Saturday, June 21, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan – Friday 20 June 2008 - In Which Loose Ends Are (A) Getting Tied Up or (B) Fraying More

We are rolling full steam ahead into the Gran Final on Sunday. Now it’s my turn to say it’s my last full recap of Yo Amo a Juan Querendón. It’s been a great run, folks, and I’ll miss it—the long hours of checking my dictionary to recap notwithstanding [and that’s my own fault, anyway.] ;-) See you for the last time at the Gran Final and then it’s on to Querida Enemiga!

As our Friday episode opens, Juan and Fern are full steam ahead leading a new choral group of the buddies they recently made in a barroom brawl—even the magistrate sings along and an officer declares they aren’t too bad for farmers. Only the bar owner is unenchanted. Order is eventually restored with a promise of jail for all involved. The boys get dragged off to cells. Ivonne gets the “puh-leeeze come and bail me out!” call while she and Paula are talking girl stuff about their respective love lives, or lack of. What should she do? Well, answer it already, Paula tells her. Ivonne is impactada at his whereabouts and Paula is, too.

Kike tries to comfort Marely as they watch over baby Nidia Michaela in the hospital. Kike gives her his take on the bender the boys were on. Marely’s pretty sure it was for Paula, not her, he was drowning his sorrows. Yadi adds to Kike’s attempt at comfort, that Juan’s suffering and probably sorry for everything. Kike’s phone rings and he gets the “puh-leeeze come and bail me out!” call. He tells Yadi and Marely that the boys just got slapped in the slammer (los que acaban de entambar-just got put in jail). Guess what? The girls are impactadas!

Delirio wearily shuffles down the sidewalk out of Casa Cachón, his usually dapper dress in dreadful disarray. Juanito runs after him, and Delirio is hopeful and sweet with the tyke. He wants to see Juan, but Juanito has no idea when Juan will be around. Delirio’s going—he sees the Grim Reaper waiting for him down on the corner. [Ed. Note: actually, if he wore glasses he’d know it was just two thugs doing the Grim Reaper’s work for her.] Juanito has no idea what he means. He’s sure it’s because Delirio hasn’t been eating enough. He encourages Delirio with a big smile. Nope, it’s not food, what’s needed to save his hide is money, Delirio tells Juanito. Juanito doesn’t understand what the Grim Reaper wants with his money. No, Delirio tells him, it’s not her, it’s her messengers. [Ed. Note: Oh, he did see them.] Juanito sweetly hugs Delirio and tells the viejo he’ll save him. He runs off, leaving Delirio wondering qué the heck? Delirio watches the corner for the Grim Reaper’s boys again.

At the delegation, the whole world is coming out for the Great Bail-Out. The bar owner counts off on his fingers for Paula and Ivonne that 100,000 pesos, more or less, will do it. They’re righteously indignant. That’s 100,000.00 MXN = 9,732.08 USD. Paula accuses him of taking advantage of the situation and the magistrate tells her no pay, no release. Ivonne doesn’t have that kind of cash and Paula assures her that she’ll work this out. Marely and Kike come skidding through the door, and Marely wants to know qué the heck Paula is doing here. Paula and Ivonne exchange looks.

Juanito rushes back outside the front gate at Casa Cachón, carrying a bright green thing. Delirio is still hovering around, waiting. Juanito proudly announces he’s brought his bank with the allowance his Daddy gives him every Sunday. He thinks it will help. Delirio holds the green and yellow plastic frog bank in his hand. He pats Juanito gently and is touched at Juanito’s generosity and caring. For once in his life, he does the right thing, and won’t take Juanito’s savings (ahorros). Not even if it will ensure a hot meal. Juanito tries to insist—his Daddy says it’s good to help those in need. Delirio says it’s so lovely, that it’s not worth it to break into it. Delirio strokes his cheek gently and thanks Juanito several times tenderly as he walks away, leaving Juanito looking at the frog.

At the police station, Ivonne scolds Marely not to make a big fuss (hacer panchos - make a big fuss). Marely spits back that she wasn’t talking to Ivonne, so don’t butt in. They try to explain to Marely why Paula is with Ivonne. She’s not altogether satisfied with the response that Paula’s helping Ivonne because Fern called. The sisters fuss at each other with the ghost of Juan in the middle. Paula is insistent that she and Juan have ended that chapter of their lives, IOW, that’s not why she is here. The bar owner butts in—who’s paying up? Paula is. Marely says she isn’t paying anything. Paula drops the trump card, the big company will pay, not her, and…..he takes a recount of items and the price goes up to 150,000 pesos, in that case. [150,000.00 MXN = 14,598.12 USD]. Ivonne yells at him that he just said 100K. Okay, it’s back down to 120K pesos. Paula drags the bar owner away, offers 50K take it or leave it and how long would it take you to earn that anyway, and finally it’s a deal. [50,000.00 MXN = 4,866.038 USD.] She shuffles the bar owner off to finalize the payment and leaves Marely fuming. Both Kike and Ivonne point out that it’s better Farell paid and Paula’s a great negotiator, the last thing Marely wants to hear. Perfect Paula!

Yadi hesitates in the hospital lobby as she struggles about making a telephone call. Finally, she calls Julia. Julia’s home, sobbing gently and wiping her nose. She’s not thrilled to get a call from Yadi. You? Of course you know by now that Enrique is not living in my house now. Yadi tells her she knows and it’s urgent that they talk.

Paula finally gets the paperwork done and hopes that everything will be forgotten. The bar owner assures her it will as the boys are released. Juan sees Paula at the desk and is impactado as he comes into the police station lobby—his usually tamed mullet all askew and shirt open to the waist. [Ed. Note: some last minute gratuitous flesh shots for us, ladies.] He muses to himself—who would have thought he’d call Kike and his Palomita would end up rescuing him? Marely rushes to ask him how he is, Kike on her heels. He tells her he didn’t think she’d want to see him again. She retorts that after what he’s done, she shouldn’t—and leaves him wondering which thing it was that he did to make her say that? He mentally lists all the possibilities and wonders why the little females (goats) are never specific! Whatever made him think of getting so drunk he’d get in a barroom brawl! Oh, it’s THAT! He tries to explain how the other guy took exception to his singing, right Fern? Fern walks away to talk to Ivonne leaving Juan to his fate with Marely…..and Paula, who cuts in scolding about the wad of cash she had to give up for this little adventure. She snaps at Ivonne that they’re going. Ivonne throws Paula off a little by wanting to stay with Fern and get some stuff cleared up. Fern thanks Paula and Marely fumes. Paula looks at Marely and says she hopes they can clear up their differences, then strides out with Marely now fuming at Ivonne. Marely heaves a frustrated sigh—finally Paula’s gone! Juan begs Marely not to get angry and she wonders why she shouldn’t be if this is how he shows her how he loves her. He tries to interrupt but she’s angry about his lies and stalks off. Kike jumps up and tells him it’s a pain that he’s getting hit from all sides. The magistrate calls Juan to sign a register and Fern grabs Ivonne—when he called, he didn’t really expect her to show up. She’s just glad she was with Paula so it could get resolved. Fern stumbles through an apology for his behavior earlier. Ivonne tells him they need to talk, but this isn’t the time or place for all of it. She realizes he must have had powerful reasons for the rejection. Fern mumbles that it was his jealousy. Juan is done and tells Ivonne and Fern it’s time for them all to go. Fern thanks him, but he and Ivonne have a little matter to work out. Juan excuses himself and Kike, who makes a few “oh-oh” gestures to Fern behind Ivonne’s back. Fern invites her out for coffee and they can calm down; but Ivonne thinks they need to go to her apartment because there are very important things she needs to tell him. She strides out of the police station lobby with Fern trailing.

After Kike lets Juan and Marely off, he stammers that he wants to talk with her. Juan comes around to face her, and she stands with her arms crossed tightly, scowling at him, while we note that Delirio is still hiding in the bushes. Marely tells him they’ll talk in the morning—it’s late and she’s tired. Delirio gestures wildly to catch his attention and Juan does a double take and waves over Marely’s head to signal him to lay off. Marely is clueless, apparently, to the waving but she asks if he’s not going in or what. Nope, he’s going to take a walk, and Marely says goodbye to go in. What’s up, he asks Delirio—are you going to set up camp again or what? No, Delirio needs to talk to him urgently. Juan gives him a suspicious look. What does he want now? Delirio has a very serious problem. He describes the problem—the huge sum of money he needs so he won’t be rubbed out—Juan is impactado.

Paula arrives home to find her Mami sitting on the steps, waiting anxiously. Paula wearily tells Ana that the boys are bailed out; it was just a drunken fight. Ana scolds her gently to stop driving herself crazy. Paula tells her to back off. She’s not up to being tormented at the moment and hasn’t got the strength for it. She gives Ana a kiss and goes up to bed.

Delirio continues his explanation of why he did it—for Nidia, to show her he could be successful. He blames Gutis. Juan tells Delirio he’s sorry but he doesn’t have that kind of money, much less by tomorrow morning. Delirio asks that when they find his dead body in some corner, that Juan makes sure he’ll get a Christian burial and Juan tells him he better just march himself down to the po-lice right now. It’s time to own up to his misdeeds. Let justice take its course. Delirio doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in a little dark cell. Juan reminds him it’s better than a deep, dark grave he’ll be in if he doesn’t go to the police.

Ivonne and Fern are ready for the heart-to-heart that will make or break them. It’s about that operation she had. What about that? She thanks him for being there at her side, and she realized how much he loved her through that experience. He tells her that he realized how much he loved her, as well. Ivonne continues that she simply thought they’d be together forever, sweethearts, and never thought beyond that. He tells her he loves her and wants to marry, have a family, children. Finally, it comes out. She can’t give him what he wants. She can’t have children. Fernando puts his hand over his heart, unable to speak.

Nidia has corralled Juan in the study to scold him soundly for the barroom brawl and make completely sure he’s going to do right by her little girl. Juan thought bubbles about being called on the carpet and he really can’t defend himself here. She scolds that “Pauli-Pauli” showed up. And who has ever treated him better than her Marely? No one, Juan admits with a hangdog face. Does Marely deserve this treatment on his part? No. He knows he Did Bad. Nidia, like a dog with a big bone, continues the scold about how she’s given up everything for him. Juan can’t make eye contact as he agrees she’s right. Nidia says he should be telling Marely all this. Nidia points out he chose her and no one forced him, not even a little [Ed. Note: Apparently she doesn’t know what kid pressure from one’s son can do.], he needs to respond with responsibility (formalidad), with seriousness—her Marely deserves it. The message is clear: marry the girl already. Clear as water, he tells her when she asks, looking up shamefacedly at her. He thought bubbles –that night she left him very clear that he shouldn’t be playing with the feelings of a girl who is so noble, so good. Nidia comes behind him and pats on his sore shoulders as he thought bubbles and grimaces. He himself asked Marely to be his girlfriend.

Ivonne and Fern continue their sad and serious discussion of the future. Ivonne tells him that one ovary was removed and the other seriously damaged to save her. She doesn’t fully understand the scientific explanation, but the doctor was clear—there’s very little possibility of Ivonne having children, and he has just said that’s what he wants. Fern nods glumly, chin on his hand, elbow resting on his knee. She weeps gently as she explains her reasons for rejecting marriage. Fern gently tells Ivonne that two can be a family, with love and a roof over their heads; it can form the warmest of families. She tells him it would take a miracle for her to have a child. Fern moves beside her on the sofa and hugs her. He doesn’t need miracles—he got the most important one when God saved her life. There lots of ways to form a home—her, him, a skinny dog. Why would he want children if they didn’t look like her? Why would he want grandchildren if she wasn’t the grandmother? The pain is incredible on their faces as he holds her and they mourn some of their dreams. Ivonne tells him he’s the best man in the world. He tells her he’s just a guy in love. She doesn’t know what to tell him. He tells her there’s on thing he can’t pardon—that she refused to marry him. He kisses her forehead and they hold each other tightly.

Delirio runs toward a “Central” location, where lots of people are milling or working outside. He runs right by one thug and smack into the other one. They grab him under the arms—was he thinking of going on vacation? [Ed. Note: The Central Bus Terminal? Gee, these guys are clairvoyant.] He assures him the economy isn’t good for vacations at the moment as the one contemplates his torta from a street vendor and they both put a squeeze on Delirio in the middle. No, Delirio thought he’d see a friend who also is a good friend of Gutierrez, and he works right over …. There! Bonetero, that’s who he was going to see. [Ed. Note: Bonetero may mean a haberdasher, since bonetería = (esp Méx) haberdasher's (shop), notions store]. Pobrecito, he’s grasping at straws and they’re breaking off in his hands. He smiles nervously and chuckles with the thugs, who chuckle with him and not nervously at all.

