s having second thoughts.  Nope.  She takes the contract and asks where to sign.  He tells her to sign at the bottom of each page and at the bottom of the last, next to her name.   Ana Paula quickly signs them all without reading a word, and then hands the notebook back to him.   He looks her straight in the eye, trying to read her expression. (Visions--or rather--revisions of Faustus, anyone?)  She looks back and simply shrugs, the picture of naiveté and pure innocence on display for him.
Rosaura is scandalized when she finds out that Gustavo is still alive.  Bruno says it’s true, cuz one of the nurses told him so!  It was Gus’s daddy, not him, that died.  Mersnotty’s may work at the hospital, but the fact his sister hates Pau is in their favor.  Rosie and he agree that no way in the world can they allow Gus and AP run into each other. 
At dinner that night, Big Dave mentions to RoHell that since Sin is headed back to Hell Fuerte to prepare for the wedding that he’d take her there himself cuz he’s on his way back to the hotel construction site at Boca del Cielo and it’s essentially on the way.  Bro-Hell says no thank you.  Why, asks Sin.  “--Don’t you trust me?  I’m not some little girl any more who needs your protection.”  Bro-Hell replies that he doesn’t trust his own shadow, let alone a couple who are involved with each other.  (He may not be wise to Sin’s sins, but he’s definitely got Big Dave pegged.)  No, Kid Sis will return to the hacienda alone.  Hugo wheels him out and Sin goes BSC she’s so tired of his overbearing brutish behavior!!!  She takes a shot of tequila.  What can Dave do for her?  Anything?  She wants to be able to forget everything to do with BroHellio!  No problema, answers Big Dave with a mischievous grin on his face.
Pau tells Tia Rosie about the catfight at the hospital with RoHellio Montero’s ex-fiancee that afternoon.  Rosie wonders if she explained about their deal, but Pau says no because she’s not allowed to talk about it.  However, he’s not changed his mind.  He even had her sign the contract today afterwards.  Well, what was in it, asks Rosie.  AP didn’t get a copy, but he promised to give her one; and, she admits, she didn’t read it very well, only the stuff in bold-faced type [en negrito/as] but all the basics were there, marriage for a year and he’ll try getting Mikey out of jail.  MentiRosa is fit to be tied because AP didn’t bother to read any of the details, let alone ask for a copy of the contract she signed!  (Did I mention Cupcake’s utter ‘naivete’?  Well, yes.  Excuse me while I share a moment of utter incredulity and the need to pull my hair out with dear MentiaRosie: Pau, YOU ARE ONE FRIGGIN’ NAÏVE NITWIT!!!!  ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!  LORD HA’ MERCY, GIRL!!!!!) 
That night Sinthia and Big Dave go clubbing.  Sin gets drunk as a skunk. Sin tells Big Dave how much she hates being under Bro-Hellio’s brotherly thumb.  Dave says it doesn’t have to be that way.  She can just marry him.  Oh?  Sin takes an extra minute to process this through the alcoholic haze she’s enveloped in. She says that before she accepts, he should help her get back her part of her inheritance.  Dave says she won’t need it if she marries him.  That’s not the point, dope!  It’s hers and she’s not leaving it go!  Anyway, wouldn’t it be nice to combine his and her fortunes together?  Sure, okay, says Dave, but why doesn’t she show some independence?  Why does she let Bro-Hell order her around like that?  Sin starts into a drunken depression which is not going to get Dave what he’s really after.  He says he’s got something in mind to get her really into a good mood…..
In a very different kind of drinking establishment, Bruno and his ex-con associate are swilling down Tequila together.  Bruno says something about after seeing the cat fight that afternoon, he feels that all is not lost.  They do have that little problem with the fact that Gus is still alive and kicking.  However, as long as he can’t recognize him and he’s got no proof of anything, they’re just fine and it may be to Bruno’s advantage that Gus is still around.  Exxy just better follow everything to the letter this time around, got it?  No foul-ups.
The next morning Sin wakes up with the hangover of the century and wishing for all she’s worth she could skip the morning after the night before.   Suddenly she hears a Big Snort from the other side of the bed, sits up and looks over, eyes-saucer-sized-impactada,  Ruh-Rohhhhh!!!!!  “--OMG!!  What did I do?????”
At Elenas, Rosie’s been filling Elena in.  She’s getting AP down back to that hacienda ASAPP!  Before her ex-BF and she run into each other and blow the whole effin’ deal.  Yeah, but then there’s the ex-fiancee of RM’s to worry about too.  Rosie wonders what’s up with that, especially since her ninny niece didn’t get a copy of the contract she signed, let alone READ it!!    In the meantime she plans on squeezing as much cash as she can from Mr. Deep Pockets.  Now, what about giving her back one of those rings, Elena……
At the hotel, Sin is putting the pieces together.  Hmmm.  Sin finally had her Big Chance to do a test ride with Big Dave in bed but she was so drunk she missed the Big Event. No worry.  “—Mi amorrrrrr!!!”  Big Dave is up and ready to ramrod this cattle drive back down the pike all over again.  Was it as good for her as it was for him?  S-s-sure it was…… Just then Bro-Hell momentarily interrupts with an inopportune phone call. “--Where in blazes are you?” Sin’s literally thinking on her feet. “--R-r-r-riding [montar= lit. mounting/ montar a caballo = riding horseback, so I hope you catch the *TACKY* humor in this exchange] w-w-with David.”  (Big Dave’s definitely been giving her saddle sores.)  Bro Hell tells her to give the phone over to him, then.  
Ro-Hell screams at Dave for not remembering they agreed to meet at the office that morning.  Big Dave says they agreed to meet, but Rog never gave him an exact time.  Anyway, since he’s out …er…riding, it will take him a bit to drive back into Tuxtla, but he’ll get there as soon as he can.  Click.  Big Dave’s not in a Big Rush.  “—since we…er… told your Big Brother we’re riding outside of town that means we’ve still got time.”  Dave takes Sin down for another dumpster dive under the sheets.
Once Dave gets to the office he gives Ro-Hell some song and dance that he’s been there for a while, but they told him he’d left already.  Apparently not.  Ro-Hell is pissed cuz they went somewhere without permission and he didn’t know where Kid Sis was.  That’s a Big No-No in RoHell’s book.  Big Dave tells Big Bro-Hell to chill.  Sin’s not a kid anymore and he’s already told him he’s serious about her.  They’ll be getting married, yeah, and ONLY when they’re married will RoHell stopped making Sin’s life Big Bro-Hell.  Got it?
Meanwhile, Sin is on the phone with Nessa, telling her the disappointing news.  Sinthia says there’s not going to be a boda; she couldn’t stand another boring bedroom bummer with Dave.  Marriage with him is definitely out of the picture for her.  Nessa reminds her he’s her ticket out of that hacienda she’s been locked away in.  Yeah, says sin, but back there’s Eff—er her half of the inheritance. And, says Nessa, he’ll help you win it back. Don’t tell me you’re still stuck on Bruno!  No, stutters Sin.  That’s long over, she says.   Well, offers Nessa, Dave’s the one.  “--Suck it up, girlfriend. Sometimes we women are stuck with this dilemma [disyuntiva], Sin.  We at times marry for love and, at other times, we must marry simply because it suits us [nos conviene.].”  
Back in Big Dave’s office, RoHell is telling Bruno that Vainessa heard from Sin that he was helping out Paula’s brother.  He doesn’t want any more gossip like that between them. Bruno assures him he can count on his discretion.  "--I’d better be able to, cuz if not, you’re useless to me."  Well, says Bruno, he realized a while back that he was in love still with Vainessa.  Of course, Bruno adds, he also realizes that although he still loves Nessa, Paula’s not exactly an irrelevance for him.  But, that’s not his problem, either, he adds.  “--Just deliver the paperwork and afterwards, get back to the hospital to check on Michael.”
Somewhere in Mexico or Europe, Elsa and Vainessa are buying a wedding gown.  Well, even tho’ she didn’t get married in a church to Esteban, remembers Elsie La Vaca, that was a social event to remember!  Nessa says she didn’t marry in the Church cuz she was never sure about the marriage, but this one she is!  Mama laments that the gown she’s got on is too beautiful a dress to be wasted on a small town wedding.  But it’s at Hacienda del Fuerte, Mama!  Yeah, out in the boonies, says Mama.  We’ll see how many find their way there for it.
Back in Tuxtla, Rosie, Dani and Pau are also looking at wedding dresses. Rosie tells Dani she’s got to do her best to encourage Paula [echarle porras] to cheer up and realize Ro-Hellio isn’t such an ogre after all.  Pau comes out and loves the dress, but then she falls into a funk when the salesgirl hands her a heart on a silver chain to wear with it.  The heart makes Pau think of Gus.  It should have been him she was buying the dress for and not RoHellio Mont-ogro!!  Woe is she!! Pau starts crying. “Give me it.  It’s the only heart I’ve got now.  My own heart is dead!!” 
Fin, parte 1

