Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Abismo de pasión #56 5/29/12: Augusto Got His Gun

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

CNN Reports

Dateline, La Ermita, Yucatan State, Mexico
From the CNN Newsroom

This is Cameron Hooper of CNN. (Dramatic pause. Viewerville’s TV screens fill up with an impossibly handsome face, with many WHITE teeth, green contact lenses and airbrushed makeup. It’s the face of a man who loves to walk down big-city streets in the daytime where he can catch the many glimpses of his face in the reflective surfaces.)

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this breaking news; Don Augusto Castañon, well-respected agronomist and habanero grower in the ancient village of La Ermita, Yucatan, was just seen taking a shotgun and entering the Civil Registry office, in La Ermita. Witnesses on the scene say that Castañon is apparently trying to stop the civil wedding of his daughter, Elisa Castañon Bouvier, 24, to Damian Arango Mondragon, 28, both of La Ermita.

Our Fly on the Wall reporter Elna June is there, live, in La Ermita at the Civil Registry.

Cam: EJ, can you hear me
EJ: Yes, Cam, I can hear you just fine. The scene here is somewhat chaotic with a single gunshot having been fired and now a Municipal Police presence here at the Registry. The police came in body armor to take down  ‘Gusto Catfood but this proved completely unnecessary as Castañon came quite peacefully.
Cam: Did you say Gusto Catfood? Is that the man’s street name in Mexico? Is he a big drug Lord?
EJ: (Impatiently) No, no, no. It’s a nickname he has amongst the Fly on the Wall Reporters. …Wait, here is someone whom I think was a witness to the event! Paloma, Paloma! Here Paloma, in front of the camera. Paloma is the best friend of the bride and daughter of the shooter. EJ holds a disheveled Paloma’s arm.
EJ: Paloma, what happened in there?
Paloma:  Oh, it was awful. Elisa and Damian were just about to say their vows when in walked Don Augusto with a gun…
After interviewing Paloma and other witnesses these appear to be the facts:
  • Augusto Castañon came into the Registry Office, brandishing a shotgun and demanding that the wedding be stopped.
  •  Father Guadalupe Mondragon, La Ermita’s parish priest, bravely faced down and tried to take the gun from ‘Gusto Catfood.
  •  Damian Arango was shot in the thigh during a tussle between Father Lupe and Castañon to recover the shotgun.
  •  The town priest is also the injured man’s uncle.
  •  The gun appears to have discharged accidently, BUT Augusto had pumped in a round just before the tussle.
  •  Elisa screamed that she would never forgive her father.
  •  Don Lucio, godfather to the bride and the priest walked Damian out of the Registry to get immediate medical help.
  • We will keep you informed as the story unfolds.

Carmina Bounces

Away from the main action, at the Casa Castañon the teeny, tiny Brown Recluse Carmina Bouvier Castañon a.k.a. HOMAB, opens a letter from her beloved. No, it is not from her husband, Augusto Castañon, who is currently engaging in activity that in this country would be considered attempted homicide, but from her Italian lover, Paolo Landucci. As if by magic, a desperate Paolo calls his girl on the phone, complaining that he spent the whole weekend waiting to hear from her. Waaa, he whines. He is sad. He has blue parts. She tortures him for a moment in the way of all spiders and then agrees, Fine, she will meet him in a half-hour. She leaves the house.

Carmina and Paolo meet for coffee. He is suffering. He wants to go to the Blue House of Shame to relieve his blue parts. Well, that casa is no longer available, says HOMAB Carmina. Let’s try a hotel in Merida! They head out.

Gossip Wounds and Sometimes Kills

Edmundo Tovar and Begone-ya are fighting again. “Only you could say you saw me at a hotel where I wrote orders for an Exam for Damian and Elisa, and as you do, spread this gossip to the whole village! Now, because of you, Begonia, I have a very bad problem!” Your recapper is not sure to just which problem Edmundo refers here; it seems to me he has many.

But Begonia doesn’t care about Edmundo’s problems. Edmundo knows that and berates her for caring more about Alfonsina than she does her own family. He doesn’t agree with Begone having kicked Enrique out of the house! You tell her Edmundo! This is such a satisfying scene.

