Friday, January 31, 2014
Weekend Discussion: Controlling Mothers, Part II
Maternal Monsters, Part II
There are way more of these than
perhaps any other female villain because they can play so many cards
in the game of control. Guilt, money, religion; even sex isn't
exempt from their repertoire in their attempts to control their teen or
adult children. I was hoping to compile another Dirty Dozen, but
some of these are so spectacularly evil it just couldn't wait.
Please provide any more details if you can.
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Friday, April 26, 2013
Weekend Discussion: Food!
One of the things I love about novelas is the kitchen scenes. The kitchens of the mansions and haciendas all look like such welcoming places, full of Andalucian tile and gorgeous produce on the tables that one of the first things I would do if I won a huge lottery is buy a house large enough to have a kitchen like that.
We often note the food because hospitality is a dictate of the ancient gods and because it often demonstrates the relationship of the characters who are sharing the food. We all fell in love with the cooking scenes in
Amor Bravio that showed the bonding of Viviana and Rafael and the love between Piedad and her daughter. The waitress in last night's restaurant scene in
Que Bonito Amor explaining the dish she served Santos was clearly proud of it and of her country's cuisine. She had a most welcoming attitude. Gala of
Un Refugio Para El Amor and Veronica in
Porque el Amor Manda use food as a weapon of control; I cringe at the possibility that Valentina will have eating disorders when she's older.
So..... do you enjoy cooking? Do you get creative with it? Do you favor any particular cuisine? Do you have a signature dish you contribute to potlucks and other parties? Do you watch anything on the Food Network?
Finally, do you have a favorite food scene from a novela (just to keep this from being totally off-topic)?
Labels: bravio, Manda, QBA, refugio, telenovelas, weekend
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #165 Fri 11/30/12 GRAN FINAL!!!!!!!
The Recapping Team of
Refugio (Vivi, Judy, Anita, Madelaine, and Marta) would like to thank all the Mushashones
out there who supported us and shared this journey with us. Big thanks to the
original recappers who started us off (CHF/Melinama and Ezra), guest recappers
(Frances/Paquita, Audrey, and Decie Girl), and all our commenters and
contributors (Urban Anthropologist, Gringo, Karen, Emarie, Daisynjay, Niecie, Vida2,
Rosemary Primera, Carol, Olive, Katie Lennon, UtahDesert, Amor, Elna June,
Cheryl, Susan, Kelly, britishcomedyfan, Toni, Anna, Paula, AmandaC, jlk, Diana,
Yola, Clara, Laura, Midge, RachelRaquel, Tricia, Mercedes, Nellie, Deb, and all the Anons out there).
Together, you made this blog line a true refuge of love. Gracias!
As a final treat for
you all, we are going out with not only a final recap by Marta, but also a
prologue by Judy, and a postscript by Decie Girl comparing the previous version
of this tn with our beloved Refugio Para el Amor. Enjoy!!
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #164 Thu 11/29/12 Mateo Finds His Family; Karma Finds Gala and Julie
In my last recap of
this TN, Vivi is joining me doing this recap. We started this TN together and
did two hour recaps every other day, until the rest of our wonderful team
joined us. So I thought it was fitting for Vivi to join me. Now on to the
recap. -- Madelaine
Rosa's Den of Insanity:
Luci is with la loca Rosa in her den of insanity and has
confessed that she wrenched that bebe out of Luci's arms and has the nerve to
ask Luci for forgiveness. Her soul is in torment, doncha know. Luci, however,
doesn't care about la loca Rosa's soul, she just wants to know where her bebe
is and like right now! Luci grabs la loca's arms and is shaking her wanting
that info like yesterday already! Luci is so distraught she is actually begging
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Refugio Para el Amor #163 Wed 11/28/12 Two Women in White—One is getting married, the other is going crazy.
El Refrito
Don Aquiles has to horn in on my last recap.
Procopio is reading the proclamation forgiving
everyone’s debts to Don A.
(It seems to
me that the holdouts came off better than those hardworking souls who paid him
off or made regular payments. Oh, well, it’s just a tn, it’s just a tn.)
Everybody in Het Het is ecstatic.
El Día antes de la
Conversation between
DF and HetHet - Rod is trying to put Alexia’s hair in a chignon (moño).
Alexia doesn’t want one.
He’s on the phone with Luci at the same time
wanting to know when she is returning.
She’s not sure.
She’s not even
out of her funereal dress blacks yet.
But she assures him she’ll be back for Lor’s wedding.
Rod talks about the wedding, marriage and
being with the one you love forever—but it sounds like he’s talking about the
two of them.
Luci breaks it off by telling
Rod to put the moño on himself, not on Alexia and chuckles.
Paz, Magda and Violeta are back and Luci says they have to
leave right away.
Paz is still puzzled at
having the wedding date moved up. Luci has to explain, but that fortunately Padre
Honesto is with them on this hasty church wedding. (Paz ought to be glad it’s
going to be a church wedding and just keep quiet.)
Procopio and Don A’s Licenciado have arrived.
They tell Magda and Vio that they need to be
present for the reading of the will and Magda agrees reluctantly only because
Violeta is Don Aquile’s daughter. Copio gives Violeta the letter Don A wrote.
Everyone leaves Vio alone to read the letter.
(Translation is on Monday’s posting. I’ll wait while you find it. Meanwhile, I’ll
listen to the Het Het birds singing).
is genuinely moved by his words—Erriah!
El Día de la Boda
Barrio de Aragon,
where Don Chelo is “hiding out” –
Don Chelo is listening to his friend talk about Mateo.
Don C says he’s growing up fast and soon
he’ll leave him; his friend wonders what he’s talking about, Mateo has a long
way to go, he’s still a child.
Don Chelo
is not so sure.
His friend thinks he’s
acting a bit peculiar, but Don C. thinks life has its laws, whether one thinks
they are just or not.
Some Expensive
Watering Hole so Julie can Drink her Lunch - Carola is warning CQ not to put all her
pesos in one guy’s billfold, especially one she doesn’t know well.
CQ blows her off saying, true, we don’t know
the financial advisor well, but Mirko does.
Since Mirko is a friend of Gala’s and René has been his FA a long time,
she has no doubts about him.
reminds her she hasn’t known Mirko for very long either. “Caras vemos, mañas
(bad habits) no sabemos.”
Julie giggles
implying she’d like to get to know his mañas. She finally takes Carola’s words
to heart and get into this investment thing slowly by keeping her NYC apartment
and her US bank account out of the game.
Still, she has a goodly amount to invest in a sure thing. In a year, she’ll
be rich. Now we know her brain has been addled by champagne.
Brigida is Fridgiting
over the Hospital ID – Oh dear, what
to do, what to do with this (Roddy’s hospital ID). Things are looking pretty
bad right now (las cosas se estan poniendo color de hormiga). She’s considering
her options.
The best thing to do is
just to get rid of it, because Rodrigo may think she’s to blame for the whole
disappearance thing and she has no defense.
OTOH, if she keeps the bracelet as a bartering tool, there’s more money
to be had as payback for the maltreatment she’s received from Gala, and that
would be a
lot she’s owed.
They’re going to learn, “Que es amar
a Dios en tierra de los Indios.” (That
sounds as if those cross-carrying conquistadores weren't very welcome back
TL Empresa, Max’s
Office – Aldo and Max are having a confab about Max’s off-the-books empresa
Aldo tells Max that Ivan
& Lastra’s books are a disaster (thanks to Aldo, who moved the decimal
point to the left and subtracted a few zeros ).
They are laundering money and snubbing you (thanks to Aldo’s sleight of
No one makes a fool of me, says
Max (except Aldo). Aldo’s recommendation is to accuse them (as quickly as
possible, the quicker he'll become the Emperador del Norte). Max thinks that is
ridiculous. How could that work without divulging his hand in it.