Fern and Ivonne have recovered enough to get back to the Sandro/CL discussion and eat a bowl of popcorn [which happens to be my dinner at the moment, too]. Fern tells her it left him cold to find out that someone looking like Sandro/CL left the apartment at the same time that someone looking like Sandro/CL was at the office with them all. Ivonne is relieved, because she was beginning to think she was just hallucinating. Fern points out they still have no concrete proof of anything. His buddy took photos but they need some of the two guys together. It needs to be a single blow and they get the guys. Ivonne knows CL is really sharp and he’s not going to be nailed that easily. They’ll have to be more intelligent than CL. Fern nods and thinks.

The thugs aren’t letting up on Delirio. They remind him of the unfinished business that has to be resolved first thing in the morning. Delirio tries to flatter them and the thug with hair wishes they always could deal with such good people. Sarcasm isn’t his strong suit. He’ll even give Delirio his torta! Delirio refuses adamantly. He’ll gain weight, he doesn’t like them….The boys stuff it into his face.

Juan lies in bed, a sleeping Juanito at his side, and thought bubbles about how he’s the only one to blame for his own mess here. He decides that the only thing of importance is his little rose garden’s happiness. [Ed. Note: Now that a whole year’s gone by with this term, I finally looked up “jardinera” and discovered it not only means a gardener, but also a flower bed, window box, and a couple of other things. So, rose bed is a good definition, or rose garden.] He tells himself with this in mind, he finally was able to catch a few winks.

Kike and Yadi prepare to get their precious one out of the hospital and Kike’s glad because the place gives him the creeps (escalofríos – shivers). He puts the baby’s bag on his shoulder and makes ready, telling the baby they’re on their way. Yadi shyly thanks him. Why? For being with us through this. Well, it’s about my daughter, and her mother. No one can change that! She just had to tell him. Kike takes a step forward and shyly tells her thanks, too—he has to tell her something, that she’s changed a bunch. He smiles broadly as he gives her the compliment and she smiles sadly as she receives it. It makes him happy, above everything, for her. With that, he’s off to pay. Yadi whispers sadly to herself “late, very late.”

Juan comes into the living room the next morning at Casa Cachón calling for Marely. Nidia informs him she’s just gone. Juan wants to know if she said where. Yes, some company….oh, Nidia can’t remember the name. She told Nidia she couldn’t wait for Juan. Or, maybe she didn’t want to. Nidia gives Juan a very pointed look. He thanks her—he’ll talk to Marely later, he awkwardly tells Nidia. He’s going to the office.

Paula puts on the last of her make-up and hears from Ana. Ana advises her that her eyes need bunches of make-up today. What should she do, Paula asks? Ana is surprised she’s going in to work, but Paula points out the shares aren’t sold yet. After that it’ll be over and she’ll never have Juan in her life again. Ana tries to talk to her again more seriously and Paula tells her “not now, please.” Ana presses, she just wants to see Paula make the right decision. Paula kisses her goodbye and goes off to the war.

Nidia feeds Anga in the bed. How charming. And messy. And unsanitary. Nidia thinks this engagement of Juan’s and Marely’s is taking a turn that she doesn’t like. It’s looking like it’s over. Anga thinks it’s better. Nidia now realizes that for Juan it’ll be better, but for Marely it’ll be a tragedy. Poor child, she fell for Juan from the second she saw him. How can that be better for her? Well, Anga says, he’s talking about the big picture. At first she’ll hurt—he understands why Nidia’s looking at it like a mother-- but what if they make a commitment and get as far as marrying—without love? Yadi knocks and come in. Anga calls her all kinds of endearments—his lovely chubbette (gorda linda – lovely fat woman), precious wench (preciosa chula) and Yadi comes to hug him as he moves the tray away with Nidia’s help. How’s the grandbaby? Much better! She’s sleeping. Yadi wonders if she can leave the baby with them a little while. Yadi tells them she has an appointment. What? An appointment? With whom? It’s personal. She tells her Papá that she’s talked to Remolacho and he knows what all to do. Anga is pleased with her, and hopes this fool won’t ruin his business. Yadi scolds her Papá and says Remo’s behaving very professionally. She hopes they can promote the boy. She kisses her parents, who give her varying degrees of fond looks and sighs, and goes off to her appointment.

Kike opens his office to find a note from Julia. She’s gone to breakfast with her boyfriend and won’t be late. Kike wads it up, thoroughly annoyed and jealous, and tosses it.

Ana tells Nidia they haven’t talked in a long time—Nidia must be reading her mind because Ana had been about to call her. Nidia agrees they need to catch up on the gossip. Maybe Ana can come by for dinner and bring Willy—they can dine with their respective gallants. Nope, Willy’s on a trip but since she’s alone….Nidia tells her to come on by, that’s even better, to dine alone together. Ana asks about Angarita, and Nidia fills her in. She’s taking care of him well, and sent him to bed early, got the television on for him (enchúfelo la tele—plugged the television in for him, my best guess), and there you are. Tell Pauli-Pauli you’re coming here and we’ll have a good chat/fun time (cotorreo). Ana’s fine with that, so Nidia tells her they’ll expect her at 9:00 p.m. and says goodbye. [Ed. Note: That’s bedtime, for Pete’s sake!] Nidia hangs up with a very smug smile.

Yadi hesitantly approaches the table where Julia waits. Yadi is late and Julia chides her—she almost left! Yadi mumbles that she still has things she’s learning. Julia tells her to get on with it and say what she has to say concisely because she has to go to work. Yadi explains gently that she’s learned that the supposed relationship with Kike was meant to make her jealous and nothing more. Julia spits back that she should be happy with that. Nope, she’s not. She’s clearer on lots of things now. Well, you always knew Enrique was in love with you, right? Yes, that was her error, Yadi admits. She took for granted that she had him eating out of her hand. But all the theatrics came to an end. Julia doesn’t understand anything. Yadi explains that she lost Kike’s love long ago and didn’t realize it. Now he’ll never come back to her. He’ll never fall in love with her again and that’s exactly what she deserves. Yadi’s expression is pure grief and regret. It’s because she never knew how to treasure him. Julia asks what she means by that. Yadi tells her it’s that Enrique has fallen in love with Julia. Julia is impactada and doubtful.

There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Alirio tries his best, but he’s not slick enough for thugs. He carries his jacket and rushes through a serene playground, but the thug with hair is on his trail. When Alirio plops onto a bench to catch his breath, and remembers Juan’s warning about a dark grave being worse than jail if he doesn’t go to the police, the thug stalks up and peers at Alirio through the branches of an evergreen. Alirio senses the presence and looks over his shoulder—nothing. Then he sees the thug’s legs and jumps up, yelling “What?” He continues his flight from his fate. The thug calmly strolls out from behind the tree and strokes his rather large….Magnum.

Yadi asks why Julia is looking at her with such an expression. Julia begins to cry and retorts that she wonders why Yadira is inventing something like this. Yadi assures Julia it’s no invention. It’s the truth. Julia insists it’s not true; Enrique is not in love with her. He still loves Yadira. Yadi tells her no, he told me himself that he loves you. He loves you for who you are, your loving gestures. He admires you in a way you can’t imagine, Julia. Julia is dumbfounded. Yadi asks if Julia thinks it’s easy for her to say that. No! So why are you telling me, then? Yadira tells Julia it’s for Kike, and for her daughter. She doesn’t want him to suffer. For all she’s done to him, he deserves a bit of happiness at the side of the person he loves. That’s Julia, not Yadira. Yadi continues that the poor guy’s devastated because she’s returned to her ex and sent him to the devil—that’s just a saying, of course. They were only friends, anyway. He had begun to feel something for Julia—didn’t she feel anything for him? Julia never thought he’d fall in love with her. Yadira was too much in his heart. Yadi tells Julia she doesn’t know Julia’s ex, he could be really clever (picudo) and handsome, but Kike’s the best guy on earth. She knows this having been his wife. Julia cries—she knew that. They don’t make them like Enrique. Yadi is nearly in tears, too. She loves him with all her strength. Julia explains that there was no boyfriend—she told him that so he’d go back to his wife and daughter.

The elevator is such a good place to meet people. Heri somehow got on behind Pastor, and they ended up on the elevator alone together. That’s a stretch. Heri greets Pastor, who just looks up at the floor indicator. Pastor gives him a very terse “Buenos días.” Heri glances down at him, assessing the mood. The bell rings and they exit at their floor simultaneously so they bump coming out. Heri drops books and Pastor actually leans over to help pick up—finding books about homosexuality and finding out who one is. He asks what the heck this is; they’re books. Really? Since when are you into these topics? He gives Heri an earful—did he wake up this morning feeling like making fun of Pastor? Heri tries to protest, Pastor scolds again, and Heri just gets frustrated. [Ed. Note: For the record—Por qué the heck did Heriberto bring all his new reading material to the OFFICE??? That’s our Heri for you.] Ivonne sees the tiff and scoots over. Heri complains that he wonders what he did. She expresses surprise and Heri tells her Pastor did nothing more than notice his books and thought Heri was making fun of him—Ivonne notices the books and says no wonder it ticked him off! Heri is left wondering again, poor thing.

Julia continues with her story—when she saw Yadi and Kike at the hospital, she thought of their daughter. Nidia Michaela needs both her parents and Julia decided not to get in the way of the two of them getting back together. Yadi is bemused—you did that for me and my daughter? Yes. She wanted Enrique to be well. She needs her parents close and it’ll kill him to be without his princess. Yadi is touched. She never thought to take NM away from Kike. She wants the baby to grow up with his example—he’s a great father. Julia noticed. Yadi points out that the baby is their daughter and will always unite them. She asks if Julia is prepared to have Kike sharing time with Yadi during their daughter’s special moments—when she’s sick, when she begins school, birthdays, everything. Julia would not erase this part of their lives—their past. Julia wonders if Yadira is ready to share NM with her. Seeing the sacrifice that Julia was willing to make for NM, Yadi doesn’t doubt that she’ll be a great friend to Nidia Michaela, and though it hurts her to say it, a good second mother. Now she understands why Kike fell in love with Julia. Julia never dreamed they’d be talking like this together. She appreciates the sensitive subjects Yadira has brought up. Yadi tells her to go look for him. Go after him and tell him how she feels. They come to a tender, though bittersweet accord for Nidia Michaela’s and Kike’s sakes.

Ivonne tries to explain what happened with Heriberto to Pastor. He’s trying to get insight into Pastor’s way of being. Then, it’s just a question of him airing it publicly in the halls? No, she protests. Ivonne tries to tell him there’s an explanation for everything. Out with it right now, he demands. She can’t give it. He demands to know why this troglodyte tried to humiliate him in front of everyone. Ivonne tries to get him to calm down, and he Doesn’t Want To. For her information, this guy isn’t going to mock him with impunity. He’s going to kick Heri out whenever the feeling hits him. He glares at Ivonne defiantly and she gulps.

The Fugitive is still on the run, with the One-Armed thug with hair right on his tail. Alirio runs through a construction site, and trips over a 4x4 lying on the ground. He picks himself up, looks over his shoulder and tries to run on, going through a hallway in a building. The thug appears behind a dump truck and runs along behind Alirio, still stroking his….magnificent Magnum. [ Ed. Note: Sigh, what a fate for Alirio]

Ivonne’s cornered Fern on the upper balcony above the Farell lobby. She’s out of ideas and he needs to help her. Ivonne tries to fill him in on the latest problem; he doesn’t want to hear about Heriberto. Doesn’t he want to know why Heri came back? If it’s for her, he’ll take the fool out. No, it’s not for her! Ivonne hits him with the News of the Day—Heri thinks he’s in love with Pastor. Fern’s jaw can be heard down to the garage in the basement as it hits the floor. ¿¿Qué?? Ivonne tells him it knocked her over, too. Was that why she went out to talk to Heri? Yeeep. She couldn’t stand around with her arms crossed—deep down she thinks Pastor still has feelings for him. Fern doesn’t think she can do too much about it. Ivonne tells him he has to help her think of something. Fern covers his mouth in horror as Ivonne smiles smugly and nods at him. [Ed. Note: ¿¿Qué??]

Paula studies papers on her desk, standing in front of it instead of sitting in her chair. Juan comes in and starts to talk to her. She asks him not to say anything, please. He ignores that and tells her he was thinking about everything she told him the night before and she was right in so many of those things. He realizes he’s behaved like a roughneck (gañan – farmhand, laborer) with Marely. Like Paula, the last thing he wants to do is hurt Marely. Paula’s glad he’s getting a grip, but he tells her that doesn’t mean he’s quit having those feelings for her. They do all the woulda-shoulda-coulda chest-beating stuff—he shouldn’t have made all those mistakes and she shouldn’t have either. Hablablablabla. "Sandro/S2" bursts in with no knock, of course. Paula says Juan was just leaving, but Juan’s fists and glare at "Sandro" say otherwise. He stares back at Paula. Then he turns and lets "Sandro" have it with both barrels. "Sandro" tried to invent a relationship with Paula but he knows perfectly well who she loves-she loves Juan! "Sandro" is speechless as Paula looks away and Juan stalks out. He scowls at Paula and we are reminded that any similarity to reality is purely coincidental.