They fight some more about Enrique, Paloma and moral values. Finally, Edmundo asks Begonia for a divorce and puts his wedding ring on the dining room table.

CNN Reports

Cameron Hooper here, (serious look at the camera) in the CNN Newsroom. We have our Fly on the Wall Reporter Elna June on the spot in La Ermita, Yucatan, for a breaking story of a shotgun wedding that didn’t come off. EJ?
EJ: Thanks, Cameron. I am here at the Civil Registry in La Ermita and I am witnessing Doña Alfonsina Arango rush in and confront Don Augusto Catfood Castañon, who has just shot her son. She is accompanied by her henchman in all things, GABINO MENDOZA, a handsome thug and by all accounts an excellent boyfriend, according to first hand reports. The henchman is said to have excellent taste in jewelry. He may also have a crush on one of our Fly on the Wall Reporters, Cynderella La Novia.

Alfie: Did they get married?
Gusto: No. I am sorry—I didn’t mean to hurt your son. It was an accident.
Alfie: What are you saying Augusto? Is he dead?
Gusto: No Damian is in the Medical Center.
Alfie: I swear, You will pay for this.

Then Alfonsina turned to Gabino and they headed out for the Medical Center in Merida.

Back to Casa Castañon

Braulio walks a very shaken Delores (Lolita) back to Casa Castañon. She has to tell Carmina what happened. ( Of course we know that, at this VERY dramatic moment, Carmina is over getting her teeth rattled by the Italian Stallion himself). Delores and Braulio have a little moment, and he tells her he loves her.

Meanwhile, when Elisa comes in, Lolita comforts her,
Lolita: “Dear, Damian is fine, you saw him yourself, he's in a better mood than any of us.”
Elisa: “But you saw he was bleeding a lot!”
Lolita: ”Elisa, don't worry dear, he's getting help and he's in very good hands. With God's help and the doctor’s everything will be fine, you'll see.”
Elisa, understandably, cannot believe that her father has shot Damian. Delores insists that it was an accident. Delores will go see her father and when she returns she will check on Damian.

Elisa At The Hospital

Elisa heads to the Hospital where she sees Lucio and Padre Lupe in the waiting room. Lupe gives her the Priest Mantra—as follows:
Calm down. We must have faith. Everything will be fine. Take a seat.
He goes to tell Alfonsina she is there.  He says he has to. As his mother, she has to know what's going on. This should be a lovely meeting between Elisa and Alfonsina.  NOT.

Lolita, Braulio and Horacio

Braulio wants to know if his presence has made everything better, “Did the fear go away?” Lolita answers honestly, “No, not really but I'll better calm down or I won't be any use to anybody.”

Braulio places her in a chair and leans down to give her a kiss. Just then Horacio walks in and sarcastically asks if he is interrupting anything. Delores rejects him and tells him to think whatever he wants. That’s a big WHATEVER, Horacio.

Horacio starts to push the point with a threat to tell Antonia about Braulio and Lolita when Braulio interrupts and explains about what just happened. Augusto Castañon just wounded Damian with a gun!

Elisa and Alfonsina Mano a Mano

Elisa is explaining to Father Lupe what everybody there already knows, “Damian and I wanted to get married without his mom or my dad knowing.” Alfonsina flies in on the wind with the furies. She turns on Lupe, “How is my son? What happened to him?”

Father Guadalupe answers in measured tones, “Damian has a wounded leg, sister, but he's being assisted already, everything is under control, and we’re just waiting to get more information.”

Alfonsina turns her venom on Elisa. “This is all your fault, you can be happy now, get out of here!”
You can be happy now? Really Alfonsina? In what land would a bride be happy that her father shot the groom. You are one nasty Black Widow and you are envenoming our Elisa.
The Black Widow gets right in Elisa’s face and yells, “I said get out of here! Gabino, take her out!”

In a scene that must have been a familiar repetition from childhood, Lupe says, “Alfonsina, for god's sake, behave sister. But Alfonsina can’t act nice at the best of times and right now she hysterically repeats, “I can't behave while this girl is still here. I don't want her to be here, she has to leave, I don't want her to be here!”