Aldo assures him he can clean up his
profile electronically so his name doesn’t appear, because he’s the
expert and he knows how. Max says it’s a go. Aldo is all, como tu digas, uncle
(and soon to be como YO digo).
He gets up to leave, but Max calls him back. Max knows all
about the antro Aldo opened.
Before Aldo can pee in his pants, Max tells
him not to worry.
He’s proud that Aldo
succeeded in what he set out to do for himself.
He hands him a big yellow envelope with at least one fat check and the
deed to one of his newer antro properties to reward his loyalty.
Aldo is now in a hurry to leave and slips about something
important having to do with Janah which makes Max’ eyes bug out.
Max wants to know what it is. We don’t know
if he divulges that information or not.
TL Mansion –
Roselena’s Calvary Preparation Room – RE is ritualistically putting on a penitent’s
outfit (Non-itchy, white raw silk sackcloth outer garment by Balenciaga; exclusive
twisted silken rope cincture, sold separately—made from royal silkworms and imported
from Thailand).
She sees the stigmata
reflected in the mirror.
She feels
sublimely blessed by invisible pain and spiritually cleansed as blood runs down
the palms of her hands. I am your chosen one, your child, your most beloved,
she supplicates.
Viewerville sees her
hands and they are not pierced or bloody. Then we see her bandaging her
imaginary wounds. She is drawn deeper into delusions of beatification.
La Casota Grande de
Dios –
The Wedding of Janah and
Lorenzo - This is the first time
Viewerville has been inside the sanctuary.
Most of the time we’ve been confined to Padre
Honesto’s roomy office in the sacristy.
This is a very modern church (sorry, but it looks like an indoor sports
arena with the exposed rafters to me), open to the outside and some kind of modern
cross made of large stainless steel and copper
tubing hanging from the ceiling—not unlike an abstract anvil.
Padre Honesto is in his wedding finery and everyone is
waiting for the bride.
Here she comes on
Rodrigo’s arm. Lorenzo looks smashingly handsome and Janah looks beautiful, elegant
beyond words and absolutely radiant.
strapless white gown is modest, the bodice fitted, shaped and pleated across
the bust, the softly flared, floor-length skirt encircled by cascades of narrow
Her hair is pulled away from
her face, curled and caught by a waist-length veil that falls down her back and
pinned under her hair with an open white rose. She’s wearing tastefully chosen
pearl-drop earrings and no jewelry around her neck. She’s carrying a small
bouquet of deep purple flowers. Attending her is Melissa, who looks gorgeous in
an above-the-knee royal blue, one-shouldered sheath dress with her hair swept
up and curled.
Alexia is the flower girl.
She looks cute. She joins Luciana at the front and then they both sit down in
the pews next to Rodrigo. (Only Mateo is missing to make the family complete.)
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #162 Tue 11/27/12 Don Aquiles Goes Out With A Bang
love and forgiveness are the only gifts I want, so these are the
gifts I offer to you.”*
We've seen extraordinary acts of
love and forgiveness throughout this telenovela, and tonight was no
exception. We continue to see how Paz and Luciana have let go of any
anger towards don Aquiles leaving them free to care about his welfare
and grieve his death. Violeta also has laid aside her resentment and
fury and the reward was a loving final conversation with her dad,
gleefully sharing wise business practices and delighting in each
other's financial acumen. And Magda, unable to forgive or forget,
reveals how deeply she still felt about her first love when the news
of his death causes her to drop and shatter a precious piece of
pottery. To me this was symbolic of the shattering of the walls
around her heart. She still loved the misguided old rascal, though
she refused to admit it, and would grieve his passing...along with
all the townspeople.
You may find all this forgiveness
and accepting to be noble.... or infuriating...but it is always a
part of the telenovelas that we watch and the message that they preach.
Not everyone has
forgiven though—Roselena is so furious at being thwarted in her
family domination that she imagines herself manifesting the bleeding
wounds of Christ in her palms.
Fortunately that
bloody hallucination was not the only major event tonight. We have
the Jana/Lorenzo tender kisses in the new apartment, narcissistic
kisses between Vicky and Max in the new office space he rented for
her, and gentle kisses and blessings from Rodrigo to Alexia as he
drops her off at school.
We endure some more
scenes of Gala's crude value system ("party hardy", use child to make
money, diss one remaining friend Fernanda) and we all look forward to
her financial ruin. The writers torture us some more with don Chelo
hiding out from Luciana, Rodrigo and Pato (who could identify Mateo
through the Virgen de Guadalupe medallion). And we have some
additional filler of Aldo plotting Lastra and Ivan's ousting as he
smugly contemplates being Max's trusted right-hand man, in charge of
all the lucrative gambling dens of the north.
And speaking of
endurance, we are saddled with the longest funeral procession that
I've ever seen, with don Aquiles lit up like a neon corpse, mariachi
music blasting, torches flaming, padre with incense parading,
Procopio weeping, Paz, Magda and Violeta grieving, bright flags
waving, food cooking, booze freely flowing, gaudy posters of the
old reprobate flapping in the wind, some sort of scuffle between
Procopio and the priest, spectacular fireworks blasting, and
finally...the best part of all....the Forgiveness....yes,
that's the word...of all the debt that any of the poor villagers owed
to don Aquiles. Instead of being cursed for his avarice, he will be
remembered for his generosity. Not a bad way to go. A glad rag party
and a blessing to the poor of the pueblo. We should all be so
That's the big
picture. Now here's a little more detail.
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Monday, November 26, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #161 Mon 11/26/12 Don Aquiles Makes Amends; Mateo Estrada’s Day Off
Claudio walks in on the tail end of a conversation between
Luci and Melissa about Melissa declaring her love, just as Melissa asks out
loud, “What if I take a risk? I won’t lose anything.” CL, not realizing they
are talking about Melissa admitting she has the hots for HIM, encourages her to
take a risk. Melissa clams up, and Luci makes herself scarce to go make them tea. CL sits down and tells Melissa it’s not a bad
thing to tell someone that she loves them.
In his day women wouldn’t, but these days, women can do things with
more freedom.
M: I don’t just care about him, I’m in love with him.
C: Well, what a lucky YOUNG MAN. You’re a lovely YOUNG LADY.
M: I’m not that young any more, Licenciado. I’m a woman.
C: Yes of course. A very beautiful woman.
Melissa smiles from ear to ear, but doesn’t say
anything. Luci returns with the tea, and
CL takes his leave to go off to be tortured by the dentist, who he has to pay
for this torture. He laughs at his old man joke and leaves the two young women to their
talk. Melissa moons after him. “Look at him Luci. How could I not be in love
with him?” Luci looks as thrilled to think about this as any other person would
to hear a friend gushing romantically about their parent.
In Het Het, Don Aquiles comes knocking at Paz and Magda’s
door, and politely asks if he can come in (yes, you heard right). He slowly makes his way through the door,
then asks if he can come further in. Paz gives him permission, but Magda looks
less than thrilled. Aquiles says he’s come to speak to her. She is her usual
surly self to him, but Aquiles remains a gentleman. He calls her Señora
Magda and invites her to take a walk with him. She refuses. “Would you prefer
that we speak here in front of Paz about our intimacies?” “You and I DON’T have
intimacies!” “And what about Violeta?” (He’s got her there.) He tells her he’ll
give her time to think about it and will be back early tomorrow morning to take
her on that walk. Magda looks as stubborn and unconvinced as ever.
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Friday, November 23, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #160 Fri 11/23/12 the anvils begin to fall, fast and furious... (EXPANDED)
Sorry this is so late… This ep was too great and moving to be too funny/sarcastic about it, so mostly it is direct from script:
Max brushes off Oscar’s accusations about Pedro Campos, again pointing to Claudio to explain. Claudio explodes. Tells Max: ‘ Enough with the lies!! Oscar talked to PC, knows it all. ‘
Lo Nuevo:
<i> Max confesses to Rod and Pato that he orchestrated the fraud and Pedro Campos executed the plan in exchange for a BOAT LOAD of money. Rod goes beserk angry, Pato voices to his father his extreme dissappointment and the fact that the image he had of the 'perfect gentleman' has just evaporated into thin air.</i>
Clau: If you have this office and fortune it is thanks to me!. Because you sank me in jail for 20 yrs! You are short of a man, you are a crook!