Sunday: The Gran Final, three hours from 8:00/7:00 Central until 11:00/10:00 Central and I have a vacation day on Monday to recuperate.


Los que acaban de entambar - just got put in jail
Ahorros – savings
Dar escalofríos – Give someone the creeps (shivers)
Hacer panchos - make a big fuss
Enchúfelo la tele—plugged the television in for him, got the television on for him
Cotorreo – chatter, fun/good time



La Traición, Fri, June 20- Dr. Dan, Alcides and Antonia want Soledad's forgiveness; Alcides and Arturo exchange threats; Hugo takes a pointless trip

Do you recognize these boots, Judge?

Andres says Michelle never returned from San Marino

Hugo wonders where Michelle could be

Manuela, Dr. Dan's greedy wife

Alcides makes 'promises' to Arturo

Soledad asks if Antonia has spoken to Dr. Dan. She says yes, he told her everything. She says that Dr. Dan is in a bad way. He is destroyed at the thought of never seeing her again. Soledad says that Dr. Dan deceived her. Antonia replies that there are lies and then there are lies (‘Hay mentiras de mentiras’). There are white lies, there are innocent lies that are told for love to keep from losing someone you love. There are black lies that hurt and destroy. Antonia says that Dr. Dan is a wonderful person. Soledad won’t find another man like him. But Antonia says that she doesn’t want to influence Soledad’s decision. She should rest, sleep and clear her thoughts. Tomorrow is another day.

The judge asks why Arturo has asked to see him so early in the morning. Arturo says that he wants to open a new investigation into the kidnapping of Soledad’s daughter. The judge asks if this is a joke. Arturo is the principal suspect in the investigation. Arturo says that he wants to open a new investigation in which the principal suspect is - the Judge. The Judge is annoyed. He demands an explanation. Arturo produces the judge’s boots and asks if he recognizes them. Arturo says that these boots leave the same prints as those found at the crime scene. If he is being accuses simply for wearing military boots with these types of soles, then every man in law enforcement in San Marino should be accused as the principal suspect starting with the judge.

Soledad receives flowers. She thinks they must from Daniel. Ursula opens the box and reads the card: Dear Soledad: There is no excuse for what I have done. (‘no tiene perdón ni de Dios, ne de los hombres,’) I only ask that you give me another chance. I love you.
Soledad says that she knew it was Daniel but Ursula says no, the card is signed, Alcides de Medina.

Hugo has arrived at Michelle’s house and is greeted by Andres. Andres says that he got Hugo’s telegram. Hugo asks him to tell Michelle that he is here. He has brought her a special gift he knows she will like.

Ursula says that the flowers from Alcides must be poisoned. Soledad says that Alcides is very stubborn. He will do any thing to prove his love. Soledad says that last night Eloisa told her something that got her thinking. Ursula says that Soledad shouldn’t believe too much that Eloisa says. Soledad says that Eloisa told her that Alcides could have taken advantage of her and he didn’t so that means he has changed. (Alcides told you that himself about 50 times. Weren’t you listening?)

Dr. Dan brings his own flowers. He says that he didn’t write a note because in this case what he has to say should be said personally.

The judge lets Arturo out of jail. Arturo says that he is a discreet man and he won’t tell anyone about the judge’s fondness for women of easy virtue. Alcides appears and asks why this criminal is out of his cell.

Boris has come to see Marina at the Hacienda. He asks if she put the photo in the workshop. Marina says that she knows Boris missed her. She asks him to sit. Boris says that he’s come to ask for a divorce.

Hercu-less has come to visit Dr. Dan’s wife, Manuela.

Dr. Dan says that he thought about Soledad all night. He doesn’t want her to hate him or to stop going to the hospital. Dr. Dan starts to says that he knows he should have told her about his wife from the beginning… Soledad interrupts. She doesn’t want to talk about this now. She had a bad night. Dr. Dan asks her not to turn him away. She is the most important thing in the world to him, he will spend his whole life proving that to her, etc. Soledad says that there is nothing to prove. The damage is done. Dr. Dan says that he won’t give up that easily. He sees the flowers from Alcides and asks who else sent her flowers.

Andres tells Hugo that Michelle didn’t return. “If she’s not in San Marino, then…” says Andres. Hugo asks if Andres is telling him that Michelle has disappeared. Hugo says that Michelle couldn’t have disappeared. She left San Marino to come directly back here. Andres asks Hugo how he can be so sure that she was coming here. Hugo says that she sent her luggage ahead with Andres. Andres says that on the way back, he got a telegram saying that she was going to stay. Andres says that he has been waiting for instructions to return. Andres asks Hugo what happened after that. According to the telegram, Michelle and Hugo worked things out. Hugo flashes back to his conversation with Alcides that Michelle overheard. Hugo tells Andres that they never got back together and that he is sure that Michelle overhead a conversation he had with Alcides where he said that Soledad was the great love of his life.

Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t have any right to ask but he wants to know who sent the other flowers. Soledad pretends that she hasn’t read the card. Dr. Dan says that it was a mistake to come. He gets up as if to leave but detours over to where the flowers are and grabs the card and opens it. He reads what Alcides wrote. Dr. Dan is surprised. He thought it was from Hugo. He asked what Alcides did for which he is asking forgiveness. (That is none of your business, Dr. Dan.)

Alcides tells the judge that this criminal is accused of kidnapping. Arturo shoots back by saying that Alcides is the only criminal present. Arturo says that he is an honorable man, an ex-soldier with medals for serving his country. “And who steals children,” snaps Alcides. He asks the judge what kind of justice there is in this city. There is overwhelming evidence that Arturo was involved in he kidnapping of his niece, a small infant. The judge flashes back to Arturo giving him his boots and saying that he would be discreet about the judge’s recreations. The judge says that the footprints found at the scene of the crime were made by the same military boots worn by lots of law enforcement personnel in San Marino. The evidence doesn’t incriminate Arturo at all so the judge says that he has to let him go.

Hercu-less tells Manuela that she is very beautiful. She asks why he has come. Herc asks if Manuela’s husband is Dr. Dan. Manuela asks if something has happened to him or did he bring her the excellent news that he is dead and she has inherited all of his fortune. Herc says no. He has come with information that might interest her. Her husband is in San Marino and he plans to get married to another woman.

Marina asks if Boris wants a divorce to marry that home wrecker, Ursula. Boris tells Marina not to say bad things about Ursula. This confirms to Marina that Boris loves Ursula and that he wants a divorce to marry her. Boris says that he and Marina are finished. Their marriage ended when she sold her soul to the devil. Boris says he doesn’t owe her any explanations about his life, much less his decisions. Marina agrees that she sold her soul to the devil and therefore she will never ever give him a divorce.

Andres says that it is no wonder Michelle left San Marino. Hugo says that everything changed that night. Andres says that he doesn’t think Michelle will forgive him. Hugo asks if Michelle isn’t really in the house and just doesn’t want to see him. Andres says that Michelle isn’t the kind of woman who runs from her problems. If she were here, she would see Hugo. Hugo asks where can she be then. He shows Andres the letter that he got from Michelle. Andres says that it is her handwriting but the paper is from her personal diary.

Dr. Dan keeps harassing Soledad to tell him what happened with Alcides. She wants to talk some other time. Dr. Dan says that he is here to protect and love her and he won’t permit Alcides or anyone else to hurt her. The guards are outside to protect her because Alcides would come into the house all the time. Soledad says he is right. Dr. Dan says that she should tell him. She tells him that she went to see Hugo and when she got there it wasn’t Hugo that was there, it was Alcides. She stops. Dr. Dan asks what happened with Alcides.

Alcides tells Arturo that he is sure that he is guilty. The judge says that the case against Arturo is closed. Until some more evidence is uncovered, Arturo will remain a free man. The judge leaves. Alcides says that he isn’t fooled. This is the second time that he has kidnapped Alcides neice. Arturo says that he doesn’t care what Alcides thinks. He starts to leave and Alcides stops him with his cane. Alcides tells Arturo to be very careful because he will be watched. Arturo replies that then Alcides will see that he has nothing to do with Alcides’ family. He also tells Alcides to watch his back because when he least expects it, Arturo will send Alcides to hell. Alcides laughs and says that Arturo is alive because of him. When he changes his mind, Artruro will go to hell preceded by Doña Gladis. Arturo tells Alcides that he will pay for what he did (indicating his missing hand) and he mentions the eye for an eye thing. Arturo leaves saying that if Alcides wanted to win Soledad’s admiration at his expense, he is glad that it was a total failure (‘rotundo fracaso’). He leaves and Alcides says to himself that Arturo should enjoy his victory because when Arturo least expects it, Alcides will be offering toast on his tomb.

Hercu-less tells Dr. Dan’s wife that his boss is interested in the woman Dr. Dan wants to marry and he will pay her for never divorcing Dr. Dan. Manuela says that depends on the amount Herc’s boss is willing to pay. She asks how much money Herc is talking about.

Boris accuses Marina of refusing to divorce him for spite. Marina says that they are still married and he can’t leave her. Boris says that their marriage is over when she went to the dark side. Marina trots out the tried and true – you care more about Hugo than me. Boris say that he respects Hugo because he is a good man unlike her. She tricked and deceived him. He thanks her for opening his eyes so he could realize that she is an evil woman. Marina tells him to leave. Boris says that he will start divorce proceedings on his own and accuse Marina of things like trying to steal the money of the mine investors.

Hugo tells Andres that to him, the letter is clearly a goodbye letter from Michelle. Andres again says that it is Michelle’ handwriting but why is it written on a sheet from her diary? Hugo asks if he is sure and Andres says that he bought the diary for Michelle. Hugo suggests that Michelle was in a hurry to leave and that was the only paper available. Andres is not convinced. He asks if anyone saw her leave and did she have her sword. Hugo says that Boris saw her leave the hotel with her sword. Andres still has doubts. He says that the letter doesn’t look like it was written in a hurry.

Dr. Dan urges Soledad to tell him what happened with Alcides. He says that if Alcides took advantage of her, he will kill him. Soledad tells him to calm down. Dr. Dan begs her to tell him what happened. Soledad says that Alcides pretended to be Hugo, they argued, she left, that was all. Dr. Dan asks if she is sure that is all that happened. Soledad says that she is fine, nothing happened. She says that she doesn’t owe Dr. Dan any explanations. The only person who needs to know is Hugo, Alcides’ twin brother. Dr. Dan says fine, he has no right to demand explanations (that didn’t stop you.). Maybe if Soledad were his fiancé but she isn’t wearing his ring anymore. Soledad says that wasn’t meant to be. Life must go on. Dr. Dan says that his life has no meaning without her. He says that he has written to ask his wife for a divorce. He will move heaven and earth to show her that his sorry. He wants her know that she is his whole life. Without her, his life his meaningless. He loves her and no one will love her as much as he does. (You’re getting a little creepy here, Doc.) Soledad says nothing.

Manuela is impressed with the sum of money that Herc’ boss is offering. Herc says they need to take the next train to San Marino. Manuela says that she needs to prepare for the trip but Herc says that his boss has authorized him to cover all the transportation and lodging expenses plus whatever else Manuela may need. Manuela is impressed again. The maid brings Manuela a letter from Dr. Dan.

Marina says that if Boris wants to play dirty, she knows all the bad things that he and Hugo did when he was pretending to be Alcides. She repeats that she will never give Boris a divorce. She hopes that Ursula doesn’t mind waiting her whole life for him. (I doubt that will be necessary – you just signed your novela death warrant.)

Hugo says to Andres that there must be an explanation for why Michelle is nowhere to be found. He asks him to think. What would Michelle do in these circumstances? Andres finally flashes back to Michelle telling him that she was going to Europe to try and clear her head. Andres tells Hugo this. Hugo says that he has to know that Michelle is ok. He asks Andres to let him know when he hears from her. Andres agrees. Hugo says that if Michelle wants to be alone, he will respect her decision. He gives Andres a letter he wrote to Michelle earlier in case she wouldn’t see him. Hugo says that he doesn’t have the means to go to Europe right now but they could communicate by letter. Hugo also gives Andres the sword he made for Michelle and asks him to get it to her. Andres agrees. Hugo leaves. Andres says that there is only one place in Europe Michelle could be. He will write to her there.