Padre, who sees the writing on the wall, persuades Elisa, that it is best if goes home, He promises to personally deliver any news about Damian.
Elisa leaves. Ummmm, why can’t she just wait in a different waiting room?
Alfonsina sends Gabino to wreck vengeance on Augusto and keep him in jail forever.

Several People Are Nicer to Gusto Catfood Than He Deserves

Don Lucio comes to see Gusto Catfood in jail. Gusto asks about Damian. They have more endless conversation about Elisa is/is not Catfood’s daughter. Snooze…..OK. I’ll translate some of this convo. Grump. Grump.
Gusto: If anything serious happens to that boy, I'll never forgive myself.
Lucio: You should have thought about that before you did such stupid thing! How could you go there with a gun, you dolt?
Augusto: I didn't mean to hurt anybody, all I wanted was to make sure Damian and Elisa forget about this idea of getting married. You perfectly know why I had to stop that wedding.

Lucio wouldn’t have let them get married if he thought Elisa and Damian were sibs. With the prenuptial analyses Edmundo requested another test to confirm if the kids are siblings. Edmundo was headed to the lab in Merida to get the results but before Lucio came to the jail. Of course, Lucio doesn’t know that Carmina made the test result snatch just outside the Registry.

Augusto gets the same bovine look on his face, he knows the results will be the same as before, “Yo sé que elisa no es mi hija.”
Now he drones on and on about Stef made a fool of him his whole life, she gave the necklace to GABINO MENDOZA as a blackmail payment to keep the secret of the STef/Rosendo affair, Blah, blah, blah.

Lucio gives Gusto Catfood some very good advice, paraphrased as follows:
“Stop fixating on your hate fantasies. You have big boy problems here. Even if Damian is OK, Alfie’s gonna get you, big time.”
Lucio will do everything he can to help Gusto, including raise bail if it is set. He leaves.

Edmundo Tovar, M.D. Arrives At The Hospital

Edmundo arrives at the hospital and is accosted by Alfonsina. “Ay, Edmundo, What is happening with my son? Look what time it is and they haven't let me see him.”
Edmundo tries to catch his breath and says, “I don't know, Alfonsina, Paloma just told me what happened, I just arrived. Let’s go to see and as soon as I have news I'll let you know.

Alfonsina criticizes the clinic and its doctors and threatens to take Damian to Merida.  But Edmundo is not in the mood, “You won't take him anywhere! Until we know how he is, you won't take him from here. And if you don't calm down, I'll give you a sedative or I'll send you home, got it?  Now, I'll go to see what's going on.”

Ooowweee! Edmundo is starting to be my Big Boy. Go Big Boy. I like it when you yell at those mean broads.

Casa Castañon

Back at Casa Castañon, Elisa comes in and surprises Lolita. “And, and why didn't you stay at the medical center, dear?” “Because Alfonsina arrived and she kicked me out, says Elisa.  “But... Why did you do what she said? As if she owned the place, “ asks a puzzled Delores?

But Elisa explains that she didn't want to cause more conflict. She is stressed enough about Damian. And the truth is that though he was in the best mood, something tells her this is very serious.

“I'm desperate! I don't know what's going on with him, I do no know when I'll see him again! If  Sra. Alfonsina kicked me out of the hospital, do you think she'll let me see him in her house?” Ah, that's a negative, Elisa, for sure.
Lolita tells her to calm down. I am tired of everyone telling her to calm down. Her father just shot her lover  and bridegroom for heaven’s sake! She has had a really BAD day. If ever there was a time to wax hysterical this is it!

Elisa now finds out from Lolita that Augusto turned himself in to the police and he is in the carcel.  Elisa notes that her padrino told her he would go to find out how things were with Augusto, but she needs to know. Does her Tia Carmina know what is going on?” “No, no,” Says, Delores. “Because when I got home she wasn't here, and who knows where she might be. Duh, duh, duh.”

Now Kenia pays a visit to La Casa C. She tells a very distraught looking Elisa, “I came to see you because I'm very worried about my brother. I imagine you already know he left the La Ermita, right? And since you're such close friends, I thought you might know where he is.

