Saturday, January 28, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #21-22 Friday 1/27/12 The Ruse Continues -- P.1. Destination: Resignation and Misunderstanding Landing!! All Aboard!! & P.2. Gus Sings the She Done Me Wrong Song While Tia Rosie Cashes In

Cap. 21, P.1.  Destination: Resignation and Misunderstanding Landing!! All Aboard!! 
[Apologies for not knowing exactly where this one was supposed to start and where the last one exactly was supposed to end.  I was still busy bringing home the proverbial bacon.  The recorder started at its usual time, which was long after where Uni decidedly did.  Uni, your arbitrary editing SUCKS!!  So, I’ve begun at the beginning, where Kat’s stopped. –ed.]
Lo del pasado: Gustavo returns to Ana Paula’s empty house and finds El Maximo showing it to somebody else.  “--Where is she?”  “--She’s gone, the slut!”  Gus defends his one twu luv’s honor.  “--Don’t insult my girlfriend like that!”   Maximo says if she’s his fiancée then he must have arrived at the right price cuz Ol’ Maxi sure didn’t!  **!!??**!!## Slam! Whap! Slap! Crash! Bang!  Gus wants to know where she is.  Max answers, well, if she’s his girlfriend, shouldn’t he know?
Back at Mercedes', Rocio comes to pay her respects and ask how Little Bro is.  Hug, hug.  Kiss, kiss.  No residual damage to liver or kidneys.  (A little Rn professional talk to impress us and increase our viewing pleasure.)  Whew!  That’s a relief!  Rocio spies the letter AP slipped under the door and hands it over to Mersnottys.  Ugh!  She confesses she purposely kept AP from seeing Gus cuz she thinks he’s dead rather than Papa, and that way the whore-slut-b!tch will stop coming around.  Little Bro doesn’t believe she’s been two-timing him, unfortunately.    Rocio says she thinks it might be better if he knew this --but maybe she should at least read the letter and see if it wouldn’t clear up a few things?  (Methinks maybe Rocio should be head RN and not Mersnottys…..)  Naw, says Mersnottys, it’s got to be completely full of lies.  I’d rather just tear it up.  Gus walks in the door just then and that’s exactly what his big sis does with the letter.
Big Sis and Rocio ask whether Gus found his GF and cleared things up.  No!  She’s left and nobody can tell him where she’s gone!  At least, though, he gave her pervy old ex-landlord a good one in the choppers for badmouthing her to him! 
Back in Michael’s hospital room, Tia Rosaura guilts Pau into sticking with her deal to marry RoHell. By reminding her that Gus, poor boy, is now fertilizing daisies and feeding fly larvae; on the other hand, Sr. Montero has gotten them out of so many financial jams recently.  “--Resign yourself to marrying Rogellio Montero.  Think of your brother.  He’s our number one priority right now.   And, don’t think of this marriage as a sacrifice.  Think of it as an opportunity.  Show him gratitude.  Not all men would be as generous as he has been.”  Yes, that’s a given for Pau, she tells MentiaRosa.  She’ll be grateful to RM her entire life, but, she still has a hard time understanding why he wants to marry her.
Rocio and Sissy insist that if Paula's old landlord was trash-talking her, he probably knew what he was talking about!  Gus should have enough sense to believe them then.  No way!  Gus insists there’s been a big misunderstanding and he’s going to get to the bottom of it come hell or high water!  Mercedes insists just as strongly that she saw her in media mouth-meld with another man!  So get with the program, Fool!  “--I’m your sister and I’m only looking out for you!”  Rocio changes the subject and mentions (I think, cuz my recorder missed this part and have had to go online and stream it sans/er…sin CC) that his friend Esteban came by.  Yeah, the guy from your old work, says Big Sis. He’s been a big help to me while you were gone missing.  “OMG!” Gus remembers he was supposed to go to the interview, courtesy of Esteban, but missed out on going when he got attacked and left for dead.
Across town, in Big Dave’s office, RoHell is giving Gus’s replacement the who to and what for:  Big Dave’s hotel project goes nowhere without RoHell’s big bucks to back it, so nothing happens unless Replacement Dude tells RoHell all about it, the bad news as well as the good news, first.  Got it?  Sure do, says Replacement Dude.
Big Dave and Sin are riding together.  She loves the “bonita” palomino she’s been riding.  Dave buys “Bonita” for her right then and there to replace Paloma.  While the two are out riding, Efrain has climbed into her bedroom and moons over his ivory-skinned lover.  She’s the only woman in the world for him.  More’s the pity…..
Meanwhile, our sacrificial Cupcake, AP, comes by to chat with RoHell.  He informs her that Bruno’s doing his best to get and to keep him out on bail, at least while the legal paperwork continues its way through the courts. (The SOB, Viewerville grumbles to itself, could have her brother out in no time by simply withdrawing the charges!)     RoHell actually looks a bit sheepishly at her when he hears this, but this goes unnoticed.
At Hell-Fuerte Margarito catches Effer climbing down the vines below Sin’s balcony and calls him on it.  Mind yer own beeswax, sonny.  What’s it to you, anyway? “—Nothin’ to me, but, it’s a little strange, doncha think?”  “-- Keep your mouth shut and get back to your chores, brat!  And remember, I’ll be watching you!”
At the hospital in Tuxtla, Bruno has a message from MerSnotty’s and he tells the nurse at the desk.  Oh, she’s not there today, says the nurse.  Her daddy died—Bruno stops her.     Her daddy died--not her brother?  Yes, continues the nurse.  They had the same name. (Gus, as we guessed, was a Jr.)  The wheels start turning in Bruno’s brain. When he sees Pau a few seconds afterwards, he tells her he’s learned poor Gus was buried in El Arel (?), thus letting her continue to believe his competition is compost.  He promises to take her there reeeeeeally soon.
Back at Gus and Mercedes’, he tells Rocio and Big Sis he’s determined to find Pau.  How will he find her, they ask him.  He’ll go back to David’s worksite where her kid brother works and ask him.
AP and Bruno are now discussing how long it will be before RoHell returns to Hell-Fuerte.  All of a sudden, who should fly in on her broomstick doing a peel-a-wheelie but ol’ Vainessa, herse’f.  “—You tell me right this minute just exactly what you’re intentions are with RoHellio!”  Paula looks up and a harsh (for Paula) snarling sneer takes the place of her darling dimples. “—What the heck are you talking about??” “—FYI, ditzy, RoHell is my property!  We’re getting married!  Got it?  We. Are. Getting. Married. To. Each. Other!!”  “—W-what??!!”  “—Just what you heard.  He’s never stopped loving me.  So I don’t know what you’re intentions are, but I’m going speak to him so he’ll stop helping you!”  Pau tells her she has no right to speak to her like that.  It’s obvious though, that the only one here who’s intending to harm Sr. Montero is Vainie, herself!  Hmmmph! 
Bruno separates the two of them.  “—Ladies, calm down.  Quiet down, remember we’re in a hospital.” Vainessa grabs the rebounder and runs with it. “—Sure, sure we are-- thanks to RoHellio’s money  I have no desire to see RoHell keep giving you support, especially for a murderer like your brother!” Pau starts pawing and clawing for Vainie.    “—My brother is NOT a MURDERER!”  Bruno manages to block her just as RoHellio comes rolling around the corner. “—What the hell is going on around here!!???” (Gawd, that SOB must be in hog heaven.  He knows damn well what’s happened--and why!!  What an ego boost for the wheelchair-bound brute! GRRRR!!)  Vainie runs over to him, dripping with “Mi Amores” to ask what he’s doing helping her after the skank of a nurse abandoned him like she did!!  RoHell chases his enfermera off to her brother’s room before she can spill the beans.  Pau storms off.  He speaks with Nessa in private. 
Ro turns to Nessa and asks why she isn’t off in Europe or somewhere buying her trousseau.  Oh, or are you jealous?  Not a chance with that drubby excuse for a ….. Nessa says it’s just that as soon as Sin told her he’d been helping this gal out she had to return and stop him from being taken advantage of.  “—Nobody is going to take advantage of me.  Nobody.”  (Word up, Nessa, honey.)  Neither, will anybody question me!  Agreed?  The veiled threat in the dude’s tone of voice is not lost on her.  (As those of us in Viewerville know, there’s generally a good reason when a guy wears a black 10 gallon sombrero.)
Mikey, meanwhile, tells Bruno thanks and that his sis tells him they’re going to get him out on bail.  Bruno looks over at Pau like the both of them know that’s not exactly the way things will go down at all.  He tells him to get better and leave the rest to him.
Back at the nurse’s station, Nessa whines in a perfect feminine CYA that she just doesn’t understand how Rog could be helping that woman out like he has after everything.  RoHell tells Nessa that like it or not, Pau’s coming back as his nurse and she’d better get used to the idea and to treating her nicely.  Anyway, everybody deserves a second chance.  Look at the two of them, right?  Nessa pulls out all the stops and smothers his hands with wheedlesome kisses. She says it’s only natural that she wouldn’t want that other woman around. (Yeah, just look at those…er… dimples, not to mention the ones you don’t see.)  He’s not changing his mind. RoHellio continues to play hardball. There’s still time to back out of the marriage if she wants, he tells her.  (What?  Give up all that wealth and power and social prestige?  Are you NUTZ?)
At the same time, Gus is ready to look for Mikey and to look for work.  Esteban’s at the door as he starts out.  Gus brings him inside and all thank him for helping Big Sis out while he was missing.  Shucks, it was only what anybody would do, right?  Rocio forces an introduction.  (Sorry, but Rocio is one awkward looking female, IMNSHO.)  It’s obvious that she’s interested.  Mercedes talks Gus into staying a while since his buddy just got there, right?
RoHell rubs a bit more salt into Nessa’s wounded pride.  “—It wouldn’t be the first time you backed out on marrying me, now would it?”  “—You wound me to the core, Rogelio.”  (Cue the violins.)  Just how long are you going to continue punishing me for what I did?”  He suddenly shows remorse and pulls her towards him.  Now he starts to cajole and caress her.  Paula takes such good care of him and he’s sure Nessa doesn’t want to be bothered with these sorts of “uncomfortably awkward” sorts of things, now does she?  Kissy, kissy.  “--Okayyyy.  As long as she remembers her place.”  Rog looks up and away for just a telling moment before kissing Nessa’s forehead.  “—and that’s what she’s going to do.” 
Lo del nuevo:
Esteban and Gus discuss the fallout from Esteban’s divorce.  He feels like such a dumbsh!t after all these years thinking he rocked the center of Nessa’s universe.  Next topic.  Where was Gus headed when he arrived?  Out to look for work?  He didn’t exactly make it to the interview.  Esteban offers to explain cuz they’re still needing [engineers] at that place.  Wow!  Really?  Gus says thanks, but he’d rather explain in person. 
At the hospital, Cupcake's frosting is a bit lopsided over the verbal smack-down with Vainessa.  How could he continue to have anything to do with her?  Bruno explains that despite her spoiled brat behavior and her selfish, wheedling ways, RoHell’s got it bad for her.  He’s in wuv.  May be, but no way I’m going to let my brother get stuck in that jail all because of her!  Fine, says Bruno.  The paperwork’s making its way, assures Bruno, but the cash has got to come from RoHell.  RoHell rolls up and tells Bruno to vamoose.  He wants a private word with AP now.  Bruno turns around and gives him the evil eye before leaving. Lot’s of roiling and boiling in that scowl of Bruno’s.  Yep, Mister Mouthpiece looks damned pissed at being ordered around like a trained monkey, but he says nothing and just walks away down the hall. 