Gus Sings the She Done Me Wrong Song While Tia Rosie Cashes In

Rosaura loses it and starts screeching back at Ana Paula and Dani who’s just suggested there’s still time to pull out of this marriage owing to the fact that she’s not in love with Sr. Montero and that marriage should be for love.  “—¡BASTA!”  She stops, catches herself and readjusts her mask.   Having regained control of herself, MentiRosa drops a few crocodile tears and tells AP that she’s distraught seeing her suffer so, but now there’s just no other way.  Gus has died and it’s up to her alone to sacrifice for the family. “--See it as an opportunity, a reason for hope!  He’s invested so much in us already.” (Literally, lady!  Literally!)  Her brother’s freedom—not to mention her BFF’s happiness--now depends on her carrying through with that contract she signed.  This seems to knock AP out of her funk and she snaps to it like a brave little girl.

At the TOHIT, Mercedes is checking on patients’ still in the hospital and learns that AP’s brother is still there, waiting to be transferred to prison once he’s improved enough.  This gives the gal another chance to snort her disgust for the slut who’s still got her baby brother’s heart in a vice grip.  As for Gus, he comes running onto the hospital floor to tell her that he just hooked a first rate job with the Water Commission.  Wonderful!  They’ve already got him working and he’s still trying to get hold of Mikey to find out what’s happened to Ana Paula.

Across town, Rogelio arrives at Federico’s office and is surprised to see that Dani works there.  Fed and RM discuss the prenuptial.  By all means it will be community property, not separate.  If they divorce, this time it goes 50-50 straight down the middle, unlike Papa Montero’s choice back then.  It’ll be Rogelio’s choice.  Feddie’s surprised Dani and Rog seem to know each other.  Before Dani can muck up things Rog quickly inserts that she’s a friend of his nurse’s.  On the way out he warns her that he doesn’t like mixing business with personal matters; so he hopes she has enough sense to keep quiet.

AP visits Mikey and tells him she’s going to ask permission to take a couple of days first to visit El Arenel (to visit Gus’s supposed grave site).

As for our dimpled duo, when AP arrives Ro-Hell immediately tries strategizing to get Dani out of Federico’s office a few days (to buy time?) under the guise of caring for him since the two of them are going back to the hacienda the following day.  Pau’s secretly pissed that that means she won’t have time to sneak off to Gus’s grave.  Ro-Hell tells her they’ve got commitments towards each other and they need to keep on track.  She agrees.  He asks if she’s bought her dress.  Yes, thanks for giving her aunt the money to buy it with.  Uhhmmm.  He reminds her then to remember to take the legal documents for the judge so they can marry once they get to San Gabriel.  She nods.

That evening, tho’ Mersnottys tries avoiding him, Ernesto forces the issue.  He reminds her of the good old days and suggests the two of them need to talk.  It’s absurd for her to keep avoiding him like this all things considered.  Just then Glorious Gloria appears at the end of the hall.  Ernie is forced to introduce the two women in his life.  Gloria makes a big show about how happy she and her hubby are once she realizes it’s Ernie’s ex-girlfriend she’s just shaken hands with.  (Viewerville happily notes the cootie concern on Gloria’s face.)  That was years ago, says Mer.  Yes, but he’s all mine now….right, sweetie?  How many years?  Fifteen.  (“Way too many” reads the expression on Ernie’s face.)

Back in Mike’s room, Pau says she’s got a date now and it’s this weekend.  He snipes what a shame he can’t be there for her great sacrifice. He’s on one mellofahellofa guilt trip that Big Sis has to marry a man she doesn’t love all on his account.  (Well, not all of us are privileged enough to have a dumbsh!t for brains brother like you, Mikey!)   Dani will be there as one of her only two guests—for moral support we assume.  Dani mentions then that her boss and RM know each other.  He struck her as really a decent sort.  He’s the type of guy that does all sorts of nice things for others but wants to stay anonymous, you know?  Mikey throws cold water on that observation immediately!  “—Or more like [mas bien = or rather] he’s the type who you gotta wonder why he’s hiding things!” 

Back in the hallway on Mercedes’ floor, Gloria lights into Ernie.  How dare he pretend?  He introduced her as “the Head of Nursing”!  He didn’t even want to mention her name!  Yeah, says Ernie, to avoid a jealous scene just like this!  Well, it make her think there’s got to be something going on between them again.  He denies it.  She doesn’t buy it.  She has good reason to gripe at him and then some!  Yeah, well what is she there for?  She’d wanted to go out to eat with him, but not now!  She turns on her heel and stomps off.  (It’s all for the best, Ernie.  You are such a worthless mess for a man!)

Bruno brings Rosie a soft drink and mentions he’s surprised to hear that RoHell’s returning to Hell-Fuerte the next day.  Better for everyone concerned, says Rosie—especially her and Bruno.  Get her niece hidden away at that hacienda far, far away from that dis-Gusting little boyfriend of hers.  Bruno figures now he won’t have to worry about taking AP to El Arenel.  Don’t count on it, says Rosie.  Ana Paula, once she gets something in mind, she doesn’t let go of it.  However, I’ve got a way to take care of that!

The next morning RoHell hands MentiRosa the keys to her new pad.  He’s complying with his end of things.  So will they, says Rosie.  AP’s more than ready to go.   However, there are still a number of things to get, like shoes, the mantilla [tocado], and so on.  She wangles another check out of him—and a warning not to abuse his generosity.   

Outside, on the street, Rosie’s in hog heaven.  She waves down a taxi but who should get out of it but Gustavo himself!  Rosie’s expression goes flat!  He hugs her hello and she lets him have it right between the eyes.  How dare he abandon all of them, her niece, especially on such an important night?  Gus tries explaining how he was beaten and left for dead.  Then suffered through the illness and eventual death of his father.  Sorry to hear it, says Rosie.  Life’s rough.  She walks off but he grabs her arm.  He’s even going to the police and file a report because he managed to see one of the attackers had an identifying worm like scar on his neck.  Ruh-Rohhhh! MentiRosa just lays it on even thicker.  Her niece was sooo disappointed and well, they went through a major crisis afterwords; and AP found a man she could really depend on!  She’s got him now, so Gus can drop dead now for all they care [literally, this time, right Rosie?]  “--W-w-w-what?  She’s got another boyfriend now?”  (All together now, class….)  ”—No puede ser!!!!”

At the same time back at Elena’s, Pau is packing up.  She drops a book accidentally and doesn’t notice the picture of her mother with a very young man (Federico ?) hugging her that Rosie had placed there a few days before.  Elena gabs on about being as young as she is she’ll soon fall in love again.  No she won’t, insists Pau.  Gus was it—the only gusto in her life.  Love is no longer in her vernacular. 

Yes, but at least in a few days Pau will be the new Sra. Montero, says Elena, trying to cheer and encourage her.  Hey, look on the bright side, Babe!  There are sacrifices, and there are sacrifices.  He could be old, have a disgusting paunch and B.O At least he’s handsome and rich and you’re not living in a hovel, devoid of the littlest luxuries, are you!  .  She’s got a man who’s taken care of all her money woes and will make her his Sra. Without even demanding that she sleep with him.  What more could she ask for?  (I note that ol’ Ellie’s much better at this than dopey Dani.  Ellie, you’re my kind ‘o gal.)  AP admits she’s got a point (quite a few of them, in fact) but also admits to being frightened to death he’ll ruin things somehow.  Of course, she knows better; and he is fulfilling his end of the bargain so far.  Ellie says there’s no pressure so they can enjoy just being friends.  Pau says that makes sense and so she can relax and concentrate instead on trying to improve his personality.   Ellie nods.  “—That’s the attitude to take!” 