Dr. Dan asks if Soledad will ever forgive him. She says that it is not about forgiveness. She asks why they can’t leave things as they are. Dr. Dan says that he is going to the hospital. He says that soon he will hear from his wife and a new path will open for them. (Soledad and I are both rolling our eyes.) She asks him not to pressure her any more. He starts again with his protestations of his love and that she will be happy with him and he made a mistake but he’s sorry, etc. etc. Soledad says only that she will see him later at the hospital. He finally leaves. Soledad asks herself what is wrong with her. Dr. Dan has offered her the earth, the moon and the stars and all she can think about is Hugo. Why?

Antonia comes in. She tells Soledad that Dr. Dan is the right man for her. This is her advice and it comes from a sinner. A person who has experienced more than Soledad can imagine (and this makes her advice better?).

The judge comes to see Margot and he doesn’t seem to be in a very good mood. (He’s probably still hung over.) Margot flashes back to what happened at the cabaret. The judge says that he and Margot have to have a very serious talk.

Manuela is ready to travel. Her husband’s letter convinced her to go. Herc says that she is a determined woman. “Ambitious too,” says Manuela. To herself Manuela says that she regrets returning to Dr. Dan with bad news. She thought they could divorce and she could keep part of his money but she never thought it would be to her benefit not to do so.

Dr. Dan thanks and pays the guards at Soledad’s house. He repeats his instructions that neither Alcides nor Hugo are permitted to enter the house and that if Alcides sends flowers, they are not to be delivered.

Soledad asks Antonia why she says that she is a sinner. Antonia replies that she is a sinner. She has done terrible things. Antonia says that Soledad has to make room for forgiveness in her life so she doesn’t end up like Antonia – a bitter old maid who finds sin everywhere. Soledad says that it sounds like something terrible happened in Antonia’s past. Antonia flashes back to being raped. Antonia doesn’t want to talk about the past. She wants to talk about Soledad’s present and urges her to be happy with Dr. Dan and leave San Marino. Soledad says she doesn’t want any more pressure. She is confused and something terrible happened yesterday. She tells Antonia about going to see Hugo and finding Alcides pretending to be Hugo but nothing bad happened. Soledad then says that she doesn’t want people to tell her what to do. She will make her own decisions. Antonia says that sometimes people make the wrong decisions and pay for them. Soledad asks what is the matter. Antonia looks like she is suffering. Antonia says that when she first came to this house, she did terrible things to Soledad. Antonia says that she was responsible for the disappearance of Soledad’s baby right after she was born. Soledad is impactada.

Hugo is on the train back to San Marino. The train stops in Alcala. To himself Hugo says that Michelle went to Europe. She didn’t want to have anything more to do with him. There is no possibility of her returning and that’s probably for the best. He says that it could be a sign that he should continue to fight for Soledad. Hercu-less gets on the train with Manuela and sits behind Hugo. Hugo hears Herc’s voice and wonders what he is doing getting on the train at Alcala. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Alcides sets a trap with Manuela?


Fuego en la Sangre, 06/20/08: Ask Me No Questions and I’ll Tell You No Lies

Outside the Hacienda Juan is about to jump over the top of the high stone wall in back of the hacienda in hopes of speaking with Sofia. Rosendo walks around the corner, spots him in mid-climb and aims his gun at him. “Don’t move or you die! What ya doin’ here at this hour, Juan? Eh? Won’t talk?” Rosendo taunts him. “Get haulin’. Let’s go see Doña Gabriela and see if you can talk then.” Juan starts to back away from the wall when suddenly Oscar and Franco gallop in to save him with a little lassoing of poor Rosendo, who ends up face down (with the gun presumably knocked out of his grip) on the ground. Juan whistles to Capricho and jumps on. The three race off (¡Ay, je je-ayi!) as Juan is saved from another mortifying tongue-lashing by Crabiela in a scene worthy of a one chug salute. (¡Salud!)

Inside the hacienda a tad later, Rosendo is telling Eva in the grand hallway what just happened while sneaky Sarita eavesdrops from the upstairs balcony. “It was those bricklayers and I think they were coming here to rob something,” Rosendo says. Eva feels that there could be another explanation and that she knows them to be good young men; she’ll answer for them if needed. Rosendo argues that it’s his duty to report them. Eva says she knows he is looking out for the hacienda as he’s supposed to, but unnecessarily upsetting Doña Gabriela might cause her to have another “spell.” She says there’ll be time to clear things up later. So reluctantly Rosendo agrees to stay quiet only because he feels she cares as much about the family as he does.

Upstairs in Sofia’s bedroom Augie explains to his granddaughter about that night. He was extremely drunk and although it’s still very hazy, he remembers he was not driving and they had thrown him into the back seat. He admits (as we in Viewerville look tearfully on) that he gave his wife a lot of grief during their marriage and that his drinking was a terrific vice. He curses it knowing how much his wife hated his drinking. He tells Sofia that he has paid dearly, but his worst punishment is not being left in a wheelchair. “It’s that,” sobs our charming Augie in a somewhat excruciating one-hanky scene, “I treated your grandmother so badly and that I never had the chance to ask her forgiveness.” Sofia is filled with pity and tries to comfort him.

Across the hall meanwhile, Gabi is on her bed playing possum while Jimena and Sarita anxiously watch over her. She hears her two daughters discussing what she told them about their granddad being the cause of their grandmother’s death. Jimena finds it hard to imagine, but Sarita, with a new reason to show her contempt for everything and everyone around her, is spitting mad to think Augie could have done something so cruel and thoughtless. She says she now understands why Mama treats him the way she does.

Gabi smiles inwardly to think her plan against her father has succeeded with the two of them. “Ha! Now my daughters will loathe him although he isn’t to blame for a thing.” She thinks to herself that never ever will anyone know the truth: that she was the one driving the car her parents were in the night her mother died! (Oh, no! Say it ain’t so!) She thinks back then to the incident revealing that the neurotic bitch was not paying close enough attention along that tiny two-lane winding country road in the dark. In fact Gabi was too busy that night watching Augie loll in her rear-view mirror and telling her mother how disgusting he was, advising her to leave the slug. That’s why SHE missed the curve and SHE crashed into an oncoming car.

Gabi apparently came to and realized what had happened. She saw that her mother was now dead and realized that she was the one to blame for her death. She found her father thrown from the back seat of the car and lying unconscious on the side of the road next to the door and, in a paroxysm of projection, began to scream at him that it was entirely his fault. So rather than take the blame herself, she lifted the unconscious Augie (the woman must have had cast iron pulleys for arms and hands to move 200 lbs. of dead weight like that) into the driver’s seat to make it look like he had been driving instead.

We beam back to the bakery where Juan is thanking his brothers for rescuing him. Franco reminds him that Oscar specifically asked him not to get mixed up in those kinds of problems again. Oscar adds that it was a good thing they decided to look for him. He has Juan going for a bit and Juan defends himself. “I only wanted to find Sofia and clear things up!” Oscar frowns and says yeah, they should be upset, but they understand that what he does he does …“in the name of luhhhv” and lets out with a big guffaw. “No biggie, bro’!” They all have a big laugh and Franco takes a minute then to tell his brothers about Ofelia’s visit and Rosario’s strange disappearance. He says that Ofelia was worried Rosario and the boy could be in danger.

Upstairs in Sofia’s room with Jimena looking on, Sarita lites into Eva warning her not to deny what she herself just heard Rosendo telling her about the Reyes’ coming to the house earlier and that he was certain they came to rob the hacienda. Eva tells them she wasn’t about to deny anything. She explains then to Sofia that Juan was in the hacienda but that Rosendo caught him and Juan’s brothers showed up right after and rescued him. Sarita still considers that proof that the Reyes’ were there to cause problems for the family.

Chuckling a bit to herself, Sofia tries patiently to explain to Sarita that she had agreed to meet Juan in the afternoon and when she didn’t show he must have come looking for her. Sarita is fit to be tied and won’t give an inch. She insists she is going to blab about it to Mama ASAP! Jimena stops her first and begs her not to make things around there any more difficult than they already are. Sofia steps forward and asks her if she is going to side against all of them forever, but Eva is the one who loses her patience with the nasty nit-wit. She yells at Sarita to “for the love of God” just listen to her sisters, already! (Can’t somebody just tie her braids to the doorknob of an obscure closet somewhere?) Sarita eventually agrees to hold off for now but says as soon as she has the proof that she needs that the Reyes’ were intending to harm the family, all bets are off.

Juan and his brothers go to the Bad Love Bar which is now deader than a doornail without its star attraction. They strut in intending to find out where Rosario and her son went. Oscar jokes about the funeral going on there and, after hassling Juan about ordering milk again in a scene that is a wince-worthy parody of itself, the barkeep says he doesn’t know where Rosario has gone, just that when she’s not there the place is a real loser of a proposition. (From his lips to Rosario’s ears… God willing and the creeks don’t rise!) Armando walks in on the Reyes’ just then and asks what in the blazes they want since they know they aren’t exactly welcome there.

Oscar claims to hear a squealing rat. Armando dares him to say that again, and Franco tells him he heard right, a squealing, stinking cowardly rat…..Armando tells them to git but Juan threatens to rip the place to shreds again so he’d better answer the question or else. Oscar says ditto unless he wants all the pretty tables and chairs and patrons all messed up again. Oscar is certain Armando will not like the topsy-turvy way they will leave the place so he better answer them and quick! (What a useless waste of good, hawt, swaggering machismo considering there’s only Armando there right now.) Armando clams up and says he doesn’t know a thing. The brothers start slapping him and throwing him around a bit. Then Franco, squinching up his baby-face to look as mean as he possibly can, grabs Armando by the collar and yells at him to tell him where she is.

At the hacienda Augie wants to tell his granddaughters the truth as he remembers it but Sarita, who has now turned into a rabid she-dog (evidence that she is truly her mother’s daughter), won’t let the old guy get a word in edgewise. She rips into him and hisses that Mama has already told them all about it. He defends himself and says Gabi’s version isn’t the truth. Sarita won’t listen. “Mama wouldn’t lie about such a sensitive (delicate) subject!” and she accuses him again of killing their grandmother.

Sofia and Jimena warn Sarita off him. Sofia yells at her not to make judgments unless she has some proof. Sarita yells back that Mama knows him best and if Mama says it’s so then it must be. Jimena loses patience and tells her to shut up about Mama all the time and to try using her own brain. (Is anybody else ready to just give the witch-clone a broom with training wheels and throw her off the balcony to see how fast she can learn to fly?) Sarita screams back that SHE believes her mother and then stomps out of the room. Augie yells after her and begs her to come back to listen to him.

Back at the bar Armando is still getting b!tch-slapped by the Reyes’ when suddenly Rosario walks into the bar with her son. Mystery solved. The guys are WTF? impactado to see her just appear like that and are left looking like a bunch of complete asses. The biggest jackass though, is Armando, who runs over and hides behind her and the little boy!

In her dressing room Rosario is telling a bewildered (audience and) Franco that when she got her son back she promised that she would dedicate her life to him, and she again asks him to forget about her. Confused by her abrupt appearance (aren’t we all) and strange behavior, he refuses to allow himself to be separated from her this way. Rosario insists she wants to be left in peace and says that he should go back to Sarita or wherever and find happiness with somebody else. Franco doesn’t believe her attempts to remain indifferent towards him, but says that because she is asking it he will go and he steadfastly swears that he will never forget her.

Back at the hacienda again, Fernando mentions to Gabi that he overheard her conversation with Eva and gathered from it that Eva believes that Rosario is her daughter. She says that’s Eva’s version of things. Feigning concern for Gabriela’s peace of mind, Feo says he has arranged for Rosario to develop a close relationship with Eva. Gabi smiles and tells him he’s so thoughtful. (Gag attack!) She gushes over the way he always thinks of her. She’s been thinking of him also, she says and so she’s prevented Sofia from leaving the hacienda and fed her a big story so that she’ll get her grandfather to sign those documents they need. Fer gushes back at her and tells her how alike the two of them are. He kisses her hands (
Skin crawl attack!) and says they’re made for one another. They stare into each other’s eyes --a bit too long-- and this time she allows herself to betray a smidgen of utterly unwholesome non-maternal-in-law desire.

We are back in the Reyes’ bedroom once more. Franco, in his Cheer-white skivvies and undershirt is once again lying atop his bed and thinking back to his time making love to Rosario at the lake. He swears he’ll never forget her but immediately begins to think of smiling, innocent Sarita (who??) and wonders what his problem is and which of them he needs to choose.

As for our barking bitch, Sarita is writing yet another love letter to Franco in which she tells him his absence is extremely painful for her and it is difficult treating him the way she has. (R-i-i-i-i-ght!) She can’t avoid it though because his indifference towards her has hurt her so greatly. (Talk to the hand, girl, cuz this face ain’t listenin’ anymore.) She thinks to herself that she is so in love with him and feels she couldn’t love anyone the way she loves him.