Pau wants to know why that woman said she was going to marry him.
In another part of the hospital, Nessa spies Bruno and is just as pissed.  Want to know what he’s doing, aside from taking that gal’s side?  He’s taking her back to the hacienda to work for him!  “—Really?  I wasn’t aware.  But it doesn’t surprise me.”  “—Yeah, but that broad’s going to pay for it.   I’m going to be the lady of the house, the owner’s wife, and I’ll see to it that Rogellio stops helping her brother and that he runs her off the place!  Just fires her ass!”  Bruno stares back and looks as if he definitely wants a ringside seat for that mud wrestling spectacular.   
RoHellio swears it didn’t mean a thing.  Oh no?  Cupcake’s frosting is even more lopsided than before.  “—You said you were marrying me and she up and starts in about how you’ve never stopped loving her and the two of you are getting married!”  “--Oh?  Vainessa really said she’d marry me? Really?  Are you really jealous?”  (Nay, not jealous, per say, but we females aren’t exactly eager to share a claim to staked-out territory once it’s been marked, Roggie, any more than some hairy-legged, brow-beating brute—er, sound like anybody here we might know?)  . Not at all, says Cupcake, smoothing out her frosting, but she did hurt you once, and we had a deal.  You were supposed to help me.”  “--Yes, yes, but I don’t want you speaking to Vainessa. She’s one of those women-- (couldn’t catch the rest…something about thinking all the competition’s nothing more than would-be hookers?)  Cupcake wrinkles up her nose and frowns.  “—What are you worried I’d changed my plans?”  “—Of course!  Not just because of my brother, but…that woman is not nice.  And… I don’t want her hurting you.  IN fact, I was so angry at her that I was about to tell her she wasn’t going to marry you because you were marrying ME!” 
RoHellio nearly has heart failure at that!  “--NOOOOOOO!!! You can’t!  It’s part of the agreement and it’s forbidden.  You do that and I’ll renege on my part!.  But, as you’ll see, I’m straight with people.  Here’s the contract for you to sign.”  She lets out a major sigh.  He asks if she’s having second thoughts.  Nope.  She takes the contract and asks where to sign.  He tells her to sign at the bottom of each page and at the bottom of the last, next to her name.   Ana Paula quickly signs them all without reading a word, and then hands the notebook back to him.   He looks her straight in the eye, trying to read her expression. (Visions--or rather--revisions of Faustus, anyone?)  She looks back and simply shrugs, the picture of naiveté and pure innocence on display for him.
Rosaura is scandalized when she finds out that Gustavo is still alive.  Bruno says it’s true, cuz one of the nurses told him so!  It was Gus’s daddy, not him, that died.  Mersnotty’s may work at the hospital, but the fact his sister hates Pau is in their favor.  Rosie and he agree that no way in the world can they allow Gus and AP run into each other. 
At dinner that night, Big Dave mentions to RoHell that since Sin is headed back to Hell Fuerte to prepare for the wedding that he’d take her there himself cuz he’s on his way back to the hotel construction site at Boca del Cielo and it’s essentially on the way.  Bro-Hell says no thank you.  Why, asks Sin.  “--Don’t you trust me?  I’m not some little girl any more who needs your protection.”  Bro-Hell replies that he doesn’t trust his own shadow, let alone a couple who are involved with each other.  (He may not be wise to Sin’s sins, but he’s definitely got Big Dave pegged.)  No, Kid Sis will return to the hacienda alone.  Hugo wheels him out and Sin goes BSC she’s so tired of his overbearing brutish behavior!!!  She takes a shot of tequila.  What can Dave do for her?  Anything?  She wants to be able to forget everything to do with BroHellio!  No problema, answers Big Dave with a mischievous grin on his face.
Pau tells Tia Rosie about the catfight at the hospital with RoHellio Montero’s ex-fiancee that afternoon.  Rosie wonders if she explained about their deal, but Pau says no because she’s not allowed to talk about it.  However, he’s not changed his mind.  He even had her sign the contract today afterwards.  Well, what was in it, asks Rosie.  AP didn’t get a copy, but he promised to give her one; and, she admits, she didn’t read it very well, only the stuff in bold-faced type [en negrito/as] but all the basics were there, marriage for a year and he’ll try getting Mikey out of jail.  MentiRosa is fit to be tied because AP didn’t bother to read any of the details, let alone ask for a copy of the contract she signed!  (Did I mention Cupcake’s utter ‘naivete’?  Well, yes.  Excuse me while I share a moment of utter incredulity and the need to pull my hair out with dear MentiaRosie: Pau, YOU ARE ONE FRIGGIN’ NAÏVE NITWIT!!!!  ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!  LORD HA’ MERCY, GIRL!!!!!) 
That night Sinthia and Big Dave go clubbing.  Sin gets drunk as a skunk. Sin tells Big Dave how much she hates being under Bro-Hellio’s brotherly thumb.  Dave says it doesn’t have to be that way.  She can just marry him.  Oh?  Sin takes an extra minute to process this through the alcoholic haze she’s enveloped in. She says that before she accepts, he should help her get back her part of her inheritance.  Dave says she won’t need it if she marries him.  That’s not the point, dope!  It’s hers and she’s not leaving it go!  Anyway, wouldn’t it be nice to combine his and her fortunes together?  Sure, okay, says Dave, but why doesn’t she show some independence?  Why does she let Bro-Hell order her around like that?  Sin starts into a drunken depression which is not going to get Dave what he’s really after.  He says he’s got something in mind to get her really into a good mood…..
In a very different kind of drinking establishment, Bruno and his ex-con associate are swilling down Tequila together.  Bruno says something about after seeing the cat fight that afternoon, he feels that all is not lost.  They do have that little problem with the fact that Gus is still alive and kicking.  However, as long as he can’t recognize him and he’s got no proof of anything, they’re just fine and it may be to Bruno’s advantage that Gus is still around.  Exxy just better follow everything to the letter this time around, got it?  No foul-ups.
The next morning Sin wakes up with the hangover of the century and wishing for all she’s worth she could skip the morning after the night before.   Suddenly she hears a Big Snort from the other side of the bed, sits up and looks over, eyes-saucer-sized-impactada,  Ruh-Rohhhhh!!!!!  “--OMG!!  What did I do?????”
At Elenas, Rosie’s been filling Elena in.  She’s getting AP down back to that hacienda ASAPP!  Before her ex-BF and she run into each other and blow the whole effin’ deal.  Yeah, but then there’s the ex-fiancee of RM’s to worry about too.  Rosie wonders what’s up with that, especially since her ninny niece didn’t get a copy of the contract she signed, let alone READ it!!    In the meantime she plans on squeezing as much cash as she can from Mr. Deep Pockets.  Now, what about giving her back one of those rings, Elena……
At the hotel, Sin is putting the pieces together.  Hmmm.  Sin finally had her Big Chance to do a test ride with Big Dave in bed but she was so drunk she missed the Big Event. No worry.  “—Mi amorrrrrr!!!”  Big Dave is up and ready to ramrod this cattle drive back down the pike all over again.  Was it as good for her as it was for him?  S-s-sure it was…… Just then Bro-Hell momentarily interrupts with an inopportune phone call. “--Where in blazes are you?” Sin’s literally thinking on her feet. “--R-r-r-riding [montar= lit. mounting/ montar a caballo = riding horseback, so I hope you catch the *TACKY* humor in this exchange] w-w-with David.”  (Big Dave’s definitely been giving her saddle sores.)  Bro Hell tells her to give the phone over to him, then.  
Ro-Hell screams at Dave for not remembering they agreed to meet at the office that morning.  Big Dave says they agreed to meet, but Rog never gave him an exact time.  Anyway, since he’s out …er…riding, it will take him a bit to drive back into Tuxtla, but he’ll get there as soon as he can.  Click.  Big Dave’s not in a Big Rush.  “—since we…er… told your Big Brother we’re riding outside of town that means we’ve still got time.”  Dave takes Sin down for another dumpster dive under the sheets.
Once Dave gets to the office he gives Ro-Hell some song and dance that he’s been there for a while, but they told him he’d left already.  Apparently not.  Ro-Hell is pissed cuz they went somewhere without permission and he didn’t know where Kid Sis was.  That’s a Big No-No in RoHell’s book.  Big Dave tells Big Bro-Hell to chill.  Sin’s not a kid anymore and he’s already told him he’s serious about her.  They’ll be getting married, yeah, and ONLY when they’re married will RoHell stopped making Sin’s life Big Bro-Hell.  Got it?
Meanwhile, Sin is on the phone with Nessa, telling her the disappointing news.  Sinthia says there’s not going to be a boda; she couldn’t stand another boring bedroom bummer with Dave.  Marriage with him is definitely out of the picture for her.  Nessa reminds her he’s her ticket out of that hacienda she’s been locked away in.  Yeah, says sin, but back there’s Eff—er her half of the inheritance. And, says Nessa, he’ll help you win it back. Don’t tell me you’re still stuck on Bruno!  No, stutters Sin.  That’s long over, she says.   Well, offers Nessa, Dave’s the one.  “--Suck it up, girlfriend. Sometimes we women are stuck with this dilemma [disyuntiva], Sin.  We at times marry for love and, at other times, we must marry simply because it suits us [nos conviene.].”  
Back in Big Dave’s office, RoHell is telling Bruno that Vainessa heard from Sin that he was helping out Paula’s brother.  He doesn’t want any more gossip like that between them. Bruno assures him he can count on his discretion.  "--I’d better be able to, cuz if not, you’re useless to me."  Well, says Bruno, he realized a while back that he was in love still with Vainessa.  Of course, Bruno adds, he also realizes that although he still loves Nessa, Paula’s not exactly an irrelevance for him.  But, that’s not his problem, either, he adds.  “--Just deliver the paperwork and afterwards, get back to the hospital to check on Michael.”
Somewhere in Mexico or Europe, Elsa and Vainessa are buying a wedding gown.  Well, even tho’ she didn’t get married in a church to Esteban, remembers Elsie La Vaca, that was a social event to remember!  Nessa says she didn’t marry in the Church cuz she was never sure about the marriage, but this one she is!  Mama laments that the gown she’s got on is too beautiful a dress to be wasted on a small town wedding.  But it’s at Hacienda del Fuerte, Mama!  Yeah, out in the boonies, says Mama.  We’ll see how many find their way there for it.
Back in Tuxtla, Rosie, Dani and Pau are also looking at wedding dresses. Rosie tells Dani she’s got to do her best to encourage Paula [echarle porras] to cheer up and realize Ro-Hellio isn’t such an ogre after all.  Pau comes out and loves the dress, but then she falls into a funk when the salesgirl hands her a heart on a silver chain to wear with it.  The heart makes Pau think of Gus.  It should have been him she was buying the dress for and not RoHellio Mont-ogro!!  Woe is she!! Pau starts crying. “Give me it.  It’s the only heart I’ve got now.  My own heart is dead!!” 
Fin, parte 1