A bit later that day, Dani comes in crying.  The police will be taking Mikey back to jail unless he’s found innocent or they come up with the bail money.  That will be his death sentence! 

Back in Big Dave’s office, Cynthia is complaining to Bro-Hellio about his forcing her back to Hell-Fuerte.  He doesn’t think it’ll matter cuz long-distance relationships never last.  In walks Dave and offers his opinion.  Heck, it’s not like they live in China or something.  Rog takes a phone call and Big Dave takes a moment to say he'll meet up with Sin at the hacienda for a few more “riding” lessons, wink-wink.  Sin finally gets the picture and pretends to like the idea.  Dave tries to lay a few smoochies on her much to Rog’s chagrin—and her embarrassment.  He eventually leaves, saying he’ll see her at the wedding. 

Gus demands to know what kind of problems they had—and Rosie spares nothing. Gus says he’d have sold all he owned to save them all.  “--You’re a good little boy but you couldn’t have done nearly anything compared to him.  He took care of all the problems we suffered through.  He gave her what you cannot! --But they love each other, insists Gus.  (Yeah, that and a dime’ll get you a cup a coffee--somewhere.  Love don’t conquer all, little man.  Money do!) “--Don’t you plan on going after her!  You leave us in peace!”  Gus keeps begging her to tell him where Ana Paula is so he can explain things to her.   MentiRosa races off in the taxi. 

Gus is so totally screwed.  (Viewerville feels his pain.)  He finally has sense enough to call the old workplace and ask for Mikey.  He learns that Mikey’s in jail for supposedly robbing a company truck.  His head is swimming. 

Back at Big Dave’s office, Bro-Hell is totally disgusted with Dave’s oafish behavior and gives Sin a lecture about it.  Next topic.  Sin wants to know when they’re leaving.  Rog says whatever time Paula says.  Uh, excuse me?  Sin can’t believe it.  Of all the nurses in Mexico or wherever, why is he so stuck on this one?  Vainessa isn’t exactly pleased he’s got her coming back to the hacienda with them, either.  Rog agrees and says, thinking better of it, why doesn’t Sin go back and organize things instead.  Maybe it’s not such a good idea having Pau around the hacienda right now after all.  Sin’s smile spreads from ear to ear.

Back in M.C., D.F., Elsie wonders why there’s still no engagement ring.  Things were too rushed, offers Nessa.  “--Think I’ll give him a call right now.” He answers and she’s telling him excitedly how she wants to make sure the press and all of society’s there for the big day.  He’d rather it be a simpler affair, especially since they’ve been through this once before.  No way, she says.  Also, there’s a bachelor and bachelorette party they’ll be attending.  What fun!  He gives up and tells her whatever.  It’s all the same to him.  He gets back to the details of the wedding with Sin and they’re interrupted unexpectedly by Pau.  She tells them she was under the impression “it” would be much simpler.  Sin has a heart-attack to think the wealthiest and most eligible bachelor in the entire state of Chiapas this century would dare to have a simple affair for a wedding!  Rog shoos Sin out of the office as quickly as possible before the cat’s out of the bag.  Sin sniffs at Pau on her way out. 

Pau explains why she’s there.  They take her brother back to prison tomorrow. She can’t leave tomorrow if that happens, she weeps.  We knew that might be a possibility, he tells her.  “--But those ruffians who beat him up last time will kill him if he goes back there!”  Tears roll down her dimpled cheeks.  RoHell’s shell begins to crack.  You can see sympathy seeping out from every pore.  (Oh, those beautiful dark brown eyes of his!)  He’s so totally transformed into such. a. puppy-dog.  Even his dimples start drooping.   

Mikey, in the meantime, has a major melt-down in front of Dani.  He screams at her he’ll die for sure if they send him back again!

Gus finally storms in the door.  He throws his keys on the floor and a cup against the wall, breaking it.  Big Sis comes running out to see what’s happened to him.  “—You must be happy as all get out!  You were right!  I was a total idiot.  The whole time you told me she was cheating on me but I wouldn’t believe you!”  How did he find out for sure?  He ran into her aunt who told him everything!  All that time he was half dead and fighting to get back to her and she was getting involved with someone else!  Mersnottys knows she’s done wrong by her little bro, and admits it tearfully to herself—sort of.  She only wanted him to be happy, really she did…..

Meanwhile, Bruno makes points with Paula by pretending a buddy gave him the directions to Gus’s grave.  AP is definitely a damsel distressed and he allows himself a sly and secretive smile of self-satisfaction.  MentiaRosie walks up to them at that point and rolls her eyes at Pau’s depressed state.  Bruno lets her in on what’s just transpired and leaves the two of them to talk it out.  Tia’s words of advice?  Cry it out.  Get it out of your system—alone.   

Back at Gus’s, Big Sis advises him to get over Paula and move on with his life.  Gus still has a hard time believing such a sweet girl like AP could be guilty of such a thing, but he’ll try.  His face is full of angry tears.

Once again at the hospital, Rosie finds Bruno and manages to fill him in on seeing Gus back in Tuxtla, what she told him about Bruno and AP being a real couple, and how he needs to warn his thugs that Gus got a good view of one of them and noted that scar on his neck, so the police will be sure to be after them. 

In another part of the hospital, Pau pushes RoHell’s chair as he explains how he got Mikey’s doc to extend the time allotted for rehabilitation of his hand.  At least he won’t go back without it’s being healed and it buys them time with the courts.  She is totally grateful and doesn’t know how to thank him.  Her brother had to be sedated he was so frightened of going back to jail!  Sure, says Rog, he was about to lose his hand.  Well, says Pau, it’s just that the expense of the hospital stay keeps getting greater and greater!  I’m so embarrassed over it all—.  Rog assures her that these are included in their contract.  She doesn’t have to worry herself over them anymore.  She smiles and then he smiles and the screen is enveloped in dimples and smiling dark eyes, cuz the guy has finally made her happy and he’s happy that she’s happy…. (Viewerville is happy, cuz we get a gander at Jorge honey’s gorgeous mug.  Sigh!)  They visit Mike and Dani to give them the good news.  Rog looks on and is moved by the happy sight he sees.   RoHellio is now RoJello.

That evening, while Mercedes is setting out the supper dishes for their guests Gus weeps again over his rotten luck.  He’d hoped to have AP sitting there listening to his explanation and getting a chance to clear things up with her.  But yep, he was a fool.  (Yeah, but not because of AP, only her scheming aunt).  He’s got no interest in mingling with Esteban tonight.  She can do it alone and hopefully forget about Ernie while she’s at it.  Suddenly her cell starts to ring.  She won’t answer it cuz it’s Ernie.  Ernie’s forced to leave her a message.  He apologizes for the scene with his wife earlier and wants to talk.  Please call?

There’s a knock on Ernie’s door.  It’s his daughter come to give him grief and take up for Mama.  He explains it’s all a misunderstanding and eventually Marcela calms down and gives Daddy a big hug. Great, then why not take Mama someplace nice for a day or two and patch things up?  When he balks and says he’s way too busy, Marcela turns icy brat again and threatens never to forgive him if he leaves Mama in a lurch.  FF>>

A bit later, Dani and Pau take a walk down the hallway of the hospital.  Dani is convinced Rog isn’t half bad.  Ana Paula isn’t so sure and starts to complain about him when Rog rolls up and overhears her start to describe him.  “—No, he’s very….”  “—Very what?”  “—Er…you have a very intense personality [fuerte = strong, forceful].”

Marcela demands that her daddy never divorces her mama.  Not to worry, says Ernie very sadly.  It’ll never happen.  FF>>

Back in the lounge area, RoHell says he doesn’t believe Paula one bit.  He knows that from the first time they met she considered him a savage brute.  True, says Pau, but since then she’s seen his generosity and the way he stood by her.  She’s come to know a very different Rogelio Montero, she says, and smiles over at him.  He smiles back at her.  The dimpled duo are genuinely happy she’s noticed the change.

Esteban arrives at Gus and Mercedes’ place for diin-din.  He turns around to greet Gus and asks where his girlfriend is.  Didn’t he find her yet?  Gus doesn’t understand.  How does he know Ana?  Before Mersnotty’s can change the subject or stop Esteban, he explains that she came by the office wanting to know if he had any news about him.  “--She was totally distraught when she couldn’t find you!  She was thrilled, though, and cried she was so excited when she found out you were alive.”  Gus looks over at Big Sis with the biggest WTF? expression…..