Elisa now explains about the happenings of the day and her concern about Damian. “Damian is very seriously injured he's at the medical center. My father shot him with his gun.
And, Kenia bounces right to, “And your father?” She tells Kenia that he is being detained. Oops. I think I said he was in jail earlier. I guess he is just being detained for right now.

OK. Whichever of you wise commenters/recappers predicted that Kenia has a real thing for Augusto, I think you are correct. Well you had better pour her a stiff tequila now, over at the ‘Gusto Redemption Table, because she may not have much time left here on this earthly plane. This girl knows how to make enemies! I would not want to have Carmina and Ingrid after me!

A Couple Of Scenes
  • Gabino menaces. Don Lucio threatens. One another. Lucio knows that the pearl necklace gift from Stef to Gabino is bullshit. Gabino points out that what Augusto did was a crime.
  • In Sabrina’s salon, Begonia is gossiping about Paloma and her upcoming divorce while getting her hair set in large rollers. Sabrina asks why her Mom has to make all of their business so public and throws her mother out of the salon. Nice, Sabrina.
  • Enrique comes into his father’s clinic looking for Edmundo but finds Paloma. She tells Ricky that Edmundo probably won’t be in all day because he is helping with Damian, whom Augusto shot with a gun. Paloma is worried about her friends but she has to stay and do phone duty (well, it is her JOB).
  • Ricky very nicely offers to stay in her place. He explains that he is at the Hotel with his dad. “Don't take me wrong, Enrique, but your mother is a very strange person. Hey, does she still believe that your father is cheating on her with me? (sighs).  
  •  And do you also believe it? No, no Paloma, I believe my father. Well, at least. Enrique, I'll get to see my friend Elisa, the poor thing must be a mess. Thanks a lot, I mean it. She kisses him on the cheek.

Don Augusto Catfood Has a Very Pretty Visitor

Kenia wants to show her support and she has come to the place where Gusto is being detained. (Ed. -This girl is a cypher and no mistake!) He acts like a blushing schoolboy around her. He is ashamed to have her see him in jail, it was an accident, he didn’t mean to hurt anybody, only Don Lucio is helping him out, he doesn’t have a lawyer because he cannot afford one. For her part Kenia says she can't believe he was capable of shooting Damian just to stop him from marrying his daughter.

Kenia then surprises me by saying, “Mr. Augusto, I don't want you to feel alone, you have me. You helped me once when I needed it the most, and I want to help you back. I imagined you would like to get this back,” and she hands him the pearl necklace. OMG. Vivi, you were so right. Kenia is playing Ingrid, for sure.

Augusto wants to know, where she got it? Did she buy it from Gabino?
Kenia: “That doesn't matter, after what happened at the bank I saw how special this necklace is for you, I wanted to get it.”
Augusto: “I can't, I can't accept it, you must have spent a lot of money on it.” No money, chump, just a head injury and a little blackmail on her conscience.
Kenia: “Mr. Augusto, if you sell or pawn this necklace you can get the money to pay a good lawyer, to pay the bail and get out of here.”
Augusto: “I can't take it.”
Kenia: “This necklace belonged to your first wife, you loved her a lot, right?”
Augusto: “Estefania, I loved her more than my own life.”
Kenia: “Think that maybe wherever she is, she's looking after you and she sent me to help you to solve your problems. Take it please. If it's not for the appreciation you have for me, then do it for the love you once had for her, please.” He accepts the jewel and asks her to get him for news of Damian. He also asks her for a favor.
Kenia: “Mr. Augusto, even you don't believe it, I consider you a great friend, so please don't worry, okay? I'll be right back.”

Dr Tovar Delivers News I Need Dr. Carlos To Interpret

Back at the hospital Dr. Edmundo Tovar comes out to deliver news about Damian’s state of health to Alfonsina and Padre Lupe.
Here is my translation of the announcement:
  • A pellet (shotgun?) went through Damian’s femur,
  • His artery is being reconstructed. It is a delicate intervention but it is under control.
  • This was complicated by Damian’s loss of blood. He lost a lot and he needs a transfusion. The problem is that he has a very rare type of blood.
  • AB-. Sadly, they do not have that kind of blood here, so they have to look for it in hospitals in Merida, or to get a blood donor as soon as possible, otherwise Damian may die. Whew.
  • I always like to get these conversations right just for later reference as to who is related to whom, etc.