Meanwhile in town, outside the little stable Oscar is unsaddling his horse and remembering the nasty way Jimena turned down his proposal without a word of explanation. He is still determined to marry her. At the same time back at the hacienda, Jimena is up in her room looking at the engagement ring from Octavio and wishing it was Oscar’s. In the darkened bakery back in town Juan is miserable remembering his night on the mountainside with Sofia in his arms professing her undying love for him. Sofia meanwhile is lying on her pillow and hugging her belly. Smiling to herself she whispers aloud, “I love you Juan. I’m having this baby of yours because of our love. Our child! Our child!”

At breakfast the next morning Jimena tells Gabi that she’s decided to marry Octavio whenever her mother says. Gabi answers with a huge smile on her face. (I’m almost waiting for cracks to appear and a skull to show through.) She assures Jimena that the only thing she wants is her daughter’s happiness. Sofia is visibly uncomfortable with Jimena’s decision.

At the bakery this morning Oscar is counting cash receipts and tells Franco that they’ll need to get back to getting him singing gigs with the Mariachis. Franco says they need to get a little extra cash anyway since Juan’s birthday is coming up. Oscar knows the perfect gift: a pair of silver spurs, just like he’s always wanted.

After breakfast Fernando finds Sofia in the front hall and informs her that the hacienda is out of cash and without her grandfather’s signature he’s got to go to the bank and ask for a loan. This time he will have to mortgage the hacienda to get it. She refuses to have him mortgage the hacienda and blames him for the economic problems. She says Fernando is obviously not capable of administering the hacienda if it’s come to this. (Sofia, this we know is a fundamental truism concerning Feo, but what an amateurishly petty response for a business discussion!) Fernando says to stop being so critical and realize that either Don Augustin signs the papers for the cash they’ll need (right response, wrong reason) or the place will be mortgaged.

Later that morning in the bakery Juan is busy looking over his newest creations: heart shaped cakes with squiggles in the middle symbolizing the “S” in Sofia’s name. Juan marvels at his masterpiece (but this time we are spared the magical appearance of her smiling face in the center of it). Oscar and Franco cannot control themselves they’re snickering so much and Juan runs them off.

Alone in her bedroom in front of her mirror Gabi again thinks about Fernando telling her that she is still a very attractive and desirable woman who many men would take notice of. She is literally so excited at the idea that she unbuttons her shirt collar and gets an X-rated grin on her face.

Padre Tadeo visits the bakery and samples the new Sofi-cakes. He’s sure they’ll be a hit. He mentions afterward that now the cottage is finished he would appreciate it if the Reyes brothers would help him fix the church up a little bit. They agree to meet him over at the church in a few minutes to take a look at the things he needs repaired.

Meanwhile, Sofia and Eve managed to sneak away from the hacienda and drive into town to start looking for Juan and they have parked near the church. Fernando discovers not too long after that they’ve gone into town and runs in to tell Gabi.

Sofia spies Juan and the others in the churchyard and runs over with a big smile on her face. She says that she has something very important to tell him. Suddenly, Mama has Nonefer Nando trailing close behind while hurrying to make her way over to Sofia. (I admit to having flashbacks of the Wizard of Oz here and Dorothy’s nasty neighbor, Almira Gulch, going after Toto.) Gabi yells to get Sofia’s attention and then barks a question about why she’s there with “those bricklayers.” Fernando grabs Sofia’s arm and pulls her away from them and complains that he’s tired of her making him endure such ridicule and embarrassment. Juan lunges for Nonefer but his brothers and Tadeo pull him away.

Sofia screams for Fernando to let her go and breaks free of him. “I’ve told you we have separate lives now. You and I have nothing to do with each other anymore!” He asks her if she’s gone crazy and says he never really considered what she told him. She answers back that he should have if he’d really wanted to avoid being embarrassed and ridiculed the way he says. Mama steps in then and slaps Sofia so hard she nearly falls. Tadeo screams “How dare you!” at Gabi and Sofia coolly advises her not to try it again. She says she is leaving home and once Gabi knows the truth she wouldn’t want her around anyway. Gabi asks her what truth? In front of everyone Sofia declares that she’s is expecting a child.

Nonefer stops in his tracks because he’s just been singled out as the latest and greatest cuckold of Ciudád Serdán. Juan is knock-me-over-with-a-feather impactado cuz he knows he’s got to be the baby daddy. Tadeo, Eva, and the other Reyes brothers are waiting for a major explosion from Gabriela. Sofia turns around and flashes a big special smile at Juan (which cannot possibly have been so totally lost on Nonefer) and she leaves with Eva. Surprisingly, Gabi gives everyone a huge triumphant smile and heads off with her stunned SIL still in tow.

Afterward Oscar, Franco and Padre Tadeo congratulate Juan on being an expectant papa. They all warn him, though, to hold back before speaking any further with Sofia about it, considering she’s already got enough of a mess on her hands with her family situation at home. Juan agrees to control himself and receives Tadeo’s blessing.

Back in the truck Gabriela smiles at Fernando and tells him this is terrific news. She says she assumes his silence is from all the emotion he must be feeling at the moment. (You betcha!) The baby, she says smiling, will end up uniting the family so now he and Sofia can live together peacefully, just as it ought to be.

Across town, meanwhile, Hortensia informs Quintina that her son spoke with the police inspectors and they told him the truck accident was no accident at all. Somebody cut the brake line and wanted to kill them. Quintina cannot imagine who would want to see her and Don Augustin dead.

Back now at the hacienda, Fernando enters Sofia’s room uninvited and menacingly locks the door. He demands to know who the father of her child is. Sofia refuses to tell him. He calls her a whore and strikes her across the face knocking her onto the bed. Sofia gets back up immediately and warns him not to ever touch her again. “Get lost! Leave the hacienda now and don’t you ever come back!”

Feo seems genuinely stunned at her response. He starts to weep sincerely after her standing up to him. “No, don’t send me away from you like this, Sofia. You’ve got to understand this has been a… very… hard… blow for me!” He wrings his hands. “Ay! I never expected THIS!” He has a wounded puppydog expression on his face now. “I had always thought you and I would make a family together,” he whines. Sofia is steaming mad and frustrated beyond belief. “You fed yourself false hopes then because you didn’t listen to me! I told you a thousand times I don’t love you, that I never loved you! Besides, you can’t complain to me about anything. I was always honest with you.”

Nonefer whines some more, “—But you cheated on me!” He bends over, filled with anguish. “—No, I never cheated on you,” she says. “—But I don’t understand!” he answers, totally bewildered. “How is it possible? You told me over and over you couldn’t stand to be touched.” He stammers in consternation. “Th-th-that’s why we were s-s-s-leeping in separate bedrooms!” (You’ve got me glued to the screen, here, Guillermo! ¡Qué evocador!) Sofia tries to explain the change in her emotions. “—I couldn’t stand for anyone to touch me, yes. But the father of my child made me feel things that I had never felt for anybody! He succeeded with love, with tenderness and patience in making me overcome my fear of what happened to me and for the first time I found out what it was to hand one’s self over to love. Do you understand?” (Ha! Not this sniveling sociopathic swine.)

Feo rushes at her and calls her a whore again. He pushes her onto the bed. ‘I’m embarrassed just listening to you!” Then he grabs her and begs pathetically for her to give him “the dog’s” name. “Give me the name of the dog who stole your heart from me!” “—Nobody stole anything! My heart was never yours and now it only belongs to him!” He threatens her now, crazy from grief. “You are going to pay dearly! I will make you pay dearly!” and he takes off his belt. He makes a strap and cracks it, threatening to beat her with it.

Sofia gets back up and warns him off her. “I told you not to hit me again and I’ve got plenty of reason now to fight and come out ahead in this! So you better be careful because you have no idea what a woman in love is capable of!” Amazingly Feo backs down. (Hey, Rosario. Word up! Get a bit of backbone and ferocious Feo will turn into a fawning furry feline entity.) He puts his belt back on and says she is mistaken if she thinks it will be that easy to get rid of him. Sofia asks if he is intent on making her life miserable. He says not at all. He’s actually prepared to show her how much he really loves her and to do anything at all to ensure she’s drawn back to him.

Feo unlocks the door and gives her the keys back. He grandly offers to adopt her child and raise him as his own. (Lovely thought, ain’t it?) He says he will make sure the child never lacks for anything. Sofia refuses his offer graciously then says the child already has a father who will care for him. They won’t need a thing from Feo. As she turns away from him his veiled stare turns dangerously vile.

Juan, who is impatient to see Sofia, tells his brothers that he cannot bear being without her. He really needs to speak with her. They tell him again to be cautious and laid back. Oscar and Franco say he’s got to calm down because Sofia has enough problems to deal with right now. Anyway, she is a grown woman and can take care of herself. If she needs him for anything she will certainly come and find him. For now he needs to just back off and let things be.

So Juan gallops off to Libia’s tomb with another Ay! Je-je-ayi-i-i! and tells her that Sofia is expecting a child of his. He’s excited and happy he says because the child is a result of their love for each other. Libia has apparently heard and approves. Her flower glows magically.

At the same time Gabi is excitedly organizing an unexpected toast in the hacienda for the family to celebrate Sofia’s pregnancy. Augie comes down and asks what the circus is for and adds in an aside that perhaps her supposed illness has made her go crazy after all. Gabi says she refuses to let his sarcasm ruin her celebration. Augie says no doubt it’s a new way to torture him and so he’s not celebrating anything with her.

Sofia and Fernando come downstairs together and join the family in the living room. She and Eva both try to tell Gabriela that Sofia needs first to talk to her, but Gabi refuses to listen and lifts her wineglass. She announces to them all that Sofia and Fernando are expecting a child. Everyone is drop-jaw impactado. They stare at each other, totally dumbfounded by the news. Gabi doesn’t understand why the two of them won’t toast with her. “Why are you staring at each other like that?” Fernando, embarrassed, admits that the child isn’t his. Gabi drops her glass to the floor as everyone stares over at Sofia in stunned amazement.


Guapos Friday 6/20/08 This episode of Damian's follies is brought to you by Domino's Pizza. Call 1-800-DOMINOS . . .

Hey, no joke, folks--see below!

Rehash: Morgan is encouraging Mili in her impossible dream of pursuing Alex. He still has his impossible dream of regaining his true love, Valeria.

Yesterday's cliffhanger: We're back in the study, where Damian has pulled Connie's gun from the desk and is about to shoot himself in the head.

Lina, Gloria and Socorro discuss Karla's marriage in the kitchen. The consensus is that she won't be happy. (You know, I've always wondered about that kitchen--it's much too small and downscale for a mansion like that. Discuss.) Anyway, Karla comes in, and she gets a lecture from Socorro. Why is she marrying such an older man--they lose their prowess. Oh, are you talking about Horacio? Karla asks. Socorro points out that Damian drinks too much. Karla says he's sober now. And he's getting her gifts.

Connie seems rather blase about the potential shooting, because he says Damian knows he never keeps the gun loaded. Damian tries putting the gun in his mouth, but it tastes nasty--ptooie. Damian says he's going to shoot because he doesn't want to lose his freedom. Connie tells him not to be childish. Anyway, they start fighting over the gun, and it actually goes off, firing into the ceiling. Whew, that was close. Both of them look spooked.

Over at Marisela's pad, it appears that she has redorated in chartreuse. She's lounging around in a blue nightie, and she dispatches Bobby with a lame excuse about visiting family friends.

Karla asks Hugo why he isn't congratulating her on the engagement with his father. Hugo says no way--he knows her tricks. She tells him By the way, don't call me stepmother (madrastra)--I hate that word. Call me "mamita."

Connie and Damian down a couple of scotches to recover from the shooting. Connie wants to call Padre Manuel to set up the wedding, but Damian says no. Connie starts to call his friend the judge to get Damian back in prison, so Damian concedes--for now. This is war, he declares. War? War? Connie asks incredulously. If you want war, don't worry, you've just lost. Sweet dreams, cunado!
Karla tries to cuddle with her Damian-bear, but he's not in the mood.

At the servants' table, it's fresh tortillas for everyone. Yum! Rocky talks incessantly about his chiquita's new love interest. He's not eating, and Mili warns him that they have a soccer match the next day--he'd better eat to keep up his strength.

There's something here about Mili not marrying Hugo, but I can't figure out who knows about that yet. I think the servants know. In a later discussion you will see that Connie doesn't know.
They talk about how Karla's prayers to the Virgencita have worked--she is marrying Damian.
Lina says to her father that their family is getting bigger--Horacio will have a son in law and she will have a brother in law. Karla doesn't want that--she thinks Horacio's and Socorro's marriage papers are worthless, so they are not related. Horacio says now where were we? Morgan starts talking about Val again, and the others playfully throw food at him.