El Mundo de Telemundo, week of Jan. 30: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Hola a todos!

This past week we said goodbye to the La casa de al lado and welcomed a new novela, Relaciones peligrosas. It looks like a few folks here will be following this one. Not me though. At this point, nothing in the Telemundo line-up has seduced me. That could change any time – I’m easy :)

Hombre and Novelera, thanks for keeping the ball rolling with your excellent, yet succinct recaps of the evening novelas. Maybe I’ll see you over at El Talismán.

Your turn.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #97-98 Thu 1/26/12 Cupid’s on a bender.

The short of it:

Tomás continues to be a waste of pretty packaging.
Mónica meets her mama.
Pancho and Rebeca take their romance on the road, pedal to the metal, no brakes.
Alfredo catches Vicente and Candelaria in flagrante.
Everyone LOVES Alejandra Guzmán.
The long of it:
We’re back in the barrio where Tomás el tomcat is hissing and clawing. He will NOT allow Lupita to marry that…THING! Never! Boo hoo hoo, it is not Tom’s fault he is a poor orphan nobody. Elena tries on the Voice of Reason hat and points out it’s his own fault Lupe dumped him. He storms out.
Pina hystericals to Vins about their beloved little prince dating that naca chica. Vins is unfussed. Ado excitedly reports she saw Sylvia Pinal going into the Lopez house and they think she’s losing her mind.
Sylvia and Alejandra have a long chat…proud of each other, never had much time together, good memories though, love and fortitude, etc.
Lupita comforts Ana and they agree Fraidy Frauddie is an idiot.
Pina yells at Frauddie. Bad boy. No naca girlfriend for you. Fraud tells her it was just a revenge plot and he’s already broken up with Ana.
Pepe and Moni are all lovey-dovey and she mentions she thinks Enzo is in love. They decide to look for an apartment the next day.
Tomcat caterwauls outside the Lopez house and they actually let him in. He wails that without Lupita, he doesn’t want to live. Lupita’s a little taken aback but really doesn’t seem to care much. Pancho drags Tom away for tea and sympathy and Elena follows to gripe that it’s so unfair that hypocrite Lupita gets everything. Pancho reads her the riot act. Tom swears Lupita will not marry. Pancho tells him Alex is a good guy who knows how to treat Lupita well (unlike SOME people), and Tomás needs to move on and start thinking with his upper brain.
The next day in the casa popular, Pepe talks Tomás off his ledge.
Pancho wants Lupita to wait longer to get married, but she’s too in lurve. He says he’s sad, but at the same time happy that she’s happy.
Ana and her band (Sin Ton Ni Son) practice. Ale listens in and digs it. She wants to join them for some rock and roll.
Alex teases Fraidy because he can tell that he really likes Ana and is sad about their breakup.
Pancho asks the Chamigos for advice; he’s having trouble making progress in the hoochy coochy department. Fortunately he thinks of something himself. Later he covers Rebe’s eyes and takes her out to a big RV. They go for a long drive out to the countryside.
Ana and Ale work on a new song and tease Chela about her hot pending romance with Enzo. Chela won’t admit it but she finally opens the gift he left. It’s a fancy cookbook, with a romantic inscription. Chela sneers to Candy that he’s probably the kind of guy who gives a woman an iron for Mothers’ Day.
Violeta goes to Moni’s apartment. Moni is stunned to meet her. She says she had so many questions she wanted to ask, but now that her mother is here in front of her, she has no idea what to say. So she starts with an easy one: Why did you abandon me? Violeta tells her that she was very sick and couldn’t care for a child, and spent years in a psychiatric hospital. Then when she got out, she felt too ashamed and guilty to see her daughter (seems to me that psych place left the job undone). Violeta says Moni is a much better person than she is. Pepe comes over and he and Violeta get along fine.
Enzo tells the other Pesketeers he’s smitten, but won’t name the object of his affections.
Ale offers to tangerine-wedge the guy who broke Ana’s heart, and says a guy who wants to keep a noviazgo a secret isn’t worth crying over. Put the angst into your music.
Pancho surprises Rebe with a lush picnic next to a rural lake. They are serenaded by some young (and I mean young) chica Magaby who apparently was on Pequeños Gigantes, accompanied by guitars. Pancho and Rebe get smoochy.
Out on the lawn at the big house, Lupita peruses wedding magazines and Alex peruses her. He says anviliciously that if it were the last day of his life, he would want to spend it with her. They liplock while Tom miserably watches them and Pina takes in the whole scene. Pina leads Tom away and offers a listening ear. She pep-talks him to look forward, not back, and makes him literally do this.
Chat-em-up flirts oddly with Ado, trying to get her to break plates over his head. I would have done it. She blows him off until he offers to introduce her to Alejandra Guzmán.
Agusto visits Ale and she tells him she’s feeling better but she wants a lighter schedule. And also, she’s discovered a great singer! Agusto says he’s already onto Ana Lopez.
Chatty introduces himself and Ado to Ale, and Ado faints. Because Ale is a BIG STAR, y’all. I don’t know whether you realized. It’s hard to tell when all the characters hold back so much on their fawning all over her.
Vins tells Enzo that Inés had an embolism and might die, thus wiping out his debt to her! Enz gets thrown out abruptly when Candy shows up for a game of tonsil hockey.
Frauddie walks in on them and is AGHAST. Candy slinks out and Frauddie fusses about poor Moms. Vins asks him not to tell Pina. He swears “Nothing” happened with Candy. If that’s what the kids are calling it these days, I guess. Freddie asks him why he stays with Pina if he doesn’t love her anymore. Vins doesn’t exactly answer, but anyway Frauddie is really here to talk about his own love life difficulties. “You’re in love with Ana Lopez,” Vins says. Frauddie grimaces and nods…but she’s so…low-class. Vins says he knows exactly how he feels. Fraud insists it is different because Vins is MARRIED, to MOMS. Vins advises him that if he loves Ana, he should go for it, because true love is hard to find.
Pancho and Rebe get steamy. I hope that little girl is gone. They take things into the Luvmobile, which is conveniently full of flowers and candles. A thunderstorms crackles outside and the music gets choppy, so it must have been steamier than what we saw.
While Pancho and Rebe snoozle, Chela frets and her Spidey-sense tells her something is wrong. Candy calls Pancho and he tells her he won’t make it home for dinner; he’s too tired. Eh?! After he hangs up, though, he isn’t too tired for Round 3. Candy reports to Chela that Pancho says he’s in paradise. Chela despairs.
Tonight’s foray into bizarroland (tighten those beanies): Alejandra goes to the Casa Popular to look for Ana. Instead she is greeted by shirtless Tomás in über-Harlequin Romance mode. Ale drools and introduces herself as Alejandra Guzmán. Well in that case, he slobbers, he’s Luis Miguel. Then he bowls her over with a bodice-ripper kiss. They flirt outrageously and she tells him to tell Ana she stopped by (WHY, when she and Ana are living in the same house elsewhere, is anyone’s guess). He goes for another kiss but gets a playful slap instead. Ale swishes away, and Tomás stares after her, lovestruck. Because, perhaps you hadn’t noticed, she is a BIG STAR and HOT STUFF.
Ado is dressed up to go out, and Pina gives her a hard time. You’re leaving me home all ALONE, sob?! Yep. Pina warns her to be careful, and after she’s gone Pina sits there alone, alone, alone. Did she lose Meli again? Her husband and son come home and she points out the crude note Ado left for Vins on the bar: “Su guiqui está en refri, patrón.”
Enzo comes home and Moni tells him her mother was there. He’s anxious and grills her on what they talked about. Moni asks him what he’s so afraid Violeta told her. Enzo decides he’s exhausted and goes to bed.
Lupita asks Alex why Frauddie dumped Ana. He won’t tell. She thanks him for telling her and swears she won’t say she heard it from him. She runs off to talk to Ana and Alex stands there befuddled. Upstairs, Lupita tells Ana that Frauddie was just toying with her. Meanwhile, Frauddie is in his bedroom moping.
Ado and Chato are watching “Dos Tipos de Cuidado” and Chato eats Ado’s palomitas. She complains that he should have gotten his own. He’s more into slurping all over her than watching the movie.
Late at night, Pancho waltzes into his bedroom and Chela spies from her doorway and cries.
The next day: Chela and Candy go to Zumba, and Enzo and Vins get their cardio workout by ogling them. Vins figures out that Enzo is into Chela.
Pepe notices Pancho’s uppity up demeanor. Pancho’s too much of a gentleman (according to himself) to spill the details (and why does his SON want to know?) but more or less confirms the obvious. In spite of that, though, Pepe thinks Pancho must be a little shellshocked, what with Lupita moving out and…oh by the way, he is moving out as well. To get married? Pancho asks. Well, almost. Moving in with Moni. Pancho’s sad that his family is getting smaller, but Pepe points out it is actually getting bigger, adding Rebe, Alex, and Moni. Plus the puppies. Where did they end up, anyway? Pancho lectures Pepe on responsibility and respect in living with a partner, and have they thought about what if Moni becomes pregnant, etc.? Don’t take it lightly.
Frauddie asks Ana if they can talk. She punches him in the face.
And on that happy note, we end. And the advances had better be a misdirection.