Max remains in denyal, saying Claudio has no evidence. Oscar jumps in, saying HE does. That PC is willing to tell anyone the truth, he is free from the law but not from his conscience. Claudio invites Max to call his sons in for a meeting so he can explain to them. Claudio gives Max a bit more of voice of conscience, 'You could never accept that Aurora was a better wife than RE and loved ME more than RE ever loved you.' Max gets physical pushing Claudio around. 'Go ahead but that won’t clean your conscience.' As Oscar repeats orally his resignation to Max to stop the pushing around, Rod and Pato come in and ask Max why Oscar is quitting. Oscar invites Max to explain. ‘they are all yours’, adds Claudio. Rod asks Max if Oscar got a better job elsewhere.
Max says none of that. Oscar discovered a secret I never thought would come to light. I…. I orchestrated the fraud for which Claudio Linares paid for with 20 yrs in prison. Both sons are in disbelief. Max repeats he thought it would never be discovered. But his past condemns him and has come back in the form of PC. (Rod mentions the letter PC wrote freeing Claudio) Max continues: PC wrote that confession letter to clear his conscience, but when he committed that fraud, it was because I paid him a BOAT LOAD of money to do it and then disappear, but he came back! He came back!. (Rod and Pato keep yelling in disbelief, ask him why/how could he do it) with the ambition and envy that never leaves you. THAT is OUR NATURE. (Pato jumps, THAT is NOT OUR nature, at least NOT MINE!) Once I told you that you had no right to judge your father, but now I am here facing you both, my most severe judges, my own sons. That judgement will be terrible for me, and this time you have the right to enforce it.
P: I can’t believe it. I am extremely sad. In one second, the image of the perfect gentleman has imploded (in my eyes). I have nothing else to tell you.
M: I do. I never thought that by sinking Claudio Linares, I would be causing so much pain, mainly for Luciana and all of you… I wish I could…
R: (charging Max grabbing him by the lapels) Do you realize the damage you made? To Luciana, to Claudio and to me!! You are a liar, dad!! A liar!!
(Pato yells to him to let him go)
P: Do you realize what you and my mom have done with our lives?
R: Why, dad? For money? For power? Why, dad?? Respond to me!!
M: What is done, is done. I will assume the consequences. The only thing I regret profoundly is to have harmed all three of you.
P: Dad, know what is the difference between you and my mother and the three of us?... that we do know how to forgive.
As Max leaves, Rod goes beserk as a human hurricane wrecking the conference room. Pato remains calm, just calls his name, then they have a silent stare where Pato nods what I will interpret as ‘its all going to be ok, bro’. That seems to calm Rod down some.
Paz and Magda compliment Don Chelo on Mateo’s looks and personality. Mateo asks them if they know Rod. Sure. Max tells them Rod has offered to take him to watch movies with him and Alexia. Luci says they have to leave. Luci gives Mateo the signal of the cross (her blessing). Later on at Luci’s apartment… <i>* Paz tells Luci that Mateo has Luci’s eyes and looks just like she did at his age. Luci momentarily goes wishful thinking, but then justifies it as her anxiety to find her real son.</i>
Magda goes to say goodbye to Vio at the carwash, Vio refers to Aquiles as ‘mi papa’ and Magda gets upset. Vio tells her it is about time to get all that hatred and rancor out of her soul.
Somewhere in Acapulco, Gala and Julie are at a café discussing how could RE open the doors of her house and accept an engagement between Janah and the taquero.
Julie says RE is so arrogant (the kettle?)
Gala says she still has an ace inside her sleeve to get even more money out of Rod.
Julie says be careful.
RE goes to TL offices to rant at Rod for having divorced Gala. (I would say she picked the WORST moment she could have, and the way he yanks her arm into his office is evidence of my theory)
R: I have no reason to consult you on any of my decisions. And I will ask you to please stop meddling in my life, not for good and not for bad. Simply leave me alone!
RE: Let me remind you this also affects my granddaughter too! (I can’t believe this woman!! What about her grandson!??)
R: Why do you think I waited 5 yrs to do it? To not separate a girl from her mother! Gala is the one that requested the divorce, not me!! And I assure you Alexia will be better off without her mother around!
RE: Are you reconciling with Luciana?
R: No, mama, no! And let me remind you, OUR son is lost, and that is the most important issue right now! And now, pls don’t let the door hit you on your way out.
RE: Don’t disrespect me!
R: Neither should you disrespect me! Enough already! Please go!
(wow! The man does have some backbone in there somewhere!! Self-Control? Well, that he still has to work on a bit… ok, a LOT!)
* Gala's boyfriend Mirko wants her to use his financial advisor. Gala and Julie are both buying what he sells. (this creates the anvil for all the money Rod had to give her... )
Pato is in Luci’s office, she is talking to him about Mateo, and he tries to play up to her spirits, but he is visibly sad. Namurachi calls Luci to tell her her works will be put on exhibit at one of the most exclusive galleries in Latin America.
At Acapulco, Gala calls Frigida to get her some papers she left in her dresser. Frigida gets ironic about Gala not being ‘la senora de la casa’ anymore… but seems she ultimately does what Gala needs.
Don Chelo accepts letting Mateo go with Rod and Alexia to go watch movies at the apartment. Rod gives Don Chelo his business card and Don C is impressed with Rod’s VP title. Just bring him back before dark.
PRocopio is the human cane for Don Aquiles, he wants to go back to work. When they get to the store, Don Aq is shocked about all the veladoras candles, virgin images, flowers, dedications and get well prayers that people had put outside the windows of his store. Procopio says it is all the towns people brought for him while he was sick.
* RE goes into her little chapel and talks to God as if she is his 'chosen enforcer' and asks for his guidance as to what must be done about Lorenzo and Janah. She is considering even 'sacrificing' her own daughter.
* Pato gets a surprise gift from his family and friends plus nana minus the Jacintos... a customized car for him.
It is very symbolic, how Pato and Max try to avoid eye contact until Max crunches down to Pato’s level.
P: Thank you. You will never stop surprising me. You are so unpredictable…. You all know what is next? .. To walk again!
Max hugs Pato and they continue their conversation more in private/whispering.
M: I promised you, son. I will make sure you will walk again, at whatever cost. I have not forgotten that promise.
P: Dad, it confuses me so much that on one side you can be the best dad, and on the other hand, what I have discovering that you are. But I can’t avoid thanking you for all you have done.
M: Thank you for your example and your integrity.
Jorge: That is right, Pato. You are an example of bravery, determination and courage.
M: Just what I was short of when I had your age.
(All the young ones get in the car with Pato)
Mati walks back in the house. RE barks that is just what I needed, now Pato will be free to go wherever he wants, and the first place he will go is to see Luciana.
Mati: To go see Luci or whoever he wants, it is a blessing nonetheless!
RE: Get outahere! I banned you to meddle with the family business.
Mati: Yes you did and I tried to stay on the sideline, but I can’t help to feel happy for one more achievent of Patricio’s. That kid keeps teaching us about humility and life! I hope one day you will realize the treasure you have in that son of yours.
Claudio brings Luci home… Luci tells him about the exhibit at Santa Fe Galleria, one of the most important ones in Latin America. Claudio is very proud of her.
Claudio tells Luci about Pedro Campos confession that Max paid him for what he did. Luci gets upset.
Gala gets the paperwork from Frigida and asks her to keep her aware of everything that happens at the apartment. (Seems Frigida tells her that right now Rod is with Alexia and Mateo watching movies and eating yummy snacks at the apartment.