Gus Sings the She Done Me Wrong Song While Tia Rosie Cashes In

Rosaura loses it and starts screeching back at Ana Paula and Dani who’s just suggested there’s still time to pull out of this marriage owing to the fact that she’s not in love with Sr. Montero and that marriage should be for love.  “—¡BASTA!”  She stops, catches herself and readjusts her mask.   Having regained control of herself, MentiRosa drops a few crocodile tears and tells AP that she’s distraught seeing her suffer so, but now there’s just no other way.  Gus has died and it’s up to her alone to sacrifice for the family. “--See it as an opportunity, a reason for hope!  He’s invested so much in us already.” (Literally, lady!  Literally!)  Her brother’s freedom—not to mention her BFF’s happiness--now depends on her carrying through with that contract she signed.  This seems to knock AP out of her funk and she snaps to it like a brave little girl.

At the TOHIT, Mercedes is checking on patients’ still in the hospital and learns that AP’s brother is still there, waiting to be transferred to prison once he’s improved enough.  This gives the gal another chance to snort her disgust for the slut who’s still got her baby brother’s heart in a vice grip.  As for Gus, he comes running onto the hospital floor to tell her that he just hooked a first rate job with the Water Commission.  Wonderful!  They’ve already got him working and he’s still trying to get hold of Mikey to find out what’s happened to Ana Paula.

Across town, Rogelio arrives at Federico’s office and is surprised to see that Dani works there.  Fed and RM discuss the prenuptial.  By all means it will be community property, not separate.  If they divorce, this time it goes 50-50 straight down the middle, unlike Papa Montero’s choice back then.  It’ll be Rogelio’s choice.  Feddie’s surprised Dani and Rog seem to know each other.  Before Dani can muck up things Rog quickly inserts that she’s a friend of his nurse’s.  On the way out he warns her that he doesn’t like mixing business with personal matters; so he hopes she has enough sense to keep quiet.

AP visits Mikey and tells him she’s going to ask permission to take a couple of days first to visit El Arenel (to visit Gus’s supposed grave site).

As for our dimpled duo, when AP arrives Ro-Hell immediately tries strategizing to get Dani out of Federico’s office a few days (to buy time?) under the guise of caring for him since the two of them are going back to the hacienda the following day.  Pau’s secretly pissed that that means she won’t have time to sneak off to Gus’s grave.  Ro-Hell tells her they’ve got commitments towards each other and they need to keep on track.  She agrees.  He asks if she’s bought her dress.  Yes, thanks for giving her aunt the money to buy it with.  Uhhmmm.  He reminds her then to remember to take the legal documents for the judge so they can marry once they get to San Gabriel.  She nods.

That evening, tho’ Mersnottys tries avoiding him, Ernesto forces the issue.  He reminds her of the good old days and suggests the two of them need to talk.  It’s absurd for her to keep avoiding him like this all things considered.  Just then Glorious Gloria appears at the end of the hall.  Ernie is forced to introduce the two women in his life.  Gloria makes a big show about how happy she and her hubby are once she realizes it’s Ernie’s ex-girlfriend she’s just shaken hands with.  (Viewerville happily notes the cootie concern on Gloria’s face.)  That was years ago, says Mer.  Yes, but he’s all mine now….right, sweetie?  How many years?  Fifteen.  (“Way too many” reads the expression on Ernie’s face.)

Back in Mike’s room, Pau says she’s got a date now and it’s this weekend.  He snipes what a shame he can’t be there for her great sacrifice. He’s on one mellofahellofa guilt trip that Big Sis has to marry a man she doesn’t love all on his account.  (Well, not all of us are privileged enough to have a dumbsh!t for brains brother like you, Mikey!)   Dani will be there as one of her only two guests—for moral support we assume.  Dani mentions then that her boss and RM know each other.  He struck her as really a decent sort.  He’s the type of guy that does all sorts of nice things for others but wants to stay anonymous, you know?  Mikey throws cold water on that observation immediately!  “—Or more like [mas bien = or rather] he’s the type who you gotta wonder why he’s hiding things!” 

Back in the hallway on Mercedes’ floor, Gloria lights into Ernie.  How dare he pretend?  He introduced her as “the Head of Nursing”!  He didn’t even want to mention her name!  Yeah, says Ernie, to avoid a jealous scene just like this!  Well, it make her think there’s got to be something going on between them again.  He denies it.  She doesn’t buy it.  She has good reason to gripe at him and then some!  Yeah, well what is she there for?  She’d wanted to go out to eat with him, but not now!  She turns on her heel and stomps off.  (It’s all for the best, Ernie.  You are such a worthless mess for a man!)