La Que No Podía Amar #20 Thursday 1/26/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Let Her Brother Suffer

So, Rogelio just has to go and ask what made Ana Paula change her mind about marrying him, and she says she needs to help Miguel. He keeps getting the crap beat of him in prison. She says she'll marry Rogelio, but he's got to get Miguel out of prison.

Rosaura runs into Bruno accidentally on purpose. She came to tell him now's the right time to make his move, since Gustavo died after all. "Who knows what happened. The important thing is now you've got a clear shot!" TACKY! *drink* Bruno says he's over it. He's not going to keep chasing after her.

Rogelio is surprised she'd sacrifice herself for her brother, but Ana Paula also tells him that she's already loved and now that Gustavo is dead, she'll never love again. This is Buttercup marrying Prince Humperdinck all over again. Can we at least have Luis Gatica as Fezzik? Please? Ana Paula says she'll marry him, but without love. Eh, Rogelio doesn't care. "Ok, then. Here I am, ready to be your wife whenever you say so." And what do you know, he turns her down.

Rosaura starts begging and whining that first he said he loved AP and now he's giving up. Well, Bruno says, he's got his dignity (subtext: unlike SOME PEOPLE!), and he's beginning to think Rosaura hasn't been completely honest with him. "Ummm, I'm being honest now?" Bruno has to think. Rosaura reminds him that with Gustavo dead they don't have to worry about him identifying his attacker. Bruno isn't sure Ana Paula is even interested. He extricates himself, gets in his car, and drives away.

Rogelio reminds her it was a time-limited offer. He says they could have helped each other, but now…he wanted to marry the old Paula, the one who busted his balls all the time and not this whiny, weepy "OK, fine, I'll marry you because I have no other choice" Paula. She agrees and says she shouldn't have come. She thanks him for his honesty, but excuses herself. Rogelio looks uncertain.

Gustavo and Mercedes' mom is going to go live with her sister. She'll be fine. They'll Skype. She wants them to honor their father's memory by doing what they need to do and finding their happiness. Hello and goodbye to the one decent mom on this show. Gustavo is determined to go find Ana.

Rogelio chases her out of the restaurant and when she yells at him, he says that's what he wanted. That's the Ana Paula he knows and covets! If she keeps it up, he'll help her brother, but she's gotta marry him this month. "Take it, or leave it." She takes it, as we all knew she would.

Mercedes tells her mom that Gustavo's girlfriend is a ho. They both worry about how he's going to react when he finds out. Mama also worries about Mercedes and Ernesto. She knows they have feelings. If Ern is serious, he needs to end Relationship 1 before moving on to relationship 2. She knows Mercedes knows right from wrong, but just because the head knows it, doesn't mean the heart understands. Tears and hugging.

Rogelio suggests they sign a contract spelling out each person's rights and responsibilities. How very modern of him. AP wants it spelled out that there will be no nookie. Rogelio says the purpose of the contract is for confidentiality. If anyone finds out, there will be penalties. So for right now, he doesn't want anyone to find out. He figures the family will find out, but he doesn't want her to tell anyone else, not even Bruno. Um, then don't tell Rosaura, I'd suggest. Rogelio says the wedding will be at the hacienda and he'll let her know when. Oh, that's gonna be one fun wedding. I assume he's going to have her gate-crash the wedding Vanessa's going to plan and take her place? Damn, as much as I bust Tia's chops for being TACKY, I will laugh myself silly if that happens. He says it's time for them to head over to the prison and see what they can do for her brother.

The ambulance is on its way to the prison for Miguel, AP happily announces as she wheels Rogelio down the hall. All she needs to do now is tell her aunt and Dany. Rogelio is glad to see her back to her old self. "You go see Miguel while I take care of the paperwork and the payment." She thanks him and touches his shoulder. He stares after her in awe as she sashays off to go see Miguel.

Gustavo and Mercedes are leaving their mom's with lots of mementos of their dad. She goes back to the bedroom to get them his favorite picture. Gustavo is having some pain from the beating. He says when they get back to Tuxtla he's going to turn them in to the cops. They had masks on, but he saw that one of them had a worm (not "warm" as the captions would have you believe) shaped scar on his neck. I would have said it looked like a bite from another human.

Bruno knocks back some tequilas with the scarred guy, who is much calmer now that he thinks Gustavo is dead. Bruno, however, is in a crabby mood because his plans have all gone awry. He tells the scarred guy that someone had taken his hacienda and he was going to get a woman to marry him and then use her to get back everything that belongs to him. He was even going to keep the woman for himself. But now the other guy's going to marry someone else and it's all gone to hell.

Miguel is pretty weak. Ana Paula tells him to rest. They're leaving soon, to go to the hospital for an operation. "And then I can go home after?" AP says they're working on it, but for now he has to get better.

Vanessa comes whining to Federico that she can't talk to her mommy about anything. Fed says he convinced her to chill out. "Try to understand her. I have the same worries. I don't know if you'll be happy with Rogelio." Vanessa brushes him off. "I need you to go into the office at least once a week, sweetie. As a shareholder, people need to get to know you." Vanessa is more concerned with having a big party to introduce her as the owner. "Oh, why do I spoil you so much?" Vanessa says it's cause she's an only child. Yeah, she's probably right.

Rosaura is weeping and looking for some money she'd stashed. "After everything I've done for these brats! It's not fair!" She finds a picture of her sister and cries to it. "Mariana. You must be thrilled, seeing all the trouble I'm going through because of you. You should have married Federico. Everything would be so different, but noooo, you had to do the right thing. 'How can I tell him I'm having his baby, I can't break up a marriage!' Idiot. And Ana Paula turned out stupid just like you." Aw, shizzle. Ana Paula and Vanessa are sisters, right? Did we know this already? Or suspect it? I guess I was doing a really good job of dodging the huge "Wow, you look just like this chick I know" anvils.

Vanessa and Cinthia look at invitations. Vanessa wonders when she's marrying David. Cinthia still isn't convinced she's going to. Her mind's on another guy, not that she'll say who. Cinthia is convinced David is horrible in the sack. Vanessa says there's only one way to find out for sure--take him on a test drive. Bow chicka bow bow!

AP and Rogelio have dropped Miguel off at the hospital. Rogelio says they'll try to keep him there for a few extra days so that he gets a break from prison. AP is grateful. "Hey, it's the least I can do for my future brother-in-law." Rosaura and Dany come in. AP tells Rogelio he can go rest if he wants and she'll stay with Miguel, but he says he'll stay until Miguel is out of danger. In the meantime, he's going to go settle accounts. Dany and Rosaura are in shock. "Future brother-in-law? Did he say…?" AP gives them the happy news. Dany is shocked. Rosaura gets dollar signs floating above her head. AP explains that now that Gustavo is gone, she couldn't leave Miguel in jail to get killed. "If Gustavo were alive, things would be different." Rosaura says they must support her for being such a good, generous girl. Dany wants her to take some time to grieve, but AP says her decision is made. The only important thing is that Miguel is ok.

Rogelio calls home and assures Maria that yes, he really is getting married. Isn't she happy for him. "How can I be when you aren't even telling me who you're going to marry?" It's a surprise, he says. He wants a big dinner, an unforgettable party to celebrate his wedding. Rosaura comes to find him and yell at him, demanding to know who he's going to marry--his ex, or her niece?