<i>* Gala goes back to the apartment and finds Mateo, Alexia and Rod having a movie night at the apt, sharing plenty of pop corn and a huge multi-gallon tub of chocolate ice cream... and has a tantrum. Rod takes her away to speak alone to her and basically tells her 'hey, what's it to you anymore?'</i> She warns him to enjoy it while he can because she has the last card in the game. Alexia invites Gala to stay over a while, but Gala says no, and for good measure asks Alexia to tell nanny to give her a bath and throw away the clothes when the ‘escuincle’ leaves. Rod yells at her. Alexia asks when will you come back. Gala smirks and says ‘I don’t know’ and leaves. Alexia tells Rod ‘I don’t think she will be back soon’. Rod asks her not to worry.
Don Chelo tells Dona Chuy that Mateo was soooo happy to go spend time with Rod and Alexia… he is more convinced everyday that Mateo should have a better father, someone like Don Rod, who can give him what I can’t. Dona Chuy says Mateo has the father he deserves because God sent him.
Pato’s car load stops by to pick Lorenzo to take him to the ‘café de los chinos’. At the café, Janah asks Pato if he is alright since he seems sad. Pato says its nothing.
<i>* a waitress with a rather loose tongue reveals to Janah and Pato about the HOT HOT coffee bath Lorenzo got, compliments of RE</i> Janah questions him on not telling about it. Lore says he just caught her on a bad day (now I wonder if he caught her on a better day what she would have done to him), that he won’t resent her. Pato thanks Lorenzo ‘my sister will marry a gentleman.’ Lorenzo thanks his brother in law.
Later on we see more scenes with these three getting along great.
Selene and Delia tease Vio on Leandro’s kiss… Vio certainly is in la-la land.
<i>* Don Aquiles asks his accountant (?) for a listing of all his assets (properties) ... (does he want to write his will?)</i>
Claudio and Luci invited Oscar and Connie to her apartment. They all talk about what Max did and how he deceived everyone for so long. Luci says once more the most harmed were Janah, Pato and Rod. Connie agrees. Luci thanks Oscar for what he did in surfacing the truth. Claudio asks Oscar what he will do now. For now will spend some time with Connie and enjoy myself. <i>*Luci and Claudio offer Oscar to be an associate at his legal suite, Oscar briefly hessitates, then gladly accepts.</i>
Gala and Julie talk about Mirko and their ‘lucky day’ in getting to know him. They also talk about Gala not needing to waste her best years with Rod. Julie says let him get with the domestica and fly away together. Gala says no, she won’t allow that either as long as she lives. She has Frigida spying everything he does. Julie says Frigida will continue costing them money.
<i>* Gala and Julie see the article about this on the newspaper and are not short on cursings for la 'chacha'.</i> Gala keeps smoking and nagging about it a good while. Until Mirko comes back and keeps feeding them the stories about the financial advisor and the investment opportunities. Gala says she wants to meet his FA and get more info on his ‘private markets’ (LOL!) right away.
Melissa visits Luci. Melissa tells Luci she was offered a job at a non profit org in NY. Melissa looks very excited at the opportunity, but before she leaves, she wants to consult Luci, her love for Claudio. She wants him to know. She has decided to talk to him about it. Luci is reluctant, maybe this love has become an obsession. Luci says Claudio only has the memory of Aurora in his heart. Melissa claims that is because he has not fallen in love again. what if I take the risk? What if I tell him? I have nothing to lose! (in comes Claudio and invites her to speak up if she has nothing to lose)
Rod brings Mateo back to Don Chelo before dark, as promised, plus a huge beach ball.
Don Chelo asks Rod why so much interest in Mateo. Rod says Mateo has exactly the same age of the child he and Luci lost. And somehow Mateo reminds him of their son.
RE on phone with Boris plan a kidnapping of Janah on the day of her wedding.
A whole lot of flash previews about the final week: Chelo telling Rod ‘Mateo is not my son’. Apparently Janah does get to her wedding, but then RE arrives and falls to floor… We also see RE with black spots in her hands (a. la. Jesus Christ), Luci slaps Gala, Rod grabs Gala by neck with his arm, a pot of Luci’s falls to floor… it all flashes by…
Labels: refugio
Weekend Discussion: Un Refugio Para El Amor; El Camino al Gran Final
Karmageddon Awaits!
Those of us who know this story well
are aware of how the series title hasn't yet begun to pay off for its protagonists. We
hope it will in its final week for these two have endured too much
suffering. Here we will open the floor for discussion on what we
hope will happen to their tormentors beginning with their queen (If
anyone who lives or lived in Mexico can enlighten us on some legal
points, please do):
Roselena Torreslanda, or She Who
Must Be Obeyed.
Guilty of several civil crimes for
which she has yet to pay:
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Thursday, November 22, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #159 Thu 11/22/12 La Petición (Pedida) de Mano
Un Refugio Para El Amor 159, 11/22/12
In which Oscar finally gets to the bottom of it; and the Jacinto family is formally welcomed into the Torreslanda mansion.
Oscar arrives in Max’s office but before Max can start to discuss the urgent work, Oscar announces they need to talk. Oscar remains standing, he barely holds back a sneer. “Do you know that I found Pedro Campos?” Max can’t believe it. Oscar asks Max: “Isn’t this great news? Don’t you want to know who the criminal is who set up Claudio Linares?” Max is speechless. “What’s the matter? Aren’t you interested?” Oscar taunts. Oscar lets Max know he’s been looking for Pedro Campos all these years. He tells Max that it turns out Campos is good friends with Vicki. “Don’t you think it’s important to resolve this issue, buddy?” Max asks if Oscar has already talked to Campos. Max wants to be the one to talk to him. He’ll demand the truth from Pedro Campos! “Of course,” Oscar says with disgust. He suggests Max ask Vicki how to get in touch with Campos. He knows Max is still cheating on RE with Vicki. Max leaps up all huffy - “that is none of your business!” Oscar just sneers and walks out. OK, Max is looking pretty worried now.
Rod is in Luci’s office with Pato. He has just handed Luci his impressive report card - wait, no that was his divorce papers. Rod announces that he and Gala are now divorced. [Dude, you already texted her that news.] Pato wonders how he feels. Rod feels as if great weight has been lifted off his shoulders. Both Luciana and Pato appear very uncomfortable. Rod wants to know how Luci feels. Luciana doesn’t appear to appreciate this particular trophy - it’s really none of her concern. She sincerely hopes Alexia will be OK. Rod stands there clearly frustrated that no one has jumped for joy, or at least patted him on the head and told him “good boy”. He clearly expected a different reception, not the resounding silence and averted eyes. He says he knows this subject is uncomfortable for Luci, but it was important to him that she know. Luci tries to hand back the papers, but Rod insists on finishing what he has to come to say. He declares his undying love for Luci while Pato winces in pain. Luci tells Rod that sometimes love is not enough, and besides, the only love she has left is the love she feels for her missing son. Rod angrily argues that it’s THEIR son and he promises to find him for her. Pato tries to leave but Luci stops him. So Rod, finally getting the hint, takes the folder and leaves. Pato tells Luci that with him she doesn’t need to hide the happiness this news must bring her. “Well, yes” Luci replies, and then gets back to the child search reports as that’s the only thing that will make her happy. But as she looks away Luciana does smile. She can’t help herself - she is pleased, after all. Pato notices.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #158 Wed 11/21/12 In which Cellphones, Particularly Text Messages, Play a Major Role, and Poor Oscar is NOT a Happy Camper
Un Refugio Para El Amor 158, 11/21/12
Violetta has come all the way to San Francisco de Alta to make peace with her father. He’s on his sick bed, down in the dumps, and at this point he doesn’t expect anything from his daughter. She does care about him, she assures him, and she wants bygones to be bygones. She wants Dad to take care of himself. Don Aquiles is very ashamed for having ever denied he was her father. Procopio makes himself scarce so that the two can have a long heart-to-heart. Violetta sits on Dad’s bed and wants to know how he’s been. Don Aquiles doesn’t care - his heart is well now because Violetta is there with him. He’s started writing his memoirs! Don Aquiles is delighted to hear how Violetta’s business is growing and agrees about the wisdom buying an inexpensive place to live for now. Aquiles talks about how bit by bit he saved and invested. The two clearly see eye-to-eye in terms of business and investment strategies.