Bruno brings Rosie a soft drink and mentions he’s surprised to hear that RoHell’s returning to Hell-Fuerte the next day.  Better for everyone concerned, says Rosie—especially her and Bruno.  Get her niece hidden away at that hacienda far, far away from that dis-Gusting little boyfriend of hers.  Bruno figures now he won’t have to worry about taking AP to El Arenel.  Don’t count on it, says Rosie.  Ana Paula, once she gets something in mind, she doesn’t let go of it.  However, I’ve got a way to take care of that!

The next morning RoHell hands MentiRosa the keys to her new pad.  He’s complying with his end of things.  So will they, says Rosie.  AP’s more than ready to go.   However, there are still a number of things to get, like shoes, the mantilla [tocado], and so on.  She wangles another check out of him—and a warning not to abuse his generosity.   

Outside, on the street, Rosie’s in hog heaven.  She waves down a taxi but who should get out of it but Gustavo himself!  Rosie’s expression goes flat!  He hugs her hello and she lets him have it right between the eyes.  How dare he abandon all of them, her niece, especially on such an important night?  Gus tries explaining how he was beaten and left for dead.  Then suffered through the illness and eventual death of his father.  Sorry to hear it, says Rosie.  Life’s rough.  She walks off but he grabs her arm.  He’s even going to the police and file a report because he managed to see one of the attackers had an identifying worm like scar on his neck.  Ruh-Rohhhh! MentiRosa just lays it on even thicker.  Her niece was sooo disappointed and well, they went through a major crisis afterwords; and AP found a man she could really depend on!  She’s got him now, so Gus can drop dead now for all they care [literally, this time, right Rosie?]  “--W-w-w-what?  She’s got another boyfriend now?”  (All together now, class….)  ”—No puede ser!!!!”

At the same time back at Elena’s, Pau is packing up.  She drops a book accidentally and doesn’t notice the picture of her mother with a very young man (Federico ?) hugging her that Rosie had placed there a few days before.  Elena gabs on about being as young as she is she’ll soon fall in love again.  No she won’t, insists Pau.  Gus was it—the only gusto in her life.  Love is no longer in her vernacular. 

Yes, but at least in a few days Pau will be the new Sra. Montero, says Elena, trying to cheer and encourage her.  Hey, look on the bright side, Babe!  There are sacrifices, and there are sacrifices.  He could be old, have a disgusting paunch and B.O At least he’s handsome and rich and you’re not living in a hovel, devoid of the littlest luxuries, are you!  .  She’s got a man who’s taken care of all her money woes and will make her his Sra. Without even demanding that she sleep with him.  What more could she ask for?  (I note that ol’ Ellie’s much better at this than dopey Dani.  Ellie, you’re my kind ‘o gal.)  AP admits she’s got a point (quite a few of them, in fact) but also admits to being frightened to death he’ll ruin things somehow.  Of course, she knows better; and he is fulfilling his end of the bargain so far.  Ellie says there’s no pressure so they can enjoy just being friends.  Pau says that makes sense and so she can relax and concentrate instead on trying to improve his personality.   Ellie nods.  “—That’s the attitude to take!” 

A bit later that day, Dani comes in crying.  The police will be taking Mikey back to jail unless he’s found innocent or they come up with the bail money.  That will be his death sentence! 

Back in Big Dave’s office, Cynthia is complaining to Bro-Hellio about his forcing her back to Hell-Fuerte.  He doesn’t think it’ll matter cuz long-distance relationships never last.  In walks Dave and offers his opinion.  Heck, it’s not like they live in China or something.  Rog takes a phone call and Big Dave takes a moment to say he'll meet up with Sin at the hacienda for a few more “riding” lessons, wink-wink.  Sin finally gets the picture and pretends to like the idea.  Dave tries to lay a few smoochies on her much to Rog’s chagrin—and her embarrassment.  He eventually leaves, saying he’ll see her at the wedding. 

Gus demands to know what kind of problems they had—and Rosie spares nothing. Gus says he’d have sold all he owned to save them all.  “--You’re a good little boy but you couldn’t have done nearly anything compared to him.  He took care of all the problems we suffered through.  He gave her what you cannot! --But they love each other, insists Gus.  (Yeah, that and a dime’ll get you a cup a coffee--somewhere.  Love don’t conquer all, little man.  Money do!) “--Don’t you plan on going after her!  You leave us in peace!”  Gus keeps begging her to tell him where Ana Paula is so he can explain things to her.   MentiRosa races off in the taxi. 

Gus is so totally screwed.  (Viewerville feels his pain.)  He finally has sense enough to call the old workplace and ask for Mikey.  He learns that Mikey’s in jail for supposedly robbing a company truck.  His head is swimming. 

Back at Big Dave’s office, Bro-Hell is totally disgusted with Dave’s oafish behavior and gives Sin a lecture about it.  Next topic.  Sin wants to know when they’re leaving.  Rog says whatever time Paula says.  Uh, excuse me?  Sin can’t believe it.  Of all the nurses in Mexico or wherever, why is he so stuck on this one?  Vainessa isn’t exactly pleased he’s got her coming back to the hacienda with them, either.  Rog agrees and says, thinking better of it, why doesn’t Sin go back and organize things instead.  Maybe it’s not such a good idea having Pau around the hacienda right now after all.  Sin’s smile spreads from ear to ear.

Back in M.C., D.F., Elsie wonders why there’s still no engagement ring.  Things were too rushed, offers Nessa.  “--Think I’ll give him a call right now.” He answers and she’s telling him excitedly how she wants to make sure the press and all of society’s there for the big day.  He’d rather it be a simpler affair, especially since they’ve been through this once before.  No way, she says.  Also, there’s a bachelor and bachelorette party they’ll be attending.  What fun!  He gives up and tells her whatever.  It’s all the same to him.  He gets back to the details of the wedding with Sin and they’re interrupted unexpectedly by Pau.  She tells them she was under the impression “it” would be much simpler.  Sin has a heart-attack to think the wealthiest and most eligible bachelor in the entire state of Chiapas this century would dare to have a simple affair for a wedding!  Rog shoos Sin out of the office as quickly as possible before the cat’s out of the bag.  Sin sniffs at Pau on her way out. 

Pau explains why she’s there.  They take her brother back to prison tomorrow. She can’t leave tomorrow if that happens, she weeps.  We knew that might be a possibility, he tells her.  “--But those ruffians who beat him up last time will kill him if he goes back there!”  Tears roll down her dimpled cheeks.  RoHell’s shell begins to crack.  You can see sympathy seeping out from every pore.  (Oh, those beautiful dark brown eyes of his!)  He’s so totally transformed into such. a. puppy-dog.  Even his dimples start drooping.   

Mikey, in the meantime, has a major melt-down in front of Dani.  He screams at her he’ll die for sure if they send him back again!

Gus finally storms in the door.  He throws his keys on the floor and a cup against the wall, breaking it.  Big Sis comes running out to see what’s happened to him.  “—You must be happy as all get out!  You were right!  I was a total idiot.  The whole time you told me she was cheating on me but I wouldn’t believe you!”  How did he find out for sure?  He ran into her aunt who told him everything!  All that time he was half dead and fighting to get back to her and she was getting involved with someone else!  Mersnottys knows she’s done wrong by her little bro, and admits it tearfully to herself—sort of.  She only wanted him to be happy, really she did…..

Meanwhile, Bruno makes points with Paula by pretending a buddy gave him the directions to Gus’s grave.  AP is definitely a damsel distressed and he allows himself a sly and secretive smile of self-satisfaction.  MentiaRosie walks up to them at that point and rolls her eyes at Pau’s depressed state.  Bruno lets her in on what’s just transpired and leaves the two of them to talk it out.  Tia’s words of advice?  Cry it out.  Get it out of your system—alone.   

Back at Gus’s, Big Sis advises him to get over Paula and move on with his life.  Gus still has a hard time believing such a sweet girl like AP could be guilty of such a thing, but he’ll try.  His face is full of angry tears.

Once again at the hospital, Rosie finds Bruno and manages to fill him in on seeing Gus back in Tuxtla, what she told him about Bruno and AP being a real couple, and how he needs to warn his thugs that Gus got a good view of one of them and noted that scar on his neck, so the police will be sure to be after them. 

In another part of the hospital, Pau pushes RoHell’s chair as he explains how he got Mikey’s doc to extend the time allotted for rehabilitation of his hand.  At least he won’t go back without it’s being healed and it buys them time with the courts.  She is totally grateful and doesn’t know how to thank him.  Her brother had to be sedated he was so frightened of going back to jail!  Sure, says Rog, he was about to lose his hand.  Well, says Pau, it’s just that the expense of the hospital stay keeps getting greater and greater!  I’m so embarrassed over it all—.  Rog assures her that these are included in their contract.  She doesn’t have to worry herself over them anymore.  She smiles and then he smiles and the screen is enveloped in dimples and smiling dark eyes, cuz the guy has finally made her happy and he’s happy that she’s happy…. (Viewerville is happy, cuz we get a gander at Jorge honey’s gorgeous mug.  Sigh!)  They visit Mike and Dani to give them the good news.  Rog looks on and is moved by the happy sight he sees.   RoHellio is now RoJello.