Rogelio dismisses Hugo and then tells Rosaura he doesn't owe her any explanations. She says AP just said she's marrying him, but she knows he's engaged to his ex. Rogelio neither confirms nor denies anything and says even if he doesn't marry AP, he's helping them out and they won't be left out in the cold. "That wasn't the deal we had!" Rogelio says the one who makes the money makes the rules. Besides, he can tell she doesn't really love her niece, she only wants money. "How dare you say that!" (Easily…because you're TACKY!) Rosaura insists she's going to protect her niece and keep him from taking advantage of her. "The only one taking advantage here is you" Doh! He tells her she'd better not say anything to AP about his engagement with Vanessa. "Then you don't plan on breaking it!?" Rogelio grabs her and tells her, for the last time, that he does what he wants, when he wants, and with whoever he wants. "Y ustedes, qué?!" He snaps at the nurses. I would translate this as "What the hell are you looking at, don't you have anything better to do?" He starts shouting for Hugo.

Miguel is tripping on the pain meds, but AP said they had to make them strong. He apparently flipped out in the ambulance because he doesn't want her to marry Rogelio. He doesn't want her marrying a man she doesn't love and going to live out in the middle of nowhere. And she hasn't even had time to mourn Gustavo. Please, she's probably had longer to mourn him than the time they were actually together. Just saying. Miguel is fixated on the idea that he has to work to support the family. AP tells him right now he needs to focus on getting better. He thinks the most important thing is for her to be happy.

Margarito isn't too thrilled with the idea of Rogelio getting married. He assumes it means AP will never come back to the hacienda. Maria breaks it to him that it's too late for that. She knows a lot of things are going to change. Margarito is a very good catastrophizer--"And what if the new wife doesn't like us?! And kicks you out?! And doesn't want me here?!" Maria tells him not to say those things.

Rosaura comes into Miguel's room, all antsy. She asks where AP is. Miguel wants to talk about the impending nuptials. He does not agree! Dany comes in to see him and he says he told her he never wanted to see her again. AP comes in happily announces that it's time for his operation. Miguel rather ungraciously says he didn't want to see any of them. Any of them! He tells them to get out and leave him alone.

Vanessa shows Rogelio the invitations to see which one he likes. He asks her how she's going to send out invitations when she's still married. Vanessa proudly shows him her divorce decree. "I'm a free woman! Let's tie the knot!" Rogelio tells her to pick the one she likes the best. "I have a problem, though…I can't find a wedding dress I really like." He generously tells her she should go shopping in Mexico, New York, Spain…wherever she wants. He'll send Cinthia home to get the hacienda ready. "You just worry about looking purdy."

Efrain and Consuelo are flirting in the stables again. Maria has come to pass on the news that there's going to be a lot more work now--the boss is getting married. She doesn't have any more details, but they need to get everyone together to prepare the hacienda for the future Mrs. Montero.

Ana Paula tells Rosaura they already talked about the contract and she's going to sign it ASAP. Rosaura tells her to read it well. "Make sure he's not trying to take advantage of you." Rosaura finds it odd that he doesn't want anyone to know. "One can never trust anyone. Especially not people like that!" AP is worried about Miguel's reaction a while ago. Rosaura brushes it off, saying the doctor said it was normal, because of his depression. She agrees with him about Dany, though. "What kind of a future can she expect with him? Who knows when he's getting out of jail." AP is sure their love will survive. Rosaura laughs at her, saying that only happens in fairy tales, but things aren't so rosy in real life. "You're wrong! Love conquers all. And then it's over and you know you'll never feel it again."

Dany refuses to give up Miguel. Even after he calls her stupid. Dany says that he's not going to feel any less guilty by sacrificing their love. "I'm not stupid! You feel bad about what Ana Paula is doing and you think if she can't be happy, you don't have the right to be either. But you're wrong. The best way to make sure her sacrifice is worth it is for our relationship to work out." Dany kisses his poor battered face. Carefully.

Vanessa and David have a drink on the patio. Vanessa asks if he'll be at the wedding with Cinthia. She's glad they're getting serious. David says he wants Cinthia to be his wife, the mother of his kids. Vanessa says she's sure Cinthia would love that, but um, well, sometimes women like men who are more, um…daring. David says Cinthia wants space. "Um, no she probably says that because of Rogelio, but we all like to be, um disrespected a little, you know?" Um, no, I don't think he does know! I believe Meg Ryan said it best when she uttered those immortal words - "Goose, you big stud! Take me to bed or lose me forever!"

Miguel's surgery went well. If Miguel follows through with PT and works through his depression, he'll be fine. AP thanks "Mr." Rogelio. Rosaura says it's probably about time they were a little more familiar with each other, seeing as how they're getting married. "Or aren't you?" AP touches her seashell necklace.

Cinthia is so jealous of Vanessa! Going to Mexico to buy a wedding dress. Vanessa wishes Cinthia could come with her instead of her killjoy of a mother. Cinthia would love to, but she doesn't have permission. "So what can I do?" Anyone got a suggestion, cause I do! Besides, Cinthia has to get the hacienda ready for Vanessa's wedding. "I know you'll do a much better job than he would!" Cinthia knows damn well she will. David comes into his office and excuses himself for needing to deal with a client. Vanessa asks what their plans are, but David the dip doesn't have any. Vanessa rather desperately suggests they go riding…"Cinthia loves it, don't you?" David says he's got some things to do, but he can pick her up in a few hours. Cinthia looks upset and admits she does love to ride, but she remembered her mare. David says he can imagine how much she misses the hacienda, the countryside. He comforts her. Cinthia smiles and says above all she misses galloping at full speed. "It makes me feel alive."

Efrain and Consuelo flirt some more. Efrain assumes the boss picked up some dummy who says yes to everything. Consuelo says that's not about being a dummy. "When you're in love you do anything for the other person." Efrain asks if she would do anything for him. He starts macking on her and Maria runs up and beats him with his own hat. He and Consuelo both get out of there as fast as they can. Maria cracks a smile as Consuelo runs off, then she seems to remember she's supposed to be disapproving and runs right after her.

Vanessa is smooching on Rogelio and talking about how she's counting the days to their wedding! "I promise I'll be the prettiest bride ever!" Rogelio gives her a check for her expenses. "I left the amount blank. I hope you don't mind." He asks if her father's there, but he'll go look at his office. Vanessa starts whining about how everything is stressing her out. He tells her not to worry--she's beautiful. And yeah, she's pretty hot in that dress. Why don't I have a dress like that? Why don't I have a body like that? Oh, right, truffles. And I'm several inches shorter. Anyway, Rogelio and Vanessa smooch.

Cinthia calls Maria to tell her she'll be home tomorrow. "Is Rogelio coming with you?" He's not. "He's sending me to get everything ready for his wedding with Vanessa." Maria is NOT pleased to hear this. "Of course, who else would he be marrying?" Cintha tells Maria to tell Efrain that he's going to need to help her with…some things. Maria agrees she'll tell him, but she wants details as soon as Cinthia gets back! As scary as Rogelio pretends to be, if he saw Maria's face right now, I think he'd be fearing for his life. Margarito is sure if the boss is marrying "that rich lady" their days there are numbered. Maria can't understand how this is happening! Efrain over hears and wonders if he's getting the story right--the boss is marrying the woman who stood him up at the altar? Maria tells him not to repeat that and go make sure everything is ready for Cinthia's arrival tomorrow. Efrain grins.

Cinthia is grumpy about going riding with David instead of seeing Mexico with Vanessa. Vanessa tells her not to worry. Everything can change when she marries David. Cinthia isn't terribly enthusiastic about it. Vanessa is just so thrilled about how well things are going. Rogelio's been such a prince! She shows off the blank check. "Then maybe you should tell him to quit helping that nurse, Paula!" Cinthia explains that he's been helping pay for her brother's hospital stay…plus her brother is in jail and Rogelio is trying to get him out.

Ana Paula sits on a park bench and writes a letter to Mercedes. She says she shares her grief at the loss of Gustavo. "I didn't know him long, but it was long enough to love him forever. His death caused a pain I never imagined. Just like him, I'm dead. I know I'll never love again. That's why I agreed to marry a man who will help my brother get better and prove his innocence. If I can't be with Gustavo, I'd rather sacrifice myself and forget I ever had a life."