Max is surprised to see Rosalena who has come to his office. She’s actually come to speak to Jana and tell her that even though she doesn’t agree with her relationship with “este muchacho” she’ll not stand in the way and will support her. Max is glad to hear it. He thinks it’s a wise strategy. Maybe Jana will lose interest in the boy once she no longer sees him as “forbidden”. Rosalena lets Max know she’s giving in for him. She wants to show everyone she’s doing her part to recover their family harmony. “Is that why you stopped your therapy sessions with Dr. Hauser?” challenges Max. Rosalena is shocked: “How do you know?” Max doesn’t want her to quit her treatment. Rosalena claims she’s fine now, she doesn’t need that therapy any longer. [Uh oh]
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #157 Tue 11/20/12 Valgame Dios-it’s taco time; El Taquero Ese y La Princesita are ready to take the next step; Rod and Luci can’t just yet
We seem to be back on track, heading for the finale next
This episode suffered from a
million paper cuts, clipped and snipped and pasted back together again.
In the interests of continuity for
Viewerville, some scenes have been electronically cut and pasted back to where
they can form a paragraph or two instead of a sentence or two.
El Refrito
Aldo has sought out Vicky for a date and won’t take no for
an answer.
Luci is packing up to go home and Rod comes in to see her.
Partial Refrito
The Casota Grande de
Dios – Patricio has come to visit the Padre with his heart heavy with unrequited
Padre is always at his disposal to
Pato tells him he’s deeply in
love with Luciana.
Rod and Gala
are getting a divorce so that nothing will stand in their way to be together.
He knows Rod and Luci love each other to the
exclusion of anyone else, but he’s sure he could make her happy, if only he had
an opportunity.
He wants them to be
happy, so what should he do with this overpowering love he has for her.
He would never interfere, so it will have to
be a silent love.
He also knows that to
be able to offer Luciana the best of him, he will need to give her his whole
being and his whole body—and there’s the rub.
Padre is sure there are lots of worthy, single, young women (and married
women and grandmothers, even great-grandmothers and some decent young
men) lined up to be at his side and share his life with him whom he could choose
from, but, being Honesto,
honestly can’t
tell him what to do with this great love.
Lo de Hoy
TL Empresa, Luci’s
Office – Rod comes to tell Luci about Gala offering the divorce and soon he’ll
be free and they can be together.
as anxious as a puppy dog waiting for a treat for being good—if he had a tail
it would be wagging in unbridled enthusiasm.
Luci doesn’t think he’s been
It’s not that easy or simple she
declares, backing away from him, they’ve been living apart for so many
Just as things erode into a You
Gotta-I Can’t verbal volleyball game, Violeta interrupts for some advice.
She’s out of her carwash outfit and is
wearing a stunning (but still too tight) short emerald green dress.
Luci doesn’t want to discuss the impending
divorce and it’s consequences although Violeta only sees happiness ahead for
Vio has come to see her about Don Aquiles.
She doesn’t know what to do.
Lately she’s had feelings of wanting to see
him and talk to him.
Luci thinks she
should go ahead, but Vio doesn’t want him to think she’s just a gold-digging
Luci doesn’t think he’d see
it that way.
Wasn’t it Don A who came
looking for her?
Vio thinks that if she
doesn’t follow up, she will have lost an opportunity for them to acknowledge
their consanguinity if he passes on.
Luci urges her to go see him.
Luci then invites her to dinner and Vio accepts because they
still have a lot to talk about—especially what she’s going to do about
Luci says this much, that Gala
is a sick woman, so she’d rather stay out of things (quedarse al margen) for
Sadly, she says, she won’t be able
to be happy with him or with anyone until she finds her son.
We see Rod passing by in the hallway outside
her office and stops to look in, but it’s symbolic; he probably wanted to talk
to Luci again and is a little annoyed that Violeta is still there.
Het Het – Procopio wants to know what Don A. wants
for lunch.
He’s offered the doctor’s
diet of healthy vegetables and Don A, gagging at the thought, tells him that’s
great for a rabbit, but he wants a big chunk of meat and scrambled eggs.
Procopio tries to reason with him, that it’s
for his heart, but Don A says his heart is going tu-tú-tu-tú, so it’s fine and he
dismisses long-suffering Copio with his usual bravado (blustering, swaggering
TL Offices, Claudio’s
Office – Oscar has finished telling
Claudio his suspicions about the fraud and his finding Pedro Campos.
Claudio is astonished at the twists and turns
life has taken.
They agree that Sr.
Campos is the only one who can shed any light on the fraud and name the person
who paid him to accuse Claudio.
Claudio recognizes Oscar's position in the hierarchy and being a confidant of
Max, how is it that he is coming to Claudio with this information and not his
Oscar proudly and a little defensively
tells Claudio that, though he’s been Max’s friend for a long time, Max knows
where he stands.
He’s an ethical attorney
and when it comes to justice, his loyalty to the truth is unconditional.
Claudio is still mulling over what Os has been telling him.
One thing is for sure, although he’s not
interested in seeing Max sent to prison, he
is interested in unmasking him before his children, so they know who their
father really is.
He’s a hypocrite, just
like his wife.
Os agrees that it will be
their children who will suffer the most at the revelation.
Claudio thanks him for coming to him with
this information, but doesn’t want Os to end up looking like a traitor.
Oscar replies that betrayal would be sitting
back and saying nothing; it would be betraying himself and his principles.
He wouldn’t be able to face himself knowing
he pretended nothing had happened.
going to tell Max that Claudio has the information and Claudio will be speaking
to Pedro Campos.
If Max says nothing, it
implies he’s in the clear; if Max gets upset, it implies he did have something
to do with the scam and he should pay the consequences.
The Pink Recliner in
Dr. Hauser’s Office – RE is not particularly happy to be there and it
She’s come to sound off on
She can’t believe that esa
sirvienta has more sway in her family than she does. The good doctora reminds
her – gently – that this woman has been with the family since RE was a child as
her nana.
The terminology, nana, servant, employee, makes no
difference to Roselena.
The fact of the
matter is that everyone in the world is against her for having dismissed
Doc asks her if her decision not to
ask her to come back is inflexible.
turns toward Dr. Hauser.
RE – Have you not been listening to a thing I have been
I don’t want this woman in my
house because she’s a traitor.
traitors don’t merit clemency (Ok, time to wake up, RE, can’t you see this is
yourself you are describing?).
HA – Treachery, Sra.? Or was she just disagreeing with the
intransigent way you do things.
are two very different things.
RE – Dr. Hauser, it’s been a pleasure knowing you, but I
don’t plan to step foot in here again—ever.
And out she goes.
Hauser is left to ponder the fate of this woman she’s tried to help for the
last five (read that: 5) years!
(We know
RE is worse than ever, hearing voices of bebés in her house.)
TL Mansion, Front Gate
Lor arrives with a special delivery of Estelita’s best tacos en canasta and a
note for Roselena.
The new servant takes
the basket.
(If that had been FrBrigida,
she would have thrown him and the basket out.)
Gala’s Office at the
El Chisme Magazine – Gala gets a phone call from her financial
She needs to talk to him, but
he’s out of town until tomorrow.
coming into a whole bunch of moola very soon and needs his financial advice on
where to invest it.
(Oh, my, do we ever
see little green anvils poised over her well-ironed hair-do.)
TL Empresa, Patricio’s
Office – Ofelia has furnished Pato
with the list of top specialists in spine surgery that Aldo researched and
wishes him well on finding the right one.