Edmundo sets Alfie to looking among the relatives for folks with AB- blood who could be donors. She also sends Gabino to look at the local hospitals in Merida and the canvass the workers at the pro-ces-a-dor-a.

More Random Scenes
  • Enrique and Florencia talk.
  • Begonia comes by the office and finds Enrique answering phones    for Paloma.

Everybody’s Worried About Damian
Elisa is going out of her mind with no news about her father or Damian . Paloma comes to the house with the news that Damian needs an urgent transfusion, they are trying to get a donor but the problem is that he has a very unusual blood type. Lolita tries to sooth her. Pretty much the only left for all the good people of Merida to do is…Pray.

Don Lucio is working on helping find a donor at the procesadora—he doesn’t trust Gabino to do it and he is trying to find a lawyer for Augusto.
When he runs into Father Lupe he gets a blessing, “Go with God, Lucio. Oh my God, Holy Virgin, help my nephew, Damian.

ING and Gabino Have a Sweet Little Heart to Heart

ING carps, “I've been waiting you for hours, Gabino! What did you find out about Gael?”
Gabs: “Nothing, I didn't have time. I had a problem that kept me busy all day long.”
ING: “You promised me you would do everything possible to find out something, and you tell me that you're doing important things!”
Gabs: “Augusto Castañon had the great idea to shoot Damian Arango with a rifle to stop his daughter's wedding. Do you think that's not important?”
ING: “What are you saying?”
Gabs: “What you just heard, Missy. Sra. Alfonsina sent me to look for a donor for a blood transfusion because her son is in surgery and needs blood.
ING: “And you  are so tranquil!”
Gabs: “Well, I'm very relaxed; I won't move a single finger to help Damian Arango.”
ING: “Why?”
Gabs: “Because I don't care, I don't care at all what happens to that brat. Even more, if he disappeared from the map that would be good for both of us, with that Gael would be the only heir from Rosendo Arango.

No Luck Finding The Right Blood But Everybody’s Praying

Paolo Drives Carmina Home in the Company Truck

How subtle. Paolo drives Carmina home in the La Anita company truck with the big logo on the side. It is nighttime, they get out, and he starts complaining. He doesn’t like the hiding, and the irregular meetings. He doesn’t like that after she leaves him she goes to that stupid husband of hers. “Why?” asks a coy Carmina? “You are jealous.” “Yes, I am jealous. Yes, I'm jealous, and I'll tell you why; because I'm not willing to share you with anybody, I want you to be mine, Carmina. Mine, you get it? “When you met me you knew that I was married. Are you sick? I am not leaving my husband?”

La Anita Procesadora

Maru greets Don Lucio with the news that Gabino has not showed up the whole day, even though he was supposed to check the workers for possible blood matches for a transfusion for Damian.
Lucio: “What do you mean he hasn't come!”
Maru: “At least not to the offices. He left very early and he hasn't returned. I didn't even know Damian was bad and needed a blood transfusion.
Lucio: “So this bastard hasn't lifted a single finger?”
Maru: “No, no, Sra. Alfonsina has to know this.”
Lucio: “Of course she has to know, of course! Well, I'm sorry, that doesn't matter now, what matters is that we have to check each one of the workers' files, there must be included the blood type.”

Carmina Comes In From Her Lover’s Bed To a Less Than Warm Welcome

Carmina comes in in full bitch mode, but Delores looks at her with dignity and says:
“Whoa, you finally appeared ma'am, where were you?”
Carmina: “Don't be insolent, that's the last thing I need; to give you explanations. Why don't you tell me what you're doing sitting here in my house with this one?”(she point to Paloma).
But Lolita is giving as good as she gets, this time.
Lolita: “This one?”
Carmina: “Yes, this one.”
Lolita: “If you didn't spend all the time on the street, who knows where, you would know what's happening with your family in this moment.”
Carmina: “No, I know, I perfectly know; Elisa and Damian were going to get married today, right? But what happened? Did Alfonsina stop the wedding?
Lolita: “Just for you to know no, it wasn't her but Sr. Augusto who arrived with a rifle to shoot Damian, and in this moment he's at the medical center about to die! And your husband is arrested.”