Gustavo gets checked out by Ern, who is surprised by the results. He's doing amazingly well, but he needs to continue treatment and take his pills. Gustavo thanks him for how good he's been to both of them, but he asks to have a serious talk with him about Mercedes.

Rosaura is stressing. Ana Paula approaches her in the hospital waiting room. Ana Paula offers to bring her some breakfast. Rosaura asks if she's sad and Ana Paula admits she is. It seems like Rosaura almost starts to feel bad for her, but then her tackiness kicks in and she probably tells herself that Ana Paula shouldn't be sad, what with their potential new income. Then it seems like she immediately worries about whether that income is actually a sure thing.

A nurse comes to tell Gustavo that his sister is looking for him. He takes his leave of Ern and thanks him.

Vanessa and mommy are ready to go. Vanessa questions her for only bringing 2 bags…"We're going shopping." "Right, so I bring half the bags and twice the money." She starts to call the chauffeur to put the bags in the car, but Vanessa asks her to change the tickets to the next flight. "Something important came up that I have to do."

Ana Paula and Gustavo almost run into each other in the hallway, but between him not knowing where to go and her aimlessly pacing, they never see each other.

Mercedes sees Ana Paula, who grabs her and hugs her, crying about Gustavo being dead. "I don't understand all this drama!" "I swear, I love your brother, and his death has undone me!" Mercedes calls her crazy and then says "I told you I want nothing more to do with you!" Ana Paula explains she left a letter at the house, but Mercedes doesn't want to hear it and runs off.

Mercedes finds Gustavo and makes sure she gets him away from AP. She claims Ernesto was coming down the hallway and she didn’t want to see him. She asks what he said, though. "No permanent damage to the liver or the kidneys, but I need to keep up the pills and the diet." He asks her to go to breakfast. He wants to talk to her about Ernesto. He suggests the hospital cafeteria, but Mercedes says she eats there every day. She suggests going somewhere else.

Rosaura brags to Elena that Ana Paula will be marrying Rogelio after all. "See! And here I was so worried. So, can I have my rings back?" Heh! Elena won't do it without another payment or until Ana Paula actually ties the knot, whichever comes first. Bruno comes up and Rosaura goes to talk to him. Bruno is surprised to find out that Rogelio had Miguel transferred there for another operation. Rosaura says she just didn't want to bother him. "Right. What I'm surprised about is that Rogelio agreed to help you." "I don't see why. I told you he's very interested in Ana Paula." "Even though he's marrying someone else?" Rosaura says that's why she told him to take his shot. "I know you can help her forget that Gustavo guy. Here she comes. She's so sad about Gustavo that maybe it's best she doesn't find out that Rogelio is marrying Vanessa. They don't get along and she'll have to put up with her back at the hacienda…let's not give her any more worries. Console her." Ana Paula isn't too pleased to see Bruno. Uncomfortable stares.

Gustavo reports that Ana Paula's telephone is still not working. Mercedes claims to be nervous because he asked to talk to her about Ernesto. He explains he talked to him to so he didn't get confused. Mercedes says there was no reason for that. "I'm going to tell him we should keep our distance." Gustavo says he feels responsible for her--more so now that their dad is gone. He suggests she try going out with someone else. "Maybe that will help you."

Rosaura tells Elena not to say anything to Ana Paula. "I'd rather she marry Rogelio Montero, but if that doesn't work out…better keep two candles lit!" Elena thinks it's going well.

They're just standing there talk to each other. Bruno says as her friend, he'll do anything he can, anything she tells him to, to help her feel better. AP says she just can't believe Gustavo is dead. "Yeah. That's a darn shame. He was so young. I'm really sorry. For him and for you." TACKY! AP doesn't even know how or where he died. And she'll never know because his sister hates her. Bruno promises to find his grave and take her to see it. AP is grateful. They hug and Bruno enjoys it a little too much.

Bald landlord shows a woman AP's old house. There's a knock on the door…and my DVR cuts off, so someone please fill us in. Gustavo looking for AP is my guess.
[Con permiso--For the record, here's what EMarie posted re: the last few minutes Kat missed.  Muchas gracias EMarie!--jardinera654]
Vainessa turns up at the hospital running into Ana, and goes ballistic about Ana being there. Rohell shows up and makes it clear Ana is coming to the ranch to take care of him (as a nurse). AP is sputtering with her eyes popping out when Vainessa kisses him, and Rohell signals for her to be quiet which almost causes Ana to need the Heimlich maneuver. He asks to speak to Vainessa alone (I think) and tells her Ana will be taking care of him, and if she wants to marry him she will have to accept it. Finally, Vainessa says, "well, ok, if she always stays in her place!"


Thursday, January 26, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #19 Wednesday 1/25/12: Ana Paula says "**** It, Let's Just Do This Thing"

Hello everyone, I'm going to follow the trend I started in yesterday's recap, and do copious amounts of screenshots with a more bulleted list of events of the episode. Let's get started!

* Cupcake (Ana Paula) cries at the news that Gustavo is dead. Clutching the newspaper announcement in her hand, she tells Dany the news.

Cupcake cries over the loss of the eyelashed one (Gustavo).

* I'll cut to the chase on this one (but may add more details later). Ana Paula does get a reasonable amount of confirmation that Gustavo is dead before believing it. (Well, she doesn't go to see his grave or anything.) She has Dany call up Mercedes and when she tries to talk to Mercedes herself, Mercedes cuts her off, outraged that AP would bother her in such a time of grief. Most of us in that position would also believe that Mercedes was talking about the death of her brother.

* As many of us guessed, it wasn't Gus With the Beautiful Eyelashes that died, but Gus Sr. We see Mercedes, Ernesto, Gus's Mom, and Gus himself at the gravesite as they talk and talk and talk and talk and talk to each other about how they're going to miss Gus Sr., etc. etc.

* We learn that Gus still needs to be checked out to find out if he's in decent health or not after his ordeal. He hasn't done that yet because of his dad's sickness and ultimate death.

See, we all KNEW that Gus wasn't dead!

* During the agonizingly long conversations between the members of the Gus family, we learn that Ernesto, the jealous sorta-suitor of Mercedes, is married, he's got a kid, that he LIED to his wife about being at the funeral (even though he assured Mercedes that his wife knew). He and his wife's marriage is on the rocks. He and Mercedes split up when he had to go to the USA years ago and not long after that he got married and had a kid. Mercedes figures that he must not have loved her very much because the age of the kid indicates that he hooked up with wifey very soon after splitting up with her.

We have some long, long, long conversations with Gus's and Mercedes' mom, which makes me wonder if the actress who plays her is someone famous, and they were trying to give her enough lines to make it worth her while to guest star? Does anyone know who she is?

Mercedes rips AP a new one for bothering her during such a painful time. This leaves Ana Paula with the definite impression that Gus Jr, (instead of Gus Sr.), died.

* Tia MentiRosa and Bruno have a discussion at a restaurant about what's the deal with Rohell and getting engaged. Why would he bother sniffing around AP so much if he ended up marrying Vainessa? Bruno doesn't get it either, but assumes that maybe Rohell just didn't like AP defying him and that's why he's getting her back to work for him. Tia then wonders why the proud, severe Rohell took back Vainessa after what she did to him. Bruno supposes that it was Twoo Wuv. MentiRosa scoffs at such sentimental stuff; it doesn't exist, she says. Bruno says he's not all that crazy with Rohell's choice for a bride either; he would have preferred someone who would help Rohell be a better man—someone like Paula!

"What's the deal with that old turd Rohellio?" Tia wonders.
Bruno's got something right: Better that Rohellio marry someone who doesn't enable his douchebagginess. Someone like Ana Paula. But does he literally mean AP? I kind of doubt it.

* Tia wonders if Bruno thinks Rohell was ever interested in AP. Bruno says he did at one time, but evidently he was wrong. Tia asks Bruno if he's jealous of Rohell. "Why would I be jealous of a cripple?" Bruno scoffs. Even though Rohell has more money, Bruno thinks he has much more to offer a woman. [Recapper note: I don't know about that, Bruno. You don't have dimples and you resemble Skelator. I'm just saying.] Tia points out that Vainessa doesn't mind hooking up with the cripple, but then asks if Vainessa is out for the money. Not so, Bruno replies, since Vainessa's family is loaded. The ever-greedy Tia is irritated that AP moons after that Gustavo when these richie riches marry each other.