She wonders why he needs one now since his rehab is going so well.
He admits that is true, but he can’t walk and
that is what he wants most.
Rod comes in
on the tail end of the conversation, “What is it that you are looking for, I
can get it for you?”
“To be able to
walk,” Pato answers.
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Monday, November 19, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #155-156 Mon 11/19/12 Univision and Gala Finally Decide to Move This Story Along
Looks like Univision
decided that they were tired of these final episodes dragging on too. Or maybe
they just like having a tidy November 30th end date. In any case,
they surprised me by cutting up and combining two episodes tonight. So, if you thought tonight’s episode felt kind of choppy, you aren’t crazy—It WAS! For example, I think the most important thing cut from #155 was the talk between Lorenzo and CL, since it’s exactly what many of us have suggested that Lor do.
You have
the benefit of getting a recap of the ENTIRE episode #155 from me. And Judy has sent me her fabulous recap of the ENTIRE episode #156. Enjoy!
Capitulo #155 (Recap by Vivi): Honor (Oscar), Love (Lorenzo), and Money (Gala) Motivate Our Characters to Make Changes and Tough Choices
Luciana has finally formally met her mini-me Mateo, who has woken from his
hospital bed slumber as perky as ever. He exchanges hugs and kisses with Luci
while Rod looks on with a smile. All of this call of the blood bonding seems to
make Doña
Chuy and Don Chelo nervous. They try to hustle Mateo out of the hospital as
quickly as possible, but the little guy wants his buddy Rod to help him get
dressed. No girls allowed!
In the Dungeon in the Sky, Gala has Brigida hand her the
phone so she can give Rod his FDA approved daily dose of bitching, whining, and
bitter recriminations. She wonders if his staying out all day (at the hospital)
is part of their famous marital contract. They trade barbs back and forth about
her late night (into morning) adventures, and the fact that he avoids HER bedroom
like the plague. Rod says they’ll talk later that night. Oh, yes we will, says Gala.
She’s got something VERY important to propose to him. She gives Brigida her
daily dose of bitchy/snarky comments too, then wonders out loud to herself why
she’s putting up with this hellish life with a man who doesn’t love her. If Rod
wants his liberty, it will cost him dearly. (Viewerville wonders why Rod didn’t
think of this solution before Gala did.)
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Sunday, November 18, 2012
Vivi's synopsis of the plot of Corona de Lagrimas (Crown of Tears)
Vivi tells us Corona de Lagrimas (Crown of Tears) will replace Refugio at 7pm starting December 3. We're thinking that with a title like that, and with no particularly beloved stars, Caray Caray may give this one a pass. If anybody is enthused enough about it to want to blog it, let me know.
When Refugio (Victoria Ruffo) and her three sons, Patricio, Edmundo and Ignacio are thrown out of their home, by a twist of fate they come to Mexico City, where they begin a new life.
Eighteen years later, and have settled in a small apartment in popular area. She has a modest job, and has serious vision problems, but no health care to meet the needs of her children. Patricio studied Law and dreams of a comfortable and prosperous future; Edmundo is studying medicine and is a brilliant student but undisciplined; and Ignacio could only finish high school because he works in a mechanic’s shop, helping his mother to pay for household expenses and the studies of his brothers.
Patricio is the boyfriend of Lucero, daughter Julieta, who lodged with the family when they came to town. But soon after, he rejects Lucero when he meets Olga, a girl whose fickle fortune dazzles him, leading him to be ashamed of his family and to lie about his origins, going so far as to deny his mother. Olga begins to doubt Patricio’s lies. Exposed, he lies again saying that Refugio was his nanny, has a mental illness and he takes care of her. Olga admires his charity. Later, Edmundo begins to woo Lucero, inadvertently hurting Ignacio, who secretly loves her.
Olga asks her father, the lawyer Romulo Ancira, to hire Patricio in his law firm. As her father is fed up with the vagaries of his daughter, he agrees and soon they announce their engagement. Following their wedding, Patricio pulls completely away from his mother and his brothers. When Refugio tries to approach Olga to try to regain the love of her son, she receives only humiliation. This creates disagreements between Patricio and his brothers Edmundo and Ignacio. Then Patricio learns that his father is not the same as his brothers’, accuses his mother of cheating, and demands she not approach him.
Consequently, Refugio falls into a severe depression that leads her to losing her job and aggravates her loss of sight. Neither Edmundo nor Ignacio seem able to comfort her, but strive to get ahead-- Edmundo first by looking for easy money through illegal business, and Ignacio, by borrowing and falling into debt. Edmundo is lands in jail, and the situation worsens when Ignacio goes to ask Patricio to legally defend Edmundo and he refuses.
The married life of Patricio and Olga is a mess. She is such a jealous wife that she uses emotional blackmail on Patricio, even attempting suicide. Patricio’s world of luxury and comfort crumbles.
When the man who ruined the lives of Refugio and her children comes back in their lives, by chance, Patricio learns the truth about his origins and the efforts of his mother despite adversity. The pain of his own failures, defeats the arrogance of Patricio. He begs the pardon of Refugio and agrees to defend his brother, after which family harmony is recovered.
Labels: recappers-needed, refugio, synopsis-cast
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #154 Fri 11/16/12 RE continues to lose her marbles, Julie loses a ride home and a bid for Claudio, Gala loses her patience, and Rod and Luci are closer and closer to their lost child
Luci warns Janah to remember what happened with her and Rodrigo, don’t you know your mother? … Rodrigo comes in and questions Janah on what RE did by firing Mati. He promises he will pick up Alexia and then go to Estelita’s and convince Mati to come back. Promise.
Alexia convinces Rod to take her to see Mateo… they will go and get an ice cream too.
Mateo is doing same with Chelo so they too are heading to get ice creams.
Alexia and Mateo greet each other very happily, Rodrigo wonders of the coincidence of them meeting at same place again. Chelo explains they work at the park nearby.
Mateo and Alexia ask permission to go to the park alone. Both Chelo and Rod reluctant but they let them.
At the dungeon penthouse, Julie and Gala search for the baby id bracelet frantically. They refuse Frigida’s help. Gala pushes Frigida out the door.
At Estelita’s Luci meets up with Mati and also with Lorenzo… Janah suddenly appears.
Alexia begins taking the ‘magic’ things out of Chelo’s bag and she throws a red ball up and it hits a huge beehive that was up on the tree. Soon after the bees start attacking Mateo while the kids play with the masks. Alexia runs to get Rod to help get the bees off Mateo.
Lo Nuevo:
Alexia reaches Rod and Chelo, who don’t waste time running to help Mateo.
At Estelita’s Lorenzo gives Luci excuses of being sore for not working. Janah won’t buy what he is selling and asks him directly what her mother did to him. Lorenzo says nothing but ask me to leave you alone, but I will only leave you if you ask me to. Otherwise I will push on. (Janah can’t resist smirking a smile back at him.) Luci tells Lorenzo about the boy Rod did the DNA test on but it was negative. Lorenzo encourages Luci to keep the faith, he is sure the day they least expect it they will find his godchild.
Rod and Chelo catch up with Mateo. Rod immediately notices that Mateo can’t breathe well, asks Chelo if Mateo is allergic to bee stings, but Chelo is clueless… Rod notices Mateo’s airway (garganta) is totally blocked, that he can’t breathe so they run to hospital.
At TL Manor, RE is trying to explain to Connie that Mati is not loyal to her anymore so she is of no use to her.
At hospital cafeteria, Rod is trying to explain to Alexia that they won’t allow little kids in hospital rooms because they can make too much noise or they can get sick from the patients. They share a milkshake…
At Janah’s car, Luci asks Janah if she loves Lorenzo. Janah has to confirm. She went to Italy to get away from Lorenzo because of her mother but when she came back she realized she was still feeling for him. Luci keeps trying to convince her, that the illusions will pass and also that RE will do what she can against it. Janah says she wants to be happy for herself, not for what others might say. At that moment Rod calls her to ask her the favor to pick up Alexia… She asks Luci if she doesn’t mind going to pick Alexia up. Rod notices Luci is with Janah, yes she is but there is no problem.