Carmina looks like she got hit on the head with a brick.

So let’s just leave things like they are in La Ermita, for tonight. Cameron Hooper of CNN never checked in again from CNN, but I am sure we will see him again. Maybe he’ll interview Rabbi Jacob for his take on the haps in La Ermita, now that would be a hoot. Elisa, the Padre and everybody else are praying for a blood donor for Damian. May tomorrow bring some resolution to the many problems that plague our friends in Abismo de Pasion.
Elna June


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #7-8 Tue 5/29/12 Hell is No Place for Little Doves

• Our little dove (palomita) Luciana is dressed like a little devil in a red dress and red wig, when in walks our galan Rodrigo, enjoying a 21st century stag party with his bffs, their girlfriends, and his fiancé, Gala. The girls got to choose the fancy restaurant for dinner, so the boys got to choose Club Inferno for the after-party. Does our galan recognize our little dove? It’s not clear, but he’s clearly attracted to her, and is the only one of his party who treats Luciana with respect and kindness. He says out loud, to his fiancé, that the waitress is a very good looking girl. (We question our galan’s will to live, as his very possessive fiancé shoots daggers at him and the little devil girl waitress after this remark.)
• The bartender thinks Luciana is cute and nice and wonders why Violeta would bring her to work in a place like El Inferno. Ivan, the manager also thinks she’s just right for his favorite client, Mr. Lastra, who looks like a comic book version of the Devil. Lastra orders Ivan to bring Luciana/Joana to him for a little up close and personal time on his lap. The fact that she’s fresh off the bus from het het is even more of a turn on for him.
• Rodrigo tries to talk to Luciana/Joana alone by pretending he needs some cigarettes, but gets cock blocked by his fiancé Gala.
 • After refusing his advances at his private booth, Luciana is cornered by Lastra in front of the bathrooms. She yells for help, hits him with her sparkly spike heels, and scratches the side of his face. He’s got her pinned to the wall when Rod comes to the rescue, fists flying. Lastra has bodyguards who start attacking Rod, but soon Rod’s two bffs join the fray. Luciana locks herself safely in the ladies’ room as the fight spreads onto the main floor and turns into a full brawl. The cops are called, and Rod and his peeps get the heck out of Dodge. Gala is none too happy that Rod started a fight for that little devil girl. She bitches at him all the way to her house. He says he couldn’t let any woman be disrespected like that.
• The cops arrive and Lastra raises a stink and tries to get Luciana arrested. First he accuses her of attacking him and scratching him. She gets up in his face and puts him in his place. When he insults her, she slaps him hard, right in front of the cops. You go girl! She refuses to be intimidated and the cops seem to be siding with her. Then Lastra claims that his wallet is missing and accuses Luciana. He wants her to strip, right in front of them all! Luciana of course refuses. Violeta takes her to the ladies’ room to cool down while the men search for the wallet. The nice bartender quickly finds the wallet, but Lastra still wants to get Luciana thrown in jail for assault.
• Having heard enough of this bs, Licenciado Linares, a loyal customer of Violeta/Coral, steps up and flexes his lawyer muscles. He calls Lastra on his bs, and says he will defend Luciana/Joana if need be. He gives Luciana his card, and Lastra blusters off. Lic Linares later offers Violeta and Luciana a ride home. He tells them he defended Luciana because she could have been his daughter. (Viewerville’s tn radar goes off, because these things are usually significant later.)
• Doña Estela/Estelita stays up late praying for the safe return of the girls. She’s not really worried about Violeta, who can take care of herself in rough places like El Enferno, but she’s really worried about innocent Luciana. The next day Luciana confides in Estela that she hated it and refuses to work there again. Violeta is more concerned about Luciana paying for her keep, and making sure Ivan doesn’t fire her because of Luciana’s antics. She forces Luciana to accompany her to the club the next day to apologize to Ivan.