That evening, while Mercedes is setting out the supper dishes for their guests Gus weeps again over his rotten luck.  He’d hoped to have AP sitting there listening to his explanation and getting a chance to clear things up with her.  But yep, he was a fool.  (Yeah, but not because of AP, only her scheming aunt).  He’s got no interest in mingling with Esteban tonight.  She can do it alone and hopefully forget about Ernie while she’s at it.  Suddenly her cell starts to ring.  She won’t answer it cuz it’s Ernie.  Ernie’s forced to leave her a message.  He apologizes for the scene with his wife earlier and wants to talk.  Please call?

There’s a knock on Ernie’s door.  It’s his daughter come to give him grief and take up for Mama.  He explains it’s all a misunderstanding and eventually Marcela calms down and gives Daddy a big hug. Great, then why not take Mama someplace nice for a day or two and patch things up?  When he balks and says he’s way too busy, Marcela turns icy brat again and threatens never to forgive him if he leaves Mama in a lurch.  FF>>

A bit later, Dani and Pau take a walk down the hallway of the hospital.  Dani is convinced Rog isn’t half bad.  Ana Paula isn’t so sure and starts to complain about him when Rog rolls up and overhears her start to describe him.  “—No, he’s very….”  “—Very what?”  “—Er…you have a very intense personality [fuerte = strong, forceful].”

Marcela demands that her daddy never divorces her mama.  Not to worry, says Ernie very sadly.  It’ll never happen.  FF>>

Back in the lounge area, RoHell says he doesn’t believe Paula one bit.  He knows that from the first time they met she considered him a savage brute.  True, says Pau, but since then she’s seen his generosity and the way he stood by her.  She’s come to know a very different Rogelio Montero, she says, and smiles over at him.  He smiles back at her.  The dimpled duo are genuinely happy she’s noticed the change.

Esteban arrives at Gus and Mercedes’ place for diin-din.  He turns around to greet Gus and asks where his girlfriend is.  Didn’t he find her yet?  Gus doesn’t understand.  How does he know Ana?  Before Mersnotty’s can change the subject or stop Esteban, he explains that she came by the office wanting to know if he had any news about him.  “--She was totally distraught when she couldn’t find you!  She was thrilled, though, and cried she was so excited when she found out you were alive.”  Gus looks over at Big Sis with the biggest WTF? expression…..


Inspired. Lopsided frosting on our Cupcake. That says it all.

I am looking forward to Monday. All week, since the dual wedding plans have been in the works, I've looked forward to this novela. That's all I ask, to look forward to my daily hour of tight beanie-time.

Susana is doing a great job. Her scenes with JS outdo any others in this novela, though I do get a kick out of Rog putting Mentirosa in her place.

Didn't read the contract. It is enough to make you wonder about the smarts of someone who is supposed to be an intelligent professional. For a poor girl, our AP has a ton of little cleavage-revealing frocks, none worn twice.

Thanks Jardinera. I don't know what time this one started, but I missed a lot of the beginning.
I take it you don't like Rogelio. I'm not completely against him. I like the idea of revenge on Vanessa. That will be great. And I love the way he looks at AP. He is so totally smitten by her. All she has to do is smile at him and he melts.

Tks Jardinera

I watched the Jorge Salinas/ Elizabeth Alvarez boda. Thought it a little on the Kardasian side. Who gives their wedding vows with a microphone in their hand????? The couple looked fantastic however. Saw Julian Gil, Chantal Andere, Diego Oliveres, Susana Gonzalez there. Jorge looked a little bored with the whole thing, it was almost like a rehersal for the Podía wedding

I sure hope THAT is not the dress AP is going to wear, Vanesa's was pretty, maybe AP can get that one.

Ads for El Talisman, someone is announcing being pregnant, the f---ing thing hasn't even started, we might be in for another rehash of the usual mierda.

I agree about AP's dress. It looked like a maternity dress. I loved Vanessa's dress though.
It sounds like they are getting married by the court before the one Vanessa is planning. Don't they get married in both usually? First the court one then the church one? But if they are not having a real full on marriage, they probably won't do the church one.

Thanks for the Recap and the best name for AP--Cupcake indeed.

I know I'm supposed to feel more pity for Cupcake, but I just want to slap the frosting out of her. I mean, srsly? How much time did she spend with GusGus (remember that mouse from Cinderella?...)and she's dying of love for him? TN love I guess. Her sob scene in the dress shop annoyed the snot out of me. I almost didn't mind Tia's screeching at her...almost.

Thanks, Jardinera, for another snappy recap. I have only been surfing into this novela now and then. The premise reminds me of Amor Real. In that novela, the innocent girl's evil mother has her one-true-love falsely imprisoned and marries her off to a newly rich guy. The girl despises her husband , but hate turns to love eventually. The first one-true-love continues to pursue the girl. I have a funny feeling that the same plot will play out in this show. I watch and read Beauty and the Beast several times a week. It's message is ''True love conquers all,'' and I'm pretty sure that the ''true love'' will turn out to be Dimples and roHell-on-Wheels. Poor, Tall-Dark-and Beaten-to-a-Pulp is in for a letdown.

Thanks so much Jardinera for this great great part 1 recap. Loved your snark especially with peel a wheelie, wheedlesome kisses and mud wrestling spectacular. lol.

I was surpised too that the Cupcake didn't read the contract more. She should have looked at it more closely. I bet he took out the "no nookie" clause and put it in the fine print. I too didn't like the Cupcake's dress it was really rather plain. Vainessa's was beautiful.

Poor Gus. At least he would take the time to listen to the Cupcake. Mersnottys is very annoying right now, but she is interested in Esteban, he is a hottie.

ITA with you Jardinera for having your yelling Tia Mentirosa moment. Everytime she is on, I yell STFU. lol. She never stops to think how is Miguel going to survive if he goes back to prison, what is the Cupcake really getting herself into, but oh by the way can I have one of my rings back!!!!!

And Rohell trying to keep Vainy and Cupcake from finding out what is really going on. His juggling is funny to watch with the hidden smirks he has.

Loved the first half of the recap Jardinera. I wonder how long is Uni going to do these supersized shows with it going over for another twenty to twenty-five minutes?

So David didn't light Cinthia's fire and she doesn't want to marry him. LOL at her quick thinking when Rog called them right at the moment of their "riding" lesson.

Before AP signed the contract, Rog did tell her to read it first but she just skimmed over it quickly without really reading it.

Rog seemed touched when AP told Miquel he would not be taken to jail and they snuggled. Rog had a look of tenderness in his eyes for those fleeting moments.

Monday is the big event. How will Rog pull it off having two brides for one wedding?

"I know I'm supposed to feel more pity for Cupcake, but I just want to slap the frosting out of her. I mean, srsly? How much time did she spend with GusGus (remember that mouse from Cinderella?...)and she's dying of love for him?" How long did she know him? A week perhaps and she's vowing never to love again. Famous last words LOL.

Good work, Jardinera. Vainessa could frighten Nessie.

Add me to the chorus against that dress. AP's taste needs some work there. She needs something that will make Vainessa look even more like damaged goods.

I finally realized that the exit clause of the contract between Rogelio and Federico will come back to bite Vainessa in the arse: When Rogelio marries AP and pulls the rug right out from under her she will demand out of the contract as a 30% owner of her dad's company. Dad will tell her "Then you will have to pay the multi-million peso penalty" and she will have a tantrum. We hope it will be in public.

As to [i]Bruno stares back and looks as if he definitely wants a ringside seat for that mud wrestling spectacular. [/i] between AP and Vainessa, I'm sure all the male viewers agree with him.

Thanks, goyles. I'm taking a much needed break before P.2. Thank gawd El Talisman starts Monday. I'm just not in the mood to be doing 2 parters for weeks on end like last year. I am certain the Familia gang are ready for it to start, too!

More later, y'all.

Wow, Jardinera! I just love it when you get all riled up and pile on the snark! This was AWESOME!

Loved the imagery of cupcake and her frosting, and I was delighted by Vainessa pulling a wheelie on her broomstick.

Right now Rogelio thinks he is smarter than everyone else, and he is really enjoying his role as supreme puppet master. What I look forward to is when he starts realizing that he doesn't control the things that really matter.

Yeah, UA, I figured that someone would be trying to get out of that contract and screaming bloody murder, but I figured it would be Federico regretting that he had made the suggestion. I didn't think of Vainessa!

Is AP going to give Rogelio hell for playing such a (public?) dirty trick on Vainessa or does she dislike Vainessa so much that she applauds Rogelio for taking revenge?


This may be wishful thinking/preview watching...but it didn't look like Ana was wearing the same dress in the previews. Meh, what do I know.

UA-thanks for bringing up the exit clause. Methinks that will be a delicious scene!

GRR! to Univisión for starting the novela at 8:53. I checked the Xfinity TV listings Fri night and it said LQNPA would run from 9-10. Surprise! It started early and ran late. Why do they do this? It messes up "old-fashioned" people like myself who use VCRs as well as those who use DVRs.