Luci is in full drunk mode--no makeup. Damian is asking her for help in getting out of the Karla marriage, but she's not helping. How dare he, when he stole her shares. He pulls the mom card--apparently, she promised at their mother's grave to take care of them. He begins kissing her feet! Eww. She starts waving them around as if she's ticklish. Anyway, she says that for once she's agreeing with her husband. His punishment is what he deserves.

Marisela is now setting the table in her apartment in expecation of the arrival of that he man Mateo. He has applied extra grease to his hair for the evening's festivities. They begin kissing. Sensuous trumpet blasts signal that hot monkey love is not far off. Marisela tells Mateo that he's "tremendo," or large? Hmmm. He asks if Booby minded being blown off that evening, and she says no. He asks why should doesn't dump that insipid guy's ass, but she says no, she wants to marry Bobby. When she took up with Mat, she told him it was only for fun. (I don't see what she sees in Bobby over Mat. Mat may have more money, which seems to be something she wants. Not that I like Mat, but he seems to be more her type.)
Marisela asks how Mat knows Booby is insipid--did you test him? Anyway, he wants to change her mind, and she allows as he might try. More kissing.

Next day, we're at the soccer match. Lina comes with some guy, but I'm not sure if it's that friend of Mat's. We don't get a closeup. Chamuco can't come because he's working a double shift at the grocery. Maybe he will be able to save up to get married in 1 1/2 years instead of two more. Hugo says that all of life's a game, but I'm not sure what this gratuitious philosophizing is for.

Over at the hospital, Yolanda is recovering, and Gamuza's dad visits with flowers. They seem poised to make up.

Back at the game, we finally see that scene we were waiting for from the previews. Mili sees a foot on the ball and looks up. Need a good goalie? It's Alejandro. It's not made clear why he is back in town unless it was for Hugo's wedding to Mili. Did anyone figure this out? Thank goodness, he has cut his hair and is not wearing the ponytail. Padre Manuel puts Alex in the game in place of mystery guy. Alex wants to know why Mili and Hugo aren't getting married.
Hugo warns Mili that it's time to talk to Alex, but she says first they have to win the game.

Comic relief segment: Braulio watches the male model put on skin lotion. The model leans over and touches Braulio on the face. Braulio can barely stand it. The model says he has never seen better skin--how do you do it? It's his nightly cream of aguacate and pepino--avocado and cucumber.

Back at the soccer field, our team has won the game. The gals do the happy dance. Lina says that Alex has the look of the newly divorced. Mili should grab him. Alex talks to Hugo and Bobby. Alex says Flor is doing great, she's beautiful. Not as beautiful as her sister, says Booby.
Mili comes over. Hugo says it's now time to tell Alex why he didn't marry Mili. Mili is still dragging her feet.

As was previously noted, there was a two-minute informercial for Domino's Pizza. The hungry soccer players come in to a room, and Sor Cachete has surprised them with several boxes of Domino's pizza. They couldn't be more excited. The company is promoting their new special special "the Dominator." It appears to be a giant pizza with several sections, each with a different topping. Wow! And it's so easy and cheap to order--only 189 pesos. I was astonished. We've all laughed at the automobile product placements in LFMB, but seeing the actors talk about the product was a first for me.

We have a short segment where Luci hides her drink while Val comes in. Val tells her about her wonderful new boyfriend.

Cut to more important things: More pizza promo! Now Bobby informs the group that his girlfriend Marisela, who isn't there, really loves the Dominator. (She probably orders one for her secret trysts with Mateo.) Sor Cachete takes all the leftovers for herself, although she swears she's going to share some with Padre M.

Val is now introducing Model Boy to her mother. He's in full Eddie Haskell mode: Why Mrs. Belmonte, if I didn't know you were Val's mother, I'd think you were sisters. Then he tells her about a special mint cream. She is all ears, until the clod reveals that it's for covering up alcohol breath when you drink. She now puts her hand over her mouth. Oy!
She tells him to take good care of her little girl, and he says she's in good hands. He's looking in a mirror while saying this.

As they leave, they run into Morgan, who wants to know where they're going. She disses him and tells him to clean his ears. Didn't she tell him that if he gets in her way, he will regret it. Let's go, Chiquito, she says to Model Boy. Morgan is crestfallen.

Connie has taken Damien and Karla over to Padre M's office for wedding planning. Karla respectfully applies lipstick. Padre M suggests a double wedding with Hugo and Mili, but Bridezilla wants a day all to herself. Damien gamely suggests waiting two years, so they can plan a magnificent event, but no, Karla wants to get married in three weeks. She wants to start making little piglets. Padre M looks uncomfortable, and Connie asks pardon--these modern brides, you know. Damien tries one last-ditch effort to escape, but Connie again makes like he's going to call the judge, and Damien gets in line.

Meanwhile, out on the soccer field, Mili and Alex are talking awkwardly. She says How's Florencia? at the same time he asks Why aren't you marrying Hugo? You first, no you first. Hugo comes up, again reminding them that they have a lot to talk about. He shoots Mili a knowing look.

Inside the house, Connie stages an awkward toast for Karla and Damian and inveigles poor Soccoro into standing in the middle. Believe me, she's not kvelling over this match. Karla then leads Damien off for a shopping spree. Connie laughs too loud. Everyone else stands there embarrassed, and Socorro looks horrified.

Val comes back from her date. The model tries to kiss her, but she pulls away. Maybe tomorrow, she says. Then, after he leaves, she says, boy was I stupid. Just then, Morgan arrives. He tries to explain what has been going on, but Val sprays him with Mace. Ouch! I still think she's already wavering.

Back at the soccer field, it's like pulling teeth. Mili is still not spilling the beans. First, she wants to know if Alex is happy. Well, he's not happy, but he's not unhappy either. He is surviving, and he thinks of Mili all the time. She thinks of him too, and how she loved him on the first day.

At the bridal shop, our gallant groom will not open the car door for Karla. She is undaunted and begins gathering a large trousseau. While she is trying on nighties, Damien is making out with the clerk. Karla catches them, and Damien makes an excuse: she knew that women were his weakness. Karla threatens that if he cheats, she will cheat in return. He threatens to hit her. She says she likes it when he's macho.

Mili is now killing time by talking about school. Well, in fairness, three years did go by. She says that Lina was the stupidest of the three in chemistry class and was always in trouble with the teacher. She was mad at Gloria and Mili because they wouldn't let her copy from their paper. Alex asks if Mili ever copied on a test, and she says no. He doesn't believe her, so she confesses that once she did when they stayed out late at Rodeo. Now, once again, she's about to tell him the news, but a thunderstorm breaks out. They head for shelter.

Back at the mansion, Karla is showing off her purchases when she discovers some bags are missing. She dispatches Damian to pick them up. Socorro looks sad.

Mili and Alex are toweling off in the front hall. Is it just me, or has Mili gained a little weight? Mili is finally about to tell the truth, when, yes, you guessed it, the thing we have all been waiting for: Flor arrives (with Marisela and her father) bearing the demon spawn. She looks to be about 7 months along. She also now has longer hair, and her red streaks have become blond. Alex greets her with a "hello, my love." Mili gasps. You're pregnant. Yes, Flor says, smiling beatifically. Alex and I are going to be parents.

Avances: Damien comes to Padre M's office. Get me to a monastery, he says. He wants to enter a seminary and become a sacerdote. You have to give Damian credit for creativity. Monday's promo says the episode is "crucial." Perhaps we'll get part III of the pizza saga. Booby catches Marisela with some telltale pepperoni on her breath, and the jig is up.


Friday, June 20, 2008

La Traición, Thurs, June 19 - Alcides' confession that he is not Hugo does not get the desired effect; Soledad confides in Eloisa

Alcides and Soledad before

My God, I've made the worst mistake of my life!

Somebody stole the Judge's boots?

Eloisa is surprised to learn that Soledad was with Alcides

Soledad tells Alcides/Hugo that this is crazy.
Some nice dialog-free lovemaking scenes.

Andres gets a telegram. It says that Hugo is coming to see Michelle. Andres is confused, of course.

Boris says that he should leave. He says that he will come tomorrow to see Lucas about visiting Ursula. Antonia says that they will come with her and talk to Lucas and Ester right now.

Eloisa rubs salt into Dr. Dan’s wounds by saying that what he had done will separate him from Soledad forever. Dr. Dan says that it was enough what Soledad told him, Eloisa doesn’t have to make it worse. Dr. Dan says that even though Soledad doesn’t want to see him now, she will change her mind. Eloisa replies that she doesn’t think so since Soledad is very stubborn (‘terca’). Paquito comes for Eloisa. Before she leaves, she tells Dr. Dan that she hopes he gets Soledad back and kisses him on the cheek.

Paquito takes Eloisa into the back room and she sees the sleeping Judge. At first she thinks he is dead but Paquito assures her that he is only drunk. Eloisa recalls that Margot was drinking with the Judge. Eloisa wonders if Margot killed Deborah but Paquito rejects that idea. He says that Margot isn’t a killer. Then he says, “She doesn’t bray (like a donkey) because she can’t (‘No rebuzna porque no puede,’ meaning, I guess, that you can’t be something you’re not). Paquito says that it is very strange. The judge wasn’t robbed. He has all his money, jewelry, etc. except his boots. “Margot stole his boots?” says Eloisa.

Arturo says that Margot can go home and rest. He should be free tomorrow and she can come and visit him at his house. They bid each other goodnight and Margot leaves. When he is alone, Arturo says that now we will see how Alcides proves that he was behind the kidnapping of the baby. He says that he wants to see Alcides’ face when he finds out Arturo is free.

A: (to himself) You are so beautiful, so delicate, sweet and soft. The scent of your hair, your skin. The taste of your lips drives me crazy… crazy.
S: Today I realized… I can’t escape you. I love you above all things. I love you as the father of my daughter and as a woman, with passion and craziness of my very first love because you are my first and only love. Why so silent, my love? What’s wrong? Why do you torture me this way.
A: (with tears in his eyes) Because … because (he undoes his hair) I’m not Hugo, I’m Alcides. I’m sorry Soledad. I’m not Hugo. Believe me that I’m sorry Soledad. But I’m not Hugo.
S: Alcides? It can’t be. My god, the story repeats itself.
A: No, my love. The story doesn’t repeat itself. This time it was different. I just confessed that I’m not Hugo. I am showing you that I am a different Alcides.
S: But I hugged and kissed you thinking you were Hugo and you kept quiet..
A: I could have kept quiet. I could have kept quiet and gone all the way. I could have gone all the way but I didn’t. I didn’t and you know why? Because I’ve changed. I’ve learned. I’m a different man now who is incapable of deceiving you. A man who doesn’t want to hurt you. I want to win your love cleanly, Soledad. Because of that I didn’t make love with you.
S: You pulled back you hair like Hugo and you took off your necklace so I wouldn’t know you were Alcides.
A: That was pure coincidence. My hair was getting in the way while I was checking the footprints and all I had at hand was the cord of my talisman so I used it.
S: I was on the point of giving myself to you. Today, the day I decided to start over with Hugo. My God. I’ve made the worst mistake of my life.

Ester says to Boris that his boss, Hugo de Medina, is pursuing his daughter and now you’re courting Ursula. “And in hiding,” says Antonia. Boris tells them that he was going to tell them about their relationship. Ursula says that they were waiting for the right moment. Lucas says that he doesn’t think it is fair that Boris and Ursula have to sneak around just because Boris works for Hugo. Ursula asks if that means Boris can come and visit her and Ester replies that the relationship between them cannot be.

Marina is back to al fresco bathing. She flashes back to seeing Boris kissing Ursula. “Damned Ursula,” says Marina, “I won’t let you be happy with Boris. You’ll be with him over my dead body.” (Happy to arrange that, Marina)

Dr. Dan comes home to Dr. Max’s. He hears Antonia as ‘George’ telling him that he should have been honest with Soledad. He hears Soledad saying that he has made a huge gulf between them. He says to himself that he has lost everything. He says that he has to learn to get up. No matter what it costs, he will get Soledad back. She’ll see.

At the cabaña, Soledad and Alcides are up and dressed.
S: You and your brother will drive me crazy.
A: Don’t say that. Destiny brought us together to meet here. (Soledad slaps him.)
S: You should have told me you weren’t Hugo the moment I walked in the door. But you kept quiet like a coward because you wanted to take advantage of my vulnerability, Alcides.
A: My love, it was a mistake. I admit it. I admit it. But your scent drives me crazy, that angelic face of yours. My love, a kiss from you is heaven. Forgive me. Besides, you kissed me first. I just went along with it. I am dying for you.
S: Shut up. Don’t say that because we will never be together, Alcides.
A: No, my love, don’t say that. I’ll fight for another chance. Especially now since I’ve tasted your kisses, that I was able to smell your perfume. Especially now that I drank from your breath, felt the sensualness of your skin and the heat of your body.
S: Shut up. Can’t you see that I’m appalled at what I just did? I was on the point of being yours Alcides!
A: That never would have happened. I never would have taken advantage of this innocent confusion. You know why? I’m showing you that I can win over your heart cleanly. My darling, I love you.