At hospital cafeteria, Alexia gives Rod Mateo’s medal necklace to hold for Mateo. Rod uses the medal to hold hands with Alexia and they pray together for Mateo to get better real soon. (why doesn’t Rod wonder how Mateo was wearing a gold medal necklace if Chelo is so poor?) In his room, Mateo is on respirator and has a couple doctors by him.
In waiting room, Chelo is whinning that it will only get worse, how are we going to come up with the documents so that he can go to school? Chuy tries to encourage him. It will be alright.
Janah and Luci arrive to the hospital cafeteria. Rod thanks them. Luci says no worries. Alexia explains Mateo is her friend from the park. Rod adds that Mateo sells him the paper. Luci makes the connection this is the kid Claudio had told her about. Luci asks to accompany Rod to go see Mateo. He is more than joyful to have her come. Janah and Alexia leave.(she wants another milkshake! This kid will sure be diabetic by her teen yrs)
Back at hospital, when Luci sees Mateo, she remembers when the nurse brought her baby close to her right after birth… Chelo and Chuy are very grateful for Rod bringing Mateo to the hospital. They will find a way to pay him. Rod says don’t worry about that… The social worker comes in with the paperwork, there is info missing… the child’s second surname, what is his mother’s surname? Chelo and CHuy get scared, Rod and Luci watch with concerned faces. Chuy does some quick thinking, spits out a surname and says she is Mateo’s aunt. The social worker insists she needs the info to admit Mateo to the hospital. Rod volunteers to go with her for the financial issue.
Luci tells CHelo and Chuy that she knows them from somewhere… CHelo denies, but Luci remembers their meeting 5 yrs ago when she was looking for a shelter/orphanage. Chelo and Chuy have to confirm.. Luci says she found the shelter but she did not find her son. Then Luci asks Chelo what his wife died of, Diabetes. Luci asks them if Mateo has been checked for possible Diabetes. Chuy says yes and he was clear. Rod comes in to tell them Mateo will spend the night and then if he does not get a fever he can go home tomorrow. Chelo wants to know how he will pay Rod. No need.
Rod has brought Luci home. He will go tomorrow to Estelita’s to convince Mati to come back to the house. They all miss her. He briefly talks about RE being worse every day. Luci asks if she can come tomorrow to see Mateo. She feels very good when she is with him. He shares that feeling. When they say goodbye he tries to kiss her, but she won’t let him. However, it is a ‘friendly’ reprimand, he asks her ‘push me/lead me’… she pushes him out, and when she closes the door after him, she smiles satisfied.
Out in a street curb, Julie keeps nagging at Gala for having left that ‘loose end’ (the ID bracelet)… keeps annoying Gala enough so that Gala leaves her there and drives away.
Gala is whinning to Fernanda at work. She can’t stand Rod any more, she won’t age like a porcelain doll with Rod… She orders Fernanda to be her accomplice in her relationship with Milko (ouch! What a name!) .. they giggle about ‘how fun it will be’.
At Pato’s office he is on phone with Mati trying to convince her to come back to the house. She can’t take it anymore, she can’t stand watching them all suffer and feeling helpless… Pato says just your presence gives us strength and gives joy to our days. IF I could I would ask you to get me a spot in your sister’s house but I can’t abandon my mother. (really, Pato?)
At TL offices, Oscar tells Max Mati won’t come back unless RE asks Mati herself. Max says RE is switching personas like she switches outfits. Don’t know which one to believe… Oscar excuses himself, have to go meet a friend… Max asks if it’s a friend from work? No, it is a friend I haven’t seen in 25 yrs. He leaves a very confused Max.
Luci had called Claudio. Melissa is with him in his office at TL building. He is telling Melissa that they will need to push the appointment for dinner… at that moment Julie comes in inviting herself to ‘comida’ (lunch) with them. She is acting and sounding very flirtatious. Melissa is very uncomfortable, Claudio seems very relaxed but we can tell he is not buying what Julie is selling.
At restaurant, Julie has the nerve to tell Melissa that she is too young to eat with them. Claudio jumps in, tells Julie that Melissa has eaten with him often, she is very noble and brilliant young woman. Julie has to backstep a bit… It is Melissa’s turn… asks Julie what do you do now? Julie comes up with being a volunteer with a group of volunteer women called ‘Damas del buen corazon’ (good hearted ladies). Melissa is not buying her story, since she works with non-profit organizations and that name does not sound familiar to her. Julie wants to stop the subject and calls for the waiter in a rather primitive/rude way, to which both Melissa and Claudio exchange WTF looks..
Julie asks Claudio what happened with the DNA test they were doing on that boy Rod found… She fakes feeling bad about it and excuses herself to go to ladies room. Melissa tells Claudio Julie never stroke a good chord with her. Claudio says they are just very different… Claudio agrees with Melissa that neither Julie nor Gala would be his close friends… EVER. At that moment Julie comes back. And they put on the ‘in your face’ play of Claudio wanting Melissa to share his flan with him. Julie not happy.
RE has gone to see Padre Honesto. She came to apologize (she is actually bowing down to him). She had the illusion Rod had found a boy who could be his son, but the DNA test was negative. (she is really giving him the sadness script… Padre is buying). RE changes the subject to talk about Lorenzo… Padre stays true to his original statement… RE says her children are now three strangers who have abandoned her, Padre tells her they would not abandon her if she was a loving mother. RE gets more angry and says why can’t they follow my advice? Janah is not in love!! Janah is obsessed in going against MY WISHES and I hope she changes her mind before its too late. RE leaves on that note and Padre sighs and worries about her saying her name.
At ‘curvas’ business, Vio gets a huge bouquet (at least 3 dozen) of red roses… sent to her by Lic Leandro Echavarria, who happens to be standing behind Vio by now. He invites her to dinner, she turns him down, she doesn’t know him. He won’t take no for an answer, does not insist on today but says ‘I will be here tomorrow at 3 to pick you up’.
Later at the car wash, Lorenzo stops by. Delia tries to hug him and he shreaks… he says he burned himself cooking the taco fillings. Fabian, who knows better, just rolls his eyes. Then they change the subject to Aquiles’ showing up. Lorenzo asks what he came for. Vio kicked him out. They wonder what Aquiles wants to give her. Then they tease her on ‘what would you do with all that moolah??’ Violeta Trueba, the riches woman in SFeA!!
Meanwhile such Don Aquiles is swallowing Mezcal as if it were iced tea… ‘no doubt about it, that girl is mine, as brave as her dad, with a worse temper than mine! Erria!!’
‘Don Aquiles Trueba Tajonar is not alone. He has descendence, has left a footprint in the world’.
At TL offices, Max, Pato, Janah, and Alexia are spending some quality family time together.
RE now has gone to see the psychiatrist… RE says she fired her nana Mati. The only faithful, the only unconditional ally. Doctor figures that is why she is there today. RE says her world is beginning to crumble. She fired Mati, the most loyal one, the pillar of her life. Now she only has Patricio left. But I offended him too. What is happening to me that everyone is against me? Even myself!! (this might be a totally new level for NUTTSO!!)
AT TL manor, Max arrives and asks about RE. Janah is telling him she went to see Padre Honesto. RE arrives and Pato won’t even wait for her to say more than ‘good evening’, he is already rolling his eyes, rolling his chair around and heading to his room. RE says she will order dinner served, and by instinct Pato just responds ‘I am not hungry!’. RE says she went to see Dra Houser. Don’t bother me, don’t ask. She does, however have the right to ask the questions, she questions Alexia where her dad is… (really, RE??)