Finally MentiRosa says something that makes sense: You should read a contract and get a copy of it too. But then she put on her legal cap and said that she should review it. No, Bruno should. I suppose he's their only choice since they can't actually afford a lawyer. Doesn't it seem like eons ago when they first met Bruno at the hospital and he posed as a public defender? And all because of Miguel.

This "love at first sight" thing is so...dumb. Cupcake knew Gus for how long before he "died"? She didn't even take him out for a test drive! She will never love anyone again because the man who saved her life and whom she knew for a few days is dead. NOT!

I'm looking forward to the double wedding. It's kind of amusing watching Ro-hell juggle two fiancees and trying to prevent one from finding out about the other.

P.S. Cupcake, say no to the dress. Not flattering. I do like Vainy's. (She and her mom were shopping in Mexico City.)

Oh, and in regards to Rohell's convo with Bruno. Rohell fusses at Bruno because he thinks Bruno blabbed to Sin...but wasn't Sin right there when Rohell got the phone call from Bruno about Miguel? Didn't Sin herself fuss and Rohell for continuing to care for Ana Pau and family?

Thanks, Jardinera. Great recap. "Peel a wheelie' put my keyboard at risk, once again.

I esp. want to thank all of you valiant LQNPA recappers who have done double-duty with the crazy Uni schedule. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Variopinta, so agree with you about the way they are presenting the previews for El Talisman. Call me a shallow recapper but I still can't get by 'filmed in Florida, set in Fresno (CA)'. LOL.


I think that Univision will get back to normal tomorrow. They were rushing to the wedding because they want a blockbuster ratings night tomorrow. It's the beginning of February sweeps.

If they consistently promote English subs through cc captioning and win more non-Hispanic viewers they could become the #1 network in the country, at least L-V.

P.2. is up. I really liked recapping this part of the episodio cuz of all JS's dimples. This time around I actually got to enjoy them! Damn, he looks so fine when he smiles like that.

Mercedes still doesn't let Gus in on Mikey being there in the very same building and on the very same floor he is when he comes to tell her he's gotten another job. What a b!tch!

Thanks Jardinera for the Part 2 recap and loved your title. ITA with you that Mersnottys could have told Gus about Mikey being in the hospital where she works. She won't do it though, cause she doesn't want him to get the truth. She really doesn't know the truth either, she never listened to the Cupcake.

I'm not ranting on the Tia cause it was the same old thing with her.

I feel sorry for Gus, cause he doesn't really know the truth either. It will take him a long time I think to find out.

Glorious Gloria lol. She is one b!tch. No wonder Ernie wants out of the marriage so much. If Mersnottys is smart she'll see a lot more of Esteban.

Gus will go searching again for the Cupcake since Esteban told the truth. But will he be in time? I think not.

I can't wait for tomorrow to see how the wedding juggle turns out.

Thanks again Jardinera. I cracked up at Rohellio is now Rojello. Too funny.

I hope they don't mess with the time of the show on Monday. I might just have to tape the whole night just to make sure I don't miss anything.

Thank you so much, Jardinera, such funny snark and you covered so much! Loved it!

We see the hard edges start to smooth over (temporarily) with our Old Turd Rohell. Let's see where this goes! It looked like he was enjoying seeing how his actions helped people, which is a change from all his usual douchebaggery. Maybe he could get addicted to doing good deeds. A girl can dream, can't she?

I hope no one will consider this a spoiler, but I wouldn't count on the wedding being tomorrow (despite what the avances say). I think we have more Rohell-on-wheels bride-juggling to get through first! LOL.

UA, thanks for the info about Feb sweeps. I think you're right. The extra episodes they have pushed through last week are so that this week we have all sorts of action and fun. I'm looking forward to it!

Wow-part 2 great job! I also really appreciate the added details from Thursday's overtime. I was confused on several details so I was glad to get the conversation about community property cleared up among other things.

We didn't get the previews on Friday, so I wasn't sure why everyone was convinced we would Haney the wedding on Monday. I can see how there would be a few more hoops to jump through first, but it will be soon, obviously!

Pretty exciting. I'll be watching the Talismán premier too on Monday as I am a huge Rafael Novoa fan, so I may be worn out by too much excitement LOL!


The sweeps will go the month and this series needs its hot action this week to keep the audience tuned in.

Of course Jorge Salinas is one of Televisa's hottest leading men, which we all appreciate! I think he's at his peak now in terms of looks and talent.

I am starting to wonder just how long Rogelio will be able to maintain the charade of being unable to... you know. Men can't lie about certain things and the minute he starts sharing a bedroom with AP he's at risk.

Thanks for Part 2 Jardinera. I liked that part of the episode better and you covered it spectacularly. Rohello becomes RoJello was genius. I'm with you about JS...he has the most wonderful eyes evar.

You've nailed Ernie's character-He's definitely a mess of a man. Quite frankly, Mersnotty deserves him.

I loved the "all together puede ser!!!"

While in part 1 I wanted to slap the frosting out of Ana Pau, in part 2 I wanted to slap the eyelashes off GusGus and then I wanted to turn around and slap Gloria, Marcela and then slap and backhand Mersnotty. Through that whole ending scene she's like "ixnay on the uthtray, Esteban!"


Jardinera- This recap was an amazing amount of work and detail. Simply wonderful! I didn't watch last week, but your recap made me feel like I had. I would love to get a look at Gloria though. Is she an actress we know from something else? He needs to leave Mercedes alone until he's out of his marriage, and Mercedes needs to focus her efforts on jumping Esteban's bones instead of meddling in her little brother's life.

This bride juggling sounds like a comedy of errors. It does not earn Rohell points in my book, but it does sound funny.

As for him actually enjoying doing good, I'll believe it when I see it. Sounds more like he enjoys being seen as a hero by AP, than actually helping anyone. I've not read in the recaps any evidence empathy on his part for Miguel. Here he is a man who loved being active and riding horses who had that taken from him, and Miguel is a young man whose love and trade was carpentry who is this close to losing his hand. You would think at some point Rohell would be struck by the similarities and really feel for the kid. Rohell had the benefit of being filthy rich when he had his accident; Miguel is in a far worse situation.

I'll be watching this coming week to see how Rohell pulls off this wedding. Should be a fun ride.

As for El Talisman, I'm going to give it a chance. Other than the setting, Fresno, it sounds interesting. If you read the character description that was posted by Sylvia last week, you'll see that the pregnancy thing is one of the key plot points, and that the child is used as a chess piece in the battle between these three families for land.

Thanks for the great recaps Jardinera!

I've been a bit busy so I haven't been able to keep up with this one.

Gustavo's sister is extremely controling, he is a man, not a teen. Although this love with Ana Paula is so much like a crush between two teenagers. I guess that's just telenovelas for you.

The scene where Vanesa talks about her marriage to Esteban is funny to me because I had this conversation with a friend from school who is from the US. I told her how many people in Mexico prefer to have a civil ceremony first and wait to have the religious one until they were sure the marriage was solid and they would be together forever. She thought it was a little crazy because the big legal implications happen with the civil ceremony but I told her that people were more worried about the spiritual side of it and the unfortune of belonging at the side of someone you might not want to be with anymore at the eyes of God.


"Who gives their wedding vows with a microphone in their hand????? "

I haven't seen Jorge's wedding but traditionally in a church the priest usually gives mass with a microphone so everybody present can hear and when the people give their vows they are handed the microphone also. So when people tend to do big events, even for civil ceremonies, the microphones are used too. So it is very common here.


Sorry to barge in with an "estupidez". Is it just me, or did APs wardrobe go from fairly bright/pastel to black and white rather quickly? Meh, this is me overthinking. :-)

If Ana Paula applied for a job in any of the nighties she usually wears and I were head of personnel, I'd hire her on the spot.

Sara- AP's wardrobe has been a mix of colors from the beginning. I noticed no color themes like CME. But it remains consistent in the short and low cleavage departments. :)

Anon- Glad you appreciate her wardrobe. You must enjoy Cynthia and Vain's too.

Someone asked if we had seen the actress who plays Gloria before...she played Dr. Flask's wife in Cuando Me Enamoro. Very different role for her here.

Novelera in AZ

Oh, that's who's playing Gloria? I will for sure watch next week then. I like that actress but have only seen her play sweet, doormat types in CME and ENDA. I'll get a kick out of seeing her play a bitch.

Oh my Jarocha, how tacky, Mexico is getting as commercial as the US. I can see the priest having a mic, but the novios!!!! Tan tacky y Kardisian, did they have a mic?

S/B said that El Talisman was filmed in FL, where?
What is Fresno's lack of charm?

No wonder AP's dress looks like mierda, Rojell gave the dinero to tia, and it looks like a Walmart dress. I'm thinking Rojell isn't going to like it either & rip that dress right off Vanesa to give it to AP.

Rojell will soon be Roángel, like Rhett Butler y Manuel Fuentes Guerra, suspiro ayyyyy.

I may be mistaken but I also thought the Gloria actress played a sister of Susana G's in Pasion.

Variopinta- Talisman is being filmed in FL and it looks like it too. Lots of beautiful lush settings and such, so it will be nice to look at. But it's set in Fresno, so we'll have to tighten our beanies to make ourselves believe lush FL is boring Fresno.