Ester tells Boris that he still a married man and they’ve had enough of that in this house (‘ya tenimos de esa tela una buena colcha,’ literally, ‘we’ve already had a good quilt from that fabric). Boris says that he will start divorce proceedings immediately. Lucas says that he can visit Ursula when the divorce is final. Lucas asks where Soledad is. Ester says that she was in the garden but Antonia says that she did not see her there. Ursula says that Soledad went for a walk. She wanted to be alone. Lucas tells Ester that they need to talk privately and they leave. Boris wonders else there is to say about him and Ursula. Ursula says that it doesn’t matter. She tells Boris that Soledad isn’t taking a walk. She went to the cabaña to see Hugo. Boris tells her that Hugo isn’t there. He went on a trip. Ursula wonders why Soledad hasn’t returned and who she is with.

Alcides and Soledad-
A: Do you know why I’m convinced that it was fate that brought you here today? Because I came here today because of your daughter.
S: I won’t permit you to draw my daughter into your wickedness (‘bajezas’).
A: I’m investigating Arturo de Linares as the principal suspect in the kidnapping of your daughter.
S: What are you talking about?
A: Look. See these footprints. They’re of the man who kidnapped Aurora. I came to find evidence to incriminate Arturo de Linares as the principal suspect in the kidnapping. I want him to pay for what he did.
S: I don’t believe you.
A: You’re upset and I understand. Please, my love, accept my heartfelt apologies. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Boris, Hugo or the judge. Realize that fate brought us together to meet.
S: The only thing fate has taught me is to stay away from you and your brother forever or I will never find happiness. (Soledad moves to leave.)
A: My love, Please don’t go.
S: Alcides, don’t you understand? What just happened makes me feel dirty (‘sucia’), I just kissed you thinking that you were Hugo.
A: Soledad. I confessed. I’m not Hugo. I told you the truth. I didn’t let anything happen. For God’s sake, understand, your kisses and your aroma lured me. (Soledad tries to leave and Alcides grabs her) My love for you was stronger than the passion I felt for you. Forgive me (she leaves). (Alcides sighs) I couldn’t restrain myself (‘no me pude contener’). I couldn’t. The love I feel for her is much stronger than my will. Ayy, my God, I love her so much. I love her so much (‘cuanto la amo’).

Soledad is walking and crying. She flashes back to Hugo telling her that he wouldn’t seek her out again and that she must come to him. Then she hears Alcides giving his justification for what he did.
S: How could I confuse Hugo for Alcides? How? My God. I need to get away from both of them. My mother was completely right – only misery and disgrace awaits me by their side. But I can’t. I love Hugo.

Back at the cabaña-
A: With time and a little luck, Soledad (‘con tiempo y un ganchito) you will be mine.

Boris comes into the cabaña. He asks if Soledad is ok. Alcides says that Boris has come too late. Boris says that he doesn’t understand. Is Soledad ok? Alcides replies that Soledad is fine. She just left. Alcides says that he needs to talk to Hugo. Boris tells him that Hugo went to find Michelle. Alcides says that isn’t possible. Once again, Boris says that he doesn’t understand. Alcides says that he has to leave. Boris asks if Soledad is ok again. Alcides replies that for a servant, Boris meddles too much in things that don’t concern him. Alcides leaves and Boris says to himself that he only hopes that Soledad is ok.

Dr. Dan is writing a letter to his wife. He says that he is not reproaching her for her betrayal of him that happened so long ago. He tells her that he has found a wonderful woman that he wants to marry and spend the rest of his life with her. He hopes she will sign the enclosed document so that he can initiate divorce proceedings. He keeps looking at a picture of Soledad.

Soledad has come to see Eloisa (this isn’t good) at Rebeca’s house. Soledad says that she needs to talk to someone. She says that she is dying. She is in pain, she’s angry. Eloisa says that they are friends. Soledad can tell her everything.

Lucas wants an explanation from Antonia as to what she was doing away from the house in the middle of the night. Why didn’t she tell him that she was working out of the house at night? Are they trying to make him feel more ashamed of his inability to support his family? Antonia says that she is sorry but she can’t stand around doing nothing when the household needs money. Lucas says that it isn’t her obligation. Antonia disagrees. She is prepared to sacrifice for her family and she has to expiate her sins somehow. She flashes back to burning Soledad’s baby clothes when Soledad’s gown caught on fire. Then she flashes to playing the piano in the bar. Ester asks if she ok and Lucas wants to know what sins she is talking about. Antonia asks them not to question her anymore. She only asks to help with the household expenses.

Eloisa says that she ran into Dr. Dan at the cabaret and he told her everything. Soledad says that that was bad too. But it wasn’t only that. Eloisa says that it must be about Hugo, then. Soledad says that it’s about Alcides. Eloisa is surprised. Soledad says that she was almost intimate with Alcides. Eloisa is super impactada. She says that she doesn’t understand anything. Soledad explains what happened with Hugo and then her decision to go to the cabaña where she mistook Alcides for Hugo and almost had sex with him but fortunately he told her the truth. Eloisa says Alcides used to be a pervert but he has changed. What happened speaks well of him. Soledad asks what she means. Eloisa starts pitching for Alcides. She says that he is a man who respects Soledad and loves her deeply or he would have said nothing and made Soledad his. She says that she can tell Alcides would do anything for Soledad’s happiness. (Soledad turned her brain off some time ago so she struggles to process this.)

Lucas decides that he can’t tolerate being supported by his women. He has to do something that doesn’t require physical strength. Ester notes that he wrote her the most beautiful love letters when they were courting. He could write letters for people who can’t express their own feelings. (That’s going to bring in a lot of money.) Lucas is happy with that idea.

Margot reads a note from Hercu-less saying that he’s gone on a business trip. Margot says that is good. She can help Arturo without making Herc jealous.

Soledad does not agree with Eloisa’s characterization of Alcides’ behavior. Eloisa says that Alcides is in love with Soledad. She probably drove him crazy and people in that condition do crazy things. The important thing is that he stopped to think about it. Soledad is wondering what she should do when the doorbell rings and Alcides announces that he has come to see Eloisa. Soledad asks what Alcides is doing at Eloisa’s house. Eloisa goes to open the door, pretends outrage to see Alcides at that hour and manages to warn him that Soledad is there.

Back at the tavern, the judge wakes up. Paquito says that it’s almost dawn. The judge has a headache. Paquito says that he drank too much. The judge flashes back to being with Margot and says that he remembers. Paquito tells him not to worry. His cabaret has a motto (‘un lema’) – prefiguring that of Las Vegas - what happens in the cabaret stays in the cabaret (‘Lo que sucede en le cabaret de Paquito, se quede en el cabaret,’). The judge notices that his boots are gone. Paquito goes to lend him a pair of shoes.

Margot and Arturo are having sex. This has to be somebody’s dream. Arturo says that he wants to marry Margot and have sex with her every night. It’s Arturo’s dream. He wakes up in prison and says that one day Margot will be his.

Alcides pretends that he came to Eloisa’s house to apologize to Soledad for what happened. Soledad says that they discussed this already. The only thing she wants is not to be near him. Soledad leaves. Alcides says that he is going to follow Soledad to make she gets home ok. Now more than ever he wants Eloisa to use her friendship with Soledad to convince her that Alcides loves and and respects her. He leaves. Eloisa laughs.

Ursula is holding the blanket named Aurora. Soledad comes in. Ursula says that she was worried. “If you only knew,” says Soledad. Ursula asks where Soledad was. Soledad says that she was at Hugo’s cabaña and that Alcides almost deceived her into making love with him. Antonia interrupts to say that Soledad has to get away from both Hugo and Alcides before they destroy her life. Soledad doesn’t want to talk about it.
Antonia says that she wants to ask Soledad’s forgiveness for all the bad things that she did in the past. She is very sorry. She wanted to be the judge of her own family and she has ended up accused in the dock (‘el banquillo de los acusados’) herself. Soledad asks what she is talking about. Antonia says that it doesn’t matter. She is sorry. She says that what made her think about this was Dr. Dan. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Hugo arrives at Michelle’s house and Dr. Dan resumes courting.


Guapos Thursday, June 19, 2008: The chick comes home to roost

Leftovers: Hugo has proposed to Mili at the party; Andrea has whomped Hugo with the fact that Mili and Alex aren’t brother/sister, apparently since he offended her by saying he actually was a good guy and he’s gone back to being one now that he’s away from her evil influence.

On to the hot new stuff: Hugo accuses Andrea of making up mean stuff, but she says Connie himself told her and that’s why Connie always had treated Alex like trash. Hugo says it’s a lie, and Andrea says wanna ask your uncle? Okay, Mr. Good Guy, she says, are you going to help Mili be together with the love of her life, or are you going to pretend we never had this conversation?

Hugo hesitates. Andrea says I know you’re not going to tell her ‘cause you’re just as bad as I am. Hugo’s eyes go back and forth.

At the hospital Sor Cachete is washing Gloria’s coma ma and she and Gloria agree that Chamuco is great support – Gloria has really hit the lottery with that guy. Unseen by both, Yolanda opens her mouth a bit as if to speak. Gloria says she is so grateful for Mili and Lina because without them she would never have finished school. Yolanda is still trying to speak. Gloria sees and runs over to her and Yolanda opens her eyes and looks at her.

Bobby and Maricela are having dinner and Maricela is on the phone to her sister, laughing. She sends kisses and says Bobby sends Alex some too. Not kisses, hugs! says Bobby. Maricela hangs up and she tells Bobby how happy her sister is. Bobby says the last time he talked to Alex, Alex seemed more like sad. Maricela says yes and Flor is aware of it too even if she doesn’t say anything. But the main thing is that they do get along well and that’s what counts when you’re going to be together all your lives, like you and I are going to be if you ever ask for my hand! Bobby chokes on his coke. Maricela says don’t worry, I wasn’t serious and I know you don’t like anything serious. Bobby grins happily. Life is good! Cute little chickie-babe and no strings.

Mija says Yolanda. Don’t try to talk says Gloria, you are weak as a kitten. Gloria sends thanks up to God. Sor Cachete runs for the doctor. Yolanda says where am I? Gloria explains she’s in the hospital. Yolanda says she was in an accident yesterday and Gloria says, no three years ago, you’ve been in a coma all this time. Que?? says Yolanda.

At the prison, Karla is telling Damien that Connie is tired of him asking to get him out and from now on every time he asks, he’s going to tell the judge to add one more year. And he also says don’t go plotting against him or he’ll see to it that Damien is in for life. Aw, what could I do from prison? asks Damien, all innocent. Connie’s paranoid.

Karla says there’s hope. She says she told Connie that Damien had promised to marry her when he got out, and that she can’t wait forever, and that then Connie said Damien would never keep his word. Damien fakes being affronted and, stabbing his finger in the air, says I gave my word! Karla says get this: Connie says he’s going to see what your word is worth. He’s going to get you out, but if you don’t marry me, he’s going to see to it that you get tossed right back in. And we have to stay married forever. Damien smiles blankly. Karla had a great time delivering this news.

Hugo, who by the way looks like he stepped from the pages of GQ, is in his office, anguished. He replays in his mind what Andrea told him, then flees the room.

Over at the soccer field, the little padre is exhorting his players to play clean, but Mili in her Carlitos hat is saying all’s fair in love, war, and soccer. Are you men? she asks the boys. Yes, they cheer and cheer Mili Mili Mili. She eats it up. Snack break!

Is that Gamuza with short hair? She’s telling him he’s always going to be a shrimp. Real nice, Mili. He says he’ll grow up to be as big as the padre.

Here comes the nun running. She tells them the good news about Yolanda. Group hug!

In the foyer, Connie and Luci are sitting with Vale and Luci gushes that she just keeps getting prettier all the time. Vale says oh, the beauty creams in France! I’ll bring you some. Connie says I hope they’re solid because if they have alcohol in them, your mama will drink them. Don’t harp on mama, says Vale. Morgan is listening in the background.
Vale says you haven’t been drinking have you, mama? Luci says well, I have trouble sleeping at night.

Vale comments that Connie has become quite the politician and she is proud of him. He says he’s proud of her too and has been keeping track of her successes. Luci says Vale you look so relaxed, so calm. Connie says I hope your time away has helped you control your emotions. Meaning what, asks Vale. Connie says I’ll be plain: I’m worried that now you’re back you’ll take up with the chauffer again. Morgan in the distance perks up.