Julie phones Gala to ask for an apology, given, and then tells her the DNA test was negative. Gala says I knew it, it is not so easy to find a child who surely is in heaven. Julie says we have to celebrate. Gala responds I am already ahead of you, very happy here on earth, with my new boo Milko… c’iao!! … ok, where were we? Cheers!!
At TL manor, Rod can’t stay for dinner, it is getting late for Alexia… RE comments to a table with only Max and Janah, I thought with the grandchildren that the laughter and joy would return home but this house is more lonely each day… RE will have a tray with Pato’s dinner… Janah questions her who will take the tray to Pato. When RE shouts that she will, Janah and Max roll their eyes…
RE goes to Pato’s room to take him his dinner… She tries to admit he is mad at her. He says he is not mad, he is hurt. RE tries to convince him her intention was not to hurt him. He says it is not just what you tell me hurting me. But you also hurt the others with what you tell and do to them. RE questions if it hurts him this bad for Mati to be gone. He barks at her ‘Yes! It is not fair what you did! She loves you as a daughter, but she also loves us and wants to see us happy, but unfortunately you don’t share our joy with us, you believes whoever does not agree with your ideas is against you. RE says no that’s not it. You all do everything to go against me. Pato says no, mother. All we look for is our happiness, and you consciously or unsconsciously do all you can to prevent that. RE insists that is not true, if that is what you all believe, you are all wrong! (CASE CLOSED!!) There is nothing I can do. All I can do is apologize for my behavior… (she rolls the tray over to him even though he has said several times he is not hungry). She basically insists he forgive her so he forgives her. Ay, hijo, Thank you. ‘All Christians know how to forgive’. Love you.(funny way to show it lady!). She finally leaves him alone.
In the morning, Luci comes in Mateo’s room to meet him, he is more than happy to meet her and wants to give her a kiss, then she asks to give him a kiss herself. He opens his arms wide to receive her kiss, they hug with a very happy Rod looking over them.
Previews: Gala is set on getting much money out of Rod to divorce him.
VO: But with Luci’s presence in Mateo’s life, also are present the doubts…
Chelo: Who are you, Mateo?
CHuy: What if Rod and Luci are Mateo’s true parents?
(we see that both Rod and Luci get to know the place where Mateo and Chelo live)
Labels: refugio
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #153 Wed 11/14/12 Lorenzo gets into Hot Water with RE; Mati gets into Hot Water with RE; Jana gets into Hot Water with RE; RE gets into Hot Water with Patricio; Max stays Lukewarm
El Refrito
Rod and Alexia are sitting at the coffee table drawing.
Claudio and Luci are driving by where Claudio met Rodrigo’s
little friend Mateo, but she isn’t able to see him because his head is inside
the white bag.
Partial Refrito
Roselena has kept Jana’s date at the Café de Chinos with
She’s punctual, she points out,
showing Lorenzo Jana’s cell phone.
presence commands respect, she radiates power and possesses complete self-control.
What is she up to?
Smiling sweetly, after cleaning off her place,
she avers she’s never been to a place like this, accepts Lorenzo’s choice of
Bisquets and orders coffee, but wants the liquid boiling.
They watch as it is served at the table.
Lorenzo is sweating bullets, expecting a
show-down in the OK corral.
The internal
heat is getting to him, so he takes his jacket off, then politely warns her not
to burn herself as the coffee is hot.
answers, still smiling sweetly, I know, as she flings the hot liquid across and
splatters it all over Lorenzo’s chest.
Then she innocently exclaims, Que Barbaridad, as if someone else had
perpetrated the deed.
She looks around saying,
Forgive me, Forgive me, to anyone who might have been watching.
She gets up, and while Lor is in agony, hisses
in his ear, this is the last time she’s going to warn him to stay away
from her daughter.
Then she sweeps out.
In the car, she tells Genaro to vamoose and
we are witness to that sick smile as she rolls up the window.
The woman at the next table who saw the
“accident” thinks it was deplorable behavior and remarks, as Viewerville
knows already, that señora is LOCA.
Lor, although badly burned, says the thing that hurts most is his heart.
Why do the
episodes I recap have so much important dialog.
Or is it just me that thinks every spoken word is critical to the
Forgive my
Ultimas semanas is
giving me ultimas headaches with the rapid-fire scene changes; so I, too will
be combining action in the interest of saving on aspirin.
Lo de Hoy
TL Mansion, Cellblock J –
After being locked in by MamaLoca, Jana has cried herself out and is a bit
calmer, pining away on her bed, remorseful that she bears the blame for leaving
her cell phone at the house, giving her mother the opportunity to snoop and
discover her movements. (Q-Jana knew where she and Lor were going to meet, why
didn’t she just GO there, and forget the phone?)
TL Mansion, Living
Room –Pato arrives to find Mati in hysterics.
He can’t make heads or tails of the nonsense
she’s trying to tell him—that Roselena locked Jana in her room when she found
out Jana was on her way to meet Lorenzo…she knew because she saw Lorenzo’s cell
phone message because Jana forgot and left her phone in her bedroom…then RE
left probably to go intercept Lorenzo at the Café de Chinos, pant, pant,
Mati couldn’t let Jana out because
RE took all the keys, including the duplicates. (Your recapper also calls that
dangerous and irresponsible, in case of fire, but our Roselena is only thinking
of carnal dangers.)
Pato wastes no
time—Let’s GO.
El Barrio – We see Lor, with serious 1
st degree
burns and in pain (and shirtless) being tended to by Estelita.
She wants him to report this incident to the
police but Lor doesn’t want to.
This is
just between him and Roselena.
Meanwhile, Estelita is applying salve with her fingers and he’s flinching
with pain.
Lor is firm that he doesn’t
want Estelita to tell anyone, not even Fabian.
She calls Roselena a LOCA.
bless his heart, is still trying to see the best side of RE—menacing him is
not enough to kill his love for Jana.
It’s true love he feels for her.
He’s not going to give her up just because of the kind of mother she
Señora Roselena is the mother of
the person he loves and so, deserves his respect.
(What a guy!
Can we have some more just like him, please?)
TL Mansion, Cellblock J – Mati and Pato arrive too late to help
RE got there first, and as cold
and dangerous as dry ice, is unlocking the door.
Pato reacts—What are you doing, mama? Are you
making our house into a prison? Are these new house rules? Locking up your
children so they will listen to you?
Merely reading her look, it says, who are you to challenge me, I am the
mistress of this house.
There’s a
staring contest between the two and neither RE nor Pato back down.
(Can your recapper call this a Mexican
stand-off without getting into trouble with the PC police?)
Rod and Gala’s Doom ‘n
Gloom Room— Rod comes in to Gala’s bedroom to find out what she wanted.
It sounds like the start of a civil
Gala says she recognizes
she didn’t behave properly last night and begs his pardon, but asks him to put
himself in her place and see how it feels to live this way.
Five years of silence, rejected, scorned
(despreciada), ignored, undesired.
replies that he is sorry he can’t respond to her the way she’d like or deserves
but he can’t fake it (fingir). In trying to fix one mistake, they committed
Gala thinks he’s referring to
Alexia as the mistake.
No, the mistake
was getting married when the love between them had come to an end.
That causes Gala to state (she’s fingiendo,
no?) she loved him then, loves him now and always loved him.
(What a two-faced Juli she is.)
Does he think there would be any other way
she would tolerate his constant humiliations?
Rod is struck dumb(a$$).
Is he
thinking she’s right or is he thinking she’s a great actress.
(Being the dumb(a$$) we know is dead to us, he’s
probably thinking the former rather than the latter.)
Rod backs down (darn) with a weak-kneed, sorry, I couldn’t
love you.
He agrees that it’s not
pleasant living this way, without love.
Gala wants him to try, for Alexia’s sake.
Rod says it’s Alexia he’s thinking of.
It’s not her fault things are the way they
are between them.
Don’t put her in the
middle of their battlefield.
He would give
his life for her and Gala knows it, so she shouldn’t use Alexia to get to him
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