Vivi, what's wrong with Fresno?
Anyplace in FL is beautiful & diverse less mountains. Do you know where in FL? If it was in the paper, I missed it.

I haven't been to a wedding for a long time, are we using mics? There is sth less religious with that, just wrong. I know, I know, I have a little OCD, certain things just bug me.

V- Although an agricultural center, Fresno is not the most beautiful, culturally interesting, or exciting place. It certainly isn't tropical. No one who knows the place will think for once second that those green, tropical backgrounds they keep showing are Central California.

Vivi: ITA. CA has its own sort of natural beauty, but the flora is totally and noticeably different. We may not get more than tight shots to avoid the comparisons folks in the know will obviously make. Eva Luna was done the same way. I think this is the same producer/creator, etc. from what the avances say.

I'm interested in the lead male for this one. He's new to me. Where'd he come from anyway?

Jardinera- He's a big Colombian star. He played the role FC played in MEPS in Colombian version that came before it (Pura Sangre). Then he made the guest appearance in MEPS as the possible love interest (old boyfriend) of the protagonist and then later the love interest of her sister. He's also in the Colombian version of Grey's Anatomy and a ton of other popular Colombian shows and telenovelas. He's not beefcake, but he has a wonderful voice, beautiful smile, and a very manly look about him.

Jardinera- I remember laughing everytime in Eva Luna when they showed the sun RISING over the ocean. LOL!!!

Anyone here watch La Espada y La Rosa (Zorro)? Remember the cannibals who escaped the conquistadors by hiding out in the "jungles" of California? I always wondered where those jungles were. Now I know. Fresno.


Rafael Novoa is Colombian. He was in MEPS, remember the guy Fernanda had at a party late in the TN & Franco/Eduardo was very jealous? He & Lily had some sparks at the end. He was an old school friend from, I think Spain. I thought he seemed so phony, too big a smile, too many teeth, but my opinion can be changed. He is good looking.

He is on sth in the afternoon, maybe noon, can't tell you the name however.

I finally realized what character Rohell reminds me of, and why he makes me laugh so much.

Archie Bunker.

Well, if Archie Bunker were younger, much hotter, had dimples, wore a cowboy hat and spoke Spanish.

Of course the whipping thing and the extra special douchebaggery are where the resemblance to Archie departs. But still--he's so awful sometimes, and yet I can't hate him, because, like Archie, he is a softie inside and a lot of the crap he spews is crap and deep inside I think he knows it. Instead I just laugh at the TV screen and say, "He's such a douchebag!" Though if this were real life, I'd vehemently try to prevent any woman I knew from marrying him. But this is a telenovela, and real life goes out the window!

FYI, for anyone who cares, Sara and I are switching recapping nights starting next week. I'll do Tuesdays and she'll do Wednesdays. But this week we're still on her Tues and me Wed.

If Univision doesn't mess up the schedule anymore, that means that Monday will be Cap 23, Tues Cap 24, Wed (my episode) Cap 25, and so on. I'm already mentally planning out what screencaps I will make for Wednesday, and fair warning: I won't even try to hide my Jorge Salinas fangirlishness! He is really great in this show. Rohell has some great expressions and we're seeing more and more of them as the show progresses.

Variopinta: The novios are given the microphone only during the vows. This has been done always here, since the microphone was introduced to mass, it's not part of a new trend. Weddings are big events, sometimes they give masks, carnival type of costumes to put on over the clothes or those long skinny balloons and all kinds of crazy stuff. The idea is to have a good time. Once the formalities end and the party begins, nobody cares about what is tacky and what is not.

Hey Elvira, I was looking for Jorge on youtube and found this music clip of him and Lucero in Mi Destino Eres Tu: they were cute there.


Jardinera, that was an epic recap, so thorough and loaded with your special comments. I laughed, I smiled, I tried to squeeze out a dimple or two. "RoHellio is now RoJello" might be my favorite. I'm really looking forward to the wedding, whenever and however it happens.
La Paloma

Thanks for the link, Jarocha! Oh my, he looks so young and very cute! And Lucero looks great, but different with her hair so long. (I only know her from STuD and Alborada.)

Despite what may develop between Rog and Paula and the money he's spent on her and Mikey, you know there'll be absolute Hell to pay when she discovers he's the one responsible for her brother going to jail and nearly losing his life, let alone his hand, to begin with! It ain't gonna be pretty, either!!

Oh yes, he will pay the price for that, I'm sure!

As I've mentioned a few times in these discussions, I'm still a little uncertain about where Rohell's culpability for Miguel's suffering kicks in. Rohell had no part in the truck accident or the death of the victims, and it was very, very serious. (Though still, an accident! I don't get why he's in jail at all for that, but clearly he was.) Same thing for Miguel's injury to his hand. Rohell didn't have any part of that. Miguel was heading for jail before Rohell even heard about the accident.

Rohell is to blame for "sitting on his hands" (not helping more when he could have) which he should feel guilty for, but also he's had David press fake charges too. What I am not sure of is, how much of the time that Miguel spent in jail is directly due to the fake charges and how much time spent in jail is due to Miguel's hitting those people?

Love those expressive faces that can look so evil or mad one moment & the next be so loving & cute. FC is one, David Zapeda another, but Jorge might be the best.

Dimples always help.

Is there anyway Rojell & AP's kids can't have dimples?

I guess I missed sth as usual. How is Rohell responsible for Miguel going to jail?

Anyone ever watch General Hospital? Rog reminds me of Sonny Corinthos, a mob boss in the fictional town of Port Charles. Instead of a whip, Sonny carries a gun and he's a badass and a brute. Anyway, back OT. I really want to see how Rog juggles these two brides. You can tell he loves the deviousness he's pulling too.

Variopinta, I'm not really sure where the line is drawn. From what I understand, Miguel had the truck accident and hit the victims (who later died). Immediately after the accident, a policeman was at the house telling AP, Dani, et al that Miguel was in an accident and he was very likely going to jail. Soon after that, David gets a call telling him of the accident; Rohell is with David when he gets the news. David offers to "help" (not sure in what way), saying that "ordinarily I wouldn't, but since you're a friend, Rohell, I will." Rohell says, "No, don't do anything yet." He then uses AP's distress over Miguel's accident to get her to agree to come back to work; pays for Miguel's medical bills, yadda yadda.

Up to that point, it doesn't look like Rohell did anything to "hurt" Miguel, he mainly exploited Miguel's misfortune. (Which makes him a first-class douchebag, but not someone responsible for Miguel's suffering.) Even after David claimed that Miguel stole the truck (he didn't!), Rohell was telling AP that he had "talked David out of pressing charges" and for that AP was even more grateful to Rohell, The Hero. (Gag!) So up to that point, again, I don't think Rohell's actions caused any suffering to Miguel.

At some later date, Rohell did ask David to go ahead and press charges. I'm not sure how far that went or if in fact it meant that he spent more jail time because of it. He had a pending legal issues because of the death of the victims. Rohell was currently trying to pave the way to get those cleared up/paid off. (Not sure how much, since he was also "sitting on his hands," and not helping as much as he could, in hopes that AP would cave and marry him.)

So anyway . . . that's why I'm confused. Rohell is a douchebag, but whether it's more a douchebag for exploiting Miguel's misfortune, or douchebag for indirectly causing Miguel more suffering, not sure. Definitely, a lot of what Miguel went through was going to happen anyway, regardless of what Rohell did, and also, Rohell did help (by paying for the operation to reattach his severed fingers).

Is that as clear as mud now? LOL.

I've been following this show, trying not to get sucked in but I have to accept it--I'm hooked.

Elvira, your first videos were to blame I think. I had missed some parts of the early shows and only saw Rohelll's whippings and yelling at little kids. I wasn't too impressed. You showed me Jorge's dimples, quirky smile and expressive eyes. That did impress me.

Thanks to all the recappers for your time and humor.
Jardinera, as always, your recaps are perfection. I've chuckled and laughed throughout the weekend.

David was the first to claim that Miguel stole the truck so that he could distance his company from the accident (and I don't think Rogelio believed him for a second), and Rogelio told him to hold off pressing charges. But later, when AP had still not accepted his proposal Rogelio told David to go ahead and press charges to increase the pressure on AP. Up until then Rogelio was only guilty of half-sitting on his hands, because he did help them out some.


Jarocha, Thanks for that clip. Wow, Jorge Salinas, Lucero and a Carla Estrada production. I'd like to see that telenovela.

Sara, I think AP's wardrobe has changed. Skirts are about an inch longer, cleavage is about an inch less visible. No more little sundresses. I agree with whoever noted that AP has quite an extensive (and I think cute) wardrobe for a poor girl.

BTW, I love the nicknames Rohell, Vainessa and Cupcake.

I just don't get why Vainessa wants to marry Rohell. She dumped him already, she doesn't need the money. Why? Does she believe she really loves him as much as she can love a guy? It seems to be.

I elect Dani for sainthood. When Mikey was on the hospital floor blubbering and Dani was comforting him--I was thinking Tia thoughts. "Who wants to be stuck with that."