• At the club, Luciana does NOT apologize to Ivan. He’s pissed; so is she. Rodrigo arrives to ask how the little devil waitress is. Ivan hustles Rod out before he sees Luciana, but Luciana knows exactly who he is and is flattered that Rod cared enough to check up on her. Downstairs, Ivan spews lies about “Joana” and tells Rod that she’s basically a thieving whore. And if Rod likes her, he’ll find out her fee and get her for him. Rod is disappointed and disgusted. He refuses the offer and quickly leaves. The nice bartended hears it all. Once he returns to the girls in his office, Ivan pulls the same trick on Luciana and tells her Rod wanted to know her fee. She has the same reaction as Rod.
• Brigida whines to Matilde about all the extra work in the house. She convinces Rosaelena to get an extra maid for the house, but is then annoyed when Rosaelena puts Matilde in charge of finding someone. In our small tn world, Matilde’s sister happens to be Landlady Estela, and she knows just the girl for the job. On her first morning on the job, Luciana gets a hearty welcome from sweet Hannah, who pulls Luciana into the living room via the front door. Rosaelena is livid. How dare a servant enter through the front door! Brigida convinces her that they can scare the bejeezus out of the new girl, pay her a low salary, make her life miserable, and fire her whenever she wants. Rosaelena likes this plan.
• Basically the whole episode, Rosaelena is a bitch to her husband, her servants, her daughter, her future daughter-in-law, and the mother of her future nuera. She’s a bitter control freak who wants to control her grown and teenage children’s lives. For example, she gets in a snit that Rod, a man in his 20s-30s is out late with his friends and fiancé. Max, her husband, tells her many times to shut it. Then he goes off and meets his sexy mistress in a bubble bath. He calls her “Licenciado” on the phone to throw off suspicion. I’m not hating on him. I’d stray with that harpy at home too.
 • Gala plays coy with horny Rod and basically tells him, if you like it, then put a ring on it. They decide to have the big engagement party that weekend. Gala is NOT willing to jump through hoops to get her first marriage annulled in order to make Rosaelena happy with a Church wedding. She’s also not interested in Rod’s money and wants to marry with separation of assets/goods. She’s got her own money and her own career. The only thing she wants is HER man. Her mama Julie wants a lot more than that, and is salivating thinking of all the Torreslanda $$. She thinks the 2 years + that Gala and Rod have been dating is more than enough.
• In a series of near misses, the brothers Torreslanda do not see that cute Norteña girl Luciana is the new maid hired to help in the house and with Patricio. Patricio refuses to let anyone but immediate family come into his room and see his pitiful self. Luci only sees his side profile from outside his room. He does not see her at all. Later, Rod rushes home to quickly pack a suitcase for a last minute Miami business trip to buy shares in a golf club. Matilde sends Luci off to find Rod’s red sweater. He is in too much of a hurry to wait, and is about to get in his car when Luci rushes out the door, sweater in hand, and sees him. “It’s him!” We end on that cliffhanger and cara impactada de Luci.

Meanwhile in the outskirts of Chihuahua (aka Het Het):
• Don Aquiles’s lackey, Procopio, may have trouble counting (they really need a calculator for adding up their ill-gotten gains), but Don Aquiles can add 1+1 and get 2. He’s figured out that the only person Luciana knows outside of their Podunk town is Violeta in Mexico City. He lounges around in his purple and black satin robe, fondles his gold, almost starts crying about the loss of his palomita, and tries to figure out how to get Violeta’s address. He tries to trick little Ariche into telling him, but the kid is too clever to fall for it.
• We find out that Magda has never told anyone, not even her bff Paz, who Violeta’s father is. In fact, she never even told HIM he has a child. Viewerville files this away in our memory banks. Magda is sure Violeta will never return to her land and her people. In Mexico City, Violeta confirms this and proudly tells Luci that she’s a city girl now, not a Norteña.
• Procopio continues to eavesdrop on Lorenzo and Paz to try to find out Luci’s location.
• Paz’s hand needs an operation and the family has no money (since she makes money with her hands making pottery). Lorenzo leaves a message with Estela for Luci, spilling the beans about their mama’s hand. Luci frets even more about finding a job.


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