Don’t worry says Vale. Not a chance - I hate him! I hate him all my heart. Morgan is stricken – a tear runs down his face. Vale says I was stupid to fall in love with someone who wasn’t worth it.

The folks are gone and Vale is in the foyer on her cell to her girlfriend Barbara. She is raving about the highlife in Paris, the parties, the cameras, the lights! She turns and sees that Morgan is approaching her - she turns away. And the men! she raves to Barbara for his benefit. Handsome, refined, not like the men here. Morgan mugs in the background. She says that more than one did something, but it was slang and I couldn’t figure it out. She arranges to meet for coffee.

She is starting up the stairs and Morgan calls to her. He tells her he forgives her for tearing up his letter from her. But he says he’s missing three pieces – could she give them to him? Is that all? she asks. No, he says… I want to tell you you’re more beautiful than ever.

Knock off the comments, she says. And get the car ready. I need to be somewhere by 8:00 and I don’t want to be late on your account. She disappears up the stairs, and Morgan is discouraged.

In the kitchen, Socorro is cooking and Lina and Karla get into a fight because they are stuck being sisters now. After some name-calling, Karla says she has an announcement. Pretty soon she’s going to need a wedding dress because she and Damien are getting hitched. Socorro says you and your fantasies. Lina says goody – you can go live in the prison and nobody would miss you.

Hugo is visiting Damien in prison. Hugo is fidgety. Damien says I hope you have good news. Hugo says I’m marrying Mili. Damien says that’s good news for you. I hope nobody snatches her from the altar this time, but why don’t you look happy? Hugo says I have something that I can tell only you and I want you to be honest with me. He asks if Alex is really not Connie’s son. It’s true says Damien, Luci had Alex before she married Connie.

At the hospital, Gloria, Mili, Gamuza, Sor Cachete and the padre are all gathered around the smiling Yolanda. Looks like she gets to go home soon. Gamuza makes a height joke to Sor Cachete, who doesn’t like it much, but takes it in good part. The padre says Yolanda must be tired after so many emotions in one day, but Mili jokes that she’s been lying down for three years. Padre says don’t talk like that and Mili says I’m trying to inject a bit of humor. She tells Yolanda that Gloria was been so worried and upset about her these past three years.

Everyone leaves but Gloria and Gamuza who tell how they stayed with her and then they tease around and Yolanda laughs which starts her coughing so they stop. Romulo comes in and says how happy he is about Yolanda, but he says Gloria doesn’t like him there. Gamuzo says why not – you’re her father. We four should all be a family now. Gloria makes an ugh face, thank goodness, because I’m going into sugar shock here.

It’s a photo shoot at night, out by some giant lighted leaping fountains. Lights, big reflectors, and Vale and some not very handsome male model striking poses. Morgan is watching, frantic, so close he’s almost in the shots. He fantasizes that it’s him in the shots and that he and Vale end up kissing. The photographer calls for a break.

Vale walks a bit arm-in-arm with the model, with Morgan trailing along. The model suggests that Vale should insist on showing her right profile, it’s her better one. She thanks him. He asks about her diet. She eats very well, she says, and tells him he should part his lips for shoots, he would look more sensual. He tries it out. They smile at each other and walk on.

Mili has brought sandwiches to the hospital for Gloria and Gamuzo. Gloria says she’s happy, she was afraid her mama would never come to. Mili reminds her that it’s thanks to God and these things happen for a reason. Mili says to remember that Romulo is her dad. Gloria says she’s doesn’t even like to hear that as a joke, and doesn’t Mili remember saying how furious she said she’d be if she ever met her father? Mili says maybe her father is not so bad. Gloria is surprised and asks why the change. Mili fudges that it’s not about her right now. Gloria says she can’t stand Romulo, can’t even stand looking at him. But she is happy about her mother and will give her all the love she needs. Girl hug with hip swivels.

The photo shoot is over and everyone is headed home. Ramces the male model is raving to Vale over how splendid the photos are going to be. Morgan follows a few paces behind. Vale agrees and hopes tomorrow isn’t so rigorous, but they have to finish the catalog. Ramces, leaning on his white sports convertible, offers to take her home but she says she has a chauffer (who did Ramces think this guy was glued to them all evening, a bodyguard?). Ramces says send him along home, but Vale says no. Ramces says come on, let’s go to dinner and talk. I love working with you. Vale reconsiders and says she likes working with him to. She goes over and brusquely tells Morgan she’ll be dining out and she won’t be needing him. Morgan protests that her father will be upset if he comes home without her, but she says shut up and obey. She gets into Ramces’ car as they both exclaim how hungry they are.

Hugo is waiting in the chapel and the padre and Sor Cachete come in and are surprised to see him. Hugo says he has something he needs to talk about and the sor tactfully excuses herself. The padre fills Hugo in on the happy Yolanda news and then asks what’s up. Hugo says he needs advice.

It’s morning and here comes Damien out of prison. Connie in his shades is out by the car and greets him with a big hug. Damien is looking kind of doubtful and wants to know how Connie sprung him overnight, and Connie, feeling expansive, says it’s a benefit of being in the government. Damien says I guess I owe you and Connie says you owe Karla too. Oh yeah, Karla, sure, says Damien.

Connie says Hugo returned the money you stole and has been very helpful at the corporation. Damien says that’s nice and let’s forget the past. I’ve learned my lesson and I’m going to start fresh. Connie says Karla told me you two were going to get married. I feel for her, she’s so into this dream of marrying you. So you marry her or it’s back to prison. She told you, right? Marriage or prison. Damien says you’re kidding, right? Connie says why I am a very sober-minded government official, no tricks, no jokes. I’ll even arrange your honeymoon. Where would you like to go? Damien looks like he doesn’t feel well.

Ramces and Vale are out by the pool and Morgan is hovering in the background, natch. Ramces, who is vapid beyond belief, is smearing himself with tanning lotion and is telling Vale how it’s made from all this healthy stuff. She says oooh you know so much. He says we have to care for our bodies, but I must say he has way more body fat that our poster boy Alex.

Ramces says how nice that she invited him and she says come anytime. She spies Morgan and offers to get a spot on Ramces’ back that he missed. I was just thinking that, he says, you can read my mind! No wonder, it’s in big Dick and Jane print. I’m getting brain rot just listening to these two. Vale says how soft your skin is! And Ramces said that cream is the best. He thinks he will go for a dip and Morgan hides behind a pool pillar sighing over Vale.

Braulio comes up to Morgan and says what are you doing here? You’re spying on the senorita Valeria! If you know, why ask, says Morgan. Braulio spots the young stud in the pool and stares. Ramces gets out, all wet, with his baggy swimsuit stuck to his curvy rear and his man-necklace dangling and Braulio practically drools. Vale offers to dry him off. Meaning Ramces, not Braulio. As Ramces holds his arms out, she starts in with the towel. Both men watch and fantasize, Morgan that Valeria is drying him off, and Braulio that he is drying Ramces off.

Gloria is visiting her ma, who sympathizes with all her worry. Gloria says yes, she’d been running as fast as she could between school, the hospital and work. Yolanda says please forgive me for having the accident and causing all this trouble. Gloria says nothing to forgive and strokes her mother’s hair. Gloria says please forgive me for having hurt you and Yolanda says you didn’t, you’re a wonderful daughter.

Yolanda says is it true that Romulo was here every day? Gloria’s expression goes cold. Yes, says Gloria and he had no right. Yolanda says you mustn’t reproach him – he didn’t abandon you, he never knew he had a daughter. Gloria says well tell him he still doesn’t have one.

In the kitchen, Socorro is working away at the sink and Lina is sweeping while Karla is sitting with her feet up on a chair, filing her nails. Braulio comes in and says have you no shame? Your mother and Lina are working, and here you sit doing nothing. It’s not nothing, says Karla, I’m doing my nails. That’s no way to answer says Socorro. Karla says I’ll answer however I want. It’s disrespectful, says Braulio. Get to work! Un dos tres! You’re getting on my nerves, says Karla. Braulio sputters that she is a servant. Not for long, says Karla.

Damien comes in and Karla falls on him, calling him mi amor and planting kisses on him. Damien looks uncomfortable. Braulio welcomes him home. Karla says to Damien tell Braulio to stop bugging her. What? says Damien. Tell him, says Karla, jumping around. Tell him we’re getting married. Damien, frozen-faced, just says yes. Finally he croaks out to Socorro that he is marrying her daughter. Yay! says Karla jumping up and down and clapping her hands.

Mili is in her bubble-gum themed room and Hugo comes in and says he needs to talk to her. He comes right out with it and says they need to cancel their wedding because she still loves Alex and the time has come to fight for him. Mili points out that Alex is married and lives far away. Hugo says he married because he thought the same thing Mili did, that they were siblings. But you’re not! Hugo says. I know, says Mili, I’ve known since right after the wedding. I’ve lost Alex, which is why I accepted your proposal.

Hugo says Alex has the right to know. Maybe his marriage hasn’t worked out – he may want to leave Flor. Or he might decide to give you up forever. But he should know. I want you to be happy, even if that means losing you forever. They embrace and Mili says thank you. Hugo says for giving you your freedom? For what you just said, says Mili, for loving me that much.

Alex is never coming back, she says. Without you, I’d be alone. Hugo says Alex is coming for our wedding, I already asked him because he said he would stand up for me the day I married you. Mili is surprised and says he shouldn’t have called him. But I did says Hugo. And when he comes I’m going to tell him the wedding is off and I’m going to tell him why. Mili is big-eyed.

In the kitchen, Soccoro says is this true? Karla is offended and says don’t you think I could get this big dummy to fall for me? Damien says maybe you’re exaggerating a bit Karla. I need to get to business now.

Horacio comes in and gives Damien an exuberant welcome, saying you’re out of jail! But Damien says best not to talk about it too much. Lina says Damien should ask my father for your hand Karla, but Karla says no way is Horacio my father! Socorro says that’s right, you have to ask both Horacio and me. Damien starts in, but he sure doesn’t want to get those words out. He coughs. Lina says it’s easy! Just ask for her hand, and all the rest (she indicates Karla’s whole curvy self). Damien gets it out, word by word while Socorro and Horacio watch him struggle. Karla looks expectantly at her mother. Damien makes a sour face.

At the hospital, Yolanda is telling Gloria she’ll respect whatever she decides about Romulo. Gloria says the main thing is that Yolanda is all right. Yolanda says if you are all right, then I am. Chamuco comes in and Gloria is excited to present him to her mother who is startled at his name, but he explains he’s really Carlos. Yolanda says she’s glad to meet him. Gloria says they’ll be married in two years and Chamuco cracks some jokes.

Ramces is still on the subject of beauty creams. This time it’s eye cream and he shows Valeria how she must dab (not rub!) it under her eyes, and she’ll never have to worry about wrinkles. Vale says it’s amazing how much you know. I’m going to tell my mother about it and she’ll go crazy.

Thank goodness Braulio shows up at this point – quite a contrast, he in his tails and gloves, and they mostly naked in their bathing suits. Braulio has brought some cool drinks for the hot day. And for the hot bod, but he of course doesn’t say that. Ramces doesn’t clue in. Braulio says he can bring other treats. They thank him and go back to their creams. Braulio’s eyebrow dances.

In the foyer, Hugo spots his dad and throws his arms around him, congratulating him on being free. He wants to know how it happened and Damien says Connie did it and should have done it much earlier. Hugo says the main thing is you’re free. Damien says I’m out of one prison and into a worse one – marriage. Hugo is confused.

Mili is wandering in a tree-shaded part of the property and Morgan comes up. He says he’s down because Vale has a new boyfriend she’s invited to the house to swim. He says she doesn’t love me any more. Mili says I’m afraid. I’m afraid the same thing will happen with Alex. Morgan says but he loves you and if he loves you, he will leave his life for you. Morgan takes her by the hand as they walk. Just like me with Vale, I left everything because I love her. I’m sure he’ll do that. You think? says Mili hopefully. Morgan says he would give his life to have his Vale back.

In Connie’s office, Damien says you can’t do this to me, you can’t make me marry a servant. I’m not making you, says Connie, drink in hand, you’re doing it because you love her. Connie goes to the window and while his back is turned, Damien heads for the desk drawer (not locked again!) and gets out the gun. He’s going to blast Connie! Nope, he’s holding it to his own head, waiting for Connie to see him. Freeze frame.

Avances: Mili leans over to pick up a soccer ball and someone’s foot is on it. She looks up and sees it’s Alex (with shorter hair!). Need a goalie? he asks. She throws her arms around his neck. In another scene, they are both crying.


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