Rohell is sexy, but I don't find Gus and Cupcake boring together. I think they're really sweet (and normal!). Wish they would stop spiking up the hairs on the top half of Gus' head,

I do think that Rogelio was looking super guilty there when AP was crying over her brother's fear to return to jail because these guys were out to kill him, because Rogelio had contributed to Miguel's vulnerable situation and he knew it without a doubt at that point.

OK, I am going to comment one more time. I'm with Elvira. Rohell for sure has made David withdraw any charges by now. AP has signed the contract. Rohell is trying to keep Mikey out of jail. He must have the threat of going back in due to the deaths of the two people.

Audrey, I think you're getting the whole truck accident/Rohell thing right.

It's true, David did come up with the "Miguel stole the truck!" thing all on his own. If I recall, after the fact, Rohell was saying to David, "Clever story" or something. (So Rohell knew it wasn't true.) So I think you're right, that it was David's idea to start with, Rohell told him to hold off pressing charges and then later said, "Go ahead" (which David was planning on doing anyway, I guess, before Rohell told him to hold off).

And I agree, Rohell feels very guilty because he was in part responsible for Miguel's vulnerable position. At least responsible for prolonging it. I don't think that Rohell knew that Miguel was in imminent danger from the thugs in prison--all Rohell was probably thinking of was to increase the heat on AP so she caves. When he's finally confronted with the consequences of that (poor beat-up Miguel, so traumatized by it all, living in fear of going back to jail, as well as AP's distress over her brother) he feels very guilty. As he should!

Jardinera, your recap was great, I enjoyed it so much, so detailed, and funny.
Jorge Salinas is so impressive, and it's not just the dimples, it is his presence, anyone would have a tough act to follow acting across from him.
Rohell, regardless if his sin against Miguel was a sin of commission or omission, he contributed to Miguels suffering, and what is he thinking? Even if he wins AP's heart now, if she ever finds out about even the lesser of those two evils she would never forgive him. I don't think the TN story can, under the circumstances, have those two end up together.

I think that there may be several issues with David, Miguel and the truck:
1. The truck was carrying supplies for a project that David's company is working on. David's company has liability for the accident.
2. In an incorruptible system, David's blaming Miguel for working off the clock while driving the truck would fly for about two minutes in court. David's contract + David's truck and supplies = David's company's liability.
3. In a car accident where 2 people died, Miguel could be charged with manslaughter because of his "recklessness" in driving while very tired, EVEN tho somebody else caused the accident.
4. Two seperate sets of issues--civil and criminal. I guess Bruno is dealing with all of these issues in the law courts of Chiapas.
5. In real life there is NO way David and/or his company gets off for free. He is the one with deep pockets and he,or his insurance carriers would pay through the nose for the death's of two innocent people.

I'm no expert in the law, Mwxican or American. But if someone stole my car, and I reported it stolen, and the thief got into an accident and killed somebody, how does that make me liable?

Because, Sue455, in this country you obviously left your Mack Truck out somewhere making it easy to steal.
I remember a case where a burgler broke into a house, and then injured himself on something, and sued the owners of the house for liability...and won.

Ok. I'm no legal anything either. LOL! IMHO in this aituation, we'd have to consider that Rog, as the financial backer/silent partner, he would necessarily face legal implication and responsibility for the death of those two people also unless the truck was a stolen vehicle, i.e., driven without permission. Helping to cast the whole blame on Mikey to avoid financial penalty will still get him in royal dutch with AP eventually, I'd think.

I don't think that investing in a project makes Rogelio a shareholder in David's company. It makes him a shareholder of the finished project.

Does Vainessa actually have a date in mind? Does anyone remember hearing anything specific on this?

Great recap, Jardinera. I was a little worried for you when I tuned in and the episode was already well underway and then ended about 20 min. late. Nothing deterred your laser wit, however.

After all the comments and conversation this weekend, I can't think of a lot to add except to note an anomaly in this TN. There seems to be a lack of corrupted, devious medicos in this so far. Each physician we have seen seems to be honest, capable, and ethical... even the beleaguered and annoying Ernesto.

I am interested in Mikey's hand:

2 fingers were severed and brought in in a cup of ice.

There was considerable delay in reattaching them.

They got seriously redamaged and infected (Ana Paula said they stunk)

The Drs. still managed to salvage them... really?

Good job guys.


Carlos: Obviously the production crew and writers felt your pain. We now have uber-medicos who can walk on water and turn gangrenous digits into healthy ones ala Ben Casey and Kildare. Would you have it any other way? Come to think of it, do you think the creative team on those two shows had something in mind when naming their magnificent medicos? Kil-dare and Case-y????

I think Rogelio could pretty easily lay the blame on David regarding theft charges against Miguel especially as Rogelio had nothing to do with Miguel being sent on that "special rush mission". But I'm really curious as to exactly how honest Rogelio will be with Ana Paula in the future. This will be very interesting to watch unfold. He certainly has dug himself in pretty deep manipulating the situation to force Ana Paula to his will. Will Ana Paula ever learn the full extent of it? Rogelio certainly can also easily be blamed for many things he didn't actually do.

But it requires much more intelligence and insight/awareness than Ana Paula has demonstrated thus far to figure the above out. She'll have to grow up first. And then maybe she'll smarten up (is that possible? - it will probably require a beanie). It will take some smarts to really understand Rogelio.

We'll see......


It is going to be very interesting to see it all unfold, that's for sure!

To me, Rohell's main "sin" here is being callous and selfish. It doesn't seem like he had any intention of seeing Miguel get hurt (it's not like he ordered Miguel to be beaten up, or knew for a certainty that he would be). He didn't even know that David was going to accuse Miguel of theft (though he didn't object to it after the fact). He was so focused on his goal (to get AP to agree to marry him) that he didn't see past that. Selfish and douchebaggy, to be sure.

Perhaps (this is pure speculation, not spoiler) if we assume that Rohellio is destined to become less of a butthead i.e. is finally going to grow up, he'll realize what he did and try to make up for it, and by the end of the story, IF he and AP are destined to be together, she'll realize that he has grown up (and suffered in the process) and will be able to forgive some horribly selfish act that he did waaaay back before all sorts of other telenovela horse manure happened. We'll see! It'll be a long, interesting journey, with many beanie adjustments along the way!

LOL! In the world of business law, the game is passing (if possible) or sharing (if necessary) the blame/pain. LOL.

I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one one TV. Hahahaha.

DH is a lawyer, recently retired as Asst General Counsel at one of the largest 'big-girl' international engineering/construction companies (35 years). He is my source of legal data for TNs—still laughing out loud.

The man refuses to wear a Titanum TN beanie and, thus, he is a running font of information and opinion about the inaccuracies of how the law is portrayed on TV. I offer his opinions in the interest of enhancing our lively conversations.


OK, we have some idea how the brides will be dressed for the upcoming wedding, but how about Rogelio? Will he wear a tuxedo? Maybe a fancy charro getup?

Will Efraím wear his crumpled straw sombrero?

Will Cinthia's midriff be bare?

Oh the excitement!


"Will Cinthia's midriff be bare?

Oh the excitement!"

Carlos, you crack me up! And Jardinera, you made my weekend. I'm not going to quote you back all your brilliant lines, they are too numerous, but I'm still laughing. Been away a while and so am now all caught up. Thanks to all the recappers for your hilarious, thorough and completely captivating accounts. I don't feel as if I've missed a thing.


Will Cinthia's midriff be bare? I certainly hope so! Her abs are so good they ought to have their own screen titles.

And thanks for your comments on Miguel's hand and the miracle working doctors who performed the surgeries. The strides that have been made in medicine these days!


Carlos: We can only hope that Cinthia will show off the abs and make BOTH brides jealous.

Do they have charros in southern Mexico, because if anyone can pull off that look in a cool way, it's Rogelio.


¡Por favor! No charro outfit!, we had that in FELS. More like Alex in Familia, but w/o the same ending.

I think it will be a charro suit, but with a Stetson. I just hope they have decent music. Except for the theme song the music in this series is excellent.

Thanks again, all of you, for stopping in and jotting down your thoughts. Always is fun to see what you're concerned over. ; ? )

Something just occurred to me, but I don't think the writers thought of this one:

Vainessa has been tricked into planning Ana Paula's wedding. She's arranged everything, Rogelio calls the planners to change the date, and the event takes place just as Vainessa shows up to discuss it.

I want to thank all the talented writers who take the time to spell this novela out for the rest of us. You have me under a spell that is usually more entertaining than the show itself. I've been getting a little ticked at Uni for starting and stopping the show at bizarre times and my dvr misses a lot of it.I want to thank the recappers for filling in the missing bits which is one of the only things that keep me from pulling my hair out. Is there anywhere I can find the parts my dvr missed?
Liza in SA
(my word verification is dymbro, as in Miguel is a "dim bro")

Lisa in SA: Welcome, amiga! Yes, there are a couple of options to stream this on line. Here's where I go:

Scroll down the web page till you see the number of the capitulo you want and click on it. Ignore the blinking ads to download or play. Those are malware. Also they have a number of others listed on the right of the screen.

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