* Cupcake (AP) cries over Gustavo and says she'll never, never, never, never ever evereverever forget him. This continues throughout the episode so I'll spare you a lot of the repetition.

* During the endless mother-daughter-son grieving scenes with Gus's family, Gus does tell his mom about his love for AP, how he needs to see her and how he still thinks there's an explanation for everything that's happening.

Gus yearns to find Ana Paula at his time of grief.
Ernesto tells Mercedes that his marriage is going down the crapper.

* Rohellio and David are chatting in David's office. Dave brings up the prospect of marrying Sin. Rohell isn't against it but is a bit surprised that they're going so fast. David assures Rohell that he likes Sin and isn't playing with her. Rohell says "Sure, because if you did, you'll have to answer to me." *GULP* You can see David digest that. David then says that Sinthia would prefer to wait until after Rohell's boda. Rohell says, cryptically, that she was wise to decide that, because "things are going to change after my wedding." Then we get a sh*t-eating grin from him.

David speaks in earnest about his feelings for Sinthia.
... Aannnd, we have another sh*t-eating grin, this time with a tinge of menace to it.

* Vainessa and Sinthia have a chat while shopping at the mall. There's some talk about Vainessa avoiding work, even though she's got shares at her dad's company. She wants to devote her time to her marriage and Rohellio. Sinthia doesn't understand why Rohellio just doesn't give her her half of the Hacienda now; it's not like it would make him go broke or anything. Vainessa thinks that marrying David is the way to go, he could give her all that she wants. (Not sure if this also means her half of the Hacienda.) Sinthia doesn't get why she should marry in order to be free of her overbearing brother. Vainessa smiles and says that marriage is the price she pays to get what she wants.

* Back with Rohell and David, Rohell advises David to suck it up and rehire that engineer Gustavo, since he was the one who could effectively deal with and placate the irate fishermen at their construction site. I get the impression that Rohell is unaware of David's attempt to monkey with the environmental laws. Rohell, in a rare moment of non-douchebaggery, actually is pragmatic and makes sense. David looks a bit abashed.

Let's enjoy it while we can: Rohellio not being a douche.

I'll bet he regrets ever giving her his number: MentiRosa interrupts Rohell during his meeting. He excuses himself from David, making the comment, "For this woman, there's nothing money can't solve." She sounds a bit like YOU Rohell!

* AP and Dany go to church, where we hear more cries and grief from AP about the loss of Gustavo. She loved him, boo hoo sniff sniff. We get it, we do. She'll really miss Gus, the love of her life.

More tears from Cupcake.

* MentiRosa calls up Rohell and demands a meeting. It's about Rohell's engagement to Vainessa—what kind of game is he playing, already being engaged when he is trying to marry Ana Paula? Tia wants COMPENSATION for all of this! (That's her first thought? Seriously?) Again, the old saying "You can't sh*t an old turd" applies to these two. Rohell's a tougher old turd than MentiRosa and calls her bluff. What is she complaining about, he's paid for Miguel's medical expenses, paid off the family of the victims, put up money for bail of Miguel happens to get paroled, that AP's job offer is still open, etc etc. (And it's true, it sounds like he's done a lot to help, even though we still know he's a douche). He sternly admonishes MentiRosa to not question ANYTHING he does and to not push her luck. She has enough brains to shut up.

You can tell what he's thinking here.
Don't mess with THIS old turd!

* MentiRosa's friend Elena tries and fails at giving our distraught and grieving Cupcake a pep-talk. Sure, it's sad that Gus bit the dust, but life goes on. Why not take that offer with the rich cripple guy? Consider it another job. You'll present yourself as the model wife to the public, and you won't have to do *coughcough* "other things" with him ('CAUSE HE CAN'T! "What? It's TRUE!" she says) (at this AP yells a scandalized protest) and in return he'll treat you like a queen! AP can't take it anymore and yells for Elena to leave her in peace. All I can say about this exchange is that Elena has taken a page from Tia MentiRosa's TACKY book. (Thank you 5foot for that reference!) And I wouldn't be so all-fired sure about the CAN'T part. Just saying.

* AP goes on to say that she can't think of any other man other than Gustavo.

Our Cupcake is outraged. Especially, I think, at any discussion of what Rohellio "can" and "can't" do. I don't think she really wanted to go there.

* MentiRosa sees Miguel in prison and tells him of the loss of Gus. Miguel doesn't want AP to know how bad things are for him. He doesn't want her to sacrifice herself on his behalf. She says sure, but also tells Miguel to tell AP, the next time he sees her, that "Life goes on" and she should look to her friends for help. Friends like BRUNO. MentiRosa has now set her sights on Bruno again, since it seems like Rohell may not be willing to marry her anymore. After Tia leaves, Miguel gets pounced on again by the evil thugs in the prison.

* Elsa la Vaca wants Vainessa to dump Rohell again, now that he's signed the business contract. This woman is a piece of work. I'll spare you all the hysterics and screaming. Basically why should Vainessa get stuck on that ranch, riding all the darn horses, married to a man who is no longer the same as he was before his accident. To Vainessa's credit, she flatly refuses to do this. Long-suffering Federico has to break up the argument. Elsa la Vaca scolds Vainessa for pointing at her, reminding her that it's rude to point at your mother.

* Another part of the story I'll abbreviate: AP and Dany get word from the prison that Miguel has been beaten up really BAD this time. He is so bad off that he will need to be transferred to the Civil Hospital so his hand can be re-operated on. He is also very depressed and doesn't want to live. The doctors are very concerned that he may not make it. Both AP and Dany visit him and plead with him to keep on living, to keep on going. Poor Miguel feels like all he's done is be a burden and a problem for everyone. He looks very messed up, too.

Bad news from the prison.

Miguel thinks that prison will be the death of him. Viewerville is inclined to agree.
Ana Paula vows to get Miguel out of prison. I think her method for doing this is called ROGELIO.
Dany pleads with Miguel to keep fighting to live.

* Elena, MentiRosa's friend, asks for the rings back that she "sold" MentiRosa. Since MentiRosa's had a reversal of fortune, it's uncertain if she can ever pay all that she owes for the rings. MentiRosa makes a long, long ordeal of pulling the rings off her fingers and returning them. Also Elena is not shy about hinting that MentiRosa and AP can't stay at her place indefinitely.

It's an understatement to say that MentiRosa is reluctant to return her rings.

* As mentioned earlier, we have more endless, endless, endless discussions with Gus, sister, and mom. I covered most of what they discussed earlier in this recap. We also have more scenes with Cupcake (AP) grieving, "What are we gonna do," etc etc. If I missed anything really interesting/important during these scenes, please let me know. I was too busy snoozing through them.

* There's this interesting discussion between Sinthia, Vainessa and Bruno about life after marriage with Rohell. Sin and Bruno are certain that Rohell won't want to stay in Tuxtla after the marriage. Vain Vainessa isn't so sure. Even though she's told that the main reason Rohell has been in Tuxtla so long as because of his business with David (and Viewerville also speculates, with ANA PAULA), he'll be going back to the Hacienda soon. Ever-arrogant Vainessa says, "No, he is in Tuxtla for ME!" Dream on, sister. She also thinks that they'll spend long periods of time in Tuxtla after the wedding, because she's got a 30% share of her father's business and she'll want Rohell to help her with business.

Bruno gives a sneaky, wall-eyed look over his glass after hearing Vainessa's arrogant bragging.

* Rohell is chilling at the local restaurant with his newspaper when our Cupcake strolls up and says, "**** it, I've had enough, let's just do this." ...  Okay, so no, she doesn't say it quite like that. She asks Señor Montero if his offer of marriage is still open. The Señor looks like he is suppressing feelings of great triumph.

Interrupted while reading the newspaper.

"**** it, let's just get on with it." No, she doesn't say that. But she's thinking it.

Triumph at last!

Avances: Rohellio says they can marry within a month. Ana Paula accepts.

AVANCES: Rohell looks happy with the deal he's making with AP.

AVANCES: Ana Paula reluctantly accepts the proposal from Rohellio.

Gratuitous Jorge Salinas shot from the avances.


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